HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-14, Page 4.,.''..-,.��11.11---�.—�;1.11��I .1 1 ..��.,�,�;1-1��":,�.�'''';�,,...,.�,�,.,,,%�,��--",7 ... ... -.11-7--
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MAUCH 14,1901
I � I - ___ 11. 1. __ ___ .11. I . I—. .1 ... 11-1-1.111 , , ,;, _,___.__._____ ----,--- . . .
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141MINQ OF WEST HURON FARMERSt Allaoldress, " 'Ot�'I'sp�,R10,10'" *++++#++++-O+++#++++�++*#++++t000**"**# *+** . _,__4���_- .;7�.;�_-��
"Domestic ,;Iclil(�i't,tlllol"lll;lx"l�e�10,100 h I . + , +++#' SUMERHILL.
. waa givea In connection, with tile I __ . V-11% . , ** **04t,J�-*" *,*A% **"
. INSTITUTE. Mr. W. Wallace has sold his Ono " I I I
. i .. Holmesvillo meeting, Areadingwas BLOISE A, sKilliltir �
. I . . I given by Mr. Tebbutt, and an instru. 9 ,13 GODIRRICH (?0_1tM_SP0NV4l!T hundred acre fartil near this village to . �
9 r.000,90ries of weetingsbeld by the voters, We, must .decide it. Mental plece by tile $auto gentlemen . his brother Henry who will,,now Dave *;
! . , ,)
tilell West Tiurou Varmers' Institute During the e Poultry was discussed by A, Me' +"#+++++**++"*++",#*"#*"+++#�I . two hundred acres in a blovk, The .
was tile moat ,successful the In , out- foreign
, stitute vening it Musical Pro- Neil. Ili order 6 develop . atock goes with tile place, Me, W.
bile Yet held, The, meetings ratio was given by Aliss .y. Gravelle, trade 14 41 dosed poultry we mat send . I .
were held Messrs. L. and P. (4ravelle, TebbuLt, a no, a � tana, and to raut ihig. lie " I es
. We were very sorry to read the fol. Wallace intends oing back to Afoll- �: 11 4"
� hits had �
� torn) quality. Have a brand. It purebaseol from Mr. Holland a lot. on lowing obituary notice in the weekly e - - --- � ".
: at Blyth on Friday, March Ist., 'at and F arrester. Mr. William, Green, Wat,erlon,St,,bas .,perience Out f, � , � I ,1 o,,gr s Oro e -
. Holmeaville� on the 2nd !fist., Is not advisable tot, a farmer to dress Which Mr. Green will erect a neat and I 1-stle of the Mail and Ri mpire Of 7th tbeev and believes - I
I 1UNTAIL. st2sh residence this spring. I Match. The . w-noney call be made More rapidly and . I
. Kilotilil the ith, and St. H .his own fowl and pa,ok his own ;, there little child referred to 01 . . . . 1, I
I 01000 the After, tile president's opening re- will be it lack of unifox . faster Aro!bl(a Miller, oldest Boll Of , wall a ister in raisingtille0p than, L I toiling .
mity. In grand,daughter of Mrs, Widder ,even on the best, farna Ili these patrw I
; oth. While (01, the meetings were marks Miss Maddock spoke Oil 'the Government feealog stntiou the I $ jf_ . 0
largely attended,, tbQ:Kin . P2191neer i - lidtlier, 0. T. R., is now no and who with bet- parents spent eve .
� . tall Meeting Writnen's Institute and. Dairying. feed arid shipping Is guaran the at -all tit machinists tit. the Doty ' 'May prosperity attend Win. when. be 1)
1. - John. -
WAS teed also , summer here since her birth, Our G: 411—U . I
I A reowil, breaker 14 Poloo Why take 66, long to churn ? Quality cold stora e. � The English Market engine works, son—On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, at 52 goes And wherever. , gan "
of attention , and enthusiasm. The of cream not rich e,nough. Have It I I I
� , Iftege. Will take alf kinds of fowl, chicks from . Principal Strang.bas bitd quite (4 B.loor Oreet, West.Toronto, of ptioeti- . --- - : - - - - �) I I .
ne re 'ell Wgel from pneumonia. . $
membership w.as Increased into Babcock tester ; teat the cream, the four to six. pounds must be. Ni moola,,9 Cecil Widder, youngest. and 4oderleb. , . .
� ly than during any provio Series Of nillkt theskim, milk, the buttermilk. fatted, a . . d& &_ I . ,
ineethiga, all indidationor thp growing It using flat ans, advisable to put Mrs. -MOD, Allan has quite recover—dearly beloved daughter of Dr. and __ . � � Ar —
- I
recognition of the usefulness of the them on slat tj -—.1..1- ---1. ,--..,. ed from her tedious attack of poet, ! Mrs. Arthur Jakes, Jobnaoxl, aged 4 Rev. Mr. Gold 0"00. SAM
. , IS, notskimmed with . 1110111a. 1 years and 9 months. � burg Of Christ pbureb, I
. Farmers, Institute. In- 04ch of the Skim I vederich Township. I I Poet Albert, gAve a very intelligent . I . . .
places wit met,, loosen the cream from sides, � . .. . Ur. R. 8mith, of the 48th Highland. , Mr. David Ryan Is sp 1 $
. eje weetirip were bold a 4110 — . gencling the sermon on Sunday evening sit SL , , I
I branch of the Womert a a I w a -little skim u1jlk to 0,0 into the Me, Henry cook, formerly 4 this hocame to reside in town the winter at the residence of . ra. James George's, Although quite 4 wild nWit The greatest success in the history of ,the firm, I
an 'reltv"'Ason,. was prevented frorn giv. I llgful,h. . there wits a good congregation. The ere is ,only Ono reasozi for it and tha
_ L
9s Wits wits Gregltto of, th with a knife put Ime ae
�. Organized. �e delegation, A. Me- . dream In% dream can; township, h4s sold tits fifty acre fill-") ing his Scotch songs at the Burps, a, Maggie 0ollAra of Luckinow is reverend Tb ' ot is, we are sellw �.
I olli, of' 4 erville Ali We Mad- Disoussion.—Babcock tester costs from in -Ashfield and bought another twice c gentleman took tot, his text
, handled t. sit, subjects. 46 to $8. Witblittle practice any its big near Lucknow. ouratuoned to Tara. by the illness or .Fraser. 9,. the Allpoes m, Matt. 4.1 and in the even. '8 au(I I I I evQr
dock of G el linner last. week on account of being the guest -of ber cousin in the a, ing k3h()n 4bbers cheaper thon they ha;ve*
In a tboroug lomanner an drew fbrtli intelligent erson. can mana a one. Mr� Roland Jenkins, was out to t . Volto 4-24 ' � - ,been sold in the county and shrewd buyers tire takin
� ,,a . . I 9 he Ilia knother, Mrs. Swithof thAt town. Miss Jennie Fraser hr visiting Ifer ev, Join' Malian of Dorchester 1' " I . � ,g
lively (11401180 , t Hub on Saturday for tile ties , $ adv I
. . GASSY wil is caused by a germ, � time in He also met, his brother, who has �e-. Lucknow telativee.. 'eached to large coligregitti, Inti; Inorn- I 811ta(re Of it I
9Q1,X9$`VXL1.% , . I Extra care must lie taken as to 6 , lean- over two wouths. Ele has had a bad turned from Manitoba. . . Mr. J. P. Brown, Agent at Str PT 6 A few weeks ago, we hall $5,300 of ,
The mee opened with a short liness, Separator 'will Make nearly attack oferysipelas Put has now re� Mr, McColl Arid Master Wilbur .Are I for the Massey-flar I atforol and evening in Victoria street � tho �a('6011 DNA. 80d We have now about $3000
" r better value over .old covered from 16. eta Co., ran tip on ilhlgrch� 1 being, anniversary Stioday, i .
-addyess by 11111ge president. Miss Mad- one -quarte , 0 U t, . .
I at the BrucA Mines. � " Saturday p. in. to, visit his family here, His sermon Ili the a, m. wikti a most;, Wortil. which we are willing woleat out at wholesale, # ' .
dock gave all address on "Dairying." systern A 4 per cent. milk will make Mr. Joceph Cook of Leeburn and Miss � Mitchell of Windsor, sister of - Captain Ed. Robertson of Sarnia, Instructive one) looking for his te�et $
14 tile past, she said, wo have been both b4ter arid more cheese than a Me, Angola Got -don Or Slitardtop the editor of 10, prices. Tt Was linpo,sible to. wait -on the. crowds I st
carrying on date In a most hap- 3 per dept. The difference of 1-0i were guests at, Mr. Willialli .. Coles . the $tax, and Mrs. Fish of iwho has; been a very popular captain John 4.4, 11 Arid ye jonst needs go ,, I a
Iking � -of, Rochester, sister of the late.
