HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-21, Page 3--,-�11--l'-�-�...�-.111.1�,�'ll-l�.�1.1- - 1-111, ­1-1--l'..-I. "I'l- ­­­ I I-- I— .111.1--- --,f---- - - - ,.-,-�-----,-..".".--.-,.,---..-��,.--,�-.,� ... .... ... ... ... . ­­­­­­­.­­ --- ­ -­ ............. -----";,--,","-,"-,--"",",-,-,---"",,-",---,---,i ...... ... _­ .. I . I . � . � . - -_-...1.....1 ... ����_l 1-11111 11 �­­ I I., 11 . �� - I �­ ..... ______.____._____1____. ­__­______­__,__, - , IF . ..... $00ROV400 h,o PRA! I � A s, bow. , . FLAG fol,4roo,MV 01artreshtlea:Motri 4','*--! THE SUNDAY SCHROL, KING'S NEAREST HARD, �10118." WRITES HIS 8TORYs .............. 40 The Official ame "O." I "W� 00, saval siotlon, willob tormliple'tot14"Slul"to - Agricultural - ur- FATUER MET HIM* the INTERNATIONAL �ESSON.* NA1 ?A THE HONOURABLE CORPS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN WARM TOLD 4. TUU THE ONE 7HAT7AVED OVER 01S moot deowtio victory that has over , �HIP AT TRAFALQAH,. beep achieved by ZZ411sh akill and _".-0 0ENTLENEK-AT-ARMS. BY' LORD ROBERTS.- I . , � gallantry will be fQ I uud in our paper 00-104"A cratIlled 0114� Ilurleol", I'litue, 93. � V.." . I �,.,vb , GROWING MARKET POTATOES. — of to-aay. TJbat the triumphs great 401. Q41416a Text, 1 Vor. M. 0. ThIS Ittlot flonourable I;0dy Uld No$ AV. 1404kil ITUR114 Ila Took In 111.4 Oreol 00*- The R�w. Dre Talmage ,Speaks. of And That tor Itpolk III i LeAden 4*00M Val. . kind of 41011 that W.ill . . , glor3olm so It Ila, hAs been, 4 lose site j�Rt�uiy,ss egauiry-1110 111ral 0: A11401t 0317 .. . � I . III it ITIls, LoWerrtl 11111110 out �411oob, 6411 . early rI4W:r1OAL NOTJAi swarni,yor-eip souriog4iteenvictorla's ror usteuceier or uloar-oul"-`wPoe ,11CIA ogood " I bought, and that fatioh was the cen- nelao4­111story or tote vorp%. raise a crop of vora will,#roduo . lowi Iseou lot vlochoRall for Nearly TOR ' Dw.erfully evinced � Yevac, 44. It was about the sixth, 141.11 I . the$, by 'gallor.,, 44 8,410 or 0XIll OpIA1011, Wait �p : potatoes It properly p the Prodigal Son,o Xtatti—shla. . _ With the accession of Kloig Bilward 'Telro blileold , tapered, writea I a4d universal affliction bon.r. mark. says it Wag: the third . go� very Able and lucid paper, Xr. � . Ila. tba, deep VIL begins a now Tolga at S . ,TQhA ttye. It ja Very essential , 1) . . I __ 0140 Wave. with which t4a imewa at Lord Nelson's bOUX When; they began, tol crucify him, � , t4to core, The Mr. W. A. Davidson, of Cinolansti, death woIa. recei - niguloa, it is yo4vr,q since Parliament wilt term the ground work of all fu" that the ground boloose and flnebe- . . , veil. The victory ore � rolat Washington says .. Urattisgiregaiiiaos. ,What are -we to 401 - &,tea X, those enthusiastic emo- that Igo nia-3 o'clock W our reckoning; -to no and it ttixe blAtorles of the ,capell0ga- Irbeir ' ' A despatobf 9 , 1ht the bittla Albino And has a relio he treasures very jealous ,one of tinto of the morning Sacrifice, was opmood. lyy the so" I* tore the seed patatooq� are planted. . P �'Ve ,we to fig . . . public. mind which the the publication bag ,resulted in it quicken- . If the, land has been plowe -Rov. D,e, Talmage preached frOm the us and ly, and one that he exhlibtta only to UOPS in t110 , would; tax tb, , 4 In the fall .,-"When lie was yet a trUdg0 On, with 40 One to aid the chosen few of bi% acquaintance. It eucooss of out naval arm" have in Matthew, -Mark, And. Luke, agree in . in tha g0jal 1� memary ot the oldest Ing of gratitude towards the great disk or barrow tQlg it is loose, And fine . I following text . no rook to shelter -as aill-A no ',Yard every former instance produced. There the hours that thoy m,e4tWit for the Household to remember . ., , , --or, " great way, off his father saw �IiW and at encouriageine.lit to cheer us. Glory to t4o personal flag of Lord Horatio Was not 4 =air . who did net think that � the exact procefln-re that vas follow- general wlao saved South Africa � fox' to a, depth of three inches, then plow . . . % � . d ran and toll on be to God We. have in the text the ftn� Nolson-the flag that designated his the life Of the Hero at the Nile wns diffelrent OvIents of the oruiolfixion. . the empire. We flee Irona, this narra- again. This will turn 4:6 loose soil � . has vonivasaloo, An 4.0104,00ment; "Wbon. he Iva% yet it pap. John seems to differ, buit it 1W now ad' at the funeral Of King William . big neck lind kisHed 1411,4�11-st. Luke XT, oltf ,hdis father rait." When rank an a Vice Admiral In the Eag� too great A price to pay for' the IV, antl tha. cqronation .at the great t1ve how real And how terrible were down to tile bottom of the farrow, I I � � I , turo. and ,deetruotion of 20 sail of 9eftcTXll,YundeXst 4 that1ohn adopts. , loh Lord Ro'berta,nocopted Elarrow .down fine again. Th � . great ot4rta fair co 11,91i navy and.annou , o" and good Queen Vk . the risks wb is will . . I . � . go. the, Ixeyr a � J, God starts ,need his Presenoe French. and Spanish men-of-war, No the Roman metliod at x4pokoning, and otoria. � I . I have. often described to You the go- for tb3 sinner. God, does not,come on board the "Victory," his flagship ebullition popular transport, no -Preoed,o4t 19 the tyrant that gqv,� when bedeolded to push into the heart give a g I . a -f � and seed bed of six or seven . . rQln his out with a slow awl'b2sitating pame. � , !pot the Jewish, Which harmonizes his of the enemy's country, psv4 resting lag away .of tbisprodigal,soixf ' Trafalgar demonstrations of public joy',mark.ed , orns. all Snob solemn. state, 000aalons, lonobea of fine loose earth. � , . '. . father, th.cuie, have showed the i-afinitA 6PAces SHP beneath bl� !in the memorable battle of the great aild r t, The hourn with that Of the other evange, I . aad I , and the last tow days have seen many tIll Bloonifontoln and Pretoria war a -J�aet anti hia takes wairlds. at aboand, Ootobar 21, 1805, - t and MAnj I T feeling of the peo- lists. The Jaw9 counted friont sun- . , e if you wiall to plant In hills they $,Oil Wb4t a hard time het had. d0wili 111 ,, � . liones . � In Brltlqb hands, says the British out a 14 ft apart each Mh3 father ran I" '11,116 was Nolsoll's last as well as ill , busy officials ransacking the rQoordo should be. ab the wilderness, and whata . a appeared As It ohould'have . . . I 1-1,140, no that the third hour Waal aboutt I Weekly. OA -arriving in Son ' ,. I Temark upon . tla� fat'hor'o klwlt. 1,16 greatest eee (I ht, for he was they gelt a faction.'at the onies,, . way to allow of free oultivat:104. I , , . Ig . moral oatio of past: corem , th Afri. With L � ,,He fell era b ni�y text Ys, vorite Arms, they nine in the IngrAing, the sixth al,�out` . .be , rmy Corps It $ aa 01 tAJIy woupA ., � , Now the King's I rd, tter oa be found that the A ad , ark a earn ne, great mistake it was for blin. �ta 4eave . Is nock,"' 3o.lygua � in or .ad early in, the action, triumph of their to . ,ark,er one way, ' M." The father moum6d with all' tile sincerity and tMellm, tbo .ninth about throv�, and the known porhaps am the Hoptourable been broken up,, pottlona baving been - . so beautiful.a home for buOh A MIS' "A'Ad be k4sad hi and died before the completion of the . . , and then line A four -shovel Sulky oul net a,, dbargod, him. with none of his .'