HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-18, Page 7'is spoken Of 701il' but be to 310 A- "He Ill unto death, and to see 701 might come -the words, sav the words -I -.11 Witli one last Inarticulate cry and g elemeritsi down to the coo 0 0 the plants, tbu4 nourialita them 0000 A Lessoll excite jilin Unduly. Hadn't you better 90 4 a quiver that shooX the room he became still.* ZX1 f, ' A w r i c f (I removing 1411 the Objectionable lea- tureq of -such a covering, and leaves 40ft H ome iThTt Inear Her eyes kindled and she looked itt "And I Tera never reg Wood consciousness, but away, about Mid- �?w C�� a better sprInW Match than If jig, been In thQ es 11, Affill' me fiercely. you. love him, too Alil I might have Xtiown. You could not be near him and not love him. I passed quietly nit, Next d dy, the two bodies Were clime -i by elders from the Sellaut �tqAp HOGS, Straw ad alone fall. There time the forgive you." band. Charlie Vale recovered almost WHY GROW BACON never wag a 411106 days of Adam when the furmer was MUS FOR STALE OrYoppor of the senan 4 I I Thero was an exquisite pathos In her VOIce,'an4 withal such convIetton, that entirely. Ilia lungs are still weal, and b0- spends much of his time in the and still �jt NVUI give bogs with bo no, Good bone is %voluted to enable swine toTall- ou aa bigh a place, socially or eooao- raloallyo as Ua Stands to -day, because. 1V`0r)rOAe has 14.11 or her own ideas relative to the jIn-4tatjQn of boars It vlo,�sp for a moment I could not find words wherewith to answer. She went on south. lie has never Married, carries IA his heart the Image of one ture wall, to keep them on their feet there never Was a time when tarmers or days that Mark the boundary line slowly and doggedly. Tera and a certain Count Gbagars- under the 1heavy pressure, of forced were such earnest students, of their which credits bread fresh or stale. Without Illy perceptible cause, our The 0 'I see I am not ralatilloen. But be is Mille. lie is ill.mine. X will watch by king of the Senaul. The night begall to. get nd feeding, and to Ueop at bay such trou- business, and never a time when the prosperity of the country depended as The Problm fo the housaiife ift, to still was anything IMt a succes% water wag calm,, with the exception of him alone. It Is my right, for he called Me and X answered, Leave us." we moved Into the house, out Harry MacPherson had ardAuOtbCr les- bles, as rheumatism and gout, more on- mueh�oa the prosperous condition Of IWOW ow to. make bread acceptable 'it a long swell, tbu reinalits of the aftor- noon sea. The Moon as full In. a I made no movement, and she tapped I $011 On the subject Of types- pecially Ia heavy brood Rows, and the farmer, and the farther we ad- vance In P.knowledge anol in ability to to all aftm ocas]e.q to be fresh to� cloudless sky, find the magic of her bar foot lightly nd impatiently. Then I 0. sires, You cannot make a, bacon pig Impart knowledge, the bott r will Me t111040 w1io ll bat goorn any but 12o t light transformed ourAumbled wake her mood changed. "Where Is the King ?11 she asked. "I INVENTiONS WANTED. without giving Win good bona. The farmers be 4pproolAted. into churned inercury. I was nenrous and Irritable. Tbere Wag no, mirth for have not seen him." , . food that. 16 essential to make good do Bread jA 1W eae should I>a wasted, me in the songs, and the Conversation '"re I thought the woman hdd become Jnsaae4 "The Kingl The I. -A system of vrireless� telegraphy bacon cannot Kjo otherwise than to stale. There are many wayS .3piritless ,Ind Insipid. re- suddenly King ?11 4y which a message can, be sent clear produce good bone, -writea, Prof. Thos, LADY ROBERTS AND HJ -;R TRUNKS. oiZ convk.XtLng t into jig tful, p- do h a turned about eleven, having cut - tailed the length of ur trip, ,,Yeper, the Xingl" she was grow- groutiol the yorld, Shaw, of Minnesota. POtizing olhlbo,% uoix healthful and. tiod I Went to my room feel- Ing excited. "Ay, Yeper. He was Ili this hou�,e, I -would know where lie Ia. 2.-Electrioaj production of ozone for It will givaus bogs with good bree& piair S16 ,rlIr4),1glk, t,j)nIr1ks,ls 00,13ailiendablu to the palate. A few I rooeipf,a tie th,i$ end, that haft been 1 t,lg thRt tile day had been tile for I would speal� with hila. I have ;torilizing water, to rid it of its many Ing oroperties, by which is meant the glop ielt liowlers, f0tuld satisfactory from most idiotic of my wholt, life. I could not howevoir, and I Opened the charge to make, and he will answer. Do not stand so and stare, woman. impurities. 'manufacture property of brooding regularly. fwun­ There Ia a story going rouitA E010141. Lady Roberts and 'her trunks, for the aneoonol.11�cal litandpoint as a and well as wliolesont dZghtful, be b those window, and sat and watehoa tilt, night dan'st thou not answer ? I seek the 3. -The or artificial dity or the power to prooluve many 'trittli will welcomed until the clock on the mantel struck, two Then I closed tit(* shatters 'and crawl- tnan With the black haIr and the bro,wil ldn, and the shoes that sbine and 91IS- food by xidized hydrogen. at a litter, ;Ind good milking and of which a man-, returning from South Afrloa� vouches. w1ha have, got alroady giolved tha-pro- b0l-,bo1w, to utiloize bits and crusts, ea beneath. the . covers. Afterwards hall (,it- ten In the sun. I see% Yepor of the 4. -The flying inae hitto will be a (act, nursing properties, All through the t t a el t o the transport dit- A Ii 1h f Young. hou9ewiv.mN may not know come along t1w and �Zjenanl. He has struck at my -my love. IL w! I. not bring un as I iversal peace cown belt te laineitt is going up that gli hfootsteps, , brand may be freshened go as, tered Dale's room, wbich stood next to Mille. The thought struck MO that he He has killed him." Her speech end Ili a dry ob. me suppose, Some nation, will rule the sow do not breed regularly, that ficulties, Lady oborts carried e t , B, 9U never to be detected as having pass - ed tbivDugh An was retiring Much later than thA others, but I wag. swepy, and soon I ',w I knew the girl wasmad-�,tark mad. The Count, for she could mean the air as well, as the sea, 5.-F utare developments will tend to , mall and uneven, and the litters are a that t he, 4ama do, -not sufficiently franks from Cape Town, to Bloom - faxitelm, In the very tootli of the offi- the art of Steaming. ark that emUraces. only the spirit of "r- whilo,li that the dozed oft. Three days bagged and till? Count (lid no other, had been out of the house for a week, and had had no possible Coln- ,r of Individuals an., diminish the numbe nourish. their Woung. now could . it Everybody wondered, - everybody wOrth urges ideal practical hiome-maker to make te, bat not return. He ]lad gone on to To- munication with Dale for tN!o days at gaged in battle, T.hfs.wlll bring Into be otherwise, Since , the dame are -No one but Lady Roberts kyf every thin.