HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-25, Page 6Permanently Cured
Neroleauttlton Weters, or Ithigevtille. Tells
or Ms Relief from Neuralgia, Rheum;
tom and stomach Troubte Throne* the
agency clot. Mumma. Pink Pens.
: Toronto, Ont., April 15.--Special.-
'At No. 80 Lippincott street,in this
oit ides Mr. W. J. Keane. Mr.
Keane is a contractor end is one of
the beet known men in bie line of
business in Toronto.
Like ramey other aucceasful men,
M. Keane has 'suffered during, leis
busy life, a goat deal, 'frona Kidney
Diem -dere. F yeare be suffered
groat pain. He was forced at times to
quit bis evork altogether end go to
bed. He used Dodd's Xidney Pills, and
ts well. This is :what he says about
it t-
elt Omani° great pleaeure to write
tn praiee of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and
Ole goad tbey have done me. I am
!ewer without them.
" I have been a great sufferer witO
paints' to my backlit the region of My
lcidstoYe, 1 was very sick, end at times
Dould not attend to nly work at all.
"1 ueed 'several meth -eines, but othe
Ing I ever tried 'seemed to help mein
the least, until a friend of mine edvis-
ed me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, I
immediately found relief and twee able
to resume my work.
" I used attegether seven boxes be-
fore beitig completely cured. Since
then I have never been siolt a day. I
have never had the 'slightest indica-
tion of a return of the trouble," ;
. It is hard to 'understand how any-
one will.kontinue to stiffer from Lame
Back or any other symptom of Kidney
Trouble after. So many frank and full
statements by men well known in all
walks of life, apt Dcold'a KidneY Pills
have curethem.
Doddea Kidney Pills Always cure.
They never fail. They cannot ;fail.
Years of trial have absolutely prOven
that there is no case of Kidney Com-
plaint, Larne Back, Rtheumatiem, Lum-
bago, Soiatica, Gout,Neuralgia.'Blad-
der oo Urinary Troubles', that Dodd'
Kidney Pills will not cure.
Dodd's Kidoey Pills. are the only me-
dicine that ever cured Bright's Dis-
ease, Diabetes or Dropsy.
Thousands of Canadians havettried,
and proved andleatified.
Please DO Not Waite Nee rer Thirty -40a
allonths. "
I Analoog.!the woes?! of ,exteraciOinary
sleopera• -IS that Of 6...y -bung Aestra-
Man who Slept Bronx Noveralber, t1897,
faaatil thee ralddle of Jlanuony this year,.
t mind of thirty-eight months...He
was engaged to be metraied, butt his
parents were Oteongly opposed teethe
match. One day In ,a fitof ungove
etroahle 'paegion he shot and killed
both hes gather an mother. He was.,
of:Comore, arretted, at once; for he
did net attempt to ,rem away or to
hide the evidence of his mime.
Before he could be brought to trial;
however; he fell anleep, and asleep he
remained or the time mentioned,
tscatrcely Over waking at ael. 'When
the 'finally dill: awake ha remembered
nothing:of the. 'crime he had com-
mitted, 'and seething can convince
him that he had not been asleep e only
a sengle. night. ' , •
A •ahout time ago the Genial's' medi-.
cal pattera"keectrded a ease of a Oa-.
tient W-16 was a.steep and, who had
been sleeping . for more than four
months.: • . •
A similea- ;sage to the lest occurred
not long 'ago; he eleetter beitag
giol, :who', however, aWoite after she
'had been in the "land of nod" for "a.
• week.
At a recent publics school eoimina-
.tion for girls in an English town this
composition was haade4 in by a girl.
of. 12:. ",The bey is not an animal,.
• yet they can be heard to a -cowl&
erable distanCe.' When 'a bey hollra
he opens, bis, big mouth like frogs,
but girls hold thee toimg. til they
are spoken to, and they answer re-
spectable, and tell just how it was.
'A• boy think e• himself • clever becaula
he can wadewhere the water
deep. When the boy grow.up he is
called ahttshandocoad he steed Wad-
ing and stays out, at nights', Out tbc.
grown up girl i6. airaidowi' and, keeps
. bailee."
brake butter, to 'Quit the taste g OO
your customers. • .
Milk of different temperatures
should: -never be mixed.
Milkegiaing is a maternal function
ona nothet sbiond never:be abused.
The globules that rise to the, sur-.
face _in the first 12 hours make the
finest butter:.
Butter should be exposed as little
as possible to air from the time' it
io churned jt is peeked.
Care should be taken . never to
overwork butter a5 the grain and
texture ehould be preserved. .
He whet prays in pride Tobs prayer
of it wings for his own adorning,
. The true inetructor learns more
than he tericheo.
When we east bur cares on Him it
deed net mean our cares for others.
Ote is not itt the land of the living
tilt they have passed from this, world
of the dying. •
• God's blessings come back 'to usin
the baskets in whieh we send mar
gifts to others. ••
:When our wind conflict with Christ
it Is poor policy to seek peace by
molting out the' peace -giver.
' has acted very indif-
ferently lately. 1 wonder if he in-
tends to marry me just for ins,
moneys ••
bIar*fTh Vmsate net, dear,
'had a talk with him this evening and
I rime Aura he intenas 'nothing o/ the
. Nell -belt what raakee you so sure?
