HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-18, Page 6r.
- I'll, _471 1 I- 1".. 11 - ".. 11 I' -:. - �. � " ".." _ -7. __
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� .. I ;p -1-1-1 . - M, I--.".- ,
T I .
l.-Filip-ppopip-lipw" -
� t,
I — � _ " -, .___,___
. I
I � - I
,still 0106.0r. saying ble e`w` nbe,
could not help but succeed.
The WoWds "WeAk .And depressed"
by force of circumstances on their
Wedding day, Daisy thinks that ROX
ad. WbAt do you think of my Idea
is it not 4 Protty ouet" I .
11 I
I ____
. �
Professor Trottei-A. woman* m A WAY)COS AMOUT10119 10
( - I t . adain, . There were. received. during the year 17,S lippljonillons lop so
, q Ineso Actually oaken up and paid?for In.
* - - I 1 43,00,9$0. Theb $ _. t4sh during the Year Amounted
R_.10."W.1_0_ pw— 8;_.vvvQN.V;__ ;_ WWI ."- - - --- ' - - -'--L--- .- . - -.------ --- — ^4
The spriag, Feek. MEOW L Not lumorogoillentga.. I I.
I " '
P who
earl) wlthQut eve, t,,,,JMan ufactu rers Life
I L WIfe "111
. 1, :0 f Ct is, �24 7t V Sbout % man
.. I wOr ix ;for,
_" . H elress and 0 st day, off." .
VOT 9XA-VT1,Y.sl0X_B1VT NallrHER LU'D E -L LA Orr— t Mr. v .
%XR414 3rA01V I 41, 0 AQ1,11411g. X&O was pr9p. , .
. ably the proprietor of thep egtIkbllqlmioikt,,, I
ARE YOU WEL4 � 74Jh-t) 11110$p t�rl, comes J,vjp Ceylon, we usa the 114940 of those, And, thakil 10 why . I ;
Ion ll T leads a iWil 7.
. i INL -# - , - .... ... 1. .... . I .1 .. I .1 I I I I I � I 1 #,--;; , ,; go; 'W;-M�. Coy, on oil talt, I 40"*
1111"o -06"A",O)"o 11 011'rIan the W00ter
I rdolIM10 104 Illeft ,414 1170111C. Emily Do-
presoellon4l fif Out of borirwl
I .
TER8'_Rc`X Lyon .secretly mArried
Dalay BrOOLkJ' They Are separated
rvaed, 'beneath the bloqsn=1�2g treep,
i is , g4ng in, their
Nvitil, the UW etu .
bougilks, upoia which wo shall be urklt�
",!,.� - I
11IGArIPAP1146410 20,00,40,504nol,
- L . " Otto
A ItPriaveleit's ojp A ..
L . 4, Igo, .11, I I
Mrs-'Quizger (Who Wants to, knOW Jov-
'b0rYtlllu0-NQW# what do you consider to The Pireotors. congratulato the polloyholdoro and obarobolders on tho gil�vtotitl%l
e the most curious thing you ever Paw, PrOXMI! made during tho YOArs Which IlAs boon the most gotiduclary In the Volkip3by'v
I � - I
,still 0106.0r. saying ble e`w` nbe,
could not help but succeed.
' —
The WoWds "WeAk .And depressed"
by force of circumstances on their
Wedding day, Daisy thinks that ROX
ad. WbAt do you think of my Idea
is it not 4 Protty ouet" I .
T4io wbolo country-olde Wa I ringing
. --i
professor? hiotoly, . , .
oxweisgeA th0condition o.9 thousand$
of People In bb6 spriag time. It ig
has q I L
ll L ' aat her off, He Is true but be,
eyes that she i4. According to
"Your Ideas ate always poetical and
fanciful," In,
with t4o� coming marri No onv
could be, more popular t1han 1441tildsome
The Duke of Connuilgilt h as been ga.
zettcd grand Maoter of the order Of the
Professor Trottei-A. woman* m A WAY)COS AMOUT10119 10
( - I t . adain, . There were. received. during the year 17,S lippljonillons lop so
, q Ineso Actually oaken up and paid?for In.
* - - I 1 43,00,9$0. Theb $ _. t4sh during the Year Amounted
. Quo a liature's signs that humanity
Jim mcither'g dying wish he engages
himself to , Pluma llurlhurot,
said Rox, glancing d . ,
0 wn
to the beautiful face boside Win' "My
,Rex Lyon, no one admirred more than
tille young belressi of Whitestome
Ratil. - .
It is said that Pr .
C,harles Dan.
. I . .
. 1 11 — . to %IMV03, and, leaving out single paymont pe!j0104. the first yalp,s cash premiums
ld#rYPO Lamb, . collected t4orcon. was $110,78:1.01, all against 4107,100,33, for the prevloaa 7 car, and $100,013. -
cannot undergo months of indoor life
in bladly Ventilated buildings With
daughter by the first marriage of
thoughts ave OA dull And cam.
pared' with Yours, aro you ,not afraid
� I The� oounty papers were.in
eoiitAslos; they discussed Mo mag.
Lluce of
mark, tige secorkil, son or the Danish
crown prince,
. ,
'Wry had a little lamb 1 93 for 098. I ;1,011,381 oy L
PoSsessell of m4ny rocks The Assurances In porce Amount to $10,400,620, all incroam of gr the pro.
L ,
iMpUnIty. Sometimes YOU 41h re
ma-ater of WbIte,%t9ja
A HL e Hall -V Mr.
urlhurat!o second IvIle, WIXOM he
you will bovel a very monotonous luq-
companion?" I
, he
Julficent Preparations at tile Hull, t
will probably hereafter
live hi England �b
. , 80 . Oth he and his sister
And also MY much Inclined . vlouoyepir'r
!rQ deal in rallrolid OtOL I
eke. '
be4dache; slight eXerplilik fatigues You.
. 1.
loved botter than the Pra died and
0 I
berL child is supposed , are died
to h
Ill am, going td try my beat to, win
from tbiit There
number of bride-malds, the superb
,Wedding ,
. -presentI4, the arrangements
I)Vefer tb at country to theirown.
Queen Alexandra Is the
The ]Premium income w
I � As $500,875.01, showing, the. handsome increase of *09,0.20.
The lambldri. down on feballgil 00.0 day Thoto were recolve4 for triteri ).sts 4134 ltent:0$7,401.11. making the total Xnoorno $070,330,10,
Your appetite lis variable; You A'16
easily irritixted or deprosSed; per"
. ,
with her. After seventeen yearalsil-
.m0c, his dying housekeeper coufes�
You , cold reserve.
must not be one sthadow. between us;
do , It I I -.have been think.
for the marriage,-andi the ball to be
given in the evening.
obstacle that
,stands In the way, of prince George Of
York inheriting tile title ince
I I , I
. Ives spotted by 4 bear, an increase of $8037-0. .
And when Ile left tile pit he was
I After P06YIrg the Polley-b,p1dors for claims, dividands And swrondo 0127,604.70. Anil"
diaps there,
� axe pimplog ' or slight
ses thaft his child did not die, 'but
. Aorw, ,Jex,
ing, it agytill(wg should ever ha
IX13A minister from Daltimore who
pr ot Wales.
13he Was, devoted to
. her oldest son, the
Away up In the air, . provid:ng torall other expenditures, the MEOW *oro Increasod by rioarlylialf 4 million dol.
extiPtimia tl*t indicate ,the blood
Was Stoics, He sets out to find her,
pen to take your love from me I
I .
to perform the ceremony wak(ex-
was ,
pected to arrivia tbut day, That all
deceased Dak 0 Of 04treace, and hqs
l4ril of which $328,405,00 was fl,ddo(l to PolloY Rosorvog and $07,203,33 to Surplus,lul eakinellb.
bas no little limal, ' L
a Z;Qw Uary IV Satisfactory saying for 940 OPOratlow,
needs attention, V. i,atevar the oympl-
L . , a.
tom may it aWul4 be attended to
CHAPTEIt, XXX.-Contlaued, .
should surel y die. 1-1 am jeal a 04
your Vary thoughta. I kAdir I 11 lit
opar4t ons g. comp a o for
t: ming moTrmr, x had gone
Sentimental feeling about her husilftudio
title going to any one else. .
Year's . I
, For, boving a great head, . unt tQ,'2,2i%176.QI, andiho Policy Reserves to 61 . ,95D.W7.00 on the
Iihe pboolf Illin wilen lie lost big fleeco . The Assets now Amo
COMPany'ootand4rd. After
once, Oise you will fall an oasry preyk
PQ0T old NAson' wag litera'
,11y. as,
not to admit it, buit I 4ark no Ill
It." , � . .
down to ,, , 11in trai I and Pluma
It Is A rare privilege to be permitted
to, visit Any Of the kalser's E[O
And took the bear Instead, . mah I r g provisicki for Ali o tiler Ila bill las ib o surplus on. policy,
I holders! &COOUllt Is �301,0�4.,ll,o, W41oh Would be considerably tucroased by adopting ill
. , L o Gov,
to graver dison Ile. Do not use 4 pur,,
WbAkt had come Lover his
kind, courteous masterl.