-, this combined Tacit bad received 0, Wire ronto, and , from him regretting that big business least before lie was taken 11. The I Count's servant was also absent, use a machine -which cani be operat��Ia Strained to �o great an extent on that grumbled. could have- taken the things through. With the aid of a Leamer and a pot of boiling wuter, works the bread tranK. might carry bilil. its far,as Montreal. "Come, dear," I said, "you are ex- h ble iiidivid.11alp. never-ending diet of.corn f Now with Th6 transport of stores had betju formation, That was all. in the meantime Dale bad fallen RY cited. Calm yourself. The Count Gba- gars 11as not been here for seven days. G. -he perfection of the tolautorea. ton, a MacIlLue having all its b0dil Y good brooding qualities a4 with good bond, loannot 'bacon 9topped for the time, the sick lacked every comfort, and those who w Oro TO Preserve, Bratiol.-In the firSt Gbagars dep,irted Thursday evening. and Sunday Charlie filod to present I believe he is in Montreal. But see, you have awakened him." A Movement on UiLIVOInvats controlled from a distance , you grow go od both, for the food without scou4ng . . not sick -were half-�starved, and only half-clad. Therefore, when a fa- AD place, gather all the or at and r k- en pieces and having placed them in himself for lunch. n inquiry alletted the bed had drawn my eyes in that dl� without wire. Telautomatics are, ap� that Produces good bacon is mostoon- t1gue party was' told off to fetch a deep thm. in the IffaTi.m" e was not oll'Ite well, There had been I btirning ,en ition In rection, and they met those of the sleeper. p1labla to an maohilaci that move so the land, In water, or in the air, ducive.to production of good breeding and [;nod nursing qualities. The be- those eight. trunks from Bloeiafon� Pan, put Ing oven, leaving them there till his throat, anO on rising to get a*drIIII; lie had turned dizzy nd %veak and had I had taken Terals hand In mine, but Lit my words she sprang away from me, T -The transmissfon, of electrical an, Of the Improved Yorkshires nd tile Twit-wortha sustains the view tein station, some rather uncoinpli- mantaiy things )ivere said about wo. crigsP and brwn or better still, keep them there till needed. Many who been forced back to bed., 1W ev(?I'Illlg a cough,had fastened upon him and he and before I could restrain I her had Charlie's was bend� 047.9y tI.Arough the earth without a WIrO. just-gLvon. Thm" are at present pre- men travellers in ]general and this Iat- est transgressor in particular. suffox frot. indigestion have found bttead thus dried thoroughly, of I complained of a, pain in the chest, Ili the region of the thorax. Ilia respiration reached pillow,and Ing over him, with Infinite solicitude B. -A sykem to draw energy from eminently the badou..'breeds, and they are pre�-emiuontly distinguished by Next day seven of the eight trunks great hygLcn1c vialue and an excellent 6ub- THE COMING PRINCL,' OF CANADA. was impeded nd there as a slight express ll f her body, She crooned softly to him, and brushed the sun.. their good breeding and nursing qual- were unpacked, and their contents distributed among the soldiers. The stituto for zwieback, For cooking the from the Good. bybFtber *; Give my Love to Canada." The little Princ'u Edward of' Vork cough, Sickness comes upon a sintimer holl- The back his thin bali the while, as, I kn Ow now thy O. -Tho Cl -olytic Ceti Process of a�x a . xtracting irou-from ore, dn(I monold. ities. - An -other reason is that- it will give oleve� lady had snapped her fingers at red tape, and bad amuggle'd through purpose, remove crusts aran 'and ToU lightly, but be careful not to The lid. isalready a keen lioperialist, a - would dearly have loved o ocompany Ills parents to the.,colonles. day party like a great dampness, fire of mirth,. of wlt� of sonr and dance Otf stifling you came not to ine at tfie-tryst. I waited underneath thewillows until the it into required forms ing without Nei consumption. hogs with all round stamina, t ' hat is to say, an animal that is. active on his 0 comf rts fog the men, One: small tr�n . k her'peraorial belong- powder.. particles should resemble some of the cereals. Only becomes quenelled, and fumes breeding, tile NV, all laticholY, tile house like so many morning star had ga Ined, hef strength nd �the birds stirred restlessly over- manufacture of feet, always xeady for his food and able Lo:put it, to a good use, one that Contained inga. roll w1hat you need, for the day. D yspeptlo'N' Broad is -merely bread a whining, tretful cry Is not a healthy PIGEON OR LEOPARD. orie� wo�ed about blind mice and ack Wag Ili const , erna. tion. head, 11 She. stared at the face bo- fore her, 'nd-then started back-wl A aluminum and its gradukk xtermina- fion.ot copper and possibly, iron. will stand forced feeding,, without breaking down, that.does not readily dried as Stated: abo-ve, and for eon- It is claimed tbai a. baby' cannot Ilr. have too much oxygen, and while a ,Is ton Monoloy morning Charlie W, ched a Wild cry, for there Was ;to answering look. She struggled with her fear and ll, ---(Al aelf-�acting onginei capable,of fall a'proy, to disease, sirds.. that are ON A veiienre, cut into Cubes. To pre- serve regul4rity offormi� iEOvell to infant ought.. not to be Tho. adventures, -of rdyellert; in with hemorrhage and a doe tot, was Ila-' medlately c, lieVunlaatl000 drew for -breath hard, Then she be- came "Carlos! Speak to mej gentle, driving encrg fronalts o%N,n motion,� active and usoful. to. a good old ge, and clams, that will gladden the heart' jjrti snit�i4ing itru. 0%, J114� Z out the bread into cubeg before -p Ing in tho taken out in the open air, yet thd air in the atirsery can be changed "darkest Afil Cal' are often of a high was made and the physicinto of ,me out of the Rick room with a grave face, Carlos. Look at me nd smile as' you . ------- of their owners. by the bundance K OX see call and third oven. E mpire, Plum Pad-dingl-Ono pound frequently, at least twice every da., IY, dangerous k' ol., thk sports- ;11 from the "What Is It T' asked Jack, and we used, I arn the same Terd as of old. Remember how we plighted troth under LARGE SAILING SHIP.- of their 1producti' d by the. hand-, on, an some way in - they nouri [all give.tIlb torejga0 all oj)por-tLlu1tv of rabilna, one pound of currants, one when the child "ri be taken Man in search O�.guiiil and pigeon isl room. while the baid atr is "blown all echoed the question, "Plithists," It(! replied,- and we lield . -the smile of Pleiades. Carlos ! Carlos I My,Godl . He is dead -dead! No no lit tilt" IV0041. B0319 I t1glit It .which , th -apt. to study life of the Jtrpallc,�e. I)OOPIO. 