%valid- � . .. poignancy at domeptialgrief their hero twelfth about six, The. I�omans b a _1 . erable oticovri... But Ile did'J . orluds; he just rebeiyei him, : vd-otoiry which has mader his name film- ,laia.,, I g. Corps of 0entlenion-at,jArms, or the sent to reinforce. Buller, Not u n and tivator tQ, up the furrow t4w­;W , - back to . . . . counted fw<oin midnight to noon, and. lese generals �vns Other way, taking off ths,t�-,�Uslde . I ways'stay �4 0o wilderness; be came , ' I � Nearest Guard, play amost important QAtAOr0-'EtLgl1 Of 0 , . back L aftert A wbile. We don't read HE 11VAT KISSED U IM. ous. Hia remalus were taken ­ IMM noon to midnight, as we do, or functions in practically helpless, and no progress -fgg other two , _ ' , . . His wr*tobeituesiS was aZecoMmell- I�nglanil, and it was this flag , that . rather as they taught US to do. Our Part JA All the, State I I shovels and k4tenips; .. that. hid mother came to greet him, dAtim to tbat - .h, -vexed the leaden casket in which -rson of tha a . g.lA is had been made aft6r Ahe reverses of the depired distance.aPart- . , ­father'a love 0 oo which t�ba, Pa overei . 4 . I . , . , t;he would that fatliew's kls4! :9ow shall Ide. - AN HOU WT9PU UNOU SAN Laird then was crucified at nine volock Decembor. Lord Robert$ WAS importance is to . . I sIappono. she' wats (lead. t,hey reposed. Dying thus In, the Mo- , R L.L and Inamodiately copcer,ned. I ely de- The next thing of i � � l 'this love- . remained six hours on the areas, oided not to uAe the reinforcements have, good need of som . ha a. iooea.,o - � was so mo- . � 'GUARD. v , e, first to cope out. The scribe the love of God.� 011, _. a popular Bill - Don't you belteve it 7 Has'Who not done mout of a viotory that . . was a darkness over all the THE DUTLU44 OF THE able variety, 'Out to 01,16 or two 0yep I father wi),414' have given the second . ' , 0 n hill. . ,everything to make,Lvou think Iso? Ile meptgus,Nelsop, ofcourse, was, mourn, PERSONAL AND BUSINUSS NOTES Th�oi- I . whiclirwero coming ut to strengths mo place in A, . I kja'ta tho retur Ing ,prodigal; the bon I ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. earth until the, ninth how, "A. prc� During the past reign this work I either the.Natal or tho-westerta Army And plant only It . . ,n given you life, health, friends, before . teruatu .. to t . I . I Place your fo , I ed as the. Englitsh had never . ral * darkness, net an colipse was comparatively light, owing he . ,at on .each ,piece so as . mother the first. It may -have , been 4onto, the one of iyour hands, the -_ , but to organize. A strong force of his to press it *into the. loose . dirt . Pray- isi&'t of ycrur eLye, the hearing of Mourned the death of a war hero. and � i I s-itat' Which could ivilt take place t the full seclusion in which the Queen liv'od.at- down , - � I . for the Iluok of bar. oxample and you, , , ear; He hw,s strown your path bts funeral WAS one. of the most. pre- X4491110VIT :1"ter"Ag 001 lots Dollig a own, with which be could advance as de.ep as possible., This will make . . a . I Seri or Nonkent Rood MArtli-GlIkillered 1110003, W:Uothar or not this- dark. tow the death.of the Prince. Polinort, -directly towards Bloemfontein. He Ad. covering ea%ier and w!I1 als6 Prevent . . ers that lie became a prodigal. �$ono - a 'bag fed' you, clothed teititious. London ever witnessed. At , Froin Mi Itecords. . . I I . .. dry ting .. . ( with mercies� h .1 . TIILSS was) c I chfined, .to JuQa can But U14 Were to be. fount! At the robta that big, own plan was tittended ingout. Ceve,rwIthalloe,put . times the fath,)v ,does not knowi how sheltered. you, idefended you, IQV-' St , P we I �. . ... I f . I out's Cathedraf where the i one of all the 0111Y conjocture4 Qwalils old.e an all the occasions on . one haeful of dirt on each Piece 0 11 . . to minage, the children of the house- 1 you on% importuned tyall, all .your 11fe, ' About, -qlA,artor I I I . I -4h coustdordble danger. . as the sul­, i. . I . "Horo'of the Vile and of Trafalgar" - . potato. The marks made by the . I , ad i. I r I UnUad States p.�asionsi goto widows. . day1rqued. "The 'a - the two maln'roads lead- I hold; the'.1chlof-work tOXAM upon the Wng - 6 love8i 'You 45 , The sun, Wits whicli � ho, appeAred. Ill. state -before Don't you! believe It , , , , . . I .. i was buried, t,bbs,flag Again cameln� . enemy bold . . ky cultivator wilt remain so. as to be .., . - . this father's kiss, 1, There is so . � . . ­ Altogether about 50,000 American suu*s liglit failing." I.Che wil of the bar pegiplei from her. coronation in easily aeon across' the field. Never mo�her, Indeed, no one ever gets I 011, . 11 � ova and compas- , ankinenop, bola be cause, dur- I . . , from Cape Colony to the Orange .. h meaning And I to pr ag 't , , - 'in itbq y ..of liar ip# plant scabby potatoes, Wit can be I . autinal-a hove. been purchased for the temple Was MAI: in the midst, !1F.rom West. instox Abboyt( da . mon ir mn. oboeilikloo, of a rude I . . over the, oalamUy of losing a mother I 13�ue hi it --so much pardon in it�-so Lug the sole , - . F ree State,* And might destroy bridges Avoided but if Von must plant them In caj.1y, life. Stilt., this. young man British army in..Africa. . . 'lee in 1897, ivIven the Gentle- � I I I much heaven in it. I.proclaim. him the break that'one would hesitate to be- . � I the top to th,� lOattom," says Ma�rlr,* last Jubw And 61at tile railway .line. He resolved, soak In"corroal#o sublimate 'solution, * .1 . I � Was' not(. ungreoted when he camL, 1 Lord God merciful and 13racious,. long- . Thirty thousand people .in the The curtain Of , the sapetuary, IC me%�At-Atrms stood immediately In howevor!, tq go forward, . but -not un- one part of nulillulate to 1000, Parts " riess lieve occurred wera h .not recorded .ates make their living from hung �.ehyoon the holy an ilt of how carriage at tho Thanks- I -wo hours'liefora, plantliagge . . back. 11y.%vavor., well, app4reled we: suffering and abundant in good . United Sr ­ , buld not b by eyowlituosses and mentioned -by the grd g I , place it the fro til he had, thoroughly reorganized . water, for t � i I... � ql-nip,g, W�llep,-we.start and, truth. Lest you. w. 0� Win silk industry. . . 110y .09 ho1L4;- � It was a eym!ljoi Of giving' Sarvioe ark tho'steps ,of St. I After planting it will not be ne", 1. .1�- . . may be in the in lieve him, he goes up Golgotha, and Several rellable biographers bf.� the Sow York is buildin I . THE TR�iNSPORT SERVICE, - . ce4saKy to do 'anything more to the ... . .. cut onajoulney, bq�ore Aight, uhat while the rocks' are rending and the .1 or,. When the pital I 9 It State HOS- 'th, litability,of humanity to�appxoacb Paul's, � . . . potato patch for two weeks. 'By that . . . with the, dust and the jassLingi, i�e graves Are opening an -it the mobs are great naval command - I n the Adiroudacks, to cast God.except by weamisof tho p,riests. Xix,th5 presentxoign their war. k will Lord Kitchener's assistance twas In- time -pigeon grass and other weed .*. . 'nuaral proovisl6a reached the church $100,000, Where patients -wii;b iuo!Pi- Only. outage a I . 'n d,L valuable in rilmodelling the extrava- ve ,commenced, to grow by . . . and- ittle 13un Is ibiding he dies ( . eat oonsump�ion will be treated. yi�r did 6-a high piie.st.A probably be less'of a sipcoura, P . .. . I seeds will ha have I.;ist all cloveraess .of, appearance. . . ­ I But thisk . -prodigal jyho.n, he started MIrIvirill'u. -68B hi4n. See him on the the remains at Ldrd Nelson . ',vats , 1. ventute'ta lift its cowntor And enter as his loyal' psople hope to. see the g4nt,systaut previously. adop.tod,which the thousands, but the potatois Iwill . . � I I m6unt'of Crucifixion, the oweat qn borne �Fom, the car 'lo the grave by.. Six hundred thousand bprs its holiest, pla&�.