HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-14, Page 7t VIGOROUS OLD kG1
Mr. Williama Gray, of Newmarket, Tell
flow me Became Halo and Hearty a
MO Advanced Age of Soventy, Attu
Having Suffarott Great Turture from
Solation and Rhountationt.
Prom the Xxpreas, Newmarket, Ont
Mr. William Gray, who is well an(
favorably known in the town of New,
market and vicinity, is rejoicing ovei
his release froin �he paiai of sciatica
and rheitinatiam through the use a
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, A repurtei
of tLe Exprems called upon ,him fol
the purpose of obtaining partioulan
of the cure when Mr. Gray gave th(
following vtory for publication:-
" About two and a half lyears ago
was Seized with a very severe attaol
- of iLliewuaUain, The pain was simpl.,
torturing. At tirue,i the trouble wa
laeated in my knees, then in may hips
For ,nearly a year I Suffered along
working ,is best I could, in the hoP,
of being able to overcome the dis
ease. During the day the pain wa
less severe, bat at night it was. jus
an bad as ever. To inerease my tar
tare I caught a cold -Which resultei
in an attack of sciatica in my righ,
log. If I walked a short distance ,
.would lie seized by sharp pains. in th,
h;L) and in time I became a used ui
man; my appetite failed ine, and .
could not rest at night on account 0
the pain. I tried one madloine aft -
another without avail. I a6w con-
sulted dootors with no Letter result
I was beginning to think that I wa�
doomed to saffer the rest of my life
when one day a friend strongly ad-
vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
PilL I took his ad.vice, and procured
a supply of tho pffli and began tak-
ing thant According to d I ixeotiOlts-
. .
B0fOTe the third b,Dx was finished J
note.d. a change far the 1;ctter I
continued the use af tho Pills �ilsa I
bad taken ten air twelve boxes When
my trouble had entirely disappeared.
To,day I am free from Palo. and feel
th,at life is ,worth living, even at the
ripr� old age of Seventy. I can DOW
do aday's wark withmany menWh10
aTo twenty years young- than L I
tb.Ink God for my restoration to
boalth through the agency of Dr
Williams, Pink Pills, and I trusl
other similar Sufferers will give then
a trial, for knowing what those p!114
have done for me I Am sure that
they cannot fail being as beneficial �c
others Similarly Afflicted. .
If thok blood is pure and wholesern,
disease cannot nxist * . The reason Dr
WillLims' Pink Pills cure so man)
hat they aot- dir.
ectly upon the blood and ,nerves, thu,,
reaching the root of the trouble
Other medicines act - only on th(
Isymptoms of the trouble, and that h
the retis,)nj the trouble always re-
turns when you cease these medicines
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills make per.
manent cures in kidney trouble. -t
r1iturnati4m. erysipelas, anacmia alit
kiridred diseases, f. But be sure you
the genuine which beat the full
name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for,Pal(
Pcc�Ple OA the wxs�ppor around cver3
box. .
Who honour 14 claimed for the late
Riabard Vaux, 6nos Mayor of Fbila.
d-Alphia. that on one memorable coca.
0ion. he danced with Queen Victoria,
. It was shortly after she bad been
- crowned Queen, when young Vaux,
,who had just been made a barrister,
Was &art to Land- on a governtat.tit.
al mission to United States Minister
Stevenson. Upon his arrival there be
learned that )is had been appointed
"eretary of the United States Lega-
tion at Londop. Vaux was a favorite
lwitl9 the fair aox, a fine looker and a
good dancer. In his official position
he saw, mtw,h of court life and par-
tiaipated In many royal functions
'where the light fantaatio wae trip-
ped. ,With great pride Vaux used to
.. rela,ta how, at one of the royal balls
'be danced with Lite Queen heraelf in
one of the figurea of the quadrille.
The Queen's original partner in ' the
__ d4noe was one 19 royalty, of couros,
. . �
bUt in the obaraing of partners of
One of the figures, the Queen became
tbet mate of the Philadelphian fox the
nonce. The bonor waA 1� high Ono. for
. after that time when the Queen par-
ticipated In dances, her partners were
xantrLoted to tbOse In whose veins
cOArAed the blofid of royalty, :
------- 0—
The action of the sun, niolsture and
the carbonic acid In the air, on the
soda or Potash in the glass producea
an opaqueness more or les.3 prnnounc-
. ad. To remove this -wet the glas.q
with dilute hydrochloric acid, and af-
ter a few minutes go over the glass
with powdered waiting. Pour the acid
slowly into the cold water, using
four ounces of th'a acid to twelve
ounces of water, one pint and ahalf.
Poll-S)i wttll chamois or soft paper. It
Must be remembered that this acid
will attack metals and should not be
allowed to touch them, nor should the
bottle be left open an instant longer
than necessary, as the fumes are
very destructive.
Trees add much to the coalfc:rt and
beality of the home, whether it be 10-
catc-A in tho city or. in the country.
Th,ey should, ue anit out L% large holeg
that hero lwm filled in to the pro-
wx depth with goml, rich soil, rilm,
soft mAPIe, block locust, catalpa, box
� eldor, ash, in tho order narried, are do-
sLrablo trees. RVery planting shouirl
Include Some -elms beaauSe they aTe
10agAirM and more Pprinanent, than
the, otbCTIt rae.litionet]. Continuous,
shollow cultivatiorL is necessary for
SUCOMS, Alld. iff this is n0glectod, fail-
ure Is Almost certain.
______40__ 1
Thpre arn f;ome remarkable peculiar -
Meg nbout the libol laws of England,
If you rsi)l a man a thiat and cannot �
Prove your assertion, orou are rospon- I
elbln for dftrcages, But if Iran orna. �
tnent the objectitinable noun with an 1,
illustrative adjantive, such FIA a "durn- 1,'
ed" thlof, or a "blooming" thief, or I
it "grasping" rogue, the addition ,of I
the doseriptiva word showa that you I
have lost your toitaper, and Srou (Ire 1!
ot 10$ally 04tionable. , i I 11
I 1, I . .1 I 1 1. I.. �.., I.... �Iiiii,iffillilill.11i.i.iiiiiiiii.illilli"I
d -
..------- - -- ... I � 11 I. .- 1. - I __-__
. - I . I - -_ ,— . I . I . I .. - - � I, � i — ____ -- - __1 --.A-_______ 1. . I
I i . . I THXY SX0XS UVOU blOAR& 1- --�-
I "" I FrOm Tea Qftrclon io 06now"ar.
111111111villute '11101men, 5"1011to q'IF41% Sixteen
CEYLON A N, 0 INDIA TEA1 1110AM 110149 A114 Five lockos ft V11"aw
� Heiress and Wife. OR rareace.
GREEN BLACK, A ourioug fact notioeable in the
V11.4lipplaks $a tuat the women Smoke
I .=====�:_—: *mOrmolts 016-00, IvIbilo the men stitoke 0II'Molf 'fL'A t*AO $&Me QQVrL A9 it aJW%y$ W$60 an I Lb beAk - A
. , 1401i$$ 2'st ^ 40t SO Stid 400.
� XM; woolmnaeort Iva m 111-110111411,4011
* CHAP.CIM XXV. knew the light tread of, the PAPPO-r- 'Only c*AxOtt'00, TheSO elgarO, are —11,11, 11M, I'll,'"' I
L Gcwtic Glena never forgot the (is- ad feet but too well—It I'vao pluma. ft Is Perfect, Because, It Ispure, WJJoJeSoMC,, LClean, Delicious, $4teen inolias long, and, fire incheK In - . , ,!, .
sPaIring cry that broke from Dalay'S She went up to. hirr4 in her. usual car- IDIrcumlorano .
, , a, A'Ad COAStItUto one '41��'6'4-0'0'W,*qk,qt^Q"V'Z*'%.40W,4*,;;;�----V,',,�w,—WrQr4m ,Jk.eV,%-%0 .
� . , ... I .
