HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-28, Page 3I � , , ____ ___V-___-- I _1 ___ � _ ___ "I 1:11:-::::11:111,"�l:::I,..*r",;3==,��%===:,��l=cx�w.mr, : - ­ 1. .. 1. ­ -_ ----- ,____!r,_ � ___­- --- --- � - - � , . I 11.111,- lr�o,=W! 1 ! . -!!!t _ � ­_­ __ � _ � . . - ____,_______ �.- __ - — _ __ __ ­ overtbetop toqxcluolo alrandlaw'-to IN OffIXAI THEORY ANP PRACTIOE. � _"~N~"-_-~,�.W1e%11%.—_, . , _� — — — � -, _11 and set it away to a cool aloriet or A 19LAWOHOLY SULTAN, LABOUR UNIONS . V11Tsom . . — "I. � An 11"neve4oary 3,14V11 — 11'sygeoltIm" I I � , 14 0104�1119 and 09110111111g, a piano 1' 4 THEIR AU- Groaln-09WIllotir wiluotloor. . THE FARMER, 4 uls IS A Mlvuly GOD* .Home, go over the woodwork with a olotg TURKISH OFFICIAL TELLS OF THE HOW THEY ENFORCE There has been much complaint this � d"-�,*_ " . , I wet with coal It1l QLOOXY RED SULTAN. THQRITY IN THAT COUNTRY. fall of an "In - - - -_ _____ - 11­%,%040W0Wk0 011, being generous W , yaoloull of the Colorado —1 __ . - , Colorado .­­ � __ __ _ "016011,0111,60410% the oil where the wood work to very ­*" P" I potato beetle. The "bugs" have, strip- TR ... ANTING"NUASNAY STOCK ' Pg,] ' �BS FOR V 3761144111 two or Not'"JITI Arilyropoloole 1106ciribes One blytiteir Trades Volons 114vo Uxisted. Frolita Time . "t- ' ,VEAy TASTE, irtuall soiled, Let this . llulnenlorial_wo provc,at ruatr_4ell, ... W � pea the toma (I us � The R -v, Dr. Talmage speaks of the A three hours;, thia to to gotten the 101411 119114011111ate of Turueyp with 1111% � ., to vines In the pr a One of the. beat of the nurrory films . INI!P . Apple, Sooffl%_Bake six large tart dirt. Then Wash with soap Ana we- 411lecor Valle of Votlooles - Joe Uyvs in a Ilaotolshments for Violation 9V VkWo. and have eaten tomatoes and potatoes says, 11 o .1 .1 �ur agents report that very � I . I . World's Great Sin, I apples until tender, Scrape out thO ter and a soft tioth, being careful not 3110y, Axoddled way. On the surface of things .trade When 110 vines remained for than.). tow of tile people pay any attention ;_ -1 tU inhootl , Y water touch the works In, Diniltri, Avg . Greek who unionigni, appears t puap and beat on ., ,k. Allow one to let an , c be distinctly a They belong to the second or third , side the Piano. Use a good, WhItO Or , " yropoulo, a to transplanting. directions.$' Yet thia . _____________� tablespoon fine Sugar for each apple, I , I a, white Castile r4oup. Wipe dry with weO till the, time of hill resignation mbder.4 developirient of sociology. The brood, slid 1, am quite sure that any I , I -tell froom. Washington, Kaye I throw$ it into the otiro, IkJA,d !it 18 Arm. oeu44 out, 4 shoot of excellent 'A' 4eapp . . and is a44 ,the grated rind at � 948 al )lite$ a, soft cloth, Ilaou or Obstacle leather. oblet clerk of the permanent staff of surface, lwwevor, as an Irish pulillo such brood la sime that to really harm- oug , ��%'�' 1, and Own, it comes Out juice of two lemons. Beat the w __.0_ is ,,merely ful to crops to wholly gestioris to every b.ousokoelper. I " .. —ROV. �).o. TAIMP-90 preached froma the infelte't the Turkish Foreign Office, has Just speaker once remarked, . . � cooled off, and by soine 0111enae4l all- � f A a unileee"Ary find ,that. the prinle fault with MY , . . I I I Of two eggs atif , not d4 slowly to Iveotl In Parts. He kngwg the U44 a.uperfleial," and , unions under u toltliwing text: 'Wad 110 took the calf ance, or by n si , the apple pulp, sugar and lemon Jules- arr I . , tile and Is possible only because. MR Y neIghborm to., tbot I . . Pli - . - I . - , they insist go 1. w it , .1 "and it IS, thrown in . i Pudding dish ably .as well as any man name 99 ,tabour leagues. have been farmers are careless In . at , blob they, had made, ADA he burnt is VA Varized . Pour Into an eaxthei . ill , r method plantin , liniont, bile MARK AJAH'S ODD' SROW s0tan Pro" ,g trees lust as. -they, are ob- it in, tile fire, And ground it to p and bake 16 In* tes- Serve W . R " I living, and be speak% with a freedom known in China from time immexa. of fighting, the first brood. The beetles owder, to the brook, and as a vunis mu 1 4 . . , . t . ile, are compelled to drink the I .aluoia from the nursery, writea Xr, ' and atrowed, it upon the water, and t Ile POOV.ng stuff. ec, Inly bearers, warm. 'Oil]? __ . which If exercised. In Turkey would orlal. According td labour autborl- that appear In the spring deposit their E. P. Powell. Th . a least consideration . . na-Usioat! Apple Pudd4ao No. I-TaICO. One FIQHTS OF BIRDS AND BEASTS FOR probably result In 11 . I an , : I. made the chiluort. Ott Wp4el drink of' may depon,4 upon. it that Goa I Los, , IA abrupt and fhl� ties of that country, all tradesmen : eggs In iday d ,Allie. The young, . I � . bread crumbs, two cups tart apP ' would Show that treea so planted are 11 . . 0. , I I ,, . I *U9 to the guild Of the it."_11;xPlaus xxxii, till, a will.grind to pieces A BRITISH GENERAL, . b=no, and 11 idolatry, a . a tem- . al dia%ppcarance. bel It own after a few weeks, of feeding,, go Into likely to die. Tile trees are not headr , a g,'01dols9roakind, thg goldefti calf of modern, hopped fine, hilf OU0 sugarl on, Pooipie Will bove I . I I . � �_ . All the crimes of which the Sultan tradet which exists Mainly to prevent the ground and In about ten days I . I and he Will. compol the People In spoon cinnamon, and two tablespoons 1,411terillilivilenot attilto Court of it Nalti.e , , 1. , o begin the ad, in, nor trimmed of their imperfloa- - and they, vrofox olne of their O)Wla Ir agbny to drink it, 'At not be- - .veyioore-. bee been accused are to Its. mind only under-molling. Only in certain distrioto emerge as beetles, ready t , . , . the butter, Fill the Pudding dish With it 11orlaVe Ill laolla—ftoWt Ilk . . I , coo shoots and as S,OOU as Set they Un- maulft Israelites, I will be .4o on tho last dq,v. an unpleasant necessity of the art of IS tbc,xe an effort mado to control work of producing another broQd� I . . . ,g. Here come the fore, it out, day; Ue ternate layers of apple and bread Iteero Boarsl 19111raloes all.41 Itoll-1. to ,., dertake to start lo times as. many, . hretil"g r nd A � limit it the first brood to fought effective ,kff ,t,U,.)ir Caddo carvings, aho, golden calf of . not bits Vierve Combat. governing tha East, Says Mr. Argy. rates Of wages,, a owbore to . � the Mog- as wall as the Nvbm-. foir (ho, one of the text, is very apt to crumbs, with sugar, cinnamon 4 . amid governs in. his hour t I buds so the roots call food. Every olt of borrowed gold. These of butter between. The upper layer Gen. Palwar, the COMMAnder-in- roppulo., Abdul 11 S. of. labour. I IS thege leagues, ly, there Is no later brood to damage shoot should be removed, and all but ' in, those times they wore maspullne as the text borrowed our- should be. orurabs Pour . over the Chief of the British forces, in ,India own way, the only way be knows, the which ordain thAt,allo.ps retailing the crops In August and September. The . . . I � . over a- same class: 9f goods Must. all be con- beetles that come out of the ground in a fe(W. bil � 48 which arerieeded to. make . ell as ,feminine docctratiDna. Where r1ng$, of tile Iftyptians, and then whole half cup fiw(;o.t cream. Lay came to Xeypore on a recent mornlug',' Wa` of Mahomet find of all tile Ott' — . W . . I 7 . � these beiv,utiful gold weliad- theirt into a god. - That is the the top 4 plate .that fit$ perfectly, . 