HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-25, Page 4. � . . I. . . � I . I I I . . I . I ____ - .1 .1 11 , . .� , , . � � . I 11,1 . I � , y . , , ,-. , . . ,- . — - - " ;. - I � - 11 I ----- .-, ,, , , - —
. , � .
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. . HOLMIRSVILLO, #+*+*"#*"+++","-+'*"+ +#**#*#" , �-,"W—:; T;!__4!_.__1_____ I
I I . The 01don _ Recordo . V . , __ I .1r, I
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I Wr, J. . 444 " 04)(1111VIVIA � .am � - r. I I - I ,40,." :;�,_- , -;-___ �1w.,_�'____ _;,�;,
� bliss flessle and Master Roy Pickard ELOISE. At SKIMINGS — .. �, _ r.. ,, *,�.,q4,,,w.q4w4o,,4lo,v,,,w,,wl,,ll�, 4,140
. . returned bottle last week from Mitchell, _---_-- �_, . GOVIBRIVIR C RUPO �
. __TITC�JIELLI EDITOR —AND PR—OPRIETOR -1 I --N`11131 __: Mr. .Robert Bro�vjn Of WoWd 11hat- ,.
. I . . 1. .1 "-r Mr. William Routledge has been �� 'r el . . I
. 0 treating himself to a new top buggy. � . Inag is preparing fin- his OX-twination I I . $
. OZINTON, ATRIL 26Tig, I *#+**** *+ -it Toronto tile conling season, We I I (It .
I 01. Mrs. W. McRoberts and daughtel, of � 10*+*#*#,1 +*" . . f)
. I I . I
. - - trust. lie , I I 'I '.L ie e s
__ I ,
. +*"
— __ 01) Wednesday ,� � - + will win honors. . 11 . Ina $
t , _ r X Mitchell are the guests of the former's �,� Spray Your '"
rr _ ar', Of tile fishing Manager Dain was 4000MPluded on Ur. Morningstar has returned to -
i, . r ! — fleet left tile, burfaill I.. I
. , mother. Mrs. T. C. Pickard, , for Toberworay Tuesday oil the Steamer Julies for his regideuee "Tho Pines.11 Xr. M rn. I .., .1 r r . � . .
. . , , 11 - . Mr. Will. Tobbutt is laid up,writh an Lut the "St'a Gull 'turned, bach, Capt- The 04ek's fiNhing station 1) hi ill tar I . "
. brubWehopeto S I 118 pen t cl . � I
� A t �; I;$ h is t lie past two . 11
. . . otter From :011AW31 . attack of pleurisy 000 MAIMCK07, fludingtbe ongino defec- daughtep ,',Via$ Ball) and gull. Vartaid winters oil tile America . WO - ba" all 010, 11(leo-ssary re(Illjsjt(,,4, jiltvi
� � see him itrounil i,tgain, t1yo and tile morning tbreaterillig (Rickles.) . _2,,,br C. n side. � rig just I ,,,
. MISR Edith Holdsworth spent 4, few With a qualitt of Joe playing about Tile .ntury - Concert Co., Cox Bakin' Powder I receiveda supply of 1�111(, NTjtr,�, �
1. , � , -.1 .... .. �, .. I Oil" citizeng generally will ir�gret the Brus. gavo .
. I I I . days Witt, friends In Uoderl4b. wisetv returne% The "Slebold,11 Capt. pernoval of Mr. Hugh .Vllpl,a an entertainment tit 9 I we ,,tre selling ai moderate 1, ParlK Green, ete., I'VIliCh r
. . . Mrs. Pickard retbriled last week OIIPWYIIO,al)d "Seit QueIl'"Capitain (X" T, .U. Staff r to philadelpg of the Vieto I . I I prive,4. , I
. . . r � la, ria 0 MI house on Manday . . I . I . �
� . OWAIVA, April 20th from Dakota where she has been for bit v , it Id,-wentou. Ilia e ft Ma . . $ 1 .
q . 11 Du a . � (ibaruking famlly too wilt be MUCIA von, ne, 15t I A 1111,junder the auspiceor kes the breod
0 three montlis. . ,Oaptaln Dan. Stitheriant], )ate Of missed. � 003t. Geurge,bToung peo le's Guild. I
� 4 1 !,,aor PTION ADRUG STORV "
Zast week closed with a Doukobor LastSuaday morning Mr. $bit the ,!It fated Ureck, hits accepted a mi., Frank Mitt -tin of port lbert Hundreds of people attent Vd. prizeS more heidthfut, #
. debate.. 1. r ,,,, r r ,r � I R, R Reekie, *PRr v,
,,,r r W of
Aethoollat , -aigle on CAMA down to take big position 0 a r Sydney 940kaou.
Olinton pretto 'Oosi On with Captain Alex, Ci I A ' . S Ouccossor to
. W la Mr. Uriall Wilson bed Ili th were offered to an member of tile I . � . I
. showed lip, tbe� , church and in the evening Mr. Th a eamer Iona audl6ft. last week. 8 Young People's GUM that sold the -8WE14U PR4s'-Nire have
. fit . 1) tb I .1 X. B, '
. '� . tzxogttickettittndMissosBiltnobOV;4ehn .. I . ,111% , 81
. vast expenditure on Murob.at Clinton gave an ,excell as' Captain James Sutherland left fop Jones will reinain Ott bel' Old Safego , t. received it gbrilva. ample of.
immigration avoid the undesirable an onta () liNs"j- l I ards the food . iweet .Peas which we twe Set, j! &; j) , 1 $
� . I dill And profitable sermon, batham where lie intended taking ab route during the jolonthl; of e'V and 14ona, Walton, although not Isrork- 0 � I 1, y tile otilice, pav9cl package, A46_� V
. � evety wilY tAnsatisfactory return. At Mr. 0. 11. Sanders preached in St, tug to release his schooner the Sing' . I fat . 10-�.",�-w�llb�-11.�-la��,�l.,W�l*.�� I I'r ,
I . I 11- AM and will be succeeded b M , ItInd ,,,�ewavd but in, the interest of I . r I
. . Y1110 in agm I � I
r . this moment 2,000 natives of Italy J01111's church Sunday afternoon. re from tier bed of sand in Lake 400 thge st Alusno r -*t% --W-'%--%,-&,-%,;
I , St. Passenger boat 111ram Dixon uld, each wort a prize, Miss . - —
. --
r .1 � � — I — - _ . - __� __1__1_____ b=� r
Ne,xt Sunday Rev. X. , Greene is will Ely alriong the islands a d, tile bandsou I . . . � , �''; I
r�, have4rviyed. The cost of the agencies Vail'. - whfoll Videtkn was -wititiod to first prize a
I Awassetubly wa� held 1) A _ I �
expected to take the service in the . on Wednes. Nort Share, TheJoi r to pbrtmantean and Miss Alum bdd,n. 9 rowdem .vo the r .
. pes Was purcha r ofta � -
in the United Sta.tes alone 10 837,W(l� morhing in the Methodist church and '4a -Y eVening tit Offellows' hall given In " ,s. -tat I I I I.. . t I Z'L=_____= . I
. ea by mi.. Crawfqpj o.f Wlarton. Walton a box T)f handsome note paper mmacets to heAlth of the Present day. . � .
The Outlay has gone up and is going up Mr. Myers of BraraWrd in the evening. 1:1013OP bf Ole Misses Johnstone, Aille A verY fitmill anJ envelopes, . r I . . .. , :
I an(I Lizzio, by the Misses Videati . and . arfigurobjwfipenj e I I
. at a frightful paLve, and without corre, =___ � away from our ruldst; in the " )Orn Remember the regular meetinj ROYAL "KING V.O.WDER CO.. NEW VORX. , . I I
. A. - I
� _; of "N" I r. � .. I — .-.J I � .
. � . SPDX141119 results, Thus in 18W the S n"lerous other frfendg� The hall W� T. Kieley, a ve,7 kind -olN'g'e'rcf;iet GOderich Council No, 157 0. 0. O� .F, � . . SPRING I . I
I UrVIRRMLL., � room was beautifull decorated, it . oil Tbr%lr$dny evening, =__ =1 , .
I number of immigrants was 41,54,% cost- . . chtlopy nian, gebadlive III most active life, ___r_ I . . Ir . 1, . �
: I . . I I I being formetTof tri-colicired being proggeasiveand a keen, Shrewd . ; . :
Oness man all his life and i .
. ing $20,8780 0n 19W 44,007, casting ron Our SiCk I .ribboxis, pink, yellow and reell, the bur 01141 -lie Reid of the f1pro of ()bAp)os .
� . tat this week we might upper, part of tile windowal t seemed Reid & 0o.waa in Palmerston recently r S41t of *B I .
