HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-14, Page 8111.11 ­­ �.. �.­­ 6 - I; I .... � . ..... - � �; - %,­­ , �, � ,. , ". , , , . ,. ­ -­ - , I �, . 11. . � _­ 1M"""`-- I __ V -, ­'...­.,­.'­_,_­_­ ..... .... ­ -.7, 'r, � , ­ .. , - - ­ - -- - � - - 7 " , '' _­__­, ""'"" , " - " - " , - , ­_"­­­ , - , ­­__,__­_ --"----------- r"O"I"'. .0 " " 7 � ""It"kii, A - . . . .. - � ­­_ . � � __­­ __� — _____ _-_,_.1- , �—�--,�-,�"--,-.�-,.--"-,-,... I �_ ­ —.-,. ­­ I—. _-_�_ , , ____ _ -4� - , ­_ --- — �� o -1 ;- � - � .... .. I ! � 1. - ­­ i- . . I _­­ � - - ­ 77777��;;,� __� i I ­ I 11,11-1 .�_.'.�;. ;i ­­__ ._ . ASOAU14 " 4 I .. 1* I � , TISO TIM SZMS RUN BRIN'811110 ISLIJ . �.�*,M�­- 11NOLAM STMOM I q1%,W"g"";%,-WV VW*,-,iL-�'"?** .�' HE GARTER AND FAGLA I f A Up It � W"" , 4 0 0 1 .. I.." . 11 . I -, 0 *-I-" Exclifiog ftporlenrp of a IlAlk Ilk 11441M * *40 . . MINTS FOR 111,41oll 'or 1100"ImAw Moultilm a *400 or ') , RULATIVU 1"ANK OF LORD MUM' V011 W'sakropli of plersh INTURESTINQ N9W8 VtOM TOO THE FARMERIP . Alarm as llaklefarsloV4 In FashI611 S $ . TWO NEW TITLES. A writer to. Badminton says that In . LAND OF TIM SHANNOCK, I � . . , : I ­ I I . .1 An address was delivered by 131shop, 1, ­ , , WWJO Tailla, about eight miled from the � � Mooreboaso, at the x4noboater cat'h- I , I 11) � " . � I CLOV]14ft AS A S,V1V1;0 CROP. . I �, The 0141ek riligle la, Pi'1144.4 Itiltiurz Ne.v town of Jabalpur, Is a place called loo -Y People of MO Villerilld Polo—occor. adral recently. Olt tile international 810110 11110 110111 � ,1 , . the Ordvi, it! me c trtrr Anto . ng Asigtier Who 11ve frotu the tw-t that swarms at rellee# 1,1431TA111,1111treAt 104 -VIA""" TUo value of clover as 9. fertilizer or Re ae, I m ­, " ( . 1* _ ", _ struggle for trade supremacy, Cam- I : ,:� 1111relpeall ft(ler-1-414o toveted Meor. the 14400t4 live there and doload their 411414s, for 'hay) is 4''. sufficient reason for Petition in trittle and 41plowavy., was, *-%�eue"v,,�.,�,e*,,,�*,W*144,lq�, Will � I - !: allona or 4-agrape. I , , e. hol4lag against the world. Shock. 'William Wands, W, Was sente"04 . �:, . I 'growing. It. I But kfaido f rom this, it be fiaid, likely to become formidable . . , V ., The recout bestowal on Lord Rob. Ing are the tragedies which - to ,death, 4t U13tor asSixas for the . i , hog &4 � othortyalue as a seed cropi to a country like Great Britaln.with what affect tue, Queon's kleath Is . $&' . , llortti of the Order of the Garter and sulte ,, have re - I which I% of r!p inconsiderable amovat going t'o havilso far Ito spring styles . . * ,4 from lqvasloa at the spot. murder of Bridget UlGivern, at �Blksh , a continually Increasing population axe colloorratl,'Is bellie, aske,l !it dame A -r . of the - Black Baglu of Prussia has ,,�0140 moo ,who bad ,pnwittipgly did. mills, county Antrim. I . .in that Income of the farm. The, and, ditulnishing food production. It fashion's , detect circles. We -,tit wish . � I I aroused saine ourlosity tie to the re' turbed the bees were; got upool by A customer of the- Provincial Bank, ' 'l. yield of clo. . ver Seed may �* laeed at bad been ,confidently Stated that if . . lative Took of the higher Miropean k I . from two to six bushels, per ilere. to do the proper thing, and would f Stinging mUllons, and plaugeil into the Cor , when making a. deposits. bad his - - � I . � I the Auxorlaa and Rtissia agreed to with- act for worlds .show any feelltig to- :.r r . � � I . orders, It 1,i universally an�nowlcdg- river, But every, time they showed attention dlyerted and .450 In 33004 . . N ed that the O-rder of the Garter Is their head, above water, the Insects we'ra Stolen, . To aeourq a good crop, from bold their corn, and cattle$ MOY I "! - I The twist lrot clear . commOA.red ,.clover, tile first crop could ataryo to duath a . large portion wards our lato.Say,arolrfl, other than I I I ,� '. I .. I ,.� . .the premier ordor of knighthood to Settled upon them In stands, and they away. I I I Sbould-b%,cut uearthe middloof June, proroarid respect and n7noere vonera- . I I �, " Z I � . , . 'otoh Tory "I alt.hQuglk It may be cut , earlier. or later of the population. America -.tail Gar- tiou. Doeg that wea*a oar swing" I . I A ­ V . . the world. as the old . Ost of the higher chose drowning to a more hideous Mr. T. W. Ituseell saya. $il I 14 . .Many , Wera tUreatenius Nugland's . , � ;,11 , .aw �, . � -. — . I orders. ., . . 4 Aucaeps, it the $Boo . ., ttnteq? No, -1 -T-,� I-, death. Dear, Pigs. 404 even the X. V.1s are sound on toMPOM1100- � , on is -favorable. . gowns, must be sombr, I - 11­1�1_ �. I ,� with coluntexcial s e r- il- ... Thero 1.11 not quite such UU4111trity lordly tiger, havo Paid th dame.-jilqu- Xr. Ru . Stately matronfl '' I - ". 11� I . 10. ,riselt says it he bad act left , ,,� , - , , J"Q.1-W, 91� g - , as to wbIoJ1 raillp) nOxt. Tbo claim- Soya the the Govar�nme�t bout land he. would . . ,7 , . . Should thexis be humble bees' nests III tar of the world, and it could not be Pretty Ma'da And I � I 'U'V , 65.1 � the f ioldi I tell the b3ya not tai disturb' . yout fea-rg are unfounded, The Styles � M I � alty for their Indiscretion, a . . � - I - Z-_ 14 P, 1. � A . � ants are the Black Bagle of Vru'3814, Ab0 the Spot: a.o t. r I � . . I concealed that of IlItc, t1lose two coun . -X W* ."-j- � I I Engl�tsbmftn who deac b 4 4 ink. . : them, a for spring are not to be dominated ) 1701, the Golden Fleece of Austria anti I determined to invade the hom 1. . . A the seed croP will 'depend tries.had excelled Great Britain not , -- � k I I I .a of Patri ,t Xim . largely on. their work later 012 in for- , Only in me I - by apythIng suggestive 44 tile 4111Y ;,; F -c" . Ok Wolfe, cotivioted R - 9 - -,," 1. LJ, 1,k. I 8valui practically now two separate tli-,- bees, dud I began by deatgnlng� wizes of having tired -at and - I ., -, . .Ientltlr, knowlod a and me of mourning, hence you will, not U , i 1� " - I "I �, . ,a star " . - " I i alixatlo4 A bountiful, fted c1OP is labanical invention, but also In entor-. , .., - -�_,� I.. . � or(lors, but In reality one, dating from suit of defensive I . accused ofhl-h trflasonor d1slovalty � I 1 . " armor, It WAS 9 wounded in the breast Mrs, frons, . � certainly abundant compensation for � I I . I , ­,­ . -and tho Wb!tD Elephant of ),)ell- sort of overall suit, tied a go V I 1, . llity, and linguistic at- K , ;-,L�,4z � 1429, . . . round the county Clara, w4a pent to re a) r !