HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-25, Page 5[.,.,
or. '
The undersigned has boon instructed by
Peter•Cook to sell by public auction and with-
out reserve at lot 30 on the 9111 concession of
Goderloh township, on Saturdny. April 27th„
the'following: 1 horse 3 years old. 1. horse- 8
Years oki, 1 driving horse 5 years old, 1 mare ;
aged, 1 mare 8 years eta, 1 inaro 10 years old, 1
5 fresh:Milk sows, 2 cows with calf, '4. steers 2
years old, 2 heifers years old. 10 yearling Steers
aaul heifers, 7 ealve.s, 2 nreod ows, 0 Young
pigs, 25 hens, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 3 1,11Irtuer wag-
ons, hay rack, top buggy; 2 cutters, binder now
(Frost $z wont% seed drill, disk harrow, sot
harrows, mower. land roller, fanning mill, sent-
, tor, 2 narrow ploughs, 1 two -furrow plongh,
gang plow, wheel barrow, hay fork, steel baypress (Dio(riteh), 2 sot heavy harness, 2 sot
singleharness; 1 sot light double harness; 2 sap
kettles, forks, shovels, 2 milk cans, chanis, and
other artieles too numerous to mention:
• Taama ov sums of 810 and Under
cash; over that amonnt six months' credit 'will
be given on furnislang approved joint notes'.
P 6 per cont. discount for cash in lieu -of note. •
, Sale at1 o'ciock sharp. • •
• Proprietor. • Auctioneer.
April 25t1i, jobi
- •.••••;,-
For Sale Ads
I liaise a well hred young boll for
sale. It is 11 months old and a fine
dO (IN 0. EI44i.or1', Clinton P, 0.
We have some first-class
Mangolds for sale. Price Sc.
per ;bushel.
First COMO, first served.
Apply at once to
Stapleton, Salt Works.
, .
The undersigned will•deliver athayfloldfrom.
the Brims Peninsula on the opening of naviga-
tion. 10,000 cedar pests, •Tops of Posts 0 Welles
up, length 84 foot. Price, 12contp0ach. Apply
to James Thomson, hayfield. or
GEO. A. TURNER, Brucefleld P. 0.
Mareh 91.11, 7.
Thorold Cement for solo by 'Edward Carter,
corner William and Princess •streets, Clintee.
Special rates on car lots, Estimates given on
cement walls andfloors' *arid silos. AR work
satisfactorily clone and all orders promptly
attended to.
Real Estate
For Sale.
be sold on reasonable terms. ,
Clinton, April 12th.
To every purchaser'of one
eau of mit. Pure Cream
Baking Powder we will
• glise, without any. extra
charge, a stiono• imp dur-
able five.foot Stepladslepr.
250 Broome go at 200:
Three 1.5e bars of Soap for 25o.
tiring your Eggs along, extra prsee
this week.
Next deer tp Dr. Gurnee privet°
mange of BUSillBSS
Having bought the Grocery
and ()rockery liminess so sUccess-
fully caeried on fur the past 12
. years -by J. W, lewn, end having
over 20 years' .expei ience myself
iu wholesale and retail Grocery
Crockery business, I am eon-
• fident 1 can keep up the good
reputation of the old tyro in
keeping, nothing loit the very
best goods at the lowest prices.
• I have reduced 011 my
Dinner, Toilet and Tea Sets ' •
to make rooin for my import or-
. der which I expect in 0 few
. months. Call and examine goods
before 'you buy. No trouble to
show geode.
Tenders will be received by the uro
dersigned up to 1. *lock p. o, oa
for the Wection of a Brick School
house in Union School Section No. 4,
fluderich and Hullett. Plans and spec-
itications inity be seen et the store of
Mr. U. Stewart,' Clinton. The low-
est or any tender not necessarily au-
3. II, LOWERY, Secretary
Clinton P.O.
Beet Sugar Prospects
There now mews to be a good pros-
pect that the beet sugar industry in
Wiarton will soon be placed on a basis
that will enable it to consmence
business in a tangible way, Mr. B.B.
Freeman, who has been in Toronto for
some tune endeavoringto • interest
capital in the Wiarton project, returned
heat week and reports good progress.
Ile was se far successfol that he return-
ed to Toronto on Tuerelay to complete
• negotiations with capitalists who are
• interested and inclined to take a large
block of stook inthe company, and it
is likely that thee arranpreents will
be completed this week. If this is
done the company will likely be re.
organized and $100,000 be added to the
capital stook, with some ef the larger
stockholders, placed on the directorate.
the farmere will be asked to plant with
beets all the acreage they can, and
seed can now be had at the office of the
compsny in Wiarton, where the first
• who (some will be the first served, As
soon asarrangements are completed
convaesers for contracts will be sent
out in all direction within 100 miles of
Wiarton, Some new ,developreente
may be expected in a few days
-W 'erten Canadian. .
