HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-18, Page 4r,
. . .
I . I . r" I . � I ,q
. 11
. 'O'. 4 I MB �Z,INTON, NEWS-R=ORD . . 111�
- I .- . ________.___ ____ _ � -_ ______ , _! On! - - I _____ - --- - - .1 0 April istu, i9oi �
.. I 11 ''.."', . - I . _.. I... .1.1. I.. _ 11. I .: ; 1 7 1 1 - ,. . I I... I � I . . ..., . oil ___ - _''. _ - 1-11 I �;__ - __ 00 . � � _____ - - -_ I
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C'S TOWNSHIP. ## ---,-- __ ___.__.,___.. _ _ __ , - � , - , �, _ �
,_+**,***##******##,"-*+*#+#,"*#++ 00DERIOU 11AY TO,WNSHIP. ___� __._=,_.__
I The. Mutoft � News -Record, 'On"I - I I --- - - I., I I I—- .
.. - Mr. Dan. oliddon got it [),ad $care oil ELOISE At SKIMINOS GODIBRICH CORRESPONDENT U Ups, Wilson Spent the winter with Th. to nsill!) control) Diet oil Mon� �
_il 'Onday Of la" week the like of - __ ____ - tier daughter, Mrs. Georgi.4 vatficart, 4
;k Toponto. I , P17 :
which he never wants to experience * ' ,I,%(' contract of the sovorill 41111clies !, SPRING �
. CLINTON, APRIT,, Is,T11, Igo, again. They were chopting In the ****#**+*******+***#***+**"***#*###-,$+#*+#*****##** Tile rquial, monthly rueethig of tile of Hay Swamp dralus wtks awarded tit ;
� I woods And ju,st about as t ey had tit(- Mri;. Carlton is bavl her pretty Mr. Fred, Thompson says they had Collegiate Institute Board was beld on C. Q. (larnett of Deloware, Ont., for 1 ,
I --.-- I I � 1. Mr. Gliddon noticed little cottage raised two eet front the a i1eliglitful timo At Lion's Head, they Thursday last, Present, Chairnrall I;% the $nut of $N17-1118 tender being the � . .
Ilia coat in on a stum along the . Jordan, Judge Masson, Sherliv Rey- lowest,
QON$BAVA,T.XV11 line that t e tree seemed I lkely to fial und And will Ilave agood istono had lovely drives over the allow all nolds, John Acheson kind Dr. Vpl, The council pas � sed tile following ' FOOTWEAR . ,*-
CONVENTION" so he called to his boys to take it 9forulIndation built rividet- It. winter which ru%de residing there very Moved by Judge Alapmlr, seconded by i I i
__ . away. While they were doing so it. Idiss Lily Davidson of Elora spent rleasant. Several Goderich,citizons Sherift -Reynolds that .D. WoddarVe resolution : That the council eftso to . 'or tbe past throe niontlis we baye been anticipating our wants for
. , pay for lake gravel And that the clel-k IV
Of . . tile spring and now.we Are ppilay with the most, comp etc
A convention of the Conservatiyes gust of wind caused the tree to breAk 14iti.stertide,with her cousin, Miss Cain- ave located there. Mr. Murdock Me. salary he QW pet, annuut froup Ist of not , IT, a88OrtWeXlt I
.� away and seeing this Mr. Glidden 111119110, . Kenzie's family is one. His dtUrght0t's April, , 1001 --carried. sho ify all Pathillasters alung tile lake Of till kinds of BOOTS and, P311ORS ever shown in Clinvoti. . I
West liuron will be hold tit Carlow on shouted to the boys to burry out A runaway occurred on Friday about are all ararried there, Mr.� Fred. We were glad to learn thtit a Wing. re to Lliateftect, . . �
of the road but one of them, Melville, noon'wbich resulted lit a ruined buggy Thompson -intended. removing his halt), visitor caught oil tile north pier 4 , A deputation waltedon the council : .
Friday, April 20th,,commencing at 2 became confused and instead of run. and it badly wounded colt, Mr. John film!)$, to Owen Sound butchanged lilt' bass Weighing ,'j lbs, No doubt be asking tot, it grant towards the 14, -ter :
Mug out of danger ran into itarld was Hunter drove some short time be. mind and turned homeward. would be its end of his catch as ally cemetery, Tbe triatter was laid over .1 THE CLAins oF OUR STORI� �
. . I
. o'clock V. w., for the purpose of no; fore, from his �4(116, un.th., lake shore,' Mr. 14 iprri Upon your friterests are ulanifold. Tborp isno betterstock . to choosefront
11 caught by the tree about six feet from I , ogan, Britannia Read, intends Whighnip 9 tnight be it tire IfBass" till next meeting of tile cotinell.
the top. When Mr. Gliddon .picked Colljovxie, and had left Urs, Hunter locating in Buffalo, e c4teb. weighed 200 Ills. The tot low! rignecoun ts were ordered . -** I
it candidate to contest the the boy tip he appeared to be dead but 'd The Young Hurons' Baseball Club * to be paid-, J. Welton, bolts for cul.
!Dating , _ and little ebild at the resideace of some Mrs. Captain Dancey .has return ,
riding tot, the Local Legjolaturo� It is in a few minutes be came to but his one on whom slie'lia.d. to call on Now, from bar visit to ber daughtevs At llt.,ld a. ineetil1g. oil Monday ni l; to verto, $1,00; Kolonisb Advertising Wl� BUY AND SELL IVOR CASH , �
. . R. Z. Drain, $1,50, Kolonist . ;
escape was a miracle tot, beyond a few gate street, After which he drove down Sitrilia and Detroit. organize a tearn for the slIth.mer. advertising Hily 8, D, H. and. W. . , I
expected that the election will take bruises he was none the worse for his town in do some businobs and tied the : There were twelve. Agents in tnwn Months, ' John 0allipbell was elected And having bnd it long expetience in the shoe bitshipss we think we
� . .
. I expyrrence, I . bors e bridle, The young ani- last week ill[., we learn, taking orders inatiager, Kenneth McLeod treasorer Bfanfbeti SOUth 5001 Past 1301110110S know, a good hoot when .we see it, and ive never misrepresent, I �
I -, John McCartney. has s Dial e by li�l
place during the month of May. .. was I ightened and breaking loose : for the Life ,and Reign of Queen and Pet-ey'Snell $eorei,apy, T 11 b N6rth 50o,West BranchesNopth,50c;F. in fitet wv gaittrantee eve, y airwe $ell to, Ile its represented.
, , Mi ent the . . � , he 1.8 -k 0ent're Road, $241,10; .p
___ _______ following to tire Porter's Hill Council pair down to the square, keeping Victoria. Practice was on Mondit evening. schtletter, Wol 1 1 Ovir aitir N to anticipate yoro. every reasonable .need. How well we .
I. .. I . . ,of Chosen Friends; To the officers 6tritightou until it g(!t to St. David Air. W. .Tobnston is progressing Born On. April 2n(r, to Rev. and Dr.Carripbell, medical, health officei , .
CENSUS MEN XNSTRUCT-Ul) TO Mid wembars of Porter's Hill Council street where it ratiagainst it tree, favorably,we are bappy to state, I low, expenses re Oetqch's and Deidr� have straceeded in thepast we leavefor vonto'lliflge, .
. Mrs. A. B. MZdrum, St. Paul, U, $I, it erE, If it great, find constantly growing tp;jjle Ile oj�lden" Of nubile appre-
GIVE AWAY 5BOBETS TO No.3MC.O.C.F.: I desire to expre,s People should see th%t the iron gates, Miss Teenic McColl And little sister, ditug,lite.r. a child, $8.50; Oontrnct, Record ciation We Are amply satisfi-ed with your returns for the offorts made in I .
