HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-14, Page 311W.. �,
. It,
i t . 1,
��� _ , I I I - I I — ____ -, _, - , __ _ __ _ _ , - _ , - . , � I .I - -1 - -i-_
- - - - they wilt, take from iii, quarter at' ail 0. 0
'WIW . W W'.. , I., I WrW .kovir to 20 minutes, When, tender Floriculture, '9'r
: . a them up with a eltoe; 4ralnl tbom ea
STANDS BY HIS PEOPLE . well; remove the atrine, and lay the '�",�-,—�—�� pc
e Home "" UM
_ - asparagus In a, 41sh, beadoiuward,ou AMONG THE FLOWE In
� — — — ,
. 11 11, .. Slices pf toast previously dipped In the Great, glowIng bIQ.%9om4, holding In A
Rev. Dr, Talmage Says God Always, USES, Or, COLD WAITER, liquor. Servo, w their hear �
. ,,Ith melted butter. tA ti
� "I an% beginning to t1hi cold Sea Iralet Is dressed lit. the game, man- Tile garnered isweetneig of unnum-
.uk that ljired ?)�Aeo, . 011
Water 10 more beneficial tban driags,01 liter I Tile novatidela rapture a-44 'tile th
. Falfill,g His I Promise.. a firieu(I said to me recently, �'Whea I?QtQtQ Biscult—Sweet potato bis. stilly MQOU,4 be
____ " '' I am sloleVICS0, as I frequently AM, I oult, tild delight of Georgia boys, and Oool tolaolt of love, that vague dealre W,
A despatch from WaShington Days: , been a great aiiiii , or? No, because Obe wet 4 cloth with cold water and hold ,girls, are ooAslilored. equally tooth. ' immirta. .
. . some by Northera lads and lassies. aose of the fair Damiman gardens � no
—Rev. Dr. Talmage (preached frQm the had repeated, and to prove to All. the it altoxnatoly at the back of my neck, I �
following text:---slThero shall not an ave, I
.y Ages, that- there is. Mercy for thoobief the pit of my stomach, on my wrInta, The re,o1pe, Igtvall, by a Southern cook r,
4 X 0 V Flower of P . ha
Mao b all of sinners. All the other boasc87 wout and, across my forethea . I hiA I � , Is as followA; Two cupfuls of flour the Orient 4 Passion.
, , o able to stand before thee � ' .hearted climes - � . � 4
Itho days of thy Ufe,"--JQshua I. 0- d0wo but Rabab's house; that stood. ors ray temperature and I a ate 9.0 one cupful of bolted ancl mashe(laweet ,older land,%, 44yints obangeand
.0 VOS n 114 c
Moses was dead. A beautiful tra.4 0 trusted in God. refresh th t . am usually sure of potato, ondi ,tablespoonful of sugar, times I
. � 1- She repeated. Sh od a I . to
� .
tiont 0ays that Godi kissed,11lim, and in She was ,gaveil. Mercy for the chief falling asleep very soon afte, the lie teaspoonful of'salt one table- Itfl o , agic thrills the, Alien OL
r . ap. 0 10 dorquii m
that act draw forth the 130111 Of the 09 411nOi-9- I . : plicatton. spoonful of .butter, Ono quarter taa� . air, . . ,of
dying lawgiver, He ho been buried$ This Is, no plaeo to 'stols, Xosbaa "For . colastipation, I know of no 6,900111111 of soda and snougb.butter. A magio born where 'BalTdad'a Mar- CA
- , I .
. 4 Is milk to make a ,soft dQu9b. Boll and b,les. tower, I t
Only one person at his f4aeral; the rriw; "Forward, March!" There li. . otter remedy than a couple cif glass- out with a biscuit cutter and bakein And Mighty Tigria'alturmura to tile
same one who ktase.d ,him. nut God tbo'city ot A! to be taken. They got es of cold ',Vata,tak0l), UPOU retiring . neal I S:t
. , a quick even. .
never removesi a lilan �M]Xtll 140 froott of the city When the men and also the. first thing In the Moall, ,quet- The petals hold nad Sa'disis Mystery, to
some one ready to take 'his place. God of At came oixtt,padga . ve one yoll, and �vg, . I I Pearl Croquettes—F ' or beau ore And Ratlz'n Song, and voiled KllloraO, h
I I tea.soak two oupfulO of SMALL white Gan% power.