- �� a few boo stings, The populit, belief prtse, adaptall it you come out bloomilng In bright , . I I . I A that tbe first orap, doe4 not prod tainmenti. Then. again, Amerlo had like the first'robin. One rea- - �� 0 I mark,, 1478, Though -of these the neek with tapet I% bee veil to be took- tudo for life. ' 4 England in tho colors � Black Ea-gle is the Youngest, the ad into the garment, riding -boots, --I .see men walkIng the street$, I - scied is errottoons. There will bqlace, greatly outstripped ZW . I . � k son Is thitt the Queen being dead 010' . i 11 I . � . atxl-ot ceremony observed. in relation gauntlets and two pairs of '_ '__,". L small amount '04 ca the Invention of labor-4avlug machines 1�1 .. gloves, without their lizatia," said Kr.'HealY, . 1. multitude Shout "long live tile Xing," � I . gewn by the- in the South At, � I ., and thu.4. although labor was dearer " I . to it, no less than the importance at� Into this sult I was, I I I loan debate, meau- , ,e _and the Queen Consort. It is �,­ . I imperfect Pollination! from the, 1 ,k in the States thati in (England, yet . . . 19 J . taching to it, as the chief order with- tailor, do that 04era aboolil be na, ing'to be- impressive. I 1: of bees. and other �nsouts me early tit questlowble It in Ungland there will I . . - . . , in the German Eakpiro, have given it chink or crevice; �.Tho House . the season. , ,The g000tid. crop is out the Americans were able In many L ho any eXtarlor M. 1. � lauglied upioariou-41 . ­ arks of Mournli�g in � I . . , - Y. � ave direotiona to un,dersoll them in the . . I . I . a that next to the Gar- Abram, a native, and 1, armored Considerable damage is beta$ caused . for dead when, all tile heads If , I t4her than court cirelca, Certainly - I .", . Such a positio � -Oils In . . . . . . unty Tyrone by a bog slide. It � ill, markets. The competition was ilikely ter it is the most celebrated and the and carrying a bucket and two P . 00, :., turned bmwa or bluck, Perhaps � there will I?rf nona in Ctinada., not LLbat . .1 .. 1, I I I i . self , . . the to become. formiclable, and England. - - ­ ­, � nicIst.covated order in Europe. of rare, wore to olimb up to.tho back is advaaOing towards the small town . . . 'i old -Take reaper , would be )VO are less loyal tb.au H114 MajesWs � . . � I I I _. I I . By an old royal warrant no British of the bills so as. to get, .-gtbovei the . I I beat intoleniont, for this work, but as would"be committed to I aubjt�etn tit the capltal, but We fol- - ' ­ I . . . I I � . . I of Citatle,fing, and'As the. moving allme . . I 11 . I . . i that hilA.'stow imie with -the: Sickle A TRADE CONFLICT . . . �� . . � . subject may Accept or wear a foreign bees, and Percy, who was in. charge Of ooiers. an area at forty aeros,,and is .. � � . � . low New Ynrk styles much More .. W ­ . � order ' the boat, aseendod, the rocks, He believed in pl . itoes to be 8D or 40 feet I . I . I 4t . and the cradle, the inower or binder more Intense and continuous . than any closely than, we .do, 11lbse, of Undon, . . . 11 �� . . of knigh-thood withoat a royal went to the bank of thol river, which deep, the Inhabitants � have removed I . Wilk have to be substituted; If ,the in whiich� site b,.Ad hitherto -b ft' 0 III bit . - _ license, iandor the Sign marrual of the . . I ,: . , can Sum paxi-a i9etq Ell pace,for the w r I t . ­ . . I was under the point of attack, and I . . I I mawer Is used the clover Should be gaged, - :.­ .1 I It Is a I ULU � a too iegal for must POO-. '. . � I . S ' overeign.. These .royal licenses -are . . ast. .. . I . their goods in 06 panic. 11 . . .. . . I .. ET.V -... <? � . ' ca . � In county Clare there . are 120 1 , I I - but seldom gkanted .unless. it * a be *ads his boat f I I ." " cut, and, raked wh4en, damp, to AvOld Wero_`Englishmurk prepared for the ple to keep, step to, SG,Wa follow afar . 411;.;),--,-P- . Abram and I climbed . 4 . I . . . /J) 1 .12 JI . shown that the order IS a reward for to a well;. evicted farms 47 of which are. derellot * *Ihatte,ringi -as much as possible. were deflolont-in off,' 'more or less according to"tait.te ' , I �. - VI -I.. . . . , encoubter I -TbOY tf?� I , considered lieight, and then I lefthim. . , I Neilerflielese there- will be oausider-. knowledge, skill*and enterprise. Their and - station. The Londoners and . . � . ­,- V �f ­ I . � seirviass rendered to -same foreign and crawled cautiously 11 forward. I whWlt means abandoned by landlord I . Able loss of seed-ja this -ay,. . methods were, old-fashioned, and t,he Now Yorkers adopt tile Paris ,. . ­,; It �\, I I . I I sovoVeign while engaged wholly Ili . of - all-pervading and, tonatit, the former being unable I _, " . . . I Mammoth - clovei broduces I but they' cared too much -for Sport arid cre,itions for tbeir. .own, particular I , .... .. -, 11MI.., . . � I the service at that. Sovereign,, and could h,,ar a sort ' to stpok: them, In County Titmeriek . '. � I I . wholly without and. beyond his Maje- hum, dominating even.,'tbe.roar of thi there are 9Q evicted farms., 14 being , . 11� one crop -in p, season,. consequently, amusement. The people, as a W'llulei clientele, and our moillstes, awbar by' ...., IMYO. . . I . , water beneath, and my nostrils WOT: ` . - 14m � * - , . . �, _-_a'�­ . I . I . sty's dominions. Lord. Roberts and . . . der6liot,­1n. County Kerry there are � I . cannot 140 grown for both bay, and Eeed wore sound at heart, full of eourage, , Now 'To.rki The American' styles , . 61 .. IM"'iFg-Z I . . . fillizil with that sweet swell which, is . I I . . d - . - -1 - � . . ., the Emperor undoubtedly were 4ware I . I i . .When a seed oro,p is deifire it should ' *and practical endur- sult Canadians much better than the � . . . I . made up of lioneyj wmx�.andj bee, 1 241 evicted farms,25 being derelict. ­ . energy, power . . I . I . of this,; and this' 143mpe ox would . - r . be mowed or Pastured !a Uay.,. Other- ance, but another twenty years of tsinglish. With the latter quality � IV I vile4ided that -the point- of attack The ,condition of A 0 - -rovince a . , ' I . �� "N M I I I I '1Z, - I � . -he a g a t . Serious.. Judge , � Nine it will be difficult to,handle, on lazy; foolish, i;elf-oOniP1AO6nOY` .would takes a high place, but the Make up. w,�i I I I . . . nelt ,r hav '. ive ;tar would . he was about . a hundred ya'rds-farther Poiinaught. is ve�y I . .