Y , k. I y and we would advise, you to com
hazard mariner, 2ega ,oh steamers, through Samaria," In the everting lie A, 84turda afternoon I
, historical sub- wi d , dual
til washed lip the 11th concession last wee Mrs- J, I am the R tulpre and 04(
1 , unwashed bands Mitchell, were both with the decellsed has resigned his position a 44 ve them a missinnary Address - on 1�' , lie �
e read of rnilk almost as soon tie is very Marked I . fter twenty 911 '
40,e'd'w, I in the results. Use During the storm of it few nights ago lady during her last illness. The influence of Cbristianity being � III tile Inorliling and get the best values $ 1
Or Mau. -d to its pro!- separator imnaedl.ntely totter rnilking, . - tears service, He is a Goderich boy, a � � , in all kinds of -
In regal balf the roof of tile barn of Mr. Air, and Mrs. George Swartz have rotber of Mrs, Oaptatn Wyli ach greater than till" of any. Foot%v�ar ever offered ill t1lis ,
ducts, butter and cheese, though we but don'ts t e ; have af William Cook was blown off, e, I so nil of ,; .
eparate in a abl . returned to Clinton after a most enjoy- the Other foruas oC worship ilf tile i - . section .
read of these in olden tit -nee we know lei,%sl 11 on between, Mr. Walter Ernmersou. returned able visit with their sons here. Barrister and Mrs, Blair drove to 'World," The choir sang at ttie even. 1 $ . . . � i
very little about the-modd 'a( their xheticl�ill.ln Rog," Introduced by howe on Friday last; after a fortaight;'s ' $make was noticed Issuing front the town last week from their home at - .
.)manufacture. To have good butter -A, McNeill, Walkervill visit among tPlendain the northern Briissels'and ing service the beautiful anth . � We have frequently been asked for liadies'Oxfordo during this sale, so - �
club room next to the Nechi I � 11 Praise . yo the (Atli, . # tl�iis wevic we tilsoo oil 13MG, Go pairs of genuine Dongola Kid Ox(Qrdo, sold
e. We Ought , nice' were the guests of M`r. j�f e,
I and cheese we must start at the* corn- to know the history of our product, partottlievountyand in Bruce., Ile institute one day last week and Miss Walker, who had been so Ill Lot,V' Le4der, I I
Mence _ ., Messrs, last year, that, her life was despaired of Belcher sang, at the offertuey the . in iliti regular way for $1.50, and all we ask for tg�m is $1,. every pair
. ment, Stables and cow, Keep The rehoon we get more for our bogs . wits accompiknied tiy Mr, George Sharman and Duff rushed in and 1,4.0, was able to take a drive last week: � loVely sold, 11 Christ is all." ' . , � guarant,.,ea. . . . . . . I
the stables clean, well Ventilated, cow than on the otbei Rldbardt; of ICinlough,who �Vjll be . . . . . .1 . . . $ 1 .
I brushed and udder wiped with drtniP deal Ili the kind that has , �,e,t,r more, door open and the room wits full of She gained strength rapidly after. the : I � I . . 125 p%Irs of M, n'o Fine Box Call and Donn La I cod Booto and ;. -
W . � . go
cloth, and. .milked dry with 'clean . number of o. ,. ould Me, Fred. Obosley of near Alexand . . operation she had to undergo, LITTLE BRXVES. - 014 time a, *$ .Aiter arth V 75 and $a, not old stock, but up-
. r side is because we .us for a week ff not With found,that .the boys had left the stove.
t - high priced cut e -r, smoke. . � . I . 8, W 111111.il-el in every respo�otp . -
�1 hands. Whey should not be returned . recommenctfarmex- to breed more frorn Man,,accompanied -by his. sister from We have rl(�,iv the King's Daughters quartei 4 box 0 Purgers 11 are quitting sale .
I . in cans. 16 is impossible to make good the bacon type, Tam a I I near Ouelph, were guests tit X M.r. Drew Aougyie has returned pride 0111Y $2. It looks a little reckless to sell these goods at the price, - $
1 , nd York, Feed- I r- John from his visit to 0olumbue, Ohio. .4nd the DavikIttors of the Bill I ,
� , e .
. � I cheese if whey has been in I cans, . Cheese I ing�A. mliture of grains beems to give Middleton's for Plre� tile field. in whole batRilion. ,Dv �J but y,,ol t,lot thub at -fit and we get the rooin and the money. , I
�1� ripens best at I I), few days. Mr; Obes. Mr. Rougvie will remain � bete -up ,to' Possibly they %Vill work1ogether for - . �5 Wornens . I . . � . I I . I I ., 1
65 degroes. The con -1 best results always, Corn makes ley owns and farina land adjoining Me, Haster and possibly longer, . . good, The first meeting of the Daugb- Little 2111s at 10 cents. -a vial .'a Dongola Rid Laced and Buttoned Boots loll; to slaughter,
. " . '
. dition of milk and cream havea great good feed. with skim milk or butter- Middleton's-big holding In the prairle. Mr. George Swit'll of Hensall spent a tors of the aAr'."derwivirig them out at all points. Be. 5' wo. had about 250 pairs ot this line and it just wo derf I h
. deal to do with the -prZlduct. 'Care or milk and shoe few days in town lastivil0ek. Empire wasbeld. in ,the causo th , . ' 8 a a ow . I
ts, thee of corn to one of province, He was one of the earIT drawling room at Mis, D, Macdonald on ey act gently, wore effectively, boy have sold, regular priols were from $i.jo to $1.7.6 and som, a were ,#2, .
I lack of care of Milk make often ten shorts. This mixture can be fed from settlers of that part andbas done wel , Miss Dilffus returned from the Tor- never pain and are easy to take. Sicit 4e %blut; we have not all sizes so w Put thQm in as a job lot and you oax; .take . �
. � . Saturday, Mrs. Mark Turnbull presid, I , your choice for $1, The will 10 soon be gone I �
. or thirtyperceut.diffetence In richness, the start.: Pease mixed with barley, Mr. James Mose lost a fine call; last onto millinery openings last week. - � ing. Alexandra branch of this organ- Headache succumbs' to one doso,-Sold � And cannot be topeated, .
� Never put warm cream in cold , week. The vet. wgs'not sure what I � OR . . . I I
I clean corn, oats -arid bran makes a g9od -Miss GlIby returned from her ization was. formed with the following 'by J.- E, Hovey -69 . � A . .
cans before using them again, Do not mixture. Thong k a pretty bigh was the cause which defted tile skill visit to. the millinery opebings tit L officers ; Regent, Mrs. D. Macdonald,, . _______ - -_ _,__.__ Oirlii! School 1300ts, 113600d or buttone(i, sizes 11,I2,
put warm -water into dream to warm it now, I would no" par I I .art. . . . :_ . . . 18, � I and 1i .1h . , I
t .dv as going into it andun making a Post mortem, exam- don 'arid Toronto, *.last Week.' Both Seeretary, Miss Lewis ,- Asst. Secre. I . . kiad.',oli Ivant for spring wi-ar, we have about 150 pairs of this line, iloo ": , I
put the cream can into a can of warm too heavily.' The prices will probably in3tiOn found an abscess on the brain. Miss Duffus and Miss (Jrilby are at tile tfirv, Miss B. Widder ; Treasurer; Mrs. . Potter's 11111,111. . 'wbrlh $1.35 to $t.50. griliranteed solid lealiter,u!o are selling them every day ;
� water. Cream should. . remain at remain high for several months, but esday of 'this week* Mr.. Sb, Lawrence. . .. I Reinolds -; Committee of management, I . I I . ;. during this grf'fit We for 960, no wonder �hey are.baing rapidly reduced, for $. . I
on , �
cb ' t Reabenerigg wasdarried to a Miss . . . : I Al esda,mes W. Pratiolfoot, Seitgar, Naf- I f1h, a ; -0 they are a genuine bargain, - . I . -
urning emperature for six or' eight . I Predict a tall before the: year is out, Tbeie 1 foundation whatever for Mr. Jas. Morgan . Sundayed at .
