HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-28, Page 44
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be, Clinton Nows.,flecordli,
Qoderloh T-waship. .
- "'41"riell
I Port Albewt. . I
I -d%
Mr. Dan. Gliddon has re-reisted tilt%
Fraser farm,, which be has been
occaging for the past live years, for
____ -
I .
, __ _
% I
The slid nowa of tile pan0ytle Stroke
which confined tire mother of Town
0 Ilerk Mitchell to her bed, at the resi.
dence of hilt- daughter, Mrs. William
John A. ,%till T. 0. Hawkins two
h( lite I
tFitla frow this Itimber woods ;
w hero I .y wintered.
__��_____ �_
014IXTON, MARCH SeTal 1901
anot or five-year term, lie has taken
" - � .. I 4r **
.10 0*
Rotilwell, Toronto, only prece(led by a,
(I'vo, Hawkinh se. is at present under
,ad vitro of tile place, Which is more
fertile than when. lie first took pos,
sessions ;%ad the owner wits 01117 too
Miss Birdie Yates is ill.0111cago visit-
- tier uncle, Mr. G. A. Yates, She
will Also visit. her relatives, the Misses
'Sheriff Reynolds and Oblef Constable
McKay left oil Tuesday of )list week
fill, kingstoll, having III charge
few days tilt) sadder lotolligericit of her-
death, The reuirlins were brought
bero And wern Fievorlipapied by Me
the cave of Dr. Case,
Mrs 11, Otway, who bits been III '
Witt) blood polsonlog, 14 improving
H 114-
well pleased to have him again its
tenant. The past Tear has been the
Wilkinson of Minneapolis.
L Mrs. Orr, who wits Ili for so many
Andrew Otalksbank, who was $(-it-
tenced to three years Ili peniteptlarY.
and Mrs. W. Rothwell. The late Me$.
John Mitchell, wilt) accompauled bei-
very little. i
Dick has. his lee stored Away file tile
1110st, prosperous with Mr. 011441ou
months hwt years wits out -on Thurs-
The brigtitifttletag.Toties that is
htlst)t�ii(l,,t,ic)ivde��e,�t;eiI itboub t�vellty
satumer, Whitt about wood now?
DIN081 �
. .
since be startedfarming,
'lure went to Hamilton
bit, John MoG
ally. .
bliss Annio Buchanan has returned
being closed. in aft like a, ropeller lit
Maeltoll's island sbipyarx will, be
years, to, I Ills Cot titry, was one of till,
most generous of women. Mr.
Joe. and WillitkIn McMillan tire
both gettjlrl� thing" in shape to ralse
onTuesday to attend the Grand Council
ofthe Chosen F Plenols its the reprosork -
f roin a most enjoyable v. !sit with Miss
used more extensively as a passenger
Mrt,4. John blitchillInfter leaving olove.
their baIlls and put -cement, tvalle
ul)(10P theirl. Joe isalgo on
- I
At the residence of the .bride's par-
tative of the bretbern' at Porter's Hill.
Heywood of Clinton.
Mrs. Robert Fitzinions of Clinton
boat to And ittitiong the Manitoulin
islands. 'Ube Jones is it) now harlds,
land more than forty years Ago settled
In Klillett before Corning to. 00derich,
A now roof, the wind having blowil off
etne in Morris, on Wednesday of last
week, Thoulas O.McCotll was united in
Mr. McClure will represent us in tin ,
efficient manner ,will see all I 4 hear All
next lodge night
9penta few days last week the guest
of hev daughter, Mrs. Ed. Munroe.
Game Witt -don Curry desires to warn
people against the. carryin at- title of
bit-, M itchell opened tip it gi lilt) Stor e
and getionil grocer oil Kings.ton
tile old roof. I
bliss Lizzie.Foster spent a tow days
marriage With. Miss Lizzie, daughter of
George Kirkily, Tile ceremony was
that goes on, and
will be giving us a -concise And pointed
bliss Henderson of SaItford, who
gradnated its a 111111loor with Miss
earme tit a I the neigImorbood, of
fit P it 15
tile harbor as it Is contrary to law, aild
stre et And foul, Years opened out
on 1111111iltOlk SUeet it) ttlO stove now
with tier Sisters Mrs. . Havry
1111WItills" last week. I
rfortned by Rev. Win. PenhAll of
Pyth. The bride looked very pretty
report or the proceedings. Our Outin
.lit. or
attho Hilt is in a prosperous conc I ion
Gill.ty at 81.0th ZO;,,o bits accepted a
. a. C
Po8ltlorl with. bf ene, Wingbat".
all Offenders will, be prosecuted.
1, CaptAin BleGregor is as bright look-
0001101ed by Allsk, (11111neroll. Ali -is.
Mitchell then carried On the business
SchookiliAls Is busy ctitting lee on the
-;it tit
tilill pond this Week with sever 6 u.
in a grey suit triallood. with white
and the goat kept pretty well
Ali., E a, Tilt returns from McGill
I ng as ever 0tor .a pretty good siege
for Some years And was noted for ber
Will, Stuale !a going tlao the fishing
satin ttild lace, while the bridesmaid,
Miss Bella McCall, sister of the g - roon),
exercised. .
Mr. Ed. Harrison has engaged with
College to spend the Easter vacadon
ilti hia,hoilie, the British Exchange, -
? f geippe, Tire Dayfleld cominatider
I a good for anothe . I , - Reason. .
many benevolent acts. Of late y0ars
She �pent her time visiting het, song lit
.,),!allies$ t,hIs sutIliller ItIld w ill Pan out
it gang of net$ ollt4i&l and it pound
was prettily attired In it strawberry-
,, -
Mt. (1harleg, Wallis of Clinton to wan
Age his farm on the first concession.
Ali-, Archie Dickson. or McGill
Tile uard of Health bits some work
Cleveland and Goolevich ,Arid datightell
net or tivo alonij the above. Billy hits
. , I
Ills eyes open for business
,colored di h pink satin
-et,s trimmed wit
and lace. Herbert Kirkity, bPoLher of
Ed. is an industrious fellow and under.
College will i lot return until Hatter.
Marlton and Ills man are busy at
I rehire them� this season. There waR
talk,of closing the schof)ls but Easter'
At Toronto. Lsist, August she visited
bet, Son, Town Clerk Mitchell, And
and no
doubt will s , ucceeo �as theve is good
the. bride, supported the grooTI3. The
stands -fartning firoin the first prin,
� . .
eipl6s so ruakes allotit ofthe'faxul
thelp tag building now that they 11 Ave
will Soon bring bolidays. Scarletina
After A few weeks went to Toronto.
Money ill Itifpropeily handled. And
the right mad is Ili Lite -ight,
31OU13g Couple start bousekee Ing near
Blyth wlt4 the best vv isibes or ,I, large
that is possible, The big buyer of
got the thriber find lumbep foi- which
they were waiting. l
arid scarlet fever are prevalent,
meeting has been held at ,which the
The casket wits it very - handsome one
And was covered by beatitiful floral
tliks tltiie, Success and Ili a of it,
cifole of friends. . .
bogs, into . which our old neighb?r
Wallis has developed.was fortunate in
Me James Tait, Chief Ranger of the
mayor, Jarnes Sheppard, and doctori
tributes by those she loved so,nitich lit
. - .. . . . . . 1
securing Ed's services. I
Fore;tera,' I$ .111 yi,itli itiflaintilatory
rheumatism, �
Holtneit, Taylor and were
present. An inspectop is being adv�lr-
life', A vei), caskeb bo(ILlet,
formed of the large Easter Ill an(fits
: Last wa,mmosh
I - ,
A pretty wedding took place at the
residence of Jae. McNair, 14th' con,,
Mr, John Wallis, who bas been con.
fined to thebouse for some time OwIng
Mrs, R. Sallows is Lila Sliest Of
* .
