HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-28, Page 6I- :_, __ I'll, ... 1-1 .11 I .
-1.1-I.- I——
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I I 1- - I - I ::,I K7 : 1 1 - " , " , I - � . � ,_ 110.1 � w1jill,''I'lowl''111'' I 11111,::1111!
'S', STORY, '' —--------4, %R"a I asible thAt he a I I __ _�, , � - . ; , ,� =1%-1!,1,1 l�" 0 ,.."'. I
W "
I _. ? :�:"""�'1`11` � 7 — �: � � n= i . .. ....... . imm.', .
..;N._ _ � - �
. 1. � I -1. �'. - - _�, "_""A"6**M" iiiiiiiii,iiiiiiii'lliilill�l��l,��ll�l��!�,��'I .... 1!1 ... 111,11i,
. � 4' '14", bormelf that " MUSKOKA COTTAup, 8 , , 77— != � _1111� I .....
I to � ve .1 1p: .....
1,001ned A 98 ., ANITORivs, - �_ . .
Rip Tellfs vow Rig SQJM P . t �41101'10.Leo'411140 I—' . 1-1 " - � I . _
He* nd Wi ke COUX0401 that she %01414 wao. F I VE DOCTO -1 1.
atpaltu 4,144 0tre1;$;tJ$. 1 ress a , feo "re, thot borareat love must in . "-� . --- .
. . It 410plMoloolkilf, I
I ""� tkm* prarill. 'ut '11,00i ,or the paellitles
� 14 I . $41 muot A , . PrOV1001 ror Ilke � Pat,
�, W
, , Q47J4.
�� 4 1914 01PIAQ ,Injured And , TWO . ___ vW lothIm find we dull Th
Y9413 Was IJ44 tar 1. . ow Unbarv,vt she thought. "I must FARE'Dil tr � 10 jAstitutioxx is. d he I
904 far A%Q . 1010, to ,.go ArssrWaric I .:;;�� I - I -I--,. caimlUlly We All trac4 � of pi1qgo or . --- . . catluent . ,of perisongoin _ .1 IU D
I ftod to the lit of thq Tlinto W44 .00A OUAPTBH XXVIT.—Continued. annoyance. I the early L A ,,_ew.�
, 4104.4ii, . . r INA spy1wol 04,5.-n. OT" X, Ota(M% of COMOUMption Of the Janes. .033-V
Wbic WoUld have &CaM'04 the boau- She Would do hex boot to entertain, N;Wy pl�, 0- "W. J. J , X04>0W *V26,%.
U0 remark was go upexpoetcd Rex Walk Proud Young heireAs could boxe him, amid inaloo It the st,d _ a k, . R40 090loved a a I I
, JIA AXecent iSsfao Of 4 010brItY unoqu
wlIO have tried it, if 41144 by'0010M Tliorefkoo4 lit AV
in more "M1r4109P?e�,1,a.dd't,f,1hTO It -your next (r at an we ro
31r. X. D%ntromout,� a well knew -0 aciame,d for a fow mom 7 .. AMM ,Xoronta ZIRT. after speak: vattiltled that yon WAIM11 ""t arillat to t)10#0 1`1 ,
, outs to be un. onaiet:l thro rewy mommy of the young life to WJA W JOY., of bar I OAS, w 'Wor, �
farmer flirl W1110114 0110 bolicirod W be dead, . BAOX. 9 Of the Y, 4 A
living at West Nbulao, X.S.,. able, to reply to it.. Looking at the lying all ilmeand ISIX 'Watched the Stare until they I beautiful . its 040 quality. ,
Writes; "I ImIleve it is only right eago — — — . I Scenery and handii0me I
,T, expectant face turned toward 1164101Y grave I , fw in 4, neglected, faded from tile akies, theta buirted her bodij,s glonoy 3p,1114 Cure Xr. AII40 isr build __ . Le" "OhaStill ,?Ii, 30# 40, ao And o0q, -
. I I --'
Ungenerous, and un- face 'a IXT PIIIQ1W, falling into all Un- '.1, 14akolueo )'a found on Cho 8110TO ,of OXF1WDEJ) ' - I .__.___,_,_-,__1__--.____
t'lla"Ishoultil IOtyOU know the bene, him, it oppeared I Rox felt 60frOly dInturbad. $10 OfWatoralilo, N.J�J., Aftorrzlvor4or U`a5kOk4, Says - . XOD: GIST'r.
fit Your mediolne—Dr.'Williame, pink kind not to givia her one A , AQvOr remembered bow the remain- ea;sy Slumber, through which a beauti- Men U4VO VJpOAOTU2ocd.V,$z 0,,tsp 414AI 1, : 4 O:Vy Of Indignation has been X41S. �. 4 . To 48no for our
I , ffootionate"ller Of the orronlu passed f It f1OwaTII'kO, girlish face Abito, � In all aaaO4 tile patients Occupy 04 Ia the oastoM Part of 0ormallY us clomplote ithita.
P'llsi—lut" been to MY'sion, Constant, word. Yet he did not knew Jig ,g . a . 11111tclY .111curalilo. .9
w to Wavelist bow his Ah" 4 slight, delicate folr,lg k',%"t'Vj , . � e e 10 loffus. at Shoot
love -dream so .B., Xaroh 18.—Spe MWID Arid 8604
Sixteen Years; of age, For ,Several say it', lie b4d 110TOr spoken a loving't'D that Meet Mind w4nda,rod book hex feet boiding her arnIls'efult Im. WIXturswO, X card is because the dInInistratiOn . of the 1,
. cruelly ploltijagly, Babb, , ug � —"I halve bde7a vc, often Indite , of kint �
lid, the reisult I fore Lie eyes, try patent Medicines by The reading ties Are provid N4 F'40111,i Wends to ri�� th . 91 — '11-�ik,..krl,ke
. ,ad to comdoolve
.. a L .9 ir brakett, A, .141 �At' and everything Seem% to be Seaside rba,70 4 1110114IM14" ,
Years 1145 wag Almost a Constant luva- -Iyer'd to any One 6XCePt D isy, 1 Ia � mist As of teArg spread be, #q)o not ta eut.— C - excelle to their bappines Irt 7 -0 -pot, ,near .Danz! ,
of an InjurY to big little child,bride, and Shut the Wbulle woxld W Wotrld—I J#koa tIlIqlAm 11,U.rom mo-L'a is Of the Wonderful cures Said t o4 for all Ic Teacherls *"
' from him as he gl4ucad ,,*t of the wln�_ And With .4 , . . . 0 Lave ter 44 , Inds of, w1u, hare 11 a barriers that . .
th - UO t4ad ,hard to Put the womicry , I been offee � 1(heirt, ,
. OPI-110 While working wikbbl� brothers ted In almilar _ d klummair, Outdoor sportts, T40 , . WHAE00
on I , daw "d UP, at the atar,ig0mruo4,qkY-w- hr c .Y tc,rrJ_ 0 Separated the
. farm. HO grew. weali� and of Daisy away from him a;s he Answer ,oy pluma, turned )a ,a
� �
a I -;t t as , 10 aiqj,a 110 , . ble Jealow Cases, tbat patie.lits S, 344 from lit to ten Iv bathing, 444 to do exog
. . Owilourts by ties . ' ours each daY In. the open !Ilr, .In beach a 0 � 110YOR -m co,
� WtIca ha W 1i 1) me. I uneasily �now When I feel It MY 4UtY to write . , ale, bell
a, had no appetite, And fortwo ed: C -U bar PIIIQW an the Story .of my 11 ,1014XO the WW .
. I holpe mv little SoIng hasnat cast The . 4 Opened her � , use I Wanted Is$ Yargit 4L
,, . Stara were eYOS, of Dodd's Kido -"Ora weather � saw man read 00mou ba ,
. ttt ft gloom ovei YOU, Box?" She suld, held- raclo(al,lebte,d, still glimmer , � � I)% I am carefully ping and Pl�yl . Willie place.. .. __ ____ , Toro"Itti, orit. I
Years was Unable to work and WAS, for "',rho question is so Important tb I 11 . Ing in the Avoiding , i5y pi L491 A,Rlp- . . I � .
, a any Comment of � my Own, or like game,$ 04 the plazza, 4 -- _�_,_
— ,
. to him as. she arose rS Cho fikioa of D04sy a.rwk% Over complimentary Words, I IsImply and ladies doing filnoy work and writ- 19TATE OP Onto, CITY C,J? ToLt;t)o, . 800FINC 0110 040C MOW Warke.
th' Itaost 40't the time confined to the most Probably I thought more of it .11 Me Out Lor ItAnds ky, any I
bouse, and for a Part of the time to than of a to W him good- ' state the absolute facts. of my ease Lag letters in perfvt con( LUCAS QoUn,ry. RedarA teen BOOIVI$G SLAT14 in tiack,
13Y Words WWII should go Wh!t0 hands Upon night-;-thOea Small to haunt me thus V" Sho, ewled )09.
. one of-whioll his eia� p ntly� it 0 The ,Sunlight, a... entment. it BpAric .
� I W I to .. Out, Int- as follows: V, ItANX J - OUR Joy, malres path that Ile 10. )Volilloanit High Soling, ftAVKnOA1tJ)S,' goi.4g
; gagemout-ring. glowed with a thou - 04le H W As . air, rost and medi- V Partner of lite arm
"is bed- He suffered Considerably With It-" know ,she 11 I have bee Cal treatment seem r to be I 1110 . IT:*' T -M 00, 900 X 0 TJLS (a N
r yielding ., gin ,of IV, J. I, P oronto). R.165., Willi .
