HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-02-13, Page 3What Befell Mr. Lamb in Wall Street
A writer in the "American Review paper profit of 51,200, and u',;(28 1t as
of Reviews" give» a 1YPIca1 caw: of the required margin on tee purchase
"thousands" who Buffered in the Wall of 40 new shares at the prevailing
Street emelt 1100 explains how the price of 70. Tide 000011 investment
Man lost 1.113 money. Mr, 111) 00rd (osis 52,800, but requires no cash of
Florence says: itis, He now ow00 100 shares, valued
"Let us take n hypothetical person, at 57,000, 00 which the broker Is will -
not unlike many thousands of real leg to lend him up to 70 per cent., or
91,900, They have cost hint 97,000,
Phis 52200, or $5,800, Ole has put In
only his engine( sum of $1,000 and
has borrowed 54,800,
"As the price further advances, to
80, our investor buys e5 more sltares,
still without addelonei cash. The
whole lo now worth '175 times 580, or
510,800, on which he has borrowed
57,600, or approximately 70 per cont.
ones. Mr, Lamb enters the Street,
early in the year 1929, attracted by
tales he has heard. H'e has 91,000 of
savings, and ho has watched a co'-
tain stock rico clay after day for
months. It rose from 930 per share
is Jaennry, 1028, to 550 in December
of that same year, We are using exact
figures In this example, though there
10 00 need to name the stock.
"Mr. Lamb can hold back 00 long- of the mariret. :vales The throe
or. He buys, But Instead of baying blocks (tate cost 0101 53,000, plus +
20 shares at 550 each, he finds that 52,800, plow 52,80)), 01 58,600, Ile paid N
with his thousand dollars ho can buy for thein with 51,000 cash and 57,600
60 shares(' . The stock costs 57,000, of borrowed money, l;
but he boyieon a 10 per cent, margin; "Up to tide point Mr. i.e.1111) is a
that le, he invests his own 91,000 and
horrowe 92,000 from a bank through
the broker, using the shame them•
solvers ne security,
"Ills stock continues to rise. When
it I'ea011ee 70 he has a 20 -point profit,
It le worth 94,200. Ills prom, if he
chooses to eel(, is 91,200, or more
than 100 per cent, on his investment.
But he is not satisfied. Ile has (Re-
covered that he can borrow now a
larger suet from his broker without
.additional collateral,
"In other words, he capitalizes hie pennity."
England's New Challenger For The Speed Kingship
successful financier. ile 'owns' 135
shares of his favorite stock, instead
of the 20 that lie could have bought
outright. When the price rose still
further, to 06, Ile hada, paper profit
of 91,000. In a rising market the
thing is quite as simple aft it seems.
Kaye Doll and his mechanic test sande of CarmarUten0hlre, Eng. Don will attempt to break. Se.rave's speed
record at forthcoming trials at Daytona Beach.
The fact that 110 owed his br0 c
97,600 slid 1101 Impress itself. Was Mexico Tires German Pair Still
Ile not 'worth' 105 antes 986, er
"But our friend had become a
speculator; and he soon paid the
Ba itain Will Keep MacDonald to
CyprusColony Protect Scotland's
"Royal Mile"
Secretary of State Says Ques-
tion Definitely Settled
Edinburgh Fears Development
London --Great Britain ]las refused Plans Along Historic
(110 request of resldeuts of Cyprus, Roadway
Mediterranean isle, for permission to
affiliate themselves with Greece or a Edinburgh, Scotland, — Edinburgh
grant of some farm of responsible is gravely disturbed over the future
gevernmeut, The answer et Lord or the historic "Royal 01110" lying be-
Passdeld, Secretary of State for the tweon tate ON Castle and Holyrood
Colonies was firmly wordod: "This Palace, whici. is perhaps the most
subject is definitely closed and cannot i classic roadway of the whole British
mentality lie discussed further." Isles.