011, the first thing One is thal an' d ono�half pounds of beef suet four . 1. . 1. >hn . windows. not wise if he wauder4 far from camp Out" through ol- If the temperature tile is lowered w hils companiong, as more danger - . 1. on breath. !consurnptlonlll� lie eoll� n the last stape, too. tinned ; "and -I . it cannot be! Ile would n 411 She threw her arms ottward, clusgow. - Tht Lt our 1pigs are weaklings in the corn -b elt, in comparison ith wha entering - 3, the giass white :lines re. 0, ounces f oh6ppod apple; eight ounces of mixed candied one pound and of room too much, wrap, the child up in a blaw- dus gartl, is likely to be neat at hand.' Why was T not called sooner T "But . two days." pame.14, Clasped, and her heacl fell forward be � : It has be4n generally thought . i they ought to be, no candi'd Ma 4 windows, and tiilon. inquiry the ltr,orlllao' Ition that the OOOPIO peel, eight. ounces, f bread orumbsr,'� three ket -,when returned, until the right de- Lloyd, alltbor of "In lie has only been III "You I've. tween them. ll-, "Olo; Ravria,"she Mon. tha�'t the day of.the ealling.vessel ivas I ,vill deny. hey are not all weak- 'breeders is elicited 896e'of quartexa Of a pound of.molst sugar, -Dwarf grie is reached, Land,�'.. narrates a disa reeable ex - exclaimed Jack. must surely od, "why -hast. thou brouglit thi.upo 11 During- the .past. fl. years; ling 6 sfoop 6,11 are*not in- whe'travel in the. cars ire unused to ight e Pint of milk,, A most important. itera in the baby's �n0sk.to rin'staken." "I am.not mistaken, air. Tit I a symp-: me ? He Is not d6ad, but he knows me no m ore. M . e -Tera." She sat down on hoiwevex, two.typeA of'ships have been judicious. Many of them are not weak- lings since many ol the breeders are glass which. perhaps they hav:e�aevev -e before, nd.thatthdy ai pt to put aggs, a'odae-af wine glass ii&a latilf of brandy, one-' half each of training. Ia the ba1h, which mpan!� Perite4cc irltiolloamo proving a more, than a little spop.-ing oft once Von. 1,vOrAe than that. only too well marked, "Both lungs are badly affected, I ill speak the bed and* mUtterd In'a. dull Mono- tone:. 11Yeper;.,Yeper,, I see. thy hand built in incronsing hillaborg which bid fair to t , no, lnjudlaioa� in breeding and feed- If tribre is notlil their. hoada through ng to that bars the- Way. ounce cloves.' cinnamon, I ctl!ru�der 6eCdg' pounded' a: day, The child should. be allowed' . He had gone off alone rxymg on y tosplas�h in a,tub of NrateVeach morn- plainly, for I fear. there'Is no hope. -in this. Be sure that my vengeanCe equal, if'not exceed, the tramp Lnj'or in.'genaral management. But indicate a substance In all Japanese tritv.elets grated lamlah peel. - Boll sizc,houxo- Ing about an hour after fee"ding., his'Allotgau with, o. 6-abot for pig-.- We can do.little more than rettird'and will follow thee, and o vertak6 thee at '.tis teame in e heapn6ss ,of cost and I ne 1wealk-lings, and,dis- nany of thelon thea 'to 'carryLrugs,, cold weather for'the cari are heated inere.1y 01110colato, Broad -Pudding.- One Fancy poapA hould be ayd'oldol, bpure Con s, and.had. got into d very wild ease the end." 'for the last. But, a strange way to thelove O�Peration, and at thme dawn of the ease is ever present.among 10 . steel cylinders filled with hot wa . pini a led, crumbs milk, one pint of dr Castile oT *whife Soap being the best, .9 ' " toward ort of Junglp,. It We were. bewildered, i one suppected flie Whole thing was some win of a woman-. ..Tile' gods %hill prevail against thee, 0 Yeper! naw. Century -iherc are: two weasels, a degrees that -is ,simply appallingand resaliv.6. Hog chol' OPP era is -s- germ )y ng 'ter and laid oh: the floor'. - �Sloice -the pas, stooked it mllk� -boil, aliothar pint of wa4mell and the inassag of the inuseles and, , evening, And oo, after: wand4rIng:.' I hallucination. I found mygelf recount- -Ing tb -e events of the Past -few. days t, Tile Dragon is no more In tile a�eend- nt. By Ravna, �but thou shalt eat.clirt. I One ilk ca, ch ol aas, which are abOILHO be egistructed, that are' more'. dl is- disease, as everybody knows, and will, . olio6l, L in cQnsequ attack- the bao6npig, angergAid always palling open themin� IL 6ws,. Japanese oars in'mi dwinter are 'a milk wth. takioupful of grated e a- 'ru hoe I ato; 'mix W.1th breold. orambs. 'Add bbing of the skW Whion a bath makes -necessary bear a large share libouL lox OOMB tinle'and seeing- noth- . lie hiii' make or riot I A dreflin. Dale -Consumption !'The two shall not for-ket The woman was.pialfily demented. I tinctive than. any - that, .� preceded as wolt, as the. hog. But will, it men' every individual aeo� to theL . health I of 0pjkA of four. oggsC, One Cupful of Su-� toNvviTd nl�ak Ing. the healthy chil(l. -g, began to retrace steps. This, lx� won,foutioll; was at) easy,mat­ would not go together anyhow. The end of our dis.-atiqfactioln was tht w call aid and aher taken. I moved toward thil door, but them. On-e� the contract for whidli *-baa. just been lot -by- a German firm. attack him as readily or -will befall a Prey to it so''Ofts110, Ido:not.thtak �ho lids become used -to an even tempera- lure withindoors., gar. Bake'oneoiha*lf hour. Dellolou. Bread Pudding.-7CUt" tho ter, and a4ter putling givit - i 'di- in one reCtion and.than in another lie be- specialist on pulmonry diseases came there halted Cha 'A Dale was speak..; r1i. to a Gla§gow -shipbuilding firm,, iS.. a s6.�, It would not. be redsoi kabl6` that - Incidoint or travel Is. The 'smallest 'pr RULWAY. RUMBLINGS. to: gio, a gan back, from New York fn answer to 'Jaol,cls Ing in a thin. -troubled voice. huge� square-rigged. sailing ship, hav-, ho. should; elso stamina is � no e I afo.,: 6nough t� break,the lee, and if a person Lore, d in thin slicaA, to C'aonp.that nighL.. telegram 'a' 0 a. stibstaritial,. fee paid In', n "I do tiot understand.' Who is this Ing fir maoats, and a t011ago Of 8,500, guard. against ollsaag�e. -13tit, it is -in has a r6ug ticket Or, has 105A anything ter and �Iace in dish. Between ovi -at a hour St, den is It Nnt all aT ter of an adva nee. . . . . . - . woriian ? She is.strange, t wlitch Ia a U00 lager than that., V43X �01 o degree a -safeguard, against dis�- it Is'a matter of Interest snol:.solieltude each -layer, prinkle iwell with fresh Pancras, thO.Lon qu I I I I W b6fOre ountiet� -. as IQiolng my ay... ,tit He could do nothing more, th, dorse the opinion and dingil . 