Rex flusUod nervously, it w;aa really
strolled into oontsevviato to be
alone for a fehv, moments wilth her
thinks he Is entitled to tit least as much
I L ornment standard of valilation, for policy IlOserygo, I .
An Untpleariallt Prospect, GEOR(Ifl, GOODFATIAMi
Ratim in the. llbpo that it will put
, � .1
- "I have� nothing that clould aid them
ambarrmaing to him, the tender
in irblob. she looked up to him- her
o1vn 1happ thougutS. ..
' as the lowest Of his sillijects,
privacy rders in rega . rd to
And his 0
,, Thompson B470 that. ei.eaL Pposiderib. Managing DIraotor.
Professor -
you right, -Any ddotar Wil.1 tell you
that purgAtlyo& weaken, that they
in the search," he said to. himAelf '
black eyelids coyly drocipl4g over*ber
dai-k, inviting
outLou the &een happy
maideno Were tripping here and there
visitors are
strict, As the Noues,palace 16 i ,egarded
tric cars Nyll trli,vel At th rate of 10� .
Miles An hour.."
JAIPAIT the action at the 'liver, and
Pacing restlegsly up ' and down the
slumbrou4 eyes, a. our-
esg, Ile wias certainly wooed against
their ga laughter floating up. to her
. .
As, above all others, a havew or rest, few
tourists are Permitted
. . 7 1
od . . INCOME., - I
BYgum', It's hard epougb,to get lem
. I
create ohrollio cangti-pation. A tonic
room I 'Ah I stay 1 -there, W D-vallali
his Will, but thoro wits -no, help Xor it-
1 $
wilteire sKe stood. I
Every one seemed to be making the
Wit bin its pre-
to stop for a. fellow now" I � . Received for Now Premiums .... � ........... . ,..--$ X15,782 of
. Received f ,
br Single And Ren ow4l. Prenal 'i *I I I :.,. I I I I'; 'I',
Is wbat I% needed to help -nature fight
youT b4ttle foir there 'A
partraltl little o.nQ must ,look
like her moth or if she ig living Vt!,,
ho was forced to take up his part and
act it out gra(104ully. I ,� .
. 001
moist of t -ho happy 0AS119A.. Lairn-
tounia partlo.% :'
kere and oroque(-
. King Edward VII is one of the oldest
or parliamentarians. As a m
. . urns. l: I -4 I 4 475,093 03,
,qos ................... I._
]From all other sour . I '# .......... ".
I .. I � .. . .. 03449 19
Ilncitrable.� i
. . .bealth, and
only one'al yo reliable, uOvW,.fslI,,
. VrA
Be wout W his writing-deske and
drow from drawer
need not bo jeAlous Of MY
j.ho I
. uglito, - Plu=," he replied, "for
parties thake, and loverg strolling
under tho'blosgo-ming troes"or reolin-
the botiso of lo rds since 1802 he hag Seen
nearly all tile peors of today take their
. I r. I
. .
"The doctor Says there's one ocniplaInt . I . . $794,024 to.
. I I . . . DISBURSEM . I . I
lie ENTS�'
Ing tonic, an(! t%at is De. WillianW
Pink PHIS. Mb4slo pills . have no pur,
a private a little
package tied with a faded ribbon,
they Im I
� 0 all of you." .
. "I wonder if they were pleasant
lug on the rustle bonclie4_it was in.
doed a happy scene, r
seats. . Ali Duke -of Cor,nwall since his
. �. birth be ha .
s Possessed a pecrage for a
can't cure.9p L
"What's thatT? . . . � r , I
. . I . To Pot icybolders for claims by death_ - ...... ill. ... $ 87,930 04
"The To Pal i.cyholders forEndo Dividends, :., , I , ...... "...
94tift actDon, Mbey make rich, red
- Which be carefully nutled with train-
she aAked, toying N vith the
crimson floivi�r-bellg alta holds in her.
.. Pluma leaned ber dark head against
I longer period than any living 'man ex-
one his patients make wments, etc.. � �9,834 69
bills.00 'Abolit their . To COP missions, Salaries, and expenses of management 152,648 75
�61,oad, istren W*n the ,tired Andjaded
� 9 I
I I . .
bling finffe�rs. L .
It' IV -as a Portrait on. ivory.oE. a
wbite hands. "I have heard. .you
go nknull of late. Are
blie fragrant rose$, The breeze, tile
perfumo of the'flotivers, all told one
cept Lord Nelson, Who %icceeded in'
183olL and Lord Dufferin, y, he 'succeeded
. ..........
-_-.11M.— To Tam
. . Supp Xes, Reinsurance Premiums atid Dividends to Stockhol4ors 827,054 05
I us Of lllid6file'oVer Expenditu Ile 4 7,26,0 62
aetrvw'. and Lmak� wea'k, depressed,
.lm ;I il—A 7 .
beautiful, girl4li, dimpled f4ce, with.
you quite
huPP7,' Rex?" 6-110 inquired, hes1tat-
,story to t'hel. impagsion4td girl -the
sptt� , dler trJu h, - nd Im, - -1
to a Peerage of Ireland in 1841, -, �
� . . - 1.
,..... . . ... I I If �`, ....... q
LIFE. . ,
. I
. . . I M." . � . I . . .
I . . . .
. ,,,. J I PCOP e, ..Vyul,�Lutw .Old . . � I -41 . ,_ . I . . .� � . . . . $794,69415 -
young, btright, olly.0 upralsdd blue eyes, .a smiling .Ingly. .. . , re. I A Stattlikent FXhIbItIng rrogresp, Stablu . I . I . I I lk$SETS. . . .
. tiothve, and strong, The 'ablruptnessi of the question reck'"O 'a THE JEWEL, CASKET.' . � . . I �
Among xiosobud niouth, soft -pink ollecks, and I She gathered a spray of - the fair- , . I . U4,, and snecelilt, . Municipal Bonds, Stocks and debentures .If ... I ... ".... 4.4 ti I I, .$ 854.788 37 1
those who ha -vie Proved , the staggered bim; he recovered big com- ast flowerY, ond fastened them in the -—I � It 18 always a pletiftre to to ab,le to revlevf Loans on Bonds and other Securities I. I. . I . .
a wealt,h of rippling,, sunny-goldon �o Ins ' A. ladyt, I .
... , ". I I 1. ..... ; ...... 104,51 f 53- .
iliealth-bringling qualitieis of Dr. Wil`- Wir. . I ' tau�'Y however, bodice of lber' dress., watch in plain, black enamel the financial statement of one of our (,it adia Mortgages on Real tsta'te ...... ... ............... - I ...... I
I Po'gi
I . . . . ow 0: J Q n
liuma 4 Pink Pilla . a-, . I � :- . 1011 a qUelii- ".To-morroi-0, I siball have won the and brilliauts is a striking and elegant Institutions. espeolally when that statement - - � I 918040 12
Imins, "If Pin - 0- k -0 s" evasively; , object. - , I . exhibits ii.�ogroug, atabilft T . I
' is 'Xiig 3� Ch She must look like this," be wbi tion, , W J� 44k4d, one great prize I covet," a -he mur- .&. and success. he Real Estate .... .... � ....* ............ i- I ......... I ...'64- 36,134$ 25
15' "any man ought to - be, proud of win- . ' . annual report of the I anufacturers Life Loans on Policies ...... ...... .......... I. 147t 1 24 09 .
put, of Lake Talon, Out., who sayst -pared, "God grant. that I may' find . murod, ilialf aloud.. "After tQvImor- ."Tooth!' ring,11191211tillgS are used. for publiabod in to -day's issue, is one which howl Accrued I i
.1I cannot fliank you: enough for the 'I, . I . . ning so, peerless a treasure AS: you are. TO* I can defy Lestor Stanwlok to some very , largb diamondli .for men's such unroistakable signs of careful 0 nterer,t, Net 6;;�--"*�4 'Ple, tn"til;k�: 'W ...... ::........ .' X45,448 91
* ' her - . I shall bel envied by qcores disap- I manage, Cash on hand and in Banks ........... .
good-lbavis vl�rlved thr6ugh the use. ,, . , . . . se. I milky PO ' 09. bring one cibnrge - against meI I weaV, They display the stone With great ment, combintA with a Spirit of progress. thaI . . I � .� ............... # ........... . 72,410 37
of Dr, Williams, Pink Pills. . Mr. Rei Lyon 'sayg, pled' inted lovers, Who have worshipped ishall be Rex'a )vife-it will avail him Offectiveness. - . . polleYholderl; in it are to be congratulated. Anti . . . . . . . I .. . . �
� t. your 9hrine. , I am not ag, demon- . . I I . those proposing to insure in it need no addb . . . - I . . , .