The words 700110 contained 11n then The trepidation arises from the fact
Government answer to a 10011100101 that Calton jail is being demolished,
from Greek members of the Cyprus a110 the area around to to undergo
Legislative Counll dated last July.' "development; which has a sinister
The memorial claimed to have 11-g11.1sound to those who would Preserve
ors representing five sixths or the tthe 111060010 roadway.
population of the Island, A similar, Pia provost and citizens of Edin-
piea for annexation by Greece instead burgh have approached Prime Minis -
of continuing 110(100 British aannbils• for MacDonald and have fgmld 01111
Pruden was made by a deputation, sympathetic.
from Cyprus which visited London "Edinburgh is not a new mushroom
last November' city," Ile wrote in answer to the re -
The plea for a "responsible govern-
presentatlous, "but embodies for
100111" in the island also was refused, Query Scotsman the history of Ills na-
because "too time has not yet tomo tion and the reverence 1n which he
when It will be to the general nu- Mends 11."
vantage of the people of Cyprus to He added that the plans for new
make rile( of a constitutional export•igoverntnent departmental buildings
meat in this direction,and extension of the Scottish Nation.
Cyprus has an area of 1,684 0quareal Library must be carried out. But
miles; Ito population in 1921 (vas 310,- regarding other 910118 he suggested
715, including 61,000 Mohammedans.
that the Bother t would supporsuggested
It was Bottled bylwas Greeks and • Edinburgh in safeguarding the future
clots at an early date andpart appearance of the hietorlc quarter,
of the Persian and Roman Empire, even if tate city does not pos0e00 town
The Turks conquered it in 1571 and
retained possession until it was ceded Planning regulations enabling it to
to Great Britain for administrative regulate the Claes of building,
Of Moscow On Lonely Island
Now it le Mexico's turn to grow Scientist and Woman Com.
weary of Soviet intrigue.' Diplomatic
relation have been broken off, anti
the Mexican Minister at Moscow and
proceed to Madrid leaving only a
caretaker in charge of. the offices
there. T110 law of solfpreservatiol
probably will suggest to the care•
taker that ile also will be )001'0 com-
fortable else whore. In fact there
appears to be a general exodus from
Mexico evidently has had its eyes
opened regarding the activities of
Communist propagandists. The Labor
Government in Britain also has had
recently an object lesson 10 this con-
nection, and no doubt will have oth-
ers, as the "Red" worker's is as tire•
less as ho Is ubiquitous. For years
Mexico has been a base for Com"
monist activity an the North Amer-
ican Continent. As usual, advantage
has been taken of official recognition
eE the Soviet in that country. Latter-
ly the propagandists appear to have
been directing their attention 1n0r0
particularly to Mexico itself and to
its institutions. Subtle methods have
been employed. The Mexican .Em-
lassies in other countries have been
annoyed by hostile demonstrations.
These have been staged at Washing-
ton and in several Capitals in South
America, while In Detroit the Mex-
ican President-elect was roughly
treated during 1110 recent visit, The
Mexican Foreign Minister, in a state-
ment issued in connection with the
breaking off of diplomatic relations
with Moscow, shows that his Gov-
overnment le well informed regarding
what has heeu going on. He says:
The Government of Mexico knows
perfectly that this propaganda a-
gainst our Matttuttom and national
revolution was prepared and directed
from Russia,
It knows also that Russian Cora•
munist groups neither work nor can
work independently, because any pot
(tical organization whatsoever in that
country is subject to the Soviet Gov.
Gradually the world's beconliug a-
ware of what to expect from the
emissaries for the First, of all, there
is utter disregard for the amenities
of international conduct. This is the
official side. Then, in more tincder•
ground fashion, to the well -organized
attack on everything that law-abid-
ing Christian peopla hold in high re-
gard. It is a dangerous sltuat'ou;
but there is this consoling feature:
Such forces cannot long continuo
their destructive work. The rest of
the world will not tolerate it, and the
action of Mexico is but another evid-
ence that the time is approaching
when the Moscow iconoclasts will not
purposes in 1878.
The island was annexed in 1914 and To ProbeDeathsin 1925, was given the status of a
The Spice of Life
Divorce in Russia is So Easy
to Secure That Girls
Have Big Variety in
Moscow—Wives to Soviet Russia
shelve their old husbands for new ones
more often than husbands seek new
wives, flamers to a questionnaire dis-
tributed by the Moscow Commenistle
Academy among factory workers In the
Red capital disclose.