081s of bi as,.. quit e fami---�' The -laft syII6,ble was..smoth.or- of an sailing voisstl. The y prerious, detr mihafkm of . the ' GormanS to ease, or. the testimony of. all the: can- turies with rof6reffee. to this: mat ter for everyboolk. else. . Manyo: the .pasoen- gors are apt to behave with the same un-. grated Cocoanut. Beat eig-lit eggs with four tabile.s,poonfulg of sugar the -largest I " ba _ L , . . the MiAlan.d �RAII,Way, I$ along a nar.row. tra6k� whioli. the Midland Riaffi�ooyl is' tile largest howed would eventually taka.' t L medical friend. TrII6,1'it hqs a mWif ca, e'Prac'� ,ie, Never In Ills whol ad as 'Toia throw harself'gorward-,sob- bing, build A reasel of this size may 66 td:k- has been ino8t-delusive. om as lu�th restrained freed air own homes. ts *f Ilk tur� mix wth. three- pin 0 Mi n the ider a single station. I kingdoo ut tho, main ioad, whan suddenly. lake. .pecullar tice.,bad b4D s6en the discase in, sucIr 0 m . :"I am Tera," slie cried, Teia6c en. a9 evidence Ahat the"'kee0ding- ' But are not plgs of the bacon types If they tire starting. on ong journey, this on ths breadi -letting it remain . sPaa. I t it it contains seven platforms. copard sprang trom, it tree a, rapid course. Was the patient dohi- itated, Intemperate or grOatly worrietl I loe, remember me. Th nk! my eytia;are,the same that used. to. look !mou4tcr!` sitilitig vssela� .. 9�viicd bY Goxnlau- firm,4 have proved to be pay- harde�r feeders than Jhos6 of other types T I believe , they are. The ex- they at once proceed to make themselves. as 1-.V`tog Is -half of milk is ab,�drbed� 13ake till one- three of all hour. If co e4 Lah EWft. in length' and te I n Sets of front of me.. ral 'I but feared to Pull in mind the -attack. No.. upon �you So folitily. , Aly lips -that spokp ing The ather type to perldnoO,Of. all. th, past atended a comfo'itable possible.'. spr',lad out on -the seat; 'for they are - #cry. qual�ters conut is not- "oeti it is su'fle"on"I Lay gmn, tli,g ta . it- Jn P-10Prti(la to' p0liulst 01 TIP't ill,, triggei; the putting Strange, very strange! Thefe'verw,m5 to. you are stL11 the'same; I am all. th a which shl�-bulldera 4re.turning their id show. the blose relation. between the particular never to -sl . t on� anything iliat.ls Won to or owdeiyd or 1*'- v -.miles of railWaY of a huildred or�ao of .6 shot into ad Stoitea has twel a as an entiro a little high Enid there w, th, same. Lovd, remember it I am your , . tion Ia the malti-haas-4 I 11 idsall- tte compact :f�rm, that 1!� .Jo say, the iiot perfedtly .Then they shake 'off tween layers r, b. king. I I I for 'five for the Nast waald only enra.ge,haa. So ab&ence of dlarrhetic sYmPtonts ; bu� tuberculosis was pparent. Noth- th moonlIght by only Teral, Think of, e the lake. Think of the white spray iil�g schooner. The'aucciiss oftha six -Corm! 'f the lard%hog and easy -keep- o a, And curl the their geta, Or wooden cl'g' ir . . 13iread udd;l1g.- - Threb- each ralic -Ia. Russia, miles ited With My gua each mile in Go at my ishaul&r and my rmauY or the - Un -very Ing could be pliner. . Tile great tor deciaed lie Would remain tl� (lay or and the nodding reeds wf we sat side by lde,. Oh, darling, think, again. I ma�ited schoone -"Georgd W; which Ia- capable 6f 6airying -5,00 Ing qualities, inferea6el,ther fore - is logitim,fe, that the uldre dis- feet,u underneath. The next thing is a p alacke, in which both men and women in- Poston . c . r quarters. of -a pound of I uralil, one . Kingdom'. SIX for on6 in.Austriai:an.d. pye'fixed upon the leopardi w-hiohhad four for oneW Prance. alighted -oil, Lhe ground otify about ten two and watch the ca,se. - From clen- aim TerA, your IoVe, your -your- She tolia'of' co�li has led th6. builder' to. 'be tant'.-the remo*.e..frobi this type, the dulge, sometimes lighiting.eigarette after andone-half pounds 6k ourrant%,half -A -of an yards in front f I giadually tlflc,pGlnt of view it Was most Interest- had,tIlroVwn her arms about his neck,. declare- that she -will followed by more- fodd, relatively that. i.11. be . cigarette, but more often they use the (if, subt, 'one' and onc-quar�ter Beh�me for the construction aIng. He believed. it was an entirely nd her -face -was Close to his, Slowly a seven -masted , wodoert Schooner, used in' makin 9 'It . pdand.*�of pork. tiny pipe, which never contains mote to - pound of moist sugar, brown, four eggs, electric railway tothe summit. of MO 'The eleature Jwst.crouolled up�ii the ne%, form of plithisis, whIch*e felt prl� she dr 6W away, While a great subduing fearap illicit iier.. She.gazed at some with a carrying Capacity pf,,adt las a SO f 'as known to ba. writer'it hhs ar baco than a wisp the size of u.'pea and two, tx�blcspoonrula of . sweet 'Cream. B 110 IS at '' iderad groudd like �'hugo oat;i lashing itd Ia presdat being couti vileged to -be allowed to - study. :Ele -%vaS -pneumonl,- nor sure it was,not object, fesciiiated. As I looked a small than 6;000,.,ton.% of coal. It is more than likely that as, 'the century not been'dernofistkated -by eXper ience that the bacon g�g is a harder itled- affords one; sometimes two pi.�ffs to the 'a 'Grated, nutmeg' to taste. �� 0110p suet UW F rdnob X(hister the - In terio t tail tbhokward and forward, narling of -horribly, its fangs. And, was it any combination of -thLt arfec� syniptoms-of serpent writhed -back from the nock'of the ffivalidand crept up ber arm and rances the warld Will sdc'srju,, Or. than the lard bog, But In the ab- then knocked onto smokr. The ash I 11 t he floor and another wlsp singed in and fine, add to a wth Curi rant'and other 'Beat well. Steam t1le inventor being a French engineer shoJo�wing all 01114 I left it. tion. and pleurisy,"though. both were-preqerit, By Tuesday a I.o.d. the fringe of the go into her �1)000111. ' I . - I stood horeor�ArIcken and ol and foxo and aft. v`essel.5 designed .& rying of -cargo for the oax CA in bulk' ; . sonce, of. such. demonstration, it.. will be fair to*coacede tiffs We ut not la. lighted from the smoldering ash'whicb. in but tered' moulds four --liour1f.. I I 'Ta7rejar4.;--Cut named ria aulto power it now bogan to ge . t dar a 'd b . bre.. The yd1r . . . Ili . k n e- for supplying the electric current W Ing much alarmod at the Of line showed along patient's gum, the fingers began to thicken and the *knuckles b6cdme hard Then ,a, blackness seized- upon the, and I was about to fall. SomL01IL' bought whi�,Ii will rival; in f�lzd, all but. the laget & the steam -ships of the eon- I , , l6flp to the concluion, however, that Ijacon swine are hard feeders. Good has just, been thrown away. This is kept mil off.aadoh, for hours. . Sp4nisli stale bread nioderutoly thick. , Beat W`011 two p0speat be obtained from the River Arve and staying on, t all night in so wil'd and 'the Mar de lace, Thei length of 'the da . nge.rous� a I `4egan to and* knotty Mr. and Mr& Dale were done for ne,and I saw a. face -the face of Count. J gars. I- recovereol Instantly - sind a ttiry which 111,14 just dlgeAlon 19 a matter of trans mission �.foedlng When. not smokingi �eating is gbing on. At evc�y station there are vendors of the ('99 adol'ond p.a . t 6, f i�ilk; Dip