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Whole Number 1103
6•C 4
0s. 0 .(1,0101
A Horne Maker
A Dressmaiker
A Money Matker 1
80 Spring and Streamer Styles. Shirt Waists
shown in colors. There is no magaztue pub-
lished that can meet the needs of all women
at so many practical points as The Delineator.
Price 15c. $1.00 per ye Ar
Butterick Patterns are the most satisfactory, and most
economical, Those who have used them want no other.
highly recommended • by the best dressmakers,
&re always in demand and you
can always depend On getting.
from ua the leading shades and •
We also carry a stock of Point Lace Braids for Battenburg and
other fancy work.
Crochet Silk
Cords, Iraids,
Cushion ops, etc.
W.. Cooper, & Co„ GUNTON',
Agents for C. P. R..Telegraph and Dominion, Express -
Money Oi des also for Butterick Patterns.
1 I
speeding a few days with his brother, I
Dr, McCallum of Londesboro, He was
le Clinton last •week and purchased
ae . orgen.of local manufacture from
Mr. C), • Hoare. Mr. cCall= was .
Death of Samuel CopP • ,
well pleased with the instrument in
Ori Thursday night last Court Maple
point of price,etc., and will have it '
Leaf 0.0,F.was notified of the death of
shipped to hishome in Biblical lands.
Samuel Copp of St, Thornas,/%Torth Da-
kottewhe had succumbed to cancer. of
the face. The deceasedwas for many
years a resident of Clinton but three
years since moved to St. Thomas
where one or more members of his
fatuity live. Mts. Copp survives and
will receives one thousand dollars in-
surance money together with thirty
dollars for funeral expenses.
Eunaemy Aceldent.
Mr, D. 13. Kenneay had another
narrow escape last Friday. While
driving down the hayfield Road end
under the railway bridge a passing
train frightened his horse which bolted
and threw Mr. 'Kennedy out of the
beggy. The horse than ran down the
road at top speed but finally came to a
•stop after colliding vvith a telegraph
pole to the injury of the buggy. Willie
Kennedy, who continued ia the buggy
to the last, did not enjoy his fast ride
very mucti.
floughta Clinton Organ,
Rey. Mr. McCallum, who has been
in charge of the theological depart-
• Went of a •college maintained. in Ar,
• rnenia by an American Mission Boarci,is
w I owe on furlough and has been
seeree.' ereeress„ewesersowiseenteaseese-see-se..1-leireeseeees;:lieeete-sieAteveae-oraeee:
e ab,eseee,Seee,eare4„,tege' are,eees.,,eee>eereteees,reerseet,etecreat-eeesteersc4egie
. • What c
we h ve for chAnge
Is the cry of everyIsouSekeepet.
o _
0 Strawberry Pie Plant Pine Apple Chunks Stuffed Pickles
Chili Sauce or •A Oata a Spinach •
.. „Ay,- • • . • ,
tl Save your Eggs and risehurnett's Coffee (nearer to Bettie your Coffee.
4) Leave you order for Lettuee and 'Young 'Onions early in the week,
0. .
o Ogle Cooper"- & Co.
I have added an engraving machine to my store equip
merit and can do your engraving ((tricker and cheaper
than you have had it done heretofore.
P. 1: CREWS, L;„ • r
pert Watch Itersure .
Si, Paul's Choir.,
The choir of St. Paul's church
peated its Hester. musie last Sunday
and wits again, assisted by Mr. Thoe,
Jackson je. Under the able leadership
of Mr. Latornell this choir is' fast at-
taining a high ' state of proficieucy.
And the services of the talented
otizeniet, Miss I3entley, have been so
vouch appreciated that she has, been
given an increase in salary,
Rattenktry St. League Officers.
At a meeting of 'Rattenhury St.
F,pworth League the following Odic
era Were chosen for the year :
President; H. E. Rorke
1st Vice, Lou Doherty
2nd Viee, Miss Emma Southern:labs
8rd Vice, Miss E. Turner
4th Vice, Mrs. E. J. Cantelon
5th Vice, "Miss Reggie Davis
Superintendent of Intermediate
League, A. T. Cooper
Organist, Mss Susie Cook.
The Creamery in Operation.