bon I ra. Leave out new cream for To . Stevens, it handsome Young lad a no. I . home of his uncle,Mr.Robert Marshivil. . . 1. . I . . .. �
0 many are I ading. up for the Y Of th6 rumor that tile new American tel, Jordon, .(De.) Taylor, 1). Holmes Boys' School Roots,' sf�eo 1. 2, 8', 4, 5, light or heavy, we have bad a #
twentv four hours before, churning. November or Dxetnber market. A Colborne township, daughter of Me, steel combination is aftbr the Olergue and Henderson and Miss Macara. The Messrs. Stewart McDobgall and #P i I �
Mr. L6bb said he would . knot was ni�xl, me Thos, 1131111ott Were in Sewforth, on $. ,drun on'this'jins, but IWO hftve a good supply yet, and while illoy last yolk
have jPst as would be well to distribute our pro. James Stevens, The interests in the S tilb -Ste. Marie willbebeild at the I Sat- a � I
. r., A . .. art get its good a boot far 61 as you 'GrallY Pay $1.34 to $1.60 for. , Pat
much butter if he laft out the. cream. tied at four 11VIr"'! - ��Ulllllsil . us to the test, 00 mean eyofything we say.. ' A boy or girl �oeldom, needs a
, duct more evenly over the year espec- p. m. by Rev. Me, works,- I,? dence of W. Proudfoot on . urday. . gsn
� from the last milking. If you can churn tally the first eight or ten moh . Shaw, .,The happy couple will take Lip The eventful evening came at' last on a a po�x ee . I e ,at ters of. MissFraserofRiple�y 1� the glaesit of . dooltorif,well Ailed, . 1 $ , . ,
� onlytonce a week, keep the creamat a eachyear. Must make a 'change, hilye . house on t.heir farm on the 9th con. vvhich Burns' anniversary, dinner WAS the 1 to ire exten it cordial' iixvl tat! on herfriend, Miss Amy 0ox. - . � . .
ow , . . . 1. .
mperature, or first.scald, then warmer buildings, fe'ed more roots and May prosperity and happiness always to be given at .0dolfellows' llall� in. to a, I ladies - a wish to join and hel Alt,. Tho6. Morgan. -,visited around - -, �Un,18 'Long 1300to,we have a biq stork of them,we can give. yon a. good
. . , ' I
coal.' The opinion was that with only clover hay during -the winter months. attend them. . � verness Camp, headed by their pippr, in t e." atriotioi. ork. . I I . . P here on Friday, I � - .ore.b.,t or $1.50 or if you want i 401310 ml%do pair you can have thorn for ..
� one cow we had better make. Devon- Disscussion.-Don't, think it is -Profit. Mr. and Airs. A. W. Furry and fa,m, Robert Oritigie,. marched around the Miss Maggie Macdonald, daughter of Mr. Robert Gilbert Marshall passed $3 50, they are worth $4.50 and, $5.00. . There's nothing like leathe w en I $
ble to pat bog off at six months e mov a t n Malcolm Macdonald, is visit. 'P ' r It t
shirecrearn. In the discussinu Mr. 6 ily of Clintour hav ed on to the squitre and then -over to the , �
.hall, th,rougl the village on Sunday on '[its is well pui together. - That's the kind we.are. selling. , �
will make wbere dinner was -served-, The I -tends and relatives at Ripl w i to vi_ -Lb - - I . I .
Lobb wanted to know if butter was weighing 200 lbs. , Mr. McNeill advised Pa"01,18'farra where they 1111,11 n to ey and All A tfri6odsin the nol I . . � I . 6
weldome I . I I .l� y. Bone spentlast week at . . �.. � . . � .. . . � . I . .
-ill to take In the .tat Aock show at . , Hal � 1 $
not often spoiled with two inuch wash- I there home tit future We was decorated very. pairlotivally. iverton. . � .
: ing. Two washings were Plenty' for Guelph� The lessons learned there thenvinto our midst and hope tha6 About 115 persons sat down to dinner, AlAsOr - nalfay, little son of Mr. James wallis., .. It may be ,a little earl to . .
packing or for home use. There would inore than repay one for his e* prosparity : and piness may be Messrs.John Torrance,Ja,q.M(-;DonaId $ . y do 'your spring buying . I
. Mrs. Beck.had a %Wulthle assistant tit . Cliptain Dan.. MacKaV, has quite re- ' I the inducements we -are offerilig now.. . 1i Will . , . .
ought not to be more difference than Penses. Concrete good for their fu�ure lot. %P1 know they will M re; ggi and Jas. *Sterling .e 0 but wit I . . � I .
. . ween butter. - ,a 6 . - . I . .. I I . � .. i .. I I
two or four degrees bet '.,Tiig fl66ra' be goo&neighbors and that they we[ and'Athol br6qe and'all the Se .monia. I - Tuesday, y be.money in your pockets, A dollar : sa*ed _.
nearly - Iev61 and-, keep a ean. Out Howrie, wh . o. made tile Ila otch covered -from a Severe'attack of pheu ..wee in Ilensall on .certaiiil .. $ .
I . land washing water. When salting in cl0ver short cos'possible for feeding in much r'especLed in Clinton w.here they scones and cakes. I a Mr. William Greer) is the on We ivgret-very mLich to liiear of the ; . I .
churn, I oz. per lb. is ellog;h vwhen winter. .Silage is'g6od as part.ration liv'ed for'sorue time, . . I . They. all aid no ly Free- deatli of Thos, AlWurtney of Hollues- is a dollar eari , ed.- �
7 on worker ff - Mr. William Perdue_xw I haggis like this 20t,1111 contury. one, wits -mason in town who has attai Money back .insures vatisf"tion'. I J
, I awy of tile neigill)or- I . . . �
.oz. is plenty,. oloring is Alr. McNeil gave an *address -on. "Tile urnil. Ov(kl? ever &et Ili Goderich, befor . . vffle. Thesynip,
. riverriess 33,d deRrlill-4 . .. " You 'ake ho mistake whe u.follo,w. t
.. I - L . . .. hood' is - t in . It ho tro J. .
not Injurious. ., � .: Fe0ing of Cattle upon Small, phrms." ,the loss of a valuable horse, An &ni. (5 - ' enlisted to the beroaved . . . .yo I Wd -
' ' l amp.. Longlive.Mrs. Howrie. The Mr. Patrick Nugent will be himself f . I �, . '. :
A. McNeill gave an address on "Corn .. Discassion.-Under the subject of irial-ot thissortis it l4rke ite'll to 10,96 Blackstone orchestra, charmed all with. again on �St. Patrieles Day. awrly. I . � . . ..�. � .�, . .. . 1. . � .. . . . I . . 1. I I . �'. . .. . 11 . I i . 11 . *
and'Clover.11. Don't grow too ,thick. roots, Mr. McNeill. spoke of the useful- now -&-days, especially as this wits one -,their repertoire of Scotch tiirs. They quit I He bad The Misses Conttd retn�iipd to. Gods- ; 11 I .. . �� . . 1. I 1. I � . . .
. ? I . e a s(.lv.et,e attack of pneumonia I , . .. . . . . - Reliable I .
One man said he could produce butter ness of the wheel hoe, '-Grow on .tile Of �Villlllm% lavorites. I . I 61so played afino selection of modern but, Mrs. Oollins6n's goodriursing help- - rich on�Thiirsday. .1 . . . . . . The � Old . P , :
. .
I I .
at 5c. per Ill. by using the silo. To get flat. The average- farmor must come " The m!,my friends .and ' relatives in music.Inverness-C.Amp had -for the first ed the Medical attendant to I ring him Mr. James* WiMis dond"ticted service , . .1 I � I . . r . ... �. 1 $
. , . ? . , , I The Store � ie r
the beat results froal corn inbills, ctilo to thp silo, Grow the latest variety of this section deeply re4ret the depa,P! time !it their history here a piper O,t larotind'fine.* .1, Ill . . 1, Bethel oi� Sundity. evening. . 1-1 I 1 . That .N . ve DISSappollits, �
� Object to get ail corn that will. maturB, G'row in bills. I- estiinable. frie I Mr..Ben, ElliotL of tile G. C, I.. 11; a " I I � 1. _, I . ,
g 0 1 . ,. . . . . I
tlyate both ways, ture of - thei nd in the tbeirain.-and he' Played well. 'Aftoir Mi, 'and , Mrs. Robert, Bucbana�n,- a �, . . 1. .. .. . _. � I
�. - abundance of grain.. ,Corn is .not a in regard to silo,Mr. McNeill advocated person of the late Thos. . McCartney- the dinner was finished all Sang God who spent, three months visiting their been at home the pitst week I havi;1 . . . I
I balanced ration. Don't., feell it alone. concrete, six -sided., Mi. Taylor ad. All equally join in sending their. heart, Save the King.' To the 'second ton'st, , ielatives in town and at Carlow, ,h . ' . .contracted a severe cold� - ' ' . - � ' ' r lor ' ' - $
. .H.1ran 'goes well, posse very good, corn vocated a stone wall 2 ft. it�t. base ,Wd felt "sympathy. to. the..'.sorrowing *The land we lett, Mr. James Hurter left for their bome'at Y6rktqn, N.r aVo - .. _� . __ . - - . :: ..�... 0 __ .. - 0 . q - r *
, and brarib, then add some mixed grain- 18 inches at top Y�ith a brick wall in- parents, sistel"S and brothers. - . - sang Will -Ye No. Come Back Again? T.r � W. TV. 0 T r & Son
arley and odts�thls . - 'e .1. 1. .. � A CRY FOR HELP '-A pain in- i . . Roy I 1.