With reference 'to the above
'change in business I take this
• opportunitiy ofs exptessing my
sincere thanks to .rny numerous
• friends and customers for their
. liberal support during the past
• 12 years and bespeak tor my sucs
.c'essor„ J. W. MeCithe, the -same
. liberal treatment so generously
'accorded me. • •
J. W. InWIN..
/441444:444.4.444,4.4sumi ,...xuaostaairm
Wholeside'and retail piano
ana orgen distributing Con,
•tre. 'High grade, • netv.
Pianos. • Five used pianos •
at decided bargains. • Buy
the wonderful Granmpleone
. for a plensing' entertainer.
•Headttaartera for it: Bar-
,. . gains to teachers and stu-
dents in sheet masks 25c
to 75e pieces- at .
Instruments of .
gieds sold. •• .
Music auporituti.. '
The undersighecl' offers for sale *or to rent his
one story house on Albert -street togetherwith
one quarter acre of land, on whichthere aro
thirty fruit trees, Good well and cistern."
Chntion, April 10th .
Part of lot 35 in 13th Von. GOldrich Township
contttining sixty five .00505. Geed frame
house clod barn and bearing orchard on the
preiniseS. Only 2 miles- Mtn (Hinton.
For further particulars apply to It. A.Ilearn,
on theprornieesor. • -
• J. 111DOCT canton.
The Galelrarm, one of the best 100 -acre farms
In Goderich township, Huron connty, lot 17
and part 18 on the 8111000., 0S miles from Gode-
rich, 7 from Clinton. The farm contains good
- buildings and fences, is well watered and un.
derdridned. Large orchard and garden., Wheat •
RoTTA101 isrgettlIlagigle. Would sell S. C. RATHWELL,
15114I. GOULD, •ve A UN4t_.
Feb. 14 on the premises or God erich P.O. • -•
you like
The undersigned offers for sato 'a seven -room-
ed cottage on Orange street together with One-
fifth acre of land. New cistern and well. Will
stylisk shoos
If so, call in and see opr
complete stock of Wom-
:en's Oxfords' Toe slippers
and TrilbYs. _Ills() our
• stylish : Buttoned
Laced shoes.
• ITCHING PILES -Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment is proof against the torments of
Itching Piles. Thousands of testi-
monials of cures effected by its use.
No case to aggravating or too longstand-
ing for it to soothe, comfort and :lure. It
cures in from 3 to 6 nights: ar) cents -
Sold byeR. P. Reeko3.-95
Every F rm
of Piles
The Patentors Ai O saw:11100w For
Stock in Pork Pacttlug Ftte-
meeting was held In Bales •
eels litet week in the interest o
the raitnerp ton Pork Packing Co. and was
fairly attended. Reeve Turubull of
Grey eccupied the chair and the speak-
• ers were Preeident Falconer, Seoretary
Oliver and Director Belden, About
0200 worth of stock in the 00111patly
was eubsoribed for at the meeting and
60030 more ben mince been sub.
acribed. A oanveas of the neighboring
townshipo is being made and it is ex-
pected considerable stook will be taken
in this •neighborhood. It, is claimed
that these co-operative companies keep
up the price to the ferment and wren if
no dividends are ever paid, those who
raise hogs will get good profits in the
increased prices they•reoeive.
Mr. George Thompson, a leading
merchant of Blenheim, Ont., states
"I was troubled with itching piles for
fifteen years, and at times they were
so bad- I could scarcely walk. I tried
a great many remedies, but never
• Sound anything like Dr. Chase's. Oint-
ment. It eured me. • •
Mr. Jas. Jackson of, the Laurie Spool
Company St. Alexis des Monts, Que.,
writes :-"I was troubled for two years
with that cruet disease, bleeding piles,
• and atter using Dr. Chase's Ointment
can say X sun entireiy rid of it. It
is a- treasure to all suffereng • from
piles. •
Mr.. W. D. Thornton, • ' blacksmith,
Calgary, NWT., states :-"For fifteen
• years X suffered untold agony from
blind, itching piles, and haVe been un-
der treatment with well-known phy-
sician& , had 15 tumors removed, but
obtained no positive cure. I have suf-
fered more than I. can tell, .but can now
say that, thanks . to Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment, I am positively cured, and by
'one and a half boxes. , 60o a box.