THEIR PARTY BOSSIW. to you . my sincere tbitnks fur the belonging 'to those pipe fences would Ilildred, returned on luesday Week blos. W. $tnith and children ofFort notice tot, tenders, H. and W. Smith ; your'behalf, We;& too linsy to gi've any (Inotaf ions 'for this week, I I
prompt paymerib of $10.01) insurance either inside. or else be closed tit from spending their B aster, holidays, William are guests this morithof bira. do, ]'cast Branch North. I �
. I . Opel, I ,H '-. W *` - but we have snare specialbargains for S.-ttu day which' it will'pay you
callille( night Illid not leave them standing with relatives itt Wingban). ': 8 L $2.50; J. White &Son, print- � . r
In concluding lit speech .in the * I by ruy late son, Thomas H. I . Sinitlit's parents, Mi,. And .Mrs. Robert to Investigate, I . � I
" t on col MeCartn�y, In your noble order and for across the sidewalk for some passerby Me,;srs. P. and Michael Farr have Or�p. . 1n,a 1900, $4 ; Renry Lipphaidt, assess, � I . � I I
Le gb ruption . ol� � .
gislatureFridayniti,tncy so to strike upon. . returned front Detroit,. We learn. that. Mr salary, $01,50; Tp. Clerk, part � � .
elect.ious, Mr. W the kind expression of.sympath pass, Harry Thompson has gone to
vang A" _ y I ' d accepied a Me. M, Farr will. be wine he t of th ,%lit zo ry,, $40; 1jenry Parke, work 0. R. -- . I
at . Mr. Saw. Ourran Ira s 6 X ina stila The Old Reliable
surprise ljy producing a copy of a ed -by resolution of the Council. I , nd but now hits it Union hotel, the building bavi bee 0. t Mrs; , Thompson and $1, � I. . .
wisliv ty and stiveeM er arij at, -Xv. and Mrs,
ch-cular which had been sent out in Mlvyo"r ordes, prosper! c.ottltlou in Cleveli ng 11 little dailgh . . -in oil Uon- � I
thouss,nds to censusentimerators a4 ,, and Mrs. lRemp,of Mitchell have or position in London. Mrs. Cur- sold to, a relative of his, Opt'$., , . - The council will rrjeot again oil ,j
been visitingaround Porter's Hill. ran isat the residerice of her. patent$, Up. and Ales. Alex. Scrinigeour of 0aptain A. E, McGregor hits com- day, the Oth (lay of M my, at I o'clock
. � I I 1p
over the province, directing them to Missmaggie 0oxi has been yisiting Mr, hild Mrs, AlgieI . Dungannon spent Baster week the marld of the steamer Deliver this sea, pi.m. � . __. , , I W. TAYLOIn - & SON
fill out certain forms stating the her friend,Miss Minnie Lobb. Mrs. J. Ralph is, we learn so'far guests.of (heir son, Mr. John Scrini- son. 0aptain Rd.'Isa son- of Oaptain I I . . . . . I
I I I .
politics And religion of, every male I recovered artev hot, serions attack of ge ' d A. MUT-Ifty McGregor of the I Govern. , . I
- 10 in their ridings and forward . Mr. John Potter of Newark wits w ber r - Mr, Scrl�wgeour left Sentlan * . 1. ____ --.---- ,
over I Visiting friends around the ji ill 111st, lit grippe and heart. failure as to Ile able n ayoung man to try his fortune I . Oash rnd One Price I
I niant Survey stearner Bayfield. Two . I I I
this record to the. Liberal member or week. I . to takedailv Walks, in Australia where he undertook staun,ch.c.,-aptains Are they. I . � . To cure a. cold In. one'day I Butter, And ,Eggs taken as Cash, � I i
defeated candidate in the riding. This MissV.ert� Wiggins is visiting rela- mining.. Ile says- that tit (lie mine Birth -On Saturday, l3th Apri I 1, to . . . . . .. . �. . . . . �. . I -
information it wits propmed .to rise, Mr, Herb. Moore'of Mitchell has Li d friondsat De.Wlt. � . where he afid Ills partners Take Laxative fro no Quinine Till) I - I 1. . � . � . I .
said Mr. Whittray, in the coming been engaged by Mr. W..H, Lobb tot, veB An worked they 1�1r. And Mrs. Percy Andrews, Toronto lets, 'All d . _.,.. I _ W �_ . .� � I I
. . .
- th Months, Mr. Lohb is Mr.Malcolar McLean has quite re- had -to sink shafts about 150, feet., the street, a son, . . ruggists refund tire money � I . .
e surnmer I � . . --- .
Ontario, and the next -Dominion . if it hills t6 cure. 25c. E4,, W. Groves ----------- . . - .
general, elections. . doing a. big dairy business and now has covered fro6i a rather serimis ptilnion- gold lying upon the rock. They had - Mrs I 0, Cooper returned to her home signature is on Pitch box -_ , . . .
Mr. Whitney pointed out tbab as sixteell, *cows. aryattack. Ile And lils daughter are to go through. brackish water tot- quite at Toronto oil TLIeSday 21CComparded .. I I '%,-'%,, qks� -"W-ft, -%Vqw -%W.W,",,ftI, -ft.-%,,-ft~ft,-%, -jh~%W,ftI,Ab',�1%W1W . I
census enumerators were swonx - to � Mr Andrew Courtice preached in ..tire gtiests of Mrb. Bedford,- - a distance and many a thijo fie gave 25 by her ine-ce, Miss Georgina Grarit.aud ____!!_.. _ - I . . . . . I - .
secrecy, this was a' direct inducemOnt. Ebenezer charch last Sunday owing to -We bavv been. infoviiied that.' Mr. cents for a drink of good water. Mr. hot' nephews, Messrs. Joho and Fran- . '- --'--- �`7 . - � I --. , . I 1 $ .. .
Dan, Afelvor, for miany years in tire Scritilgeoul, is a very plea'ant gentle- cis C . . � THE � I I . . �
, I I
almost a command to them, to perjure lhelllnesso�Rev,Mt.Greene, . XV411t 'of 0allilingtorl I � I 'O . - - . 1. �
, ' .
Mr. W. HI Lobb; finds no difliculty at Present Oc' ' .
� store cupied by N. G. nian 4nd could give some of our . I
themselves, Themk)ment they com- , Ilong. . Mr. Herbert Robertson is taking a . I . .. � I .
in selline, Meloito Sepavators (lilt is Oct, has accepted a luen(tive inagazitle ,writers it great,deal (if inibr- few Weeks rocreation at his home here,; LYCEUM OPEPA COMPANY I �
plied with the request- they would be Ation in Boffalu. Mi. And Mrs. Mb. mation oil gold digging lit Atisti,ttlia.- I
rjury. -: kept busy ptitting them in place - tot, or wovld� be much - inissed it they, Hb retorried to Scotland later and then It E nginciev Kelly of tire Avaterworks . . . which will appear [it the � I
, ,ernier, in response. admitted urchasers. Among those who have . as Ptu chitsed Tru it M r.' Cautelon. ajot. . .
guilty of pe * I'll' I 0
.. Tire pt leave our town. , , .. , make his O,, L,glithoutie st'rect between tile new � .. - . ...
- fathered Cought Melottes from him during the thought he would try to i . . . 0. I
, ,
thatthe Liberal party had 3 asb few weeks are*.the following: We are soppy to learn of the serious fortune in Oanada which, we tvilst, lie brick re8i(1000 Of H. NelivtOU itn(I the Opera Rome, Goderlob, . . . �
these circulars, and made light of tire allies r.Corniidi, Tyndall B illness of Miss Ann Donogh. - .. . bas succeeded in doing. . h I �d by 11. Videan. . . I I .
matter. It did not appear it conspir- . ros. and Ouse now ocqupt( Monday even! gi Ap 122, . �,
. 6 Fisher, -bootning along. - -ey Holt is spending Ilia -. Rice appived -()o I D Apri
acy against the public weal hi his eyes. Albert Vorlden, Hulilett,- Auto J. T. Goldthorpe is Mauter Geofft Mi ft i Mr. Zeke . � . �
. . Colborne ; Thos.Cole, Goderi0 town4 He launched it raft of logs tit the Easter vacation with * his PaVelltS, Sinit'll's Missouri' ranch on,.Saturd Includ6s tbo followilig,well-ki'lown artistes in - . I.,
, . I -
- . to. . 'by Mri - . orich, "Hog,'s�Back" ,on Wednesday but- a Barrister and Mrs. Holt, 0 y the theatrical and ttoorAtin world: Mim Fier - . , - . I . � . '
jbip; ObitrlesLaytonand Jo& . eoffripy and took back to Missouri oil .Mond. y 'Once Glover, prinia,dontia: miss Mand Hamil .
