HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-21, Page 50 — — , . I X, ARCH 21,1901 11 -1 11 -1 I � - ­.­­ ­ ­....­.... I ... If P, THR CLOTON NEWS -RECORD 1 . _­__-_-_­.­ . ....... . , __ i. . - I I ____ i -Z-1":,�-,�--�--",�".-"�,-��-�;��,=7:;7��-,4--'7��,�-,��,, . ­ __ - - ­__ ­ - - � , 2- -1:__ . jW.WJW.W-W.q*AW1%,1AW4* " 10",Iiiiw"a,.,44�vw,�,410" ­W�.ql-�-W�-W-%�-W��4w, .1 , I , I � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,%� " I I Is, it a ' SA .111, 0 1 0 L 9 1 FIREI I FIRE I popmp"W--min --- 0 1 1 . I I !I NO! NO! IT WAS ONLY WATER. � 9 ----..----- � 1. � . ­—­ --,----- ___________ -1 - I- ­ 1 7 _. � ---- ­ ­­­ _­ � - --- '________­_­____ I :Z� , . ,ejected by a - i I ' $1675 worth of goo .1 We bought I ed to be . . wholesale house because they''were suppos .. . I � . I damaged by water . . I I . .., , , . I I , . . I . . tl,ie large ,whol6sale, houses. last week i - While our buyer was a,v�ay �. visiting ss a large consignment I lookin 'for sprin novelties, ete .,, by chance he came acro . I � , I l,C1M-.M rpicIrings � _4� fli4 Iii.0116011 Anion Ila applications for the pre- ce, grs� 11)0, v,armol church now va. *out is ope from a man who, olalm:0 to be not ph)y a good singer, but al a professional whistler, Mr. Tbos. 11 'of Dakota was w rriedto Miss viltIchell of Clinton and th happ`j couple through Ron. s5l, last week on it'�'Zlerd way to their home in the west I On Wednesday evening of last week Miss LJille Follick, daughter of David , Folllok, was United in marriage with Mr. Vale of Eater, in the presence of the immediate relatives. Rev. G. Jewitt performed the oeieniony, ,,=,marriage took place at the f 8, Rannie, Zurich, on Wed- nesday n1glild when hip daughter Funny , was wedde to John Winkenweder, formerly , of Stephen but now of Dakota - The newl married couple hava.left for the WeW . � Ill " I F1111101"'. " . ,;!!!�­ ��_____-7-- _ , - - - , II Wever Q.�ft Cerf4inty �' , - .For Mom," � , you moty take goo$ $0SAP01,1114 for &9 diseases ar4ing from op promoted by *1 impute bloo4with perled confUence that it w4ff (to yougood. Never take any sub- d4ute. 4& -Wood's $,vsaparAp, you fia,ve Aw best medkine money can kia, 4 ouresi-complefory and perm4nonifyi- -when other -i /41t to tib any good. Tolilo-'1have 14hen Hoo,J�s $arss- pAi0k as a forile and genet -at k4der of the system with exceffent results, R to. dores,041y, dr1wes away tUf 0ed feet. Ing, quiets the nemes and brings refreshing sleep." J ,ohn Y. Pgtterson, VMby, oat, , , 41P_ - _04 IP � . - -Am I � 0 � , 4710 " 4.. A V^. - 11 AT^IWWI BIG HARDWARI 'Of of 111101i'liolo NOW IN . At our Prick Includinj Stoves, Tinwat r Vence W re, Spade$ And 19 al qtock of Builders' Hard, les6. We give yop a earn we have bargaim in overy see qi� yourself., Any P . . reqi IrIn anything in nail any kintof fence wire. 4 HAI ! Whips Reg Curry Combos to I �. 4; . 44 . � I � . 1 of . D . ress Ooodsj. Sateens, Prints, Cashmeres, L ce %D u -L It, P1 , 41116 9 � IF 1 to $10576, whichwere imported direct and # * � . . . _,._,_.____. GOSSIPING NEIGHBORS. - * _/ ­-1-14111111116111111illarow, 1 44 Horse Brushes � I it I I ounting � Table Lineus, Shirtings�etc,j.am I - I I : .1 - d hadrefused them because the. get -wholesale house to vvhom they were coAsigne People will talk, and when neighbors together there is very likely to be Oint. ,aA - . RRIAGES. � - .4% tlod,v Bells. it the , .. Our buyer made it his somthing ' ing the goods also were d I I were wet think' id nearly sald,about Dr. Obakae's ment I ,and the supplslnig cures it is ALLAN-SCUVT: 7Athe re'sidence of Ili,, bride' father, on 11aroli Ill ' . cc . §triog -Bells cases finding them extra good value and ully over them a .a business to looli caref I . piece, he made itching �. n the, 6utside of the 0 I I effecting among sufferers with piles, and skin diseases. It is� by word of mouth fronrfriend to friend,that the I I , ty Rev, P. Scott, Mr. Edgar� Allani . Miss Janet Mary., daugh ter of (4 � 04 Stable Lanterns ' it th the exception. of a yard,or so all perfect wi � ,�pted. We. are going to Ziollar which was. acCE fame ;`� this. great Ointment has girdled I day 'the James Scott, Esq., all of Hibbert. WINKlWWRJ)ER-1UNN1,E_At the . I Dash Lanterns (( . I them an offer at a low rate on the . � . . out at once.. This is perhaps a, these and clean them I th oba It stands to As only a.,te,g.'l a;d guaranteed cure for every I residence of We bride's parents, on the 13th of March, by Rev. a I Harness Dressing 94 Harness Oil cc malice a great sale of goods . form 1 . but look at e chance, Inspect other stocks then. _ of itching, bleeding and protrnding piles. . � . . . - Finkbeiner, Mr, John Winken weder of DAshwo.od, to Miss Fanni� � I - - . Horse Bits 3: ,or spring goods I � ' little ea. ly f . , spring gooills that have- never These are the latest and newest.. , ' 1 . � . I � ' . � Ronnie of Zurich. � I Butcher Knives - Regu � ours.' come and see . , -up to date, not bankrupt stock I . i goods right $ I BIRTHS, - , - - . I - . �. __ MASON _SXJTH_'Io' London, .on March 5th, by Rev, Mr. Hill, Obna. if . 