� .. ' ' I . I . .� Sd . -in -hlaf have accepted tl,e . . . . .. 't . Commalader -C . . ) f I purpose.. ,If it .cost them more, than I unprotentioulf. . I . bram, and K , .1 . � and, service no � use 4 . -in . theix. pr1d6 of is mo,dest,"and' Fif- , � I . I 11� . - . oxiter.uttless the King, had previously ()I' ; so I returned .Jor A ehni, in opeuildg. the winter Assixies - a " - I- : � re. The* in Sligo, spoke Strongly with regard .. I more cortai of d goad seed crop th, commercial Place and iml,ght, indeed, teen pounds will. be spent on a dross � . . the - . � . - L ace.5sary. Oya., together We Made oux way, - - i�, - the dommoll red, bee iiss of -the Zrqat;. cost national plenty, if 'not national . tiliat worn herd ,w' d took like 0, fit- . . . - . . I I:. , <1 .. . consented to issue the w. � r . clift was r-heor, and .even, overhang. to thearnount Qf intirWilation Which' - (AT nitruber of lns�ots in midsu . I . � . . . ..oul I I . . 5i ; . . . . . licapsa. �. I � I . . .� I. I I m . I .1 .. a . ases of. - � . raw"' independ was. tP teen dollar oatfit6 We. insist on hav­ -K - . .1 . . lug. . goes on there, OVer forty . � . ence. The remedy . . . . . .1 . I.. . I . � . ,� . I N . ' . . ' I , � `. - and theref ore the perfe6t pollination.' educate the leaders, managers and Lug the style. We have -the goad m - a� I I - q . . INSTITUTION OF THE - ORDER. � . A DE NS)34 MASS ; . intimidation with regard to the lot- � � . , I fT, .. - liable to' in'- . � ' I . I � V- z� . I :The Order of the Black Eaglii of 1. . I . 11 zing and meadowing.lands , Mammoth clover ls4cs ti6ch berial too if wa, can.bat in all events I I . of bees -and comb -Ia�. About! fIftY.f68t lng . I ' ' � � . t agents of national industries, a . I I I - tl of gra ' A jury from insobLO 'whI04 Prey upon children the methods of trade, and on. we must have the style. . I I Prussia .ivas instituted. at Konigs- , bil had. been i.eprorted in thO past� six . � I � . I I . . � me, and fifty feet below that. '. . . I � . : I , , , , , , . . , I , �1. I the ot,ramon. led, and in 1ocalittes urage th . a arts and a6lonces and de. � I I , . . . . . . . .1 . �cr I borg -by Frederick tilt,- third Elector . low months. I . . . , � . ., � I I 1. ­` . . . . . . ' ' ' . . . were the boat and my faithful ally.. . 11, . where much, -injury is do -tie . from this- eo . I I . I V1W1 i2_ 11 . . 1. . of Brandenburg, and the first King . . The massive gold'.eup presented to. , M � votion to original research and invenm ' , , . i,- a' tho Tape round a , cause,, it is ' referrfka� , , I . . I .. . . . Small .all�d inconspicuous girdt(I"( - , I . 4 ! � . . tbo , 1. put due -end t the Queen Victoria, I . " . P . .1 tion. Religious faith- wasneocs�ary,,'4e - . of Prussia, an January. 14-,.1701,, . . ing at the- edge at the cliff , city (if Dublin by' . . � . 1 -77-7 , . . b�%re becti the fashion, but. with the ­ ; . day befows his oQroration, Ili order UUVI gKOW . - a in commemora - �, - maiAta'I'n''ed, and inliths. conliectiolt be . C . . . . . isavu the other end to Abram' an' tioii.of her recent visit, . � , - - TO PROTECT THE HOOP. 1. . . . . . . � ItAvent of thp. vOring, the wellArO80A 9 I that the knights by - appEgiring',ift is Of gold throughout, weighs .. 160 . . . 11 I . . '11 . � I . . .1. I . asked his audience,to take thought of., .�. . I I . I I I � . I I . . . . . their installation robes, might render. t D. Swing to reach ths: ledge on ounces. Land -two feet three ' "' Mhe main objeot of the shoslt� to what raligioull faith had done for the as - t: will.bave Yery pronoligoo(tadorn-. . .. - . . wont over. , I found I should have; to -stands I . `111 I - I . . . '. ments, in the sbape'of beroad soft rib- ' , N I . . . . . go I � . I . � . I . ­ . I ,. protect- tho.hoof, and the higher itcan Boers. It had anabled' a small Cam- . . . . the �eoxeknony the woria britliaut. The Inches in heiglit. Thw pedestal is of ' - - .� I I . g bows ,at the left- I . whielt I meiint, to -a - - - - --- ­_ . . . . , n s s purpisd the hot- . . bon puffed In b) .h=bcx of- knig'll'ts, excluilve Of extra down on Ch' I�djo from above was black marble, inlaid w1thiud . . ,, ' .!,, . .. � � . I muni,ti of, Ignorant'gariners.to resist, . . . . . 14 , � .1 , Id. The . I . I , ter it is for the borse, . A -good part a I Side and finished ivith.riblbon otreara- .� that is, .rDya; or..bonorary, knights . ' 'is 18 iuoho�i. , for nearly a year and a half, the ut- . I � i ! .. , ten orlifteen, feet of comb. v ' . . depth Of tbq cup itself ­ - . � . .of the yea'r horses on the far:m�wou'ld most efforts. of one of the greAtopt ors ,of unusual length. - As. man y as � � . .is limited to tliirty, and it is probable, I xeach6d the Took with ,my. hand, and the circumference of .the rim .. . . I . . �, -be better off Without s'lloes.,*.a4d, tb(-y I . 1. . at' sikyiirds of- wide* �jibcrty Satin, panne ,� . � I that .Lord Aober�Ls is -4PPOinted a1r gave a,pu � sh, swung. out, then in agaiho three .feet. I '. . �. . . . . .� . I .. . . . I . ' . . , . . nations of the -World, 'It might n. ram,d- or Louisine.-Abbon ii recittired " � I . , . I . . I . 1� can do plowing and aimilar,work in have cleared their character from the . ... �, I O:ktra knight, For extraknights the struck in-tbo Middle,bi, the. comb, a ' ,Bill,* , I , , I . �, I I . I I I . . I I . Oil By a fixe at a Aw ug- house n . . I " , . soft fieldd � 'Without in any way In. . . . I .. I In the belting and. draping of: Santa I �� �., . I I . . � 4� 1�3111383 and duplicity, 1. " . , . . Sov ign of .,the orderr cork dispensa gaini&my fcet�.Wlth a ser.awbib. '. 'Be6it two women lost their- livelt. I �, #I . I i., � . juring the feet Iri'wifiter, When the stain of dovet�o . I . . of the early� nausli ns .and foula,rd4, an& . . I . . . 11 "I'l . I . I - I . I . ere . ; . . . . * ' . . . . I . . ' I , " . . I . �� - I . , I with .formalities, and this. will 'rho bees -were Spba Inc. - - The air One ofthoWo I ­ but it had ggiven them couragei Ondr- . . . . . . men wasburned to death I . groukd is frozen, it. is ,quite different, . . I . . . I While the popularity of ribbon* girdles' . . 