The Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-21, Page 1110.00Por
Whole Number 1159
Have you paid your subscription to The News -Record ? If not there is .no more timely time than the present
Ieaeasa,-......efrewegyese-eiweeeeiseeseambeseellliollte9w9wilt"sAwl"'' 4 nu"":"7117aagen' eu and. 0, Johnson
are good judges of harm flesh
11.11011wriF.171.: • and having an eye to businese as well
Rexdy With .• they are now' establishing a horse
r. i .• i • exchenge where a good driver or work-
er can be bought at any thne. Such. a
depot will be •of considerable conven-
New Sprin„
(„, lance for both. buyers and sellers aucl
conducted on the square, so to speak,
Wall Plipers
Ready with the completeness that characteriies
.every iroportant undertaking at this store. Our
spieeg showing of ,Wall Paper will be a sur Pliee
to horneuowners and lovers of artistic decorations.
It, surpasses anything .of the kind we previously
attempted, being biager end better than ever,
representinga wide range of designs and.eolor.
ings, comprising a better class of papers than
we hitywhithertb shown while Papers throughout
are bet ter value than we have knoyirn for some time.
Forthe coming season crimson, red and green
vill Ile the most popular colors arid some very rich
shedes of blue, yellow, olive and brown are shown.
• There is iilso it demand for light and medium
colors, Onr assortment including the lightest cream
grounds to the deeper and richer tones. •
Whether for cottage or mansion Ibis store hes
anticipated every possible demand. and it stands to
reason with such a large trade we can easily com-
mand values that are not easy to duplicate at
ether stores. '
ref Hints. Convey an
01 the Wzy Prices Run.
Ungrounded . Wall Papers with 6 and 9 inch lair-.
• der, per single roll 4c. Glimmer Wall Papers with
9 inch borders, per single roll 5e gind•fic. Glimmer
. Wall Paper with 9 and 18 inch border, and ceiling
to match. per single roll 7c mid 8c. Gilt and Glim-
mer Paper with 9 and 18 inch border and matched
ceiling, per single roll 10c to 15c. Enibossed gin'd
'Gilts on heavy steel; , full combinations 20c to 35c.
'Beautitul shades in Ingeitiii Paper. with blended
I reezes and beautiful ceiling paper to match.
New Roan Mouldings, .seyen colorings, 3e and.
and 4c.per foot. . e • •
But enough said. Come any day and look over our •
samples. If you oannot Come to the store send for samples, •
All Paper Trimmed Free,' Paine Lia,ngers Supplied
4 Big Week at the Barracks.
The weather of Olio week has been
telling. against the attendance at the S.
A. Barracks but, notwithstanding its
inclemency, many are turning, out to
hear and see the quartette of evangel-
ists who are putting additional life into
the local corps, The officers here are
earnest and devoted young women and
the humble instruments whereby much
On Saturday afternoon the funeral
of the late Mrs. Bennett took place
from her late residence. The remains
were taken to the Union cemetery to
be laid at rest beside those of her life
partner who died only a few days
before. The bereaved family have the
double sympathy of the community.
as it will be done by citizens Bell and ood has been accomplished. We regretto hear that Master
is seriously ill at -
Johnson, ought to be it success. They ., The Parsonage W111 cost $2,000, Wellington McGill
now have a number of fine three -year -The contritet has been let or preeent but, we hope soon to hear of
old heavy colts for sale. erection of the parsonage in connection his speedy recovetY,
4 Royal Adcgowiesigement.
At the late meeting of the South
Huron County Loyal Orange Lodge a
loyal message•of sympathy was adopt-
ed and ordered to be sent_ through the
1,1 Governor-General to the foot of the
Ithrone. This was done and on Tues
day Mr. Peter Cantelon,, secretary,
received the following acknowledge-
ment „from Governor Minto's secre-
tary; "In. obedience to commands
received from His Majesty the King,
His Excellency the Governor Genera)
desires nie to convey through you to
the County Loyal Orange Lodge of
South Huron His Majesty's; heartfelt
thanks for , the kind expreSsion of
sympathy embodied in your letter
which has been gratefully Appreciated
by His 1VIajesty and the Royal Family."
The Byanzellsts 192 Ratterthary Street•Church.
Last Sunday • large congregatiooe
gyeeted the evangelists Whyte and
Kennedy in the Rattenbury street
church. In the evening the church
was tilled. Mr. Whyte's singing
proves a great attraction. ; his voice, is
well trained and under perfect conteoL
He accompanies his songs on the guit-
ar, of which • he is an accomplished
player. Rey, • H. D, Keonedy'S ser -
M011$ are plain, practical and unique.