'caritrated in one. district, an arrange- midsummer do .not scatter much to no* limbs, Cmt Vaok all weak woQd, did they ' 'get waly the golden balf is Made nowadays. and bake 4'ters of an hour, Ile is Making, a tour of the northern man rulers. who followed him.: � I and dowia ver� closo to the last bud , thTO"u r I , eol�,crhftgs,, c6!ming kip as they. dt4, from A VTeaA many housekeepers not pay- than uncover an I d brown. Serve plain cities, oble-91k for the purpose of in, The reforming Sultan, Mu'rad,whom Meet which alw(Lys aeoma so ridiou- other fields, but deposit their eggs on of the Jas I I . . I t yearls, growth the dt�qcxtf Ob,.they borrito(Wed them tlalea they get borrow or with cream aud,sugar or a boiled specting tile . garrisons. Wherever Abdul Humid replaced, -Would have 10114 to foreigners- Thug, in a native tile y Ines about them, Itlisthebeetles last bud on each Shoot Pointing UP - Ing for the at . - . � . . , pointing Out - at the Egypthans whon, they left of the grocer, apa; the baker, and the saube, the commanding General goes he not. been a constant and most Serious t9wa, one .street will. be entirely in- that appear In the spring that seek out last bud oo.x eao,h shoot . . � 1,,.gypt. Theso aaTrings are' , plied up hutolter, I and .the dry goods seller. I Apple Pudding No. Pi. -Fill a Pool- Only Ab_ halotted by jemellero, another by silk new fields whirever they, may be ward, in I he direction that VOW wish . I borrows of the , receives am official Welcome menace to the peace of the State, . . � . � Theta the retailer ding dish or bread tin half full of - I . -19 convenient f the now growth to take- By doing � itato a pyramid of gliLtering beauty. oi-Wsalc, dealer. Then the wholesale � , from the British Resident end the dul keeps him for ever imprisoned or Merchants, andaoon. It gunol. At least this Is. the rule In all this you have given title broken roots . O'A,ay motre carrID94 to bring 11 sa , Wh 'A of the capitalist, and tart apples, Sliced as for Piss, sPrIn. I � and no more ^, . ' . . , ya dealeb borrolN , . army, but is also entertained by dl* as some say, has hadhim. secretly as� for the customer, though the plan is localities where an early crop to grown all that they taxi - do, 4; t lt.borrow,untll the core- kle with sugar, a1ittlo 'cinnamon and . . not intended for his benefit, but mom- that furnishes breeding ground for the and. at the same time, Wou, have shap- . � Wwron. None. FiTe is kindle he wto bcrroW an, � I I tinguished native citizens, The Ma- sassinated and Ills bodry thrown from syat6m of spying. second litood, It Is my experience that. 6 . . Will, be is dirldoed into two cla$86s,t-1103e bite of butter, and cover the top with botrajali .of Xeypore arranged in the t e'bridge of G ly to, aimplyfy the � .d your tree, so that there X co,rxings are melted and pialared, into mun.UY hose who .are bor-' . made I , I . .4 alata to float *away , . -pric- It the young of the first lot of beetles no waste growth in the foature.. . I I a- =ttlld, h0t Of an' eagle, or a . war, who borrow, and t 4er biscuit crust, afternoon an ex6eedingly novel en- d6wn the deep, dark-4lowingBosphor- There is al,ways .a minimu.-ro a be killed no second lot may,b rule,, the tree that WOU re- . - I d of ;-and after awlille the cap- of one, and a halt cuPS flour, one and . . . . . a feared., As 'a . I , . fixed by the league,for every article, - be from � calt" tb� gold 11'a,wa ,7., and he rushes, a half teaspoons. baking P . that year. The trouble Simply Is that calve from the nursery NvIll - .�, 0-4atFgex, (but of a .silly', . italist wants his mone , owder, one tertaInment for him.. no. The Armentansi were turbulent, I , . aler, slid the teaspoon butter and .wa to or milk It Was a combat of various "a unbelieving, in,faot,- generally % nuis, on the market, and oven the'amarLest most growers do not kill all the YoUng. * to 6 ft- high; and., it allowed to form I .. ocals off;, the mould is takt�d a'WaYo upon the.wholesale do to . . � its head -at that . . . and the idol is set up 041 its f our logs; wholasale dealer Wants Ibis monoy,and enough to' make a. soft dough. Bake Of wild and domestic animals and once; so he 44 not mind the Xurdo foreign bargain -driver will find it They do- not. apply the, poison. until I Uld a t . . I . . . h I a r I Ushes upon the retailer, and the . turn out on a plat- . . I well-nigh impossible to beat the v.oA. , I low for cultivation. You sho _11 . -be shm- � in a quick oven, itables at- killing them like Sheep and his own Many of the young have*scattered over away the, lower wigs in such away ' , � I 1 WD, 'altaV is 73u,ilt in fxpnt .of i,t. retailer wanta his Money and he ter or plate and serve with cream and birds' - There Axe v'ast . dor down, below this price, though . a es- t , ' . . . We . I tat the entire potato -top, anoa-then som as gradually to rajA6 the head of ' - . itag calf. Thon the poo-Ple..tlixt(Aw UP rushes upon the ioonsumer, and sugar or a bard saucei I lied to the Maharajah's city palace Janissaries. helping the mardeisrs': , . . . . X I . . . . . . a loss aum ro'ght repay him P cape, go Into tbegrQund and.lay the the tree, At the, same time it. will . ,� thohr arms, and gyrate oind,sbrlek, allgo down together. There is many erson- I �. 11 I � . 1. I # � � I . a man 3n this day �Who rides in; a . car- Apple Pudding No. 0.�Fill a Pud- Which accommodate more than 100 I . PECULIAR ETHICS. . . ally. I y . - I � , foundatioll: for another brood. The not do to but off all the lower limbs, , ' � I A and dance mightly, and worship, ding dish halt full of sliced apples, tine horses, These stables InQlose a People. who irritate ,him personal-- I . grower of 20, acres of potatoes can kill and, gun the tree tip, to send out its. ' I . , ,, I . riage and Owes the blacksmith for . . * E. - ',` Moses has bkoca six weeks on: Mount the -a � wheelwiight for the S*eaten and pour over It the follow- great I aronai at. One end of which is - THILVIly 1.11 f NFOROED. � . � : . I . I the young as effectively as the grower twigs from terminal' buds, The trim ,J� Sinai, and he' comes back. and haa- ..,hatire, and th I W csi alter the con * )_ Ming that is .done now Must point I I ea, and 'the trimmer for the our- Ing batter; half cap sugar, one ta- a halidsome. platform constructed olttion. oil things in the Governme � nt ,The ,Methods by which the labour of a garden patch. The secret to to. al . .v I I . . . . "., - the boolyling and sees the' dancing 0 tain, and the driver for;unpaiol �vages, spoon u, or, one egg . I mainly of poliAliga marble. The list- . . leag* 'enforce their authority .are ply the arsoulte with some Sticky dilu- the way to trimming that, will follow. � I I �"f . , fanatics, and he. and the harness --maker rfor the brid-le, if on ilk or. water, -t a scan . . . are by that very fact dangers to the , . . . . for three or four'Iyears to come. The _ theso gnldem,calt . . I . . . ties of .the bea,stg -and birds. began unique., If a =all io-found. under- ent jo the bud of each plant before any roots -also should be carefully exam- , I . � .V. ,ak I as. . the and the furrier for the robe, while teaspoons. ba Ing powder, 'flour to at 4 o'clock in the- afternoon in the country; It is a holy 'and wholesome .selling, or otherwise infringing t a of .the young leave the bud, The.mix- Ined and mutilated- parts out off.- The .. . , , . I . ,v Wses bls patience, and he t . from. the tip of the carriage tongue make as stiff a Ordinary cake. i a . . thought to have them stabbed or pol� . . ture should be strong, It remain$ I i,itart . I .