HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-21, Page 7- . I - . _ '... . -1-1 ­­_ . , _ � _.. ,.. ­­ . . . .. . . I I I . I . . 11 - . I. I . " ., 1. , . I - - - - � .. - . I � I 11 q 1 I I 11 I I . I I . I � , I .- I 1 .- 11 . . . 11 .. - � ; , I �. � . . � � � I I - � . I . . . . � . I I . I - . � . I I . 1. - 11 � _. .. ­ I I � � - . ... ... I I I I � . . 1. I . I . . I .. I I 1. - I � I .1. _. . I � ­­­ F � � . q I 11 . 1� ­­­ 1-r . ­- .-1 - ­,_­­ -1 1-71-1— __ � ­­­ ­­­­ ... ­ 1-1 I ­ _� ­ _____ I I - � � I I . I It % . � _.,�7., ,��.!!!!= "k i-, I . - - , - ., - __ .1 11 .. I!- ­ I !: i _­_;:-__T!!!!7-===::;:� ­­ ­_ ,,, _.— ___ ----. -11-1 A. - - . � ­ .. ­". I . . . . . . "I -.1— — ----,--------I— ��_ — �� * - - ­ ____ --- � -_ — - - RAWN404 I - . - � ___ 1- I I � I I �. �. ­_ 1 9 -, �6 ; , " ; : - n - _;� � _� ;`-;. .. 10=� I !. : � ;1 i.. d :Mw� _!!!!_ -1 . �;� . I . .1. 0 , _­�­. � � #W^W^V*WW" -­Ift ; ""'IF - ­ ­ � ... 1-11 11 � ;� � _. -. -i ; ___.- � i � ;, 1 � ;�., A VILYINQ TORP100. I 0~0WWORM —,--. 'I'm ORM IN BRITISR, ARMY THE HAPERS OF ONTARIO CHILDREYS COLUMN. ' . I * -4. 9 I CAUGHT IN HIS OWN BEAR TRAP, MONEY TO KEEP THE I(ING . ,­",,, � . It -OF � — 9 .. ., "' . . I.." I'll" A woulArkableself-Propelled I'V0300110 or Ww" , . "ll -M )KIttens 14 ,ft Bat. Agricultu,ral ' i 8"Iflerlif, Rair Tookolt white loy Ilis THE LAND REvEwuEs OF THE , it 81yedloll lavollitOr. THERE ARE -TWO MANY HIOH'NON- OUR LIBRARIES CQ14FAREP WITH Where we were boarding in the country ZheHomeb , 914votillater,whit wiply'voit , . M Un.ge of the Swedish Array RS. M448SACHUSETTS AND NEW YORK- i =! M CROWN AND VIVII, LIST. � ajoX . PROFESSIONAL OFFIC4 ? ...." there were 17 little kittens. Now I sul � � with 143 hair tvAea SM in An � — has Spent several years In porfooting 0"" The f',IrculAtion of. 1.1brarles ,l, riew .Xorl, pose those of you who have icitteU8 mAkQ X -47 11 , HIM PROBLEM OF PU 4 MUX, 9 1 owning from toi and, his nerves Gforce Ill, F009 Illonarelt to, surrortlor a borpodo for his Govorn=Qut, and TARO Cost Of Living ldlToQ 0119110-N"A Of MUCIA, sinaller witall ilk gntarlo-11114864" great pets of them, and they are very e timill I . tanie, but the ones I am going to tell oa,o of. the in L( 6-1 . . IN SMEMR VZVBA OAS 8- 11hattered So that be 400P41V4 at Ills interest In the Cvalvi% 101 I lie of his inventions have Iterorlik 11A vireellolk 91''Iyeedhill; Out * elkiii ,18 the lianneir State -The you about Were wild and would run opinf . many tria , . , coating the laotOXYMOIR Is thil, Tbo first step'ta be talion, in OORX- ever being a wall man again, Floyd witat %he fLILte 4neen Reetloyttio sw years next WINO rater Arilly for Himiall Reason* Allitaiulre ar'littvillweittle. . . pop,41, � been. made during the past tc � away the woment ally Quo came WIN, question of A better rallk supply, 'The( 9 let favor, 4JA In, Qthor contagious dig- .T. Staffleir, aged -22, -bas� come Oat 109 The second statute Of ths first Far- o4t the proving grounds of the S.wed- Military Laudon Is greatly later- Preinter Awl recent remarks on them. . , e as cg be in tA amon of her late Most Gracious Xa. 9 id n A little boy left his bat Oil tile Impurities Present 'A thill" Milk OD ,, W proinpi; laolatloa,in, alargiev tl At- it , t - "-ted In a POW book by W.- It. Caton 41ths, measare, of intelligence" folio 0 e day , ge wilds of, amt , ru M, � uO40, ish uWal Artillery At Marian. Us . , I well-lightod, well vouillatQd roOM ter an experlones that gave him all je W I , 0 him a Woodville, on.. ll,"golal Life -in the Rd- among the People of Ontario as, 14" Clio )Ing block near tlie barn and I found frequently are tbo despair of many. .9 sty As ,,An !&at gov the support ocatly the Government Mad , thel)"llree little Icittens which you see Ill a maker. No matter how )Perfect the �, . The :ro= Should be an a top floor, 90 140, Wanted, of the Woods 0414 more, too, of her Majesty's Household and of the grant out of the revenue Of the Stilts t1sh Army'" The be* Sunni UP in dleated by the number of free libra- t. low th(ly .- .. ' tile picture fast asleop, In It. - I process of Manufacture It the Milk' , . far renio-ved from ,the rest of the Far several boars bog was ooviglbt IV Hopoim and plignity of the Crown at to, enable him to make trials of 110 , ex0ellarit relanner the Ideas oftbe mil- riep in the province And, the exte, t t � 'd , RaTy critics who, adviocate a compi th , . a W l know. I W(Iat to IS linpure the Rehoese will not be at - bonse 'be Unite ]Kingdom of ,.-,.-+ # - of SeIg-raqviing, torpedoes, . U A' ... aamaker . . as pois&bio, 'and it it could, ba a bear trap III, WItM41 county And t , Great Britain Sir patronage, naturally auggestaft . go a,rr . firigecl, this floor or part of 0106 Surrounded b7 W01vlQe1, that OwetAt0cle4 anci 1 � Xreland.9t, Intended to carry large charges Of 11101ASITs TQfOrril, In tbe British mill- coraparlson, . with th,q measure of In- , _� house should be shut of f from the iOst- 'his life. His gray hairs and shakeffli By thlo sot the Queen surrendered , . high exploiSiveA. fox considerable di*- taxy System. telligettoo in other lands, partioulav , Carpets, curtains, picitur-0i 140018- I nexviesi arc the reffult of, that eX" I to the publie for her life And six t alic as through the air. Hvvuta In South Africa have. Proved. ly tile leading States ot the Union.. , tered tvirntturo, Ornaments, etc., I pprileucell . I . months thereafter the land revenues . . 'is The objecit, of these experiments that the British of _fIcer is bravo, and Throo c .5 , ome into cousidera- fact r a , . . I Should W remproid; in fact, Anything )Is went into the WOOO with a of, the Crowni receiving in rotUru an to determine the acouracy of 4101 At- they have Shown Also that gallantry (lion is making Such it Comparison, vlx. L . that cannot be burned, washodt Or party of 1,quilermallo Ono Attar, annual Civil List allowance at ROM- taincible, the extreme range and the � . alone Is not auftiolout equipment for the I number at � . population, the tota tbwon ghly.fumigated when thealok- , . noon he went. to visit a bear tr. p at . a a . . 000 made us, so tollOW6. . . . , effects of the explosion. Those oz- are to be Cenci= ted in tile thoae.wbo Aspirin to lead men in war, volaraes Solentificknowle4e is � if, the libraries, and the num, I riesa W over. I . Same distAnce, from a ampll Be f91- Her Majesty's Privy Parse ... ;g 60,o0o , peximents at artillery oiticers appoint- also vacesaarys her taken out during the y a . ,q r. In order that the room. may not bd diff ant from the us- lowed A ,Toute c I or A-larles. of Household, . . 181260 , - __ 172' 00 '____�a presence a nsc of Artillery. aud, the war has clearly denicinstratedi-I Contrasting, Ontario with the State . I d utterly bare Or desolate, strlps� of 01 I ual one, And in onosequienoe, reached . I , _. , 1� saboid f "aa 18,200 Pnyapl7prl.3DOpur�i'atl,,",IF-�o, , 0 . The torpedo itself is like an elonqat� al attainmenta of that the Profession of an Now York, which- may be takep as example of the average Amerlican carpet may be laid on tile VOGT$ .-Il 4. 1 4.-A the trap -Peters he was aware of it, , U_ lk 'i .4. . .* . 