He drives home truth in a way peed:
tar to Iiiinselt. His sayings sometimes.
evoke a smile, but under every, utter -
knee there lies some great lesson. Ser-
vices will be held every evening next
week except Saturday. At 3.45 next
Sunday afternoon the evangeliets will
hold it mase meeting in the town ball
to which the:public are Medially invit-
ed. A. cellectiOn will be taken to dee*
fray eXpenses, - • . ' .. •
li affects the Pocketbook. . • .
' Every shrewd newspaper reader, es
'pecially the ladieereadilyacirtiowledgee
that: the real news that effects the
pocketbook iefound in the advertisements of the local Merchants. The,
merchant Who advertises is a reporter.
He the•newspapers what he
has to oder. Axid it is • real news. It
effects the poclrethook of every family.
If sorne •merehant is Making. a great
run on shoes and selling them, that is.
news thritevery person who needshoes
ought t� know. If another•is offering •
special bargains in' civercoats,. under-
wear, ccitsets, bets; .fureitirra. dress -
goods, carpets, groceries: Mal or Wood,
stoves or anything a family needevehy
it is news that meaty; money to every
family and the people know it. That's
whythe merchants advertise; in tbe, Cerhert 3 Macdougall 1 2,
newspapers. ' - •
.1.7 11 8
Back the Press,. .
The effort of any betyspaOr to bend “.4. Ma's! of God." . . • • .
UP a town is practically nullified uro 'me . veil,' many friends which Rev,
less' it is backed op by the business Josiah .Greene Of ' Holniesville has
men of the town. A stranger tilrila throughout the Methodiet connection
from the news cOlutnhe Of a 1)0Per Will learn with !regret of the illness
to its advertising columns. and if he through which he is passing but from
Sails to find there the business which, we are indeed, pleased to say,
deeds of the merchants and • profess, be is now recovering. Mr. Greene is a
siotial" liana he conies to the conclug true type of the Christian gentleman
son that the editor is not appreciat and during his long service in the
ed, in which 'caee it is e good place to ministry has filled man' important
keep clear from NQ town ever grew enarges and invOlably did good • writk.
without the active assistance of its it has been Me. Greene's wish totak.e
. $
Cooper,Co.,.' A
Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns.
. .
0 0
o o
0 What can we have for A change ? • 0
Is the cry of every housekeeper. .0
0 Stiawberry Pie Plant • Pine Apple Chunks Stuffed Pickles
Chili Sauce or A (Jan of Spinach • . 0
;o 0
Save your Eggs and use Burnett's.Coffde 'Clearer to settle your Coffee.
o o
0 Leave your Order for Lettuce and Young Onions early i,n the week. 0
o 0.
0 • 1,
o 011e Cooper ..&. Co. 0
io.ell..o4o.eAt..te4e•ebe)-qt-Ch•de•leAt$01,49,15•11p.e ilb.eitt.,,e-eb,e,<b.a
I bgive added an engraving Machine to in store equip
merit and can do your engraving quicker and cheaper •
than you have had it done heretofore.
p, CREV.VS0 inert Niro:ten Repairer.
with St, Joseph's churcla, price $1025.
This dnes not include the cost of brick,
stone, etc„ which are being laid upon
the ground by the parishonere, so that
when completed the personage will
have entailed an expenditure of two
thoueand dollars or in the near neigh-
borhood. The contractor is Mr. S. S.
Died M the Nile. 4.
1••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •
• r Rain' • CO 62 iS 0 0 0 ) ?
. , .
IThe rainv season is now at baba
i Coat. We have them from $2.60 up.
• so that, in order to keep dry and
keep grippe away you need a Rain
1 They gtre good coats, vvill wear well
' and keep you dry.
' .
1 Umbrellas . . .
You will be wanting an Umbrella, too, •
which are our specialty. Our New 1
i We have a large stock to select from,
Next %yolk we will talk about Hats,
handsome and plain but all .good ones,
Ties ate in stock. They're all pretty .
Mr, David Ross, having ecured a
situation in Hensall, intends leaving
here shortly.