Dr. Chase's
West WoWasiosit ToW0sItip. '
The old settlers of the township are
are one by one passing away to the great
beyond. Tina week we leave to chron-
Iola the death, of Isabella King, relict of
the late Michael Donnelly, who died on
Sunday last, aged 69 years. The funer•
al took place to the St. A.ugustine ceme-
To feel tired after exertion is one
thing ; to feel tired before is another.
Don't Bay the latter is laziness -it isn't ;
but its a sign that the system lacks
vitality., is running down,and needs the
tonle effect of Hood's Sensaparilla. It's
a warning, too -and sufferers should be-
gin taking Flood's once. Buy a bottle
today. .
Forest Home.
Miss Lottie lIpshall of Kippen was
the guest of her sioter.Mrs, David Wren
last week, •
Quite asnumber from this vicinity at-
tended the spring horse show in Brum-
field on Friday.
Mr. John Munroe of Brumfield called
on his mother, Mrs. . William Ross,
recently. •
Miss Annie Berry of Kippen called on
ber friend, Miss Jennie Brownlee, on
Monday while out wheeling.
Owing to the changeable weather quite
a number are laicl up with la grippe.
Rev.Itile and Miss Andrews of Varna
celled on Mr. U. Little on their way
• home from Fullartoe. ,
• Mr, Robt, Molsay is rushing seeding
with three teams at work and three
horses On the spade barrow. • .
Mr. William :Rose3 finished seeding
just. before the snow b tom. •
The 4th con. is still ireproving•
. The
There d led an Wednesday of last week
.Willians II, Janne, son of Rieherd
Jame, of the gravel road He . web a
young men who had a aplendid obars
eater and was higbly respected by a
large number of friends. Demaged
learned the printing trade and Worked
at it In various offices.
Many residents in this dietriot were
grieved to learn of the sudden -death of
John Seltasr, in his Oilth, year. D000611'
eel had been a sufterer frons asthma for
many years, but on Saturday be was able
to be around as usual and had taken a
walk through the sugar bush that after-
noon. He had been in Winghem few
days prior to his death. Mr. Salter
was one of the early pioneers ,of this
township and settled on whaqs now
one of the finest farms in the township
when it was nothing but bush,
That appeals to the best jud inents
of. the best prescription of Dr. A W.
Chase, the famous Recipe Book a thor.
By acting direotly and epecifically on
the liver, kidneys and bowels, this
popular family medicine tborosighly
curer; liver complaint, biliouanese,
kidney disease, constipation anc0 the
the accompanying palm' and aches:, Dr.
Ohase's Liver • Pills aot promptly
pleasantly and naturally, . One pill a
dose,25 ciente a box. .
Whigham. ,, •
In addition to the four owner strives
in the new Methodist• Church, t ere
4° Put 111.
Nobody softe
of ivy, or 't
pais ..oney in his
&ties come
klood th
Rood's Sarsaparilta
and gives it life, co
Pimples -"N
vith pimples and
taking good's Same
vas entirety cured,
smooth and clear."
Chatham, Ont,
hiy Purse."
from brain -fag, tad
tired feeling" i(ger
rse, Lassitude and
m impure, sluggish
$ through the veins.
es the brood pure
and vim.
ace 'was covered
ckheads but after
illa a short time5,1
d my skin pas
Y N.van, North
PloCAUGHEY--CAR13 ST -In St. Jos.
eph's church, ()lint on Monday,
April 22nd, by Rev , Father Mo.
MeMenainiu, john Thoinas Mo.
Caughey of Morris
Carbert, youngest da
- Thomas (larbert of II
the residence of the
by the Rev, W. Fern
N. W. Woods, • Bayfi
Margaret F. ,daughter
• Buchan, Durham,
the Rev, j. W, -Baird, a
Miss Jane
hter of Mr,
Pril 16114 at
ide's father
erten, Br.
Id, to Miss
Mr. W.
ril 10th, by'
the bride's
borne, Wm. P. LoYie ,to Hettie
• will be a " Twentieth Century Stle Seatton, both of 8 tephe .
in the front, wall. Rev. R. Hobbs ilia -
q'TIRests-S7LL-LOVE-At tit residence
already secured corner atone layers ifor - ' of •the bride's father, by S. A,
three out. of the five. Mr. Chester)), Carriere, on April 1 lth, reindrew
Massey, of Tororito, has consented to T.urnbull di Hay to Mis Tiennie
lay the" Tweutieth Century Stone' ; Love of S'teplien.
and Hunter, have consented to lay o se
the successful evangelists, Crossley G3IEVE-RUTLEDGE-At be resi-
dence of the bride's frithei Tucker -
'corner stone, andMiss May Gordon of
snsith, on April 171h, be tev, Mr.
