HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-18, Page 5April 3.8th, 1903. To Rent or For Sale Ads, Ay•OTION• SAL* Or FAHM b"TOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, Tho undersigned has -been instructed by Peter Cook to sell by nnblie auction and with- out reserve at lot 30 on the 9th eonression ot Goderieh township, ouSaturday, Anril 27th the following: 1 horse $ years old. 1 horso years old, driviog horse 11 years old, 1 mare - aged, 1-maro 3 years old, 1 mare 10 Years old 4 fresh milk cows, 2 co ws WWI vair, 4: steers 2' Years old, 2 heifers 2 years old.11)yearling steers and heifers, 7 t•alves, 2 brood sows, a young pigs, 23 hens, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 3 lumber wag ons, hav rack, top buggy, 2 cutters, binder now (Frost & Wood), seed drill, disk harrow, net harrows, mower, land roller, fanning 10111, sent- fler, 2 narrow ploughs, 1 two -furrow plough.. gang plow, wheel barrow, hay fork, steel hay press (Dletritch), 2 set heavy harness, 2 set single harness 1 sot light double harness, 2 sap . kettles. forks;shovels 2 cans, churns, and other artkles' too unaorous to montiom Taints oh' snms of $10 and .110401 cash; over that amount six months' erodit wifl he given on furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. discount for cash in lieu of note, „ Salo at 1 o'clock sharp. PETER 000K, • THOS. DROWN ' Proprietor. • • • Auctioneer HOUSE FOR .SALE. The nndorsigned. offers for sale a scvomroom ed cottage on Orange street together with one. fifth acre of land • Now cistern and well. Will be sold on reasonable terms.. MRS. CARLING. Clinton, April 1210. • HOUSES FOR SALE , Tho nudersighed offers for salebr to rout his one story house on .41bert street together with One quarter acre of land, on widelt there aro thirty fruit 1 Imes, Good o ell and cistern. D, HILL. Clinton, April Nth . FARM FORAL • Part of lot -35 in 13th Con. Goderich ToWeship. contalniog sixty five teres. Good frame house and barn and bearing orchard .on the. promises. Only 2 miles from Clinton. For further particulars apply to It. .A..lroarn, on the premises or J. RIDOUT.Clintom Feb.Ilth. GALE FARM FORSALE Tho Gale Faro I, ono of 1ho'bes't 160•acre farms 10 Goderich township, Huron eounty, lot 17; and part 18011 tho 8th eon., 04 miles Lrom Godo. rich. 7 front Clinton. The farm • conados good buildings and fe1e08, is well watered and un- derdramed. Loran orchard and garden. Wheat sown and Wowing done.- Would sell, either !'80 or 100 acres. Apply to • • • • . . ' • WM. GOULD, Feb. 14 on the proniisos or Goderioh P.O. • • FARM POR.f.ALE• • The undersigned offers for side lot.% eon. 1. Mullett, consist ing of 100 acres; 90 acres cleared, • balance good hard weed bush, chiefly maple.' 10 avros in fell wheat The lot 18 well watered and fenced and would make a, good stook farm. There is a good °milord and two good barns. • '('ho farm is 4 miles front Clinton and & mile frotn Surnmerhill post office; Olturch and 'School. For further particulars nPAY Oath° preiniim - or address. WILLTAMWALLA.CE, • Split: 1214. Sum in orhiliTh 0. FARM FOR 'SALE. • The undersigned offers for Palo lot 26, eon.. Goderleh township. consisting of 136--acrca, all cleared. The lot is situated 31 miles from. • Clinton and 2 miles from School. Possession given next fall. For further particulars apply. on the premises to • ROBERT Clinton P. O. March ith. • . HOUSE FOR SALE. • Tho subscriber offo. for sale a very desirable property on Isaac street consisting offour lots upon which Our° is a comfortable frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached. There is a good stabil and a first.class weat of water on premises. '1 he Orchard, couststing Of grapes and apples, isr, good one. Tho property will bosold at a row,onablo figure for cash:or posh and balanco on time. Apply to the, owner on he promises • MRS. JOHN /TIMM Clinton May 0110 HOUSE •FOR sALE.. The undersigned offers for sale the framo dwelling on Albert, street north .at present oo. _copied by Rev. T. Murdock. Good collar,. stable, etc., etc. For further particulars' apply to • ' A. J. MoltItTert, Clinton, Oct. 23r0. . CEDAR POSTS.FOR..SALE.... Tho undersigned-wind:Oliver at Bayfield froth tho Bruce Peninsula on tho opening of naviga- Gen, 10,000 cedar pasts, Tops 00 posts 5 inches up, length 81 feet. Price, 12contsoach. ApplY to James Thomson, Bayfield. or GEO. A. TURNER, 13rocefield March Oth. 7„ 'CEMENT FOR SALE. Thorold Cement for sale by PM ward Carter, corner William and Princess streets, .Clititon. Special 10108 00 car lots. Estimates given on content walls and floors and silos. All work satisfactorily clone and -all Orders promptly attended to. • HORSES FOR , SALE. -- Tho undersigned offer for sato Itithree-yearmld