. ' - 0
1 white lips as 0he repeated her cc=- essing famblon, laying liar white hand It reaches y?u in its natural state.. Prussian Blue, Soapstone, et,pi,, week's pleasure fov the ladleel. T.be 'Everylionseshoul. bopainte �
� mamd, on his arm. . . ire not used,'as tn. other teas,* to h . ide defects. It has none, . W01sh't of such a olgav Is necoosaTily' , $ HIQHGRADE but it sbould be ainte L Wit, I
. I . -tints,
I "I WIS111 WOU to d0liftr this A0tO to "Do you know You have been Stand- . . considerable, And 0 offset bbio a high grade p, If ou ,aint
I � � , � ,, i�� , ''!I -,--- 'I L: I I mblitlipicoo consisting of a oQft fibre , ; PAINTSIN with 010a p Ints, O"r ti 0 an ;,
. Mx. Rox Lyon hintself." ins liars quite two hours, Rex, watch- * # � I nioney is. las . t a Is not paints #
I that cost, it 1, labor. Pure - '. -
, "Ob, Miss Gertle," she cried, clasp� ins the, Shadows of tlick VJ:6640%yeaf A free' ,=Ple Of deRCIOUS SALADA Tea sent on receipt of 'at tobacco Is mAdo At one and, so that .paints cos I re in la or than I
-an agony I have longed to oomu up(and ask you I cheap paints. . I
! !its her ban." together in ' Wheu firmly grave,et..m tiho� teeth an , - t a
I of entreaLy, "I can not -oh, indeed I What interest those dancing Shad- PoStal Mentioning WhiCh.YoU drink -13 lack, Mixed, or Groen indentation is made w1hichfor, the re- . 11 .. . . .
. mAiUdor of the six days sMok.a, fits Ramsay's I
I can, not I Ask anything at me bait ows had for you, but I could not make Tea, Address 11 SALADA,11, Toronto or Montreal ., . I I *7
i that and I ,will gltxdly do it I" up my mind to disturb y � ou, I often . . . - . I __. aiaturally to- t10 teeth. The women . . . .
Both Wixis looked at hex In, shear fancy you do not knOW 1201t much cued bor letter from Mine, Whi ' smoko one hour -each (lay, being cars, � 11 . Paints . . .
I . ustonisbatent. time you spend in thought", � I .1 , � tney. CANADIAN 'WOUSN'S LOYAL AD- ful to ext1uguish the fire when fin� I . - are the, highest grade pure . ., 1.
"if he h, d not bound ine to secrecy, DRJ�$$ TO QUEEN ALB XAND'AA. . !dkodi Thi younger girls and obll� [ I .. paints at the lowest cost. Do I
. -
[ "What is the reason you can not?" Plains, was wouderino it be was I could have cried out before the The opportunities given for signing dXeA arsoke smaller Kizes, even a sev- P 'C you want to learn all about ,
: crisul Gertie, is. utter amazement. -I thinking o,f that fQolilab, rom4ritip whole world I was him wife," $110 ML On-yea,T-old. affecting a roll of 19bac. . . paints -how to paint i your botise ,�, .
I I I . ,i address to- Her Majesty, express- co tbe, size of the av-orago cigar used, , INTS and see soine beaut ful hornes ? .
, do not comprolvend you." fancy the t had eom(u sci near Asps,rat- thought, I I I I I .
I ins the lQyalLy and appreciation of In. this countxy� . � � Dror, as a post carO, for Booklet
I "I -I can -not take the note," she ing them -his boyish fancy for Daloy A burning floah. rose , , . . . . 1. I .
- , . to her face am -be wornan of I F
.J np. t Canada, have been .6 I . I K .free, . I � ,
, I
a bd, La -r. I Brooks, theix ovlersOor'g loo. NO, She thought how cruelly he had aas� largely -taken adyantage of in uum- 9 , � I
. s. a frightened whispe. - I I
I do not -l-" f surely not. He must have forgotten pected her,,�Illls poor little-child-by:de erous placed throughout the Dwain- I . A. RAMSAY & SON I
her long ago. . who had never .known - one, wrong or . I .
� . PAINT MAK19RI$ .. I.
� She stopped short in utter confust- , ten. AS there must, )however, be -wo- " NINE 1108' - 0, . 1,
. ion. "These reverles seem to have grown sinful thought ,in her pure, innocent men, liere and,�liare 4ho -have not yet . I W1 0 NT RM A 1�. . .
I "I choose you shall do juat ,as I bid I into a habit with me," he said, dreaM7 young life, . .1 . . . . . loarat tbat the:y are ail ask- . � .. I Ust'd 1842 . . .. I I I . . .
: you," Teplied Gertl% In her imperious, ily; "almoot a second nature, of late. If be� bad only glvoi4 liar the chance I DAKE .
I . ed to ' join, in, this Inove" � . it %"%/%"% -WZ,R& V�� W10,0 'W'S?Wl�,141�,uqy4,rw�-%wwws,".a ,
. scornful anger. "It really Sea= to If you were to come and talk to rae of explaining, -how she had happened Ment, it is now announced that � . . I I . I.- . - . .
I ine you forget your position here, at s4uh times, You would break we to be there with- St4awjok� if tbV . -, I 1. . . I I �___ I - .
. Miss Bruo'kil. HOW daTc, YOU refuse of it." . I bad . taken -her back shei must Ithya there will, st.41 be time for those who 'Relates .His Experlenes for thq: .. TWENTiETH ANAL 5f'ATEMENZ i
I . hava not had a chance of aigning the . I � I I . .
[ me li" . The idea ploased her, A bright confessed about the letter and who boots to Isebd in An appll;- Benefit of Others. - '- I —OF TI -IE- ' . I .
' ' . � -signature a . . � . � .. .
� Opposition always Strengthened flush. rose to her face, and she mado Rexwas and what h-ei Nvaa to her, to have their naniaA sailed to I . __ . I .
. oution . . . I . 11 0
0 Gartic's decision, and she detormin- him Some laughing reply, and hQ ,143ron Stanwick's persecution found. 1k 11yoprie.tor 9r the lkake Wome, St. y1jouthx, r2a ,
. I .. the roll, 'The -usual Signature, wLth- Loics nik Eikrik,Y ihot M4 Troitbito I .
ed Daisy should take how note to Aex looked down upon her with a kindly an excuse 'in he'r innocemt,' unst.0- , , - N Owth Amerlce'tu I ,V I
. . . . - eA-, .1111at for over Five VcAr,
. . out Prefix or address,, sent in,an , , ,4, A04 In 014441. I
Lyon at all hazanis. smile. . .. pectins, little heaTtL . . . . . . I
. the Ob I the torture of it to the poor , "go . sought . t I o save . i . ii.e� from be , ing' . velopQ -with an authorlsation, eo -have St. Thomas, karbit 4, (Spe#lal)._Mr, I . Assurance Company.
The cloquent, anute appeal in I , it .66piod in faoe�lmile, and enclosing T4. Dako, of the Dake House, in' tbiS. I . ' .
blue eyes traiged to her own wag ut- young wife standing watching them, taken back 'Whoia lie called me his - , .
I a
� not leas than a two -cent istamp to cov- city, is a pw-oud, man for he ha. itt "I — 112-118 KINO STREE1
texly lost on liar. with heart on fire Int the deep sha- wife," -she thought. 1,110 believed I' I , .. HEAD OFFICE :
. or expenses, will .be in time if receiv- last towev,er. disposed of a foe, which . .
"'Ibe pride of these dependent com- dow of the crinason�hearted passion- was free to woo an4 win,' because I . . .
PkItnions is gomethlug ridiculous," she flowers that quivered on the later- dared not tell him I was Rex's wife." ad by, the. Secretary, at the Central Pas given him a gxea�-tl deal of pain , � . I WEST, TORONTO,, �
I . � .
. . I Office of tbQ'National VOuncil of Wo- and annay;anco 'd ri , th last five For'tho Year En(led D6cerriber 3ist, x9go.