I A , to treated by�fivo differ- , Wonderful raaUjt$,, ().a.. Pat -5.f4,orQoW,4oII0bjI,oUgc I
from paing in the back; LIA lag'$ ware "011, that is � it," returned fl.uma, 4Z4 prismatic bftp, . 9 to die?" 'all$ italItte"4t GXO!tOdl,v, ant d .t I . 081110119 ja tile 04 of T r,,,,, , VIty Jollud. .
- I WAL oo arm, and Lave taken a large me he bad g - eat told bledo PO4to., "Fail otlTorworkpoir Logo, Col. .
011n An tate Aforesaid I glUA . ft4Qr^L Vell
- laugh. AmOU4t Of Patent medicine during the panic, in III P theell at 0,NJQ , nnd that said a pin n PXk[% rot,jleqouut� Ipts or for
weak; and be had frequent bea,laollea, w1th 01 Wistful little I -PW* Should It?,, Ile asked, a ttam.Dt. " 1, Simply mea -At to bav� Stanwick i o30", Ole, Rothit .
abduct bier ri,oln the semi; amed g4 1,2 rustirrimush
At different times Ile wag wttended Dy me '.3fost '49 to laugh lightly, I admired it Rex mIght bol,; 0 that last four yea four weeks. RUNPURI) DOL. O' PUT4111 I W
and Lame Book, trom 9 . DeWitt, 0 ,
rs for Xidney Trouble Ville, w9va , Dr. r 4% I And or GONUA461a doe I- bone 19a
curen -- L
two doctors, but got no belle,fit,from them, aa,�( something, Of love, I f wolf- T PAullot; bri 460 Of CATARUJI r
It) when they ask w.omen to, , an Any other I have t,ura _ eff him bar nary and Celia, came with It it I .
,ever Hint
- marry 1*1111,04 Maxe tb , 1 140.
. 0 t evetr healrd yon sing,,, W Me for sympathy., I IvIII hot which I have . . 1480 Of HALV$
(I lacy PI , I think r been suffering, Patient to the SalAtorl . 0.0111111110" Lino
men t. Then I procured tin 40t?" I . . UWA wall know WIW. . ' it," she Oried.. "I Am not one life at times I , a$ Ile SAW,'no r Ile Swart' to bero FRANIC j. montleAl to T, RORrnshlps
I elf I Was very ., Said
. I . to, x1iineb, I bad, MY felt safa here OHNNjay.
electric belt ear him, but it was "It was eit, fTqm 4 couxae of aotiou 50011104 a burden. I got lity of.ceiitagtoia wkhare OUtY possibi, prcsen!��Jhla 6thro me And subscribed 14, mr Iverpool, ItQaton to 1,iyk,r.
- ggestod to me by a havO marked , I . . tool. Portland to Liyprpoo I
Strange occurrence. Shall I elate it ter What the If,r I no relief until I was 11 day`000000kaber. A.D IQ, O)VI). �L ViaQ,ef"O.
r eim- "W4," be replied, abiseA'tly. � r 'Out IAP m7ae no mat- Doil B . rauaded to try Cho earlier ata cases in � "' 1. A, W GLBAsuk Lvffo and V4stste&M6hip&, ,
I r 4 , ,W,= pp
r to You Rex fl, I Fou,sequencee WAY be, If ,,,r a so Vills, I cheerfully give admitted. sas re . q4AIr. , " al I
.not flo "YOU have bad no expelpioniDe," . _ 4 11 . I ........ : xotary,vubuc, for 41 clauspoolpaMid.". �,F'110111qconitoollatloa I
Ply XUOAAY waisted as it did , it . . " -0 &04 StAteroonil
him a particle of good. One day 14ugheil Pluma, archly. . . I t, Ile )Iade some imoistinot anelvel,' llt� loallY gain,11ex'-s lom,- I d testimonial, that I HO claimed th r p,ro imidsbipm SPeoiniottenta b 4
r, _ Amid pluma , fifty or m at those Rallis Oatfiirth O ,ure is t I . " O'n Given to tbtl 1.
while MY Son was readbrog a -naive- :�he Was Barely disappointed, She' 'a dreaming have received more benefit from mix ,ore )4tiOnt$'r gathered from I AOM"direetly on the blood akea "'t'irtially, and 4ecOnd,341000 aull ThirdIJI'lo o' Fur
-9 LOW wofully the little turned he . rAtv 4" 4wollitnutintlQu.
.j fit, the biride soon to bet boxes Of Dod Fill over Cho 1 and )tin a ofpas.,aga and all ,14r&j,ulars, AX)PIV to any aittiol,
, . � I dia Kidney pli -Domini fthiloyatom. 0 of the Von,Paoy, or .
Paper be came aoros4 an 44-0edIA6 'Would affect hint. .On of Gulada' and , -and, fox, teitlinioncous surfaces .
"'� C JAIR. ,,, r
. . ushed face again to.the 18, than Some from ac e F - J. ciamicy Ice
I � article tell-, had gone over in her Own imagin4tion F "I do not like to bring u Wall to dream agahn qf Daisy Brooks, from any and all other sources,,, ware ,not 'Sold by D , ()�, To d;, 0 . , D. Torratice & Co .
. 1 r R104ards, NON & Co. �
cure in a somewhat slinil r tb! P old, un- Mr. A Only SlIving their eivu. lives, fU PIL9910ts Mo 77oibato 14., Ro., ton.
I A ',a VVXY Scene a thou.sana times, of I pleasant subjectA, Rex. But "�'110 little dreamed Rex, to Ittlersion is in ear I ne . St. Rif) tber � for flall's Family pjll�' AF4. the it _.. . Alunt,rowl 4n4l !;a_tlAtAd.
, -
. . was istralglit-forw6mil Smell r ing I ear, , _ ... r �
case through the use of Dr. William I supreme moment, It I 1`0=10114bor, what the cally quar dfo ykto Wiltchl'ng thestars, 40 wakof 10" ,stat tr Usefulness, but-sar , thousall(rIS r . I I -.-- �
Ia' Lit a .ul of facts of Proo1ou's .
� ral we I (is Shot Carries oonVIC lives from infee . .
' ' r
Pink Pills, and be then decided to glv.e 14,; arms a I round her, r a woul-a clean 'ovor had was about, or rather who It thinking Off the past. Clan. Lama Back and Of them, will � ,,,,I,. rlq cat I —_ . . . . I THrz. M08T NUTAITIC)Us- . I
. Xidney Disease do not Seem able' to return to their homes HE THOUGHT TWICE. I , I
to hell) , .
telling hot ln.! wtis' aboU011 tar I'Lien be prayed Heaven t used. It has cured, and will ly, ; . I � '�
them a trial., After the Second box glowing, pas :�3xt tAP least Idea a had Billauld enter his mind Y Popular ,ioomq miss i'�nariea of � vapa-ycu &air that 'big boy whip. r
was taken I SiOnate weid,q how dear- I He looked at b ,ta. su,Iprjse� It ' him, so thaft. no ,tskewortIly though exist WbOrO this wonderful remedy *18 heal.th to their families and . "',
there was a marked im- ly he loved her. and Low wretched h,A ed . I of Whitt she alludom - Aiftew that .. been made ver Tile 40vtore friends.11 ping the little QUO . I E PPS %S I
provement in his a, life NY0414 be without he Slept, and One 0141he moist pa ful (101-satiOu of Mr, Anderson w "lkxt'll to Ono seventh Om One- Wterfore? I . I .
. condition. . hex. ,He did to. dayS of, his life wag in in this community by tile hearty an. , tell Us that fr' and - You -didn't QRATE ,
continued the use of .th a P'llg Until notbing Of the kind, - � " 0, O You iremembar what a Tom,an- ended. ,be is a from .,tuberculosis, or, all -hs are . r FUL
, dcaL . Suppose YOU: (had been . . "OOMFORTiNa. :
r . . I Well known and very highl� respected cry four of 0210 'Out 0 V.- that little boy I . . .
. lit- interest YOU Once took in ou 110 day's at WhItOstone Hall fleiv Citizen. -Tho, those , f 0 .
he had taken eight boxes, and they 'Rex Was tbiaking x Over- by am � Success of Dodd's x1duoy fifty-five Y bat'i'Ve'ell fifteen and lite I � I w
8 to Ustor Stanwick f ped with e ty. y� Pill$ ia cases like. those. of Mr. Ander- th* - earS of, Bob -1 did think of that, an, Was, � . I
. . boarding-sollool 310fuing folic.9, V . J) son, has created a demand whic is cause, I I
petite has returned; C _tba one Whose . b the many disca4es -spring froan it, . r IV Poned 'to part '-4 but thal I - I ,
I a 94v`eill, anything' to have been abl' Yom 'The Hall Was. mawded wit 490 result from going 0 0 .
have restored him to health. III, he Would have seteir's utace-tba ,one whc, Ole lra'P�d win-ge in a 'XiOund of ga
'he pain hasi oft make low to her Pbjo weire to I -am 1C Is 4st011ishing be -0 A - , �
P- . -
I -a thing for the 4afth we afterward ain unt , bap I C
his back; he hag gained flesh; is. able , POWex of saying ten 4 read 00 Her It * after the marriage. 'I IM41 druggists have reported itis Un� 014tms, r r to think S'POSO I wa 'tile big 01REAKFAGIr-sup,psia- . I
. d$x wordg ' she Brooks," ame, was DO Dinner, parties preaedontecl, I. nually more . � It an- .,a
to ride a bioydle, enjoys lite (a looked so loriug. . . . 1sY_')DaIsY were folla"w0d by Mai -Pole dances o4t . . Smallpox, diph � I vxotim% than boy T 8 t '4101ce., . r
and , , . . that-' 0 X Ia. "am I
� r . r . ., Ia, typhoid fe"yor . . I �
, - I . . . If she had Suddenly Plunged Advie O'n the girecia Ik5yna,, and by charades . . . ------*I— � . . Yellow feveli, Asiatic, favor, leplaos.'
