HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-21, Page 50
— — ,
. I X, ARCH 21,1901
11 -1 11 -1 I � - . ........ I ... If
. ___-_-_. . ....... . ,
__ i. . - I I ____ i -Z-1":,�-,�--�--",�".-"�,-��-�;��,=7:;7��-,4--'7��,�-,��,, .
__ - - __ - - � , 2- -1:__ . jW.WJW.W-W.q*AW1%,1AW4*
10",Iiiiw"a,.,44�vw,�,410" W�.ql-�-W�-W-%�-W��4w, .1
, I
, I � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,%� " I
Is, it a ' SA .111, 0 1
0 L 9
popmp"W--min --- 0 1
1 .
9 ----..----- � 1.
� .
— --,----- ___________ -1 - I- 1
7 _. � ---- _ � - --- '_____________ I
:Z� , . ,ejected by a - i
I ' $1675 worth of goo .1
We bought I ed to be .
. wholesale house because they''were suppos .. . I
I damaged by water . . I I
. .., , , . I I
I . . tl,ie large ,whol6sale, houses. last week i
While our buyer was a,v�ay �. visiting ss a large consignment I
lookin 'for sprin novelties, ete .,, by chance he came acro . I
� , I l,C1M-.M rpicIrings
� _4� fli4
Anion Ila applications for the pre-
ce, grs�
11)0, v,armol church now va.
*out is ope from a man who, olalm:0 to
be not ph)y a good singer, but al a
professional whistler,
Mr. Tbos. 11 'of Dakota was
w rriedto Miss viltIchell of Clinton and
th happ`j couple through Ron.
s5l, last week on it'�'Zlerd way to their
home in the west I
On Wednesday evening of last week
Miss LJille Follick, daughter of David
Folllok, was United in marriage with
Mr. Vale of Eater, in the presence of
the immediate relatives. Rev. G.
Jewitt performed the oeieniony,
,,=,marriage took place at the
f 8, Rannie, Zurich, on Wed-
nesday n1glild when hip daughter Funny
was wedde to John Winkenweder,
formerly , of Stephen but now of Dakota -
The newl married couple hava.left for
the WeW .
Ill " I
F1111101"'. " . ,;!!!�
��_____-7-- _
, - - - ,
II Wever Q.�ft Cerf4inty �'
, -
.For Mom," �
you moty take goo$ $0SAP01,1114 for
&9 diseases ar4ing from op promoted by *1
impute bloo4with perled confUence that
it w4ff (to yougood. Never take any sub-
d4ute. 4& -Wood's $,vsaparAp, you fia,ve
Aw best medkine money can kia, 4
ouresi-complefory and perm4nonifyi-
-when other -i /41t to tib any good.
Tolilo-'1have 14hen Hoo,J�s $arss-
pAi0k as a forile and genet -at k4der of
the system with exceffent results, R to.
dores,041y, dr1wes away tUf 0ed feet.
Ing, quiets the nemes and brings refreshing
sleep." J
,ohn Y. Pgtterson, VMby, oat,
, ,
41P_ - _04 IP � . - -Am I
0 �
4710 " 4.. A V^. - 11 AT^IWWI
of 111101i'liolo
. At our
Includinj Stoves, Tinwat
Vence W re, Spade$ And 19
al qtock of Builders' Hard,
les6. We give yop a earn
we have bargaim in overy
see qi� yourself., Any P
. .
reqi IrIn anything in nail
any kintof fence wire. 4
! Whips Reg
Curry Combos to
�. 4; . 44
. � I � .
of . D . ress Ooodsj. Sateens, Prints, Cashmeres, L ce %D u -L It, P1 , 41116 9 � IF
1 to $10576, whichwere imported direct and #
* � .
. . _,._,_.____.
* _/ -1-14111111116111111illarow,
1 44
Horse Brushes �
I it
� Table Lineus, Shirtings�etc,j.am I - I I :
.1 - d hadrefused them because the. get
-wholesale house to vvhom they were coAsigne
People will talk, and when neighbors
together there is very likely to be
,aA - .
tlod,v Bells. it
the ,
.. Our buyer made it his somthing
' ing the goods also were d I I
were wet think' id nearly
sald,about Dr. Obakae's
ment I ,and the supplslnig cures it is ALLAN-SCUVT:
7Athe re'sidence of
Ili,, bride' father, on 11aroli Ill
. §triog -Bells
cases finding them extra good value and
ully over them a .a
business to looli caref I . piece, he made itching
�. n the, 6utside of the
0 I
effecting among sufferers with piles, and
skin diseases. It is� by word of
mouth fronrfriend to friend,that the
ty Rev, P. Scott, Mr. Edgar� Allani
. Miss Janet Mary., daugh ter of
(4 � 04
Stable Lanterns ' it
th the exception. of a yard,or so
all perfect wi � ,�pted. We. are going to
Ziollar which was. acCE
fame ;`� this. great Ointment has girdled
day 'the
James Scott, Esq., all of Hibbert.
I Dash Lanterns ((
. I
them an offer at a low rate on the . � .
. out at once.. This is perhaps a,
these and clean them
th oba It stands to As only
a.,te,g.'l a;d guaranteed cure for every
I residence of We bride's parents, on
the 13th of March, by Rev. a
I Harness Dressing 94
Harness Oil cc
malice a great sale of goods . form
1 .
but look at e chance, Inspect other stocks then. _
of itching, bleeding and protrnding
piles. . � . .
. -
Finkbeiner, Mr, John Winken
weder of DAshwo.od, to Miss Fanni�
� I -
. Horse Bits
3: ,or spring goods I � '
little ea. ly f . , spring gooills that have- never
These are the latest and newest.. ,
. �
. I �
. �
Ronnie of Zurich.
� I
Butcher Knives - Regu
� ours.'
come and see . ,
-up to date, not bankrupt stock
I .
i goods right $
I BIRTHS, - , - -
. I - . �.
MASON _SXJTH_'Io' London, .on
March 5th, by Rev, Mr. Hill, Obna.
if . 69
. I ..
shelve& and are mported. � . �
been o.a store . � � . I im to give, you the best I
It is our 6011stant a .
� � I .
, . orris, on. March 8th, -
Mason of Miss Alice
. it 44
. .
get rid,of.
goods brought -.,nto town'tO (Price), but, do you I
$ This is vastly of more importance than . . .
the wife of John Mathers, a son. .
WARD -In Wingliam, on March 10tb, �
Maudo Smitli,iiecoud. .daughter of
Mrs. Anguo Campbell of.Brussels.. -
Table Knives - "
. if . it
� - 1.
goods and services. . Y salesman we.have. .
