HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-02-13, Page 2DisoF
I{j(({Ilil uilihullllluuff oi1uuui '
CI1AP'A ER XII, the radioplane down the ekidway, enil-
Garrick spread the net far and wideiiug back to ?deliay to drive Mrs. Wal -
to intercept the "Bacchante." He hadden across the Island to Seaviile. The
turned the radio world veritably up- radioplane struck the quiet water of
side down in the scar;h.
Forenoon lengthened into afternoon.
Dick worked feverishly tuning up his
Defoe telautomntic hydroaeroplane.
"This is ono of the nexest of the
eeiences—telautonatice," he remarked
' as Garrick watched.
the harbor, the staccato whirr of the
two propellers rose to s screech. They
were off in a cloud of• spray.
The night to Scoville was only a
platter of minutes, for there was no
time to lose before darkness.
At Scoville a hasty survey disclosed
no sign of the "Bacchante" but there
"Yes. You probably know it by was at trenleodtIts cl"w'd down on a
another name. Thera is something bulkhead and they could sec them wav-
ing and hoar their shouts. Dick
brought the radioplane down to the
"We'vo got that Curtis and the
Latue girl!" shouted a Man with a
big brass star on his chest;
Dick glanced nt Gatcxk, "Anchor
here, 'We must take the time to ques-
tion theta."
Curtis was sour; Rae rmrvously tri-
umphant. They had been deserted,
put ashore, double-crossed. Lt spite
of her capture, Rae looked happier
weird, fascinating about the very idea.
I sit hero safely, turning switches,
pressing buttons, depressing levers,
Ten utiles away a vehicle, an auto, a
ship, an aeroplane, 0 submarine obeys
'It may carry enough of the latest
and most modern explosive that after -
war science can Riven', Yet it obeys
my will. It goes where and when I
want it,"
"Vita's hackl"
It was Nita Walden in her car, "I've hoklin •
brought her here she called, than she had been for days. She was
first; * on to e Jack's iiysarm withthe
"Guy, telephone tel Glenn; T know bony air of possession that seemed to com-
anxious the boy is:"' 1(noatu for everythlr,* Curtis did
"But vvhnt of Itutb 1 qucriecl Dict. not look so pleased. Ile was thinking
"Ask Vire, She has coals to tett of the vanishing fortune and the fret -
you all she lama s. its he save gl!nnmerirg away in the
Tell us Viva," cried Dick, st.
"Well, you see, we found a duck. 1,.As Gar. rick and Dic]c'ctuuc up, Cur.
boat in the hold, a boat for ono. Ono tis took his cue from Ras. A clean
of us could get off only and Rath made
breast was the 11(10i beat thingle n
the choice—insisted--settled it. 1t had dean ret-nvo
to be me.
Why was the 'Bachoute here?"LIFE AND LOVE
demanded than cic
( One of the very l'nndauuata( Iwlu-1 There i a delicate nie1i®
"To til e 1 culeu 0r 1 an° cm; he elides of life is so much lotki, so much
cane ncuoss by ens from the
h111110 1000 111 00)1)011 80 Ill 11011 1000, 80 111110111
tact growth so much love, o mach
"Ilow long' has the ']1 nett �nntc' Lon n
Power; so much love, so much life—
gone?" asked Garricit• strew 1tetlthy, rich, exulting, nod
"half ail 11000 0r molt, answered d abounding life. Tim world is twain.
Curtis. "Headed ,outlreo.t by cast."'ning to 0001100 Uro feet fhat lora, A. few more questions convinced ,,10 011 of'Ming a mt't0 indefinite 0ouc-
Guy oral Dick that Profca.;01 Varix 01111" is as vital nntl livh;g 10)11 1110
behind ticInner
fent nalntr. The
the direction t ur
it could not compete with phis the ratnl most vital and powerful in the tint,
plane, Garrick, with his tees ghntl,vec�e that they h,ivr. form and sub -
was the master-mindcinh 10 m". is tdectrit icy is a fuer, though
Circle Back in the 10)111110110 Dick iperhaps,111)h1 ,t liitc
flew by told his to 1e o I1tt'1t tact w" aro learning In
tis had told 1(1111 the "Bacchante" 10?11111111 11111 11(11 1 that tlunfl-les ,110
111(11) Fast as
the 011 sI cruiser 0v -f. ,hm;u, that ih,11111 aro force`;, the
to a glass, sv'ept the sea. 'l'ncy had stance and power, the quality of the
net been flying ten minutes when Gar-
rick shouted she's the rush of the ipualtty of the life, In whose Organ 10111
Rh', and pointed further south, Dicr, the thoughts tut engendered; and so,
swung the plaint in the duction indi- Ibe 1 a, his or e given birth to, I,
(toted and sh1rtly the ' I3acchmaoa whoa door net cud thoug1t to but takes torn),
. •on)
came into view of the naked eye, fns and its x (0100 It l,ocr; oat told has Its
out to sea,' effect upon other mints: and lives, 111e
effect being detcrutined by its inten-
els they watcher her, the "bac-
hack. deliberately turned ;nil
headed silty and Ut0 quality of the peavailittg The woman who hos many friends
hack toward them (lau•uy tr,nnl'i1 l fiats 7 " 'i i the
flavour to Salada Japan Tea
'Fresh from the gardens'
For the Woman
The Likable Woman'
�nwlInne, oud also by the emotions s and alto lands a wedding ring s
tls0 lass inward it.. What dict it. l
g dominating the person ;it the time the
u,cnn? thou'! le 't 1 •,iven
`'By brawn 1" he caan,ntell, ''\1111 it's fat".u.-
that speck between uS 1)111 him, ('1111
ono who Is luteresled in other people.