does not go around seeking among a aw,ay ran the Israelites like raindoor, I'ShminAttism also 1-1 sald' to flee beans over night in tepid wa,ter, In . I W
great variety of tandidataA some one I see Joshua ,coming out that day of from a persistent- deluging olf the the moraingi drain thems, put tbem 'he ruby leavets, with 4hadows velvet- lat
to take a vacant position; he just his encampment, and lie looks up and system with thig simple fluid. A gal. I ,deep, . or
. . Iota P,f water should I be ta � ken " Into cold- ,waters boil for Ono hour cling to e�aoll other with' a noft M.
makes a man to fit that 'particular Sees 'the people -rualling, and be daily, and turrij the water off, Then cover oar"O;
place. Moses bad passed off the Put's his hand td, . bid for�hoild, two quarto in tils morning, before them with� boillaig water and cook Now curve rLpart, %u4 now togcth� 93
Croshua e horo of the text aAd he says; �INV))y, I ,really breakfast, and the other two between * , eT press, . gr
stage. . , tb slowly until tender, Press tile beand
� Like dewy III*%, that tremble in, their in
-hiO Place, and Puts believe itbwe' are � our me , Meals dwing the day. Of course through a ,colander 'and ,season with . 41cop.
comea out to take L n I .
hia foot so solidly on the platform They- are kunuirig, in ratreat-li'.Amf this quantity, cannot be taken' at . . . w
. . . one halt tablespoonful of molasseEf,
of history that all ages hear the echo soon the retreating army come up. f4st, but must be attabled, to gradu- . . And whogo benda &have their fra- IA
' -,no half :tablespoonful of vinegar, one .
of. his tread. He was a magnificent They say: "O, General, we are . all ally- Nelther must it be boltel down. tablespoonful of b I utter and salt and grant breath, . . � of
. . . Swift in big 4041 aelloicus'Xisiona
fighter, and he alway.4 fo"tight oil the out to plesces, .Thosel men of Ai are AS one gulps a glass eif soda, but take"! P�prika to taste. Lot them get cold. riae., . . . .
awful people, We -are all, out - to, Slowly, With intervx1li-off rosrt. . . ' f To
right side. He never fought for Per- , h o balls, roll them in The gleam of 9taXA, the light 0
� .
� .
sonal aggrandize�ur'ent, 'and' nov .er pieces." 'Josbua falls down on his "A chronle case came to my notice eggs and cracker crumbs and try in tender eye%, � . .
. ..
to fade, in bliagrin; Ilut how did God xecently. The lady had been afflict- deep, hotl 4at. - I., &nd falth secure, and.lore more 40
fought unlees the lord told. him. . * I . ' - strong than 'death.
do ,ao. - L " � t., ! .:, arouse Joshua? Did he address him 04 fer,a uumbex bit years, her finger Wked . Custard—Boil a pint of
� I I : , 4 ! . .. - —Unall Proctor Clarks.. 00
His first undertarring was to cross in some complimentary apostrophe? jobits.were.orooked.drid, swollen, and cream with meets and olliliamon;,wbon .. —_ , Ve
Noi he says: "Get thee up.. .Why she lia.d. been .a great sufferer, Her cold, take four"eggs, leaving out
the river Jordan in a spring freshet.. I . two � LA,XDSOAPR ARCHITECTlErAT). - ,O
liest thou thus ont thy facet" Jos,htkq physician proscribed a gallon of wa- of the whlt,�s, a little rose mad orange- . . I
n the year, - and ter*dally. She explicitly folloilied the flower w, . ter, a little white wine, .