able to do a day's work ao well as any Heir dark - and balls in t(he evoial'n . MOasloa% � and whooping e I I POLL rW R A P ---
one . 'Ough Coj�, . r � W r V I
giv.- r . -_ -CO- I I 1�r - - ________"_ . ___ .
re OT11611Y startled. mirth befdre. Rex plunged � . . nich _____�. I"% PAPER
horg.. may learn clOsei'that hq ooUld hava wouad his orl He could have !oSoma Palitles, manufact _ -_ 0"" I P A111TTf 1j' N C
, F beaUtIful face. WAS So. ger bate his heaTt with bar white ' g. , The cild ' CO-�VIVIAL Ht 31), I blined. In Europe the State Ina
of his age. This letter is ineatr hital, and heir gr ,led r hands he could nat ban low- Hall had �never.eohaed with allph froi�
an gladly so that at , Iloeful figu)-a so In,, , the been , � . . Urlee 14 I n one 01' nlanY colors
. . ad alQud wit -h sha __ --' - Into the excitemen t with ,strange 10 1-4-11441,-.41 Tfarly 1,hollsail4l 06:1,.i ADO companies and Private 'a ' suranCe .. " . , I or STRIPnI) at low prices Sava. .
� . I 0 . 4 X 11.611111-p(1,1114041.441411 saltI4, unffix! .in lxttl* . gencf6g. aic * . �
. and find a cure if ail , . spite air �pry gaiah t, TP P "'a Of a zest, 140 0 1 1 Neri, * I 8 .Ples furniSh
I the merits of Dr. Williala-W Pink Pills Arm around bar, but he did not. ',ln , litteralide, I ,at - - -no guosaed that boneathl S�4u . ed oji'request. Special
ations for oar loads or large I
bof.v; ,he - . Was a1mbet breaking. ll� old man bila died at V* . Ing; W101 the ravage - - I
Ing", , -of bmitight ' ,'IS winning, caireloss: a I a . .
. t' Lord Stratboolla,and M rals3 is due to . .
Line; Cant Royal S. , ,
ale,wholot., Haw different . lots. . .
Dr. Williams, Pink PRIA cure such Daiisi,t - a ;; 1 An ln'mol�r; Of this disease. All -P , LIC . qtiot
ta H_
resiOlve, he thought, It is enewer wag , mile Ills, heart r i
4'.4 Itot Itookul, last
d _ . the one MOT211lig Pluma was standnig ant 11 I I . . , � Write for prices, I . . . �
cases as Cho one noted above because that, otheir- 10re-making � hagga:t�d ala . - In --vO-Ly-tbIrd year, ,wl Ch. WilliamiNcredith and those Ir . I TORONTO WRAPPING
. been I tray him. . .X L. . . Alictne on the 4 . a . associa' OINTMENT, � .
had p " face . Should ba_ . I the reputaitw I
they create now, rich, red blood, thus Flow Lie heart t . rtne-ebrefred tei.race, 1 fi of being the Most OX- With thOln, Who Lave, ted .. . . . . . . . . . .
act m In on record. From hi . For all skin allmgnts, PAPER OOMPAN y .
could think of t -.r . Y� InOrOlAcIlt in Canada and have pro- ' 41* 0. Cal , . . . . . . . . . . I
. � 0 no relation, I Waiting for Rex, whio, hadea,Ao.bat ito 'c'enj s hvent h I ��
hrobbod, and every an- `ReT ,uncle, he %#a ' b started t !at
strengthening weak and sbattered, dearblie name he , beheva, but she called him that, was t"Y a beautiful 4pixited hefr,96 � Yea r Ile kept accurate it T5 Adelaide-st, West. . .
. ,am . tb 0 0 an t - 4ded'auch excellent, iaoiliflei for the I Vert & Co., man0heip I . . I . . I .
nerves. They do not purge and 'we,alc bi Mra food of heir than Words can ex" bad just beez at of all he bought and,Nvba.t he pae'd for succeSsful conduct - � 6ii, 11"914"d .. . �,
. - I b'110,11 CA - added to the stables o� it. ln� the 27, l0ars..of Ills conv � Of the work.. I .
. is li�u!�tlll)-9, 40 he Strained Daisy MISS.' I waEq driving Along by. an Un- . _�
-her medicines, but Strength- w when she had bashfully ivial-life - . . --.._-V_1 I I I . . . . . . . .- . . � .
. . �
. , .
� . . . I � .
I ,�
n At Ia'" . -making - Ivas . real � sub. P0101C Old Man W I Ut Ile is ft . TWO I.N � ON13'. , , . ; Tox-onto. 0 -au I .
Inc or Be t * Th sight. The bor-A no'sigialficance, 'certainly,-" still constantly, even'during his last sle When it beodfrie U I I .. .. - ____ _- .
by all dealers in media' . . 4 fty- . I Do too,
an from the first dos)e to the last, Sold consented to be his wifel % ,
on like ot to ,h .I --ft-eq:tionted read tol-day ivh Ma'lit.eetc�Uo Hall. 'She noticed be bad he c6flisuined 28�786 glasses of be6i I .
on I came I the Unfrequented xioad. the .
� He gave. up drinking in -h , I ,P4etafflc Ceilings m"T'ley,111d.tt, A , .
Across a Strange., - pathet' ' magnoilia-trees shaded. That fact fourLhyear.b
I I I was centilluOd to -smoke @I% .
Post paid at 50 cent - Putting the last th2rc was a stroing feeling of jealousy n ck� , . inderstood that Cho J - - , . I
a a box or six� I Stance; this ono' jvag� ouli the ' ' tou0he4 tof a plain wooden 'cros4, he in her Loa rt 4 . romise - ;
I . . � � shadow bree, whic as$ raising tile huinber at his train was UBILEE OF 1901. -� POPIllar Arnnuai wesent. ' ..
bkoxes for 82-50 by addreesing t Of 16V% - - L . I I h �Ikoira the simple � ,a she romembered that to cigire -9 hold a . Ill
- , . . L. Ittle Wpodoa , . .P 'by this. one .0 I . . I
Ile Ivoirds: if b0ill tht.t; 1. repubit. to 48810b thel", 'T, In ocandensed forni'alt 1. .
� To tba' L L. ]a ty in reaping the ben fits . . . .
Dr. Williams, had. juiat elrected' ui�dcr a Magno](1a cross he weal 628,718, or an average of 13667 a' man, alone, the florid Ituitraced L . I .
- Co., Brool-_ "You, ha*�-- not answered, my. -ques . , Mentioiry a - li'ged to Pass. d be ob' YOtIl'. Of the whole number ' passonger van- Iditionon 5.0co".111leteund practiva" .
-Medicine , biJuDifee. Rubittini,ja
. . - "I , f Daisy Brooks, Would he a 40,-. Cured Upon it bit of . hundred,liost-paid, 6 ,ndj r8l, or 100 atk6h, 'ti.50, 11" TO Pay . I . .11
. . . . . . ago She coulA AoIt tell. I .. lier .. I L . .
L I I Around the cross I . 1good-nattitred. ral I . - AD"'N"Go-,Alontrow. . .. 1. : . .
______ . . . y wife"' the .grass '- Wall . "How , -1 10 Z h. - , - - , t f 0 or,about nts . I I I- . I . ___��� I . '. I . . . . I . L.
Ville, Out. , . '. , tionp, Pluma. Will You Sixteen yeaws.) ` top Chore? 500 wbre'given to him ; he b.8-"nh2a the lery. . I
I , be in . . , r tWg . I . I
. . 1 . thickly, sdWn with, r am lim-aud )low foolish apj,",or . �,.,"o , 0. I . I I
. . I
PluPiia raised box. dark, beautiful dalsies, - . . I" she .laughed, riervio.uslyi I "I . . I . . . I . I Presarahbly, .be observed L addross- I A Debenture of The CAnada L ..
BRITISH TZLEGRA . PHERS PRAISEM' "'k", radiant With. the light .of lov% ,"She domeis-injoit have'llia [rival yet I am jaai ous 4WJ his _ ' L , * -----*-:.-- , Ing 'the robber you *4xd tUe coav . . I .1 I
I . . I :- Permanent B410 Western 04nad .
— . .. . 11 . I . an- I � a .. . . .
. . to hl�t. : �. Test War' the old vlcry.thcfuelei� tLOnal tall mall'and short -ma ' Mortgage Corporation is a,pro . I � . . 1
. . L ,'If I . Consent Wk . 11 L I - tdraIving. his,rotugh slecre last -they d�vell on any ' A POSSIBLE SECOND ., . , person ? I n -in ()Ile and fsd ' 'tLO Pay (11 Mise ''.*. , .."
� I .