ListowA friends. -
tised for, who will do his duty in In-
reiniseq of eavil citizon.
long Stoll), lovely large yolinov iioses
arid otbov blossoms, the tribute from
This week we htxvo to chronicle tile
Grey,pn Wedtiesday, when Ills daugh,
ter, bliss Jessie wits married to James
to illness, -still continues poorly. We
tire all hoping that; with the advent, of
Mrs. Philip Holt has returned from
It most enjoyable visit at Toronto, the
Fo"t't;vi',Ah'11'n those disea'ses are in the
. air, it is most advisable to look
tier dalighter, Mrs, W, Rathwell, and
from Alt -ti. Wood of Toronto It lovely
deiith. of one of the earliest settlers of
this township It) tile liti-soll -of Jolill
Perrie of the sairao township. ThO
W41`111 weather lie may regain his
wouted health and strength.
guest of her sister, Mrs. Balth.' *
after the cleariliness of. the towns
boquet of ealla, lillivs And white beath.
Blartill, aged 00 years arid 11 no
I liths,
who died tit the home of his brothers
ceremony was performed
B. McRae of Cranbrook, = by
THE NEWS -RECORD still continues
Miss Attrill lately returned from
� ,
bet- winter's visit with her sisters Mrs,
mild Cities, , StylallpoX,iS On tA10 11iftr0b,
And it it worse than all the olbor
er . A lovely atichor of calla, lilies,
priairoses, malden's little ferns, Poses
Arvhlbald. Deceased was takeXi ill
Rev. 1). Perris of Winghatu, brother of
. .
to gain ill popularity I" OtXr section
. Q
foresee for it increasifIg
Wright of California. Mis. Wright
and many lovely blossoms wits the
with In, grippe Some weekq Ago .while
in 11CI neardino und.died froill, ttie
the groom.
and we .an
atroinag.e. Merit always does win' .
will spend the summer with MIE'S
Attrill at Ridgewood Park. ' � �
Trooper Charlie Wetheral bas
returnW to his bome At Moosinin, N.
tt-il)titenfAlt,s.Giot-geS%y�tnson. Miss
Bvock Mitchell of Toronto, grandaugh.
(4fects of this disease and heart failtjre�
At St Paul's Rectory, Wingliara on
Mr�b it is tardy sometimes.
JohnShaw accomplished the
' Illititt kept hotel
The late Me James 14,
. .
W.T. Another welcome will piesum -
to, . or tile (it-ceasea lady
. ., sent it yeiy
Deceased came to Bast Waw4nosh in
company with' his brother-,
Wednesday last Rev. War. Lowe,
fetit lase week of wheeling.on the lake
in the years gone by oil the prer-piges
now the, hoine of Mrs. Colin Ca tripbell.
ably be extended him there.
So of Lite Church
wing session
large lovely lloquet of rXiocissus, stockti
And Other lovely flowers and myti, D..
Archibald front �ho county of Durbam
assisted by Rev. Rural Dean _
. ice from Point Fiirm above Goderich
Time laakes* changes, . .. .
Women'sAuxiliaty met its tigual. on
Cantelon1j. t
9'r"vas foil" Or five Of Ile
, tnd settled oil Lite farm oil Which be
spoke the words that united in holy
wedlocks Miss Minnie Galley of Morris
to the Grand Blind. The distance is
about * thirty-eight miles and was,
- We note that .MI.. Goorge McKenzie
Moilday'afternoonin the sebo9l house.
. .
RIGA magni ficelit calla. lilies we e ver'
died. Deceased never inarried, but
made his. home with Ills brothers arid
to Mr.Luther J. Williams, of the same
made.in good t; ime. The tinusual. ex-
Of Wingliam I,, one of the Influential
justices of the pence tip. there. - He is
of St, George'�4 church.
. Mr. George Mitchell returned lilEt
saw. The Messrs, John and- Jarnk-s
Mitchell of Cleveland aj,rived ,List) on
Sisters. Hellistirvived.by five brof,ht
township. The bride was attended by
Mrs. H,. Johnston, whose husband
perience, notwilthstanding the low
tol'ap.ratur 6, tnade�ther run it pleasant;
(me of our anibitious old-time rest-
dents4 He is a brother of Mr. R, � W.
weak from hits Halifax military drill.
Mrs. G, Meyers left last, Week
Satnrday last. The deceased ,lady look.
edlovely, no trace of her seventy-eititit
ers and two sisters. The brptbei�-a live
Archibald, 3atnes,William And Charles
rendered similar Service for the
groom. The happy couple will settle
On. but W. doubt if John would care,
to repeat,it -very often. And then he
McKenzie. - . I
in John Kaine of Gorrle vVill be
.0apta I
visit Clinton- frierlis. .
' The maple'leat grocery was li�P it
years being Visible, its " She lily At peace
in her casket. Tile funeral i6ok place
of this to% -.,a,., inieli who re -
I . ,hip And Dt
siolps Ili E nglipid His two sistors Are
down on the fine Meal. the groom .has
recently on the 5th of
has made a record which Must now on-
date for a season, a . a matter how
. . -and of his son, W tills bee"
quite pi: ,ho
Fair up to 10 p. .tit . on Saturday, con-
lite -e r;
front tile rk me ')f ber son, Towii
Mrs. John Barber and bliss Maggie, of
X`hig towns"' ps. The foueral� took
Morris from the �Ieiklejobh estate.
much'others Ill ay wish to emulate it,
teachirig at Sault Ste. Marie a
nu6l f years. Captaiii Kaine was
)er 0
sequ�nt uport the young Indy from
Hamilton pregentingeverynne with n,
Clei it Alift'llell, on Mond�ty, .Tho pall
beavers were Mesizvs.. William -Lee, D.
. .
plaQe to the Wingham cenietery,
I I .
' . . .
Mr, Hugh .Welsh, our populax `yqung
teacher, was off duty last week
a clerk tit Goderich many years Ago.
I cup of d
� � alicions cuffee And a taste at
0', Steaeban, John 0, Martin, Abraham
. . . :
__.''.....'. �
_ - . � - . � _ I— _ -
At the residence of Anson Shaw on
the 2nd Morris on WedDesday
owing to the . prevailing. epidera"I
- �
He ufferwards opened out a store in
Dungannon 'and later a priVate loan
nice je Ily. The yoting lady is. quite
art-isile, *carrying a wreath like vase
Sinith, Jatnies6n Reid and Archie
Elliott. Rev. James Anderson offle-
;;BOU(3H'V MY t0h FOR 3D 6ENTSI.I-s,
con. of
Rev. D. Rodgers tied the knot which
-Fear Forrest
grgP�ha, 'or the past
. . Webster has I
. Ili 06rtie. Captain
Savings bank i � .
Kaltle's bri)ther, lives in Clin
Along wl
� th-herhatiolsonieurti. - oil
We called ow Artist Alexander .'
lated at. h6use atiol grave., *
51 I . Dickson and Miss Aggle,' his
rhis was one.' wants of cuttino it
.� -
.when he had' been jironounced incur
and Addis
made Harry -
manandwife. Theyoungcouplo Will
few weeks been visiting his parents
andothevrelativesin Lucknow while
ton. . � . I I . . . . I
. �
Saturday and Were delighted with tile �
daughter,, have rettivileol front their
able froM ithron lo dysilepsia. ','It wrks'a
make their home Ili Morris, ,
, hisbrother William is attending to
Mrs. Coo E� has obtained the see-
vices of a icholson of Toronto.
artistic paintings at Which lie has con
at work.this winter, Hishas.had I lie
wititev's stay at- Essex And. St Alary's..
Mr, and bits. Harris have takeii
living death to- me until I -tried Dr. Von
-Stan's Pineapple Tablets. Thanks to
hih property here. . .
. .
John -Yeo is contemplating the pur-
I escing
Mr. HarrylVdvoirds is eptival
good'fortanot to recelve an order for
possession. of their new pu'rehase on
them ta-day I am well, arid I tell illy
A very pretty wedding took place at
r - C. Murdock. on.,
the home of M . 8
chase of the farms owned hk Mr. Cook
. .
at his houie, London South. -His mo�b-
or caule III) to "urtte hill) hilt tak Ing
the painting of �'.The sUtibils the *
cross" rot, tile Catholic church at Dub -i
Elkin Avenue., the brouse tritely 0011-
, 1.
)led by Mail Clerk MOViCar and owned,
friends I bouglit my life for 36-ce6ts 11
60. in a box. -Sold Ily J,E. qovey-80.