Went on, angrily. "You consid,er vening vines. The letter she hold in Yet the thought of Stanwick. always men , Of. Canada, 71 Brunswick AVc., air *six , . a ag 0 . .. � 1, . I .
youxself too fLac, I suppose, to W hey, band slipped from her fingers lh- brought a shudder to her pure young . years- -Th(tt foe was Kidney - I , I . . . � . . . .
. . . � Torontoi up to.th6 21,9t of Ma.rcli, Af� .Trouble and Lame Back. Do4d's ki . . I � p . �
uiade a messenger of." Gertle laugh- to the bushes all unhcedcd� She had' mind. She could not itinderstand. I . . Id- Deel 3d, j8 - To net Ledger Assets .... ..... 1.! ....... �...,. � .... $3,j56,710 '24
. . .9,9
. ter that date, the 'Addreas, 'which. ,is Dej Pills d.rove' .it alit s . . . . .
ad aloud, a scornful, mooking laug-b. but one though t-sb6 �must get away. why' he would hiti�e resorWa ter such . I . . . , hover to re.� .. . . . . .. . . � I ' . .1 I . .0 . I .
being artistically and beautif Ily iliu- 'LUTA, and JxAv Xr�. U'Lko is ha � . . , RECEIPTS.
I Willi . V � . pp . . .
"Pride a ad poverty do not work Nvell I The very air seemed toi stifle her- her desperate means to.g � min an un ng -ad will be bound in a -large vol- This is what hei Says,, � Yl . ' -tsh� I fo ' ' . . . . . . .. I
together. You may go to. your room heart seemed numb -an lay �and brlde, . . � � � I minat . ' � I bec, 31, Vydo. To C, r -Premiums ............ .. $829,929 06 . - . . �
. I � together with the isignature "I have; been troubled with m,Y Kid. ' " . '. Is To Cash Income on ldves�ttnents,. etc:: . � . .
now and got your bat and shawl. I seemed pressing round It, and her "Not yet seventeen. Ali, wb:at a "a' I � . . I I I . I . . . � ... 183,041 5$ 1. � . � :
�. � . Palms in my baek fVW ova . I I . �--. 1,605,910 54 .
shall have the letter writtew in a poor forehead was burning hot. It sad love -story liars had'been'. How sheets, in 6 manner worthy of. the nicya . and r . . .. . .1 �. . . ; .. . . . . . . I . 1. . , I ..
- . . . women who Arp . no enthuslastioally flyle. year'S. Nothing I could get . .. 11 . . . .. . 2,68o 7 if , , . �
very few minutes. There will be no did not matter much where she went, cruelly love'a young dream had been' - , , . � ... . � $4,04 . 1.
throvin , me, ,hislped me in' the le . . I
use appealing to mamma. You ought nobody loved her, nobody caredlor blighted," .IX tbleTselvesL into'this. sobs ast. Flually,Iwas . . D SBURSEtWNT5. - . � . . .
shii toia.-heracit; and..yet . . 11 I. . ! . .. 4 .1 .. .� . I I - . ...
time, ,we ovarrulo her her. As softly as slig came, she bhe ,would not have exchanged,. that . . - r . . 0. , - - . tlqtd �bY 8� -frikend who had.triied `thpra� D, . . . I I . . . . I . ..
to know by this 1. I . ' . ec, 31) 1900. , By Payment for Death Clairns, Prblits,et:6 S304,679 00 . . �
� . I . that Dodd,w Kidney Pills Would cure , 40 66 . . � . . � I
objections always." glided down the path that lad to the One. thrilling eo4tatie moment. of ULLEST. 03.RITISH UNTEE. � . . By all other Ilayments ........... i....,...,. , 24493 35. - ,
I . . I . * � . . ma,.411d I dodidod to try. -1�1;ey re- � I . �1' , . . I I . . . . . � . — �. S69#x?z I . I .. .
. 11 � . . .1 I . . . . . . .. .. I —_ . , . ,
It was too true, Mrs. Glenn never entrance-gato beyowl. She passed raptare-.when. Rex had'olasped her. -lit A -member of the Liondoni. Scottish Reved ine fr,oan. the first and even- IT
bad much voice in a matter where through the moonlighted grounas, his arms and whiepirdai "Ark darling N�A,s ,sai,a a short . I , . ,
- . . � I . . 1 $ time as`J`�hOld, iho tuaily cured ine completely!' Tbe7 4re I .: � . . . . .. . . . . � . . 1. . . I I. ... . . �13*773408 48,, * , . . � . . . -
. I ' : , I . . .
Beqs or Gertie had decided the case. where the rausic, and fragrance of the - Wifo,'!, fox a whole life -time of calm rboord In this ros�eot, being 6'. fee� 7 1-2 - oiidorfai madicine.11' . . I ASSETS., . . . . �. . .. I
. , I ' � . . ,w � . .. . � . .
Like one in a dream Daisyl turned summer night'wis at its height. The happ.1rip * . . I � . . . .. � . . . � . �. , I �
,.as with. any One cls(ei ,, , incheis W -height. JAi member' of the ' I
- � . . . - .There sre many ' , . I . . .. . . .
� . pAD,clple - in. St. Dec..31, ,goo. . �y Mortgages, etc ....... I ........ � .......... ie ........ $11284�84 92
, I ' I . I
from them. She never remembered night wind stirred the pink clover Oil and on she'walke4 through the .Third Yolbatter 'Battalion of the Thumas abd VlOffilty who have vi . arkei'value $7'3099 4W , -729,813 19
.. Debentures (ni, .'.... - I
. .
how she gained liar own room. With and the blue -bells beneath her feet. violot-studdod grAs&,.th1uking-LhJink_ Royal. Weat, Xent Regiment, named kind thing I ery I I . I , ,11 Stocks and Bonds.(rnarkat mitte $v,o3t,68o 6o)_.. 1,013,799 96 ' ' . -
' - . . s to say of Doild's Xidnpy .. I I 11 I Real Estate, including 4;onippny's - building.... � I... . 389,751. 79 * , .
' . , ,
Gold, tremulous fingers, she fasten- Her eyes were, hot and dry; tears .ing. .Sboanga fancies came, �Iirong;- W.alkok is 6 feet,6 inches In! height. ]?Ills. The Jocal drugglate jepott . I . .. . . . .
. .
e4i her hat, tucking the bright ,�vould havp been a world of relief to ins to her 6verwrought brain.- She' Tjxe last-Aam4d '. volunteer ,was also . . , a . - I . 11 - Loans on Policies, etc ....... ; ..... � , . ....... . 0....�..-. 239,710 38' * . . I �. .
. I . .very large' sale, -and this � is, noCto . " Loans on Stocks, (omriy all on cati) ........... ... 9t,58O. .00
goldun, hair carefully beneath her, but none came to. her parabOd .pushed *heir, voll.'back- from her fee's famouM aa boing. the tallest , football be -irondered.a . . . . .191, *Cash i '. ,'0anksaad.6n Hand". I." ........... 1.*. 26473 93 � I I
hex ,mll, and throw her shawl eyelids. . � I a dL Jea* . ' i; . :t:, as ManY very rp.�, , . . I 11 , .. � I.. . � I . . . 1. I
9, ned.agaluat the tiiink 'of tt goalkeeper, r En,alaind. . These were � . . 4 . I I I I ; - .. I I I . . . .
11 � . . . I . � . I marka,ble oures .are reported $4 the . . � I . � . I . . . I .
over her shoulders, just as Gertie ap- She paid little head to the direction tree'o - bar ,'brain vas dizzy, and heri -stated. td. be the. tallest ' members * of . � I . . .. . . I .1 .. . . . � .. . �. . 1 . . .. . $3,773,50 0 :, . . . .. .