Woodstock, daughter 'of J. II. Gord n, Savvers,Brucefield;Mr,Jaines Grieve,
formerly G, T. R. agent here, will o 0.
to Miss Harriet, third da hter of
i te at the third corner. The 24th Of
ci a M Ch 1 R tl d e 11 o Tu ker-
smrith. ar es u e g ,a o
May is the date on which these in.
teresting ceremonies are due to take IVIoGONIGLE-RUTLEDGE-A the
place, • • residence cif the bride's father,
has disposed of his business to Wm.
hr, A. Dulmage, merohant, Lakelet, Tuokersmith, on April 1 tb, by
Rev. Mr. Sewers, Mr. Rob rt Mo-
d a few weeks, purposes , removing
Bushfield of Seaforth, and in the eourse
ter of Mr. Charles RutledgeSall ' of
Gonigle,to Miss Nellie,eldes daugh•
with his family to Wingbam. Tuckersmith. . •
Rev. Father 'Hanlon, the new priest, ADAMS -VINCENT -In Beate , on
in charge of \V ingham and St. Augus- April 10th, by Rev. C. W. rown,
tine was intown last week. He is
young man, ot pleasing address ti.nd . Mary Vincertt,both of the tow ship
a. B D.,Mr. Franklin Adams; t Miss
will no doubt be popular vvith his parish- \ of stohen.
ioners. He holds seryiee in VVingham
. ORR--COUSINS:- On April 10th t the
every third Sunday. residence o*.the bride's fathei • by
elent of Winghain, crossed, the" narrow
Mr. John Watcher, a reopeoted reel -
Bertram Orr, of Goderich townhip,
Rev4asper Wilson,M,A.,Mr.J Ines
-tream " on Sunday at ,the ripe 'age to Miss Mary E. da ughter of Th WW1
masons have commenced work at the , of 81 Deceased was a native of Devs '
ereoting of the foundation of 1VIr. Wm. onshire, England. ,• Cousins, Esq., of G_oderich.
13roadfoo1's new barn.
•IvIr.James MeConnel visited the peo-
plein this neighborhood, taking the
census, ,
House cleaning seems to be the order
of the day.
Mr. Henry Carter is busy improving
• his house by raising the roof and plotting
a foundation under it. •
Tho undersigned offers for salelot 30, con. 7
Hullett, consisting of 100 007e8,00 acres cleared,
balce gond hardwood bush, ehiefly maple.
10 acres in fall 'wheat The lot is well watered
and fenced and WOuld make a good stock farm.
There is a good orchard and two good barns.
Tie farm is 4 miles from. Clinton andl nuIIO
from Sturnmerbill postofilee, ehureh and srhool.
For further particulars apply op the premise
.or address •.
sSept. 12th. •
The undersigned ofrerseersole lot 20, eon. 15
Gederich township,' consisting of 80 acres, all
cleared. The lot is situated 31 miles from
Clinton and 2 miles from school. Possession
given next fall. For further particulars apply
on the premises to
ROBERT DUCK. Clinton P, '0,
March' 7111. •
The stibseriber (Afore for Pale a very desirable
property 00 188110 street consisting of four lots
upon which there is a comfortable frame house
with 'kitchen and woodshed attached. There
fa a good stable and a first.class wed of water
en premises. The orchard, consisting of grapes
d ap
anples, is a good ono. The property will
besoId at a retvonable figure for eash or cash
And balance on time. Apply 10 the owner on
he promises• Ants. JOHN AMOR
Clinton May Oth
' The undersigned offers for sal& the frame
dwelling on A Med street north at present on -
minted by Bev. T..17 nirdilek. Good cellar,
small stable, ete., Ole. For further particulars.
apply to.
Teachers of West Huroo
-will be held hi the Public school --
Oa WedneSday and Thuksday
May 22 and 23
beginning at 9,30 tem. on Wednesday.
• Every teacher in the Division
le urgently requested to lie pre-
sent and assist, in making, this
• meeting a succees.
