The Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-25, Page 1"Or
2204 Year
r,O.V•Y, •
mt- The News -Record thrives upon comparison and is satisfied to abide by the result. Compare, it with others and let us hear from y. ou.
Whole 1umber 1104
sometime. is an unpleasant task. The wrong
paper will spoil the effect of the richest furnith- 4.
ing the right paper will add vvarrath and cheer y
and brightness to any home. It isn't always easy X
to get malefaction in this respect, but our stock is 4.
so varied there are BO many different designs that t
thste mocritical person eannot_
Come soon, as the stock is rapallydeog
ne creasiug, )..Y. gram was given at the meeting of the
Rattenbury street League on Monday
• • evening.Mimi E. Southcombe, vice,
Y president of the missionary depart -
:e rnent, was in charge. The program
• 4 consisted of a synopsis of the mission.
ary work of the Methodist church
which was brought out by short read-
Properly you need room mohlilesz. The line we
inge by a dozen or more members of
sell is about one and a half inches witla, daintily
tinted with Gilt and Blue, Gilt and. Green, ians a the league. A recitation by Miss Sadie
and Buff, Gilt and Terra Ootta, Gilt and Red, all e was very much appreciated.
Gilt and Oak. The tinting is put on in such away ••
a. The evantsa the evening,however, was
that the moulding can be washed without tear of
a an addresstrs• Will 0'11.' d
damage, ;eV. er on
The Contract Olven to Hiram 11111,
The following has ,been handed to An entertaintaent o elude, recite -
Tan NEWS-RICO:MD for publication : tions, dialogues, eto„ will be given in
The building committee of the new Willis church to -night.
Methodist church has given the most TEE NEws.ftEooRn extends congrat-
effective arid practical answer to those ulations to Di. 'Woods of Beytield wlao
who have been circulating the story last week joined the reeks of the bene
that the church was not to be built diets.
this year. The contract for the foun- The Mitchell Recorder inite last issne
dation has been giveu to a reliable and said : Mitchell lost a geed citizen last
practical workman, Mr, H. Bill, and week, Mr. George Woods hiving gene
the work will be completed and be to Clinton.
ready for the brickwork by July, The Many of oue citizens have hada more
tenders for the other parts of the work or less severe attack of the prevailing
are under consideration and the con- epidemic. Headaches and coughs are
traets will be let shortly.
An Evening With ActiveLeaguere.
A very interesting missionary pro -
A 3,
+ Specials for Saturday •
• - 340 rolls of Ceiling Papers; in lots of froth 4 to 20 3
rolis, datuty colors,lll do nicely for bedrooms, 4
regular 100,120 and 15c, on sale Saturday for per
roll 5c.
150 rolls choice papet, regular 15e and,2e,5for per
single roll, 10e.
Price 4c A Foot
We will put it on youi wall for a little extra.
t* the subject "Our it:live-on
bility in regard to missions." The
•'• remarks of the speaker clearly showed
; that the law of sacrifice, whichgovern-
•.!;• ed the ancient Jew, still holds good
W. Cooper, 61, Co.; CLINTON.
4. Agents for 0 P R Telegraph and"porninion Express '
a •
:e Money Orders, Also for Butterick Petterne.”..4....444.4444.•:••:4••:4••:441•4:4•:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:•.:••:••:.
A. D. Cameron, barrister, of Bran-
don, Mfinitoba; brother d
of John an
Peter Cameron of Stanley, died very
euddenlyj (rite imexpeetecily of heart
trouble. is remains were expressed to
Kinnen ani i interred in the tinnily plot
Mr. James Brophy of McGillivray
township visited at MrsToseph Foster's
last week .1Ie was a resident a Varna
forty-five year ago and can tell a good
many interesting yarns about pioneer
in Bair's burying ground :on Sunday Mr. John Hagan had an exciting
afternoon attended by a large number time one day last week, They had put
of sorrowing relatives and sympathetic on a load of haY on the farm ppposite
friends- Mr. Cameron Was a Stanley Mr, Andrew Reid's and were going to
boy. He received his early education take it to the home place. The team,
here and subsequently taught school in which is a very spirited one,. was left
Goderich, studied law there also and standing alone while he closed a gate,
and it started ofton the run. The
strange part of it is that they turned
in at the home gate without upsetting
the load. They got caught on the gate
post which stoPped them but there
was no damage done.