- No..o -in-C,hict Sarcastic- not be above the ,ground. Now. taXe . from hiso swine trough, Was' ragged 14is. brow tinged With, the blood ox- I . . . n10 else bad King. raore, of L,tin in. Public, so will th*1 as the Cqnimander . 1. ' a= hi,5,lac, 12 ettalwart . man frgin the"'Vilotory." employed in the electrical industrips lawfully seen its interior. The veil ' - W . . ally observes, "taight a Rwar well an- the sulky cultivator and turn the iia­� and �vratohed, and ' his dppearante udilng'fr' I orated topople5,.Sea of the . 'United States, and about wiliXorap. of is iaithful Bodyguard Ih,, . I n " 0 side shovels a littid, so. that' when �. . I � I -at was, of course, ooverc� by , , I. I in" Its sanctity %va,q mure prallib-iti-qe , . ,as swimming in I more familiar. In the laSt roldd Ough for. ppace . mangeuvres, . .n ion follow -the oult after he! had, gone through. dayis of. his 13V .death*. (Hear the Tho cask � 1 §4,000,000,000. are litivoted in them._ I , ivat6r marks it . - tham, capes of inoft hung *on doorposts come - - i jowneying, I . .1 load breathing, Of the sufferer us he ,(I during . I . ' ' -ing that Sir. Redvqrs 'Buller had %V . . I - the flag, whi'li wits, reinowe . - bras,i And 7 were known mainly in connectio . anit exposure, . you can to . Mayor Poore, of Haverhill, .Mass., pf aboue, .and 'bolted' With . . thv n beat I ill leave the ground aa.level as pas - � . pau0i with a world � on ibis heart. the fhaal' core,momies. -* I . I � . sible. This -WIll' kill, all the weeds,', . - more easily imagine than desdi"56'."AB Hark to.the fall of his I .. . ked steel. Its being supernaturally tora with the drawbig raw . . I I � ood- from brow . is %'a shoecuttoi by, trade, has war] . . . , ,us and state withdrawn from Spion K6p to rot- alad by the time, they start . a,u " �- . . I , , . . , UP 49 I I � I . I I was a sign. that' every human SQUI h­o,,As,4wbewe they heli the barricks An gloter's Drift, Lord Roberts decided ;. I . -pi . odigal goining ',On. iqud lihild and� foot on the rook be- SAILORS SEIZED IT, . I 'for years at the bonoll, and has saved ' tion. . I that hiS own dv the potatoes will,be cut -of the vroupd� . tba people'Isee the could. pO(w. co-ine ,into close.'rNp a allae must not be " � homew.ird, they_ wonder w : ­1drop OPI Look atthe .g a competence from ',big earnings. He W1 . the ante-ohamber leading to the ' be eisily cultivAted,' � ., drop; d,r . 'th God the Fatheik. . longtor delayed� He list out with 85,000 They can than , I . he he, is. neatli When These were concluded the fla . � I , . ate field 7 ,.' I . . - "L woodor Whal prison na.us I How wide - the wounds are- - ' am, was was opposed by the Socialists because t on Oya Presence. - I . . t a hundred guns, ]Ila Some advise dragging the pot � They say. t a Mi body comes as ll-,ls long �been, ,the bust. * . he belonged to no union. . � .46. 1 Jesus. had . .,cried wi It a I , (I . _r 1 .1 . . Men and � abou . after planting to kill weeds. I�Aever ' wider do they gape a d- Itato the ,grave voice. "Two Words" ar ,�Acntedlcos. sent -uniform dates from immediate object being to relieve Kim- , ' ,! Tb,�,hr - pre . . . I he has broken out,at. 1 wonder ,what .. down Oh, this crucifixion a4pixt to be lowere ' I . ' 4 . 11 . L ,upon them. . . � .1 The trustees of iDickinson College, "Ell, Eli, lamaBabaclithaiii3l' Matt. .(I is barley. His plans Were Admirably con- . a Lt. for, if the goll is very I9os6 the � . � 2 - t bia, tinie'of - thw Crimean -%Ya,r,:,a:n . to break n ' �' . L * . lazaretto he has escaped', from. :1 . wlting into tears; blood and interred 'With the, only. man who . and 4fIt AS finished," Jolla 19. W, . � .1 .!IYK . >3 . calved and - Were : carried -out with drag Is �' Sure , _f Ana � .- I pos"T I Carlisle, Pa., have conferred the do- � I . , with scarcely a hitch. Ven days afLor he tA 91 a so . _461 Wngu% tiXely I 1 wonder witI4 what, plague -lie - will *guy' T t7 blood; d[arkness.-droPPing bad a 4glit t . o float, itt .1 but . at the . . ' words in ihe' Syriac � Lila heavy scarlet cioatee sprouts' and somel as "an 0 . flow 'ad' Ilhe . . . . smite thei air." , . . , to dinrigni.2; b of men joined with last momen I t the gruffsalloro gree of Docitor of Philosophy on the -,a and.m' , and started foi the front Xirriberley -was inove the seed. plea- - it a its plar a. 1. , He looks as though th who had R - * ' * though nat give,n in ou:r lesson ar e eP113ilett . . I g ho!"a be kept up I . . . . a hands of 'devils to tear apart the I . ev. Frank -D. Gamewell the Tnugilon- The cultivating. a . be were intoot uport something very . ailars who , 6.4 spa ia-Untorest tons, foir bwo'rea-. strdppod�down . gold -laced. . bveriAlls relieved and Ofonje was Ileein - to-. , s - 'tat momellt'- 016 ffKatf' a . -defences of q I . � . . ') , I quivertnig heart � of the Son a God I . 1, who planned , tbe'� he . , an I as the vine, . I I I . f t .. I . , ,,It permit, and I 11ho people stop; they Oh, will, be hever apeak Wain? Will .. . I . . . . sow. They, Are thA fi,rst, words of coverl-lig Wellington baois. Tbe heavy, wards Bloemfontein, It is: intoresting *Sh6tfla -ne%, be allowed tT , .1 I I I ... had fought under the''Adnifral's' eye, 1Z of Pekin durins. th,6, Boxer upris- Pda 22. 1betre is. an, old Jowislicut-i -_ - . . to notice that Lofd Robarts like Sir tile "11111 , . . 6 important. I I �elipet, With it4 white feather' . ' u - '. I -hey Wonder 1. P� . . death, as &in- Ing. Mr, Gamewell jim-duated, from iZ whioll' has turne tirly, de , . look a*t him; I .where he ,that criontion face ever light (a Again? aim into I I George White, had received timorous bake- after a hoavy raln, or . I.. . . . . . . . . . . .. and who mourned his 9. per- D16kin,son in, 188L - - � I I . . d this p3i .. t-�ikipik� 'headge , ' - formed, -bunchy poXatoes will .result. . s -me fxom; they wonder where he is ' HE WILL SPEAK AGAIN, 'corely qs�.any of the illustrHou a a orlho-it, x,lf�obwIaws. plum5,. makes &�s 0-17, Advice from'. the politleians.. Sir Al� . . . . I . � . � .. . . I death Hong of th 0 . I . . .� . ' & good plan L.% to� buitivate once a . .1 going. I thinic, the people all Ar.ouad while the blood.is suffusind his. brow I Of SIT 'Henry MaxEm.the people of All over the 'world Jews 'bi dying, � ;CORPS. fred Milner had warned him against I . . . I . ' sonages-presio6t, seemilagly .with one. . . HISTORY OF TIJE: . . week whether theili are any Woods mddpning his- cheek and gather- - . Lewiston, Me., say that he had a deep ptxive to xepeat'dil's psalm. This .. . ' . denuding Cape -Colony of troops,. but In i - Were amazed. They Isaid: "It 48,only and i d a d tore ile flag, each %ds t�lionj..b�-i thehistory thl, e8ard . " � I . : . Ing on noitril And- li�, arid -you tliink accord saIze. n . 'A feiv w( g ,I k he - detormlne� , the patch or UOtJT0T if'dry'wea . I . I . � ' ' . .. I I . 1. . a d to, dig'! . a foot -pad; -it is only an.old .Aramp, he IA exhauste* and cannot opeak; he struggling for' a fragment as 'a .to- diolike for school. Us .. was, there- does popt preciiiiie the statement tha� nd blin"li that prevails.the'lo6so falLis exoeg� .1 . . � there was -a special -application of the ;tied paroonnel ;of the corps may prove No British general r,var fall I I . . qf the road; don't go out I . er. In the fore,' - early' apprenticed : to Daniel sive;',the ground carin6t bake it the * .. to -Most crLes,odt until all'the'ages bear him: 'maptibrauce'- of tbetr lead I ' . words in Our !,aid's e"e; but it should intowasti�:g at thin pigment, --hen't):16 !it il�more anxious p6sition than.Lord 'cultivator is kept g%ving. . The- hill-. I 11 � . Flynt, a painter, 'and worked ,in the . ' . % . . 