69 . I ­ .. shelve& and are mported. � . � been o.a store . � � . I im to give, you the best I It is our 6011stant a . � � I . MATHERS-In M , . orris, on. March 8th, - Mason of Miss Alice " Lqndon,to . it 44 . . get rid,of. goods brought -.,nto town'tO (Price), but, do you I $ This is vastly of more importance than . . . the wife of John Mathers, a son. . WARD -In Wingliam, on March 10tb, � Maudo Smitli,iiecoud. .daughter of Mrs. Anguo Campbell of.Brussels.. - Table Knives - " . if . it � - 1. goods and services. . Y salesman we.have. . . the . wife of John G. Ward, a EPPLERT-8PEARIN-At the .Metho. the I . � . I . . s the most convincing I . . .. know, though silent, 110 i . I - 1, daughter. . dist Ars6nage, St. Marys,'by Rev %i W. 11enderson) March . . . 1 it. . . I I (I . . � . . I I � .. . . . I . I - I .11 I � I -_ � ... � . (]tUBB- In �Nllngham, on Mardh 9th, the wife of John Olubb, a daughter. I on '51v. (1, Epplatt; and Miss X. Ai . ., . , � it . it I . . . � � �. I I I . . . . I ­ ss Goods. - . . I Table Litiens - , � . . � I Dress Goods. Dre' . I I .. . ' Dress Goods.. . REYXOLDS-In Goderlob, on. Match 7th; the wife of R. H. Re 'nolds, CAMPBELL ,� y I , gpearin' both of Blansbard. . 1. ' I -GRAHAM -At the resi , � 'a 'dence � . I I 11 . . .1 . . 0 . . . C6 . , I Hand Saws . . goo . suitings; 500 yardi - 76o Serges at Boo � I 80o Table Linen for 200 � 500 Plaids for 30o. . . . imported . 78 yards Table Linen'54 in.. . . $ I of a son. . - ., BRINDLEY-40 Colborne, on March of the bride parents' Luck- . now, on March Rev. Mr. � - - 1 .. . I I (C . n 1 4C ,I . . E grey I dark 02 yards all wool Plo av 112 rds nica dark Lids, 37 4 Suits only,I ligh, . t fast color n and black wider, good heavy weight, . , 2 fawn, 40 in. wide, In 15C rel; Ulm: 30c yard, for ........ 20 # - 9th, the wife of Hiram -Brindley, ,of a daughter. McLellan, John Campbell of . Win -I � J � t . n1pegosis., Man., to Mips Ka a . Hammers . . I (C . � . 1,envs grey, I I .60 lo�afo, waists and chik I iting, real !, . Serge, 44 in. wle reg. - - . I . . . . . dresses, worth 50c yaid, for . 3 0 latest graid'e on* i . I 0 , I BEAVERS- -In'Goderich township on - 'of flint . - Graham- . . . 9( .. .it beauties and Up-to-date !in. .. .. , � - . 50 Skirt Ends . 85o Table Linen 40o . March 10 the w fe Art I . th, i RAE-MoDONALD-011 March 14th, . i C . ci . I I I . � . I 75c Plaids for r: Oo. . . .. ported, goods, reg. 00e yd for i 2 only All wool Serge, 44 in. 181'yards unbleached Table * . 1 0 100yards nice pale blue and ' .' . Beds for � 30o . goods, I.blaek, I navy, 4 1 Linon,.2 yards wide. pretty . . 85C WWI $ 1975 . Beavers, ofa son. . . COBBLE, DICK -In Exeter, on Mar6h 71 -at,tbe residence of Mr, t Joseph Shaw, brother -in law of the bride, . � Is . . . �. cc , Wringel .. . � . � � pattern, a real' ,good iVearer -k bli.1i. Plaids, also bla.ek, . yd, skirtiond $3 for ........ * I dai - I I � . regular 75cyard for ........ . 49 blue'and ' 100Yi%rds dnly,85c valtieTweed . $ the wife of Mr.'Nelson Cobbledl.ok, of a daughter. . by Rev. Mr.. Anderson of Wroxeter, Mr, Dold Rae. to Miss 4nnle Me, I . ­ . . ' . .. . ,. . TIN F afid . . aric, white, � be cleared out as Rdver- � ard I . � . � white check, al'A.W061 Wtvist 2 -only all wool navy fopl, . . tt - . 8, . . � .. .... 75c for ... 5 O' Used tit the ,special price of something new tot .skirt Lace Cartaiff.s' $ 'CASE- JEWELL-In Exeter, .on March '8th, I the wife of Mr. Goo. Jewell,'of a Donald, of Wroxeter, formerly .of . 4th line of Grey. . � I . . � � 1. I r . � I I Teapots, - . " Regul � Ends, regular yd., . . I . . . $50 yd,, several sbades,41 in. Q'5 ' ilght weight, -and pretty, - � 11 � ... � � per yd. xU real suap 11 I - � son. . I . . DARLINO-LONGLEY-At the resi- . I . I I cc I . d � .1 I ,for 'Ummer wear,. yard 1.60 85o Lace Curtains 450 I 45o Serges. for 25c, � I � ,wide, it ." . � . . I . . . . . skirt end worth $2,40 ..... � I ' . � s %yool Serge, 40 in. . ul Lace I Our- , � 172 yard . 50c Tweed 25a - I . . . . � 21,pairs beautif . ,. In Hay, on March 6th, the wife . - .. .ol Mr. Adam Case, of a daughter. dence of the brid'o's parents, by the 4arney,onMarch 13th. Rev, A. B..F Mari., . , 1 C, qt. Tin Pails - I'm � � . . * t - " . 14� TinTails : I I wide, and. . . . . alris 3 yards lo�g, it barT . in black, navy . . � . . . , � . cardin,al,- soniething - pretty - 1 102 yards of'Tweeds'sp.ecially gain at 85c;our price till gone 45 for Silks for. Waists. 'I, -In Of GREVE Mitchell, on the.9th ' March', Mrs. Wm, Grove, of a son- us , Layfette Darli . Uncyr, ng, of i to Miss Annie Broome �Longlpyy - � . . 1 d . . 1. � � Pu ing PA ' - ig` , us ; . for quits and-cli-ildren'.s wear ,made for skirts sunitnev. . . I . . . � I . . I . . � . . . regular 45c, for per -*yd ... �. ­ -02 5 ''INvear, 31 in. �*Ide, inbrowb� . - I Lade Curtains I . . . . .P,,rey and green. speclallY- We have & suap on Silk Walst.ends . . I � , . . 