� tWo plated of ,stow on - ivhBoll WOO. clear back to -the t1p, Of the cameVo with oream,".a bolled squpe, o,r a thin arens. in front of,the platform . . . . rules. by whicb, he is- -bound, a hint . . ­ new fibrous roots Will -always 1, ll�LLr 1jb&WI fluttering out of the back . I I � soned and flung to the'sharks before where the young come within a day around the ends'of the good -roots. If � ,�,J %virlitten, the Ten Commandments and -boiled custird. . Gen. Palmer and his party arrived. ' is quietly. dropped to the, local head.. I -oken, ' - '.� -of tile -vehicle el,erythitag is paid for . . . they can do harm, These. are the ideas . I . after hatching, and 'ft kills as fast no these are left haggled .and br M-98 them. so ha,rd againaL a rock Apple FlQat,Beat the whites Of at that hour and occupied the plat-, Of the Beggars' Valloft; and. that war- . much of, the now Fiat growth will ' � . I . . by notea that have been- .� . - . � that justify the Sultan to himself. . . � �. they appear In the bud. . �. I. � ., . �, 1,� t1lat thoy spilt. all to pieces. -When a three eggs stiff,, and four tablespoons form facing the arena. All around * t preverit him. from thy details aspecially. numerous,and, not plump, as Was the be wasted on mutilated parts that � - I . 11, RENEWED. . I I And they do no . When grain Is Dataly decay , - Slitooth the .1 !bWeak THREE TIMES. . . fine sugar. Beat. into" it giaduallY the great field were gathered thous- ' . . . loatbosome.body of meadloonta--lopera caise throu . ghout much of,the great 01,10 will ultii i . I 1. . man, gets mad fie is very apt,to , . , I . . I . . - . � ends Of the roota and make them per�, . I I L, my friends, if we have made 6ne.pint -atewed apple saved; which showing 4, most paradoxical tender . I . I all the -ren. Go-mmandinents I - Moseg Bul . , ands of natlives gayly dressed ,in their, . . I . if available -to 'pay assiduoug atteii- . valley this year, there'Is a distinotgaln - . I . � 1. . � . . tak ,1J_g,;d this world OUT god, ,,vhk,n we come to has been rubbed through a sieve and . ness of heart in affairs where his . . . fectly soun,& I ­ I . . I 1112shes in and he I 0 this cv. dLe we will see our idol demolished. *'to thoroughly cold. Beat with an egg .brightest garments. Then two In- 61itica . I ideas and his.peraonil stifety tion, to the offeader's. establishment. .,from sweating It in wow ok-Stick be- . .1: . I - , .. . . I . . I - ., aaiA throl"Is it into a.hoi fire, until now much of this we . rld are you go- beater until it -will stand alone. Serve dians -wearing. the olilre-ooloieil tur- P . . . - I If Ibis penalty fail -a possibility which Coro thiasbing. There Is an old belief 1. . . ' . . I i . I . . are not involved.. .. - . . GRASS SEEDING. ,. . .. . . � it W melted all c.nt olf,shalpe, And then iong ,to take with. Vou into the, next 7 with,a boiledcustard made of one pint. bans of the Mahara inconceivable'to any white per- aniiing farmers that the grain becomes . . I I . ,jah's household ' seems .1 , . ' . . �, pockets-Gne in the iyolks of three eggs and one� brought out in: front of the 4eotu- � For instance' this. -terrible potentate . . contact more plum Did not The Wf ioulty of securing good grass � . . pulverizea it_�,nout by �,Jio modern ap- Will you have two I Milk, I �f ever. come in P. in themow. 'I she - ' . . - . . . I . . - of lyour shroud f Will . YOU hird. cup' sugar flavored with half to before whom his m on who has like to. assert that, ibis Is correct, ye . .. VbLanc�o of nitro muriaticacid, b-ot-by' each q1de L t I . Ost trusted minis- . � t crop on,oid land makes the work dis . rs-cages containing brilliant .plum- . vithAhe fraternity� various means i The * � . . . . . ,�Uflhldn your casket twith bonds. and teaspoon lemon attract. , , . , ' . . .. I ters tremblels 6fron, says Mr. Argy- . . t 1p, ,u ecalcitrant we do know that the *sweating bright- -iootiragiug in many: localities . . I . the ancient appliance Of nitxe, icX..by . d certificates of stockT. . aged birds as- large aFA quails. . . � � are taken, t9 �r , . p the,r I. I - . a the '. . ,. . I , . mortgages an Apple Pritters.-Take two eggs,boat-; . . . . .. ropoulo, moved to tears. by some Pit- . - � I . . ens the, Oath and makes, It . more at grass crop 1� realli an index t . 1. .'� . . . . . boer I . . . . the ald-f waltioned file.' 96 ,stirs, f.oIr Ajh I .no.. The forryboat that bro.9ses I . i It ment i over some trilling police I farm conditions of- .the pl, � . I - Lhe people a most nauseatifid dratignt, I . . I , I . . . regulation. Having succeeded in this � a . I , , .. ., ' I � this Jordan.,takes no baggage-notb- 0A light,' one cup sweet milk, a pinch . - THE BATTLB 3 BEGIN, i . - � eous -letter fj?dm - a. peasant of t a far . I . tractive. Shriveled. grains are often ai�d. YOU - I ­ a 'her ..Drops, for .� , � ing h avicir tbas a spirit. You"nalY, of Salt, one loop flour -into which has � The:bITds 0 '' bleached, and after six weeks In th mi%V.pe�able ,a at . I . � I . wer . -reledied and in- in terl6r, ivhose' wine. � crop 'hak �been - . . . � t ro�ls . , .1 a . I . 1, I I . . . I . object, the' union: zkuthotiti6s quietly .MOW they come out much brighter, .. , i I He takaj this pulvoriz6d goolden calf Perhaps, take'five, hundred dollars been Sifted.. i tessp6oli baking pow- stantly flew at each other and began -blasted and who has hired the *village I . I a. few � years where grhAa will not ..I, not thrciw�3 it in, the, only' , brook wl�th ydu two or thTe,b miles,. in tbw . . . I . . . . . .notify the miunicipal elders ill whose The Improvewbilt.in appearance helps . . ' " a . der;.stir,SloWly and add enough' more a -fierce contest. 11)hIs � combat laE(t- scribe to recount his misfortune to I � ' � , but this will not continue 'in- . I � 1� - . . . . ., . * a tred the: admintairatLon to; sell the crop to loca:1, wills. that d ' a grew ". ,which is liecessi'lile, and the a are shape -of funeral tr�appings to Grean- flouor to make a* Stiff batter.. (Pool, eA'onl'y a few M�ftutes and then.oth- the' ."King, Lord Protector� .of Ahe � ­ definitely. Each successive Year the . I P - I , �'i coluipelled to d ithk-pX that 1;.'�olk, or wood, but �Wiii 'have ,to leave them . I I . . . . I . of local justice -that disciplinary mear not use the tester, and even with Ahe . , I I � � Ir I . � core and quaTtertwo large tart ap- er attendants'.brought out the" ohiok� r, aithful and Doing -Hand. of Allah." . ill turn poorer,% and aiapases � I . _2,m � . . 1. ; It �011` 0 for you plea and siir into *batter. Drop one I . . tester It may grade better on account orops w ,k nvt dwink at all . theire. Would not..be saf the . ' sures are necoeoary, and they inflict, N1.1 . . desoxiibe to y�ou the kool s0ok- to Ile down.th&� witill -a gold Watch fat, ens.'for' _a� cockfight. After 'that And the Dolni-Hand-does. The . . . . of 'the perfectly dry condition. .-The Will appear I which are the , result' . � . I ", I slia-11 -in a k6ttlO Of hot . . '. . . , . � . . ,,, I Spoon at a time .1 ,#unl4hment accord' I . . . Of the - '. ng,; it would"be �a tamp- . . . . . Ing Y. .. '. czn con in the text , -the iciAple,' . or diamond ti Drain on brown paper, and servo im- abotoiit tVventy deer of the species call- 'grim Sultan touched, by the misery ,, - - � . . 11 . . -moisture id:grhin tbratlied early from. of. the ini-poverished condition , � I 1. ..."�� .1 . . . ­ it, , tation to the pillage'ro.. � Ali, I My mediately with ma, , pie sy-nip. .. I I ' 11 . .. . . WHAR THEY OONTP40L. '. I tile shock causes It.to test I lower than . I. . to in thi'. way , . , � ," HIS ALTAIA, OF S40RIFIC I . ad blacklineka In. India were led, into and the simplicity of, his patitioner, ,. . soil. Farmsi degenera � 0 .­ I w . . .. friendal it wer.have made this world ' ' ' - . . . ­ . � I . I 1, ,;.., � :. Fried Applos.