0 haw been . 0 sldw in . I on the Rcbqfts on February * Oth. - Another , I I ,4im." . � . I 4"Fat-her forgime them, they.,kuow, it t I confusion 1!6.was thought.to she - much of 'the time. Howev make Tovexent students .g "es of the wortd.Axe tu;rjlo . r . or shoutd. bb used tlip.last two at' . , I � I I .. I . eri thlair discussions oi. the sense in whi6. ­ ( �. ssitfig . . � . l . . ,THE, FATHER K N BW BETTER . w1hat they do 1". . . . I to � rn into picioes, bu� suoij was'not the he P und time, f - or �"tinkeringl' a I % the - - . . 1; .. �. I � � . I . .,. depre, plessIage had come from threle Wines, It wtr�,.tagt-_d,isturb,kha_ . � . . . � I .: - N�w, Will -you that Fathers , . . � . fo .1 . . .. At could bo, so. -for ak. TLOW King; ', . 1, I Sir Reilvers'Buller, Who reported that small potatoes, which will set before I 010 tact and country people call it. ., .� id that Giold had S . 4 1 " � 121111 ch'ango : in 'the, sou'a ap-. k, ! 1rhe Holy ap"upitt asks trau ' to, :16AGe rOr.mostaf it is, Still in I . ' r neAily 400 ; years 'the Nearest Lt ,would "cost him froyd. 2,600 to -3100T . I ,;,: . . Iss I .1 . I . I . . . . . i .. . en him. The other reasion .which- is -Fo I . the vines are large. -enough to ate the' -,,, . . . omas � to � ' In a gaod:atate ,ofm proser .. : . . .Tifft, 0.1 Of special interest b� that th6 words Glaa,d., h,, ed to drL" backthe enemy and gain - I I 1. I . P 1. '.. '. . The Holi Spirit a . .you this vati6n.. ' It? Dr. .John L Swan -der, ,of ,o ate In, attend.i.inoe' on man . . .. I . i . . 11 I- I pearawe' could not hide thii . ' I . � .. .,,, 6altIvation. I - . ". ' . morning,.wIth his arousing, melting, was saved i�om' dastruetigA by,J01111 ha$'trauSferred' to the trustees -'of the Are- Syria= That -Was the; language , ..acceisa to the Ladysmith plakm. G I h — 1, . . ... . marki . by,� . j%villicit. the ' father ka W : . I . �. I iliflu- . I n . of England - ' Buller at'ihis. tlmd,Was evideAtly pre.. if. potato bugs !bother t .0 , vines 1. I ­ .0 t, vivifyinig ' . . . I I wil .. . � alarming, Invi Ing . . )1'e, -the saill-lig master, of -the V a- Roger 'ad . Th6lbgioxii Seminary, in in which our Lofrd!s earliest thoughts �Aa I� rias A (I Queens - tb 'g:' . . t. . I I siege. woh't you think b6- is, be I Cly I Al , , I - 1. But it Iva$ not uniU'AI509 that .. 1. I. I Much, *spray th parls greem. .A I . . �. . the boy. -'You. know tttat-pexaons�of . re? I .. . . - .. I were �iltfered,lwhis'boybOQ4's. home. . . .: .. . I ­ I I." parin .to 1. rajin . . that purpose, ' . i. . ., . I Ilttdoal of. in -dependence, of char- I . who was then 1-n.charge of thelp O- * - hi." . ,as ab.pre0ept, un- : :A - - I pump for cap I it gie . . see ft'hi these. a,olemn looks - I -see it , tolry, . annsylvauld$20,06 of is estate,- to, go gav,Q up the. gh6st. He: alsvoisised Xing's. bo,dyguakil., � � $MITH Sbpa , : ft for 500 at IAOS I . . . . ' . I , I I � BANDON, LADY .., � t hardware;, �. I 1. � acloar are avt to indicate it-lot.their in t1lb,se tearfull.eye'S; I See ii in these; Man. Before t& work df demothtion a"wied for the establishment -of a 'hta spirit. - Diad of hi's oiqia� will., � derstood, ,,,ydg - flint form.ed- b Ung to its fa . te. He Asked if Lord- Roberts� stores, but If one oilm#ot be obtained, � , . . I .1 I . . . I , �y Ir � . .. 1. . . walk. I .1 . t . 'i eserves i . . I ne teaspoonful ­ I For that reason the.saUor At-' hlan&ed chocks-, I see it in1her .uP� -had gone fax he got pa'sSession-of It, . mriatihip... lie r ,.he right to ' 141 -When the- telittirhon eaNv wh"t Ilenw!Y VIIL ' - '. , '' - thought ..the chan�o ,qVielleving the .-mix paris!,gteen, a to " � J,bildhood, and the earn- , nd -o - ng was done, he glorified Godi. saying, �Xho� protection of -the sovereign tawn'wast worth the.riik.'4ord Rob- three gallons Water and for -a sprink. - � 1- moot always'his..a pebullar ntep, pot, turned face of , X oftecaled lit'linder lits waistcoat, the Intereat on the fund �durl the . . . ' i . � . . . 'lifetime of himoolf and his. wife. I I . . . 1. I . only llemoau,Ae loctaItanda MUCU on ship, ept gaze of old age. I know it from where., rough. And rehily jack. tar tb'wi, . . . Certainly this was R rijbtSOUS Man:. person, bud up to that iiino been an- arts replied that the town Itaust be're- ' ter use a bunch oftliTaothy heads, and " . I . � 'like th , -That the Ranian .officer who super- trusted to a guard I of aTchers; -who I . board, amid. the rocking of the ada, I in lZrAve. The'HoJy�' he was , he was able to protect it.- :� Rufus Heni - H lbrook, of Boston I lioved whatever the ,cost, and . urged wh a yow. are thratt; tb VaWg, put it' ' I th 9116666 ,a . y a. , , . . . . Q Ig .1 - and he Ilea tto tajancs,, himself, but he G&W't Is here,:and *bile I speak. the This autton of the sillops 'AL-N12'l- has been conneo ad with the street vised the crucifixion 'should be so ini- ?'2611PAt hi's 001leagdo, .,to persevere Buller into -the atove. It 1�i only t most part an indepona- ch 4.2s of'capUvas-ire falling, and . . t , '' were the predecessors; of the I ' he wb . rk, I � . I I . hun for the. . . . am the ,op,S tomb seems not to have been . prepsed by thIsEgulpetnatural enviroh- Yeomen of tho'Guard, better known ,,gain. repor�tiad on, the 9tV of, .February as e't otb - .. � I . . . . , . . .� !: . � . .. . . . - 'ecits, *of Six . . . .� . . .. - . .. I I dung . tionsured or rebuked h . Lhat he r.e operation as im . "" .1 -a.- t - . . ant character,.. Which would allow. it . . i are opening,.-alld the , a any Way,. but' rai-1way.service, Of that city',for fifty- ments would deeply impress all;'011P AS th'a, . Royal Beefeators ; .gar,ded the . . On!a d.�!l a Q__ .. . . if � - . . ."If evm,lf he.. iiever .went ,on , the lig anal the fathers xun-� 'alt, If-tao eight coinls&utive years. He'liegan at . Tho lou&cry imme- . But � 'When: King-Helli Vracti;cable with his preSent f6rce.'The Tf the potiot6e*i- are. to ,be-, shipped: , I . . ,Prodigal$ comi � . . ,rather regarded its a hcait-f . readthe gospel ' ywont t6 meet . . � . I I . aea. and We Jitndw. what ,transpired,, at- . I , .essi,od! .. I the age of - t5 as, a -bellboy on the old diaisly ;followed by death, and'. the. ' as harvested,,: they should not ' . . and angels are shouting and de -T fore of 1,heir. love.for : . Iris royal c6aiiin, of Franae, on the fa -w communications between., the two as SO= ,. . � � terward and frora what '-,.tra ning I ible, exlil sttage cdaches"which isii from.Chaties- weird then �,spokon by vn� Lord struck' I cloth of Gold, he _. . I . I nsPired vils are tTeMblintg. CIA, it is a.momen-, their fallen chief.' At all events they - 111101as F told, of - the net," Is" at' this juncture throw a be dug until the middle of OatobW � f . � uxion'ag pecul, * ' a body- ge a � . , . . ". I before :that this �?rodigal 86A , w AS O' tou�,houi. It is charged with eternal wexe. -allowed to retaila. -their tokiens, town ta-Brattle, i�treet. He, -has- been ihe' ciaat iarlY marvel- dotormined to take With him I left . . . I _ . . , startling 'light on the Whole histbrY They ban be 4ug in the forenoon, I . an independent , and. frank -nature,. deotinies. Whe. shadows of Ithe 'ieter- ,tio. Still in a. d.,vive.r, conductor, : transfornian, ons,'interpreting the Other awful �ir­ guard.of. jiDbl-ea equ ndor and ease to; dry for P � . I and silveral ', fragments � I . AI in ap, 9t of the war aud-can 'only inor a few- hours In the 'bun I � . and I suppose Allat the bharagteris.