HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-28, Page 1L.
22114 Year
Whole Number 1160
•we you paid your subscription to The News -Record? If not there is
livangenatic services,
The evangelistic services being held
in the Rattenbury street, church are
increasing in interest and attendance,
111/ Ready With
be coetinuecl each evening this week
requiring Tonsiderable time. They will
ancl all of next. Rev, Mr, Kennedy's
as visual the "warming up" process
text will be ; Thursday—"Sorne who
g1110110New Spring missed its' Friday—"Ituth and Orpah."
Sunday p, The humanity of
4tral toig Jesus,-
. T. U. meeting.
W 11 Papers wa
W, 0. T. U. will be held in the base.
A meeting under the auspices of the
Ready wit h the coinpleteness that characterizes • '
every important undertaking at this store. Our
sprorgebowing of Wall 'Paper will be a sur prise
to home owners and lovers of artistic decorations,
It surpasses anything of the kind we preytously
attempted, being bigger and better than ever,
representing a wide range of designs and color- •
iugs, 'comprising a better class of • papers than
we !rave hitherto shown while papers throughout
ere bet ter value than we have k nown forsome tune.
For the enuring seasonerinison, red and green
will be the most popular colors and some very rich
shades of blue. yellow, olive and btown are Shown.
There is raw a 'demand for light and medium
colors, our assertihent including Me lightest cream
grounds to the deeper and richer tones.
Whether for cottage or mansion this store has
anticipated eeery possible demand and it stands to
reason with such a large trade we jean easily com-
Mend values that are not easy to duplicate •at •,,
other stores.
These Itrief Hints Convey
Idea 01 the W-Iy Prices Run.
Ungrounded. Wall Pa,pers..with 6 and 9 inch
der, per siegle roll 4c, Glimmer Wall Papers with
inchborders, per eingle roll 5e and 6c, . Glimmer
Wall Paper with 9 and 18 inch border and ceiling,
to match. per single roll 7c Red 8c. Gilt and Glini-
mer Paper With 0 and 18 inch border and- matched
ceiling, per single roll 10c to15c. Embossed and
. Gilts -on heavy stock, full cor»binatious 20c to 35c.
. Beautiful shades in Ingrain Paperwith blended
freezes and beautifid ceiling paper to match, •
. New Room Mouldings, sey en colorings, 3c and
and 4c per foot; '
But eno h said, Come any day and look over our
sarnpley If 'you carinot come to the store send -for, samples.
All Paper Trimmed Free. . Paper Hangers Supplied
• Estill-14es, Given. .
'W..Coopei, eR Co., CLIN:TON.
. .
$ Agentsfor C. P. R. Telegraph and Domiriion.Express
. Money Order's, also for' Butterick Patterns. .
0•etats-ebeieb.4•4•e-rt-ef '-iib..es•ge:esse.ereoe-e.bre-e-eievieeeerseett-esesa-eaese-Oesee.6
Wh t c in we'h ve for k ch nge ? •
Is the cry of every housekeeper. ;
Strawberry Pie Plant Pine. Apple Chunks Stuffed Pickles
Chili Stance or A Can of Spinach
Save your Eggs and use Burnett's Coffee Clearer to settle your Coffee.
Leave you:order for Lettuce and Young Onion e eaelly in the week.
0 le .Piolier ia
I have Added an engraving machine to my store equip-
ment and oral do your engraving quicker and cheaper
than you have had it done heretofore.
CRE.W.Sr.... Expert teR I
°ea rer. •
rrient of the Ontario street church on
Friday aftereoon, commencing at four
o'clock. Addresses will be delivered
by Evangelists Kennedy and Whyte.
The latter will speak on women's
suffrage. The . W. C. T. U. cordielly
ittvite all who can attend to do so.
Every Christian woman will be given
a hearty welcome.
A Temperance Meeting.
The temperance meeting held in the
town hall on Sunday afternoon last
was largely attended but the collection ,
was scare* in keeping, hardly enough I
being realized to pay the rent of the '
hall. Evangelists Kennedy and Whyte
are thorough going temperance advoe
eistei and certainly endeavor to put the
liquor traffic in HO an unenyiable a light
as possible, Next Sunday they will
held another mass naeeting in the Rat-
tenbury street chorch, beginning at
3.45 o'clock.
denier Baseball Club.