Mr. S. A, Moffatt met with 'a very
quite in order.
finally finiehed. his profession in Lon -
A big derrick has been erected on the don. He practised in. Hamilton for a
grounds of the Hoover marble -works time and then went to Braudon where
so that there will be no more backache- hit ability and geniality led him to the
ing lifts, which will no doubt be ap- front as .a barrister, citizen and friend,.
preciated by the staff.
William Blair has just returned from
Mr. flegh Rorke is confined to his
bed this week with an attack of la
grippe which he has been trying to
fight down for some time but which
finally got the better of him for a few
days •
Ca,ntelon St Wauis shipped 350 hogs
to the packers on Monday and R.
Fitzsimons a carload on Tuesday. 0.
H. Reid shipped is carload of cattle to
Toronto. $0.19 per- Cwfasw•'Sse Paid for
a trip with horses to Liverpool. He
reports sales not the most brisk still painful accident the other evening.
effected at a margin of profit, This is While pulping mango's, he got the
Billy's fourth trip to Liverpool and his
ends taken off three fingers on his left
varied experience has caused him to hand, one of them being eat as far as
see every habitable country on the the bone.
face of the globe, He has been mar- Sucker fishing in Mr. 0. Weeke's
dered, shipwrecked, end lost innumer- creek keeps the boys busy these nights
able times according to 'reports but and even some of the Varna 'ladies do
sounds feetknow, , Yon might catgirls
ch a whale, you
not seem to be afraid of wetting their
still he turns up every tittle safe and
'. , " •
the hogs. -1, Wm. McLean, son of R, E. McLean, There died at the home of Mr. T.
Rev W G. Hovvson will speak next- of Kippenyhas gone to London to en a '
Sunday a. m. upon a subjec t net often haler inthe v-ilinleeale , grocery trade
mentioned in a modern pulpit as apprentice. Thinlasseine of the
: {1Chris,
tian mysticism"; in the evening his sub- London boys would prefer st'40. he has
with us under a Christian dispensation.
Next week Miss Maggie Davis will give ieet will be : "Unfortunate • through
an address on "ridelity to pledges." heredity." .
What d n we have for A. ph lag •
-IS the try of every housekeeper. 0
; Strawberry Pie Plant Pine Apple 'Chunks Stuffed Pickles ;
W • • • .
Chili Sallee or A Oen of Spinach
It Save. your Eggs and nee Burnett's Coffee Clearer to settle your Opffee.
Lea,Ye your order for Lettuce and Young Onions early in the.week.
" Ogle Cooper.. ck Cc).
I have added an engraving machine to my store equip- '
ment andeain do yotir engraving quicker and cheaper •
than you have had it done heretofore.
P. lat.- C,RBWS,. Expert Wateh.Repairer.
Married in St. Joseph's Charih. . I Goiden Wedding, •
St. Joseph's church was thronged on
Monday forenoon to witness the wed-
ding of Me. John T.McCaughey, 4
prosperous young yeoman of Morris, to
Mise Jane Oarbert, youngest daughter
of Mr. Thomas Carbert of EIullett.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Father McMenamin,while during Mass
Miss Jones, the organist,played several
appropriate selections and Miss M.
Brown rendered solos in her usual geod
forrn.The fair bride was assisted by Miss
Minnie Reynolds, both being charm.
ingly attired. The groomsmati was
Mr. Frank Kelly of Morris. After the
ceremony the bridal party drove to Mr.
Thomas Oarbert's where the wedding
diptier was served and several, hours
very pleasantly spent by the assembled
guests. • Mr. • and Mrs. McCaughey
have taken up house on the groom's
farm in Morris. • DIE NEwa-REconn
joins their many friends an extending
best wishes for a happy and prosperous
married life. . •
Mr. and Mrs, Donald McTavish were
• residents of Clinton once upon a time,
Mr. McTavish carrying on the business
of blacksmith here. They now live in.
Loraine, Illinois, and will on May 2nd.
celebrated their golden wedding for
which the following of their old friends
here have received invitations : Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Harland; 1Virs Coixibe, •
Mr, and Mrs. Curtis Stevenson, Mr.
and Mrs. John Chnningha,me.