The grearnery has now been in (meta -
tion fel several clays and is turning
out golden -hued butter which will
tontine:nil a high piece on the market.
The manager is a Mr. haskerville, who
bas had several years experience and
understand's the business from the
ground up. We anderstaud there is a
likelihood of Mr, Robert, Welsh eccept-
ing a position. Tbe patrons of the
creamery Would like to see him there
as in dealing with the public in one
capacity or, another Mr. Welsh has
woe their coufidenee.
• Are the right sort Are the right sort 2
4 1'
A End Accident'. •
Mr. James McGill was assisting in
gardening on Friday afternoon last
and while corning from the lot where
he was thus engaged be fell
from the wagon and •dislocatedthe
vertebrae near the rreck; Medical,
aid was at once summoned but though
everything poesible has been Ohne
ecu life and
well known
and though
ge looke,d good
for many years to come.; His son
Robert of Chicago and daughter, Mrs,
Clutterhans of Joliett, Illinois, have
arrived. Mr. McGill bears the Office
• iction and aviaits the final summons
with the fortitude cif a tried and true
the sufferer hangs beta
death. Mr. McGill is
and respected Citize
seventy three years Of
• The Lucky Licensees. •
• The license board for West Huron
met at, Inspector Paisley's office
on -Tuesday afternoon to con-
sider applications for the present
lieense year. . It was rather. a field
day for the quartette 'comprising the
board; there being petitions for and
against certain applications.
• The two houses at Sanford, which
were Out off a couple of years since,
were again refused a liceese.
A petition •was presented asking
that the Union hotel, Goderieh, he
refused a license. This is one of the
old established Ironies • and Mr,•
Parr, the nevt, landlord, had. no
difficulty in securing still -more
names to a petition in his favor. He
was not cutoff,
The Ocean House in Goclerich is a
bone of contention. Captain Babb,
the present. landlord, who •is a well
known figure about the docks and
town,. is again applying for a license
and so, alsoare the executors of the
Davidson estate to which the proper--
ty belongs,. A couple of lawyers have
_been fighting for Babb and as many
against him. The hoard •deferred
action for one week in order to give
the Captain and the executors time to
patch up presenb differences.
Mr. Ben. Saults of Goderich is mak-
ing a big fight, for a license for the
Maitland Houie, near the G. T. It.
station. Mr. Saults concluded the
Union seccessfully and is a popular
fellovv so was enabled to send down a
numerously signed petition for the
consideration of the board. Mr.
Leavitt, foreman of the organ factory,
and Rev. Mr. Wilson presetted a peti-
tion against licensing the place. They
contended that, not onle wits it nob
necessary but that its location was
another. reason why ib should not be
licensed, Action was deferred until
next, Tuesday,
Rev. Mr. Brown and Merehant
Henderson of Whitechurch came
down with a petition signed by' over
two hundred names asking that Mr,
John Macdonald be not again licensed.
Both ihese gentlemen addressed the
board in supporb of the petition. It is
understood tbat they do not so much
• object to a licensed house in the village
as to the matmer in which it is
being cenducted at the present
time. This cese, also, vvill be
considered at the adjourned meeting.
Mr. Mite.donald bought the place about
six months ago at a cost of two thous-
and dollars so that license or no
license is rather a serious matter for
him. This is the only tavern ir, West
Wawanosh and in East Witwariosh
there is not a single licensed place.
The lucky licensees in Inspettor
Paisley's juriediction are as follows :
Clinton—Joe Ifattenbury, James
McGuire, '3. 3, MeCaughey, Reuben
Graham, Charles Milne. Shop —
Thomas Bell,
hlyth—lienry James, Mts. F. Mason.
Winghame-Alfred Roe, John Carr,
John E. Sward, Liotiel Hanson, Mrs.
Mary Dinsley,
Goderich—Thomas Tilt, Jonathon
Miller, Cieorge Buxton, Edwerd
SWartz, William Craig, Michuel
rorr. Shop—Walter Sault&
Colborne—William Metier, Dunlop;
N. G. Boggs, Carlow,
Aehtield—W. I. Mountain and Mrs.
J. Mallough, Dungannon ; Alexander
Young awl Stones Matdonald, Kintall
IL 3. 11, Deltoung, Port Albert.