Wednesday last, it being the oecaRlon
of the marriage of his Second daugb-
We understand that Mr. Goo
. . f '
Steep has -leased the thirty -acre Arm.
. I
cold an bet- .journey she r6turtied to
her - home aiid her. hosband, Mr, T..
lin_ Ile hits also an ovder from Blyth
for 11 The Stations of the cross" for the
1) v NIP, Nixoh,,St aldy. I
.'Next Suad,4, the hu.it So d y 'in
. . . � .
. .� .- . �F.'- - '- �-, .
ter, Kate, to Mr. J. A..Straehan of
Toronto. The knot was well and se.
owned - a numl
I , , r. S., Cook fat )at
by M
ofyears. -Mr.Cookintends going to,
- .
. � .
Edwards, bame up, but 418 soon its ,his
. � .
son Harry sboweil Signs of- juiprove-�
. 1.
. .
Catholic chm-ch there. . .
Bliss Bond, sister 'at Rev, Mr, Bond
Mity-cli.!sPitimStindityttticltb V
e 61low-
-inq.Sanday. Easter. .
' .
.To cm re a co)d 1111 olle (lay
I . . . .. - . .
curely tied by the Rev. A, McKay Ili
the presence'of the immediate friends
th I Canadian Sault in May. -
Percy Cole spent last week .with his
. I
, I ..
Mont he returned home. -
arn, 1,
Mr. W, Eashain is, we le, %1(1 up
of A.6)n,' will visit, her sistee here;
K a. ,Theodore Hide, lit art eat:ly diite
, .
- Sandford * Stokes, who s)ld li is.
.. I I I ,
Quebec street, properi y some, time Ago,
. I
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine- -Tah
'lets. :All druggi8ts-refond the irioney
of the family. The happy couple left
the first train for their f uture home
� .
ancle in Stanley ' I . .
I Mr. RobePt Cautelon leaves for
by.bisold antagonist,rheutuittism.
laptain,W, MoLeikn of Detroit and
before -returning to her home in Eng-.
land. . I . . . . . .
purchased the pretty new- real-
d, nee -of Ross A., RAstall.
if it faMs to cure. 25c. E. W, Groves
is * :
an I .
in Toronto. I I
Mahitobaon Wednesda�.. �
� .
. Captaln'John McLean a f Port: Huion
., Miss . Belle 'Mitchell,, sister -of. Mr.
. !
- - .. . I.
I. .
signature on each box - , -
I :
1! .. I. . �
. I I .
. _
. I. Mr. William Pickard hi; making.
pTepArations . to build a,� this
have returned ta1heir.'homes, After a
I . .'. � .
Mrs. 3;
yallies Mi�tchell, left on Tuesday .for
- --- . .
'� __ __ � , . I
..1. . .
. , ,� . . I , ,. .
� . I . I
� . . . . . . . I .
. I .. .
-_ . .
I _ .
Spring. ... . . .
M�. Oliver Willion -Ellai
pleasant visit. as guests of
Bedford ar�d tier ran, John. *
her, homei at Windsor. - I
I . blt�s. 0. Campbell is Organizer for the
. Colborne Townsillp. .
- *, � 1. ___.. . I -
. I
. . .
.H -.
I .
. .
and sister'
-left'for Toronto -on Tuesday. ,
. The heavy draught-horge purchased
by Mr. Zeke Smith while on his recent
-Women's ,Institute for West Huron.
Several branchesbave 1)(3011 organized
is c6ming n,nd indtly are'look.
Ing for it as feed-' is getting pretty
. � . I ____ .
The undersigned offorfor stile 15 throie-year�old
. .. �
. Geo. Ylullei- -arid Goo. MeOartne�
Are engaged. P- Jog- Proct
visit to his'-br ther Was- brought to
by Mrs: Campbell thiR 8 I ..
eason, .
icarce in. this nP,igbb6rhood,.
colts, Mareti; arid geldings, - They are all flrist,.
ela.,;,,;heay.ycolt9- WealsohaveforsaleAtiver-
A: cheap one way excursion will -be
.with- 10,
cuttin wood this week. I � . . . T
9 . .
20th. Inst. Ib
town on Wednesday, .
. will. be.'three ye.
ars old. in May and
We understood si;ime months ago
'that Ogilvie' , ill wa'g to have the
Is ill
Mr. Henry Snyder Of Berinailler'li its
,,loved to his ne%,v'farrX3 at, the Nil�.
al elleap working hoisos and some drivor.4,,
. ..
. * . . .
. I run every Tue ay up.to an - me u in I
. . I
� � A KINDLY ACT. :' . . I * .
weightii 1750 pbutids. . .. . . I . : . , �. �
� diaellinery.torn out itfid new macbin-'
.We wish the yotttig man success and
. Clintoln- ;lfrircli 19tli- . . I I � :
April 30tb, 1 1, from all' oints in
Ontario to All stations oil t e. line of
. . . .
. . . . I I
, On Frid'a� afternoon the teablier arid
: ....We are glad to find ',that Mr.
' elice is perilian�nt,
-eryllutin U'pto date We have not
hena d of Any chAnge in the 111111 an 'we-
pt�osperity. .
Mr. Nathan 4ohns had a. bee 'on
I.. I I.. I I � .
--- 1 � . i .
.. .. I . 11. I
. the Great Nort.bern Railwav ' fnnew
pupils of - tile Poiter's Hill school - re-
pa red to the bome of.. Mr. ClemeXit
He had to paw; through quite a Siege
presume the olol'triachinery is All i "Ift.
Bran 'ord
Th ar'4"y � last drawinlT -sand - aR bi�
. .
' : . I ..;I
Stamped Sa tin "
in tana, as -
sota, North Dakota, Mo.
of ptilm.obaryaffection this season and
Mr. Ross A, Riistall Of
Intends buildink it stone. wall, tinder his
I . . ,
ri I
in ts ol
gton, Oregon and B k�l
Par a I& irte
also to Winnipeg, Par tag
to show their Sympathy and.
esteem for 'Ills 'son 'Goldie, who inet'
had begun 'to feel that *he.- wits .proof
- our'winters, since , he hild
a "in"'
spent Sunday with hi�- family. . . .
Mr. Blackstone of: the Victor -ilt .Ves-
. . 1.
barri this stimmer. . I .
NIP, Holtzhauer, has returned horne
. asort ed colors.in 9 nivare Inch
= ter Fancywork, Quilt#, soft
W, etc. Enh statoped
. . . � .
and Brandon - - - .
with a sever.e accident Several manths
. I
e several wittioutillnesg. .� . -_ .
6 C'
___ ____ -
ta6rant*haq'j`nstfinishPd an exqtlisitt,ly
frow t lit- hospital - where he has'been.
,� will%
- a nest and gfueful design to Ike
Four opportunity to' visit the
Ow 18.1 � .
�N .
il tgo froril'i;vIlidh lie has .not recovered
foV,tilmigh now out of bed -he,i P
O" "Itlz6nS must feel qAlIte grateful
�. - .
� .carved cont3ter, noi )ut lea%le .
hing I , a
- is
. I I
having all, .Operation � pertortued on
�. �
. I workeq,tm silk. 10 euez; to per
. .
, package, pmtou%ld. Orleaopyo$
4$,For th
Wes t who�ve wo'rk is plentiful, Where A.
home of your own and feeedom frorn
yet able to walk. They -gave a -short 6)-
t , theLadies.'Aid of the North street,
f6r.-the rare treat extended
The Wood .is walnutaiid the citry 1191,
, it fia�.a,�iarble top And tilatell
liotb Ilia eve,4, - ,, . .
- , .
� mi'ss, flelyar-was. the gll'iist of Aiiss*
.g .... the great pop'olsr,.oug,
I .... Plair I Die, Deat Mothuroll repZ
40 cT�!ileet music, %ellt "', -
debt Awaits. . . I. . I
For rates, descriptive Matter, Vtalea
iteptainment of recitations and §6ngg*
Which wits enjoyed by Goldle, and the
them I oil m6nday. evening, Miss Flora
graduate of .the'Chicag(l School
es his ic)untai'n with. i,ts carved. arches.
� . I � � .