Clara -Weil, you See, he proposed to
'And, 'there, they tell me your hoe.
hand'e very litherary
That he is, ladade. ' •
1 ?that he &leisure'Iver y thing in the
wity of a book or paper that eornes
to tb oue.,
, Shure he does. '
• And vet ha the name of goodnese
doea the poor goat get to ate t
A eanafteatt $ot, 1 am told!
Dy t16 MeattellIt doeen't think he
bawd quit drinking teen:ferrety, if the
TERS:-Itex 14011 Secretly marrie$
Way Brooke. They are separated
by force of oiroumetalume on their
wedding day. Daley thinke. that Rex
has oat her off. lie is true but be-
lieves that She is dead. ,Aocording to
mother'dying wish be engages
himself to Plums Hurlhurgt, the
daughter by the first marriage of
the enseatee a Whiteatone Hall, Mr.
Hurihnrst'd second wirer whom he
loved 'better than the firs , died and
her obild is supposed to *Ye died
with lter. After seventeelOYeares sil-
ence, •hie dying housekeeper confee-
see• that his child did not die, but
wao stolen. He sets gut to find her.
piutrea was responsible for Daisy's re-
move', • Tooter Steller/fele, her tool,
threate.ns to exPoOe, ber if she will
not raeurry
Plarcua Flurlhurst never quailed be-
neath the cold, mocking glance bent
upon her.
• -There was no hope for her; diegrace
and rain stared, her in the fame; she
Would defy erven Feteitself to the
bitter end with a heroisna worthy of
betteocatse. In that hoor and that
mood ehe wag capable of anythatg.
Site leaned against a tall' palm -tree,
lookiog • at hini with a strange ex-
pression on her face, as she Made ans-
wer,. slowly: •
•"You may depend upon et, I shall.
never Marry you, Lester Stanweele. If
I do not ro,arry Rex I shell go unnear-
tried to the grave. Ale not" she 'cried
desperately; "Heaven will have tnore
mercy, more pity than. to •take him
from me." "
"What energy or pity did you feel
in tbruating poor little Otersy Brooks
from his path?" asked Stanoliek, sar-
castically. • "Your love bee led you
through dangerous paths. 1 should
call it certainly a meet periloui love."
She recoiled from hien with alow
ory, those word e againstill ringing
in tor enrs 4. Oerilouo lorvio." •
'She laughed with a laugh that
.made even Stanweek'a,lileoci.ron
a horrible laugh. .
"I do not grieve aka she. Le dead,"
She attal. Yon ought to '•tenOerstand
by .thia time 1 hell Allow nothing to
comp between Rex andeme."
oYou forget ' the. fine notions of
• honor yOur handsome. lover etterte ins;
it ritey not aave otaeuired to You that
• he might object aitt • the eleventh
"He will not," she eilea, fiercely;
her bosom teisizig and falling, coil-
vuleivelY under' it covering oftilMY
laee and the diamond broorsh which
claSped Ot. oyea oda net know:the
indomitable will of a desperate we-
'mao," she !geeped. "Iwell see him
attempt treveat. the contents ot
nayself. and coofeoce ell to •hem, if yol
those lettere. He will marry'me and
take rate. abroad at once.- •.1e • 1 hete
Re's levee what matter it what the
weep 1 a wocid: Onoiv.sor. says? •
She spoke 'Tepidly, .vehemently,
:with fluehed face and glowing eyes;
and even in her terrible anger. Stan-
vriok could not help but notice how
gloriemly • beautiful she .was in her
• brag to emotion. .
"1' hare asked you to eitopleelee-
toreeo -us," he aaed calmly,Oand'Ovou
ha.vie chosen Rex regardless Of all tbe
promise e of thee past. • The co", se-
quences rest upon your eerie heodl"
"So be it she aneweeed,. haieffiht-
• With: a low bow Stanwick iu6aed
and leet her. • •" '
"Au rettir, nier . dear Pluraa',O.he..
saidOturning again toward her on the'
thieshold. "Net farewell -I hall not
gims up hope of winning the belt...est
of Whitestone •
• For several monient4 she ntocel
quiate still among tbe dark -green.
alveabe, and no soand tote of the dee&
ly eteife and despair. Would he. see
Rex and divulge the °rime. 'site had
plaoned? Atli! oho woulabetseve Wm,
the proud, petted heiress! had plotted
'ao exually against the life pi an in-
noeent young girl because oleo found
favor in the eyes of the lover, she had
sworn to win? A.h! whe. could believe
sbe had planned to confine- that sweet
Yonne'life within the evalls'eff niad-
house death • ' uhould release
her? . • .
What if the -plan had failed?. The
intention still remained thesame. She
was ,thankful, after all, the „young
girl was dead.
could novor endure the thought•
of leci'a intenee anger if he once im-
agened the truth; he Nrculd'never for-
give duplicity" he 'Dried, wildly.
The proud, beauteful girl; radiant
wattle' love and happinesea short time
stnee, 'with a great cry flung herself
down among the ferns, the. aunlight
glea:ming oo the jewels, the 1811MpIll.
OILS morning ⪕ ths 'crushed roses,
and the wh1te, despaering fade,
• Any one. who ;saw Plume. Hurlhuret
evele.at she entered the drawing -room
;loosing her merryhen.rted goeste,
would have said that she had never
shed a teor or known sigh. Could
that be the same creature upan Wlicse
prostrate figure and reining tears the
sunshine had So latelY fallen? No ene
could have told that the smite
and the gay words were all leveed.