, _ ease makes 4, -side allowifig an .inch a ace.between. . 'MV. Will. Jarrot( of Clinton'. Call, g. while -T, Garrow responded in ' T. M 1� ' I . : biie 01.1 .. . r ., , . . . . . � . . 1 . ; $ r . . I
r . Han J M'r. c enzie has been !it the em. back'ifl'a cry Of tile . Ldneys foy helpi. "sish and -0110 Pr ice.. I . I
endla r late s .k , r I
I ation ; corn fed aloue'is. de- Build c6nerete early in Yanei so � go to pent* last- 8;ttniday and Sunday, glowing Iil,ngutt'ke and Paiked Auld Ploy Pf.the Chemical Salt --Works, for -South AmericarrXtolney dure is *tho r I . . .
I t can, Scotia's bills tind loclos with the 6 the past twenty, one years and during only cure that haon'tL 0. failure written .Burtte,ir nud -Pggs- taketA '14 Cash. , , . r . . 11 ��
.fective in bone and.fiesh forming ma� -givd plentyof time to set before Wink with AAbuv Cut, -Ie of 1he ;7Lh r
ter'ial. Olover is ii balanced ratioh. , filled. ' I I I . . I AW *Aq�"S,,tv . . . .
I : r 'who al6o attends th6 Clinton Collog- artist. Tile t6ast-, of abort . 4�, .
. . good , The evening meet I . � late; , r., . . I I . r that perloar MI -A. KoKenziehas scarcely ,� . � ..
%it sti . ,, r . ,.. . I . AS till � .� I �1 I ,� , " I I �
I I . ''� . . . .. ,R ' veoran ,against it in cases at nril;ht's.. disease' * % *IV . " ���
can be fed to . :)ck,aiad- is very ingwals opened by Scott nkirtitlbard, wits res missed taking ' him'-bia, luncheon'; one diabetes,.inflanimation.ol the blioidder, r , . I I . . .'I .
forhogs. Out fine and- mix', with feed. .selections -on the bagpipes fr6m Al � P. . Mi. Thos.-WoDstoer vWted, friends in to by Mr..D. Mitedontild, Who - "'it. "' day. -f . .. .. :. t " "" *
poa(�ed r
MCKILY. r .1 1. � . . pie ... d n 411 that time. � I L . . r . . I I 1. . I . r r r I . I .. Ir � � . ...
t's r, . I I , r . � . .1 I 11
.wi, , the vicinitylast wee.IL - ' � .. I k.,w - . I . -%vol and other kid ney'ailments, Dbut _..... -_ ,r I . .. . .. IL I -
Hens also 11 eat it; put 'in pot and The presiden ad go .
� At Present the own is using , . .. � !". . r . I . . . I— � - rr �
net by Messrs,D`6�n a iscilla, Cook -of. lodge of Ba _ * " � . . . . . . �� " : �.
pour boiling water on it and cover ..top followed by ad' . . dress was I Aliases Lottie arid Pi, all his hearers: with tits perfee6 ' � 1111613t neglect .the apimiently -insignifidatit � I.. . .. . 1. ... . . I I I 11 �. . � I - r . � . .. - r
-nd rns' pbemi;_ reciMing everi 125 horse power, ' .r . , . I I � . . ... I. . . .. . . . � . I .
several hours. Mr.McNeI11 asked for a Knuckle, Address-I,ImpQrtance Df Clinton have �been.the guests Of Mis-H � With A service of.abdut it * . . ' r I � . � . . . . .. ..
� r 1. - - ,the; little poem writtsu by the 'Wee bit '20W lights anrd an average use of from signs." -Thispoiverful* liquid -specific ' Qr L a . . I ., , '. . . r* . .
I .
� 1, �. I
esitch. . Most Duet .200. For. the extra servielt- ov Y -L .
show of hands as to how inany had flom�"_Mrs� Campbell, Goderich, Cook -.6f the 9th con. - rdbugie. ToTheLandWeLive1n,Mr., 1006 to 1 prevents and. ou'res -Sold,'by J. E., ' .
getting Miaslis McMurchie, *Miss Mad' Alt, Thos. Cooper spent a few days Belchersaongthe Maple Lear . Forever tb - I 1 _70 _ , ", . . . - P * ' . . . . ; I I I I
difficulty. in . at�ja fiew or additional lights requir�r, H a � I . . . up C011dition . owde'rs' ' . I
W r . . � . . I ,. .1 . .. I . . . I . . r . � I— ...
,bands ent up. He then gave, the dock . 'spoke a few. words on the with relatives Ili. 1;1-ullett township last in true pat riodc �style And Mr. � Gtaeme ed-itiseadmate . I . I . . . . I I
= r — I ... . . . . . � 11 . . . � . . - r : .. . .. L
I . . . r I . . 1. .. . � . . . L I
� . - .. . I . :, �.. I i . I �..
. .
r r .
nee of many farmers who had Wornen.'s lnsthute�and then a erop responded to tile'Onnadlan 'or is required for every 10 lights. ' ` ' ' * ' ."Zi . . I
. ' gave her week prior to his� departure for Xa'j. C� a, * d-tbatoneborse povr--
. toba., * �.. . - .1 :. . . � .
.. ;ralled. On ,,%'good .-summer address on"'Dornesti6'Scieribe." :. ,- r I toas�t_lfke it true patriot., He* spoke of I of. '� I ,Forest 111onle, . . � � . ARE Trff "L" BEST � , . . I .
. I . _ _ . r. I . . r. . �
fallow sow wheat and clovet, though. . . . . T� 10�LEN'S. ' . . Mr. Albert St�rlink, formerly With'the present pow�-r. a service . .. .��__ L � � I . - — .... . � . . � , . . . � . . I
I . ' � 8 , of this the land as being oni, of promise, glo*w-. '1000 more lisilits cAn"o 'loopli6d to'the , , - , � . ,to I L - * , , � . � L, , I. ' ' . . . r . . . : I - I .� ... . I ,��
. this is ,not necessary. If you . sow ,.President Snell gave a short 6pen". ,Section but , of. Clinton,, in. Ing with . its - water- . facilities and -its town. Engineer R611ey 'places 1he , . * A' p ig belonging . . . . . . I . . . . . 11 .. . I . � . � r . . 1. . . . . .. � ,'� r. .. .
-wh(.-at, sow On stubble disced, if you ing .address, tends leavingrepeaht, prairie prov'AnCe mines - . Mr. MeGounigal
. � 'r, SU,Pply,,,, It is for t 67 ,� cost per horse' power at . $17 50 while 'war' -a . . I - ALWAYS USED ,, ,1 I
.. Mr.. McNeil spoke art I . . !%nd wheat'ilelds, �mbptcing i be ' buried in . straw stack on New - - ' � . . . I ONOE:USED. .
. . . I
. r I I � . . . I . .. ... . . I , I I
� don't sow Wheat lea,io till sp'ring,'disc "The Farh� Witter this month. ' I. .1 . Waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oblintillor Martin. makes it Year's.Day. Mr,McGounigaltbought Largo : . . . . . 1. . . . . .... I. . . .. I I
r TZl the' A . $23. The Pac,kagdp. 256� each. . . . .. I
. * I
. andput clover in with 'oats. 'It,,wili 6boutilme.ihat we should speak of Mi-, Nixon*- 8tui'dy has bought the oceans on'either side. rmy differenm� no doubt, i d - : - *. it had &trayed. away but one- day. last 1. I . . . 1. ... . .. � . . . 1. . I
� not fail., r . . I . ... the quality. and quantity of the supply, Gij)son farin D'ar ( ,eiCh r for . I -_ I .
e Jode r N,i,,,, � ,is ma e tip i I � . . I . .. r . .
ShQefff.' . e .. .. � � . . .. . - . .. ; . . . 11. .1 . I . . ..
� The main cause of clover failure- is of water, We blame. Providence for. be pays $3800. . LWe dont know vha�t void6sang The Red� White itnd Blue, .� I . and 18 - loo'kj , � its . . I . . . � . I. . I . , . *
lor :Which kes tip. Mr. Martin 6. stack , 16A weil afier . . . ��
_ whiLh and Reinolds'in goodr lal ma R' week thL- Pig inade its wa�r out'�pf th'
. .
, figures. , . . � r ,. . I. � � ; '. . . I . . . . . . I
� I � . . . . . - u"S. .
drying out in summer. Give.it a carrying off our friends when it is =r ,*the genial Nixon is gofrig.. t6 do with Air. D.'B. Giant 'also respoilded. The seven weeks' stArvation, ' I ., . - . � . pu. ". 1P., 9EEKIE t � .