� nal World flit over thia assemblage. '1kistone, .WiLchtnan and 116i,111.1? the' thankfulness .of - the .nation , that then loaded into (wagons and hauled * . . in different parts -'of' -the 9 . --yatelman. '- . . . otimatances af the crucifixion. 110 magail-floenee to the laid, of . I ' . . , . I .. ' I . . � ties of has min4- and lleart',were the Hark I Ibear thesongs of the saved+ - vvorld. - . I . . I . I 'Xiss Laura 1). � Gill, A..B., of Nortb- saw-invur Lord's bufforings and the t1te, Prench King. - . 1. ,Lord Rbbiert� was sent out after tht directly to the cars.. �. . . . .. +.. .1 . - i, � charactotletic I a of . . his' Walk. And -tw "I hear the, howlin - I . aiifll hk ampton,. MASS.; Who has been chosen 'he 6 I first dis-asters.. - , . . . ­ . . :. . . . .� . . . -go of. the� damned. 'John Clyne kept his part i wonders attending thanii proofs of 'a� - This was the, beginning of t - pr s- 1. . __ . . . ­ . . I . .1 I the father knew. biim Ed ,puts out Heaven -and bell s.eem -to mingle - and death, leaving ,it to his 'wid6w, Alar- .1 . I. . , divine and -superhuman power. eutcoips,which pass(adthr6ugh'inany The despatches of Februa CLOVER AS A, FERTILIZER.- - . ; I . . � . . � . rd him. He eternity poiaeS On th'O Pivot of 'this I the' dean of Barnard Collegei was,among '48, All * the lycopl,6� that came �, togeth- V,Icigsjt11&eg in the stormy il,tys of the March ex 711b`ialli I . . . . . � . . . � - . � . . , garet, ' who, in turii cb.arlshoi - . plain a few points The value of clolvar. as it fertilizer . . - ... _r . bringii 'his. wrinkled face' agaillst the hour. a!hy dy3altiny is being decided, memorial until she diad 'It then- bew the first to volunteer )ter services as er tu that tiight; .The crowds that ai-vii W;ar, many of them at .that. time . have hitherto . been doubtful. We -do .. . . . I y !Is not generally fully appreciated. Be � , 1, I . Pale cheek of hisson. He kisses the 't4by- doom is �belng fixed.. . ...- , came the iprieperty of 6eir soil, Who .IA -'aliTso during the, war with Spain, weierever road to watch capital plin- Utgikilled'in battle.. not learn, however, which officer,,; . I - I wan lips. He thanks God .'that, the I., . . I � 0). 18.98 left'for Tampa., islintent. Just such-crowdi would an- he early y . 11 value in'proburing nit- , , . . I . , � . I � ,.,' o . , � . �' , by 6ught it With I him, to Amorlea, about and on June I . ears of tho last con- Were' responsible, for� the mistake at, sides'- Its great I . � . . , , . . . . . long Agony, is over. "' When he -was , d in- X�Ia., in .charge of the -first detabh� , b f. r laws compel tury the carps bad sdnk � Paardebarg and the inverse at ,Sali*7 rokbin'trolik the air, It can by means . . I yet a great way off his, fd�hoir saw ge 4ber'taln1y wv!# a.rIeud6.,_ lo,ye4rs. ago. -From. himit ptu:qa loan ment all nurses sent b Soluble t6 -day u on considerably - ' , , . . . .1 .. . ­ / � . an. � to the pbgs6gsion. of Mr. Davii I , ytba.Red CrosH Capital punishment to be administer- fr�.oiu � its. f4mer importance, for' its, I .. I . I ,%. nals Past. .0 atritte doePIY in- - - The stage wait rollin.,� along the C Auxiliary, under Mr�. - Whitelaw Reid.. inisslow -%vere then to be plirdu- Lord Robsits,* or the War Office, in . ­ . . .. and- . . nim, and -had ' . I ad in private� Suipto their breasts. In com of it:4 long. roots an '. I fell on him = tompil"'slan' and ran and denly the L : horses whD,'a$.atated abto,�e, glia,rds it very . . I . . . . I I ' ": . . , k And. ki ... d him." . . you trail when sud . � the. eaTt'll;- 4 * up potash .-.r I joalously,- keopling it looked in a safe Mr. and Mrs. Jereiptah, .0artin, ,who accordance With oriental -demonstra- .ased -ter ;91,2W.' . editing his despatches, has caiefully to . . . tang I . � . .. : . - . :. . . Tn .the firAt p1d,ea," I notice -in, this� roared back on their bhunclies as -a wit'll his watches ana Jewels. , - - � . ' daysago lion. graiting the breast iwas the pan- It WAS iii.consequence, mainly cord- . Many officers phosphoric .. -aeld, snd other elements .. I � . , reached San.Vranciqco, a few ' shielded Individuals, I . � . ­ . - . I .text the father's eyeslk�t; In the.ace- lons, highwayman, witli .a Winchester I . I Rent act of the �ublican in the -par- pose& of civilians. but -the. Prince ,and man are selected for pra',so- Of lying- Out of the. reach of the ToOtS , ' . . . . .0 . . . appear . edon the scene. . . .� . ONE SOLID PIECE. ' ' - �Wlll have com�lotod 'a tour. of "the able. " This beginnink of fear' and tVnsort restored itg-military elrarac- Lord Kitchener, the Commander -In- � e P . end Place, I notioe, the fatliorl,% haste; I . . I . . . . a the I wa� 00)a when ,th , lot :to the .136dyguttrd, an4 reconsti- Chief, wvltes.,.�'11. m 1p-oatlY indebted tax a time, become Available by �L L . I and in. the third, ,place, I notice. ,the ,,Stop out. of the hearse, gentlemen The flag is, or rattlier. originally (w .reach WailliAgton, go,rrow,'P writes Dr. Jones, " may have !)f our cereals. These ol inotits af­ - I * 1. I � . . father"H, kiss . . ' . ' :four fast wide and 04'rh let I Ong Mr. Curttn in credited With -knowing become with many of them a repent- tutea, iL as ii.ciorps composed extiu.i- pill-he ordered. . t fe * . . I . to 'him for his eoullset And c6ralalsap.-, L L Xo bagin:* TI]te -Is oye-sight.: and -hands u and is and solid piece of.'eloth'. made , fL *,, About once unto life after this day of Pontc-. ively, of reElred officers with' a di.9- -I'oonsidei lie decomposition, of the clover rods, It '. ... � . . . "Wheu he, we ' fatleei . L One by one they climbed out, with f sea isla;aa,acitcn, inter,wovew with in vnricus, degrees a intimac. . � . ., .. port on all mcaSions, has 'been estimated that the. weight . a Vat a great' way''off, e,iyat L * �. .. . . 0 . sixty languages and dialets. t10 met coat." Returned. To the -city. . Linguishad, service )record. has tendered invaluable Service to the ' '�c x0ced . W him," . I'L . . 1 49. Alibis acquaintance. His friends It WAS his express _ . . silk. This in un I L' . . L. . . - kno, _ ed hauds�. usual, for most. flags of roots of clo r -o the weight of , ,: his fatillor sa don't I - 1. Count L Tolstol. during his stay in. Rua- � desire that.al atate Ili his onerous had ras�apsihfe , artL of th � , an relieved the party are mittle of :, dbiferent �Ieues of dil. a- tfiat P a pleat, whi,dh grows , ., . ..whether he �- - d.i6se Well that wh ic h The highWgYm . . * ;visiting him oil his estate near and Ilssociatesi The Women that fat- tho, combatant bian.Aes..Iof 11014 ." .10 In b'is final - . . . I . , odul -c,61br it b - sla, uld. ba tepr . Posit* n letttir, Lord above the surface, .. ., w �that he and several times was forced toxeraind ferent eii1g easior, to con 'the , i6wal, of Tula, At WilTsAw � the. .lowed him from Galilee. Not only the Jesty's �ervloc. she as edo Lo t, large. as the . . is near,, by, . 1�4 Ido..kpo, a. IfttIL, . I I 0 ' Roberts remarki the . Lr deftinpoAl.ion consequently- . . could nee a great way off." ""His one n6rvoU 9 034n.to keep.h1whaild peot.the, pfe�osth,an to color different home of Slepkiewicz, he Was the guest certain women 'of wealth And' isocial: 'anti that no officer should as force appears to be: in. South Africa, Th6j I . LL . L � I . .. Iillb�s-. The mAin.groand 1-i whit6 ;tnd , �Jjtfaf:6 who did not Ss SIU I of blamus, or de� ' , L father saw ftim," Perhaps he had been from his pocket. * . . . . - of the famous Palish .writer. ' . eintpence contributed to his prosper- ti, eap, I t Lt L has proved all too! small for tlle' adAsIa large'ninouilt I h - I I looking for the return of that boy d"What"s t I he matter with You I" L 'Ile the coloring still clear and bright - .