20 Lace Curtains. 31 .. . . � I I � ( still born,) . . . . . PRISE �- In Mitchell, on the 8th of Mar.f . .. I . -daughter of,Mr� Andrew Longloy, of . .. . . i Howjdk*.. . � - . . . HUBBAUD-JACQT_TBS-;-At, the real. , . . ... , �-. � ' . if . , I � it . � . .� . ... . I . . . . . , I $4 , Wir'e Broilers � $4.50 Serge 'Suits for $3 . � nowed price per ydi and a to be on band Fridity morning at pairs yds. .. . . . . nap, t ...... .......... ­ I ­ 02*6 0 o'clock at it dead,sniap so be on 3ong, extra wide, it snap 11 . . . � ' . - -, 1.39 ! 1 . Mrs. Alf.%�Prii;� of a daughter. � � . ­ -4-n Mitchell, oti the 14th of . KLEA ' .. deUO6 of the bride, March . 6th by .1 ' � &eov . . I .. , ... PlateJIandleg : � I : 91. . I . . 4, 4 only, 13 yardc , .8 . .11 ., I , . 1. at�2.W, for...._....... .- I � ' . . .each, .suits, in I . . �, -time, this is awoffer until sold out . . � I , . . . � all wool navy .and black $4 Suit End's for $2.10 . * - . '. . . . . .� I . . I I., I., . . I I . - 'I. March, Mrs Henry Klea, of a dau I I .. �. . ghte r. Rev. A. - Bi , Farn y Mr." � OY9 I . Aggie Hubbard,of Lakeletf to Miss X . I I � q Vegetable Stminers -.14 . . I . . . . . . I . . � I . . .. Lace Curtains- . . . . . , � . Sateens ­� , - . . . Serge'44 - inch wide,. regular 6 Snit Ends in Tweed, n1de ' . - . §4.50suita, very special sna� I i, wide, color . .. . 17 pairs Litee'Curtains, 3J . � 11 : $31 neat goods, 44 ir I . � in. . . . . � IWO -_ . .1 . I ­ - ... . . I . I � I 20 YEARS OF VILE. CATARRH-�- - -Jacqdes, daughte John Jacques, . .r of , . . . Esq. I . . . . . . , I . . * I . . cc � 46 , . . . . � . I . . . . : I . . .. . I in the suit at.. - ..... I ..... �. wide,some- I .. I . . I 1. I . 2 sage, 2 blue grey,2 green 6 Sateens'f6r 12c. 1 . yds. long,00 A - price . .' 2 10 " , I ' . ! a . tbing.natty, regular price, I worth $4 sult, our 572 28 in. Safeens,br ight 20501. . Chas..O. Brown, Jouinallst, of� Duluth. BRUMXAN--7PU'�LAND-In Chatham, 1. on March Oth, by Bev -Jas. Hannon,* . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . GRANIT I . .. 1 trils . . � Speolal $1.75 Suit yt . � � . , 13.75, for .... I., .......... I I . .. . -y . � I . I . ... prett finish, in canary,pink - . � . � . 1 4 hlAck and navy - Serge 'Suits . Be 'Linin&s for 5� . . 1 -rose and'eardl. - blue, crearn, � 1, $ DUck Piwtitig . Minn., writes -"I have been . a sufferer . from Throat And Nasai Catarrh for over . . . . D.D., Mr. Wilirld.Brnmnan. to Miss . Alinda ratiand, dau�htor of Mr, J. I . .. . Teapots . .� 1. I . . . Regular. - 1.6 I I -11 I. . . 166 1. I U , S . � .4 .1 ing poons 40 in. goods, wool, ,6 yards 18a yard for...,' � . - 1 450 yards good. widii Lining in nal, regqlar, ,. .12 . .. in each suilt, worth ,$2.75 . I weight, till " � � . . . .. 1. . . .. I. 1. . . .. � . . � till pplors, heavy . 110,yavda black 'and bro,-.0n . . . per suif foi I %. - -, � .... :..... � 1! .75 � ' - . . 5. . , 28'n.; . . 0 . . Giiigh'� � Duck, heaviest made, sold oat, r yd ....... ­ .- � ams I pq I I 20 years, during, which time my, hea d � bas been stopped.. up and my condition trul' miserable;, .Within' 15 minutes y . 11 . I 4 of Blyth , . . A..Putlari . . . . . I�IBLY-DURAVSON_* On tile' 12ih of t, of March' At, the. .residence he 'Bas 1, . . * . I � I � It I . Pie Plates. .. , . .. 1.� ,7 . - . , Cups .* , �. . . . : - 46 I I.. . . . Mugs i . . � If . I . ., .� . . I . . . . I. .� . . , 1. �. . . I . - dandy'a�t 28 for J: 7 Pr... Agnew's, Cater of SiD .rhal ter u 41 Grey, by Rev, .� - Wash 13h . 11, . . 1. di ':, �. .. . . I C r yA I �. - $1 Suitings for 500 yard... , I ' I a , pe . . .. .. . ..... . I � I � .1 : . I I f 26� Cashineke fdrl2je -, , .10c Girighams for, .56 � 1. . � I PowderT ainedrellef.�' . Threebottles � ,gt � brid�lp mother, 17th D..B. MoR6, Mr., Garnet Kiely to. sins, . .. �.. . I - . ' . it I � Is . _. . . � 8 Stilts only, 0 yiirda in -each - I t I � . I .. .1 0 - , 15c Duck for"100 . � . .... I I . . . I � � Suit, purple and, fawn, all . ' . I 116 yards,.-Caslithere, cardinal . . 261 yard§ 24 lil.'Griogbam- ir . . . . .- I . I I - .. "50o.-­wsold � 1 4. ni6e. h . ft ds'Du*ck in poker wool.Ainazon cloth, Spring - ' �; and purple; pled for.waists plAid *-cQlorings,, somet lug ' I �i2'' I r - dot, -.. .. I . . 'r . . I $ 41 inch regu- and cbildi,en'.4 dresses,': ivg- or obildren's. wear', re; p Ain blue, blue stripe, rega. . 1,o I have &]Most, if not.entireiy, cured pe,". . I by J.E, Elovey-73. - , .. � , . , . . , ,, . . . i . . —.0 , � :. � . . Mips. Linia Duncanson� . eldest I .1 daughter of Mrs. i'A.'. Duricansou. .. REED�SE Lff Y -&t' Ahe res idence of.. - . . .1 . .1 I % � ... .� I 1, . - Sauce Parts . � ... � 1. . . . I . $1, . . . . 6� . . � .. .. . . . It � , Puddipig Pan�. . I . . 1. . weight, %vide, , I . I - , I - 266 yd -till sold'ou��.... ,,_­'­A�, , I 0C yd. for ............ i. , .' Jar price, 15c yd., for.... ..,. ,- . lar 1.00 per yard, fot 50, 1: . 122 gnfat! 05 .