No one could have guessed that be.
math the Ibirilliant mariner there was
a torrent of dark, angry passions and
0.13 aSgony of fear.
It was paifol to lee -he* her eys
wandered 'toward the, door. Hour af-
ter hoar pissed, and still Rex had not
The hum of giolish vloiceg around
her almost made her brain reel. Grace
Alden and Mesa Raynor were singing
a dust at -the piano. The swig they
were singing fell like a death -knell
upon her ears; it wag "'He Cometh
Net,' She Said."
Eve Glenn, with Birdie upan ner
lap, at on an c ;Pining Elora flirting
desperately Nvi le the two or three
deveted beaus; every one wee discus-
sing the preep,e0 of the coming- raor-
Iler father 1ud returned from 13alta
more ;some t!n Once. She was too
much engr ss.e'J with her thougths fee
Rex to notice the great ohange in
bine-tim etre. e light in hie eyes, or
the weetful, -s pectant expreeston of
48 face, ite he kissed leer more kindly
than he had yew One in his life be -
She gave ippropriate answer e to
her gueetO *wiped around boo, but
their voices teemed afar off. lier
boort and Jer thoughte were with
Rex. WbyI had he not. returned?
What was! etaining him? Suppose
anything ;should happen -it would
kill her n e -yet nothing could go
wrong on t e eve of her wedding -day.
She would ot believe it. Steowick
would not re go to Rex with ;mob
a story -1 would write it -and all
those thir r; took time. With care
and Coal' n and constant watching
evloolf prevent R,ex from,*reoeLv.,
uarngta apayfecorajr taneu,no ceircaearnsy; NtSh'illuenteeThere
•could br the freely, for the battle
ao brave fought would be won.
orrow s ao bight as to -
"If to
• dip'', Ph; a will have a glorems wed-
ding -day," said Bessie Glenn, smiling
up Into Ole fade of a handsome young
Allow, ho was fastening a Tosebed
• 1
ehe has Oust given hien in the lapel
of his at with one ban, and with
the ofeer tightly clasping the white
that had load the rose,
not nottoe that Pluma stood
coletained reeeoses of an tide
Window. as be'anshvered, ease-
He d
in the
• joinin
Vesely,/ e,noughe
"Of Gauze°, I hope it will be a floe
aunshny (Lay, but the badieations of
tbe feather don't look exactly that
if I am eny judge."
y, you don't think it is going
'n, do you? Why, it Willepoll
se -bower she is to bp married
1! the beautiful deootrations. Oh,
'don't predict anything so War-
lioirrible; youmake me feel ner
; be,sides, yon know What every
saye about weddings on whit: -
to ee
the s
the rain fans." •
'Would you bp afraid to experi
-on the idea?" asked the impul
elvii young fellow; who e.lwayseaete
on the spur of the moment. • "4 i,
ne herow were a , rainy 'day, 'toed
41 fold Say to you, 'Bess, will you MO:
r me to -day or riever?' what wall
St no ,aza,swer be 1° .
•1".1 should ;shy, • just now, ti, I do t
•Pke. 'ifs and andS.' Supposing la
.ff tse, and standing face to face wi h
i , aro two different things. 1 t "e
eople Who say What they mean, aid
tan what they say." . '
Pluma saw the daziling light fla
;to the bashful .yourig loreeo e
is .he bent lei4 Iread tenter over '
lashing girl who, had shown him:
=gilt Way to. capture a hesitat g
heart. . ••• •
• ".That is love," sighed Phima. • " h,
if Rex would only Wok .et me Ike.
that 1 would think this emit a
• hearenO! She • leoked up at the
bright, dazzling clouds overte ad;
then she wemeneleore4 the s wordshe
had heard -"It looked like rain on the,
Inetr.re w." :* •
Could .,those white, . fleet*, clfud0.
•deirken an the morrow . that Was to
glire her the only treasure shehad.
ever opeeted in her life?.
She was aaat superstitious. Even if
it did ram, surely a few raingooPO
could. not snake or mar the happpiessi
.oe a lifetime. •She ...would nojlife7
"Courage until to -morrow,"
flood, "and an3r brim:opal will be
plete. I will have won Box."
little ormolu clock on the
chimed the hour of five. "Ilea
she cried to heraelf, 'Rex •has
gone over two loours. I feel my
must be bursting." ••
No one noteced • Plumee's a; iety.
One roloment hushed and laugh!, g, the
queen of mirth endeoevelry, tie pale
, fur-
, peb-
en she
and 'silent, with shadowed eye
timely glancing down the brim
bled path that led to the e:
gate. .
Yet, 'despite her bravery,
face arid lips turned white w
hoard the confusion of her lo
wival. .
Perhaps Plume had never ffered
'more suspense in all her 11 e than
was crowded into them few mento
Had he ;sten Leater Stanwie ? Had
he coins to 'denounce her for r trea-
chery, in his proud, clear voe, and
deolatre the marriage broken off?
She dared not step fore rd to
greet thine, let the piercing anoe of
his eye5 would cause her to f II faint-
ing at hia feet.
"..e. guilty conscience nee no ac-
cuser." Most truly the or. ds were
exemplified jollier ease. Y notone
pang of ;remorse ;wept a ross her
proud heart when she ti tight of
the young girl whose life a e had so
skillfully blighted. •
: 1
What was 'the love of Dal, y Brooke,
an wasephiteticated child tf nature,
only. the overseer's niece, cotnparod to
her own mighty, abeorbing passion?