aro e aldnt Trc-t out n Most men do not watt'. a dumbbell
-Ralph Waldo Trine.
it be someone -n'ip,ndrial Ruth')"
Couto it be that Ruth had seen and Tiers Not Teal's
taken a last long cha,-ce lama she had
gone tverboatd, asking evorythiug 011
11 Marathon swim with nota chance
in 0 million of making the shove?
As the radfopkinc tame nearer the
for a wife, bot they 11110 shout the
hearth, one who has something to
contribute to the entertainment; hut
When They she must h0 ever really to drop all her
Interests and devote herself to her
Slenderize hnsbtu1d's whenever they 0010e Into result front It.
1110. tang,
how it fits into tho workhrt, liSurs of) -
tlte day, week, and month.
If it requires more time than there
is, 00 more than you can devote to it,
tatty the whole list carefully an3'.e0a
what you can cut out or cat siown
Some tasks you can on'it without.
hm'tfug anything hut u habit, Homes
You tan do less often. Some you eau
delegate to others. Per sonic yes) caul
substitute 0 ready-made prt•vdnet.!
Some you can do here (ptic111y, Some
you can stmpitt'Y.
At any rate you have lo0kml the
bugaboo in the face and better man-'
agement, better contentment, and a
wiser and deicer life aro aerta'n to
water and nearer '1(1111101)the 11ugglulgswim- ( Alen otIrno beautiful women --at Hanging Pictures
merit breams evident that the race Er,"ry Tl'nnarn Stcre!!1; Iluv Desire to prst, But. they marry interesting wo•
between the prone and the cruiser vv,rs Appear JmrlllhU Slender Wren, sympathetic and kindly women, (10011ged pictures are in good tante,i
a losing one for the cruisers women vr110 ars good epmts and do hitt they should be vertical or bort-'
Ilene, Guy take this plan.... 1'11 By Ay11,'1"i'ls'' not wear chips on 4h3ir shoulders. natal, never 101 shtlr-step design.,
tape the radio!" The likable woman is adaptable, TheY 011101)1 ho hung about tho height
Carrick seized the duplicate set of v, She tits 1n anywhere and is easy to of the eye, on wh•cs or cords which,
controls. A. moment later 110 had get along with, Sho is interested in are either hidden behind the picture
the things others aro interested In or drop straight down from the mold-
Timand does not rub people's fur the fag. triangle, made by tar, cord
wrong Way. which stretches from a hook le each
corner of the picture, in not in her;
The Time Budget 11(O(Y with other lines in the room!.
The housewife who has 1. sense of A 18)40 pictur0' 1o01(s halter if hang
being driven, always behind and un- lug over a piece of furu!lut•e which'
able to catch up, might arrange iter has the appearance of Supporting
worts to better advantage by use of 05 ever a mantel, "1'1103" 0r
the lime schedule. You would not - -_�
think of building a house with a
vague idea that the kitchen would be
somewhere it this general direction
and he parlor in that. Rather you
make a blueprint specifying the ex-
act dimensions of each room, the ma-
terials needed, anti the most,
In so vital -a nutter as one's daily
program of work it is equally invport-
ant that you have a definite plan
Given twenty-four hours a 'day, what
will you do nv'ftly then?