� . I I I . The R er L , oyal,Mail stearn ake Chain- . . I Alex. ArgAr, West 'Wawaup'sb,. , _ . .4 , � . . .61 . I . " . . I - � .. . I .. . ­ . . I. " � . . . - .1 . � . I. . . . I .. I I I . . , I . .. I I . I I 7 �� , 4 , . 1.....��� - � : . � . � 111I...1- __ — - .. . . . $ , hich arrived at-Ralifax from' � plain, w ' . L ver ool_ brou.'ght 28 returnig Chno. - p , � ' ,.� b.rot6r-in7la:w dtthe bride,lon Nor. I 4h, by Rev� F. J. Oaten, � Pli. B_ - '*� I . ,, . lvp.y �PA - . . A f, ns, w -sets �f Mrs. JN)ttsl Troup at -Nic * I ' ..;. . '. , , . . . . ............... I, ; . . . ­ . . � 1. I . . . . . I . . I � . 1. . I . . . . � �,�, . I, I . I. # . I . . . I r a we at . lot offe ny. . . . I - wear at, ... , : � � I th I -NOTIOA-�-Unfbrtun 613; we cann ,,goods ,for men's I . _ diers and �,OQO'steerage-. pqs..- � an Sol I � � . I . dl� - I . . I Jacob M. Read of li*� . East Wawanos' . , . . . . . . klePJ&ted.Iro1ns I I I . . . � I � . . , .. . .. � � I .. . . . . . . � � i . 9 e9 410 . many, women: will ask .. their- men $ . liffit so *c a -as told abov' and as doubt. . . . I 1. : � he. p -t , seng,ers, , . I - - � *VNIN . . ... . I 'to. Miss. B. Lou ' of E88a, . iIia Selby, .. , Simccle obpnty.. , A110oodsait Bargain Prices 8 . I I .1 . . . I . I .. . ,bo . ,. , . . I � I . . � I � � I can.- -hem ow. Stipte for no other reason'than that the .' . to drive t - to the Clinton N 3SEUMAT ISA' WILL - SUCCUMB to ­ Rbeum[Ltid Cure t MURDIE-BULLARD-4b . � he 'resi-� . - , .. - :.. : . HARLAN I .y � I I . .. I . . I . * . . . I . .. ­ . � . . I ' South American � . . Seftforth dence*of the bride's father, ' '' ' i � I . . . . . I ip f - and' I .awa rie. 6, the average man .#... lbecauso,it . save money. on L44i s goods, . 1. as. we are wel .. at., . . .. . . . , . . . .. I . . . . . I .- " . . � � - 1 -goes right..to -the seat of trouble a . cause' Ma , 114 removes the I ny. M Russell, oii ,by Rev. r.. " Stb;. Robert .Utirdie,.. to bliss � I . . � . I ,'. CLI:NTON .. � AN . 1. - 1 does not 'care tb,.drive to t6wn.for shop purposes only we.-thought,we.. would.. give :'. I soloalled. cures but deaden pain temoor- - ' - . . � Nells, daughter of Mi. Wmi,bullar , d?' I — . I . -.- . I . . . . .., I I . . .. . . I I - ­ I I . . I I . � I . . . - . . . . . 1. I I . . . . . . . ; . . . .. . . . � - I I . � . . I . I I � . . ' bmethiing to drive' for,,so here it -goes : , . . I . � I . I them..s I � 1� .., . i - arily only, to have it return - again, with . . Not. so with It double violence. -his great . - . 11. I � .'. . . all of Seafort . A t,.tb repl. GRIEVE� A:RCHIBALD;-- 0 i .1 . I . � � . .1 . . . . ... I . 1. .� ; . I � � . . .. � . . I — . $ Ib eradidates'frbm the oYst"m remedy.. - I the last.vestige of the disease .And its� - � ant-4old by J.' E. rep are 'perman ' ' .. .1. � 21v.y-74. ­ ' - ,. denoo of tho'bridels1atheryNir,wiri. Archibald of E.g'mondvillet on. . March 0 ' 1w; Mr. th, by Rev� N. � Shi Hugh -T. Grieve,of MeXillop, to . . A !1 01 A . III M M A A V%0VVVV~_ - - - , - W.- - - AAAAA I !ry . . . . . . . I . I MaKINN:Q � . . . 1. �.... . . $1.25 Plow'Shoes 75c . . . 1 � � I I I � . . � . I . ... $1.5pphoes$1,00 - , . . . I 40 pairs men's gaiters or.lace ' � I ____. - - . � . I � . . . . $.12 Suits $8 . . . � � ... I . . Men's' Tweed Suits, - . : . . I . . . . . � . $1.507ants goo , . I . I I . I I . I . I . 72 paift- men's- linen - 26 pairs men's beavy.shoes . I real good leather,$1,25 snap 1175 I . . . . 1. . i , qboe.9, beav elastic * 'good d �q dead ,nice light pattern, ,neat fitting - A breasted tl _6`us�rs� ouhle ' pants, - .. - .thre; . td. sewn, good spring go . .. _ .. .— � . . - .. � ' . ' * . p ' ' A.movement is taking. definite form ' . I 11 Miss Addle Archibald. ' ". . . I � . . - . 1 . .:". . , .1 . - . , . � $2.75 Sboes $1'75 : . L , � i� ro I so? 1..n - , _ I e r price ... � IwU � �s snap at $1.50 ou . 0 st : , .' vel ate f no buttons, , I ' a i . I . weijht, a snap at. $1.50, for s I , .. . . . . , - to establish near;ktlanta mcolohy to be BARR MBERS-At the residence � .0_ OFIA I . . of Mr.,Tno. Mooney, on March l3th . � I . - . I . I - . . .. . . . IR 1, . . . - I . . I . . 1 38 pitirs men's la'ceandgait�� . .'.' . . I . I I ... .� .. . . I . . .1 . 9.50 Suits for $0. So .� I i . it ni a mer su - quin it,, regii lar I Uo price $12, our price... �'. ,Heaviest blue,, gray or cotton- . �.. ade'color. overall§ really the - . I osed of and goveine.d-6xclusi . vely *coulp . I .. by the negrd* race. _ � -by,Rev.�Jno. Holmes, MfI.Feter I . I . .1 I � � . I I I . . .. . I � . . er genuine d6nLrol � .. A. kid . . . shoet . ;, exterisioh sale' � ,.I Kay sewn, solid i�lli�tcl - � I .$ .. �. � , . . A very special line of Spring � . in nice bheckif4rmers , , - snitp� - * fitting, . , . , . ,. I I � . , , .� .. . . I . � Boy's Suits -in brown,, navy, . . . and mixture s at ecial - . � �, - . heaviestweight made, well . . I . � � � . . . sewn and rivetted, with or . I . . - . without apron, ,I�ell­ worth I . . � . I I . - -� _' ' . . For. ov"J , ifty Years . I A I INIRS.WINSLOW'S Soovmxo, Syniur has boo& Barr to Miss �Attlla Chambers, both . ' �of. V . .. � I " ..; I � . . . orrip. . . 