. The proud, haughty heiteso could
not understand how Rex, polished,
courteous • and refined, c uld have
steeped to sucha freckles; folly. He
would thank her in years 1 come for
sparing hine frora trach a ate. These
were the thoughts elle sou ht to con-
sole hareelf with..
She stood near the do when he
entered, brut 'he did net ee her; a
death -like pallet ertvept 1 over her
face, her dark eyee had a wild, per-
plexing look.
She was waiting in t rrible sus -
pease for IteX to eall upo her name;
ask Where ahe was, or speak some
word in which eha con d feel her,
senterace ef happiness o despair in
tha tone of his voice,
She could not oven e, toh the ex-
pression of his face; it was turned
from her. She •wet° ed him Ele
eagerly she hardly dar draw her
Rex walked quiekly lerough the
venom, stopping to chat ith this one
Have a Common 'Origin in Liver Com
• Chase's Treatment for the Liver
Carlyle juestly attributed the ill-
terflPer, which Made him a monster in
toe eyes of the world, to a bad liver,
lie wart billows and dyspeptie, suffer.'
ed with stomach pain% and headache,
was depreissed it spirits and had
gloomy forebodings of the futuro.
llow often the kind father beeomera
a almost& and the loving mother Cae
cold through the influence of a
torpid liver. Who eon; tell hove many
quarrel* are brought &El and how
many happy homes are brokennp by
this, earete iefineted
Nothing makes ate fed mare anieere
able ,or Mnre gloomy and discouraged
than: liver eo1nplairift, and consequent
billouareeee and dyepeptila. Inso
ney, toes, /usually beettme iteetive in
eympothy witli a Waggish liver, end
• the bowels becomat itregular and eon..
To isteike with. one hiew. at thee
oompIitited His, to make a prompt,
effeetive and lasting cute yea' mutt.
ilea Dr. Chase's XidneyeLiver Pills,
alto meet Popular remedy know ni fil
P00% WI Ail 140.64 state,. taAsr.*
and th,e Only Otte th, atts directly
on both the liver and 'kidneys.
There is more chee ful, unsolicited
testimony in fawr of Ir. °liege% Hide
ney-Liver Pills thane any other pill
Sold. You ecateely meet a Pereen
who has not used them pereonally
heard of their wonderful powers over
Then you can use Dr. Chase's Kid-
ney -Liver rine with greater eonfid...
ante than any patent medicine, kilow-
ing that they are the -most suceessfUl
preecriptIon met with by Dr. Chase in
his Immense experience as praetleing
pitasiciatt and author of the famous
Receipt Rook,
Dr, Ohase'e Pills
promptly and positively cure torpid
Brine liver cOrinplaint, billemoneete, date
pepeia, constipation, kidney difteage,
backache, Drighte' diseese, lumbago
and theuniatiem. One pill a dase, 26
cents a box, at all dealers; or by read
from Edraarison, Dates& 00, Toronto.
O'er piles Dr, Chase's Ointment Is
teas only Olaf/late and gueregiteli
Surpailsee all others, because of its hlith quelay-ea quality that oeYer valise. Try it (moo
and re know that you will then recommend it to ail your Winds.
Lead peekagee 214 30, 40, 60 and 00 Canto
or that one a menrent; still, his face
was not turned for a single instant
towortl the spot where She ;stem), '
Was he looking for her? Sbe could
not tell. Poeseotly he walked to -
the conservatory, and a more-
latete Eve Glenn came tripping
.rd. her,
la, bore Yoei ore!" elm cried, fling-
ing her larvae about her in , regular
1 -girl abandon, and klesIng
cold, proud mouth, that deigned
nswermg caress. "Rex has been
ing for yoa everywhere, aod at
oommiosioned me to find you mad
he want a to speak to you, He fs
on the terrace. '
ow• she longed to aek if Ilex'et face
Oralling Or stern, but ahe dared
G; nn?" did ',T1/11 ea)" Rex was; Wee
I said he veael out on the terrace;
b don't call me Mae Glenn, for
p1 sake -it sounds so favesingly
c d. Won't yoix please call rhe Eve?"
e ed the impetvous girl -"simply
p in Eve? That has a mere friend -
15 sound, you knew."
Another girl lese provid than tbe
• ughty beisese would haye kissed
ees pretty, piquant, upturned
✓ geteleh face.
"Wlaat did Rex have to say to
11,7" ;she asked herself, in growing
read. • , •
The last hope steamed withering in
err proud, passionate heart, She rose,
ughtily, and walked .with the
ignity of a queen through the long
erelong -roam toward the terrace.
ler heart olraost stopped, beating as
he caught eight of Rex, loaning so
as if he meant to greet bee- with in
old gnarled oak -tree, smoking a
cigar. 'Mutt certainly did net look
gkrisase.etatly against the trunk of au
She went fortvard hesitatingly- a
world of anxiety and euspensfe ort
her face -to 1030W her fate. The color
surged over her fine, 'then reeeded
from it a.gaio, as he laRlIefl at him
with a sraile.--a. emits that WOO more
pitiful than a sigh,
• "Reg," RINI °Tied, holding out Oer
hands to him with a fluttering, un-
certain . movement that stirred the
peefuneed laceof the -exquiette rebe
eihe wore, and the jewelon her white,
nervenes thande-' "Rex, I am here!"