Many working girls here, as divorce
is to be obtained almost for the asking
change their husbands throe or four
1.10103 a year, tabulation of answers to
the questionnaire shows. One young
.Moscow girl reported that she hall
been married 16 times in a Period of
three and a half yea's—an average of
oto new husband about every 12
The survey of family life In Russia
has been undertaken 10 an effort to
establish the prevalent attitude in
this country toward marriage, divorce,
religion, birth control and the status,,
of the ltqusewife. The thousands of
replies received to the questionnaire'
011 these questions are now being
analyzed by the Communistic Acad-
emy. A recapitulation of the amsty-
'ors and the conclusions to be drawn
from them will he pu0110hed In book
form in the autumn. It 'e being pre-
pared by Prof, Sergei Suvorost, who'
has allowed the correspondent access
to the material.
Tits shows that the number of
(1430005 111 1211sola 'e tren101100n0,
Variety Salad Dressing
Boat together one teaspoon each of
salt and vinegar, three tablespoons
vinegar, three-fourths cup of oil, pa-
prika to taste. Add two tablespoons
oa^_h or catsup and chopped pickle
and one teaspoon chopped onion.
By Anaesthetics
Toronto, —• Investigation of deaths
attributed to anaesthetics will be
made by a group of anaesthetists at.
filiated with the Academy of Medicine
of Toronto, and their findings will be
submitted at the meeting on February
28. They will not be made public
pricy -to that date;
The probe has been prompted by
the number of alleged anaesthetic
deaths during the past few months.
The exact nature of the investigation
was not described by Dr. 0, H. Rob•
son, anaesthetist of the Hospital for
Sick Children, but it is expected to
consist in part of a survey of deaths
which occurred while patients were
tender the influence of different anaes-
No statement was made by Hon,
Dr, Forbes Godfrey, Ontario Minister
of health, or Dr. W. W. Jouea, presi-
dent of the academy of medicine, re•
ga'ding the death of William Eby, of
Preston, who died at the Galt hos•
pital recently, alegedly from the ef•
facts of the anaesthetic, The inquiry
will include lois death. Officials are
working on the matter and will con-
tinue to do so for some time,
Travelling at 120 m.ph„ Kaye Don,
.at reeelau40, England, killed a cat.
tlm impact at this speed
ging track rod, which is
.' a quarter la diameter.
panion Living "Natural
Berlin—Reports that Dr, Karl Rlt• Many interesting facts concerning in Place tato motor is protected from
ter and h young woman companion the 1.929 flat racing 0000011 emerge the hitter gale, std a heavy covering
were still subsisting on uncooked from a report issued In England, the over the engine will keep it warm for
foods on a stall Galapagos Wand In.
habited only by 11ema01v00 were re-
ceived with uncontmun interest by a
Botha ac11o0lmaster.
For the 7001111011 is the 001100lma0-
te''s wife, Mrs, Hiido l4oerwii, 26.
She left her husband to accompany
the 45 year-old 1 i i and scion
Snow and Ice
Hold No Terror
For Arctic Pilots
Skis, Installed in Place of
Wheels, Make Take -off
and Landing Easy
Portable Hangars Needed
Snow-covered 1andieg ileitis that
baro discouraged Pilots in this tom
penile region during the last weeks
would present no diflicultiee to the
real cold weather aviators,
But: ((00015 all of the flyers who un-
derstand the tricks of taking off and
landing with skis instead of wheels,
of 1ceepiug the oil from freezing in
the feed pipes and of starting and
wartntug up an ougblu :n a tempora"
Imre fm' below freezing aro flying in
our northern \elide where these 0011'
(11110110 obtain f01' months at a time,
In the far north dog teams are giv
ing way to planes when speed is es•
sentla) for a trip across country, and
planes aro (lying 00001 0n0w and Ice
ltln 11th'»,
One lilnculty that has to be met in
Record of Races the poltu' regions is the effect of ex
$i Iren10 cold upon the motor. Some.,
InYear 1929 tines It has been necessary to keep a
1 stove under the 100t01'.