'YOU NG-OLIVER-At Virden, Man., I I i � . . . . . I . . �z - - — N EW " ORI . a Ir I . and the bestquitlity pa4a . $2.75, our price.... 761 satin linin neat i 0, regularptige'e.0Q.50, ours,, 65 * 0 to 15.00 I .,prices froin , 1.2 . - - : 90c, ohr price� ........ � ... � -5 , . I . 65 , used by. millions- of mothers for their child ron while teething. If disturbed at nigbt and-' . 5tb, Mr. Jno-.M;I,.Y. oung, . on: March I - formerly of .. .. CM . I �] t . ,I. . . regular � . . .. � I . . . I �... I . I I - ....�.� . . . . . I . : I I . broken of your rest by a sick child suffering . of Moosomil . i, Mau'.) � . - - . . .4 .. I - I . I - L .. . � o AU88 Lucretia. ditugh�er L � 1. I I I. . , , . I I I . I � . ai)d crying with0ain of Cuttin Toeth,send a , : Brussels, t . . 1. ... � .. I. i 1. I. . .1 I I .. . ' . I. I . ! . � d ,k Inalow a sooth- . Is. " . � . . . V . . . 1L. . , .1 . r L . I. . . . oncean gptabottleof "Mrs., . . . . apple. I - , . . - . . . L _� � 13utter- and Eggs .taken. as. Cash , . . In for.Children Teething. L It Will re-' of Mr .JRmea Oliver, of Bru sole . L . . . . I . I - . . .. � .. I . 11 g Syrup, L � . I I . . - I I.,. . L L . . . I I . . .1 . . ­ . ,; � I . 0m. . I I . . I .� .". the Poor itto sufferer tin niedfritely. Do- � - ----- - .--- . . I . . . .. . . .L... .. I . � . . I . . I . . ` �., ., . . . . . . : . I I � r upon it, niothQrs,thorols no inistake,abbut . . t!nd ASSlg� NATURE.. . L ""L ... .� , . I .. . �. I I ' �L.. - it cures. Dlarrhn, re -Stoinach %? . . I . . . 1. I . ,julates the � � I jand bowels, cures' in Ito, softens. the -..on have been told to " hitch Your ' . - * . . I . :�� . � . _ S Y ')-- tbatNatUL re -will assist I ­ . Gurne,roduce8liLflanimaticu, nVivestoneatid - I WE L I N-, HARLAWS" I . . . . � . I . �, " , Wagon to: ALStEtr ' I f W E ARE . . 4 . . . . . I �� .. . . . L . onerg t the whole s tem. rs. Winslow's YoV.L 'That'sallriglit. There araLtinica. . . I . � . .1 L - , Soothin . � . . . .. I .. A - . 1111, - KO'EN-�!;G ' tfj to Syrup" fore Wren teething is plea-, . 0 .-'B . . . I iTl BLOCK.( L'. . : CLINTONIN 'L I . L. � ,. I - ' .. 'L . . � � . I sent a taste and Is the proscription of 01140 - ,Should apsigt Nature,, c I 1. . . . . I I . ... .. _: �... I . I . : 'L. . .. . . . . L. I ...'' - L ' � .. . . . I I . . . . . lot the. oldest; and beat female physicians �n bownver,i�hall you - . . . I 1. , . . , . . I .. . . . . L . � . I . . . . I . .. � . �L- I. E .1 I . �.. . . . , . nurses In the. United States. Price twehty-ave and the spring is one..01f these times . , I I.. I . L . i - 1s . �: -141M ; ; 1-4111"Twu . -14146 . , . .4 . cowsapbottle. Sold byall druggists throgh . Nature is povi undertaking to cleaned . T r . , . I. . 1 wel"W40MRLM I 03LATqrMC.)0M � . ' out the world." Be sure and ask for " ra, - � ( %T X_X JDA _'" 7- L . I . . . . �. . ... 0, , . . I . . . . .. . . . :A INSLOW S00TUJNGL8VAoP­� � I em_�f you take flood's Sarsa L . .1 I . I .. I I I I � "' , ii - L -,%�,%�,wh"%W'%W"%-'%�r'q%"%W.'%W-'%"%k"��q6'.4&-.qft,���.4&'.qb'�%,4W'q&'.%'.'W,,%, ,q&,%0, I _­__ r � � . our O' b a underiuking. Will be 'success . . y ,%W1% -1%W'%'1W1%W1%,,1%,,1% I Pa Ila t . ." -1, I %W1% . I I. I . I L . . . . . .., .... . . L . . . . L L I . LL '. I . . . Jul rl and your complextoft bright.. and 8 � r 1! L ­. __ _ ' - - � ,a � . . Lr 11 I . �. .L . __ . . _�_ . . 'r . � ­ ... I 1. Mrs. Gauthier and five children were Ole ' . .. .. . I I ar . . . .. . . . , L . L � I . I . . r I I . . ... t r . . L . . I . . . . . I . , . burned to death at Litcle Cascapedlit, ___�-___' L . . " FARM FbR.SALE. ; � - � � , . THE BEST COLDL CURE . L lint.0 . .X tie., its the result of a. coal,oll stove .. L ' . . . .� LL I . . I . ... .. . _ . I � . DEATHS. 1. . 11 , , . . I - . . - explosion. . . % . . . Tbi) undersigned offers for q,%Ie lot 20, con. 15 I . . .0 n . aftet Repotit. Q .. � I — . . I . � I . Godorielt tomiship, consisting of 80 rbs. . all L . . 1; , I . . . . . L L . I . I . . . . . . I . . cleared'L The lot JS situated 8J M leSLf . . I HALE -In -Chicago, . To Rent or I 1%, . rom, . . . L on , March 6th,. I Clinton and 2 iniles from school. , PoRaossift . - Wheat ............... I 4., 063 to 0 44 tS , 'L Horatio Hale, only soil of William L . given noxtfoll, Fov further particulars apply EMULSION � GF �r - . Goose Wginat. _ I I I ....... 0 12 to. 0'03 U L Buell Hale and udson. of the S , on tbo pr ... nises 16 , , ' '. . . : . .. .1 Barley ..................... 037 to 0 40. . late Horatio Haler Clinton, aged, goDr,.RT TIUCK" - 011,nion P. 0. . I . I .1. 'r Oats ......................... OL 20 L to When it H r ' 91r,11 � I . I March 7th. . . . I .. I . . 0 so I . ' . ., ,,,r,lll I months, . . � . .L . � . . . - Fror Sale � 'Ad# ­.­­.­- - - ___ =11 . . 000 . LIVER,LOIL Peas_*.,.