� . . . I =- r -no S' th'ids! ,a . one, else bru,C ' - . . . . . I of cure In, soup'tolvil, - lyrite d. .---.-- nt � �
Ially Gond Work Dona by Theits In kilki, � .�! 7; no,age ,
Lsilkee , "but the Low it is," she s4i f L . ��Qd EaltS Would )ook bettendyed -."- a sum nanited tberein,Ivilich , ,
. ,in . ym prom[so, to to m1sel , I -do not sep �oh I don't Oh, doar, yea I re * ' I I frect Alontrenit sox ilia, 1. ,.,,,:,
. Field Ilk riftntik'Arrica. . . . vo, J40 better - than anyth , L , I 1polor . �Ittlts girl 10-ined this egot d, thoughtfully' to .. I .be foolish, oxclaii[med 'the With plh�d the desperado ORITISH. . 16% rnay be any SUnIL not le,w than $too, � � ;* , " ., " , . I
. British tele ' . 169 else.offir any. - . � . . . beat Of hersel 'L - ' . � . I -AMERICAN Dyamfi co, , ?11. the date spaqifiecl, which . ..,..;" J I
graphers havi :recekrtjy auY One. in the Wide W&Jdt"� L ". . . I 1, �"Why People laugh at, 1' ,young bride, he 8 Orel . obarming bonhommia. I Am.tall, . . A10ZiTRr,AU . in -one . may be I . . . I .
a good . I'ama wandewed wb.y� .Rex j, ' : L and 'thim * , are, I - .,M. . Y I an old flania as Vou'ses, and it- I were not ext .� L . I .. or more years, its tile I . . .. ��
received . ._ p I 1.
. many complipients. "I Will devote My �Whcle life to, You last theni ' cook her 't, I k 1 , t weakness air a girlIg'sen- of mine., . .1 I I . .. reme- . '. AYPre;er Invostdr . I
. . . .1 . ly Short, Lassur . ... .. . tn- - Tile COUP6xls attached . L
I . . I L a folly. Virby, it IS the stT,Mg_ . I a IYOU I'phould n J I Pay - -U - ..- are promises to �pay interest on t . .
r .11dy. Your *every wlab,�, -he a * , ' . time =d kissed her.H. WiI91hank-, 't of. haInAiii pasgboinsil, � �. .� Weed, cried her aged . feel constrained, as I'do to trou Ot It W
. . The Ring has thanked them fo _ the It in.'his arms f6w the ,first iment I L and Wealthy. Yen far �
. servic, eraisively. . I . 1. 11swordil. Chn,g heIr.ju ilia . L - . ble ,he 11 ..
ad at Osborneatid � . . . I rt; he'GoIl" have . . ' rTant You - draam of - I . , Yo �'Wdlnit balf yearlynt four per dofit'L . . . LLL
as they render , � . I yusba d,. I'll wa the Watch and ChL Aln .
. -no w W", ebb . - . TO;L 'Be. Contllriued. bi�te a 4 advances Lvet, .
. I I Leal L : n jr YOU just to o6nella 'ill Tear rrodkI4 to the � . .
at Windsor during- the last libioss * I to know It b d . lclv-'It to W for the . . � . . . now secreted in your boot.1 ALI L Oar allriliinl. Thb entire ';iasera of .
aF � . L . . . . 0 1 1 , , the Compattv, arno .
. . of all his Lea kind wAY' slitr had .. . .
. rt�to.Daisy? a .' gtv�`n SP'Aen of Daisy, . L . . _____"II`____i;_ - J she rep led .with a far-aivay look YOU I . . I � 18SIOn 00' Llialted tinting'tO $.22,- 1 � .
-Thank I)Z*OGJM dcrabl' I
rM&D ,IU_ A ,. little laltex , be ivias . 11 I IX L 1. . . not . . I " . I . learof . lit , 114 West Market , Security -for fulfilment of . I
Queen Victoria, and the, Ge ,$he bold Cat her b � . standul .. . yet' . And CLUB, 'aroid 44 1 Wr. Colborne'& . I . 696,88�j h�e " � :. .
* , It 'Ing gestuxtb Of I THE �QUEEN,S LIFE . .1 St., Toronto. Their
ands to, him -with .. .. , , t . knerriment, ',.____.__i2!!!0b you 11119110ADOM0,1A... . id pyomis . . L .
0 Peror has decorated as No ' -h ' . . . . . I I he. function pro edeed,.' . � . if' .,es, , . .
. ,Cba.rl Ilene , a 0 aria t . �, by . . TIME. . I .. . .
. i � open WJndqw OT'llis ON ;. . . . . . . , 0 1 . . I
.. . vn ,room in . . I I . - :.. � 1. . .
- � do neithaIr nl,qr kissed Cho a moio4'4.ght, � .. , � I a a who attended dr(xwing- . . . I . .., L . I �_ - . I - I I ... IL . , I . I . . . � L.. . .
the operator wha Was Ben . t from Loa � Lei* ,them and affection. He. CIL! . L die . ___�*__ r I
,Ili; . L . 0 . . . . . I I I .
lie could I . . . ., ..I L . I rooms BRIT1,54 :.1 A -=,RICA ' �&SSURAXbj@ ', LOA96 UPO�J '# 11 . .. %conombpoiNcii i . I ..
. ... . 1. . L , L'�
a laid, temper . "UY Gc4d I" he orke 'lie his face Aueell:18'balad' * their . . I I . . I . . ., . . . 1, . ..
don to. work the 6abl . . I a or, lessi. , ,� I " d, buryl. l9issed the . . . OxOn. - - I . - .. NVITED. . . . . I
. .. . . . . I . �COACPARY. ' , I . . 0 . � . Le I — , . �... . I I . 1. ..
- 111'Will be your I . � . � . I
. arily from th-e ,Imperial gracht Hehtsv� Wife, Rex " she said .In his hanklS "thig polotr Jbhn Brooks first presentation, . I 1. . . . I � 11, . . . no Of t1le most remarkable loan as- ,r*cr , * * '' , ., . . .... I , .
oller .� Wlth a tTeMUlto 9 did - What .1 her . I - I smiatlonj in th' . . .1 I . . . L hto.. I - . I . .
.1 I uld BaVo' �9314 Pf:ber majitsty,s Special treas- of the Sba�oboldcrm of th company a tbat'founded ' . . .
. Us, wistful Is! h. . SiXtY-Scven(,h Annual V 1,
. L - to to the share. . I I -husband, rho. ' I TbeL I V . I !, or 2,,Torojitc, Si,, Toro
done; but it is not i6D li . 111111����11111111111 I . 1. ` I
. 1. "Thank YO 4, Plunla," he i , to., !&L little is Meeting � a, woild Li ' . . . I . Z I -_ . . � . . �L
I . kis I ne Robin in th 11W'%1VVW1V1W.U��q__ _ -_ , . !1� L .
9 down and' '' sine the L . % bust .was held � (It its offices,. Tomato, on if a subur,�s ' ." . . ; -L- - �_W *'1111`0&-%_,_4�1�—�-- __ ., .
. The cross bestowed On Miallens is,q gently, bend�m returned , now. I ures WaS, �
bandseme piece Of we shall holojoir yOur melnei5ry 11
. I
. -k. Onthe front .bcautfful cri . L vif. .11 darling- of herself.at Thu rsditi, 28th Pebruary, 1901. � . ,by , me. *Tioa. bbjeot4i4 to assist . Pai L t , � ' - I - 'llklove"", 11Qk-1W1%1V1_1 .
� Ia the ' insion , lips- 1, _ a colstly InArbla f. - ,
ne er .regret it. I sh,411 ha ;�; ZAOAU H . wbite marb . Ia . . . . .
imperial moliogram W.R., sur�. v' ' . J` yow shall mant created . to , .. the ageLof ton years, . t�Zr its. , .Peedy L . .
I . . ' arl majesty had --t t. o . Y Satall . . . �. .11, . I . . .. I . I ''. 1. . .
In . iters -b , loans of, . . L. . - , 1, 1. . , . - . ,
You are'�o kind, I YOUt WOMIOTy, be'ar-1 bras QrOwns, The cupied -the chair., dnd Mr. F Hi S- . 'good:
mounted by a Crown and on tLeL baoli' Tbe President, Elon. Geo. A., Coj,,Oje�. at' istg and wx
is an inscription sett . ' amig.o1ag.,to imposi any 111 --'ashes of .. . . f . . f n , - , I And haVe - it done; with
L eforth that th .OUT good'.na. , dead; hope. He Sealed* the lightles weighs eig' . , - Ung from tIV6,to twenty francs. 1� . . . H , . paint. L
recipient had rendered service t ' miemcl* 04 Daisy, belq%nad wife. 01 Rex "'in * I hi Ounces, and has Who was,a'ppoi � . . � . sithe . I . * * 1%16114V spent on cheai).. .1 . . . �
� it' 2,673 'White diamonds and - 6g3 ary, read the anulial ieport, of which Ymentspeolfied d, nor is . . . . . paint is Iasi' and tile labor is . I I
9 Q rre. , you haw promised we yOu"WIll L t Uted'�to act , AS. S�re.9 1�
tb a tu see ux'tYle0i'llat0rest is require
State. Ir3fr. MUllen bd my- W"Co-who'11-4 Y I claim yeUi B'Zooks, but - ail t -
� . ry�cai, aged aixb�en 1. I YL . � i Your . _L 't" . I .. ....
,erman . . I � . . . ,_ ' J)aradisd of. th . . 0 LOU'Se ' : .101, Buy tile best paillt you call
. a should *.L evor Pleama ?� - . ,. ma . D yeturB., Not Daisy jose�rilllants. . , '., . . the following is a sllmuiary�. Y line 'or pa - In this . I
L .