. . 2 9,26864
eati I lblon' he see You a f ewi mpmenta,, sir "' ,said a Xrobbing." . . PrettY tie dips of g9ld whe I tional guarsiotee'that, their interests will till . . � 1 $1,27
. y believe that 'but for thern, - I - . stratk�va as( so= migilit be under aim- . a heart wol I protected. I . . . . . .�: t LIABILITIES.,, - . . . .
would now be in my gDrave, Masom, popping big black hea� in at llar alrou . "iSp6akirkg of Angels, you often shape, are useful Accessories . � . . . . . .
.. . . 1. . . matancoo, but my apprecla- Ila the even -w Jn a year In `whfoh Oompetitfc�. was very Liability for Policy 0ekerves, Government Standard .... I ... I .... $1;9T4,174 00 .
, '
. . . My the' door. , . . .. . ... � , . tion is none tho less keen." . . qlhear 'the ri)Atle of their Nvilagg., I Ing toilet, . Tlie.7 are set 'With pearls and kooll the company received applications tot Special R � eserVe Futid I er And above Govern dot Standard .... :: 36,333 00 ' .
� . I . � .ov in I
. health, Wais,00,14PIetelY broken down, , �'NQ; I c She noticed he , carefully'ay6ided beliovo..there is an old adage of that turquoises.., � . . 1 . . lal,mrauneFy amounting to over -43,000,000, and . All other Liabilitiesi � ......... . .
. 10- not ,wish- � to $66'�'any 104-01 . ; . I . . . issued policies for 42,679,745. Theap . . .-..1..:: 2 6 8
My face ao' WWite asl dhalk$� and if bhei wnrd�-love. . . . . &O-Ttj OT 90met1hing similar," said a 'An adjustable bracelet ltdip6 itsel . " 5 I
. f, to releclell ly tile compony as ,at .0112,111felUktion,01 - SUrPlus On Folie�holders# � I ... " 'N da,
. . � .
. - .
. 4 And I Will not see ,any one. `Hare you .deep "lee beside her, and turning any size of wrist. It I W ol.111.1 I I . it ... ... I ...... . I 8015 �
X Imade the .least o,frort.,toi- 0 any I . . In :after years Rex liked to rb� Js constr standard wia the large proportion . I .
� I I that- Satchel Packed, I e[ay?" -.- around with a low cry -slie, saw Les- the trellis pattern and a c acted or' of over 10 pLr cent,, of the applications recoll-ed. . I � . I . � . . . .. � . I
hviuse"Tlk I war Lnt from ., � member 6hat, yielding to A. kindly. ter StanIr . Ontra ts or ex- .The, total volun)e of, busiawpif 1,ow on the . . : .. � . I . .... ,
� old almost fa. - ick himself standing be- 'Pands after the fagition of company's booko Is over $15.000,0do, while the . . . . � $21.2791268 64 - � I
. . I . �
I tho'evertim, a . iny heart 'Would Yes, air; it will be ready directl Impulsei he, beat doown and kissed her foire, her. ... . I)r*. Jrameq Mills, of Quelph, moved the adopilon of thereporbIn anexcellent address, ", .' . %
. . 314 . q� . . . .- � . . I . tile. familiar
beat violently so that. -1. featredI I I ' !�;aid .10ho man, obediently.. forb,bead. I . . iron gate. . cal,11 Inoonle from Premiums and interest, hoe
Y, Sir ' I . I I Pow onei.moment Mer lips .opened ast , . I . . . Inci o-aled from $296,468 All 1$91, to $Goo 717 ill , from which the following Is A she . rb. oxtrrvct�: . . . . � . . . I .
(in . It �was the first time he had caress- tforeign fashion budgets tell us' that 1000, During tile year the comphnydisburaed . . � . .
.would dwoV. Where Latood. I wasi . "D 't come to me. with any -more though to ut eat b At a'alipeting of this nature It is ilw . .
(L eat sufferer -fro�jj- headachesi a . , . . ad 'ter voluntarily; it was, not love ter A Piercing cry, but * the se all I S* to be the nov . a � ays ri, ploasure to be In a positionito congratulate,
9w nd m4sklges�-look everybady out. Do even the very -breath. seemed to die city of the to Policyholders, for endowments, dividends, . .; I
dIzZiueasi As ,well, - and. my appetite . willich ,prompted, this .a.c.tion-ouly , . lug Season. Thl gn,fw.d!�170d Policies, and doath claims, the � those Interested, and oil this occasion I can do so most heartily. . . �.
. . Upon t-hom th � , 8 is a hollow sphere . . g�, A 1AIR0110f $L27,666, added to: the regerve I We have really . . .
-as so You bear, Malsoiril 'I jyjil be ' ' kin . 1. 0 xed nil com With SmalClicles,iind fielding's fund for the security of policyholders 4328,495, holders of the Company,,& statement which will-belin the closist; frispoUlon.' We can speak ' ' .
. poor Mill; I scarcely ate at � . oWyo,41-1 - dness. - .1 . . . .ey -Were so , f1i a . pierced � � a in eat sikl istaotory statemen b to progen b to the sharoholders and policy.' -
. . . . � still. � :� I. . I. . . . bit of SP01190 saturaNd' with.perfliule..
all. I triqd several. �medieitkea, but -Tes, sir, I 'hear. No one shall dis- , '!Perhaps- You will 164e. me gome I I . . I . ,ind Increased at the. saine time its E.urplas by
. I . 1lie, flo' she- held in her hand . with knorodefivilteriestit,44 overin thopastirk r6gardtoour Invoisbinents and'our stapda
.Mey did not help me, and than:, I de- turb You,- :, .., * I day with your whole heart.. Rex?" she I 1wrXS Ill slinii1elailver trifles, U71208.3% . I . I . 11 ..
. . or efilborate gold, Acarefulroviowof th Ing, for we have more informn,hion at our digposal, f arnighe4 iiiii in the splondid-rappirb of . .
L I olded 1:6 -send - , . . � L .. '., '. � ' : � Asked.. ; . I I . . fell into the foulifain against which ,affairs adorned with diamonds. or o e comparly's business .
tur4oule of Dr. Vil- Again Basil Hurillurat' turnali" . to * '4jy ther rpr tile put six years was made by Prof. Or. our consulting actu 'There has beer% prosrass all Along the line. . I I I
_ e1he JoMOS ItIlIS'Jil WhIL . . .
L � ' . leaned. . but - s4o .did not heed stolles it aiffoeds an attract Ary. . .11 I
. J'AmS' Pink Pills. T'6-QtL Six boxes I I . � ,bU s&m quilte 4iti'O.Lbbat I do h at I them.� - - . . .. . I I . . , I I . ch.he showed, that, while in I . tL . .
in al L I I * I .the portralt,_ ' . . . for P119telaine4 chain or brace J891 thO Assets Of the 00111PRny'amourited to , 0 that Again, .I , L
. and bofo.6 I used'.116 . . I paying little attention do that now?" he remarked. � AcomparIsowofIV00andlt99Is In theroporb, go I nooduot refer ..
I cis As to willat was transpiring Around . lilia. I "Yes," she'sald, d1alipin.ff big ari;a �'- LUM, One f4sclAft-ted, her eyea iiiet - L 1. I . . � I . ..,lot-' ' ... - $821,391. they. iiow hove reached the large' `V�buid,;,however, rotor to one other point;:. The question. Of our progress d0hut, A Ion , L ' ,..
well as I had ever been, with a igood L the gaze of the 'bold, flashihg dark ' ' ' . I .1; 'L. I ser . .
. inw, 'i's ly ,,,I of I 11gures of 82.x79,170i As an,indicatioli of that L , .. I . g that of the present managemen b, . I
L, , I . V . period 1894 to 1960, belb . I I . I I . I
- on OxvQlItnt character. only. Homo $500,df overdue . . .
� olf , ca ' ' ______r� 111LOfOgteXisted on tive3lotiDecember In respebb ''. ... L .. ..
healthy color, a -good appetite and an "I shall Out it at once, in the hando bu ten fear you do not I
enti-re freedom from the ailments that the"LO)eVeXeSt dete' t 'as tige , , -nt so steadily upon ,Iwr. , 1HE -W-HIRL I After a lapse of six yeara we find monypointe4litch aro aliko Oredligiiia to the mAni, � '' .
. � otivesc," he mused; a , pwq,sos you will give in be � ,,, 0F FASHION. ,of tile wholeLot them. I
11 your. affection. Love must Win "' would escape .,L - . . - __. I � . . The expenses for. agemont And 9tatifyin' to the persons most Interested In the success of the Company, the , . I .
I had made me so miserable. You may "surely th0Y will be able.to f End go , . . me", ' I gradual . . . . .. I . !
I ill greater decreANO, arill. Ill 1000 Cho chairman stated that � I .
�h,esdid. "How fooligb and blind- ' All ludications pol sharobol deft, and the Prilloy-holders; .
. . Me I FOV01711 Yuarg Past have shown & F .
be trare that :I.LWIII always have a, trace af my lost. darling." I L . L la"d'" ' ' . I I A; , you are, ray clovew plotter. Did YOU at to 4 st, L - I . 11 � -.1, I . .