Baseball is likely to be popular in
Clinton next summer. The euniors
think so, at any rate, and ore already
making ready. Last night they organ-
izedwith the following officers
lion. President, W. J. Moore
Hon. Vice, J. McRae
President, E. Howard
. Captain, T. McRae
Secretary, W. Stevenson
Treasurer, P. Johnson
Committee, G. twitehell, S.Doherty,
W. Irwin.
• . YO Ur NeW !hi t
4 .?
• i
. •
efore Exster ;
Before the styles and ;
sizes get broken . . .
We make aepecialy of Hats and have a, Urger stock
i than in anY previous Beeson of the best English and 1
n ekes, styles end sizes.
In English Hats we have the celebreted.
Wak, field, Sackville and Leslie makes, 1
Our American Hats combine good, style
and quality, in all the new colors from •
Pearl Giey to Black . , . . •
. In a big stock such as ours you
can make a better selection . .
What to We
Morrish My 'hitter.
r0 0 0
Lacrosse Club.
The devotees of lacrosse have taken
time by the forelock and have already
organized with the following officers
and will be known as the Stir athconas :
Hon. President, Alex, Armstrong
Hon. Vice, J. .T. Fisher •
President, P. Matheson
Vice, E. J. Ca melon
Captain.. H. Doherty
Secretary, A. Shepherd
Treasurer, P. Kerr
Committee, P.Matheson, H.Doherty,
P. Douai, F. joheson and W.
me C. C. L FootballersReorganize.
The Collegiate football team has been
re -organized and is looking forward to
a brisk and successful season. If
when the snow again flies next fall it
does not have several scalps hanging
to its belt it will be disappointed. The
officers for the year are as follows :
Hoe. President, J. Ransford
Manager, E. M. McLean .
• Sec. -Treasurer, H. C. McMordie
Captain, A. E. Aikenhead
Curator O. W. Sewers •
Managing Committee, RM: McLean,
H. 0. MeMordie, °A. E. Aikenhead,
-R. McPherson, G. Campbell.
The Record Broken.
, Mr. S. EL Smith is making big ship-
ments of prime cattle this. week. On
Monday be trent off one carload and
yesterday three more, Included in his
shipMent yesterday were twenty
bullocks bought from 3. D. Ilinchley
of Ilullett which had an average
weight of 1484 lbs, making one of the
heaviest lots of Cattle shipped from
Huron this winter. They had been
driven ten miles before weighing. Mi.
Ssmith also bought from the following
J. Stevens Goderich 4 5040
" 2 2&50
W. Tiplady
A. Challenger " 2 2240
Tyndall Bros. Hullett 7 0170
J, Southcombe " 3870
E. Brown " • 1869
Need not concern you it you order
here. You cannot make a mistake,
Every( hing desirable is here. We t
are always theleaders of the new.
est arid best and this season we
are surpassing ourselves.
• t
; Photo GrOUP Photo Group
grtr0ciii-41 4400 No..0Asa..0.G16,0 0441..0-qb.b•Grotrzara).oi.04*N0
Everybody knows that April 5th is Good
Friday. That. is the day to have.
a family photo taken.
Great bargain
in groups on that day.
Nowis your &awe. It is
no trouble to show you our Samples,
(Ob. 0416.0 t
no more
timely time than
the present. Let's hear from you,
Zeno Zoo&
Mrs. John Bell is spending a week or
two with Mrs. Mackenzie of Bel,
Mr, George Barge left a Minorca egg
at the grocer's the other day which
weighed three ounces and measured Oe
inches one way and 7* the other,
An AU -Day Shoot.
The Clinton Gun Club will hold an
All -Day Shoot on Good Friday which
Will be open to rtll,no handicaps and no
pereon barred. Hamilton Gun Club
rules Will govern and the shoot will
take place, rain or shine. The Club is
making such preparations as will en-
sure a good day's sport.
The Town Growing.
Clinton has not only held its own
this past year but has done bettee still,
having increased its population by one
hundred. This is fairly good, much
better than eome would have us
belieye but we hope that next year's
assessor will be able to make a
still more gratifying report. .An in-
dustry or two is needed to help along
the good work,
The Paxton ProperIy Sold,
The Foxton property, consisting of
a double house, brick, on Rattenbory
street, and a frame cottage on Ontario
street, was sold by auction yesterday.
The brick was sold to Messrs. Jacob
Taylor and Thoroas Holloway for five
hundred dolltirseach, while Mr. James
Smith got the. cottage for feur hundred
and twenty-five dollars. The briak
cost oyer three thonsend dollars a few
years ago.