coon quarter, . rallway is -estimated. at. cleva Miles, blo,y With all my. =;ght the whistlo sent for and.,evervtbing WRS fellow that brain$ could 011- struggled.16 my feet. da well as form, bance, the little, mandarin oranges. Ever asscn- 7 p slloe into egg and ilk and fry in stlirting at the village of 11011chdS %which I lWys cairied ih my'belt, the young ceive end money command. "All our qj- however, wore of little avall. The Count Intmeolk itely left me and shot over to tho�'bed, Where he clutch- qualities'of the bacon pig, have. been inapro ved by generations of care ful r buys a dozen or -move dud eat a them It rt rime,-throwin the skins about in, as 0 M�Lple syrup. Nor butter. k Having Oa the Savoy side'of Mont Blanc� After blo-wing for some time I heard Edinburgh will soon be, able -to: IRF a calli and'makiog off in the direc- forts, -lie grew grad. unlly wt0.,ker, and it ab- ed the rlgld�. body :,of Tora -�by I broad The most that n be Si, ' g the g6or.. Boys pass by with,tea lit tiny ,soa,lded in salt water, remove Stringy Claim to possessing one pg. the biggest tion of it, sudd,enly found 'This or ed only a matter of hours when lie Thursday the -shoulders and twisting. ber, about, spoke brielly. In , a lan- APHOriISMS. theiefore, is that 6 the a _O_ , pig 1hough.probably not so aaw k"p earthen pots, a cup placed OTC ii the top, 'be parts. T-hcn stand them into Cold rallway stat, )rid. is toring.o. village. -ions in the wt the ne%v Waverley Station Which jO th� they, Aw rcoold ve lest us. forever.. Ila as , did not ,Undctatand� � to and tbliti -iney purchased for. 3 sell (� wat er'ten.mInutes.. Drain on towel- aL1Vqs,�ivhcn .4 me, . I morning the authority" w. forced by pressing bw00*1 . to return gaago .1 She turned upon.blin like a Wounded 0 I Nvill not. deva The n1i jew leedor as the lar Or or d a hard to6der. cent and a half), and the teapot Is left.14 Dip into edg and bread ciuiab�i and no%v almost completed, It 00vel'a fled in all irect ions, nd I could riot which about twenty-three acrosi of -get near enough to Make my. request home; and 'tile-I'lesser Ilklit" resumed A- trained nurse carried outt t1gress and strained to freo'hersolf. Lat Ghagars Was Wild, and �': caught lier is knowledge..*. Lilugford. Recollo6tion Is the on l. paradIse from Tho, comapaTison, 06refore, stiladi the car. Besides leaning out of the car windpw' s' fry in butter, I �i. . � .. I .. one-lialf in roofed over; The staff for help, kno %ra td, them. I wLandered control Ills Ingiruetions. more closely to him. He had forgotten and'I could see Ills hand: wlich we cannot �e turned thus: The bqcon p!g is away.aboad f th'd lard It' og in strongth of bone to buy these, the passiliigers'have little Yrench Toast.' -One egg well beat-. on, add one. plat of JAIlki'a - generous employed at thisostatiout will, nPiribei ab,ut -in the. illage for a little. about 400, and be under the inanage- wbile 'And than my whistle We all put orth out belt effoftA to help In orne.mall way, and ocrasloll- IVI'lle tbb MY P resence, feaching for a knife,the handle: of which ilihowed here . Ills -coat was � drawn ter. Rashness Is the cbafttet�-rlstlq Or�,q ; nd in Llve. capacity. to,graze well, i, . quality "which - sfrClooth of bone wooden boxes' filled. %with lunch In the part is Closely packed rlee in the = i'DIP jlces,ol stale brea .pinch, of o. d IT ito th�� egg and,'milk. and fry( in.b ut- ,bl�iv ment'af-Mr. William Panton, whoi-hato. again', this time With better success, a supeT.Mitendent, at W4verlgy Sta- 'bee for oat 62 the' thicket cm6rged my ally took turns at the bedside pl-ofes,sjonal belip was re.,�ting. Thei asldiD, J screamed for help again, nd I hurried feet ere - heard - approaching. dent youth and prude that of MCI.. nee bring.i it,, in' good brooding and nursing and in all round at& all sorts of little Pickles dud bits. of eake. Attached are'two wooden I r ter. Serve -.vith maple syrup. . to be kIOu-1qr the' last twouty-&O years. cook, who,'misaing me in camp, and '. The the London, -Brigh- fearing that I wao lojE, had set off to Invalid gave little trouble,, For tile 'eithe Inost part lie lily still Ind r slopt 110 Before they coul(I reach me, ho wevel!, I I � saw thrdugli,thd gthering darkness.a lowed age.-Clecro. A, thankful heart is not only..tli" qualities,- fivilifti abil.vigor. And the lard pig in, the ehol)Stlek$� The Jftpaneso throw all sorts of.refuse More, han throe P60ple are. oc,rjvd, tiold incor. milk and another -train which for the Use of me find me, and li,aring the wwa.1 callers of the Royal or stared Wearily at the -y -little an It , - �d talue& vel wakelle the 1 look of tile most deathlike fear cohle . o Into Glingar's eyds. Ile gang.. the w . * greatest virttie,.,but the parent of ill i� probably tiomewhitt,alload fe" qualify of 0, edttig. Is it not rue. about, and troth the appearance of a Cal* egg. c,,ranbCxl,y Betty - Cook the o in - Family Is one.of the finest 6n any line led ko me by that t. -as at last tod Kingdom. Vczy Lliankful I w to got in di� tJuL It consist$ with the cough came lit-; cough, and You ; Could tie of his life -blood. ce xnan, Voin him and staggered back, one i hand pressed to big cheek, While a sumll otber virtues.-Clero. . ithe8e That'actl'o'n.�ls best that piQ therefore,.that the swini growers, of United States. will -be comp�lled. after the passengers havoi been in it fol, a little While one would-mingine that the berries rioll With Sugar, bat do not into. lay little Canvas tont. It had of five bogia carriages each Uft. I noer seamed an ma3h Lke hohic.: And long, �efug Ili the that it was all otrailgo, to him, Ile i-,a(l, never been ill to tny exten i hadand fat -ked' tongue withdrew them.�e L the folds Of TerW6 g4r- is n o St mtest. bAppinegs. tor. the groate. iii.the light of. self interest togrow the bacon pig? But, they will also people are very untidy Ili their;way of � living, Porters enter at some of tit a sta. iell.& Place in a do�!p dish let J -a lavr b.tK of butter and the Royal saloon Centre. Thd chief wooda used are I bad , learned 'a lesson,. which has stood nie in good atkno,ol. during till my, and be could not realize that hL was an er� weak and that It should require , Ment , Then uIc ly recollocting him - self, lung . Is hand, Into an lit- numberg.-Untehinson. Not 'not, ancestry. but honor.. be Compel ad to do so to moat the ,favor ' tions and brush up whole panfilli; of rtf- slid on some lities the Of cruinbo, and layor of cranberry, morc iKarri pine, Cuba mahogany, .and Satin- wood, while the furniture 'consists of trav�els in Africa, nmuly, never to in that X fort to move tile thin haiid whfQh lily qlde . C et an pulled. out it -vial, wIllch wealth flol:)Ie disposition growing ta:4te in of leaner this til� of road. a small boy in a spruce unifor t(,, sugar to layer of crunborry. A!