. the . wife of John G. Ward, a EPPLERT-8PEARIN-At
the .Metho.
. � . I .
. s the most convincing I . . ..
know, though silent, 110 i . I -
daughter. .
dist Ars6nage, St. Marys,'by
Rev %i W. 11enderson) March
. . 1 it. . . I I (I
. . � .
. I I � .. . . . I . I - I .11 I � I -_ � ... � .
(]tUBB- In �Nllngham, on Mardh 9th,
the wife of John Olubb, a daughter.
I on
'51v. (1, Epplatt; and Miss X. Ai
. ., . , � it
. it I . . .
� �
�. I I I . . . . I ss Goods. - . . I Table Litiens - ,
� . . � I Dress Goods. Dre' . I I ..
. '
Dress Goods.. .
REYXOLDS-In Goderlob, on. Match
7th; the wife of R. H. Re 'nolds, CAMPBELL
,� y I
, gpearin' both of Blansbard. . 1.
' I -GRAHAM -At the resi ,
� 'a
. I I 11 . . .1 . . 0
. . . C6
, I Hand Saws
. goo . suitings; 500 yardi - 76o Serges at Boo � I 80o Table Linen for 200 �
500 Plaids for 30o. . . . imported . 78 yards Table Linen'54 in.. . .
of a son. . - .,
BRINDLEY-40 Colborne, on March
of the bride parents' Luck-
. now, on March Rev. Mr.
- 1
.. . I I (C . n 1 4C
,I .
. E grey I dark 02 yards all wool
Plo av
112 rds nica dark Lids, 37 4 Suits only,I ligh, . t fast color n and black wider, good heavy weight, .
, 2 fawn, 40 in. wide, In 15C rel; Ulm: 30c yard, for ........ 20 # -
9th, the wife of Hiram -Brindley, ,of
a daughter.
McLellan, John Campbell of . Win -I
� J � t
. n1pegosis., Man., to Mips Ka a
. Hammers . . I (C
. � .
1,envs grey, I I .60
lo�afo, waists and chik I iting, real !, . Serge, 44 in. wle reg. - - . I . . . . .
dresses, worth 50c yaid, for . 3 0 latest graid'e on* i . I 0
, I
BEAVERS- -In'Goderich township on
- 'of flint
- Graham- .
. . 9( .. .it
beauties and Up-to-date !in. .. .. , �
- .
50 Skirt Ends . 85o Table Linen 40o .
March 10 the w fe Art
I . th, i
RAE-MoDONALD-011 March 14th,
. i C
. ci .
. � . I
75c Plaids for r: Oo. . . .. ported, goods, reg. 00e yd for i 2 only All wool Serge, 44 in. 181'yards unbleached Table *
. 1
0 100yards nice pale blue and ' .' . Beds for � 30o . goods, I.blaek, I navy, 4 1 Linon,.2 yards wide. pretty . .
85C WWI $
Beavers, ofa son. . .
COBBLE, DICK -In Exeter, on Mar6h 71
-at,tbe residence of Mr, t Joseph
Shaw, brother -in law of the bride,
. �
Is . . . �. cc ,
Wringel .. . �
� � pattern, a real' ,good iVearer
-k bli.1i. Plaids, also bla.ek, . yd, skirtiond $3 for ........ *
I dai - I I � . regular 75cyard for ........ . 49
blue'and ' 100Yi%rds dnly,85c valtieTweed .
the wife of Mr.'Nelson Cobbledl.ok,
of a daughter. .
by Rev. Mr.. Anderson of Wroxeter,
Mr, Dold Rae. to Miss 4nnle Me,
. . .
' . .. . ,. . TIN
F afid .
. aric, white, � be cleared out as Rdver- � ard I . � . �
white check, al'A.W061 Wtvist 2 -only all wool navy fopl, .
. tt - . 8, . . � .. ....
75c for ... 5 O' Used tit the ,special price of something new tot .skirt Lace Cartaiff.s'
JEWELL-In Exeter, .on March '8th,
the wife of Mr. Goo. Jewell,'of a
Donald, of Wroxeter, formerly .of
. 4th line of Grey. . � I . .
� 1. I
r . � I I Teapots, - . " Regul
Ends, regular yd.,
. . I . . . $50 yd,, several sbades,41 in. Q'5 ' ilght weight, -and pretty, - � 11 � ... �
� per yd. xU
real suap 11 I
- � son. . I . .
. I
. I I cc I . d � .1
I ,for 'Ummer wear,. yard 1.60 85o Lace Curtains 450 I
45o Serges. for 25c, � I � ,wide, it ."
. � . . I . . . . . skirt end worth $2,40 ..... � I ' .
� s %yool Serge, 40 in. . ul Lace I Our- , �
172 yard . 50c Tweed 25a - I . . . . � 21,pairs beautif .
,. In Hay, on March 6th, the wife
. -
.. .ol Mr. Adam Case, of a daughter.
dence of the brid'o's parents, by the
4arney,onMarch 13th.
Rev, A. B..F
. , 1 C, qt. Tin Pails - I'm �
� . .
* t - " .
14� TinTails :
wide, and. . . . . alris 3 yards lo�g, it barT .
in black, navy . . � . . . ,
� .
cardin,al,- soniething - pretty - 1 102 yards of'Tweeds'sp.ecially gain at 85c;our price till gone 45
for Silks for. Waists.
-In Of
GREVE Mitchell, on the.9th
' March', Mrs. Wm, Grove, of a son-
us , Layfette Darli
. Uncyr, ng, of
i to Miss Annie Broome �Longlpyy
- �
. .
1 d . . 1.
� � Pu ing PA ' - ig` ,
us ;
. for quits and-cli-ildren'.s wear ,made for skirts sunitnev. . . I . . . � I
. . I . . � .
. . regular 45c, for per -*yd ... �. -02 5 ''INvear, 31 in. �*Ide, inbrowb� . - I Lade Curtains I .
. . . .P,,rey and green. speclallY- We have & suap on Silk Walst.ends . . I � , .
. 20 Lace Curtains. 31
.. . . �
� ( still born,) . . . . .
PRISE �- In Mitchell, on the 8th of Mar.f .
.. I
. -daughter of,Mr� Andrew Longloy, of
. .. . .
i Howjdk*.. . � - . . .
HUBBAUD-JACQT_TBS-;-At, the real.
. . ... , �-. �
' . if . , I � it .
� . .� . ... .
I . . . . . , I $4
, Wir'e Broilers
� $4.50 Serge 'Suits for $3 . � nowed price per ydi and a to be on band Fridity morning at pairs yds. .. .
. . . nap, t ...... .......... I 02*6 0 o'clock at it dead,sniap so be on 3ong, extra wide, it snap 11 . .