. arose, I suppose looking Mortified; . I Mrg. A� II.MoCrea. Is -the landscape
alt certain points, that river could be . I
. I but his old courage,, �amo back agalli.. directions given her, until'ndw she, nutmeg and sugar to, your taste ; in!-, architedt for Lincoln Park in Chicago,
easily forded, and the water would . . , I I . I '
only come to the . Ittice or to the -Fir- Ile marshals all the. Israelites, and he telli me s.'he haa been entirely free them well together, and bake - them and glie, Toceivea a Salary of $1,200 � P
die; biat at.thle season of which I ELM �ays: -"We will gq, up s.k Masse, and from Oalu for se�vtral years, au4 her in china cups. I . . pe.i, aunum. Tilt% is of more than ol
speaking, the snow of Mount Loban- we will take . theL city of Ai," He fingers haw attained nearly th&r ort- APr10Dt Puddilfg—Split -a doze, passing interest to women everp- . ti
� . . ,%v
' takes most of hhl.akkny and lie hides ginal shape� Another patient ,as, large apriobta,-remove, the stones, and where, for here iA a new wage earn-
., ,
on had melted, and they were pouring it . in the, nightt behii . id a ledge of cured ot a wry sovere'attack of rhaut- Scald, till quite soft. Pour A pint, of Ing art, opened .for them, ono.that
down into the Talley, and the. valley rocks. . In the Morning Lie I . Matism in four Woek6, b7 simply boiling cream upoil -the grated crumbs is' not over crowded and never will Or
had become Ono. raging flood. ' The. , . , . marches d4oking .*old wate�r, 'and carefully of . a penny loaf; when nearly -cold bP- Iko the wonLain with the talent th
up a small ,'battalion-,. of troops in 1. . . �
Canaanitea on the other side felt per- front of this city as I by strata 'in regulating her diets. whiell, consisted add foup ounces of sifted 'an r, th�, it offas,bright-' inducements. Every
f ectly secure. They looked aeross the go * ' I I , � . , ga . . . . 01
The men ol Ai say:, "Alt 1, we will mostly in absta.ining fr-om 4weets, and, yolks of .four well beaten eggs, an"d a Woman cannot, get a permanent ap-
. ,
river and, sa*.the Israel.i"s'. and they conquer i tliese. men very soon," a . rid. . .rod.1?lcoded moat, beef In. particular." Wine glassful of whito wine.. Pound .pointment like Uxii. li�oCrcas but if. tl
said: "Alittl you can't get At us�we . I .. � :a
. . the people o -C At pur Rheumatism, constipation a4,1sleepi the fruit ina mortar, , with half of they are known to 'possess, good taste
are safe anyho.w until this spring . sued this little � ' . ' their kernels 1, I . 14 co
. � . battalion, And the Israelites, 'as lossness, are three formidable foes. If m x the fruit kind the and sound Judgment,'Ll.lac 1 Molloy ,
freshet falls." But one day .Toshua though - . fright I . c . an successfully other ingreli to t.9,gether. ,Line . your to be . Made in laying out private co
order5 out his troops and tellA them ' , they Were, ened, nature's beverage , . I . on . � U e are t!
. I fall 11lactir into � the, r ith.. them, is it not well to dish. - 1 -with paste, put a layer round grounds. So far ad knowni t er
' I . .
to fall into line. ' gem, ' , No : sooner . are, - all the av,pi.d. drugs., and to-eleanse t . lie Sys- -the edge, pour'in the mixture, and only two women .in North America a
"FORWARD MARCH I", I AD ' , I I . I te-M With pure Water, free to all, and. bake for half an hour.. . . who aTe.'following t1iW calling, Mrs. .0
. I People. . f the eity'started iii I - . . � I . . . .
, '
cries Joshua to Jils, troops. Thay..pass pursuit -of that battalion, th . at . Joshua lluf4iling'ja, its,supply I �. : . . � . I . . . I McCrea: and Mioi B49:tTioe Janoil of 2�
on toward the river. and it seems as - stands on An o cellout gargle for Sore t - broat . I 1. . . 0 , . . New York,� but both litrye be.en cQn-� r
I a, rook, and, I see his hair �.- . * . . 6
. I
it the 'light-arilled troops and 'the . flying in the wind, as : he at . r . etches is listaine and. waters in the.pro� . . . CHRIUCAl, REATS. : . spictuously.� paccess�f'41, atlid to" the
. . . I
spearman and the archers and.. all. * - PO)rti -of one4bird, listerine'to two-. 1, - ... . ..;— '. . . . - .. I delightful Work. : . 1. . I . e4
� out his spear toward the doomed.city, . 09� . . . � I . V
. . . � thirds. water. It is "ry plcasni�t- to 1111111)011111111t New Alethiod of Priiduclng High , .