We must new return to Daley,
whom we left standing in the heart
of the forest, the moonlight stream-
ing on 'her upturned face, uponwhich
the startled horseman gazed.. .
He had notwaited for her to re -
Ply, but, toubleing hie hoose hastily
with his ridiagewbio, he. sped on-
ward with the RIM d (.1 the wind.
In that one, instant Daisy had TO -
cognized the dark, sinister, hand-
some face of Lejter Stanwiek. - •
• "They have searched the pi and
rented 1 was not there. He" is emanat-
ing: for 'me; he has tracked me dowola
she oried Vehemently, preseing her
little :White hands to her burning
Fater, fester fie* tha little Leet
through the long clew -lamp gresses.
"My teouhles eeem • closing more
darkly around; ine,Onho lettbed. "1
weeh I had never been born, then I
could never. have epoited Rexae life.
But I am leaving you, my love, 1313r
darling, so yorocan merry Plume., tOe
heareee. You will forget rae and be
happy," • .* •
,Pour little, neglected, unloved bride,
eo fair, o yettengO so fragile, faun alone
facing the dark terror -of the night,
fleeing from the young husband who
-was wearing his life out in grief for
hero Ah, if the gentla. evinds sigh-
ing above -her, Or the solemn, nodding
true .hed only tele!, bar, how differ-
ent her ll,le .might have been!
: "No one has ever laved 'me but poor
old Uncle John I" She bent her fais
young head and erted out to Heaven:
"Why has no meircy been shown to
me? e lave never done one wrong,
yert I am so sorely tried. Oh, moth,
• eie. mother 1" she %tied, railing her
•bhie .eyee up to the. starry ,oky, "he
yeti •could 'have fareseen the dark,
Gruel eb,adowo that would have 'folde
ed theOr pitilese wings over the head
of your child, would you not hove tak-
• Raised Waffles -Now that new ma-
ple syrup is coming ibto market Is
the time for waffles, Scald ono and
• three-quarters cups of milk, add one
level teaspoon of salt, Olie level ta.
blespoon of butter, and when luke-
warm, add one-quarter yeast cake
• dissolved in one-quarter cup of luke-
warm water and two cops of flour.
Let rise over night and in the morn-
ing add the yolks ef two eggs well
beaten and the wlettee of two eggs
beaten stiff. Cook on a hot waffle
• iron and serve with maple syrup, The
waffle iron must fit the top of the
etootee heat one side, then tbe other,
Heat the iron between mole frying.
Avam and part flour outkes excellent
ffaiesi.e should be crisp. Part gra.-
hCoffee Cakes -Scald • one cup of
milk and when lukewarm • add two
• yeaet cakes, and as soon as disselv-
ed add four egg yolks, four egge, two -
e dnailk over one-quarter cup of sue
gar, one-half teaspoon of lemon ex-
tract and four and two-thirds- cups
of bread flopur. Beat for 19 minutes
with the hand. Let rise six hours,
keep in the ice box one night, turn
onto the moulding board or a floured
cloth, roll one-quarter of an 'inch
thick, spread With softened butter
and fold so as to make three layers.
Cut off peices three-quarters of an
inch thick, shape into cakes, let rise,
put some distance apart in the pan
and bake 20 minutes.. Cool and frost
with confectioners' sugar moistened
with boiling water.
...Hot Buns -Pour one ;nip of scald-
ed milk over one-quarter cup of su-
gar, two level tablespoons of butter,
•one-half teaspoon of salt, and when
lukewarm, add one-half yeast cake
dissolved in one-quarter cup of luke-
warm water, one egg well beaten,
three cups of flour and three -quart -
ars teaspoon of cionamon. When
thorou,ghly mixed add one-quarter
CUP of raisins stoned and quartered.
Let rise, hape into buns, let rise in
the pan and bake 20 minutes.
Graham Popovers -Mix two-thirds
cup ot graham flour witb •ane and
one-half teaspoon of salt. Pour on
slowly two cups of milk, beat two
hnt, add at,ofairtsto:icein
hot buttered gem -pans and bake in
a hot oven '30.rainutes. Miss Farmer'
prefers the round iron gene pans and
fills them nearly full. •
Fruit Biscuit -Pour one-half scald-
ed milk over two tablespoons of su-
gar and one-quarter teaspoon of salt,
• wben lukeweem add one-halfyeast
cako diteeelred in two tablespoons of
lukewarm -water and three-quarters'
pup of flour. Let rise and then add
two tablespoons of melted butter,
cute egg well beaten; the grated rnd
of one lemon and enough flour to
,knead. • Let trine, toes •on a floured
cloth and lroal bo oneequarter inch
en. thickneae. •Brush over with melt-
ed butter, eprinicle with one-third
cup of atoned feafeeins and twat table.'
spoon S of chopped eltron. Roll and
ont m three-quarter hush pieces, Let
rse in pan and bake in a lot oven.
G. la.ze the top„,with white of egg di-
lute(' win. water.
Pound coffee tins make good re-
ceptacles for soap grease. When the
can is full, clarify and put on the
tight tin cover, then the grease can
be put in the cellar safe, from miee
until' five or six pounds are ready to
make Into soap.
Trade is Confederating the Empire.
• Britain is Canada's best customer.