Mr. Will. Ernigh and wife visited
friends and relatives in Goderich on
Division Court Clerk W. Campbell
has resigned his position. Every one
is wondering who will be the ,next one
, We understand that our flax -mills
Mr. Jacob Ryan of the Nile, who had will be put into operation for the
been ill for some time, passed away 00 corning season's crop which will be a
Friday last and leaves a wife and six a boon to our burg -
children to M01.1111 the loss of a kind
lausbancl and a loving father. The
funeral took place on Sunday and was
largely attended. .Arnong those from
Clinton were his sister, Mrs. David
Cook, Sr., and also Mr, and Mrs. Cook,
Tr., and Mrs. Geo. Cantelon.
Tho Carling Cornpetitliin Oyer.
The rink competition which has been
in progress for some time among the
curlers was wound up on Tuesday
night when it was decided in favor of
N. Fair's quartette consisting of 0. E.
Tenney, E. B. Smith, E. M. .McLean
and N. Fait, who won five games and
lost only one. Their victory entitles
each of the four to a silk umbrella,
which will likely be presented at a
dinner to be held, perhaps, next week
to mark the close of the season. ,
What to Wear 0.
Need not concern you it you order
here, You cannot make a, mistake.
Everything desirable is here. We
are alvva,ys the leaders of the new-
Keep Them Byre.
Three enterprisints towns having
heard that Jackson Bros. are extend-
ing their manufacturing branch, wrote
the firm with a view to inducing them
to pull up stakes here and go there.
Inducements have been offered which
would tercipt some firms but they have
not yet taken any of the baits 'thrown
001 and as their own town can do last
as well for them as any other corpora.
tion we are not eounting upon • them
leaving, not by any means.
Clinton Beats Brumfield Again. • ,
The final match of the series between
Clinton and Brucefield was played at
the iatter place on Thursday night last
and tesulted .a, sonaewhat easy yic-
tory for Clinton which now remains in
undisputed possession of the champion-
ship for another year. Mr: T. B. Hoo-
ver leads in wins,loosing only one game
out of the whole eighteen played. ,
Clinton won Brumfield won draws
E. Johnson 2 Snider • 3 1
Cook • 2,, Grant 1 3
Hoover 3 Scott 1 2
T. Johnson 4 Delgaty 2 0
Shannalan Murdoch 8 0 •
Me. Alex. McKenzie, who has been
in Mr. W. L. Ouirnette's employ • for
the past six months, left fog his home in
Durham on Saturday. .
Miss Alice Reid of Clinton is visiting
at T, H. Cole's.
Mr. and Mrs. Lasham 'visited Clinton
friends on Saturday last,
Mr. Jag. McOlay visited at Mr.
Robert Scott's one day last week.
, Mr. Geo. Snell returned Friday even-
ing from attending the Grand Orange
Lodge which was held in Stratford,
Mr. Henry Bradford visited his
mother on Saturday last who lives in
Belfast. .
A load of Orangemen from here at-
tended the Royal Arch meeting, held
in Blyth'qe 1VIonday night. ,.
Mr. Jess Mountain of Dungennon
called here on Sunday. He reports
doing a good business in Ashfield's
capital. •
est arid best and this season we
* A. .I. HOLLOWAY. ji
are surpassing ourselves.
papers. Nor can papers grow and
build up their• localities without the
assistance of the town. Business men
should realize this and reiffember that
in lending support to their local paper
they' are not only building up their
own business but are helping to sup-
port that which is steadily working for
the growth of the whole town—Press
abd Printer.
•••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..••••••••
0-eriewelecie-qiegeereee snegiees. te-steweseareereecte.geegyoese,e,ebasaa,,, iteeseeees
Now is the time to get a snap
in Photos. Every store has its
bargains, so have we. 1 doz.
lovely photos for $L Same
finish as on our $5 cabinets.
Ratepayer Wants a Stone Grath& Botizht,
Dear Sin—I noticed in a recent issue
of TUE NRws-Ruoottla that the stone
'crusher question was just about
dead. Now, as en old ratepayer, I
don't think such should be the case afi
it is it machine that is much needed by
the town, Uwe had gravel convenient
of a good quality it would be much
better, Some think it would be too
muela extreme but the same complaint
was made before the corporation
bought the grader but now all seem
well satisfied with it. I think the town
would be saving money by getting a
crusher. As it is now we buy our
gravel and teem it about three miles
at a, great cost and then in tbe ensuing
spring pay to have it drawn off the
streets in the shape Of mud,While if we
used steno we would not require to fix
the streets every season nor require so
much water to keep down the dust in
the summer. The amount of money
the town pays or should pay now /iiiii"oeam
would more than pay the interest on a, • Rey, Alex. Stewed exchanged pul-
crusher. Besides, our streets are in a pits with /tee, Mr. McKay of Luck -
worse condition than they were twenty now last Sunday, •
years ago. A few years ago Clinton The southbound train on the L &
was looked to aria leading town in the 13. ran off the track south of Belgrave
matte* of public epirit and now We yesterday morning and. Was delayed
seem to be waiting for newer places to for some hours.