colts, mares and gehlinga. They aro all And,. class heavy colts. We also hav.o for Halo sever- al cheap working 1101 808 and somedriVors. BELL & JOHNSON, Clinton. March 10th, " • W. GLEN. CAMPBELL — Organist and Choiralaster of North street church, Goderich, anti teacher of piano, pipe - organ and theory„ is prepared to take a limited number of pupils for instrnetiOn, Leave word at tho Clarendon Hotel. • Will N7inIt Clinton on Friday Of each week, BE THORONHLY PREPARED FOR BUSH/Xi:SS, STItATFORD, ONT. Much of your future Stteccss depends upon the thorough preparation you receive, there fore be carefni when selecting a school, No two schools aro alike, The excellent repu- tation that our college enjoys, the large patron. ago we reoeive, splendid 800e083 0111 stu- dents have in securing and helding situations, indicate that our school Is ono of the very best In the Dominion. Write for our beautiful eat, Ringo° in which' you wilt .find full . particulars concerning our college. If yea want the best, In business education- you van get it hem - Students cm outer at, any tinte. • • W. 3. ELLIOTT, Printinal W. N. WALKER MINUNACTOnElt . MOOS OF MATTRESSES Lounges, Mochas, (logy Cor- ners end Upholsterer in all kinds of Par- _ler Furniture, mattresses made over. Prices reasonable, Ladies are particularly invited to call and se 800)9105 00 wdrit and eovorings, StOre-OntariO Street, Cllinton. Otte door °est el l'ord&Idol\l'elPts LAUNDRY 1 have ridded new Ironing machine to my laundry. 11 does superior work so that, I will he better enabled than oyer to MVO 80113.6101109 to my numerous customers, Work called for and delivered in al mirth of the town. Your patronage is respectfully solicited, . A. TWITOHELL Laiindryon ittwou Street °Dwain:Abe COM teetotal hoteiv ROUS FOR SAC we have some first-class Mangolds for sale. Price SQ. per bushel, First COD.I0, first served, Apply at once to R.84 J. RANSFORD Stapleton Salt Works, BUTTERMILK FOR SALE Tenders will be received: up to April 24th by the manager of the J I G'realy Dairy Co. Clinton, for the buttormilk of the Coatrai Buren. Creamery for the bainueo of the year 1901. Butter and buttermilk will bo retailed at tho factory. For further partieulani 41 tho faetory to THE: MANAGER, Clinton, April 1310. HORS4 AND BUGGY FOR • SALE Good driving hori0 and spindle buggy for sale. PRAWIC Clinton, April 13111. ' • WARNING For Nolte years pest somo imsorupulons p01. Sons have been in the habit of trespassing upon the property of Alto • Ontario. Street Methodist Churell. . Horses awl rigs have boon iiunrql, whips stolen, locks broken or carried off, and some parties have oven entered Gut church dud fu- nned the organs and piano. .• The public services, both Sabbath and week evening, have been disturbed by 01150011113' 1101q.14 on tho street caused by somo Unruly 130.•sons who .ovIdently do not know that stiell conduct constitutes a criminal offence, for which the law prosoribes a very heavy penalty. The Trustees of tho ohureh two (tended 'to endure this no longer and they now offer 0 .ro word of five dollars to any ono who will in the future give such information OAwill load to the attest of any person or persons who may, in ally Way -whatever. Interfere with anytitiog1,1 - or eland thean reit, or Who may in anY•waY tlisturb the public worship of tho congregation. setlieleetr..iuside 00 2(10 00131011 or from the public. Section ita of the Act saYs: Every ono is glillty of an offence and liable,on summary cot/ - notion; to 8 penalty not exceeding fifty dollars and costs, and in default of payment to ono month's ithprisonmont: whowilfully disturbs, interrupts or disquiots any assemblage of per- sons met for roligums worship,or for any moral, sooial or benevolent' purposes, by profane dis- course, byrude and indecent behaviour. or by making a; noiso, either within tho Place 02 5)100 mooting or so near it as to disturb tho ordor or solemnity of the meeting. • 0. 1ti0.8. 2. Witit the hope that the guilty parties w31 takO timoly warning this notice is published.. . • , • . • •. • " • . ORDEAL OF THE BOARD 010, 1001. • ' • . waissommocwomacassat STEPLADDERS VEN AWAY To every purchaser of- one tau •of our Pure • Cream Baking Poivolor we will give, Without any .eXtrii, &barge, a 'SO ong atni dir. :able five..foot Stepladder. '4, • 25o Broomsgoat 200. Three 15e hare of Soap for 25o. Bring your Eggs along, extre,priee this week. O. OLSOril I.gext doov to Dr. Gunn' s private hospital. . • • ' • . 