- ... ........... 0.60 to 0 60 r .� . I . dRAIJAM-In Stanley township our ' r L . I . I .. . . I . I - - . . I I .......... 0,40 to C 45 U L 'ruoAd&yjMArchA9th, Urs. William . - .. L ''. . . Ryo..­_....... . To Co gh rL . _._­� r CEDAR POSTS FOR SAU'r . r r . . L Graham, aged 60 yAars; ., 2 . . I . . . THREE FAMS FO L R SALE. .' . , L . I .. . I — r -13ayfleld from . . . I . . � : ,%,,61`1111h�' - � .. ! PoWoes-per bushel...,. i. 0 20'to 0 25 CT . he cough that . hurts, -the cough that KOBEUILE At Zuileby o1i the 7th of . . . I The und6raf�ned will deliver at . Buttex rolls and crock . . I 0 15 to O� 16 eto , ��idney.r.oehler, son of Mr. � I ­_ . the BL ruce PeninAula on the opening of nf4VJga- L . . . . . I . 14 dep tight In the chest IS daily getting . March, I ' at L Three excellent farnis oil the oth coticession -tion 10 OM cedar posts, Tops of p6sts 5 inches � . . . . : . . . Butter in tub....... .,..... , 0 13 to 0 ,Per and .deeper Into the bronchial r, and Mrs Henry Koehler, Jr., of Goderich township are offered for sale, U0 I : L . Ing directly for the.. I I ge of 10 years, . . L . ignell lot con, nienithsifeet. Price, 12eentS each., ApPly . If not, then r"ggst).OV(10z...-.........,.,.� 0-10 to 0 11 tubes and Is mak Ma- the aj rth, on the 8th of r .11mi's of 80 acrcs� oil one form Jaines Thomson, Bayflold, or , . Don't you think so P i ... '..... 700 to 8 00, lungs, to become pneumonia, Inflarn MaNBVIN-At Seafol � I tbere is fifteen acres of good bush, balance L, GRO, A. TUIt"Oult, 13rucef101d P. 0, you have never tried it. - It b4a made HAY' Il'.'. *L * ' * * I I I L t1on ,og- the lungs. or consumption, L I undorpaRture. ()n the meetind lotLtbero Is a March Oth.. 7. . . r I Woo ...... .... ....... L 015, to 01.10 � SU ,h Coughs are sometimes referred . March, IsabAlla Messner, wife of good bush orchard and buildings, Partially . . � . I L others.woll And it will make you, (po. I t 9 "graveyard coUglino" because they Mr. Alexander, MoNevin, at the' I . 1% ation. or the third place there are . I - I ercwt ....... I 6 00 to 5 50 , oa . under oulti order. 'Niq Oto,", . If you have not got the cold yet, take Live Hogs p Usually bring their Victim to that last age of 32 years. i 7 wxas of orehard, sp)oudid buildin % .1 . � it , it Will Lbuilil you Upi DressedPork per owt.._ 000 to () 50 restftq� place, . . i IMBR-In Brussels, Onr L walor with %vindmill lit goodr Y40W, ' , 33AWTINIXE In, a,zood state of cultiVati011- Forms will be . I an 'L ! Flour per cwt.. of Linaedd . and .Bawtin, soltl to one purchaser or 11, SePt%ratc,10ts, CEMENT FOR SALE. . strengthen yAU to throw off all t, a .... .. O.. 1 75 to 200 -I)r,- C%Asela Syrup . March Oth, �Vtn.Aqsou of A Address or aPply . to — I . � I Jr Bran per - ton ............ 15 00 to i5 00 L Turpentine has long been known. AS holmer, age'28 years and 4 months. . Pul C001C, Clinton. Thorold 00MOnt for Sale by V,d,ward Carter�L co!ds comingyour Way., I mother'S faVartte remedy for crOUVO . I . . . . . . Shorts per ton........ .., 15 50 to 10 00 UER-Iii 'j3russels, On ;t, . . , . Corner WJILlilln' ant' Xhincem streotg, Clinton, bronchitis, coughs and colds. It gaint BA.WTINJIBI A I . March 8th, - __!� . =s, rateg on cal- tots, F54timates glVen on We sell the regUldir 50csizefoV350 Woolper'lb' ....... ... t� 16'tor 18 in popular,ity every day and riow has . L. Match (jith, 136[la A,, daugbtor of A. 'L * ' ;vork f . to 41 . - similar Bawtinheinier, aged 22 Years, 9 -- tj� 0y, far L. V11,11A and floors andidlo0i All niptly aid 'the regular $1 8JZe for, 500L iind 0 the largest male of any _ � -FARM FOR SALE satifdaci.orlly done and .till orders pro n , Dried Apples per lb ......... 0i - r preparation. . I - I ... months And 0 days. attended to. , L r guarantee it 50y, ,Pure Norwegian Cod I . . . I I . * bb do — . . . . . . Ir 1--��Tt!".�1____ - --- it loosens the t1glithdois In the chest. BOLGE R. -In MeXillop, on March 91 $ 0 pttrt of lot 35 in 13th Con GodcrlchTo%Vn9ldp - r .1 I r Liver Oil with Hyp,ophosphites of . . . . � Allays the Inflammation, cures the cold I daughter of -Jno. Bolger, 9. containing qlXty rff%,e acroso Good -.----- ­___ . I I L . Mary E., � I . houseand barn.and beating orchard on the . Lime And Soda, . and prevent$ pneurnonia, consumptlort aged 2 niontlis, I 0 prellses. ()nly 2 talleA froM Clinton, . . WANTED, . . . . . 'd O�IA I Anil other lung troubleg. 25 cents, All -At Blake On the ( e, . r Edinallson, 119-teS. & Co., To. THO.NJ SON - r urther partioulArs RPP1Y to R. A.11carn. � ., . . . . 'n�� . doalers', o I I Elsie Thomson) at on tile promisc8 or . Wanted, for two olderly roplo.. respeeLable, . . . . . . I . . ronto. . March, Mrs . � : L, J. 'RII)OUT Clinton, tru8t�vo omon, ale 1 to 30, conifgtabla . r the age 06 years. L a I ... rtily , regg This itig.61aro 10 on eVerybox of the genuine U HI F6.11th. : __ L lion) 1'c,*tIc(1`JJsoJ1eoLtho anilly, Ad H. 130 COMBEV LL -In Mitchell, on tho 10th of 0 . Box edo"Clintoll 11� 0. . . I � . . f . I . T% LaxafiVe Broftll[).QUinine 1%biet. .Dr, Chase's Syr P yed, J — 4- one day . . March, Margat6t tousie, bola : . .. . . .. .: 0 . � , . ". 