, ,
� drink ; prepare for it the preceding ignorance or wilfulness in. having a this ne%�, purchase but we wouldn't be J6dicial and-0ivil Institutions. ; Song, .. I A horseman said the races. on Vileg- ' Miss Millie Little of Clinton -was., the Sucet3asor'. to - , I I I . . . . r I . �- I .�. . . . .
�� July and August. The. fall o'r spring fani.ty,water supply.. Two causes of surprised'if, by.and by when b6 da trial., were,.!A lie � '� r PRBSQRIPTIOIJ. DR�T-G STORE, * 'r - .�
. . I WhenTWas'a Lad, wag,well i�ufig hy Scy P' in-, -6th ' t g stofher brother,.Mr. A.'Little. Sydne,�, ;Tao . ..,. . .
it fixed.up Co his 'liking, and lie's a. Mr. James Thompson, . Warden Holt rainfile" but here is -how they appeal! -Mr. Alex. Gordon has Soldr his'� farro - � . 11: r .. . . . .:
gets . - . .
. plowing breaks the capillary. attrac- impurities in , water-vegethble or . . . . . : I . I � I . I . . ... . , alinton - .
I . I . . . . -
.. - - I ' . . 1. � . � ,4 -
tion, hopes tile ,noiau're train the sub-' organic mattor, ' and mineral. The little particular,'Jf he t k I Ili print. On Tuesday-afterridon *the to Mr. Angus Be6wo I . L . . N I� -Try, oui r Einnislorl - iin . . I . . , 4( ..., rr
. ' Ir . it es 11 P. his , mAdea Tory appropriate speech, sildw- . .. . r of Cod Liver Oil d 11
. Soil does not.come up. to, the'surfAce. former Is injurious t health, The aboderthere aa. he would lik r first of it Series of.wimer trots came off Mr., arid, M rs. Henry Carter called.,6 X�ixllekxxoi 864a for Colds, Cotighsi etc. : .. _. . L lXypophoisphiteit O.- . I . . ,rrr
. .
a of Pare, Water are springs . ;t AL little nearer the- county town, stitutions, Sberift .go a Id made I r I I . . I .1 I . .
. a . e tW -live Ing tbeAignity attached to' those id' - ar,und the �iquitre track. The co . . . . I .
� The summer fallow,. or better�.-tbe. chief source his, c Y 0 6 , . uese friends to Exetee Wednesday last. . r . . L . . . . . I
roo - ' oriftejeS or the was twice ..round the . ar ,L , . I . 1. . I . � . . L . L
1. - ... . . . � . I . . r . . . . . . � . .
working of the corn and t crop'. and deep wells, bat as iiine-tionths of .Voswev6r, here's hoping that this latest some'local hits on quar&. The : A1r,MO6t:e1th of Itippen is btisy oll, Itiv- . .1 . I I r, L L .
I � . . I I I
unites the particles and the attraction the, plolpdi'latlati' � ge6 witer from weI16 deal way.be his most profitable one, court house and Mr.* LanO made it entrie§ were as follows:-.. , . ,� .. . . . I .. , . L:. r. I ` .. - . . . I I - ;, . . . � . I - . � . ..'...'�., . . %, ...
, .. . I . .r . . % I --- ____"" . .
I Pf moisture continues. The priaefpally�. ''Me, Robert' McCartney and . r �John J , . ing straw from Mr, Gordon's, . . . . 1. .L I r I I 1. . .. I . . , . I .
I wow I ",e WererVigiting Wife With -bilmor, 32 1 1 r Miss Liziie Love is visiting friends in . I .
� moisture upon the Well p1bby speech intermixed ohnaton� Winning Jim I . . I . . . . .
'A7"_1'b,L . , r - I . L I � . . . I �. �' L -- . - - , -
- - '41 L - it . 11; Lowery's On . Driver, -Owner . � , I I . . n . I .. .; " , r . I , .
'r at Mr. J L I . . . . . : , . . r
� I is there for the young nlfw'r�. u:' pre L even deep, situated Ili de; - . L I Our Sister Nationalities Mitchell, . . . . �, I . . r . . .1 I
th " � Thursday. r . I L . - Sang, Our ' . ... or... . . . . I
adds to'the =alue of the *soil.,, I, -deep _ ssion.are liable io do'lotamination, . 1 Good Old Friends of. Yp P, W 'r I W. L ,Horton, Ma'y`bird � , 41-84 : Mr�.Da,jidRoti�i.ttoft3rucefieli* ' ' . . .. 049 .
tter from tPut it WIlerb itl Will' b L t d , 'r Mr. arid Mi M,J.JJtm6S L �as p pas- . 1. . ( visit- 0 , r . . .. I.. . . . . . . . I . I
i-OOLS ipump lip mineral in,% . no - ge - rainage 's. Soil, Proctor visited 0 ingly sung byL &yleand*the Driver, Jus. Walker. .1 .. I ed -friends in, this. aelghbo�ho,ud last G . . . I .. .. . . I . I I . - . . . � I I... . . a * , - ,
the subsoil which thereby becom6a of, cesspool or barnyard. , Build the top Mr. Fied.r Tebbutt?a of .the,Uth cap, response was rnade it), true frish'style James Aliller, Sara'M. ', , - � 1 5 3 3 Week . . r . . I I .. 0 . . _ I .. . . . . . I . ..r .. I I I .. I 0 : - L r
available. Clover -takes the pl co of six, feet with brick; laid ,$day. . I . L . ". r .. � C I ON � L r . .. 1 r. I . . . 1. I - . .� .0 . L , L.
� a I !it cement by E.Campion'K. O.'Mr. Alex. Saunders Driver, 3'. Dickson. �. �, , * � - Mt. Oernmel And Mr.- ri lannagan ball, . " , I . , , F :.; r I
. art That
. � I , . . ' .A " : ".. .. -
leaves in roots, etb., tibout as much pipe'for manhol wlth'a,bad cold, � I. L , . D McGillictiddy and Ball did the bon er. . . . . I . � .t . . L I .
ei It. will keep blith ,. Mrs., L I Mrs. Win Oavolon bits rointed it house 0 , .
. .
value as is taken out by�lxfl,y. . water and many insects out ,of.' the Mr. �. and Th6s. Murphi of , o�a - . I . . 7 * Fred. . Murnq, F , red. U.. - - 5 3 C 5: in Brucefiela andexpects to vauve next a - . �' r ; . , : . I . .
subsoil plc,w, polverizes, the : ,oil,' and And itrch over top with ,22 Wo, sewer : . Miss Nellie Jervis -has been laid. u . Messrs. "Ed. Swartz, Tony � - . . I 24,22 ed on friends in Hensall reCently. .v T .� : �* - 'AT, ' '. #_ I a : ,
� . . Clin ton called at Mi, . I P also 'spoke. � To The Press, . .� Driver,', Own . I rd � KS . .. .'G - �
Discussion brought oiA thedoll6wing' well, . wal;0. is fit for ' Wilbur. Prouse has be Driver, Own W. - I . . . . . I . 9:1 , R'E
11 ,Tosts to tell if . . �u�d . 'L � ,. . Gardner.'s, bn iiaster el I week. . I I , I 0 . , I L . . . I . . L I . I r . IF . . . I
corn 3ifeeCapart. Plant 'drinking : Take a'fruit jar well cleAnm ety�ril . � I en Winning J , - third. and 'A sleigh load of,young 11eopI6 d . Z I , ., I I . .. � .1 I . , . . . . ... .. .� 11 . ..� I . I . . .1. .
oints:- OW , awarded eiglit4prizi6in the oat.clags in ini wort the . . I . . I � . I . . . I 10 I
early so as to get mature as possible. - , . 1.
ed, fill over half fullfor forty-eight Pleased t0barq, Mr. E, the Macdonald seed grain' competition fourth heatil , thereby winning the !a Mr. J-, ff. Petty a r ove , 0 . . I . � . I . . I . I _. I I I . �: . -0-L - - '.. , .
before frost. ould advise the use �bf bou're , if it smells slightly.i.t. is not fit Johnston, our. former ch6esemaker , prize, it handsome horse blanket. L'. " . Wed n Pqd i v. even. 19 . I . OF , CLOTHING: GOES -'ON - , . 0 .1 . .
plowi, CornL . tit Ottawa and has received a Zhecque . . g and joyfully spent t1w everling'. ill 0. . I . . .� I . 1. I .- . . L . .. . S * ' - L''. - . . i� -
. tedder in use of clover,: 0 for use ; if discolored it �"is hot good, withms for a few days Again, ' . ' tot, five dollars, from. Professor All's, Casw.19 and two JOL In .Ll. . , . I L.. L . . I . . . L I : . L
- The many advantages of. soft wiLtet; .. The township council .. . � I . rely chil Playing games and d-id(-Iu�ll IL . Ia. '* .1 � - . . . L . I . . . .... . I . .., �.
spring grain and cloVer agAlm Mr, met on March Robortson, . , I . have retut;ned to their ho de'la A, ise party (11-0yV io A r. Robt, 0 1 . . . omm L . . . . , 0, . .. . , . 1
. . . I
e eill wanted to know what excuse for many I pu . rpo . sea . make ir, almost im. 4th , Minutes of lastmeeting restol and Beckei & Myers have moved to er it bit . p 1. me Ili Strat. . �s,�ilvr, I a I -This' week we Will 01 en I . L:. . 0, L ::,;:. . . .