11 ... . . . .1 .., . I aso.'of Lord Rob- ree I - - � . . . " . . I . ity, magnanlifilty, and it, virile ' � I . . . I I I . . bo'nocessary in Mae, . ked with thoIt'cuAous acrid. Small, within the house, .and the other died - - ,� - �. ey, Lanito � , . � . .has returned be fano . ., .. .. . . . 7 . I . .. � ... . . , . kind shoes seem . rkp�qssary at these i I I . , the vogue of'� t I I . Y... -A 6 early, sprin, .ZoWn at ,meAtuta gr�y and green Bolton Shetland, �- arts ' ..cannot prove L ar ' io . those . Nv he have , been Ln the hospital fr - I I - , . - I .. . . . 9 I I I Wbo'a thi* 16MLli . . � . sitperior�ty totbe everviting effects I I , . ertainly . . . om injuries resolved . . .. times. A .hoisa sy Ighing 1110000"(14 . . :_ -, bua-kle and jeweled tags or POinttl' bands. of.smooth faceA gi�eeri cloth. The vo , . I '. of nobility .Which al an" K, " . f the waterbel6w � �. .1 ­ .�� I . . . . . I . . .1 . . I I ,!E� I , � of dofoat. . . ' .. . � I I... I .. , trimmo,c] -with �-stitched-. I . at sixtoeii . dc�cants . The noise a by . .falling fronj a -window. Several " , I . . � :�, . abould'gene ally, be ahod'.with - shoals I . ... . I . � - . h" -not waliad � in t'he least. � Nlille� I and .U.nderskirt' are 'iilf I>Iaclt cloth. � - - . � . I I . 6 0 ., C . I I 11. . . hi4s, of th . a angry I I � . , . . I Jr, , . ... I. * . . . �, �. ., , I ..4 . . . ' The buttonsare guri ih,etirl with sillre'r the statutes. of th rd. r require. , - was drown.ed by, the , I much injured by, leap- . - � , ,. . � I not weighing more'th�d 12 -to, 15 on , uca�i . , . . I .. 411 I . . - ., :. in . ten of "the'strealbers that float rims. .'�Iip :btkt !a of gye�n, -,satllo , im I wl I , 6 . I ­ - a gold , b ees. I I was compl . still . Y - blinded,, for ilig from'iwi'di ' and'athors in . a I t- . 1. . , . . . . . . .. . . I . tr. M( With green and'whit 'soaxf, Tho'badge of tbo order is - ". � , .. . . I I . 1, . . I ... . . .1 . . . . I. . I . . in ows, . . .. , I � "' I . "ch. If four. ounces are added . . � RMLF,$S I ARTIST. . from a fanciful, .belt are to:.rmliiakod� g find greoA silk,rose. � . . �'... ­ . . . . . -s onamelled',blue,4 they had sweltmed over my..voil, bior,k- tempting . , to' eeiia 8 by meanii * of a , ' . to . I AN A - - . I I . ,ilt, bi4eklu ' , , - . I .. 1 - . � . ­ .1 . axoss:of eight point - . * each shoe the - total difference in the . � . . . ': � .� .. I ., ­ : . . . I . � . ­ I. . . V - - �, _:_�____�_____ .. . I i . L I P'. - . . L 1. . . wing Ili 8 I tou6hed I . 1 ,-7-- . I . — . m ''. I 11 it) �luli goid.polints from t,lkr�o tolive ;- ---.---­-.- - -.- . . . .. .. ha . the .four. 13�iiiclpal angle lho out the light. - W-heDl I � . I ladder,: wb.1oh broke. . � . �. . . I I animaila shoes, is 16 ounces .In plow. . . . � 'It -is tile flishidn. to� Tqtxmant. ,s,uoc sfufly m t be fairly, . U& TY.,1N ENGLAND.. " . .. .. . - - . 1. - Inches long, and . I I as . us . . E I 111101 I . ,he PXuBsian Bairle qxiamelled - black my body it seemed to me, through I ,. �- . . liarl ' I 8 P ibbou a couple -of ,a . , ' . . I . . I . t . .. � �. . . I . I 'A remarkable birthday was' afile- I . - ing, cultivating, mowing and, reaping pg 11.1)41 01-9. AllirtV ;te Vff,& " thi! grIlmli li OV,aT the r g Id iong, waisted, only moderately'staut l ­I ­ O that I was coveredby thick, . '" * - 1. . , , 1. With 1110:411101. , � . . . . . .. . and. upon tEelcantre the letters F.* R. mY 9161r. V . ...- . . brated' when the Dowager Lady Carew - - . a farm. hori;6, will walk from 10. to 20 . . I I .. 1. � I balls or rings abo,vie the potn,t, and 'And have �qw. graceful bips.,Pr6vIdIng Ginpa$ Itrogs e.4,; .11afle Ilk t3em rlelly IIII(ler- . . . I -11 I . I . " ' L * Ifi -,four .Bartram Hilos . an armless aitist, I , ' I . I � � � I UeVears, in a Opher. The badge of the order soft fur, all b6lea. . I . entered. her 108rd -year, She in t.he . . - I ­ . . * -the .'h . a*weaxer.com lies with these . speak- :, . Infilogs.DurissK I . . , , . � . . . . I , I � .. mile,% a day,, -le takes about � also to Sqmetillika, split, end of a' t . 6 .1 .- P . . . I I � 41nAt ,r . ,as ,wwta -by all' the' malts m in))ers, of - For a few moments 1 Vas�situpefled; r . . ,W and ' � ... .. w of London, 'England, 1.9. attTo4tilig 6 eleot�rlcal un- 0 . . grandmother . of Lord , Care V . �� f cot ealchl step . t lie horSi will -lift, halt .. . I . . . wide ribbon *and adjust two. crystal. t1e.ati,-.nq she. will nPpeax-to-'adjantage Th opUnal involved In, . . a -the 'lliissifin xoyal family,: has ano frightened. Than .1 realli.ed 'that my . . . I ­ .. . 00 111,11011 attention by, his paintirgs -in I - . . .. I � ' I'ves at Woddst6wn, County.. Witter- � I ' . : lai the Princ .volu� dertakinga, 11 . I . ' . twor fact o*r .poimfs tipped with gold... '- ess sicirt. ,It is'an a ' . I I. Grea�t'Britaiu 'has in- . . .. ' ' I . - on Its . -mor trustWorthy*, and that I a pound extra , . , . I. I J .. . . - very 0 L, a i .wa.sL A.xar, ' . . I . � . � pounds in every mile._ It . . k .w ter colors. Whah eight years -of . � I -composed LILM 6k the E mpixe styles and com. . blues I creased tunne year from just *530,00or uriouspeoullarity') namely,. tha Safe. . . lower04 the . bue- fi�rd, loading ofl-ate 'a very retired' I . . 1. we in a 1 ' I . I Incrustations an. ilTegSIP10 I . a*tIny English Gaite ',witit Was � . life, hougli -1 y ' A . . the age, ho lost both arras, but having al-. � I . � . 11 . I I . . I . it bears . r,. . � . t iier health is' tolerabl . il - the average ilay's Work 15 mllesf,� . of plec*e dyed 'Silk' velvet, of lxttgt' grace itiid utility. Only soft'. clinging - ODD to $615,000,000, exclusive. Of the . , . -for the - . . I . � 4 . � day ready made a beginning, !it the study� . 1, , I ,I , the Garter. morro, "HoxilI. solt qui mal ket, and blindly I 'felt'about tewo,rtby, that: on. Jan. . � - I . , In ohintv, arV it ab'rii.li call .be suer, Governiiiant telegia&s and t e- , . . . good, It iA.no , horse will lift 9,V00 pounds extra a floral motives, Out out ll I essfully worked � 11 comb -and ad w611 as I b6ald, sora . . . . I � rong natural I 11 . ..1. .. .. . .f reitest increas , ena)kaolled upon it. - . I . ped lst the Dowager Lady Carew had :* - -of art and bailing a it . . the Ilt test. Parisian , . u� bi its oco6struction. 'The, boning is, lihones; �h *a g as hav- y parse . 0 1. � I . . . . -l! or nearly,J:ive tons. 