Male a list of all the tasks which
uulst he done each day; meals pre
paved; (laches done; tiara of person,
00 persons if ih0Ye are children;
straightening up Oho house, beds to
be spade, mal so On, List 'asks to ho
done only 0100 a week, or twice n
week, or no'.e in throe weel(s 11r
otherwise. '
After each item, write the lime it
lakes to do it. At 1h'st-this will bo
merely an estimate. "11 may he n0ccs-
sary to 1100p records for a week of
two to correct the figures.
List the things you want to do anid
estimate how much Unto should be
allotted to them, Be .sire to allow
for .interruptions, for 00014any,, stele
ness, family nal neighborly demands.
Donot try to clioat yourself no' ex-
pect the impossible of yourself. You
cannot fool Mother Nature nor Path -
A (1 ick silk crepe that owes its 0r, Time.
distinot'os to chic detail0 that the de- Now add your list nod see how
signet used to disguise overweight is lnuclt time this pr0gr1uu requires and
A$ Vario sank to the deers, Garrick illustrated in Style No, 220. ._-_-
t f skirt shoves
"Don„ you sea" explained Pira, 1 ill alga hl•dd and 11urg'u) clod Hied in spray and 00)15 rocicint!, incl
Bbu'kbeau d. he ('0clmt,t,111 in disgust. Pitching a 1'ew feet from the swimmer.
talkieg fast, "The jiff was 00 fOlt10 It vras ticleli h business but nc man -
11 ere A11 they wanted was to mike man-
oeuvred until he was able to saving
a clean get away; take all the jewelry y about, Fortunately the sea was corn-
the money, They waited until the v
t.`n, pal.ltively cam. As for Muth, she
lest minute i• oet fifty tltou101 s for i .1 10110 �'1i11 fresh, Het long -.distance
the Inner Circle and the other stuff. swimming counted now in five balance.
But it failed. Then tiv0 only thing* `��' for her life,
that remained 00.16 to get away with:,' Garrick, with a final ed'ta•t with
Ruth -the ten -million stellar heiress, pal dragged her aboal'd,
as they speak of iter.. , , yr "Take e care of her, Guy, for a min-
Dick tut 11011 to his radio np-
"You k11000, the 'Httecha:de' had
pat vlus and as he did so Carrick save
It vias sheer bluff, lxsin'4 as revenue 1 r7".; '', that the "Bacchante," long before she
enforcers It was stored on the `Sea t t:l was beaten, had 101'11ad and was going
Vamp' Every time 110ye00 drove into 6"00 N i ; allay at top speed, `There!" Dick
the city, they would mice a couple of ' swam; a switch. Like a bolt flew the
cases or more to the Inner Circle or 0 _ y' art•angentent overhead, along torpedo-
Garage. From the inner Circle m like affair of aluminum, with wings
it was distributed to the wealthy, Qt o and ,pontoons for all the world like
Bootleg aristocracy?" " 'I the hydro-fie:Milano on which they
Nita sighed, "Up to a point, !hen, 1 / '� were,
perhaps Ruth didn't need saving from i It
It was flying, with the buzz of a
herself as much as I thought. She was hoructl
on the trail of something big—this "1,)
Dick pressed a lever. It swung in
00ns11racy , And sh0 almost land- ,e flight. "The prinr.iplr, of the thing
edherfish, Orly to get Into trouble is that I use Hertzien waves to actu-
ate which it's taking all the skill ,rte relays on tho radioplan0, I can
et Guy and Dick to save her." "They were piker pirates, They plus- sit here and send my little David any -
Suddenly Virvs face beamed.,dered their pals, I'vc read. ,Well, so where to strike down Goliath!" "Glenn's cooing! J hear his engine!"'<1111 this beast—and he carried off a In the sunset Vario on the "Baca
an'd'cut of the roost she flew. girl, too, a ter -mullion -dollar prize!" chance" must have seen it, soused it,
"Here's the first report tot 1 )110001 Garrick shot question after quer- far he knicw something of 1)ieit's work.
any confidence in," shouted Garrick trop. "Why, the 'Bacchante' was a He changed his coarse. Instants Dick
in a tone that could be heard all over floating treasure hog,e--Ilse jewels of pulled a lever end the radioplane
the boatlloise, "It's from a freighter the Gerard robbery, the Parr jewels--- changed its 0001000 by exactly the same
just orf Sea-vibe—sighted a boat an- the stuff from a score of others, There degree. It was like n conscience t ee pme-
swering the description of the "Bac- was money, oh, I don't know how suing.
civaute' putting into the Great South
Bay: how's tho work conning on,
"A11 ready new," replied Dick, frons:sw'ore as he thought: of the massed at hint, however, he fired once, twice,
below, � wealth frons which ho had been de- three times at it. No marksmanship
They swung .pen the doors and run treaded." of Vario's could stop the china:. lie
She saw the sling, dripping figure
of a eirl running up the beach.
