HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-28, Page 5".1.1/AR01128, „ Naeltst gke 'few MITRING TBE CLINTN N.I.MS.RECORD 4tore it ULUU011 CLOTHING • CLOTHING: We are now prepared with a fall stock of Olahing for the rush that will be upon us in a few short days. Easter is drawin.g close upon you and your Over- coat or 'Ulster, as the case may be, is beginning to be a little too warm but you might be afraid to look under your coat, but come and see us we will try and make a transformation scene for you both in quality of cloth and smallness of price. We have bought 89 Travellers' sample Suits for spring which we think are a dead snap at the prices quoted below, they are usually a1 little better made than regular stock because they have to bear such a rigid. e*amination• These suits will be on sale Th.ursdayonorning and these prices will be adhered to until allthese Suits are cleared out P, S.—We have a tailor in connection and if these suits or any suit we sell wants alteration we do it free and while you wait. # 0 Brownie suits 2.75 Boys' Suits for 1.95 i $ J.nst to hand in dark and light colors Boys Brownie 1 75 to 1•75110 Suits only, navy Wire serge, boys' two piece snits, something Suits from'. .„ ,,, ... , . . . 4 that will wear well, peat fitting coat wit n'belt, regular 82.75 fee the suit ' ' ': •:::: , ,:::: 1 95 8,50 Men's Suits for 6.50 • , Youths' Suits Special .Young men wearing snits,size 81,82. 33, 24, can get a dead snap in a suit of clothes that are up-to-date at about one half the regular price, we have too many of these nutu. hers and hence this is the way we • take to move them, a good suit 0 C for , U.UU 10 special value Men's Suits in. dark # - blue, grey tweed, latest citt pants, . neat fitting, vest, coat up-to•date,. beet farnaer's satin,dorible silk stitch- ed and well worth $8,50; while they g iast our price is, „, ... . . . . , ... U.UU 10.00 Men's Suits tor 7.50 Young and up-to-date men will find it worth their while'seeing this suit, it is a winner at $10 -Ina we bought these goods rivirt and here they are, come and • ask to see the wonderful • . suit, made of 'good summer weight ' . tweed, in nice pretty patterns,. latest • cut .pants, coot. and vest finished ' equal to tailor-made suit I .UU 1.50 Pantsfor 1.00 • 14.00 Suit for. 9.75 Gents' Suits in nice fine tweed, net dark pattern,double breasted vest, coat silk stitched and lined with best black Italian linings,' solid . sleeve linings and heavy canvass, something fit for best wear aid -.a n 7 E Men's good tweed general purpose winner at $14, our mice O. I U Pants, heavy linen thi ead sewn, o warranted not to Sniethin p. gyon 1.50 can rely upontregular $1.50 a pair for 90c Overalls for 65c 100 pairs, heaviest blue, • grey or •cot- tonade color Overalls, really- the : heaviest weight made, wellsewn and ' rivetted, with or without apron, weU• g worth 90c,• our price. . • • U 12.00 Snit for, 9;00 .A real beautiful ligtit. colored • sum- ' • Wirer 'tweed .suit, lined with best . Italian linings, piped edges,donble : breasted vest, latest 'coat and vest buttonstpants latest cut with neat kneelpring,_ a bargain at $12, our pride till sold opt • 9.00 1 0 0 The Unfit FOr Frr0111 114 Innifganloon. Eclitorialviglianceis the only eafeguard against errors in magazinesmaking. EverY tirade that ie pUblished in The Ladies' Home Journal, for inStanoet. ia read at least four times in, Manuscript form and allstatrnenta or feet verified before Roes to the printer. Then it is read and reviged by the proofreaders; goers back to the author for hie revision; Is re -read by the editors three or