. I .. . , . � . 1, city and ccoiaty. ' . �. I 1� � I'Verniu 9 outstandidg, at �Collecd ): U.1 . , ..
preached, ICLter in hand. she took. One idea alone took Pas- 0101191110 ' wdre , confused; -the very alay.voluut4er corps in this country at .. . . . . . I : . . � � ,. M c. (less cost 'of ton . I I
. . . , '3 '
. . I .. . I . 1 I . . . :. : I I 1� 'Interest and rants due and'uccrued . 1, . I . I . .. I
. . 1. th time, 4naprobably ara.sa- still,' I .. . . -------- 46— , .. . . ............. : 40',O84 � . . .
"You need not go around by the SCUSS1011 of ber-she nwast get awa :dancin',g rid6usly in the Q .. � , . . . . . .1 I ' . I . . . .. . .. .. � . .. L �— . . ..
, , , . . . -NGRR,06� DISHAM ' .., - - � . � I .: . .. I- I I ..� . �
I . I I ' .. 1. . . I 1:4 DA . . � . � . . . I. . . I . . .
main road," she said, "there is a "If I could only go back to. dear blue sli above her, anq:the bra has - 7 -, � .... . .... -0— �, � ,. � .. . . . . . 11 . .. I I - . ... I . . . .1 . $3,977,i6 .
. y no , . . . . � 1 3 83 1 .
. . ' - ' I
. . ange . � . vlts-'5.-Howis youx.dAusbter thig . . .1 . - .1 - I .1 . . I
' . .
much nearer path leading down to old Uncle John," she sighed, "His' :of.4ho.treos were whisp,cring Sir, BRITISH �&MERX . CA, - A5SURANCF11 , . I ,. I � - . � � ;, LIABILITIES.'-- .-... . � .. t. ..
. ' � I . , . ... I . . 1. . . � . — . . . 11 .... 1. . . I
� . . morningl, , - , , '' ' ' 1. I . I . . � . . . . . .. I
" I
the stone wall. You need not Wait love had never, failed me." ; iaiiolg� ,5,uAADn.1y a hoxs'e'nian, rid- : . . *1 . '. - .� CoMP.&M - . . . . fX , - - - . .. I 1, I
� ' , , . . . . : . I I I . � - . . 1. A a, B�-Tlia, d Dee . � To Guarantee Fund .. ..'. ; .... � .......... q$ 6o, coo . ob, : , . � I . I '. I .
for an answer; there will be . � I � .1 - � . , jootpr Aayg shp is . , bt3 igoo. A,q a aiW Artnulty Reserve Pond 3,3()2,Jpc) coo ' ,' ..- - . .� I ., I:.. . I
- ills conva cMc,J!ftt. , ., . . , . ... - . . :L '.' �.
� I . . .
none. It seemed long years back since She ing .a cj6al-black charger,.caiae a,%: a t- ,The Slixty�seveatbl Amnual, Meet I � I I I ` . .1 �;:, � suranc .
I *
. . .
- , � .
The servants over there are awkward, happy, inerr'y aring sw ftly 113; . . of the Sh , .. Death Losses awa�elng proofs etc.,,-. . . 473-2 44 . ' - I . .
had romped with him, a .i the long -46nuo_df areholdbra of this company . . . I ) 'S 6 I .
blundering creatures child, Over the cotton fields, and he. trd8s. H .w th6. quiet figure stapd- i�as holdi at its offices, � Toi-64to, on Mrs. .&-D(qw. Mae I: 1. hope it Isn't , .. . . . � . - I ... ` $477,0714-11 % .
� -do not trust it ,a so ' , . . .. . 1. I I . . . . . . . . I . 1,
-be- dro Thurs,day 28th February,, 1901. *, I catching I - - , . I . . � 1. . I . . . .� - . I I I I . .� � I . . I . — , � . .. . . .
to them -you must deliver it to Rex had called her his sunbeim during ins leaning I a:g I ain . at- t . 'lag The. Pre�sideat, Efoli, Geo.'A;., . Cox, oe- - I I I ;., . . . I . . . . .. .
. . . OP . � Hot surplut .--� ............. !.... . � .... i..'..i. - ;'.$500,192 36'
1. I -
himself." all those year3 when. no one lived at branalies., , . � � . I ' -�- - ,-;�=t:--��� ; -"_--____1 � - - ' ' . .. � . .1 . I
. ' "I cupied the chair, and Mr. P. HL Sinii. -----� - --:� :�:= - . . Audited and found'correct. . ... . I I . . . I
. -6 vaig abpoi . nted to aot .as I .. s,C..C. RICITARD3 & Co.,. . . .., .. . .. .. . I � .
"I make one last appeal to you, Miss Wh1t8stOn6 Hill and the wild ivy , �'l '%vill inquire thei way,- lie.. said to wit I . . S66re � Mos.ir " . I 1. . J. N. LAKE, Audit�or.. I - . �
I ' I . I . . �. .
Gertie. Indeed, it is not pride that climbed riotously over the windows him?salf,. Araw4its' . rein ' beside her. � tary, read. the anitual rapoXt,, of- wit ieh ." * - . . Yarhiouth,,N�S. : . . . . �.. I I . I .. I
. I . q -Tary,-ln�t rtran- �.- Tha'fin.Ancial positi6n. of the Con ,; c --�- r
. * thb folldwin�'is a anmmary.� I . Gyonll.�nien,-Iri Vii 1. , . ipany 14 unex e110d its - pe centage . . I
. , , , .
' '
promptsme. I could not bear it.Have and doors. Even Septima's voice 'Tan you tell Mo, madante,'. if this is. ' f W-1, L-1 tl:re. Om, a -net e ce s hat'Q� any� other Flotrie Compa�nv.'� I I . . I I
. . , . Your d*reotpro.have the honor to ., .. . . of,Lli, men employe d " Of . suiplus l;bliablliti s.exc d' t .1
. .
pity on me. You arel gentle and kind would have Sounded so sweei to her. the niost'diroot road.loading- to Glen- present the antival -repart'and finan-' b3r:iae'%vo,rki-ng in the lumber Woods, '� . .. . 1, . . . '. . I . . I.. I . I
- I - . . . 1. � . New insurance issued during 190O.. 1. . 1. . ". . k . . . . I . ... . . . S . . . . . Li - i ; ! 14:1113,150 QO' , . I . I .
' � - i -
Lit OS bat,*lcitilLy? -1 am look-. men -t Of the oojnpaxiy�g .qi-..tty- )lad ft tr0o fall On hini ortishing bial I , t�ceeding the bdst'previous kkar.(except opL) in tb' * il. .t6ry- he , : - ., , 1, ,
to others, th a grover -and ,t cial state * . . ;. . . .
. please, oh, please bemerel- She would have lived over agai ,
. soventh:year, duly vouched fo:�,bj its J"It'11114- H6 wa.a., when found,-pinC4 , � . I . . . . .. %. ,
ful to me I" happy, childish days, if she only could, ins for a- hostsl��-: near it..- f ti f6 , . . .. cornpuny, 1. I �. . I . I I . I i I - .,. . , I
, . Seat Suditors'. .�� . � I I . ed.on,a"slod' aridl-taken bome, whp�e 'Insurano . � to force 0 end of i goo (nct)�,..: ' I � . I . � �', I -
a ...'. ..... I... i. I ............... 24,$6,061 00� ,
"I have nothing more to say upon She remembered how Septima would have lost my -.Way.. . Will you kindly Ib will be n6ad that' there,has been' grave fears were entertained 'for bis * - .. . . I I .1 . . I
' . � . . i ' I I . I
. . . I .
the subject -I have said you were to Send her to the brook for water, -and direct ipo ?" Ito asked, "or, -to the home a * nsiderable inbrdase in tliit premium, reoov.Ury, his hips,being �adly bpuiised - ' . . . .1 . . 4 . p .. . ..
. . . . . 00 . I . . � . I . .. . . . �. . . .. � .
, . 1. . . . . . . . I � .
how she sirinkled every flower in, the �f Mr'. -Ly 1. - . . income for the year, this beint mainly and hls,.bady, tavued black- from his . I . I .. I . I I . PIZE816r."T, , . .
go. You act as if I were sending Rex oyn?111. I' �k . , , . . . . .