1. - . . . . . I . . I I . I . Like the unfolding, of a flower. 3 . I ' very day in our Manimoth. Cash Si � � . . .. . . . . . . abrics ate. being shown in. pleasing . I . ome some new fabric will attra '. I .. . . ow is th�e tim q to otodyr tha.trendl � . . I . . orrect ideas can be learped to bes� . tord. ., . We . Are -glad to haye you cc . . � .. . hitigyo0'wJ1sh-t6sie. Asktosee' . . . � I I . . . - . . I . New Prints, in light and. da I I .:. , riewpatterns,fastcol r . I New EngIish Prints, wild 9 I I . - new floral designs...at 10C � 'Printed Sateens, wide width, . � . colored grounds, at 15c and .1, �l 1� ro I I Colored 8atanits, in new. blue, ro . I I r . white grounds, with fancy scro, I effects, at 20c,'25c and 30c, Golden.Draperies, in till colors,'at loo, I . Art Muslins, new patterns, bord red, at ,Black Brilliantine Litsires,bright silk flni best blacks, 88 to 44 inches wide. from . 'Vi� New Homeoun Sulthigs, W inches widje�,twd . . . 1 .. a nice range of colors, tit 00c. . Black Poplins, 40 to 45 inches wide, fine cord, I . . mourning or general wear, 50c and 78c. . I . '4 MCKINNON & 000 i* - 8L � I . . 1 004004 I . � . I . . . . . I I .1 I I I ' � ' , - I S. H. GI.OLrr-.Vf , POPULAR CLOHIN STOE .1 . ­. . I - —BLYHT— — I � ­ . � I � . . ,-# GALE ARM IFOK bAL- 1 - 11 I In. - 1.1 i.mem, su an ruggist. ,no rame vlap eurm a . wj,fe of John Hill, aged 26 years I Q _­­­­-­-..--­--- -_ —_ � I - I . 0 . � . . . . of. Linseed . � ore farnis I . . _.,T�!�.! t_!n�__________! I HANDVORD--to Biddulph, on March 0 . I 0 Thd Gale Farni, on? of Im best 100-a W, GLEM CAMPBELL . L . I . � . .. 8tb, Herbert Handford, aged 21 * : In 6 oric towni; , ur 11011111 - \ . . I and Tur antineo L n., leg from G6do. . . ____1 I . 11 P .,,.II. � yearli, 0 months, 20 days. : anil ,art I on t 08t . ..---- ____ -!�-­- --- -----. -- i3nN,NE,rr_In Blythg On -March otb, 9 HERE, MOT H ERS : ric r IT lin ni far c Ills( 00 Organin ana 10holp,Amner or North mqeet --- - _ !t��_T _In a bull' it) s fences, Is we I wat.01111,1(al an P un. Seafolift Market ReDort, , . & , rden WJ1_ tL church, Goderich, and teacher of piano 'Pipe. * 0 03 to L CLINTON J'ohn Bellnett, aged 76 Oats, 11 . I . I I I . 0 do r I 0 ar core vd ci h OIL organ and theory, ist prepared to to cc 06 .�Ilot'r"l rill . 11 11 , 80 . : A 6V d 0 in done. "I 11 t �t number of pu , w d Ghaflg ' I ITils for Instruction, Mal . 063 months and 26 days. . 0 .. so I I . I � . I.. & :L orl T a - y to a Claren on Hotel. 0 of BUS10668 Wheat ................ ­­ L Clrpl" T W th an March l3tb JUST A MOMENTPLEASEL . I WV. GOULD . I � -1vill visit Clinton on Friday of each wo,.k. I � . . . . . , Goose, Whoitt; ............. 0 6 to 0 03 1MVICAN — -A ,7 ) I - 11 . 1. . .. 1. - I.''.. I . . � U IVIAKULt Elftab6th Ounningham,rellat, of the 0 Feb. 14 on the promises or0oderich P.O. - - Gr I !Barley I I .... 1111- ..... I I 0 88 to 0,40 - - entle , : __� , , — I Havim botight the o0ery I oats ...................... 0 21 to 027 A14D I lata John an tb Aged 63 years 0 . * '� SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL FIRST. And (-',cc cry business so success- . n 10 FARM FOR SALE I f - the past 12 Peas ...... .... I I ... I., .... 0 00. to 000 I . . . a NdLw nibs, : . . ully carried on for JE,R0 1.0 n Tilsonburg, on March 12 1 . . --- � .. I years by J. W. lewn, ind having Rye .... I I ... ... .... O.. I ... 0 K to 040 GRANITE WORKS Ectua ululand Jerome, of Wing' ,nod oilers for sale lot. 30, con, 't I . : The uuder,419 I . I . I . -over 20 years' experience myself Potatoes per bushel,.... ,, , 020 to 025 . ham, aged 20 years, 0 Rul lett (1011031 ing of 100 acres, 00 acres cleared, . I I ." I . . I in wholeqale and retail Grocery -) 017 balance' i ood hardwood 'bush, Phiefl F Maple. .. .. , - , . I - . . I and Crockery business, I am con- Bntter loose in crock...*... 0 16 t, Ili%) best class of work HALLIDAY-In-Winghato, March 7th, : fedl wheat The lot, i-3 'vel watered I . procurable has been - - . Edna Isabel, infant daughter of Mr. and fenced and would malto a good stock form, STRATFORDY ONT. Adent I can keep up the good Dutterintub ........... .... 0 10 to 0.16 0 Tlioro 18 a. good orchard and two good barrig. . I manufaeturedliere for , and Airs. Wm. Hallldq, aged 4 a ThafatiiiiA4iiiilcnfroni-elinf,on andi mile Oneof Cariltalt'r, largest and. most reputation of the old firm in Eggs per doz ....... I,, I* ..... 017. to 018 many years past. . months and 8 days. . 0 orhill postot!106, Church and whoo), suecesqful sobnols of Rusidess TrMfilng. keeping nothing but the very Hay I I ...... � . .. ........ 700 to 8 00 I I . McDONALD-In London on Uvoh llfb, 'to"' , best goods at the lowest prices. For f= partioul(tra aplily on tho, pteirlsO . -.— . : or address An^old-establlsbed sphoof and one tbat Vive I -logs per cwt ........ 