Ilullett—Thothae thll Londesboro ;
Alextutdet Robinton, Auburn,
We simply ask that you look ab oar line
and ifyou don't find it equal to any and
superior to many in stvle, value and the
• I
genetal appearance that goes to make a, .
Ifashionable hat, then—enough said.
Morrish My Hatter.
What to We•lir a .
Need not concern you it you order
here, You cannot, make amistalce.
f. Everything desirable is here. We
ate always the leaders of the new -
are surpassing ourselves.
est and best and this season we
Miss Scott returned to her home in
hirr after having enjoyed a pleasant
holiday with. her brother, Mr. T. W.
Scott, and friends.
Reeye Sitos and Clerk T. W, Scott,
paid. Wingharn a flying visit on Eri-
On Thursday evening Cox's grand
enterteintnent held. in Industry ball
was very vvell patronized and tnuch en
joyed by those present. •
Mr. Joseph Irwin left here for Luck
now to taken position in that town.
Some of eer young peoPle • attended
the musical cencert held in the Hub on
Friday night.
Miss Lowrie Lettagreen left here on
Tuesday to attend the wedding of her
sister in Harriston. '
A special meeting, of bur village men -
ell was held on Friday evening last,
The adjourned vestry meeting of
Trinity church is to be held on Monday
evening next.
• Ortr burg is a little on the quiet side
these days owing no doubt to the farm-
.ers being busy putting in their spring
Epworth League Officers.
• The Epwotth League year ends in
May and as the new officers must soon
be elected, it is requested that the new
lists be sent ns soon as possible to the
following : Provincial Secretary, Mr.
A. T. Cooper, Clint on ; County Secre-
tary, Miss M. Washington, Clinton;.
District Secretary, Rev: A. W. Dever,
Walton. H 'the names of the new
officers Were sent to TE NEWS-
RECono they wortld be of interest to
rctany'anO receive wide publicity.
A Cliatoniatt Honored,
• Miss Clara II. MorintcaStle has
received the thanks of King Edward
for the poem she sent to hira entitled
"Victoria' (A Tribute from Canada.)
which recently appeared in the
ccilumns of Tax Naws-RECORD. Mies'
Moentcastle is deservedly popular in
•this towp and also in the province' for
her poetry fs beautiful and norrectly
construeted and she is receiving the
hearty • ccingratulations • cif her ,many
friends. Thi e poem was printed on
white eific: •
tiaitteleerseereseia•ste,e0that i
Xittle Xocals
Rev. W. G. Howson will take for
his. subjects next. Sun ay ; At 11 a. rn.,
"Christanity's best, argument"; ab 7 p.
m., "Silver lost, but silver sum ; silver
sought and silver found." .
Mr. T. H. ()ook now makes a Week-
ly tour of the . concessions gathering
eggs and meets with keen oppositiote-'
no less than half a dozen competitors
coveting the territory over which he
drives. - •
• The Rattehbury House has been
thronged with ttayellers this week. On
ruesclay the clerks had forty pieces of
baggage end twenty-five grips to
• handle. The trunks were mostly port-
ly, nine of them averaging over twe
hundred pounds eath.
At the Ontario Educational Assecia-
tion .whith metlast week in Toronto,
• Mr. W.R. Lough'. was elected chairman
of the Training Departmeet, which is
composed of the teachers of the
Normal College, the Normal Schools
and the Model Schools of the province.
Miss Mary C. Lough, who was cor-
• responding secretary of the Varsity Y.
W. C. A. for the year just closed, has
been elected Vice,President for the
current year. She has also been elect.
ed third year representative of the
musical committee of the Literary
Soriety. •• •
Mr, jos. Allenson, • the " Boss
Gardener," who almost always leads
with •early vegetables, had rhubarb
ready for his custotne the forepart
of the week. Part of Mr. Allenson's
garden is covered by the waters of the
hayfield during the spriug freshet and
is very fertile.
(Intended sot last issue)
Holidtrying.-11r. Frank Munro of
Toronto University is home for a short
eacation, '
The Misses Clore and Annie Ferguson,
teachers, are also enjoying a breathing
spell under the parental roof.