A portable hangar is a necessary,
More Than £729,000 Divided item of equippment. This 10 a three-!
Among Owners in
sided wood and canvas screen to prof
tect the nose of the piano. With the
slip headed tip wind and the hangar
principal of which are given below, 001110 time,
They reveal a definite "come -back" Sone.thn00 the hangar is built with
to favor for racing under 3oceey 01010 blocks of ice. if a pilot lauds where'
rules, and it i» fairly safe to prophesy there are Eskimos experienced 111 ig•
that all past records will he sn10:0110d leo bulldtng be can get a hangar built
in 1930. in the neem -veil fashion of ice mason -
The statistics show that more than l'Y•
10 D lys c an t0000 gnarters of a million pounds Sometimes, however, it is warn tl
tist into self-'tupo0ed exile on the were distributed to the owners of win• that gets the cold weather fleet's into
lonely Pacific island last July, novo, not including prizes to second trouble. hero than once n pilot has
Word was received hero some time and third horses, left (tie ship parked on the ice cover•,
ago that she loot her life when RIt• There were 1,961 races run, an in- lug a lake or river in 1110 belle(' that,
ter's frail boat capsized near Charles) crease of fourteen over the previous it would bo perfectly safe and 101010'
island another of the Galapagos season and a record to clato, The ed to fin Neal. a thaw had started,
group, but a Chicago yachtsman rad'• prize money shows a slight dlminu• the ice thinning, and the ship 1100
led this Creek ho had found them
both safe on their lava -strewn isle.
Mrs. Keel -win had been a disciple
and patient of Dr. Ritter here. Ho
had little difficulty persuading her to
join 1111n in 1110 back -to -nature venture,
They took with them delicate physio-
logical instruments to measure the
effect of 111e "natural life" on them-
Ritter was a born recluse, invest'•
gation disclosed. For yea's lie led a
Crusoe-like life in the heart of Ber-
lin. Ile made all his own clothes',
and raised oats in a bed in 1118 tiny
flat so he could make Itis slain food,
Before going te the Galapagos is-
lands, where Charles Darwin once
spent profitable days seeking "miss•
tug links," Ritter had all his teeth
pulled and a false set—made of 0talu-
lees steel—substituted,
He said the steel teeth would re-
sist deterioration in the equatorial
Heat, This wee important, lee ex-
plained, because the oxner'nlent away
from civilization might last for years.
Fur Collars
Collars of fur that (nay be pur-
chased and attached to any coat or
suit are a boon to the woman who
has her costumes made by her favor-
ite 'dressmaker
avor•ite'dressmalcer or tailor. Shawl and
crush collars nicely finished and In.
Inclined are shown in a great variety
of fur's to meet all purses and include
lapin, opossum, caratul, krimmer,
Persian, beaver, squirrel, wolf, fox,
badger and ermine,
For Sports Wear
Wltlle we have had tuck -'n blouses
for several seasons and they have
met with approval in sports wear,
they are increasingly fashionable.
Mace waist lines are in 1110 node,
tuck -in blouses are logical. Changing
from a dress that defines the waist•
line to a tuck-lu blouse is not so rads.
cal this season as it was last.
Now blouse materials of 01110 In
Parts are met'0 silk ahirtings, pla111
and satin striped, Roman striped
silks, georgette and prfuted chiffon,
plain crepe, and satin.
"Tire evidence of Mat's evolution
from au ape -1100 being, nbtabned from
a study of fossil remains, is definite
be wanted anywhere , "The Globe", and irrefutable,"—Sir Arthur Keith,
Enamel or Paint Cleaning
Mix a tablespoonful of size and a'
dessertspoonful of borax with a little'
cold water. Then stir in a quart of
boiling water. Rub the paint with a
soft cloth dipped in the liquid, and
you will find it cleans excellently. ry
Wipe with a cloth wrong out In clean C !,cute coil in Quebec city has pressed thio unusual looking apparatus Into service, t0 thaw out 'tic
water, drags and keep then( in order against fire calls.
11011, from £782,000 to 0765,300.
These totals include English and
Scottish racing, but not Iris11, which
has shown a steady decrease each
year dime 1924.