' L . . .� - 1.
path -way that bare her name; and how ou - . , � . .L. . . ! I JOHN L. 'ELAIKI , ''I
duo *toi tho businesg derived from the V11351 to, big feet. We usect-MINARD11 . . I . E , .
you to some place wherel you might The voice s nded 'strangely fami' . . I
. I new. fielas; in. which' the ,�onipany bas r,TN*IAIBNT'o.0 him freely to`d6A4e;A . . . . I . . L � : I . I . . I I . .
catch the scarlet fever or the mumps. Septinia would, scold her .,when she re L in, L , .� .. .. . I L I : .
. _ . JjfJjto.LDalSy. -She was dimly Pon- 0,stabli-Shed business 0ounections,and theLpa and,hvi�h C114 use of thr6e�: . .L . I I I I . VICZPRC8I68NT8 ..L .. .� . . . �..
. . I . . . .
You amuse me; upoa my word you do. turned ,with h�r bucket. scarce : scious :. same one - wax_ speaking. . to also to the inaptover! cdaditions that bat tlw4 1101 W',13 -3hmPletely -oured an4' tION..L G.. NY. ALLAN. . . HON; .,SIR WILLIAM R. AIERE(>I-TH, XC. I . I
. . � I . . . I
. ,
Rex is not dangerous, neither is he a half full; and how, shal.-Itad loved to bar., Slip raised hot faeie� up and-ga- have prevAiled -in the marino bttsines,g. able: to return to Ids".)vork. . . . L . I .1 � L . I . I . .. .
lie� , . . . z- .� Two half ... * , . ' * .1 . . , . . I ' ' L' ... I . . I DIRECTORS I . .. . 1. I.. L . I 1� . . "
_yLearl dividends have, been L . Jv,A UVER 1) . I -,
Bluebeard; his only fault in being dream away tliose sunny 'summer ad 61, t speaker-. Tito cold, Palo dqcl�red atf . . y . I . L . VVAL I . . . . .. � . . . -
. the-ratei of- Tperectit, bar iElgln Road, L*4410 Co.,-,( I E,:GURNEY, Esq., , . 19.4. I
, 4ue. . liom sENATOR 0OWAN, X,C,,, LL.Dq C.M-G'.� .
alarmingly handBome. The best ad- days- lying -under the cool, shady moonlight 'fell full upon it, clear- qnPum, amountffig, t-6 fpfi(1,323.06, and . :. . Blay 9011;1853, ,, . . � . 1. W. S.111TH, Esq., X.C., D.C�J,.' , ., . L ' . .. . J. X. OSBORNE, Esq. . . .
. . . I . . ,
vice I can give you is, don't admire trees, listening to , the songs - the ly ..xevealing its .straa . ge,- unearthly .tbb rose -rye fund ban been itioreaSed to ==��..t=. _ - ., � __ . - I L . .. . . . . - .. . . . . I . D� McCRATi',, ,g9q.' Go . elpfi, I., . - � : . . . . I . . . . . I I
. I . . . . . I I i. . � I.. . . I . L
. . . . . I . . .. . . ,
bhn too much. He should be labeled, robj�s sang as tho'y glanced down at whlt6ness,,'� and the bright 1)tashlng 81 ,0?.22�'., .. ' 1 IL . I I � . THE J310, CITI]4]8 OF .. . . . I.- MANA91NO DIRECTdR . . .. . . � . � I
' - . Plitt view of .the hbnorma fire Io T.ItS WORLD. L . .
her with their little sparkling eyes. eyes, gazing dre 1: y 0 . osses 11 . .d 0 1 � .. . WM., MCCASE, LL.R., I�J.A "L - :1 .
'Out of the market,"' ELM 1. past 'th tiwrox.. On this continent during the year 1900, 'The 10110*10g table Shows, the. num'. L L I M8.8'. . % .. - : I . - .
I . .
Gertis tripped gnyly from the How she had dreamed of the gallant sfrl0kC!n' .man looking. down oii her, including the' dijaStYOUS eonflagra. )Sol" of cities " i�llh a vopulaqo' . � . � � I .. I .. .. . . I . - - . 1. . I I
I . . . I . L . I I . . . I a Of Over - � � SECRETARY � . - . , .. . .1 . -MEDIOAL DIRECT** . o � . � I
. I . L .
I . . . . . I
. .
room, her crimFon satin ribbons flut- young hero who was t bar w1th. whita, Aivid, IJLp,,4 -4ind blalivl��,-d, tion in Apr ' il last, in, tbe'ciflas.. of I -lull 100,000 tn soven'or the lee'ding''coahirle's -L GOLDMAN, A i.A. A., THORBURN, M,D', Ulu, - �
I . , . ' . .. ta,w ' IaVOIV I .1 '. .
. . and Ot a , wbiall L of the W L . ' . . ... , . I . . . I L L .. . , L.- . .
ay. She had Wondered OW hOL ho'rro _' 'eke . faed. ."His eyes ai- . . I . 1.
taxing after her, leaving a porcepti- some & b a r ��ri n ed a loss' of � .. . I ,
L property to -the -value of about ten orld: Great Britain, .88; Ger- � - L, - !� I . . . . . . L. . .
. . I - . : ..
ble odor of violets in, the room, while would know him, and what were the most leap�d froni theli s6ck6ts-in,ab_ I 80; United i5tates, 28; Russia, ' . .,. - I � . .. . � � . . � . � .. . . . ,L.
. . .. .. . L million ,dollars, your direotors feel "many I . The Repott containing the proceedings of -the Aftnual Meeting, held on January, "- , I
Daisy clutched the note in hn'r ccld, words he first would say I Jf he jBvt terror -'.as Lester Slia'Jiwiek gazed that the atatements heire'With sub- 17;.FrAnce, 15; -Italy, 12; A,tistria-Hun- 13.0 iait, sbowinj markod proofs I of the contin ucd.pro Kress and solid position of thi. � - " .
'ritail 'fact) I by the r I oa&, _� as Satisfac- gitry,".7. I 11 .� . . I I .
nervous grasp, walking like one in a would come riding by, as the jaQe, .on . -the . uptil ruitt�,d uW'lb- geggo-,�,!ded . . 'Company, will be sent to p6licy-holders, Paniphlets'expl.inatory, of the 4ttractivd I I I
. - - I
terrible dream through the bright did when "Maud Mullar'stood in the side, I a * . . .. .. .1 � I tory by the . bar aer'. . . . . . .. .1 � ... ... .. . . . , . .. I., . Jltwestrn��nt at ph,ins of the Cofhpany, and a copy -of the z;nnuatreport, sho,wing its unt . . . I . . - ,
, . I
pa0ches of gli�t(tcfring moonlight, bay-fleld;" and she remerabdr . ad, too, , *"My rjod,,' do . I dream V . " he cried, . The ,capital stock of. � the �ampany . . . . .1C,l,4 lexcelled floancial position , will b I e fornisbod on application to the Head OM . ,.. .
. . . wc, oc ant. . �
I , � . has ba�ai increased to one million dot-; Hinii.rd'8 thdoiedfor stb'ff er3.lvl -k th- Caa=wes ar-grLe.ios, . . .1, . . . I f . I I I
through the swe,At-seented, rose- the story of "Rebecca at the Well.11 clutching at'the poxiialel' of his sad-:. Jars, iii accordan66. ,xvith the by -la* '� � I . . . . , I . I . I . . . , . I . I . . . 1. I. . . �
. . I *!-- 4 . . . . . I I � .
bordered path, on through the dark A weary smile flitted over bar face dle. "Is this the face ,o4 Daisy Brooks,. passed At tbe, last annual meeting, tile . . __ - . ___.__ - - - - I ----- - — _ . I I . -
, 1. , 'bat UIPTe - I I .
I I It is Acted t .
shadows of the trees toward the home as she remembered w6n she went to or is it a specter, unabla to Sl fl2wi 000.00 odew atook authorized to , - � . Society we& , INKS, Or, TR'B ANOMNTS. - a I To land for our .