take the lead. Now is the time to in, Mr. Hiram Hill has bought the
vest in a machine and as it will only be Cooper cottage on Albert street which
a short time till we will have to get it, has been occupied for some time by
why not do it at once and have the Mr. ri„ Reynolds,
benefit of it. The money for the nue- A meeting of the executive of the
°hese of one has been raised and no Huron 0. E. Union and the S. S.
trouble about it tro why not purchase Assoeiation will be held in Clinton on
at once. There always will he it few Good Friday to orange for the eon -
dissatisfied persons in it town no mato, vention to be held here in Stine,
ter what the improvements may be Atelegratn was reeeived by Rev. W.
but think the majority of the large G. Ilotvson on Monday morning an -
ratepayers would welcome better nouncing the death of Mr, Sohn Bruce
streets than we have. Our badstreets of Alliston, father of Dr. Bruce, late
are the means of keeping farmers out of Clinton but now of Collingwood.
of our town in the bad season, Now, An entertainment will be given in
hoping the council will let the people the Ontario street church on Tnesday
Soo that we . aro it live WWII and go in evening of next week Under the
for improvements, and not follow in. auspices of the .Iunior Epworth
I League, The veleta of itdMieelon Will
be one dime.
, Henry's Photo Studio. I
Miss Rachel Yelling has returned
home after several weeks visit with
friends ar ound Durrgannen.
League, met on M.onclaY evening
with the president in the chain Miss
L. •Brighamf a,nd ' Alvin •Braithwaite
took the Sobjed. A resolution Was
adopted asking that Mr. .A . T. Cooper.
and Rev. Gifford .tr. be invited tci
give. a, lecture on the Forward, Move-
ment for Missions.. '
The Presbyterian are going ,to repair
their church. by papering and. petting
oti a metallic ceiling. • While the re -
pities are going on 'the congregatioe
will meet in the Methodist church. ,
The 1VIethodist Siindiry school mill
Meet at half past one instead, of two
on account of the Presbyterians holding
service in the - :Methodist church
whilst the repairs- are being made On
their own. .
Mr. James Woodman and vvife were
in Clieten over, Sunday,
Rev. Mr Coupland 'has made a sitg-•
gestion to the lodges of this pleceiri re
gated to moveable pictures of the Queen's
funeral.' He has offered to get them if
the, lodges would give a guarantee
of lien -tall amount as the picture costs so
much he doesnot feet like getting them.
at his own expense entirely. One seem
is one hundred and twenty five feet
long and another about seventy five
feet. Mr. Coupland will get both of,
them if the lodges will. assist, in the
expenSe. The proposition . is Well
wor th considering.
Mr. R.G. Webb was in both the Hub
and the county town on Thursday last.
While in the forayer place he called
upon his oldfriend,Mr. William Grigg,
who has been '•upon the bed of an&
tion for many weeks. Mr. Grigg is
known to, marry of us around here and
we are moph pleased to hear that he is
now cOnvalescing and will be himself
again when balmy spring conies once
again, Mr. Webb is waking prepar-
ations to guard against an ice aisault
upon his dam when the freshet comes
and,.we understand, he. has procured
a supply of dynamite to clear away the
ice when the right time comes.
hear from you,
, " y
Mr, J. Snell of Hullett and Me, Weer Mr, Walter J. Stewart of LucknoW,
Boyce of Mitchell spent Sainday at the accompanied by his sister and cousin
parsonage. Mies Mary Stewart and Mr, John A.
Mr. Rob. Robinson has proved over Eraser, visited at Mr. Chas. Donald.
to his farm on the Parr Line recently son'e last week before the former leaves
purchased from Wm. McAllister. All for theVVest.
Rob wants now is a housekeeper. Mr. Chas. Parker is on. the road
Mr. J. T. Cairns moved his family again trying to supply the wants of
to Kirkton on Monday last. , farmers by cutting and grinding grain.
Mr. T. McCash,our enterprising post- Mr, Will. Scotchmere drivea fine
master, has placed a number of lock matched team now,
boxes in the pestoffice and most of ourEvery memberR. Penhale's
business men have rented one, family has been down with la grippe isAn accident that ruiglit have prove
Mr. A. B. Stephenson purchased this except one daughter. Mr. Penhale
week a beautiful piano case organ
from Mr. 0, Hoare of Clinton.