James Ross WiltMove 0 Chicago.
Mr.' James .Ross has decided to move
his family to Chicago and leaves in '
few days. Mr. Ross is one of the old-
est native e of Huron. He was loorn.on
the London Read, Stanley, sixty-three
yeas ego. . His brother, who came in-
to this world two years previouslyawas
the first white child born in that tovvo:
ship, 'He went West to Iowa -many
years ago, Mr, Ross; Sr., took up the
. -)) 1
1 ,
Are the right sort Are the right sort I
, 1 --•:\---) We simply ask that you look at our line
and if you don't find it equal to any and
superior to Many in stvle, value and the
genetal appearance that goes to make a
fashionable hat, then—enough said.
PULL LINES OF cor,ontp saiwrs* v
inorrlsh My 11
Everything desirable is here. We
Need not concern you it you order
here. You cannot make a mistake..
1 ' est and best and this season we
are surpassing cnirselves.
are always the leaders of the new.
t to Wexr
, . • •
The Aosessor's Figures. •
Assessor Cottle completed his laboi,s
the other' day and furnished THE
NEws-Racoriu with the following
statement of the Standing of the town
Total value of real property, $603,0$2 ;
personal preperty, $28,450, taxable
income, $7,050 ; real and personal
property:and taxable income, $630,482 ;
number of dogs 108, bitches 8, cattle 70.
horses 151, Steam boilers 14. In the
total assessment there is an increase of
about $8,000 ever last week. •
Standard 011 in Clinton..
Two or three weeks' ago a touple of
strangers came to Clinton and after sii-
ing up the sittiation or a couple of clays
obtained an option on Mr. Thos. Mac-
kenzie's lot over the railway track from
the elevator. The matter was keptquiet
and no one but their solicitor knew_
for what purpose the site was wanted.
or the purchaser. Some supposed one
thing and sorne another tut it is now
lot which is now owned by Mr. john understood that the property has been
Waldron arid hewed down the virgin bought by the Standard Oil Co. which
forest. Late in life he became a resi- will make this a -storage and distribut-
Wiley onThursday, Apeil 3.8th,s,t the
age of 77 years and 10 months, Jape M.
Paul, relict of the late William Mc-
Naughton who preceded: her to the
discarded, Oity life is not all ilunshrsae, t hold 42 veers ago. The deceased
dent of Clinton and was here "gathe
ed to the fathers." Mr.. James Ito
was in business here many years ag
when Clinton was the grain mark
for the county. He has seen co
siderable of the world. He went o
to California by the Panama route
1864 and after travelling through t
coast states he returned home
1867. Later he spent two years
Chieago and also some time in Ma
toba and what " is now called Ne
Ontario°. He goes to Ohicag
probably to remain there permanentl
in order to be nearer a son and daug
ter who have made their home in th
city. The many friends here
Mr. and Mrs. Ross will, vvh
regretting their removal, wish that t
future may have good things in sto
for them.
"Whose Afraid?"
That case of imported smallpo
about which there has been so mu
'discussion, left Clinton before sunr
'last Friday morning and is now
home in London township. The c
was nob a severe one and the you
Woman, who was the yietini, got o
it easily. Her father, who came up
nurse her, wept away also. Th
drove down, a, distance of about fo
miles, Mr.—let's call him Mr, Bien
is no doubt a respected member of
coMmunity in which he 'lives but
injudiciousness in bringing his clait
ter up here he mingle with friends af
chickenpox, as he supposed, had
tacked one after another of his fern
has eaused hito to he roundly—w
not cuesed but the next thing to it,
13lank "didn't know it was load
and gave the countryside a fine se
but it is not expected he will do
again, not up here at any tate.
The affair has been financiall
serious one•for Mr. Peter °ante
whose house has been quarantined
the past three weeks, during wli
time he and his family hays b
"dead to the World." It was vvhile
young women from London town
Was visiting at Mr. Canteion's
was discovered she had Small
Prompt action was at once taken
all Preventatiye means employed
that no one else contracted the dis
and Me. Caatelon Will be able to re
•to business in a few days. The en
ea idleness of the quarantine
bard with him at first but of late
has been bearing it philosophically.
medical health officer handed
following to %Ifit NoWs.RECOOD
There is no smellpox in Olint,on.