- sofas and chiira Upholstered in dark W'4ndar oft alone a country so lirply oil the c, overlet,' The Whole lie u owed and rilao�ed to'his lips. able conduct and a filoat. Eiidenceg of growing 3te 111 C011108 trnate the layers thai,, tilt dish is groon �morocco. On thd Inlaid panels do not know. thing wasan enf�m to his mind., - After that.1 reinernbered.no more. make.mep great. -Ovid. are, found Ili the discrimination so tllC�Car door at each Stop, With a. clothe full, ending. with the crumbs, butte the ronei shamrock, and thistle are Then lie Would fail Into a delirium and his ell eek would flush. and pah�, and I regained 6nscichiane�s Ili halt' an hour, and found myself in 'my o%ii ]as that will make a good se of any his large pronouncedly'i3hown against the pon derous steer nd thoicavy lmb. And brush in his blind, makes'i deep � bow to the occupants and'inquires it there is and sugT. � Bake,th�rty minatest in O,rch, haivig firat eo vdred � the disb. designe& I FUNNY ANSW30,11,8.. a pulse beat Irregularly. tie, Uttered Ill ould thing., too, things we 0 room Anne Leader, was beside mr!, I)art of life must allow a part It to recreatlorr.�Lockq. in the higher Price that dealer Pay anything that th(W Want.. llowi to ork railways on it more In a certain Kentucky town, where 'is -the. strtinge not underttand then; here Waa at Woman, One Tora, -who callaed him nd s soon. as. I recovered sufflei- ently .1 asked what had been done, Anne was a, woman of few words and her of Nothing more. completely baffles one even now for pork of- tho'bacon: type,� we Ca: legitimately expoot thatthat economical principle question the',colored population !a quite large, nhloh has been engaging the atten- the: pupils of the School Were all ob. many hatrRaShog fdarb and and statement was brief arid to the point,, c thall W116 Is full of ti -I k and duplicity differece will be inoroa:sed. Even.. ANTIQUE TIMSPIEcEs FOR TWO GARDLAX. tion of companies of late, especially liged last winter to be vacdlnated. A much ecsta.SY alld (108PPdr. We leariled she ws dark and that she had lithe. .. "Xotblng,has been done as yet," sha' "Charlie stralglitronvard .and simple lutegrfty Ill though ur relations with tile Brit-. ish: market �jhould remain as now, Is Tile Vag,cluation They Bold Vor All These very fir"st w-4rm, days, the with regard to the paving in co4l. The sister inquiring of a little colored lais pets that Lurvbd s1nously through her 'and at ion laid their flat beads said. is slc� ,pWg quietly, and the gypsy Woman Is In a -dead f4int, anotllvr�-Coltoli. E,vcry person Is i'ilonsible for a I it . noV,Qvident tho,refore. that our ill be Sorthi tit Peolole. Ancient Clocks tC� thresholtl of actual spring, renaind us. Ill"" of eoal has risen enormously about 8 years of -age a to tho'cause during the past twelve months, one . ,bonds ,,.et3� CcShe ovingly tignintit ber Vol loved anoth The CounVs face began to swell aud he went to his room," ' . . . tilt, ood within tile scope of his abi - I era of swine, compelled grow w the bacn pig,, iit least In the to gro and watches seem 1111VO a singular fascination for all soi,4 I'ttle later %will oom;e the ca. Son or bud and and if wa have mpany I u the North of England pay- r brother from, enag 60 per cent. more for Its 11100 cob- thii loved her p6ts, but site better With a love known Only to WO- . "Put Charlie Dale." I cried. "He was JtICs all(] or no more, nihid lione C. tell whose spbere Is the. largest -Ga I n dified form T , 0 of I)LIOPIO. Philip the Cruel of Spain lo. sald to have had more thou a thousand not air,.a'd y done so, w built up our SehDO14 received answer., tract$ than It did for those of 1899. The "Please, s;ster, he'i sick-, he dull got men of her kindl Ile Was that 60101`- om scure Wily she was tt prin-, she replied, "and then I [In-milton. In Ilia famous collection, all(] the late need Ctalogue and prepare a I'liat" 2,90 locomotives belonging to the London and North-Western RallWay d other day and big cem, but of what derne.5na we were don't know. Come and Moo. Can you George W. Chllds*of Philadelphia, who for the garden;, for every Cnsumed 1,M,9125 tons of.coril. Mr. aria is Swelled big as a saw log,�, Unable to discover, The cry Was for I Tora! Then the sufferer would' got up*)" . I hurriedly proved my ability. As we Wily We bas%i Oysters Raw. Prof. W. S. Green says apples ill Wag as I(Indly and gentle as the monarch was inhuman, Ivilo eqally de. 11 C -t 0 S Wl.e, howev6r numerou,( her Webb,. the chief mechanical engineer "What is a lake," asked another Tera , himabif and strain his earq.to Passed the Count's half open door a Dr, William itoberts.in his interest . I -it Var' 1 ihrivo on a gro laty of soils; W voled to the fad. in this city several indo.o.,lo gives some attention to of the London and North-Wastefa teacher. A bright 1 ittlo Irish lad, not if locomotives rMee catch the reply, blit nothing ever Virile, Moan. room. We stoly- came from the Ing lectures oil the digestive f ormenta color better -on hgher land, bat will curio dealers make 4 speciality of Ven- the oxter"Or of her 'home, tha plan- Pallway, considers that long over, shrieked out, "8ure, sister, Is termad , save the phantom Cello of Ills tortuted Pad In trepidation, This Was no time for prudish notions., .so I raiipold on writes: "Our practice In regard to the hang to the trees better and ripen erable, * tiniopleces -and keep a list of ning or ilowev boolsi, the planting of 'th..- were constructed on what Wo a hole in me mathur's tay kettle"', tho compound principle a 16 per cent. :olasies love -call. 'real there was more chlric than the the door, A groaning voice bade us e nter. Oystell is quite exceptional; and furnish. es a striking exam� Is ok. the general . I . I later on lower. ground, b6ing less 11- those which they can secure fi-ola private ownerswlieu the occasion requires. boaudt shrubs, training of (ill even the oultivat vines "i'll" ion of � The of speIlL49 also show saving ot coat would be affected. This their humor. about, A146,000 less a X_ echo, and It Is of that I will* now speak. th-Il key tO all thik I mystery The Count was on big be(1 and lit, correctness of the popular judgment 013 'o suffer from drought; but able 1; "The dwoodtod for these g000ls,,, sala . I if She htis -plenty of. gar- small rrultq would mean "James, can you tell ine thgLdoflnl�. ponitilture per annum 112 � coal to t the ion Then wag which 7. liad dirtily felt brought to tit-' and revettled. V ridy had been body was convulsed In great agony.