� . � ity, - but there orb many',indioationg least two modals., .1 I._ I ' �' t, oay1ng:Vege.ttLb1e,matter,- whic -is as- . ' . . ess Yormar Judge Partiel jR. Magruder, that L woman followed in.his train . . . . I . dirties. it has bad to perform. 1 par - pecially , valuilbli� in.* tho� lightening' ' . especially that Any. I 'don't know but 11 WAS, olidently- put I L -as QALLA,N.T VU,TERANA , .,, . from his own, despatches, which. prove. - I 'prominent lawyers kind of disciples. . I h,j,s been faithfully ad- that the-'ountry.has in: no way a _' otrate. the . I finally roared. 4You make another - f the'most . ,tnd loosening 11'eavy soils. exid enables . . ,that he had been In prayer And that I L then used in the.manufqcturo Of war one a . . L . a slugs all hat . I . . . � This ord,or. c X 4bat, JiLght And i.tr ,to Ypen I I . vlove like that, and ru pump th . . . .1 God,had told him, that that day the to- . . . . flags, that Of P�r.Dtecting th�,, of Southern Maryland, lias b1ben ap- . 60. A man named %Tosepb, a c6un- hered. to and- to -day the Bodyguattl . . . i a means of drain . In youl" , - I parts to be tinted between wooden . . aggerated his . . I earth and a1for4q j- LL : . creant. boy would conto ,,home. . inted a .constable at his own rc� selor. ,He was at once a member of consistg Okc forty office -.Vs as rank and. SUPREME MILITAXY GENIVS age for surplus aurfiiee water. It ' . I wonderif-God's eyesight can d a "Please let me," pleaded the little hicwka tightly screws d iogethdr while poi . . . Is -' 'he 'dye. qUest,- He bad made a'strong argu- the Samliedrin.-and a disciple 'Of XM� file, with a captain., lioutonant. stun- from mu3t be borno In. taind. that It WQ-t,Jftr-h;rt-' ' . . . .. I dry'us When we tire coming back to. Ingn- as big ,hand again slid toward his tile flag ,wao. Immors6d in t I I . I Us. . I - . . . there Is tin interesting Series d L* him T rf.,he text . I It LIS preoL Ight ment before tb missl dard bodrer and adjutant. I ur tondition pocket. I soly alikownd equally bri I 0 County Com on- %. The game had not consented to Sir George White, dealing with the andAir, tire essential ' 'for,Me'garmin . , . pletures, a . . . [tat it could . I The, captain who cowmands the .%Iegd of Ladysmith, and from Gan- tIon And growtli of all seeds and that L --�wie are a -great . Way Off. ,That - "Please let youl' roared the despera. on both aides showing C , an of Anne Arundel County for the the counsel and deed.' He and Nice- corps inn t . be a �ed can grorruinate Ana grow in * - . , Me? have been colored by no ordinary pro- , 'in young man was. not farVilier -off' from do. .10 int ant- of constables in . �he domus may not have been.notified of itioal oral Buller, desoribing the operations no sie - "Please let you. perforate . po of the Natal Army, At the end of absolute darkncs�. This explains why , not farther Youtre imposing on my ge ems of prin-ting. I And, his appointment is A P61 . hia'father's house,, .sin is nerosity,son- place of deputy ohoriffs, ,on the. -tear the meeting of the Sanhodrin,'but as Belp3ir h,is hold the post veater depth , off -from . A strip four inches wide in gone -4y noted there areinal- May General Buller had an Inter- seeds will gerjuinate, at g Ihol-Inessi bell is no farther ny. Look outl Look outl Keel) your froni the rope end. TWIS was evidcat� of &enemy and had been met by th: we have alrea, � one, Low - before him Lowd, Chester- view with Christian Mot�& and . at- in loose than in beavy and. cornP30t � � , � I - .1 . a I I I . . from haavea---�tban we have been by ' I statement that capable man Would not. cations Ili the gospel narrative that tilo ,IV8,945�plaoed in command by tbe _ I I .� I � . .. . . mit away1rope that pocket, or by.th'e the sailor who first seized . tempted to. bring abont J.,,"surrendor. soils.. . ­. 0 .. . ()fur ains away frona God; Aye, so . I I ljholautli.!g� The threads , end. abruptly be,setured, to act its conitables. There- there was a -vety vigorous defanse,for Llbel!al ltlinistry, . I Ile Informed, him that Lord Roberts * Clovair p1mved trader makes the Halt . . far off that WA 100014 net hear his Eternal"- . upon the judge volunteerod to become Xesus, and one might suppos Next in dompaan,l comes the Lieu- a bat rye . . . "But it won't hurt ion!" piote ted and the markings, thoo.1191A 'not ab- lie crossed the Vaal and that fur- riallar -than it was befor . Voice though veheUliently she haa oall- , . ,.S it comistable, himself, and was appoint. Joseph and Nicademils. were this de- tonant, not 0. political Post; but ap- ,us plant, � � ed year after, broar. I don't knew the little man, "it won't butt you -at solutely straight, are cloan, as though ed forthwlth� He cited the � example fenfie. Waited for the kingdom - of pointed. direct by the FOVor6iglo that fighting was useless. A threP or any other Inon-legumind the Hall . . � . . . 'bad, habito Iyoul.jtaa�i have. form- 4111 Stand jUst,ag you. are now and done with A knife, .Sixteen IncheS Are � . days truce was arranged while Chris. t)lowad under only returns to . W, h �2, othor.chd which is of Horatio -Seymour, whoi after twice God. Planing their lives with regard Colonel Sir Henry Oldham, Who had ' gro vtb ad or in wbAt evil pla,pefl idu have keep your rifle leveled. Tfieret That"fs Inif . 6orving as Governor of NOW Ydrk, and to,the coming of the Messiah; - a distinguished record in, the China tian Both& oommui)ioated with his w hat -was, to ke n from it tn. th 0 � ' . ising from ths.i ant. They have a, beilefl- . � . gtringy and certainly bears evidence I ' Government and General Buller with' of that P1 D . . . been or wbat false nations you may it,,, . . � It WAS this having been a an n didate for the Presl- . 62. This man Went unto P114te, and campaign -of 186G, has bo�n Liouten. the Comma,ddek-in-�Chief. Buller had tial effect, hQwever,'in supplying hume- I . of having been town. Tesus. A bold � , have entertained L; but'troU are ready dency, Wits appoint6d,roild supervisor begged the body of #. ant for many years. � � a the beavy soils. It has bepm - . . . to Acknowledge, if tyour Ili And while, the highwayman was re- strip, 10 -by 48 inches, that was torn of his home district, banouring the deed, thU4 to defy pablio opinion, and Colonel Au -bone Fife, the Standard previously told 110thu that his own US t on clover sod,will � . cart has not ering from his astonishment the Ilt- into by the , map, Of best of- eopectally the opinion of his fellow-. Bearer, saw service'untler Lori, p,D,�, terms ,Were that the men Should sot- o8tinlAtOd Chat corn .1 been chAnged by, the 1graos. of Oodi eOV fragments patty office by miking the yield an Avernge, of '30 bushels to the 11131it y I df, aye, tle Man bad flashed big kodak and those at least one is in the United fielaijild town had ever known. counselors. I to! tn tM Xabulcampaign, and, was render their guns And return to their I.. . AD ,, ,,,:.0 are a great way c . . Stan of Mr, eT I a more that on old land, for the . .14 ' tk,L that You tatonnot )get back of snapped thd button. Statesi, It is Ili the posses I . . I 1 53. Took it down. Armed with the ul. in despatches on this co- farms, and that they might take their act Yourselves. -Yotf would like to Como I . W. I. CarIter, of Ft, Worth, .vexes. I -----..QM— mentione rifle$ with them, A simple-minded first crop, and 15 to the Aere for the . 'a Piece I% Of X . H. � - . .. the �anaoc material THE BARGAI A,BIT. .. 