'The energy To. - I I . 11 I ,production in ibe .. I I I Loxil Rdbarts,.:by it' into the bucket. I loweped it t � . . I 1. I quired to lift this amount ia ,wa - sted tRst even this calamity , I . ­ a and ing been. in, ounneeLlon. with. supply, . . . , the Way, has .46t L . . lived in three. tent-akieAl. .. .. . .. I . e. for painting - St. nature of trimintugs; *� Two.rolva of ,-i_uvttteT of the first Unpoi,tane I , . � . I . . Percy and shouted to. Abram to lower , I I I . . I . . . . . wVn his rMon of the .Garter. . I 11- . as An art! . .. follow., . - and serves no uAoful purpase. Jf it did not close hinvareci . t" kind were noted at- :a'solect --bould extend about throo luobe� be- traction and manufacturing works. In ye;� : a Michael Davitt., rellit.ea the . . , � , .1 I mined -fa ) ar ' w and . . . I � . i I . I .no me, - $Is , told the. afterwatil, that It .. tory of Gen . aral D , owet, with . . . I . . . I -, . could bef expanded in .aolng -extra Us dater a. a the French capital. low the waist, . I .1 .. . . . I live years the .total 46api6l' has been . By. a well known , understauding could not'see me'. In the. place where ing 6 . . I I I I . . I gathering . In . I . o.i)A-. bolow the xank of Farl is eligible . . .. . . I ,,, , his . . . . . I � I ' ' 'the. canipgIgn *. ...' , " work that 'would pay, it wa�ld near- paint -by boldiog the br . ush in . One wasf of puco colored velvet, .hav- It iv'tll not be ii'au�oessas a readil doubled, �vhile the. money involved-. in he klaQWA most be was.nothing.but 'whom lie .discussed.. . . . . " I . . 6 . i -weary mouth. . .. I I . . . 11 ... 1. . � , I gopd style' electric . afrn6n faotuTing'concorna.bas, for. the Garter. Lord Roberts is not , I . I . :Do'%Vat spoke well of the British SOL- ' * . ly Pay the anitultl'skeep. Lei I ng fit .hom .a. broad :Incrusted gar- glade g-irm-ent. hence I$ a' . .a a brown, .whirling mass. , . . I . .. . I . . . . * I , . . . yet an EarL, -and Will not be �Until . - . . ,� . 116' acquirtil. such coutrol.over.the , -oliagd sm I . � . . . dibro, at not so well at. the gerierahl ' - . � . 0" horses are. common On� ihe f arm, and , I land of too 'roses and f ' ', - Tho, for the dres � il,kersl, ,, I Increased from $32,500,000 to -10108,510,- a 'as eal; I swung. out into tho'.6fit .�burnping Y � I I .. .. i . . - . . a . To apt ,td ,break muscies of his ruouth. that in. two ' . ' . I a - .� ; . is inti -ease -§95;060,600 is his patput htl ,pa ad the Great S as !,went., At laist a' man � clutched - qnd off leer . S. But one 0.6nipliniout he log weary horses I I . .1 " . Olt her Was at dark blue veiVet arid, had A Smart qQwn for eaily- priaV wen i i 900, and of -th , � . . � � .. . . Nyllich is not. yet the, case, nor' has . After e . many caus . - 1� . .� down, in time and have, crooked arld years after, he began bid. Nvork in this sach gore Spiral motives of the t� mitile, of a very beautiful shade Of credited to.last.year-a large develop- . 111%, and I know .1 was a�t. the bqUorn.. did Pay. .b arifig. . . I . 11 ail . in limbs.. Iq is not *only 'a 1116, ' . . On I . . . . 1. , ification is h,.ypt chmen his title, and it isquite I . I I t - tter way his work took a prime at a local , ! inert for ,,which some -just I .. . I brushed the bees f To my veil, and tio Opinions, Mr. Da-vitt, asked him .. . 9 � I .1 . . same deacription, the floWlerg In. Riili.sla n M60 faced cloth 'with a Louis , , ' . * .m I . . . . irenehi * � . . I . lb I . . . t at present to.descrbbe him 1. . 9f I . . .. rebid of mauve and b to be �buiid in the. grqatl�.. increased ina 1. . through a driving mist of them Wiw what be thought of General: F ,4umadity but one of , orof­ to oxh it oa_ I thilicagg beingo I at-bodfoo, wit re7era .and . ... . . ­ . _' It I . . 3eliza .00 I . I � I r as. -Earl 116bort-5. - - - - . � . - . . lighten thi? horse's' a can, - When ,he wa's 10 Mr', Hiles exhibit- ut from cuffs faced with bis cuit-c olo tired use of electricity foiZ ligilting, powe . I 'her bees � I I :.; burile-wall w I . . .a cluster of'oL - in the shape , "Ali," said DsWet.� With achange of I � " . � . 4 1 . . yellow. They Wore 614 0 . . i. . . . . . I and a half, and the tea -out is..16ft in ' ' . . I , . , . . . . . . -ordinaTyoMrktk,b,ut tho' mAnufailt, a .and traction, I . I . I . . I . of it man., This was'),?ercy. - I tomai.," he is the, one Doer general in, ' . T and 'this is one, good way. . . * e&a water color at. the British Fine ART- cloth w.atked with 'brQ%Vn and gol I I . . . , I I , ­ '. . .. . �, .. � I � the bar, ' I I .. �' . I . I; ­ . 11 , � I . I — . .. ive years ago less Man 470,000,000 , We oiLt ourselves adrif t and rowe -the British army. ' � - ' - . ,. I ' a - F 1. . � I � 4 1 � I Arts.. Academy wwab elicited much. Ts ilavo.now reached Sao 'a degree brald, �bo wd!sL ooae-iiiint, laps' � Id , . . . .1 � - I I � " . 0 , It . . I al. is Besides leaning Gut, og. the, car win. I . . . , . 1. , - HU=8. - ­.. admiration though.the ,,fact that the of perfection in. thess, fabrieii, - that ,little to -one side fastening with Cbree i.vere thus lnrolv.ad; now the tot .... I .. I to-aconverilent place, where we mdLde Lord Xagheramotie,.who Was lat - '�' '� . . . I ­ I . I Humus is a sotirce Of Piant - f6ofi, inter wali witho I fit I thands . was not , I . . � 0275,000,000', ,'And `scherne* projected -d"Ya to.buy'thieso the'passongers have for - � th . a Shore_ . , There, - five' mIle8 ly . adSudged a ,bankrupt, '"Seellili., 0- - - '� id ri�ail the riehoit :brUlUtAt butfons over an. inner vast .. . . . . ' . to .. . ..... I . I 'PA they rmay Ila ,sti. to. .., I � . 9 -in th � I . boxes.h.led with lunch. M'Ika and ba�,� u�is' 'ent bis "I . . . ._ . ' - braided with Will . ivall this total enormously a little, wooden, .. . away# Wq rattile a sulphur a " talents. . .it is rich in nitrogen, if. de'rived from lwown by those who saw the plottire. silks;. . . I % 1-ame]it In tfic upper part ls.closely,� packed . . . . . His I , . .1 . I . . . " ,if oream iilatin, .thickly a SP . . ,­ ... I . - . . . t,he decay *of' stable inaharo or nitro- go far as his present work goes the' u or - ' - chem- next few years. Thus, In Parl � - I were.1reed from: .tbs. hat of our jatfi6r"the first Lord. Mit4herantorno , . - *- . I I . . �'Sllk velvet' is vejry� pop b . for gold, .thti.fjbo�itiog merely as a , . I . A the, lower -are all, sorts- ,of - llt-� � . . � I "I . I . . 