I . I
$484,502.61. 14 wing names-. Mrs. N,. wing val. asif. retirement frocal business I -Oak Be 8 , a . FO:OTW � .
r lacm se Ili immigrants, -give the folio anced witli tIjLvsanAe. lie pillatta and from ,,I, all ,,, � looking up by tender the granolithic 9 I . 4k - - I . . I FAR ;T .1
� 151; Increase W e6st, $178,083.75. Bingham, Mr a energy. lie bad been I contracts that live) burg corit6ul- . � 11 I
I a C' Beac0m, - �-V'1116 electric light were envefuped with the confined,to his I a I For the Past three moll . I
; I Beacom, Miss"N, Beacom and Mr. T. $a room some time ilerore givin ossl TT tho we have heo,n Itiltic.1-pating y it wltnt� .
. Lindsay. . S for J1
tg lby to the lowest the Ing I tid now we are ready with till, rrl(,,.t e(InIple oras$ot�tlll Ot
� Each one of the IrA..bherefore cost the me colors- MV, Woolecitt kindly death and alt that careful n%jr terider,"Ot otlestirian. � ff
� . respectaill Awted a% pianist relieved at times by triedieal skill could .,
� e sum of $1,160,25. They . and . Amal amati�n. I 1111 ,. ��`
,r Mr, I. Brownlee- has engaged with Miss 134thel C, , I do was sing, fil Mr E$ Of BOOTS and SHOE 8 ever 411�)jvn in 01111toll ��
, OugbttobeAl silver I A a1g, . done r Willialtir Green's pottage- on Tra- . . 11 . - . OfA, Inds' 0 �
% I -buckled aristo- Mr.2, Lindsay for the stiturner months, him, Ile leaves to mourn Ilia decease falgar street wits being roofed last . .
The quadrille figured and circa a. It 10"ing Ividow and fo � ' Of COMMere r. � . � . .1
, I cratic imilaigrants at overone thousand Mr. B. Butt has finished sawl.ag his 'eirdle as well ,%a the lancers but tosoa I ur clever Young week, Quick work, . V. .. I
I r I
I I dollars apiece, This not the only way 1098 and is Ikeparing f6r his trip to the 6ons, Philip, Geoffrey, Maurice and Mrs'. T, j, Videall, after spend, Tfi Canadian, Bank -.r THE CLAMS OF 0 . I .
I Ir , . 0 0 � E . !�
_ I Tooker" 1�
:A, I I Sifton comes high, - . f amllsetclent, of all "Old Dan rig It r . UR ST I Ir
.� . . . . � . the West. I John, On his wedding trip betook his most enjoyatile period of tell days at COMPlete' ,the Purebas I Upon' I � . I
�.. : . r4r. Hart and wife of Meaford, who war, resurrected from some of th I
� 26, a awav YOungr bride to Roine, He was borl, it, Clintclol the . guest of friends, has re s , :1
� . . . back centuries. It Is at ' real a ej " M. r , e of the I *,?On I v ifiterestsnre Manifold. There Wilo I,)ettPX.StCck . "I
I a ill untieti). and with his family renioved tu - , ) choose -from
I STUPpINO -TER CENSUS_ have been visiting at Mr. Neabit dance for every one In the roo . rood to her home, I � As *
. , �.r . to r I ,t. t In Van to Port Stanley . sots of the Ballk 'of British . v
: 1* - . . �. r intend go to the Weet in4sl'Ort take bands. only "Old Dan,) I , afterwards to -London . I � � W , . ,
.. Mr, Bennetb called att�'ntjori to the films, �t . . . who has and at I Ile tinle of Two lad . � I P BUY AND Sl�LL IF I
. he 4nd ed Bapt of the- color- . I .. . . . . . � JK ,
I � ... j� to be muster of ceremonies bowing to his brothers were living in T . !at chul-ch in. that city . . . . . " . . . � .
; . moat rascally thing which has ever ilia. .Miss Clara Proctor spent a few days all, but onlike the anti's rays which HIS brothers Were orojilto* here a wee i� or tw � Columbia. - I , ' . . And having . SH
. . bis tagrrillge Jos from Guelph 0
I graced politics in a. free country, A, with her sibter, Mr. J. H . also pro Were Silos b r�' I . I
I gressive, 0 ago taking tip a '. I. bad, along experience If) the
I I circular sent round as it census paper week, : � I Lowery, last -fall, all round at once his sjhiI004�, re. their first ventuto b6ing the Jualigtira. a liscriPtion here and ill other places . .�now a good boat when we
; � . . ,r " . usitlOss e think we
askin valve, Refr shment.% were served at tioll of st,itges througli- W. to assist .their Guelph THE BANK'S CA see ir, arid we never nlareprosent,
� � I for the numberofinale residents MISS-Nizie Lowery visited'her friend, 1�9, p. W, and some most cle � . PITAL NOW I � in fact We guarantel; every t1aip, 'we sell to be its ITT)"O'selif %d.
I in e4all Z!Aern Oil. church. .Xr, 141IGHT MILLION DOLLARS AN151,
� P011ing sub-divieicin of 10 years' Miss Ma bet Shepherd, last Friday, as Passe licicius cake thrio, Goderichitizhicied. - In Toronto Lewitt f the Goderich knitting fac. y T1_1 . , r . Otivaim is to anticipate youl, every reasonable pped.' " . . . . . .
r I . and over, *1 two 60piieS to be prepared Mr. C. H. Sikilders of Exeter occupied ,d- round with the cOffee. M r. W. -Kieley arid big brother Ge r orge tory kn'e)w them very well. ASSETS OvEi a .� SIXT RE R . If a grea .. �
-illyislon ar a S , .have sticcOeded in tile past we leave fill, v lo%ir well we
:.. f . . at, 0 *
tor each sub Of e iIake had slices of orAnge went into it 13(,v;, venture, the. street . .. b and-constilatIv g * . . 11 le, , I .
. r
. . � . i
. . . I
. behalf. An 4?ort,4, Made in
. flit white goods sale are WO-l"PlYsat44fled with Your re rns* f rt
. h of Toronto, as- I clation we rowing trade I evid c.p filiblic appre
. which was - I list week, Their --- e JIT.e too bile
election or to .1 9s& b) di not break up until 2- ft. most Successful alld late,. sold (I e
ate In"the last provincial Sunday-ovening and delivered a very 4, -vice
Liberal Candid 'on Z and go e had walnuts. T e railway set , ,as. held at very succe
.d sent to the the pulpit in St, Peter's church on 0 e Hodgens By MILLION& .
. t -candidate nominated Impressive sermon on 'I What think ye . . out their bobinette curt , I , Ur r to hye
for the next pva�F-lnolal election." The of OhrisW' Re'Is now attending Huron M. , . interests to the latue Ste Frank Bull - "ins were very much The negotiations fop tile pjjpchage of . �bUl .r to give R a( lOn ' r this. week,
columns call.for j6p9Ijf,ics,, si N I th adinived.b � we. have some special bargains for
I r, $ religious I College, London. I . essrs..Joseph Swan and Thomas for a very large 'sum, He was, also eing.of handsome design. the assets of tile Bank of British Col- to Investigate.. .1 . . , S4tur it to t %Nilll.pay you .
. denomination," ' Mason of Clinton'Were - guests of Mrs. Mrs, A-' WAtSOn left on Tuesday un'bla bYthe Canadian Bank of Corn- � . . . r . . .., . . . . ''I r
, litici. " remarks." This Mi'. R, Miller to still unable to work alterested in, other public ventures.. we6kto end'onemouthin-Torotitoin Tricirce. an annoulleoment respecting . I .
. I � . .T.J.Videan and attended theAssembly, r . �
that man Preston who' has be ... r 11 Miss Lottle Tilt*. has returned frOW. 'al,, Ift inai.,.. fp,u,rS,, . , "?the W. Q.T M of WbIch all, which Was made, some montho-ago, I .
circular is said t4, have arigin4ted- with hi gh ' � n Tuesda a ) or I The Old . .
r , a toe not healing as fast as it rog t .he funeral took place 6 ,y . it t eat, �
r . I ell hover. . I % . . re it . � )Reliable . . .
� . t; here like a . I . . . Toronto. , . . . oter's whe is president for the Huron branch, �av,,,,b on eakiried to -a sjjc�cessful con- I . I . .r I . . 11
ing abou � . . I . . . . I
� -vultuee-., The . . � . Requiem. Mass was celebratsol by'Rev It jas P I * . , * r I I .
