HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-18, Page 88 The Weekly Story:of the Big Store. The Bone was Oha 1IeU R1MV1/hIvWYY1r W~V,AWANYVVVAAAWMANVOANYVVVvVViNVVYVV. HODGENS BROS.' BIGL . DRY . GOODS STORE TheMillinery Millinery is the 4`'ust right" That our �VIa. 3 J kind we have abundant evidencein volume of business the departmi ent s g. There is a distinctiveness and style about this store's millinery that stamps it as cor~ root in every. particular. in close touch' with Our milliners keep and are quick to show novel - the markets ideas as theyappear ties and adopt new. can depend end onyour millinery be- ing yon. p . style if it right down t o the 'minute in ... »• .. _ Palace." . Pa..ac comes from.GGThe This.week ' k we are showing some very. nobby shapes in straw sailors both in finebratds and rustic straw. 1 They are new. They are stylish. SAILORS They are. not expensive.. NOBBY STRAW About the Plaoe Stylish Dress Go ol s ' We are doing a big dress, goods. basinsss. Couldn't very well help it, for it would be a wonder if.the elegance and style of our dress'roods, the wide variety .of choice to be had here - say g to nothin of the downright good values` we offer did not is bring the business this way. in . Blacks ate more :'''aver vol . that ever this 'season and our. stock ofthem was never quite so good;as it is -:to day.. We: are particularto handleonly reliable mikes .and black dress goods .ever wa "' A� few of coming .from here can be depended on i n y y. our Black Dress Goods. e or skirts, 36 inohee wide., tie Or twill suitable fior dresses 2Se All wool serge, fi , ::.... ..., values.. • :medal e makes servioable skirts 911 wool worsted serge, hard finish, will not, aatoh .the da t, suss,' or full suits. , er it e t w km materiel h black ' et 1 to 44 itteh cheviot serge, all pure'wool, yard the moat. y 'Y�G show, makes handsome. spites, per y . Granite cloth, allpure wool, a material that makes a stylish and servioable dress 50e • All wool. canvass cloth, our of the newest and most fashionable dressfat)- , ries, 30 inches wide......... Plain Broadcloth suiting, every thread pure wool, bright finish, 50 Inaba wide, 90e very fashionable for skirts or suits............... .. lank Lustres rioh, lossyblaoks, 36 to 40 inches wide, nothing better for ., • Plain b ...25c," 35c and Out summer skirts......... . . lac tree, neat,small,desi ns in good dualities, good blacks 30c 'to Figured la ,g By just a little of our wail paper on to room. It made it clean and bright with a refining air about it, a newness that nothing else could give it. Never before have we had such a large assortment, so clean a stock, so convenient and time-sav- ing ime-sav ing a method of showing it. Kind- ly remember this should you chance to he in a hurry. lo selecting and buying our stock we employed get• there •methods,. that is, we got the best we could in assortment and goality we knew how to buy, In• selling. it, showing it and priding it we use the same get -there meth- ods, or in other words we make it as convenient for yon to seleot and ns 'cheap for you to bny as we know how, Wo now some read ers of this will want paper and we believe they will want it right re- garding the price paid, the assort- ment from • which to select, the. method of display: These features we honestly 'believe :we have.. You want the paper and you want it right, let's get together. • Agents .Parker's Dye Works, The �r D, .. Fair. Col (Snob a summer 50c 54 inch all wool woreted, hard filnish, will not hold. the 'dust, will .give . excellent 1,00 wear .... ., Extra fine black broadcloths, if sponged wili•not'spot, 52 to 54 inches wide; per yd • ,50 . $i.2s to X Handsome skirt patterns in fancy materials,, no two alike. ohoioeandexolaeive�+ pi goods, each.. .„.................. 