• Is now a piece of ancient history,
week there has been none. Me.
Olen's residence and family have
thorottghly disinfected, the h
r -
at -
at a
at it
for a
.•4••••••••••*••••4+••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••
*Henry's - Photo Studio. t
sit eil
Henry's Photo Studio
Is the place to go for pho.
tos. We have the very
latest designs in mounts
and C411. Make you a good
photo at a reasonable price.
Prices from $1.25 a doz.up,
ing point. The oil will be brought to
()Hiatt:in iu tanks and in addition to sup-
plying county dealers it will be peddled .
about the country, after the manner of
milk yendors. The Standard Oil Co.
selected Clinton because of its central
.position and splendid railway faellities:
Robt. Stevenson of the Parr Line
has secured from the Wesleyan Boys'
Home, Hamilton, a recent arrival from
•Hampshire, England; a led ofaibout 16
years to whom he is to lean the art
of farming fer the next two years. In
conversation with this youth he allowed
a marked degree of intelligence and
knowledge of England and the man-
agement and working of the Boys'
Home there and how 'it is Supported
by our good Methodist frien s, public
benevolence and GoVernine t, grants,
and that this ,shire has for its repre-
sentative Hon, Jos. Chamberlain (than
in whom no more baakbo 'e is to be
s devoted'
as his
h affairs
come to
-found.). May the lad prove
to the tasks he enbount
Worthy towney is with En
and English honor and he
the top too in this °pantry.,
Our 0cl:friend William IC
out and around again as us
severe fighthe bas had wi
Grippe.' This is his second
Quite an experienee for t
Portrait; co., Livnitedrc
tion of some ten persons ay
village without advance
eangenaents or any intim
• ever to our genial Shaff a • Kippen's
hoioel--proprieter. They igi " red up
ir,ncl; offered to put . up but . tbe rrecon-
iliable Henry stood on preeed nt a.nd
tom and claimed, he hada eight to
ie notified of their intention to be his
patrons, that ordinary local and trans-
ieet traffic taxed his capacity and at
tention without the unexpected pres-
ence of Chicago's business. pushers.
They quoted American law governing
hotels but it had no effect. Finally
they concluded to take in the fresh air
and lunch oast de, which they did un-
til the field rampager, as he is. styled,
chartered Tayloe's 'bus and transport.
ed ,the new aerhaals,„ persons,. instru-
ments and baggage to Bencefield;
They are it seems taking orders for
•enlarging pictures and no cionbt would
like to put a big head On proprietor
Shaffer and otherwise enlarge his pic-
ture.. • , , ,
Miss Whiteman of Detroit, is visit-
ing her neices, the Miss Whiteman of
William Essler of tlje Goshen. Line
has returned from Torcnto University
on account of illness. e bas had an
attack of inflammation but is now
convalscent. •
Miss E. Johnston and Miss Nora
Petty have been canvassine theEpisco-
palians in this vicinity in the mission• :
ary cause interest and we believe have
been very successful, St.Pa,u1's COW
gregation arenoted in the diocese as one
of the Most liberal contributory t� all
causes. The people of the Church of
England are nob much on show but
good on count and reliability.
on3 more Motel in Ooderich.
The licenee board for West Buren,
at its ad:warned meeting yesterday,
granted licenses to Mr. Ben. Saults
and Captain Babb of The
latter has been in the hnsiness so long
that out of it he would feel about as
made in his elemeet as fish on dry
land. Mr. Saults' success, for his
house the Maitland- is an increase ha
the number, is no doobt due to his
populaiity and to his ability in cater-
ing to. the public. The Whitechureh
Boniface had it close call but a lawyer
brought demi a, petition from the
electoral division in which the house
is located asking that it he licensed,
The board had thus petitions for and
against and fluidly decided to issue
alieense, coupled with a warning that
if the holder does not keep well within
the provisions of the act his name will
be Dennis and he will have to walk
the plank,
.e, sr., is
1 tater the
i old Mr.
