HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-18, Page 6r. %, - I'll, _471 1 I- 1".. 11 - ".. 11 I' ­­­ ­ -:. - �. � " ".." _ -7. ­__­ I . I � .. I ­ ;p -1-1-1 . - M, I--.".- , I T I . l.-Filip-ppopip-lipw" - � t, I — � _ " -, .___,___ -qr- . I , I � - I ,still 0106.0r. saying ble e`w` nbe, , could not help but succeed. I The WoWds "WeAk .And depressed" , by force of circumstances on their Wedding day, Daisy thinks that ROX ad. WbAt do you think of my Idea is it not 4 Protty ouet" I . I 1, I I 11 I 4 ! I - .. PtA, . I ____ . . � Professor Trottei-A. woman* m A WAY)COS AMOUT10119 10 ( - I t . adain, . There were. received. during the year 17,S lippljonillons lop so , q Ineso Actually oaken up and paid?for In. * - - I 1 43,00,9$0. Theb $ _. t4sh during the Year Amounted R_.10."W.1_0_ pw— 8;_.vvvQN.V;__ ;_ WWI ."- ­- - --- ' - - -'--L--- .- . - -.------ --- — ^4 The spriag, Feek. MEOW L Not lumorogoillentga.. I I. I " ' P who earl) wlthQut eve, t,,,,JMan ufactu rers Life ' I L WIfe "111 . 1, :0 f Ct is, �24 7t V Sbout % man , .. I wOr ix ;for, _" . H elress and 0 st day, off." . VOT 9XA-VT1,Y.sl0X_B1VT NallrHER LU'D E -L LA Orr— t Mr. v . %XR414 3rA01V I 41, 0 AQ1,11411g. X&O was pr9p. , . . ably the proprietor of thep egtIkbllqlmioikt,,, I ARE YOU WEL4 � 74Jh-t) 11110$p t�rl, comes J,vjp Ceylon, we usa the 114940 of those, And, thakil 10 why . I ; Ion ll T leads a iWil 7. . i INL -# - , - .... ... 1. ....­ . I .1 .. I .1 I I I I I � I 1 #,--;; , ,; go; 'W;-M�. Coy, on oil talt, I 40"* � 31 1111"o -06"A",O)"o 11 011'rIan the W00ter I rdolIM10 104 Illeft ,414 1170111C. Emily Do- presoellon4l fif Out of borirwl L , I . SYNOPSIS Or, V=4 MI)ING CHAV. TER8'_Rc`X Lyon .secretly mArried Dalay BrOOLkJ' They Are separated rvaed, 'beneath the bloqsn=1�2g treep, � i is , g4ng in, their Nvitil, the UW etu . bougilks, upoia which wo shall be urklt� . ",!,.� - I 11IGArIPAP1146410 20,00,40,504nol, - L . " Otto A ItPriaveleit's ojp A .. L . 4, Igo, .11, I I Mrs-'Quizger (Who Wants to, knOW Jov- 'b0rYtlllu0-NQW# what do you consider to The Pireotors. congratulato the polloyholdoro and obarobolders on tho gil�vtotitl%l . e the most curious thing you ever Paw, PrOXMI! made during tho YOArs Which IlAs boon the most gotiduclary In the Volkip3by'v I � - I ,still 0106.0r. saying ble e`w` nbe, , could not help but succeed. — ' — THE RQYAI, SOXO The WoWds "WeAk .And depressed" , by force of circumstances on their Wedding day, Daisy thinks that ROX ad. WbAt do you think of my Idea is it not 4 Protty ouet" I . T4io wbolo country-olde Wa I ringing . --i professor? hiotoly, . , . oxweisgeA th0condition o.9 thousand$ of People In bb6 spriag time. It ig has q I L ll L ' aat her off, He Is true but be, eyes that she i4. According to "Your Ideas ate always poetical and fanciful," In, age. with t4o� coming marri No onv could be, more popular t1han 1441tildsome The Duke of Connuilgilt h as been ga. zettcd grand Maoter of the order Of the Professor Trottei-A. woman* m A WAY)COS AMOUT10119 10 ( - I t . adain, . There were. received. during the year 17,S lippljonillons lop so , q Ineso Actually oaken up and paid?for In. * - - I 1 43,00,9$0. Theb $ _. t4sh during the Year Amounted . Quo a liature's signs that humanity vlead. Jim mcither'g dying wish he engages himself to , Pluma llurlhurot, said Rox, glancing d . , 0 wn , to the beautiful face boside Win' "My 'prosy ,Rex Lyon, no one admirred more than tille young belressi of Whitestome Ratil. - . It is said that Pr . C,harles Dan. . I . . . 1 11 — . to %IMV03, and, leaving out single paymont pe!j0104. the first yalp,s cash premiums ld#rYPO Lamb, . collected t4orcon. was $110,78:1.01, all against 4107,100,33, for the prevloaa 7 car, and $100,013. - cannot undergo months of indoor life in bladly Ventilated buildings With the daughter by the first marriage of the thoughts ave OA dull And cam. L pared' with Yours, aro you ,not afraid Hall � I The� oounty papers were.in eoiitAslos; they discussed Mo mag. Lluce of mark, tige secorkil, son or the Danish crown prince, . , 'Wry had a little lamb 1 93 for 098. I ;1,011,381 oy L PoSsessell of m4ny rocks The Assurances In porce Amount to $10,400,620, all incroam of gr the pro. L , iMpUnIty. Sometimes YOU 41h re ma-ater of WbIte,%t9ja A HL e Hall -V Mr. urlhurat!o second IvIle, WIXOM he you will bovel a very monotonous luq- , I companion?" I , he Julficent Preparations at tile Hull, t will probably hereafter live hi England �b . , 80 . Oth he and his sister And also MY much Inclined . vlouoyepir'r !rQ deal in rallrolid OtOL I eke. ' be4dache; slight eXerplilik fatigues You. . 1. loved botter than the Pra died and 0 I berL child is supposed , are died to h Ill am, going td try my beat to, win from tbiit There number of bride-malds, the superb ,Wedding , . -presentI4, the arrangements I)Vefer tb at country to theirown. Queen Alexandra Is the The ]Premium income w I � As $500,875.01, showing, the. handsome increase of *09,0.20. The lambldri. down on feballgil 00.0 day Thoto were recolve4 for triteri ).sts 4134 ltent:0$7,401.11. making the total Xnoorno $070,330,10, Your appetite lis variable; You A'16 easily irritixted or deprosSed; per" . , with her. After seventeen yearalsil- .m0c, his dying housekeeper coufes� You , cold reserve. must not be one sthadow. between us; do , It I I -.have been think. for the marriage,-andi the ball to be given in the evening. obstacle that ,stands In the way, of prince George Of York inheriting tile title ince I I , I . Ives spotted by 4 bear, an increase of $8037-0. . And when Ile left tile pit he was I After P06YIrg the Polley-b,p1dors for claims, dividands And swrondo 0127,604.70. Anil" ra diaps there, � axe pimplog ' or slight ses thaft his child did not die, 'but . Aorw, ,Jex, You ing, it agytill(wg should ever ha IX13A minister from Daltimore who , pr ot Wales. 13he Was, devoted to . her oldest son, the Away up In the air, . provid:ng torall other expenditures, the MEOW *oro Increasod by rioarlylialf 4 million dol. extiPtimia tl*t indicate ,the blood Was Stoics, He sets out to find her, pen to take your love from me I I . to perform the ceremony wak(ex- was , pected to arrivia tbut day, That all deceased Dak 0 Of 04treace, and hqs l4ril of which $328,405,00 was fl,ddo(l to PolloY Rosorvog and $07,203,33 to Surplus,lul eakinellb. bas no little limal, ' L a Z;Qw Uary IV Satisfactory saying for 940 OPOratlow, needs attention, V. i,atevar the oympl- L . , a. tom may it aWul4 be attended to -5— CHAPTEIt, XXX.