. � '
. - -, 1.39
. Mrs. Alf.%�Prii;� of a daughter.
� � .
-4-n Mitchell, oti the 14th of .
.. deUO6 of the bride, March . 6th by
.1 '
� &eov
. I ..
, ... PlateJIandleg : � I : 91.
I . . 4,
4 only, 13 yardc , .8 . .11 ., I , . 1. at�2.W, for...._....... .- I � ' . .
.each, .suits, in I . . �, -time, this is awoffer until sold out
. . � I , .
. . �
all wool navy .and black $4 Suit End's for $2.10 . * - . '. . . . . .� I . . I I., I., . . I I . - 'I.
March, Mrs Henry Klea, of a
dau I I .. �. .
ghte r.
Rev. A. - Bi , Farn y Mr."
� OY9
I . Aggie
Hubbard,of Lakeletf to Miss X
. I I � q
Vegetable Stminers -.14 .
. I . .
. . .
. I . . � I . . .. Lace Curtains- . . . . .
, � . Sateens � , - .
. . Serge'44 - inch wide,. regular 6 Snit Ends in Tweed, n1de ' . - .
§4.50suita, very special sna� I i, wide, color . .. . 17 pairs Litee'Curtains, 3J . � 11
: $31 neat goods, 44 ir I . �
. . .
. � IWO -_ .
.1 .
I - ... . . I . I � I
- -Jacqdes, daughte John Jacques,
. .r of , .
. .
Esq. I . . .
. . . , I . . * I . . cc
� 46 , .
. . . �
. I . . .
. : I . . .. . I
in the suit at.. - ..... I ..... �. wide,some- I ..
I .
. I 1. I . 2 sage, 2 blue grey,2 green 6 Sateens'f6r 12c. 1 . yds. long,00
A - price . .' 2 10 " , I
' . ! a . tbing.natty, regular price,
I worth $4 sult, our 572 28 in. Safeens,br ight 20501.
Chas..O. Brown, Jouinallst, of� Duluth.
BRUMXAN--7PU'�LAND-In Chatham,
1. on March Oth, by Bev -Jas. Hannon,*
. . . .
. . . .. .
. . .. . GRANIT
. .. 1 trils . . �
Speolal $1.75 Suit yt . � � . , 13.75, for .... I., .......... I I
. .. . -y .
� I . I . ... prett finish, in canary,pink - . � . � .
1 4 hlAck and navy - Serge 'Suits . Be 'Linin&s for 5� . . 1 -rose and'eardl. -
blue, crearn, �
1, $
DUck Piwtitig .
Minn., writes -"I have been . a sufferer
from Throat And Nasai Catarrh for over
. .
. D.D., Mr. Wilirld.Brnmnan. to Miss
. Alinda ratiand, dau�htor of Mr, J.
. .. .
Teapots . .� 1.
I . . . Regular.
- 1.6 I I -11 I. . . 166 1.
I U , S . � .4 .1
ing poons
40 in. goods, wool, ,6 yards 18a yard for...,' � .
- 1 450 yards good. widii Lining in nal, regqlar, ,. .12
. .. in each suilt, worth ,$2.75 . I weight, till " � � . . . .. 1. . . .. I. 1. . . .. � .
. � till pplors, heavy . 110,yavda black 'and bro,-.0n . . .
per suif foi
I %. - -, � .... :..... � 1! .75 � ' - . . 5. . , 28'n.; .
. 0 . . Giiigh'� � Duck, heaviest made,
sold oat, r yd ....... .- � ams I
20 years, during, which time my, hea d
bas been stopped.. up and my condition
trul' miserable;, .Within' 15 minutes
y .
11 . I
4 of Blyth , .
. A..Putlari . . . . .
I�IBLY-DURAVSON_* On tile' 12ih
of t,
of March' At, the. .residence he
'Bas 1,
. . * . I � I � It
I . Pie Plates. .. , . .. 1.� ,7 . - .
, Cups .* , �. . . . : - 46 I
I.. . . .
Mugs i . . � If
. I . ., .�
. . I . . . . I. .� . . , 1. �. . . I .
- dandy'a�t 28 for J: 7
Pr... Agnew's, Cater
of SiD .rhal
ter u
41 Grey, by Rev,
- Wash 13h . 11, . . 1. di ':,
�. .. . . I C r yA I �.
- $1 Suitings for 500 yard... , I ' I a , pe
. . .. .. . ..... . I � I � .1 : . I
I f 26� Cashineke fdrl2je -, , .10c Girighams for, .56 � 1. . � I
PowderT ainedrellef.�' . Threebottles
� ,gt
� brid�lp mother, 17th
D..B. MoR6, Mr., Garnet Kiely to.
sins, . .. �..
. I - .
' . it I � Is .
_. . .
� 8 Stilts only, 0 yiirda in -each - I t I � . I .. .1 0 - , 15c Duck for"100 . � . .... I I . . .
� � Suit, purple and, fawn, all . ' . I 116 yards,.-Caslithere, cardinal . . 261 yard§ 24 lil.'Griogbam- ir . . . . .- I .
I I - .. "50o.-wsold
� 1 4. ni6e. h . ft ds'Du*ck in poker
wool.Ainazon cloth, Spring - ' �; and purple; pled for.waists plAid *-cQlorings,, somet lug ' I �i2'' I r - dot, -.. .. I
. . 'r . . I
$ 41 inch regu- and cbildi,en'.4 dresses,': ivg- or obildren's. wear', re; p Ain blue, blue stripe, rega. . 1,o
have &]Most, if not.entireiy, cured pe,".
. I
by J.E, Elovey-73. -
.. � , . , . . , ,, . . . i .
. —.0 , �
:. � .
. Mips. Linia Duncanson� . eldest
I .1
daughter of Mrs. i'A.'. Duricansou. ..
REED�SE Lff Y -&t' Ahe res idence of..
- . .
.1 . .1 I % � ... .� I 1, .
- Sauce Parts . � ... � 1. . .
I . $1, . . . . 6� .
. � ..
.. . . . It � ,
Puddipig Pan�. .
I . . 1.
. weight, %vide, , I .
I - , I
266 yd -till sold'ou��.... ,,_'A�, , I 0C yd. for ............ i. , .' Jar price, 15c yd., for.... ..,. ,- .
lar 1.00 per yard, fot 50, 1: . 122 gnfat! 05 .� . I
. The R er L ,
oyal,Mail stearn ake Chain-
. .
I Alex. ArgAr, West 'Wawaup'sb,.
_ .
.4 , � . . .61 .
I . " . .
I - � .. . I .. . .
. I.