-Thest are an. excel- the .f laid.. . . . endg. orders that the Than shall be' T.he varicue'unions keep the road , -t 11 w p perfectly dry.. ,: I a ,of. a, f ew. , . the rats -that: is made .in thei.. tem- Our god,.wben we die wa;will see our . . I . . . a -1 I I .a I joib, d. he . .. ;. ic; . ' . . - . ­ the Faiioilx, and In the cours * . . . .1.11 .by our pillow lent breakfast dish. Wash and wi - 'the bla' - surn to be of theix'oWit districts, and collectively .1,Wheu timothy is seeded. ,with '. ­., I t 1pay 11 on tha:t , � ple,'aaia than the'f inal Ineaking *upr of idol ground to -pieces a . ... 4 Pa * I I okbucks are not so largeaol telleved mentioning the I best. to let years 1�fiimlbs doesn' I .. . I . �:, P 0 * ' I . I ,. . j . malmtain the town police. and the .wheat, I believe that it Is I I . ' . .. 11 � whole congwegation dfidolaters. . and we *L-11.�bdveo to drink it Ili, bitter Several A ple� and olic, iamadllulo`­B�z- the common deer found in Ciinaaaf but 'given.. *[Et Is estimated, that the Sulw, I . . -'-partionlar. land. When , the grasfA . . . , I ,a, '11, . .the god must hwv - a its tem- reigke�s for the wasted opportunities 'ad. Slices, fry in hot -butter till. brown . ' . I I . school. Each village ,has areal inter-�' the seed tall: bohind the dril) hoes 1 i I I . - . ­ ..� , " , .1 Every . . they are aroned. with'a pair of great tan sponoll1h this 'Iway,o powe .4,206 00 this I I - Nl.�Lny faim- ore afty - field'. or Vilded -c -�V'e will be lgon6. I , them. , Ale . IQ_ tot in -adueatwnal'matteria, for Stead of Ill treat -of,thenl., . V begins to..fail on 'the . " * , ,��`.';� ' pie, and thits. ,alf'.Qt .the text. of,a� 111fiktime., Soon And'sprink a Sugar L Over , . .. I I . An ts twisted like a huge corkscrew. 'from his private 9. . see sprouts for-. farm it is' time to I., 4�",.. . , . is: vast- s is it,fleatitog world, it is a I . . � . -purse yearly. .' *. He reasons: .. A soliclar that' is.'a. man el,s turd the-tilhotiv o , . . onquir ' a int6 , � :. ,',, is no exception. Its' temple . , Oh I till Apple Dumplihgs�Make. �a, ishort The'antlerware Usua: -eat long I . .1 t* , to I - , .11, . - ­ .11 contributes ear who has na ion. in Nvai,d, so that the &ill hoes may : a 6. ','14di .ia, something ra . � . ". the h�pglish, a d' . A man. who had wor- . .. . .. ... ily t*4 i also large ourns'every.7 . passe,d. by exama. etive� 0 us 0 ' dioally" � .., . ek than Qt, Paul of . .. n dying world; � -powder biscuit crust, roll,tlijU - n , 'an �' verage .-­ 'U,ach buck was lt;1sm,nd sebo0lo,maintained -by the literary class, has� � I , . �, . .and the 'A%I-. ghiped it all his daya, in �hls dyini baking, I a deer I the rlght,'athll th(�,,, - stand ro' in h - Now* " ".. . . 0 to 'a' ,� Sit. Peter oX the Italians; , 'by two man: who walked ' 'P r _ ued,and Ili this may'it bettei W ng .t a system of farming. . ... , - . -he mandarin, and �ag . . . . . I . .1 .; .. . V�:� . - .led . G, ek li . 1, � ilaxab-tra ot the Sp, � - described-bimself . . . enoujho to cover' me.' . I - an ,either tm and 4Tews in 06 to �%W' t . . . - . , I I hich: have, been re 8 0 I - - I S., -1 . i:UiarAS, '�nd the . moniont when he 'and.cut large, . I t � ()f pitilits,1 ay lie.got iu wdry fat.., but. 0 8 Eyoitem will . . . ,. �i-,, , . Palortbenan Q& the Greeks an4 Ilia: "Tai said - "Foot I ]root I F061 V, '. . . .. . d side 01: it..., �Lopos:thirty feet long . intinopl. and Smyrna., ..: . ' , . .t�T,a well�wdcoptod custom, that; a I I . .11 I n not apply to 411 farm ' . . dLUrn-size apples W .. � I I . . * 1. ­ .� . . A want you. t ,hahga tamp Were foisteft6d,to the ileer'�'head.and . I ... I . We must adapt am r . 11�1 I . � ,t . . of .the 'planis,.conie on� the ,o c les, and, peoled, cored itnd,the-�calities filled . � Scholar. should always, intervend on too u any . , th to diffe ont'solla' . , ":" . Mahal cif the Hind-doos, aD4 all- the, oth- . , . - THX FOOD TASTER. . , . . Is -and per- . , �' ew cathedrals put .together. Its pil- to give.up, the worship of this unsatisw . cinfiamon, and bits of - this,way the.menf Were able to, pr&' ., . . I of ,ha -- own villagd in . ridges Ijetw�,en the little drills : ;� . behalf of any - ". laxs axe grooved and, flut I buttai - . Steam and.serve iwith Ordain V`eut the animals as - .- fat, the .and find out for,ourselves what . ,Par- � , ,.. ' crual 'Igod for - With' sugar; cap"i into.' the' P�iobably the beat paid functionary trouble.with'the authorities. 'it fol- .1sh la t(�r on. The.safe place . -;suited toourg. - ad with'gold, fying and the service , ,, I . . I . , � ticular. system is beat ' :, . ' � . OTO.%Vd of spectators. . . of the kind in the world is the man lows that the more scholars'a district * 'urrow* with s, and . � I'll atud. its tribbed arches die hoWering of'.1hie. Lord, Tests Christ. Herd is the and sugar. ,, - .. . . � . * timothy pl,,int,.Is Ili tile f . I . . Ilea with humu � � I . I . I , . 1, . . The buckA were paired off and Soon whose duty it is to taste all thek'food � can produce the .better for all. the I'd- tile Nyheat lilant, as it is thep.protee'ted -Take rich soil ft :go . forward almost .... , . gold, and' its chandeliers. oirc.de- gold, tha6vill never tTarAble. Here are . Ore , ApPles�!Tbd.�a:hy Izood,tart . y'rag- Set, on, the Sultan's table. He, receives habitants there6f.'To lessen -the num;t 1)1, ille rI(,. . . -the-1ariner cqLn. . . I . I and 'its Jloor�q, are tes- securities that will. never fail; �Here I . amed .. . I I �. tea separate -battles. were ,hotl . ge oil each side s,ay*sji.Vaem his'gkass. � . applo�d to ., . .� scerid.ing gold . , whose any time in -winter and sow . listed gold, and 'jtj vwults�. , a,rc are banksthat will nev r this. purpose, Duchess, Snow , Be:40TO liddking their black .. an- :the sollary, of, a- CAbinetMinister, and ber of. polica"and thereby. the rates (I pIrQs)fle.lvriter.fr()n in obtaining. , I , -or e . �. " � -9 .. ail I , ltdm". with perfect nonfidence ' ... . se xe best, . ana so�_ ti.1111 th6. wily afttagonisW would,'as is kept in good humor by'viluable pro- for � their. sup-rort-the labour leagues I . � . I . crowded 1��aIps ioof gold; and.lts'spiTes Is an-altav on,which tbeie has been applies Or Gt6elliftgo . -8 , , ii izefighter.,would say, spar for, an s'on Who catches Of foll-111 - theory and practice the fore .a full crop.- But this method..- applied . 'Here ' , -S, �. Wash , P", Santa, rings,,jewalry, and priceless eriact that any'Per ' . . I.. � , . . . I . ­ � aM domes ars-aotiring gold, and itsi 'one sacrifice that does.foi*611.: . leat those.. of a-unif'orm kz , . ,openin a his Premises, � . .. . to a'farin-wherp, the'soil is Worn out , ' . . .pes are rescuAding gold, and is a God. -who will tomfort.fyou whe . . 9. Then suddenly they.would a disposal .of which � he a .thief red-handed o. goin- qle gleaned. . � . .. � .__oir-gan V 4 And rqmove'th� core, filltle cavities lunge forward Apa terrible.collisiodi silksi from � tu . justipe, . I I . . ;­__.� . . - 1, and de(icient in humus would utier- - . . . ". I its pedals aire traftiplaig gold,. -and ita you , are in: tiriiuble,. an& soothe you L I ' full of pluck. and may treble his revenues,' Of course, is bound to givIe him tip tO, - -Lnt'e Va P tine:. , - , . . with white sugiir oand bake'until well The bucks . . � I ly fail of all good. -results. Moreover. 1. dobolAg gold, when., . - you . .were tho Dre,souled generosity , no, matter - what are the circumstances � 11 iiiii I , � . ea moire seed to an aer.e . than . . I out axe fl you are Sick, and sav6' �t'ls not all p . stops pulled done,. then coal. Whip two cups isweet fought for' ten mWitted, whon: they on tAe Sultinli part, AE116 lives in which might'inaline him to , raercy. We �Iiink there Is no better'tIm6 to We ne I . � I I . 