The circular 'referred k young,, West snag, broke it tip before it rea,ched, Salt- holidays .tire of ahout one. nlontli:: oorne of o4vRifte stock for'the pane , ' � I
Whitney,— Which tho c I ensus enum. Tile eramith , John I . L , ton, contralto; Edmund b, AfeCrinnisli, tenor; � . B I Gic .
erators have been ordered -to fill for Wawanosh .. ford and -the logs weve beatched All duration.-,. He, atteDas Queen's Urii- Died -On Sunday, 116 2 0. m.,Willia n Frank J, Smith, barltono;'Massrn, Edgar leta. 1. � LES ,. I -.6 i GYG L.E 8 ..,
. -Mr.' -William Perdue Irtis moved his alatigthe ri'ver. , . .. I yersity.. - - - - � � . I . I T. Kieley, .� velle and Freddie Lit Flanime, coniedialls, � - .. � . . I � - ..
the political use of the Liberal organ i.l. family Iiiiek from their. hou The reason why the Maitland 'River Miss Thompson,tetti,her in the Bet lin I We-triet Mastep Willie * . Miss Finrence Glovol* the pelina-donna, be-, __.______�____._____ _ .
zatiou, is an.interer Y docutnent,faild - ' se at the 11 ' Weise with a forejoining this orgiitn(katton wa& connected . ,, . . ' .. . ... _ . I . . . . �
. .
inany people wish to see it. It is ell- - ikO With tile Castle Square opera 0o, at SL Louis, . FOR SALE OR RwIF"N"I". I I I I
iting . 8 Navigatlio . t
aw -mill to. the homestead where they t.irne its Ila Co. coilld not -makp. its f at Kindergarten school, spent tier vaca- safflingfaceoriMonday.a.m. He.h . .
ce. , - Missofirl, at whidi she was a prime � .
n' will remain until after seeding. ,Mrs.. ey did last year Will not, we tion at her parents'residen . . quitea nice string of perch which lie .favorite. . - '. .
I . I Site to a Toronto girl and upon Die APIjearanco . . I . I 4- . , I.
.dorsed on the fold as.if it were a. _7 Perdue, we are glad to lie 'able to say, think, help the Maitland Powev'Oo. - Mrs, Clifton returned I; ht tit the dock.. ' * . of t1ko - resent company at the GrMid. ( era . . .. I I . I I . .. . I . , , I I .
OfflClftl paper appertaining to the cen- much in tile anxiety of that body to Toronto atter I spending - a month.with The public lit �, U I . . , . ' 4 I
has nettrly recovered1voin the effects of ,, ust, feel grateful to House, 'oronto,lastNovernborsbe receive at) Havibg bought out, ther w1iole stoek 'of - . I
sus. The endorsement reado-thus' blood Ithruess!!-the Maitland. --H'dpWs the, her triother, Mrs. Joseph Wilson;. who Harry Videan, wanager:of tile Victoria ovation highly. hatterjoa from that musically . � ' . . � . �
- I and is in lar e -type: . . 41 poisoning from which she suffer. di ' in secur.. � ..: . . L
I DOMRION OF CANADA. edsoseyerelyforoome weeks Wben. reason given by it local reporter I "The hits just recovered f porn a severe atthek 011'ei,tt House, for gotecee( ing i conservative and eritical city. . . I bicycles f vom A,. T, Cooper, (14 wheols,) . , I �
I time wits not as fast as .that; made by of lit grip e. I . 7 . ' � � miss Alaudo Hamilton, formerly of "Tile . . � . � . . . . ... �. , �
I . . ,. -rise tile Lyceirty, Prisoner of Zonda " company, is also a prime " . R � . - I I. .
Province.of Ontario. tile . s6ed has been put in, Mr.' Pordue � Ing tit great exile, . I I I . I X & D. . . .., $- . "
1. . 196 goes back to the millfigain 'where hii the fleet last 'year (Good F riday) ,but : Mr. ang' Mrs.. Gqorge . Nle ilBoh . have Opera.Couipauy, of New York ivhQ favoriteadd,welldeservin ofthoposition she .. 3 WOLVERINES . L . . . . . . .
... ; .... � ....... I the slow tin 0 tfi� . . I 110I Sill thocAtimadoll , .1 . I � . , ; 9 E. Z.., .. , . .0
will be busy for Weeks peeling bark And to Was not the fault f returned fi orn their. witit' X � . . .
. er's visit with Will appear�*iri Ahe celebrated comic of. t leatre-gollig people., 2 OLE b I .. . .
I MALE . E , -Ile bought a max6, on �- TLIeS- I oggish stream andlow relatiyes tit Pickford, Mich, . "Said Pasha," � - We -hope our Up. 14' ,d - F. McCrumish. tile tenor, late of N, , , 2 GF YIWLA DS, one *Ith'coaster. rake, , . .
R SIDENTS. sawing. . boatq.but of sl I opexii. I Y.C. and of The AildroM,Wakofloldand J�ack. I . . . . 9 � � . . .. ... 2 CRESENTS .-. . . �. .1. I
11 I , - I
10 years of age or Over. Is -.Pit Wils, t 'ton readers' will make arrange, ard Opera COMPftntotl, will, not require furtlict : : . .. .. 11 �� I I I . �, I I .
I ' . I : , day. from Mr, George T,av, of Clinton water," .Sluggish stream and 'low , Mrs. Jos( ,)n, Who spent fie Clin . * . .. . I., � .1.
Polling Sub -Div. No .............. '... t. 0. winspritig-forsooth, what -would Alinter oil the farm of tier . sort, Mr, iii,ents-with the G.�T. R. to.attend. . mention as lie Is too well itnoNvif "lit the profes. o All of these we intend to run off tit a low ma'rgin to inake room for- :- .
municipality of_ ..-..,-::1.::: to mplace the ode he lost a ti I 119 . WatE Sion and %v* will let 111.3 reputation and %York . I
. ...:.: At prices the loss of a ML it lie in automer? and'Alack and itlas George Wilson- who wits tit the- Weill- Thii.annuat ve � new ones.., Anyone in need oIa bicycle *ohld save trior,ipy by boyl .
Electoral Distrlc6-of ... ...... . . . . � horse, is . . I stry weeting of St. speak for itself. Sufflolont it is to sak that .he ing. . . I . I
Per. . no =-Iiatter. . . what in winter ? The names of Oa' one of these. All kinds of repairs kept'for bicycles, wheels, cleaned and ,
. . p- gan,8aultall winter, hits, returned .to George's church wits lr�ld on Easter Nvillboremqmberodb�an 9fooirtownspeoplo � . 1
. . �
. ' Lindsay of the -Huron I I ,,O tie, the past Summer � . , I I
p. O":-- ................. � "" .' * "' Mr. Sohn. tain Platt's crew this year - were : B. D. her residon0 in town. Monday., Quite it number,,of the who wore at Clevolan rl repaired. - New . tires $6. 00 -to $10,00,, .Wit work guAranteed. *
. . -
.... I ...................... � .... Road,wbo had,quite a siege with blood . Grailt, Harry Rutson, Grant 0 *opelp"., Mr& J. J. Mcillatti and little soni younger members of bit. George's at, .as bavifigbeen connected with hI8 own com. � � . . . I .. . . I . . � . . .
Tr ...... ........ I.... ... t. w...,.. Frea, Shannon, James M;wson,- 0 � paly at. Utielid Beach Park; the calibre of hiq, , � � � , . . ,
. ... ", I poisbriing is lwP�oving rapidly- but �Henrl 'VWted e4r. and'Mrs. Charl�s Crabb of tended. . After prayer and'W6 reading I BLACKSMITH AND,MACHINE SHOF\ I .
P. O... . , Jordan, Fred, Shephard, . Ch . . ,or lanization at. that place, "Huf-Ing a repotitlini . � I . I � I 11 . . . , . . 1.
� will always carry about a, souvirfeer of arlea Me- Seaforth after t,heir visit to, Brantro4d of'the -ininutes Rev. Mark Turnbull of Ii.,; w-eadtit'ven Air . ., - % � . I . I
. t 0 I � I . I I . .
� V� � ;
Two c' bp'i *e s ' t* o' ' ' be' - �p- r. e. p.'a'rle-d ... by.' .t'b. .6 . 1. gaw and George Allan. The boats aud'have rerorned to, there holne_ .. . read his anijual repot I � - ill cort'ne6, ith saig . I I
his sicknesss and"narrow escape. - -t which.wag illoSb Frank J. Smith; baritone of the col?1pan !on wil , e we at,e pi�epared to do till kinds.,of work, .1
entleman.so chosen for each sub. . were new. red, white and Ill e. . P0.980S.00.4 It rich baritono v * b rz' l,cit-se,shoeingaiid.gen6i;,If.i,ep�tiOlug. All th� plow points ifti(f repair I a $ .
Tvision and sent to the Liberal' cano Mr. Jolfn Yep, has ptirchased lots. 30. u call. Tire Mvles will Nave' this povt. tot, satisractory, tire. work of tire church olve, eautiftil I . � .. I . .