The total value of stakes to the
wieners during 1929 in England was
£729,000. Two -year-olds were allotted
0218,600 of this amount.
The total won In handicaps was
£242,567, selling recce other than
handicaps, £29,468, and weight'for•age
races 0241,411,
More than 4,600 horses ran 11111100
Jockey Club rules last year. The
number of two -year-olds decreased by
146, but the number of four -year-olds
and upwards sleow0d an increase of
105 over tate Previous season's figures
In spite of the falling bit in the
number of two -year-olds, the 606
races confined to them show an in-
crease of twelve over 1928.
Four hundred and ninety-two of
those 606 juvenile races were over
a distance of lees than six furlongs,
only aeve1110011 of them being run
over 000 111110 or more,
fallen through.
The rttnlval' for a landing or talo,''•,
off offers difficulties only 101100 the
snow is so rough that it 11116111 break!
tine skits, or so soft that they would
sank into le If Ude le the case, the
runway trust he made eoteoth or dug,
out, For emergency latell :gs in most
parts of the north, however, a pilot
usually can ilud n lake from which
the 0111)61 ha0 been swept by the wind.'
Customers Easily "ound
Air tralsportn''on in the Arctic
Mule customers easily, All typos of
business snake use of planes in the
North, either to send supplies and
mall or to send 111011 to outposts. ,
Proapecte'e have gone to 1110'1,
fields by plane 111 a 210011on of the
time taken on foot or by dog sledge,
and planes have kept them supplied
with food and 011111ed out their gold
and silver. Prospectors 11ave even
used planes to hunt fa now fielde.
After a preliminary survey by plane,
during which metal photographs are
taken, men afoot prospect the 10001
likely territory,
These conuuet'cia1 uses of airplanes
In snow-covered territory aro in addi-
tion to 1110 imolai' Canadian air Mall,
service, branches of which iiy under
these conditions,
If only heroic deeds were greeted
with applause, if only inspired lead-
ers were summoned to command, if
only capable men were sot in high
places, If only the virtuous of earth
wen our affections, it only the deserv'
hag beggar received the penny, this
world would be a sorry place. For It
is one of the meet compensating
truths in life that we constantly love
and reward and trust unworthy poo•
pie, ami so, sometimes unknowingly,
help them to better things. --Frank
Piersc'l '101111000,
Little Known Here
Inventor of Tin Hat Leaves
Estate of $90,000
London—The inventor of the steel
heimet, 11110Wn to soldiers as the "tin'
hat," which must have saved millions
of lives during the war, left only 590,-
"To 110 rich enough to be able to Ire (vas Alfred plates, aged fiflv-aie
of a
afford to bo shabby is to be deprived; Halifax firm of art metal workers
of the power to Yearn for lino foa-1 fle 3)1011 while bathing at Bouree
there—Fannie Hurst, mem ii,
The, "lin hat" was regarded with
more than affoceon by the 001diera la
the trenches, fpr before its adaption
the casualty 141 from flying shrapnel
was formidable.
Colonel Deckles Willson in Ids boot.,
"Prom Quebec to Piccadilly," tells
how in 1917 General Sir Arthur Slog.
get showed I1im the first "1011 bat."
The colonel adds:—
He said that at the outset ho went
to Iiitcltoner and eartteetly advocated
is adoption. He talked for nearly
forty millatee as eloquently and earn•
estty as he ever did In Ills life.
At the cud of his harangue Ritch,,
eller, who had 110000 1110000, tool{ ant
hie watch and slowly, "Slogget, do
you know you have been talking
1101100nse for 40 minutes?"
A great many ex -soldier's still keep
their "tin hats" as wan' souvenirs,'
and in some homes they 110ve been
converted into rose bowls.
Baked Potatoes
To ))take your baked potatoes more
dry and fluffy, run the tines of a fork
into them before you put them tato
the oven. This will let out the steam
ancle make a more delicious baked po-
tato. It will also prevent the potato
from bursting.
When taking baked potatoes from
the evert, give each a little squeeze
to burst the shell, This also Leta the
steam escape and prevents a soggy