I I . ford, aft visit at the old ElgiesFridhyevvning., 'Dan I g Wits 0 . . .. L 11 . .. ce to slAughtel-I - 0
T, perative to have a cistern. -A good � Toronto� ; . . . 0: . .. 1
there was for' raising timothy. J . . a"8e' Moved,by John Middleton, , home, r( P Mr. and Airs. - 0. the: chief ainusoulent, of the 1 n . . . LL. , I . I . . . . . .1 I I - . . 1: . � I .
. D. , V L . I L , . . : .
. Burns said that it was good ,to make cistern is, made� of concrete arched ld,onLq by T James . -1 I dit. . 0 . . . . . I I. � . L .. � . . I .. L .... . . : . L ..
Johnston, That On Monday6vening the S. S. abri- Humber, r I I I 1. . Quitea numbet n thi vicl , and -PONT L. I .
. I . ' ' 1)lty - .
the land too hard -for working, - Mr; same as well with'inlet, and outlet.; in- Council intends PaSSing Ii by-law' next versary Of North street -Pbix�ch was � WeleArn that Mr. Ven. Saults of.the. atteaded.the ball iplwoippem report L L �8 : � .1 I .
McNeil said that'it wduld 'help to let should have filter made of 1) meetiag.of council I a add locs 45 ,and held. R I.. . 0: OVERGURT.8f CORTS, - agA, VESTS 1. I .
ax with t L e I cod t! . . . . . . . 0
cultivate Christian Patience As well, -layer of gravel and L 74 Maitland con, 0 No 4 Union School man, sal those rag dolls were a 9 rile : 0 1 . . . . . L . I .. .
- charcoal, � Don't . � I .
w. Jasper, Wilson, the chair� Union. hotel has purchased the Mait- ' � I ., .. .: . L .
The disc works beat in rorit, stubble ; think it more important to -have, section, Goderi(h and Hulletti and . far "land house from Me, A. B., Cot nelli He .1. �__�!,�_i, - - _--mi., , I I I L 0 . . :.. . I - . . � I . . 1 . L I . .. � : f
. a ' ahead of I he rag dolls the sis . L . a . . I.L . I �� 1. I
. the cultivator Pulls Out too --many supply of,waterat the barn than at thirt clerk notify all parties Interested, ters of his bits also Xtitchased the Property on You should not feel tired alI the time a" .. . We bave a tremeridons stock ... . .
comrades bad. .The modetin rag doll Cambela Itoad known as the Sto you, 0 L I :. .. 'L . 4 .. .. . � . L I : I :- . . . I . .
� stalks. Plant with hand planter, the house. Pit the, house, then the Moved by John Woods, seconded by can sing,' Min Sharman presided ppy 40afhy pdople don't -you worit if '. I I to, 11 ' yet af price$ lie . : . .
about 24 inches deep.' If young corn is bgrn� I -lava the James Cox, That the foll6W'og 611ang property, the house now owned bj* take Ilood'a SarapArilla, for & while, a, �. . . se . , Ver
water .Supply In L - ver�, cleverly at the piano all everiin I .. . . �Q 1. . . . I .
19. Mr. Lane bein a portion of it at one. I L 0 A I
frosted it will be injured, but , will stables, before the cowe all the timej in es be made. in � pathkinsters , Sohn The fli at tiumber all the program was a timL..'' Me,, � t L __ _ "----* . I is . . L equalled i � this' county, -L 0 .
. . I .
probably grow again. White cap and trolighSL or iron cups. It pays to have Gibouin.placeofofA 06 VeOlymont -at presen - . ,.,------,--, - , 0 - , , . I . ��i , . I.. . . I . .
� . ,rzon, John LindergKiton song by tile primary boys residesin one of the I :*.L . , I . . I 0
11 deril are good varieties. before them all the 'time, HaTrIsonAro place of W..' Rarris-on, bouses.and Mr. . To eure a cold In one (lay I ,,, This will be'a real c , a
. . I � . , , . Le 1� . .1 . In �. . 11
e' Ow ' and girls, Which�was delightful. Reci. Donnelly Johnston in the ot Barcr in -Sale � It will be un- : -
�� �e .hLitt cause of ensilage spoiling a ati�p" for *dairy.. It is [letter to George Hays in .Place of F. Mull veen, tation by little _Mn,Rter Swaffield, . her, - - I ' I .
L .
.1 Vrom the Wellan�A Telegraph ' . . Take Laxative Beat . no Quinine Tall 0 i,pce8sary ,to quote prives in th a Ley ory ' L. . . I . I
, ( eo ague I . : I'' I ,
a =nd t e edge is that it is improper- hapv'eciLaitllybefore them than to water John Wiggington in place oft'. Trick. About three ye I . is dvertisementL as
, ly packed,and settles unevenly. There 'three times a day. , :Lleave By-law No.'9 read and passed, Angus are Oldo Pussy Oat'nind of March 8th, we note tile death'O I !eta. All druggists refund the tribney, 0 t1li I t I I
Better not Pu py Dog, wits well, given.. 'Red, I Mr. Ili, will bei marked With red tickets to 8hOw` the cii We :
is not so much difficulty in the round troughs. open , hii�ve a cover that the Smith of Stratford W48 APPOInted Rite grod Blue chorus by 12 girls was John Henshaw, haloved father of Mrff. If it fails to cllre� 25c. E, W. Grove's 0 � . . 0 . I -
I L . I -e is ' * � . ' , , I
sile at in the square. L � . cattle can open themselves. Treas itne township engineer. L. A Anderson Hugh Murray, East street: 11 signatui . on each bo I. : inteltid to make All'we sk is for you ':
well received, Miss RKA Salkoidlis John . .X� . . a to co.me�land inspect 6 . .
At thr. evening Meeting the presi- good ,to if water if not o'close wag appointed -assistant assessor. in recit,tion, ,How pat W ut _ Retishaw, one of the -best known liq. mw= . . . � ,
purt y e Coutt :. ta satisfy ourbelf that this Sale will be one of the . � .
dentin his opening a4dren.spoke of enough to reach wa,tet� Grass or any case Mr. Thompson is tolablQ..tp can- Ing, created much . .merriment, 1311128 in Poet 0olborne, died at his real. � - I !! . !!!!_!�.!M��___ a �. �, . . , . . . :, .1 . . . . : I
. .
egetable inAtter helps to 'take 'up -hilough everyone admiririg beek-yernaculs%r, deuce here oa,lSurid y list. � . � . . I . ,
the Pan-American exposition . at v thins him duties its assessor -t it I , after an , ORL 0 . . I .. . . . .., I : - . ;.
Buffala, and the'CanadhiftS were golti.0 vegetable matter, To Puri ty water Of sickneps. We services to be pnid by The rqg oliolls followed. 8ong, 'eight Illness arnifew-daY4, although be has CEMENT F SALE11 I 0 � . a I
I to make efforts to keep up their record organic matter force air througli, Mr. Tbompqon. Nor'patlimastel, is Ilitlegirls each. with lighted candies notenjoyedhisusual health fe, 1. — I .� I@ .
r some 0- .est And, Chea
Mrs.C.Campbell spoke on "The import. . which which is the reason that run- allowed to spend money for shovelling wits .Very pleasla� They matched tri,oths. John HentibaW . Thorold Votnont f0salo. by ri,dwarol Cartel-, a . � West Sale I
,ii,ibits been . i I. I . I I .
Lockinaster at Port 00 no for corner Wilflani and Princes -i strects, Clinton, .1 � . I . I . � . . I . .0 . . .
Author' - cotattlis' well, Putting out t e Net candle, hike 45 Stiocial rates on car -.4 Ktvoln oil . 01.
ance of the Home," Home "is the ning streams are pure. Miss Mad- ge4val unless , ized by ; a *
Yeal 8 past and was known -to cement walls and All wor a . a n - We. Would :
sweetest word in the Saxon tongue, dock spoke on Bacteriology and the its - power friends having reti�ed before bet-, little Almost k 11 That ('Vol' haS' titken placo in thi cou ty
. satlafActorlly dolls proniptly a ,
� . Spend more than $6'in. any road Majorie Aitkin received quite an ova- every resident in the place. A plan of attended to, - "c", 1`811ol"11111 � .