-Contlaued, . should surel y die. 1-1 am jeal a 04 your Vary thoughta. I kAdir I 11 lit opar4t ons g. comp a o for t: ming moTrmr, x had gone Sentimental feeling about her husilftudio title going to any one else. . Year's . I , For, boving a great head, . unt tQ,'2,2i%176.QI, andiho Policy Reserves to 61 . ,95D.W7.00 on the Iihe pboolf Illin wilen lie lost big fleeco . The Assets now Amo COMPany'ootand4rd. After at once, Oise you will fall an oasry preyk PQ0T old NAson' wag litera' ,11y. as, tounded, not to admit it, buit I 4ark no Ill It." , � . . . down to ,, , 11in trai I and Pluma the It Is A rare privilege to be permitted to, visit Any Of the kalser's E[O And took the bear Instead, . mah I r g provisicki for Ali o tiler Ila bill las ib o surplus on. policy, I holders! &COOUllt Is �301,0�4.,ll,o, W41oh Would be considerably tucroased by adopting ill . , L o Gov, . to graver dison Ile. Do not use 4 pur,, . WbAkt had come Lover his kind, courteous masterl. Rex flusUod nervously, it w;aa really ,way strolled into oontsevviato to be ry alone for a fehv, moments wilth her pnla�,.M. thinks he Is entitled to tit least as much I L ornment standard of valilation, for policy IlOserygo, I . I An Untpleariallt Prospect, GEOR(Ifl, GOODFATIAMi Ratim in the. llbpo that it will put , � .1 - "I have� nothing that clould aid them ambarrmaing to him, the tender in irblob. she looked up to him- her o1vn 1happ thougutS. .. N Y I lawns ' as the lowest Of his sillijects, privacy rders in rega . rd to And his 0 J. F. JUNICIN. ,, Thompson B470 that. ei.eaL Pposiderib. Managing DIraotor. Professor - ' you right, -Any ddotar Wil.1 tell you that purgAtlyo& weaken, that they in the search," he said to. himAelf ' L black eyelids coyly drocipl4g over*ber dai-k, inviting outLou the &een happy maideno Were tripping here and there visitors are strict, As the Noues,palace 16 i ,egarded tric cars Nyll trli,vel At th rate of 10� . I 0 0 SUMMARY OF,STATEMENT FOR TfJ9 YEAR EAND'NG DEC, 3,16t, 19001 Miles An hour.." JAIPAIT the action at the 'liver, and Pacing restlegsly up ' and down the slumbrou4 eyes, a. our- esg, Ile wias certainly wooed against I their ga laughter floating up. to her . . As, above all others, a havew or rest, few tourists are Permitted . . 7 1 od . . INCOME., - I BYgum', It's hard epougb,to get lem . I create ohrollio cangti-pation. A tonic room I 'Ah I stay 1 -there, W D-vallali 11)l10 his Will, but thoro wits -no, help Xor it- 1 $ wilteire sKe stood. I Every one seemed to be making the Wit bin its pre- oincts. to stop for a. fellow now" I � . Received for Now Premiums .... � ........... . ,..--$ X15,782 of . Received f , br Single And Ren ow4l. Prenal 'i *I I I :.,. I I I I'; 'I', - Is wbat I% needed to help -nature fight youT b4ttle foir there 'A partraltl little o.nQ must ,look like her moth or if she ig living Vt!,, ho was forced to take up his part and , act it out gra(104ully. I ,� . "You . 001 moist of t -ho happy 0AS119A.. Lairn- tounia partlo.% :' kere and oroque(- . . King Edward VII is one of the oldest or parliamentarians. As a m I . . urns. l: I -4 I 4 475,093 03, ,qos ................... I._ ]From all other sour . I '#­ ­ .......... ". I .. I � .. . .. 03449 19 Ilncitrable.� i . . .bealth, and only one'al yo reliable, uOvW,.fslI,, . VrA Be wout W his writing-deske and I drow from drawer need not bo jeAlous Of MY j.ho I . uglito, - Plu=," he replied, "for parties thake, and loverg strolling under tho'blosgo-ming troes"or reolin- the botiso of lo rds since 1802 he hag Seen nearly all tile peors of today take their . . I r. I . . "The doctor Says there's one ocniplaInt . I . . $794,024 to. . I I . . . DISBURSEM . I . I lie ENTS�' Ing tonic, an(! t%at is De. WillianW Pink PHIS. Mb4slo pills . have no pur, a private a little package tied with a faded ribbon, they Im I � 0 all of you." . . "I wonder if they were pleasant thaugbtsl" lug on the rustle bonclie4_it was in. doed a happy scene, r seats. . Ali Duke -of Cor,nwall since his . �. birth be ha . s Possessed a pecrage for a can't cure.9p L "What's thatT? . . . � r , I . . I . To Pot icybolders for claims by death_ - ...... ill. ... $ 87,930 04 "The To Pal i.cyholders forEndo Dividends, :., , I , ...... "... 94tift actDon, Mbey make rich, red - Which be carefully nutled with train- ... she aAked, toying N vith the crimson floivi�r-bellg alta holds in her. .. Pluma leaned ber dark head against I longer period than any living 'man ex- one his patients make wments, etc.. � �9,834 69 bills.00 'Abolit their . To COP missions, Salaries, and expenses of management 152,648 75 �61,oad, istren W*n the ,tired Andjaded � 9 I I I . . bling finffe�rs. L . It' IV -as a Portrait on. ivory.oE. a wbite hands. "I have heard. .you go nknull of late. Are blie fragrant rose$, The breeze, tile perfumo of the'flotivers, all told one cept Lord Nelson, Who %icceeded in' 183olL and Lord Dufferin, y, he 'succeeded . .......... -_-.11M.— To Tam . . Supp Xes, Reinsurance Premiums atid Dividends to Stockhol4ors 827,054 05 I us Of lllid6file'oVer Expenditu Ile 4 7,26,0 62 IWANUFACTIJI)RgRS aetrvw'. and Lmak� wea'k, depressed, .lm ;I il—A 7 . .alglh beautiful, girl4li, dimpled f4ce, with. you quite huPP7,' Rex?" 6-110 inquired, hes1tat- I ,story to t'hel. impagsion4td girl -the sptt� , dler trJu h, - nd Im, - -1 to a Peerage of Ireland in 1841, -, � � . . - 1. .'.' ,..... .­ . ... I I If �`, ....... q LIFE. . , . I . . . I M." . � . I . . . I . . . . . ,,,. J I PCOP e, ..Vyul,�Lutw .Old . . � I -41 . ,_ . I . . .� � . . . . $794,69415 - young, btright, olly.0 upralsdd blue eyes, .a smiling .Ingly. .. . , re. I A Stattlikent FXhIbItIng rrogresp, Stablu . I . I . I I lk$SETS. . . . . tiothve, and strong, The 'ablruptnessi of the question reck'"O 'a THE JEWEL, CASKET.' . � . . I � Among xiosobud niouth, soft -pink ollecks, and I She gathered a spray of - the fair- , . I . U4,, and snecelilt, . Municipal Bonds, Stocks and debentures .If ... I ... ".... 4.4 ti I I, .$ 854.788 37 1 . those who ha -vie Proved , the staggered bim; he recovered big com- ast flowerY, ond fastened them in the -—I � It 18 always a pletiftre to to ab,le to revlevf Loans on Bonds and other Securities I. I. . I . . a wealt,h of rippling,, sunny-goldon �o Ins ' A. ladyt, I . ... , ­ ". I I 1. ..... ; ...... 104,51 f 53- . iliealth-bringling qualitieis of Dr. Wil`- Wir. . I ' tau�'Y however, bodice of lber' dress., watch in plain, black enamel the financial statement of one of our (,it adia Mortgages on Real tsta'te ...... ­­... ............... - I ...... I I Po'gi I . . . . ow 0: J Q n liuma 4 Pink Pilla . a-, . I � :- . 1011 a qUelii- ".To-morroi-0, I siball have won the and brilliauts is a striking and elegant Institutions. espeolally when that statement - - � I 918040 12 Imins, "If Pin - 0- k -0 s" evasively; , object. - , I . exhibits ii.�ogroug, atabilft T . I ' is 'Xiig 3� Ch She must look like this," be wbi tion, , W J� 44k4d, one great prize I covet," a -he mur- .&. and success. he Real Estate .... .... �­ ....* ............ i- I ......... I ...'64- 36,134$ 25 15' "any man ought to - be, proud of win- . ' . annual report of the I anufacturers Life Loans on Policies ...... ...... .......... I. 147t 1 24 09 . put, of Lake Talon, Out., who sayst -pared, "God grant. that I may' find . murod, ilialf aloud.. "After tQvImor- ."Tooth!' ring,11191211tillgS are used. for publiabod in to -day's issue, is one which howl Accrued I i . .1I cannot fliank you: enough for the 'I, . I . . ning so, peerless a treasure AS: you are. TO* I can defy Lestor Stanwlok to some very , largb diamondli .for men's such unroistakable signs of careful 0 nterer,t, Net 6;;�--"*�4 'Ple, tn"til;k�: 'W ...... ::........­ .' X45,448 91 * ' her - . I shall bel envied by qcores disap- I manage, Cash on hand and in Banks ........... . I good-lbavis vl�rlved thr6ugh the use. ,, . , . . . se. I milky PO ' 09. bring one cibnrge - against meI I weaV, They display the stone With great ment, combintA with a Spirit of progress. thaI . . I � .� ............... # ........... . 