0 1 1 a*n.d- not- . . . � , . . While standing at the head of the temr- - W,hen ryoul ,dia.. When brour . parentS .cream, add two tablespoons fine -an- - - pulled i; ri;�by the.attendants. ' formerly, especially on poor I I . _ � . ,. I . were pa . abject, daily faar of assassination, be *FaLlure to comply with this rule re-. set,apple or pear trees, grapevines and . - !, 'pile as the presiding deity, atho the have lbreallthed their. last ,ftnd� the Old, giar and,half teaspoon lemon extract. ., . ­ . . . 1. . � . because the seed is poor,. but because �, . 11 org'and eyes -and cars. wrinkled 'aud'trembling Ihand� ban Do . � I I THE W0W., : �, has- aii interest in feeling' sure that ducis thd captor toAlle-aame'level as. thL, blisil 7fi-uits than In the fall- If the . 'I is not evenly rithi Some of hoofs and should 1. - apples jare ,cold place in -a - ., . . . . This law hao inAlle . � - We - Would cul the soi " ' . w .. . I - upon- - When the i tile ! . . . I . � -a . I Nj-orlcjs p . kofierly done.. - t and nostrils of tlk� calf of gold.. . . more be put iyour belad for 4 cream this man *Ill play notri6ks. n him. the criminal. I . . I . : y gbl - must. have APt blessing He willbe to Von father and large � glass ,dish and pour I -. Alter that bout a pair of immense It would obviously be quite easy for .past been a istumbling block to mie- - the seed will -fall in, barren. spots and . . �. I . back 1110 tops considerably,'thilt il'03' failure towatur6 a,ndigtow. Wembst � I � 1� � li'lix th2x: � ever r 'and, around them. . ! . rams; with great curling horns, were. this dignitary to .absorb ail uncon- sionaries, who have, not always, real- , . I . I . only it& temple; but its alt&r�off sacr!7- me oth, giving 1you' the defense Ore . . . 3fly Dot dry out; and set thenit In good' our seed bed for graos. . I 11, I I . , 1. .' Apple, .Telly. --Pare_ quarter and driffen.,, before .the stand. from Oppo, marked ized the ' mistaken - imlgessidn * Of 13 - . L I I . I t .' I . I . flop ',tnd this golden calf of th�e,text of the one and 1 -he comfort of the .- . . I . 'it jjd6% 6f the �E . Lrena. .. �� W a , , , t taminated ,spoonful carefully' I .1 . us be . ,� is _n� exception. Its ultar is not other ; and *hon- tyour children go 'core 'eight' good-sized, tart apples,., .81 'a , , b n six y on a dish -and allow' - his 'master - to' Christ" morality.produce& upon ha� soil, but using no manureArcuftod them. with the ut.m4st cite. This m . � , Do Systematically, and continually. � -, . I - 'f t' ,apart, the moment they. saw the .earth a little higher. - I and Duchess are,good . ee f wallow cheerfully a'substantial and ,tivas by the pardon of ii thief caught 'and inaking . 01 . 3,OrO 061rafollY must I .� . .' I made cut ct stone hs otheii *aItar0s _134t awwy train you, -the swaet-,.4arIlPgs,. Milden's Mush . ,each. other', � they rushed fo ward arid s .at meeting or. near'the plants than away from them. $t poorer the ro . - � 1.'. ' .. I - effective dose of arsenic in tI3 � . . ' 7 I t, " cut CIE onunting room desks, and. fire- you Ill not Iriss them igood-by,for- ie rest, : ,pilfering during A'Praj .. I Una fall to mature and grow. Va.mus , . -* � I � 11 IV I I varieties. place in, a .porcelain kettle their iron heads met in such terrifio . The 'Red. Sultan's daily dread * of cla, . . . . I so that no water will' stdDd are t* with seedE.' Try dif- ', . C1 ' nd, it ig'a broad, .along; . ever. He only wants to hold them for 1. . I � ,as. in4truotion � . . i. Pr z1f safes, 4 . . . . also expert[men � 43 this 90KI I)g'iv'e them back an r them One pint 'boiling impact that both tims fell backward. violent death is a *hispered,common- PUNISHMENTS INFLICTED. theni,' and vve should expect to find ,as, and find, out. . .� . a high, altar, .� Wbat; &i. a liltle* while.' -He Wil ar, -cover and coo I . . It ferent seed mixtur . I . . care about. the gxtotuis and strugglesi- to.'you a1g4jn_and,He. will have them Wate 1. I k slowly until Immediately they backed Off la.0P-' place in Turkey. This Greek decolares isual pe thein all'allve, and.grolilng. tile nex.. Wh c the best results., .We, , . I The, I _A,alty inflicted for pet- . ' . . Ott' efore it? 'V�Ith.00ld, all waiting 'to - r Von, at the gates of tender, skim out"ind, dad to the wam posite directions, until they were fifty that , the miserable mofta'rohla .brain ty larceny , is . " ish ake new. Wood that . .8 I the victims bi stir rect.apait.. ­W.Iien they again -shot. ally 'tUT3104' through fear,' The . tboi ,,walking. pull - .spring, ready to to ' cannot accept somebody else' state�- ' . "� , � loicks on., yet lets, them bterniLl i God . idr one pound granulated sugar, has fin - . . ment.11 . The.. offender, ,Stripped to 11. and to. prepare for a fruit metallic eye it welcome I Oh I what a die Sultan, accord . . I . t -in -sodding grass',will . . , -allow 1you, to come so - d - Ivea, thch add the applai� forward, each at his living"target. `1 qeaso crOP' ment in this regard. Systematic Study _� . � iA,g to him, is really in- the,walst, and. preceded by toraAcnas ,� Buffer. ON beavers and.carth., what lie is.1 � He. will u ,( isso until: tht syrup. will. * jell, ram that iari th6'siyifteAt and the far- I . or fruit: buds 1w the-, fall If they were and experimen . L . an altax! What a sacrlfice'�olf biddy. 'close this morning that �you can put .1,111 -Ok '4 -sane` a victina of - ,homicidal mania, and bells, is marcl�ed through the . . - f ew years. enable a , - - � . I Four this Mixture into, a Meta and Lh6st'itould'always su&e6d inthrow- wil. ) I I old enough.. We should hot care how in courie of . a - . . . . . . the Physical- health �our arms�aiound 'his nook .while he I . ich perpetually incites him.to-deeds 'streets att*nAed*.Vy a policeman or � . . r.. . .. done; ii-rMeT to get his land wellunder con- . . mind, and solul! , I I . .. ill put -his arms *around . when solid seTvo.with,whippBd cremh, -ing buck his Joe., In tliese-. fights. it lot blood.. - . . . . I . late in the.fall the work wag . . rA a great nVultitude isfiting tln to in re.sponse NY . . � ' . . . � I happens,* sometim" that a ram!.s Mad - . I . . 1. executioner, who. administers aboary I , tiiil. Let g,raSSL . then be 'the crop to . . . this sacrificial altar, They can- your neck, and all the''ovalidows of, 'Apple Salad-�Takq. six or'eight ta'r inkor the most melancholy blaw with a bamboo cane et�iY 'few In fadt,.flitilk the later the, bettor,as and ter- -, � I new gro . w.th to dnerate the soil. Cultivate' . Pfes', pa�?red, cored t .... 91, L is split'open. and lid k killed in the * He is berta start that I heavall.will lie hoisted to let, the re- , 1 . � f 'itilers.: No i3ne * has ever Sean, him steps. , grow '' -'' , and bhey take chlol,oral and- ap and catoin'v.,ry ilrat onslaught. L I I . o . The 6aAgue is anotber'ordin- we ivant no' - tinie the ' soil Ulltii'gr-ilss Will .. I � an . ' ,daariii . - . ' 'anywhere �trl it. Then one can face - . 11 . 16, since he first Mounted: Ill This holds equally, true' I I %1�11tls,h P ahad infoxic " ts�, � - 3d-look�out and,,see,the spectacle' fine Sit .. "O� ary penalty.. -A man wearing this col -w season'. . * ill I T.bc trCtuble, is,'. ivben,myen solovi- of a rejoicing Father and a returnea i I .. I Si .1 '. th n slices, four tablespoons . L There'were.thr'.86'or'four ram fights sm'3d brother's throno.�His eyes are lar caii.neither test nor feed himself, -at no anyt4ing excepting the,stope the fUtuie.,ho 6folly ­ I � . . . . . . . . .r s'ugge : gar, one-thir I . � I L I 1. we � ­ .p --.;--k I �: . I ..