more times, at different atages; and again by the proof-readere potalbly half a dozen time additional. Thin; each article is read at least fifteen and rifted' twenty times atter leaving the author's bandit until' it reacbee tho public) •eye, But with all this unremitting vigilance errors of the most obvious kind occaa- ionelly eseepe observation until perhaps the final reading, but it is rare indeed, that an inaccuracy hide a itself in the pages seourely enough to fp through e magazine's edition. these lines kir youraelves before purchasing elsewhere. . . • ' - i for spring *ear that we bought from a Manufacturer.ats a lew rate on the dollar, not.bankrupt stoA or old stock but brand new shoes and up-to-date as .a few priCeS quoted below will show. All. we ask you is to come -and see Well, what about Shoes?. • Just simply this, we have quite a large assortment of New Shoes just to hand .: 4. 31toes ... Jhoes .. 41toes . .. - . . . for 1'60 a :1e4d I . .. . . . ,. . * ' • . . . , . . . heavy leather, solid insoles', good up- heavy soles, nice dark pattern . tops, . sewn, nice neat to cap, something • 60. 3:550 Plow Shoes fc)r 75c Gents' up-to-date Dongola Kid Lace or . Gaiter Shoes, extension sole, McKay 1.65 Shoes for 1.16 . . 2.00 Shoes Misses Kid Lace Shoes, i'ies 8, Eli, 9, flit, 1 , 1 K .Ladies' Lace Walking Shoes,good heavy', • 62,pairs Men's Heavy Plow Shoes, solid 7 c 10, really' good value at $1.65; our price I . I U extension Sole,. nice neat toe, some ' ' sules, regular $1.25 our price .. . .. ..... .1 U • thing for present street wear, Shoes for 1.00 • 1.25 Shoes for 95C . . bargain at $2 a pair, Our Price...-. ... . . - Misses' and BoyF, Pebbled Leather Lace . 3.25- Shoes for 2.26 -. . . . Men's Lace or Gaiter Shoes,solid leather . -insoles, neat toe cap. real 'good tops ' ' • and Button Shoes, real good uppers• • and hard leather sole. these shoes are • • Ladies'Hutton andsLace Vice Kid Shoes, and hard sole, a dead snap at $1.50, '• claimed to be real good wearers and • n a .something very choice, all Sizes, regre I' 00 2 25 Qur 'Pelee ,.... ' --our best line, regular $L40 a pair, for , .01J lar price $3.25, our price . 2:75. Shoes. for 1.75 ; 1,35 ShOS for 950 1.25 Slippers for. 75c WoMen's Button or Lace Shoei,in good :Carpet Slippers,faMd with leother,good' peva and a genvine sole, all sizes,a realA C regular price $1 25, our price 7 g nice for spring wear, regular $2 nuggett at $1 85, our price our price. .- .. . .. .' ,.. .0 .. , ... . ',... . ... .. . .. ..... „ I U $ . . Watch this space for Dress . oo s • and .Lace*Curtain.s nox.vcreek . ... . Butter' and Eggs ta;ken as Cash. • WE ARE IN. HARLAND'S- $ BLOCK CLINT-ON. : . $'i' ,x --I 30 . ' I‘T,30 W .. SVIICIELI , - Cf]LailEATt11,1‘1" $ - ........4........o.ria. 44.:AR.-116,16.,nbrket iaviii.A.....gwa ib,newlst."4.-ia"16,41bAlb."11weivqa. 4e."‘..-gb,Aer-wWibploy ibrib...p.e‘bpooftwilibegivili,asb, Alb, ..16....gb, .11,AI,, . HOUSE TO RENT. ITh ................... To Rent or - Upshall „house on Victoria street near the Grand Trunk station. The undersigned offers for rental part of the Oftange of Business olilltoll Market Report. ' Mite, TRere.'000k, • • Having boright the Grocery Wheat . • 0 63 to 04 Clinton, March 23rd. • and Crockery business so success- Goose Wheat 0 92 to 0 03 • For Sale Ads. FARM FOR SALE. . ....---. years by J. W. Irryn, end having fully carried on for the past 12 Baxley . , , over 20 years' experience nlYself Oats.. ... . . ..... .......... 