72,410 37 of Dr, Williams, Pink Pills. . Mr. Rei Lyon 'sayg, pled' inted lovers, Who have worshipped ishall be Rex'a )vife-it will avail him Offectiveness. - . . polleYholderl; in it are to be congratulated. Anti . . . . . . . I .. . ­ . � . � t. your 9hrine. , I am not ag, demon- . . I I . those proposing to insure in it need no addb . . . - I . . , . . . 2 9,26864 eati I lblon' he see You a f ewi mpmenta,, sir "' ,said a Xrobbing." . . PrettY tie dips of g9ld whe I tional guarsiotee'that, their interests will till . . � 1 $1,27 � . . . y believe that 'but for thern, - I - . stratk�va as( so= migilit be under aim- . a heart wol I protected. I . . . . . .�: t LIABILITIES.,, - . . . . would now be in my gDrave, Masom, popping big black hea� in at llar alrou . "iSp6akirkg of Angels, you often shape, are useful Accessories . � . . . . . . .. . . 1. . . matancoo, but my apprecla- Ila the even -w Jn a year In `whfoh Oompetitfc�. was very Liability for Policy 0ekerves, Government Standard .... I ... I .... $1;9T4,174 00 . , ' . . . My the' door. , . . .. . ... � , . tion is none tho less keen." . . qlhear 'the ri)Atle of their Nvilagg., I Ing toilet, . Tlie.7 are set 'With pearls and kooll the company received applications tot Special R � eserVe Futid I er And above Govern dot Standard .... :: 36,333 00 ' . � . I . � .ov in I I . health, Wais,00,14PIetelY broken down, , �'NQ; I c She noticed he , carefully'ay6ided beliovo..there is an old adage of that turquoises.., � . . 1 . . lal,mrauneFy amounting to over -43,000,000, and . All other Liabilitiesi � ......... . . . 10- not ,wish- � to $66'�'any 104-01 . ; . I . . . issued policies for 42,679,745. Theap . . .-..1..:: 2 6 8 My face ao' WWite asl dhalk$� and if bhei wnrd�-love. . . . . &O-Ttj OT 90met1hing similar," said a 'An adjustable bracelet ltdip6 itsel . " 5 I . f, to releclell ly tile compony as ,at .0112,111felUktion,01 - SUrPlus On Folie�holders# �­ I ... " ­­­­ 'N da, . . � . I . - . . . 4 And I Will not see ,any one. `Hare you .deep "lee beside her, and turning any size of wrist. It I W ol.111.1 I I . it ... ... I ...... . I 8015 � X Imade the .least o,frort.,toi- 0 any I . . In :after years Rex liked to rb� Js constr standard wia the large proportion . I . I � I I that- Satchel Packed, I e[ay?" -.- around with a low cry -slie, saw Les- the trellis pattern and a c acted or' of over 10 pLr cent,, of the applications recoll-ed. . I � . I . � . . . .. � . I hviuse"Tlk I war Lnt from ., � member 6hat, yielding to A. kindly. ter StanIr . Ontra ts or ex- .The, total volun)e of, busiawpif 1,ow on the . . : .. � . I . .... , � old almost fa. - ick himself standing be- 'Pands after the fagition of company's booko Is over $15.000,0do, while the . . . ­ . � $21.2791268 64 - � I . . I . � . I tho'evertim, a . iny heart 'Would Yes, air; it will be ready directl Impulsei he, beat doown and kissed her foire, her. ... . I)r*. Jrameq Mills, of Quelph, moved the adopilon of thereporbIn anexcellent address, ", .' . % . . 314 ­ . q� . . . .- � . . I . tile. familiar beat violently so that. -1. featredI I I ' !�;aid .10ho man, obediently.. forb,bead. I . . iron gate. . cal,11 Inoonle from Premiums and interest, hoe Y, Sir ' I . I I Pow onei.moment Mer lips .opened ast , . I . . . ­ Inci o-aled from $296,468 All 1$91, to $Goo 717 ill , from which the following Is A she . rb. oxtrrvct�: . . . . � . . . I . (in . It �was the first time he had caress- tforeign fashion budgets tell us' that 1000, During tile year the comphnydisburaed . . � . . .would dwoV. Where Latood. I wasi . "D 't come to me. with any -more though to ut eat b At a'alipeting of this nature It is ilw . . (L eat sufferer -fro�jj- headachesi a . , . . ad 'ter voluntarily; it was, not love ter A Piercing cry, but * the se all I S* to be the nov . a � ays ri, ploasure to be In a positionito congratulate, 9w nd m4sklges­�-look everybady out. Do even the very -breath. seemed to die city of the to Policyholders, for endowments, dividends, . .; I dIzZiueasi As ,well, - and. my appetite . willich ,prompted, this .a.c.tion-ouly , . lug Season. Thl gn,fw.d!�170d Policies, and doath claims, the � those Interested, and oil this occasion I can do so most heartily. . . �. . . Upon t-hom th � , 8 is a hollow sphere . . g�, A 1AIR0110f $L27,666, added to: the regerve I We have really . . . -as so You bear, Malsoiril 'I jyjil be ' ' kin . 1. 0 xed nil com With SmalClicles,iind fielding's fund for the security of policyholders 4328,495, holders of the Company,,& statement which will-belin the closist; frispoUlon.' We can speak ' ' . . poor Mill; I scarcely ate at � . oWyo,41-1 - dness. - .1 . . . .ey -Were so , f1i a . pierced � � a in eat sikl istaotory statemen b to progen b to the sharoholders and policy.' - . . . . � still. � :� I. . I. . . . bit of SP01190 saturaNd' with.perfliule.. all. I triqd several. �medieitkea, but -Tes, sir, I 'hear. No one shall dis- , '!Perhaps- You will 164e. me gome I I . . I . ,ind Increased at the. saine time its E.urplas by . I . 1lie, flo' she- held in her hand . with knorodefivilteriestit,44 overin thopastirk r6gardtoour Invoisbinents and'our stapda . .Mey did not help me, and than:, I de- turb You,- :, .., * I day with your whole heart.. Rex?" she I 1wrXS Ill slinii1elailver trifles, U71208.3% . I . I . 11 .. . . or efilborate gold, Acarefulroviowof th Ing, for we have more informn,hion at our digposal, f arnighe4 iiiii in the splondid-rappirb of . . L I olded 1:6 -send - , . . � L .. '., '. � ' : � Asked.. ; . I I . . fell into the foulifain against which ,affairs adorned with diamonds. or o e comparly's business . tur4oule of Dr. Vil- Again Basil Hurillurat' turnali" . to * '4jy ther rpr tile put six years was made by Prof. Or. our consulting actu 'There has beer% prosrass all Along the line. . I I I _ e1he JoMOS ItIlIS'Jil WhIL . . . L � ' . leaned. . but - s4o .did not heed stolles it aiffoeds an attract Ary. . .11 I . J'AmS' Pink Pills. T'6-QtL Six boxes I I . � ,bU s&m quilte 4iti'O.Lbbat I do h at I them.� - - . . .. . I I . . , I I . ch.he showed, that, while in I . tL . . in al L I I * I .the portralt,_ ' . . . for P119telaine4 chain or brace J891 thO Assets Of the 00111PRny'amourited to , 0 that Again, .I , L . and bofo.6 I used'.116 . . I paying little attention do that now?" he remarked. � AcomparIsowofIV00andlt99Is In theroporb, go I nooduot refer .. I cis As to willat was transpiring Around . lilia. I "Yes," she'sald, d1alipin.ff big ari;a �'- LUM, One f4sclAft-ted, her eyea iiiet - L 1. I . . � I . ..,lot-' ' ... - $821,391. they. iiow hove reached the large' `V�buid,;,however, rotor to one other point;:. The question. Of our progress d0hut, A Ion , L ' ,.. well as I had ever been, with a igood L the gaze of the 'bold, flashihg dark ' ' ' . I .1; 'L. I ser . . . inw, 'i's ly ,,,I of I 11gures of 82.x79,170i As an,indicatioli of that L , .. I . g that of the present managemen b, . I L, , I . V . period 1894 to 1960, belb . I I . I I . I - on OxvQlItnt character. only. Homo $500,df overdue . . . � olf , ca ' ' ______r� 111LOfOgteXisted on tive3lotiDecember In respebb ''. ... L .. .. healthy color, a -good appetite and an "I shall Out it at once, in the hando bu ten fear you do not I enti-re freedom from the ailments that the"LO)eVeXeSt dete' t 'as tige , , -nt so steadily upon ,Iwr. , 1HE -W-HIRL I After a lapse of six yeara we find monypointe4litch aro aliko Oredligiiia to the mAni, � '' . . � otivesc," he mused; a , pwq,sos you will give in be � ,,, 0F FASHION. ,of tile wholeLot them. I 11 your. affection. Love must Win "' would escape .,L - . . - __. I � . . The expenses for. agemont And 9tatifyin' to the persons most Interested In the success of the Company, the , . I . I had made me so miserable. You may "surely th0Y will be able.to f End go , . . me", ' I gradual . . . . .. I . ! I ill greater decreANO, arill. Ill 1000 Cho chairman stated that � I . �h,esdid. "How fooligb and blind- ' All ludications pol sharobol deft, and the Prilloy-holders; . . . Me I FOV01711 Yuarg Past have shown & F . - be trare that :I.LWIII always have a, trace af my lost. darling." I L . L la"d'" ' ' . I I A; , you are, ray clovew plotter. Did YOU at to 4 st, L - I . 