- He a, stammered out it request, and I sent dietetic questions. Tht, oyster Is ill. most the only animal Substance which there Is more in the soil. It aise broiler chickm one wants to r on(% of these merchants, "is of a varied nature. One type of Customer wants n don sNac about er home. livvy lover of flowers will put -L London and North-Western - Rail'a of Contagious?" "Con tagious, whipping is colatagi- way* light quiet day tot, the patient. Ile had aP-' In the mo rning,lCalitpOn Miss Leader to bring Jack, When the arrived Ohagars Was still In We eat habitually and by preference In wis for profit we think the sooner I'M Clock to give an aIr of digal Ity or of collirart to a hall or Noth- swoect'pea% and nasturtiums first Oil the lsfor no seed that wo, Plant re- (Ills.,, The Great Eastern gailway 4,go the totiolber. I W is that?"* a. pearold a bit- brighter his cough seat -cely troubled him at " terrible pain, and his eyes were raffing the raw or uncooked state, and it Is In- ho gets a flock ol! p -ire bred fowl, sitting room. Ing, In, fileto Is sleepler than a huge Dutell pays %�,o gCneTously it VttIO care and have recently compiled a somewhat #,N�!hy, it's Catching, oind I often and all, Ills father had hopes that he I In their sockets. A mosnetiger had Ul- ready been despatched for. the doctor. terdstingto know thaj�. there Is a sound the better will be his chance for ,hall clock six feet high, which tICL-8 like atte-ation. Given not ioo rich a soil C unique return, giving the JrOlatIVO atch a "Now, -i might vet recover. Most of tile guetfland ilia house was silent. he entered the rooln Vr6sently - physiological teason at the bottom of NVe kno3v. of . noh6 that a blacksmith beitting all anvil and which and an alundance of sunsWe alid punctuality of thair traing for the boys, what I. an opideraic?" Answer, "It is something that .parted and had do, The nurse was on the front verandah There was no hope� The man would probably die Ili an hour tit the m0st, this preference. The tawn colored mAge which eon. makes as good broJllors, -and. at as rIngs an old fashioned gong bell'. Anoth- er type enjoys polite deception and Jai- they wJ- I send forth contillu- OUAY a Profusion Of boauty, and color, yeiri noo and ism, It allows that It for a breath (if air, and I tool< her place ntidotes wore administered ti ... ly an age, as the Barrol'Plymou I Vogt's 11 purchase as a time honored heir. Th,e. house, MAY W JiTight all thd sum- r of May ten years ago the numbe M. very good, moir give me all exa in the sick ro oln. The dAV waf3 one of those warrit summer days when all na-� and anti -spasmodics were Injected Into the body. They only served to calm the stitutes the dainty ol the oystei? Is Its I liver, and this Is little less than a heall Rook, though the white, or ilver loom. Mor with their lovely flowers for the the blitt they trains that were -panetual-that Is, P, arrived at Liverpool Street terminus one little lad pipes out, ".7am ifif an ture to join in offering Incense arid praise to her Creator. The gay - mind somewhat before It drifted Into of glycogen. Associated With 'the glY- Laoind Wyandottes come, very near it. -"A third type urchases (:looks which arc alarked -by high benuty artistic more they are picked, er 'bloom. If nasturtiums aro.too gen- within three minutes of the. Scheduled, epidemle,- cause it, spreads," flowern t6ddod reverently in a small the last Coma. When he haLd become i wore quiet lie opened Ills eyes $ind Od- cogen, but withhold from actual can. Some varlotlos of grass start earlier n spring, -some better *Itbstand tind finish. ome Of. the anclent, construct ions vtous w Ith- their leavloslo pick them off tirde-was 89 per Cent. of. the total, while the percentage fat the same Anotlier cla.sa wa askeA What -kind �uf.aol ,varden beside tilt, liouse, alld thn birds, prayers In tiny.voicat; as the twl Tack, JTe spom-. rapidly, as If he feared he would not have time. tilet W Ith during,11fe, is its appeofirl. ate digestive ferment, the hepatic,dlag- fro3L fit winter, some Are joijg affect- Were made by artists and cannot be It equled, fly those Of to lily, I t.handfials, ai tilo. sun and aLr oVat(�t ths buds and tems. at animl a zebra was. Month of ILoa waa 03. In July, D09, One boy said, '.A zebra iq A donkey "-a 74, In July, liped Ight grew about them. I sat bY the I "Mr. Saunders. I am going -going- tane. The mere crushing of the dainty ed by a long eontinued drought, ' 'This Is especially true of those which The 11cro %arlety of the Colons, is percentage was arid it 80. InI September, 1809 I with.d. football Suit on. window and watelle(I the shadows, The Invalid elthei - Wept or bad fallen Intolgoing the In the room Was to that bourne. I must aPO10- igl7e before I go. I have bilseil your between the teeth brings these two some hold out later in season, some tire more nutritious, ch came train the workshops of famous VVenCh, Flemish and Itallitil deslgiien;. ex tTemely beautiful, its large and do graceful leaves making a flne,, box r 19m, was 0 � The same boy . Wau dsk(A by his 3 was 71, as compared the perieentagi " teacher on another ooaasion the fol. t he month of 1900. Con ama, and silence I wa. w ning to the _,feet a absorbed sto 1. truoA as; a, gentleman, but my hand foi -ced. sea. bodies together, and thoglycogen 10 lit help more tenacious and long, lived. There- fore it to for 01OCIts 09 this class always commend high Plant with 81 In same - 11 lowing question in mental arithme- sidoring the fact that at the 00:se t' ev" g of the crickets When I hoard W. .4 as YO'A shall presently I m Count Ghagarq; but I am also once digested without other by Its pays make up a Mixture Permanonil meadows and. not depend Prices and may be considered Works of As it Isr, so hardy and % asy to raise time ,something like 1,000 trains, ton. tie: "If I had a Mince pie and should two t%v.clttll of it to Frank, two the floo r creak behind me, Turning suddenly, mytyes fell upon a stranger Yeper, king of the great qenanl tribe, My particular clan Is Ili this nef-h- Own diastase. "The oyster In the uncooked state or upon any on a kind. art rather than Were timekeepers. The fourth type seems to, have.no particular no ywrd should, bon, without a Lilac troe. The flo,wera come early and are give veying, on an average, 150,00 Pass- twelftlis to I.Mward and two twelfthl e 9 Ors, run in or out of Liverpool strinding In the doorway, At first thought It must be one of the house- I borhood, but I (lid not expect the evAts that bvo followed I beeame. ivnpined faet, golf digest A Chicken manure and wood ashes will make a good fertilizer for -all Idea In their fad. They want old time. delightfully fragrant. if your neigh - tree that 'n my. )u every day$ the percent to you, and then take half of It Street Stati( :iell, what would ba left? Speak out hold, I)ut I was soon undecolved, The figure moved forward Into the since 91le.11t Under your r6of. This Dale won the love of m PrInees of my ve. But the dvntge of tills prOVI: sioll ('00king, for (11C crops. They should never