.. . .� ..
and base, '
'Gardner on Saturday and S._..-_... . .
I bliss Allin of Stratford -is. visiting
. . ,. .. . .
free witin every paekage, Addre as'! " *
. table folders and all other information
*family, not alone for its excellence* but
a a well for. the kindly spirit.which
. �ays,a
f OrMory, gaye tbq Audience a- treat.
. Archie, eldest :son Of H
friptiolsill this locality.al present. , �
,.. .
. MISS N,'W`1,:THXRAL Auburn.
1. . :* . I .
.� . I
call on or write Chas. W. Graies,
District Passenger Agents 0 King St.
Prompttid,it. At-theconclusionaftlia.
She. looked'. irre a slull')Ie-
costume of ,te decollQte
James Miller of tile G. T. R., -Ili qn. the.
'Starr of the Doty works. . � ,
Mr;,'Warfier WitIters with his mothfr
and-sisf,pr were tile guests ofMr, Mid
. . . . � I .. . .
. �.
West, (Room 12), Toronto, Ont. - .
program . the foll6wing.,address was
- '. ed accompanied by forty 1our
� Waist. *Her numbers t6il' . encores
. .
I tfiought. fvoua the veiled. ffkce.-nf4
Mrs.Jai�;es'Stratighatit oil Sabba.t It even- I
I . . 4 .. s I
SMUT, I �.
. .
.---I----====-- - '.. '
. . .
job - bad been collected -by �
d'i')e11iaern,' wh ,- ,
weriet"M new to a- GodePich audience
" Specialty 'r
' core, I In 4
sayer one en
t,M. on. Silttdrday .nlgtlt� that.." we
, rain I' tile niornirl'and
watild have .we
jug.. I
, ,
Alr.William Glen leirtan"Friday far
." I . � � I.,.
. . . 1 .
. .1 . .. �. . .
. I
Abe - pupils. for Goldle's awri use. Ta.
say tbab.the recipient,who !a at worthy
, t�
- ,b thht
Miss Mary Price made tier d , u
evening'and was- attired in a debtit-:
. .
Ay was , da
had.'. Saturd a lovely y' and
)ked enebanied. 1. .1 .
everyonelo( .
I it.' We wish him a pleasant
. .. . .
- trip and it safelournby. i
. - I
I . � - - .
. . . .
. I
Mr. Ci H. Reid. the well known
find popular young titan, -Appreciated
thegenerous'actis'pritting -it mild] .
uqpe costurne, of pretty rose pink. She
11, Daddy" ver -y beautifully in-
bf1s. ,1, W,-'Stuith is the happ'v
a wall flower'*Uch, hl�s
I .
The farrbe*rs are bnsy- getting ready
for thl spring. - 1.
. . 1. � ., I � . I . . . I . � : ,.
. , . . . � .
drover. made the following shipmen ' t.
. '
from'Olinton on Monday :
. Principal-Mliott arid his seholam Oe-
sang -
Miss A in good
usebrook sang i
� grown. to it� present flow -iebing stftte
. I .
The ; PON , . Showea themsel . '
na ves oil
. -our Seed: W6' ith
Treat )
� . 1. . � I IV
of cattle . . ,
- - .
se�ve, much credit for .Setting on foot
and carrying out the'affair so success-
VOG' Longfellow's 11 Beware7' and
receiving encore reipoildled, with
. . plan t th'At - M iss Beth Sa'-v
from . A little . .
in the garden And thinking it Was a',
Sabbath foi- the first tim e, thili sehaon.
Mr,Williatfi lCtipeveg is hirpriwing
Torimildelkyd .s, lut .�', � . ,
I e. o . ion.
H. Ddwsoi3 Stanley l 1100*
. 6. 1 1260
H. Hayter
fully aU enjoyably. The address: is
. . .
as follows: . I
. .
41 Ann ic Laiirle." Miss AiAebroo
� tit
carnation she put i:�Iillto a pot and,
. .
tile look
I s of his farat as .he is..prunhig
- .. . I - .. .
. . .. I . .
-. ., . . I I
. .1
W . Hart 1 1050
. � I - . .
To Mr, Golden Newton: - � ..
wore black -silk grenadine. Miss, TuPle
Brown looked -chartning with rose and
brought it into the house SO tbat, whet!
' -rived fi,oiil tier-. Dakota'
hiotber at . . .
off the shade treek; Ili front of it. .
A very pretty w�.ddfrjg topk place on
I . It luas been -Pro*ed b-�. lex-
. . I
. . ,
I I(" �
,T. pbel .
"'I- 1 . I ". -
Dear Fi,ipnd,-We,- the selfolars . .of
shanirockjn, bet- hair. She Bank
visit A carnation Would' gmet,hev.
the Maitland � concession on . Wednes
. -
� periiiieilt thatif,bats are
F. Cole n . . .� .9 2 2040
T. Stinson I - 1000.
Forter's'Hill. school, arid your many
friends and symp'atilizers of the com.
-tv P6rfiaps" beAutlifully A11,91was. warni-
ly, applauded� Wit,. � Glenn Oarripbell
Althoiigli the.carnation never eatile
she has insteada, large luxuriant Wall
day last At. tile borne -of Mr. Johil,
Stevens when' their only datighter
. . . �
. dipped. .for...five inillutes
' .
J. White - Tuckersmith 4 - , 4000
rxiunity,, feel it, our dutyabd privilege
. . .
Wits accompanist. Mr. Campbell's.
flower with. 50 georgeons blossom-"
Wreattia, wits united in the holy bonds
, .
- lai. a soll.Ttioli of E ornial-
N. CAT ter . 11 3 .3890
R. & J. Ransford ' '
. . - I - 1100
in mere� wo rds our
to express besides' . .
respect'and sympatby.for you. during
selections w6rewarmly reeelved. ., The
entertainment *IIsA very P16ELS113k one
upOn it And more to kolloiv. It 4AS
been since first of -FebvnaPY.
of- Matrimony to Mv. Reuben Giligg,
UP,' Shaw -'of Benmiller securely.
. ,
. -
. . dchyde i n1i the pr6portion
- -, . I . .
4 c 3: 3830
G. Nott �
G. W. Layton � . I 3 3550
your'severe affliction.Weare sorry that
we have not bear.i.able t6 do more, to
� . � .. .
As a whole. .. , . I ..
Cantelon, the egg man tMin Clintdni,
-o large. . Every
and tile blossoms .at _
the large plant will lAusso'ni,
tied the 'knot alid -aboub 125 .Invited.
the ' cereniony,
' f 4ioz.- to 10 ini erial
. 0 . . I . P� , ,
J. Nott . . 2 2530
Oletv.eg,,�,.P, ,tifferings -and discourage-
, .
town .'day apa wait
was in the other 1. .
sterh of
Anyone wishing to'Slibscribe to THV -
guest,s -witnessed
The y6ting couple received many hand-
,�. . . -mir crop
gallons of wat( ,r �
I . � �
' '
J. MeNaughton .1 . 1270�
P. Cantelon Goderich 1 1390
me, I rig the nianyJon months
been..disabled, &ewould,
At: tile price of eg 6
observed to say th 9
' can do go by calling on
sonie-, and valuable presents" which
, f o a.t illl� 1.)�-. healthy
0 S W
W. Munnings . .1 1120
however, Ask you to kindly.accept this
is� so steaKlly falling that some deale
� .. Fs
. I 11 �4
tire, bound to lose.
itiese columns oil Stanley'
,the writer of � .
I I 'te Orldfollows' hall.
Street, opposi
iihowg tilt, esteefti they word held in.
Tile your,i
g(!ouple will maki3theirbome.
- .
alid fme frow simit. ,
.. �
. F. Ford . .. . . I 1100
J. Isgard .l. 12. 9080
purse its A, smill 'token of the. esteem
. .
and Sympathy of y60 many friends,'
I '.
Miss McEvoy, dA.ughter of Mr. T.,
� at week with it
M-Evoy,wits; very, ill Il%
. NIP. Humbeii cut d6w,n three fille
t . vees in the grour' AS Of tire
in' Goderiell toww4lill. ... We wish
thein ' happiness arid prosperity
. . . . .