. ' I . . . Other youma girl,s Would not -b Ve V ,;'Ue this sullinier for dainty, cott,on ina- the,ratio of cxPonse*,was about 11 The following f1glitues will Illustrate -the"vigorous growth Of tlkoCornp�kny: . I . .
waral .regarid for ,Your InvAluable . Seventeen yearal All, What might think I did not see through yQut.oloy,- 0 10,0,01ah It was two years ago per cent. .1 I I . .. . . I I . 1. I .. I I __ L . .
I made such.an tipen'doolarition With- I -terials of ever" . in eve . . : .
medicine." . . 1 .1 . have happened her in that titne? ThiS I � . or lil;lnea"ringlif There..a4all .be -a. - I .V tint 4lid Weave. ., : Ion Aant particular, as pointed but by -Mr. Z - ... - , i t . - - � . NetInFonie GrossAssur. I L .L L
. L ress I . .
I Do. not experf "a sOI. y blushes., suffusing,. their.L . . Many of thobeAt d 'makers consider L. 4 sox . I . . I . . , . froln LL L .
JIM nt.with other master grf Whitestoiae Hall' Always Wedding to -morrow, but you shtill . L L Paterson, It Is shown that in the L �Aet I . ist'Year's Arica - .�
=p I marked advances -,veto made In all tKoge yeae - I .1 I ' *
. -you aTe . apt to- find. it - file Of ' . 0 they would have been fr lit- inistead'af, handsome, fle- that po4u do Soto Olds, hands, etc i wear. ogentials-which tend toward the building u L . Assets. Premiums. Proms & Int. in t6ice. - -
. a waste of.monq alth oken ,wordvferen = MR -PI., . You can not, fiY.frbm far bettor than eliber"taffeta or satin. ofa-goutidcL4dhealti)YIUOtitution. Thecas? _'1�94----!b .......I.i*:.:� 821, $.; 6 i �S,5 -.'f162&1 46111. . 55 00� L I
called tonlas - : kept a - b1kc`BaItim�ro..paper8; oa4bd at their Ig
Yoti wi,il .. - be $ -1 ". L - .T . I .l,. ..... I ' .1 5 9, '3 0 1 . .1 .
. . . 'ree.!SP , I � . 2279,32 .- ' v7 $ N
. ,y. and' your' hd lie rapidly ra�A his, eye ,dd ,th �dif- h h Mo Vow I - � I .
*arse t I fereiit calumn ,L . WM A ' ' . . was �tblair wed- . I Income Increased by over $81,000; the Assets by ,...f ....... 1 r76 . 2 6, L
. han b6fore: I nort 1. : I fAte." . . , French elleviots and the olaftest'of eam. ,1900* I � I IL,5,rl$ ,'7 I 5
. ' ' 0 1 � "" . . . . : . �
. , "'Oug
. . I I .
. I I
. experimenting When . yau�.use .D' I- "Ah here. is *what I want" he exr din Oay L. . . . YoShe I set her' lipso- � firmly togetheii.*.1 . el's hair fabrics are among the most fa- . ever,$469 0)0; tile Policy roserva by over I I �.�, The.aseets are practl . cal I ly three tiviveawh6t they . . . .. .
I .
.N'Vi �d . t . �Ihort. '."'LlUesorg. .6 lst� 0 Wore- li�m. In, liar tall,� She bad made a valiant strujile; She . 00nub by ' :Ome from now, buqlnc8� shows loo per cent. Increase,: Net Tn,.,bmo from Amount of Ill- . . .1 . .
li=: Pink r. .d $328,000 ; surplivii on policyholders' ad were six years A
Plus. ,They have, ijr�oyad claiw ,* s oppIng � yoked olf textile"g -tdilgr cos� .. , , .
. . I for handsoine . over $339,060,: and the insurnnob in forue b Irenifurn4 and In . . .
their. 'Value' id L L &u . Tudo Slim loy0inogW, as fAir a picture as . . over VJ0,000, The . y . terest hag increaked over 106 per 6011L Thono,urrinoo In force has growattaill, Of to.jwk - - I I
L , the � w�r over, d You. W" Pook, & Co., Experigneed-, Do- , I Would defy',41m: to the�bitt& end. She tunics f0 thespring. . .'. ,so are handsome inc case . I . . . . I . �
any man's eyeg, civuld rest .on. �,.shc .. , .. . I . LL and sponk. abundantlk of the man'�rge.rllfjt' .. millions, - I � . �. . . .. . . I . I . I
can-rely.upon ittlkat whitt-theyLhave tectives, ,. . Street, Baltimore. They' more -W"-n-6cow:ard,i;hisgbea,titi�-11,1,imperi�. .-Accordion or side p . . . . I .
, . __ . A, most' becoming di6gs,' and a I L laited- frills, flounces I ot of the coillpitt s.affairs by Mr. J.'r. I Iwavit also to refer to the dharactbr of our as bts avva.�ho e'�poc�&- ratio, 'both lb6in' . . - ,L I
. 'I
done for others M6r will do for- you. are ndted for their skill. I will give spring blossom was in her hair. A Ous girl. - She. would: die'116Lrd. Alligl and 19kirts entire again appear upon vezy J_01,1.111un. its managing Wirector. , flhpor,tantitein.alil'adon6ernoftbiekLtidI 0iirsecuklitle wereneve before in tile all ondl ., ,.
I ' . blie. ca :If I- . The im ortant step taken by the. Manufaete . any Conitiony can I
, nott get: the genuine. pills , so in to their hands. condition they are to -day. I doubt, if 11 .
If yon can - they re- she ,bad been, too 4angiiinej hoping ma ' show an V recorfL'of invested , .
store, My darling child all . . most any. other ..manlsi hisaxt -would . uY of the prettiest dress and demi- urars Ans the -Tern evince and Genoraj,'In Assets of over S2,00,000 And only$501,30 overdue IntpreaL - I 64'a L , . .
from yal.W dealer -send direct: to the lve and Well Lester. Starkwick Would not.reiurn 1 dress jnod(ili of silk, point d'or ��, jaL one, Wilk,bil I .
Y hands, I will make them irais- . . ,prit not, deciding to units tho r intetests, At L I Inliew.corhiianids the expen4e ratio is Always large, These expenses ahou1d*grdduA`1I7L I I ,
I bave� Warmed toward her:& she bebare':'the ceremony was popformed. greuadiike,� Indiii mull, etc., .from.cele. will, undoubtedly tond.to secure even gte or 1,eviecrease. And ourrecord Is its Iti;holil'it be in this respect. i . I I I
Dr. 'Williamis' - Medicine Co., Broo . k- 140 in . . 1 -4 har dark eyes to hig andsthe ivitite TIO IAS .hope diedout 6f thatproud, I brated designing ,house' . econorny In a;1winistration. iLnd obvicaquently The ratio lo about 14 par cent. less tha.li it was two years Ago. .1 think that to one Of , .
. . . ' I - - I . . I . increased benefits to the policyholders, and, in n rL Y., I � . .
't 'Paid at 50 cents abox or six . . I(pid), �
. ville, Ont., 'and: they. will be ind iled �vodlbhy men -If She is dead, the blow. 'fingers tromi6led on, hist arink ` - t s of Paris. .tbomt)etsatisftLotoryfoatdre6in,oiirbuOtness, ,Thoratlolsdeoreml
, L
Ill surely kill,mie.,,, . . :
. Poe , I irl passionate heart -as well hope to di- ew tallpr skirts of view,of. the thorough investigation made by eg dre able to, .
. . . Rex wlas� young, ju�kpulsive,,, an�A . cloth I thailk our manager, his staff and the field force ter the r all ts W .
.boxes for $2.50. . . . . - I He beard- voices deba - , ' -1ger from, its' helpless prey, as d,M;1uY of 60 n' voport to-vlay,and.l do Flo M00 sincerely, and I Tnuut congratulate the ppli yholders and. �
.... . - . I I . L I ting in ML , - vert a t . L 0 the Independent an thority, into the affairs of 0 .
L. L .1 I I I , . .� 11 , eo�Trjdar without. .'L ,. . MoTtdl, tender"wrirds ftbm such love- . rap � to a], camel's bair, z1beline, silk shareholders on the position we-huve,attained. , . 1 � ... .
. . - :.� .1 ..I expect Iteattir 8 .wIck . Y . I
. . , . I � . y lips -%rould have intoxicated any . �an . ,to relinquish both coulParifes. A is confidently believed that . . . . I �
. . 0 .1 . I . "Ma' YOU - tell - - parti rlited. warp ecilletno,. I Mr. J.F.Junkirl, the Managing -Director; in SoCovidin L gLtbe ado . . I .
. . . him I wisbe& - any plans ihe had:onco Io . etc.; are trimmed with even greater .progress Will be made Lby' the - . . , . I ptlon of the, report. L . . . '
- . � :. - .
I FLOWERS. . athI, of. .his the, . "I bavw.fouxlat M fight," she said 8 � . or, narrow rou as . I I . .