• aggrega-
eyed in our
agents; ar-
tion what -
dented and fumigated from top to
bottom, also the store' several times, being laid beside those of his wife who
Next week the kalsominer will put the • went on before. The services at the
finishing touches upon it, then no dan. home were condueted by Rev. Dr.
ger ehould proceed from there.Gifford and at the graveside by. B%
Wt 0/1AWI Mir Mr. Dobson of ItordWich,
Mr. MOM lies Pas Sed Away,
Mr, James McGill, •who fell from a
wagon on the 12th inst, and dislocated
his vertebrae, succumbed to the injury
at an early hour on Sunday last. He
suffered much and knew the end was
at hand but bore it all with re-
markable fortitude. He shovved. how a
Christian can die. r. was
both in Comity Oavan,Ireland,seventy.
three years ago and came to this
country with his parents When a
young man and settled in Cavan town-
ship, Peterboro county. He was mar-
ried in that district and located In the
village of Gerrie where he carried on a
tnerehantile business for several years,
accumulating considerable wealth.
Ile spent some time in Manitoba in the
early eighties and held it, traet of land
there. Subsequently he took up house
in Clinton and then in Myth where his
eon was in business. About eight,
years ago he built the residence on
Rattenbury street where he breathed
his last, Mrs. McGill predeceasing him
by a
few months. The surviving mem-
bees of the family are : Mrs. Clutter -
ham of /cilia, Illinois, Mrs. P.
Watta of Clinton and Mr. It. 3. McGill
of Chicago, all of whom were at the
bedside during the lad few days of life'
The deceased was a. man of staunch
integrity and much respected. Ile
WO a member of the Presbyterian
church and io polities a Conservative.
The funeral took plaee to the G. T. IL
etation on Tuesday for Gorrie where
the interment tookplace, the remains
wiiebern in CaritoirPia-de,-,CentitY of
Lanark, and came to Stanley 5trayears
ago. She returned to her home siii110,,
time after but in three years she came
to the Baytield Road as the wife of Mr.
William MeNaughton. They settled on
the farm now owned by Mr Roland
Mackenzie, Mrs. MeNaaightori kept
the farm tor some years after her
husband's death but finally disposed of
it and went to live ith her daughter,
Mrs. T. Wiley of Para. Line, who sur -
vies her,together with her sou.William
of Methben,: Manitoba, She was an
active Member of the Presbyterian
denaroination and helped to build the
old brick. clitirch on the Bayfield Road
which continued to be used a,s a place
of worship: until 'a year ago when it
was torn doWn. Before leaving this
world Mrs. McNaughton left to 114
sorrowing friends the glorious
testimony of sins fergiveri. The
remains • were laid in the Bay-
field Road cenietery and in the
Cortege were a large number of friends
and 'neighbors who paid this tribute to
the memory of one whom in life they
loved and respected. •, • •
Mr. Allan McGee bas moved into the
house recently vacated by Mr. John
Messrs. W aind. R.Elliott have moved
into the honsa; recently' left by Mr, T.
As Stinson,
Mr John Pollock has gone to Mani,
toba to engage in fishing in Lake
Winnipeg where he spent last year,
Mr. Jonathan Miller, the big boy nf
Goderich, was in town on Tuesday and
Parted company with "Woodlawn"
for Mr. Brandon's "Billy Stanton,"
• M. H. It, Johnstone had another
sorrowful journey to Hanover
on s Thursday of last week when
he took the remains of his infant
child to be interred beside its mother
who passed away a,little over a week Mr. Robert Lemont's face wears a
before. Mr. Johnstone's many friends peculiar satisfied smile these days.
deeply sympathise with lupi in his Dr: Woods, the census euumerator
nouble affliction,
The adjourned vestry meeting of
Trinity church was held en TuesdaY
Some of our proininent Grits attend-
ed the convention hi .Dengruirion on
The proprietors of the new brick
block are having awnings erected in
front of their business places.
Manager 13enneet of the Bank of
Hamilton' is busy beautifying the
Itank premises with trees and shrub-
Mr. Rory Engl
house and lot in
David Brown of
last week,
Miss Stalker of
to reside with es'
on Queen Sb,
On Saturday fl1,
A. Elder, and Or
rich a flying visf
granolithie side4.
be argued in 0
Me, and Mrs.', 'nigh et Goderich
were in town on Saturday.
Our enumerators have got through
their work. They find quite a de.
crease in our population since the last
(tenant; Was taken.
Saturday had a very *wintery appear.
mice the ground being coveted With 0,
good depth with the beautiful.