1governor's warrant. -ho drew out the 6asicn4 and: during his earlier service generosity. seems to have marked his second crop.. The, order is sometini0w I ... ck Aye, his moment You would Love ptiad Thrift. Thi -end open com- � . nails, and reverently: lowered bla Mas in the Red. River expedition. . dammunioations with the Ooor lead- reversed. because of the morg that- � Rt." f it ' are not.for this Sin And The late Professor Shuttleworth of as the rest of the flag, Ivorce papers ter's-body in his own sepulcher. Fil- that�bl W` Ing' n f9tind would fill . Collwigger-These ill -r- The Adititant, Colonel 11, A- Fletch' era, and the extreme anxiety to avoid 0,0911 decomposition of the . clover .. abit and , this disadvalatake. But London 'was particularly food of tell ' parlson ft has bee 'ere served on me to-iltLy at -my Of- ate only gave the permit after a gua ew, was, for several yearit seotlitbi In . . . I I . I th-0 joilastug space in the lower right- W 'the centurion that Sagus commontl gkf the 6th Bengal Cavalry, bloodshed, which paralysed his efforts root$ the second. tyear. . A apal to tell vau of, how, when he once acted as lodumi ms this antee from earlier -in the campaign comes out . I 11 - .. . hand oarner, Mr. DavIdSon ba4 also flee. r,-'nY- WO131011, WbAt .Ac ,*Yes dead. Vine linen suich as the awl. had seen active service in Egypt . � . . I (VHE FATHER'S EY&AGUT. tenons in Devonshire, he bad to pro- boeh'told of two other PlecIesill the meant . I �re in his telegram ito Roberts. SPRING TRIIA.TMEXT FOIt THE SAN I Lord's body was now wrapped, in was And, th6 North-West Frontier Of 'Wa Mo Ild cost blin about . � J09H SCALE. United. State4 but he has no defisite - M . loved it woi ' I ­ " He UAW. him a great way off." He claim the banns of marriage of a r1a a 11� bell . � . . ha,ft seeIii all 0,our frailties, till. your young yokel and, it TIIlagQ majd. A knowledge of them,' to. Oobw'igger-Vorgive . , my .aluxury. He took him down fiont'60 rAaih. . . -it nearly ad and wolinded to Tre I as of All I Itinds, inles . ted with San L otrtgales, all Your disadvantages. He bappelled tn read in a law- drops with the assistance of Wood& Th,o ;rest Of the corps bel five hundred killo . . , fortnight later the y6ting Swain called The flag has been examined with dear. I � � mile, and probably of other. disciples. ,every medal or dcootratLan. -whiole get out of Natal,, And asked what � I bas been longing for youp, coming, go a ines sveral men who yorlo dilvertisament that be ivouildob� HIS 'tomb was in a garden near the has been awarded to the British Army terms, if any, he neight offer Botba. Jose stiale. should be divan careful at- , at the professor's lodgings, . Lora Roberts demanded unoondi- tent -ion before the leaves 0#ear, and has notbeen to &�� at (YOU with a Uy.OU put up th6 banns for Ine,11.,ho have served In the English navyo am- tala divorces at, reduced rates for. one, place of the orucifixion, And bad been in Liao list fiftY YeaTo. . tioual surrender, And the negotiations . I , oritiolo eye- or, a bailiff's oye,,but ,.with Ong. them Signal Lioutetant A. J. Par, dav only. eatment - . � said. I . . . and I really couldn't resist intended, by closeph for his own fam, Ajmang them are suchAlstinguiahod the follo I . a FOA11,804, Oyc, anA if it patent ever . ,, Mr, ker, -now residing in St. Louis- who . . . I I . 'aws as Wonel Lown-de.1, ,who was fell through, General Hunter's com- t6d. . � I . Yes,. I remember," replied - ensign that at It, I I ily. Whus wap he with the rich In offir monta forin another most interesting. are ougges - � pitied a child, G,O(t.pItleq.iyou. You - 'L gays that it is the __ . dea0l. , See La. 53. 9. wounded at this siege of Sebastopol; appendix to tll(', despatches. H is 1. All trees incrusted with this scale - � pay., "Oh, A ha,d 90 many evil our- (3hUttle1WOftb- that. day was floated by the "Admir. .. A MATTER OF CHANCE- 0 Captain, Douglas-Willan, w-hD also shojild be dug up. and burned. .. ­- . . roun,ainp when I altarted life." Your "Well," inq'alred the yokel, "1140 It al - of the White Squadron 11 as dis- . I I ­ wout through the Crimean bAmplign; frank criticisms ought to be uaefal 2. Moderately Infested trees should I Father goes it. YOU say, "I have so got to go onl" � tinguished from similar ensl6a in red The two mad bulls bad - bluaderoil NOT SO 131D. anti Ctilonel.05alldeman, who took Part, tie the War Office. All the goperak I ad surro' gree that "the men were tiptelodid.,' be headed back by cutting out the I . ma,ty 1) undings now, ,,What do you mean?" asked the Pro- ,tn dbluo. Of the ,gradations the red t t� the JI 0 a naxrow alleyway. 'Before Notrah, Will You MAXrY =0 W11111, I as d, young COM10t Of Dragoons in the a! . and . it I$ 'very difficult for fessor. "Are you tired Of the &1111 was the highest, but in 1805 was not . ' war � demanded fa,moug heavy cavalry charge before Sir A. Hunter qaoteg Xapoloon�q tops and thoroughly washing 0, 2- - . I me (to break away from civil and for more than a century had not them, wexe several. policeman; behind odme back from. the 9 praise of British infantry, and1speak- trunk and larger branches with . . assotiatiofts." Your Eather sees it, ,, 4sN000p ,vias'the unexpected answers been in use, hento tho,whito indicated them a surging mob, Mr. Helxllby of his ,sweetheart. c . t Brigade . at Ing from his experience in. &nth At- lb Solution of whole oil soap and Iva - but I like her sister better." What way shall we got Inquired one. . nalablava. rion., says that since Xapoleoft'g time ter. This can be applied with, any or- . -itol If tbis tatometat you should sta(rt I the officer in Isuprome command, The It's mesilf that's: not propaxed to ,TWO WE LL-XNOWN V.0.1.& -Ise a potash-lYe "Oh, If the original girl doeStOt 111111d, It's pretty ha:r(I to decide, replied I . ur soldiers have act changed. except dinary spray pump, I limvIew,vard, as I Way you may, red, how6ver, wits revived on the oc� , i ollsoap ratbor than that mado = I thip.v woul�l notsht idly down 3FOU Can marry her dister.11 learn the othor. Let's tos,l a copper. give me answeir now, gold Novah, with LVutenant MaI0611118011, andthvt Oto Improve. From first to last the Whale .1 , a 4013Ut should I hR#O - 'a,gion of the promotions of off t . Accordingly they toss,od One and got, a coy smile. V11 have it ready when geptleman-at.Arnig, won the Vio,towid, privateIsolaiees work was nobly, with caustic Soda. The former is Very 'ItI ft,v yam to struggle on up to- to be 'c4led who aerved in this same battle, bu you're coming home, Jim. I much more effective, and 'more eastly . . - - . low. oil, bb I Iseelin . .. I It was it color Lord Xillson, never float- Ahead, the others turning tKil, that's not so bad, dald Mi. Cross fow saying a bwothapr officer's done. - applied, as It does not thieften when wawd 11; 9 brou a again7l, . ­ . Well, lifis in the Persian war of 1866,whila - . I frte4t Way Off, 616 Wbuk fly LID the "Oertainly,. that?o becessa*," 11114 ad. Lieutenant Parker also,days that L H&RD O'4 PAPA. Herlihy, After a moment's :reflection, Major Ellwards watL tba, same great cold. . rescue. HOW10mg -does It take a fa. owered Mr. Shuttleworth. . . In material and device it accords with Just tell mo the wan thing now, der- d1stinctlot for capturing a fort sin- A GUILTY CONSCIDNOE. 3, Slightly infested orchards of . bliew to leap koka tile middle of the War, I the regulations of the time. Mr. Dav- ' Fond Mothier-Deautiful silk dresg- . Imn, and apple should � ibighwaiy it his ollihi, W thotre, and a "'But shoUld I haVe to Pay III It " . lint -will it be yis or nol gle-hap,ded at Tcl-el-XdWx- In An Ohio towu a saloon keeper Nabb, polar, p 25 per tslit, solu- I W to loponded wEthinen high ,,, be sprayed with a h �,?t,; r, 1ohnny, dome from it pours liftsig- the . 