Oars to settle down In.(3 " I way Lyon. - Mother is L I � . 0 impecunious. author ,#* . . �. 11 . . -, .." .. get. Don't pay exorbit'i I j� .. . ..
cross will entitle him tb draw Y the . "Do � you wbh it. to ''be $con?" dead, w,liat Can secivoy araiij nDW?,,* On Ovary occa* 10 , on % Whl�h the' . On-" direot6rs have to the borroweraimply . i. .
a inod- as - she .1 I . 8 a PT"Olit the annual re 'the honor . . te but a . '
eat pension. , .. .: I Ired, hesit Ing -how He I�ricrald noit tell Plumla untilt-ho queen visited. the. bouse.of. part �qnd finan- , jaLg �ap6r.r ,#I ,ple 'Signs the follow-* ,r,i F a Be
. he would ' I a gh' L lards t b cial statement, of the compatlyti; sixty. T w � dgO my h . �. I 1, - � I ill � bap;�y reasonabl� prites. 4 - ' ' �
Equally gratifying to the telegraph- "Yea,-, - A . . last AlOrateat. Straightway he order- st4t' 6 crown ' 9 , seventh ear, r fill PSy b onar. that - � . . '' made. st and purest. paints . .
� ad (I'magnificent moin ant fiofm Bal was *b6rne before b ' - y tis 7 ack -the, sum bf-franog,i . -,. t I �, ,'�l I . - .
, I
. era is the emphatic testimony to the air lit is 3 . he,acion � uln _ , er ma- a0ditorts. - , ,.,du.IY .-VOU61ted for by - � t Js said they who do to t f - , 1� ' . I ' I . �
Rs�'Yth' jesty . . . 0 .1 . . 11, " 1) . S SO S. . . .1 1. .
, .
excellence of their work daring the PIe4;s0dX , hall b ; tjlmoire-�ana QX , , unb on�a cushiom.. , . . ' � .. Po-y,aro very. few .. . . inally. � ' 7 . I . .
� . . . I . . . � I , , . . . . .1 .
a, with an Angel With diroolping . . ir 'Was on the day of 'th .Chere,has It . . .
war in South . ' , � Ra
,� I. I .W.UH PUTO lamished . . It Will be 'Rated that.* ,qen - . . . I . .. � � . , 1\ I * . . . .
a a . 0 queen's, fi C01281derjable Increase in the prom 11 .
r I . I , ,
. . .
Lord Roberts .Africa. rijeld- Ma , .. 6'b a 100kall up lInto'lils- face, at a iviui OvatlapkIng thd'tall wbito pif. birth, MaY'24, . I vl� . . I
in the full despatcke� '103i honv, to 61eir . ' . I lum . I � " I \ , I . p6itlt S . .. . , $ . I ,
just pu 0 prot tLawards. , la(r. " . , I 'tians-A.tiantic. 1819, that the first . 1:40eine for the year, this boing, mainly, . . I . . I . I . . . I :
. vad be.,meaht to,ta I stoame '" . I t I . . . . , . I
- xeplioct. , - . . k,.. 1�ex",, Bh . a . - , � r star m, flue to Tile JOUSinaaa id I . . . � I 11 :Are the purest and best Itor beati. .
Gazette, Sava that, d6spite the enor , ,A it Aim! , , � ted fro ' . erived from , I
blishea in the official -London "You, shall a t the tin Who , the * - .� .
. � I 1 - I .
- . . . I . . ... . ' and preservingthe house.
. . . I and, raretentl Ve . Savannah for I ivetpool. - . new Lie"" 14 which tbB Vomparly has � I . i I �\ .
. I . *
mous diffioulties of the. Country. tra "I hare your iathops ocus . ' '' , . Pluma . theo�e I- I I _ : established business acloubetions .and :' , , 'L . titYing,
, ant. that Ing dOwn beXo(ro, hcj�r i tell, . 91 I I -MIti, Sxrs,-.T b4vo Jbean a great I ... . Do you -,ivant to. leal.n, all about , . 1. I I . . .
; , ' , , .I � �, .
versed, his telographers almost always it MAY take place jUst. as sp;0I , story.of his ail f T.w6nty-twQ dolls'. rushinlis', made It -90 to the improved conditions ' from rheumatism, . 'g.. Sul- . and S6� ho;v sorne. . . I .. .
, managed to keep III . nas pas- . . . gweet, Sad Ia Caret!
tion w: m in communioa- Islbi,e, iti, case,yun pi,00(tittl%ad t _ , with his face. preaS!ad clOsa agai -dxe . queen when' ten years old, art,- Ave Prevailed in, the marine busif that hav6 bedn confine lately I :_ * good paint.4- . . I .
11 all his Scattered forces I the . me,,, he saw .. . ..to. marry cold ' . . beautitui hon,,, -
n 'I � ust th still in, oxisten . Two balf.yea less. . 4 to MY bed. See- it I I . , ate Pointed ? ' ', ..: - � . 1. �
enemy's country. . ,, . . �Supposo, it takes place I Pukek4ls!, ra�ax ,Co. So:Is rly dividends have been Ing, Your "MINARDIS ,LfNf . a Po.�t c'ardand a'sk for. ,' ' . .
. . . I . . f I , ble-tell her of the her favorite declared at, the. rate ,of . MENT ad- Send us I
a:. .soon for you?"', -4 . . . . 1 7 Percent, per, . . . I bur 13ooklet it 1�,,, flree,, . . .
Gen. Buller writes of their techni Wl.'a oTtilight, 44i--4111 t that be C�o,o onne-dreahl *h',ch bid ,left him but .toy� .book, . called,. " Ellen; or ,v,elr,tifsad� I tried 't'llud,90t imillediate I . I -*- , - I
. tLb annum, amounting,,to 800'ag3.96, 'and a my � rostertition to I . � . � . . I I .1 . . . . �
I th" reserve fund bas. been increased to' I the we . A. RA
al knowledge, the' ' . . I . . I ashes at dead. hope, Ire sealed the Naughty' Girl . "cribs � .1 � .
Lr nowedrying per- she gave a littfo. screain off -'Sur- !Qtte ., Rcclaimed,'.' and - $581,451.22. - 1. bealth to $ DA � 4. .. ... .
Severance And their.high,sta , te.of at- nXise. "As oocin as thatI,,. ,she r and Placed it'With the trat.-go- lished in 1811 � . pub . I I I . .. � � Ilikedic' . . nderful Po�ver of you . I 1AN44PA 1, .. WAY & $ON . I 1. .
. I . I . .. .. .
. I . n weir of . .. . 11 . I , �'... __ . I
ficiency.. adding " all off* _ muj_ . 1119'111orlifng mail. .. . . .. QueenVictorla received about 0*' I , * f . ne r . .M . ". . . . JP`Alr�-r m ,
. then' of Igo . � .. 1 WIS &I ,ft. 4 1 . . . �
6 - , . I I the abnormal, fire losses . LD , . AKERS
MiSsioned Officers and Icers, non-com. milp'01d; but. end d by -readily ca "PAT'fiag, LOW I Wish I had tot 0001. I I fln. th is con tine ' . . . I I .
, . alsent.: 000 from 'the -British - nation 16. - nt during the y � .3]U.TLD , , I . . I . . - ' * I
Telegraph Department have do .1 . ear 1900 ' Burin, Mild., � . � . MONTREAL' '. I , . I
the - !be- - - - I - Pairted from y"um that lkightl",bo Big PaYT46nt of- her official salar * This Including* the . . . . . I . I . . t1t1d. 1842 . .
- The only no ex- - He thankod hap and klIssed her�criic , .ed. . I . . I .. I - ... It . Y. disastrous. 400 i , . .. . . I 41, � .
der;tionally well . I . a � . I Would make Clan in April Ia nflagra�' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . 1 4 .
have to fault I - MOT". After. a fo-ir quiet �J abdut �170 tons .of gold, firt in thn:iIii,.ii . � : � I _... � I - %W 'RINVU"411k, Wlb"% 10I,W-W,&' . I
IVordst t qily bitterly he regrettiid he could h sbverbigns or more than and Ottawa which . - ------ of Hull I . .: . I �. . . � . .4
� hay that a b UvQlved. it loss . . qillu;t�_41� �
is . - er 'a value of about ton - . I .. I . .. 11 . . . . — . . I '. 1. . � ft.. 1, . I . . I I I .
. . .
. .
een sometimes 'too &nX- ea 'lie a1mr again . I I I Million dollars, I � - . . . I., � . I . _' . 1.21 . 1. 1. . .
, link ,,,,,,..,,, mour �of
her 101�c:dxeaaa, I', . rief hour or It 1-11 .!t" Property, Io' t of .
find With Chain has.been th&t P8410,11-she,,happy in �t I. � � .
they 'have b , . -he gla, On t1V 19als4of gold ior each. year of h b -
UP. And Laver Von from the deptll;3 of Ills iniger , he would act. . Y . .
lous to kbep their line to 11 Mat 11 . , -hoilv - differairi 0 . reign. - . - . �yqur . directors feel . I '
incurred undue risk .to , . . I . . . I . 0 . M � . . that *the statements herewith sub- . . . . . Wb . . I - .. . . .. I .. I ,
Gen. Sir George ' 1. . . able . " I . The kLuoen,s 6 * �
W1 0 � �._ I . . . B�Jarl)61,;T, PROBABLY, ' I .
. heaft, to give int Atrongth C, carry . Of Fife's book Of"'Like,v, and Dislikes" In'ttod 4111'st be regarded as, satiottao- 1-1 I . � . kv . .