11. .. , . . genous.plant.s. t It is. also direetly, technique is in every Way equal� to Aetto Russ' low -out.' , a iRt- last year 08I,provisionaV orders were, rire I . . . . I . I alkin . a ,aVove the W � . I . . . � enemies. .. � ... . better known as S10'amea XoGarel, - .. g and visiting toilettes. I tie pic;kles and bits of .cako I . . : I w I � ,&ttach- I 1. . . 1. . . , and perhaps. atill mard iudireiitly,m-by- that *at men, who work with two I. . . I I -iqlt. A.er-n�cl'oti-T�l(*rLtf�d,.,neoarn�e,nlnr- granted for the construction of supply ' I Our draasoll had held, .none of us, llogg,-cht%1rm&n for many,years, of. ,�­,T , . . I I I 11 .. I . — .. .I . I I , . ill oil arli two Wooden chopsticks. . . � . : . I . I works.,, brin i Ell tots, orders at . . . ' I . its aoU64 on the mineral matter of. hagds.:. . - � - . g ... . . . . � such tAd inniusseline, do'sblej forms a jabot .Lng 0 1 1 . I were atiting and We had just fit teen the'Afetf6politark board '.of Works" " * I . ha'e come to be . . . - . in force to 517; while TbaJapanese: throw all Sorts of To I . 1. the solli-ani important source of In.fsof -Mr. Hiles in no way aoknoii,� Tea gowns . v. ' I. h under the obin;xud thw ,,gold braiding - many also of . , Pounds. of lidney. -For thati tbreet of left class upon X2QDj006 at.his death I � - � � . . . . � tit In the as - ( I us, for six'.hours, bad, held ottr lives in in 1890, The present pear, who was, ,, '. ' ph f a fRi available jedges that lie is bandicapped an Important clome, glettins, Stiftly-thrOugll the mesheti of the 89 stations authorized in 1869 are fuse about, and from the appearance . , Osphorio acid 0 rm by his , � - . . I .. . � I . I . I lonable womall'.A. outfit, 1hat no'fom- 'he* )Silk ma, � . I not Included'.In the cap'itallsum. nam- 'Ot ii'car after thal.PassOngers have I I . . for, tlx& immedialo use of 'the plant.. physical misfortunes, Ho I$ wrapped- . . t SEA.' . 1. . 4 I our lladda. 1 . . � born in 1861, was"fornie'rly.:a captain . .. !, �, . esent com- _._�___._ ., - - --'T-" ­ ad above. In operation, or under con- been Ill .it a I ttle while - one, Would - I � I ... � . , . . These service3, important as they Are, up in bid work *and is bright, cbe,r-w. inina wardrobe is at of _. ---..-... , - I � � . . . . 1. . I � . 1, I Guards; wad worried . � . i . . Avo , - �- . I . -ire lt6r un- . . . - I. . I In'-the'lat 14ife I . 41 ,. pleCe without L. or .three., well ilii. I Ili . hat. the People , Y 7 . . . � I. -do -he Earl of Shaftes- , id 'happ, I . � . -_ . � . ughier of t could be. rendered by commoroiAl fer-. ful an y-ticiihor expecting -nor lee - Led garmenti of this type ... 1 . . struction, t ore are 169 muniziptiland Imagine. I ii �, .-, 1. I . . . I tilizers, though. tit greater expeose. even admitting that ibis tass calls for . . 11 I", .4p, b . ,108 company-owned stations, the, Bum Lidy in 'their way of living. Porters . . . I . ". . I ... I . . . I .1 . . . . I . . . . ' I . . kii� �. . - to The proper tea 9Own for 1901 Is. If I. 1. � .N - f . .5681000,- enter at' . acres a,' the stations and I . . . , bury... . . I. . .. I ". ­- involved in the former being TO AVOID.FAMINE. , .. ,4 . Most Important of. the. functions, of* sympothy. Tio seems absolutely � . Ile 1. . � Lord O'Brien, Chief Justice, oppoed. : I lXMutIfuJ and. striking creationf, ' . I 'N �-_ . I - and in th brush up Whole palls full of ref use,afid, . I .. Ir .. . I I I - . . . . vegetable Matter and especially - of have found A substitute for his hands . IT, , � . . I 000, a latter §W,000,006. , . I . I . stet asSix0s of Clar 'Llm6rw . )� , I -o.% from. the ,negll- . I . . I me lines of th' road, a sm .4s*e0lltu,Ilt lt4.l)li,t.( V,.A)Iil ,. the Ulan I al - I , - , . humull, '38its. offset it! improving 0c. in working With the brush mixing quite ii teiv remov . . I .. . ... . .. . I MUNICIPAL SCHEM14S, ' On SO � a all boy C gi. pe(er,, �pk) Xdrry, Tipperary * and cork. He . , � - - . " I . . � - 'e, I Or lounging wra,ppers once. To— r . : ' -in a spruefi'uniform comes to tbeoar ineogh Tell 6f Strittige. Ctliinn In Nortit ; . . , , �,, X waterholding power and. texture of � the colors, skilfully ' Lind laying,them , 94L , .�9 . . I . Vniler the former head there . has '. . '. . . . 11 ,� . .561 evicted farinsi 127 being . cognizod under illat name. For the' I I - � r at each stop With a ClOtheibrush of IIUAAIII�. . . I ." - f9kii;d 1, . ' , the soil. The prosetioe of decomposed . . I , been a vory. much greater advance doo r . _ePorts wholly abandoned bylandlord and ten- I , ' , . I .. . . on daftly. I . gowns I deep, bow. to The Russian Government I, .. . ra fjwrt,puro white � tea ,., 11 .1 , in his hand, makes a . ,., mattor in.. large amounts ,., vegetable ,., I . than in the -case a ompanlei� Thus, 1. at ,., 1 4 . I I 0 � ' a tire 171 persona under . � enables evenf a loose, sandy soil t , a "Among the latest exhibits of Xr. ave; the best form and these of popa-i . . - �1- I 11 I occupants, and inquires if - there Call. of 'a piaotise , closely 'gliln' to ant. Ther ' . . I . �, five years ago4 the capital, ofelowpony the . . . I . I � X Hiles work have been pictures at the _ ) lie protection. Indictable offences, . through IaT woillien mitteTinls with, gold and - ' . , _, " �,_ �­­�'��, . I 'Stations was. three, times that is anything that they iyant I . hibernation among. Russian Peasants Po a - 4 1 I I 1 , L , awtisfattorily stii(talfii, crops exhibitions of tile, Royal Society Of I . f 11 ­­ . supply . north, where. food . is which 1 likile incendiary* f trots, rutd- - h . I , , . . . no w,hieh, . if , I - I _",�. . ,. I L .1 4 . . I . . . a long period of -drought, at rer trimmings bvcame very ele- . 11-1 _','�. "', I of municipal loans ;'VOW the lattar.ex� .. L --­__-&_ of the fmr - iming of aulma a, and firing ' .. - . . ' . I vegetable matter . we � re absent, would Brl6tol artists and at the :Diadley Gai. gant anti eostly tiffairs. Mally of . 0 0 I cols. Iti other words, the company . . scanty in adt,grea almost equivalejit. 1010us'loa ... .. I . � B , a - .. 4 1 lary. Mr. Hiles -evidently looks for� the aniarteatL gownit arealmost littect . �: 4�4 4' 1 ': �" capital has only doubled In five years; . HER ABY 130Y. . . .to chronic (a,mine,- not b"ving provi� into dwellings, number 173,,00mpared . . practically ru I Ini 'the crop. I Ward t Seeing one of Ws. works huld , . 