0 29 to 0 30 0 37 to 0 40 • . in wholesale and, retail Grocery Fees ' 0 60 to 0 60 -. , _ Tho undersigned pffers fir sore• lot 20, con. 15' ' . . • and Crockery briefness, I am" owl- Rye, ' 0240 to C.45 Goderiell township, consisting of 80 acres. all fident I can keep up the good Potatoes per bushel 0 2/J to 0 25 THREE FARMS FOR SALE. cleared. The lot is situated 8i miles from Clinton and 2 miles from sehool. Possession reputation of tbe .old firm in keeping nothing hot the yery Butter rolls and croek 0 14 to 0 15 Three excellent- farms on the 9th concession Mt tho promiees to • . hest goods at the lowest prices. Butter in Ob... „ .. ..„ , 0 14 to 0 15 •given next fall. Per further particulars apply of Goderich township , aro offered for sale. 11013ERT HUCK, Clinton.P., 0. 1 have reduced all in3r Eggs per doz...... ... . 0 10 to 0 11 there is fifteen acres of good bush.' balance Ma •ch lth. . dinner, Toilet and Tea Sets ' HAY' 7 00 to 8 00 Each lot consists of 80 acres. On ono farm under -pasture. On the second lot there 18 a ...- Wool , 0 15 to 0 10 • • good bush, orchard and buildings, Partially to make morn for my iinport or - 7 Oros of orchard, splendid buildings, good - •, der which I expect in a few Live llogs per cut ..... - 0 00 to 0 00 under, cultii alien. On the third place there are CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE.. water with windmill in good order. This lot is ' will be The undersigned will deliver at Bayfle14 from months. Call and examirie goods Dressec1Pordc per 'cwt • 7 00 to 7 25 in a ,rood stato of cultivation. Farms . sold fq one purchaser or in scpareto lote. the Bruce Peninsula on the opening of navigii- • before yen bilY. No trouble to Flour per cwt. .. . .. .. ., „1 75 to e 00 March 8th. to James Thomson, Baylleld, or show veils. Adclrese or apply to tion, 10,000 cedar posts, Tops of posts 5 inches Bran per ton... ' . . 15 00 to 15 00 COOR, Clinton. en, length tii feet. Prietioacents.each. Apply J. W. ITIGGOBE. Shorts per ton ..., .. .., 15 50 to 16 00 March Rh. 7. WOol per lb .... 15 to 18 ................A.......* GEO. A. 'rumoat, Brumfield P. 0. FARM FOR SAI -E With pefe,,ence to the above Dried Apples per lb.. ... . ..01 to 0 4.k change in business I take this . Part of lot 35 in 130h Con. Godcrich Township opportunitiy or expt essine my • containing sixty five acres. Good frame _ house and born and bearing Orchard on the CEMENT FOR SALE. end eineere thanks to my numerous premises. Only 2 miles from Clinton. -- n frid For further particulars apply to It. A.Ilearn, Thorold Clement for sale by. Manzs ancustomers for their Manzi Carter, liberal support during the past on the promises or ,t, raboui, canton. corner William and Princess streets, Clinton. Special rates on ear lots, Estimates given on 12 years and bespeak toe my suc- cessor, j, VV. McCabe, Fob Ilth cement walls and ileOandrtl arid silos. All work liberal treatment ao the same g satisfactorily done all orders promptly GALE FARM FOR SALE attendee to. • ' accorded me. enerously • J": W. riEt WIN.. A CATA.R1111 SPEUIALIST. tartJarnea Spence, Clachan, On., says -et have been a sufferer from catarrh for 15 years, whioh beoarn chronic. 1 have spent a lot ol money and consulted several doctors, among others a special- ist in London. I have tried. everything I could bear of or see advertised with- out doing me any good. But thanks to Dr.Chase'sOatarrh Cure, lam complete. ly cured after using three boxes of it. I reoomend it to anyone Buffering from catarrh, William 'tole, a Bowmanville -drag- gist, took a doze of prussic acrid in wive take.and died in a few minutes,' NERVOUS -NESS AND NERVE. The more nerveus a man .eis the less nerve he has. That sounds paradoxical' -but it isn't; for nerve is