. .. . . . . . � 1.
. . I .
C. Lovett Hallett I - 11w
And hope that y6u may -see in it. not
severe attack of prieudlonia. I .
j�ne, 9r.fir,
merican oonsulate, presumably .that,
thteiagh life. , - . I .
. elir-le ill
. . We have' Farimald ,
T. Glow � 66 3 3130
H. Taylor I 1150
only tile value of its contents, but the,
good will and best wishes of the scho "
kire. atid.-A,Irs. Thompson (nee Belle
the 611gle lylay have it ch4nuo of seeing
- Nlrs. A. Millian and daughter called
I lb. .bottles. We gill 1111"Ll.1121.0 it
I .
I It
G. Snell . � . 4 46W
and community. -We tire glad , to
, I
Matheson) of Lions'llead contoltilplate
r4fnovinj� in Jane.to Owen Souti3O. -. '
all the pasgerii-by� . . ...
'The, rivi-nd meetings .at Vi0toria
on sorne'Westfield frionds oil Monday
Mr. Walter Allin left, for" DakotA. o'n
I 11 I
. I . .
to lbe 40 'per celit. - soldtioll,
I � .
H. McBrien Is . 1 1110
J. Keyes ay 1 3' 3090
R 1.
know that you are steadily� improving,
arid hope ere long to see you. fully re-
� .
I Mr. Hifflor I.,,,
I -.'; expected home .frOm
III tospend
is winter Is 0ojourn Ili Florida
Street 6burob have beer) moat frilitfill.
. Robinson felt tbat'he.hml
Rev. i, W'
Sitt;urdsty Inecrituparlied by big coiiiin
I .
Bliss 01mi ]Otte Allin. We wish
I"t- '11). I . I I
I ' ' I
Price (De per .
, I
- . .
. I
- -.-- . ___ I - .. . � I..
I .
Stored. to your former good health And
Rtrengtb,'and that you.may long, be
. I
t a many
to enj h leasures. of
. I
Blaster with his family. .
. MISS.Effie Wyatt, is spending this
. '
.helped ill a good work. Mt6y- new
niembers carne foPward after� the Rev.
asafe journey. .. . I I
. We live sorry to inform many of our
I .
. � . . � I .. I I
I .
. �
H. 8' 0 40P M B E
. .
Spared . . Joy p
.life, of which you ba;ve been deprived
season with bliss Alitchell.
lay eveninic ]list (Passio'n
�iees oil Surk .
rea(le's ot tile de
I ath ot Mrx. Willittin
. Is . 0
. �
- .
One of the directors of the Harriston
so lbng. Signed. oil behalf) f the
Mr WaPsell is able to be Around
to�,v W after big long had set-IOUS illness.
Sanday) aild. gavo their hearts to I he
Lord whota they wish to Serve anew
Ferguson of Carlow who passed away
on 111arch the 12th; The, funeral took
. . Chemist an ol Droggise,
Pork Packing Co. says that instead of
fattening bogs he raised them for
school, .. . I Bruce Cox,
.. . . Luella Tichborn,e
For week et)din�, Fridak no ,Funeral
tititil-death, They came tip like good
place on Thursday afternoon to Col.
1. *
- I I' '' =F.w, �
- --,--,.,--
other people to fatten. He keeps about
Mr. George A. Cooper has a hatch'
cards appeared, showing that,those
who were very ill had recovered. �,
soldieioa of ChPlst And took - their plac-
(is in front of tile congregation, Rev.
horne clinietery, when about 100 rigs
followed the . cortege to the cenietery
. �.
25 brood Flows, ten of ,whichweie pick-
ed from a carload..bougbt in Cuirass.
. Ing of chickens which are now A fort-
'light bid, they. having peeped Out "
On Thursday everting the Royal
Templars of temperance held a con-
'Mv. Robinson,. after, asking 'them Sever-
questiong its to their willingness to,
where the'reninins weve'laid at, rest,
Tit . e bereaved husband ancl farnilyihave
I I I.
He calculates that 6.ach litter Will
I their Shells for the. first time on Ash
"Wednesday, They are White. Leg.
c(Irbat Auburn. The concert was as
become 'itrienibefs at tile faith he
i,heqmpathy ofwhole oominti It ty jI,
average eight and that eacb'sow
will have two litters* Ili a, year. From
, I .
h6l'ns. . ' I � .
Successful as conletbe expected owing
to the illclo�meljt weather, And tile
preaches And their an�wers given it)
the affirmative, ivent round with the
this thOr time of sorrow. I � .
.. . . .1 I . �.. .
. .
. 1. . I., I
the 25 brood. sows he will thus have
Rev. VL Bi will preach his
Templars enjoyed the drive'lloth 901,19
five elaeri; of the ,Church, Messrs.
. . I
_ .
� I .
, .
� "I
400 smal I pip d tiring the gear. Taking
. ego pigs will
one year with another I;
farewellsermon in St. Same"" chat ch
on Sunday next when the sactamo�nr,
and returning, sufficlent snow, having'
fallen ., to Make sleigbing very - fairi
Gporge Elliott, . George' Green, .J.
Millian, $httnnon and Young, wishing
I � . � - . . .�
,� �SI.IrlflgP,HILL. � :
.. . . . .
. �. .
, .
sell for $2 apiece at the age of A month
- of the'Holy Oommunioil will Ile adilliti-
. .
51 r. Bean of Goderich acted as chair-
them a hearty I God bless you.' The
- , . ,
I � �
� . I
� .
or five weeks. Thus the.twenty,five
sows will III Ing him an , income of $800
. 11 '
Mr. William Robinqon of the Huron
man., Tile entertainment opened, by it
chorus given by. tile R. 7, of T's,
peeeption was most impressive. Tile
serairin wits given before' the recep�
Mr. 0. Boacom treated the people at
this vichlity Lo it wOodbee on Tuesday
I'll, -1
er year arid the cost for feed is not
In this section'there Are Always
Road has just, recovered front a very
I ,Severe attack.of ififlamatory rheum"
11 Sl6eping oil Guard.", 510. J. Me.
Math Sang in good voice the' very. ap
tion to the now menibers. The text
for the oven ion was most approprint e,
aftertiooti last and tit it party at.1ligilL
wholl A pleftsatit ovelling was. spent Ill
� ,�11.1
I 11�
lenty of farmers looking for young
atism. .
Mr. Mrs, Harry Oakes
pro Mate song 1.4 Corrollier or Die.
. f, -orit Revelations 2.10 (last �
taken ,
gi 1 It I d ot 1) v v it tit usp� I it e n ts, I .
11 I ,��
I � I
I --
ogs and it mimfit pity a few of out,
And entertain.
their friends Wed-.
Dit3ogue, "Tile 6-aln trijillunrae," the
clause,) Rev, Ml-. Robillsoll explaltwd
. We live Again I entinded of the mov.
I I � .
I �
�o go into the breeding busl.
ed it number of. on
caste being composed of miss Effie
to till that ill being it faithful Illerritter
tality of illan by the death of a John
. ., 11
ness to supply the demand, ' -
nesday evening Of last Week. The
I Wyatt, Master Bert Me0eath and
Of Christ there is a Secular its well asti
$1lepheird, who depar�vd this hFo-on
. . .. . .
_ -.- . - __
evenin wits spirit In games, music,
Also delicious lunch in
Messrs. ,J. Stro0gh and Hugh Bain,
8 P I a I side, they. must hav�- fletill
Saturday week, mitt %'yas burled oil
- .1
NcKillop ToWnsfill), '
. __
etc..anl a which
( lystersX,layed tin important part. Tile
ispersed aboub'midnight, after
-h humorous dialogue 0ovoked
wbl( b (
Titirient. Mr. Hitvo it 131ack-
iliac Wei r
stone Followed with his opular solo
, - es and strong conviction-,
,�,., ,pl
, I yonder's be .said, llover till,
� OV
k.#.#lA.i-n1s of heavon thf-v will hent,
tile. following Alondity at o'clotlk I
Ball'S ceinvterv� 811,0 'lived in tills
l(cality forab6littliepast, twenty years
Direct Importers. Wovkajan-
Council met in Dublin on M . onday
week. A by-law, was passed appoint.