� ' .. I . A teaspoon ,cinnamon, and-, and. ,then a dozeii' large, aee*r worn led poso?, , jecting -,VOG events him ft ell S etud'plums.. , :1 1 . . flac tbarnselves, Coo, this altv �st� prGoligh-I looked in 1glorious embrace. always full of brooding sadness. * Alm for the pro d pi ed In tho� tdxt,jbo�y ncit -onIY.S4crT­ Quit - worshiping the .1goilden calf, and eight tablespoons lemon or orange out. Afici ill= ...-eame, a score of , most the only' amusement be allows reaching his hand'toe the.mouth. . It nits, as poeg a . . . � I I I � I juice., Fill .a glass dish oWlth alterxi-a wild boars, some -laige and some sit in -a darke ' he have been, told that. the would not . THE, BEST �OARDEN SOIL. � .. f iew thdm5elvos, but.4 they boNv' this .day before. /Him ,in whose himself Is to . ned room is . difficult to over-estimate ,.t . ­ I I I Y . . I I . . . . . . . . presence we MwA. ag appear When ate layers of apples A,hd.'thp .sugar small. * Each, boar. was Securely held : of the Yildiz Xiosk, smoking cigar- -power ofthe trades unions in UP -001111- thrive under such tr6ablient, but we . 1rho first requisite for a -good gar- �' I —, . . I SAmtrmi�, TI]iEIR FAMILIES. .ashes and the and cinnamon. Pour the lemon juioe with ,ropes '. 'They surprised all the ettes for hours -at a tired. while afar iry towns; where they contiol. the ac'- shoiald not . be afraid to .chance It If derl, or far . in, is good soil; this is . . . It a man by an ill course is determ- the world )ias, ttirneol'to nol one houi, spect4tors who bad not breirbou.81Y d - . . , [led,parebment Of the isky Shall over the top and.let it sta I . off at the extreme end of the apart- tions of the el ers and the Taotai. For we,had occasion tor try It, remarks n ined,to go to *pordItion, I suppose you 8cove; h' tb:en serve. , . � .. . seen, such a. contest by the compara- . Indispensable. .PI6 ts cannot reach * I . .xolldd together like, an istorio� I I . ment.a couple of singers, client in - the instance,. should the. latter interfere American Cultivator. ,, ** I I. nless the .conditions of . he puts -be . .. 1 . I . - .,battle. - The . . I .. ... � . will, hap3 to let him: 19 . . — . . � .Live tameness of their . gloom .songs whose strange cadence th La- . . perfection u . .-,vife . and ell 1=1t.. in * an scroll. ' . . . I I . I .1 11 biggest boars ,seemed . bent more upon -with a moo�blbeT Of'th6 guild I a - . . ­ I . 1- . . bis I .. . rise and fall witlf�hypnof:16 effect. . ':bout IA&gU4 simply .orders all shopA th ure-favorAble. Xt-does not to .1 . . . All . . I AINTS FOR - THE HOUSEWIFE- - ba Ing �the keepers and the crowd - . . Agricuitural Brovitlex. I groW. . . equipage that is - the amazoement, cif ,, I I . .. � , ' ' ''' a rg I I to be closed and ille'11111311cipal dues. De - spading and turning to bury low that the Soil must lid naturally, . and the diriver lashesk . OPINIONS ABOUT WOM here are.many bits of knowledge tluin. upon fighting their -,selected an- . JSOBBIXG�IN 4QUIET. ,� I � ep. . . . the avenues, . I IN. . hen fighting ill I cy stand - . . � . withheld. If this. dislocation of busl- the puppe or stirring the. surface of the rich, but platits.do not live upon soil, . . T . I I . the harses Into two whirlwindg, and 1. . I I . . . �htit � halp to make, housework easier 't-190nists- ' W- The aLngers have often thought they ness contlnuos� moitr thin a day or tw.0 . . . ,, I . and the Nature in in earnest when she . . upon their rear legs and endeavor to I. - soll.after cold weather, so as to expose they live in it,.. and 'parta.461 Of - the , . a harness ., a ng to himself in* the 4sa *State ,of rebellion," in official par the spokes flash ta the'sun, lid the ard him sobill trying f' I golden headg ar Of the makes. a-womAn.-Oliver '� Wendell. an.d.mote quickly performed teat ciach, other's threats with. ,their i's I od.it conta . . . . � I intervals of the cha ' hell he gives lalicei thereby automatically I exists. the pupoei. are methods Worth. 0 i3m. It tboreforb,follo*8 , --. . I . . I I . I glea , kes . I . , . a-, get huge tusks., - . . I . be n' '"' are turned The district.mandarin is ompelled to got the currant fly. , .. aln the . ins unt-11 Black Calamity ta . hobsewife is, usually anxious t the signal and t %lit, that if the soil Aces, riot collt, I I ' . I I I . . I . . I . . . . . . . � . . . the bIts af the horseEl and stops thern, ffolmes,' .' I uOh information. When. ly.ou, have a . . 10 . s I I . . . THE BIG ELK. - -. Up., his.eyes are seen to b# Shining like, take cognizance of the outbreak, and ik . new cherry pest, 1. worm.unilke food the* plant demands for growth' . and. Shouts to the luxuriant accup- What IS civilizationt I answer, the . " .. . - the local' gentleman is either de- 66 well known grub of the cut. . . I o... l very dirty carpet tba,t'you wish to . By far the .most spirited battlesl stars', in his sallow face, and he re mullo, to . and'the development of 'its fruits, it * - amts of the equlpage;. "Get out Ill They' �power of good women. -Emerson. . tires .to his Private apartment ,wi.th gradcAor beheaded. InaLvi'llidd -toun- . . . . ny-get down. The hus- clean, tear old neivapaPeis - into small- were those'that followed between Ilk. reported by the Cornell siation, with 3plieo:14. The question as to get Out. Tb Oman finds it I r s of a -man plung- t'ies trades. iltdion,K are 'not on unmix� must -be sur A w . a much easier Iran man handled each p7f the half doz- , - r suggestion of a. - heroic remedy I,be best kind . . band ."d fatheT f Lung his, family So � to do all evil than. .tt Virtuous bits and soak them JP w . qtor� When ', I ad in a dream. It is d strange plea- ad.blessing, but'it 1,q certainly a mai­�. the of,soil is an -arbitrary I . I haird they never get up. There wtt;g * tas � I I I they.aT . a taken out rub them between en' big fell6vvs- The points of the . . . � I I . ., . I I . ter for congratulation that they are --:-vlz, to destroy the whole Infeist6d no. Na,taraVoollationts-nin6t be. ad- .. . , , � thom 11or life-Lthe mark . deed. -Plaut: .. . . ,tela. elks, horns had been - � . ei remedle 0 1 1 find them, but it does. . � . the mark On. US. . � I solwed off. They $tire not quite so,autodta:tid as, in China. crop. of a season, as'oth Is oepted ds we th round In his study he'works long and.bilrd. I . I � I I ' of the split hoot -the, dekth-dealing . 1V,om,ao are too imaginative slid a halads'until they form li would ch,other very slow- Despite the prevalent belief, -he In not - . seem ineffectual. , .1 I I not follow that a. naturally unoongen- � . . hoot of the g�oldcn calf., - 1. . . ,ballA and scatter -them over the Oat- ly and =1ho,',': would almost. touch � I 1, . I I W -soil cannot be made. to. -prdducA.. I . in one sacrifice, On sensitive to fiatre much i09106 -mad- a lazy men. Ole is very Industrious, . - . � � I It has been shown during four Years ' ' . . . � . Golo1mon. Offered 3 Du Deffand. . pet. Then give it, A thorough sweep- befor6 either would seem to be in Indefatigably, handling state papers � , GLASS FIRE 10ANIT, BREAX- . of field experiments in Now XerSeY` good .crops. � . I one occasion, twerity-two thousand aine, . A Ing, and it will look. fresh and 6 . loan earnest. �Th�n like a flash both. I � . . . The 6ondition of the soil is of far . oxen and Ime, hundred and twenty Fo,ols that in woinen trust; for and reading reports -and petitions of ato. soil tot can be . I I again. . � � I Would drop upon their knees. and all kinds. ,Wistrious,' but useless. For years the Pilk ngton glass works that the sweet pot d greater importance than , its charac- ' . ' . tbouqand Sheep; but that wag 0; tome I by the use of sulphurp an their speech W death, hell in their � straggle for ail advuntage,ous hold For all his work tically comes to ill Lancashire, Engiandt -have been eon- .controlled ter and Lt is upon the former that , - I If soot has b;en opilled on. the -car- - They fought prato live I year emon- successlargOlYdepends. Alively'loam �. sacrifice o6nipared with the multi smile.