11'resi it Would cost you three and six. ' Inson , , in the DrItIsh Depart- . . . I . Several other members a by a friend walking back. tIon of 151,deg. first -test kerosene and , I fthbol-a is calming iihil, may destroy i An * - was seen , .1 [him. Rivo hWa&ed times longer VeIICO'� ment of the Admiralty and the authen- nificaut worni. I I ACCOMMODATIONS. corps have beeii wounded tn action- and forth before his saloon, as if In water befovo the bada open. About - ,s twite lift Iduring . tainin it'tak,6s Out heavenly father tef "Oh, Would 10" teJolned the yokel I -laity of this valid has never been ques- Johnny-YOS, I -know. momme. Papa Colonel Brown wit kadhim 25,000 peach trees were- .successfully I let It re, ,,, SlIc!go of DOI.hl, and Major Steww% t deep thought, Tilt fvi('n(I as optir to Mo delivi�rahoe Ott a( lost ILfter refledtloll. -XheU'L'Il tiontd. is the worm, aliet hal Did you hear about their preaching th, . with tb1N mater - I � *6161d, "Whea he wals it great way Main afj it hLOO And ho dide-Londoo THE ADMITtALIS REPORT. sermons on Sunday trains T � MacDougall was severoly Woundad in what was the matter, Ire answered - -sprayed last spring a tat peach belt. GENTLE the charge of the Highlanders on the . . � . lal in the Blue R!, off ,his fatber saw him," Telegraph. - The same gentleman also has a copy , bil"9 AS HAOX DRIVERS- I Vas, but how would they Igo about E gyptian trenches at To - I-ol.Xabir.. 0 nothing. . � - 4. A 25 per cent.tution of crude . Unct this btringS Mo to hotlite the - I I I At 1,-4st three at the rank and file The next day the friend saw him petroleia�u and water eon be used in . f4ther's histe. The Dible says be of the London Times of November 1, I nol�,tood ,gentlemen find aeoupation' It t It 0 - ommerolal crude ,( a xan. No wondex. Ile didn't know X imp GROWING PLA14TS WE'L'LL 1805, giving Admiral Collingwood's otw ,,1 pi in 13orlim, Among the Firat colledt all the passengers in t. a of the aeAtlomen_at-&rms have. been . walking the same way, and again' the Sam manner, 0 . WATV RED, fleial report of the Battle of Trafal- . sloeperA. of course. � . bting against the, noers In South petroleum Is exoedingly variable, A but that tho young laith Would coa,ohowit of that city tire seven Tel- _,i..r_ fj ohel askeallim what was the matter. grade containing little, or no aspbal- .. 7 61,mngo his mind aud go back. gar. It It a small, fout-page paper, .tired Army OfflocrS, 16 bObIO111011 and . Amea. 00101p,01 Mitf0r<t A-p(i Coy 14 Have thttrusadera been after you t paraf. 110' ' plants need a gooti-deal =ore we.- yellow w1th Age and ,almost In pieces WtN" ARE ESSENTIAL, Burn, both recently appointod, were trim, but a fair porcep,tage of di"'t, know but t1hat lha WoUld ,drop ter ad the. days grow longer and fronthatidling. Ingemoral"make-up" three olorgymion. In, caMpoApd of Yeomanry bfittaliOpS go; but I htwo received, ft postal, fill, Is destrabl& it should have & I . down fkam oxillaustion, ,' Ito, didn't boy do in midwinter. it ,looks very much like the pap6rl First Actress -I thought be was during the gleatot part of test Year, : signed by three ladies. The, husband specific graVity of Mot: 1639 than 48 - I know but something fatal might over. wormer than t of to -day, the first pagb beats the Zba youngost of the British go-ner- yolir Angel f . . wbile, Majoir Spragge, D.S.O., is A1801 of. the. first fs'ona of My customers deg., ntaume acale, And not" neeosst%ro take Mat botare he got up to the door. They should his given all they C"A title, date lied and pries Mark, but the als in South Africa Is 31a W-Gentral Second AotrofjS-1 thought 0, too 1: I ,a'membe.r at tba 1301,VAUArd- � ' Tly over 45 deg. Cruo% Otis of this 41ho . I . , sill, And, so t1e; fatbov ran. Mak6 use,,of. Watch tho,isarficee Of root of it bg filled with compact ad- . J th,.,� more important oeft- and is rapidly bedo4alrig it 4rul per Igal, by luble for the mwt 03ft speakit O( vertlaointnts, aS is also the fourth And air Airobiba-14 Ifultiter. sbotamoh are Was blistakon I \ I I ATIlong * ftkard. character OoSt 9 to 120 . . QOkt 40 wAlklog. Ob, bow inupli'lielp the soil and whien6vor it looks dry last page. The Moild page 18 the, MI- PIartkUlsTlY Pr011(I 61 Lim becltuft 11.0 Looks wings, all V , gifts on wbiah the Nia%rogt Oluard. A, son of 66� dwon& Winne of MY 431111- the, barroq. of all kiftd,q &tn be, a Wan d6es W#Af, whte ho, frieg to give more water. Do not make Wa- -Wall, hio neoney looks wingd, at ally were on <I,dty duving the list reign, Comers, And fig julst Started On A S. Small trees . I tortal, while the report covers all 'of is An Ayrshire man, and after tho rate I In addition to, tm MrOnAttell and X03- drunkatdliI course. Tho husband d cheoply furnigated with hydr6-63VA11to btecome a C411ristian, In,Joad the pyno tering & Mattot, of three times avvimk tha third. Thoto are ifto large head- &UdAlft War ol 1807-03 they presented . dold gaa. 'The Umory box fumigatbr _. 1. . 1. � ­.. S-4 110,, were tho m,irrlaga of ber ga- the third was Ono of my cu,stomots, shinuld be used. l I � 44gal can't flad 'his war hobao to his and so much &*,4.plant., its many do, jfneA. and littla or Ad\',gerlorai now$. him Wlfh #in 18.0aLrat gold, ljw�owd Of Jesty, the thtinton3119 Of the Pttfi�'o` . , tho jgrtat 'or I . I � I �, fathiox's boo$# alone. ty.nle$s SOM6 but be governed by th6 evident neddo though the importation of thIs maln howt, . . A ATAUMPiD MAX, of Wil< -A, the' 000n6fig 'Of And dittl a drunkard. It outs olost, 0. All freeA shatil(I bo uned no WMA%wm" Ll�u r I E . Jal I —1 I i I ex pixt 1� qu lify i Pa as I 4A 1 1 10 ^g6 comes to moot Up ho bad b6ttev own by the soil. event of tho day doUbtloss aftounts .1 . . . . . . Jaspar-Why do, you bonsider Bond- oxhibition of 18rit, the lhatlelage of aiid I can't AtAnd 'it, � ynu�elj as possible botore spraying- All �41 """'kin&I by thoe 6wim-trottgh ohow- of tho plant if! Ali for this. IN40RUPULOUS 11UMANITY, rocks 80 eAlMiallY lucky I .- tho prtmnt Xiing, Anti, the MAVVIAge a � Woo unto WIM illat givieth blS brush- should be tn neigh. � lag I 6bo Of the &soxt. Whg.n . ,, I III 1, 1! I � The docum(nit Itself, slotil. by Ad- Pay its 70% go is my XU16. Jumpuppe-Why, all his friends had Of the, Duke aAd Duaboss of York. bat drink, thAt PUtt0_9t thy bot -V ohj%rd, left untilp, d4unlmer and burs- , ILI. tbi� 4o4 wws'bi-nt full ttd,e ym might The noblest of 411 tharlde 1W irk fniral callingwood, who Au"Oodood ym; so niAlir people Won't beli,ard Meeback 01% bimi before,,ho bad suc. - I � I . 01 L �.. I ad, This will omabI6 the natural par - mora. oasily witiv"your. btrooth Awo-Cp 8 Nelsm In tomnlAnd, 66.4 been publiAh. a A IS It, 06 to him, and makest him drunk6n ag1tea td, tMeap,a ana. coacentrat6 upon I I I I . back tho AUT&M than YOU coulA &1V11d edabliAg tho poor to, 01trit it livalf. ed at 1mgth In. isiaveral blographles yft W-13,621 you 4AY You'll PAY As YOU , d, And; he wits able to begin life The root of -111 diftolit6n. "' -I Run. , I ! I I %, I othor Zu-Intestoa ttwo 1. , , V. A I 1044k tho With of yout u"f0y,ffJVft IjO& I . - I I I of NI1h4M and is sAU61if too loot to b6, 061114 b66k, . I I I I I.With 0, Olean lilate. I . . love -4. Z ClArke. - I I ­ � -,f , I . . . � . . . I I I .1 11`�' . . ­­­­ "'�"�Ll.,�l''...''�l-.,�.1.1.111.�'.11�..�-� --L-.1-. ­­­­ -11. -----.-1 ­ ­­. I—— - 1. ­ . I � � � I < � ___1­­­­______