stamina. Hood's Sasaparilla gives nerve, •It tones the whole system, perfects digest-, ion and assimilation, and is therefore the best medicine a nervous person can take. If you get tired easily. mentally or physically, take it -it will do you good. It is reported dm Hon, Dr, Borden is considering a scheme of pensions for the permanent militia corps. "Never cult Certainty Too may We Hood's Sarsaparilla for alr diseases arising from or promoted by impure Wood with perfect confidence that if will 00 you good. Never take any sub- stitute, In Hood's Sarsaparilla you have The be medicine money can buy. It cures,- completely and permanenily,-. when others fail to do any good. Tonic -41 Uwe Wen Iloocrs Sarsa- parilla as a Ionic and general builder of ifie system with excellent results, fi re- efores vitatify, drives away Mai tired feel- ing, quiets The nerves and brings refreshing Steep." John Y. Pederson, Whitb,y, Ont. • AlAlitHIA ES PEA Et- FORREST.-At the residence of Anson Shaw, Morrie, on Match 20th, by Rev. D. Roper) Harry Fear to Miss Addle Forrest, both of Morrie, 10100ALL-1IRKBY.-.At the residence of the bride's parents, Morris, on March 20tb, by Rev. Win. Peoltall, Tbs. 0. McCall to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, George Kirkby, all of Morris. ' STRAOHAN-MURDOOET.-At Luck.. now, on March 20th, by Rev. A. )(Tad -Coy, Jas. Stracban of 'Toronto, to Mia Kate Murdoch of3.0ucknow, WIIII'SP:-FRAZER.-In Dublin on the lath of March, by Rev, J. Tkerrin of Mitchell, Mary Jane Frazer of Dublin, to Mr. Frank Wilts° of Mc- Killop. MeNABB-SWAI.,LOW:-At Grace church, Winnipeg, on March 12, by • Rev •Solomon Cleaver, pastor of the • •' • church, Mr, Andrew Blair McNabb, of Thornhill, elan., to Miss Mlle, youngest daughter of Ur, John H. Swallow of•MoKillop, Opt. BURNETT-11 A OKENZIE.-A t the • residence of the bride's mother, Mrs Donald Mackenzie, Kincardine, on Wednesday,1VIarch 20th,by tbe Rev. - J. 16 Murray, D. D., Arabel, fifth daughter of the late Donald Mac- • Kenzie, to Edmund Taylor Burnett of Roanoke, Virginia, WITMER-GALLIVIAN- At the real- dence of the bride's parents, 14th con., Hay, on 21st of March, by the ' Rev, Finkbeiner, Mr. Isiah Wit- mer to Miss Mary Gellman, both or [lay, - • GET WHAT YOU ASK' FOR. • When you ask for any of Dr. Chase's Remedies look tor his portrait and signa- ture en the boX, otherwise you may get an imitation. Beware et the druggist who tries to induce you to take some- thing said to be "just as good." If. he substitutes medicines he will substitute drugs in prescription. Insist on getting what you ask for and remember that there are no family remedies to be com- pared to those of Dr.A.W.Ohase, author of the famous Recipe Book. • , • Joseph Dean, a Stratford boy of six- teen years, attempted to commit cide by cutting his throat with a• PILE TERROR SWEPT A W .--D r. Agnew's Ointment stands at the bead as a reliever, healer, and sure cure forPiles in all forms. One application will give comfort in a few Minutes, and three to six days' applivation according to directs tions will cure chronic cases, It relieves all itohing and bureing-skin diseases in a day.25cents-Sold by J .E. Hovey -79. .• • • For-Over.Fiity. Years • . . • MRS.WiNSLOW'S .SOOTIIING SVIIIIP has bow acid by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken 'of, your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get it bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will .re- lieve the poor - itte sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, nothers, there is no niietake about it. It mires Diarrlice_,_a regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic softens .the Giims, reduces Inflammation, anegives tone and energy to the whole kystem. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the taste and is the prescription of one 'of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price tWenty-live een:s an bottle. Sold by alldruggists through but the world," Be sure and ask • for "Mrs. 'WINSLOW SOCPTHPal Syeur. . • Mrs. Gauthier and five children were , burned to death at 'Little Cascapedia, •Que., as the -result of a coal•oil stove explosion. • . , When it Hurts To Cough The cough that hurts, ,the cough that , . , . getS• tight in the chest is daily getting deeper and deeper into the bronchial. :tubes and is making directly for the lungs, to become pneumonia; inflamma- tion of the lungs or consumption. •' Such coughs are sometimes referred. . to as "graveyard congbs,",.hecanse they usually bring their 'victimto that last .Syrnp .T.Anneed. and • restingDre boalace.se,f Turpentine has long been* known • as •rnother's favorite , remedy for .croup,• bronehitis,conghs and colds. A gains in popularity every day and now has by far the largest sale of: any 'similar. °ler loroasteinils. the ilghtnesS in the . Chest,. allays the inflammation, Cures the cold and pri-:v en te pneumonia, • conenmption and other Wag troubles. 25 cents, all dealers', or Vdreanson, Bates & Co., To- ronto. - • , . Or9 ChaPe's Syrup Burrits. HOOVER --On the 22nd March,in Mich- , igen, 11, S. A., to the Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Hoover, (nee Miss Florence 'Howson) a son ' Mother • - and child both doing wen. MANNING- -In 0finton on Feb: 22nd the wife of Wilbert Manning, of a daughter. • • .; • LOUUKS-At Ottawa,Mareh 24th, Mxa. A. M. Loucks (formerly Miss A. B. Marion of Clinton) oi a daughter REILLY.-In Stephen, 8, B., on Mara 18; the wife of Wm. G. Reilly, of a daughter. • THOMPSON-At Farquhar, on March 20, the wife of John Thompson, of asnojos. Clar,of a daughter. .f ke CLARKE.--In Crediton, on March 18th, wife• BRADSHAW . -In Morris, on March 15, to Mr. and Mrs.Bradshawawin sons. • Birth died the following day. EIARRIS-In Grey, on March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Harris, a daughter. LOWE-in Grey, on ,March 17, to .Mr. •and Mrs, John Lowe, a daughter. FISCHER-On the 9th of Mareb,Gosben ' Line, Hay, the wife of Mr. Oswal Fischer, of a daughter. PARKE-On the 16th of March, Goshen • Line, Stanley, the wife of Mr, John Parke, of a son. MaCLINCHEY--On the 16tb • of March, Goshen Line, Stanley, the wife of Mr. David McOlitichey, of e. • daugh The Gale Farm, one of the best100-acre farms In Goderich township, Huron county, lot 17 and part 1808 the 81.11 ton., 01 ladea from Godd- rich, 7 from Clinton. The farm eontaine _good. buildings And fences, Well Watered and un- derdrainecl. Largo orchard and garden. Wheat sown and plowing done. Would Roll 'either 80 or 100 tierce. Apply to WM. GOLD, Feb. 14 on the promises or GOderich P.O. FARM FOR SALE nudersigned offers for sale lot 30, con. 7 eonsis1 hut of 100 acres, 00 acres cleared, behind° good hardwood bush, chiefly maple. I0aeresin fall Wheat The 101 18 well watered and fenced and would make a geed Brook farm. There is a mid orchard and two good barns. The farm is 4 Miles froni Clinton and mIle from Summerhill obstetric°, church and Reboot, For further particulars apply on the pronlise or address 'WILLIAM WALLACE, Sept» 121h. SUmitierhillP. 