. . . - .1 . � . I. . . . I .. I I I . . , I . .. I
I . I I 7 �� , 4 , . 1.....��� - � : . � . � 111I...1- __ — - .. . . .
, hich arrived at-Ralifax from' �
plain, w ' .
L ver ool_ brou.'ght 28 returnig Chno. -
p ,
� '
,.� b.rot6r-in7la:w dtthe bride,lon Nor.
4h, by Rev� F. J. Oaten, � Pli. B_ -
I .
,, . lvp.y �PA - . .
A f, ns,
w -sets �f Mrs. JN)ttsl Troup at
-Nic * I
' ..;.
. '. , ,
. . . . ............... I, ; . . . . . � 1. I . . . . . I . . I
� . 1. . I
. . . . � �,�, . I, I . I. # .
I . .
I r a we
at . lot offe ny. . . . I - wear at, ... , : � �
I th
I -NOTIOA-�-Unfbrtun 613; we cann ,,goods ,for men's I
diers and �,OQO'steerage-. pqs..-
� an Sol I � � . I .
- I .
. I
Jacob M. Read of li*�
. East Wawanos'
, . . .
. . . klePJ&ted.Iro1ns I
I .
. . � I
� . . , .. . .. � � I .. . .
. . .
. � � i
. 9 e9 410 . many, women: will ask .. their- men
$ . liffit so *c a -as told abov' and as doubt. . . . I 1. : �
he. p -t
seng,ers, , . I
- -
� *VNIN . . ...
I 'to. Miss. B. Lou ' of E88a,
iIia Selby, ..
, Simccle obpnty..
, A110oodsait Bargain Prices 8
. I I .1 .
. . I . I .. .
,bo . ,. , . . I � I . .
� I � � I
-hem ow. Stipte for no other reason'than that the .' .
to drive t - to the Clinton N
Rbeum[Ltid Cure
MURDIE-BULLARD-4b . � he 'resi-�
- , ..
- :.. : . HARLAN
I .y �
. .. I . . I
. *
. . . I . ..
. � . . I
South American �
. Seftforth
dence*of the bride's father,
' '' '
i �
I . . . . .
ip f - and' I .awa rie. 6, the average man .#... lbecauso,it
. save money. on L44i s goods, . 1. as. we are wel .. at., . . .. . . . ,
. .
. .. I . . . . . I .-
" . . � � -
-goes right..to -the seat of
trouble a . cause' Ma ,
114 removes the I ny.
M Russell, oii
,by Rev. r..
Stb;. Robert .Utirdie,.. to bliss
� I . . �
. I ,'. CLI:NTON .. � AN
. 1. - 1
does not 'care tb,.drive to t6wn.for shop purposes only we.-thought,we.. would.. give :'. I
soloalled. cures but deaden pain temoor- -
' -
. .
� Nells, daughter of Mi. Wmi,bullar , d?'
. I . -.-
. I . . . . .., I
I . . .. . .
I I -
I I . . I I
. � I . . . - . . . . . 1. I I .
. . . . . . ; . . . .. .
. .
� - I I . � . . I . I I � . . '
bmethiing to drive' for,,so here it -goes : , . . I . � I . I
them..s I � 1� .., .
- arily only, to have it return - again, with .
Not. so with It
double violence. -his great
. -
. 11. I � .'. . .
all of Seafort .
A t,.tb repl.
.1 . I . � � . .1 . . . . ... I . 1. .� ; . I � � . . ..
� . . I — .
Ib eradidates'frbm the oYst"m
remedy.. - I
the last.vestige of the disease .And its�
- � ant-4old by J.' E.
rep are 'perman
' ' .. .1. �
21v.y-74. ' -
,. denoo of tho'bridels1atheryNir,wiri.
Archibald of E.g'mondvillet on.
. March 0 ' 1w; Mr.
th, by Rev� N. � Shi
Hugh -T. Grieve,of MeXillop, to
. . A
!1 01 A . III M M A A
V%0VVVV~_ - - - , - W.- - - AAAAA
!ry . . . . . . .
I .
. . . 1. �.... . .
$1.25 Plow'Shoes 75c .
. .
1 � � I
� . . � . I . ...
$1.5pphoes$1,00 - , . . .
40 pairs men's gaiters or.lace '
� I ____. - - . � . I
� .
. . .
$.12 Suits $8 . . . � � ... I
. .
Men's' Tweed Suits, -
. :
. . I
. .
. . . � .
$1.507ants goo , . I . I I
. I I . I .
I .
72 paift- men's- linen -
26 pairs men's beavy.shoes .
I real good leather,$1,25 snap 1175
I . . . .
. i
, qboe.9, beav elastic *
'good d �q dead
light pattern, ,neat fitting -
A breasted
tl _6`us�rs� ouhle
pants, - ..
- .thre;
. td. sewn, good spring go
.. _ .. .— � . . - .. � '
. ' * . p ' '
A.movement is taking. definite form
I 11
Miss Addle Archibald. ' ".
. I � . .
. 1 . .:". . ,
.1 . - . , .
� $2.75 Sboes $1'75 : .
L , � i�
ro I so? 1..n
- ,
_ I e r price ... � IwU �
�s snap at $1.50 ou . 0
st : ,
.' vel ate f no buttons, ,
I ' a i
I .
weijht, a snap at. $1.50, for s
I , ..
. . . . ,
to establish near;ktlanta mcolohy to be
BARR MBERS-At the residence
� .0_ OFIA I .
. of Mr.,Tno. Mooney, on March l3th
. � I .
. I . I -
. . .. . . . IR 1,
. . . -
. .
I . .
38 pitirs men's la'ceandgait�� . .'.' .
. I . I I ... .� .. .
. I . . .1 .
9.50 Suits for $0. So .� I i
it ni a mer su -
quin it,, regii
lar I Uo
price $12, our price... �'.
,Heaviest blue,, gray or cotton- . �..
ade'color. overall§ really the - .
osed of and goveine.d-6xclusi . vely
*coulp . I ..
by the negrd* race.
_ � -by,Rev.�Jno. Holmes, MfI.Feter
. I . .1
I � � . I I I .
. .. .
I �
. . er genuine d6nLrol � ..
A. kid .
. . shoet
. ;, exterisioh sale' � ,.I
Kay sewn, solid i�lli�tcl - �
.$ .. �.
� , . .
A very special line of Spring �
in nice bheckif4rmers , ,
- snitp� - *
. ,
. , . ,. I I �
, , .� .. . . I
. �
Boy's Suits -in brown,, navy, . . .
and mixture s at ecial -
. � �,
- .
heaviestweight made, well . . I . �
� � .
. .
sewn and rivetted, with or .