, h ntry in the'duchess
I I caut the:, r,l,�,jh vo,w which . . . . 1.
wrialig fro,in jl; usband-Ditl V - . .
that the service of the 411 boon . 6111PTER- V IMI $: "God has boon SO good to 1. a rilre., Ill. tJI(.0Q . I . I . .... qmwii�� . � I. . .
tolegrapbors . . NX runs thu Cary bi.the ,shareholders .----..Ife
[lite declares It . The Fed � .[� `
I I meii and, given . I . Tile capital Stock of. t . . I lidils yourself? , � o'_d � '�� � . � . I e r I .- � I . . I I
, 111,1118 heafr a unwilling-lIps. While Rex , I I ' -, . .1. I � - � ;:.1., I � . . . - ' - - . . I . I � I . . . .� � . I . I . � . . . I
duced greati . . creased to one In . , . 1.
y DO . sy could aVarRre,xgMjI.a`T nO Ono but parta wee Panning Ills ail-Im. PO SO much tei'maka has been Ina ike compan . I � I I I I I
,on me 11APOY during my life, that now, in fe--yes, I did, .
highest value and r . t
. daring the historic slOge "Was ef the . %. . .
to the Successful defe Dead, he was ival nt letter in his room, Pluma was my old age, I Will not ob COSS. that illion do,! Wi . I . 1 , * * ' I � . .. �
Smith," nee of Lady--, dem.ted to hor room I king froStles�IY to and f,pol in lle�,i in "ars, in ,accordance with the .by-law "Lot me See yc ' ' I . I "' ` ,
I at . . I I �
band of 'Was all kialdnasg,' co"_ vn... He Or"Uts oif the evening, � The queen Owned 11 fyachtg during, $250'000100 mew Lug, the , "Hore, Phey. are-�_n,ot �; . . . . . . � r . I . . n -y . � . . 4 - I �
POWelt made of ilia small On. Baden 'a Yin- d.,� � . Mpa , : * , ,
Whe Use, Which , I Lave, any dislikes.,, � I 1. .. Passed at the last annual me . I I lir hand4.,, : Assurance." C
a Ilia life WAS mairli b"_u`d`Ar1 conning Over In her mind the . � . . 0
I . her reiqn-�-the te", b ' Stock , Ilurt a bit.0 .1 I
I . a Lasued at 4 pretal Uutborized "a . . � . e I I I . I . I I .
,viOU'on; - but ddration And, Rex had ask " " Royal .. Charlot . having been all taken up. nt. I . . , . . �
telegraphers is by .this time. pretty do ! Su'preme I ed.,liar, to be his wife, Um of 15 per ce, to .anol Whd held the Itailsp, I � ' ' . I .
no of all�liay.o.was wautin� a and I � ,. . � . 0-.— I . I . . I . OF . .. . . ... � . ... .
. n I . . . . I .. . . � . I . .
� .
. III IStatementi Delft flefidos Xenvalffl� I ____�_.: . .
I I , income . b a. -Til �, I �. I
' . I
� was thus able to receive reports *and IIIIIII, More ComplefLly. nd I ' I __. : , I - I 0 n1notOOnth annual misting oftlib shAroholdar$ot this company Wa . gh I. . I . .. . : ., I . . .
issue orders for all par affection, barta," "Osbo Total ", O, '", , fl,96i,233.34 ' . office in Hamilton, on Thun4day, the 7th I eld at Its h a ,
. ts Of the (Ia- I rne," I. r ictorl'a Ing . � . ZASY. . - pr_ natant, rn pli, ca.
I fence inst t-eamed ot the depiths ait. lard ' - An ." . � '_ - � " . . cat', Mr- IVIIIIAIA, Xernil, Vlc6 . a 4b4`h00 Of1l"O Presi
, Holy little he but WwafaUa eiroolast; *hViAll- iat . . , � llin . .
' Xaryi" "Royal George 11 Sum lary.er Vinarka! . Xinard's),wil ,
. well known. All his outlying forts t r Alaig, but she stood face, Royal Sovoroign,ll ,, Willi I
and lookout Posts at Nafeking were . truth at. last to face with the . . CANADA. .
connected with, headquarters, and he 14 ra"ItIl, Pluma exerted all her wau� wws niat 0121 -be did atiot Iom her .O $ 0 ir .
'>IV' �o I I I fit 11-1
"-'rs bf fascination to win Amd a lost .kind to bar be Aest 80cond "Victoria 'a "
drous P ave y a,lylarw of the - .It torta and Albert 11 . I :
antaneously. Signalling was ,a whic It: . 4 , . 0 ;�Oen' '11711, I4101411- 1.
,Oni,rolled.tba�C. passionIitc ,b I Y catuld POOSIblY Lave .. . I itillp"ro t 11 I fleldont d til, through .
red , h Oa re , or T � � . . I a ion' far 10 - - I Secretary. I .. P Was"Pallitecl Chairman and Mr�D&Vld Dakee .
. . ..�_ _.%", - , 48 ,941.51 -Nbw, Johnny, if 1,. a U had . - I I I r. .. �
aced to a fine art and maintaine e.ry throb, �r which was for himL41tai - 001yed, I . . . . , . SOB lunderp_� d 90 . Teacher . .
by heliograph lamp and d'. TO think that. all(',, the wealthy, pot- � .. 1. � . . .
ig�- , in ante Jokj�g of te'd WrASS, Who catrated. bar , . . . . . [ ju4t!11O4t.A-___ four as to div ide among . I
. I . flag, Ble . to havid woln. ft-om III . -appi DIRECTO198" . . I I . I
. . - . .
. ... . I I . . .
II I She would have given harrd to will the ler4i (if this one ma hent? . ! " directors vro,jentied their annarif top 1. I 11 I . . : . . I
'in Mrnl, affectlOn admirers IRS HONOR CR,AOICS A ,TO,Cr . .threo , - . IMPORT.
. outlying trdncb4D,s **all She hold'dmT in this World. . . I , �. . ' 00.88117 . I aid 'YOU divide t opt, As follows -,�_ . . � . . .
Phones were also made and Used 1W the scare, should have tried 60 DLVIden d declared. ii, . . boys, how Iva -Th
phonophores and Posts, and 'k doctor tn Coleratnei Ireland, w . I I . 00.893.20 -TOhn.ny-Ta.ko one -4 aboal for Yonr directors have the honor t I . . I . I . I
I attached to ordinary "How.does � it 16ppan, Rex,,, a a ask � and halio failed; that -he' n . as I Total aSsIets. , . . __ piece an, � the I I .
' ad r beauty, bar S'acd for (11MAic8l for dic dea . . .. Year wit [all clo.qdd on the alm oprosent. the rilp"balid likkanalftlStAtOnlonteif tile contpany.
I treat., th at al Cash capitai. -*, A - 1.770,608.45 � . I b December. 1000, daly vouchc4 for bir t . bit auditors. I . . I .
- i One O"I'ling, "Yold have not. eked, @r4toO, bit wttl 0-a'd her .talent had r4luable he 'O he bad ad. I .. . -.,.. . . Tire now, bitt,11.0,41 at �ho Year consisted at fourteen ),,III dred And rorty.tW6 A�pllcatlons for . .
telegraph lines, were (dead on the at� . 11 Crave far & add otitt, ,
. mooeed trains ,.vhi,,,h used to- bother It" to Sling to you since you .h,,.a . been I I rs . I.... -
era so much, � . ed Me, to ba Your 'fe ? �,f ' " as - k- lift, Vial av"aht a Wag Reserve fund. ' ,* .' , - 1,00000006 . . . iniurattee, liggragilting $2,06t �:15 . .
. . .iji, , . . I
.. . 2 11,99 Undrod and ninoty Applications, f01+ I
Ole used "Was that simple girl, With m1fild .,r,.,t i(i 4 1. . . , . I *d . 'S Liniment Cures Born, et " -5, 015, were stegoptod; applic'A � o'le fOr 615,7p wake, rojoc a
WI n. , . : lot W11'ell thlucon h ,
"ZGett'n'.0 Baden PC . . . ' ad upon him, and I Vishod eholva that lit had ad * .It Se - _-, iiil 111iflal I - . I .
I . 11 . ... .1. ' .1 I .0 I
� � � .
PPreciation of the hervicas of the . I d, Ity t PO Iteyholders 01,581,-- 4 , Orloug"A" thG 111031110 cf 1ho o)nip,qn . y . shot t dOr held fat f rther Infornia.. . . .
his I Well thus SuIps, up �tc` bo2 such a band of .. u L" ally, timid, shrinking malitter, ill I grains of game Powerful V
t1ween us. $0 I mpatby be.. I; I 'I ur 0, 'Itink, Iti Pr
galla , incire LOUble, than I'?,,, she "ked her 1 d "Ite"I'lan"Itit, ChIC Plaintift ins . rJ.ea 457.22 TH,C, r Xr,q assets of th .0,vo boon Int,re kp,o V4 It Kratitying likerea2 . And the
ant tOlegraphers: "Their duties '""'O WU brAb lolve and ' Self, incredulously. . _ Ir lOted tbnt ant, whQ M*v'dd t � IRST ..9. a CO IIP Icy 11 0
Were unceasing by might as well its if" her voice. reproach 11, , ,IOI�Ihokl tm; he adop� . oxclucovo of au-)ratiteocitplt . Ali . .it b.mII.1,-Q,t1, and IIXVO now r4achod $1,271,gjo.V2, . I ,
'bY day and go heard noijiler. 110 ,She could mat I I had caused death. 'rho a & t 0 report, Wh_,oh IVA "The first kida," romarko.ki (110 Oli. The socurity for 100 . 1. �
� , -werit frequently Carried had simply fargotten it. . -name wais an the 11 lei whose 11 a "nalil"Ite"d that lit,. had freq ' ad by the Vlce�Prosideiat, I 8 scoofill" ,I _ r to I! (1, f. r-01410tiq, (noluflirg I
Out under heavbr fire at . .realize if -sl I'loctor (1.0 'Yen $2,14.1f,Q.5,V2, and ollabilitlos to, guArantaticapItal, AmankitaIlm ilia oloRe of th
great per- "I &Ve boon; th�tlking OX other . Uont- Cho exceptionally tarred to eventEr and things, "is a 4"tow"i9a "UPPlit 1 Of 41,014317,85, ,,,,, reserves ar'4 at 011t8tanding ( 6
� I L!Y 91VOAreighl: grainit to a , .heavy a Vallegboldtita waq $147.e,u.) 8, )"AIVO 01! HnCalted narAn oil I ill)) 4, $1,123,739.07, .