I - - , -Mi tstin. Platt - (1. S;) and two or three Kin :01T,on Saturday ' with 30,000' being favorably commented up(in by quality, avid a treat 1011E to be remembered. _j, kept by.Mr. Tedford we still keep in .stock.. Points and repairs for the 0 . 1, ... I
didate in the last provincial election,. and 31 on .9th cnneession, part of - - r I . ' Mossils. Plavellb and a Flamme. t'io former. _ . � .. . .1 . . .. I . .1
or candidate now nomitiateil. - f 611 the Cook's farm, Th is, sale iias peported ,others gotArntrie,rsed but other than: hot ge of whet t. - � I '. I . hill'i, , Tire Rev, gentleman spoke iii of London, England, It-bere he ba -a alet,witli I . I . .. I . . . .0. ., . .
I tbat..tl;�y bad aljolly, sail, Auburn Miss. Burr ' . Tedford Plo*,gang're rs, . �. Fleury No. 13 M
. . . e a hitch in the . ows. spent,': ber, Ewtst6r- Iii,gli tevills' .of tire present and past great success, as Ills press testiniontabT �Vlll at- 1. pal 1 : - . . I . , 10,,21 , I � . I .1.
next provincial election I . atrarigetrients..but.an otifoider lookning ,Wits the 6eitporti. ' . I .. I I . ftcation at.Ayr. .. I I � . �, , test. are a coal!, of doniedianti rarely to be met Miller and Tedford Plow` .. . .. . . I . Sylvester NO . I
Be , . � . . . .. . superintendent of, the 8, S;, also -of the �lfitii- ' Theirinterpretation of-tho sItirdriong. in . I . I . . � , . � '�
. T he bedule which is tobe fillod u , , , I Tedford No'6 - - .. . . .. .. . 11ill's pstey0, Old No. -it,) .� ... I . . -
, . . I . I ...
, i the 'up as a pure consuni. Sortf,ii one reading.t1lb ,Goderich corw Mr, Angus Macdonald has 16f t � fOr staff A'd t ,e S's -chestra thoopera, raub;Vo them, and the ,orighutI , - , R . �' 11 �
by the enunierator calls for . f,p haser. Mr. Yeo. , . eachers and Lb .01 .. Walk , 7., d4d.?A and 2 furkow* plow . .' - :". - ,i, . . $ *.. .
matdd the xleal. Mr, Martin .Squiie oii6nqe in last w.6ek's issue Of Tiln M-allitowanjilk-Ari- take, -&�-posltiou* on seipvicei. The . �nson ,Q I` . . . I
-nation: - .� . Easter $I S.. .collection ideas intemolate bythem, are. comical In tile . I I � . . I ., . . I. .. .. . . I - : , :.
lowint infort - ; 1. . . . . I � Oxttlemcai)d It will be some -timb before tie . I . . � . .. . . . I I I I., . 11 . . . I . , .; t _�, .�.
, - � ' has leased the 'Cook homestead. A, 31'Z�,S-RITCGRD said ."It. nearly- took the Steamer Folsam'. , . . I aniounted to over $12.. He. also con. . 1 . . . � .. . � . . . . .. . � .
NAM RESIDENT Surname. . .. I andience attending this Production- will forgelt . I . .. . .. . ... I . .:. ,.: , .
. � OF sale of the implements; stock' etc. will my breath away'it was'so newsy."- . Messrs. Oliver Rhynas and- Rob(�rt gratulated and thanked the Senlor.afid' their 1110rr,V. and luilicrousanties. I . . . I . . . � . I .
Christian name (be careful to give be- held on Saturday, April 27tb,, -W. C would ha � .. . L I . I . .. , S E E'L E.Y. &- TURNER . I . I I.: . I
. - . . . . . . .. . 1be � 1. T. U.. . ve been Jones, ba�e gon - e. to'the Soo. . Junior, Uovilds Mid Seolor and JIlDi't)r . The remainder of the caste and company I are L . � �' . .. .. � .. . . I - . I . . . . .. .. �
nam� ot each lot of each male, person , . . 1. . I I I I mortified bad they seen oil Go6d Friday : Miss Rdith Xackity spent her Easter AuxiliarieB,. The firrancial statements hi Strict kecping,�both artistically and nitti, cal. . 1, .. .. . I I . . �
who is 18 years or over.) ' . .--- : .' - - -who a,ppeared to be no. older. 'hol'idays in Olinton. .. . . ly. with tho,members above mentl6ned . Tedford's old. Stand . i ,. . � ... Rattenbury�'Street . ..
.. I . . little boys - - ending 81st' Alarcti;. 1901, . The Production will be itif-artistic trwat.,Iong : . ... . . ... I . . ..
I . I � . . I . I . tor the'y6ar I' , . . : . I . I . . �
POLITICS, - that ten years paralyzed'NOith liquor. Mr. R� J.- and Mrs. Rutledge of � were then'read. It. showed receipts tot. � I
DATE OF Bl�iTH. : � - ,.' MOLMESVILLE. I tobGi'4LUicibborediii0odai,ichatid thoiw who ;%.� mb-'�-%-16, -ft,qb, ,Ift�'%,141W fte,ft.Ift-I,W.-%,,W,%,,W%mm,,%.,%vl%�4'b,%Ik�-
. . � . , ,
. . � I
� Montb, Day, � 11 .. - I . I . �� . �. I . I Thirs knowledge has'eiiine .to us front ; Detrpit spent Easter in' town, the . $2675.58. And expendituees - .$276,4130, nlis� Seeing it cati Consider it a'. loss to'thein. . . . . � . . �. . � . . . :1 . - I 11
I . � � , - . 11 . .. I . . I
. Year. - - , � , different sources, � 'Two of them wan,- (,.guests of 0 �elvesAvlilcli)villbonsodrCoofrogrret... , : . . I . I . . .
.NO. OF LOT OR HOV i. CONCES. Miss 'bleta, Ford .of CIintoq.'spcnt, Caplto�. ..H�..R?tledge's'm ther, Mrs., leaviiigan"overdraft of $88..72.. In tile . . . I . . . . . ,. . .. .11 . . .
BT. � % *the derod into a yard:antl lay there. . . . .. . I ., . .. .1 - . .. . I . . 1. :: . .., . . � �. I
I .
I I .. . . � . . .1 .. . . . ; . .
. SION, .OR STRE, I va�cation With her slater*Miss Lela I � . I. . . , expendftur�.� .there is an itern.-of $71 40 . . . . uslawAss.sol ,I I I . I �. I . '. . .
F ord tit E.Rumball's, - - - - * '" . is � d' " I . , ,.,
.. . .
� I
POST -OFFICE' ADDRESS. � . . Captain Walter Colwell of PoA liop6 I - Mr. Ed*. Hopper of * Buffalo visited. for'intepesb and ovet dratt from East�r, - . .. ". . sprutg .me wine I- ". . . L
returned it weekago, to glet the Katah- his pariin'ts Easter week. . , . . 1000, --leaVitig it- deficit. of $17.82 for `1 1. . I . . . . I . . I . . .. . .. I . .... . I . . L � .. I ; .
'NATIONALITY. . ' I 'Mr."Kends.11 of London sperit Easter the past year.: The disbursements -1 . I . - __� -1, .... ... �.,. I . ..'' . .
. Mrs. Young of' Aylmer vi�lted Mrs . .
REL L IGIOUS DENOMINATION AN . ID Ladd. ,. L � . . I : . din fitted tip foe the. season's tt ade in . 111111 . , .
. Mn Goo. McCartney. . tile lumbor shippip, � . Sunday with his i I'vda, . the NlisS64� hq%t6ver, include,$168 for interest -ana * Sfamped S ", I . . . I . . . .
. ILCHURCH. . I and Miss Tillie 9. I -elati. 11 &sort I offily , P L I I . . . . ,- . I I ... . I .. I
� RE MARKS. I ; McCartney spent Sunday Wit li f riends - Kir,.. J61in Baker lef 6, on . Saturday ; Roukvio.�,' . . �. � L. 1 .$200 oil principal of wortgitgo debt and- . rorl'aueywork, Quoits, sets; . . . . I . . � - , I . . . � . . . . .. .. . : . ,
. � . at Wile.' I . . " .ed I Mr. Malcolm' McLean' is having. his these,payorients red6ce the lien on. the - b t . We cau�.a kull full. line of alUthe le'ading � - . . I . .
. � . : mopping for his boat which winter Othi'oni,.to. Eachatstaped.1th, - L . I
. .