. -...---- , . Rev, Donald rind Mrs. McGill gives us infinite*Pleasure to chron n,
. minister of agriculture denied know- I � I � � .. I . � 0 ItShanghai %Vbnb to Japan on Father, -West Who Mao- gave those lele the""'Arrrillgeonr Wednesday 17th ,,,aff,,,,A 09'rough exeininittion of *
. 1pdge-of this until lie saw it, in thepub_ r . PORTER'S HILL, .. . � = assembled a verl fine address, takin -.9 of the Bank of Bviiish Col. - . r we
. � UP journals. But Blue, the census earn- . I — . . . � . Wedding 'trip and r by'tbis time are tot, his sdbjeut S'. 9 April of iMiss Aggie Thompson, orgs.n. I amblot wile roadeby the officials of the. TAYLO I & SON ;
. , .
. . . I I � . . ., Mark VIII, 30, 'IF . . R . �
. . .
. . possibly in. their new residence at what Shall, it at' ist Of Victoria street church ,%nd Catnaflian Bank bf'Cornriierte, and till$ .. � , 11
missioner, and Preston have'been In Miss'Lilli� Weston of Clititiorl San- Shangbilib I . . r . gajitr plaft a mail if hesliall . . . , - . I � ��
. Conference, and 1ZA Such a miltter the dayed at borne. , It - . �. Haase elea . . tile whole wat-Joland losai ' youngest dat)ghter of Mr. Geopgo W. proving entirelYsIttisfactory, the amaj- . � . Cash and One price - .' .. I
rainWer Paula Wink bird" . . I tiling Was theorder of tile SM11.11 The pallbearers' b14; Own Thorupson, ta..Mr. Frank W�Iikhi; of ga'natiOrk WAS hnally completed Ott the I .
. I Mr-Jas.Sterling ist . . Butter and EggStaken as. - I
.1 r . I . blaking of reserv. day last, week. . Doyle. ' were - Judge the G. T, R, staff at S�rittfcird rind alSo 2nd Of Jaijuary. A Statement of the . I Cash. . I I
.. ing. a few acres of land � J. T. Garrow, E I CamPi011i a former well knowil r sident of town. fitfalts of the Canadian Biink. of Com- . I . . � . I
I . or a park. - Mrs. Tindall anot babe Of Stratford . e it . . . 1. .. I
. n , I . . . f
� PiumIER. R ,ss cox.DE,vNVDj * A Xllilli]i Holt,. Williarn Proudfoot and T . inarriage ceremony Wats -perfo morce after,theamitlgarntitl6ri has now . . . I . �
. . I _� , -_ nw-wwmwm�mlml I
� . . - Mr. Aftebe'son'of Seafd h -ached nre the guests of X-ps, Tindall's sister, MajorJordan. Among1hoseftra-a Id III) the drawing roolin of the h4nd- - . � I
.0 . . pre h
� in Bethitoy on Sunday. , . . "Ill- been issued, arid discloseen very Strong "�" � � - I __ - __ I ---I � .. 11 .. I
. - I I
1 Tile, way Mi - G I W.' Ross, the:'On t- , M,rs, A.. D. McLean. - . di4trjeo Who attended the funertJ POA tion. In point of Capiral I and Re- I . __ �
ario Premier,tho6ght to 11 btof Xr. Jag, � Elliott hits purchased the ' We regret very - ullich. to note .the were: Frank. K,ipley, hrotherrof deceas- sOme.residerice of the bride's farber on serve e lq&"%, , , , .. I . — . _____ _.. . -1
Was I . r lake lig farm on i7bich big . brother ,Robert is - departure of our citizens, Mr. and M a. pol,frorn. Torontu ; P. j� Sault by the ROV. James. A. :An. _r " , r .1 ,
. tbis pro erly ehrarjj�eterised by Air. living. I .. � . . . 13 1' h -of the -Elgin Ave., - . th Bank noW. ranks Fourth ' l,ft-,,W,%-,%-,%-,*.,u--%�.WAW,&, ,
� . eckei, and Mr.. and Mr$.. TvIyers, ft -0111, D. W. Thompson a derson pastop Or X among r banking instiluti6ris nn the. - .,
... . Bennett, wte ducited the Montreal Mrs. Job" McDougall . is very it . L , one town, , The f6l. Co., ' Tomato,', I , nox cllupch.'� The ' . -%--%--%,-%-"-_ih. * '��_�'q?*'� � r ,
Witness, a'paper supporting the Gov- �_r I . . Werbave taken, up heEhew ; three brothers-in-laiv J'atue14 e was given away cantinent, - of Americii, '-It ' has - 02) I . . r . r . . . . I - rr . . � I . . I ._�,
r r �
Uieir- residence in - TO,. Ot � . j 1), Janies ',Cho tupuoil; brat I 5 twarl- I . . ,. � . I
ernment, r "It," says the Witness, ,i Mr. Golden. Xa%vtoty vialtea frienas onto and Mr. � W� _ -by. her. fathc�r. branch6a throughout Canada . . I 'I I r. I I I r ,.
. 0; o"ille, P� A-1 Stv. U'crd; J. A. No- tier bf the r
. government treats such �ffairs as this in Bayfleld one day last week. . �. and Uri, Myer,,.at Hat�iltojj.. , D()Ugall, I)otpf Orlde, Played Mende �.ches in the United 86ites m h, .1 ,r I . . . I . . , ...
. �
I .. ... . I . � . . ;it and.,, Joseph RidEj of IRS01lu'S Wedding lonely. at � � I I . C . ,. r. .. r .. I.. s . .
� was as a inatter of no eonsectin nee, it . . . . . � r Mr. Bert Statth left fat' BlIffalo an town, :MI; Thomas Lon-- of 0oll'Ing_. ; Tuamb, The bride'look . NOw X61%, .-San .Franvisen,'. so-attle, . . I . . .. . . .
. e ., -__ I ''I . � I . . pa lovely withr . . I r r .1 . . .
. r r IS cortaialv losing its mofal perceptiori , ., . I . . I I Wedr)eRdaY Where he %iill be the'guest Wood also attended the ftinerw which it bridal rose Ili. her bair-and atfirea in Portland'* (Oregon) Skag%vitv. (Alitska) 0 . . '. �
. '
r I and will soon forfelt the confidence of . r . Leadbary.. .. . . of Mr. Zekp SwIth. Bert took with .,and I In Lonolon,,Englanl, 68establisht . .$ . I
r . . . .
I him r ">label" the famous Was lar 6. The remains were interred 'M Very '11AIMSOIlle Costume of cig,jr ments fri all ' The acquisition of thd ,
. righttbinkingpeople.11 The,leAdercif . . � .. I . . trotting I ft t tie T. .01'Own silk rep, the corsage -arid 0 — rrr I . . � �
- Mr. . peato sleeves., ,or which were of white the prog�eas of t L I .
� marej which his father sold, to - 0- cetneter Londqh office.1s Rn irnport, L � i I.
. as responsible. fo Iniste, . . Mr: and Mrs. 6. Lovett'of Base'Line Zeke.S6)ith, .� . l"Othel"West officiating, '. . irxt.aitep in . . . _.
the Opposition, charged the roll Z Colborne, Rev, .under.
. . I I
� I
1. .
' The futleral Of tile W6 Mrs-' '' at_jratc�rVjjIS Upon -hot 11 S"tin . tran4actions in stelt-ling., ex6b,%Ilge in . . .
r this circular, Rd ad- paid Leadbury ftlends a visit on Fri -i - taffeta atilt bands of-eigar brow he Bank, The Barrik's. .
, I mitted hi's responsibility fai* the Cote day last. . , . , ; , ..Mrs. Dcinal& Rutfierfora anti little Hugh piaee(tr - -_ �- I . I .
, circular. sent but in French, . . .: son Isaac ',Salkeld , U11181101ru of Oolborne took place fi6m . li�' waist the Units , � .,I. 91, I. "In 1. � . . .
-marked '. Messrs.. G. L. Grelve and Sohn Scar. v Were - gqQ6tS , )list rt'Orlt- at skizt. The 'd: States and. Canada Plich , - I.. � . . .. .
.4 . veek of their relativea, Mr, and Mrs. eter's .on 11"C' . bridesmaid, year amount Ao - . , 0 1 . " . , " I i; � I � . I I . I . . .. I lio
. . ' I . . .
. th joseph. Salkeld and Miss I a dr0sed in it I Very hand- ., iii handle this ,� . "I I . .
confidential" palling for returns re- lettat6efidedthe'banquetin Seafor . Friday, April 12th, wberb tile Requiem 311 W*gqins of St- David's ward' InItnv inilliOns Of . , ,
. .. secting French riationality and:Prencli ,* w.4 was given . to Colons . M. Salkeld M I . , I . � . . . . . .. . ,�,
lect of San] Bay Jold R64 , . . . . ... .. 'M was ,celebrated by Rev. Father some iaostilme f . I . usibeas throultb t -he bank'a'own Lon- I I . .