0. MOW W, GLEN. CAMPBELL Organist and Choir -Master of North street church, Goderich, and teacher of plane, pipe - organ and theory, Is prepared to take a limited number of pupils for instruCtion, Leave word at the Clarendon Hotel. Wilivisit Clinton on Friday of each week, HOUSE FOR SALE. ....,.......... The stbseriber offers for sale a very desirable property on Isaac street ermeisting of fear lots upon Which tittle is a dbinfortable frame house with kitchen altd Woodehed attaelied. There. is a good stablt and it rs ..c a 1, On remises, I lie ember& eensisting of grapes are oar advertisements. ley in know that our treinnig is fIrst-i Ass and they are telling other a Write for spring el re ular, SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL FIRST. tidOlaW:-0 STRATFORD, ONT. One of Canada% largest and most successful schools of Bitainess Training. An old-establisbed eebool and one that enjoys' an excellent reputation for 8111101101'8111101101'work. The present is a splen- did time to enter for ft Course of train- ing. Prepare now for the sittiations that will be open next fall. W,e assist many of our students to good positions. The large a ttendanee that our, school enjoys is positive proof that onr work best is highly appreciated. Our ancients Mk apple% la r,g�od 0110. ' bAkAd At itrew.ontiblellgure for cash or cash and baltinee en ham. Aplily 1.0 the owner on the premises JOI1N auxon, Plititoo Mav Oth W.I. ELLIOTT, Principal. HOUSE rcin SALE. s,oxt The touleraigned Offera for said the tonne 1PaPPIPirrooppoomempaiii AdV0611ing on .5 ibert, street north at Dr0A0at 00. 11 VE INSURANCE opted bY nee.% IWurdnek. Good cellar, sumil atable.ete., ete. Per further partieulars CALL ON alrelY ngteit, CHAS.' S. HALE moots, Ost42Std. CLINTON* 0/4Alt/0 . rrpfeaigniiiitfillnlanad THE ONWARD BICYLE CO. AND GENERAL REPAIR SHOP We have a machine shop equipped especially or a general repair trade. Besides Our regular line of flicyele RennhiftstWe do all kinds of iron turn - /,',V1feamso".. This' eignIture is on every box of the genuine Laxative B'roino.Quiniue Tablets • the remedy that eines a cold in 0110 day Seaforth Market Report of Linsead and Turpentine, CURRANTS • FRESH .14.CHEAP • We have been conducting our hiisi- nesson the cash systemeince the first of the year and it has proved so satis- factory to botli our custornerS and our-, selves that we intend to continue it and to continue as well giving a discount of. ten'per cent. • LI addition to this. discount for cash we will give our customers • .0 LBS. CLEAN CURRENTS . FOR. 215c • This offer* will hold good until Fri.' 'clay night, April 4th. • . Butter At141.Eggs Wanted. , LIFE'S A BURDEN -1f the stomach is not right. Is there Nausea? Is there Constiption ? Is the Tongue Coated? Are you Light -Headed ? Do you have Sick Headache? Any and all of these denote Stomach and Liver Disorder. Dr. Agnee"s Liver Pills sot quickly and will mire most stubborn and chronic oases. 40 in a vial for 10. -Sold by J.E. Hovey -77. --- - DEATHS. Wheat....... .. ..... . ...... to 0 64 Goose Whertb 0 63 to 0 fit Barley . 0 38 to 0 40 Oats ”IrViltstr1 027 to 0 27 Peas................. 000 tO 000 11Yeloovir,tOtt* ..... 1,1••• 081 to 040 Potatoes per . 0 20 to 0 25 ing drill ng, grinding, brazing-, saw •Butter loose in crock.. 0 14 to 0 15 gumming, tempering, vulcanizing of rubber, niekle plating, jape en ing and enamelling. We also do all kinds of gunsmithing. We mend umbrellas alui any articles of a like nature. Our prices are the lowest that are possible. and we guarantee to give satisfaction. Give us a trial. SEELEY & TURNER Tedford's old stand ' rtatenbury Street, Clinton * WALKER ivtAisuirAffrilfirtit ALL KINDS OF MATTRESSES Lemma, Couches, Cosy Car. uerAtinti Upholsterer In all kinds of Per- lor Mattresketi Made over- Prides reasonable. Ladles are particularly invited to es. 11 and so earopies of work and cOveringe. Butter in tub .. - Eggs per don- ...... . 