—of Toronto-
-1,4E iAmov6.-7--
The happiness that throes to a home
with baby's advent is too frequently
shadowed hy. the ill -health or weakness
of the mother. To restore the mother's
strength,to bring back vigor and energy,
and to sustain her during the nursing
period, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is un-
doubted by the most effectnre prepara-
tion obtainable. • It makes the biood
rioh, revitalizes the nerveseand hail • a
wonderful restorative influence.on • th,e
-whole systein'. '50 cents a box, all
dealers. • ' • •
• East Ilaron'Lleense holders.
• The License Commissioners consist'.
ing of IN:resins. Fortune, Murdy and
Littlejohn and Inspecter Miller, held
their meeting at Brussels last week, to
consider the question of granting hotel
licenses for the incoming year. The
following was the result of their deliber-
s.tions:-Brussels, Beattie SG Clark, Jas.
& Frank Stretton, and 0. Zilliax ; Bel -
more, Jne. Lamonby. ; Lakelet, A. Mc-
Gregor ; Fordvvich, A, Orr ••Gorrie,R.
F. White and and Elizabeth' Dulmage ;
VVroxeter, Ce'eo. Town and A.A. Esty ;
HAIRCOODS ARTIST Bluevale, John A.. Johnston, if house is
-SeceTreas,, Hayfield.
putin repair ; l3elgrave, D. C. Bruce;
Welton, Mrs. Sap : Cranbrook, J. Long,
extended three rucnithe to see if new
• etable vvill be built ; Ethel, P. Gor-
--He Will be at the--,
Rattenbury. House, 4. Clinton
With every kind and style of Lad'
los and . ;Gentlemen's Wigs, Toupees,
Ban,gs, Wavy and Plain Fronts, Swit-
ches of all long hair in evety length
and shades , •
Uis Art 'Styles ara known and worn
hy all Oakes everywhere.
Be sure to visit his show warns at,
the hotel' and see his new designs. •
He will, free of -charge. clemonsti ate
by fitting yon What is the Most -Suit-
able and hemming to you.
Their lige adds Health, Comfort, arid
Younger appearance.
Gentlemen who are bald should in-
vestigate and see his Feather Weight •
Toupees and Wigs worn on over 55,000
heads. ••
Clinton, Oct, 23rd,
Organist and Choir -Master of North street
church. Goderich, and teacher of piano, pipe.
organ and theory, Is prepared to take a limited
number of pupils for instruction, Leave word
at tie Clarendon Hotel.
Willyisit Clinton on Friday of eadi week,
STIWTr0111), ONT.
Mueh of. your Mute NeenSE1 depends upon
the thorough preparation you receive, there
fore be careful when Relenting a Se11061.
No We schools are alike. The excellent repu-
tetion they our college einem the large patron.
age We'reeeiVe, the Splendid stiecess our stn.
dents have in scouring and holding situations,
indicate that our soloed one of the very best
10 1110 Dominion. Write for 001, beautiful eat
alone in whtrii you will find full particulars
c,oneerning our college. Tryon want the beet
10 tinsineea education you ean got it there.
Stederds can entelt 411S tittle,
Wr J. IS14,IOTT, Principe!.
Direct importers. Workman-
ship. and Material guaranteed.
stsetreaortniset er
deter ; Molesworth, C. Sheehaver ;
Jainestovvn, T. lIciEwen, wine and beer
license ; Dublin, Joseph Webber; Lead -
bury, case held giver until Monday next.
Licenses were refused to the Constanoe
hotel and the McKim Home, Walton.
Delegationshvere presentfromeons tame,
Bluevale and Walton objecting to licen-
ses being granted, also one from Walton
asking for license to the McKim hotel.
you backache ? Do you feel drowsy ?
-In Goderich township,
Do yours limbs feel heavy ? Have you
' Aprilgst) wife of Mr. john Ou
pains in the loins ? Have you disznies5I
Have you a tried dragging feeling in ••
MASTEin-gallitiya, dAapuritllitle2rt'li, the wife .
the regions of the kidneys ? Any and all
of these indicate , kidney tsroublee. . j ApLooRulillllarsieoey,,oAtpatidiauwgh, ?bro. wife,
Sault] American Rid') ey ••Cure is a it'
iquid kid neys- specific and works won- .1E6,•fs(3-11t1.,zitoproirothe,,00rfl athsoon16. th of April
lderful cures in most complicated cam '
-Sold by R, P. Reekie--94 .
• tlifietbw, MifersofTWhoms..C4Gr;ivilee:Ba' doafnaghsotenr
. . the wife of John O.Karges (formerly
Part of the stock of the estate of Johnson
Bros., Seaforth, •
Commencing Monday, April 22nd, and con-
tinuing until Saturday. ,A.pril 27th. .