0 8,040 e4. shell in general appoarance and is propelled through the aAr entirely by the leaders, both regimental and oth-. leave " &a-' deal t- be desired. State, . . and with Massa.cle,toetta,where . V Ii.rat-aAa quallty. -L - may do much to eliminate taints by, I t , be ase of starters but be Cannot , . . wholly overcome them, There Is but . , . one way by iwuloll the 0&ltty of milk I may be . improved. The farmers must be educated in the care of tile milk, ' amid tile. factorTmen, obiould be Able to tell the patrons how. the icallk is agntaratuated. When, milk Is brought . h c P condition It I$ . uselasai to got angry and berate the . bright pictures from, an U13 ra ,xu fact, #.us first. Aotl%m a � � George HL was the f . I I duced p .. . the free Public library m ement, . , . r or I magazi'a , and . then an I !rat sovereign a succession of impulses PTO This is act a of surprise to f,und its birth, and , where It now., . OAR 'EM 411LOOK rLBASANT." patron, Such a course alrOusefi 411 - Pape can be pinned on was a click and a snap rqm 00furce, . , ' the , wall. it is best not I tot'Wet a excruciating pain in hi!s lag as tb03 to surrender his life interest in tile within the torpedo, resulting ,f .. Man, 00 far the house for my Camera, but when I re- tilganism. And is more likely to do A ,gnition of a slow buxning gas U1038 W40 know the army thoroughly, stands very near comph , . . Crown lande: to the Untie l in return the I - , ' - As uzLvo asion is ooncernedp I 1, I had harm than good. The defooti; are due JUJI't . soel Tie wonder would be war Wal exto turned 010.114t . . mattr as, hoary biankotg or comfort- tr4pla jawa. olosod. oil his right lag J :ad Civil producing comPicl6itiol3l. TbO ga a it other , was empty. Wel . . e , for which he reoeivid a f 13 , I ties are obtain- S0,41ttens-oue had bid- to lack of knowledge ratb6r than 04ra" . whole tone at regimen- In 1896 the libraries. of New den under the barn, another under the ables folded and laid on. the wire r-AAt- above the ankle, The teeth ol# liberated gradually increase in pres- wise, few the the following statis a, time to, and the - able. -1 . nd List of 000,000, subsoqaently ln� SUrC, and produce motion by their ea- tal Lgo is opposed to the puxAuit of York, leasuess In most instance$, 170 It tress make a ODft pald in -oat comfort- through the trousers,, legging$ a . creased to ;9900,000� He, Also SrJOy' Cape through the passages , of a tur- I With its, Population Of nearly Wood pile and the one you SOO in- the mid- . . . , technical excellence. 018010P," as it 7,000 . utaied 1,117,61, v0IUmS8 dl.e of the picture was under the piazza. is the duty.'of the cheessmaker tcshow4 able bed to lie call If this bed proves two. pairs of Reek.s. =A bit into the -as placed at the base of the torpedo, ,000, co ill ti k . I cold, layers of newspapers Or beELV7 flesh. ad a considerable income derived from bi . the is called, is absolutely tabu withkatbe wh" bad'a Ciro a .1, u trig that At last we caught them and put them in the patron ,how milli may be contain- . I . Tile inciclIse Ot' velocity, "its Precincts of the moso, And it may con- year of 5,008,402, In . the hat, But such a time as we had to t on the quallty, brown paper placed next to the wIxe . I some minor sources of revenue which . l 1898, the li- gun, And with, y t iniere4ao of Pressure of the gas, is, of . I inatedl and the effee I lbpxLxLg, between it and t lanket, " Staffiar dropped his were not Included in the bargain. a , a, very gradual" flideently be. stated that three-fouirtho braries of Massachusetts, with a POP- make them. stay there! First Ono would he b . Couits oonsequentlys I I . of the choeae, Carelessness mny.0%1169 l This a cry of pain knelt. 4owA to try to during as there is ii-oi 9 regimental officers go thoUgh uIaLio.1A of some g,000,000, held 3.750r I Casco. The neoed- * will overcome this ditf iculty ,� . notwithstanding, Parliament ;hook, it call be charg- Of the. . go out and then another, I -suppose thei, , . ' . I h A Ali cixouds- thought it was fun, but I did not. . a kind at bed has a great advantage4 Pry the jaws of the trap open. Then hijil �X_ their military Career equipped only 0.Q0 volumes, Wit a a. At poor .milk in opm I . . I - this reign had to pay off -debts on the ed even with very sonsitiva I ,. with a mare acquaintance with the tion Of 7,lilitipfl. While Ontario, with. last, af6r Working ucarl 14 be firmly IngiAted over a mattre4a, AS it is miLOI), more lie remembered that it had taken two Civil List amounting. in the whole to plosives. . . I y all the mora- Silty of care abou I clean and sanitary. . .. I . . . . , � f motion within dAll 01. tbO arm they belong to an4 Us population of 2,500,000, has 918i, Ing, I got them to beh(tvp Ill(? good little upon. I . , - I t twin Having Its source 0 . I - a 11hrarl' , Jus ,a mail. .to set. it And. thAt it Was tO0 - es, which dUr- kittens, and this picture. shows you I t I ' The sick room. should-bee(wepi . His I R3,898,000 says � tile London Times. itself the torpedo aced not be of great knowing. nothing wbatem.r Of mill - 029 books In th. , d h A oondderatiou of some of We , , I , a day, and the sweepings. immediately strong for him., effortil t�. free This arrangement.was continued on mass'to overcome. the resistance of tary art outside the pages of the drill Ing the year 1899 circulated, t.o th .1 ow they looked when I snapped the � � causes of irapaya milk will onablA ad . burned oir'placed'in a'box or Paper himself . I . I ion of George IV., when the the, air, and so most of � -its weight book. It 141, txua there. Are Prof esdiOn" extent of 2,517,131. caniera.-K. E. F, in Brooklyn Engle. . . . . . . the access � . tiono �6y, which the fitness .. — � .to act with intelligence in trying to bag, After the Sweeping, the Wood L&QBRATED. HIS FLF,SH., � can be utilized to. carry explosive. '.Clio al,examing STILL FAR. -BE, HIND. . � work, furniture, etc., In the room I ' Sootob and . . of the officer for promotion is tested . Chinese Buys, Many Names. improve the q - EEO thought of unfelotening.tbo chain torpedo explodes on striking, At first glaAce it will be seen that . ualit,y of the XAW Ina Should be wiped off thoroughly with a ' IRISH .LAND REVENVES. . . n China And . I . . gLU4 the trap to camp,' twfa . The turbine canses the projectile to up to the rank of.Lienteciant-Q0,1013i" Since tl�ie troubles'between a' ur at in,ternIS of 1 the au-mber of volumes at the. dis- torial. ' damp Cloth wa,un,g out of bi,oldo!r1cle and dr g . were first surrendered, and again on rotate about Its longer axis and' thus 01- But those We posal' of the pubRo, Ontario Is still the other uations began the boys. and at mercury one to f Lvo . thousand, Or Miles. distant, � but, when be t,TiM he I . who re- insures steadyness d accuracy in many yearso and, they can be "oram- I � I ra; bar girls Of America. have, learned much �Impurlty . due to the disease of ih6 . theaccession of William IV", � I an - far behind either of the'otbc -t with, and I carbolio aold one to forty. ; I found, that it was impossible. - Not cel; . ved a civil � JUA of . 