. . . . - - .. , . M�. Gode at Orion ago. L . . I . I . . residence paised and placed n . a stooeTchtirch. pt I ,operty to $3000, ,i rgilbetion A neat"and graceful design to be � . . � . I . . . .
- � . .Lenus,.Yoe. ok. ,rich 0. 1. d f ' r 0 Worked in slik. 10 Cent* L . . . . - �
Inspectol-Toin mustjeel iInite pro.11' foundation ,,()me feet fdfther� 1) Lack, - tit a thousivnii ill thre - vnetrairet, postpaid. or at s - : hild pqpular �prillg medicines :ilicludiiig,' . . I . I
. I . , ,; top I . � . I . ... . . .. .1 I
. I TRIAL. - parental .0 - the .at ..on "! he . . . . I . . ,
APREACHER 01 spehC the vacatio'n under the L e -years, George . 5, or t � . I .L L ' I..
. . L � of the houOrAlest6wed . upon hini by , Front the 8 t. Louis Post -Dispatch of -)'(�� -ap- 0 -_ .
.. I . . I -roof. . ' ill Y ISS'llo L I -ter and � Pbili.�) 11olt, .were ie -_ F,.ff I 111 r otbor,-, '. 9 , , . I .. I L' *
. I , "The farmers Are busy seeding. the Mail tind Empires; the d it I ' the i�stle' bf '7th April we were vevy pointed as Rector s and People's War- ..... ... - - !.Zj.,?_.. .... - . Hood s Sarsapatill' . .11 Ayerl's sarsaparilla , . .
The Court of Appeal of the Me*fbO. Mr�, Fred, FordL wears a broad' Sallie of Appil loth havi'rig the following note pleased to note that- Miss Relcii FrH n- den, respectively.' The sidesuren * P .., . L I a,' ' . . . I L
dist Church met on Friday: )as * in the Colt) llp' free withoveryn4ekago ,&ddress . . . .�, I . . - , ., ..
t. in mns devoted .to: L the 'Ed uca- q . . . I I Burdock B1 o d Bitter!�, etc.L , - I . .. .
Toronto. Among.the these days, . it's it girl. � .� I I ,is Gibson, d,,kught er of Mr. George G. pointed,were, Ij.: TAlurray, J. -S. Platt'. - . , .1 . . . . .. . . . 1. I .0 . I . .
cases was Mr. I tlo')WS Lit'.' cori'vention, Inspector's Gibs , miss N, . . L .. I . . . . . .
Justice Williallis, charge against. Re�, .On Sunday morning Mr. *Lough of on of that city, .'graduated LWit J] 'J.M.'Shephard, � F. F. lawilexice; .H. �. . I WETHERAL, I Atiburn ; ... . . . . . L I . I . .
. . . I . I . . . . ... I . ... ,. I I I. .11" %
. . L 11 I . . . ,. . . ..
I Clinton e - t :Mpthodiit I 11 Th.6 chief ps,per in this. -gteiit hona'r' at the: recent.. medical Newton, 8.1NI(N.Lloyd, Jos.*Salkeld. ___,____.___�111_. :__� . .
reached In he department : I 1. _:__ . I . ;�. . . . ; .:.,. . 1. I.. . .
W. W. Biter, formerly of G04epich ' F L . I . . , . RP -0 -RF4'PKIE I . . ..
church. In the evening Rev. W,, A department iv6s that of Inspector Tom exams AtL the Athericarl .,Medical - Col.. . Jordan, W. D, Tye, D. J. Naftpl -and . . � .. . . � . , . . LAU I L, L . .
i � . .. ' ' - . .. . I I I . I . .. . 1. I �
township but .tjow-a member,f the " . criticizing the authorized speller, - The � legei Miss C. M. L. Auiiselt* and Miss Me. Hosken. �.The financial statenient, ' LL $uocessor -to' . .1 . PR'8SC)R'EPTLjON DRUG STORE, ,
British Columbia Cent ' Gifford,,of Clinton preached a ,ver� I . . . I
I . . . . 1 I . . i .. I . . L '
erenco, of Usin . I I 'o )tit spelling book,' Inspector Tom'. Gibson, were the on-ly.two lady grAd u- * bl!Ipg 'read. and discussed J. Ades . Sydney J�L�okarin' L "! I . Minton , - .
tobacco in defiance of the' rules ,If .good sermon', . I ,wits inferiaru thitt issued in 1868, . , .SMUT .'. L .. . .... - - I . 11 IL I ..
1 M16.0. W. Thompson And. Ma' * 'held ' ates. ' The Post -Despatch adds' that riowier, . R. S; Williams, ' 0. Wid- . I - . L . -1 . . � . . . . �.. : . I I . 11 .. I .. . o I ...... I - .
. .
the Genaral Conference, Some' 7aars Fred. of L Clinion,spe step 'Tile . chief objeetlons� Were that the -these two, lady gradiiateS Lbpld . dorazid W. Proudfoot � w . ... . . .1 . . .. 1. , N.13.�W`e CAllipeeial attention to-6.ar ovvn compniltia., ri.xvi. a- -of .Sapaw. ... I 4 .
fall, . . tit SupdayL jit the L ' I t ejaSs 'ail ex... ere Appointed .1 . . I . . S � 'it 1� I .
ago Rev. Mr.Baer bad a verybad . . I . neia,tioll Waq Cellen *record and .thro . I ParillIt. *hichasa, blood puriflqr,and sp . - I � . . ; .
which resulted in such. a severa shock parsonage. - I L . .1 . I q pronu not indicated, in n�hodt. it committee to devise and i-eport 0!1 -a .. . I � ritig-diediaine-is Al. L I 11, Li .
McOartney, 10 the he'-enbipgoinerit and hnw . . . 1. I . I I . 11 . I L . . . .
I I . . 1. I . I . I .. .
. ____ . _ I I L r
Mrs. John guest of, part 11 and followinir parts, tire Words 1he .course - displayed great medical' scheirre for t 0N.0ATS .--. ____r-__. ,
to his nervous system that hei7agicom. her sister, Mrs.. Goo I Cantelon of 'the, ,werapUb down tit' haphazard, the skill.* Had the lato Captain Gribson. pi-ovemerit of the Sundity.School and � I . I LL I . I � . . . ___.____� . �__--____ I _______!�__*.1 ,
. .
pelled to rise opiates' for. insomnia. 7th . . I , L treatment 'of Verbal �dlsti -ed lie would have been' yory. also for r6med�big theacou.citic defec . ts �, , . . . �. I. . I . . .1 I . . , * 1. . I., . .. .1 .
� . con, . L' 6� xictious wits been spat . . .. .. . I I. � I . L 1. 040 �'.
Opium wits substitilted. The Case Was ineerior to thai. of theLold book, � After proud of' his clever grand-datt'gil tot,, .. of the-chutwth., L adie$ arenow al . I . . I . .. . . .. . �'. . . � see**" . i
L MiS$eS . . . I . � . I ... I . I . a .
' ,
-O.Speer,who wasai last Friday with M4r S. Holmes. . full discus4iort. the inatter'was referred The M�innic and - ' I T' 0 , � , � , - . a �,
first heard by Rev.J Mrs. W. Holmes of deilch spent,. lowed I
R velyn t6*vote' at ves meetings. - Philip reat your S6ed OAts 'with- �: ' . I
-time chairman of Victoria district. . . uittee, composed Of -Mei�T?S' Craigie have, rettirned frot Spending Holt aildW. L. liott wbre appoint- L - . .. a , � ' ' � - I ' .
one L I to a I .1 n IT, I , . 0 . L q.L. . . :
He decided thato owing to it tectin"Al-i department to I their R I ri orin-�Idehycle'solutio'll, . ... 2 � I
ity, the law. did not affect Air, B hi�shop. 1tj;IT,b,Lcycje om, Robb and Irwin." -� aster vacation - At *Str, tFord. edtorOpi-esentth6congteg,ktionitt6h-e I . , '3 �
Our blacksmith has 'added a ,tie* T co"If - -P
. . " , rod, - Votes .of thanks were given . .. . . , . , 0 . .