; Wbfd% did mt *take, one - been made by v tiler li,stitution in the pAot � it we liiol� back over two, years, *the L
TO PUESBRV I E OUT. .oularly, to see h&m?`aakbd Re�x, r * man.: Yet from t1hat' faithful heart trappliigs, millitlers' folili - . 'combined coinpanle4 In the.. future we find Cilia premium income ter 1900 wa@L I
. L ' I . I '
L * , ". or discoWatited at the refusIal. to herself, "and hayvle failed Oil the l0aux of taffeta; silk, These dec6rat! i , . I � almo4s:140.000moro than tori,898,orark in c, ease,ot III por cent.,w line ourexr,onAegfor1900, . .
. I
In cattini; the ends, anip them off 4yes limp Sal( - t'ho-6ght. that: belonged'to Daisy; he , 11, ILkfioi%r . are InOtLneW, ons . . I .. I
. . 4.i' I ' i Mason dublauslY. did -his utmosli to , very threshold of victory, ilt! but tlicy lire put on Iii many . ------ *-I..—' I I as.covn�r red with 1898,'onty show,ark Increaso'of abcab $2,OOD. or li per can ,.. The resulb. ..
4 foTgist that si . . - L � L JOY . I 'Is that we have Dow. not only the ]Qwoat expense patio of any actiVe company of'our own . - ,
at right angles to the stalk.. . . . KIM Flumi,'bis daug�ter, .wJahe.%L � golden ul, - - . . unny, lip -w tb bear. defeat. What do You ,11061 ind graceful ways, the bands fre- . ENOUGN. � I . .
. I . . moxy. . O L "'lifi quently eXtendingin clusters of three or . I .. . . . o1raisiniflar 0 on.the continent, but wocoirpare very favorably in thisiespect with even .
I ])a not. Ilow.*the.ends of. the.stems lue, to. speak witill him on 4% very im. . POSO to dbf" $he Said, huskily � the oldest An Jargest Canadian and American ComVignieff, " L L I .
. a , To � Plumla,, handsome, -courtly Jteir PT _. Mrs. Subbubs!�-Yokl don't get much . if .. . . . ... I .. I ... I . .
. poirtant matter. * I am. surprised that was An en m,. In he, thexci is any ,way 1 c4il bay your-sil- five, UP. twothird� of the length,of the . � . '' .
to I rest oki the bottom of -the'vase I I.- own mind she ' 1. . . .pleasure out of,your ,walk,' did'you suipan , , . . . � . . . I - I . . . L
1. I 'he SO PeWsistantlY refuseg to.see me,'. once, name your. price, keeping back Skirt. I , . I deart., I . . - I . I 'if You Waht..1-tBr"UTil`tsR, Eacls"A"U'Lt , -, ., ..
.TE ,
Do not' a ' il liked him 411 the bot,tor- because the truth, will avail Me little now. Frosted, velvet leaves 'in obadeft of Limited, C.r. West Market andl . .
� PI eo , owers. near or under, Said L Rex, Proudly, -woulidering if be I . RN't -APPLIES. dthery RuITS and PRODUCIII", Ill)
. . -
L lights -gas or lamp�whoa; it it can,.bB Pluma's father. had heard that' g i had not fallen down. and worshiped � - Mr. Subbubs, banniingly-Indeed, I The I)awson ,Com mlii§slon * Co * I . ..
.. . . . . 00" her at once. Most Men did tb:at. Ve Rex, and no Power on, earth Y mine ' did; :: . I .. . . . I * . . .... 6 . . W-11 : ., ,
. . f green, brown and silvery "dust rl . . . . . . . Colborne SL, Torolito
av�,Owed:.. , , - . . I � 1. I sip-amOng tU guests-Wat he did Forr:saveral moments; they w-alked Shal'L Pievent. me Xom becoming . big c6lor -are intermixed with pink and white L , ivi, s I vV=1%?%M&I%&141I I 4PIS11% . , ,
I not love -his 'daughter. , "I . do .not . wife." � . L I Subbubs-But, that Shower of I
Clhange the Waiar each daY, and at oili along. in ut 1. I button roses, azaleas, Illac and jonquil , . . L . . lo*,,wob.�,ft/w*,%"%�.%^v%,,Q�-owlko,"-,: .
ter �,gllenae-until ' they. I � rain. See bow wet you nre. L I . . . . .
L the same time. again okit the. . kOw. thaj. I bavve:�offended . the . had -.reached Me, litink ot the dark Lester ,Qj,l.rjlvlc1c, giniled sup�rcjli� blossoms, etc.,. on new French plateau . L Mr. s-Oh,� thatLdoe � . . . . . . . V . , L
L 'ends of' g:ln L , Sabbub Sn't MaLt- 4"I"W'' THIS ' � .
fl . . . ftleman in any way," he told him. pool, Which ously.--�dxawjng .from hia!'p,deke hats,Af Milan braidi'folded mallnes'net or . V U U . I , Is made- for your house, made $ . I
the ower Stemi. I . .4,if it. comes, tbat;!' lay quite at the further . k, 'w I tar What do'�yoa think I I found 6 .'t N . I .. � .., - I . . ,just �Lightw-prdi5er pigments- .. I I
. LL . I to t L . be end of the lifolosure. I . plackage of letters. open Work - gephyr straw I In lace effects� , L � � . . � 'I ,raper colors. . . Made. .L .1
The. endSL of the Ateme'Of 411 flowers thought, "I can Ado no more ban pon� . I - L . . . goli ball I lost.ldst sunkmelr.� . , . � . proper oi -r : . .. I
less the Pluma'' gar;e a little "Money couid- . � � .
. .Shuddering V not purchase thege with soft draperios of talle Or of chiffon . . I . , * *1 . I L I
truth to, him -the whole � 11 Ills I " 'L . I . I . . . I to giv.'e a house a handso�iie, I I .
should he out aff bofoft they ate scream: 1. . charming. 't's-doux, from ,me, he on the underside of the brim. .. I . - ; . PAINT:. - fL ; .
L I . , . I . It
w al' truth about poor. little Ddis_* - no "I did not nwan said, "This will be: chanking reado. '.* I ------ft . . .1. I .. . � .. I . . I . . I stylish appearance, a keep i
' . to bring'you here' * ' ' . . � I I � . I 11 . .4.1 I . ; .; . . . - way, 'fresh ,ar.-3L , '
Placed in * tox.. - It "Is' best io, strip matter what the conaecluencest may. sho cried, "I:alway�g aviold th I , L ' . . , . that d =S�L , ,
. tbe leaves'fram -that part of Most bell, . . . .1 matter. for the Honorable Rex . . .
. . I is path; lug V.pAfl L ' ' I . I . .- - _ I . -Ill,w., ..
am . the :Wators'of the Po6l ha" always Lyon, 4nd , the general pub,110 .toi L 4 8 L _ . I . I I Ivv- -1-1 I—` bright an 'To got a I
. * * ' ' - ______
. � a playing, at erogg�pur '' - ' MO." .; . . .. ' . 8 . � . I � . 1. I lagfingf pure paint, buy . I ..1.
L . .
which will bi immersed. .. Fate ,%va L poses , . cussr." . . . 1 - IN BUD THREE, IM L - ... . - I . I
had -a r6it dread for, . I ' .. . . I . . . . . I . ' " I . .
. with b0milsome Rex . . ,
Maidenhair ferix should be, kept . . . I g ' She raised � . 4,Wbl16_ driving d6rwil, a ; 11 . . . L
.. Rex, but no subtle f1l: 'abould be filled up,,, said her flaghlng'4yesLuuflln� - . . I . Gentlemen, I 'Ramsay's . I
, I . Warning came to him, .� I ) — � I . 1. I . .
. I
, . . . . inly tk� faco, but no word.IK I � . .1 . 'and . JLntS . " � . . . i I .
-olled - moistened Pape .: . . I . "br femcod' around',, it. is-ebrta .1 ellitaly to -Ill r,whito 110 ,- The � Happy tndi g , of ,a Ver very Steep bill last August my horse . I .
X up In r and on , . . . -r -I- � � . , p . I . s . stumbled fell,..ouftiil * F�;i I .� "I
ditngerlogs locality. ,awd 'from ,he . 9. � n 9 himself . .. PA �� . .1 L � L .
the Zoo, ari'With'the stemA inthe w' I CgAPTI,�R. XXXI. . I . "It ,*can mot be, ftl I "A Splendid morsol for the gossliig L'. L . y fea�fnlly about -the ,head and' body. A , - 1. "I A .. I - L L . .1 . .
ter' 2� . . . . I led - up", allo re- to 1rh I � i. Serious alld, Painful Cage, ased-MINARDIS LIN � MIEN fr ' . .. L - the oldest and- best in Canada, . L
U's 0 n ady- .for ,The .prepiaratio*ms for the :Wedding tur�ned, laughingly; ,,It is SON to be ispeir 0*r.- The. very refined ' .1 .1 I . . . . I 1. . . . . . T cely on . . . . I t*ai:16 right aft�r long eliperlence" 1. .1 I
. �
01 In. thisi way 'it will last for somle *vent steadily on. It wast to be 4 bottomlesa, I dO mot' like to think and exclusl�to ,helTegs qf Whitestone, , '. . I I- . .