Mr. Joseph Foster is moving up to We hear fish is plentiful over at
the village this week. We are glad to I3ayfield go that there ,nesd be no
learn that Mr, Foster is gradually Mr- further doubt about our Lenten
aomaRicti TowNstne.
Misses M. Davis and L. Stanley, who
haye been for the past few weeks visit-
ing their friend, Miss Emma Graham
of the llth eoncession, returned to
their homes last week. Miss Davis le
oinf 0C nyteol an andnd,u.. Stanley'e home is
Tom. Cooper lett la,st Tuesday foe
Winnipeg. He iotende making Mani-
tetra his tuture home and we all wish
him God -speed.
Hemline Welsh paid a abort visit to
up for about a fortnight. more serious betel a merry load of
d •
Seaforth last Saturday
had a severe attack which laid him ahu
young folks Sunday evening. While •
driving home from the prosperous
Epworth League of ()We's church the
whifiletrees of the sleigh became un-
done and when the driver tried to hold
the horses the sleigh ran forward and
frightened the spirited al2/01418 80
much that the two men in the front
seat were unable to held them. Fortun,
ahtaerimy .for dtohn,
the crowd they were 'near
hoe and we are glad to say only little .
Messrs Johnston aud Elea of (Minion
were.out in this section in search of
horse flesh. Many stables were visited
by them but Me. A. Cantelon was the
only one with whom they could make
bargaiu. They purchased froni
a fine colt at the good sum of $11.0.
We are informed by Dame Rumor
that wedding bells will be ringing on
this line very soon, -
The ma,ny friends of Mrs. William
Perdue .
eryare pleased to hear of her
Mr. William Hardy, who hes been .
Lot many years a resident or the ,13ase
Line, this township, move& last week
to the place he beught sorae tittle eince
on the London Road, about a mile
south of Clinton. Mr, Hardy's new
farm consists of only fifty acres but it
is as good as many a bemired that we
wet of. There is not a foot of waste
land in the whole of it. ,jr. Hardy is
an induserious man and we wish him
and his estimable wife and family
happitess and prosperity in their new
Mrs. Riddell of Goderich and eIrs.H.
Grey (anion ot New York city are • •
one more appointment, which would
round out his seventieth year -And, then -
retire from the active • vvork, His
present illness may, however, cause
him to accept superannuation at an
eerlier date.
Happily 'Married Yesterday,
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the home of Mr. Joseph
Wheatley yesterday when his second
eldest daughter, Miss Libbie, was unit-
ed in marriage to Mr, John Weed, of
Varna. The bride, who vvas attired in
a travelling suit of brown cloth and
carried it. boquet of roses, was assisted
by bee sister, 'Attie, who eatried a
boquet of pink carnations. The groom
was supported by his cousin, Mn
Alfred Scotchunere of Varna, The
ceremony took place at 3 p.m. and was
performed by Rev, Dr, Gifford after
which the happy young couple, along
with about thirty guests, sat clown to a,
sumptuoits wedding dinner. Arnid
showers of rice and good wishes the
happy young eau* left on the 4.15
train for Detroit where t,hey will spend
it eouple of weeks and on their return
will take up housekeeping id Varna,
THE NSvve-ItecORn joins the many
friends of Mr, and Mrs Ward in wish-
ing them a long, happy and prosperous
provingin health. "
Mr, Lew Eberhart, who was work-
ing for Mr, 3. Red for about a year,
returned to his honae neagr Seaforth
last week, ,
Mr. and Mrs. F', II. Murray visited
Mrs. Murray's parents in Leadbury on
Sunday last. •
Mr: P. H. Murray has dispoeed of his
business teat Mr. Martin of St. MavYs,
who gets posseesion on the first of
May. .
On Saturday afternoon the Hills -
keen footbell team came up 10 Varna
to playa game with' our Varela Fry.
They thought they were going to do
up the Fry but it happened to be the
other way the Fry wining two goals
and Hillsgreen • none whatever: • The
Varna Fry is not yerY big bnt they get
there just the same. • •
lar, T. Jacobs has purchased a fine,
cow .from Mr, J, Dower of the Sauble
Line this week; • '
Mr. Malcom McNaughten is peeper-.
to pot a stone foundation under hie
• barn this summer.
If you want to get all all the news Of
Stanley,:justrea,d THE Naws-RecoRn.