4MM.1.614111===661161MMMIp4M=W WE'RE 'FULL We 'mean ow sham isfull of 'slew Spring • Goods. The most important part ' a new Sp ri n g outfit is a pair of shoes. OUr spring sio0k Wiln selected ivith the 41081051 0100 with the result the t 'we ('1111- 0(101' greater valbes 'in Boots • and Shoes than ever before. Golfo and See 0111' Stock before buying as we cart y the lateet styles .all kinds of Bots and Shoes. : • S•.,. C. RATHWELL VA.RNA. .4strTiighest price•paid, for ifides and . Sheepskins, • Gilange �f Business Having •bought the Grocet•y and'Orockery.bushiess eo success- fully carried on • for the past 12 years by J. W. Imo, and having - over 20 years' experience myself in wholesale mid rettlit Grot ery and Crockery business, X 401/1 • Her t I can • keep up the good reputation of the old firm in keeping 'nothing but the yery best goods at the lowest prices. I have redUced all my Dinner, Toilet and Tea Sets to Make room for nry import or - dee which I. expect in a, few months. Celt and 'examine goods before you buy. No trouble to shone geode, . d. W. ITIOCRBE. With reference to the Agee . eliange in. business I hike this oneortunitiy ,00 expteesina Intr sincere then ks to m Y. numerous friends arid customers for- their liberal support during the •pitst 12 years and bespeak tor my 11110- cessor, J. W. McCabe, the same liberal treatment rio generously sateorded me, 3. X311,17trXtai. er,leidirstizroutmarotemeomwrane,irroli MAidifittiOltitNITE t4ONUMENTS. RATTENBURY ST, WORKS Direct importer's. ,Worirman- ship and Material guaranteed. • SEALE & OE PROPRIETORS, •••••••••• PIANOS Wholesale and retail piano rind organ distributtng eon - Ire. High geade, new pianos. Five esed pianos' itt, deckled bargeine. Buy the wonderful Gramophone for a pleasing entertainer. Ifeedquaefers for if. Itar- gains to teachers and 01111- (113(114 in elieet 2115r, to 70e plecee at IOt wholesale. Instruments of all kinds sold. H 0"A" R E ?Audio Emporium, THE CLINTON NEWB-IMOORD 11Teimuss••••••••••••mmorml. TRIAL TRIP In order that the • merits of THE NEWS - RECORD may become more 'widely known we will send it to any address until June ist FOR 10 CENTS,' 1411111411011101111111.0.1010. Lovers of Aultuats. Those who love domestic animals will be interested in Sara K, Bolton' blograghical sketch in the My Delinea. Lor of the charities in Boston and deo where of Mrs,Ellen 11.0ifford of Boston, Her charitiee inavvever,were not confined to dumb animals, but were extended to all yvho suffer or are oppressed. She gave many thousands of dollars to Children's Hoopitels, to ColoredHomes, to The Blind, to Sailors, to Convicts and to Inouritbles. ,At her death she gave away over a minima clutters in charities, though her iife .had, alreedy been a blessing by her gifts. RHEUMATISM W H AT'S THE CAUSE?* WHERE'S THE CURE? - The active irrneting cause of this most painful of diseases is poisonous uric Acid in the blood, South Amen - earl Rheurnatio Cure neutralizes the acid pobioni Relieves in 6 hours and cures in 1. to 3 days.-Spld hy J. E, Hovey. -90 Bishop Bond'of Montreal was elected itietropolitaa et Canada at the meeting of Bishops. SUDDEN DEATH ON THE 1 - CREASE. -People apparently well and happy to -clay, , to -morrow are stricken down, and in ninety-nine cases out of every hendred the heart is the' cause. The king of heart remedies, Dr,Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Is withiu reach of all. It relievein 30 minutes and cures most chronic class. -Sold by J. E. Hovey,- 91 Foe Over Filty• Years, Ignel,NVOTSLOW's SoorniN0 ,SYBUIs hag imea used by millions -of mothers for their children while teething.' If• distorbec3. at night' and broken of your rest by a. sick child suffering and.orying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at onto and gut a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething, It will re- lioya,-the poet itte sofforur immediately. De- pend Upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about It autos Diarrhata, regulates the Stomach and 'bowole, .euros Wind Colic, sof tent/ the Gums, redo cos Inlianimation, algigt %'3tBtone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow:s. Soetlung Syrup" for children teething is plea - Salt t to• the taste 0101 15 the- prescription of ono of the 'oldest. and best female physicians and, nurses in tho United States. Price tvirOntY-five cen:s an bottle. Sold by all druggists th.rough o31 3OSLOW ut the world." Be suro and ask for "Mr. SYnT7P. .n Constipated Bowels. Constipation; Or inaotivity of the' laoweis, is probably the cause of niore distress and suffering than any other orghnio derangement. Once the bowel:' are constipated, the kidneys become clogged, the liver torpid, and the stom- ach and whole digestive syStein com- pletely interfered with. The head aches, there Is dizziness, weakness and atinness of vision, Pain's in the back, sides and limbs, the ac- cumulation of wind and gas on the stomach, pains and fullness in the re- gion of the stomach, and depression and despondency of spirits. • Constipation can nevVr be Cured by the use of salts and similar weaken - and debilitating purgatives, Dr. Chase's XidneY-Liver Xnlla not only cause the natural action of the bowels> but so strengthen and invigorate them as to enable, thern to regularly • perform their functions without the aid Of inedielnea. One pill a, dose, 25 cents a box, at all dealers. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, Clinton Market lieport, Wheat ... ....... 0 03 to 0 431 Gose ..... . 0 92 to 063 0 37 to 0 40 Oats ....... .......,.. 0 29 to 0 30 P.ers ..... ... , .... 0 60 to 0 60 0 40 to 45 Potatoes per bushel.— 0 20 to 0 25 Butter rolls and crock „ 018 to 0 14 Butter in tub , 0 14 to 0 15 Eggs per cloz..... .... 00 to 0 10 1-ay8 00 to 0 00 NI,Vii• Q 15 to 0 16 llogs per oWt• 6 25 t° 25 Dressedrotic per cwt 7 00 to 7 25 Flour per cwt.., 1 75 to 2 00 Bran per ton 15 00 to 15 00 Shorts per ton ... 15 50 to 10 00 Wool per lb ....... .... 15 to 18 Dried Apples per lb... „. ..01 to 0 44 cbe This signature is on every box of the genuine .Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that sures n eold in one day roxinfmes:10' Dearth Market Report, Wheat ..... , 0 63 to 0 65 Goose Whent„ 0 63 to 0 65 Baeley •0 8810 0 10 Oats .. . ...... 0 27 to 0 28 Peas ....... ........ 0 60 to 0 60 11,Ye 0 87 to 0 40 Potatoes per bushel 0 25 to 0 80 &Wee loose in crook 0 15 to 0 16 Butter in 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs per doz.... ..... 000 to 010 flay 00 to 8 00 Live Hogs per owt 0 00 to 0 00 Dressed Pork per cwt., 0 50 to 7 00 , Flour per 00 to 200 Bran per ton ..... 111 00 to 100 Shorts per 10 00 to 10.'00 Dried apples per lb...„0 6 to 0 05 'Weft' 41264' wore Phooptorlitisi amat Xnatialt Iretneck. kW and recommended by et orogoo4 in Canada. Gwynn-. alto medieine diaeovered, Sig tacker*, guaranteed to etre '0,11 ohne o Sexual Weakness,all effects of abnite or exceso, Mental Worry, Exeessivo used To - tattoo, Opium or Stimulants. 3>00,11011 00 receipt of price, one 1reas.:0i el, 81X, $4.• Oncil1dt14 trAtei4cure, -Pamphlet( fres to any ada The Wood Cowpony, Wiladitors Orr Pot Salo by Watts &C.1,3 1L IlloVetett IL Conabe and B. P. Retitle, CO -Operating POrle Packing Good for, Hoak 'Vol,* and Country. The gospel preaohed at the Eastern Dairy Contention by0. 0. Jame% Dee puty Minister of Agriculture -the goo- Pol of co-operation between town and oeuntry with a VieW of aclVauoing the mutual prosperity -seems to have taken hold 00 1120 popular mind. •• Illustratione of the extent to which this doctrine has spread canbe found all over the proeince. One of the tat - est illostrations along this line W4.4 afforded in Bovvnaanville on Saturday, when a meeting was held for the pur- pose of promoting the eetablishment of a packing factory in that town, The audience Was Wade up mainly of farm - era, but the business men of the town showed the earnestness of their desire to assist in every way possible in secure ing the establishment of such an Indus- try. In fact, it is mainly due to the persistent efforts of Mr, A. Jaraea of the Bowinenville Statesman that the enterprise has been pushed as faras it bas gone up to the present. • The meeting galled on Saturday was for the purpose of hearing a repert from Mr, James and Thomas Baker, who had been sent as delegates to Palmer- ston and Harriston to See the factories in operation there with a view ot gas thering information which might be made use of in connection with the Bownmovilie enterprise. A LIBERAL 070130, Mr, James, in summing up his imprere sions gained during this tour of inspec- tion, said : Ali have formed this opin- ion : That a pork packing industry in Bowmanville le a farmers, institution, and 1 do not know of anything better calculated to advance the prosperity of the revelers than the establishment of an indestry of this kind. By united effort I believe such an industry can be made a success.. So. confident am 1 f • this that if you raise a capital of $45,- 500, I am' ready to contribute the remaining $500, to make it the even $50,000; if you raise a capital of $95,500, I will put in the last $500 again and make it an even $10,000. 1 have no money tohavestex- crept where it:will bring good returns; .but 1 am so confident of this venture that 1m willing to erivest that amount in the way stated, ” The industry should, I believe, be establishedwith a view of going further than curing of pork merely, believe that 'the curing ands dressing ofbeef, and the • killing and dressiog of poultry and even of ahaep, may be added later on. I believe there is a magnificent future ahead of the whole dressed meat industry of this country. I believe that industry will go on and imamate and increase until it becomes oue of • the most important industries in connection with our national develop- ment." A PLAN OUTLINED Then Mr. Janles entered more fully into particulars: ••' 4113 " he said, 4 g we raise a celpital of $100,000, I think the town should be prepared to guarantee the interest on $25,900 more, the principal to be paid in twenty years. In addition to this, we should have English capital to the. extent of $25,000. Palmerstonand Hare riston factories have English capital invested in their enterprise, and the English capitalists handle the product of these factories in the Old Country. 