-r, he 6 -Captain Malcolm -Dr. Mabee spent H astertiole at Vic- �L . - 9 -
ae re�air shop' And he calls it n6 . 11 ra. . Macdonald', teria, his botrie.. I . . I 'L . ..LL. . ,� . I .1 . 0 jAC ..S.. . I . Jj �
sed to hear the -ca8e- - Bicycle, Re , gave x party on Tlitit-sday evdning in ! Sy, .16 . . . . . . . 40 *1
t ioN
and he refu KS i GREAT &LE
SL . I , . the different.chruch workers. I . . ... . .1 . �, 11 0. .. .. . . . . . I . _. ".. .L .1 �19 I ..,
itish 'success in t is. tre�v feat honoroffierAonAngas whowa leav- .'Miss Lultl Robinson is s . . q s .. �,
President Whittington, of the Bri ,t,air Shop.�' We wish him
, Ore. , ,,, � I , . I pending her Mr$. Maynes hits sold her cottage or) , � , I . * � . . .. ,
L, Manitowanidg. Abotit forty Raster holidays here _ VICtoria
Mr. Lewis Proctor has a M ing for T I at tile I;Iaqt -street to*, A. P. McLean. MISS I I I ,. I : " I I
Columbia Conference* upheld, the L . are that . It has been piov'ed by, ex- I - - .. .1 � .. .. .
_ .. .
decision, so Mr. Williams, appealed to , guests,spentarnost deligbtfuleveniug street paesonage� - She hits quite -P& Ilaynes ha& left foi(Toronto., .' '. `., . ' . OF C'LOT.H1NG:GOE.S ONil � " - ' ' - .
the court,. wirichilecided that a proper gave .birth to two foals' last week . . 1�erfi-xieiit that if oats: am :.. . L.. "'' ' � . 1. a L
both livin , I with inosic and song. . . ;covered frombey'recent indis Mrs. 0arlton li" given Messrs. Lee - �ippe�j L ,for: fi , 11iinUteS L . I . . . L . 81'. L " . ..'.. ..,.. ..18 . ..
ave been given, Mr. G, aller was en ged with M' .1 Mr. and Mrs. . Campbell, who* have � Miss, Annie Driver is _ : I , This week L We will comnienceL to 10. .1
hearing should b, , � Ond doing well. position. '' I
. . r. the guest of and $hopbard it $160 order to have her L Ve . . I 1. . I . I I 1. L aughter..: I 0 .
. . ' orn agricultural life near -the, hep*sister, Mrs. 0. Andrews, fiettfoi-th. plumbing and.,other work L done this . ,tit., ' ' : I - � .. � - '4 . I L I L . I . I . L L . . . .�
_.,____._2==_ . R. McCartney last weet I I retired ft . I ill as.0 oil 'of - rio-maialo. : I . . I . . .1 . . I 1.0 I
.1 . � L I ' I I ' . I 1. I 0
. n
N Nile, hAv(4 taken the residence lately At Victoria stvii6t church 'on Sund,ky season, Mrs. Carltoft meano to stay '
UURON REGIMENT -BAD The Cantelon. and Mcoartnev hay . . . . -, .
PEI occupied by Mir W, Long who,.has evening Rev., J;L W; Robinson, � � dehytle. iii. the, piloportion I - a . .0 I I
resseraliave beep in the ilefghbov- . briming attiongris, � L ... . . * . GVERSORTS., ,009TS' 9 . VESTS,' :aRft , PONTS : . L
L I a , . . " � .. - . ..
The Gazette of Saturday last con, Eood the past; week ilig bay. gone to Hamilton. an Enster Sundaj evening concluded Rev. J. W. Robfnson Said Lon Sun- . of 44 oz - 10 hillierial I . I I. . . . . . L .
L . . . . ., to 11 a .. . .. L .. . . . .L I 0. - .
at's, J. E, Bla proll"' and W, S. in the, course of his,aermon .. a . . . 0 .
tained the followlng:-The following Ales ,k. Miss LuIr-Robinsori, nurse in traifl7 his subject, "The. Life 'of Joseph," day night . . . I .
LAwt ing'at Victorla'Hospi tit), London, has Felected. The Acts, IX chapter, 3ed and' that much thatisdone for religion will , allons of lVater youl, C110 I . L . L a
badge and motto to be adopted by the .ence succeeded last -week in . I 9 1. I P - . We'ba`ve a 6emepdous stock. I
quite recovered frout liep recent Illness, Ub vetoes, ending iVith.,,Saiii, snul, burn for it is only'wo6d hay, stubble, ' - I , . . I ' . a
organizing it lbouncil of Canildlan , of oat be :
33rd Huron regiment are authorized: consequent Erpon her attendlr)g a fever I . 's Ivill healthy : , . I L . to sell yet at, . plrieeg hever. ' , ..'s I I . .
. A triangular shield. bearing tho In. Orderof Chosen Friends in this vil. . Why P91'sce0test thou M0) He show- ' TheJunior League olf Northstreet . I .. . 11 . . ' . I I . . .0 .
a e. The charter list is a good one patiolit. . ., ed the. great mistake Satil (afterwards Methodist church is in a. most flourish- and free fronj smut.. . 0 '. . i CoUh�y.. . L '... L . I I �
I 8cription, "Huron 33rd Regiment." e'lon I Miss 0�ral Vivian, linme in training called Paul)' made- in his zeal for tjle� ing condition, The Officers are : Presi- - I I 'L I 11 � . , .. equ�alld,d .in , th s I :�:: I I
This shield surrotinded, except on top, and er a membership of fifty will I 0 1 � . I
by a wreath of maple leaves and our. eurolled. he Council was instituted at Victoria Hospitals London, has re. Jewish religion for be wits breathing dent, Rinnia .Bean ; Vice -President, I I . . . . . 1. . I ; . .. L . . 1.0 . I
. turned to her duties.after spending out threatenings and Slallgbter against Ruby Robinsoix; Tre;iistirer. Lucy Hore- L L : This will.be a real 'Bargain,Sale � i � .
mounted by a. man! on Thursday night last and officer ' We lla,vre* Farimil(lehy(lat in o . . I . It. Ivil be- un--: I I
f some weeks itt her home here, the disciples of,the Lord go'great was ney ,, Secretary, Birdle Millian.. � I . I 9 i ecesSary . this advertisernellt'LtS .
8 Arm ' grasp' installed on the 13th. The list 00 to qt,ote prives in I .
Ing an axe, the crest of the County of . I 1b. bottl We-guaranteo . I 0
Huron. Beneath the Weld and Wreath officers is as follows I I . 'Air.. Wyatthas returned from Lon. his zeal, but wbori lie saw, Witti "his I - - - . ei" L � It V ' I . I eyeryo. - 0 .
L . . . -- - -1.7 � tbe tT% :
I L P. C., A. WillAon � .. don I . . L I compHnions,'ttre reat light and heard I e thilir, wit , rked wi ffi, red tickets to 6ox the 6tit we 0* L,
a scroll with motto j%Spem successus A -business mail in town calls our new his 'name he fel prostrateL upon the I I to be 40 per- cetifi - solution, L a . 0 . . I
&lit.,, The lvbole above the word . . O.O.J. Cantelon . wa f . . PORTER'S alLri I . . � - . I . :� in, tend -o Make. L All We ask is far ydu to 6or-e ancl inspect :. .
V. O., L. Tebbutt .. . Iks sandwalks. Jae says granolithic ground and was converted, He felt I - price 715C Pm. 1b,L , . . ' . . . '
Uanada " underneath .Scroll. . Xec� . - . . .9 to satisfy, yourse
__ _ __ - .. � W. Miller L walks are made of cl-ushed stone, that Christ was calli7h him to do good Mr. James. Morgan wheeled to I 6 if,that .this stile will be, One of th i .� a,
--'4.1.-" Tre , -ties McItityie and family,who � . � I
s Mr. Jar r . I . . . I �
. I O, R. Forster I'L on L andnobevil. Rev. r.Robinsonsaid Devil's Lake on V riday evening, 0 . . .L. . . . . 0 .
SUrVIERHIA.L. -PrOlaie'. Mrs, Mulholland- .. ived near the' Unit.land Albert also that be thinks iba0ljrjstjan�sdjjty' Miss Wise of the Saulbis visiting., �.:Hlw 13o COMSE - : . . . I .. ''.., � . I . 0 I
- Marstitill, Ai McOartndy- . � . Street$ have left tLown for $%nit Ste, I a try and rise All tbeiP Power to COO I lit the home of Mri William Tibb. , . . Ohem - ist an , V GrOatest d: -L Cheapest ' Sa '9 * -
Mr. J. Millft bad & wood bee Wardeb, III Sweet . Marie, Miss Clara McIntyre And her vert'Llio.Ae who tire not ti-ile Christiang borneI . .� I . d Druggist, : . . , an - . le -.0
Wednesday, he being laid up with' Guard, Jos, Jervis brother belonged 'to the knitting file-, but not onerce them. Bliss Vidit, Bell The 'people of this 'vicinity were . � I . L. .1 I � � .
rheumatism. I, I on 4 1 tory. staff, the ernrloyeos of whieb officiated very satisfactorily a6 organ- ji.gleeal))y surprisetl when they saw I : *That ever has taken pla . .