On Wednesday last one of those
interesting events took • place at the
home of Mr. Joseph, Wheatley Of Clin-
ton when in the presence of about 30
invited gnests'John Ward was united
. in the bonds of holt! matrimony to
Libbie,.second daughter of Mr. joseph
Wheatley.. All partook of a surap-'
twirls wedding dirreer and Afterwards
left on the L H. and B. train on a
trip, On return of the happy couple
froth theiVhoneyinoon they will settle
on the Old homestead at the edge' Of
Varna. • Your correenoedent in behalf
of the good efolks of Varna and sue-
' roundings extend congratulations and
good 'wishes galore ' • •
"OPPolnYsIdera,ble live stock has been
bought in the township lately by
Clinton buyers; •
Mr. Charles Donaldson has deeicled
upon disposing of his farin. on the
Btowason Line. There are seventy
seven aerQS in tfie place and it has
been the.home ot the Donaldsons since
they settled in this, township twenty
six years ago. Mr. 'Donaldson's reason
for this move is that he intends, lecat-
ing at Bruce alines where his brother
Jetnes started. a planing 8004
months ago and is doing well, There
is a boom on. at Bence Mines which is
waking to a new life after being dead,
or alumet so, for about two deeades.
We • •would much rather have. Mr,
Donaldsonremain among us but if he
can better his condition by the. West-
erly move why, of course, he would
•he doieg the wise thing by going,
Messrs. Snowdon,- Westlake, • Dewar
and Campbell delivered hogs to Mr. J.
Andrews, doderich, last %Monday at
Re. per lb, - .• '
Mr. Percy parker has been engaged
•With Mr: W. Wilds for the season. •
Mr. John Spencer has been employ-
eyvd iflodrst.he summer by Mr'. Vitlentine
' Mr. W. •Jowett at time -of writiog is
reported to be in a serious condition.
. One of Blake's aged residents. in the
person of Mrs. Eloie Thompson passed
'qinetly away last week and the re-
mains were interred in Hayfield ceme-
tery. on Friday. There. 'wes no eclat:nil
on Friday hi S. S.,No. 4 •north owrng
tino,gthpelafeuenoeuratlhoaft Md97...thompso. rt. tak-.
Mr. John. W.ainsley spent Monday
in .Clintort.
Mr. JolinWatson has purchased the
129 acre farm from Mr. W,G. Johnston
and takes possession April lst. • '• , •
•A small partywas held at Mrs.
Castle's on Friday list as her .sister
Miss Sarah intended leaving for Gode-
rich on 'Monday.
• • Snowden Bros. are 'busy drawing
logs to Hayfield Mill from their.
brownsbn Line farm. • •
Mr.R.Fieldshasa couple of Wind -mills
erected, We believe Ransom must be,
agent for them. .
Mr. 0. Heuston ha's been; busy
moving for the Past tWo yveeks and.
will be in his own home shortly.
Mr,- William johnstcgn, Brownson
Line, will also be settled this week.
Mr. Wm. Scotchmere and two
companions were quickly thrown out
on the snow one evening srecently but
Willie held tight to the lines •until
itesistappe helped thena. to subdue the
horse and thee the cutter right 'side pp
• a.gbIltirn...rohn, Moseoti,. one o. °Stan.ley's.
old boys, who wept to Manitoba a few
years ago and kept bachelor's hall for
years, took canto himself partner n.
few week ago. We all join in wishing
Mr. and Mrs. John Mossop a, long and
prosperous life. • .„
Relatives frono Boston of Mr.Thomas
Stinson's sperit ir few days last week
with him, .
Messrs. Sohn Watson, W. G. John '
ston and H. 11; Johnston they° • to
Seaforth on Tuesday on business.
We are again called upon to mourn
he loss of one of our esteemed reel
dents in the person of Mrs. William
Graham of the 3rd eoncesslon who
passed from life unto death 'on Tues-
day morning last. She had been in
poor health for a couple of years but
the final call was sudden, and taking
the family unawares their grief is all
the more intense. Before daybreak
one of deceased's sons, Goldie,. drove to
13lyth to hring home his sister, Mrs.