Britain cannot buy if she does not sell,
Use TEA Crown in a British Colony by British Capital.
g g 'ALAD• lead packets only, never InA 11,
Ceylon Teas are sold In sealed
bulk. Black, Mixed or uncol-
ored Ceylon Green. Sample° 0/1 applioation. Address " SALADA," Toronto.
et me with you down into the depths
of the seething waterer' She rais-
ed up her white hands plieeditigry as
though she would fen Pewee witb
her wrongs the bine skies, and reach
the great White Throne. "I must be
going mad," she said. "Why' Aid Re*
seek Inc mar she cried, in anguish,
'Wimy did Heaven let me bye him no
madly, and ray wirole life bx dork-
ened by living apert krone him if .1
ani to live? I had no thought or esuf-
feeling and sorrol,v• whin Imet hira
that summer morning.: Are the sum-
mer days to pas and never bring
him/ Are the flowers to bloom, the
sue to aline, the years to eoine and
go, yet .nerror bring him. °nee to me
I can not bear it -a do not know ?how,
to live!"
*• IN THE YEAR 8800,
There Wilt Ite 0,30,349 l'eople for Overy
• Swore Mile of Land.
Taktrtg the. weed's population at
Its preeent lowest estimate, 1,500,000,-
0O, and the land area at 51,238,800
aware milts, we find that there are
almost twenty-nine peeple to every
square nxtle,provided humanity wee
diseributed equally over the land
surface, or giving every one his share
a the earth. Now the popUlation
of the world has been nearly dtatbled
during the teat century, and, shotdd
this rate of increase be maintained for
nineteen euecessive Centuries, the
weeld's pepala.tien will he '784,432,000,-
000,000. Now, then, we find that in
the year 8800 there will be 15,318,369
• people,for every square mile of latch
or 0210 person for every two square
feet, jusit spite enough to ecinforte
ably turn round in. Should tide eon -
&teed prevell, what sceptic of the
preeerst (ley would dare to sneer at
the propheette that ' the kentote
tore will produce 103 -storey buildloge,
neitiat reeidoneee, and floating eities?
Many people will. have to live Some.
wheel% above, below, or away front the
land eurfaee of the earth, or there
will be no room for growing to:n. And
in all title eurrctising no allot% mice has
been made for the IntMerOUS family
of the Irate creation.
/e Dila a good neighbor?
No; ht.* very unpopular, because The
paints his house every spring, and
that makes everybody in the bleek
jekte ta do the Igitnot
•• Wash the paper labels from the
tine, dry • and with a child's paint
brush and a six -cent tube of black
paint, mark the cans for soda, tapir,.
oea, raisins, • currants and many
groceries often put upon the ehelves
he paper bags if one has not glass
cans to spare. These tin cans are
dust proof and tbe contents can be
told at a glance while) the row of
shining canS with lettered sides Is
• flaking powder can make excellent
moulds for brown bread and pud-
dings. If the covers of these cans
are perforated, they maim good flour
or meal dredgers. Drive oilman wive
nail through the cover from the upper
side in regutar rows.
Small baking powder cans the half
pound me, are just right to mark
for spices.
When the &alibis windows aro take
en off, put the aerews in a can and
mark it, then and there will be teed
searcbing next fail for one or two
more formic
A. window screen is often needed
long before it is time to have the
streen doors put up Especially in
bedrooms to keep the muslin curtaine
from blowing outdoors in spring gales
to sweep the window ledge and out-
side wail, atul it Is a atisfaction to
have A tureen in good order to put
In each room when it is cleaned. ,
In a suburb of Philadelphia lives
an old German totipie named Skim.
mekopf. The husband, Prits, has
two dogs, of whieh he is very fetid.
One Is a pup, while the tether is quite
old; but, as some times emirs with
doge of different breeds, the old dog
ie remelt smaller than the eixementh.
old puppy.
Dere' was eoreedirigre funny aboud
dem dogs elveatty, said Prits, who
was showing them to a friend the
other day, 1)ot Ieedieet dog Vell do
• piggist,
bite. Skimmekopf, realising that
her husband had not made the point
quite clear, thought she had bettor
Come to his Assistanee.
You must eggscuse mint husbatid,
she raid. De English languldch he
know? not goot. Vot he Mean* lef
dat de e,ettngeet dog vas do oldest, ;
Alan is the little world.
is the wonelsr ct nature.
Mac lo a ePitoree of, tJae world.
Man is the naeamare tog all thing?),
hien were gay deceivers
Man is the great wonder.
Man is a sernple,ot the universe,
'palette• Le the help man eau aield
to Man.
Mao the image of Gediz nommen..
• Man IS a soul using the body en an
Mac!• Thou pendulum betwixt •a
smile and tear,
• Certainly tlee greatest apholare are
not the wiseet men.
The great man is be, ;who deea not
lose hie child.O3 boort.
Great men sterol like solitary' tow -
£a the city of God.
All men commend patience, though
few be willing' to 'preetice it,
• Man is an imitative creature, and
whoever is foremost leads the herd,
The moat unhappy cif all men is
he wbo believes himself to ba so,
TIM real character of a man' is
• found out by tie amusements.
• Most men empley the float part of
their lives to make the last pert into.
Isn't it eidicolous to speak of ShaV-
ing Parlors and Dental Parlocra and
all the others parlors?
Yes; especially Dental Parham, They 1
should be called Dravving 110023121,
&• Strong Man on Nis Back
. Through Kidney Trouble.