Stotler.- No commissioner h . fine., - d I
Horne is the safeguard of the nation Women's Institute, to Ino, .11) 110-)�-;
but it is often left to shape Itself. division, The following few words, he wag conscientious in. the . 4) - . urge out ftiend-4 from the country to 'come in ' : .
. The luAlistakes in She% Breeding" was . accounts word tiort, Next followed a kindergarten - I 0 . I .
., e dischar e of his duty and that he was I 0 .
happiness of the homd depends upon the subjec& of an ad ress by�\Presid tit ordered to tip - Jas, McMillen, sang, sung with much. y1m hy &, score � I . on Saturday NinOing in their boys . 0 � .
. 0 � �
. It Is the duty Snell, ;vho gave a practical talk in, lids-Recutd, printing of pl.1mary boys, Rig_a_jIg_jig was as hold in ighesteern by the canal au. 11 � .
what you take into it, -gi,mver $1,74 ., Yew - T r, - .. I
. .
.- -
and privilege of every, woman to standing same graye mistakes that; 12 0 - auditors $10. * council I'd '. thoritiedis shown hy. his c n oil . , WANTED., , : I . 1. . . .6 -
, ,y7 10111`11� clever its comical, A screen wits set a Unu a . . . 0 .
to, � I � .
make a horde. A well kept neat home sheep breeders are guilty of; 1. Fre. ,,,,,meet art the second, Monday in n over which the boys' h6ads appear. eulPlOYknenti no matter what party Wants for two elderly peoplo, respectable, I �. . � I I .
haEr an effect upon the mau ; there is queutly changing the breed of the 4 . I Mr. wits in ower� His funer4l took place (16 6 I . : . . 0. �
sire. While they Sang a xnerry'verse, t y orgon, age 25 to.0 eolafortablo ID I C� . . .
Mr, and Mrs. I'lairry. HaIrter of the - on Wexnesday at 2p� m., ath boin treatexat4onooftho farull�, Addreqs 0 , - I - JACKSON I
if in every inato thAt responas 2, Using immature stock for breeders. March, I 0 1 I . � .
e � P, Benwri anap; Perhap,r in good Box Clinton P. 0, 411 . . . 0
.1 c1b, � . I ..
t The child. 3. Selling off the best of, the flock and crO' guests at voice and received tLn encore. . . I V
to the in nonce of home. Goshen Line, Stanley, w � from his late residence, Rev, Mr. � . .._, � . � - � .
ren of the home today will be the men breedingfrom ifif6plor stock. 4 Ayr. James Alose's oil Sunday. Wi8' llouny of St, .James. chu, .. _ ", - , . 0 I . � � . I .
. Try- donxi and Truth cathe next.- .It was a -ch (Enirlisb) -:� 0 1 . . . . ... � . . . 0 ..
1 0 .
andwomen councillors arill members Ing to-savernalley by buying in infer, Mr. John B, Stewart has bought a lovely scene. Miss Maude Wilson repre. conducting the serylves, Interment at 0 e3 060 a Goo *044 006*6660,*9 . 1 .
I of the Pat flatntint, etc., of tomorrow. ior animal to use as airii-a great rate. two-year-old Shorthorn from Mr.. sented Wisdom and Truth was repre. Overholt's cemetery. Mi,. Hanallaw GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. . . I �, . I I . I., . . . I . . . . I . ..
Educate the boys and girls that right take. 5. Buying it fat or overfed lamb James Reynolds of Ilutlett, The arit- Aented by Miss Verit, Whitely; The leaves A sortowilig widow and 'three . I—- . . -, I . . .. � . . . ..
I --------., .! _�Tn!�—_ --- � ,, . � . I
. daughtiers. Those frow a distance bury nouse. . . . . �
is right land wrong is'wrong.' Use the to use as sire. Pitying more attention mal is it good one'and must have cost Bootblack was cleverly represented by 06od general servant urnnted at tile Itattell- . I .
I � . I . I
whole house for t a family, not mere. to fancy points than '.a strength and Air. Stewart a sum In keeping With its Lewis Elliott. Motto song, God Is who attended the funeral were Mr. JOS. RATTEVIIVILY, F . .. . . . . .
. ly for company. Be Intimate with vigor. 7. Feeding Pregnant ewesf too, excellence, . arid Urs,� Hugh Murray and family 0i dintatt, March 4th. 2 .
your children, make confidents of beitylly with too little expreise,or.UsIng Ale. J. 13. Lindsa3i of* tljo Huron fairmaldens, Thev6ca, duet, I-n'the . . 7.-- _ - . .
I I , � Love, wits beautifolly fiven by nine Godericb. . I n!nt=�__==�__7_t Wi��!'!�'i'�" --- . , ,URNITURE. . I I I I
them. : puny , weak lambs. Do not feed ewes Road has betin very ill with blood -Gloaming.was, well rendered by Messrs, The annual Forty Hours' Devotion ' 0 L We hav I I . . . . I
Miss Maddock spokeon "Domestic more than,onefeed'of roots per day, poisoning. Owing to the naturn (,it dges avol Adair, Building the began in SL Peter& church' on Sun- We are now showing A beautiful line of Furniture. oollAistla . 11
day and continued three days. Among , just Ve_ L . . g of
. Science." In her opening remarks she but let the lambs have all they can the gerin it was difficult to remove the Elryader,wasirig.m. The.flrst,speaker FiM f0f L nt Iceived a 'r I ' "ABINESS ' �
Said that .a, brittich socie,ty bad been eat, It is good to Sow rye -and When I mattee which formed but it is hoped Wit$ Master Totin McGillicuddy (if Tile- the clerymen who asbisted Rov. Father BOOK CAS -18 PARLOR G PICTURES
n ortnic '8X8 A1138101 VA -1111011T.14 L I
started bore� They mete the after. the lambs eat it off plow and SOW rape., now tbat the disease bits been brought onto and, the second was Will Towers West Were Rev. Pather MW k, supply.of Fresh Water Herring front . LADIES D[4, BASLES .
I noon appointed the next date of meet- good to let thorn run into the orchard under control though' Lite patient is ly. Self Depliti. Courage, ),,ove Pur. Rev. Father McMenamin and Rev, Stokes Bay and of White .Visit front DRE88ING TA,BLES MED10I,XLL,1, cABINETS . TAXCV TABLE 8 � - . -
I 0 . .
. .
and allotted subjects. L during the day, very low, The doctor has been, in ity, Patience, At"kne ri4ther Mo0abo. On Friday evening Lako Manitoba and hppe to be favored IN CHAIRS I I I . L
'Me, McNeill spoke for a, while on the Discusbion..:-Pola. straw good for attendance daily kind the blind hits ma as'- Grace' One tile devotions of th� Stations of the L .
t subject of "Transportation." The foeding. Must give care and attention been landed several time.q it xial was plely exemplifled by Cross will beexplained, with your order. : We have an assortment that cantiot be surpassed in the city stbres. . . I. I
tallirotds he said, tire taking just all to flock. Mr. Gnunt 'always fed his e nolregred Jawolila Ladder. MiAs flarland's song wetrustmany of Our citizens Will I . . 'L . . � . . I . .
,6nstntit ;ittendanpe, Alp, Lin, say' was 'well ran ered, A World 'of * 6 0 0 . I .
� - , , 11 I . .
: tbOY can out, Of the fariner and leaving sheep whole turnips on the grotind many friends hope for it speedy reo&vs. Wparns, Attend the treAt to be gW�n In the L .1 'I 6, b 6 :'*Ar~%_Ao_��� .
. T.,q- �' � � ,
just enough to keep the farmer alive, until lambs, Hift4rlitit 0 a whys listen to Miss opera house by the dramatic club, I Is the flneiit, we will h,� ,� __ � . . . . I
then tile roots. 0 . 't Z I I , do not boy YOU .
There let nowch thing as comp Sheep want water. Better in orchare eyfr. William Crooks Is, in Strat- Sale of the Childron. brought a very 0 yint ell I and see What bettu. , .Von ., .
_etition pulp 3 d 'With luch pleasilre. -The , Mr. and,Mrs.1ohn Hy I are . both . I Made In it bog 0 IV 11 be �111=18tpd to b.
in mtes. The rates are made by the than hogs. Sheep are It, a very delicate state alotealth, .ive Tenderlo!Q �Ve Idwity ; !11 . are,welconle just the sitrne� L.
good weed ford this week attending the annual delightful S.S. anniversalyto its close regret to state, I I keep JtL iftipplyfor itis in grentile I Will Goods we Itr(ishowing, i .. 1. .. W_==11 , ..
traffic association, not by the. separate destroyers .- they will eat some twenty 'meeting of the Provincial Grand ana we trust the children will remem. manit. L,%,�� L - . .
companies, The only limit. I's -tile kill- to.thirr.y. varieties that cattle will not Orim e1odge of Pntar(o West, Ile her It In after years, . . it was rumored around town last , There ia nothing nicer than it Piece of L . . . 1. I . I . . .