11 � -.1, I . . . ' I . . . Other youma girl,s Would not -b Ve V ,;'Ue this sullinier for dainty, cott,on ina- the,ratio of cxPonse*,was about 11 The following f1glitues will Illustrate -the"vigorous growth Of tlkoCornp�kny: . I . . . waral .regarid for ,Your InvAluable . Seventeen yearal All, What might think I did not see through yQut.oloy,- 0 10,0,01ah It was two years ago per cent. .1 I I . .. . . I I . 1. I .. I I __ L . . I made such.an tipen'doolarition With- I -terials of ever" . in eve . . : . . medicine." . . 1 .1 . have happened her in that titne? ThiS I � . or lil;lnea"ringlif There..a4all .be -a. - I .V tint 4lid Weave. ­ ., : Ion Aant particular, as pointed but by -Mr. Z - ... - , i t . - - � . NetInFonie GrossAssur. I L .L L . L ress I . . I Do. not experf "a sOI. y blushes., suffusing,. their.L . . Many of thobeAt d 'makers consider L. 4 sox . I . . I . . , . froln LL L . JIM nt.with other master grf Whitestoiae Hall' Always Wedding to -morrow, but you shtill . L L Paterson, It Is shown that in the L �Aet I . ist'Year's Arica - .� =p I marked advances -,veto made In all tKoge yeae - I .1 I ' * . -you aTe . apt to- find. it - file Of ' . 0 they would have been fr lit- inistead'af, handsome, fle- that po4u do Soto Olds, hands, etc i wear. ogentials-which tend toward the building u L . Assets. Premiums. Proms & Int. in t6ice. - - . a waste of.monq alth oken ,wordvferen = MR -PI., . You can not, fiY.frbm far bettor than eliber"taffeta or satin. ofa-goutidcL4dhealti)YIUOtitution. Thecas? _'1�94----!b­ .......I.i*­:.:� 821, $.; 6 i �S,5 -.'f162&1 46111. . 55 00� L I called tonlas - : kept a - b1kc`BaItim�ro..paper8; oa4bd at their Ig Yoti wi,il .. - be $ -1 ". L - .T . I .l,. ..... I ' .1 5 9, '3 0 1 . .1 . I . . . 'ree.!SP , I � . 2279,32 .- ' v7 $ N . ,y. and' your' hd lie rapidly ra�A his, eye ,dd ,th �dif- h h Mo Vow I - � I . *arse t I fereiit calumn ,L . WM A ' ' . . was �tblair wed- . I Income Increased by over $81,000; the Assets by ,...f ....... 1 r76 . 2 6, L . han b6fore: I nort 1. : I fAte." . . , French elleviots and the olaftest'of eam. ,1900* I � I IL,5,rl$ ,'7 I 5 ' . ' ' 0 1 � "" . . . . : . � . , "'Oug L . . I I . . I I . experimenting When . yau�.use .D' I- "Ah here. is *what I want" he exr din Oay L. . . . YoShe I set her' lipso- � firmly togetheii.*.1 . el's hair fabrics are among the most fa- . ever,$469 0)0; tile Policy roserva by over I I �.�, The.aseets are practl . cal I ly three tiviveawh6t they . . . .. . I . .N'Vi �d . t . �Ihort. '."'LlUesorg. .6 lst� 0 Wore- li�m. In, liar tall,� She bad made a valiant strujile; She . 00nub by ' :Ome from now, buqlnc8� shows loo per cent. Increase,: Net Tn,.,bmo from Amount of Ill- . . .1 . . li=: Pink r. .d $328,000 ; surplivii on policyholders' ad were six years A Plus. ,They have, ijr�oyad claiw ,* s oppIng � yoked olf textile"g -tdilgr cos� .. , , . . . I for handsoine . over $339,060,: and the insurnnob in forue b Irenifurn4 and In . . . their. 'Value' id L L &u . Tudo Slim loy0inogW, as fAir a picture as . . over VJ0,000, The . y . terest hag increaked over 106 per 6011L Thono,urrinoo In force has growattaill, Of to.jwk - - I I - L , the � w�r over, d You. W" Pook, & Co., Experigneed-, Do- , I Would defy',41m: to the�bitt& end. She tunics f0 thespring. . .'. ,so are handsome inc case . I . . . . I . � any man's eyeg, civuld rest .on. �,.shc .. , .. . I . LL and sponk. abundantlk of the man'�rge.rllfjt' .. millions, - I � . �. . . .. . . I . I . I can-rely.upon ittlkat whitt-theyLhave tectives, ,. . Street, Baltimore. They' more -W"-n-6cow:ard,i;hisgbea,titi�-11,1,imperi�. .-Accordion or side p . . . . I . , . __ . A, most' becoming di6gs,' and a I L laited- frills, flounces I ot of the coillpitt s.affairs by Mr. J.'r. I Iwavit also to refer to the dharactbr of our as bts avva.�ho e'�poc�&- ratio, 'both lb6in' . . - ,L I . 'I done for others M6r will do for- you. are ndted for their skill. I will give spring blossom was in her hair. A Ous girl. - She. would: die'116Lrd. Alligl and 19kirts entire again appear upon vezy J_01,1.111un. its managing Wirector. , flhpor,tantitein.alil'adon6ernoftbiekLtidI 0iirsecuklitle wereneve before in tile all ondl ., ,. I ' . blie. ca :If I- . The im ortant step taken by the. Manufaete . any Conitiony can I , nott get: the genuine. pills , so in to their hands. condition they are to -day. I doubt, if 11 . If yon can - they re- she ,bad been, too 4angiiinej hoping ma ' show an V recorfL'of invested , . store, My darling child all . . most any. other ..manlsi hisaxt -would . uY of the prettiest dress and demi- urars Ans the -Tern evince and Genoraj,'In Assets of over S2,00,000 And only$501,30 overdue IntpreaL - I 64'a L , . . from yal.W dealer -send direct: to the lve and Well Lester. Starkwick Would not.reiurn 1 dress jnod(ili of silk, point d'or ��, jaL one, Wilk,bil I . Y hands, I will make them irais- . . ,prit not, deciding to units tho r intetests, At L I Inliew.corhiianids the expen4e ratio is Always large, These expenses ahou1d*grdduA`1I7L I I , I bave� Warmed toward her:& she bebare':'the ceremony was popformed. greuadiike,� Indiii mull, etc., .from.cele. will, undoubtedly tond.to secure even gte or 1,eviecrease. And ourrecord Is its Iti;holil'it be in this respect. i . I I I Dr. 'Williamis' - Medicine Co., Broo . k- 140 in . . 1 -4 har dark eyes to hig andsthe ivitite TIO IAS .hope diedout 6f thatproud, I brated designing ,house' . econorny In a;1winistration. iLnd obvicaquently The ratio lo about 14 par cent. less tha.li it was two years Ago. .1 think that to one Of , . . . . ' I - - I . . I . increased benefits to the policyholders, and, in n rL Y., I � . . 't 'Paid at 50 cents abox or six . . I(pid), � . ville, Ont., 'and: they. will be ind iled �vodlbhy men -If She is dead, the blow. 'fingers tromi6led on, hist arink ` - t s of Paris. .tbomt)etsatisftLotoryfoatdre6in,oiirbuOtness, ,Thoratlolsdeoreml , L Ill surely kill,mie.,,, . . : . Poe , I irl passionate heart -as well hope to di- ew tallpr skirts of view,of. the thorough investigation made by eg dre able to, . . . . Rex wlas� young, ju�kpulsive,,, an�A . cloth I thailk our manager, his staff and the field force ter the r all ts W . � .boxes for $2.50. . . . . - I He beard- voices deba - , ' -1ger from, its' helpless prey, as d,M;1uY of 60 n' voport to-vlay,and.l do Flo M00 sincerely, and I Tnuut congratulate the ppli yholders and. � .... . - . I I . L I ting in ML , - vert a t . L 0 the Independent an thority, into the affairs of 0 . L. L .1 I I I , . .