2510,000, -of flight. As Soon as the torpedo Las me&' tow a month or so before tshe�of libraries. containing only two volumes about the children of the great empire of odw �s only Occasionally me ' The n=ae should be Provided with was the'trap too heary for him, a red,a certain. rapidity of rota- floor Presents himself to be tested, to every'flive of her population; while the yellow men of Asia, Few, however, this Is a source which hardly gomei( , - to protect the hands Only Which *11Q,000 was a opriated to .A q . . �f, which he Can, do at a time selected by � it is probable, have solved the question � of rubber gloves . � - Ppr tle "'it ,a ecial apparatus, which 4. . - two to within the province -of the chaesemak- � this proce", The nurse but at every stop Its wels6t brought n �p those at Now York contain � Chinese names -a puzzle that colifronts during , . . the PrivyFurse of. the King and foots the explosion, of the charge on hicalself. A distinguished authority is three; Massachusetts three to ,should also wear a mob cap to Prevent * the teeth deeper Int the'. flesh of his . sabd. to hu�ve remarked upcin British BvexY I or, sal he can bavol,little control here, - I 0 - Que on. . - . striking, comes into play automatioll- . two persona' ; I every City boy or girl every time he or m almost all ca . sea milk is infected 131. the germs from getting into the hair, ,leg. . ' area of rota- Offircers that they Nv.cx.e most exoel�, .every e Chinese laundry on the I ar be without.it While Then. he bethought himself of his There is no doubt that in the time a! ly� by the -centrifugal f is due, of Course, largely to. ,she goes by th, I and should nev ' I .. tion. . lent men, but- they were.too richand ThIS But to the Chineso'boy impuritlea during milking or wttbJn . .' . in the sickroom. AS it W quite men- ,rifle, ar.4 Mad several shots, hoping the Conqueror the Crown lands wdre The torpe - do is fired oat of a light did not lo . ok upon the serivice, as a the comparative youth of tbls'Pro-� Way to school, essairy that the nuxE(q bh-uld have the sound woUldreelob, the Camp, but I a princely patrimony, but during Sao- . . 0 requiring atud,y, so that if vince, and to*tha fact that the .fail" or girl it is doubtlessall simple enough. the first few hours thereafter., Iin-' I . . � � . and simple t4be, which serves th, Iionairea�,of Ontario, either have..not Take the name of Ll Elting Chang,- for � . . reigns they Were sadly redue- . prole= . . y Ptie, water and oating of turnips or Wme exercise in, the fresh air, clothes the wind was blowing in the wrong oessive . . . ed they mistakes -they were oJol I histance-the. best known Chinaman liv- . . . . , purpose, merely giving it the desir the itbillity or the inclination to sin- ' worn in the siek-room. should be. re- . direction, and tile ieffawt failed. He ad; lyy lavi,sh -IgTamtp to favorite$, not- . regarded " jokes; while if they blun­�; , Ing today. Any Chinese boy or girl would weeds are causes of.imfeotion before , . moved, as well a�s.tbe alioes, in the soling, 99 faintness that Withstanding continued : augmcnta� direction and alevatio-A and is con- dered at sport it was looked upon as ulate those on the other ,Side of the . fought off a f I sequently cheap ,and easy to.txanS- . . . in giving large donations for say it was easy enough. LI -is his family the milk is drawn. bat these Arai not . . . . . . - The nurse -can step outgide came over, him, few he tiocap by. torfOitures and eacheats. Soou t. . . � . . veable. .1 ly. differ - room, , feared that if . . unfoirgi Ii , name and means plum. The on of frequent occurreacs. . mailer i 0 , � � . I . . OTI(loational purposes, The amount between g's name The' principal Cause of itapure milk . the House.. of -Commons reported. that . a� thus far' tested con- . ' ' Plmr,,who. may live Is . Vnoleatilinebs-dirty. cows. dirty ' � . the sick --room. either into a,. a he fainted. he would freeze to death- after, the Ri6stoiation a committee Of P r . EXPENSIVE LIVING. 1. LI Hung ()ban one or a portion of the hall screened As dusk dxew ont he fired: several The torp6do . give;h -for Libraries aind-librarY ' "a" ve put on. the clothing t(i more shots, asi the wind had died ' I produce. of, the land rev- - tained about six pounds of 'explosive .There has been some expectation that buildings - in . Massachusetts ia the and the name of Bir. 1 -eat 'Chinese stables, dirty milkers, dirty cans. Dirt ' off, and the away the annua. take steps to- . ches in in your town,14 that the gi � be wown outside. She can then 90 and he -had more hope that, the sound enues Was ;9217,900 besides .4,?4,000 f rbm and had A ran -go of about 6;000 yards, the War Office would shape of gifts and bequests xea , . .. . . . I an milk. Dirt- And ,. out with comparatively little dang6t� would reach Ciamp. Then -he was Dean Forest; but in three vearal time but it is claimed that the larger to�- wards ,diinalmishing the expense of lif 0 money alone to n6ar? 08,000,000. , diplotuat "puts his last unine. first" and and pure milk are irreconcilable-PUTe . � p does, carrying about 330 pounds of in the army especially incavalry re- tent a Circulation in Air.. Plum of 'America "puts It last," milk must be Ole I of caTtrying the disease,but it IS: bet� caut-rionted by a -.new terror. Chuxleis 31� reduced it to ;9100,000. it 0 at the Only Ao­ It is the -ex, where you should say any man's last harmful bacteria are ingeparably aii�-' ter that She should not go into othet He 1heard, the pattering .of feet in was atill-further � dissipat6d by William eiplosive, will attain a range pf.10i- 'glimenta. At prem j. to propo#ion to_ population, howaveXt I I . agreeable. ' . . I . I . finite proposal put forward 8 in. . namc, ought to be, . anointed, and dirt And. dis Moms or parts of the bous:e. ' .the. Woods,' And .the sound -of a long, III .,and on�'the aodeasion of. Qile6)2 000 yards, . . . � " ,that, So far as,pubillio libraries. are , I odors. generally , go together. I . It may -be. well to mention that all . ave This weapon, according'rto the -re- crease, the cavalry officer's pay.. This - . I oohoorned, is probably the best guitge Thd American boy or girl does pretty 1. mournful - howl. Then came .ans- Ln'te'Parliament endeavored to,0i port of the Sweiclish Artillery-06113miS7 is, at course, futile, for; andor'the ex,- of the intelligence of, or'at any rate, well these days it ' he or she'is given more The bacteria just mentioned Eire ex - clothing worn in the sick -room should � , other wolves, this relinitalit by an Act, L Annei a, ' . - any . its lk�ary Elldn Jones tromely minute forms of P. lant lif a, - I be made of cotton. material And wash- dXawing nearer in answer to the call prohibited alian-a Sion., may prove otgre'iit value in ver- isting system subaltern of horse the anivan nding done by � or Charles Williatil Brown. Some. of ,present almost eve: wering . 6ries . from � , n6 than, three, names, 8, *bloh Practically � . * I � . t of yw I rywhere in large . . able. All clothing and beddinig from of the first - I 16 Under- ation of the,10ioWn lauds an . d onac -m ticAl fire, Iiartioularly in attacking can be so -palid.ds no� to 'require a Community. I . .1 . . . � . . . ith only two, while 'numbers. In dust. thay'are present . lvialf. , SoorL tl vuteincome, ancl,it is . them tire piesentecl )v . . W1 I he' - pirovisiona* in7 regard t6 f Orti .led places and Ain I Judged according � to this' .Standard, )a to milk, boo - alive, ith them' wild � 9 . iiaj� at objects con4derable'pri patient and nurse - whiph is to go to b(rush seemed . ad atrillgent' in a difficult inattex to settle by regu- ' once in aw.hile i;ome of us ard given in myriad.g. - Ili reldti( I . . . . the laundry should be soaked. 0,70r- Could. see theLr eyes shining. . th6_lemgth of teriu-for-Wh�eh they, placed be,hind defensive works and 11 New York. distinctly falls behind On-� four. But: the Clilunman ,has auy.uum- toria may be classified. as -haimlesep I right in a Solution of carbolic one to. He, struggled .to� ,a sitting p ition tied and the rents to be 0.0ast'.. defence.' Moreover, . wherever lation'. the amount an - Ott leer may tariD, -but both are easily outstrippi- sixty, then Placed in a bag which has OR nii be lea . . . the nature of the country makes, the spend. 