80111i) risk. The zoali things, I Pie's Pral"d her as the 411cou. 0 hilit man, awl fire On this con losses; by, earror "' 'ke a cinder in the 'eye- I I -pi&.1. thek,urplas to .
energy Mine, Allow . tau . Uncut daring the year IrZ deal l,i a I
and we to inake And W)Wnt fakr Wdmen earle grains 1E vrhfepholieltg,05AOnglxtyllv'J"3vi)Z-4b'e4?klDcl'aftii-.4 thr ugh 40atb,to the a
Be offic . All "felt it at Once,, however, by as more were: notr foo
WillitignPas displayed by the. _ 'd as one landar rer"aW 011d said that, although, Is a little thtog, J)Ilt it No 04wa,giWirl-wedin OthOrcompaniew. mount O! $164"f07,9S Of
We was most conspicuous thro, ghout . ' king who bad brat to will to W" , mych for a horse, the report j�6t. read dId I aing,11ke Inc truing ca,h dividen(Ig an't dividends appliod. t .
. ThO judge ask- not present . . . with Annuities. $2 9j9 SU the total 1),%yinonts 6 tb$ 1','ductfon of promfurils. $23,070,�S�.
"to Ria,90, and I U Y'Gfu tf yo -a will 41,1119 10'r ins It seomokk I a whole,lot,i# . I
. I so favOrAb,ler a Showing, a$( tar as the I I . Oarefulatt#IIfJon*h1%`,r been 14( 0 P)JIPYh, Idet'It ii-fltackIt d to $1�,o 813.68. . I . I
heir Work had a large The ,(Wr4 a AM" to bar .ad. "Wouldn't 12 grains kill the,001 balance bet*,,, '_.�I� . .
ingeyesf bUt Shia foroad them brarely himself if he itc0the and " Mon"MRAL IfItygo Mbrtgnget4ocuritetTanilloiaiisbn the cordliany's &J11clea, ainpiy secured by ra.0
� share in britriging about the success- . Ilm to bar dark, flaeb� 'of fate that a CrU01 In-cckary . - . I ven to the Itiva.,Itntent Oe th,) ooIr-.p,I,IIy,g funds, largely on
I his arms; whiSp3riog, 8,,,,, -9 6 6 0 9 --AtI if� �'_Nl 17, - '_ 2, `a. �, 4.1% li.4.oa,, $ d I`081134 better nihn Ile p
ed them?" ,,[ expendi. - . DIn0QT()fiy4
ful '"ite Of theislage," - . . . baek. She hA<1 hOP3d he would clasp CWO 'at the Year was coaloorr.4 its AVOW 'Invits0tX1164 h1vo Yields . rV(IR. . .
- her In, oplied the doe- the precadin, � . � - Family WE401 . . a Canada, I average r,sults of Jusura, These . .
It he had had the healer I Par day, r i business, r44qOuab:a 111r, � . ., . I
X* MADE or, WOOL pt,Iip, � "Dal-litag, WOM"t You, sing to me noWp, $ doctor 11 re.; 1 , during, I . . It, Consistent With due C ,
- 1410� . . Sweet raGUIP111inent, then say to her. for a patient,,, I I 9 annual Statements tat" Via , BVIlonflos have been confined to a . , . co Companies
SIT, thrplast eight Years of submi The 110111 OMP00 and awnts of tile con, � Ittortg for now .
. She SWOPt towaird the VIdAO, With the r the 6W1,(LI be, Chi! sharehoj�kja, be felt tting to ,� - SOCIAL Extim , Party arn IntellIat at a "(I loyal, a I
. ORA,XIO�;.� Much criddiv for their -able representation at the coinp nd tire entitled to I . �
Remarkable to relate, . V that that, al 011196 staffhave al.6 I rov( Any'a intareitts. Il' .
Vant. you to I . I . gratulation Ld the, o Iraving deelded to '"i"CaSt) the gilftpAlltoo or sub
I Utilized for wood can be 'air Ott, 4 quem . Was perhaps ag Much matter for Coll. ' ' Our now neighbors ba, id f4ithfa I it, tile c0InI)flIIy'qscrVJca� I he Incinbers, of the .
Soft, flowing gowng, Wood "I I 'N C' I .
Sit Where r �an lice figures embraced ,aIIZC� '.", O' � acbr,f�n�!orporat,lon,y4D,l�tlile(,.t.,
PUIP silk has boon long, ia,atapla in ywa I yet , authorizaa by our -cribed capital to $1,000,Coo, the aniount I
, Rex," she &Mandod, prettily. q ' � .. I of 3400 4irtreg, at, apronpuni ofito WisHiled,tri 11th'TOVelliber last the bal Alice I
Y in the St, it, ti ' like to w2ft,oh, those of some '49 In 'S all right, it I 9 "COnG, Outhoarnounbcalle , TJ10, 64harea were Allotted
dustr _ O. itt the accounts f0r4hi year 1000 That glvas�,fts time .
France. BY a secret chemical ptoo 0U.My' faiviotritte Bangs If I which havc, all Ail; required only
ollue district 61 Y4 ydmr f4c when I rs1i n g pretiOdifig Statements to find out IV � bo not Wo want of the year,
ess, Rax d1row his chair balance Sheet. O"Irt womOkc faVOYable them to eall." .
a gIa t,f.
the Pulp is raduted to a Bi -UP OJOSG to the SPRING LASSITUDE I vIng to, I " . - � ". , � . ., I yter"It. which. ibd
L 1 4 ,
ruPY IcOn& Piano, laying . ob�gerft the continued incirea ' . 6, a conald.
t[On- It in then ift)-rced into tubes full against the his head back difreamily . — . Volume of blial so In the L
of tiny holes . t Ugh Which it am wolum �Xlt bi- OTIMA601 Oushiona, lie . . -_ I I nesti tranaacted., �Vbile I A COILD #,V ONE bAT ' Trilit .
hro _ I - abliged to talk, for once .... . . . 0 here had been a Satisfactory growth � rak:.;6*a.k1"4,,`Sr""m* 4"I"firg Tableta Alt (IfI399(stis aglaiNreetbr. . I
orges in the t .. .
iorm of fine -silk thVO -Jast Onic-a-hO Would lot fits facneiel And all the If �uoomO from fields lia which the fligiastva**I"-00-'.0i�b'b'.'.' f"iUkk —*- "L W, Q -1W I
ads. Totam Where they W,duid. . I Debility 0 X W* Qritrw "'... �.. - � .
. Of Ii taNhY had for years past I Ott ant, an lrootorg of tlic, � I .
. 1,tr_
0entlenion. Wo
rying 611 operations, her was fidioate di als 60,11 3 lff?t) and h%v, eortlila'A to tljo,r 0 a .
-teir in the way - , a on can b6 Avo - glad, to 'Will loan Tar. t avernad0lic0rilfUlAuditoftheb k, Of Your co�lvatasr for the year . . .
MA Ang 1>3faro. but nev FlIddrAtUtpAssurinco Company.
""lose Ar6 SPeedIIY dried by being tell 111-awd Plu, ITO 'had ol� 1rhis Trying. So a boon car- A German sy � - Ott
she sung to-Ilight At I 0 AgOn- as I 1. 11 (I r, I .
Passed through abot atmosphere and , ided 'be a bIO to sa�r that, from th key 48,4000,00a if firnia and 1110 a .01roctrwe.
are forthwith Wound ant oics Teclaititly, to . n 111APectOd and calilliared With th4ledeopiled),jings and
103v, thirilling seductive V4400 full Of by the Use of bpi , stablislied beyond the tlool are boug t Ili Gormau.y� 112ninuill- to a I Ii are It. . I are f6und
ready to be woven into silk. The ap� _& I a Ncbrve limits Of this 0 tinent, Very� On- I It � q . . . .
- a bobbins, PIcading, pa 61calate tenderness Ohqael I . Van . 0 al 081cloa Of Your 06alpany, as an aliib Decetiabol, Iq Indicated by the Action,. .
P13ardnae of tilts unique Ptoduct I' Voice that whisPer" Of the Aweet ir. . . 00yraging returoinol . Ile t.