� 11 , eo�Trjdar without. .'L ,. . MoTtdl, tender"wrirds ftbm such love- . rap � to a], camel's bair, z1beline, silk shareholders on the position we-huve,attained. , . 1 � ... . . . - :.� .1 ..I expect Iteattir 8 .wIck . Y . I . . , . I � . y lips -%rould have intoxicated any . �an . ,to relinquish both coulParifes. A is confidently believed that . . . . I � . . . 0 .1 . I . "Ma' YOU - tell - - parti rlited. warp ecilletno,. I Mr. J.F.Junkirl, the Managing -Director; in SoCovidin L gLtbe ado . . I . . . . him I wisbe& - any plans ihe had:onco Io . etc.; are trimmed with even greater .progress Will be made Lby' the - . . , . I ptlon of the, report. L . . . ' - . � :. - . I FLOWERS. . athI, of. .his the, . "I bavw.fouxlat M fight," she said 8 � . or, narrow rou as . I I . . ; Wbfd% did mt *take, one - been made by v tiler li,stitution in the pAot � it we liiol� back over two, years, *the L . TO PUESBRV I E OUT. .oularly, to see h&m?`aakbd Re�x, r * man.: Yet from t1hat' faithful heart trappliigs, millitlers' folili - . 'combined coinpanle4 In the.. future we find Cilia premium income ter 1900 wa@L I . ­ L ' I . I ' L * , ". or discoWatited at the refusIal. to herself, "and hayvle failed Oil the l0aux of taffeta; silk, These dec6rat! i , . I � ­ almo4s:140.000moro than tori,898,orark in c, ease,ot III por cent.,w line ourexr,onAegfor1900, . . . I In cattini; the ends, anip them off 4yes limp Sal( - t'ho-6ght. that: belonged'to Daisy; he , 11, ILkfioi%r . are InOtLneW, ons . . I .. I . . 4.i' I ' i Mason dublauslY. did -his utmosli to , very threshold of victory, ilt! but tlicy lire put on Iii many . ------ *-I..—' I I as.covn�r red with 1898,'onty show,ark Increaso'of abcab $2,OOD. or li per can ,.. The resulb. .. 4 foTgist that si . . - L � L JOY . I 'Is that we have Dow. not only the ]Qwoat expense patio of any actiVe company of'our own . - , . at right angles to the stalk.. . . . KIM Flumi,'bis daug�ter, .wJahe.%L � golden ul, - - . . unny, lip -w tb bear. defeat. What do You ,11061 ind graceful ways, the bands fre- . ENOUGN. � I . . . I . . moxy. . O L "'lifi quently eXtendingin clusters of three or . I .. . . . o1raisiniflar 0 on.the continent, but wocoirpare very favorably in thisiespect with even . I ])a not. Ilow.*the.ends of. the.stems lue, to. speak witill him on 4% very im. . POSO to dbf" $he Said, huskily � the oldest An Jargest Canadian and American ComVignieff, " L L I . . a , To � Plumla,, handsome, -courtly Jteir PT _. Mrs. Subbubs!�-Yokl don't get much . if .. . . . ... I .. I ... I . . . poirtant matter. * I am. surprised that was An en m,. In he, thexci is any ,way 1 c4il bay your-sil- five, UP. two­third� of the length,of the . � . '' . to I rest oki the bottom of -the'vase I I.- own mind she ' 1. ­ . . .pleasure out of,your ,walk,' did'you suipan , , . . . � . . . I - I . . . L I 1. I 'he SO PeWsistantlY refuseg to.see me,'. once, name your. price, keeping back Skirt. I ­ , . I deart., I . . - I . I 'if You Waht..1-tBr"UTil`tsR, Eacls"A"U'Lt , -, ., .. .TE , Do not' a ' il liked him 411 the bot,tor- because the truth, will avail Me little now. Frosted, velvet leaves 'in obadeft of Limited, C.r. West Market andl . . � PI eo , owers. near or under, Said L Rex, Proudly, -woulidering if be I . RN't -APPLIES. dthery RuITS and PRODUCIII", Ill) . . - L lights -gas or lamp�whoa; it it can,.bB Pluma's father. had heard that' g i had not fallen down. and worshiped � - Mr. Subbubs, banniingly-Indeed, I The I)awson ,Com mlii§slon * Co * I . .. L .. . . . . 00" her at once. Most Men did tb:at. Ve Rex, and no Power on, earth Y mine ' did; :: . ­ I .. . . . I * . . .... 6 . . W-11 : ., , . . f green, brown and silvery "dust rl . . . . . . . Colborne SL, Torolito , av�,Owed:.. , , - . . I � 1. I sip-amOng tU guests-Wat he did Forr:saveral moments; they w-alked Shal'L Pievent. me Xom becoming . big c6lor -are intermixed with pink and white L , ivi, s I vV=1%?%M&I%&141I I 4PIS11% . , , I not love -his 'daughter. , "I . do .not . wife." � . L I Subbubs-But, that Shower of I Clhange the Waiar each daY, and at oili along. in ut 1. I button roses, azaleas, Illac and jonquil , . . L . . lo*,,wob.�,ft/w*,%"%�.%^v%,,Q�-owlko,"-,: . ter �,gllenae-until ' they. I � rain. See bow wet you nre. L I . . . . . . L the same time. again okit the. . kOw. thaj. I bavve:�offended . the . had -.reached Me, litink ot the dark Lester ,Qj,l.rjlvlc1c, giniled sup�rcjli� blossoms, etc.,. on new French plateau . L Mr. s-Oh,� thatLdoe � . . . . . . . V . , L L 'ends of' g:ln L , Sabbub Sn't MaLt- 4"I"W'' THIS ' � . fl . . . ftleman in any way," he told him. pool, Which ously.--�dxawjng .from hia!'p,deke hats,Af Milan braidi'folded mallnes'net or . V U U . I , Is made- for your house, made $ . I the ower Stemi. I . .4,if it. comes, tbat;!' lay quite at the further . k, 'w I tar What do'�yoa think I I found 6 .'t N . I .. � .., - I . . ,just �Lightw-prdi5er pigments- .. I I . LL . I to t L . be end of the lifolosure. I . plackage of letters. open Work - gephyr straw I In lace effects� , L � � .­ . � 'I ,raper colors. . . Made. .L .1 The. endSL of the Ateme'Of 411 flowers thought, "I can Ado no more ban pon� . I - L . . . goli ball I lost.ldst sunkmelr.� . , . � . proper oi -r : . .. I less the Pluma'' gar;e a little "Money couid- . � � . . .Shuddering V not purchase thege with soft draperios of talle Or of chiffon . . I . , * *1 . I L I truth to, him -the whole � 11 Ills I " 'L . I . I . . . I to giv.'e a house a handso�iie, I I . should he out aff bofoft they ate scream: 1. . charming. 't's-doux, from ,me, he on the underside of the brim. .. I . - ; . PAINT:. - fL ; . L I . , . I . It w al' truth about poor. little Ddis_* - no "I did not nwan said, "This will be: chanking reado. '.* I ------ft . . .1. I .. . � .. I . . I . . I stylish appearance, a keep i ' . to bring'you here' * ' ' . . � I I � . I 11 . .4.1 I . ; .; . . . - way, 'fresh ,ar.-3L , ' Placed in * tox.. - It "Is' best io, strip matter what the conaecluencest may. sho cried, "I:alway�g aviold th I , L ' . . , . that d =S�L , , . tbe leaves'fram -that part of Most bell, . . . .1 matter. for the Honorable Rex . . . . . I is path; lug V.pAfl L ' ' I . I . .- ­ - _ I . -Ill,w., .. am . the :Wators'of the Po6l ha" always Lyon, 4nd , the general pub,110 .toi L 4 8 L _ . I . I I Ivv- -1-1 I—` bright an 'To got a I . * * ' ' - ______ . � a playing, at erogg�pur '' - ' MO." ­ .; . . .. ' . 8 . � . I � . 1. I lagfingf pure paint, buy . I ..1. L . . which will bi immersed. .. Fate ,%va L poses , . cussr." . . . 1 - IN BUD THREE, IM L - ... . - I . I . , had -a r6it dread for, . I ' .. . . I . . . . . I . ' " I . . . with b0milsome Rex . . , Maidenhair ferix should be, kept . . . I g ' She raised � . 4,Wbl16_ driving d6rwil, a ; 11 . . . L .. Rex, but no subtle f1l: 'abould be filled up,,, said her flaghlng'4yesLuuflln� - . . I . Gentlemen, I 'Ramsay's . I , I . Warning came to him, .� I ) — � I . 1. I . . . I , . . . . inly tk� faco, but no word.IK I � . .1 . 