1, . k---% . through with 180 last fyea�- '01toopt In Tipper- I - . I _. , 0 9 imtes the figtit,4 by b6loro, or half � ,Ili � I I the municipal luans . have increased . sions enough to carry. them indicated no Ire— . . I I , I I Yotma I?IG& at th,�Royal Academy, for lie Made a . I 5' .to L qUi,11 11119 lifitu if t0l1*i4 ftliVriel ' 006 Ill 9 310er -the whole year, they adopt the econo-, ary, the statistics . . .. . I . bodices of Tich heavy lace, while illo . �� . I 'Ven -fold. Ili traction, sellemosthere I V#03111144114c. . I - ,,If provement, in, the ,country. . .1. I � After weaning, tht pigs should be smiling remark ta that effect Pot broad, flat, plaited Skirt is PeOU11- . . i . , � L has been on 1)aorease Ili the five years . . mkal expedient of spencUng one b I . I . ­ I 11 , I .. L brall,.grOUnd oats, and goad, to- long ago when talking I of his work, arty, &,tapted .td giviag the, neeogsary , I ,.. . . L0,000 ; ,&t' a prosperous 'Poor farmhoUse Of It In sleep. TbW castow has exist- There was Such all outcry early a, - . g1VOn I . , I 'from C-30,000,000 to §141,4ii but where general !an Hamilton request- I . � , ason over the failure �of the , gather with out clover If it!% III Win- He works in a little 9LI466VO in Lthe rooeful finishi Tea gowna are IIA- . . . � I here pilvate enterprise still holds the c4rl ,shelter for the night, it . bedroom ad among them from time lmmP7 the so L ' I 11 . , L ter, LOT t1ty. should be* allowed ad out- south nave of the Crystal FOaces 9 I . . oriltl-. At the first fall of the snow Potato crop In Ireland, that' it comes . . . ed with silk throughout, making the -� L y � field, for of the total only $18,744,305 jin.d parlor were placed at his disposal, m . / ' ) It L, . 1. � side rua it 'it is in. summer, . It out London, where fit it surrounded by jx I Iss4blIftla of the spring tea 9OWA /I 1W, ?2 r . I,% held by 18 muni I elpalitles,, while over This was not very enthusiastically the whole family gathers round the rather as a Surpr(se �tti baye L a record . . I I draw- L . . ,k', I . . . clover is ,.not available for winter feed sketches, designs and artistic . � , i I - Stare, lies down, ectlails, to wrestle given of a retttT:n .valued tit 4100 per , unlimited. . � . il ft 0103,000,000 bag --been'found by 75 done, but at that no one could wonder, i I then rootsi may take the place of the jogs, till, products of big own art, Ilia I � L I L / I I I I I ­ . I I with the problems af.bUmAn axis- .acre, This crop was grown at Tynan � . 0 . : The general began talking with The var- . I � 0 - best form boAt effects, Wbor * tints, hav b n . ' ! �11 I I . I companies. L the 9 Abbey, county, Armagh., I !over, and mangels are the 8 a as L skirt'is destined toplay ill I , N . ... the iarmer-'s tatica, ana quietly goes to . leep�L ones L . ' I of roots, In the beginning �jfie Omployeil have beet secured by the The PrIncews 1�,: , I The average cost of generation has c1l lady Of the, ftlaiiy, . . a day everyone -,�akes lip to eat it Ictygrown was the ,,*Up-to-date," and, * V 0 important port in the styles for the The. itbove Illustration showi; a n ive 0:ears� from 5 Wife. .' I L . ' 11 , mangels should be pulped, but Ili , a ame of water colors. it is doubtful .in . I L piece of hard broad, of which amount the yield was,a,t the rate of,21. tons .. . . . 11, the coming seasons. The foature of this :I;ylis , of plain. cloth, cents to 3 1-9 cents, with ths- oorres- ge spoke thiongh an Interpreter, -qt six months haspro- per Irish acre of Sound table potatoe's, a$tt bodies mado suffieldat to 10 . short timb the little ones way'be left whether he will ovar excel it 0 gtirment. L9 that it has no waist bond To, Serge or gilk. It can 'be pending reduction. In other items and and .her answers ,,Vote given with so I Years gone. by, before the first I to 416 their own pulping. They can heavy pressure of that sort of work , f ram four yards of '�T'2­lncll milk the total -east Is view 5 1-3 conts,against little grace that he relinquished the videntially, been baked In the provi- In .. . dQ lk do welf as YOIV ead") Land ab all. It does not In fact end at the mad( . failure of the potato in Ireland, 20 tons they being perhaps too much for Ono 00111- nud 23-1 �yards of Insertion I When the bread has 1�1111"* walst line, lilt continues wall up over ----.--_._ 9 cents par Board of Trade unit. In iask. only, once bad ter stern, face ,OUS aututhe hAV6 more.- time to,aa it in, . 1 Palled to secure results by such meaus . I I I ut ,been washed down with a drought of per acre, Irish, ,Was no unusual TO- � I - - --,,J. __ . -a Mr. Hiles is t rced, to adopt. the figureettending. quite to the - . 1. I I five yeara the number of eight-randle, lighted; thi,q wtis whan he asked Abe L the price waii %,cry low, L . . , s, .0 I bust. . The Woman 'Who wears such a .. i '. power lamps connected bad increased her youngest figliting-son, li boy of water,. everyone goes to sleep again- turn, but I . PEARLS Or TRUTH. ' . . . . . . L . it in , L . . -V_ . : .. . L . L I . . � 1, . .11, I . from 2,000,000 to 7,4,60,600, and the units fourteen. got lips quivered; emotion The members at the fatal ' ly take I Ire., I I ' , L . 0 I 4 4 , I . I 11 - Wit I bar. wra to watolk and keep the fi EGG -PRESERVING rVIACHINZ . Viotory balangs to the most persty- I . I - . I . sold In even greater proportion from %vas hot really frozen hu or sit months of this — L . coxismPullm) As REAL ESTIXTE, THE, C!ATJSV OV. SIGHINCt. . I 80,000,000' to over 125,000,00..The price Next day the general had occasion alight, Aft I it"(401 . lialle irsicilliti. tolveme4i it, V.t alroid ' . triog.-Napoloon. - I . , 1 *it . dad. he called, ,repodafal existence 'the family walios . rar $J0(.jJf Ila rre'All rggg' .1 L no widely worldly ;' but not world- L . _ L . obtained for current hues In the ease to ri a past the forrd, itself, goes Out to fiee it I I I . _ now do I Xnow, demanded the wo- Slobing is but anothet name for OX I . of companies,. deoreasild from 12 cents f6ff it m0ihent i upon her, . up, shakos .An egg�.preserving -machine bas . ly w1m.'