14 reason for- urging that plenty of capital be invested is that plant • and builings alone wilt coot $50,000, and we should have a working capital of $50,000 or $75,000 in addition: I be- lieve the industry, if established, will make money for you, add to the pros- perity of the town, and I hope to live to oee it one of the most prosperous in- stitutionrele connection' with Bowman- Yilles'e eitrichte sievetzersans oairrito. Mr'. Baker, the other delegate on the tour or investigation, said if two co- operative factories could exist within seven miles of each other, as they are doing at Palmerston and Harrioton, he could see no reason why one should not. exist at Bowmanville. 11• The estab- lishment of these. Westerri factories,". said Mr Baker, " has been an excellent thing for the people in that section, flog producers have had not only the advantage of the competition caused by the local buyers, but they have had huyero from Toronto, Collingwood, and even from Peterboro, the reault being that they have been getting 0 1-2o for their hogs, which is more than we have been getting here. If we establish an industry of this kind we shall have not only the buyers for our local factory going through the country, but produc. era will get the benefit of the Drives' and Peterboro buyers as well. Even if we do not get, a colt in dividends front our stock, I believe the increased pro- fit in our hogs will fully repay us for goitig into the venture." ems eowst's mop te le. Mayor Mitchell declared, after hear- ing the report of the delegates, he oould not see why there should be any hese tation in going on with the industry, " With intelligent termer% such as we have here," said he," I have no doubt that the proper' tiort of hogs will be produced. I em not in a position to pledge the town," continued his Woe ship, • but you may rest assured that the town will do anything in reason to assist any industry which will employ labor and aid ie paying the taxes. For my part, J shall do all in nay power t trap yeti," TIM 0011IIT3ts MEP ittAofsTrwra ArIntOVta Wardell Richard said he believed bog raising was one „of the best industries that farmers weld undertake. "But," said he, " if youaro going into it they must retnenaber that you cermet afford to go in one year and out an- other; yoo must stay with the Indus- try whether the price is So or 6o Be- sides," added the warden, " if you are stook -holders in your own factory, and do not naakeon yourown hoge,you will get the increased returns on your stock. " The offer made by Mr. James," con- tinu ed Mr. Richard, is a substantial guarantee fOr the autos§ et the clustry. When you find as shrewd and auceessful a man ati he is willing to risk money it is a great eneourage- ment10 others. For My part, I know of nothing better calculated to advanee the prosperityof the farmera than hog production. I ern thoroughly in mooed With this idea, whioh hrtngs the pro- ducers as near as possible In the win. sumer," The Warden eahl he was pres pared to take some stook, and would do everything he could to help the in. dustry along. wire tilt. 111100E. thLvtit Itle. A. E. Brook M. P. of Toronto in hie annual address 10 the Board of Trade of that oity saith 1t is a source of congratulation to note tho continued inoreased in the de- velopment ot our ham and bacon in - dusty, the source of aupply of whieb is chiefly the Nitride farmer. This still antieipated by those hest competent to judge, that in the course of five or six years our exports of baoon and haw will exceed in value thoaeof cbeeae, At the end of the loot RAW year Mir ex- ports of baeon and hams reathed the the sum of $13,000,000. " 1892 the oripacity of curing hottsee engaged in the eltport trade In (Mario Was abet 5,500 hogs per week; in DM wtheeoykl: ad reaehed 11,000, and in the be- ginning of 1001 about 45,000 beg per Znirletk. On Tueaday of legit week while saw - lug wood at S blertin'e, Goebert Line, Hay, Ohae, Guenther of Dashwood met with a eerious aocident. While running his engine the fly wheel otruok ItIr. Giteraher in the back,breaking it. Be will likely be a cripple for life, G. Denetecit of Blyth bought the harness business of E. Appel and also reuted the stand fora