I . .
- . without apron, ,I�ell worth
I . . �
. I I . - -� _' ' .
. For. ov"J , ifty Years . I A
INIRS.WINSLOW'S Soovmxo, Syniur has boo&
Barr to Miss �Attlla Chambers, both
' �of. V . .. � I " ..;
I �
. .
. orrip. . .
'YOU NG-OLIVER-At Virden, Man.,
I I i � . .
. . . I . .
�z -
- —
. a
Ir I . and the bestquitlity pa4a
. $2.75, our price.... 761
satin linin neat
i 0,
regularptige'e.0Q.50, ours,, 65
* 0 to 15.00
I .,prices froin , 1.2
. - - :
90c, ohr price� ........ � ... � -5 , .
I . 65 ,
used by. millions- of mothers for their child ron
while teething. If disturbed at nigbt and-'
. 5tb, Mr. Jno-.M;I,.Y. oung,
. on: March I
- formerly of
.. .. CM
. I
t . ,I.
. . regular
� . . .. �
I .
. . I
�... I . I I
....�.� . .
. . I . :
I I .
broken of your rest by a sick child suffering
. of Moosomil .
i, Mau'.)
. - -
. . .4 .. I - I . I - L .. . � o AU88 Lucretia. ditugh�er L
� 1. I I I. . , , . I I I . I � . ai)d crying with0ain of Cuttin Toeth,send a , : Brussels, t
. . 1. ... � .. I. i 1. I. . .1 I I .. . ' . I. I . ! . � d ,k Inalow a sooth- . Is. "
. � . . . V . . . 1L. . , .1 . r L . I. . . . oncean gptabottleof "Mrs., . . . . apple. I - ,
. . - . . . L _� � 13utter- and Eggs .taken. as. Cash , . . In for.Children Teething. L It Will re-' of Mr .JRmea Oliver, of Bru sole .
L . .
. . I . I - . . .. � .. I . 11 g Syrup, L � . I I
. . - I I.,. . L L . . . I I . . .1 . . . ,; � I . 0m. . I I . . I .� .". the Poor itto sufferer tin niedfritely. Do- � - ----- - .--- .
. I . . . .. . . .L... .. I . � . . I . . I
. . ` �., ., . . . . . . : . I I � r upon it, niothQrs,thorols no inistake,abbut
. . t!nd ASSlg� NATURE.. . L
""L ... .� , . I .. . �. I I ' �L.. - it cures. Dlarrhn, re -Stoinach %?
. . I . . . 1. I . ,julates the
� � I jand bowels, cures' in Ito, softens. the -..on have been told to " hitch Your
. - * . . I . :�� . � . _ S Y ')-- tbatNatUL re -will assist
I . Gurne,roduce8liLflanimaticu, nVivestoneatid
- I WE L I N-, HARLAWS" I . . . . � . I . �, " , Wagon to: ALStEtr ' I f
W E ARE . . 4 . . . . . I �� .. . . . L . onerg t the whole s tem. rs. Winslow's YoV.L 'That'sallriglit. There araLtinica. .
. I . � . .1 L - , Soothin
. � . . . .. I .. A - . 1111, - KO'EN-�!;G ' tfj to Syrup" fore Wren teething is plea-,
. 0 .-'B . . . I iTl
BLOCK.( L'. .
: CLINTONIN 'L I . L. � ,. I - ' .. 'L . . � � . I sent a taste and Is the proscription of 01140 - ,Should apsigt Nature,, c
I 1. . . . . I I . ... .. _: �... I . I . : 'L. . .. . . . . L. I ...'' - L ' � .. . . . I I . . . . . lot the. oldest; and beat female physicians �n bownver,i�hall you -
. . . I 1. , . . , . . I .. . . . . L . � . I
. . . . I . .. � . �L- I. E .1 I . �.. . . . , . nurses In the. United States. Price twehty-ave and the spring is one..01f these times
. , I I.. I . L . i - 1s
. �: -141M ; ;
1-4111"Twu . -14146 . , . .4 . cowsapbottle. Sold byall druggists throgh . Nature is povi undertaking to cleaned .
T r .
. I. . 1 wel"W40MRLM I 03LATqrMC.)0M � . ' out the world." Be sure and ask for " ra, - � (
%T X_X JDA _'" 7- L . I . . . . �. . ... 0, , . . I . . . . .. . . . :A INSLOW S00TUJNGL8VAoP� � I em_�f you take flood's Sarsa
L . .1 I . I .. I I I I � "' , ii -
L -,%�,%�,wh"%W'%W"%-'%�r'q%"%W.'%W-'%"%k"��q6'.4&-.qft,���.4&'.qb'�%,4W'q&'.%'.'W,,%, ,q&,%0, I ___ r � � . our O' b a underiuking. Will be 'success .
. y
,%W1% -1%W'%'1W1%W1%,,1%,,1% I Pa Ila t
. ." -1, I %W1% . I I. I . I L . . . . . .., .... . . L . . . . L L I . LL '. I . . . Jul rl and your complextoft bright.. and 8
r 1! L . __ _ ' - - � ,a � . . Lr 11 I . �. .L .
__ . . _�_ . . 'r . � ... I 1. Mrs. Gauthier and five children were Ole ' . .. ..
. I I ar . . . ..
. . . , L . L � I . I . . r I I . . ... t
. . L . . I . . . . . I . , . burned to death at Litcle Cascapedlit, ___�-___' L
. . " FARM FbR.SALE. ; � - � � , . THE BEST COLDL CURE . L lint.0 . .X tie., its the result of a. coal,oll stove .. L ' . . . .� LL I
. . I . ... .. . _ . I � . DEATHS.
1. . 11 , ,
. . I - . . - explosion. . . % .
. . Tbi) undersigned offers for q,%Ie lot 20, con. 15 I . . .0 n . aftet Repotit. Q .. � I — .
. I . � I
. Godorielt tomiship, consisting of 80 rbs. . all L . . 1; , I . . . . . L L . I . I . . . . . . I
. . cleared'L The lot JS situated 8J M leSLf . . I HALE -In -Chicago, .
To Rent or I 1%, . rom, . . . L on , March 6th,.
I Clinton and 2 iniles from school. , PoRaossift . - Wheat ............... I 4., 063 to 0 44 tS , 'L Horatio Hale, only soil of William L
. given noxtfoll, Fov further particulars apply EMULSION � GF �r - . Goose Wginat. _ I I I ....... 0 12 to. 0'03 U L Buell Hale and udson. of the
S , on tbo pr ... nises 16 , , ' '. . . : . .. .1 Barley ..................... 037 to 0 40. . late Horatio Haler Clinton, aged,
goDr,.RT TIUCK" - 011,nion P. 0. . I . I .1. 'r Oats ......................... OL 20 L to When it H r ' 91r,11 � I
. I March 7th. . . . I .. I . . 0 so I . ' . ., ,,,r,lll I months, . . � .