The remitind of the late Sanwa Drown
of Detroit arrived at this station on
the evening train and was taken to the
residenee of his brother, Mr, Thos.
Brown of Mast Wawanosh, to Wait the
time for intertnentl
Perch fishing is now the order of the
day and the lucky boys get good
A Mr, Pocock has been in. town this
week and on Monday evening preach;
.ed in the Orange hall. •
Mr. W. W. Alteheson of Seaforth
occupied St. Andretv's chnech pulpit
last Sabbath very acceptably. °
Miss Ina Fowlie, who has been ifl
• with inflanarnatory rheumatism, is pro-
gressing slowly towards recovery,
• We understand Wes Erwin has sec -
urea a place on the survey boat Bays
field, '
The village assessor, Mr. W. Whirl-
• don, has nearly completed his labors
for the year.
A largely attended meeting was held
in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church
last Thursday afternoon for the pur-
pose of considering the matter of a
call to a minister, Rev, Mr. :Sewers of
Brucefield, moderator, presiding. It
is now neisrly two years since this
eharge became vacant through the
resignation of Rev. W. Graham, now
of Dornoch. Since that time the
charge has seen the ups and downs in-
cident to a church without a pastor,
but it is but right to say that it is not
entirely the fault of tbe people here
but the blame partly belongs to the
Presbytery of Huron who were fruit-
lessly engaged in schemes galore for
re-arrangipg. the fields of augmented
eki,i,r,aeg, Now, however, we haye
been lefeail;Ve;iei-e-a$ the people at
the aforesaid meeting gave a unani-
naous' call to Rev. Sohn Mc il, who
we understand; has accepted an
induction is fixed. for Thursday, eth
of May. Thusatfter many eiciesitudes,
the long wait has been so far happily
ended. tied the charge and people gen-
erelly in Bayfielci and vicinity are to be
sincerely congratulated on securing a
minister ad the standing that Mr, Me -
Neil enjoys not only- as a preacher but
as a devoted Christian gentleman. It
is to be thoped his pastoral duties will -
be made is pleasantly harmonious as
possible by the hearty arid heartfelt
co-operation of All concerned.
Mr. j.Hethington of the Nile was in
the village last week. His grand-
daughter, Miss Sadie Carter, accom-
panied hirn home and will remain till
• Mr. F. Mutch is home. from the Soo
looking well.
Miss Lizzie Lawler has been engaged
by Wm. King sr for the summer. ,
Robt. Leath is preparing to build a
new home in the near future.
J. Young starts cutting rollers and.
staves 60011.
A. King runs the, butcher wagon -
this yeer. It. Cummings takes
Munroe's egg wagon.
Mr. Jordan and wife have•gone into
the hoese in Wigtown recently vacat-
ed by Mr, Ram but owned 'by Wm.
Neeves. '
Miss EL Stackhouse visited in the
villa,gii last week, •
Spring is slightly backward here.
Rev. Mr. Thompson occupied the
pulpit of Knox church last Sabbath,
while Rev. A.. Webster of Weston will
officiate next Sunday, Rev,
Thompson conducted the funeral ser-
vice of the late Jam Brown.
Mrs. 5, Caldwell is still very ill,
Mrs. Arthur is also in very poor
health, Mr. R. T. Erratt is recover-
James Brown of :Detroit, formerly
of Wawanosh and a well known resi-
dent, died recently and the remains
were buried in Ball's cemetery on
Tuesday, It is but two Weeks ago
that the deceased's brother William
was buried there, while another
sister died but two weeks before.
Death seems to be striking pretty
heavily on the well known and re-
spected family of Browns.
Messrs. los. Stevens and Milton
Wray of Walton were visiting in our
burg last Monday,
Mr. R. M. Cunimilegs intehds going
to Walton tvhere he has secured a job
in a carriage shop.
Miss 0, Scott of Hallett le visiting
her neice, Miss M. Holtzhatier.
Mrs. 5. Litutenslager is improving
Mrs. Gensiner is eecovering after her
serious illness.
Mr. Will. Gibbs of Collingwood has
been visiting old friends in Auburn.
d has purchased a
is burg frorn Mr.
burn and moved in
ineardine has come
'ging rented ithouse
,ve Sims, Treasurer
k Scott. paid Gode-
n the interest of the
k case which is to
ode Hall, Toronto,
— . .