James Sims, but before they' reached
their mother's bedside she had pitssed
away. .The final scene was cairn and
peaceful, as the sufferer appeared to
sink into a sweet sleep transition came,
Mrs Graham, with her husband,
became a resident of this township a
quarter of a century ago and during all
these years she has been winning the
respect and love of all with whom she
came in contact. She wits a consistent
and devoted Christian and a metnher
of the Presbyterian church at Brum-
field and the last earl rites of the
church to which She was attaehed will
be conducted by Rev. Mr. Savers on
rriday afternoon when the funeral
will take place to Baird's eemetery,
that prettily.located God's Acre where
so tnitny of the pioneers of this town-
ship are sleeping. Me. Graham sur-
vives his beloved. partner, together
with their three daughters, Mrs, John
B. Stewart of Goderich township, Mrs.
James Sims of Myth and Miss Ellie
at home, and three sons, John and
Goldie at home and Melvin, it member
of the teaching profession on the
PacifieSlope, The 'heartfelt sympathy
of numerous friends is extended to the
bereaved family in their hour of trial
rStio.rrE67;lo ore was attacked sudden-
ly by illness yesterday but has now
very much improved.
The follovving were the winners at
the carnival held in the rink Iast
day night t Ladles' costume, MISS
eity, It pays to keep' it good stoek that the minority would give way to Annie Taylor ; Mise Carling ;
and let the public' know about it hst the maiovitl and that Mr. McNeil ndeeattl'es,, ellomarloo,IdNeTwatnonnebatvil:ye, Earl
• Would receiVe the call.
liberal andjUdielotte advertisingi
Miss Tillie Akain of Clinton is this
week the guest of her old friend, Mrs.
Mrs G. W. Layton • • •
Mr. Gordon Waldron,. barrister at
law of Toronto,and son of Mr. Thomas
Waldron of the London Road, came
home on Tuesday evening and left the
following day for Cientral America
where he ie interested, in , rubber
Miss C. Johns and Miss M. Hohnes
entertaindd a number of their friends
on Tuesday and Friday evenings Iasi.
Mr. John Hunter of the London
Road is.visiting London friends.
Mrs. T. Waldron has had it severe
sickness.which hits confined her to the
house for the past week, ,
Mr. James Nott has had an attack
of la grippe which has kept him in the
house, somethiog. unusual for him,
We will be pleased to see him . around
No small stir was occasioned in the
village on Sanday last as the fire bell
sounded the alarm just as the churches
were closing. Strioke was discovered
issuing from the house of Mr. Geo.
Bradford, by other than appointed
ways, in his absence he having gone
to Landesboro. The fire department
were not long in getting out the hose
and pump and bytnergetic efforts soon
succeeded in bringing a good stream
into play, not too soon, however, for
the fire had obtained a strong head-
way in a partition wall close to the
store from which it is thought to have
originated. Ten minutes more would -
have decided the fate of this large
frame dwelling, on main street, hed
the blaze gone unchecked, but the
crowd of willing bands brayed the
sreolce well and aft er considerable axe
pley located the main Sources of
&urger and the building was saved,
Thos. Carter of Stapleton Sundayed
with his brother james of the village.
Major Beck and wife of Saltford
were guests of Mr, John Sturdy, Mise
A. Sturdy returned with them.
/Shit Etling moves to Londesboro
this week, having sold his property
here to Albert Ring.
Several from here attended the
funerals of Mrs, McClinton, Weetfleld,
and of Mr. D. Ryan of the Nile on
Mrs. John Sheppard's funeral was
held on Monday last to aall's eemeg
W. Cooper & Co, made a sale of
Wall paper in London this past week
and the purehaser says he could not
have done betterif as well, in that
gibt4t.oik,•,4frogi-sAate,*.e.t.s-ib.41.• rAett,i 1 ad Yu uly,
st o e %Ws r
Miss Annie Hayter of Stephen called
at the rectory last week. •
Rev, E, 0. Jennings was in Zurich
last Friday,
Last week fishing wit h.the hook and
line was the order of the day,. The
majorityof anglers Were very succees-
ful, herrieg being the chief catch,
Mr. William Dixon has been engag;
ed in repairing the former residence of
Mi . Sanderson of this town,
Mr. Thos. Stinson of the Situble Line
was in (Hinton and, Brucefield last
Miss Wilson of Greenway was the
guest of her uncle, Mr. Thos. Stinson,
for a few days last week.
(Intended for last issue)
Mr. James McDonald, who is at pre.
sent living with his daughter, Mrs,
Tort ance, in Zurich, Wit8 in town call-
ing on friends last Saturday.
We regret to announce the death of
the little five-moritheold ehild of Mrs
Middleholtz, who rams bete to attend
the funeral ot her father, the late Mr
Sellers. The remains were interred in
Hayfield cemetery last Thursday.