.L . � . . . -
Fror Sale � 'Ad# ..- - - ___ =11 . . 000 . LIVER,LOIL Peas_*.,.- ... ........... 0.60 to 0 60 r .� . I . dRAIJAM-In Stanley township our ' r
L .
I . I .. . . I . I - - . . I I .......... 0,40 to C 45 U L 'ruoAd&yjMArchA9th, Urs. William
. - .. L ''. . . Ryo.._....... . To Co gh rL .
_._� r CEDAR POSTS FOR SAU'r . r r . . L Graham, aged 60 yAars;
., 2 . . I
. .
. THREE FAMS FO L R SALE. .' . , L . I .. . I — r -13ayfleld from . . . I . . � : ,%,,61`1111h�' - � .. ! PoWoes-per bushel...,. i. 0 20'to 0 25 CT . he cough that . hurts, -the cough that KOBEUILE At Zuileby o1i the 7th of
. . . I The und6raf�ned will deliver at . Buttex rolls and crock . . I 0 15 to O� 16 eto , ��idney.r.oehler, son of Mr.
� I _ . the BL ruce PeninAula on the opening of nf4VJga- L . . . . . I . 14 dep tight In the chest IS daily getting . March, I ' at L
Three excellent farnis oil the oth coticession -tion 10 OM cedar posts, Tops of p6sts 5 inches � . . . . : . . . Butter in tub....... .,..... , 0 13 to 0 ,Per and .deeper Into the bronchial r, and Mrs Henry Koehler, Jr.,
of Goderich township are offered for sale, U0 I : L . Ing directly for the.. I I ge of 10 years, . .
. ignell lot con, nienithsifeet. Price, 12eentS each., ApPly . If not, then r"ggst).OV(10z...-.........,.,.� 0-10 to 0 11 tubes and Is mak Ma- the aj rth, on the 8th of r
.11mi's of 80 acrcs� oil one form Jaines Thomson, Bayflold, or , . Don't you think so P i ... '..... 700 to 8 00, lungs, to become pneumonia, Inflarn MaNBVIN-At Seafol � I
tbere is fifteen acres of good bush, balance L, GRO, A. TUIt"Oult, 13rucef101d P. 0, you have never tried it. - It b4a made HAY' Il'.'. *L * ' * * I I I L t1on ,og- the lungs. or consumption, L I
undorpaRture. ()n the meetind lotLtbero Is a March Oth.. 7. . . r I Woo ...... .... ....... L 015, to 01.10 � SU ,h Coughs are sometimes referred . March, IsabAlla Messner, wife of
good bush orchard and buildings, Partially . . � . I L others.woll And it will make you, (po. I t 9 "graveyard coUglino" because they Mr. Alexander, MoNevin, at the' I .
1% ation. or the third place there are . I - I ercwt ....... I 6 00 to 5 50 , oa .
under oulti order. 'Niq Oto,", . If you have not got the cold yet, take Live Hogs p Usually bring their Victim to that last age of 32 years. i
7 wxas of orehard, sp)oudid buildin % .1 . � it , it Will Lbuilil you Upi DressedPork per owt.._ 000 to () 50 restftq� place, . . i IMBR-In Brussels, Onr L
walor with %vindmill lit goodr Y40W, ' , 33AWTINIXE
In, a,zood state of cultiVati011- Forms will be . I an 'L ! Flour per cwt.. of Linaedd . and .Bawtin,
soltl to one purchaser or 11, SePt%ratc,10ts, CEMENT FOR SALE. . strengthen yAU to throw off all t, a .... .. O.. 1 75 to 200 -I)r,- C%Asela Syrup . March Oth, �Vtn.Aqsou of A
Address or aPply . to — I . � I Jr Bran per - ton ............ 15 00 to i5 00 L Turpentine has long been known. AS holmer, age'28 years and 4 months.
. Pul C001C, Clinton. Thorold 00MOnt for Sale by V,d,ward Carter�L co!ds comingyour Way., I mother'S faVartte remedy for crOUVO . I
. . . . . . Shorts per ton........ .., 15 50 to 10 00 UER-Iii 'j3russels, On ;t,
. . , . Corner WJILlilln' ant' Xhincem streotg, Clinton, bronchitis, coughs and colds. It gaint BA.WTINJIBI A
I . March 8th, - __!� . =s, rateg on cal- tots, F54timates glVen on We sell the regUldir 50csizefoV350 Woolper'lb' ....... ... t� 16'tor 18 in popular,ity every day and riow has . L. Match (jith, 136[la A,, daugbtor of A.
'L * ' ;vork f . to 41 . - similar Bawtinheinier, aged 22 Years, 9 --
tj� 0y, far
L. V11,11A and floors andidlo0i All niptly aid 'the regular $1 8JZe for, 500L iind 0 the largest male of any _
� -FARM FOR SALE satifdaci.orlly done and .till orders pro n , Dried Apples per lb ......... 0i - r preparation. . I - I ... months And 0 days.
attended to. , L r guarantee it 50y, ,Pure Norwegian Cod I . . . I I . * bb do
— . . . . . . Ir 1--��Tt!".�1____ - --- it loosens the t1glithdois In the chest. BOLGE R. -In MeXillop, on March 91 $ 0
pttrt of lot 35 in 13th Con GodcrlchTo%Vn9ldp - r .1 I r Liver Oil with Hyp,ophosphites of . . . . � Allays the Inflammation, cures the cold I daughter of -Jno. Bolger, 9.
containing qlXty rff%,e acroso Good -.----- ___ . I I L . Mary E., � I .
houseand barn.and beating orchard on the . Lime And Soda, . and prevent$ pneurnonia, consumptlort aged 2 niontlis, I 0
prellses. ()nly 2 talleA froM Clinton, . . WANTED, . . . . . 'd O�IA I Anil other lung troubleg. 25 cents, All -At Blake On the
( e, . r Edinallson, 119-teS. & Co., To. THO.NJ SON -
r urther partioulArs RPP1Y to R. A.11carn. � ., . . . . 'n�� . doalers', o I I Elsie Thomson) at
on tile promisc8 or . Wanted, for two olderly roplo.. respeeLable, . . . . . . I . . ronto. . March, Mrs . � :
L, J. 'RII)OUT Clinton, tru8t�vo omon, ale 1 to 30, conifgtabla . r the age 06 years. L a
I ... rtily , regg This itig.61aro 10 on eVerybox of the genuine U HI
F6.11th. : __ L lion) 1'c,*tIc(1`JJsoJ1eoLtho anilly, Ad H. 130 COMBEV LL -In Mitchell, on tho 10th of 0
. Box edo"Clintoll 11� 0. . . I � . . f . I . T% LaxafiVe Broftll[).QUinine 1%biet. .Dr, Chase's Syr P yed,
J — 4- one day . . March, Margat6t tousie, bola :
. .. . . .. .: 0
. � , . ". 1. - . . . . . I
. . I
. I
Like the unfolding, of a flower. 3
very day in our Manimoth. Cash Si
� � . .