88.50 and $ i!tir • EREeT FORM eORSET This is the •o. ular corset to -da and is superseding ersedin all h ot er styles. It gives the now military .effect and grows in. favor because it is stylish, per- fect,fitting and comfortable; C Erect Form Oorsets, made from stong contiel, steel filled, wide side steels, stay band, long waist, lace and baby ribbon trimmed, per pair 1.00. Often the Ohexpest, Always the Best. About• 0 0 INHERE THEY ARE People TRE CLINTON NrvirS-RECORD April 18t12, 1901 S. licl'ens. Mr, S. Beckett of Listowel spent a few days of his Easter vacation with friends in this vicinity. The Presbyterian congregation here has decided to erect .a closed -in shed and there will be a meeting of the managers on Wednesday night for farther arrangements. The Cox I3res.will ive.an entertain- ment here on Friday night in the English church. Thos Davidson and faintly, who have resided in thn village for sortie time past, have purchased a Yarm . at Donnybrook and ate moving this week. 111r. Robert McGuire will occupy the house vacated by the Davidson family. • Miss. Lizzie Todd has gone to Mich- igen to visit friends there, • . Miss Mary Clark and Robert Miller have returned to Goderieh to resuane their studies in the Collegiate,. Mr. Hugh McDonald has disposed of his fine black team to a drayman in W inglom , Mr,Miller has purchased a driyer for the peddling wagon. llIcll illloi► Trnship, Division Court on Friday, brought` out quite a nunber,includingjurymen, witnesses and spectators. Fred. Greig and family left for the Northwest on Tuesday of last week. We wish thein success in their new home. Murdock Campbell, son of .Mr. Jas. Campbell, leaves for California this week. Three.of hie brothers: are there already and Murdock makes the fourth one. Mrs, Munn.; who underwent an operation, is doing as well as can be expected: Alot of fine logs have' been taken in at Macdonald's till at Walton the past winters • Mr. Macdonaldis an enter.; OR V t i r E prising and successful. business man., Messrs. Drager and Repine have both had good wood bees apd got large quantities of mood cut. The two daughters of Mrs. Dennison of -.Brussels and late of alc ill.op have both got married within• a few days of each other. We wish thein much Jog • THEY ARE eOiNG We IKnoW Mr. Bert Harland Sundayed in Gode- rich. Miss 0. Newcombe is Visiting friends ' 'tn London. Mrs. McVittie is visiting friends. in Loudesboro this week. Miss A. Pickett returned home from Chatham on Wednesday. Miss McConnell of Hensaill spent Sun- day at her home in town. • Mrs. John Pridharri of Goderich is the guest of Mrs. P. B. Crews. kr. J. B. Miller of .Bayfield spent Sunday,at his home in town. Miss Harriet McCaugheywas the, • guest of Blyth friends last week. Miss Grummet of the Nile was the guest of Mrs. Chas, Resler last week. Miss Helen Caineron of Bayfield was the guest of Miss Lily Miller .last OUR UNEQUALLED CARPET STICK. This carpet stock of oursts unequalledin this section. It is by long odds the best we've ever shown,p atterns aro new, co'.ors are fashionable and qualities thoroi ghly reliable. The ' prices are as low as • assortment is large and quality for quality- you are likely tog get anywhere, Our facilities for doing the carpet business right were never as good as they are to -day. We know how to .match and cut them with the least possible waste and how to make and lay them properly. This we do free of charge if the carpets are bought here. The only ex- ceptions to the above are Hemps and Unions under 37-o per yard. These we do not sew. A few hints of our prices. Hemp earpots, stripes and floral designs,priuted or woven,eomo good patterns tie„ at per yard......... yard..........,.... 121e, 18e. 20C xim 'Union G'afpete; lull• yard wide, reversible patterns,a good range to soled from will give satisfactory wear, per yard 30C, Vic and SOC, A11 Wool oarpets, made from thoroughly scored and clean yarns, colors fast, will wear well, a big assortment of handsome new designs at per yard ..................:,,,..,.,.............,..,.....,.75C, 85c and AA Tapestry carpets, the best stook we ever had, the newest 1901 patterns end colorings, a very large stock to select from, per yard 2$c, 50c, 60c 75e Brussels carpet, when it comes to standingthard wear there isnothing to equal a brunets carpet, Our stock of themis practically all new this season and the assortment very large, per yard.......,..,.,...., I.00 and 1• China and Japan'Mattings makes in ideal'fioor Covering ter Summer. They r, are Cool noel, clean and healthy. Prices are. ,,,,,,,.,.,12iC,18Cand 25e Oil Cloths and Linoieualns We Can give fou any width in them front 10 inches to 4 yards wide. • The Linoleum makes a capital floor covering for a kitchen or dinfngroom, end on a room of that kindle practically indestructible, P.tioes per (�A eilataroyard..............r-,..,,,,...,,.,.,,.