, I 11 I I . blin. iLnd in a few dtiys he Was as.well. I � . I
I . . . I . � I I . I. . LL . . - L Sold lv� Acalers, not. at the price . . 1.
time.. . . . , WAgulificent Affair. Inside and out- Olf it', *caillo ai ay,"ReX.P., L I HaWconnivloa to xemove'an Innocent Mrs. 11119144's "VA14 VOPY 11:11�1111441ed and ilk . its ever_ ,�,4. " 11 I , .* , 1 14 ., !�� , ' , � , ' at ch 4 �ap paints which wilil fail
, glatt Suffereil for 1'.Onr I . 41 ,�. . I ... .
0 1 r ii!ollst lilt .13.1.4"y' . . S' BIL A. .BE CRE�/TJX.� . 11. � I . .. .: yqu; but at -a reasonable p'tice . . I
. - - s1de'of Whites.tone, Hall fai ly.glowed' ' Tlio magni�`Icent her path, by Providing L A:.tT . : �
bridal . cc�t'ume, rival from . . � � . I - L �
. Tvar,;, I"'Alre slie, us'ed Daild's Itidlipy 6 1. I I .. . I
. Wirnonotte is generally grown in with brillianoy, and bloomL �_- - ; oridered expressly frolia Paris, had at- raviney for ,her to be sent oft Secretly I , heribrooke. . % I - - . % . . forAbe best thatcan be made., . . I I
a. 0601 "house * , L 4 ' nd for this reason Rex's depairtideritL Jowlar .. rived-pericet even to the. -last de- to boarding-sebool, fr PIPIN-110 1A now Well avid klappy. - . �. . . . .. . � - -
,. am w-bich she is I . I I . .. 1. I . , -it K ", f rto' . . .
d big praln� I . I . I . .. 1. . .1 IL I I . 111, - .1 WrlietbrBOOKLET I . . I .
aft6h droops when firatplaced iii ised bride wag; exeniplary;'he did his tail. Tho bridemaidal. cogtumas wore to be, abducted and .confined in a M . I I . I I . . . g how some houses are I .
I .
'L . a I Use$ . Orley, Ont., Apr. 8, Spoclal.:-Nol- I . .11 � showin . . I � .
heated room. It is beat to s%ow her every possible atten. all ready; and to everything in and niad�ho .Your numorcusj letters .. . . . I I I . VAM1. � - . rainted, and,telling oil about iL ' . L
the icle-box ln,m�ate well to Put it in. Vbon and- kindneiso in.lien. olf the love, about the Hall the last f-Wshing givld L411 instructions,, it would be 6ou Beflar, Sustice of.the Peace, of , . 11 . I ..'. I I L I . � . . . I . . ins . ".. . 1. . I
. r, for's, thne, wbeii willieh'should have been hersr. . toualles had boeu giveni . IlSelegs. lto' daily those aaous�itlous. I this -place, vouche's Ior the truth of . ------------ ��-Mt!�_ . A. RAIMIASAT & SON . I
' I , I
It will revivep "harden," a -lad, If pro,. There seemed tot be no cloud in All tble young girls havored coai- held proof poSltIve, . . I the follow! g inforosting story, tol 1. .. 1. - -7) 1 1 , .. _. .
. . 11 , . d , � .. O.VP AGAIN, ON AGAIN. , - . PAINTMAKERS, . L
. I _____ - . .
13B PIUMA Hurllhurst'sl heavlon,. . stantly around Pluma, in girl-fri,P)lina "That -%viiul(l not screorl You," She. hy Mrs, Thos. 'Hughes., � I 1. . . I . MONTREAL. , L .
tly cared far 6ach day, last i long She had no ", rning of the relent- Ion admiring t1h6 costume, the. "ill said, scornfully. ... . I Vary well, said She, in a huff, all , . .
time. .. I ! . . . I. . "I did not carry out your pl, . .Verification, however, owill not be - . I . I. . . '. . gs�!d 1842 I. . I ..
I � lesd StOXIA-01oud that was gathering t1b0 Wreath, and abolve all theradlew ins. No . . . is over betwedu us, I'll thank youto . I . ,qvilolill'ovs . V0,10 .. . I
--lilwill-h— I above he 1head and L was go soon to alatly beautiful girl, who was. to wear maittor what t intentions were necessary to L . I , qM,,&,% .l&,W,*.4% .qW1&IW,VJ, VW's �WW1&'W'W-WMWVVWS~W I �
_r , he those who know Xrd. . , I L . at,
f'blenfif _Evan the Girl I return fully lattem,. - I I . __7-_ . .1. :1 L, I ', -_
,vin' girls �_ I --- ___-.1 .---..--. I ..
HOW SILXLAMBA IS. MADE, . L' burst upon ,her in all itel fury. . and the' Points !A the case are -what act -u-' Hughes, as that lady is one of Mo All right, sald he, I'll send them to METHOD IN HIS GENEROSITy, . M 6 , .10 tend toe ew I . . .
Rafi, iole 'Sho, walked amphg her guestg with arme Alden mmro forced to admit th, allY happened. ,I can swear . I jejug,. inost highly xespectod residents of yatt'the first thing in: the morning. � 4011riplate * AntliII . I .
a fiber is a staple. :art ii ad -to comply With, your nefarlons Grey County, blro ' ;.- I , A fruft, clealor in Pails Ad of. $h"It L
commerce in Mad Of a jOY9115, -happy 001ile and the air of I will Ill young beir"Et would ulake the ,. Huglies says I. .0h, there's no kUli'49 hurry. Sup- [vi,ra"(1: USIC I logue
. agasckar. The Hovas a' queen. Why should she not? On mbst peerless Vride they had ever be- wlsho�r; even though you promised me "I WAS a -great ,suff arer for ,four I Music mind DoeM .
. poso. yaa-gr-briag them with you his willingnesl%,tof give a M,iza of five . L 'I'thL III"Ole, riat" , '
. � L . -
lose --tho ul.1der part of Ma leAf Split -the miorrow, nhe would gain the prize held:, . I . . your ,bAnd and fortune, it I snocced- y0ar0i 1. was treated 1)y f our doctors when y6tV call to-inoirow evening. franes for Me biggest apple sent t . I vit diallourilL , ..
V0-rY fine I Atsa-Warp, with awaft of she conte4 mcht on earth - she Li,ttlo,Blrdie alone held aloot, much. ad," he answered mockingly, . .. I and a Sfee, -- . , 1 . 0
. to R�X'54 amu�o "W, r1a a . — I
it. . . . . Your States, early ovetrhye k'ZiniodLitat' , . WHALEY, � L *
' Ill not money puttp ist from . h4m,. ight be had.received
_MeZt and Pliuma's ,base t , I I12 a, fortn es rs
Would be Rex's wife. led n Tea he'
.whito shk,,pkrc4=!n9 an article Call- L Her fatbor ,bad gone uLneXp6Otedly t as mOTtitie4ti I InedloinlY 'I could .hear ofi bat nono . , illient Is used by Physiclaqe otapagh big apples� to atook his storre .
on on I SLIencell' she said, wit' Mlqard's Lin I . . '
� .
ed silklanift, Which is sold both in � Hu, to Baltimore, and, bhc, good old house- ' "LIttle, children often: take ,ue)i breath. .111 do 'lot Plead with you . 00emed to do me any good, . .. . � for A,aea . so . iii . o� an honest - . Ney" #4 goll -
e oast tribes keeper had been laid to, rest but in strange franks," she Would say to for m6roy or cOlApasAian," S& said,. "t wag in bed for nearly three years, Ita who is browned by big conscieneg ,and, I& �50 vanse " I
bho exottement and b haughtily. I I . man he Awarded fi-va franca for,the .Wahted. Torents,411%
Use -it for clothing, but of astle'attend, Rext sweetly. "I really believe your � t bad Pains up my, spinal oolunkn�'in my ca,T09 not if be is condemned by the 11 . I . I
coat" Ing bho great coming event those two little.814tor intends never t1o, like me; Lester Stanivick laughed -a mock. boad, over my eyes, Across in biggest one. The �othtrs didn't cost I 1.
qAxalitYf with dyed stripes of Indigo , incidents created little comment. , y bao crowd. I - . �
I can not Win *lie smile from, ,her, I , ing laugh.. ,� . � k, I I . ising . I
. through my )oft side, And. occaiional- , . ham a son, and, the free ad I I I
Saffron, blaek and it ditty green, It Mirth &nil gayety reigned supreme "8116 Is not like 'other children ll ha "Do not mistake Mal Mis(s Plurna.11 ly in ray rig!ht side, . I " I . .. .. I � .. . . vert) I
Is A cold I , 00WXQ!Ct1,e18S-1Ookliag ma. d'Ad the gThA aid halls resbanded with roP116d, with a strange twinkle i'll, hi4 he sai ' making no Attempt at lov,c.. fiVar three nightkf tit a time, t 0! � I brought to him a rush of businiess, Amu � I
laughter And song and gay young eye. "81�0 forin.s likeg and qkln(g', "I prefer to Wreit i6it from 'my eyo4 in sleap, .. . . _IA.IIIII �.