GROVES -In Lower Wingham, AprA
'esesteianse si you tire jaw KARGES:s-In Listowel, on April Stli.,\
No, 9 Tea Kettles
Soap Dishes
Wash Basins
Pie Plates.
See DorenSvend,e' Art Ceveringe
ie Wigs and Toupees, worn •ori thous-
ands of heads.. They are a protection
against Wilds and catarrh, etc., and give
a most natural and younger appearance
to the. 'face. Try on and demonstrate
the superior art of these goods free of
charge: He will be at the Rattenbury •
House, Olinton, on 'Wednesday, May 8.
' Colonel Dent has purchased 300 here
see London for the Britieh army. M
Thomas anghan of the Albion'hotel,
Stratford, dropped dead the other day.
The big storm of which Toronto held a
wimple ranged over .a wide territory last
Saturday. On Lakes Erie and Ontario
the weather was terrifio and the •few
vessela out were airily knocked about.
CATARR11.-qt • strikes one like a
thunderclap, develops with a rapidity
• that no other disease does. Dr. Agnew's
'Catarrhal Powder iti the radical, quick,
safe and pleasant cure that the disease
demands. Use the 'means, prevent its
deep -seating and years of • distreas,
Don't chilly.. with Catarrh, Agnew's
gives relief m ten minutee. 50 cents."
-Sold by R. P. Reekie-97 °
. • For Over Fiity •Years
used by millions of mothers for their children
while'teething. If disturbed...at night and
broken of year rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with pain of Cutting,_ Tooth. send. at
' ono told get a bottle of "Mrs, Winslow's sooth-
ing -Syrup" for Children Teething, It will re,
lievo the poor itto sufferer immediately. De-
pend upon it mothers, there is no m sta o about
It, It cures.Dierrhcea ro ulatos the Stoinach
and bowels, euros *lnd Lone, softens 1110
Gum s, roducesIn flammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole Systorn. "Mrs. Winelow's
Soothing Syron" tor children teething is plea-
sant to the taste and is the preseription of one
of the oldest and best female' physicians n,fid'
nurses in the United States. Price twenty-fiva
ems an bottle. Sold by all druggists through
°tit the world." Be suro and ask for "Mrs.
• I Wish to thank my inany eustom-
ers fol. their past patronage. They
have leen MI gO0d, 11.5 tO tell me thst
my work woe satisfactory and plensed
• them well. I• hope to have a continu.
ance of their patronage •and that of
new customere as well. If you want,
your Feathers well cleaned drop a
card in the postofflee to my address
asid I will call mien 'you..
A. HAYWARD, The Feather Cleaner
Clinton P. 0.
Lennon, Farber, (logy Cor-
ners and iphoisterer ln
all kinds of Par-
lor Furniture.,
Maitre:4Iva Mane
over. WIMP reasonable.
Ladies aro particularly invited to call and. Se
ta111009 of work and coverings.
tore- °Atari() Stroot, autton,
One door et*st of Ford de
•••■•44.- omii4.411mI444$444141444000mmem44611••••44.0
aa. .
The flour mine at Stratford have been
destroyed by fire and the loss will be
Clinton Iarket Report,.
0 03 to 0 .‘31
Goose Wheat 0 12 to 0 03
Barley.. ... ....... , ...... 0 37 to 040
Oats .. , ..... 0 29 to 080
Peas .... 0(30 to 081)
Rye • 0 40 \te 45
Potatoes per bushel 0 20 'to 0 25
Butter rolls and crock 0 18 to 0 14
Butter in tub .. .. , 0 13.to 014
Eggs per doz •09 to 010
Hay ......... .... 8 00 to 9 00
Wool .......„ 015 to 016
Live Hogs per cwt • 0 25 to 6 25
Dressedrork per cwt.7 00 to 725
Flowerier cwt 1 75 to 2 00
Bran per ton . 15 00 to 1505)
,Sborts per ton., 15 50 to 10 00
Wool per lb ....... 15 to 18
Dried Apples per lb..... 01 to 0 44
With Croup
Soolorth Market Report
Meat Platters
6 ,
Double ()pokers
Regular „ Sale
1..25 .98„
.10 ,28
.45 .30
.50 • ,30
.30 ,21
.15 , .12
.25 .19
.30 ' .22
,35 .25
Ai Pudding Pans
Dish Pans
Stew Pansvs. ith covee
Sallee Pans lipped
Regular Sale
.12 ,08
' .50 ,43
' .65 ..53
,35 .28
.50 .40
.20 .10
.80 '.21
Preserving Kettles .40 • .32
. .50 .40 .