Ing poundkeepers, fenceviewers and
patbmaste0s. Accounts were read,
passed and paid amounting to $26,00,
A notice of by-law in Logan township
of a drain in the northerri part of that
township, running oil the boundary it
short distance, andassessing McKillop
$150foi-heneflt and outlet, was. dis.
cussed, In the south, Logan makets
McKillop take their Water and provide
Outlet ; in the north part they try to
g them to make
their own OULlets. 'ouncil Adjourned
to meet in Jones' hall. Leadbury,
on Monday, May 27tb. as a court of
revision, at I o'clock In the afternoon,
Miss Minnie Dundas And MissE inma,
Forbes, the collectors of mobies in aid
of Methodist missions, have been
around and have met with good
Ason of Mr. James Hogg bad the
terrible misfortune to have one of his
bands ruined In R cutting box. The
,young man is peagressing as favorably
as can be expected, - .
Misses MarY H. Smith and Bella
Davidsorl have been collecting funds
in aid of Upper Canada Bible Society
. and have done Admirably well,
Miss Mary wall. daughter of Nrp.
Michael Wall, has passed away after
I an illness of eight or nine months,
There is much symPattlY felt for the
feirnillir In'their bereavement.
Heittert Bell hAsengriged with Mr,
lames Morrison tot the coming
Rummell. I .
A number, of yourg people, who had
W mild attack of seaf et faver, have we
ar"leasod to say allrecovered.
William Davidson, son of Me. Jameg
Dityldilon, has gone to Manitoba arid
intends to becothe A permanent real-
� dent of th4f, province,
11 I I -1. .I I I I ... ..
-.-- � I I - ---
Humors of all kinds Ate prolifid of
� w6tso troubles, They May be entirely
. =led by & thorough toutgo of Hood's
� #
=a vote of thanks tol. host and
and singink the National An.
them, .. .. . .
Miss Francie Oakes wits visiting rela.
tives in Olinton the latter part of last
week. . . .
Master Harold Lowery spent part of
last week week with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Proctors Out Line, ,
I .
At a recent meeting of tile Porter's
Bill Council of Chosen Viiiends the
following1resolution of sympattly. for
. the parents. brothers and sisters ot
their ' late brother, Thomas McCartney,
wits Adopted' and a copy sent the
bereaved family-' -tney
.,To Mi. and Mrs, John UcCat
And fainilyi We, the inembers of
Porter Hill council 140. SW 0. 0. 0.
P. wish to express to you out heart.
felt sympathy in the great loss which
you have sustained by the death of
your beloved son and brother and our
friend, Thomas- H, McCartney. We
condole with you on the arid event and
if sympat y can e ofany conso ation
to you in oar sad ereavement, we
would earnestly exten ours to on At
this time, is want earnestl earn
mend you to the care, of I who tills
pro is e wit' us ill till our trials
�� a I . letions arid may, our Heavenly
4 at er, ho is the God of all enn o1a.
tion,' e or strength and comfop't. In
� Ourtill, bereave ent, Signodon-be-
half lie council, .
. Alexander Com 0. 0.
. . John Hudle V. 0.
James Conrilloy'p. (3,
_!tttt�=-_ I
116W-8114111 Insure be;t results in the
abortebb time2y, It, . ,
stands .to tomoft
I that a, liquid spoiliflS of the unquefition-
Able MOrib of South AmoricAn Kidney
(lure will go Moro directly And quiokly
to the goat, of the trouble than the $(pill
. .1
fdrmly troatmiant, and when it strik6a
the Ailbi thereto heAling Ili 6n IrlotAn6.-
Sold by JXLRoToy-78.
I .
. 11 The,Train to Matira,"V which wit 0
� I
Be ye faithful." They must put.
And won Clio , respect and esteein of
. .
still) And Matet Ial guaeanteeiL
. .
warmly applauded and he 'responded
t heirliandto the (4folottel-plough and
11-1311'r witrin friends. She leaves I
` G
ro.E A L E & 18 i I E
. with his equally populav "Mother
never take it off. To be faithful
hush'and, two song, William and An!
I . I
. says I mustn't", Mi,. Obarles Black-
requires much patience for disappoint-
drew,andono daughter, Airs, Henry
stutle Accompanist fo� the evening.
nients in life Are many but like the
Goviter, who lives oil the boundary of *
Hallett, near Auburn, to written -the
1. I I �
Air, Sammy Dean's recitation cteated a
beatitifulAlpille flower which grows lit
� I .
I'Livore, 11 Sellneidet-'s Tornatoes" and
; the crevicet; of the rocks and looks
loss'of a loving wife and kind woth
Williato lives flarlock ,,, ,,,,e,,,
The. New :
respooded with "For Sale." � Miss
purer and hrighter after, the storms
er, �
. . &
& ,U 1, A i t-
and Atidrow on the 10th concqqsion,
. , I I
iDetill, Jlowrp is 14 tar cos ume
danced heautifull the Highland fling.
bliss Laum all dges' Teeltatim,
11 Sandy McGlasilan's courtship",
which she gave Ili fine style ended tile
first. part, of the - prografti. To tile
hearty oncore' given bliss Laurat she
responded with it how. In Uie second
part Mr. Hugh Botin gave a very :
hutnoroua� red frXi' Peck's Bad
Boy. 11 The royl, I bumpers degree"
much to the satisfaction of all. Master
S. Dean gave 11 Tile' dog and lobitter,"
And all ,were pleased And 11 Castles in
SpAirill was voted a great success. The
caste wits composed of Misses B Me
Wyatt, Kate Dain, LituritBrydges and
Mr. Hugh Bain. Mr. Harold Bh(ek-
Stone again favored the andimice with
his.latest solo, 11 You can't always t0l'!
but did not respond to the hearty
encore, Master 8,1mmy Bean Again
favored the Audience with Atiotber
lifilliorous selection. bliss Howrie
danced the sword dancet C&PtiVAting
all,And, tile evening's entertainment
ended with it tableau, 11 The Gambler's
Fate.11 in whicly Shots weve fired. The
tAbleall wits it, most Imppossive ending,
The Godeploh' R. T!s of Temperance
furnished it most lippe'tiving luncheon
end the'Auburn It. T;s of T, furnished
the coffee.,
blarlton's staff bad a flee down on
I tile jaland for once in their histopy.
The breakwater people built A, tool
I house on tile Island which AePved
"lot, for the ship builders, who,
walloy milk Ing tilemselvi6s comfortable
Otto of the Atormy days, thought, the
Would thaw out the olikull', wit ri
Meg did In flne style and p6arly CIIAW.
ed the whole island out. Some oakurn
was on the roof and It took flee as
well. They had K ronlar bonfire In
no time but they 84ye tbe. buildifig.
pass over It at) hails ey e. (11
offertory the choir sang an invocation
to the Holy Spirit' to descend on iffl,
�Ve noticed livith much pleasure Ate,
George Belcher's baritone in tile choir.
After the reception All sang 11 Guide me
0 thou great Jehovah," Five or six
mem ' bersJoinpoi by letter on Sunday'
evening, In nine nintiths6l frienibers
in -All have made open profession of
their faith, .
Mr.Jardine is getting to be a real
estate man. He owns two houies, And
lots on Hiticks street, a new . one oil
Bridge Street or In tl�at vicinity oceit-
pied At present by NIP. Geot,ge Wyatt,
0. T. R. AAR, Arid the. one he removed
to Toronto street# which .hits to be
fitted tip for oceupilacY. .
The W. V. M. S. of Xhox chilveh will,
bald it Social entertainment in the
lecture room of the church oil Thurs-
day eyening of this week.
Allas Maggle Alnedonald has retur".
ed from A visit to Ripley, Tiverton and
A ft,vely white flowering shamrock
filled a jardiniere on the pulpit of the
Victoria street church on Sonday last,
while at the foot of it on a table it large
ralla lily stood. . , .
Mrsi, �Dv,) Whitely returtold on Sat.
urdar evortitik froin a month's most
, B. VanVvery returned nil
. ovenina hi, altol
livefl, Toponto. sbipped
I coln Any N
C r1ture to Town -
I . Aytril is � the last month for OyAtAPA,
tile A montb with all
After the next Summer wheels around
again, Sabuy them while you call.