. . . 1. 11 - 0, sea green'delaine . .1 . I I., . . . . . I ..�
* . attending his medical stud! 11616ns,'Is cemetery-l'6001borne. Mrs. Chisholm fill- strips Of .same color and. . .1 I .. . I I , . . . . . . .
y is a. overweig .. I � teacher at St. i CI . I
.1 rht'the returns arid to having a good time.� : � 91, , Martin'," West who Also Officiated ,. - 8 I
job I . school Wit gapnds,'and tbe:hbjIftv .
. fariallies, and the Ob.1 Which clear. .Hughes on Friday � night,. (1, , 1. , . ..� �s B. I CYC L E S'� ." .. 8 I 0 Y I L E I . .
. t � and "port .. a6t,be. R� with sa clan offloe will'ti0sillt in .an important :. . . � . . ., . . , , . � . ..
. . . I increase the unit in Quebec, with the - We are sorry to. have. to anno * es at M ' � figured oiiex�. withWhiteAveiliones-an addition to the eai,nink powe .of the . . 1, . . . I I ���� ,. ... . . �
.. . r . " _ . � I I . .11
. . . d Bank. "I I I . I ....., .,. I .
. ,
I urice Gill 0()Ilege. . . , . , . � e- WAS the "elde96 daughter: of the, * late lea,vos, The. . . 1110,411Y Otbov-direcCionsal6o SALIE ' . - .1
I . Vi6w . Of lovVerjbf th`e� representation the illness of Mrs.-Crozer, Sr., who is .. Mr, jalues'yquilga I .waist and, sleeyes were �he iptetests of the two. Banks will be , . , . , o- I OR' RE 4T-:!* � ,� � . I .
from Ontario an( thd otbar , B. nglish� 6till very low at present with cancer of . Will. - Stoddat:b will ieturra in Spotlit I not, near nol-was born in Braemar, trimmed with' White. applique aryd FOR I I .1 .
I ' I . , 0 e Bal moral, - so, beloved as : corsage of white immensely benefitted. by tile amaig . � . I . I --- .. � I .
speaking provinces. After the House rho st6macb., ' .' , College. * I I � . . eat the Queen!&. 'residence, when' 11104ta silk� Two atiob. .. 11 ll aratw , . I � . I .1. I r I I- . ,� .�. .. � I
. . . MaY'froln thei'L uisvill Etelesiasti . .
. . .
I � . . ..
- I . ' in the flolinces.,were at'.016 botto: . . . . . I . . : . ' I g bought . out th' . I., . I ... .
. � I . . � . . .
. � ._ . .. 11, �
' I
. rose.Mr. Fisher and IA3 Commissioner,' -Haster!Claton White,.jPorts a new Vrs. Q. Crabb retLirt . led oil HigbIands, Shewasmarried in�Grode� akl�t with raw,-: of, black' -velvet baby the statem �. - , Havin ' r * . ] , , ,
Mr; Blue, got* together -and sent'out . $m of the The following isa condeliliation of '' .9 whole stpek ,
Wheat now.. . � . . ' . . Tuesday rich township 44 years a a 1%,the then. - " bic,y6les from A. T.- Cooper',. (14 whoel 11 ..
ector Rabb- -visiblid, - th� echo' 11 alld carried w..shower - � I.. I.. ), I " "' . , " - I
. . . a . . I . . � . 7 ,
. bocinetiof red and ,white carnat* tie . on tbe'-81qt' of A, I la'ARTFORDS " . I . .. .
telegrams den6uncir '66m Brantford accow0anied'by Mrs. Parish priest,. Rev. Fat7 .ribbon on eac ont issued by the - Bank ab, �$` - , , .. �
, .g 'the 6h,cular Insp J�r chrielder. the close,pf - busi
. which Premier' ROOS -I' 91 George Orabb and baby d lighter of &r5,R.` b1cGrattaft of . I I .
. House said the n the Ontario . Mat week and seemed greatly pleased - that city; ., - - " a . As . 1 2 1 . .
fathered.' Ing, I 'Sb to%td 'a a sister me in , I �., . , 1, . .. . � i I
.. Liberal party had -with the pro tbqs it as mak of d eceasedi . ,i1ndfiOwerS'6ftbe sa' '00 , March : ;� ... I . . % 1. J. & - D. - - .
.� W e with her busband her bat I I .1 I : .. 3 WOLVE911VICS - I . I . .9! , 11 . , Z. . , .:. .
. . .. I
I I . 11 . I Mr. Robert EltiotC, apple. buy * er, 1� first, settled inAshfield, later removing .:The bride's boquet was the gift, of -a . � 1. .1 . . . I 1. # ' ' �' 2. 0LRV8LANDa, brie with Coa " I . . � .. 1. ''
.9 r. . . " : ..
. . .
" But he did hot Withdritw �% ' . . I ,
Mr. Cote's oircuIRL ---. . . �ilfj'arning to town -lad will occupy "to Colborne w4er Berlin. friend and the brid4ESmaid's Cash, Gold Bullion, I. ; ., I . . ., , � : I � ster b.rake . ., I .
r forced on him, by � � �, . I a Site; will long be gall k- 2 GJ9XMRON6 .. . � � . .
. Mr. Tarte, from.' whose ' . :. . ;P10 Hamilton's house oil 15 Ott St. h I . boolaet and a quantity a 0. - i . I I I � . . I . I $. :
. . . , . . .. I let .1, r,e Clull P ed '( I �: . I . � -USENTS I .
. office it was , �. I as one of the -gener- f cut, flowers -we'Balances and Balanco % . I A ..All of theae:w . . I 9.01 . � . . . . ;
. Sent and franked and which is really � I. Aslin Intely Purchased from Ur 'T, rid jr , most for deenrating the roci . . .r . e intend to run off at a, I , , . . . �
. ,oid . I .. . ow. margin to in& 0: roqm for
I eld Vownship. . s.'.Jobn Reid. neighbors in the' town. . in . gift Due- by Loudon Offleet; $ 7,3,15,421 01 . new ones.. . k '' . . .
, m . . . � =_ e groom's friends of the G, T, R. Government,. icip , . I Anyone in-need'of a bicycle wo'lla v .
at, *
, .. - . Mr.. Elliott contemplates opening, out ship. The 0allbearers wer6: Messrs. 'iff Mun lit � wy by buying . ,
ore infamous than, the Qthar, - I Of th
11 . � 7 . R new grocery. . . . . . . ' . .1 ese. All.kinds Of repairs kept -for bicycles, i
� In ion 'No onecall d I .
. I ' . oubt.the loyalty ng was Mr. William Chidley. After the. , a ' V one of fh ' New. tires . $�,00 ". I
The Rev. F. Oaten' �reached " 2' John And Owen MoEvoy,11L,lex Stirli' .at -Wratford. 'The groomsman Railway and obhorlionds. . 8"' e !'C'els cleaned 0,,d �
, . . TUE BaNISTERS - SCRAI.?. church last Sunday. Thecotj,�regatiolj Of' Mi. Of-Gbderich aod-i.lir. Davici-Stipling - d 8toL.ks ... ; *_........._10.808,180.61, repaired. I
. . ; Willidin LUShIlm. Ho has had a Very L ?a .. I . . �. to $10-00; . All wj,k. . guaranteed.
. . . I -ceremoliv � #� . , � . .
Ili the' Pe was small on- acdount� arid two other go.nLle' . WAS performed' the bridal . I I I . I . : , . . . . I . r I . . ' . I 'r
ivato Bills . of the disagree- handsome and very high'g,ole placed in men of i0olbo..... pairty and asseml)jeid guestb. withar .. . . . . I " ----:- : . ' ' Q.
. Cominitteil able weather. � . : whose namea we could not jgeb. rale * . . . . . I . I . . - BLAC'KSMITH- AND ft . I
Yesterday there w." an exbIbitiolih or Mr. Jo big, well kept grounds,rea .y fat. to the dining .room, who ow - �. $17,6541201.68 .� I . � MINE SH ii, kin : .1 . . � I . 1. . ,�
complex indeceil bn Websten who.bas been Empire - Mr. John Proudfo it .has 90ne to the re a . . .
CYI A man. named plan I ill,,issomewl, �t better, ' Day, let -Italy and the -Glorious - 12th. ,13 ine .- .. . ' e 1,6neheon was set .Most Loans and Discounts.... $45, 580,388.63- ' .In connection with gain ' ' I . . * . . . . I
. . Dayis, a contractor, h So I . rucesM S .. It * 'h y ved accom-; 'All Othor'Assets._' It . e r .to- a. ii -lir as .Of work, * . I
- -the. )ints and repairs . . .
. . 1. he was Mr. I. I I I. . e .: � I IF!,". I 0, re bb de,sserb of ice crearn .and , ,. 1, .... 1 1,500,074.61 - J, are Shoeing and general repairing All air,
. ;
. .. � _
pushing through, r and family Mrs. Itimes Daini I (Irganized 111, Y. .The drawing room was deciorat- ,. I .
ad a, bil . 'WIll,ni, W.b,te . Mi-. Sands'furnisbed the pale. Harmony Club has , , , . Plow .