The Horse Pair.
Unfavorable weather and very had
roads rather spoiled the horse fair yes-
terday though the buyers were out in
full fierce and keen after horseflesh.
Among the changes made was a fine
heavy draught sold by Frank Taylor
:of Alma to George Farquhar, of Hul-
lett. Mr. Thos. Berryshought one each
from Messrs. J., McOlusky and -Munp
ings of Goderich township. The buy-
ers present Were Thos, Berry,Heesall;
3. Snell and Hand -ford,- Exeter; W.R.
Elliott, Centralia ; G. Turnbull, D.
Donovan and J.. IVIelViann, .Seaforth;
Peter McGregor, Brabefield. ,
A lucky Newspaper Matt.
On Tuesday morning one of Clinton's
most popular young ladies, Mise Josie
Fairs left for Winnipeg where she will
be married this: evening to Mr. Neil
-Fox, editor of the Morden Chronicle.
The cerertiony will he Performed in
Knox church' of that city by . Rev.
Mark Rumbell of Morden; well known
in Clinton and, ..Goderich ' township.
The groom it a personal friend end
one of his elders Mr, Fox spent Shia
youth in Clinton and learned the art
preservatiye in a local office, • To Mr.
and Mr.s. Fax who take up.. tionse-
keeping in Morden, are extended the
beet wishes of numerous friends
COASIIS Taking Starts Next Monday.
The census takers will begin work
next Monday. They will be paid by
the day, three dollars per diem, so are
not expected to rush the job and half
finish in, The enumerators for Clin-
ton ere N. Robson, J. L, Courtice, D.
Dickenson and W. Coutts,who went up
to Gtoderith on Tuesday according to ar-
rangeinent to meet Mr. Grant of Ash.
field, who is census taker in chief for
the riding, and receive instructions
and the necessary doctithents. They
were disappointed, however, for the
needed papers had not reached Mr.
Grant himself, who had almost gotten
out of patience waiting for them. It
is expected, though, that the bundle,
whichwas sent from Ottawa days ago,
will reach Mr. Grant in time to com-
mence work on 1k/tonally morning
bright and early,
Oa the Sick List.
The ravages of grippe are about over
for the season but there are still a
small number of cases about town.
Among those confined to the houso is
Rev, W. Cr. Howson who caught cold
on Sunday on his way home frona
Brampton where he delighted the
Methodist people with his eloquenca.
Mr, William Harland has been very 111
for several days. He had a severe at-
tack of a trouble In the head and Was
conyelescing but. went clown to hul-
loes too early and hu since suffered
very much from neuralgia, The meal -
cal then are doing all things possible
and expeet to have this worthy citizeir
out and about again shortly. Mr
Soseph Copp lute also been indisposed
for a few days from a eold contracted
while out speeding hie fast colt, The
knowing ones say the colt is a good
one. Mr. James Howson tame down
town yesterday for the first time in
a month, having been very ill during
that time. Ile still continues poorly
A and looks it but balmy spring should
Aute,sfer-elbeyeiroteihrdPsitAlge•dolossik.,titiWtosakisibemoelestroillieJillkoVei-fai help bring about Improvement.
A Society Event
Ooderich Township.
Geo. Bradford has rented a
blacksmith, shop in Londeshoro from
Mr. George Snell and intends movtasr
to that village about the first of April
We wish him success.
Mr. Eli Tioltzhauer of Blyth is work-
ing in the grist Mill foe Mr,
Eyclt at presents
Mr. Shaw, the new principal of the
leublic school, commenced his doties
on Monday;
Mr. ;fames Emigh of. Goderich is
visiting friends in town for a few
days, .
On Monday Mies Mettle Watson left
here to take a position as milliner in
Messre. Eciward 'Viola and Baker of Pretrolia.
Brussels Sunclayed in our burg, Mrs Sutherland, who has lived here
Mr. Joeepti Marshall and way for several years, moved to Wiughatn
returned home to the West last week,
Mr. John Ferguson intends building
a new brick residence this season and
Mr. Alf. Askvvith intends putting
stonework under his house,
Messrs. Joseph Tewsley, Henry
Tewsley and Richard Jones left for
Manitoba on Tuesday.
• Mr. Fletcher Ba.ugh is in 'our midst
again. •
on Saturday.