their leaders must be swept down in . . . NXII, MoGrea is, an'entlinslast Upon -
I 4hd all the armed. man behind. the � I. d I . .. -WeinporattAres. �. - . . . I . . I P
. city and . they . . .
the f earful f leod. They reach the bank 'rocks rush for the, .the taiite, purifies the bweatli, aii w I . the ''Oubjeot of womenla entering '
. -T
and they pull themselves up its at . I a good alsilafectant. . Often a trou- 0L `tqMVexat1ix0 of .seven .thousand thigI.prefossidn, it1iid* would gladly en -
cop edptdre it and put. it to the . torch, I - � . .
thirty or forty feet in heightl4bey' and no soplieris it on'Jire(,thanthq blesome , irritation will attack the dOgrees,*,.Fa,hr6nheit,,pirodme(I-byt-he- ,- -ge any jaumber_�_' ovid�d they 0
, � . �, colara: Pr
- � oe : . , trio in . - . a
pull themse - Ives up the bank by, the I' I throatr caused. aometimeg by:1 a de�. clec I xnacc, id. no* nd,noVelty in were properly' conatituted" , tempera-
sraelites in. tfie,eity, stgrt down,pur- ' . I. I I . . . , -
oleanders and the tamarifflui and .the S' * . r ngoil'stomach, often the for either thotoommerolal or the acarlemli) mentally to take. Up the works 15e -..b
. . I
. ,
ving the mon,of. Ai,�'and the a - .lis oru- .,;�orid; but a pavel � I I
. ex of a Derious.*'coldI ' ThN torine . . 1, ,y chemical method lievLug tliscy Would' not Ix- long n
. .
wIllowo until they reach,the top. 'No Israelites coming oat of. the city on 4 I , 't .
. I . I gargle, it taken.iq poason, -will of profteing, -�M O �
I sooner have -they o1i . . . . I P.Te . peratur a' equally creating'ageberal demand for their ,
jmbed'apAhis high one side, ana t.hes �attaliqa. that, had 4 . . as Utendo le, ne-w, .and from .its great 7 ... I � � .� .1... �. .
bank than with dash - and roar and X4118 I . rent. the cold' from materializing to n. I services. . 4 ,
.n 1ba6k .Suddenly, coming up . . I tent. It Is an antiseptic Practical- and. soi4��ntifio moment. as It "*a'o thr * ' .
,terrific rush the waters of -the iTdidan from the I I other ,aides between those any great. ex . ' . . . . 8 ease i ' ough wocompanying , her. [I
break loose fre . . . I � . . . �. .. I I Which is largely use(l.bi tho.:medical WGII as qn. acebunt Of it .of pro- �hunband - who was - a. professional, t
in their strange ,an-! two waves of Israel Wall:.' courage, � I t it ' " .L'.'. . - duet'lon, 'iq w . . .. 1. I . . .
churage. iWhy did not those ., I I . . . fra am 7. ., , - .qrtbY of a direct state -
waters . . . I . I . gardener, that Mrs., McCrea. absorbed ,j
' . THE VICTORY.WASi GAINED. . I . _w , . . , nient -as to the i�oans wh1oh: it. qm- her knowledge,. almf)o4t unconsolous- t.
stay parted until Josbua ' and his . I.. � . . . . . .. � . * '. I . . . ... . I . .
. . - ro-shuals � tr - ILkM DE LICACIE& ploys. . '� . .. . I ...., . -when he: died, leaving h6r'to ..
troops could find out whether they � . J oops cannot stop ,. . I . . . . lyj and . . . L
. .1 yet, "Forward, March I's ,:, saxs . . . � Tho Process. isl duO to the 'wOTk Of � .
could cope with their enemies or -not? . Broiled Hilm—Propare the. ham as f light .the .%�6TJdalbue,: she turned her,
. I . .
� . I � -: the . ! Dr4 Gnldsoilmi,dt, * 4 BerlLu', and oon� . I .. I tical account. - H .