A Toronto Contractor Who wax Never
Without Pain for Years, and Wise had
Many Times to quit Work—Dodtt's laid4
nay Pills mad' hint well.
Toronto, Ont., April 15. -Special. -
At *No. 80 Lippincott street, in this
city, resides Mi. OV.NOS Keane. Mr.
Keane ie contractor and is ooe of
the beat known men he his line' of
business in Toronto.
Like many other euccessful men,
Mr. keane has Suffered during his
-busy life a greet deal, from Kidney
Disordere.- :For years he suffered
great pain. He was forced at 'times to
quit WS work altogether and go to
'bed. He used Dodd's Kidney Pills, and
is 'well. This Is what he says about
"It giveo me great pleasure to write
in praise of Dodd's Xidney Pills, and
the good they have dens me. I am
never without them.
"1 have been a great sufferer with
• pains in my back in the region of ray
kidneys. fwas very siek, and at times
coUld not attend to my work at all• ..
" J used Eieverai medicines, but noth-
ing f ever tried seemedto help me in
the least, until a friend of mine advis.
ed me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I
immediately found relief and eves able
,to resume my woOk.
'1• used altogether seven boxes be-
fore being completely cured. Since
then O haire never been sick a day.
have never bad the slightest indica-
tion of a return of the :trouble."
• It ia herd to understand how ally -
sue will continue to etiffer from Lame
)3aok or any other symptom of Kidney
Trouble after so many frazik and full
etatements by men well known in all
walks of life, that Dodd's Kidney Pills
have cured them. •
• Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure.
They never fall.• They cannot. Tail.
Years' of trial have absolutely proven
that there 15 130 case of 'Kidney. Com-
plaint, Lame Beek, Rheumatism, Lem-
bago, Sciatica, Gout, Neuralgia, Blad-
der or Urinary Troubles, that Dodd's
Kidney Mlle will not cure.
Dodd's Sidney Pills are the only me-
dicine that ever cured Bright's Dis-
ease,' Diabetes or Dropsy. • .•
Thouaands of Canadians have tried,
and proved, and testified. „ •
"Harry," said the visitor; "do you
like to go to.schoolr"Yes, ma'am,"
replied -Harry, "but.1 like the Other
part the best." "What other part?"
asked the visitor. home,".
. •,.•
SUM or Orinvatt Gr ToLtoo,
rumor J. CHENEY makes oath that hi id
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Ong/fur &
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
County and State awaited and that said firm
will p_ay thorium of ONE.RUNDILICP DOL.
&Alin for each and every ease of CATARRH
tint cannot be oared by the use of HatNei
Sworn to before use and subscribed in my
presence, this Oth dap' of Docsmber. 1886.
: BEAL. 1, 0 Nauru Public,
: ..... ..•.
Hall's Catarrh Curs is Laken intoraelly, and
oath directly on the blood and mucous au:tacos
of tho system. Scud for testimonials. free.
W. J. CHENEY & CO,, Toledo, 0
Bold by Dominos, 150,
Hall's/fainily PIIl,i aro the best.
I shall make a fortune out of my
new mimical box. You put a penny in
the slot and—
And the thing viva a popular air
No, it stops playing one,
C. C. LUCHA11D1 1'
Dear Sirs, -For 1501230 Veers 1 have
had only partial tine 01 2135' arm, caus-
ed by a sudden strain. I have used
every remedy without effect, until /
got a sample bottle of MINARD'S
LINIMENT. The benefit 1 received
front it caused me to continue its uso,
and now I ara happy to say my arm le
completely restored.
Glaneht, Ont. R. W. HARRISON.
It is said that gray horses live
Tenger than thoze of any other color,
aorta a
Minard'i Liniment Linderman's Friend
A miner la seldom 'happy until hie
triumph is ote.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the House
Men oftener 'appear to have some-
thirig great on their minds when it
la only too muoll on their stomach.
• r,
Thousand's of men, women and children in Canada, are taking
advantage of Dr. Slossum's generous oder of a free ample box et
exojell Cure for Catarrh.
Catarrh is an insidious enemy, and in whatever condition, should
not be neglected, & slight cold in the head is frequently the begin-
ning of a serious case of Catarrh, and in many Instances leads to
Asthma, Bronehitis, Quinsy, and Catarrh. Catarrh is alwaye
dangerous, but is curable if taken in time. It Is a constant menace to
life and health, but 124/0I100 has done anuoh Ito enable sufferers to resist
and defeat the disease. Dr. Slocum's OnoJell Catarrh Cure
is thelaest offering; of advanced medical octane° for the prompt and
permanent cure of Catarrh of the Head, Throat, and Noma organs.
OX010111 is A dainty, soothing jelly for the immediate relief and cure
of Catarrh. The irritated and enflamed membranee of your nose
and throat are relieved and soothed with the first application of Dr.
Slocum's Ozojell Catarrh Cure. •
• Oxojaill has valuable properties as an antiseptic, AS 'Welk es
being a powerful healing agent. You breathe it through the nostril,
a little bit at a time. No Instrument! No Powder! No Liquid I
Oxaluil Catarrh Cure is sold. at all drug stores at Pifty cents a
box, but in order that every sufferer from this prevalent ailment may
have an opportunity to test the remedy, a froo sample box will be ,
sent on request to any plaee in Canada. •All you have e t do is to drop e
- e postal, gorIng your name and address plainly, to the T. A. Slocum
Chemical Co" Limited, 179 King St. West, Toroatee and a. tentIO
sample) will be sent you.
but resiets SHIP yo
If You Want 1,
BUTTER, EGGS; e.uvrnv,• APPLES, other mums end income' DI
The.Dawson Com missien Co. Limited, Cerner. We6c Market and
' ,PERFEOT FiltaDom
• .1.:ONG WAIST • •
• • '.