Mr. C'ounell of Goderich was here on
Drummond Brothers, two Blyth
boys, who have been away for several
years, have returned and intend run-
ning our flax mill this season, Success,
On Tuesday the lea of our monthly
horse and cattle fairs was held but
Mrs. Robert Jones returned home
parental roof, The members of the 0, O. F. held
'owing to the bad state of the roads it
to Goderich • after visiting under the was poorly attended.
Mr, and Mrs. Temple Clark of Dun-
gannon Stuadayed in Auburn.
Mr. Alex. Robinson has s old hi
black driver to Mr. W. D. VVilson
Mr. Archie Jackson intends putting
stonework under his house this see -
their regular meeting on Tuesday
Quite a heavy thunder' and light-
ning: storm passed oyer this burg on
Monday night.
Mr. james McMurchie has been aro7
pointed Division Court Clerk, •
Mrs. Senses Armstrong left on
Monday morning on a visit to her
daughter, Mrs, R. McClool, et Drumbo.
Miss Ida Pettit, of Hensall visited
over Sunday at Mr. P. H. Murray's.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Leadbury vis-
ited their daughter, AIM P. H.
Murray, over Sunday and returned
home on Monday.
Mr. Alf. Austin moved on Weanes.
day to Mr. T. Stinson's on the Sauble
Line, where be is engaged for a year.
Alf. is a fine fellow and Varna is los-
ing a good citieen.
Arthur ;Johns is engaged with
Rufus Keyes for the summer and Alf.
'johns will work for 3. 11. Johnstone
this summer. • '
Mr. II, A.. Higgins, with his usual
enterprise, now has , another man to
help,him out with the spring rush, We
do not know his name but Ben.says he
is a fifteen pounder.
Mr, and Mrs. John Ward havere.
turned from their honeymoon, arrivinging
on Monday evening, and are gett
settled down to the stern realities of
naarried life,
Mr. Andre* Duncan has disposed of
fifteen of his thoroughbred Shropshire
eon. He had a very, successful bee one
sheep at a fancy price. . Andy always
day last week; . gets ready sale for his .sheep, as he
Mr. Ladd of Milchnay, brother-in-law keeps the best. .
of Mr. Moses Iloltzliauer„moved into Mrs. .1. Wiggins and son of Toronto,
mar villagelast week and has takeu up neice of Mr T. Ward, returned home
residence in Mr. I_Ickhert Youngblut's on Thursday last aftels visiting here
house. He has bought Mr. William for about three weeks.
Stice's house and intends fitting it, up Last week the Methodist church
next summerpurchased filen Me. C. Hoare of . the
Mr. A. Brundson has a large supply, Clinton music emporitun a fine organ.
of Massey -Harris implements on hand. Mr. Hoare is selling several lustre;
Abis a hustler. • . meets in this part of the country.
Messrs.. Eq. Romig, and H. Mannie Ward has engaged with J.
Bond have purchased a horse -clipping Hart, blacksmith, for the spring.
Mr. arra Mrs. P. 11. Murray' were in
.rnachine and expect a big season's
clipping, . London on Saturday last, '
. .
• The spring millinery opening will be VMDeihl is Very Sweet these days
for he is making maple syrup, don't
held at Mrs. Marshall's on Saturday of
this week under the supervision of you know,
Miss Gibson. All are cordially inyited
to attend,
Mr. P, B. Wallis, a one time resident
of the village, passed through here last'
Week returning to Toronto from yisit-
Mg relatives in Wawanosh.
Miss Gibson, milliner of Blyth, bee
been secured by Mrs. klarshail for the
spring rush. •
Heriderstin left for Dakota
last week. and -will accompany the
remains of her deceased sister, Mrs.'
Jardine, from there home, she having
died in the West, Mr. Jardine and•
son come also and the remains; will be
interred 'in..0otborne cemetery on
Rev. Mr. Lunnen, after• occupying
. . •
,. • . . • ,
the pulpit of ' Knox church very
acceptably for two Sundays,leav.es this
week,. while Rey. D. D. Marsh arrives
to officiate. ,
Mr.selbert King moved to the house
lately occupied by John Etling last
Mr. Robert Leach also moves into:
the house vacated by Mr Albert King.
Mr. McPhee delivered an address on
Rornanism in the Orange hall. last
Wednesday and his experience among
the Canadian lumbermen as . Bible
Society agent enables him to speak
Miss Plorenee Patterson' spene part
of last week as the guest Of her uncle,
Isaac Lawrence, of the 13th Con.