. Z . I . . . .. . .1 . . . III Inplato Data. . .. 1. . .
. . be Usu6d at a Pientium of 15 par cent. .dings. take� 01ace in London on the . . �
-a her � the depths of he . .. . The -inks .of* ancient -days- wer logue of Sliest .
of Rex -her husband. the brook she had always put a r tomb, come back to havi-D-& .been all. taken, up. . - Satu, ' MUSIC . 1 M14210 and. Radhe . .
A soft, brooding silence lay over the prettiest blue ribbons, in ease she haunt, me f ' .. .±44Y thli# on a . ny other � da . y iq were in like black paint, and, an , I � . vilth ftdolal rat" I . I
or driving her to her -Summary or Xuancial Statement, , tbor week, ' . I � account trf the large quanfity,of gu of disoatint. � . .
I � .
. I � . !' To Be C . Vatift I tied. . 1. . ! Total c"It Income, V19 , 5:11233.84. 1. 1. . I I : . I . . . . used in their n . ianufacture ra , '_ : "
Oh, those, sweet, I � � stood ul# In relief on the ' Tenchers I — .
sleeping earth as Daisy, with a sink- might meet her hero. . doom V the lette
. Qlnd- . I archmenta WHALEYN' , - .
ins heart, drew near the house. Her ba:ight, rody . Total exbouditure, TO C1110% A .Colhe in e.Vu 1�jj - . p a
. . . . . . . ' . 'though', dtabossad.' �, .
. --- __* — - I -9 a� - as, I . ,
Soft footfalls on the green mossy dreams of girlhood I What, a pity it . � � , ii upr.opriation for los Tike rAzaalre armo QQlnfz'§ftW#W, All dralrilsIA . . I . . - ROYCE & 00. , . . -
. I I I I I . ties n4 adjustment.. , 1 96,347.57, jettlad'the monvy if it f&IJj t9 Vg* lk W, a , . - . 1 . � . I
is they did not last f . .. ,t Is dijugum As on aichbox, 04. . . I
earth made no sound. orevort, Those 4, )Weper at Lor4 Goarge Sanger's . . 11 . . rayee � 158 yinge It. . - . .
Silently as a shadow she crept up girlish dreants, where glowing fancy 001, . . 1, I . I . � . . �___ � . I . .. 1. .1 . Mimi's tilliffielit Ures Burns, eto., Wanted Taranto, on%. � . I
' clious at lvfill�hiil.Idt his bw* b , I . I . . . � . . . .1 .. � I I
I I 1 100.885.77 1 SORRY HE Spoxr,�, .'. . . I . I I . . . � .
to the blossom-cover5d porch; some reigns supreme, and the prosaio fu. his � pipe and I to'baccoi Some coppers, Divid4nd declared. p ... . 60,893.26 NOW 119 Is I I . I . . �� . , .. 1. .
. . . I I , . I . . I I . . �: PROSPIWTS. . . , 'V'#W- t9OWk9.WV8JCTRA,tRFJ?_, . . I
one was standing there, leaning ture is all unknown. Shet * .. — 1 - ;, Heu-i am not wortby of yp I . M USICA strong Invention (Cor .
xem0m- naid, various, small artioleg in LhZ' , , , I it doarl . 'IrIM'.11. 8111,pl*,� . . I
against the very ' I � Total Assets- 4 - o -. , 1.770,800.45 I . I . I - L E S S 0 IV 8 L,",'1',',,' tA, nd t5PId MethOd 01 IFLP-TI,% . I � �
pillar around which bored her meeting with Rex, how ov. c'oaV, which he bunts I GA.W.'.
Packets OIL : his 191114 -Well, don't you suppose I know Bar Pather-What are your pros- . Y nOto oh VIAN111 or (Ift C111"'
. C�eih capital. o ' . ' # . 1,060,000.00 . I . 11.43uslefs we UW %ftd monm Ad .
she had twined her arms as she watch- cry nerve in bar whole; being tbrill. up W#b,, reach of the -elephant be. L ? I . ! pectis I - , * . FREEP1,01allarnhannorly Awl modl I I vahm I I . I , .
. . Iteseive funif.. ' .,' . - . 581,457.22 ' I . . i � ; . I RA(I I'M no. Thl .
* . . . I. .. . . . I 4),MKT14aD11ft1 exC11111111Y 11Y the N-orth AM,rl.0.11, Seb,,,. , ,.
vAl Rex's sliadow on the roses. ad, and how she hatri felt her cheeks was in charge of., lie Xeturhod, just , . � I . . 1. . Her Sultor-I've & *rIcb, une].6 who Is I .
. ____ . . . i 61ATUNIB. I n t.. e4 AtO - 1� 113n.l. To IntradiiLe, ant 4ti -
I ... It I "T" 1"Iff 9 0 1 far 10114 41. I Wfil rb �et,% Flint to .
The shifting moonbeams pierced the grow flaming hot, just as she, ad ' Securfty io p'oilaybold I . thyelt, M H a 101 4,1, s, 410 kovall i.prjonj %%,G
h in tim, to sea the last of these things or$ 41,581,457-22 1 - � � . . � 1, 11
I . 11hiard's Linlif.,nt Cilrelq Dim Iniff. ailing. . , . I , ,,,* I gr " to; I I -11, V a IfO Ill exper"m - .
-bite, fleecy clouds that enveloped read they would do when she met t . -cabdo . . . .. _�_ I I *111 lit . . il , , ,� .
%v I he 411SAPP.GaT into th,2 r elephant's The,, P1 'At, -,Vho moved the adop. . . . . 44.2331 ', t,, , .
. � . . . — I . I . I Wou Oi I . . . � . . . . .
. tboo Of the, report, wh1uh PoR oftit PiErry YEAR5 � .
ward her she saw It was Rex. She, known Rex was the righ4 one when -President, referred to' . . I M" vnmovs a6c, .
them, and as he turned his face to- right one. That was how she had Mouth. .The 1(%g of L�6 bank book ad b,y the Vice "'a"' socan'd� , .TWO TRL'iViS W I ITIT A I HISTOR'Y. THING SYRUP bno bat* . . .
. .was serimiq, as he had, savud, much tho, oxeeptiomlly bearvy lc,,4�cs; by Vrorty years ago ,,thb - prince of Owl) Dominion .Line GtOaMshlp . I
, 'I Mtheftfot their children teethitig. It goguleg
. I the ohi d. Nofteng the gums. all& ' a
could almost have reached out her she had shyly glanced up, from under - my-. So be Nvent to a manibox of fire OM this continent dtzelag the year Wales -planted an Vngltsh oak and an &" I a the bev�reniedy for diartl�soevaa,l;guobeeb&oitNLiftled C80"I : 'X0"tr01 tO 1,00rPool, 1403ton to Liver. .
band and touched hini from where her long eyelasheui into the gay,. nip �i . iotr :itader reviow, And said . � bVfIdruJrtqt1ftio%toU6tbewor1& Aaaama.doold Pool, llortlatliLtal,fverpool. Vtn(
I : tho Finchley D1.4tvidt counol . I that, although American olm I . WOW$ 00th Ab luecna-
she stood. She was sorely afraid her brown hazel eyes, fixed upon her -so tbA3 'report just Toa'd, did not present ,n CeAtral ,park, New tor km 'nit SsMA, UM0. I .
L%rftl and Fa4 4teconship-4, 8tif,arlor n000menodation
adVIO6. T'lle Post office MUtheritiCS so fav-oxabla a showkg, ad far as the YOk. I 13ath are .strong and - flourlsb- . I _. . or a] ampsos a pa uon6ers, % I ()oils n"11 Stoterriaml .
face or her voice might. startle him quizzically, as he took the heavy bas. ' Only lie can secure sueoft( who is AreamidAhips, 8Ve0it%L,,Att0tjtJGnb1%s I)e,n given to thq . .
if she spoke to him suddenly. ket from her slender arms, that, nev were oon3ult6d. and -they P :� between income and, expeudi- ins trdes; The' -oak 1.14 two. feet in willIng, to face fallura, . I , 600010 SAOud and Th1rc1-VJjt,41g 1tcc0111m(,t4t10n. Fvj � .
as money. fure fox 010 yk1ar -was concerned, as ' 14' one of the I I tatea OfIfftwige anLt alt partlawats, 011ply to ally age14 .