Miss O'Neil Easters at home in
Clinton . ,
• Mr. A. Robinson of the village has
•purchased the driver owned ,by the
late Rev. Henderson,
Miss Andrews and Miss Wallis of
Lonclesboro are assisting M. and Mrs.
T. Riddell.
•Mr. S. Oaldwell's health is in
precarious condition at present. .
Miss 3,Straughan is eble to ,be about
' again, •
• Rev, Thompson of Toronto preaches
in Knox church next Sabbath.
L. 0. L. No, 932 held a special meet-
ing last Thursday night.
Mr. John Knox has the damage
caused by the fire altnost repaired and
purposes building a stable soon.
• R. Cummings disposed of Iris cow to
John Mills recently. Bert goes to
Wingham this week. .
The remains cif the late Wilham
Brown, who had but receatly gone to
Tampa, Florida, for his' health, and
diet there, were attended to their last
resting place in Ball's cemetery here ort
Friday from the residence of bis sister
in Blyth. Thos. Brown of this vicin-
ity was also a brother of the deseased.
,Mr. and Mrs, -Riddell have been
absent during the illness of the • form-
er's father in Londesboro. The aged
pioneer has passed to his hot reward.
Every person likes to get
• a good photo, when they
'sit for one. Not one that
fades out hi a short time.
• When you want a nice, ar.
tistie,endurable photo go to
•g Henry's
.0 •
C0.0;00,64.046400,04.04104•Iseitost.t eet,(eibel,‘ettAir..eeet.teekkii,ebtli
o to
Studio. I
GateGee.a..deeseliS t
Was Robbed of tbe Seat.
At the anneal vestry meeting of St
John's church all the reports shovved
the church to be in a flourishing con-
dition. The new organ has been paid
for as well as repairs roade and
there still remains twenty-six dollars
in the treasury. The wardens for the
year are Reeve Matartghton and Mr.
James Armstrong, Messrs, Thomas
Stinson and Harry Diehl are eidesinen
and Mr. George Beaty lay delegate to
the Synod,
Mr.J.T.0airns of Kirkton paid Varna
a short visit last week. T. is cloing
a good business there and likes the
• The farmers are all very busy seed-
ing, consequently our village is not
very badly crowded in the daytime.
Mr. W. 0; Hartwell spent hisEaster
'holidays with his brother, John, and
on Saturday evening J. E. drove him
down t� Kirkton, the latter returniog
home on Sunday afternoon,
Messrs. J, Foote and And, Reid are
busy burning lime these days and will
soon be able to supply those who in-
tend building this summer.
Mr. G. Card of Bayfield is visiting at
Mr, 3. E. Harnwell's this Week.
Mt. Wes. Bo'yee of Mitchell visited
at the parsonage on Sunday. •
• Mr. Dan. McNaughton is the proud
possessor of a fine big baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Leadbury
spent Sunday iteMr. P. H. 'Murray's.
We are glad to see Mr. Joseph Fos-
terseut again •after his recent severe
illness andhope that the warm spring
weather will soon bring ,hirn back to
his usual health.
• The warm days are coming and soon
the men will be takiug their dinner in
the back kitchen because the women
will be 1100e -cleaning. •'
Work has been received this week of
the death. of Alexander Webster of
Sanborne, North' Dakota, which took
place on April 7th after only a week's
illness. The deceased was the oldest
son of kr, ,hunps. Webster of the ,33th
concession of • this township and
brother "of Mrs. 'EdWard Saville of
Clinton. He was iu his thirty-second,
yearend had been in Dakota thirteen
years 'and had accumulated a whole
section ofland which was well improv-
ed and stocked. He had been married
only four months. -
• The Hullett council met onSaturday,
April 13th, with the members all
present. The usual by-law was passed
appointing pathmasters, fenceviewers
and poundkeepers and by-law No, 4 of
1890 appointing drainage inspector was
repealed. The suro of $200 was appro-
priated for the special purpose • of
grading the roads, a portion thereof to
be expended in each division of the
respective councillors. John F.Staples
is engaged to operate the township
• grader this Bummer and he is instrizcv
ed that wherever the roads require to
be and are graded during the year that
the said greding must be 11 feet wide
with a slope from the centre each way
of notiess than one inch to the foot.