A merry tom,' of the'yillage hopefols
drove back to Weltvood on Friday
evening, returning with -the growing
hours after a pleasant evenings'
Many are preparing for the syrup
season by hunting out the sap collect-
ing apparatus and. getting' things in
shape. ,
Goderich Royal 'Templet's placed an
interesting entertainment on the
hoards here a week ago this Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farquhar
spent a day or two in Clinton last
week. •
• Mr. Win; Reichert has commenced
Work with.Rob. Love.
Mr. John Cochrane ' of Stanley is
busily engaged hauling material for a
new hostas. .
Mr..Gep. Kennard intends starting
for the West next week.
Mr. Moore of Brucefield will con-
duct sereices in thePreshyterian
church next Sabbath.
Miss Maggie McAllister spent a few
days in Zurich last week,
Mr. Lin. Workmen has engaged
with Mr.- Mr. S„ McAllister fee :the
Miss Mary Reichert is Spending n.
few weeks at home. ' • ' .
Mr. jarnes Forest has conithenced
woi.k with Mr, Petersati of Hensall. •
Quite a number are making maple
syrup this week. . •
A very pleasing event took .place at
the - Methodist partenage, Heniall,
when Mr. James Parsons Was United in
marriage to Miss Iluinberson of Chisel -
trivet. Mr, anti Mrs, Parsons are
highly .esteemed • and we *join , with
their many • ,friends in wishing
them ,ahappy jOurney through, life.
Mr, James Tumor sold a fine mare
tha other • day • . for $150.,' The
price was good but so was the
mare. me.. Turner is looking about
for another te replace it and was in
Clinton on Monday to see it -there was
anything in the horse exchange there
that would suit hi na s While speaking
of horses we might ada, 'that Mr.
George Coleman has sold three this
winter which, averaged' him one;hun-
area and fifty dollars. Alt three were
raised by hiniself. Who sisYs the
horse age haSpass'ed . • •
Several frona here went over to Tor-
rance's. auction sale on Friday last.
There was a great crowd present and
the bidding was brisk.", One horse Sold
for $160 another for $150, while: a colt
not quite three years old was knocked
down at $181. It was. a magnificent
animal but one that will be hard to
rnatch.The cosvs averaged.fifty defiers.
On the day of the sale Mr Tori had
not decided where, to locate but
thought . he might take a house in
Zurich for a time. , *
Mr. William jarrott of Hay has
bought Mr, Themes Cloleman's pro-
perty in this village and is moving the
St. J aneese church, Godericb township,
was the. scene of a Very: pretty and
pleasing eVent yesterday, when -.Clara,
eldest daughter of Mr. Sohn Middleton,
was united in the holy bonds' of matri-
moray to Mr. Chas. K. Taylorof Blyth.
The beautiful littleelanrch was taste;
felly decorated with flowers, feriae and
At eleven o'clock, as the strains of
the wedding. search, .played by Mrs.
Ernest Smith, resounded through the
sacred edifice, the''bridal party drove
up to the gate, entered the church and
and Proceeded to the chancel :Steps,
where they were met by the groom,
and the groomsnaan, Mr Chas, B.
Middleton. . •
' The bride was dressed in a beautiful
gown of batiste muslin, trimmed with
the proverbial orange blossoms and
wore a delicate flowing veil. She car-
ried a boquet beatitiful roses and
was supported by her fathee,
Miss Annie Taylor, the bridesmaid
and sister a the, groom, was attired in
a;pretty dress of Mousseline -de soie
and wore a very becoming picture
At the conclusion of the impressive
ceremony, Which was performed by
Rev, E. B. Stnith, the happy couple
followed by attendants and the goests
retired to " Whitehall", the beantiful
and spacious home of the host and
hostess, where congert Wisdoms' and
good wishes were in order. The wed
ding breakfast was delicious and in
every Way in keeping,with the inter-
esting proceedinge. The following
toasts were proposed and responded
to :—"The Bride and Groom" by Rev,
E. B. Smith and the groom ; "Host
and Hostess" by Rev. Louis Deihl and
Mr. Middleton ; "The Bridesmaid and
Groomsman by Mr. Chas. G. Midclle
ton and Mr, O. B. Middleton.
The repast finished,the bride donned
a travelling stab of dark castor and
with the bridal party' and two or three
sleighloads of merry guests left
amidst showers of rice and hearty
cheerer to meet the three o'clock train
at Clinton.