010 to 011 Hay.., . ... , . / 00 to 8 00 Live Hogs per cwt... -.. 0 25 to 625 Dressed Pork per owt 7 00 to 7 26 Flour per ewt 200 to 2211 Wan per ton ......„... 15 00 to 15 00 Shorts per ton.......... 10 00 to 1600 Driedapples per lb . . 0 5 to () 05 0, OLSON ' HARDWARE ....OR4****"...........P4•101,1.0011.0•0-...tnyt.^-.PoppOporkrzep.P.rooPPIPPPPTOMPPPA. 111111Gfilli SOLE Another Big Sale on Saturday Better and Bigger than Ever Everyybody well pleased last Saturday, Every- body who attends will be morethan pleased next Saturday, • We have just received another large consignment from the Johnson Bros'. Stock and are putting it on sale at the lowest possible prices, CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSIELF We have been so busy that we have been unable to prepare a large list for this week, but 'we are ar- ranging the goods on our counters and tables and have marked thern at prices that will sell them. quickly. Everything marked in plain figures. We give you a small list below. . DON'T Fill TO BEE OUR BIG• WIIIDOW DISPLRY EIRNITE Wfin 130R11IINS and look out for our big list next week Regular Sale Price ' Granite Rice Boilers $1.00 $ .72 " Tea Drawers -* • , .25 .20 Meat Platters .35 .26 . " SyrUp Jugs . .40 ,20 " Na. 9 Tea Kettles • 1.25 .98 " • Dish Pans for 43e 536- and 63e, Quart Tin Dippers only 4c.. A few Daisy Churns at cut prices. Ready Mixed Paints at S1.20 per gallon. • Best Sarnia prirne white Coal Oil'only. 15c per gal.. Bring along your big cans and get tb.em. filled, Call and 'let us figure with You ou nails and all • kinds of Fence Wire. • liariartri Bios. CHEAP HARDWARE HOUSE CLARK. -In Orediton, on March 18t1i, Jane Clark,relict of the late William Clark, aged 80 years 9 months 18 days. WILCOX.-In Exeter, on March 18th,- Jane Tomlinson, beloved wife of Daniel 1Vileox, aged 79 years,. 2 months. SILLS- In Cleveland, Ohio, on March 20th1 Mr. Daniel L. Sills, formerly of Brucefield, aged '75 years. THOMPSON-In Tuchersmith. on • March 14th, Felix Thompson, aged 70 years and 6 months. MURRAY-In London, on 14tii,ch 17, Julia McCowan, beloved wife of David Murray, formerly of Payfield, nged 41 years, - ROSS --In Kincardine, on March 16th, Heetorina, wife ot Alex Ross, aged 70 years. McKEE---In Kincardine Tp., on March 16t,b, Meredith Alexander McKee, son of Joseph MOItee,aged 14 years. 'GOTTSCHALK-On the 16th of March, at Zurich, Lula youngest child of • Mr. and Mrs. Gottschalk, at the age of 3 years. PARKE- On the Goshen Line, Stanley, on the 2f)th of March, Annie W. Morrison, wife of John R. Parke, at the age of 28 years, 3 months and 8days. WE'RE FULL • We mean our shop is full of New Spring Goode. The most important part of it new spring outfit is a pair of shoes. Our spring stock was selected with the greatest care with the result that we can offer' greater wanes in . Boots and Shoes than ever before. Come end tree one stock before buying 0.8 WO Car, y the latest styles all kinds of Boots and Shoes, S C. IRtiltlAW EL L, tarilighest price paid for Hides and Sheepskins. 