. .75 .00
.15 .12
.18 sal
.20 1,10
.25 .19
,35 .20
.45 ,23
1.00 .72 •
,10 .05
4 •
$ 6
Pressed.lVtilk Pans
Snead Pane with cover
Milk Strainers
• 44
Teapots, copper bottom
Spice Box sets
Clomie Oases
kateh Safes .
'Stew Pans
Regular Sale
.3.5 .12
.20 .10 Wash Bowls
,12 • .09 • Pie Plates
14 Pepper boxes 2 for .05
.05" .48 s Cake Cutters eaeb
4-ga1. Oil Cane each
• '
, • Regular Side
.20 .12 .
„..08, .10 & .14
.03 es ,01
.60 .40
:2'520 :1135
.25 .15 No. 9 Tea Kettles each . • AS
.50 '38 No. 9 Boilers " 1,48
.25 . 15. Dish Pans • " .85
.10 .08 ..20
.10 .00 Pudding Pans , " .04, .00.a,nd .ps
. . $ • • ,.20„
; ” . . ...14 •
We have several lines which are .gieat
Bargains. ,
Best Sarnia White Coal Oil only 150 per gal.
, of Winghane) of a daughter. •.
DUNN--In Whitechurch, April 16,Mrs.• '
x (Rev.) G. M. Dunn, a son. • • CHEAP
C ONYN -In Stephen, on April 131h,
to Mr. itod Mrs. James •Cronyn,
a daughter.
C ARK.--ln Creditor], on April 141h,
, wife of Alf. J. Clark, of a son.
KING- -In Stephen. on April 151h, wife
• -1 of Eli King, of a sou. •
• , DEATHS. .
CUTIT-to---n, on April ' 21st,
. giames MoGilLaged 73 years and 10
salon tbs.
MITTELEIOLTO -At Detroit, on April
sti3th, Susannah Mittelhoitz, wife of
'1Tosears and 7 months.
eph Catinpau at the age of 26
AU TIN -In Prrugselo,on April 19th,
. Natben Austin, aged 41 years
• find 27 days.
SALTER -In East Wiwatiosh, April
‘4th, John Salter, aged 67.
DON TELLY -In West Wawanosh,April
tith, Isabella King, wife of Michael
• Donnellyeaged 69 years.
0ORAELL-In Guelph, April 17111,
Hubbard Cornell, formerly of 'Blue -
site, aged 74 years.
SHEOC- In- Wingharo, April 13111,
• Jimet Caldwelli wife of Uriah Sherk,
in her thirty-eighth year. .
JAMES -In East Wawanosh, April 17,
William Howard James, aged 25
years. '
WATOIIZR-In Winghatn, on Apri
• 14%, John 'Watcher, aged 81 years
ieonths,' •
CAMEItON-At Brandon, Manitoba, OD
14113, • Alexander Duncan
• Catteron, barrister, in his 51s1 year.
.DeMased woe a • brother of Messrs
• Peter and John Cameron,of Stanley,
JOYNTi- In Seaforth; on April 13th5
Inez E. Joynt, daughter of Mr.
Andrew P. Joynt, aged 9 menthe.
Croup le the terror of every mothet
and the cause of frequent deaths
among small children. Dr. Chase's
Syrup of rAnseed and Turpentine
brings prompt 'relief to the loud, ring-
ing cough, make+ breathing easy and
Preventa snffocatiori. It is Mothers'
favorite remedy for coughs, colds,
croup, bronchitis, whooping cough and
.wrre*. V. W. 13ond, 20 1.1atdona1l
Street, Hanle, Ont., eased :-"HaVing
tried your medicine; my faith Is very
high in its powers of curing cough and
croup. MY little girl has been subJect
• te the croup thr a lOng time, and I
• found nothing to euro it until 1 gave
Dr. Chase's Syrup et Linseed and Tur-
pentine. I cannot speak too highly of
25 cette a bottle, all dealers, or Ed.
mention, Beate & Co., Toronto.