-Tasso, � . with their strong horns .0 understand the ducting experiments designed to pro� -4 of field testing have d - - . tude df men whi Are sacrificing them- . pet, cover the spot6 with Salt,* let it most viciously'and the actendantuhad nothing. He does strated that time Is a satisfacto e . is undoubtedly, the best Soil for a - I avlv4m con thtq altar of the goldent calf, The most b Object in the � t &Yubleto separate them. exceedingly difficult and � o " Experience and observation . . patitiful. . the greates COMPIOX duce fireproof and burglatproof glass 9 . , ' . ing, their families `Witb war I - remain ion minutes then $weep itoff, Occasionally an� elk would "make a condition id the Vast many-toligued and for tile first time these*experl- edy for the club root of turnips. - ar-den. alusively that many .unpro- . ' . and - saerific ofillers of General Have- id, It will be allowed, is. a beauti One Application will usually remove dash for the oro.,wil, but Was always empire he is supposed to rule. Tht in- rowned with success. I To To those Who have glAks structures Show Con' . uoh fi6m lack of . . . , them. ; The a I WI woblall.-Mlabaulay. ,� 1: I struetions he marks so carefully, on =cuts were a .. I I icek,'in India, walked literally ankle 'every trace of -black. ' ' . checked. . . ,Ilat are .lie longer profitable to then, duotlVd soils are 0 0 i . I There are three'thIngs a wige man . the papers lie, has pored over for hours "the molten glass a w1ro netting',was Id of on� proper tillage. , : . . ddorp iu the blo-otol of *'the house of . I Every housekeeper bag experienced Two gigantle black buffaloes, sleek . . 4 a nd who .aro seeking a new fle . The very gentral opinion is thai � not trust-Alle. wind, the sun- . A fat, with their rdighty . horns art generally so contradictory or so added, and the composition ,resulting terprIse, other osOentlal..doridltlohg� be- � nitissolore,,t ,Where two hundred wo- 'Will * V,31 , . . . the difference in the cost of Jabot to I the sense of, desperation caused by ,up- impossible that his ministers are resisted all inroads oi fire or other itig favorable. a silcocessfLil hortidURUP- product a crop is more than suif Want - men and chtldreh 'had been slain bY shine of an April day and a woman's . Painted a bright red, then came . � I oi,F ScIloo,yA,, but ilia 'bliobd around . the occasional obstinacy of the dOU- on the ileld. They walked in State- practically. forced to ignore them, � , . t agencies, Doors of this' ma- � 1,,qt,gays unhesitatingly , . plighted faitb.�Southey. The do it with fear and *tiemblini;6 violan ,. ."Go and force to'pay for the manure used.on' the I in the outsi ous fashion until they - under glass." . sandy and I . atiout thts, altar, of the golden� calf Hans She- is ble boiler. � tPhe water 1, de ly and decor . b " are rarely detected. terial bav . I . , soil, where all the plant f . , - k woman, the more on 1 1 caoli other and then; Ut they I . 0 proved. unbreakable, and vegembles nee available. The de- - . snows u not, to reme . ' , ? tO the knee, flows to the vessel unaccountably refuses to boll, caught sight oJ employed Is at a girdle JOWS to the shoulder, flows to abOot her face, is commonly the more saucepan they trotted bellowing for the fray., The Sultan appears m- even when subjected' to 2,600. degrees Some *people say that potato Wigs licate roots of the plants can easily . I . When this happens, � fill the I bar one dary the Systems and orders of Fahrenheit remained unaffeoted,while 4i ve, been fed oil parl,4 green nutil they 11.1). Great God of heaven. anal earth, careless about her � home. -Ben Jon- with strong salt water, and it wilt They fought, wickedly for ten mill- rnments which he elaborately . lile to Its ce- penetrate the sandy soil In every di- � have Marcy I The goideft, calf has Son. . utes and were then dragged apart by a gOve -be - ordinary, doors grew red kot4 IThs now ',nv,D becoftie almost Imint rat . tion. At the same time the 0011 is , ' akeg raor(! 1mr, iWICe . I she framed the day f ore. In this .re ' $4 that it t. t 1 firmly around the roots. This I none. I I I Trust not a woman when boil much sooner. I score of men. t ended with speat its in Others he has thd air of composition is expected to be a great ,Tt- 1111t] , . ' qti-II the dagroading worship goes on I � It is a very great, mistake to keep The contertalamen a lal Success . .. . 'alliel. tf) Ii.111 flIvrol n4 it '141 nt,r";. pressel msideration, as theiy . weepsi tot it is her nature to weep natives, a man who lives perpetually. in a inis- commero . . t - .,� is an important co: � alul the devbteas kneel and kIss( the choice lace for tyoars without Wash- lance contest between two - . � I -----*.-- . . aie so delicate that they will ImMe- (lust, and .count their golden beads, when slit wants her wlll.�-Socrates, - - it Is who rode a pair of Splendid horses be- ty, muddled dream. . I . dlatdly parish it exposed to the air, He that takes a wife ingo. Many 'people believe thqit The Turkish people were called by Mottt EXPViNS1V3 THAN NAVY. I 'A COMPLIMENT. and crass bhM#elves with the blood takes car�.�� . water, and will longing to the Mabarajah. The ox- as. is frequently the case in heavy, I . I of thalto 6Nva oacrifica. That music ,� ruined by soup and traordinary, feature of this bout was Prince von Bismarck, "the gentle- T,he German nav-y costs each inhab- -ly-prepared soils; . . . I I rolls on under tha arches; it ig made V ranklin. . I keep some cherished length for $cars that no mutter ]low frequently, or men of the Cast." Their bitterest end- ifant of the ewiVire lomg. bhwa 21-2 IThe Old'Man-Your love for MY POAoriather Important consideration is ; of clinking 1111ver and clinking gold$ Woman is the organ of the devil." and Years, turn . . and rotting Withl 17ollow With age � their horses were circled Inles recOgnizo the charm of their . daughter seems to have grown very I , amount spent a greater variety of vegetables � . . i he dust It has aa- cluiekI., that, __ and the rattling of the bdh� And Varoun6s. to about, the, Points of the combatants grave, finished courtesy. In those marks a year, while the fast since you found out I was Worth light rwils thaft on � cumulated until it really drops a kept Vointin qualities the Sultan resembles his Sub- by each, for alcohol and tobacco Is Pd� � I . od,n be grown. on � I � brokers' shaP9, MnA the Voiced 62 all . . lances were alway g to- I I jS In 1011 money. . oltly',and they will also be of better the. exchanges. Who sopyatno of the What womoan desirea Is written in pieces. J60to. r90 one has, over had audience. tween 50,and 60, or 94 times as hluuh- 0 u an, goilhiringl, I . by. thp timid voidol hellv,ou.-ObAussee, . 