'and . JLntS . " � . . . i I . -olled - moistened Pape .: . . ­ I . "br femcod' around',, it. is-ebrta .1 ellitaly to -Ill r,whito 110 ,- The � Happy tndi g , of ,a Ver very Steep bill last August my horse . I . X up In r and on , . . . -r -I- � � . , p . I . s . stumbled fell,..ouftiil * F�;i I .� "I ditngerlogs locality. ,awd 'from ,he . 9. � n 9 himself . .. PA �� . .1 L � L . the Zoo, ari'With'the stemA inthe w' I CgAPTI,�R. XXXI. . I . "It ,*can mot be, ftl I "A Splendid morsol for the gossliig L'. L . y fea�fnlly about -the ,head and' body. A , - 1. "I A .. I - L L . .1 . . . ter' 2� . . . . I led - up", allo re- to 1rh I � i. Serious alld, Painful Cage, ased-MINARDIS LIN � MIEN fr ' . .. L - the oldest and- best in Canada, . L i U's 0 n ady- .for ,The .prepiaratio*ms for the :Wedding tur�ned, laughingly; ,,It is SON to be ispeir 0*r.- The. very refined ' .1 .1 I . . . . I 1. . . . . . T cely on . . . . I t*ai:16 right aft�r long eliperlence" 1. .1 I . � 01 In. thisi way 'it will last for somle *vent steadily on. It wast to be 4 bottomlesa, I dO mot' like to think and exclusl�to ,helTegs qf Whitestone, , '. . I I- . . , I 11 I I . blin. iLnd in a few dtiys he Was as.well. I � . I I . . . I . � I I . I. . LL . . - L Sold lv� Acalers, not. at the price . . 1. time.. . . . , WAgulificent Affair. Inside and out- Olf it', *caillo ai ay,"ReX.P., L I HaWconnivloa to xemove'an Innocent Mrs. 11119144's "VA14 VOPY 11:11�1111441ed and ilk . its ever_ ,�,4. " 11 I , .* , 1 14 ., !�� , ' , � , ' at ch 4 �ap paints which wilil fail , glatt Suffereil for 1'.Onr I . 41 ,�. . I ... . 0 1 r ii!ollst lilt .13.1.4"y' . . S' BIL A. .BE CRE�/TJX.� . 11. � I . .. .: yqu; but at -a reasonable p'tice . . I . - - s1de'of Whites.tone, Hall fai ly.glowed' ' Tlio magni�`Icent her path, by Providing L A:.tT . : � bridal . cc�t'ume, rival from . . � � . ­ I - L � . Tvar,;, I"'Alre slie, us'ed Daild's Itidlipy 6 1. I I .. . I . Wirnonotte is generally grown in with brillianoy, and bloomL �_- - ; oridered expressly frolia Paris, had at- raviney for ,her to be sent oft Secretly I , heribrooke. . % I - - . % . . forAbe best thatcan be made., . . I I a. 0601 "house * , L 4 ' nd for this reason Rex's depairtideritL Jowlar .. rived-pericet even to the. -last de- to boarding-sebool, fr PIPIN-110 1A now Well avid klappy. - . �. . . . .. . � - -­­ ,. am w-bich she is I . I I . .. 1. I . , -it K ", f rto' . . . d big praln� I . I . I . .. 1. . .1 IL I I . 111, - .1 WrlietbrBOOKLET I . . I . aft6h droops when firatplaced iii ised bride wag; exeniplary;'he did his tail. Tho bridemaidal. cogtumas wore to be, abducted and .confined in a M . I I . I I . . . g how some houses are I . L I .. I . 'L . a I Use$ . Orley, Ont., Apr. 8, Spoclal.­:-Nol- I . .11 � showin . . I � . heated room. It is beat to s%ow her every possible atten. all ready; and to everything in and niad�ho .Your numorcusj letters .. . . . I I I . VAM1. � - . rainted, and,telling oil about iL ' . L . the icle-box ln,m�ate well to Put it in. Vbon and- kindneiso in.lien. olf the love, about the Hall the last f-Wshing givld L411 instructions,, it would be 6ou Beflar, Sustice of.the Peace, of , . 11 . I ..'. I I L I . � . . . I . . ins . ".. . 1. . I . r, for's, thne, wbeii willieh'should have been hersr. . toualles had boeu giveni . IlSelegs. lto' daily those aaous�itlous. I this -place, vouche's Ior the truth of . ------------ ��-Mt!�_ . A. RAIMIASAT & SON . I ' I , I It will revivep "harden," a -lad, If pro,. There seemed tot be no cloud in All tble young girls havored coai- held proof poSltIve,­ . . I the follow! g inforosting story, tol 1. .. 1. - -7) 1 1 , .. _. . . * . . 11 , . d , � .. O.VP AGAIN, ON AGAIN. , - . PAINTMAKERS, . L . I _____ - . . 13B PIUMA Hurllhurst'sl heavlon,. . stantly around Pluma, in girl-fri,P)lina "That -%viiul(l not screorl You," She. hy Mrs, Thos. 'Hughes., � I 1. . . I . MONTREAL. , L ­ . tly cared far 6ach day, last i long She had no ", rning of the relent- Ion admiring t1h6 costume, the. "ill said, scornfully. ... . I Vary well, said She, in a huff, all , . . time. .. I ! . ­ . . I. . "I did not carry out your pl, . .Verification, however, owill not be - . I . I. . . '. . ­ gs�!d 1842 I. . I .. I � lesd StOXIA-01oud that was gathering t1b0 Wreath, and abolve all theradlew ins. No . . . is over betwedu us, I'll thank youto . I . ,qvilolill'ovs . V0,10 .. . I --lilwill-h— I above he 1head and L was go soon to alatly beautiful girl, who was. to wear maittor what t intentions were necessary to L . I , qM,,&,% .l&,W,*.4% .qW1&IW,VJ, VW's �WW1&'W'W-WMWVVWS~W I � _r , he those who know Xrd. . , I L . at, f'blenfif _Evan the Girl I return fully lattem,. - I I . __7-_ . .1. :1 L, I ', -_ ,vin' girls �_ I --- ___-.1 .---..--. I .. HOW SILXLAMBA IS. MADE, . L' burst upon ,her in all itel fury. . and the' Points !A the case are -what act -u-' Hughes, as that lady is one of Mo All right, sald he, I'll send them to METHOD IN HIS GENEROSITy, . M 6 , .10 tend toe ew I . . . Rafi, iole 'Sho, walked amphg her guestg with arme Alden mmro forced to admit th, allY happened. ,I can swear . I jejug,. inost highly xespectod residents of yatt'the first thing in: the morning. � 4011riplate * AntliII . I . a fiber is a staple. :art ii ad -to comply With, your nefarlons Grey County, blro ' ;.- I , A fruft, clealor in Pails Ad of. $h"It L commerce in Mad Of a jOY9115, -happy 001ile and the air of I will Ill young beir"Et would ulake the ,. Huglies says I. .0h, there's no kUli'49 hurry. Sup- [vi,ra"(1: USIC I logue . agasckar. The Hovas a' queen. Why should she not? On mbst peerless Vride they had ever be- wlsho�r; even though you promised me "I WAS a -great ,suff arer for ,four I Music mind DoeM . . poso. yaa-gr-briag them with you his willingnesl%,tof give a M,iza of five . L 'I'thL III"Ole, riat" , ' . � L . - I lose --tho ul.1der part of Ma leAf Split -the miorrow, nhe would gain the prize held:, . I . . your ,bAnd and fortune, it I snocced- y0ar0i 1. was treated 1)y f our doctors when y6tV call to-inoirow evening. franes for Me biggest apple sent t . I vit diallourilL , .. V0-rY fine I Atsa-Warp, with awaft of she conte4 mcht on earth - she Li,ttlo,Blrdie alone held aloot, much. ad," he answered mockingly, . .. I and a Sfee, -- . , 1 . 0 . to R�X'54 amu�o "W, r1a a . — I it. . . . . Your States, early ovetrhye k'ZiniodLitat' , . WHALEY, � L * ' Ill not money puttp ist from . h4m,. ight be had.received _MeZt and Pliuma's ,base t , I I12 a, fortn es rs Would be Rex's wife. led n Tea he' .whito shk,,pkrc4=!n9 an article Call- L Her fatbor ,bad gone uLneXp6Otedly t as mOTtitie4ti I InedloinlY 'I could .hear ofi bat nono . , illient Is used by Physiclaqe otapagh big apples� to atook his storre . on on I SLIencell' she said, wit' Mlqard's Lin I . . ' � . ed silklanift, Which is sold both in � Hu, to Baltimore, and, bhc, good old house- ' "LIttle, children often: take ,ue)i breath. .111 do 'lot Plead with you . 