The elerk was authorized to get Print'
ed for the tree of the council and pound -
keeper 25 eopies of the hyslaw prohibits
ing animals fkcin running at large.
Council adjourned until Saturday, the
25th May, the sanie day as the Court
of Revision .—Ja,mes Campbell,
Mr. William Stewart, had a 8iteee88-
ful wood bee last Week.
• Seeding is in full blast at present.
• Mr. James Fairservice has engaged
James Sutherland of Constance for the
Mr.John Connell was at his brother's
in Goderich township last Friday.
Miss A. Tyerman is visiting in Sea -
forth for a week,
• As the result of, a kick from it horse
some three weeks ago Mr. Geo; 13rown
died last Thursday. • Deceased was a
very quiet, • inoffensive' man and
• was, highly esteemed by his neigh.
‘bors. Ife leaves it wife and one
• daughter to mourri their loss.
Messrs. jos, and Wm. Colclough of
Goderich townehip attended the funer-
al of the late Geo, Brown.
Messrs. Geo, Hesk and William
Stewart each intend building a stone
pig pen this summer. We understand
James Pipe ifito do the mason work.
Mr. Luke Lawson has had it com.
tamable pen • built this spring for his
Mrs, George Addison attended the
funeral of her sister-in-Iaw in Wing -
ham last Wednesday.
Geo. Addison has hired with Me.
Sohn Cummings for the summer.
ReV. Mr, Shaw of Egmondville
preached in' St. Andreve's churcie•
pen on Sabbath last. He announced
officially the resignation of the Rev. 8.
Acheson and in addition Said he had
authority to say that their late minis-
ter had actiepted a call from Pembina
City, North Dakota, congregation at.n.
salary of $1,100 per •annion apd free
manse and there was a choice of Hamil-
ton City, as well. The 'reyerend gentle-
man also gave notice of a congrega-
tional meeting to be held Monday,
preparatory to the meeting of tire
presbytery, when an opportunity will
be given to say'why the Rev, S. Ache-
son resigned his charge, When these
faCts are before the presbytery they
will have some itarting point to work
front .and the propriety,: no doubt,
ascertained of filling or Permitting a
calI Itis anticipated that this inves-
tigating body will sift matters as they
• should' be in the interest • of both
ministers and congregations. Three-
fourths of the congregation, no doubt
anxiously await to hear if anything
can be said of their much -respected
minister that will assign re cause for
• Mr. Stewart MeMordie, who has
been connected with McKenzie,Mann &
Co., railway conttactors, has left for
Toronto to embark, it ie said,. for the
coming season. It seems he is general
supervisor of the time, men and also
• Our usually quiet village was inset&
ed by a gang of gamblers who hadbeen
operating on the affectimis and pockets
of a fellow -sport, to the extent,it is Fetid,
of $200 but another version says a, sport
should not cry when beaten at his own
game. • However, to recover the cash
two detectives were engaged but ere
they reached the birds had flown, some
through the woods and bthers through
the fields, and Made their escape, it.
would have been itt the public interest
had they been apprehended and rnore
light thrown upon thesubject, neura4
they get the money and at the instiga-
tion or solicitation of whom do such
characters visit these parte. Mr,I3lack
of the party is said to be the hero of
West Huron and Elgin election frauds
whom the government pretended to
want, Me. Bose or Mr. GarroW should
now come to his rescue or he May be
run down on the present charges with
his pains and their setvices lost to the
• Sam. and Ed. Cudrnore, who have
been irt North Huron and Bruce press-
ing bey, have jest returned with teatime
and presses to commetice operations itt
this part. They have pressed and ex.
ported over 2000 tons this winter up
north besides what hag been pressed
out west. •
Mr.Thochrownlee,our indefatigable
teacherof No. 14 school section, Hay,
has just concluded a very successful
promotion examination. It is eurpris•
ing the quicknese, civility and activity
of his scholars,in addition to their pro-
ficiency in the 'multitude, of subjects
tatight by the curriculum. This young
• gentleman has the qualification to teach.
He itculcates enap and push as well as
courtesy and deportment and there nee
no drones long under hia vigilant eye
and sprightly example, Re IS e boy
with the youngster's but a master la
• his place.