While in. Hensel' on Saturday Mr.
Wm. Blackwell had the misfortune to
det, his horses run away. They ran
down the street from the mill and col-
lided with some building. One of the
horses broke a number of ribs and
it is thought will not •recover, The
horse is a valuable one and • will mean
a serious loss to Mr. Blackwell.
Rev. Mr., Sewers of Bayfield, con-
ducted services here last Sabbath,
Mr. John Cochrane now wears a
smiling face. It's a son,
• •
ear. McAllister returned home to
Walton Saturday.
nutnber of the falters' concerned -
in the swamp ditch attended a meeting
in Varna on Monday.
• Miss Andrews of Varna spent list
week with Miss Lizzie Foster,
for the yillage of Beyfield, has nearly
completed his task, The doctor was
delayed a fevv days last week over het -
portant business or he would have.
bemenis ds oBn ee r tereeBt hr ios
n is at present very
ill as a result .of several convulsions.
At iirst her life was despaired of but
we are pleased to announce progress
has been busy the .
past week moving buildings on the
property recently purchased by him on
Main street. An old buildiog,whith an
rine time is said to have been a tannery,
but lately a residence, has been moved
back, for a stable while his shop and
residence has been moved westward.
We hare, just had our ettention
called to tbe vagalles of our extra mail
serSice and it is this a • a person
,eishes to send 'a letter to . Varna or
tirncefield it can't be done but if it is /
going Jarther all right it goes.
this seems to he.a rather queer .servien •
or half service rather, Frequently
letters are sent or messages come in
from the local' places or go from here
to them-vvhich could be -ansveered by
this extea,early afternoon mail but no,
the wise men will not have it so, '
Mr. W. Brandon, our genial but-
cher, has added to his alreacisr well
filled ,stable that celebrated etallion,
‘' Ambrose Woodlawn," formerly
known by the latter name only. This .
horse has a' widereputation and comes
from the best of stock. "Bill" will .be
throwing the dirt in somebody's face
thiS earning fall as Woodlawn is a
rfilvser.the time. of ti Planting and
general.beauti Tying of *our village . ar-
rives we suggest that we restno longer
upon the' general endowments that
nature has left our fair village but that „
we do something extra this year by
way of rooting out the old dead and
oseless shade trees and replacing them
by good ones, We also timidly and
reverently approach our town father
to take into their 'serious• considera-
tion" the matter of providing a bath-
ing house foe the AccOmmod'ation of
eitiaens so thee rio more will we be
humiliated by the sight of our daugh-
ters and wives and sisters seeking out
crannies and stumps en the lake shore
in or behind which to • unrobe them-
selyes for a refreshing pluiive in the.
Invigorating waters of old Huron.
Dr, Woods, who has for the parte de -
elide, braved. the storms incident to a
residence on the breezy banks of Huron
alone, and who has hitherto had no
one to share the joys and sorrovewof
"the host" has at last come to the con, *
elusion that single blessedness is not
last week he brought to share his
She best Mode of life and accordingly
home a wife of his choice in the person
of Miss Buchan of Durham. We join
the genial doctor's host of friends in
offering him and his excellent bride our
sincere congratulations and good wishes
for their prosperity and happiness, and
Mr. Sas. Baird left this week for Tor-
otito and other points.
M Higgins left on Tuesday to visit'
her brother, Rey.3.11.11iggin9 M, A.. of
near Ottawa.
MISS Woodiey of the Dixon House is
visiting friends in Toronto this week.
Itev. 0, IL Semen preached in 'tip.
pen last Sabbath morning.
Ur. Moore preaehed itt the Presby-
terian chureh here onSabbeth morning.
We are sorry to report the death,.. of
Mrs. Win. McNaughton. She has
been living with her daughter, Mrs.
Thomas Wiley of the Isere Line, and
on Thursday last she passed away to
her long home after a brief illness,
The remains were interred in the Bay-
field Road graveyard 'on Saturday
last. •
Messrs.J. Horton and A. MeNevin
were the guests of Miss Maud Horton,
teacher, on Babylon Line one day this,
Mr Bep. Keys, who intends build-
ing a barn this year, has let the con-
tract for the mason Work to Mr. Ohas.