. O"VeiiL a, have been te- _-�_ . � 0 44 .
a . The Prediction$ that the di. . xtospeetfull3r It �
said to be jab natairal thilti P lestiblo' PIWOit' Ott 10VO, that arried Of 911 proparaitCyls for purifying 609taill6d in D P reatoza Vent Milhiffstildmodt"o I ubillitted,
ta away' the hearts of bar listone All lit r, Ohaio,g Xerrtt Food, 71red to makO It Year ago I r si-Ce ev eri ivii ero xtantlilwit, ' . . � 8, STJL1,PH2NS. I
'have mistaken It fall the lee afating current . 6 lam� as to A Probable i-Inprovenion - - - 13b X0012, 19DI : J. MASO,V. .
van exper �r as a and Onrlebille' the 'blood and toning d 100 the . I
tiale, Me &JeafleL . up the ardtiam in epring, at after it PoDulavItY of thla. dIffains of mari . tin, con. . I
it lei nuind ar. Wo it a ,,, ea.rr due food cure. Instead of X1 L r, 0 Auditors,
611#4per. , of Goutse, Infinitely "Q , t the night do" the tissues of the bad.v tearing Pleased f6say, 'no business had, he Was . TntO XOTOR,q' 'ON A CAJ.AJ,,
.-.......,I-- vreat-Jaing the name oft Daisy? long illaw" none can, approach in it builda cesult of the I been realize , and, n'S a E'le6tric motors will tliko thin pince '"S"At" IMTRUNT, 1-900.
. The teaIra �tal,o toi hN eyes 4uA he ISPOO1115 medical itOtiOn tM Wonderful I them Up, renews the )larva 0 , better rates at mules an the old ��T,iami Canal, Troffiltiol Intomd, '" .
Atatrted to, his foOt, Palo ilid 6'embling firm musole,q increases weight, and nOrdil I A . pr I od - I -1 ........... to
- YAPAXESin WOlAp Properties of Dr. Chaga% Norro Food, olliffs form$ Speaking ge IV I , � Interest And i�ani;�":,.::,.:::;",:*,.,::', *** ......... .......... � ..................... ift 41.1,264 .
gives color to'tho cheak and clasti it Inland Ia to an 6 ......... � ...... l. .1 ...... .......... I., ..... I .... 0 .........
al . 131 y there. had been a Ia r of 'rofit AM$ WIMLOWIS SOOTtlt,-40 SVIttJ . - . . .......... 111.1.0 ..... #� ....... � ...... #0 ....... *".# ........... k. 31.185 oor
"I did omit thinksuch a simple little Unlikic any remedy youi o, I this Spring and written it, .t at 11"b P Wit beer,, _4.____ -
- You cat keep wel upon the business . Maw 00
Prosonti3d 412 dxtanaivo piece Otfitound 1.
The rich J'apaneSS famil, Mitsui has ccasc,d. . bi ad builder Atild nerve r#- to the movement. can AS a FOR 4V61t PIPTY YtrAR,, Prattiltinn on stock.."
WS COLLE oE. With agItIltiord. Soddesly,tho muial� Cho great 10 both upon r t , CAtAtAl stock .......... ......, ......... . 1, ... - - I ...... t.0,414 N
01borativa. In
. kbe aill & klofter, th, rpini6 %II it ea Ing, It, tooth Ot 400603 07
h1elody - Vier u804, avoid Cho Iden branch during (Ile yea r. I `k`0ib6ftfdt'thAffdh1Idt6 t th
hear ZOkIO for the purpose of fcaliIi. " had Pervex to maro.Y61A, she It exerts a natural and gentla Inflil- 1198 Of lassitude and de� - M U Ijul ,%,I�,lj it aval � d 06 iot "4 P Cl I 4 -
. . . 0 '
, IS it & �ra'r4ti()n Was more a tnatfor JI .t 001k, a battle. I ji�! .... I ............. ..... � ...... 10; no,tim Its
a fit Idpu%1,6,ethfo#gh4U6th6W4kId. 26MOS111:14
Ing 4 Womerilis vniverst, . , wrlt6s� a b6w Song? oil IYOWOIS, reuto Dr. Chasow 104 con lallon than iiny of ..Mt. 0 61110irsoot 40`0`111110610 a p*,'.'d8,r, ,,, rn, � "I unta" .......... . ...... 4 ...... 1,40""3") �as
",a I ,
"reavin I I ,
ty I , -11", I Y'r �14` "111.1-11, �
Said. proasion by b,glioning at once to use In Ill 41141 I irthe best renied1for aiafr�, W pond
itao �(dgitk �
!" he askQ once ovelt bl* k14.116YA, liver andl a�,u Alto
Tokio Cortospondonto do nott Irew . . ring th'Am to It Condition Ifer" road. it 14 the a the Mail Sirn.0" I, ._. I I r ........
r ft, Ck
b1sa devised, and On account 11 as * whichl lie had referred WAS I . . - _�_ I I ........ � ........ 4-0 to ... 4-0.- . 10.7,128 " .
ar fate bad tion of the blood gireia new lite and of Its geatl[6 and. Constant UpIl'ittild. nada, and � ,.k..i.f.l ..... 10 I I .
stdriptit, And it Is %apad, thilt� the uni. U046T the "t, lig Onergsr to each d 'Ing influence can 'lla Used With pleal. .....".11.1. 16.....4iii, .... ..... � ......... $ 111.1st so
� ,
versity, buildin 1129 all',, grow -tit alightl ,vivifyL Deb6ptarait And nondo AganTs, OV, st, Ift $ 41t,041 6'r
the gum fieceA 01) through the wediam of the eirdula in Whieh the fire, lessoa in 04 1 Suppose that Woman Orator spoke . AJOrtr4g,*a .... '"",
f1wrt. What is the tIM of 1 Science, ever the( fact' that at the close NOT HEM WAV.,
J'aphyiddo gentleman have ,all Sense treatment that , if 0
Three other nlb* IINV%9 heard it be. Of Perfect health and regularity, and Most CoMmon I;1X11 n-!�,��,.!-11.0?! �.O_��.�n
8A.Ty for aroot r'bed Ile did tot noti,% h -
99, ThO Work hasbogn peaTly, light r P410 . Cho Vnited a ........ .. "..,44...."
if tht gleaming COSS of those, of tworage iget oluall. She denia CA8111, tn lifticand other imeta ... *.:::,.:.".,.*-,-,*.*. '.-.,.:,1.,1 ........ 10. .... ,o., i.. .. 2:311,114 09 .
", ---
,b part of thia h � 1,04119 Godurod, bv Vol(0VV10'8'01* , , 1*1 "I'll,
opened Ili the 8 ring of lamps, Ila UMA'A framo. children, Wort' by MOIlf Women and largely, in dx tates have been Vory her mind trcelY On the subject? I'Veg" 620,404 $.,I '
Vdt,S11Y Will be AlIke LOW tli�- You may an eVery ure and ce rt If e (1, . . .... oii� ...... 4-# ........ . .
P muslic Out toZVxrd him. have tuade the inlat4k6 of' years CL6Y WOtO Ablo, to present a bill. bar $50 in half of, I 1189.80981
p0tod A "It IA a Pretty "LlOit' 6110 Said, IA : Ud'tlg "ItO or OthoNrAtrotIg and w6ak. Thore Will 1�� 'no pimples, humotK 'anOd afheat whioll shoWed A loss of ,Oge the, Platf ,ad ante before
this year, Uil,hY lady Student
U , 13 drd ex. W 1OW, MIM1041 r,olca g. Su'll Or skin "UptleAd it Yea kccp the than DhO per tent. upon the roMium v aho, Went on I
ladI#A "' join 9 GrohV1,11i; ai'�Ofr I . " #1)111810�% ' ojalng purgilitivdA In thd Sprin Orm. LIAMUT11,1S, i0 fimlmo 92
ift I In as 11 "I'll blood me lqo Craving of the blood Ineemit its the P ..'414.6.1 .... ....4.."........ ,
� reftlt of the Y.Oar ) 8 uft� 0141fitfunadjuated ; ........... * ... � - - -
Oil 4 UP and derwriting Milani; value at Iniatnui 0 * lidivM2 Or
4 $ _a $,l"6t4%lM6ht;# � ............ � 2.1,93't ar
I rit4dilb V411180f d(Vid6ads hDO - un :::
fled ft tolklik�j�ry fiedly,glons of lt,��i�*,;,;.*. I 13,88095
hu The habit morlotion Of Dr. A. W. Ignoring thd ificOMO derived Crain 1W.F --- SurplUff ......... #44'...0 ......... *,#...* ... t- .11.1 I 4), 60 41.3 6 a
fares a 'a 10-0" Aw0tOver -Ilia b&ndSQM6 Ia,(, Ild ,run- this fil"rititi V � ro - ......... Mitt ................ W�N11 111*11,11, , ", , "
at the AlAtt i4y Daillu;�s Gram .t"at"'ut �Oitli IleVor b6ll and 316r;;; fornourfahment it you U86 ftOA011VOPond ....... �o ...
of 40'04 In th-0 tovi0 Ia,* Ort 0)904Y that at""gC661% eae tr4lisdotJohl - th,
In6dita and p
t the I I te
. OXISting P 0 te, pluma down 8yete at 16 Minh thlinlent cores 0,1111rill, r
i�cirslty, all AO ullf� rftd thtefieor�t ialt his Ilia; & , . U41 We of Chase. , The ipainAt, Aches, torme And tlohE. ., I ---,**.. ......... �.61.40 ...... Nk ....... I
�_ ', "do Se sakIfet does 'MOV6 to Shorten life and and Irreelllarltle4 of otl weakAossfig ,)"_�_
ret abe hild dfreadOII stood kleloarlcv� XOr springs J13ST OA=1*01 . — A47o - 2 Ss
Ir"1641ed Cal 110 hastan Cho ruln of the filtering and will be Aihknown The report Was, OA MOti011, adopto . *
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