625 to 625 . Elisabeth McDonald widow- or the 0 WILLI.&M WATI�A(Ibl,', etijoy.,; tin excellent�l rebuffttion lor 1 have -reduced all my ' � Is � : Sept. 121h. erior Work. . Thti praobt is applon. 15-initer Tollotatid, Tea Sets your bereavement, � aged 63, years . I - SuA ej , ­- d pain. I . WE WON,T call on you & week after I%td Charles McDon Id, of Walton, a tip. 0. q Dressed Pork per owt, ..... 700 to 7 k I . di time,, to enter for,. a course of t V lour per ewt ......... ... 2 00 to 2 25 � , I jr,ERaUSOX In Colborne, oil' Match a Ing, Ptepare now for the situations I to m4ko room for iny Import or- Bran per ton ....... _ 15 00 to 115 00 -.1liaboth Boyd, wife of WrA HOUSE FOR SIALE. that will be open bext fall. WepsAfst der which I expect, in it few, t8 per to" .......... 16 00 to 10 ()o WE WoNoT mo,ke the work to sult, 110, I : . , vorydoAlrabld fnally of our StUdL ents to good positions. : I months. Call and examine good8 Shot tile price, L, rorsudoni aged 62 ,years, 16 a The tubsetiber oftbri; for PA10 A _ Appleml Perlb, ........ 0 5 to 0 05 I I months. , I a twopott onir4naeFitrenteonpAAtingoffo(ir l0t8 Thelarge Attendance that our school before yoxi buy., No trouble to Dried . make th Prica to SUM . . . 0 . upon Zeh thcre 19 a comfortablo frame 1101180 I en is posjtjve�proof diat our work . show R')ods, . .1 ! I - I � I I WE WILL .the work.c ­ - .- ­.�.­ - _- Thbre �=!=L__.!_______1!" : %vith kitelion ni.d woodAlled attaelied, Is tZ018111y Appreciated. Our students tt'n . . MAKE THIS T28T. 0 Iq R good vitoblt and a flrAt.01AAA W6.1 Of wettor Are our best, advertisements, They ___`_, ,ou tile choice of the! YOU CAN onIfroinisce. I Ito orchard, MAIAU11901! grrLMA . &Ws THOWD, 66 x0ft- 4ffe, Woda's PhospliddlIlk 'WE WILL * give .v You can find oat if the kidneys ate it ploq know that our tviltillig is first-class I lon of the World :, All q . , III tv goo(I otiti. The Droportg will Product clogged, deranged and diseased, Ifavo 0, basol nt.o, teit,onablo 11911to for ('011 oriuwh and they ave telling others, WrIlef6l' —.,...*-- 1 2u Gre4t Atfilmsh &nWit, design and Material- back? An(l bo,litnee on time. ,A'01)ly to the MV1101' Oil Witly rerovenee to the Ithove OA , gold and redobUbOnded bY 0,11 in 0 . tile DrOM1869 tilts. JOHN 3UNOR Spring circolAr, � cliange In businea dtaggipt# in Canadh. OhZ roll. . you bstelcache 6r it weAky 1411116 UAL, a . 'W, &�,.RLLIOTT, Priticipal. a I take this I 0XfjYpTAC- Do you have pain or difficulitY in Uri 0 . . able medloino diseoveit I sh We Are tile � minton Vim nth . 1. I. 1. , � opportunitly 0 explessinir linsr kd r4r4ftked to etIM 0611 tical men in Clinton in lug ot, it too frequent desit0i t6 UrInaWlt * , I , , , . dofs of 00fia - ______ e!r�,!* �_'__!__.­'_._­�1­ . 10 my butil0rolls forms o Sexua W02'11'i6ati All eft out. Iii1e, t)() not be Are thera doposits IM6 brick (lust in 0 1 1 trio-naer nnd customers for 'their or elc6do. Mental , Worrr, hX06"tV8 U116 of�To- . the urina After It has Atood for 24 hours? : 4__,�, HOUSE FOR SALE. Von . for.. M.S..".43111, Xitlkea intoPlaillnRYOU" . , -%,, � bW6, OpiUM Or 8tIMUISM41- M&iled 6n rkelpi 1 I . ­ 'I'll''. . liberal a t, during the Past ' Of prloa,Onalrlc� 6 401 0"V1Pkd* I order withoutilrat call- li'vonhaveany6fth6so 4YmPtOms not 0 �_ — �240 I 1 12 yearn pgpeak for my all "I ,D% lets fte6t6ayg , 1$11 six I. I = e- mom I ing (,n U& 61101 moment Abould bo lost in obtalftinig, : v;b��odRg'Afjrio(l -�Irti`A i0v "lle 'the ft'ne LIFF. 1ASURAN09 W. 011me p4w V03110"71 W u gr.% � ey-Liver Villm, the Oil A bert Att"It rith at present ac- cesaor J McCabe, the same I ,, dwellill 11 Dr. chase's Kid" : eupled 9 it v. T, J, Mill, lick. Good leellar, ('ALL ON liberaf t;erttmatib so generotisly I Zie, Re., etc. For further Dooloulars I , op orld's,grestobtkidney care., Ono pill smud"tt, e OHAS- 0- HAL19 . accorded, me. For sale by Wattp: &ao., 9, Hovey'll, s H 400191to A, J, MOR11,1141t, ,0;ITXT0X 0146,nio . cyl W, 114WIN, D. c5mbo and B. P,'Reokld. x6lb to Commercial 11664. #d6se, 25 don'to i% box, .3 011atoo,00hura. , . I . . I I. . . . ­. ) I I � .. 0 . . � . . . " " " . . I...., ... I....... ,�.I.L','I�''�',�l"-.,."".,.,"".-i�— 1__...X__.___ . .... .... ... I � .. --11 11.� ... � .... ,,, . 11 � 1-111 ... 1. � ­ 1. .1.1'.. ­ ­­­ 1. _li ''... ., ________ I I I - I . . . 0 . . _... �.:t=o-_-t=�- I 0 . . : I . . ' . . ' We know we have clothing for boys :0 that yoU711 like at fitst glim, pse. To tell.: .0 you of all the lines,, the handsome stylps, : 0 the striking novelties,the cufferent shades, f 0 patterns end materials that are. embodied 01 I .. I 10 in our New. Spring S Boys all * . 0 Children's Clothing is beyond our ability4 ,:* They � must be. seen to be appreciated. * . The boys know the style and, th ey want : - a . 0 it. They get it here. a 0 . . All Wool Suits $2,60, others at : . . $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00. . : 4� I : . I a — : . : Sw K, GIDLEY ' . I- SLYTH: I 0 : 066006064 . Naig: . . # - ­wA..__