00emed to do me any good, . .. . � for A,aea . so . iii . o� an honest - . Ney" #4 goll - e oast tribes keeper had been laid to, rest but in strange franks," she Would say to for m6roy or cOlApasAian," S& said,. "t wag in bed for nearly three years, Ita who is browned by big conscieneg ,and, I& �50 vanse " I bho exottement and b haughtily. I I . man he Awarded fi-va franca for,the .Wahted. Torents,411% Use -it for clothing, but of astle'attend, Rext sweetly. "I really believe your � t bad Pains up my, spinal oolunkn�'in my ca,T09 not if be is condemned by the 11 . I . I coat" Ing bho great coming event those two little.814tor intends never t1o, like me; Lester Stanivick laughed -a mock. boad, over my eyes, Across in biggest one. The �othtrs didn't cost I 1. qAxalitYf with dyed stripes of Indigo , incidents created little comment. , y bao crowd. I - . � I can not Win *lie smile from, ,her, I , ing laugh.. ,� . � k, I I . ising . I . through my )oft side, And. occaiional- , . ham a son, and, the free ad I I I Saffron, blaek and it ditty green, It Mirth &nil gayety reigned supreme "8116 Is not like 'other children ll ha "Do not mistake Mal Mis(s Plurna.11 ly in ray rig!ht side, . I " I . .. .. I � .. . . vert) I Is A cold I , 00WXQ!Ct1,e18S-1Ookliag ma. d'Ad the gThA aid halls resbanded with roP116d, with a strange twinkle i'll, hi4 he sai ' making no Attempt at lov,c.. fiVar three nightkf tit a time, t 0! � I brought to him a rush of businiess, Amu � I laughter And song and gay young eye. "81�0 forin.s likeg and qkln(g', "I prefer to Wreit i6it from 'my eyo4 in sleap, .. . . _IA.IIIII �. tarial, and 01161aviWo natives cam dislikes t'a L . Would never ologo. 40.00 . . . . - I ­_ I—- - -_ - - - . vol"s from morning until nighf, to people irdlit simply hearing their t n- I have contbmplated w1L)l f was terribly Monte that'leould � . ��eii,,, STATE Oir Onto, Clint Gr TOLSOO, I hirts Pluma, this spoiled, Petted, willful. name, Of Course I agree withgo ln� Y sAtilifaction the lblc(ir to his not oft upi or w 10 . - 0,0 . . Lucas CovNily. "," * 'I JUBILMOF ifjai A Popular Manual t. alk, go was lor., 11 Ing In a cohdonsild, T.'r."'.111 the 110�se Produced is somewhat helf"84. wus fond of exateinent and Li not rigbIL t , , dk Y, A 4101011611111i. Is on way bes at 60 giatin FAANX J. Cifunsy makes oath that he fit that hirt4uhilkat0j"Im6th I i down a -road clod Ur x(sw ratia a l's, 2 � _ 6 at . r , ' I be a glorious roveng 1�-One Wben Iwas. taken slok. donlarpartner of the into of F. J. CnExgy & Of theJubilve, Sublitantial, dow n I 0 do E(O. but Bi Vd pride. it wil 7 I reaping the betiviat4 Tableb , plete and raftleal, It. ' I afinilar to that. of two wl'o meat . gay thro'n9g. . . :b!c,14 humored more Or les4l All her also giving me a charming bride, And , � =101re BroffibeAQUIWO CO.6 doing business I!) the CRY of Toledo, lubtrated Edition oil photo Paper 10d allt, $?,r,o per .. I . . r I have- taken in all fourteen. boxes 'do nw& IW ow"Ca "MAR -00-410 County And State Aforesaid, and thAb said firm , "Our marriage must be an o , life. I think she will grow to -love - cg4ion at Of Dvidd's Xidney Pills, And now Xam . Cove � ,vo-At last, -but, not loagt, the 1�nsi . I I "...I.. . . �dnvlritd,00at-tlsid. D.andj�dflAbttzlt&oo,,!!?Iltt�sI; . Od a � LAR8 for each and every 0480 Of CATART,111 -GNP-NILLE rS rubbed toZather, I Some future day of Whiteatotic, Hull strong, And able to do fig go - lble to both ap- that cannot be carecl . . ,� I I worthy of remembrance, Rex," she .You in timb." . . will PAY 11180111a of ONID RUNDRIGI) DOL. . . I $Aid, MO t,&Y -walked together through ' Plunla's lip� quivered ,like t -he lips and the, Aurthurst Plantation. A daylg work, as I bav6 tvar been I It Ig often imposal ,by 4he use of BALVEI CURTAINS . . . . �� , The ­ I and all kinds of housa Illingluxel, also . . . bl�o.grouiada the morning befora the of a grio,ving cdvild. Pleasing pieture, W Q not, my dea p, d0otfta said I bad Alleumatlarl. Th e r . . MADAUZ 'GRAND ". I I r Pease the b6nscienc6 and to please CAIA111111' Cuar- . 11 'S APHORISMS. "We m . e, -v th 0 owd. I . I FRANK j. ozigm0r. LAUJ OURTAINS OVIIII) A'CLIEANKO . Wedding. ust bave oblaeth 1511411 try 00 hard to make her . Sworn to before, me And bedrib6d in LIX , NeWe L . ' Mine- SOL)MIX, Grand lately oon,sentaa� nc(w valid nolvidl, I itiv t 102 mao To 130 Continued. * 'i ,said nothing icould be done for me. . . MY 'Write to us st*ut y Is - ired Of III. beda".0 she is your sister, ,. "I was *lot able to eat anything, __ . Presence. this 6th dAy of Doca4tabor. A.D. Will Ilant, parlors and gaI-lig I. Rezo . . :...I.-. I . . to talk on the, Aft Of happiness. . - I .L 0-- L ! FORVvialt F11"It VIIARS . 011riell AMERICAN DYAINO ae.,ours' . ivirvinilL � I I P I A. W GLE.&SON . BOX ia, Mo .1 - - . some pose, We %hall have a beau 1111 pi L 1. only tarn stqroh or soup of Some : SZAT. .1 . I Notaft rul,110. — at. 116 clatpAd the little jeweled ha.aldd , AMATE VRS ARD DANGr,jRO US'. kind. " My weight ,had increased from U" *Mstow,15 so Yltvr h" beat : ........ : I ii� ht& 0410,1710MI are worth keeping; ..9THINO b I form built, . . I L. Covered 'With nr K and Mat la assil ll,i, urothervitor their blitliften teething. It sobtliso Ilea t t curah taken Internallyl.: and � Y SO confidingly within Ilk own 1112 to 147,poundg. t am 'now down lbsohl d, softens av, &nine, all ladooliol' notordi -vi It Dominion Lino Steamships, . M6TO axe Wilor pleasurog v -, __ _ - - - I . . - An amateur hypnotist, In Lyons, N, to ray Iftotmal "b"Psin care" a h1lobd And mucoun surfaces Montitsl to tiverpool, 130.41oft to Liter, . I . . ­__ �_ Weight again.' I oan alellistb6bektrani.dyfordian, oil a Witte. SOIJ of Oayg 4 . on . . thro . fl) to timonlikht free. . Pool. rortland to Lit6rpool, Vits Quoin., - Y., pat asleep a lad of 14 years of age, never say enough for Doild's Xid ow.,=t lb* WO sure and "k J, E & CO., Toledo, 0 in, . I effect 10 a0ddmulatitle, and whi,).X 11 . I M_ 9�11& I . noy h.1 t.U= stru , te= Fast steamship& SucrIor accommodsitoll .. � I IN 9 S by making 9, few pas$68 before his Pills fo!r I am satisfied that they'.8ay.. I . — a ,15 a 11, 7 a the beft . . r or all plAssoa otga4bricers. SA 06nit End Ota.terooral D, ven In cbboisi 'ad my life." Who man who.placog lroamldahio& pecialattefitionhesbel;,vi , the highest 6dond Saloon and Thil-4-01ilas sAcoolloo stion. VOW inhier4ble un r f.*u, �j 1%; te &h e r If face. The hypnotist wout through The,re are many India I i-IIAIII40,Ill . . A Ilea to thq =' ke, Us a, ,bAppi life. , . b I Urg Ing to be Comfort for ,,, o r . . are happ. . I I r I g ISuff6ring 98 things first )will be the first to got , It Is, easy, to. recovor 0 nit0o ofilusage and &H psittlouhim, Apply to any ,ggal Ff since there il happiness ilk . I this performance to Ouro the boy of Mrs. Iluigbes did, although 'but few the higbest'place. : fr in itnoth- of the 00upany, or . every act of obbloo. __ headache. "NOW the headache has in& - . I I A ly � I . Tho My6tery of Sleep�lna , , be As lo%r as Sher �rag. or n1an's adversitj% . litichath mills & Co. . D.Torrancollft. I I �_ , . . ,17 tateffiI.1194flon. ____ , I � Tibere is a great deal ot d,-ffaroba, . omnla a Warning of, disappeared," sald the operator; bk1t f6ralmost alithe troublea thatcomo Ask for Minarh and J' . I Deranged Xidnoys ate responsible Montreal and Pattlevid. between a copy and an iraltaildni Ovt)rwork ot Approaching Nervous 0011apse when he tlylguo 11k6 10 Other- Minarilis U-I'llniont tumbermatilt Friend TEA. " . � , cwstullY . tried to to Wolnou in middle life, And no' w6- . .- - 1-1 . I �, 11 Whan PeOP)a b0gin t& bo critical Which Is Not to bo Lightly bisrogarded, at'dusti the Patient, he boutima, man can afford to b6 earelosg, When The Jspo,,nJtbtift 'who is AlW . I SHEETIRONONESTO r bWJ( ftaft . to be plaag,%nt. , . 