'On his . various pursuits, ed by Massachusetts,. whose Hbra- her before lie &ows up. As a baby he beneficial and.harrafal. .The harmless .. , � . � . amd .filled the'ahamiliem of his rifle reserved.' ... I : . . speakin1j., there.c . receives his Ifmilk" name. ,Then when may 40 ignored; the beneficial are ne- . . been Wrung out of the.,same eclat' . a. Tho.wolves draw, rge'Ill. the transportation of ordiniry - ortillery . . an be no ries have ciroula,tion of three volumes . .. 00 . I his.,l$Chooill- name, and cossary to the manufacture of dairy Ion, With caTtridge , At the acloeFelan of Goo . aXmy is Mq*e expensive 0 dil.�. Ile enters Sell and the bag lowiered from the win- nearer. Suddenly about.a. dozen of ,gro�a return from the. English land practically impossible this weapon on dZerabihily I population t . . when. be Is ,grown his title or "life" producits,i the harmful are, very de- . . I , I . . . . 1. � . I . -e ground below, where it is I a4doctunit of the lightness, of its -mater- than it was thlirty'yeaTs Ago. One , lie. , . I , �. � � . do w to th them trotted forth from the woods, -revenues was only about X89-.000 'a - - . 'for this, no;doubt, iA the, fact tarlo`8 a � , I . . . Raine.'"-:01ricago, Record, . ,trimental, . . . .. � . . ., . taken by -the" la,an&ess and placed in. and -he ocUld see I I their -dark -for . ins year an-4.6lbout i787 the�-clear Znual ial will also come Into play, since even reason ''. . I I I I . � 1. . . . ia�tlblo 1;6� . I -he wealth and luxury of the , , ,, - ONTARIO LEADS. . I I . .. Milk is also very 8USO .. I . ' . . , a boiler and boilod for half an -hour , . I - a sarplus was reok . Oued, to'be less. than the largest. f orms of Dt . are' ,easiij. that t I I . . . . : An Ancient Ruler. .. . taints from disagreeable odors. -Beat-a '. scurrying ,about as they' made � . try �a Another opusideratiod, however, waslilug. The cloithing-can 11 , I . transpor.told .by lancl'or-Weiter. : , - COUA , fia;7e. grown conaldcrably rid, . before . I . draw* nearer.as they ran. . I : - � , . � ­ be taken Into - o.r ,Genesis that irij in- mi d t . . . d6totir ;011,000 - .- . ' ocoti.ht in 'this We read in the. bbol, � n he conneotio# between' . . . . . I 11, I � . I consequently the standard (A living has to U4 . . . � I - .- ' ' I . I I higher., The � cionnection, and thiat is the rate Of raed. froM t e -p then be safely lidndled. without the They ;�`aemed to bloplanning the final � At - ilis commemboriont � .'of"' the . .... - -.� � . . i��'. . iathesewvloo hasbecome . when Abraham retu. .1 h' tr�; harmful bacteria and dii. , and, be . I I . I - I ' ,qftlitest danger of infection. - If k' approach.. - . I . , Queemle reign, tbat:is-for the year, . . I � 0 . I I . . the nam- suit of Chedorlaornel, Icing of Ittlarn, who twben gaaeous%taints and dirt­mthe im-, , . - :,. I nurse is careful and com(oiwtiOUS Ill iStaffler fir .� I I . . . . . . . �pay% of the ,dff leer has, however, , re- circulation in propor�tioih to -r his nephew L should. -be, ap- -.1 i., Tbe.' wolves seat- 1838-39, tile, qurplus"� revenue - * 7.1 inad. the same, and there is great bar of volumes obtalmable-fioiril -the bad taken prisonp ot,'he -porta.ace.of cleanliness � - . . I , - Away. . - They rAI .INTO I . . carrying out these directions, there ist tereci, but did not 'run, ,D . I A * NATIVES � .REORIN - 0YAL- re"" . WIR I, reiries... , � . I ffibiodeci Icing of Salem, ipreclaied in handling milk. I . THE ZXCHEQVE , - L . . need, that extravagance be kept do I'lo ' i When this is calculated it was met,bY 11elc � vd ' . veri little daugcx� of the geralAad-o sat., 'down an 'their haunches and . �., . . , . - 1. . . � . I .. -* -W . . volame who offered -him bread and ine, Salent. It will%now be -in order to Consider. - � wall alsopo. .As the re,sult,oUcAre- , , - . . and. expengea in nlos�sing and outer ill,b.�6 seen tbat'for'. every -so . . lual I St iif law - f4ed ,again . -_Q . . . � . .. 1. I * iss. of l"Imil's ."Peace" in Elebrow, and it, Was In detail how. to� handle. ille milk an Scales buing scattered. At the w,1jChca7 W . . at this . I .1. . I taiument Put on,&. proper footing, to­� aointalmed -in the joblio librAr. , ' " . � ., � I . end of five weeks the patienti if-af-�. and ful And . judicious, managaine . RE)r. J. , MOFVATT,.', XISSIONARY; I of the ,City afterward called as -to insure a,clean and iVhole0olaa : and again, but '-he was nervous a . Fo . �y rizviily three. ard taken tbe. name . - ter careful inspection, he shows no, 4,ightened and shot wildly, ,'. Surplus, his gTaduallyincrea ed r ... . 1, I gethor with a%faLr increase in,:p4y in' Ontario, vei - '' harself,"or rath- . a may be Toleased it was M52000� for' 1862-63, DISQUSSLS -THE SO BJECT )er ranks, Thig wouldi Pax- out every. year, .while in Massachuset- ,Terushlera. oi.l'the inheritance 'of. peace." .product. The o6w. . . � . ; I . . I - I ......'�, _­ . .. 'the dirt am the�btidy-'df'Tlie Caw- - ' . . . . signs of scaling, � Every time 'he ceased the .wolves be-- 1852-63 , 1 2-78,.,�375,009. _En . � _. . ., - . '' - the upi - Sufficient foi'. get. what 10 ts the proportion ia,only a Ii I ttle _. ex ., . 11 ­ . or . . f in- . : 4 ' few ,days gan to dratw in on him, and Staff ler ZW! . I . . 1� ..he I_ � I . � . IS, one, of .the- principle causes 0 . from. the sick -room, and in a 3000! for 187 . . ,ps be . ea ,the army for two, rind in , Now .York barely. one. � I - . . I I . if the weather is mild,'be allowed to believed, tha:t ' ' I 1882-83 it Wlas..R.380,000i and�during houtIlAri-Iiialk Natives Are tover.4 ol,ill%lice wanted,­4nen who enti . I I �, . � � faction., Xd the majority of dairies no I . . it was only a question kTiAg. '.It i4 impbs,w- Whon.t.his point is Considered and al� � . . . . . , I ! � 'A made to keep . go out fox a little While, but if the - of minutes before the wolves would the next doeade it passed the gross I -well Trentpil, 1?y itritish, who 'I'sed the, Sake Of S01a . i .� 6ff Ott I , the cows clean. - .", i . . . amount of the Civil List And amounted . Iffni IF,Ilce 'a 31an rind, Rroke for inin sible'not to recognize that the ser- so the. fact that owiag to the greater. . I ., and they ar ' ass: 4,A. . - . skin is s�ffli_ peeling, the isolation be ,. - , . 1. . I . . . procde�adlonal. extent ,of *the ;ooantxy,.- althoiigh On- . a. covered.with a in ' - I . , . . - .1. to X430,0001 i if' olavery. . ric . nat *maiiure.. The cow should be . ' ' I must be kept up- for another, week, or - � . -in -189243j. whilat for. the : &a 4 biains'of ,- - a must be made more- . And . .. T.BA,RING HIS BODY -6 , - I 1. . . . . . . ellu . . still lo�gex, until it'has ou'r6liceas­ . . . . . year .ending March. 61,: 1900, the aur� , Officers will bar� to work. harder, the- tarin, has 418 libriarled to Massa - d the eakod manure wagh-a- - . .. . I R,dv. J. -S.,,Xbffatt, tile well known 'io.bq brarles of Qntairia are, , .., ,-.,. brushed, an, . . I � . . , I -, He was'almost ready to turn.1be,rifle paid to tbo'Exchequar, was 2450,- . . lea" of all '4111 have - but down s6ttp 836, thall . ed. . � � , . plus �. . I . 1. ionary, .in'. a-lettc� to' I . . - I ad off. The udder �hould'ba cleansed � . . � , . I : alioived stiff Of f LOOM as abeegsible than .those of ' - " I .. ----- � � on hlm�elf when be healrd a - h03311in WV. - 1 7 I . 