11 ve a water power d& I 1 ,Vjjilter , els; has Sdn'b th . - - - kep�,eby mr, Tedford Nye still kee repaills for.the- : -_
. . atrK � .. I . I ,p in stock. �.P.014ts it d
� I .. . .� . : . I
. .
I - *Presli. India , Tedford Plow, ga�g reirlairs, . Ilia � 11TO'. 13,12, 10', 2 , I
'�atrick was itteardine. f4r. aniels h.. Jet -ted thit following officers , edwith palms j,.jjd tile glossy I .
lopr have gone to Lucktiow to live. Asebali teltru fal; the Sol wil ... ld , �.
. pent bill, and Fitz ,, Many. farmer . $F11IG,T316K92 I
1, I
. . speaking of the hill its "our" bill where7 . a of this. locality are flodrisbing in ..Soroe of the. InInfil (lent, III 2McDowell - V. -Pr6�dent, F. roses. ' - 'Liabilities. . � Miller and� . I . .r i , I ..
. I . through with their Seeding. . I . f tell ,rubber plant, cOWSIi0,s, carnations and
. . , Syl ..
wil sent A r-Mis, Da .. I . . I - . .." vestev N6:1, 11
� .Upon Sir Louis 'Davies twitted �bim M.r p regions near Saint Ste. UaNe and bits Doti S . , , $8,00066 - ' ' I . Tedford P16W . '.
th being Interested and want! e!ter Uiell' was married last ; ecretary, H. Given.; apitat ........... I
I niels to go there,' . I 1'� rying '1900, Among tbi% w6doling gitts whiell C � Tedford'No,. s . . 1. ,Hit , 19 -
exploit his Positjoh a . a a member '19 to WeeW'60 Miss MoiLoyd of Crew. We J. Tilt; Captain, Ed 'In' ,weremanyand vititiable, besides the Reserve.**_.. . ent, Old No". 13 .
I -of the The Victoria, restanrarib.'is heirl, exp They flowers werzi . _:. �. 2,000,OjDo . . Wilkl4son No. 7 and 91 and 2 furr' I : , . .. I ....
, . . I
.. Government, wish the 13`119 couple. every. pro � bot to havb.;�, fitsi tearal arid 'a a very handsome a! ver . . � . . . I . ow pjo*. I . . I .
� . . . I I . .
I I � . I . I . . . I . .. I .� . I . I . I . I - f . : : . 11
... I , . I . I 1, i .
Secretat the , ity YO ape I r . - � . papered and . equipped for -the co.t.11111141 � ov�nl �fcir challenges from ally j re service frorn the Victoria:. . stmet . . I . _7 _.� I .
D'Arcy Seatt,'i.on,ali IT. I
, -y of Stftj�a, ,�o pressing the bill . * � - - .. - - . .. I . I � summer, . . I I . I unior church and chair . 101000,(M.00 . . � . I .1 Ili . .
. . ., I I I tearn in townj . . find a handsome Circ6latioji. ...1. . * ... I . . , . .. I I., 11
. — . I 5.W4138 . S E. I 4� .
i6d.Sit Loni * . We learn that* Mr. .D. 31011ay 4on. Silver souvenir, from Mayor i-tuinball of Deposits .., . , , . � � : �
� through, Fitzpatrick &con, 8 . � . � . , i $
Davies Of wasting t' . 11r. and'Mrs. Gc' , � ELEY & TORF R: .
!me ' , . . I � I terail 1 *rgo Andrilwe (nee . * 0,423,52S . . . I
pe . trIP to Glasgow Irene Dunlop) now rest % London. The bridal party, left for 'All- Other.. "' t " ' " :., I I I . .
in, cotrimitt ' )IAteS taking a' . I 4 ;: 'ft �. -'T-dford's. old St ' .1
8 rS ap- , . de in Cf�velalnd. ... ; ..... � 1 r2 ' '
I In the House the, 14 4i.r. RE J , , I lut exhibition I Stratford by*th 1 ,081,698.28 - , . and - � I ,
. in!, to tire ser . �MWSPAPZRS, - a)(1 till) . : . I .. �tenbccry Strei3 -
I ping the whole time, . I . . . I . e 2.30 p..m, train atitiolst . : I � . . . t . L I ,
I . . . I L , 41) � .�� . a, Uvotge , is lenoya,hep now and , , . . 1. I . .�.z . . ; �-- '%W'%�,`!" . � . .1 . I
. . . . . L .. .. 7— . . Mrs. M� H. Morris has concluded not a a gou 81t,40 . afruitfulshower-ofrice. lqis8Thx)mp . I. . -*&-%�-%,-%.,-%w-qh,, . I
. . . . L I . expw:ts, to i011, in that 7 . $&L,693,664,92 - . . 1%w,%�ftW-%�-%,,Ql., 1.41b'All, ., .
. I . .
. I . � to leave Detroit untill .LNIa,y anrl will city. We . s0h,glstlir Of the bride, obtained* I � . � I . _4 _ ,%,,%�,Wlj,�
EMPORTATTONop , . . I In th6lea,ding article of the current visit her cousin at e' ' 11, thay ho� Sftece! an ex. - � . I . � � -_ ... . r . .� . . .. 1. . 4VA'..
. . . . . ii . -a . 'd4j, Geol 9"fall- tra we�k-a Uastp,p vaca � . . _ I
. DR.HSSE�D M#,kT,- sue of Printers' Ink'John 0. Grahat; Loudon,Mrs.061 -ge is gbilpe rather of I tion, front. *tier ! — . � I . — I .
' .1 � . I . ., * . . — =W===N=&.jP. I
Mr, McGowan 'the member far gives advice about adiertising to retail of t'hat city . I . Andvewa. It b PaITY B, Kindergarton� school at Berlin -to'be I . . . � I !n�__ 1 40,41400009.0 00*4) 006466666 �,
con- dealers, .He notes the filet that d the * Mr. George present at bet, L' . � . . I �
. tre Wellington,. ��ojnted outthitt while _D McMahan hits kmbdriwol . TbeBowlin 0 , loth It , as ' , . 0*04 ,. 0 7 . ..
Canada has practi . . .15 u .been i,6-oi�gan-. - sister's 'Wedding. A . 0 : . . , " -� .1 . : . . . . I
cl I . . . � h the ollowing officers : Judge I . : I I .
I the expoit.cif dress I'llynothIng �Osbow over pin themselvbs to the-'riewspaper . Ilia reilden' Gilead trees which4ronted ized wit . Thel 'Leaf - Grocer
WO tsuccessf 'I advertisers the.world Six' 4111a Of . I great''many guests Were front Strat. . aple .- '
ce, , � f6rd, Brussels, St. 'Relell'a and town. . r . I I ., . I """ �IE 0 : : 1
I I � � ,
, Dr. ThLi bridal party will go to Alontpeal.. 111. 1. ., . . . I
States had risen f - The news- RaYe, it former t po in the Ranter, President ; 9heriff-Reynolds, 1. I .� . .. 9 *_
ed beef from United. as being the best method. wn, - . � - - , -
r0u),$15,M,054in ISDI tarofflee andIater of t I * _ * � . . I . I .
-1899, it -Presidenb,- .J. 01(jolitie I I I , .
to $23,645,186 in papers go into the homes at all times e W, Iker- Vice I I .11 . .. . 0 . �
and rose* to $29,. 1 -11 � Secre- —!! ____.� . . - I ,a . . I . .
"830 -in 1900. ]How is it, Mr.,Bot Rid; $Pont a few dAY9 I'ast %�eek t;kryTreasjjrer,- ',Vega B' " . � . or , , . . . I VI., � 1.
and in all ,weathers ; travellers read == : I I AUK , . . : GREAT" � SA
'. 8 Mr. � Alas, Honorary Presidont, . * � ._ . y 0 , . 8-0.N: 8
1 64.9 . ,den, t0" Her, rs, Matt 4ind --- . , , , �.. , . � .. . , I. � . . I.. . .. :
I the leader of the Op them and so do OtaY-at-homes, while to at theresidence at Mrs, CaptAill Gib- McLean with . . �. I . . . I . . , . . . . . . � . . 0 _ , � I . I � 0 1
POSition asked, son, Bayfleld the President, Vice- S e.1i 0 - I . I I. . . . .. � ....'. :: , , , . , . . I a. . .
of dressed bee . I our 1`0111111. I I . I :� . . � . 1. I I 0 I. ...
I . L .