Besides many guests from the sur-
rounding community there were
present friends from Goderieli. Hay-
field, Clinton, Blyth, Parkhill. Ansa
Craig and Acton.The bride.who has al
ways been an ardent worker in St.
James' thatch and Sunday school and
greatly beloved by one and all of her
acquaintances, was made the recipient
of many very beautiful and costly
gifts. Mr. and Mrs, Taylor have
hearty congratulations and best wishes
for a long and happy life.
The following were among the
guests from a Malmo f Nes Goad.
eve of Acton, Mr. Charles Lee of
igoderich, Mr, and Mrs, lifelteller,
Myth,' Mr. and Mrs, Taylor, Myth,
Itev. Mr. and Mrs. Deihl, Ansa Crairt.
Reeve MeNaughton, Stanley, Mr, and
Mrs, Marks, Dayfield. Mrs, (Dxs) �ey,
A. S. Courtice preached in
the Methodist church on Sunday
morning and , Mr, Munroe in the
evehing. Next Sunday Rev. How-
son of Clinton Will take charge of the
services. In St.3ohn'sRev.E.B.Stnith
will preach his farewell sermon. He
and Mrs. Smith will he greatly 'missed
by their. many friends here, telt we
wish thorn enemas in their new field in
Carberry, Manitoba.
Mr.and lars.E.Acheson of Goderich
were callers in our village on Saturday.
On Saturday last there was a meets
ing of patrons of the eheese factory to
let the milk-derswing. Only one route
was let that dry: The lumber which
wiss for sale was purchased by Mr, 3,
R.' Holmes.
Miss Minnie McCartney returned to
Detroiton Thursday last after spend-
ing a week or so at home,
Next Sundry will be Rev, E. B.
Smith's last Sunday in this parish and
he will administer the sacratnentof the,
holy communion after the service.
(Intended for last Issue)
.Mrs. W. LeRoyd, who hadbeen
ing her mother,returned home on Mon-
day accompanied by her sister, Miss
.Anna Routledge.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark of Con -
armee visited W.Stamley's on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Acheson visited
friends in Goderich on Monday,
On Sunday Mr. Shaw of Clinton
preached in the Methodiet church and
Rev. Mr. Wright of London in St.
Rey.' R. Whiting of Mitchell will
leetatre in the Methodist chureh on
Thursday evening. A silver eollection
will be taken up amt a cordial 10'0Ra-
thin is extended to all.
Rev. S, Greene has somewhat im-
proved. Mrs, Greene is now very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter have the
The plan for next Thursday's concert
of the Metropolitan Course Is open to.
day at .Ittekson Bros.
Mr, Chat, Cook sent us It large
bonnet of primroses the other day.
It was it beauty, Many thanks,
house he now occupies thereon, On
the place there is the old cider mill,
and Mr. JerrottrWho has been thresh-.
ing these Marry years back, may make
use of it as a chopping mill.
Mr. James Parsons has moved his
deeds to SIN Thomas Coleman's farm.
Rev. Mr. Long of the Toronto Confer-
ence preached a 'very able sermon
Sunday evening,
Mr. Geo. ECenearcl has purchased a
fine team of horses. Geo. is going
West in about two weeks.
Mr. Rat. Hothatri left Monday
morning for his home in Manitoba.
Mr. Robt. Stelck has been engaged
as principal in the Zurich public.
Our football team played Varna
Saturday but were defeated,
Rev. Mr. Savers will conduct services
in the Presbyterian church Sabbath
We are pleased to say that Miss Sane
Curry is improving in health.
A number from Ilensall spent a
pleasant evening at Mr. Charles Troy-
et's on Eriday last.
Mrs, P, Oole of Goderich township
spent the past week with her father.
Mr. 3. Peck of the Babylon Line, who -
We are sorry to say, eontinues very
The members of the Goehen Metho-
dist church held a prayer meeting at
hir, G.Kennecly's last Tuesda,y evening.
Mr. R. E. Robinson has commenced
keeping batch on his new farm on the
Parr Line, Say, Rob. looks homesick.
Mr. Isaac Erred of the Babylon Line
sold a fine horse to Mr. Trotter cif Man -
Hotta for a good figure,
The Misses Andrews of Varna are at
present visiting friends'at Zurieh and
Goshen Line.
We are pleased to hear that Mr.