1. African .miss ,--to the araloftrat . much .16, . - . . . I . vilth a, damp el6th. -before milking- - , ­ , I. .. .2 1 voice near At hand, and he Sauk back* It should also,be borne in m' ind.tbat tb,4 London 1)a ily �. Mail speal i viz.; six weeks,andthe conditionsi of Masselabuseitts, it ift. =17 fair to, con - . I . . . taken .. to - - , % -he , ,.. , , -that elude that the ta�tiil fdr reading is - I .1 I .., especial care sbcyuld:�' be , - HI&RXITLS., SUMBLES, ETC' " in 4 faint. . � As his friend.4 from t during the last 20 -years the Crown,' natives - Of South .. I; 'i a. He Says aricty- We will' then become i'doll . . � . cleanse all dirt * from. the toa'ts. It IA , camp came to his relief . .. . . . . - Lto as at ib as in Mae- .1 I '. . T - � much better to milk the co -0 in ,.% . ' . . In making tbieso'cakes the follow- the ivo`17es like, other landlords,. has suffered from that' they.,Am loyal, though so -me of the man who enters it merely for roug in Ontaii . ' . so (In' '. AA , I - are - " , : "" . . . - acattored. and several'were killed. on in rentii from I t olal reasons will find. be +1 no long-� sachasotta, the bdrin6r'StAte of the I I - �, ni where they tile great dei�reciati . � . , . :.. . . Basta , . n I � � IT% I . I Ing. things should be remembered: Use His Companions mado � a' stretcher agricultural lands. . " � them, Who lived among the BbeTs O , uted. : . ­ . " . . if at -all possible�-tha pose!- .. . m wa ., . . Union, whose enpital, .. in the� It �1)' � � rup, wherii 1v6.q,.* . their families and- . . .1 I -A stabled I . �. only flour enough te: handle -micelly, and Carried him back tin c4 The expression "Crowin lanast, . vovv� save themse . - - . .. . falos tho,fiue§t publid library in the i �Aelil bility of infection bein ther�oby ratiob! . . I , I * . . � . eased big wounds as best they okpi -an infinite re'rintyL.Of property. It pogsessionsi may have seemed to side _. .. � . Raid, and when opporhiinities axe , 1, I . 9 � . . . 0 . . Wc ", 1� 11..'�-, . . pastry flour is better. than broad they � 41 . . . . . � ,. 1. . . . � � I , 1f1)1;..,�-)-J . lessened. ' . . "I . flour; beat butter -and, silgar to� a .aO'UIKL W'hen. they got into the -light Comprises gToand reuts� in London and' : with . I � I I . . . I . taken into acconnt, the* odds, would .. ",��P­ I The stableis, a frequent source of , .. � 1. the Bobirs., - � � - . . . .. . � . . ' voX. Ont 'a ' * ),"�� �, 1. ... of: the fire one of them started. .. - salmon f ishings, in Scotland, nearly 70.,� 1 � . ALTS14, seOJn' b0i fa � I arl I I � �11' T 1, dirt and bad odors. The floor should: . . I tner in-. I '7na s- ON acrea of agricultural land in Eng- "There is a strain of faithful lcyi� � . Ir cream before adding the 6 .. � oxolaime& . I I .GREENLAND JOURN. . ­ � In concluding, 'One fact, Is - worth I jrf?, - . . ,--. 1. ,� . 1. . * ' . zfj,�0't.�4.4', c at least daily, and sailed � I ' - — , . . I . 11 -lid Ban u ch . ..My a d. " , I Forest Dean Forest- . alty In ;t . t, araotdr whichis . , , , 1, ,,.,,,,# . ilotlaingi that of the seven, towns in, , ,,_ -removed � Du'st .and oobWeba , gredients; soften, but do.nitit:inelt the gx-�b--4 ll�. he land, the .New , , ... , it(),' . ..- , W ( VWM. .adding .. , �_ . . . butter; brown sugar should bc,!Used And, �i,a right. Staffler's ilaix, And Win,dsor Great P;rk. Xin:erella.of " . like filthiness is Condue'ted 11pi Igassacnas6tts without any free. 11 . not. to' 1>6. surpasgad"' Says the mig-, - v . I . I I .� . . . 11 �. 11, � should not. be allowe4 'CoUraillate. * . , fox ginger Cookies, and the,softwbits black . that day, had turned almost'. . 'kin" belpt6swell.the,revenue; . I . . . .. . I . . ­ .. .. i cojtlifryo . . . . real there is only one , to 9 , . ,. . . I I � . I I I . brary privil% . . � � I)", . . -ter than gr4nulafed for I �. . . . I . many , � 1. . sionary� . .. . I . the � ' , � A Aable with ' abumiclance.,of light, is . .. ' i I . I d" under-ioa, , ;I �, . ... . . rding to Captain Smith� at I wbich4oes not show' a loss of Popula. ,sugar is bet ... � Nhite. . * . ,:: . I . 6661 in Dean Forest 41) in . Acco . J i 1. I much auperiur to the sem.1-d4krX atiblo . - - . . .. . I "It is a 1 a6t as big, a.q Table Xaum� . . . ­ - . � . I . 11 . I . . other cookies. I I E[is courrades explained that they Wiles, lead in the Tale. . . .. in In tion in. the past'.ten yeaxa, �)Ju� 22 : i .... ., . . mines, gold in British bark CalciUmla journal.is . I . . . . . . I . ", so frequently BeM Sugjtr Cookies--�-Two cups Sugar, a had heatrd. lia shots shortly .After of Man and salt oil. the Tees arb, but tain, that,the vast-, majority of the ab- I I . , ; . . . I V .In feeding . I -ex, 2 eggs, I teaspoonful ,qoda ,dark, And thought little Ot � them at I . . . Greenland is 'in, s'rathei.. * primitive : ---410— . . .. . dry foods, -suoh as earn; ' 4 . . . . . cup butt . . A 1 ew lmstano6s:. No landlord in the .Original and thp colored races are on . th makes fre-; . .. . I I . . . Ludderor hay, or strong smalling foods . if led prop- . . . stage. Captain Sin! I I . . . . . dissolv--d in 1-4, eup boiling Wate(r,.2 firgt, .beliaviug that lie had either klogdom has such a divers .the British side in.,E(Ontiment.durkag . . . MELCHIMEC, . like emedlagoi care ShOUI& be taken teaspoons Cream . tartar and nutmeg foun(L a bear in the trap and -was dii- . . lny local laws 'and ous- I . I quent voyages to Greenland, and is . . I . . . . I . . . -: o 9910 ,on. going on . AN HO-TIR WITH UNGLE. 8 -All , .to feed them -after and not before or to taste. ' Sprinkle wi h. spatching it, air. that be was.'aboot esty,s the stru* which has be . - . I I : , * All th at. .we know ,of -Mehihisedec is - .t ,gramulated tears to deal with as his Maj . . a recognized authority on the otindl . .� . during milking. No.duati or Strong I . 1. - , - game. When the shots, COMIX iorests -and fox a,yea�r'.ancl a hlaf.. . -13Y the col- I ' ' I I — I . . . . I that ll� was ,"a.priest of Abe most high - - - .sugar. . .. � Ing At ot.her iissionera of Woodai F � . . . tions of the Country. The one e41- � . ! , . . . I . I odors are wanted daring. milking. If , ' Gream Cookies -One cup. iieh,�oar continued they became, alarmed and- Land Revenues have. . . . ored-raCel mean the mixed people'm I no Off , the PERSONAL AND- OTHER . NEWS ood.1, Ile is the only.,gentile icing 11101 necessary tc; feed daring milking, con'! I ' . I . . ter 'In . Greenland is a Da. I I I I' arc -am, 3 cups sugar, 3 oggs'.. I cup 'made their.way to. the spot as. rapid, tu Scotland there are. , , . . . BUSY ,VANKEE. I tioned in the'Bible who was not an idol-, ' I I the Colonies dAd. Sometimes: Repul�lic , of Mooller, - who conducts the ABOUT THE � centratea slightly 4nmponed..may be ' : butter, I teaspoon soda and 1 tca-� IV as Possible. it is their belief that I I I .1 - . . � Is name .. . Or. T his is strange, As the Only POO- 'giveh. . .. 11 .. � . . . I . I - � * spoon orcam. Fl4vei'With they axrIve(I in, the 4ick. of time. . FEUDAL D-11.019 AND RENTS .bPgiru' g -with full-blooded: Hotten- only newspaper an n I I . � ­ 4...* .. . .. . .1 Int . I . . . aT . . I in . � tod ab,6rigWoS Up gUlAT diS . Unction .of printing the pa- . ' ' ' Pie of;whom nehInow as inbabitingJ.erl�, The-mllk�er .very often.'adds Ills. . .. . I lemon. . , . l ... . mched. Dulath!-ou , whose very. names would be - f oioiga tots,aill the. in�pox I I . Ing th ,Xm.,aifiiollil�y Interest. fit Ills 1101190 - ' '"t b0fore Israelites 6apturCd'It,, 'Oftf.Att the milli ' Ginger Cookids-Ona - elt I . When Stafflow r( I .a to an-tilglisliInAn. :From Aldo-rRicy I . , I per for the natives a;id.teaoh ,am Alk-th untlipred sale quota to the . . The - .' I P'CdOlh Of' his way liolue, he was SUPPO�FtOd t>Y . hite, wboso fathbral, ..1. . � . 