Mrs, Carrot keeps them In stock,
Goderich township, oil the old. libitio-
stead, The family have the SYMPILLIly
of tile ontire community in their sad
Oil Thursday -evening it number of
invited guests Assembled at. tile borne
of,Mr. Robert Miller and chased the
glowing hours with flying fleet which
kept titne with the charming triusic6
This amusement along with other
games gave the company much pleas -
tire And at itti early hour all returned to
their honles, feeling grater ul to the host
fire the pleasant evening al. )ont. .
The roads tire now Almost impaseible
;is couto places tilt,, anow I& doep and
other places tit(- road Is bare. .Speed is
out of tile guestion.
We APO Sorry to hear of tile set -falls
illness of Airs, John Colburn.
Mi,. James 10ulton, who has been
visitirif his sister, Mrs. N. DinghAnt,
And ill ietsi returned to Ills howe in
Michigan last, Wednesday, We enjoy-
ed his very nitich arid will give
hill) it ;l,i.8AiV11t3r welcohie oil Ills return In
the future IF he call find titne to give
liq another call � .
Mr. And Mrs Samuel Prieze visited
Mr. GeorgeJohnstin Sunday.
Mr. (,'hits. Devzo, visited tit Al r. O'.
Deavolles oil Sunday. ', - .� - - - _ .
. ,
.1, f1i
wood last FPkIlly. -
Mrs. Iletiry Morr'by 1q, we lite gill(]
to it ,$,1111p �� vl�lg in hoalth:
� , , ", , " ,_ , , """ " "" """"
N , tstlom y Oiling Rev, R" H
Still it lAst Hit I(a In tills pal-ist), thr,
a -ler, I ,Ili, of t 11�b�l
( ,o! ,,, Hycottimunlon; will
lie itil il"Is iti t,Poterla churoll.
IDot little Reid is tin the Sick listtlils
week And Was colopellect to close tilt
I school oil .rueliday.
Butt"RSAWIllill started With its sew
son'soutting Oil Monday, .
Y -b; � �
Wliea� Nvil! voti flud them?
Search tho livorhl over alld
� w1wre will yon find Such bar.
gains as Kerr i,q offvring?
� Kerr ? Who, is lie.? ,
Why tile Ilew . inall ill Ilill's
old stand, ('all, and- Svc ltfi4
big bottle of first clam. : cat8tlp
. for 5 cents. I
.1 Jumbo, Plckks, 1111paull
quart botth.� only P,O cents,
3 oakes: of LiAle Grem, Toilet
: Soap for 9 conts.
� A fall stock of fresh Grocer-
110.91 always on hand.'
� I I Seeds I Seeds I Sqeds 1
A full litic of se(,As, rcd
clover, alsike, alfiflfa, timothy
11111d tdl kinds of field and pr -
den seeds. .
If"Verybody Welcome.. C01110
and examin( ,, our good,,4..
W-6 Wo Kv,ft.1,.xr,
$ iNotning wKe watner ,'I- �'-
" ,$ � I I _,__
� (
__-*A§V1W"1r,1q1 -
$ � . � $
; . . 1$ 1
. OF''NOTS9 SHOES AND .11, <-4ftN.,_,,.,0i I
. 11 ,.,..,..or
.$ "2*. . , I 1, . 1 4� 1
Hu"OF141,111S. 111. I
. .
I . I I I
. . $
$To attracting the a, I tention of flib bu .
neased by tLe , yiiIg publie. 6s wit-
. � big crowds of cusiomers that have visit -
gb ed flus store since our big sale commeaced, . I . $0 1
0 Saturilax I last was ailiother record-breal-er espec- 0 . * I
, $ 11.111y III tDo ,afterno.on and evening, We found it im- ,
)ossible to properl% m ait oil the great crowds of eager ;
. .
tuyers 1 $ -
. ,
. 1
$ , We lle've Without a doubt the largest and best $ .
, , '
$as,orle4 slock , I up-to-date footNN eat, and we can save . . . ,
you from 20 to 30 per cent. on am flihig you want ia, � .
our lille. You %%ill w ed Rubbers. for a few weeks Te� $
1 . .
I � so e bave ( ' Voided to continue our low prices OE . , . I I
weekfor'this week Only,. , . . .
. I � . �
I I � -
Rubbers, Rubbers, Rubb�n! . . .. Nl�
I Y, 1) %01 )kpl1`(v;,Qe hot - lit �. I�ics, Q11,% ;ty, Ittitibei E4, at, these lidoes Jus 86 lhe '$ 1 1 .
I I I 100 % ()It Ill - it I w -ill til,)4t, - , I . . .
('it H -1's Rlwow-4 Pirs; Q-iil t.%, %�/ ,;5),in 101 re.,ril,%r prices 35o sale price 230
1 Nils v" .1 . � .. . It 12 131 room 2 .4 4W. 1
.1 woltieWs � 4, I .1 �.6 . 1 2) a 7 . 46 � 50� $ . I - 'I,
. .I If . 4, - 11 0 .6 660 .. I live I .
� i) .-k o7 '. . .. ,
yntl 11" IlVaNy 11K,il 101 -1" ,I g V" �� 1), r'.) - I t. I 1.). 1.1 , '; . 550 . 11 .890 .. .. �
I Do% I'l . '! I �. . 1 2.3 4 Aim 5 � ;1 496
1 . . 65a 1 16
. Nlell'ti Fe%Vy P:ftill 11110;)(4114 10-8 1; 10 J I I .. I I 4, 900 44 680$ �
I WIC. P'lit. t 11 t� ltlml), ! - , /, 11 ;61. I. �. . . . 46 . I
. . 1.00 . 750 . . I
Alell.F. Ill -h -s' B-u's, I`-bt (�ii,hl'.. Pti,puttin,' warranted, we have'anly . � . 11 ��
I altuat 30 1.1%11.4 1.:t. I liv, a"iNNorkii S3 75 u�t ,*.lie prioe for tile. balantle of . I
. I
Nltarchotil� $300 . � $ . . I
I lt� Iliettl "la. K.� I; lie above ,le Fit.t. Qii-4;: �.v � poeN and guaranteed by the - -
rtifili'llfaula-ur. A . � 0 . . .
.0 %�o,, litive st-6-Jild QllailtN voodq at loww. lidees, for instance we rian give you $ . .. �
Wfea'%i Rubbei 4 tit - Oe or Wometilil Kt 300, I I . I . I . � . . .
I , lio � oil ,,e -(i it lit i . of Lwra liwmi? I f % oil do we eari Save vou at least from � . I .
75ii in $1 ill, t1i,-iii. A vf twl -�tietii hev mo- e litlo- ror $1 60 or a home made � .
I ));W, wu I W(.1 I t $4.50 to&'). A] 1.we-a-.k'[,),, i litim, it it! 11-4i tills great sale is - � .
V, $3.0, Tliebizit4wrlstioillieUto � iteti, dli.alc we..ib . tintil your size is gone. . . . I
. - I .
I I f aking extensive preparations for the . .. .
We tre m, ri . , . � $ , .,
sprimi trader also intro'duchig.seyeraLn.ew ideas N71tich " . . . ��,
0 . I . � I . - ;
. 1. .
will 06- ofspecial invlrest to our numerous custo: $ . .
0 Ing I . I
. lu .fact we ara -aimi at making. our' store' , the m6st I -
0 ulli4o-dAteshoe store in the c6unny. -We extend . . .. - ... �.
o, to all m inviiation to:visit our store. at any tim.e. aud . $ I I , , ,
0 every . e . ndeavor will be p-4t-forth..on our part- I to . give . m .
6ndre sat B.fact.ion to thoge who' favor us with fheir pa- $ , '. * i' I
I tronage. Goods well bought are half .sold.. Our prices . . ,.. .
. I �-:1 . I 11 . .. .
. I .
. .
I ,keep ls busy, all .th.e' flme. , . . . I 1. .. . . . I
" .
. . . . . . . � . .. I . . � . . . $ . .
. . . . . I . . . . . ., ,
� � . � � , . . . . . . . .. I I
411e I I � � .