term of yeara. Mr.Denstedt intends starting hardware business in connection, The Williatne' mille were shut dolwo last week, owing to a change in hives being made. The new boiler is a very large one weighing over five tons and OM be safely run at 150 lbs pressure or °vier, eTRENGTH AND ENDURANCE Are factors of the greatest success. No person can do full matioe to hinaseif without them, In no season of the year are they more easily exhausted than in the spring. We need not (Remiss the Nelson tar Gila here. We enouge to say there is one, and that Hood's Saraparilla gives strength and endurance,as thousands annually testify Bewail At the annual vestry meeting of St. Paul's church the finances were reported satisfactory. Warden% Clausen and G. Petty Were relected, Siclesmen, T. Simpson and 171. Reynolds, 'Cabers, T. C1ausensS,Reynolds,11.Petty Delegate to Synod, ' G. Petty, Collectors for m salon fund, Nlieses Oroysdale,B,Petty, E. Johnston, Nora Petty. Wm, McAllister, vvho recently want to the Nortbwest, writeis tint he is busy erecting a roe:lance also a gianary and stable. Ile reports the climate all right and sowing in progress. Jack Cameron lel t last week for Wing - ham where he has been appointed operator and assistant agent at the Mr. Deluded , of Auburn, who has been in tbe Northwest returned this week -and was in town en Saturday. He intends starting a tin and hardware basiness in Zarieh. • COLDS mAT liANG ON. Pheumonia is the result of neglected °hest colds, colds that hang on and Irritate the bronchial tubes nod lungs. To promptly and thoroughly cure chest colds, tightness in the chest and all colds in the throat and bronehial tubes Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine hes proved' itself the moat eneotual remedy extant. Its sale is simply enormous: 25 oinats a bottle. Family eize 60 oents. ranektnerieati Exposition • Buffalo, May 1 to November,i. Those planninge trip to Buffalo and Pan -.American Exposition this year should make arrangemeets to take in one of the popular side trips offered by the Giand Trunk Railwayto the moist beautiful and healthiul summer resorts, situated in the "Highlands of Ontario,t' located 1000 feet above Sea level, a few hours run 'from Buffalo. 'Clocid hotel accommodation, magnificent scenery, perfect immunity from Hay Fever; 'a place where Health and Pleasure go hand in hand, The Highlands of Ont- ario include the following vvell known and popular districts r - "Muskoka Lakes," "Lake of Bays," "INIagnetawan Inver," "130,000 Islands of the Georgian Bays," "Kawartha Lakes." and the region aeoand "Lakes Simeoe and Couchiching." Illustrated descriptive publications, maps and all • informetion can be had free by applying to any G. T. R. agent sir to I11.0. Dicksen, District Passenger -Agent, Toronto, rBE DANGER OF PILLS Piles are issually caused by con- tipation, lack of exercise or sitting on et seats or cold stones, They fee- uently develop into tumors, fistulae or upture of tho intestinee. Dr. Chase's Ointment has never failed to cure piles and put an ending to the wretched tebing and uneasiness, It ia truelya i wonder to all who have used it and s guaranteed to mire esery case of Roh- n& bleeding or protruding piles. w q The Kotean lioverement hits promul- gated a law eeforcing the death pens thy for .opium smoking. COS I' 10 CEN'TS,-But, worth a. dollar vial. Tide io the testimony of htindeeds who lees Dr, Agnew's Little Liver Pills, l'hey are also sure'so pure, so. Omen t nd easy acting. The cleoaand for this popular Liver Regulator 1 so great 1(3 18 axing the makera to keep up with it - Sold by J. E. Hovey. -93 • • Mrs. David Wood of Kingston at- tempted suicide by taking poison, but was prevented. s• -a-- 1'PD RATHER, BEDEAD than suffer again the tortures of insomnia, palpita- tion and nervous twitching of my Attendee iteduced by simple neglectof a little indigestion." These are tha forceful and warning words of a lady who proclaitne that her cure by South American Nervine when everything else had frilled was a modern miracle. -Sold by J. E. Hovey -92 THE GREAT N.011,T4ERN RAIL WAY OFFERS YOU AN.OTHEllt 'CHANCE. • •1••••••••••••:•••• A cheap One-wity excursion will be run every Tuesday ep to and including Aped 30t0, 1001, from all points in On - tam to 1111 stations on the line of the Greet Northern Railway in Minnesota., North Dakotn, Montana, Washington, Oregon and British Columbiat also to Winnipeg,. Portage la Prairie and Brandon, "Now is 70112' opportunity to yisit the west where work re plentiful, tyliere 11 home of youe own and freedont from debt awaits. Foe rate% descriptive matter, time- table folders and other information call on or write Oluts. W. Gritvess Dis- trict Passenger Agent. King street, West, (Room 