' kapex -he would, not loose I diamolar. and Ahe elin,L . . W P 0 J,0(;6 . ofthov.mv.0y'ar .. . I
eak," she ('11`40-1)040rgottell June ,day, be*, I . . the Pr,ecedkik annual statements largest and I . . . .
I I . 4�: most beautiful Specimens - . I I �. .. 1. . I I I . Wat'sads, Stills & (10, 1). Torranoe & Co.. . . .
thought. "I will go up to bim and neath the blossoming magnolia-trol), . I . 1. . Nviviub. lie had had the ho'noir duxing . . 1 77 divite at,. 110., ton. Aluntftat U4 11vtl4nd. '
lay the letter in his hand." Poor ohildl her life had been aadd . Aa oxt:raordLuary cuse was recofitly the piat olizht years of Submitting to in the park. . I I - . — __ ___..�
Then a great intense longing came romance Since than. How strange 'it invastigated by the - G11 . Aldfovi coiron- th;� shareholdors, he felt. that. there I �__ . . OALVERTIS. - . . I I : I I �
was N�Vbaps rvj much. matta for con- ., MOlItHEAL -RQTEO� 1011111111ORT - � --M - - 6 . � . "800ILL WRAP- '
over her to bear his voice and know was she was fleeing from the young . M Edward Cumper,' ItYuutb Of Al` 91-Aftilation. In tho figures exabTaced ft94V"d08E__E9ff=:17._1N1 - - - - - I .. :OARBOLIO. . K PIrAC PAPER
. Fatau,y u9L4 10.44. CR ..
that he was speaking to, her. She husband w,hom she had married And bury, fell from a ladder .1n, his om. in thO AcCoUnts few the year 190a as tn .. I W d". I . I � .
had quite decided to parsae this "was so quickly parted froml, ployox's stable, and. waq' klektd by a those uf sorm- preceding stat6meats . � , I 4 OINTMENTs PRINTED in.one or wany-oolors .
� . I
whitob, li;ira shown. a miore favorable � . . � or STnIF143D at IOW prices, Sam
course, when the rustle of a silken All thhs trouble had come about be- hOxSe. Ills skull Ava,s fraott%red, but balano-�� k�heoL It was gratifying to . QUICTX U11ANGI01 , � for all skin 1111mentop pies furnishod oil reque8t, Speoia
he ILml two months after the oper� Ob,,qaxV<, . Ida -Tho fruits of marriage, Whae quotations for oar loads or lexg . . r
garment fell upon her car. , She cause she had. do courageously res- � I , the continued. increase in the . . 4. Os amort A Go., M100hestert 9ftlAnd I
� — atlan of tropt,titning had b,ton put- voluma -of busLuesm transacted. While aro thicy, dear I I . . ...- . I . lots. Write for pr(ces.
. _ _. - - � I- - __ _ - . . , .- - - I -.--,---.-. . form there hid been a sa04faatory growth I . TORONTO WRA'PPI11G. .
. .ad iLt the county Impital. At of iaeww.,� from flelits in Which th6, Uar-41io. fruits of niarriage are 1)1UQ1A8 11RDS., � PAPnn OOMPANY , I
el9 bho inquest it was Stated. that Cum- girapas, bananas and orangog during Notaffig SKYLIGHTS IN Atlebhlo $I - I I I
HIS company had for yea.va past Ivan car- ToltOSTO, 6N' *76 AtI61861(16-Bt. WOSt.
R I% M M par,ls employer, Mt. Arthur Vaugh. rying tin O-Powations, be was glad to tho honoymoon and spockod apples , . � .� -, - - I - � �
. .
A OtIff"oon S B I U, n d or an, who found, bho, lad lying uneon- be, able to say, that, from the a-gan- xtftor,%vat�L . �. . THE MOST NUT;1IT10UJ3_ I
6 , went vies -rcitoritly establis,bect beyond tho -- 40J& MALV�Alt.Xt_ 11r' . I
0 X cr— Niv scibus, in the, Rtdblo, aftorwetrds � '' A I
P ?
IR k!1 I
IL 4 J`_
d h
"I p d ,
I - ?
'.- 0
. ..
limits Of this oatitine,nt, vvry, on. I ACENTS OR COMMISSION. PPS08 ,
. o,atl fox a, Tile, on. the sauia horse. no Niffard's Ullfinglit hellevea hura,10a � I
. � couraging returns have been re� �b ' Thd knateA 01depta'adler dver produced ; evert ant, 04 ,
Wag tbxOWA and killed on E110 1POt. ceived. The prediotiong,that the c E
Artery Severed While Undorgoing an Operation- . IJ_ : PAIn and Ink 1)urs J& 60 sight - �
= 'rotompertenLptoftt;
� 10 .1 rdotoxg vantUrod. to mt,ke a year, ago I alrobt 4 "led taill; 001nsi%d,AZ,s:an*thor I . . .
I A COMPtJVP,, SUCor,.qS, mataboam it Ar 9. go., M00 La ,1roadeb NYLL GRATEFUIL-OoMIFORTING.
No Longer Necessary to, Use the KnIft for . . as to, a prob4ble improvemoat in con- . . — 1. - I . . I
Piles. tu tho sixteenth century -TOSCPh diti-ona of rnavine business had, be was Dr. Pills., -You atty tho operation OHENILLE CURTAINS , �
I . Itopktag, of N,V,ednosbury, left .a be- Pleased to say, beon xeallized, and, as a WO -S sluel.c9sful, but the ,patient died, , livid ItIl klads of hottaff Irlinglatif, sit*
SatardtLy'A pnper contained the, ae- formed so that It Waawlth great diffil. qux%t of A100 6 Provide tbva coats result of the better vates which, W bat dwyon. mean by that t LJOE 0VRTAJX8\ DV -60 & CLEANSil COCOA.
spealting generally, had prevallod Dr. Squills- LIKK NEW.
count of an accident whereby a oulty and covoidarable pain that I d,nd, three gowns for six daserving lie lived Iong enough Write to us i%bout y6nm 101114119AXFMIT-SUPpigm
young lady lost her life. While under- was able to stool. At tbis Very severe both,upon Inland lake and 6cpall risks 4- 1�! It.1 t __ _ ___..
. - poTsons at uhrNhnastide. Tho 1�ly a A - W1141, 4=0 could, you P111141111111 AM111RIGAN oyfil"G.60., AOX is$, mailirtal
ffolng an operation the surgeon's knife crisis I purobanad a hot- of Dr. 4liptaeIg 'POOT there had been. a. fair margin of profit I
31i.ppeA, an artery was Severed, and, be- Ointment, but had littleor to faith tn maney'was investect in land,'whloh =thp ,kuslho.sa wxltten in thett ,ask 11'
fore the Burgeon knew the result of it, as I had tried various VbmOdib$ haA,.prQ,�ckd� very valuable, 11 duritig the y6ar.Alut what . �� . i 4UNUE OF 1001 "I'Dular ugaal?
Owing to ovesent.
� In, h, that [sre4uloitatose.qlstt'h"olllj,fffnI ritonderma arm sit
his arror the Patient was in a dying before and to no purposo. Is estimation was mors amatter $100 ROWard, $100, iftlioJobilem 80bitit . A Y F1 VO4ping tile 1,011(ItItS
�Ondttiom. . - tbo diseave%-y of ininorMs, The obarity of loongratittatim than any of the 7ht Ade"M of this Var.or will bi , ' "MAJ, domplete Anil vilp.eflvat 11.