11 � ,, 111.1�ter* or.11011lent avid . I were Jebusltes,�a tribe -of Cannanites, ­ ... .1 molasses, I use nothing but coins dues probably more 4,tclont than to the - 4113�05t 'W I I I to read it. '. , I . .1 Front His iievords. . . I " Ity oldest and dirtiest, clothing ,is considmo , - � sugar ant big rwoodamail, for 0 lie was unabWto. the Conquest and the manorial courts .Whatever their . motives may, have Nk. Masi S'nott only the oclitor I . .1 . I . ­ worshipers of WON, from whom. the c itable, and to wash the. handal the. best -P4c(,Ar Orleans. molas�scs, .1-2 i6wwbito'hair in . . . lex'i I Those 6vi6r.whom-mol- ared fit, I lit Alone. . His x . 1, Thomas A., Rdleon't; mckto is, "N6vfir was called Jobus. I mnecessary. Tile I I Iva I -at �f Main ,have traces -of, ,a be $ -a .])Utah or. Einglislil". - ,and *Oprjetcr,� he Is the reporteri in , chiiedee rulcid must have belojiged to:an is considered Wholly ii ' . cup each of butter, lard and sci�ux,milk, comtrast , to his evidjeat youth -* of 'the. Isle . . I on wex -ad to his -at least'. � I tracted. much, attent . Scaodinavian origin, . . . . I I- printer, distributor. and busiu�dg watch. the Qloak.)�­ So deVot clothing and hands shoiild. .. , L , 2 eggs, 2 teaspoong soda, I teaspacil loni and so did ilk. Maffa,Lt points out that thent ., a I'd a that he frequintly Works earlier race whose history is lost, - bei oleani and if a, clean blouse is not — I '_ salt and I talkespoon. ginger.. . ow resting at homot Bat the great likerease from thi land tive; wdincluillois that . the. British manager, and. !.lovlory two week work i6 h I t - St. Paul writes .In.the epistle to the put on, . the accumulated.aust lihouY _ . his Story. , , He is 31 as Regent pexto,vius a long journey on skates sixteen hours at astratch, witbou . . Ginger Snaps -Bring to 'a scald'I axA"lt will be a long time befoire be tovenu is yet to come. broke the, chains of slavXwy; that the to dispose of big jouraial." Origigall noting thid passage of tim�e. . . Hebrews that Afelchisedec was without be brushed off bef ore milking. If. the . . 'a 3' I Boers h hem to the lower . iI rather and with 9 . cup iniolasses, stir in 1 tablespoon will seek .the � woods agabL I property, and when aye reduced t , JUS! out mother, and this led b blean, and milking is - . � . . . . I a'reeg'r'.%(d' aw' sea up6n which it is it contained only a few crude . E. Q. Dingl�eyi son of the late Coa- blind are nol soda and pout it, while foaming, over . 0 .. . l . t ext,vemit.y of human .existence; that tratiouso but . some men of the old time to belieVe that done with wet; fingers -as is frequent" . � . I . . .. I the f 11 , I.- large increment tha � - was it - 1 cup sagar, I 'egg, I tablespoon � hold, . . I �gh Wages in gradually other' mat gressman Dingley, gives, promise of � c6lestlal.beiug�superlor to the he milk is contaffain- * - I I I w. th-e no insignificant'itain. the British have givell hi roofs ter, was intiodruce4l. ant - . . a . the caso­t . . , I HOW THE LEG$ GROW. Ill al�u, will b il no* � it con I ruler ly . I . . . . I ginger and a - pffich of salt, all beatoin I ... . . Jobannesburg and many other p M , ated. . I 1. tains. A!rtlales on the affairs of the taking his father's place in . aine angels and much mdre'than winere . � -Chatterbox. Is ' together. Than add the grated, rind . .. . — I , I I tc Some future Chancellor of, the EX- of f ness. '� I . poll -ties, He is noW a member..of the Df menin the ancient east.' of a lemon, one­half I the juice and ' . .l?b4,llk chequer. . .1 .1 . .. . riendli I day. Thia.man. acititally taught his The pall. into whiob.the milk I flour enough to roll stiii0clAll as Tho I Shocks of Estrelse, Lengthen ' � The rmnaeii of .the Duchies, of Corn- . ZTTLTIS, rJt.)&1o1;VUL. . : lsubscriloer�_to roa,41:his piaper, first Legislature, and is receiving favour- — I drawn, and the iclans into which it !a . . . :, sunt lkipep,Thollk Eve". _ aland, with a introducing Gov- ' . The X11in FaMIlV- . stored, should be thoroughly cleaft., . lightly as. possible. .. .. . I . I wall and.Lanoastor. dre outsid6' the "In. Natal and 'in ZAII wowds, then sentenced, Able mention as aeandidato for . I 1I. - . . half Cups As. a.. fact, Says the Zdadical Record. Civil List arrangement. The revenues population pf Bantu , putnumbering anA now article% on the topics of the anor. I.. .. . ­ . Tliere is a funny fand r, . They should be well, washed andacrab- Hermits-One, and . one.:. � fed . . I Of which I often bear, , Warm water -then scalded I I sugaut, 2-3 cup butter, 1 cup Chapped our lower limbe are not usuaily'lioth Of the first nomed Duchy are v�s the white people by ton, to one," says time. . . I The movemouts of gold frout AuS . , ,In ,which the difference in size bed with I . . � � . raisins, 2 e ga, . I -teaspoon - soda dis- of dAxactly the came length, ,though in the eldest soh of. the reigning Sov- the rells6ionary., ',cur ZuIvid.havie, Sat ,. - - . I . � .1 I tratia ta the Pacific. coa.qt'are beourn- . To me seems v . ery queer. . �.. with boiling water. , Scalding water ' L . 9 - . � .L . I .1 - . ,should- not be Used first in -washing I solved in 2 tablespoons sweet mAilk, I they are so fni gil praotl�al purposed. ereign, Who becomes -by birth * the Still, or might have been seen peace- '. .0 ., . - . L'. . iong� impoTtant. Some ' time 'ago the The family, i judge. is mail, . tea the milk ad - teaspoon. cinnamon, a:nd I ,of: Claws. . Duke of Cornwall, by virtue of a.pat- fully driving their. ploughs.within 'i . . - .L Shipatolif L Wt.8 announe d of .13800,000 ' - Two seems to be the gum, cans, as this coagula L . Sprinkle sugax over -� .. I The, left is Usually the longer, though t of Edward M., in 1837. . I a . ound of the guns round Ladyar4kh,. GUNS WON'T .KiCk' AFTER tHISv . San 'a D, and � And Minnie Slum tbo'one to called; hering to the inside, and s, yellow, . - top by anThe DuChy 'of Lancaster Was the giving us -no trouble, Si%PIY doing . I _� * . from Australia to Franciso, hip - The other, Mai L. mum, . sticky coating Is formed -vary diffi- . Honey Sumbles-One cup strained tio'gatt, Is uot.notabiY influenced . .1 1. . I another 4700,000 is likely to be a - � I Oult to displace. This same coating honcy, I cup each of sugar and butto� 'this fact, At birth the lower limbs private patrimony Of Henry ,)8oling- what we told them to do. , Device to Ped soon. . . Novir 11fimle 3lurn is alwaYs shown . is an excellent- medium for bacterial - 2 eggs, and 1-2 CUPL battemmIlk in- ,LSOn. of Jobnof Gauut, and is "The Bechualia tribes all along the Frollel"Con"t "as "vented It � . are shorter'than the upper, and their broke Transvaal . obvlale Ilecoll. I TO be exceeding small, I . which has been, disgolved I teaspooA separate from t'40 otber possessions of westoira border of the I Ott,a 11. Tittmann. recently ftp� - growth, and hence contAminatiM L . While mix L Mum it giant 10, . - i i - movements -are rather of the prohou- .the Crown in ofdar'an , d government, bavie been loyal to us, thiough many Count.Justimen Cltti�y has just in -L pointed head of the United .States . go very large and tall, The milk should mot be kept in ,this I ankle. I I 'Immediately tak-� ness, d bake in . a ego type. 0- We are -not born loggy bat United to it lu,point of inher',t- of them Suffered, the loag of their ventad L and patented 'a, wad t�at Co.tat il,ad goodatic Survey, has been .,, Put hand in hand they on 'h about - Roll onc4ourth inch in thick . arc stable, but should be ' . I cut into rings an L . . � . . - . r . As fond as fond can be, . � . a th m, or outside, dud . L , .. Stdek, w,hidh -,ve Could. not defend to 0 tho.rcooll of orvernnient ser- . . or's should quick OVeM L . like the. foal or� kahgaroo, but we anos. ,. . . I '. I ,hem. saage Was; greatly reduce a'gun- in that branch of G . _. And P,r U, they are to let the world strained and aerated, Strain I .. I __r . -1 . I . . t . Further north a me a been working with, this object vivo since 1867. He accompanied the . drootritf, . . be scrupulously clean, or tbOY,mAY I gradually achieve legginess," The ' He ha 'L I Th" g contrast see . I � .1 sent to the well known chief Khamal, side,table time, and ta-itnsLt of Venus peditiog to Japan . . I . I :- irtarjore with you, in view for a eon x be a source of intention rather than � . CUISINE XO�T-BS- bones incrtase irk. length, not So much ' ' SMSIGHTS FROX'A COACH. 