I , ' Joshua, for re is �� the cit. for'- fryIng, but'. oat t�5 slices : thin- I . . er
I hear one of the unbelieving Israel; - . " . . . I .� Y. I � I .1 I . sistg essentially in utRizing, a . heott, talent, to - orrhe .. 0
ites say.. "Lord, why di I d�t . -, thou not of Gibeoli;,.' It , �has - itself. ger, Rdmove Most of: the fat.. The . � � I � . I I as . meth6�1; of beginning' wais, to .Watch 0
. " , , , , , . Put, . I I I � . will tbe.poteritial' energy', of aluminum. 11 I .1 �.
. under. thb. wings.of Joshua's protoc- cird mns�. ba clear. or .the.'. ham I . . . . . a tain Where- .gov-
keep these billows .parted, 66 that if I I I I . 1. ' ' the papao to. seer . I . . .
. I
� .
we wanted t .retreat ' tlaii,: and Joshua must defend it, and have 'a amo . ky . f I lay . oi . r'.. � Put on ,the Finely ` pbwdeircA aluminum in. -tile . priationq 'had .
0 We oould go back t: . I 11 . . I . . . I . .. , . .
* ,
. . he people* send .,word�. i�rom "this..city gjLdrbu.*Aud colok until nicety brawl�: .form of- aluminum bronze is MLX.e*d.
, . . . . . I . been linade ,for betiLutifying grounds, N
dry shod, just ali When we advanced ? , ' ' I - . I I 'with powdered oxide ofiro'n, in .the �5 -' .
* . - . to Joshua: "Come righka-way; there ,ed,' - SeTre' With p0aebod. o gs. . . ter erecting buildings. She
We are emcralged 'in a very risky ex -1 1. . I . - , .9 . , ,or even .
I ains - of proper combining proportions—tbat is -
� are .five kings going td . destroy'us.'. Potted Ham—Takp - the. Torn. I . Would then go to file town .or city b
periment. How If thego'-. Callaanites, , i . -mince vicry fine. , pTopWtion of 8i"paris of al- . bt -
l . . qome right a,fty," Joshua makes a cola'boiled hani'and . - indicat6d, lopir. up nu�crintsnde
oat us all up 911 , . . ,. . . . .1 in't'he , � . , . . . . I
. . . . uminum to' 160 Parts' of iron oxide. . and diivotoro and, ask the privilege
Ah I 'my bearer, God 'n � ever makes three days'-marbli Int -one night. The To every 2 lbs lean moat allopmr 1-2 Ill, . 1.
conflict opens . -with great ,slaughter, fat. roluld: the ham, fatand leani in The mixture AS theli placecl in a 'gta- - .1 . .
.. I I � . . Of qubmitting- plan�0, An estimates-
. . .
any provision for. the Christian's To- T -h . a . Canaaaltes look 1up and they ,say,; � ; . . . ally phito crucible .Ana upon the top of it , I . 4
. . a mortar 'to it fine Paste, gradu , I , .: I . Her f 1r4t work makiing a hit,. ahei was
treat. He cleara the path to Canamn, . . . is ibbi-rown. 6 Spoonful of, ih-agnt'sillm .
I "Ah I it is Xoshua,l. it is Joshua w4o. ded mace, I . prt4se.d along w . .
1f;we Igo ahead; if (we go bac . .adding 14 teaspoon ' !?can . . . ith 4:gqod word 'from c
. . . . I
' I k, We die. conquered the . sprin . g I frershot, and .1-2 teaspoon, cayonne; ,au�'a.little all-. fIashI1ght:,powa,er,' nlil6d wICh hdri-: fbe. authorities, and never had to ex-. A
11t. is dry shad on a path of ,broken .1 . . ui dioxide,, A.'lighted, match ignites . .1
. ,,,, r. ,, the' stone Walls. ania 1who took the city spice. Be .Particular to. mix .the 11.17 . in I . ,� . : per jedee, the dreary lesso'ns of fina,n-
I . I 1
Shell and -pebbles in one diro, n , . it ' V mixture Ale, flash-pbw(ler, ''be; -combustion. b�. . . . 11 . .
is watler forty feet deep in the rean ;of M. There's )io�'tide; lie's aterri- krodients ,vvell. Presl the , I plat e6XbaTTASAMQ-At- e . . .