Joseph Foster, who has been very sick,
is recovering,
Mr, Percy Cole of Goderich township
was 'working for his uncle, Mr, J. T.
Keyes, last week.
A prayer meeting was held by the
members of the Methodist church,.
Varna, lit the home of Mr. William
Keyes last Thursday evening.
Mr. William Logan of the Parr Line
was Seaforth, ou business last Fri-
Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Keyes visited at
Mr. A. Stephenson's of the Parr Line
on Friday evening last,
Mr. J. Jeffreys, vrho has been etagag..
ed with Mr. X. Peck for the summer,
commenced his duties on Monday.
Mr. W.M.jehustone has been laid up
with In grippe the past week,
Mr, Fred. Scotsrnore, who is engaged..
with Me.Stinson, sr., feeding steers
deserves great credit fee the way he
has them looking. He is a hustler.
We believe the old Wilson farm has
again changed hands. This time Mr,
John Watson is the.purchrseer,We join
with the rest in wishing Mi , Watson
prosperity and welcome shim back to
the Sauble Line.
It is repot tea Mr.JateSpackman has
rented hie farm for the coming sea-
son to Mr.Jas.Johristone,Mr.Johnstime
having rented his own to his son Wel-
The people of this neighborhood. are
busily ehgaged making syt up andsome
are boiling night and day.
Mr. Chas. Parker had quite a time
getting his threshing machine down to
W.J. Stinson'e on Thursday, having
had .it turned upside down on the road.
Mr. Thos. Stinson and son Tom were ,
up to Goderich on, business on Satur-
Wm. Kirkpatrick of Creditors spent
Saturday with •Isisec Jatrott. An in-
terview With this gentletrien proved
to be, both: interesting and profitable,
m9re partioulerly on., the horse ques-
tion and the merits of 6ur representa-
tive, Mr. Harry Eilber, M. P. P., who,
he said. had wiped away the statement
that he favored annual policies. for the -
emoluments arieing. Had he had his
way as proposed in the House, het
Premier Rees voted it dowse farmers
weuld not be required torenew as now
but what is professed as a wrong in
election times is swallowed when
brought home Mr remeay and this is a
caeca in paint. ,
Mr. Levi Stelck left Kippen for
Dauphin, Manitoba.' Ile intends going
into house carpentering and framing
and has secured a gua,rantee of rlant contracts for a busyseaton's work,
Re's jest the boy to do a job well.
John Moffat, our indefatigable
grain pusher and log roller, has his
warehouse pretty well filled although
hehas been shipping export grain to
Liverpool lately but his prices and
dealings draw grain that is to be sold.
He has also completed his contract
with the 'Woodstock furniture com-
pany, having had chopped and drawn
80 epees ftimber bought from Mr.
Alex. Smith of Stanley: He has now
in Klppen station yisrd 200,000 feet of
logs for this firm to be shipped, This
enterprise has been the means cif cir-
culating the needful this. winter,
Teams and men have been kept busily
engaged cutting and drawing out.
It worrld make Premier Ross ashamed
of his sawmill enterprise in New
Mr. Robert Morrison and family of
the 2nd concession of Stanley have
the heartfelt sympathy if their
very many friends in the death of his
daughter, Mrs. John Parke, Which
took place on Wednesday last. Her
death was so sudden, only a few days
sickness, that the family is grief strick-
en, for Mrs. Parke was trona childhood
the admiration of all acquaintances for
her kind and amiable disposition. We
are very sorry to add that Mr. Morri-
son is now confined to his bed through
blood poisoning, Having bad his toe
slightly frost bitten he did not pay any
attention more than family care but
sinee Wednesday last he has been con -
firma to his bed under the doctor's eare.
His right foot was terribly inflamed
and sniollen and fear was entertained
that the inflammation might spread
but happily it has been arrested and a
•speedy recovery is wished and looked
It is currently reported net Kippen
is to loose one of its best and most
sympathetic residents in the person of
Rev, 8 A.eheson who has ministered
faithfully to his own flock of St.
Aodrew's and never neglected his
neighbors of outside denominations,
whenever or wherever opportunity of-
fered in the cause he espoused for The
Master's sake. He is an acknowledged
authority as a theologian and studious
enough to reach the pinnacle. In fact
he was consulted as an encyclopedia
for his research and resource was the
surprising envy of scholarly men.
The reVerend gentleman endeared him-
self to a large majority of his own con-
gregation but to some he was perhaps
too straightin the Matter Of dOetrine to
suit their individual views and opinions.