'We don't want to , OW as assistant astr. f" Fro � This thought I might have given .Von . 11 Interstitial deposit, as by addl- � h.._i L - -Tout out bhe encountered .many obstacles. N onomer in 1874. . purification. Aeration helps to Me - Almost any cold vegetable makes a by . . but we want to come and _rved on many important earn- 10L Ono short rhyming verse, ky odors present in. the milki, . . 101) Their English in your Tj��, . ljoicUHL . . tion to ,their. ends -, that is, by pro- country,' The arsol he has apparently hit upon the right has sp Arid that would be the minifflindo fuse ar . ., de salad. . . . . on, of Ahe layer of *11ft6y PrOIllie in UnAlAnd ocodile !&.4. Hig patent is a very thick wad I (", ri,'o.nu..,and in 1895 =tcd his able aid in kee ' 111 . I gressi'vo ossifleati, wax WAS, ,If you Crossi the M , all .- Or. what would be -much worse, and is a vala ping 0 As tow salad dreEfsLags,' tho propor-, cartilage which intervenes between . . TourinX 1,011411trelY, 1 Rly". .wo will speak to you With Our Perforated With bolcai' which is Pltic� � rit at the in . goo, . Through 9talizas something like a more =ilk. good, Rapid cooling of the - i , . end of the aliaft and the opiphysis. Every year about. I 000, peop el rlfles.� , All these'tribeo of the BantU ed Under the powder discharge, givu detle conference in ljorlin, . I . xv muse I might let bum .- .. milk to. 50 deg.. Flo or lower, is very. . tion vatries; if the best Tarragon vi.ne- the ,ompon- mostly Americans and Aust ce, millions of mon, have helped,us, Ing the needed space in which the ex- Mrs. Catherine Bechtel and Air.g. To tell the nine, and that, you No, . . =tunti If this in )lot done, boo- , I Ossification goes on till the c , raliars, rd ity. The Susan Xulp, both of WbOIA, live on . . ig is. xecialred. 'A astid I Would be the maximum, gair be used much Is. ant parts of the' bone arc all nutted Britain ; in the conflict- plosion, can gain Uwe oil s growth flouriShess and thd-mllk I 'is six tablespoons of OliVq .traverse the whole of Groat net by taking 1prt . -Chiciago Recor& . . . good rule _ 0 bony matter, Sa-Cl(thIRSAL'tha Stature . . that wo could not allow them to dd-L now invention rect!1108 this recoil "b's- farms near 0ollegeville, PA.. are said . . will floon,daterictrate. . . I I I oil to 6-ne of viucga�rj with salt; pep- In linitation .old-fashioned -coaches, � . I [ gairlic. to Of the ind[vidual is determined.. . . . ' but by keeping quiet in obedience to tween 50 and 75LPer cent .., as. experi- a as h Broken Words. . . 1AS the milk is hold for some hollfal Per, herbs, colon juice and London Mail, This year . I I .ts hav;o Proved. ,Of cours6'thil to, be, the oldest Of 11, I 9 t1vi . T eY - before dolivarl: ,ry, tho . . US. . . I . I , an - .1oparrite A rural worker and.make a rig to the facto taste. A dash cl shaixy added tick- It from Inflamanatioll or injury an says the L . men JP400 r0il(111060 the speed AlightlYo wexe born, in 1814 d have just Cola the milkAs storo, les some palato,4.. . I . opip,bysis ba damaged, Ono limb rosy quite 10,000, Americans alone have' APPAROUTE -XUSXICF1- extra 8 ightymsixth birthday rl,�,,ttable nnd an Insect room or place .whitra I can, and It ,sttbilitY of be shoxtOr than tho.other, or laflam' have booked up lid advance complete ,,T,hc native of South Africa brat the Addition. of a little explosive brated their 0 usual fnct, thes Seporate a kind of I& or tart and make ad or kept shoald be ol 0ooking a4a to the dige 4 knows overoomes this difficulty., Firlet, Contrary to th resemble long� & . water is not present, this Wa- nu.Lq, . S� 'be matory otimulatio.n MaYthven induce -n thl yet tow Indeed what justice is, and. keenly appteol- lived twijis a each .0 rov�)Ivo and above, running d be changed fro - end many scat should increased length in is bone at- touts 'I ,, . a way and , . Baden at Cie, the famous 91111111alic'ers do not their youth Separate a nocturnal bird find MAIC0 ter in the tank oboul gronivi before being eaten, Nu t and sin oises, of our own countrymon,evan know ates. it. 1-10 is able to d1sorlininate. ro, Paris, othor in. the least, In ilarkbess and a bird resembling it falcOn- quently'L Milk should not be stored . . fruit so.-ndwiches $hotlld 90 into the footed. Mhe v3 Co. has told. him that Up -4 of the Faubourg St. Hono) . hey looked so little alike that many not being subjected to Sudden Jars, that one coach is now so �lnked with Long expWor. ha,ve the highest opinion of COTAtc, t . -�P&re .0 near manure pnes, or any other Strong , school lunch basket, . . of the W 1. . Is, even doubted that they lelling material, as it. iS1'S0 very- ve no qpiphyses at the ends another throughout the whole of the `31 the the Briton is just,to all, Clary's inv*ntion. POOP , . Sir irable once ha . ali and, reckons him as a man too- � I sisters, R Tan F6R IT. in ihaullug t4 � I a day. t . I . I . long bones, whereas in We leaping a on trample our . - NO OT119 ,. I auseeptible'to taints. prunes frog the extremities of,the humerus English. prorvinclea that,the railway GTant d that we oft . SAFETY F It 60sts William X. Vandorbilt. I A:Womau came,to the door. the faotory it cover should be Plao. . 49tewed fruits are wholesome, can be almost totally ignOrOd- own, ideal wider toot; granted that -me he crosses , ' ed, over the ioang. This'Will ,keep out and GIV reqUiTIng no Sugar, but board and femur long remain ad separate .record is stained with I alght dollars every t! What do you wantf she demana- the dust, and'In hot weather be sotnd ' 0 f ng. . � I conctis- I's "'Vi'val of coaches some years Our national ' I granted . * " ,hot sunshine, Thd I Boa I T 'else with his AUtOMOU14- "The White opiphysed, The eautinuous I Railways, automobiles and bicycles the 34th street ferry -at Now York eat fr�li; alone to which the ends of the bones .go ended in -a dead Loss to those wbo many a ,lood of aggression at -e safer oolavloyahoes 'ban -Vehl od brusquely, � protection from the Don't be too UWrTIRd. to of the lower limbs are exposed, wheii that many of oar people are brutal, � 1�_Or�tbett is, otlimmored the Stork, cover must be ioleafflor It *ill be use - fair breakfast, I I andart."k it, for the very good reason that just as. cruel things( have been drawn by horaeg, according to statla- Ghost", A. city .,ordinance prohibits bladhing With the utmost. -violence, I lega to prevent the entrance of divC , ... 111 __ . I . I . a vigorous child I excited by its own I that things woxe done on the most In' ties just issued by the Vx alar -k be I JAM OAX14�9, . � natural , sparit sto ran About, Are h noommercial scale. Now- done by individual 11,ritous as by I such Gov- his Crossing the river on A reg A it- had it in mlud- . I Tile Whey from the factory Ma. 