, Made in Drab, Whitt) & Tan. Jean.
. .If your .dealer cannot 'supply - you,
send us IIIB,NASIE, your.sxze and. ;
• ailment to cover cost of corset and
' we will send •Yayinkto to any point
an Canada.. . .
Address Department T.,
33It "OrS1-1 cSz CO_ -
etreueeviaeoreeneaseentwoobaola' ' ' ' • • , ..
.ii021.1tiorlisvoonbelpeve,‘"anIvis giveiolver.fsweseea•-e•
trifle more and ge t it It doesn't" ..
.. ,
'cost. a eerie more to put it Jan. '
' Cheap paint makes a sorry job.
• Good paint keeps its color,
Corers more, lasts:longer, gems g .
a style and tone to everything it
• touches. • . . .
Paints .
are the best and purest paints
made, and the price at all dealers
is very reasonable for such good .
paint. We will send you samples
of houses painted, telling you all •
about the paint, if you ask for
rii BOOKLET "I<" free.
. .
..) A. RAMSAY 8t. SON
. siikesa, fra-WWervie . "SY 14/1/11/Smilero'WEVIVIVIIVIrellielh1110111~11048 .
' iiIllevie
Est1/41 1843' ' , • '
She -Don't you think Peinter' 15
clever with the brush?
• He -Yes; I noticed that the heels
of his hoesalways Seem to be as
well polished as tho.eest of theno •
• •
• Wanted
To sena Tor our
tompiste Oats.
tootle• of • Sheet
Musk) and Books
wIth Sdsolal rates
of discount.
GS Year) St. •
Toronto, Orit•
Thla signature fa on every box of the genuine:
Laxative Bromo•Quilane Tablets
,lhe seas* oast cures a sole jo ox• day
arnationEi sent by rove are more
precious than orcieide tent through
vainglory. ,
Ask for Minard's and take no other,
The woman who compele her serv-
ant to tell armlet lice will reap a
strange harvest anon, • ,
Migard's Liniment Is used by Physicians
Geele and Willy women when angre
create a nasty din, but are otherwise
harmiese. ,•
used by motherefor their children teething. It soothes
the child. softens the gums, allays pain, cures wind coda
and a the beat remedy ibr diarrhoea, Do bottle. Sold
br an druggists btroughout the wOrld. Be sere and ash
fot "Mrs. Winslow'* Soothins Symp."
Svvitzerland has 125 schools for girls
Domestic, science and 'gardening are
among the. breeches taught,
pi0migkiarritaligg-z:got —cosies, altv
'car natal rotas
In order to reduce one% conceit eon-
cernhag one's' maetery of French one
lute only to remain in Paris a day.
For, ail skin ailments;
41.o. Calvert & no., Iiinoneeter, Enellind
SLATS, MU and Douni.As EsKtos,
InUTAL ROOFS 121 Adelaide St.,
Totem% •
, Suitable for Fironroof CoVorinw for I
earns and Btabl Os or for packing bur.
poses, Size when opened 68 x 22 inches. Por sale '
atim each while they last, Address. at once
The Ghts (libber' Tea Co" -Toronto, Ceti
Dominion Lino Steamships
• Morateal t�tlyeipool. BoatOn to Lira,
• pool. Portland 10 Liverpool. Via Queens-
for•Large atid Past Steamships. Superior accornmodatIO1
r sill olatises of pausetifferik, Saloons ind Stateroom'
Ire amidshipslipeolid attention has bevn given tO thi
Second Saloon and Third -Class accommodation. Poi
rates ofeassage Ind particulars, Apia, to any agent
of tho ompany, or
Richards. Mills k 06. D. Torrance 00..
• n State St., Baikal. Montreal sad Portland,
Cleaning and Curling andItid Glom cleaned 'rheas
Can be sent by oast, le per OS. thb hest plate' le
Avi::)00'.s.Pi-iore.taGnAvING ,
L.il,NES ESIG".0?
6:8.10.ADitiA10: kr.i9v, TO RONTio.
BOOFINC and Sheet Metal Works.
no0F/NO RLATt, Black.
Red Or Green. SOA'ro etAOKBOAnDe. fifa auppiy
Publla swinish School's Tottlhth). Roofing Telt, Pludt,
coo oar, eta nooenee TILE (Bee New City BuRife
Inge, Toronto, donee, our Arn). Metal Ceilings, Oar.
nicet, et•• EstintMesfurnished for Work template Or foe
materials shipped to any part of the country. Phone ihtt,
D. DUTHIE ft tiONS,Adslaido Widmsrlta, Tirana
Mortgage Corporation,
i& I and ocipatdtt received en deposit.
'gni Interest pale er compound. filo/
• ed lialf•yearly 0.51.12/c,
• Si
tlit rind upwards received for
uu WM& debeiltaftS a±8 'SAW
wan nanleikeit 'canons sumo& A 0/
• for ititerast at*CIO
Toronto gunk - TORONTO