much, the profits of the bootleg scheme They could flat see Varig beside the
of looting wine cellars all over the man at the wheel, He had his revel -
Island, of the Inner Circle," Jack ver.. An the hornet swooped straight
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seemed to realize it. For an instant
he hesitated, then quickly turned the
gun 011 himself and fired.
wrap -
nerved himself for the explosion of The upper for O s i
the radioplane. 'Co his amazement the Ped movement, split at centre -firma
It. is stitched to dress at normal waist.
line at centrofion1 00th downward
curved tendency toward the 1)0011 that
creates a dce,dedly slimming lune,
The bodice has collarless neckline
which is best far larger weenie. The
cleverly shaped jabot 00000 of egg-
shell crepe silk narrows toward the
little thing circled like a wasp, turned,
and started back.
".I'hey'11 stand by now," muttered
Dick. "Not a reason in the world to
send that little treasure ship to Davy
It was late and dart: when the "Bac.
chaste' limped up and cast anchor elf shoulders and lower bodice.
the Scoville wireless station, towing • owl sleeves' are slightly fall with
Defne's radioplane and its mother fly -,neat tuslnovek cuffs.
ing boat. Every effort has been skillfully used
Nita Walden had been sitting for
hours in her car by the broth in front t'olgive
t the
d in sizes sleek
slenderne, 18, ss.
of the station. Suddenly she 0a0v a
sling, dripping figure of a girl running years, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches
up the beach, She winked, stared bust,
harder. "My Ruth—at last!" She It makes up lovely. in chiffon that
pulled the curly head down to her is so smart 'now for afternoons and
and sobbed joyously, evenings.
Through her tears and hysterical Crepe maroca!u, wool crepe and
sobs Nita Walden saw Dick and Gar- satin crepe chic,
rick just behind hint. She opened her HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS.
arms and drew Dick toward herself- Write your name and address plain.
tied Path. ly, giving number std size of such
I suppose Inlay have the job of patterns 110 you wont, Enclose 20e in
dote -ave watching the wedding pies- stamps or coil (coin preferred; wrap
encs?_' laughed Garrick.
(The End.)
Fruit Mousse,
Pack n can of any hind of fruit in "It the war liras 0101 foveseca and
a mixture composed of throe) parts of preened' for It might pu 01h1y not
finely chopped ice to ono of salt, have occurred --- Come Bernard
Cover the can completely 0011 let it Shaw,
gland for three or four hour... Remove
from the can and serve with whipped
it carefully) for earl) number, and
address your order to Milson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St Toronto,
cream. Such fruit; cut in small
chunks, is a delightful salvsiitute for
cracked ice in 0 troll, punch,
Fried Pineapple
Try c0iap several slices of bacon,
and remove them 10001 111e fry -pan,
but keep theta hoc., Int the bacon ,
lease, brown slices of phleaapie
•.,hick have been dipped in flour.
-rye these m1 a platter tont garnish
�llh the bacon strips,
When the truth cannot he clearly
made out, what is false is increased
tar- ugh fear.--Refus. 1—
Mailed to you for the small
charge of
25 Cents a Week
Address all enquiries to
The De Luxe Libraries
Minard'e—The Great White LIy en);,
ISSUE No, 6—'30'
"'Those two pugilists are liable to/
be arrested before they got mac)),
''For fighting?"
'No, 1 or 10 114 loud 0(111 1' 10150-1
The aeronaut does not worry en'
much about how his air ,ship will be•'
have in the air as lie sloes about the
way ho. makes his landing. The race
is not 'you 'unless he can effect a
landing without accident, and the'
chances of 'mishap 510 iva04. tt is
ma0ir the same with life. A fevv sue"
00;005 are apt 110,10r» a goring m11n'a
head, hitt Ito should onmentlyes tielt a
start is, after all, only a start Every.,
thing is in Rs favor. The test of skill
c0m00 at 111e end of the race.
Check Falling Hair with Mhvard's.
'��•:�:: \reedit
Don't be a martyr to unnecessary pain,
Lots of suffering is, indeed, quite needless.
headaches, forexample. They come with-
out warning, but one can always be prepared.
Aspirin tablets bring prompt relief. keep a
bottle of them at the office. Carry the small
tin in your pocket. Then you won't have
to hunt a drugstore, or wait till you get home.
And do not think. that Aspirin is only
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Read the proven directions fur relieving
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for any continued pain, see a doctor.
Purchase genuine Aspirin, Protect yours
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