123, Toronto, Ont, Enormous Sale. Many Imitations, rm. A. W. Chase's blerve rood has come into popularity by leaps rtnd bounds, until now the sales are eller. mous, far stn. taming- 'Mute 01 any nerve re- setorative 01 blood e builder Air a goose- auence of . thit phenomenal sut. eeas there have eprung up many fmitatione that relieve by dead - 4,4 :AfAjeening the tiervto blittevterwrheigity eV( And are peeltively harniful and dangerous to the elysteln, A8 ' you value your lire and health beware of them worthless inittatione, mid refuse un,illtatteabastsitouotdo.tru whIch 8,10 Said to be folliatorig do not dtro iorenrodttee the portreit atie eignitture of Dr. A. W. oCitt hheied. twohnitietnearreerateorett on every box Dry Chase's Nerve Food .• "Hever Quit Certainty For Hope." You may take Rood's $arsaparitta for 1•140•••••,-.. SPECIAL SALE eod. Nev oftwases arising from or promoted by aiiRlitTEwcifiE Impure btooci with perfect confidence Mat wer do ,you goer tahe any sub- elute. .tn Hood's Sarsaparlita you have Me hest medicine money can buy. 11 cures,- completel,y and perrnanentty,.- when others fall to do any good. Tonic -11 have tafien Hood's Sarsa- parilta 4$ a tonic and general builder of Me system wirth excettent results. It re- stores vitality, drives away that tired feel- ing, quiets the nerves and brings re freshIngr steep." John Y. Patterson, Whitby, Ont. IHARItIAGEN, riticE--1106EIV--O0 April ard, by Rev. Walter Rigaby, IVIr, Jobe Kirke; to SIAM% daughter of John Hopper, all or Kincardine. MELVILLE-DAGG-On April 3rd, by the Rev. J. 0. Tolmie of Windsor, KArinthouarraWin.e Melville, of Detroit, to WribE1 Melissa Dagg, formerly of INGLIS-SILLS-In Wingharo, April 5tieby Ilev.Wm,Lowe,MeC.W.Inglis to Mies Florence Sills, both of Wing- RITChIaimIi-JOHNSTONE--In Tweed, on Apri1,9th, Mr. John Ritehie, of Wingham, to Mrs, A. P.Johnatone of Tweed, Ont, ALTEAAN-MoDONOGEI-In Wing - 011 "April 10th, by Rev. it. Hobbs, Mr. Chas. Ahriman of Ln- ofdonw,itnogbillaim. ssCharlottie XoDonogh CRERAR-WILSON-At the home of the bride's parents, Blyth,on April 9, by the Rev. A, McLean, Maggie second daughter, of Mr, and Mrs. Soof hsnhaWkeilespoena,rteo. Mr. Wrn. Orerar BAE1(:ER-MeN101101,-At Shoshone, Idaho on Apsil 10th, William • Burkett' to Miss Ida Making/ both formerly of Brussels. • • BAKER-MENARY--At the IVIanse, Brussels, on April 10t13, by Revs John Ross, B.A., Teter Baker to Miss Jane, daughter of Robert Menary, all of Grey. • GILL-SIVIALE-At .the residence of • the bride's tether, Mr. " Williaw Snaale, Hibbert, on April 1010, by Rev. N. Sbaw, B.A., Mr. Samuel IGiiilbt,betort1V.Iiss Maggie Snaale, all of CLEAVER-DOUGHERTY-In Grey, on April 3rd, by :ley. H. E. Curry, ofEthel, Mr. Chas. Cleaver to Miss • Mare Dougherty, all of Grey. • DEARING-HEDGES-At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, on April 3rd, by the Rev. Olarris, Mr. James Dearing, son of Mr. Wni. Dearing, Stephen to Miss Clara Hedges, London' isat. PARKER -GOWER -At the residence of the bride's perents,•on April 2nd-, by the Rev: J,Ifussar, Itle. Fred W . Parker, of London, to Mlles Itlaiy B. GOIVery of Crediton, EASTBURY--MERRITT-On April the 81h, at the residence ot the bride's mother, by the Rev. Walter Rigsby, Miss Rebeoca, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Merritt, tO Beery. Eastbury ofT oronto. • MAXWELL -In Wingharrhon April 410 the wife of Robert Maxvvell, jr. a 0080OLI, Et th wife Turnberry, on April of Arthur ' Wheeler, 1V/oN3A8U0Gri.HTON-In Varna, on April 9t1, tt•e wife of Mr.D.MoNaughtoni of a son. . COBER-In Ethel, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. E. - Cober, a daughter, BROWN -In Grey, on April 7, to 'Mr, J, K. Brown, a daughter. FORD - In Gocierich township on Sun- . • day April 1416, tbe wife of Mr. Fred. Ford of a daughter, WALLIS-in Clinton on Satueday„ April 13th, the wife 00 1111'. Charles Wallis of a son. JUDD-0n Clinton on Saterday„ April • 16th, the wife of Mr. Thothae Judd of a eon. BASKERVILLE-In Exeter, ott April tab, Jane Harding, beloved wife of Mr. Christopher Baskerville, aged 82 years. • WEBSTE11.--In Wiegharo, on April 8thr nnie, bolo ved wUe of A. W.IY abater, Brussels, April. 