•.......59es 00e 80\! .... re brand new goods,bought for this season's selling These a . €1 and we think it will be worth your while to sea them, before you buy a carpet Dr. 'Gunn returned Mime on •Tuesday from Chicago ;where he had been for a fortnight. Mr. Tam, 1Vlcii;enzie,: who has been' in .North' Bay for .a few days returned homeF i day. r t Mr. Joseph -Young of Winnipeg is the : guestf his Mas. Henry. :. o mother , Young, hWeek. . k ' we this Miss Louise Holines left this morning for Philadelphia where she will take a coarse in a nurse's training school. Mrs, Halstead of Holmesville left. Tues- day was Man., ,r a i n daty ': for (.;arms hooked ':by.:A. O.Pattesou' of the Dr. Seliery of Hensall and his mother, airs. 'T+rank'Seliery of Kincardine, were the guests of. Mrs. A.• T. Cooper this pasb week. Mr's.' •William •Cantelon, who spent the most of the winter in .Stratford, was in, town Monday on her way home to Goderich. • Mr. B; J. Gibbings goes. to England in abouta fortnight in the interests of the o. f. and expects to be absent. about thzee months, Mr. Samuel Sloan of Goderich and Mr. Hugh Meffnarrie of Blyth,; • who with Mr.Jiames Stevens comprise the License Board of West Huron, attended a meeting of the Board on •. Tuesday.. • Mr, W. E. Rand of the the Collegiate •Institute, who attended the 'annual meeting of' the, Ontario. Educational Association at Toronto last week, was chosen one of the councillors. 'of the mathematical' and physical sections Mr., J. D. Peck of Stanley, township was in town on. ,Saturday. on his Way hack to resume charge of his school near Orillia. He appears to like the part of the country in which he has for .the time being cast his lot, but does,not consider', 'that it is in the sante class as Stenley.from a farmer's point of view. at anyrate. ' 1' along and a it.et 'Winter still di a gs s , ••••••••••••••O•i►•••••••N1•• 1 1 1 ing nearly everybody is wishing for spring weather. .. • The death. of Mrs, R. ' Mowhray is mueb regretted: She was 'ac victim of consumption and :was abort twenty= four years of ago at the titne of her death. That relic of barbarism, the country charivari is being practised on the 14th concession of McKillop. in• a ,very .in= decent manner, Toughs take the 'lead• and there 'are always Lathers to. • tollow: Se aforti. News of the sad death of Mrs. Austin . of Brussels reached • here en Saturday. Mrs. Austin. was outrak- ir#g up the garden an Friday afternoon a,ndnfter gathering up 'the. leaves she• In some z set fire to •the J411)1)1811. unaccountable way her clothingcarught fire and ins ite cif her frantic cries for she w s terribly burned before, help a y, , the flames ` were extinguished. The accident happened :at two o'clock .on Friday and the unfortunate woman • lived until eight o'clock that evening. Alt that medical aid could do was done to alleviate her sufferings, which were intense. The funeral• took place on Monday. Y Mr. L. A. S. Dock, who ' has. been 7 of li n Bank Junior clerk in the C antic a, , Commerce here for the past year. and aa half, left this morning g for. Chatham. His friends' wish hits success in his new position. ' Mr., and Mrs. A. P. :foynt have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in theirbereavement ''tt.the 'demise • of theirinfant daughter, Inez E. E.,aged nine months. The little one died at its parents' home on Saturday. Miss: Cassie Gillespie went to Beams- villie Saturday to resume herposition as teacher in the Puhiio sehool. •. •aliss Dottie Wright returned. to Barrie on Saturday, after spending the. Easter vacation at her home in town. MiFs Treblecock and her friends of London, returned home on Saturday. after a pleasant visit to the former's .F x. ' 'ter, Mrs. I; .A o srs , The • S 0. I. and Public School re opened Monday for the summer