I Setitry,,J.Halstead ed a . I -_ ___ a L .�, 1. ce in this county. We woula :
Mi-. John Lovett has taken another MedicAl Examiner, Dr. S indly present 14S Clara witha ist and played at the offii-vtolre, -4 LAI Mr. Golden Newton out driving last . .. - friend9 froni ilie Country, to I a . �
. ki 0 1
. haw handsome gold 1-1 aceletand her brother PonLaine" in a ti uly appreciative man. : urge. out come, Ill - 0 t .
change, but sorry to report that It is L Trustees, A. Wilson, J. Cantelon week. after Iving iq bad nearly eleven ' . . .
not rorthe better, Hissisters Mrs, G. and W; Mulholland, L . with gold cuff buttons. ner. The anthem sung by the Choi, montirs. He*is recovering very. rapid. ' L 0 . ,.on Saturday bringing in their boys. 0 , I
J. Stewart, who has- been helping to Nights of. meetings .are the second Mr, Ferguson, Smith's Hill, sold to was extremely well carried out in the ly . . :: 0 1 . . . . 0 . . .1 4 a . �
ine, has . Mr. Zeke Swith of Chicago jt, beavy pavt singing, I . � . I I - I . . 1. . . I . . L . . 0 . ..
nurse him for soine ti and last Tuesdays of each month . . illag'Herld Orson of Goderich is the C,O M E I . L ' ' L 0
to her home ill Clinton, returned I I 1. deaught marP to send to his Miswurt On Sund;iIy Mr. Hillier. seemed very gliestof ,Mrs. Bettles. . I I . . I : . I I L L. I � I 0 . .
. . . rittich, MN 9nflth'ff hend is level. He .1nuch posted After the long . . a . I
.Mr, James Lindsay and wife baVe . D'UNOANNON, carries on Ills ranch journey Mr. W. J. Cueele had a very success. I I ... a I To 'JACKSON, ..... 0
been visiting their son, Mr, Thomas I . as Well Las his from Floridit and we trust the " Home tot sawing bee on Thursday. - . 0 . . . 1. . . L � . ,a i
___ . 1. . .contracts. � . Sweetr Homi?l norsing-will aid him to Mrs.., and Miss Holdswortb I I I 1 . e .L .
Lindsay. for afew days, , I ' ' . I of � L . 0
Robinson, Jr., of Nnuac, Air, J. P. Brown left town.on Thurs. complete recovery. 1 660400406660test0000
Miss Alva Beacom was in Clinton Mr.* Obas, , . Holmeaville, are guests itt. Mr. E, I 0, AND SEE RATHWELL te*o.
part of last week jjiLh her Nich., was home visiting relatives the d m, for Stratford. Tho'many friends ofMrs. George potteris, - . . . � . - __ L 'L L .L I . .
_ -
. grand. "Thle'Milyor linq warnings to- bicycle Grant (nee Anti Kneeshaw) were V ; I . -_ --7_-_-- _ ,__1___.___7___-______-__ . I
parents past week, , . L. so py Air. Henry Bone Is engaged, with Mv, . I . ' . I i
. 'd"I -
Ml8Z Vinit, Woodyar Mr. Andrew Dreaney's anle Ort , agaInstridingrin t a sidewalks to note the funeral eards- announcing . I . - I
Thursday posted ( Bet), Churchill, * * * * ,
d and'131anche in thein. presumably, tbatIf he her death At Cannington day . Alm Stewart MacDougall tills put- I . . � . -
Mellveen and Master James McCool Wits well attended and on Th . I . . I MOVIND FINE FURNITURE,, . , .
visited At Mr. Frank Mellyeen's on everything sold well. I forgets the w�irning the printed mat,I last, Airs. Grant had spent the Uwtiinter chaseda.fino hovse from Jack Mar- I . .. I I . .
Sunday. I Mrs MountAin spent Sunday visit. tot, will warn them. ' with her dauglil or, Mrs. Woodward. of 11 R'll's 1 � 1. I . I . .. .
I quis. Stowart knows it ,good horse - The 11eVN grocer I I . -* *, * * . I . . .
Sortie of the Beacom family .have in atives in Londeshorcy, We are sorry to chronicle the death 01anningtop and had enjoyed her good w, hen he sees one, � � . . I I .
been affilete(Iduringthepastfew da fiervo! Mr. Goldberg urebased a of Harriet Ann, eldest daughter of health. We learn thaCelle wits strick Air. Robert R Mott And fairilly intend ol(I stalid, Ife ha� a fiffly House cloani,ng thrie: is at bfind, , - . Out, stock is complete in every I
With the current epidemic, la gl,ippe,.Ys driver from Donald ITeNevin last � n Norman And IlenriettablAc- On WWI I)APIlly.1118 OPaPOPIOXY resulting to move to Godurich its Mr, Eltiott; hits I I and you will, no, doubc, require . . . l4w Forqualityout! goods Arc I.. I
week. The reverend �11111`irlmll3id, on Monday afternoon. Tire frorn a fall which caused a lie Its a it) or Be, the best and for price the
MiSsLily, Butt has yery much im� entleman also � trierrhage, rented Mi,, J _ H it ton's b i assorted stock of ocories'. .
harness. young something new in the line,- of I
. lady was lit ior about thirteen Tho late Georgo- Grant, her husband, , Several barns in this neighborhood 9b Purniture. ,� . I Cheapest. . . . . I
As been for th Every, Sundt% evening Mr. Gold. . q I o�v I I I I' . I . I .
'lla, McBrien h, I I
bliss h . I
proved I 0 heul bh since the operation. SpO * PtS 0, now buggy anif : month And tier disease baffied all wasa successful business Man on the have beeft visited by some parties who F resh ,geeds, Il. i I 1 .
Past feW weeks Waiting on her e berg Purpose oldings bible class Mptlicalskill, Sliewa9trulyachild of square. Mrs. GrA S the eldest have taken grain contained therein. .. . . Ill VEDROOM SUIT1i4 we have . . .
grand. . . I I I I
mother, Mrs. Win. MePrien, but has Teetink, commencing at, 7.30, ,&. cor. Christ for she longed to leave tire world child of the Into W-Irowa Xneeshaw, We would advise that.such an offence Inaligol(Is lie b'as the old . . . some special snaps to offer. . � .
. .
returned to ber home in company With dial invitation Is extended to all to and bei with him. We sympathize one, qf orit-gloneor citizens. Sboleaves be not repeated, . DO not fill) to see them, ... I . . . li
her grandmother. attend. deeply with her parents in their sore to mourn two daughters Mr. James Hamilton of Godepich reliable Uaiiiinoth 1,ong . .
Misses Livzie Lowery and Mrs, Ilowers and . family expect to hour Of trial. Rev. Jarnes Anderson and two Bons I Mrs, Wood wardi Geor- Sundayedin this vicinity. . , BR �
3� re"' leave this week officiated at house and Maitland come. ginit (Jean,), John and F rancla Grant . BOHOL BOX A CO., Furnitm nealera'and Undertakers
eacOm spent Sunday with their for St. Thomas, where t6ry where she is laid at res . I. Red, Giant Yellow Inter- I
aullt, Mrs, C. Beacom they will in future reside, f, Tire who all,, excepting Mrs- Woodward, M�-_�_,t�*��, �_-_-_-_" . . . I � ,
. �
M11 L Brownlee a�d wife were in Dr. Lowery, V. S., Arrived in thig allbearers were * 0aptain Roberb Me. attended the filneral, having ttecorn. � X. NV,, <)Ilidleyr. Malattger.
SeAforth on, Monday, * A week and has Way, Messrs, lCennie Hot ton, Soseph pRnIed the remains here from Cillyrring. Lucknow. nlqcliate, Goldeii Tailkart . . I I �
"'� e '"' trid Sunday calls itilawered at residence of our
an I
M�c.e . e .
Airs. T. Vigan AndMrs, Mason vigit. T�a Koight, John McDonald, John.8aker tort. TbPy were Also accompanied by Beef rings in country places hav an(I Ferq's New 1%Tlgbt I
ed at Mrs, L Brownlee's last week. I Walker is laid up with and, Job n MONCM Airs. 0. Cooper, Toronto, The funeral b Half- I"uncral I Director, 1. W. Chidley, King street, opposite foundry. .