9, MAINagPed1t I Z5 4.6 - 1 n Mary Madeleine, intent datighter ot Mr. and Mrs. Robt.e.tainprrzearged oee year, twelve claye. TAYLOR -In Brussels on April 111,12, Janet Johnston, wire of Henry Taylor, aged 70 years and 9 months. LAING-In Howich,on April 6th,Robert Laing,aged 60 years and 11 Mouths. fuar-In :Mitchell, on the 6th of Arnie lia:rfet, beloved wile of Anurew Hart, aged 51, years, 0 months and 6 days. 011UWEN -In Mitehell, on the 7th of Aptil, Jane, relict ot the late Henry Chowen, aged 61 yeara, 6 months - and 2 days. NIXON-In Ilibbert, on the II of April, Varner Nixon, aged 90 years. HEALY -111 boatorthi on April 9th, Ellen Carrot, relict of the Tate Jew. miah Healy, aged 82 years. DORRANCE- 411 alsaillop, on April 10th, Ellie S. kitten, wife of Sir James Dorrance, aged 31 years and 11 mouths. BROWN -In Hullett, an April Ilth, George A. Brown, aged 49 years and 6 months. GILMOUR-In Stanley, ea April 6113, ohm Gilmour, aged 70 years anti 7 CHISm101.1:10:Lhi-2nfruCgohlbournheis„hooihm, slpareldl 62 Years and 2 months. MoDI/OGALa-In Hibbert, on the 7th ot Aprils Mary, beloved wife of Allan MeDougald, aged 47 years, 7 months and days, CLINTON •MARBLE AND - GRANITE WORKS The beat elms, of wak ptocurable hes been manufectured.here for many years past, WE worT cau on yon a week after your bereavement. WE warMakeptecethe vvork to suit WE WILL make the price to suit the . the work. WE WILL give you the choice of the production of Mc, World in design and material, We are the ONLY pra0. tical men In Clinton in our line. Do not, he trtlkeed Into pulteingyour or(r frest,e a u. ing on us, Et. HOOVER, PRO /Irma to Couttliercial AND TINWARE Part of the stook of the estate of Johnson Bros., Seaforth, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Commencing Monday, April 22nd, and con- tinuing until' Saturday. April 27th, EXA.AIINE LIST BELp-vir GRANITEVVAiiE Regular Sale No, 9 -Tea Kettles 1.25 .08 Teapots .40 ,28 .50 ,30 .30 ,24 .15 .12 .25 .19 .30 .22 .85 .25 Pie Plates .12 ,09 .10 .074. .35 .26 .45 .23 Double Cookers 1.00 .72 64 Cups •.10 .05 Dippers Soap Dishes Wash Biteins 66 Meat Platters Mugs . Dish 'Pasts Stew Pans with dovec 14 Sauce Pans lipped 41• Preserving Kettles Pudding Pans 66 Regular ..Sale . .12 ,08 .50 .43 .65 ,53 ..85 .28 .50 ,40 .20 .16 .30 . .2/ .40 .32 .50 .40 .75• 460 .15 ,12 • .M 14 ' .20 ',10 .25 .10 TINWARE Regular Sale Pails .15 ' .12 .20 .113 ' .09 e .14 .11 Strainer Pails .05 ,48 .50 , .35 'Bread Pans withcover. • .60 .46 Milk Strainers .25 . ,15 .20 .13 Teapots .25 .15 Teapots, copper bottom .50 '38 Spice Box sets • .25 15 Oombe Cases .10 .68 Match Safes .10 ' .06 Stew Pans .25 • .15 Pressed 'Milk Pans Wash Bowls Pie Plates Pepper BOXeS Coke Cutters each 4-ga1. Oil Cans each 2 -gel, " " 1440. " " 4 -gal. No. 9 Tea Kettles each No. 0 Boilers Dish Pans fi Is Pudding Pans it • Regular Sale .20 . ,12 .08, .10' & 14 .03 & ,01 • 2 for ,05' • ,,02 ,48 .35, .20 .14 ,68 • 1,48 .35 .04, .06 and We have several lines which. are great Bargains. Best Sarnia White Coal Oil only 156 per gal. HARLAND •BROS. CHEAP - HARDWARE HOUSE. ryvvYtetokA•vtotos kri4.rv*ikitotot.twtivvl M6K1 N.N & CO. 13.t.,-ywnL . I.NEW DRESS GOODS AND SILKS If You are undecided ev.hat to grab for your new spring oa- th oome and get a hint from our Dress Fabrics. You ere . sure to see something here to suit your- fancy. We have it satisfying variety of the fabrics and cloths that fashion leaders and ermart dressers 1)1 13 demanding. These ma- teriais represent worthy qualitiee, very ileinty in design and weave, and eomprising all the correct atnd desirable colors,and remember McKinnon's prices are al wars lowest. • Freoch Poplins,in the arrest popular shades for the season,ineluding black, • navy, brown, cream, etc., 38 to 44 inches wide, at 50c,s60c, 75e, and $1. Black Figined Lustros, very'special at 25c, 85c and 50c. Black Plirin Lustre's, 36 to -44 inches wide, floe glossy finish, at. 20e, 25c, 40c, 50e and 75c. . , English ()Overt Suitings in colors of grey, fawn, brown and castor, very dy for stylish tailored suits, at 75c and $1. • I- .Geririritersistteoadeloth eaten, fine quality and finish, in bleck, and navy, at • 75c, $1 and $1.5d. . . :: Venetian Suttings, 8,11 wool, fine finish, -48 incites wide, in Urals grey, fawn and navy, 75e and $1. , 1 and mixtures, at 00e. e a specialty of higb.class Mourning Goods. Hornespuns, in spring weights, 51 inches wide,'in colors.. We makgrey, new blue., . Japanese Silks, in. all the new shades, pure silk, regular price 35c, for 25e. Black and colored Silk Tatfetta, in a fine range of color, at 75e 41,nd $1. New Silks for Waists,. in atripes and checkssa great snap at 25e. Fitric,v Silks for waists, in the latest designs, at 50c, 75c and $1. PiloKINNON &.008 MYTH. AMAWW •••••••••••••••••••••••Oes••••••••••••••aoessassalsisli1110 • ass BLYTH ! • • S. H. =LEY • • POHULAR CLOTHING STORE • • • • • • • -in* • • • 10..0 I NEW SPRING • • • • • We are showing this season a larger • • • than any season heretofore. • • • We have the very latest shapes and- colors in Stiffs; • • l!'ledoras and Crush. • right prices 'clean I • • • • • • • BLYTH • HATS?: • • variety of hats • • • • • • • • • • Having bought those "goods at • • g c you bargains. • • • •• • • • • : S H GIDLEY • •• so$11001•11411410141104400110•41•411010011/1400 Call and see our Hats.