Mr. W, Brandon was at Winghanr
last timulay to see his mother who is
very 111.
Mr. J. G, StanburY, .barrister, of
Exeter visited his parents here one
evening last week, .
Mrs. Brandon's mother is visiting
friends It the village.
Mr, F, Geminhardt has opened his
bicycle' livery in the skating rink office
on main street,
A. large number of our citizens etten-
OKI the funeral of the late William
Wild] on T'uesclay.
Rev. j. A. McLean of Toronto occu-
pied the pulpit of St, Andrew's church
tune Sunday morning and evening and
preaehed very aeeeptahl$ sermons.
Miss Patterson has been the guest of
Mrs, George 13ates of Milbrook Farre,
The McEwen Bros, have started
shingle cutting In earnest and, are
making the timber fly. •
Mr. 4/, LI, Peck, who came home for
Easter, left ou Saturday last to return
to Orillia where he teaches "the young
idea how to shoot."
Miss Gertie Nicholson has returned
to Seaforth after a month's vacation.
Mr, Thoinas Clark is talking uP
crearn separators at present •and can
enlarge to perfection upon the, many
good pointe of those useful machines.
There was a large, old-time and jolly
taffy -pull attire home of Mr. Charles
Parker on Friday evening last. Eery-
Drb, Woods was called away to Ilder-
ody enjoyed himself and herself to
ton near Iasridon on a consultation last Perrec4".
Saturday evening. Ile returned early The vestry meeting of St. Luke's
church on the Goshen Line was held at
8 p. ne. op &tater Monday. The reports
presented were satisfactory, as show-
ing an improvement all along the line,
and much credit ie due the retiring
officers for theirdevotion to duty and
to the congregation for the interest
manifested in the affairs of the church.
The following officere were elected:
Wardens, William Fee and ;William
McKinley; $idesmen, W. Elliott and
D. Stephenson ; James Stephenson,
delegate to Synod.
• Seeding •is the order Of the day in
this vicinity. •
Sunday morning. •
Mr, and Mrs. Holman and family
returned last Saturday afternoon from
a very pleasant Easter vexation. with
friends in Tuckerstuith, Exeter and
1.1sborne. •• •
A meeting will be held this ThursAay
eyening in St. Andrew's church for
the purpose of extending a call to A
minister. It is eXpected the call will
be unanimous for Rev. John McNeil,
• Miss Flossie Stanbury left Friday
evening for Holyroocl where she has
secured a school. -
• Mrs. Morgarvand family, who moved
to Goderich last autumn,have returned
to towl,V Itlooks much more pleasant
to see the boards removed from her
fine re.sidence windows. •
Mr. John McLeod, who has spent the
past winter in Muskoka, has returned
for a short visit to his family here.
School re -opened on Monday after
Easter vacation with a fairly large
• attendance, • The recent .Promotion,
exams have • reinforced largely the
higher classes and infused new blood
and new enthusiasna which should en-
sure a good terin's work.
Death has been in our midst and
carried away two yery respectable
yoking. residents of 13;iyfield and vicini—
ty, being Mrs,johnston, the young
wife of 1V1r. Herbert Johnston of the
,Sauble Line, and Mr....William Wild,
son of Mr. F. Wild, of the same Line.
Mrs. Johnston . was the sister of Dr.
Ball of Hanover and had been married
about tivo years. She leaves.behind
liLtle child only.;a few days old and a
grief-stricken hutband • who has the
sympathy of the: whole neighborhood
in his sad and .sudden bereavement:
••The remains Iwere taken to Hanover
for'interment last, Thursday. • Mr.