tarial, and 01161aviWo natives cam dislikes t'a L . Would never ologo. 40.00 . . . . - I _ I—- - -_ - - -
. vol"s from morning until nighf, to people irdlit simply hearing their t n- I have contbmplated w1L)l f was terribly Monte that'leould � . ��eii,,, STATE Oir Onto, Clint Gr TOLSOO, I
hirts Pluma, this spoiled, Petted, willful. name, Of Course I agree withgo ln� Y sAtilifaction the lblc(ir to his not oft upi or w 10 . - 0,0 . . Lucas CovNily. "," * 'I JUBILMOF ifjai A Popular Manual t.
alk, go was lor., 11 Ing In a cohdonsild, T.'r."'.111
the 110�se Produced is somewhat helf"84. wus fond of exateinent and Li not rigbIL t , , dk Y, A 4101011611111i. Is on way bes at 60 giatin FAANX J. Cifunsy makes oath that he fit that hirt4uhilkat0j"Im6th I i
down a -road clod Ur x(sw ratia a l's, 2 � _ 6 at .
r , ' I be a glorious roveng 1�-One Wben Iwas. taken slok. donlarpartner of the into of F. J. CnExgy & Of theJubilve, Sublitantial, dow n I
0 do E(O. but Bi Vd pride. it wil 7 I reaping the betiviat4
Tableb , plete and raftleal, It.
' I
afinilar to that. of two wl'o meat . gay thro'n9g. . . :b!c,14 humored more Or les4l All her also giving me a charming bride, And , � =101re BroffibeAQUIWO CO.6 doing business I!) the CRY of Toledo, lubtrated Edition oil photo Paper 10d allt, $?,r,o per .. I .
. r I have- taken in all fourteen. boxes 'do nw& IW ow"Ca "MAR -00-410 County And State Aforesaid, and thAb said firm
, "Our marriage must be an o , life. I think she will grow to -love - cg4ion at Of Dvidd's Xidney Pills, And now Xam .
Cove � ,vo-At last, -but, not loagt, the 1�nsi . I I "...I.. . . �dnvlritd,00at-tlsid. D.andj�dflAbttzlt&oo,,!!?Iltt�sI; .
Od a � LAR8 for each and every 0480 Of CATART,111 -GNP-NILLE
rS rubbed toZather, I Some future day of Whiteatotic, Hull strong, And able to do fig go - lble to both ap- that cannot be carecl
. . ,� I I worthy of remembrance, Rex," she .You in timb." . . will PAY 11180111a of ONID RUNDRIGI) DOL.
. . I $Aid, MO t,&Y -walked together through ' Plunla's lip� quivered ,like t -he lips and the, Aurthurst Plantation. A daylg work, as I bav6 tvar been I It Ig often imposal ,by 4he use of BALVEI CURTAINS . .
. . �� , The I and all kinds of housa Illingluxel, also . . .
bl�o.grouiada the morning befora the of a grio,ving cdvild. Pleasing pieture, W Q not, my dea p, d0otfta said I bad Alleumatlarl. Th e r . .
MADAUZ 'GRAND ". I I r Pease the b6nscienc6 and to please CAIA111111' Cuar- . 11
'S APHORISMS. "We m . e, -v th 0 owd. I . I FRANK j. ozigm0r. LAUJ OURTAINS OVIIII) A'CLIEANKO .
Wedding. ust bave oblaeth 1511411 try 00 hard to make her . Sworn to before, me And bedrib6d in LIX , NeWe L .
Mine- SOL)MIX, Grand lately oon,sentaa� nc(w valid nolvidl, I itiv t 102 mao To 130 Continued. * 'i ,said nothing icould be done for me. . . MY 'Write to us st*ut y Is
- ired Of III. beda".0 she is your sister, ,. "I was *lot able to eat anything, __ . Presence. this 6th dAy of Doca4tabor. A.D. Will
Ilant, parlors and gaI-lig I. Rezo . . :...I.-. I . .
to talk on the, Aft Of happiness. . - I .L 0-- L ! FORVvialt F11"It VIIARS . 011riell AMERICAN DYAINO ae.,ours' . ivirvinilL � I
I P I A. W GLE.&SON . BOX ia, Mo
.1 - -
. some pose, We %hall have a beau 1111 pi L 1. only tarn stqroh or soup of Some : SZAT. .1 . I Notaft rul,110. —
at. 116 clatpAd the little jeweled ha.aldd , AMATE VRS ARD DANGr,jRO US'. kind. " My weight ,had increased from U" *Mstow,15 so Yltvr h" beat : ........ : I
ii� ht& 0410,1710MI are worth keeping; ..9THINO b I
form built, . . I L.
Covered 'With nr K and Mat la assil ll,i, urothervitor their blitliften teething. It sobtliso Ilea t t curah taken Internallyl.: and
� Y SO confidingly within Ilk own 1112 to 147,poundg. t am 'now down lbsohl d, softens av, &nine, all ladooliol' notordi -vi It Dominion Lino Steamships, .
M6TO axe Wilor pleasurog v -, __ _ - - - I . . - An amateur hypnotist, In Lyons, N, to ray Iftotmal "b"Psin care" a h1lobd And mucoun surfaces Montitsl to tiverpool, 130.41oft to Liter,
. I . . __ �_ Weight again.' I oan alellistb6bektrani.dyfordian, oil a Witte. SOIJ of Oayg 4 . on .
. thro . fl) to timonlikht free. . Pool. rortland to Lit6rpool, Vits Quoin.,
- Y., pat asleep a lad of 14 years of age, never say enough for Doild's Xid ow.,=t lb* WO sure and "k J, E & CO., Toledo, 0
in, . I
effect 10 a0ddmulatitle, and whi,).X 11 . I M_ 9�11& I . noy h.1 t.U= stru , te= Fast steamship& SucrIor accommodsitoll
.. � I IN 9 S by making 9, few pas$68 before his Pills fo!r I am satisfied that they'.8ay.. I . — a ,15 a 11, 7 a the beft . . r or all plAssoa otga4bricers. SA 06nit End Ota.terooral
D, ven In cbboisi 'ad my life." Who man who.placog lroamldahio& pecialattefitionhesbel;,vi
, the highest 6dond Saloon and Thil-4-01ilas sAcoolloo stion. VOW
inhier4ble un r f.*u, �j 1%; te &h e r If face. The hypnotist wout through The,re are many India I i-IIAIII40,Ill . . A Ilea to thq
=' ke, Us a, ,bAppi life. , . b I Urg
Ing to be Comfort for ,,, o r
are happ. . I I r I g ISuff6ring 98 things first )will be the first to got , It Is, easy, to. recovor 0 nit0o ofilusage and &H psittlouhim, Apply to any ,ggal
Ff since there il happiness ilk . I this performance to Ouro the boy of Mrs. Iluigbes did, although 'but few the higbest'place. : fr in itnoth- of the 00upany, or .
every act of obbloo. __ headache. "NOW the headache has in& - . I I
A ly � I .
Tho My6tery of Sleep�lna , , be As lo%r as Sher �rag. or n1an's adversitj% . litichath mills & Co. . D.Torrancollft. I I
�_ , . . ,17 tateffiI.1194flon. ____ , I �
Tibere is a great deal ot d,-ffaroba, . omnla a Warning of, disappeared," sald the operator; bk1t f6ralmost alithe troublea thatcomo Ask for Minarh and J' .
I Deranged Xidnoys ate responsible Montreal and Pattlevid.
between a copy and an iraltaildni Ovt)rwork ot Approaching Nervous 0011apse when he tlylguo 11k6 10 Other- Minarilis U-I'llniont tumbermatilt Friend TEA.
. � , cwstullY . tried to to Wolnou in middle life, And no' w6- . .- - 1-1 . I �, 11
Whan PeOP)a b0gin t& bo critical Which Is Not to bo Lightly bisrogarded, at'dusti the Patient, he boutima, man can afford to b6 earelosg, When The Jspo,,nJtbtift 'who is AlW . I SHEETIRONONESTO r
bWJ( ftaft . to be plaag,%nt. , . 11 Sloop Is the vacation of the Bout; his imm,�n.�Ia PrAotice is the alarmod. The, ladcontiftuadasi,,p, for her kldueyo,'are in any way threat- spending upon 'himself is as golfish ays � OWeatneEK is not in. being lifteil up , .
I 0 one Which I ened. and but in ]growing upi. , I S"ItmblO for Fireproolrebyelpin, f.,
- it is the mind gone into the playn&I giv"a 'Mo -it general satisfaction, T -his several hours, And was Only awaken- Wh4t cured Urd. guithea of this mean As the � nitset. . , astrnor And fttiabiaa�ot (Or Padking Per.