'a I &vidub,l noors; the native knows, that, automobile Without t trim. responsible for poor milk. The Whey assisting I Invi a U every coach ruiiainlg but he has Learned, that behind the which harass Ing oat all of the gasolona used In . doubtlggg of groat value In li-da,ya goir unment. In a singlo month 067 ac� boat with his. Well, you're too homelY to y . h I exclaimed the woman and tank isbould be scrupulously clean. In Jam Cake, No. t-Orle egg, tWO tA- the growth Lid length of the, lower from a London hotel is a Scarce of gritan, there is whit there was not oldents occurred for aodsoitates much hato wit faot, the entire fActery should be .an bleapoonfula, butter, not melted, bne� linibA, which soon 1086 their infantile handSoule profit, for nearl all the Wore responsible, and in these 82per- propelling it, This ni shut the door.. � I � haraoter, and becoma adapted for y behind. the Ilow"of the Txausraal�-Ai were killed and 885 Injured. t,ii and Mr. Vanderbilt has made I 0 . f object lesson to the Patron In clean- . half cup of Sugar,, a p coaches are run as commercial specti- 0, but yet sons tile Long Island , inch of salt a great Power, dim, Indeflult There were 145 railway accidents, arran-goineats With Hums. All court should be Oti At 0 running and walking, 13Y OxPOAIII9 latioris as Well aff for pleasure. When alt -the pow- the river . A FA.M ]AVISIDN. one cup swoet milk, two cups Of flour* the lower limbs to the same influence$ a good xoutW is chosen they callnoe real, and making itself f callairig eight deaths and Injuries to Railroad Company to cross once on reaching the farm, and the two te;rspoonfula baking. pow(let- Far and resistaneAs during their entire er which insisted Upon justiO6 W Ov" �eraong. Thirty-eight automo- by a special boat at an. expense of The BAA6--Dear., dion't ,you think cans cleaned. This Pr6daUtIOU IS too growth we . inaluage to metintain them be a falluxe, for the reason that orwex Which to the na. 187 *1 ame to grief, and two deaths eight dollars it trig, .t would be till y often neglected, and thi fermenting I filling, fresh fruit or jams are u04. � the Some dxe and of the same before, they Start &Certain number of tive mina dmoilt in the "InkosMazill or bileo a Ited. 0107ollstg . . I I . I right if I would go Whey Stands in the hot sun for hourg. � jam Cake, �Xio, 2 -One cup STVAU- Of Parsons I[vin,X along the road gaaraiii rat Lady' and 86 Injured resu 0 and got one of thoSo now.fashioned Bry difficult to clean 011611.0find, lated Sugar; thtee-quartars clip but- lefig,th, And gentle jars Upon the OPIp- . make or pay for so many * bad accidents, six died and 118 I that they Call a madOAPI I It is VA I gour Cream; hyses at the 301ntA MAY be conaider6d tea t I whose passing away has Awakened. 0, had 110 NGEXUOUMS& bats 1 so they Shall be odiorleAs. ter; three tablospoonfUlA journeys la each softso.a., sale were wound6d.L BEA I sq that twould be ,jun, moarntul echo in the r6mot- I The Halband-Gue Xn condlUsloii-If the, patron can bo coffee, Ond favorable to gTOWth- , - aL Won' '86 a throo, tablespoonfuls cold I Is known . - rleyl dear, said young Mrao 6,11 'right, dear, if trol It rat But tb,W is about all that oat native kraal UP the very banks . - I Oha I Induced to observe the prooatitions ground Cloves; two I i ughsh men, I . lid talbltspaouful "— I on Ahe axtbi by moa.t n i at the Zambesi riLm." I TorkIno, X elmil�goiivg tO, tDrld OlOt 0, ro,W If I 96 'down to the corner at , mentioned, the problem of pur6 milk teaspoonfuls ground cinnamon; one . I though. thousands of Americans write �. - HAS BV�E X IN TRAINING- I. got An olif-faliblovad nightcap. t rally be solved, and a aerloug monado teaspoonful Soda; one oulp berry jam; THEY CANIT, HELP, IT, months. 11% advalloo, asking , - now lost. 1 . . 10 to the prosperity of the 6hoosemaker h .routo may be devia4d, poncli OF HABIT. First Dootor-A. Woman Applied for . ; . . three eggs; tvto cups flour. Ortam w It seeing to me, said the lovely' Mrs, C,omlple,to none nurha In the Alcoholic I In What cannactiont .. the sugar and butter, loty Isn't What it for thAM throughout England. a domen a AS I pingoing,to q It being AU I add the 699 gatlippal that fical at . Mrs. Shappon-Give, Me 110"Itlea . . at Pared. . 11ROBABILIT199, � and; patron$ removed, The whole; oertoo, then add Clio jam, Spines was when I began (going out. A, toaclihig ago -at d6olares that I Ward to -day. . ve illwetyis diallk4d to bogla W1111 nothing Inclace 1you to change matter I$ a serIOUS IqUoStion, Of . well b � soda in the A past Stamps if you please, Scoond Dinctot-and Ally, olperi. Itlokis. I Ila niarry I ho -Asked, blentliness from �eglnnlng- to 611d., And Coffee, M8801YO thi the end of each to" Season lb�g OA Friday. Ur orcialn and add that And the flour VO, her gentid tr'6nd replied' XS`ap_ fraffin 8,000 to 4,000 perAous haVo To- pajitofficc-Cittk-Yesom. Two-tftt I once t I &vth Your mind, and i 116a, clean milk Is ottra Milk. SOto I 'bake 46 A, 10A pose it )salt, but then IYOU mast I's- tarned to America, and to our 60104loa Mrs, Shoprimil abaent-mindedly-Are FIX4t JDootbr-Sho Said oho affect t y6ul "other waft might, she rep . . L the railti(ire A* f oz 0 'ros. It le very silly of � jo .- - , . 0— ,&rly .6vorything else t be a flu.&ke charmer. Well, yoUr argdmeAtO Jiu*o OftlInCl, at Its , L In, layers, Put togetheiv With Wl- member that no , he most deligel�� POP1111t6d HP has thanged along With Society 4ar. Who. have soon the whole of England they the boat rOWvd got . . I JWgISTLINd XV 10MAND. T L ed f±1610ting- . - , ling, tjls� pal3t 40 or W years. I and it good put of Scotland and Ire- , � . 6A....�" ed ,mo. frootv kviow that niaw drass I I 'I ' , .1 , , , , k-1, AkIntig'A X&M, CAke-Ond 001f6d aUP I , ­*­ land ftain woll-appoi coohm that PJtOOF` OF AVVECTION, I*. to ybU aboUt. f "WhIddlog 14 tacland 1A 0onsid'ored at thd United States Is the blank of t6no- brown sugar; two.thirAd cup butter; took them, from inn to iiii and he woo balk Wh of a old 60 orofAllity. There are L mOut hMAeo. In NOW York bounded by .. oil Cup tour atealu 6 to&- CONFLICT or AUT901ttTy. further 0 ,Is boy, your father and moth- To your Wife. A good, cook, Chris- I In . to of tbo world 11th &,vori lij this-blook, the 06A- .. an �rs that he Is undubtaAd- Litt YI-Y 60. : Wherg tholio, diat find 02tid, atrontA and 10th and Sion" jul godel- foiril cggst, beatdil ttl- IIOW quiet ilucI6 is this Moi I Ing ,rather than exaggerating when or must love, you, very muOh. Us f $0 ,LWO11, 1,m WOIAg, to si 6%tt lita some "r. t,,, QX fift"­ %114 ,vilt'In lifix shimAs Wft 8,087 116ft6lith 1116" % he C�p Sim, any oanxidd. ber- yad big Oorfall Ana ays that quits 10,000 poviona have You, bot they ido I They Are in a Yoo beit, , good that she nay - t4 *�# .Ioblof k ma, its wall, am half tell. 146 Itind of .*.$&. &IxeadY bad these raillighorilift jour. lwlsuit now, to F106 who rihall have Instsig, ati, my ead of buy t'ho*h""'Al 60' rV14AY *t big rhetimatlim, he LA 219 -*.)%At 04 hfill � I#U^ ,,; . t I %I I �­ , ( Of thou kowtow � � , . " , i � got . T; 0 us 'inalcatis 'the ofa , , � i,i I . . i � .1 1. , . I I t . I � Xk L 4161111. 141%qw, To %yot **" , .. . . I. I clovies, and cinnamon, 1IOUT IlAys orl'upil W tholu thw rest, 0A, , J ! , , , L , , COX06 � i . r I t . t . . ;;�Afic I I I , , - I " I , , , , I . : L 1, . . I L Ike lift I I &XI likkollAtto, thu I , I I , i , I � . i I . I I . to IAA � . I L . I /" ' ' '' � ­'­ ''' I ­ 11 ­­.. .1, . ''I". ... ­ . I 0 L I I 0 � 1, I -A