, Old Reliable, m I . ... � . . � --
. I .
0 . � . � . .. . I . . . .
- I .. .1. I . . I �. . $
0 . . I I . . .
. . :;
� � The, Stoeie,That Neve'r Disslkppoillts . - - � *
. I I I .
. . . . �
. . � . . .
0 .. . . ... . - I .�. .. .. � `., I . - - . . I I . 1. . $ � . I . � .
I � 1. I . 1: ''S. . ", , .. . ".. I
41 , � �
am :,,,,ii . . .. .. . . :
o, -..-.W4.,.,, T4y.1-or . � on f .. 1 .11
11 � . . .. . . : L., I � . . I I . 11 .. .. .. .".
. �
0 iflar.11.and. One Ptice. , * ; . I � I . . . . .. - i. - � �
. � I nlggps taken.aii Cash. � I . . I � . L, ,
� .B.11tter alld . . . � �. - ��, 11 .
I . �
, I
I' . k � I . . . . .. . . A . .
. %,S," , . , . -
w'W_ %,J�,A%,1WAW*AW.�A%,%,A%, " , .. . V-11 .
� . . I . . . � � . I . . .., 11 , , .1 - � . i
. 11 . . '11 I �' . . � . �
.- .- ,:-- - .. , . I
. I �. I . . . . I � . . . . . I � .
: . .1 � I . I .'' I I . . ., . .. � . . . � I
. . '. I . ' �. I
. i I � I . . I . , a
�, . 1. DYE. STUFFS. . .'' - -.1.m.
..... � 1. . . .1 . . ...., .1
. .. .11 . I .
I* . I . . ,.I .. . . .1 � � 1, 1. .. I
..' �.. i . . I 1.� I. . �.... 1� .. . .. ':. I ....
7e Jia.ve justxeceNed a. hew s4ply � bf ' D.ialnolid 'and, ' Tqrlc:. . .. . ".. . . ; .1
. , I ' . . : I
. . .. � .1 I . � ish Dyes.. All -colors. . -. � . 11 . .
. I I . I I . . . . ., . I . I . -,. :. -
:... . .1 I . . . �. . I � . . I I . . � . . .1. . . %. 1. I . I. . � . .. -- ' ' .1 � I ..
� . � I ' .
. . . -
. . . I I . . . . I . � . I . .
. . I I
. .
. . . I
.. . . A.'..'Ps' R39EKIE'S I., ' '.
I . � . . - . . 1. .. . � . .
lacessor t6 . .. ,,." ' .PRESCRIPTI.014 -DRVG STORE, I.,
. Sydney J'ackson. , , . . ... . 1 .� Clinton . . .
, . . .1 .
. . . . I : I . I I I . . �
,1 N.- B. -'Our Compound, E Xtract Of Sarsdparilla as a blood .
I I . 11
arifier aiA . spring-miedicine is,,equalled_ by few': all.d. oxcelled. .
. . � ... .1 . . I . . . -_
� nolie. .. . . . ;. . . I , .. .. .. . . . .J
. � I . �. . . .. .. , .... I .. . . I
,� � � . I I . I . 1. ; .� . .. .. � , . ,
I I -
. I � . . I ---.---- P... _ � -6. I
. . . . . � I .
. I . . r
.. . . . . � . I
� . . . , .
. .. .
. I �
N ip000,oleoges0.60. -
I I . . � I.. . ... .. : . ... . . . . � -P . I ,
� . . . .� I . . � . . I . I . . I . . I : ,, .
. I
. I . � I . � . .. . � . . 0.
. . . . . I ��. X 0 .�
11 0
0 _ I
. I 0 � �
.1 . . 0 . I
.- ...
JACKSOL -:, -'GREIT �'..'. " Al ... 0
. . I . . . . . �
. . . � I 0
. ... .1, ; ....I . . .1 . . .. I ... 0 1 .. I
I , 1, . I .' a �
It .:, _ ,
I .�. . . ,.. OF CLOTHING GOES- ON. . I I .. �. . a : .. .
.. I . I I . . 1. � . 0 '' -, .
.. - . . . . . , .
. ... . . I 1� - 1� . . . . 0 . .
. .
. r 11 0.
. .
I � This week ,'we' will commence i.o e.laughter -, :'� , . ,� ., � .
,. �. o � � � .: I . I . 4. * . . ,
. . ,
. I . . . . I . I
. . , .
. . . .
. . , I . I I .
� UV, COHN, .and VESTS Ind PA
lu . . . , XTS : .
11 . . 0 . I �
. I .
I . . . . I . .1 I . � a .
I I � . .
. . , I .
I I.
. � . I � We bave. a 'tremendous stook ' - . : -
. , I .
' . I *I I I
. . to sell yet at prices never . .1 . . 0 . I
. I 0 1. .
. I . . laqualled . in thl's, county, . � . 0.1 I .
� I . ,. 1. 0 1
1 1 ' ' ' .
. . This witl,be a real Bargain Sale It, will be un- 2 ''
. . . . ' - . W I - .
. I *eeessary ta quote �rkes in this advertiselinent as UYVI-y- 0 . I
0 .
thin4r will be marked .With red tickets to show the cut We 0 o: .. .
� ill tend to make, All we aA is for you to come and inspect, : .
Ills& that tbis" ' * .
to) satisfy you . � sale will be one of the - . a
. . � I I . . . . � � . I � 0
. . 0
1, al . , . 'Sale : -
re .a t e st and Cheapest 0 . �
. I a .
� . . 0
That ever has taken place 'in this , coulity. We would :
urge out. friends from the country to I come in :
. . 0
. . on Saturday bringing in their boy.s'. . I 0 � I
. . I .1 . 0 .
I . . � I . .19
. . I I - 0
1 . le
I To JACKSON, . . : - .
�, . � I 0 .
I . . .4 0
1 1 1 . . 0 1
. I—— - . . I -1 11 I 11111- .
� . �
I We Are now Showing A beautiful line of Ptirniture consisting of .
. . .
IN CHAIRS . , .1
I We hayo an Assortment that cannot bq surparst4ed I'd the city stores. . -1
. .
. �
. �� 1. 1. 1. 1. I � 1, . 14%11%_-%,-W-%,-%0ft,ft,VA��
. ;-ftw-�� � If you do not buy you
o will Ile,
1 a w: pl Pa a e =d,t ni, lilt v"e ' I .1 `W,
( �',
v 1
0 yowcAll And see Whitt beau- . . . . . . .1 lite elcome just the same, .
W'a ssho"XIK. . i
tifill Goods we areabowing. .. ! _A_=t==P
. I
" ..
L � _%W-111101411111.1-%11411111-��
i=14111110w,�%� , I I I .
\ I
I I of. W. Chidloy. %tannizer
.1 .
� I L 11 _. 1. I � 111. .
!-,!, - � - .. _.... .. 11 � . 1-1 __.... - �Tt�__
. .
. ..
I �
dWook"o Utz Roof, compa-1-m-A L .
* Tsqnueeessfull3tuoq� morithlrb ,A U N DRY"
1I &fef I
JJR4-.0,0J0rAd1eff. Safe, pffeetual, Lad as ask
,<J-otur dragglat; for tok!s C41ton Roof C44,- I have added a now fretting machnic
. to m3F laundry. it dpoir sp erfog work so
I tt roiftn d' us. rtao)4 '. ,4 i3er that I will be better 011abred Mail 0YOr f
. . 60 flo � reeastrob of',$s of ex. 0. to give Satisfaction to lily 1111111neroliq .�- ".
I )t , a I e roe I t lif We Arid t *3 dent ellatomerp. . . I"
X 9 126 '06 a All n to 0 .
09 I hn I Rol Alldreco on it 12, %vork eallea for RIA dolivered In d
respo $1. a f Is 111 all , pArO lif tile town. Your patroinage iq .
I � reqP00trully Atillefted.
vo�tl%n(INO,2 Pol)(1111(illittlitibytVattsistrot I
B. Iftivoy, 11, R C46mlid And S. Ja6kaon, A, TWITONELL
I bruKkiotrr, Litutrift on Uttraft street opoodto tho Com -
I mittelal hothl.