Ing of the enterptise. ,, the expJ?.pSd of toueb. Dip lambs Oi,.ht, nfter Shearing hits Fleen attending these gat,berings We fear the electric. power to be wee& that Mr. Robert McLean wlts T deviola for breakfast. I . . I I . , L. I
donveyl% does not enter into the abeep. Little dip a good, If you almost continuously sinoe 1867 arid generitted fear,, the, Wattlil"d is off. yery Ill. We tatted (in 8aturday and '" Ro L ' , ' L I
Matte here was a, discrimination have a warm place clip 'car)1ori ,the though he says thfii'*�VjIIL be b is IASt, � the Veil few WCVC tit the meeting ealled found that lie Was about ]its business . . 6 0 * I . IS ADF40"OlTs 80 & 00,
agalni;b us as Canadians. We have betteryou feed the bettor tile wool, probability Is that wben the . As usual but had been indisposed for a . X . :
built all the roAdy In Canada, and still Mr, I line tolls bv the linnyor for Monday evening, few da a, or 8 . , I , . I
- Snelt had lost a number of lambs arounri ataft) the, pleasure 0 rallying ,�fh March. Mr. Kelley read ex .. . 0-r- ,W . ClIx"aley. Ia tinalrer
they char 6 the dutiorg more than out . _trikatR :4 $a 11 I . L .
- In tho sprin and when at Guelph Withthe L rethern will be Cod strofig to roratflo8clentille American sfiowlp� I � ietbofltidgeway was miltil our P e I .
alders. Oe bave been the only people learned that )14 pasture was probahly resist. . .. that the haroo powO in the ty. S. Wits here by the Illness of her sister, Cho ! , '!� - 11. .11 ..... - . .. . li , . .. I I I
-who have been foolish enou late Alta. .Tamesr Mitchell. To sly much fit demand that; we have . U ___Tt!�n ! !'! !
th to give 'the ftuso,* Keep on new pasture . t is OxPP004 that, UP. Wright of $17 pot, 11, P. and In hIngfitrid 18. UlqsTurid Brown Bang with much h1ad to repeat our order till ee times In �. . .
niontly to railroads, To 'a ip froin. do ring the a � %I , .
, 2wing. If lo"§y tile lambs Lo don* who officiated so. .t000ptably Oriderich waterworks cost, $27.60 ut acceptance ata Concert given in West. one week. If you have not tried, it We � . . 1. .
Windsor to Montreat costs �8c, per will bite an get wool jr, the. stoinnah In St. raill's church, Clinton, reepalv, *111 lie run choopee in fakire because . I . I i
bush, of corn ; from Detroit it is Zoe Anddio,-. AsWitliatleatwin Lileld on(t' night reoefttl,r, would ask you to do so knowing that I . I 00- L I NjT N' I I
Corn iscarried v "' I Im _V AW00801114'"16( vionthlybroy ..
will let villf tako tbe Services in RoV E. A. the new chimney will lvIlalt of the use I . 0 . I
L Miss Ploraltay, a noted elocutionist , It will please you, d6k
because it Is in the Unite Iambs the ewes of which will genera ly smith's pal-isli on Hunday next, Tb.0 pf Interior aoiAl 41`14 t 0 MAINit"d - cooklo cotton P.0of ampould
= . of ch(cago, will give a number of I
fro,ill (%jeag(L 'to its rhoppl, produce twin lambs, , I a 0 6 LAUNDRY
4iffertory Will b�- fti 41d of Domestic Vouioi On. wituts Vil#) portorse -
, from Windsor.. Mr-Gattrib. aV0A AWMInutes"talk. miswong, .quite a difference, Xpally 40wer" pholce selections In the opera house on P . U 1, 1-1 . Irybody likes 1 4-1,0,00 Ladlen. Soto, oftdoltual. LadlesitZ I I . I LL
Other Inotatices of flagrant diserlmina. 116said that I Rov. John Mahan of bordioator membpriq of the council .... aga,11le Mono:14 ovetling next tinder the ails. Owl< iotir drn&glst for tok,s Willa Root Cow.
pstitute apoakerg aorilp, '� d , I T have added it rdw Itol"I" .
tion were quoted, Whatlatberedresp? tirolesWere )lot LeXplielt 'enough" at nat I .kwbent ptn- dftd, Take i10 o or 49 all Alixtureg, pillA sold to In la%vn(IrF maellind
4 plods orthe adies' A, Id of the North 0 , - it bet Oft 011110 oil work go i
id PrOftcherl it Missionary i4ermon to a the VoWer Car that 'ovoulng, a Res tn, failtstiona &ra dangotouA. P11,106, No, IL .. it lie 9
Are ivelgorril to allow these People to As an Ihstithea, whefox it speaker, advised fitpgo, cotilgrog,4ttion at 7 streat, oburobf eakes. We have 1, X, No. 0, 16 dtgrbeef Atr6ft9ole, 43 por bor. Nb. at, Will be better onal) cd t1laft aye'r .
. -.1ro enjoy. gon oblill,cli shrewd gentipMA" told U14 Cho olliet, the buckwheat, flour to make theip ana I it 2.M&ilodpn rpeoptof pride &ad two ii,o%ni 1111 give satisfaction to Iny luiluerolia I.., �
domirlatells, Thesopeopla'A hishoarars togiveAheop a (lay that If there would be any Money the Maple qruly to make theni*still ArApft Th4ftoki0ohiptutylvindlio olit.
. ood run; Sunday afternoon, � ev, Ma* Turnbull had quite a , 010tolkloral.
, J
Miss Lillian Willson of the Gode- in this nAwly-talked (it power agency rc� " _ I I ,
Ing" somethlba .,file whiell they have Elie next day one farmet, get f, a exporlonce on: Sunday last - I
. � is dog 0 ft rich 0. 1. tVaSL Vieltifla #-V,Noii�iiiiiAgAoidiiiidroeottimtnded y6H I
meverpaid, Theigolution let* bavo& the flock and they bad AL run, A mit iore palitttible, Ilry nut flour and f Work called tot, An4 dolivered, in ill
tommiasion, not. of politicians but good 'tthor make money must tak under the par. let the town take the Insittee up, but while driVing to Poet Albert. The Yin an(I rou will bo pleasell. Wo osportsiblol muggleta in 04tAft. NUN Of tile town. Your Patronage is
. ty� I it Ile Won I e the card ebtal roof last wepk. to give nothing 'to a prival.9 0011001,11 storm was much worse. thatl here for awl)l go pl�ased to secure your orftr. No, 1AIIIIN0. 9 Rohl In Clinton bywatta & (10 TeRpoothilly 961101tell,
4 010010
I i -T I ,
I I I � i (�l
!1� I I �Jq� k H I
1 $
$ 1
1 A I I
I I 1
1 1 1
n g
ft .( to
,,east I !
11,Vllll�110,tlllil",3i,�=t("tVllei�anlvuKI I 1%�����
honorable men boundto pelthor ar Id g vo the othet anituala We are glad to helir that Mrs. Otter for, It would only mean ruin to the it blow down the telp sh wires and .
of t b t. on tb fit wnis of the poles. We lid 4 0 # I E, XlOvOP, 11, 11. Collibe Anot S. Jackson, I
They will. h6vo a, hard time rt Wilson lasteadlir improving fit lipalth, hoterestq of tho town, . I W , , drossiniv " A,, TWITONELL . I
we oan ,Val thekh, well for ti the -evening mooting wo 1h TeeAnurep Wit toly Aold axid deliver. Mrs, Hood(i Ile as tho tht congre fttlotl It% O'heist, obuirch lu)
I holf, S�ellr- I Abe rW' stru. t q,Aoxx of the N w Druggists. Laundry oil Ifuron stroot opp6sitc tit* 6111'r 0
, Video. # mu&t own theirel roadn' but ffletltg.IL Aelect loll WA8 (Sd to MI' (J. 11, Iteld in ClIlAtolf Afe t I
ViVofj , on I gurlst of her, sister-in-law, Mrs, irames Aveni fo, 9 at the #pipe might fiall, 1160041 botol.
� We. Will tot pay thair pride, W6 � -are by .*Jihe Mur.viiy ; Mrs, CAMpliell gt�ve Wednesday & bullock which' weighed sttouglit last week# lic _ - , 1�li DUA4401104, W* WNEAL . � .. . �.
. . 0066 0A Wo thousAud poutids. . I I
I . . . . � . I
I L I . I .. . L k". ";,., . � - I I . '. ., I . I I I I
. . �
- L - . L " ". . ... ...... . I 1-11 ... I.... I - -11.- ...... . L "" '' � I ...... ___. .
__ " " ....... .. . . ....... ... ___" . . .... . .. ..... ''. .... ..... I.", "._. " � . - .11 . L