.. 0 63 to 0 05
'ales signature is on every box05 tho gelatine Goose Wheat... ... 0 03 to 0 05
Laxative Bretne.Quittine Tablas flsteley. 0 38 to 0 40
the remedy that cores a cold in one da' Oats 0 27 to 0 28
Peke . .... 060 to 060
.... 0 37 to 0 40
.0dbre.iXraoat os1iO&1fla1 Potatoeg °per latshel . 0 25 to 0 30
,Pat Orme .rtieffet Petnede• Butter looee in crock, 0 13 to 0 14
0' 13 to 0 14
oeld Mid recommended by all
adbritleggniVithinCeatid4isdetveTelin. "SW gn gt tee; eitel tntiebe 0 00 to 0 10
pekoes guaranteed to ewe all 00 to 8 00
tormso Sexual Weakness,all effeets Of 011ie day
°totems, Mental Worry. Exeessive nee dn. tire ggiws per ewt 000 to 0 00
baese.Opiant05 Stimulants, Mailed on receipt 50 tO 7 00
of Price+ tikokage Mx, 86, One seffi.enzsea Dressed Pork per most
=Mg Ott% raeripnlete free Wally addrese.. 2 00 to 2 00
Th. Wood counakayotvaissorg 0a, Flour per ern
13ran pet ton. ... .. 15 00 to 15 00
Yor Salo by Watts &C5o, E. lIo9ey41. Shorts per 10 00 to Id 00
B. ()ciao MattP. Reoltio. Driedapples per 111.... 0 5 to 0 05
Dr. Chase's Syrup
of Linseed
• and Turpentine.
. .
-McKINNON &. 00
They're fiends+ to carry- take one after
eating -4 whenever you feel stomach
distress coning on -sufferers have prov•
ed tbe ory remedy known that will
instant re ief and permanent oure-no
long tedhflis treatments with (puled.
tenable re clence results -best for all
Botts of stionach troubles 35 cents. -
Sold by Ril P. Reekie-96
In order that the
merits Of .ThE Ntws;
ituconn nifty beconie
more widely known
we will send it to
any address until
June lst
The best class of work
prOeuratble has been
map ufaetured here for
ingely years past.
WE wovt oall on yott A, week after
• 'I your bereavement,
worr make the work to suit
WE ' WILL the p51.
price to suit
the work.
give you the, choicesof the
production of the world
in design and material,
We dee the ()Nix prac-
tical hien itt Clinton in
our line. Do not be
talkainto placing youe
order without firi3t
on Us.
Next to Commercial hotel.
free With
warted Worm% 9 i410Aire
Maki, rot Fan oarent,cnalet,sow
Ciiihtotir, Ma, Ittob. stamped With,
a toot Mod riled& dodo to Ita
rroilced 16 11111, 10 Octkill Der
osokager P0Miskia, 086 8655 01
the right stapillat 1105 Trot the
sits r Die, Deft MotlietV,Torfott
This week we -make no cornments.but let the 0-oods.
wad prices speak for themserves.
New Prints, in light and dark colors; worth 7c, for 5e •
Isiesv Gingham's, in bright plaids g.nd blue and white checks,
guaranteed fast colors, worth Sc, tor 5e
New Cretonnes, in light and heavy weights, in new floral de-
signs, at 5e, Sc, 10e, 124c end 15c
New Art Muslins, in new patterns and lace effects, with or
, without borders,at 5c, 8e. 10c, 12io and 14c
New Golden uraperies, in beautiful colors and designs, at 10c
• 12Se and 15c"
Lace Ourtaine, 24 yards long, worth 25e, for 18c •
'Jame °naafi's, 2e yards long, taped edges, 25e, 35c and 50e
Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 and aS yards -long, lock stitch
edgesofine lacey effects, 75c, 85c, $1 and $1.25 . •
L'Aiglon Belts, something new rind stylish, at 2.5e arid 50e
Fine Valencinnes Laces, with insertion to match, at le, 2e, 3c.
• 4c fowl 5c Per yard •
New Embroideries, in all evidths end qualities. We show a
• special line in wide width at 5c, 7e and 8c, worth double
the money • -
Men's Tut key Red handkerchiefs, worth 8c, for 5c .•
Women's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, good value at 18e per
• pair, 2 pair for 25c • •
Women's fine Cashmere Unse, regular 25c, for 15c
White Cotton, yard .vide, regular 8c, for 5c • •
nanneiettee, new patterns, wide width, 5c •
McKINN014 & 00. BLYTH
0 •
• .
• •
• . •
. •
• 6
• ••••••NIMMY1111.1..........01=10
0 • •
• , e
• " . .•
• e
o .
6 - •
. . •
• We are showing this season a larger variety of. hats :
than any season heretofore. •
• .
•• We have the very latest shapes and. colors in. Stiffsf :
• .
• 0
OrY Package Addro4s
MX6S W MIER Auburn
• Fedoras and Crush.
• .
I Having bought those goods at right prices we can
: give you bargains. :
• Call and see our Hats.
• :
* - 41011,06601400004104414104641041404044014411001000000041114401