Shoemaker of Hay. They were along
breaking stone last week and tvill won
begin building. '
A number q people from this part
attended the horse show in Brucefield
on Friday last.
Mr. J. T. Keys of the Babylon Line
traded horses with Mr. Jas. ;Keys' \er
She Pear Line last weak.
The following from the last !nimbi's\
of the Shoe and Leather Sournal refers
to a.forrnet residentof the Front Road.a
brother ofl Mr. Alex. McConnell :
Mr. Y. P. McConnell, the well-
known ad specialist, of Toronto
was in Montreal this week getting out
a catalogue for the Hudson Bay
Knitting Co, Mr, McConnell's Work
is well known in connection witn
the Slater shoe and Semi -Ready cloth-
ing which he handled some time ago.
The Hudson Bay Knitting Co. are firm
believees in the proper use of printers'
ink and byhaving the work done by
an expert receive the best results,
The township council of Stanley
mee on Morality at 10 o'clock. After the
minutes of the previous meeting were -
read and adopted the engineer's report
on big drain was read and thoroughly
discussed. Many ratepayers, who are
interested in this scheme, were present
and took activispart in the discussion.
After opportunity had been given for
those who wished to withdraw or
to sign, there was a nice majority in
favor of constructing big drain so -
that the council passed it motion
adopting the report and 'too win be
at once taken to contract for the same.
After finishing the business the
Connell adjotirned to meet fort court of
reVision On May 27th at 10 o'clock--
3.EL HarriWell, Clerk,
Mr.F.R.Itodgens, town tieket agent
for the O. T. it.. hooked the following
this past week James Twitcbell to
Victoria, R. 0., and R. P. Sibley to
New Volk.
Over fifty travellers registered at the
Rettenbury Muse Tuesday and yesthr-
day . porous Iife.--Chronicle.
Mr. Thomas Itolloway has sold to
Mr.I, Taylor the' half of the roxton
double house which he 'bought at WIn.
tion a few weeks ago. Ile made a
round fifty in the turnover,
The stock in the the "New Store,"
where business was carried on by Mr,
0. 321.. 'toeing, Was mold yesterday to
Plurnsteel and Gibbings who Will
Moye it Into their own store.
• we er,end to Mrs. Woods a beans*
welcome to balmy, breezy Bayfield.
A. Durham report of the happy
event is as follows : A very pretty'
weddingwas solemnized on Tuesday
afternoon last at the hotne of Mr.
and Mrs, W. E, Buchan, when
their only daughter, Miss Mar.
garet, F,, was united in the holy bonds
of matrimon y to Dr. N. W. Woods, of
tayfielci, Co. Huron. The nuptial
knot was tied by Rev, Wm. Farquhar,
son, in the presence of only the im-
mediate relatives of the bride. At
the appointed hour to Mendeleshon's
Wedding March, played by Miss Buch-
an, the bride lbaning on the arro ot her
father was presented at the altar,
beautifully and artistically arranged,
overhung with a canopy of green
myrtle and surrounded by banks of
hlonming lilies and other beautiful
plants, foliage and flowers. The bride
wag neatly And tastefully ;attired in
white silk organdie and carried in her
hand boquet of pink and white roses.
The duties. of bridesmaid were
discharged most gracefully by Miss
Stinson, of Stratford, tastefully drese-
ed in organdie sitrilliar to, the bride and
holding in her hand a boqueb of beauti-
ful pink roses. The groom 'WS
ably supported during the Sere-
'WMny by his friend, Dr. Turnbitli, of
Goderich, who discharged the duties
devolving upon him With the 'utmost
grace and decorum. The ceremony
being concluded and the usual con-
gratulations ended the bridal party
sat down to a sumptuous repast in
which all Participated With the utmost
enjoyment after whieh Dr. and Mrs.
Woods left by the evening train for a
honeymoon trip:to. Detroit, Ann Arbor
and Other American cities. Thowthun.
acquainted with either of the contract-
ing parties we have always heard
the bride spoken of in the highest terms
ofpralse as a kind anadutiful daughter,
and it skilled profession\'11 nurse to
which avoeation oho spent the past
live or six years. We join the many
friends of the bride in wishing the
Wimpy couple a long, baPpy and pros