WilliaWild; who died suddenly last
Sandrty of consumption, had been ill
about two years from this -dread dis
ease. which resultedfrom rhmation
of the lungs., Deceased was able to be
around at wtts out driving on the
Thursday. previous to his death but on
Senday he took a hemorrinige and
died almost immediately in his sister's
arms. The funeral took piece last
Tuesday morning to the R. G. church
at Drysdale where the remains were
followed by a large cortege. The
•bereaved family have the sympathy of
the community in this sudden less of
beloved member ofthe-heusehold• . •
, The annual vestry meeting of Trinity
church, Bayfield, was held �n Easter
Monday at 2 p rib • The finances were
found' to be satisfactory. • The im-
provement 1:Pf the church was then
discussed and after 'due consideration
the building of a new Chancel was
abandened owing to too much expense
upon a church of So many years stand-
ing, so it was moved, seconded and
carried that the church be paperedand
otherwise improved on the inside, mak-
ing it comfortable and neat, entailing
a small amount of.cost compared with
anew chancel. , 'When these improve
ments are made Trinity will then be
the prettiest church•in hayfield. • The
general opinion of the congregation ia
improvement on those lines and they
are to be credited with their zeal in the
matter and it goes to show that .God's
house is • worthy their best efforts.
The officers and wardens retiring at,
to be congratulated upon their efforts,
The election of officers for the coming
year resulted as fbilows : David Mc-
Naughtott and A. Naftel, wardens ;
Jobn Tippett and Wm. Elliott, sides -
men; G. Hewebn and J. Tippett,
auditors ; W. J. Stinson, delegate to
Synod. •
The Albionitotel shed, has been again
adorned with, a nesv roof, •
The infant son of Mr. john Parke,
Goshen Line, will make its home with
Mr, Geo. Peek for some time. The
littlefellow is doing splendidly.
• Ilouse.cleaning, yard -cleaning and
gardening is on in this vicinity.
The residence of Mrs. Sterling is
being refitted Ana improyed by a new
• ltrtt„William .Boyce of Parkhill
spent the •Easter holidays with her
• daughter, alte,lenninge,a,t, the reetcry,
Mr. William McDool has engaged
With a farmer on the Babylon Line for
a few months and entered upon his
dutiirMenday week.
Miss A. ttathwell is Once Mere' at
home and her many friends are pleased
to see her again. ,
Mr. John Tippet left on a visit to see
his mother, taking advantage of the
Easter holiday season.
Major I3eck was in Clinton 'yesterday
on his•way to Attend' a meeting of the
Winghtun 'Volum Conservatives, who
are active and vigoreue and ready for
the fray, come when it may, The
Major, who is host known as
Peoples' Joe," has been badly treated
by his political opponents for though
really the choice of the people on ttyo
neenSieng he has been by one wile or
another kept out of hia rights and tho
constituency disfranchieed •Every
eleetor in Vilest Huron whobelieve
• that fair play in bonny play, even in
• politica, will support MAJOr Beck in
the coming emittet,
Mr. William Stanley of Holmesyille
•visited Mr. William Keys of Babylon
Line last Thursday.
Mr. John Sharp liold his fat cattle to
Mr. Chas. Reid for a good figure last
week. ' •
Miss Maud A. Horton, Who has been
spending her Easter holidays in Us-
• borne, has returned to her duties as
teacher on the Babylon,
On Thursday and. Friday of last week
Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke 'of Goder- '
ich township were at the home of Mr •
•G. R. Keys. •
' Another prayer meeting was held at;
Mr. George Kennedy's home last Tues-
day night. ,
Ilemilton—In Iluliett, on April 11th
the wife of james Hamilton, of a eon,
Snell -1n Londeeboro, on April 15th,
the wife of George Sriell,of &daughter.
Stevens—Jr; Huila% on' April 16111
Dan, son Of George Stevens, aged one
• • .
Master Melvin Keys,who has been
spending the Easter holidaye under
the parental roof, returned to Seaforth
where he is attending the Collegiate
Mr, Alex; Mitchel[ was on the
Babylon Line taking the census last
week. Alex. knows it all now.
Mr, C. W. Saunders, a student of
Hinson College, London, renewed old
acquaintences on the Goshen Line;
during the Easter holidays. •
' Mr. and. Mrs; Isaac Erratt visited.
their daughter, Mrs. Robt. McClinchey
of the Goshen Line, on Saturday last.
•Mrs. 'William Keys and Mrs. Q. R.
Keys spent Thursday of last week at
Mrs, John Johnstone's of Blake.
Mr. Ralph Stephenson of the Parr
Line and Mr. Robert McClinchey of
the Goshen Line had successful wood
bees last week.
We are pleased to hear that Mr. R...