11 Sloop Is the vacation of the Bout; his imm,�n.�Ia PrAotice is the alarmod. The, ladcontiftuadasi,,p, for her kldueyo,'are in any way threat- spending upon 'himself is as golfish ays � OWeatneEK is not in. being lifteil up , . I 0 one Which I ened. and but in ]growing upi. , I S"ItmblO for Fireproolrebyelpin, f., � - it is the mind gone into the playn&I giv"a 'Mo -it general satisfaction, T -his several hours, And was Only awaken- Wh4t cured Urd. guithea of this mean As the � nitset. . , astrnor And fttiabiaa�ot (Or Padking Per. . WRY GLASS RoLDs WATE.R, igromiad Of drearas-, it ist the rolaxa- IlTepavatioh is no,kv known al) Dr. ad at last by, the pars[sto J .. . I W PIV 1611 , Poles, Ripe wheq opened 09 19 99414fift Forsaill Chk%900 NOrVO P0404 and h nt efforts very had edoe, will cure tiny case. MONtRIAL 1409t. vinflold — I attio each while they last, Address, At once_ 0 ... . ttenslls( of glass will hold Wat flon of linusoles, and. the solace of Cho have, an eulorMou�j a,110 as Oontkl, to of a Professional hypnotist. I ., 0odd0fj XldhoY Villo axe the only hy. t'! ! !! ! I I The Blue 4ibbon Tog 00,f Topo"to, ont, , . aF6!....XQuuv-volldgvv Allsov � . � Faudif HOUR talal #L t, is a calming Yof the pulse; it is a 110'rd n6tvouti &sL, . . per "tl OALVER'1116131 " . 11 It 18 the hush of aotivitlias; 'Of U6 c0influent, 17 ghtlg IL beca"06 the klabuleg of water Are too i erves " -------*-- ed red Uri, 49"i-866 I Disease, Diabetes, or Dropsy, and they . . . but briskthfiqfir much slower, but much vale,tt,: . have uov6r failed. I P--"-4 . big to' isquftzs� through the glass, is OrdOrs and aleeplesaned"s are so pre. TAIC190 A XNAX ADVANTAGE. . Irl"d is As full of holes as a $pan doapor,,'it it temporary oblivion of Bar -h And vmewy suffer6r, "It's got 90," tile Mall In the �btr,jvu --41I.— Every man beaxg h1a own burden ' CARSOL10 AGENTSWANTEM � I kv I � Nod kit bIOWg fish 9131 A�10%c, ootor re- from zer� Jedna 41111 : NOT so BAD, . . . but not ciery e 1half the blesaing . ­_ � I .. , 0 �rkln cares I, it Is A d VoUs and physical exhattstio" t was saying, "that you canst of b on OINTMENTs . t through it, be. to I thin, caring And I 4anao the bpecks 0 I _d g fill 190hools of Medi01116- watery 1,nd im%luro b-lood, and the li(_�. trust anybody tbo�d days, I SAW all NO:rAb, will you marry ma when . . of 6� r molecules. of Alf 0 () I - I op puts paticuts on th man insomnia, can bo'gin thc ugl� of I I tar all, AN fillmonu, I 41±# a . mall6k, than the -holes, rack of torture, or oi the adW,Ttlaontiont ot a man in the cast come .back from the war ? demand6d Ita6p I i I - . � . . or in the grav0l mad, -house' Ur. 011480% XarVd Food, w',,th, V,)sifivo that Amid fott tan, dt'Atsi held send a Uri lbrlft Of WS' SWeethilarto Alklu bfillard 0 Liniment I'll the INS# 4. 0. cond A am, 11lilmohiletee, LIN : d6kiftivanac, tiba,t thj� r I I 91141111111 \, I � � I I � - tM, .$ . I I' 'I . . I I - , * , - , � �_ I I .1. L 11 I 111� t1a. rh rd t yog t)b t in r 0 Old Q)rugsi ts Kau ainfly, Pf a ar 11 I I I I -----*- �wul,tr uln O,�# .booR of 4 . __ __.. . 11 . I%OVIX4 A. TItE 01ty. Sleoplesguelis is A W"i"Ing that'"O this faTU114 food Ottre 11�111 gradual 5 Pages Of mighty sployTogd. It'll mtollf that's inot prepared to yon oa f0ir"EST METAL Ad bNob", nervous force of the holly is being and ti%oToughly bull(l Up anrt ly , tiftot do right ubleso you are 00AX16014LId, 8L) ]Raw 15tabolay-Do, you think that' I ' exhausted more rapidly, than it Is be. inY, . I .. I give ino, answer now, said. Norab, willing to huffor wrong. . . CORN11098 : 194 TO . . IN Iffany- StTubt thd neWY-4- call'i and l�3d1'1rY0C7Du' 1, . ! - , , - - .. 100pleski- "u ge I - . — I --- 'O"'o, " Hu S thirag in the theory Ithat business Ing 0'"tod atill Points' to uItIM11te ftell and TiN,rirkarko.ritly cure S is- "Wel " they asked him, #qVhat dia with a; toy onifla. "I'll haVe it ready l g u - _!!!L�_�!!:!�_. war- Dhysjcdl hankruptey. The nights do IWAI and irritalbilify, , t WbOirk You sent the ten cent$?tv when yoalxo looming home, Jim. ^ � "' __ I .I . if Nil ON 109010 � 10 Nor" . A good Alont walltea ilk 61&3� town.11, (Iiinadvi 1 X'" oan Wouletimog 64UNO A Oomploto hot 1`00atr the Wa06,01! tile day.,96mo: You )nust not confulo Dr. Ohaga*# "A tlitaloglile Of 4 spilee mill, hy Well, thAlk laot ma bad, said Mr. I Salary avid OXMIRIttd, a fiqt�efsss Agent, w1j nivik# lase of memory t . Ulittattal effort njust Ito ml.d6 to over. Norvlc� Food w,ji,h 61pop-produalng gUshl" . I notl1hr" after a inament'd 2611"tion, uctift4a -6 4Z osttle$ d"0101110111 , th#01okeds6lin 011stholflatti6lesel�thtinifirket, mudg6-yeg. r know it War came this Pfate of affairs, or d011ftPad dTlags and 6piateg, It is. dlrfe -----O— :Ust tell Mo therw4A thincl now. dar. illll..k *.* ..... I L , AliPlyatono,o, 'Mootakleogtoliulted, Applyto ki that Igodrtalft. &jC"qqf,f11Avd , ,rts,jftt I 11oliftfe" out Ill. . I I . w7a any med,olno yotir c"r u-qefl, and 4 . -way In mY 031(0- W110 moT6 Ibatrow, : tortillA 01bittlefits of fixture as being WtNtil Ot tearing dohvn tlh- lI,q,qup_1 L WON-DA90VUS BARRED. Ifut-4svill it he lyll or no'f , t W M."" _.i.w ... Jhoncly'th6 mOkill tteltdhOto(13 Mr memIi peoulialy Suited' io, tile noo.da ,bt A,, - . . A and doadoning the Aqrvo.q, It 0,ure�,; by rn Altatralla it is said that It man All � �t "y 4'64aes 4..# law &Jw, ,suit dahto 4, YiA ory bttoukoo. "haustod nervous system, Through rtiling ay.aTy Oall and doA MWZ As SATIVAOTOZY. oyo,tt,44111 I 1- ,,, do r — Mo 1116111,11M of the blood And nervous and 'Ktallty. Aa & spring tbriia and I$ tepolitoly, Mr. Dykabolghts, You returning . �Isft .60 � . . W POTATOES ARR Bps7. ona MOS6, rentoratiVeSAL dw Willy flew MO, Vigor ,who goes., to a dan'da ilu r , . DA= 11 carry n (troigmator it is marvellolm In Its ae. but firmly'," barrell, from M . 4 '! 406 , 161161and vital ehoirgy to every peryd t1`0ft . honto front butifteso, hapetally.-You I PhYaWafts AsAeft that hakild potilk- ocil in tho bum - lb-Atilling Into w%�ak, worn t1rod tho .vefroshment or 1%upp6r :toom. The . I 11 . "'Viot 4;n an anatomy, human %,(I&"q the atTongth, ova4imty achemo; Is very daintily Tworked out by 'are So aliAorhX1, r ta,ko it you htxvd I aly�" MftoL t'I&Meatl o(t ' ��t ' . buia are more; -nutritious than those `t�rh`116 I nik uro art and t.W7.anoy Ot I .1.1 . coupons tasued Mr *Dghtsr I , � I mblwd Yl V14TIM lvwfeot health, 50 means of a sirAtom of I got a now 600k, Harriet. OwkAd kl AnY Othat' WdA and that ,; pr6pblitibitaf It is eftta &,L,,a&, # Qto.g for #2.50, at all . L , 4 0116d offied Ato the ftott difficult to " I , fm roceir with oneh pr6gramn%6 4, 3) kel.u, f gayly -No, no *46-9. &Ii �, awatio . . I . .1 I doal,orif low acrit, IMM PAW, of dafio6a. tit- y I "# I *,.V It isuoh luck. Put I Jtut h " , &gtdt, � . Of Ivicili bY Ild=lnisbn, natoij & crii, orallyr it 14 a base of "Ila dance, '00) "M that our . I I . � I I Z����� VoFohtoo . anpp6V.�'L L heighbor, Ural lfohsolthurtt, hag just � I I -111:E I I 11 , � I . I I 140t hOA. .1 I , . , , , , , I 1"M %0IMU111111111141111-tiUMMINO 00 . ,f T606141ro, -- A— ­ TH9 MOOT 04U-MITIOU10, I . I I 4_0'k - .�i I . EPPS vi . 0lNA1rAt1*UL­00MF0k`t1N& . I I 00:OOA " L , #