.. . . . .
. .
abrics ate. being shown in. pleasing
ome some new fabric will attra
'. I .. .
ow is th�e tim q to otodyr tha.trendl
� .
. I
. .
orrect ideas can be learped to bes�
tord. ., . We . Are -glad to haye you cc
. . � ..
hitigyo0'wJ1sh-t6sie. Asktosee'
. �
. . .
. I . New Prints, in light and. da
I I .:. , riewpatterns,fastcol r .
I New EngIish Prints, wild 9 I
I . - new floral designs...at 10C
� 'Printed Sateens, wide width,
. �
. colored grounds, at 15c and
.1, �l 1� ro
I I Colored 8atanits, in new. blue, ro
I I r . white grounds, with fancy scro,
I effects, at 20c,'25c and 30c,
Golden.Draperies, in till colors,'at loo,
. Art Muslins, new patterns, bord red, at
,Black Brilliantine Litsires,bright silk flni
best blacks, 88 to 44 inches wide. from
. 'Vi�
New Homeoun Sulthigs, W inches widje�,twd
. .
. 1 .. a nice range of colors, tit 00c. .
Black Poplins, 40 to 45 inches wide, fine cord,
. . mourning or general wear, 50c and 78c.
. I
MCKINNON & 000 i* - 8L
� I .
. 1 004004
I . � . I .
. . .
. I
.1 I
I I ' � '
, - I
. .
I - —BLYHT— — I �
. �
� . . ,-#
GALE ARM IFOK bAL- 1 - 11 I In. - 1.1 i.mem, su an ruggist. ,no rame vlap eurm a . wj,fe of John Hill, aged 26 years I Q _--..----- -_ —_ � I -
I . 0
. � . . . . of. Linseed . �
ore farnis I . . _.,T�!�.! t_!n�__________! I HANDVORD--to Biddulph, on March 0 . I 0
Thd Gale Farni, on? of Im best 100-a W, GLEM CAMPBELL . L . I . � . .. 8tb, Herbert Handford, aged 21 * :
In 6 oric towni; , ur 11011111 - \ . . I and Tur antineo L
n., leg from G6do. . . ____1 I . 11 P .,,.II. � yearli, 0 months, 20 days. :
anil ,art I on t 08t . ..---- ____ -!�-- --- -----. -- i3nN,NE,rr_In Blythg On -March otb, 9 HERE, MOT H ERS :
ric r IT lin ni far c Ills( 00 Organin ana 10holp,Amner or North mqeet --- - _ !t��_T _In a
bull' it) s fences, Is we I wat.01111,1(al an P un. Seafolift Market ReDort, , . &
, rden WJ1_ tL church, Goderich, and teacher of piano 'Pipe. * 0 03 to L CLINTON J'ohn Bellnett, aged 76 Oats, 11 . I . I I I . 0
do r I 0 ar core vd ci h OIL organ and theory, ist prepared to to cc 06 .�Ilot'r"l
rill . 11 11 , 80 . :
A 6V d 0 in done. "I 11 t �t number of pu , w d Ghaflg ' I
ITils for Instruction, Mal . 063 months and 26 days. .
0 .. so I I . I � . I.. & :L
orl T a - y to a Claren on Hotel. 0 of BUS10668 Wheat ................ L Clrpl" T W th an March l3tb JUST A MOMENTPLEASEL
I WV. GOULD . I � -1vill visit Clinton on Friday of each wo,.k. I � . . . . . , Goose, Whoitt; ............. 0 6 to 0 03 1MVICAN — -A ,7 ) I -
11 . 1. . .. 1. - I.''.. I . . � U IVIAKULt Elftab6th Ounningham,rellat, of the 0
Feb. 14 on the promises or0oderich P.O. - - Gr I !Barley I I .... 1111- ..... I I 0 88 to 0,40 - - entle , :
__� , , — I Havim botight the o0ery I oats ...................... 0 21 to 027 A14D I lata John an tb Aged 63 years 0
. * '� SPRING TERM OPENS APRIL FIRST. And (-',cc cry business so success- . n 10
FARM FOR SALE I f - the past 12 Peas ...... .... I I ... I., .... 0 00. to 000 I . . . a NdLw nibs, :
. . ully carried on for JE,R0 1.0 n Tilsonburg, on March 12
. .
--- � .. I years by J. W. lewn, ind having Rye .... I I ... ... .... O.. I ... 0 K to 040 GRANITE WORKS Ectua ululand Jerome, of Wing'
,nod oilers for sale lot. 30, con, 't I . :
The uuder,419 I . I . I . -over 20 years' experience myself Potatoes per bushel,.... ,, , 020 to 025 . ham, aged 20 years, 0
Rul lett (1011031 ing of 100 acres, 00 acres cleared, . I I ." I . . I in wholeqale and retail Grocery -) 017
balance' i ood hardwood 'bush, Phiefl F Maple. .. .. , - , . I - . . I and Crockery business, I am con- Bntter loose in crock...*... 0 16 t, Ili%) best class of work HALLIDAY-In-Winghato, March 7th, :
fedl wheat The lot, i-3 'vel watered I . procurable has been - - . Edna Isabel, infant daughter of Mr.
and fenced and would malto a good stock form, STRATFORDY ONT. Adent I can keep up the good Dutterintub ........... .... 0 10 to 0.16 0
Tlioro 18 a. good orchard and two good barrig. . I manufaeturedliere for , and Airs. Wm. Hallldq, aged 4 a
ThafatiiiiA4iiiilcnfroni-elinf,on andi mile Oneof Cariltalt'r, largest and. most reputation of the old firm in Eggs per doz ....... I,, I* ..... 017. to 018 many years past. . months and 8 days. . 0
orhill postot!106, Church and whoo), suecesqful sobnols of Rusidess TrMfilng. keeping nothing but the very Hay I I ...... � . .. ........ 700 to 8 00 I I . McDONALD-In London on Uvoh llfb,
'to"' , best goods at the lowest prices.