. . . . I 11IX*G Gots . � : 0 - .. ,
exportR the latter all 011t -door advert .!Sing must Road, , Mr. Hays big President and SPeretary-TrOASUrer . , . , . 0 , , 11
exports -e appointed managing. committee On wednes . day. bvenioA, the home of I. ' � . I .. I . . .1 1. . . ... . I � 0. � .
f,amoant. to �Wtfeand Gel'Ald reside noiv in the . We: have in'�toc OF - CLOT I ' ,
Practically nothing, e our. wei . . .k. a .full 6 .
I , Whit � be lost. This is :one great advantage Queen citkand bft' 1-11LYS has secured it . .. .. * 0. .
I of cAttle are large. � . aper advertising. has over all The fee fill, IWI will be $3. . 0 1 ' I I . . .0 .
. 110111apkinda-The certain�y that it will rs. Chart es ine of fresh Gio ' . e 01nmence to sl ughter '� �� .
I . I other Position 481ravelling agent for Miller � M . This week 'w Will, ei
. . � be seen arid rettol, by the general pub and Richard, type faun Died"On Sunday, Mary Harvey, Routleolgo was the 6cons of cories.., When : , * . . . I 1. I . . I
MINISTERS DISAGnRIC. , * . lie,,, . Weotold a lady ders there. * rt+ct of the late John Alosel- a doublo'wodding. , ,.rho contracting , . � � I I ... I I 1. . I . . � . . . . . � . . . . 0 I
. . I � a .
. . . � . . . I . . . 7)ear on Britannia Road Invitations ape -�op to be Parties wore Mr. -Robert T. - buy here y . BY . I . .. , I . ",
I The most rema t,ho lake our ejcperience in -our, for it MoGunigle .YOU % 01, 11aay -be : , 0
1?kabIe thing dupin a' I and Mims, -Xollie I . I is
g - ADVURTISIN6. Djj) IT. .1 fin ing leld on Friday evening, 26th Routledge, . And . I I and �
week has been the complete tri. . I ct.upou the ]EMORTS, COM VEST.q
the . . I . . Uja
I . ,W rout) � ' . I I � JL W ., 109 PONTS. : �
lumph of Tarte over Blaft after the'witite 9 under the auspices of Huron Lodge I, 'as Harriet Routleolge., ry.thing, is fresh and I . �
Three fair maidens Of a, -village in the some nppleg- perfe . April,, Up. Grieve and Mi s I UrO 6Ve 0 . .
I ,andthaGlobe 8 SoO%v had departed. 0. 0. lri - I Thil interest' . � .. I . a . '. * � � . . I . . I
The CtOw's Nest Pass syndicate want. northernpart of She said tbat she found quite It g ceremony was perform- th 12 . . I . I . 1: ..
. I 1111111- The Myl(,.9 was still Ak the harbor . ople walit, . I I 1. : I : 0 -
. � : , � I I , . We have a. tremendous. stool, . . I .11111 - I
lost father and mother gain Petite that had am ,out laden and ready tot, Xialgatoil. but -the the prosevoo of about aeventy-five . . I
ed to get a bill through eilabling them � Waterloo dounty,wh(i bev of winter '' In At's Whiat the pe' . .
. to secure for the Opowls Nest co� recently advertised,for situations as del I ad by Rev, ,)Jr. Sawers, bf Brucefield, in I I , 0 . ,
ntry i 0 . , to sell . yet. at, pricos nevei - , ., . � 0
. furthei railway fliallitleo, housekeepers. Their advertisements edtAble, Ch ap kind of cold stop- . W -e � have Ad and Gardei * . ' , . I
01 .. 3 . n ii time ago, all wititer and that j -hey too were most Ice being blocked up 106-8*-nia, she _A i uests. The brides were Pr4ttily at- . li'i e - . . I* . . equalled. 'ill - this c- . . . 11 .4 �
- . Would only' go out in the afternoon arid tired in White 00stumea and'.6arried - Sbeds of all ' quil. . 0
This was , age but risky irroriloper ways than one, � take her compass to test it. The tug larg? bouquets of anow drops. The . . � y * . I . .
� osed by the 0. P. R., Whose views Nvere answered and subsequent de- We have le 19 kinds, Mailgel '*, - . 1 . . . I � . ty.. � .
. . 3G.Tartechampioned. Blair,theMiti. velopments showed that fort une favor- Mr,A. arned that Mr. James Sea King and Sea, Gull left on . - . . I I . ... 0
_ my Monday- services of bridesmaids and groamathen Peas, Corn, Bean.14, 61C... " a . . I Vhis will be ,A. real Baraain jSale . It wi-i I 1 . I
later of 1jailways, *4i in fayot, of the ed them. . The first Went to keephouso sto 0 of Toronto, who is in the cold Captain Norrnan McDairmid Pur- wake dispensed with. I I . be ' ' *
. I g . . 0 t, , I un- I
OrOw'sNeste0al magnates, 'ButTarte fora rich Wellesley. farmer; t'fibyarfe nvilid busine�js, is becoming quite an chased therivetty residence on After the .usual . � I 0 Lecessary to quote priees in tbisadver'tisei t as .every. a -
persumahly from too mueh tit , . B1.1- clongrotalations, the happy company 'We give ca,sh fof but
I beatbim in 'his own (Xiffimittee, and to be married in a few weeks. The exposure 11111a Road forraptly'owned by Mr. satclown to a sumptuous supper. . ter Aild . : thinl)"will be rni�rked with r'ed tickets to a Xl'u
the' Coal People Were abligad to make second found employment as a house- to the fr1gla W"I"00col's Peter FOX now of London. . The house The I ho Y, the cut we f
concessions Satisfactory to the Gi. P. R. keeper for a wealthyTorontonlitri;tIley t0mPerature, Ilia nephew represents has Young 0011PIds are amougTuokera ' .'d to Inake. ,
befo the Goderich *Organ factory - at H& been rd-MOd011ed, but it was built mith's eggs- 0911 and see �Us and , U te'
. re they could get tbeir legislation tire also to enter the 'realms out. 00 Years ago by One of the most Popular citizens . I . : : I If All we ask is'f-br y6ti to e6n t) a ,]-<,I i po�cfl : ,.
throl of matrl- the Glasgow exhibition, his, .arid the array. of I aft sure '' I I I . : 'to satisfy -y' s ItIs .
ugh. The0,p,R..musbgotajlthe many. The third,'toOt-has fared well uncle PlOneel, London, England, oiner, the handsome Piesebta . the brides were . ourself that thl' SHle Will be one of th
, . . I . .� . 0
cool, it wants and at a reasonable price. Ili the matter of securing -a position Jilrnes being unable j() 0, late Mr. Edward Henley. is brother, ntkr ofbhow the high esteem in , . . . % . . . I I
Blair has been out Of tcwn Birth -On April lot to J. 0 . � . . . I 0 I ... . .. . . . I . . . a
* , . . I a �
- -Bald to be and Indications point to -t Mr and Mr, Dan, Rettley.tuany years deceased, lwl`lciap�l they are hold by 'their numerous . I : . I . . . * . 1. .
ill -but bow cotild he be In town p 'To result as It) the former two catild same 'Mrs. - Wallace, Wellington: st.r�et, a built, tile 1104186 on Elgin avenue whicb,
' seg. All ,daughter. � friends. Me -Melvin ScOtt, Of Seaforth, YOU WILL BE SATISFIED Greatest and ; .'
sit in that-Railwav (joramillee OverrId. this has hapened within tbe'lhsb few Mr. John Bit, , playod: the we � . . . .. I I . I
. I IntInths, eve is remarkable proof of li is Vviiiting for ozolers no it ailing March. A very I 0 . � . I . �
den P. ButBlale bile received even A toO, is -&$)Out 00 years old and has had : . Cheape,r. t Sae : I
. I .1 .. I . a
the wisdom ofadv6rdaing.ntid lbsp I)PPOvementa made. It, IS Dow Pleltaftlit evening was spent after which 0.
I more Stunning blow by th6 revelailon ; eaks to leave when the "Ral"Japp" is reitil . . . jL J, LL . : Thatevej, hap t . Phice ill this county� W- e , would, : "
I Of his WISC011cluot arid brazen mis9tal .r for 111tvIgation and Air, flugh BajY Owned and Occupied by IV) ra. 1yelsh. .the newly married couple$. we t to 001 .10 RA"11TWE � .