"Now Imagine homt great a lanrind r6cuum ph Ph6td, VADer 10a 07.qty, g?'W'par
Eveiy surgical operation L na joyous �aaw �voxbh 47,000, and, 0, few (lays figarcs foi wbielit lie had referred was learn t"hAbthero to A& e"tomo dreaded d1seasit �Undv*d,00st�Vlld Ro Waal,
9 attended is olerAod to,
was my surprise to find that just the bo I _ - t). fiftdtf. SADI.t
'ro.ve 011,ristmas sreason garments the fhot that at the close of a year - that Waned WA been ablo to c%%rd In all Itik, 22�20_,=_,
witli great risk to life ad. well as being one box turod mo so that the lam atag6sAnd that Is Catarrh. Rall'a OAtArrh � Xmp3ft S-sLZ.30.
i severo at rain 6n the nervou.q system PS' NVe.droles. In whith the five laqses In Chnada and
disappeared ana also tho external wev! pToaentod, to 1.0 poor tare to the ftly 1positiva cyAr6 now known to Ineilbati)tA, 11ti,o&rs, 11()ultry Suppireff And
ind an expensive method of treat. . the UbUt'd State.5 bave -been very A
swellin . I fdol like a different rban bkixy peopto. , *ol,,,d.l .y, t3atarchboth Acono. Appimiam crasiforof -c ;
Om- 9 11 Itutio rl frateralt ,, rf
ner)-ded ttnl operation as the only cure - tot the least doubt . 1,
nent. Doctors formerly ree largely in ou"'q of those of avorage digoafte, requirda a, cotistittitiond 1110to A 4, Wt., buda,A, 0A
to -day a d b&0 yeal's they were trAitti2ont. H6lI'&0aWrh Car6 lot takfaffiter. � - _
. that br. 'Chust's Ointment saved Mo able to, Present a bttl.
�or p3va, but that day IS piAt, since Dr. Young WUMP!n in J�'ngl.ftnjj ara as, anoe, alloot W nally# aotink directly u0on th* blood twili
1111n,avla Ointmeat ban proven Its abso- from a very da,rigerotts and painful htoh show(A n losig of Iess nitkoutsuffatat 61 the, skittem, thereby det U
Ing operation and momy Voilre of guff'eritir, X"ourcoful As in the United. 8t&[aV,, than one per cent. upon the pr6rs1ufA tro Ir. bg the foundMI64, of th6 dint It Will pay yo
Ute &,ntrol o% er every form of itak Q6 p&tld#botranrtbh, by building
' 'at in, I&Aon ivho fouIid ineoms 4a the rostilt of tho yearla un. IV(* V . cup the .
3le.eding and protruding piles. ' It is with the kteflteAt PleagftrO (tnd' and, an ,tTti coust, UtI.A Wad addeting naturd In oln% ItIl to 0614it On r6ftt prodilob t6 the
Pr transmotioth.q - tbat Iii, I D&W96A conibillsoloya ad. rAttultod
Physicians who are considerate of wLth a th1knkeul 116-trt that t 91V60116 if difficult to GUIVOTE hov(40,11! �Ylwr .4orwrifla 0
om In. "pt. Tho or?)Prietors hAV6 so Milah fal 6 , to
gnairIng th6- inounio di3rived fr its optatlys powort, that tho]r Wat 06 Hutto 001. ColUrn6 itia Wed RA&6i, AJ,, Torojjj& Tb4�
te,titnanial, know1bg that :br. Cliase's k,v,-r nkote,hioe ot a3simala. 'adilod to 11 4rod Dalutra f? r Autr I
1%n well-being of their patientsi do act Ointmont t, , tereat and rent. =#a 1,1146 to fail# to- aum *111 01 r6a hish0006ulb16 rwoo6 �
ipsitate to recommend Dr. obaselo bag donq yjo thitob, fdr me, '1�tt Int.61100tuft'i pursult the 'mor6 q,116 rp . soad tot list at tot 016nlitlpt, ,, - '- -
Rntmett, and only those having a YOU Jrd At MrAdt 11116AY to Tiod thLq tI , �po,rt wAA, On InOtiOn, 4d6pted, i J#(JFNNAy*C0.0 %,01400�
t6stiplionlat 0,13 you A.60 fit for tho vradtle,al ono at clipping and, conibing. and that followiag gentlaracift we,to re�- Ir, " and Shailit MOAT Work#. I
nanta for operationa 61aim that cruel f AwIllk 740117 Pills art tho bdat ROCANO Roorlso, AtIATZ, fiv Mak,
nothad no the proper troatment. fly bmefIt of othora similarly affllot6d" Moeillos rowl otber long haired caubio elected, to ael,V6 its 'direettots daring. -A." � I ItMordt#*ft, 015ATEMACKtOARDS. restillL
. ",I Ply
woraptly stoopitig the dlqtmising Ot. Cha4a'd, 010ninnt'has been 6h- 1)6fiq . the 011sulas' year,"- . ,AVT]U' t THP, 11A0VO6&U - P0110saallikkBahm W 2%roftt6� Aftfiht Alt,P1 h.
, . The reault i,q t1tat sho I*q mak- MAI i " , ROOM OTIM (Aea Now Olt# D(Iffil-
tching and butning Dr. Chaaela OInt. dotdod bY niore A. clox, $. Z. Xentiv, Ilan, I*;r110tkJpd0h6bJ.a%ttAtM� MMAIC6111noi,04N
60#10, Including ace- Ing uLouey, its ne,arly all Vu� ownera Thm, Long, Zohn Upildn TbA Sultor--Mtfusio me, If you woxt, ftlftlo"fto� At UftforAl4bod for *6tk 66M attattat
nent brittga quick and Inating rellat. bots and Pk0f6A,q1t1q1%J YAP'll, the'll any -want flidir 8 "on' "' ,* _P,(% ftt4JflVA 1hr!A W sm W11
'Aset I 4 IIIIAttotthappAlIM1. h6fifIft
Jtnv. & A, Duptan, Methodist rathfs,, AtIA111r gre'00,tittloft thd *Oild'has, bver of 0) e, . 40gs alho '10,01fto-le, . ,i,,()-, ,�V,%`:H- Z PA -110t, M 161frAYs , Mims VArblolwart, but doWt % � Oil HIE SORS,A *lAIdfAWIdftt0rS%pT0Wdftt#
er, 0owarma, Prinina L'award County$ kfi*VOA- it 14 the fitallidAM Oldblient, th& PcItt'I'�%it,q, A. M70rs and V. W. Col. t my ym, wIll bo. A slitor to me, 1. I � __ I-, I '''. .. ...- _-
Mt., 9tates-11 w oled with w6fld ovot, and 1)64ItI#bl$ the Only ----*-*— At a m%tlta of tho board b0d amb. T316 Xhid-y'01% Alted )he" n RL"Iffm X191TO
ry 0!;�o t
^ ~:0(,,f,rw - 1 EV#tty'
:d thray tJItInn&teIy tLttAlfta t e4for, ts tk bo, 0 * Ty ._ �fi will M Ric
ft and bleedhig P110.4 for V Aotoal tota tot JA16N. a 60,11 Xdwwhnoetts uAds more J)0;stftqa Anquently, thei It,oh. God. At. vor WAS eX
I O' It Very 6A all dmilt,td, or Aft4tson,AJX� A-ptia thant any � a VrWd6pb k0d Mr. X 1i * 0. tn
. 4 Stamps! mt 0, , Abox, � Tozeleete I Ar. pwma, Our famil = if 1A.
�JO10* !ftlto' 1ArA 10h)*6,tAb*4M40 Op.) Xot6Atox � I 1� I I 1101itly Ylo#-Ate"04 , , , , , Oil 41ft 1 � , . ; 111W111111
, , , I , , I I I otato, , , ,e,� , i , ; , , I , I
I � I
111161 ., I �. 1--.. .... I 1, .1 � 11 I 11 ' I.. , L I 11- �.11 .. ..... - " _, - - r � ". � ...... . . ".."."'.-I-1 -___1-_.-_____, �
ji", --�---11-1.1��'IL���1,1....I�'�� ... ... .
. Ir. .
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I Nf