terns. Miss Kiloran, who has: been away on leave of absence forthepast three months, will resume her position while Miss Mildred. Punchard, who was sub- stituting, left on Friday for Toronto. • Mr. Chas. ,Dawson of the Detroit street railway wits here visiting fora few days. Mr. J.H. McCool, who was in Watford recently, has rented n house in that place and will take up his abode there shortly. Mr. McCool and his' estimable family have been residents of Clinton for someears and many Will regret their departure but at the same time will wish them pros- perity and happiness in their new. home. Rev, Mr. Brown and Ex -postmaster Henderson of Whitechurch were in Clinton on Tuesday. Mr•I4onderson, who is one of the best known men of • that district, 'Was some time since dismissed from the office of post- master after twenty-five years eontinttone service. He was a polltilar and painstaking officer but being a Conservative was made to walk the plank summarily by the little tyrant who is styled the M. P. for that riding. Winthaln. llev. R. Hobbs, the energetic pastor of .the Methodist church, has passed the $10,000 mark on the subscription list for the new church, and reports a "lot to hear front yet." With a relia- ble short term• subscription list, the sale of lot, corner -stone laying, open- ing services, and a number of sub- scriptions not yet entered, the pros- pects for covering the full atnouut 'are bright, The probable cost of the edifice when complete will be in the neighborhood of $15,000. The trus- tees decided recently to put a founds- tion of cement; four feet wide, under the basement walls, saes to make the foundation' capable of bearing the heavy weight of so large a building, 'without danger of sinking. • • East week saw great atprogress in the a National Iran Works. Messrs. Galt a or - and 13ullock and the -contt', ct s, Messrs. Essex and Aldrich, delved in town on Monday ,afternoon and since then have not been losing much time in their preparations for building operations. Messrs, McLean & Son have started to deliver the necessary Wilber, lumber, etc, and worrlrm:en commenced on Tuesday morning to dig out for the founditt ion. Ambs Tipling, lessee of the flats mill has returned trom a trip arnon the flax men of Listowel, Stratford, Thed. ford, Ailsa. Craig and other places, and reports good prospoets for the season. He has secured the lease of several fields In this vicinity already. GODERICH TOWNSHIP; Mr. John Gardner of near Porter's Hill had two bags of clover seed taken out of his barn by some parties not es yet apprehended. Value forty dollars. ERe T�w�One night last week the pretncpremises of H Mr, Aelaeeort of the 14th concession 'were visited and several hams stolen. ��r It is high. time the thief atelaete got � A I bi • O hi) down to work. nay Township, t;t Sonne what Different Store." Dress foods and SIllks. Remarkable Values i andhelpful to every woman, and Dress Goods store hel - We are striving to make this silk more people are coming to know it euery day. We have sold more Dress Goods and (Silks than any precious season—and for Mrs there is a good reason of course ---no store in town sells equal quasi- p . .. baaccounts, on d ties rotas little as we do. We buy •and sell for cash only,. therefore loosenothing that the gash customer has to pay forat credit stores, That's why we sellfor less than others. These new lots of this seasons choicest goods are here •at' a saving of nearly one-third 1 1 in price. Colored Dress Fabrics. - 42'inch wide Zabeline cloth in navy and black, a great favorite for Idresses of skirts, hard finish, will give Yd wear, warrant- . ed aalt wool, well worth Ouc. Onr pric0 perery ydgoo.� . 30 inch wide Flannels and Wnol Delaines in a choice lot of designs all the n.ewest shades of blue,rey, red, etc., . for waists. Other nstores are asking00c per yard, our price is only .... ... .... . .... • .N • '. 38 and 40 inch wide siland wool and all wool Plaid )rens' Goods, • suitable for waistsand children's dresses, in a very desir- 50 60 I ' abie 101, of new shades, extra yalue at ' • . 