. . . I . . Mr- McOlYmont has removed to file their relipootivg homes. n I � . . a , . �
Instate in Connection with the Clergi; e- well fop Wate too eOcmty'$-PyO"g is awaltlig orders for the St. FO n HOArty con. I . urge our Men& fkom ibe co
contract, to wbich I referred lastw,e e ,1VOInell,. . I . . Which WintfAred at Mallitowac. IsOth 1101180 owned and lately ocetipled Ily gratujiltions Orel Ord r., . I I a Untry to - me in a
� ek, - � I Angus MI!. R, 1,V, MCK�ejlv, , a 0 . . . I 0
. MOD ,le at, prock street. . . . . . . IIIXLL'.� 0)60 .41rAjV0 : , n SaturduV- bri 0119 in their b6 s . . ,
___`� � - . OhdId Will sail. on theFj ol � . I . I .. � . I � . 0.1
, I tie has not reappeared to try toput his - =--7.�-----`�- , , � . I Sam With 11r, Perelv411 P I Messrs, Harald Johristo I . .. .1 � . . . . . Jim I . . A . 0 I
I railway estimates through, him, 9. 13611 Is remov ng H. . I I . 0 - . . I . I . . .
ThC StY10 ot 11afir Worn I frOln Ilia lateresidene Thompson left oil Tuesday ri arid :
. I No more will the OW Weratj Car- tht, ho e, Brucosbreet. to morning for — zz::��� . . I
: . . I . — , . , Use on Cambria, British Columbia. I I � . . 0 .. . � 1. 0
1 . . . , POrAl Hopper bell Road 4ately S. . Is . . . . . 0 .
I _ . , . .. V the bugle"s' sound, � Occupied by Mr. MoOlymont, , now tile � I . .0 , . . . . . *
tmiti�� ,. I . I . . It Is an important factor to produce '11"til the last trump wilt soil I . PridaY eVening Lieut -Col, Hughes do, ; . K � I I 0 � . . Til 'JACKSONO a
. . --...I- . I nd ab the Pl'(JP('rtY of Mr. Ben.. Saulw. livered an eloquent address in th Town I UT . . 0 . . . . . �
ft youn or and refined face arid well ReflurrectionI When quito,a littl I ti,
shaped ead to any lady, or, gentleman. Corporal Hopper entered the 47tb . . (21 .
TSHIPI . return their grateful thanks to htb(p) tile auspices of t � V, under � . a I I
I GOD10RICH To W1 I . 91 L, a ORKIlinand'Mrs. McDairmid wis Halton the ,qouth African wit a . - 1
1 1 '' , .
IOU . --- _.... ____1_---1____ 11 . - . , 11 _.. __!_!��__' — - i I n ! .1 .
- MonStrate to anyone calling on hi I I 1. I .. ---
The manyfr.fendli of Mrs. John Me it. Later (in coming to t Or hon+ durinj, tit,, illness of their Cute. The large Audientle preagotnet OU OAT,7* . I
Ratter,bury Range, Clinton, can de Viry"11h he Seaforth collegi
�, Prof. P.orenwend, who will be at the Regiment asa buglemand'wenr, ont to 11,00'Y"I'l-l'I"nds will) so, kindly Visited rastj
Gibralter with
. Dougall at,. will be a() to at Canada be,enllsted in the ROVal Cana- diughter,, Miss wore delighted with the address Obiolb
I a rry,to hear that his Show Rooms, He has Ladles' and ditin Rifles and was buglo larriet Annie Ale- . . %5 . .
. I . I on NE FURNITO %. .
d Gelit's Wl a, Toupees, Bangs, Wltvy lie was born in Ctahbrooki 0oncity of Avo ar� J"orry 0 " 11 0, regardind the CaundilLils who, fought in � Tre . at your Seed Oats with — . .
. he is quite ill at present, .r for their', 14tirinfol ' the death contained a large store of itiformatf . MOVING F1 *
a d Xedalie 13t h Apt it of Nit'. Alcsx� the 04milftign. After the itleture vfas . . . . I . . I . I
. d at on any lady's head. fj;ee of lore kind when coulpotent they enlisted of Cleveland*, eldest San Pat witil . - � I I
tobisnew farm on the Huron Ro g hug- , abder over a complimentary Formaldehyde solution. I
f his farm On the Out Line, as move th tirid ohdde, that he will gladly numbers, a boys were driNd a -4 HOIsto'in on
I 0 Mr. Saba Marquis, havint dispose , a Plain T, rants, Switches in every x0no, Unflaildf and in that place , t an a no
near Taylor's Corner, Or the late 11r. atil MrsXpa;cis Kedslie tendered the speaker $tip - House cleaning . thne is . 0 hand, . Our I .
11d),"'Jigur prove this. Don't fail to son 01 Chatham, Bangland, In the diNerent � thho ellme t� Of the evenleg At . I I dock Is 4plo
him gnilo I . . to in every -
111', Martin Squires Iiiisir leased Mr. �, dy 8th. Goderich. fronj Stonlo,y the Commerej . and you will, no doubt, require F or, qualltr Out, goodu are
� I , . reglillonts- 90 Was married 62 years about 2o years al by tiout-cal. Rughelly It has been proved by ex "'n,tiling now in the title of
Petet� Cook's farm -_ and purchasect the friends and well wishets. I � .
. . Its I '
Z term of seven years, -lign Thar6 were � .
. . :
rtilt"s Hill at RX UAIL I . . . � . . I
Posed of it fine * s� � rtson and later purebas- mitiont business Moll us well as other dipped for five minutes I I I In BEDROOM SUITS we have . .
Mrs, � THE GREAT NOUT aw,6 at St, Jarbes'CathedralaTimanto,to . regidence On S' Do.vid street of Cap. among the guests h6ArIY All the pro. perinlent that, if Oats are Furniture,, . . foe price the
on the loth con, for . I . - IR11:11 best and
. , Elizabeth Dukesberry, dauAter tain Ed. Rcibe . . oboapest� I
S. MaPball Of PD a E Of tb� 111to David Dolkesberry
dr! 1119 horse to Mr. WAYO 24h Regiment Royal 0 the ed OftVP Mr, Redalie's decewqo bY Ale, citiglens of the town. I t .�
Canadian Rifles, Ali,x. Strititoti Of the, G.. T. rt. station. I some special snaps to offer; � �
FVPIUSTOU AX(�TRBP. Who survives him. BY this A very plegs%nt
G, Lavia last Week,v I union Mr. Kedelie's parents were well known'l 6 by till present, in -a solution Of Fornial, I Do not fall to see-tIlem. I I
I CHANOX. , eleven children were born, fivo 1010 . .
,. . of it, StanjeZ big w071n1s:dPaZ11 dehyde in the I I .
I , father bPQ to ell 'r
. _-_-__-_-_---__� __ . � . Whom survive, two sona and three there, 'I a a 0 it - 4 lit high noon Rural Deall tion � .
=tE�= , for 21 year% and on being aliper- I oldgultr performed Cho do I I *1 . I
daughters, Messrs. John remony , BROADFOOL BOX & CO Furniture � .
r A cheap one-way excursion will he Hopper of 13u and Ed, annuated lived retired with his, family whicilt wili:16 Mr. Jack 3ferv,?n of 4i- OZ, to 10 imperial I 00101's and Ondertakers .
., __ . it On I Rieke, of Itarpur. . I
001borike Township. run every Tuesday up to Anc ffalO, Mrs. Owen And'er- hefe� Mr. Redshe was educitted for , , of ,ror. I V ��
" I Including son; of Luddington, 1�jjch,,. Mr to and Rise ("ecl gallons Of water I I
tarlo to all Stations On. the line of tQ . xdley�, sawliager, , I
Alex. doctorof tnedidno and hold travelled boys man and wife ill the prosence of Of Oats, will be healthy .XIgh , �
The April,30th, 1001, from all points in On- McLean (11annah) and Mrss' your crop . J. W. 4011",
rain On Sunday, and Monday Irwitio(tonise)oftown. Mr,6 W- J- ift Sweden and itussla, mdetink his onty it (avvjntjWg,t6 frl6ndsof Cho brIA6 b and Sunday ,-alls answered
stopped Seeding for a Mw days. Great Northern Uallway in Minnesota, d Mrs. wife in V,ra,,S,W btlt WR8 married to Rnd groom. The bride was cost 0 and free from sMut. r,cine at residence of oul? .
HOPI)er came to Goderich 1.11 years ,igo tier in ScOffitild, coming later to Can- in a protty gray golpyn and carried a, . . cisite foun(111,
I Rov- M, J. Wilson, of Nile thanged North Dakot4s Montana, Washington, ,On 18th April', and strange tt), say t 6 ada; Tile We Alexander Kedslie shower banquet af rose,,. Sj am 4 Wellave Farmaldehyde -ill ral Directop, .1, W. Oblolley, King street, opp I .
PI Oregotran British Columbia, also to old Tpitleindil died ory Afond,pty 15t , 11 removed to (10,vOland after thpileath of ! ! ! � ,
Ilp'ta-w" Mr, " a POI't4ge la Prafrie and Aprf almost cornpletinst the 31 yeapa. t0rided by KIM ilia Brine, ;bfle Mr. I 1b. bottles. We guttralitee i - --- _____"�__1,__ -
� 464W On Sabbath. Winnipeg, � le was at.