-prandiff Quarles. . � In L niolplil, Un -13ald he to . tho'interpte- :the. gross is growing, and by and by I Wisdom is oittinles nearer when Ave man whom he had askod,for ,charitYt ygen starvation. The cause of Sigh- to 10 1-2 cents, and, in u _ "Tell her,,v, I . been comeaL to the atteAtIon of the . � youst" not it'thievish. vagabond- - I t frequently Worry. An in. I I I to wor�F at summer tasks. The ' � Tnar, Lug M Suva . dartakings 10 2-3 cents to 0 contsper toy'# "that w't bavA won the battle to- sets English public. BY the List of this ap- , . stoop than when we soan-Words- instead of A poer man out of work? tervil of Several Second& often fol- "i 11 . .- cap- day." I L count.ry rettairull comparatively live- L I . worth,, How do I know O'cu've. got a clear tl� lows momentri of 'mental, disquietude, . unit. Th6porcontagookpIrofiton They told her, arid She bOW04 her ly till the following .Winter When pargitus it is. claimed by the inventor I Persecution in not wrong because . -h Lima thechost walls re- Ili N il.tl expenditure has not Intreased,be- . ' that eggs May be kept in oxeellent tla even to those old dirty clothes you during whic 11 dome dignity. agatil all idgn� of life dMa 0 . It is ortial, bat ortial because if, Is I . I . -1 11 lug, for municipalities, 4.99, and for head with o nditioli tar twelve months orareft I have out main rigid until the imperious do- - . . . companies, 5.45 per tent. "Tell her the Datob will cortainly be all is silent, except, We Ptesume. for longer and without the use* of any ,WV031 hattly. Maiam, mournfully asked Tuffold it Is made for oxygen thus 'emu beaton." II . 01 - ' I 9-_W man 11, , . . do , the suor s of tile sleef)klval This win other means of preservation, The'lua. , � A duty is no sooner divined -than Kn.utt, doalt these, clothes look as if . , ter Sleep Lq called lotaka. , ing the deep Inhalation. It is the ex- IN THE YEAR 9000, No answer. ehino consists at a rack on the . train 'that very, moment 'it becomes I'd bad 21 yoars, undisputed POS1808- piration following, the Inspiration �.. . "Perhaps ber'sond .Will be taken . 16 Shelves of which the eggs are ,stored. . . birdifig upon as.-Amiel. stun of ,om # I . that is property termed the sigh, and ,� I . Here, said the -husband, of the Now prisencra.11 . . I I By means of S. lever it to x AiMple , The most delicate, the most mensible, � this sigh Im Simply an effort of tbo ' ___ I ��,. Woman, entering it tailor t3hop and. still no reply, . . 6AVIED, matter to give, all the eggs a partial of all Pleasures consists in Promoting - 0 organism, to Obtain the h6cchslITY M. . . I laying a bundle on the counter, you ,,NOW, tell her to Write doWnr Oil 0, I I tile pidaRtirit of others.-Bruytre, i . If I will have, to. alter these ire sorg. . 1 - Wits% I Was slak tho: queerest things movement which has � the of feet of Cultivate forbearance till your COiU,L3)N1T SHINE IN VICTIM, pl�y of oxygen. The remedy to of course �� I . u piece of paper the nome of' the. young 't'som6times saw at night I keeping the yolk in motion so that . � P is altogether to r6ago, worrying, . I I I , �11; - can't Wedr them a'. all 4sr they are. eats alid give it to ray side -do -damp. t I heart yields a fine trop of it, Pray 'Blobba.-Youffigpo . 1111i", Itoally, replied the tailor as 116 Then whan'h6 Is captured, she$ Must And onot there was ll� cat wi h wings it rests against no one portion of the . laokjug in 11 , Kept o6miAl round to fight[ I shall for any length of time. The In - for a short memory to all utlkindoess. . . Imagination, 1, - ... If � 6 I— 1. I , �� I opened the bundle, Iyou musIt excuse write to me, as� We will nOE ko6p him I . tar thief : venter says that incubation or deter- . Slobbs.-Why do YOU SAY - that f I � . � I I me, my dear sir, these are your back And onot a, big burg � Hoarta ratty ba: attracted by 44SUM" I NONNSUNSD . � 0, Prisoner. We will Got%,! him awling an the floor' loratlon can not take P)aea AsIong I Blobbs­11ve never board him get 'off 11 ; w1falls. , I a � , ad qualities, but the affections are any of the bright sayings of his What tonaensel . exclaimed Mr. ,� i . to her.!, I strous Injula oblof - as ths. air Is kept from that Vital 46tm 11 .1.0 At last her face broke (11to, Matted. AAA Oritt'd Mon ; not to be fttdd, but by those that are Meektou ao be tossed, aside, the heart- I I 11 I at, A sylvvEltEn. The chard had boon struck. I i I 40o Mo,y. , children. I 6TI Was stanift' In the door I which Is in thb yolk and which AP, real.l% I � I-— ­_­: to.�hoart talks page, What Uttet nou- I I Parke -Coma, borho and take dinner . And coot I tumbled down a well ways rises to the top. These who ard Industrious Ilk any - I A(ellad I . with me. __ . ,.li­, � 40 , I T- didn't Seem 4810OP, ----.%O— -I .11_1­� ­ " ___ 14 .1 lii� tTM Pi -i tA R M F- R - I L ."I, I I I - 'I - , I I �, 0 calling ara capable of further bloss- 'A 00M. OTION. . ITO, what tire Von referring f Inquired I Lane -Put your w1fe doesn't expect VIMUS VOR THE IMMPLVISS, . ,&ad miles and miles Anil MiloAr floll, . fag&*, whoreas the Me tire fit for . . , . WITH A UOVAI)Ln COMPLUMON. qgjlsoa�t dati,tt see why they Say �bti Wife. 11, ; MO, does She ? � , awf al deep I I - 4., .1 nothing but temptation.- Mishap bread and 6hteaa and k1sAds" it -ought To the liss6rtlon that a woman need ', : rdith, this last fohins plate ,you For It wla4 . 'Wait Igo- , . Mill. I to be kisses and broM and �ehe . W -, Parke -What of thatt t6ahamooth painted Is AWful-AWfull r felt so funny" tot, I thought 118-1 I .. ese, not expect a inau to Vay,Mr as Much is showd &, very neat black tuck, it over with fiet later. Xavr, .never mind about that, M d9ar; 3?d sariely strike my lboAd. Povotty It the test of civility aud Villotg-Why I I att6utlon after they are rdwrri6d as TW you can. Ing to worry a blond64 . ad to,tiets, W&Ijtv with vestanil under� Lane, grlmly,-Afayba 13 ighle-Well, I e" be a blonde ally I I this touichatona of filleadship.-lZair, � 011*000�.% as to got th,& k1stios gil hb, paid hot before. I am absolutely S146*66 at whita tucked Wk P6rslAn ,that doosuit make it any bettor fo",�, I �11 ,give a whist party alto of these nAt at the bottom I Was caught � * �t&jt s,*,ir I dom. I All nate *wake W bed I � ttma I want to U. , , . ,,, Ott, ; , . . � I &OM W-Ohie"t jA p6gillble. #*to, Hoarlotts, that I ralikil noWl trkwAW# ofteoto $466, I . . I I 11 . . . . C,