. WRY GLASS RoLDs WATE.R, igromiad Of drearas-, it ist the rolaxa- IlTepavatioh is no,kv known al) Dr. ad at last by, the pars[sto J .. . I W PIV 1611 , Poles, Ripe wheq opened 09 19 99414fift Forsaill
Chk%900 NOrVO P0404 and h nt efforts very had edoe, will cure tiny case. MONtRIAL 1409t. vinflold — I attio each while they last, Address, At once_ 0 ... .
ttenslls( of glass will hold Wat flon of linusoles, and. the solace of Cho have, an eulorMou�j a,110 as Oontkl, to of a Professional hypnotist. I ., 0odd0fj XldhoY Villo axe the only hy. t'! ! !! ! I I The Blue 4ibbon Tog 00,f Topo"to, ont, ,
. aF6!....XQuuv-volldgvv Allsov
� . � Faudif HOUR talal #L
t, is a calming Yof the pulse; it is a 110'rd n6tvouti &sL, . . per "tl OALVER'1116131
" . 11 It 18 the hush of aotivitlias; 'Of U6 c0influent, 17 ghtlg IL
beca"06 the klabuleg of water Are too i erves " -------*-- ed red Uri, 49"i-866
I Disease, Diabetes, or Dropsy, and they . . .
but briskthfiqfir much slower, but much vale,tt,: . have uov6r failed. I P--"-4 .
big to' isquftzs� through the glass, is OrdOrs and aleeplesaned"s are so pre. TAIC190 A XNAX ADVANTAGE. .
Irl"d is As full of holes as a $pan doapor,,'it it temporary oblivion of Bar -h And vmewy suffer6r, "It's got 90," tile Mall In the �btr,jvu --41I.— Every man beaxg h1a own burden ' CARSOL10 AGENTSWANTEM
� I kv
I �
Nod kit bIOWg fish 9131 A�10%c, ootor re- from zer� Jedna 41111 : NOT so BAD, . . . but not ciery e 1half the blesaing . _ � I .. ,
0 �rkln cares I, it Is A d VoUs and physical exhattstio" t was saying, "that you canst of b on OINTMENTs .
t through it, be. to I thin, caring And I
4anao the bpecks 0 I _d g fill 190hools of Medi01116- watery 1,nd im%luro b-lood, and the li(_�. trust anybody tbo�d days, I SAW all NO:rAb, will you marry ma when . .
of 6�
r molecules. of Alf 0 () I -
I op puts paticuts on th man insomnia, can bo'gin thc ugl� of I I tar all, AN fillmonu, I
41±# a . mall6k, than the -holes, rack of torture, or oi the adW,Ttlaontiont ot a man in the cast come .back from the war ? demand6d Ita6p I i I - . �
. . or in the grav0l mad, -house' Ur. 011480% XarVd Food, w',,th, V,)sifivo that Amid fott tan, dt'Atsi held send a Uri lbrlft Of WS' SWeethilarto Alklu bfillard 0 Liniment I'll the INS# 4. 0. cond A am, 11lilmohiletee, LIN
d6kiftivanac, tiba,t thj� r I I 91141111111 \, I �
� -
tM, .$
. I I' 'I . . I
, *
�_ I I
.1. L 11
I 111�
t1a. rh
rd t yog
t)b t in
r 0
Old Q)rugsi ts
Kau ainfly, Pf a ar
11 I I I
-----*- �wul,tr uln O,�# .booR of 4 . __ __.. . 11
. I%OVIX4 A. TItE 01ty. Sleoplesguelis is A W"i"Ing that'"O this faTU114 food Ottre 11�111 gradual 5 Pages Of mighty sployTogd. It'll mtollf that's inot prepared to yon oa f0ir"EST METAL Ad bNob",
nervous force of the holly is being and ti%oToughly bull(l Up anrt ly , tiftot do right ubleso you are 00AX16014LId, 8L) ]Raw
15tabolay-Do, you think that' I ' exhausted more rapidly, than it Is be. inY, . I .. I give ino, answer now, said. Norab, willing to huffor wrong. . . CORN11098 : 194 TO . .
IN Iffany- StTubt thd neWY-4- call'i and l�3d1'1rY0C7Du' 1, . ! - , ,
- - ..
100pleski- "u ge I - . — I --- 'O"'o, " Hu S
thirag in the theory Ithat business Ing 0'"tod atill Points' to uItIM11te ftell and TiN,rirkarko.ritly cure S is- "Wel " they asked him, #qVhat dia with a; toy onifla. "I'll haVe it ready l g u - _!!!L�_�!!:!�_.
war- Dhysjcdl hankruptey. The nights do IWAI and irritalbilify, , t WbOirk You sent the ten cent$?tv when yoalxo looming home, Jim. ^ � "' __ I .I . if Nil ON 109010 � 10 Nor" .
A good Alont walltea ilk 61&3� town.11, (Iiinadvi 1
X'" oan Wouletimog 64UNO A Oomploto hot 1`00atr the Wa06,01! tile day.,96mo: You )nust not confulo Dr. Ohaga*# "A tlitaloglile Of 4 spilee mill, hy Well, thAlk laot ma bad, said Mr. I Salary avid OXMIRIttd, a fiqt�efsss Agent, w1j nivik#
lase of memory t . Ulittattal effort njust Ito ml.d6 to over. Norvlc� Food w,ji,h 61pop-produalng gUshl" . I notl1hr" after a inament'd 2611"tion, uctift4a -6 4Z osttle$ d"0101110111 , th#01okeds6lin 011stholflatti6lesel�thtinifirket,
mudg6-yeg. r know it War came this Pfate of affairs, or d011ftPad dTlags and 6piateg, It is. dlrfe -----O— :Ust tell Mo therw4A thincl now. dar. illll..k *.* ..... I L , AliPlyatono,o, 'Mootakleogtoliulted, Applyto
ki that Igodrtalft. &jC"qqf,f11Avd , ,rts,jftt I
11oliftfe" out Ill. . I I
. w7a any med,olno yotir c"r u-qefl, and 4 .
-way In mY 031(0- W110 moT6 Ibatrow, : tortillA 01bittlefits of fixture as being WtNtil Ot tearing dohvn tlh- lI,q,qup_1 L WON-DA90VUS BARRED. Ifut-4svill it he lyll or no'f , t W M."" _.i.w ...
Jhoncly'th6 mOkill tteltdhOto(13 Mr memIi peoulialy Suited' io, tile noo.da ,bt A,, -
. . A and doadoning the Aqrvo.q, It 0,ure�,; by rn Altatralla it is said that It man All � �t "y 4'64aes 4..# law &Jw,
,suit dahto 4, YiA
ory bttoukoo. "haustod nervous system, Through rtiling ay.aTy Oall and doA MWZ As SATIVAOTOZY. oyo,tt,44111
I 1- ,,, do r — Mo 1116111,11M of the blood And nervous and 'Ktallty. Aa & spring tbriia and I$ tepolitoly, Mr. Dykabolghts, You returning . �Isft .60 � . .
W POTATOES ARR Bps7. ona MOS6, rentoratiVeSAL dw Willy flew MO, Vigor ,who goes., to a dan'da ilu r , .
DA= 11 carry n (troigmator it is marvellolm In Its ae. but firmly'," barrell, from M . 4 '! 406
, 161161and vital ehoirgy to every peryd t1`0ft . honto front butifteso, hapetally.-You
PhYaWafts AsAeft that hakild potilk- ocil in tho bum - lb-Atilling Into w%�ak, worn t1rod tho .vefroshment or 1%upp6r :toom. The . I 11 . "'Viot 4;n
an anatomy, human %,(I&"q the atTongth, ova4imty achemo; Is very daintily Tworked out by 'are So aliAorhX1, r ta,ko it you htxvd I aly�"
MftoL t'I&Meatl o(t ' ��t ' .
buia are more; -nutritious than those `t�rh`116 I nik uro art and t.W7.anoy Ot I .1.1
coupons tasued Mr *Dghtsr I , � I
mblwd Yl V14TIM lvwfeot health, 50 means of a sirAtom of I got a now 600k, Harriet.
OwkAd kl AnY Othat' WdA and that ,; pr6pblitibitaf It is eftta &,L,,a&, # Qto.g for #2.50, at all . L
, 4
0116d offied Ato the ftott difficult to " I , fm roceir with oneh pr6gramn%6 4, 3) kel.u, f gayly -No, no *46-9. &Ii �, awatio
. . I
. .1 I
doal,orif low acrit, IMM PAW, of dafio6a. tit- y I "# I *,.V
It isuoh luck. Put I Jtut h " ,
>dt, � . Of Ivicili bY Ild=lnisbn, natoij & crii, orallyr it 14 a base of "Ila dance, '00) "M that our .
I I . � I I Z����� VoFohtoo . anpp6V.�'L L heighbor, Ural lfohsolthurtt, hag just � I I -111:E
I I 11 , � I . I I 140t hOA. .1 I
, . , , , , , I
1"M %0IMU111111111141111-tiUMMINO 00 . ,f
-- A—
I 4_0'k - .�i I .
EPPS vi .
0lNA1rAt1*UL00MF0k`t1N& . I I
" L ,