We Brandon. . his (Ather and gistorr, Mrs, 8'.
ltre Sorry to 8AY that Xt, Alex- Rev. Mark Turnbull officiated ab ouse entered the e I .
abder, Young and Miss :*14 .NLToW Ig your 0 11 IYA104 "na Mervyn, brother Of gt(lom, acted as beat
, mploy of Mr, Bergeraft. b
_gglo jBucha. eort"hity to visit the And Atthe grave. A lovely bunch of , merchant tailor, of 010T man, A dainty IUIIdh, Was got per cent, ' The Best Wire Fence 1*8 the Page. *
"All ate laid ug with )a, gpippe Itt W68t Where wort is plentifill, where a posea)aidj1poll .1 r e$lle f to be 40- solution,
. & a g a itlandf remain- vod, After I -- -
. arasitntAndWO OPetO oonseethem home Of Vbdr own and freedom fro it Of I)APIP WA` With hirritintil be oft for Holstp 1116Y0iiiagcoupl I ft the 11 L
Pec 8 m Oft tht" catakeb rind a 0'rescen ti wreatr ,in *bidb a o on 31 price 75a per 1b. I . I . %.a .
und agitin. debt awAts, , . I wher0hishl'otherlivear .%nd where lie train for New Vork city and Othor �
. . - loor rates, descriptive in . attef, ti . ProsPS, cAtInationsand hyacinths both . I I I . ,%-,-%,06-016,*i.,-*�� , , .
Mr. Robert; Buchanan of the North. Tlied 04' Sunday, 14th Aprit. 1419 Points of Interest in the east, The There- tire few fence ugprs, in Canada and the United States
me, tributes from his faffiflY., Being 4 brother, Tom or Cleveland an bride's going away golwn W48 navy : . ;
Bunlap, accomp d sister, ill 0 t 11 who have not,
V06, Dia. '000milesofit in, use
table folders ,and other information me'noet"Of the Orange 'Society the Mrs. John itnied tile dellult, with &large black on the farms, And railroads of the two countric,q, It Is e,porywhere now accept.
cap Is In this locajq at present call ()ft or Write ChAg� W. Geot members were present, four a Wa, COM13go neolrolOf Pa9ty f0tiCing. There is in the neighborhood of 60
rtalhg up, X Carload Of - u 0, or wit
I (in -tattle which ho in "130'ef Aho0P trict Neseng t)MCIIttinglispAlll)earippp,614pttof them fern"natt'OftlHDIStOilltOMPS.Danlop's platurahat, b'frb, XefVYnrodd1v4gd' Chemist and Druggist, f,.d as a standard article of the ()eat quxlity� Tit(! spoeet, of our gi,
telftdg taking. Wes& (Roo . er Ao,p - ____ tin Alex. 1101116 Ott Tuosday ft 1!!!!!!!t ,�,
�,�111WI! !.
_._�_b1 - , , its in , eat success in .
. nbe 0 It'" street' Alet .oil, . Mp8gra. Arthlir Clantolon, 4 m( Thu defttSed Was large ,number of beautiful &fill doistiv 'An nehottire Is flob wholly owin to the filet that we have pushed hatI4 and
back wltb him. ffi 1-2), Toronto, Ont ip _. — -, � I ir
. -mber of' tile 1. O'. 0. V. who Placed gi ta. Tile yolang couple- will ro � Ong for its introlducti(m to the publ a but largely I .
Mr.Trihu toy __!�__!�__!,��tt� ilido Ih I . ��,
, 1_1"_1 "_1 bRiol)tewrt Shai"ema"' W"llott" M"ss'and 4 la"17 wreath of pink lind white , aronfoi,06ro Mr. morvy" conduefit ft I oil corre .'owing to, the fence bein "Iftao
It PUMbased qujto� a, o military friends. 11, W. nall POC4041 113rateffitha, forns arld lilies of the . -ob rillelplea. which are far in Advance Of anything ill this liner efore
humb"OfIle"itt 01*�t week as he 1"Our hundretl and fifty, I ,grant# and Thoinas 9110kstep, Tile dileetteed valley upoll the Casket of tbelf, beloved Outisbilig builiness. The good w[ghes compotim 0111; ill , n"11 to the fact, that we usernitterial in tile fence tWice Its good as Ig I
. MW � d&000k10 oottot 200t ? %
IhOold9stitrting'It beftnery, �obn fit left Halifax on Friday for western ge"101"n C11090 ])is 01M, paNbearept of a larg# airolle of ffiends will follow ZFV, toy Auto"Ofall/
going to deal Pret t� he&vY In fruit tb,s Points, and another lob of ODO no and wished theirt tO Wrap tile flag bl'Oftler, Rev. JamesAnderann riftlej- _U8(' =011tilly by oVet lengthanyather' I',' 'Very h0t�iZolflbxt Wire is coiled into a Perfect spring
. SUMMO as her thIrl jj it pays, *60M. " 'ftt<�d Ab hall,q(` and grave, Tile pall. thom. . p,k.riO*000L%dieg.sote,(,fftatlialI adiftatAk , bub that collitig is ,lot tile W,kole tiling.. It wouli, be u lts� entire
. efs to expected this week, around tile ftZeb which held his, re_ . fM � lot fbrgoki coitoyj Rot c4w
md tile first StrAhl And '
ins. 140 Was ft P-011180her for 30 0. 0,1,1.. hi. .Mabpp, INjoigs, ade specially fol* Us at tile Pago Wire and Steel Mill ab
note bptitent:i were brother, members of tile 1. I 0, Your dtu% Aeless, to Coll a
t g common steel wire, A4 file Coll %vould atirdighte" out witil
. it4 Txkc,no ot er hil t%ll Blixtutes, 1,111,; stay so SO we have 1)), �
Uri Stewart of Benmiller buraery is Ll��!,_!!_t�_ ___-_t!"'__Lt - , rs, pr Ilk ,O�-_ ifloilj,ilae6daoigo�oiug, r*j 0j0f1b,1A1ib6f V I ,
b ,
I "?
� . - m -
: I . �
", *
I �io *
" 1
#44 1
1 1 ',
I -
I I"ll ,
I `
je -
.1 I Y g 0
1 ,
I i I i ! I I
I I I .1
I.. I I -1 I
1.:�_= .. " I
qF0 I -, `
dff 1i -
11 "
-.9 -I . "i 11
W , it
I bogy delivering fruit trbes. And Wore higrenjAnRaid rnpaill, With Lavvrvnee. jo�n S.,Piat a 11 X., NO. 9,10. doRtim stroolgor#16 P(kr box. Ift Monesseb"Potinsylvallia, a vary flnooltutlitp,ofigpiIingst,clel Wire. Otheracq1tim
IP grbItt. 7 )r 2, MA11046A retd�t o)f firloo and two I at ng it . , ,
I W, Alex, Itift0riek of Nilp gt' Of oth6r ilorloug liltim pride before he becamo 180 retWe, Fred, pridlilm ftud (410orge St W t � N, to be Usi
AfOr tho t, W.A. Itosq, To ettre a C01111 W 0116A&Y a The Cook e6mviiiby 96r,00 � Ar filrorior. ,1�
IRS, U60cilt,garj4ps, tv hard st"T Wil'ol, AS gf)(AA4 the �Page. but ft i,i f
Inol -0.11!, " Agent; for tile Pa ,
0011 and, I aold juid Me 4600 WIP6 PeOL'O' f0v tile townships of Goderich. Stall .
, I Allit it the w6dloldo t : 0or sympathy Is oxteuded to, mm, Quite, a Ine - '. d(1 thr � I Take TAxative 13roino al"Ine Novoll ,MOM�ftdad �
Mov0d fhto on6 of X,tl A Mlli tako 0 11, .rad folloz siblamustlaw litill" ColbOV1166 Ifullottatild okersmitli. solArthisaeason X IlAvo 801,10 '11), r .
fall"A optler W110,80 fitithrally, tried, , reltiallm to 5 'Aftlanoi Cemetery where lots, All ott,ugglat,q T 4 llld;�ftdad Write file and I will cal on you,
I housesi W r6litorb th6 appotlis A04, , to ,�,,e farle TAT) InO
I d
. I . tn6julters of bid familro . 46
1 40640h, '. I Ilut,86 the. old moldier husband b4ok t4 he is 141d to 1,e8t witit tho jjeCOA86 'I tho nioney No, I And, I% a gold 14,011(itort Vwamy & 0 I
I health, I if it fairs to care, Ze. Lf" W, Grove,q I X 110"A It, A Colitn)* aild 8. Jilek1fon, I . r
� . . I . I . . Signature is on eaeb box* DrIlmdek
� I I I . W, STAXLEM Rolmesville P. Od ��
I. I