'InIdate 111011110ahlit 27i8 erred Migigli &Way, Sold and reeommended by itil druggists in Canada. Only reit. able Thedleirte ditieoVeted. l3(.1 teat jpgstaefte4 to Mire au ortns o 8exttarletiklietteL 11 efteate of ahead oreaossol, Mental Worry, Emiessive nee Of TO*., WOO, Opium or Stimniants, maned on reotliPt of prloa,alie El, Mt, *5. Ottapiviot efq5Wg cur& -romp lots tree to ow addresd. Ths W company, wittoorh000 Store-Ontarie Street, Olinton. Por Sale by Watts &On., Ilove3?,11, 0110door comb ofIford as7:11:011.11'0 D. Combo and 11.?,, Deckle. PIAN OS ••••• Wholesale and retail piano and organ distribni cell. tre. High geode, new pianos. Five used pianos itt deckled bargains. nor the wonderful Gramophone for a pleasing entertainer, lieadqUarters for it, Bar. gains to teachers and stu- dents in sbeetmesic, 050 to '75c pieces at, lOt wholesale. Instruments of all kinds sold. HOARE'S Mui* Tilropotium. CLINTON MARBLE • AND GRANITE WORKS The best class of work procurable has been manufactured here for many years past. SPRINC MILLINERY OPENING FRIDAY IVIARCH 29 and following day will Mark an ,eyent of' paramount interest to eiet'Y womenwithin reach Of -this store. " It is our opening . diSplay..of Spring 'Millinery when Dame 'Fashion will hold court for her many devotee e and spread before then' a fascinating array of the.approved treat ions road con- ceptions in headgear for this season. , • , ,•• • . We're not inclined to be boastful of our,..achievernents, but it IS • . . . •• far from au idle boast to say that 8150 has nevor seen such a , beautiful display of millinery elegance and excellence 'as will be , -opened out at this stoic on Friday the 20th inst. It is the result of • . • weeks of painstaking efTbrts on the part.of our experts. It is It congress'of what.Paris, London anir.New York have determined should be the.correct and fashionable in headgear. It is • the one , showing in Blyth that truly refleets the newest and most approved fashion fancies, and yet, so thoroughly.adopted to meet the .pecu- liar wants and to satisfy the refined tastes of Blyttes best dtessers. Such ar. aristocratic showing .of beautiful • models' and avtistia effects,. whether the products of the truiSter minds of Paris, the • sklfleJ 'designers -of Neve York, or the clever. experts In our own • workroom, cannot -fait to win the admiration of every dresser of . • refined. taste, and will stamp this store more than ever tbelashion store of Huron county. • Miss Baker' accompanied by MisS jarnesont spent six weeks in the differentmillinery- centees, where they copied 01 the new • ideas and•latesti designs, and they are now ,prapared to give our . customers the benefit.' • • • A. cordiakinvitation is extended to all to visit our grand opening. : I MCKINNON & 00. " •••••••••••••••••••••••••mOs••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BLYTH- •-• • • •• :4 8. H. GIDLEY POPULAR CLOTHING STORE f . • • • ,• ..t, BLYTH-----.. • • • • • I' _ —___ ' • I: ri c. in E.,MOTHERS!. ..,„,„ . . • JUST A MOMENT PLEASE : .. • • • • • I iWe v th ng for boys : know ,..,_.we h.:....„,e 010 • • • : that you'll like at first glimpse. To tell i 1you of all the lines, the handsome sty -les,: i the striking noveltiesIthe different shades, I i patterns and materials that are embodied: :in our New Spring Stock of Boys' andi : Children's Clothing is beyond. our ability. ; i They must be seen to be appreciated. : : The boys kuovir the style and they want : :. it. They get it here, 1 : All WoOl Stiits $2,50, others at , 1 • • • $8,00, $8:50 and $4.00, i • 1-1 OIDLEY - BLYTH 1 , 1 • WE WON'T cttll 00yott a week after your bereavement. WE wow!. make the work to suit the prim WE wia make the price to suit ie Work. WE WILL give you the choice of the prodqtion ne the world In design and material. We are the ONLY pron. Meal niell In Clinton int our line. Po not he talked intoplaeingyour order without first call- ing on us. J. a, HOOVER, PROP Next to flenitnercial 00.40•44044141••••••••••••• 00!14441•660410600446•40041.046.40