We regeet to say that Mrs. Moore,
who has been in Detroit for some time,
is in it very low state of health and
that word has been xeceived here by
her husband conveying the sad Intelli-
gence that no hope is entertained for
her recovery. We Join Mr. Moores
friends in extending our sympathy to
Min and his young family.
Miss rloie Morgan was in town one
day last week and we are informed
that Mrs. Morgan will soon again best
resident of our town.
It is said that Mr. John Morgan, jr,,
has purchased or rented the River
hotel and will take possession of the
same in the spring.
A. large and influential meeting of
the members and adherents of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian ehurch was held
lastTuesday evening to consider' the
matter of giving a call to a minister.
Rev. Mr, Sewers, moderator, presided.
Only one name was submitted to be
inserted in the cell, that of Rev. &Am
McNeil for whom the meeting was
prattieally unanimous. On account of
the different churches iri the charge
disagreeing as to &duke the charge ie
again throvvn open to candidates. This
Is unfortunate as it was hoped here
spending a few weeks at "Woodlands,"
the residence of Mr, Thomes Jenkins. .
Miss.Alice,A.ncirews of Goderich bus
been visiting at Mr. T. Jenkins; ancl,
vvith.other friends in the townehip.
L• . 0,
e.tarecehewtile7dwelpiltgedresb8yillSt:ihnaH-rOn L
• at its last meeting and a, copy pent to •
the parents, of their late brother : To
Mr. and. Mrs. John *McCartney and
.fainily:—We, the members of L. 0. L.
No. 189, take this opportunity of con-
veying to you our sincere and heartfelt .
regret at the death' of your beloved. son
ancrour Brother:, Thomas McCartney.
We cannot express in words the loss
our beloved order and nore particular-
ly our lodge has -sustained in the.
decease of our beloved brother. Hie
.regularity in attendance, combined
with good moias, proved to us that
he was in every respect a- true Chris-
tian heather and wen, for him the
respect of brethern. Whilst we
mourn his loss as a consistent brother,
yet we do not molten as those without
hope and, our humble prayer to the
Great Master is that we may all meet
tlae.Grand Lodge above wheee part-
ings,tkars end sorrows tire uuknown.--
.Signed in hehalf of the Lodge, Adam
Cantelon, District Master ; .Arthur
Ouarsrieet,..Master,; JeinesConnolir, Past
Mrand sire Josh. Cook and fainiltr, •
Clinton, spent Saturday, Sunday and. '
Monday with friends in the-stowieslahte,„
chiefly at ales. Cook's old homestead
on the ninth conceesion,
No less thau three members of Mr:.
Johu Halsteadrs family' have been
Suffering froin the prevailing epidemic
this past weekend so 111 were they that
a man of medicine had to be called in.
Mr, and airs, H., Oakes visited Mr.
• MeMath's of the 4th concession on ;
Saturday.lVbig; Halstead is the guest of
Miss D, Oureie.
Miss S. Sterling of town was visiting
some old friends; ou the 7th concession
last week.
Mr Itobeit Marshall of Porter's 11111
is engaged with Mr.. Wesley Marquis
for a few weeks,
On Wednesday eveniug last it pleas-
ant time was spent at the home of Mr.
Wne Currie, lth coucession. Friends
from all parts of the township were
present and some from as far as Whig -
haul, The evening Was spent In
crokinole and other games, while a few
spent their time in tripping the light
fantastic to the strains of the piper.
The time sped swiftly on until theme'
hours when all dispetsed to their homes
after wishing their host and hostess
long life and happiness,
Rev. J. W. Robinson preached to it
very large coogregation oo Sonday.
We undetstand Pastor Robinson con-
templates starting a week -night meet-
ing which would be appreciated.
Mr. Tont Burrows, seedsman.
Goderich aria Miss Laura Willson of
Zion called ori friends in Holinesville
and Clinton on Sunday after000n.
Mr. Tebbutt of Zion wears a, smile.
s°Ildrstatid Mr. `S
Vtohn Yeo has
bought lot 80. and Mr. George Miller lot
Si, two of the three farms owned by
Mr, Peter Cook,
Mr. James Stevens of the Base Line
had the misfortune to have the top cut
off one of his fingers while working a
cutting box on Wednesday. The bone
was not injured and the wound will
speedily heal up, It's when one meets
with a mishap like this or more serious
that goo_d,_pure llyin_g
roldrersessrte, J.
ere0.&chN.811Vitalioraeantal rir
efat.nioad. Ao;
cattle to the Old Country market lake
Thursday. Mr, S. A. Smith was the
purchaser, Messrs. Ransford shipped
two carloads direct this week,