Ek;epRer.obinson has secured a houseThe farmers are busy putting in the
spring crop and seeding will soon be
-something of the past.
•-s' Mrs. M. Bates, who , was visiting at
her sister's, Mrs. • S. T. •Dickson's a
• Seaforth, returned home a few days
Miss E, Turner, teacher of S. 8,
3, who bas been ill for a few weeks, has
again resumed her duties, , •
Mr. and Mrs. William Rathwell
visited at Mr. Thos. Rethwell's bear
• Brucefield on. Wednesday of last week.
Miss Maggie Reid of Varna spent a,
few days at the home of Mrs. 11. Peek
last week.
Mr. Samuel Johnstone and his sister,
Charlotte, visited at 'Mr, • Vitali=
Rathwell's on Sunday last.
• Mr. William Reid. who is attending
the Business College ,at Listowel and
who was home for Easter, has returned '
tore. llnDA.. Jehohtotsisitsadniees:
Mrfrom near Bruce-
6eld,visited at the home of ber 'brother,
Mr. John Reid, last week,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Penhale visited at
Mr. William Rathwell's on Thursday
of last Week.
Mr. A. Sparks sold a fine span of
laeavy horses to a Seaforth buyer atew
days ago for which be received a hand-
some figure, •
The Rev, Mr. and Mrs, Yelland of
hayfield visited at Mr. Ed,johnstone's
on Wednesday of last week,
• The following report is the result of ,
A written test examination held in 8: s•
S. Isto. 5, Stanley, on the 2nd, ard and
4th of A.pril. The nuinbers attached
give the percentago of tke aggregate
marks obtained by each pupil, Those
who have taken less than 50 per cent.
of the aggregate are regarded as unfit.
for promotion. Parents are earnestly
reqiiested t gee that their, children
prepate their lessons at home, also to
gee 1 hat they are sent regularly to
school :
5th Class—Gertie Dowson /0, Maggie '
Robinson 00,
Sr. 4th—Edith Stogdill 60, Eliza
Robinson 50,
Jr. 4th—Jetty Lamont 67, Ella Dore -
son 61, Annie IA.rmstrong 53, Willie
Elliott 50. •
Sr, 3rd—Ernest Pollock 05; James
Armstrong 48
• Jr. fird—Matele Lamont 01, Dorothy
Boyce 42, Albert Boyee 41:
• Se. 2nd—Rox1e Palmer es, Lloyd
DoWson 01, Geo. Lloyd Armstrong 58,
Mabel McKinley 56, Ella Id., Stephenson
-55, George Armstrong 43, Robez t Arm.
ar. 2tui—Gliye Pollack 000 Mary Stag.
hill 50, Sohn A. Atmetroeg 54, Victor
Boyes 40,— 3s. 8, DgenAvev, Teacher,.
See ror Sale ads on page five of Tun
News:RI-Mum. Reed estate, roots.
It was the last and best of the 11 111:egerest.cSmairteh,tWheamilittirteldlif:reiTtleet;
wiater season. a
eeetion, • blot° the eity rearket 00 day.
ItTvit;erset"kwet: 1;7;
Seeding is now the order of the day. nntldtoMoaisionlisabnifilaV.
ran wheat never looked better in tble ellipments from ell pato Of the Prov•
Mrs. Hugh Love, who has been visit.
Ing friends in Blenhohn for the past,
couple of months, has returned home.
Rey. Mr Shaw occupied ithe pulpit
in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath
Me, Thos. Jarrett returned to Coert.
right 00 Satutday last.
A 'large number of the farinere will
flnIheeeding this week.
Mr. Rob& Stelck has resumed hie
duties In Zuvieh Pubile sehool,
Mr. Chas. Troyer had a very tuceese.,
tit sawing bee hot week.
Willie Jarrett bee returned to Olin -
ton to resume his titadied in the COI -
wfivr Tuoteksrtrrn.
Mr. J. Miller of Clinton is erecting it
Chicago air motor for Mr. George
Turner's artesian well.
Mr. Wm. Stanisury of the London
Road treated his wally friends to a
pleasant evening on Vriday last. They
tripped the 'light fantastic into the
wee ma, hours 3ihen the guests retired
to their bottles with the th.ought tho.t