A change perhaps so that they will not
be so well known is the motto and ob
ject of only a few but every congregas.
tion has them and no one knows it
better than the poor minister. Good
luck and God. Speed to Rey. S.
Those from a distance who attended
the funerel of the late Mrs. Wm.
Graham were Miss Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Sas. Sims
of Blyth,
, Rey. I. 11. Sewers was in London for
•a few days last week.
Mr. A, II, McLeod B. A. of Knox
College, Toronto,spent a few days last
Week at the residence of B. R.Higgins.
• We are pleased to note that Mrs,
Wolfe and Mt s. Neil Ross are improv-
ing in health.
The snow is slowly disappearing.
The rode are in bad condition irt
places but the balmy winds will soon
melt the enow banks, we hope.
The many friends of Mrs, John
Burdge will be pleased to know that
she has altnost redovered from it sav.
ere attack of grippe.
Rev. R. 11. Swarms preached in
Rippen last Sabbath morning.
Mr.iVioore, our worthy station agent,
took the service in the Presbyterian
chureh in, the absence of Rev. 8, H.
Glad to report that Mrs...A.. John-
stone, who has been on the sick list for
some thne, is some better. We hope to
soon see her able' t6 be around again,
Messrs: R. P.enhale and IL Snider
are cutting wood for W. Bothwell at s
present. This Pair oftrnshwhackershas
cut close to 200 cords of wood this
winter. , , •
Mr. W. J.' Stinson, our popular.
councilman, and j, W. Reid were
around among the farmers looking for
stock steers an Monday last. '
Miss Ida Rathwell, who was Visiting
at her uncle's, Mr. John Graham of
Goderich, returned home on Saturday
Mr. James Reid bas engaged Mr. J.
Steep for the summer.
Messrs. M. Bates and R. Penhisle
delivered a lanneh of good stock steers
to Mr. McNaughton of Trickerstriith crt.
Thursday last for whichthey, received
a' good price. •
Mr. Geo. Downs of Stephen town-
ship visited. friends in this vicinity last
week. '
Mr. W, Stinson from the Soo visited
at Mr. W.Clark's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowson visited ab
the latter's brothe's IVir. 1.1.01ark's, on
Friday last.
Mr. James Turner, front near Hills -
green, was in Hayfield on Saturday on
Sorry to hear, of Miss E. Turner,
terselaer in No. 3 school, being laid off
from duties with a severe cold. Wts
hope to soon see her able to resume her
work again. '
Mr, Wm. Johnston' sold a good brood
mare to Mr. John Davidson a few days
ago for a handsome figure.
The Rey. W. G. Richardson and
Miss Martha Riehardson • and Mrs.
Anderson, who have been under the .
parental roof sine the death ot their
mother, returned to Wyoming on
Thursday of last week.
Sorry to have to report the sad and
sudden demise of Mrs. Sohn EL Parke
of theGoshen Line which took place
at her home Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Parke was only in her 20th .year
and leaves a husband and an infant
child about a week old to mourn their
great loss. She was highly respeeted
in the neighborhood she lived. The
remains were laid to rest in the Bay-
field cemetery on Friday last and
were follovved by a large concourse 'of
friends.The sorel-ybereaved husband has
the sincere sythpathy of the entire
neighborhood. Rev. Mr. Jennings of
Hayfield conducted, the • funeral
Mr. John Davidson sold a good. heavy
horse to Mr, John MeMatin a few days.
ago for which he realized a good figure.
Miss Mlle Rathwell, who has been
'Visiting friends in this neigborhood,
returned home on Sunday last.
A Shorthorn cow bred by Squire
'Higgins ot the London Road sold.
recently in Chicago, with her calf for
the magnificent sum of nine hundred
deflate whieh was the second highest
price paid at that, sale. Another eow
bred upon the Squire's farm was sold
In the same eity for three hundred and
ninety five dollars. Elmhurst Partn
stock is noted far and wide among
Mr. Sohn Ireland moved his family Oantelon Bros. shipped butter from
up from Seaforth last week. They are Dlyth,Seaforth.tondeshoro.Hruceileld,
now comfortably settled in One of the Lucknow and Goderich this past,
cottages offjoseph street, Mr, Ireland week. They are sending to city
Is meeting with 'much success In solicit. markets an average of four thousand
ihg orders for the Hoover marble pounds of butter and two thousand
works, dozen of eggs it week,