11f a bath tub ihas paxt of its on- ward each other. I one of with him akid not gone away deeply. The amount apeat a year for be The Young M y,-.I;o quality. There. are but few plants . The MA,barajah of Soypore is orl . Ithit cannot be successfully own on amal worn Ott it is hard to keep itiati.ve Indian rulers, imPressed by a feeling, that in any , than the Kubjtct' warrant- , rit of meta who have just begun to 13PO"' Woman, Is a charming creature who clean. It is very easy, however, to re- #. type Of the - otheir role than the dismally exalted wine, Whisky and, toba(ioo Is 8,000,060e faster, Sir . light, sandy soils, while ore are - I late, white the deep bass rolls out . � He maintains an immans6 esta,blish ad. I " I many that cannot be induced to Par. from those who for ton years of lg� changes her heart as easily as she ena,mal an old tub at slight expense, ment in the heart of the pink and one he plays, -he woulit have been the 000 waxks, I . I � � .. I . - - - '. '' 1. 1. I . f .---" It* foot their crops oil heavy, weto clay , . � . Sarall it first with a strong solution white city. The palace Itself Is 96V- most amUble of men. A .� soil., i . iiqufty Mve WaA doubly damned. does her gloVeg.-Balzad. of soda inw4ter. Whon perfectly dry an stories high but to not especially Thatlethefirst, Impression the Sul- � . 811U, SUPPOSED. kEy TO THE SITU TION. . " . I I I I - Chorus of VoiceS ,rejoicing Over what - apply the first boat of enamel. Allow . -How aid You Man. -_ " OhovkI8 of voices - the grovy1f)s about it tan always makes, it seems, People , First Detective ' they have made, this two days In Which to dry, and -Imposing- But forget his drimool when they meet him. Mrs, Wfoggles-What are those age to diseeval, the geandal ba their . DIFFICUL . .. wafflng over what they have lost. Thin 0 the flooLli tbon put on the second coat. After comprule Many acres of gardens, The ;ad breeding eyes are perhaps the itoopharen of influenciao" that the dip- . . - our hours fill the Vabarajah has five wives and go -Me His f � oral winters ago we bad diffioill t�cmplo of which I speak stanA.1. open It the m6a haod.to d drying for tW#0tY-f two hundred concubines. H6 is it sign that he cannot forget them him- lomatiatg In ChinAlteep talking iLboutt family closet? . Sov Ys a Writer. Our � and night. and then Is the glit- washing they would Soon begin to tub with cold Watex and'16t this stand golf, . I � � Mrs. Waggles. ­Well, X don't 1knoWi Secaud Dctectiva-�Well, YOU 800, I tY In O'hUtIling, Sa , t�t`ing god with big four feet owlvok- pin. wealthy max. � t shirk it. 'Thia Is Dot our editorial o six'hourg. 'Emijty, dry thoroughly and , . cows were due to come in in the, spring , chr hearts, untod. there is the smoking lon, - but the murmurgd atterapoe of add, the third test of paint, In his stdble4 are 60reg of fine At4` . - for sure. DO, y6n, isuppoke, they tan had a skeleton key, I . I art&, were fed ,with,good bay and oath altar Of Amorif lee, u0AV Vietlins. avoty fXhere are Several ways to Clean liku, horses, mostly ,white or gtay� HOLDING UP H= END. , Mean cannon b111611 I � _�_ , I womtht ,or%. it, and theta are the . o,verworked Mrs. Blauk. "Right You an enamelled tub. one that is easy and Forwerly. this princely ruler had A he $0.14, "Mrst. TAftelgh has _� A)URSSE,]S To XtML. . fodder, but no; %train The milk was riot knPoling devotees, and tho doxology axe, madam."', said it masculine *0100 quidle IS to Pour some benzine On, a great hard of Well trained elephants "So#" AN UNVUCEM COINOIDEN010. ' ' She certainly was dressed. td kill In Small Paris for 84ours, then rjkhn- .. I I of the lValrallip r6lls on, while Death whind her-, ,1thoy, would ahirk that cloth, scout the bath -tub well with but, many of them weva killed by 6, dIA- finally called an yott- t Lat's dodo we've Silas -Holy (lid VzrY WrItti come *hon she. Went out tleighidg. mad and after the cream Was slight - stands with niouldy and skeleton tive rn,bbing, this and then Wash with water and 'ease hot long ago and oillta 1500'ra Of 11"d here nearly a Year, haven't wet tow lose hifl. fatmt . ly Sour we tried to bhurn -it, but could ai,m b�emilftg,tlftlo for ,the, chorus- atvoololI4 a -ad destrue of them Tema" . . III I by uAing Pbs,rllnO soap. An6ther method Is to take & . ....0 . ­ 1, . I . She too� her time &bout it, that'd ca- ZaAarl—Ho th5ught hi,q heighbor".9 In, what way I I Phan- not make It separate. ThIN WIht6r'W8 ' ­� I "MoJtL4 I XOXW!, I MORIPA quickly 6noug'A ' heaped tablespoonful Of kitchen salt, tain." Iter wraps were that thin f have a Small quantity of milk, not ., -,__4 ,But my text suggosto� tqi&t this which does oi,vAay with the fte6d at *at it with turpentine and, Scour the ALUMINUM. "'Yes, bidt I think Abe utiderstanda faftee, Witz eftatoaollift" oft his land, ail' ulonle, didn't kill hot it',woutift1t. know though to take to 16r6amotyr SO W6 1, I . the Very Just darn: lawyer he Npoke are Setting ill $ftlall pang again the sh . 1p ba,s got to be broken up'. ad � ao)dh hoorAowork as that You art ift- batlittill with this, tthen rub careful ftlaum Is growing,&nd fully that t was not.olvtrwholme4. by tew, about it thought: so, too, lid business, , 1 I . same, as before, I put about I qt boll. , . 1 ition Is The use of filAl ) . .. , 13a, ,, UY of M680A in My text Ing in.0 "Why don't Y Ith a clean cloth.. cat . hiidie ,od' Thi6ro, are those whosay dulg,L Out break = In trying this plan to nee that its price Is ifteft4sing. With the eX- the holier she finally did We In 0OM­ - O...., I I ing Water Into oath pan of Milk. ,The � AWAY from your old soap habits f- .1 , 0 , , , , , , hr , , , : ! ! I . . � . . I � I . I , i ,, I , , , , , , ,- , , * � ", .. - I - T hie 1: I ei 3� 1. ... I I . . , * " ... , i I .1 I ', I I . " " -1 `-,. I I - I __` I `1 I.- , ". � - - � . , , I �1 - - � I I. . I I. -S 41 uIt "tt ly ' 10 16, the salt and turpentine mixture is caption of Iron, tine and -lead, it is ift.g.), to" MAT109:8S. SlqNs OF GUAV MATTHIL cream Stilts to butter Ift 6, few Min - that lia bl&h calf APOk011' Of In . t�cxt wAg btlloW, anoa merely plated then your weekly walliltub grintA used. now said to be the odheap6Mt metal Oil ,'How 'aid yotL Manage It P, Pbliosopher-Aind so the marrio,ge Jim t atA Intelligent " (your other Utei, so I Oontlu& the milkwas f6o MY I With gold, othe,twNo, th6V say, MON , lik would botoma almost a, pleasurable Old pteservo jAVX wbteh have lost the market. Twenty yogra ago the ' rieb was the reason the butter ald hot , , 110 tbbao lia,rd-he tea tboEt covers, Or whos6,6dig6s have been wortdl.s output wag about fIV tons and "I to cou,'ki not Ila,* cAtried R. 9 do not ,zeraiso, 0 �ld her I had received 64118frOlft at Mt- and Mr4. aoggd Iva . 9 A love man, Dolly f Separate. �t oat the Pall of cream, on . I I ., t . � . - uOte %bra Poetry than . . know that; but Somehow, ptrhftp,q by - thippoa no that the covers will not fit its price wag about $80,000 a ton, Ad Many P .111"i the atovei Igef6r&I bo"A at topic whole cards Vhad � WAtal V 11, you, 4 a shelf bkok of 'Odmice of his ftlon -tbuA Mrs- B' ejaculated. B%t in #106 A ton, lightly toA"d asld6 that I had reAlly o"ift-No doubt of It, . 'ji do6o, but'l Oklolk U beatA tr.Ptl on b4fato oebur ah . When Just read the AAAI , dn, ho takes I Man l"' twh.tly, may still be intlMod for sa% the pride to 166.0 tW ­ I h, , - PhIloposophor-WhIodh one 40011 thol ' .,,y to wl In- I lot, and Oveor OtoiitWa o -0 wbethet hero Wad &W=oJill I r4t4o,. tuill & Attlai 404*11k4 , I Olden calf, whieh I,; & sibe took the Ill � up, tb% g; fd hil,dlog okkItem. 1when, the dar IS; till- sbA, the output la, mkofted at 5,000 9 rgott6 . t&,bAl li#att tu aoa and vian, afta I OW Nt�ruwoio. k . ..� . , ,_ . � , 04,04#6 it JOU66 of voil:Oitiloout tightly, tout, 'I., _j ­ I— , I tl*in or &OVI . , , . � : , t X*91 ; . ,: i , - �.,�, ,_.___­_,. o *"*k t 1 11 11-; I ' 4 1, ­.- ` � ow, 'k�l 24A I . I I . ---..1..- � . . . . . . . I—. ­ -1 . . I . 11 I � . - ­ "I'll, .1�'ll"..'���-�z�,�""�,�,�,-."..-,--.- - -,--------- _ .