40.to 50 inch wide Cashrneres,.Sergos,Grauite Cloths and Cashmere •0 Serges, the popular fabric for dresses, came in the new- 40 50 • _ est shades of bloc, grey; navy, £awn, red, etc., price, .:.. • 50 inch Hornespuns;plain weave in alight weight, pure woolcloth . 0 (1 in the newest colors of light and dark grey. navy,. green. a , • brown rand cadet blue, also black. We bought them direct from. I 00 the twill and can save you one-third in price. .Pei' yd....0. • Homespun Si'tings full. 55 inches wide, 'a little heavier than the • $1.00 line. in the same shades, also steel grey, the new spring 1 15 carrel hair effect, our special price per pd...: : • .Worth ane -third more. Broadcloth Suiting full 50 inches wide, in colors of fawn, grey, purple,l'etl, brown, also black, This is a very. fine all wool cloth .and is in great demand for Suits -find Dresses, Some colors come . 1 5 per 'riceyd lengths, P r in dress en L , Dress lengths of fine worsted effects in the choicest shades of grey, per ier length • 4.►50: to' 6 .00ov1, fawn, etc.,- ane of the newest material, shown for light Weight dresses ' Price O • An interesting event took place on Tuesday afternoon, of last week when Mr. Samuel McBride and Miss Jose- phine, Willett were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Henderson of IXensall. Thebride wvas very becom- ingly attired in a costume' of fawn trimmed silk and ribbon to match and carried a hopuet.of create roses. She was assisted by the groom's sister,. Macy Ann, who was attired in blue. The groom was supported by his cousin from Galt. After the ceremony was performed, the couples repaired to the bride's home and sotdown to ilia splen- did dinner prepared by the hostess. A. very pleasant eyening was spent in dancing, all present enjoying them- selves very' touch. They were the recipients of a beautiful array of pres- ents, showing the esteen in which the young couple are held by their friends. About 75 invited guests were present, 111r. and Mrs, McBride have settled in their new hone on the town line where M'r. McBride recently bought a farm. A host of friends extend hest wishes for at, bright and prosperous future. The following is the report of S. S. No.14, Hay, based on attendance, de- meanor arid general proficiency as well as examinations during the month of March a P. S. L•—Ella Phillips, Ben. Smillie. Entrance.—John Petty, Grace Mc- Arthur, .Beatrice Petty. Jr.4th.--Janies Pety Elsie Petty. Se. 3rd—Frank Clegg, Oliver Fee, Edward Clegg. Jr. 3rd--•Letty Mulholland, George, Ohambers, Percy Clark. Se. 2nd—Jessie McArthur, Jennie Jackson, Jr. 2nd--•I+liza lwtulholland, Sara Petty, Nellie McArthur. Part 2nd.... Larva Pee, Clarence, Mc- Connell. Part Ist.—Sydney McArthur, Ella Berry. Pronotionsa From 2nd to Jr. ;3rd. --Jessie Mar. thnr, From Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd.-•--Letty Mul- holland, Percy Clalrk. George Cham - hers. From Sr. 8xd to Jr. 4th„—Prank Clegg, Oliver Pee,Eddie Clegg, Inspector Tom visited our school on Wednesday last and foundthe school and equipmevit all 0..1. School closed on: Thursday and will reopen on Mon- day April 15, Mrs. John Petty of 'liensadl spent (,rood Friday at her son's, Mr. J. It. Petty. Mr. Silas Butt intends leaving these parts for Toronto where he has secur- ed a position on the Massey ram. Mr, T, H. Brownlee, teacher, Wt for home on Friday where he intender to spend his Baster vacation.. Attbtiott Sale ii2og1' tei', On Tuesday April 27th, at 1l o'clock a, am, at tate Cotnmereiaal•hotel, m Clinton, 14 choice calves frothree to eight days old.—George Chaptnatt,. proprietor 1 Thomas Drown, auction. eer, 38inch aide ail wSettee n shs es f red 'brown,- navY, fawn, also ck, will make veryeryservlceib a dr sses, extravalue a t • per yd 60 Black • Dress Goods.: . 38, 40 to 44 inch:wide Serges. Oashaneres; Granite Cloths; etc„ war • ranted all pure wort, .hard finish, will not hold nn dust, best values we ever had tat per yd' ■ 25 .."TO .5 0 6 0 42 Inch wide black Poplin, a fine soft cloth for, dresses; warranted 60 all wool, Al value at per' yard 42 inch wide English Repp hi small figures, extra '.hard finish. for u skirts or dresses. w.illgve good wear rand will not hold di st, i thi s is one of our best selling lines; special. per yard • 42.inch wide black figured Skirt Lengths, small and large designs, •n . u two alike, all hard finished goods that will 3.50 /�.5 0 to not hold dust,extra values'at each skirt length . 