Out teacher resumed his duties in erysipela a. . Numbers of our citizens have been took place front the G. T, It StAtion n0cOftle (Illitell, settled illstltutiOO and . I... 1. I � . ... I I. .1
thOschOolon Monday after a week's . - I. . out at Mattland coaretery making pro- After the ,Arrival of that train on satar. ow it seenis that towns And ,villages sugar T�Iallgold. - - Ilia * I '1111,11 mo, .
recreation. ___�!!t =t= pArations for beautifying, their. plots (lay. Tit(- f4mil of dpeeasp(j areall :Apetakingtberrtu,�l. Atalloventsone
� � I .L. I
The world is constantly changin 1. . PORTAL111111TV . the coming season, and atas there are members of the F0,08COPal church stud has been organizec in Walkerton and . . The Best W"'r, Pence is. I
and all 9. -, I many now ones, whilt here Mr.q, Grant and falrkilY Were, Jf this proves, a -success othei, towns ' I I . th ge Is .
. things seem, to Change front Mr. Brnesb Alton 'of Burlington im deVoted firembers of St. Geopgpts, may Ile expected to follow the CALL AND SrU", . HIM. . 1. . � . .1 .
OhOsti%tetoanother. The bleak cold Willie Draper, Toronto, spent it few , � . . .� . . I 1*W*hI�*4_A11W-*141` . I . I
winds of March are hovi replaced 1) d0s try the villAge this week Repoefated in Masgey-fldreig (1016 Rev. Mark Turnblill officlated at tile � example. I a er � . � .1
the warm - y Alft. ilarry Hayden is rigai'D &bje, to agency bisre with bier brOLhor-in-laW, funeral, The pAll-beareps Were all Alta, McDonald met witl v There are fiow fence users Ill Canada, aird the United State$ wh� have 110't I
soft, breeves laden with the serious and painful accident 01 �
glorlolue hrlghttio8s of the sub, In. be out. Mi,. Bert Par,wins. I Men& of the doeisased and her family � neard of Pagerfencing. There is itr the neighborhood of 00 000 miles of it in rise
stead of the white Mahtle which, but it till. and Mrs. Dave nell Dnngannoti, Messrs. Wells and Lorne MAcdonald updWere: Messrs. DX Strachan, M Fralay. ,13he had gore out to the barn 001 RILTRWILL (in the farms and railroads of the two cotintrip.i. It is oye�,;where now Accept. .
Short time since Covered the land we Sundayed wlrh the latter;8. allents. art, now Oh tilt., furniture fitetory staff, N111c)(RA 11, D111401y, J'Ar"Ps Buchan.- and, when coming club of the buildIn . oil as a standard article of the best q1tality. The seawet of 011t, great Success ill
have now the bare eartlif which in -Mr, And MpFf. DeLong ntig Allso May N1118. 3. 10ward has it eactug about an, It. R. Ball and Al. Nicholson, sher Ali )pod of f tire step and In the fj%q . its manufacture Is not Wholly OW11W to thd fact that We have t)(18110d hard and
r Clothed in nature,$ 81nith, Godericht Sunitiftyed at home, three fepb high with lot) PTiral leaves Charlie bpokelier arm and also one of. her - __ - owing to the folice 110j" Made
�1 Mrs. WilikierSinith and 411,1, . long for 10 introduetion to the pablte but largely
gPoe", By All these Necres we, are Him. Green t a bills. . Inelple
was it) Clinton last some (if thein three ske while the Cooper-ofTororto, bertW0818ters, trol oil correct per R, which are farin advance of anything In this lIne1)efOp8
constantly reminded Of tile goodness week fop his ne 'no, rsthellsamflat. A great wany c,tilnoon 11r, Albert Rimeahaw, bel, Oneof the cenqugenutneratorsin. - , b of, and to th� fact that we tise. material in the fence twice as -good Re iq
and greatness of 11 The Creator of all W engi took out, : k, 000011 loot compolazi 'y lioriv
for'Tom, llovv, flowera with yelloAl centers are upon all attended the funeral of A11r)grother"' 9, inlogs the othor (lay called at it house '10011 111"1911 my other. 1"I'vet '011tal wire lit colled into il, peffict, 81)1`1110ft ebtiert .
OVA 1) t, , (4p.O, Where Ail Increase lit the fandly Trad - tag"teogfullytia( Inotithly,b ovbt Out in I bot that coiling is not the whole filing, It would be usele
things,, who alone has po"Ver to, give Mr, John sehoenhAls bAR improved i6. MXLndieg, Safe,effedtffill. NA06946k length, 8.4 to colt it
your dtui
the look of his residence With it fine , Mr� Nliebapi Crav Arrived only. it few -days before, of ori��_v I glqt for Colt% C6tidtk Robt C*M- e01111110D Steel Wire,, WI (beftil would 81:11AIgIltell Out with the fli-st, stt,aill nlid
afid to take. Paul njay Nlftnb' and . and' dlevep little We were uorq, to Weil laq Week of course the little one had not yet been IllilAnd
Apollog od alone lawn And Overgreefis, Jrobn likes dAtightoll of Ottelph were the gilests tile indisillo.,418oh of Aly, T. Tilt of the cand, Talt:6,liil ot let Ag All �jjjturps, p stay So So %ve have tylach'spocially for' us at the Page 'Lvirp And Steel Mill, af,
I 4 � iii- t 4 "'b"
I �
+ I I
I ( 'I. 1
1 1
1 1 .190s,
I I �16 *to
I ...
!�Mt'.,t��!Mtt.�!t_�!�T_ -T Alice looks that Way, (1, r Ay. ipsue of Trin V,w`0-1%UColtI) will flnol 1. )use had to appeal, oil to be usinga hard stiIeT wire as good asthe.Page, but it 1q. far inferior, 40*.
bulfto or &ZODIA, with its Itob Tile Annual vestry meeting Wits held And 111v� 11 - T. U. sent to headquartors him fully o9mblished lit good bealth, ' 61' " I am agont tot, the Page Wim. Ypnee fortho townships Of Goderich, Stanley,A
salt A . Tile , 0. the list, tile entlill(I'llator sald 11 WWII -,d 0 oa , "`t""6'� !
0 " 6 a " n I 'plo' 6"'In
rn a '_�'_ i a t? out
N6 2 0 roes gro 0 11
t .
� 1 4 � Of 41300 W,
� I '. " 1p
MAY' WatOr but I . , christenpd, but names of all the lit. 'witatiotim atil dangefolla. 11ti
iiveth, the increase. filings in good shape and the appear. EAQter wepk of Mr, Oray�s parents, Mr. WitishEschan 0. We, tp11qttlj,jtjhjg, Monesseb, Pennsylvania, it very Rile quitlity of spring awel wire. . Others eq1tin,
IV, Illates in the lit .
� h( RAJ 611i
I 4 6 OU6 e, C '" nd,d
, "
I r t �' P 1 IT Is I I
hig itnd buthing, jA art , , church or) Monday and waa 4fornifilablo, list. of Anti-Ifeensenturee the better to 1wepare, for the new i call it Jauc,�' and despite the protests ni j d 24, 0 (Iolborne, Ifullett And Tuokerstnith. .so far tills season I have sold -20M roffi;, - ,
t6d by 11666 t Ill"', 'I t �w 4n a ina "M
- �
onded. Tho4 19 rush, rile, 13pittsIt 14 of the Parents that, the7 alreAdy had a, 6606061wommitita a cuo� Write 1110 and I will Call on you, I . .
I, Doughefty and to prOV611t, tile MARIAnd 111trao At the poason I Vo 1P
ShNaparillA. So are all other blood ��t i (iritly Antl� I Itchank. 0.1alle ity tile falkill i- :1 116 it Wits tall- No. I and No. 2 gold ill Clinton bYW&IN8, (10 : . . ,
HaWkins Were again elected station fi-oin boing Riven A it. has from tile fleAt. appearance of Hilo
disoams, . * td and the name du y recorded Ott the 14, jt6v6y, X It Combo Lind S. :aekeon,
. I IT.,
I � lwavdeufts cOnae, Mrs 84tilts does nob toora to Weather been uWly re-papope(l and , .
. . - I feir the litt" Renerodly lmpmdd, I li, list, . I I DruicstlAte, W. 00- TAXLEYf � Holmosville P. o.
. : I .