be mixed i together except at the. time of apply- Pit' and ask no- questloas�as to their their beauty or their historical box's yard W. without S You 'can Procure, a root froin,- then order be it isl the oId4aSh'- age of punctual traIrA Ia dooldooll; loud, now, no that all the class can good hear." M Iddle of the room, and I quIekly re- in lit, oj,�n rlgbt� .Ind I tx I t f1latoly tho R'4'.3001- Ing, q Cho wood ashes Lave a .Chain- to naectlon, It a clock Is a century old, well and if It one, and puro loned V4riOt1:4 As they are the sw�eet- "The Plate, Would bo'left," yelled the cognizoid the costume ot'JI gypsy ple'IS- ante do.neor, he would baV0 ElPoketi, With him till in valn, IlJc(,d him tind ml�,ht holve olqpobted Ilia I ill, -d r, smd .1 Oystvr Ila,. loal effect upan the hen manure and, free fronk, in form of am- good,- 10,two centuries old, go much the better, 1trid if It IS three cen. Mt. boy, amid shoutl or laughter. but I commarded oltenc* by a, gesture, pauPo bad he benonle one of 118. This 'the act nitrogen which is thereby lost Coal turlea tfiey !are beside, themselves with de -1 You ihad bottt%, Send for a Welgelia Snosrball Hydrangea as Another asked to narao, the three meals of tile day started off in a rush tt�d stepped toward bell. 'HuAli ill I whispored. "What do YOU ho, rortiqo(I to (it). I pleaded with Tera-tlle ob.Wriate-the boltutifill- ashes way be titifely -mixed WIN - ban llght* "There ate a few and a and hvell, for they ore all hardy AhruW THE.' FAMILY SILVER. by th o, J! r:�t ba the dti was watit ? Why do you come bt�ra ? The man 11joeDg, strid you Will awaker him. but she wag obdurate, I lved tier my- golf, but I 'would have gIven hot UP 'for WAY IT LOOK101) SMANGE1, maniiro. Land plaster, rook o dry earth, make good absorbents to Who purobaso wattIl, er! and tlooke for hIgtorical as8o'clatlower. Of these the number to much larg6k -than and will help to = ake the garden a place at beauty. r tht latdls sake, said the woman Oatmeal, . I in the blue 'Mother 11abbrd, die she Ila Is 616k." Slit, lookeil toward the bed, (rid I bad an opportunity to note PrO-ItlitAdeoply, - had she caqt away hc.r love this lihan, The Sonan! love bilt onVe And My, the house, looks Changed some use with It. Too much moisture In the soil is Is usually inipp wo nod, and It gro ay. Otat a t- don ' to Ill Not only in the home place m- proved by the planting of beautiful fastenea the clothesline to, the divi- fence, do think of them POTATO LVI'llIT. Pie of her face. The eye, wart deetAV Th6IftW0OfOUrtrIbCf0r' bole d"(1 rol,(quoled her over wily said the lady who had moved as undesirable its too little, Drainage If tile cry A Aph h 61 6 rativilo. Shrilly;, thv� making of flower beds and Sion what you 1ollesem tollial around that tht%, bur- The common when ddodm- and the brow wai, I)On(1110d Ift graceful curve. Tho Mouth Waq trOffitt- It ryin. kt you Call Dtrot 0 re 0 ly e a jlftlf,on I find to vert t ti i -holl- out a month or two before, arid re. turnod to mako a call and see what is the romedy for wet, soils. soil contains an exopass of moisture al 0 ce of riving ad in* 8 the oultivution of small frUlt90 but the laborer an well 1% improvad. Th era pofAta, gl4,r.q got in their houqo an' stole the posig, give light enough to road bs, I 141amily lIverl HUM loub now, and tearg were 110t far. from Oro.d runtomn witil tict. The girl wag kind of furniture the now, tenants the land remains cold until the a And Is no ric, so beautiful as the tO90, Of -Val "an'ly "i - ' Vivid that once a Cellar the Ili her lw4trovi orbq, I could mark thla'punfiAlied In our Way, but tile mn-110, had. tra 11 antity is gone. This drainage he'altb; and thone TOOPA Wat groNT It it's Sol, though, said woman atASIrigal8lbtu�i09 Was thought to be Olt beneath the Ifflilorioun look. The fill- 1,,,d to (Ito hd Apenker's voice ,,,v T, Yog, her hostesa replied, we've carrEa away the water from the� and sunlight and through zt lot. They had a dollar an' th ne' tire when thining With thd PJIOqVhOr` liftqSIVO f0dt'LlrOu 8001iled VftnatUrAlty btcotne fnint, and fda CY"A Cloned cleaned it tip, alls ir to enter. llieft"Or Noop. plate 41r, 4 tivartCr pilooln tho mantelpiece for of decomposing potatoes. aagoill1r;t oome to, himIll.obos ,laid aim* "I his Will, 110,11161c, quielt I IAPqn over. Ilut tlit- 9O.TillIntOrVened And the When the tioll b000mea warm the plant food is more readily dissolved and the RtAtIfillf Of tho gtsit beauties of tho world have testified 'to tho Wide of boalthful exerolso, the gT000ry Will, an" it wa a all in All- V"� will AdVer wall� ply. hoard him cry my nmo in theN at0h fth ight." e npolto with, q(quid Infleetioll, though her 1,10gliql'i � Mn will live. hich , Illin gti ,,imulates doilth tlit not eveyou, b('st doctora tell , tile but I roots of plants beolome. more active. A wet S(Al is alwap cold, even 14 sum- Mer, sleep. Under Its Infinelica ovory hiniocl# IN Mated and 411 earoo ollopelltd. Tho h0art beato filoWer, abW Vigor f6g ya= E TIM most benoWal, oexo�rok6, for a, Ile loving mild you for love be humble and YOU will UO'll-, ev Wftnt for guiding. wtuft good. 'lBut we do tot know you bere.11 I iii(fetAct'. That polsoll h.q.q- Oft(k antidote, rind tll,,It pq�_.tho ,liolgon of the Url rlington-ra thatyoung Iill that Uthel Wing to A 1.1 ellgg0d- tO Strawborriaa are gross feeders and gaining the waking hour# fillddhY 11110, It Only Atatiob, Ully to Indulo In Is 1% good, UATtY doe.% not make new ad-NO MtXu eall Call w"Otbe't he 1$1 rich' it ( am Tora.. That JJJL norpo.nt-dily t,,#% will do, The two antaytj ft cod plenty of manure. If you ne- 14, Wonderful. The Mere fact that an Infant man through or poor by turning to 1113 ledger. It Arid' that Ia innough, I oxnented In waraly,. There tail only be one -1 i J)AfqoJI are Inutul mititlotc0l ITO ,I' too, but Ia Wg. Lex[ngton-Well,Jf lie were aq ight as he� thinka he Ia overybod gleoted mulabing them with Gtra%v In 1,116 fall, rover them tiow with fr6gh, IY ftifteR111139, arid It Is generally conceded that Sleep dUtihg the eattler ho f thil Uft 6 broltill" Lq tiot enough; the lungs quotintano0a as he adVancoA' 1116� 'he Will noon find hiragelf Mandl A is the boart that M0615 a man rih. I 116 IS rich or poor according to what I That Imperial face, and vogal tart IR,,O could not be duDlfeatod Under ho&Veft, antifloto.will not act, It will only op. ortttoi once, and It has -it lin.8.11 A wild around here would haV4 to Wear blue y rae horse maniaro, Tho winter and cod night Is far Mom bouefidij than, tbAt lib, mut bos�oxmrided, And thl4 healthy As. 14 Wt man, hiro h1i Cold keep hid 016hold IA "alitmat twilt" h* Lit, I�ot s000dliat t4i Att US WA Aloud I 004 look 4044S Iftt6 1118 I§Y#01, `Vft Ter&" #1as" oatrr th6 Spriv WAII Wil taftillit- t"Afa dftor wigulght, '00W Id tN6 twat wtdad*4 W