'T Spring. .Millinery. From any 'standpoint 'you can 1 -til the Spring Millineryi1e1y to best adavuta e 1 ere. • First comesme s the question • ••Y .60 I s 6. G0 • _1s of'prico.; and what woman doesil't appreciate the 6f:dollars? It's actualcalfact that i uPr1 ccs are v e x Y be.found lanywhere. ..• lowest til Dozens of hats are here'read f• or our inspection and choosing. • At - 2.75 3 50 'and 5.00 our hats are entirely beyond coin are:. $ ,$ $ Y Y coinpare. ' a great. deal snore.: elsewhere other .Stoies 'are selling for The Sailors 1.111. •at .� )I.�O eo le; tell us are better than g for S o we are selling 75c arid ^ � 50c,a $ p . p .. . more, one-thirdore st. , E ual le'prettiness and ' quality q Y WASH GOODS Silk Lawn 30c Irish "Dimities 30c SHIRT WAISTS with the Bishop Sleeve i. 1 t 1 t Mt•tN•••.•..•tt•N.••Ntr.•N.•4•N•N.N•.6***.•..*N.N.i...........o .....t....N0••••..N•N.1•N.NYt•. n r rrr rr�� • • � r .1r rrnrrrrrr rrrrrr rrnrrrrnrr rr r r r rrr r rr rrr rrrrn�nrr�rrrrrrr�rrrrrnr � � rrrrrrr�rnrrrrrrrrrrrrn nrrr t �tr�rn n rrrrrnrr�rr rr . r rti rrr. • n•ti4••o••••••.•• •tl+ ••••i•i•.••ao•a mora®caaaonraasaaaooser•o4a* aoddaaaa••nta•ao•asar••oo•••064s.aoa• • Who''s Your Hatter ? Boy's Knee. • • Parts .. ..� Whenou buy: your THE r' LION" . BRAND Y.. aci5.0.11 ros., 'CLINTON.. iE Hats here you . get the largest and selection to be seen outside the. cities. Take the pestselling hat we have in the house and you will find it the Christy London make. The price is only $1.50 and you can get themin all the different shapes ' in black and colored stiff hats. You.can get the latest' shapes in soft hats in the same make and at the same price. e hats are the finest make ke in the world. They will stand their color and keep their shape. If you are not a buyer of our great Christy Hat ' at $1.50:;j ust try one and .you will soon realize that no such value can be had elsewhere. Everything bear- ing the brand of the "Lion" is the , pro- duct of our own fao tory and we are now turning out a class. of goods not equall- ed in Canada for the money, Our. boys' Y knee pants are made with double knees and seats. They are manufactured from give . all wool gcodsand wil.lg ve b.etter satis- faction than any other make. We are selling by them the hundred all over On tarso, and this must be good evidence that they p are a superior erior class of goods. Our prices remain the same 50c, 60c, 75c The TRADE tiktileeklopflemmormey MARK s hirti. I $12, The above celebrated make of shirts are ackno*ledged to be the goodsthemarket. There best oll. C seems to be a fit and make about thews that pleases every buyer and our trade is continually growing in this snake. If you are one that has found it a difficult hatter to get just what you want in the way of shirts just collie and try the W. G. Sr,"lr satisfied R. goods, you will bt, sl with them. 'For $1 we show an as= sortinent of new colored goods that is hard to equal. Wo have them in all the new spring shades, they are ma le open fronts, detachable cuffs. and at $1 they make the most popular shirts on the market. Our SOe. unlaundried white shirt is still the greatest selling shirt ket, r v;r $14, $16 Suits. ,9 sss .I IE s0 0 0 j• I, The above is, what we are asking for our 3 great lines of men's ordered suits. We aro now in a position to buy a very Targe quantity of woolens and can go to the manufacturer and save 15 to 20 0/0 on our purchases. This big saving is seen in the prices we are asking. You get the latest ,entr fin our goods, you have the best of wol'klnanship, and our suits are trimmed in u. way noother house itequals. When comes to a ques- tion ofgood value you will find that our fine ordered suits at $12, $14 and 10 are away ahead of anything shown in this section. Let us have your order you will be more than 'gatisfled. rani _ s -a --n • 4 4 a a a �u�uu�xc����ruc�cruxu�Iru.iui�►uri%�uiuu�►liii► uruciriuiui��rciu�u�rr����ui��t�uiu�i►u,u