For f= partioul(tra aplily on tho, pteirlsO . -.— . :
or address An^old-establlsbed sphoof and one tbat Vive I -logs per cwt ........ 625 to 625 . Elisabeth McDonald widow- or the 0
WILLI.&M WATI�A(Ibl,', etijoy.,; tin excellent�l rebuffttion lor 1 have -reduced all my ' � Is � :
Sept. 121h. erior Work. . Thti praobt is applon. 15-initer Tollotatid, Tea Sets your bereavement, � aged 63, years . I
SuA ej , - d pain. I . WE WON,T call on you & week after I%td Charles McDon Id, of Walton, a
tip. 0. q Dressed Pork per owt, ..... 700 to 7 k
I . di time,, to enter for,. a course of t V lour per ewt ......... ... 2 00 to 2 25 � , I jr,ERaUSOX In Colborne, oil' Match a
Ing, Ptepare now for the situations I to m4ko room for iny Import or- Bran per ton ....... _ 15 00 to 115 00 -.1liaboth Boyd, wife of WrA
HOUSE FOR SIALE. that will be open bext fall. WepsAfst der which I expect, in it few, t8 per to" .......... 16 00 to 10 ()o WE WoNoT mo,ke the work to sult, 110, I :
. , vorydoAlrabld fnally of our StUdL ents to good positions. : I months. Call and examine good8 Shot tile price, L, rorsudoni aged 62 ,years, 16 a
The tubsetiber oftbri; for PA10 A _ Appleml Perlb, ........ 0 5 to 0 05 I I months. , I a
twopott onir4naeFitrenteonpAAtingoffo(ir l0t8 Thelarge Attendance that our school before yoxi buy., No trouble to Dried . make th Prica to SUM . . . 0
. upon Zeh thcre 19 a comfortablo frame 1101180 I en is posjtjve�proof diat our work . show R')ods, . .1 ! I - I � I I WE WILL .the work.c - .- .�. - _-
Thbre �=!=L__.!_______1!" :
%vith kitelion ni.d woodAlled attaelied, Is tZ018111y Appreciated. Our students tt'n . . MAKE THIS T28T. 0
Iq R good vitoblt and a flrAt.01AAA W6.1 Of wettor Are our best, advertisements, They ___`_, ,ou tile choice of the! YOU CAN
onIfroinisce. I Ito orchard, MAIAU11901! grrLMA . &Ws THOWD, 66 x0ft- 4ffe, Woda's PhospliddlIlk 'WE WILL * give .v You can find oat if the kidneys ate
it ploq know that our tviltillig is first-class I lon of the World :,
All q . , III tv goo(I otiti. The Droportg will Product clogged, deranged and diseased, Ifavo 0,
basol nt.o, teit,onablo 11911to for ('011 oriuwh and they ave telling others, WrIlef6l' —.,...*-- 1 2u Gre4t Atfilmsh &nWit, design and Material- back?
An(l bo,litnee on time. ,A'01)ly to the MV1101' Oil Witly rerovenee to the Ithove OA , gold and redobUbOnded bY 0,11 in 0
. tile DrOM1869 tilts. JOHN 3UNOR Spring circolAr, � cliange In businea dtaggipt# in Canadh. OhZ roll. . you bstelcache 6r it weAky 1411116 UAL, a
. 'W, &�,.RLLIOTT, Priticipal. a I take this I 0XfjYpTAC- Do you have pain or difficulitY in Uri 0
. . able medloino diseoveit I sh We Are tile �
minton Vim nth . 1. I. 1. , � opportunitly 0 explessinir linsr kd r4r4ftked to etIM 0611 tical men in Clinton in lug ot, it too frequent desit0i t6 UrInaWlt *
, I , , , . dofs of 00fia
- ______ e!r�,!* �_'__!__.'_._�1 . 10 my butil0rolls forms o Sexua W02'11'i6ati All eft out. Iii1e, t)() not be Are thera doposits IM6 brick (lust in 0
1 1 trio-naer nnd customers for 'their or elc6do. Mental , Worrr, hX06"tV8 U116 of�To- . the urina After It has Atood for 24 hours? :
4__,�, HOUSE FOR SALE. Von . for.. M.S..".43111, Xitlkea intoPlaillnRYOU" . ,
-%,, � bW6, OpiUM Or 8tIMUISM41- M&iled 6n rkelpi 1
I . 'I'll''. . liberal a t, during the Past ' Of prloa,Onalrlc� 6 401 0"V1Pkd* I order withoutilrat call- li'vonhaveany6fth6so 4YmPtOms not 0
�_ — �240 I
1 12 yearn pgpeak for my all "I ,D% lets fte6t6ayg ,
1$11 six
I. I = e- mom I ing (,n U& 61101 moment Abould bo lost in obtalftinig, :
v;b��odRg'Afjrio(l -�Irti`A i0v "lle 'the ft'ne LIFF. 1ASURAN09 W. 011me p4w V03110"71 W u gr.% � ey-Liver Villm, the
Oil A bert Att"It rith at present ac- cesaor J McCabe, the same I
,, dwellill 11 Dr. chase's Kid" :
eupled 9 it v. T, J, Mill, lick. Good leellar, ('ALL ON liberaf t;erttmatib so generotisly
I Zie, Re., etc. For further Dooloulars I , op orld's,grestobtkidney care., Ono pill
smud"tt, e OHAS- 0- HAL19 . accorded, me. For sale by Wattp: &ao., 9, Hovey'll, s H
400191to A, J, MOR11,1141t, ,0;ITXT0X 0146,nio . cyl W, 114WIN, D. c5mbo and B. P,'Reokld. x6lb to Commercial 11664. #d6se, 25 don'to i% box, .3
011atoo,00hura. , . I
. .
. . . ) I
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" " " .
. I...., ... I....... ,�.I.L','I�''�',�l"-.,."".,.,"".-i�— 1__...X__.___ . .... .... ... I � .. --11 11.� ... � .... ,,, . 11 � 1-111 ... 1. � 1. .1.1'.. 1. _li ''... ., ________ I I I - I
. . . 0
. . _... �.:t=o-_-t=�- I 0
. . :
' .
. ' We know we have clothing for boys :0
that yoU711 like at fitst glim, pse. To tell.:
you of all the lines,, the handsome stylps, :
the striking novelties,the cufferent shades, f
patterns end materials that are. embodied 01
I .. I 10
in our New. Spring S Boys all *
. 0
Children's Clothing is beyond our ability4 ,:*
They � must be. seen to be appreciated. *
The boys know the style and, th ey want : -
. 0
it. They get it here. a
. All Wool Suits $2,60, others at :
. . $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00. . :
4� I :
. I a
— :
. :
I 0
: 066006064 . Naig:
. .
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