, -
ble -alan;'th I . . inch which raises, the mixture bencath. to . . � dppor
ore's no use ;" and they into tiny jars, filling, within An � , 'In vtow of - the 11,1111ted tuaftlea
. � . is
The same gate -keeper that - swung ' . . . the ham the ignition point, anil'the, reaction * -4
� . ining� the novice
-b-do-k-the urratal and am6thystine sounded a ,�refreat. '.'Ob,!' says 'of the to.01, And. pour over � for .prefessio at trill' . r
Joshua, "this ip a. victory' I 'But it. is enough clatific4 'butter to, f ill the- goe;3 OIL with intense Irigar-s. Producing in recommenided to. try the baok�yard a
door of Jordan to let Drou pass hath - . - . I .. I � . t . a ilaaSi of floating. alum- I, � . 1. . . I I . .
. . . I . gettin ' tqwards sundown and those . . � . .. . as- a resul . � I . experiment, . if. it I,% only a little. .
bolted and barre . � 9 1, I- . space.,.:. , . *inum, oxide. T is iro is, r oticall - i '- t I
di the brystal 'and am- � . T6.D6v.1I Ham:_Cut. up fried ham ini, 11 (a P a y .adjacent O.'a city
. I ,
L � . miserabte-. Cantilanitas are , going to .. . . I I .. .1 . atoll Of 4rotind . .
ethystine of the Jordan to keep you . .. � " * . . P, . for tbaflrst:�O'f forts, ,,
got away from me, *.and, they wD . pea:9, AT ITS'BOILING POINT . .. lot, thin will do . �
11 small pieces', noot larger. than . . I I . � . . I .
� I I . . �
from going back. � I declare it to -day, ii.qsiege us, .and , pe . rb� . tpa attempt to and add- tomato I Oat . sups 1 tea . spoon . . 'able torla- Ef � -thio lot..'15, enclosed by a* bigfi
Victory Ahead. .Darkness, flood, ruin . - . � . . and. possesses 'the remark . .
' I I . I . . ..
. . I roy us. oil. f6 . 1. I paa -ure of tit, least six thowfand de� boaTd.tence begin by palutirig. that a
and death behind. . . dest r a- day twice as long Worecatershiro.. seAuce and 'a small t .
. . I I.. � .
But we cannot�sl,qV hare., -'It - . nsan . we have ev . or . s I cell in this ciii . ji- quari.tity Of-: fIDPai I ,,therl 11404t to.boil- I . I Fahrenheit. .The. I .temperd7- color .to harmonize %vuh the foliage.
. � I .
. to is no a o' .y I . , a, - . grees y uct- - Ag4inet this should first appear,
place for Joshaa's,�.troops ' stay, t ." What is the matter. w1th-1oshuat 'Ing. It is in a1ppotizing delicacy. tura may be l6ss6ndcl b the introd ' . . a
I ... . I .1 � -
. . . I La � ail apoplectio. 6t f Ham 1$aa,dwjobes—Cut some thin i,j,.A of Sand.. : . W like lilacs,
Wba.t is that in. the distance? ,k, t Has he fallan I .� .. I � . . r fe - high 1growLng sbrubs . .
. . . .j;jag of'.frea bread,, from which re- ' 'Perlit
. . jotical la welding �pirea, oto.,' then, APS, SOb)0-
the end of a grave of. palms eight 'No, he is in prayer. � . . t, Chop Sol -40 cold Its, great" pr . . ase M that t . .
miles long, 0 the � chief. city. � . Joshua rises, -bia.facef radiant .,with move the eras � is Obvious, and,-expdylonce F111OWS thing still low&, u,.ad so on, with a I
. . - - Ig var�'Ity of low
THAT IS JERIORO . prayer,. and lie looks at, the.,deseend- 130116d, ham v"Cry.fino." . TO OVery to" iia�tcTials welded by means':of this plenein . 9*rowixlg
. I
' I
I I ing sun over thel hills of Gibson, and cup of tb6 chopped, m"t, add 1-2 tea- molta�a Iron are astonishingly' strong. ,,4hru�m atud t)lft'nta'st the baso—al"
. . . . � .
the great metropolis. Take It Joshua he looks at �ihei faint crescent Of the sP00u ma 1 4-0 mustard and the yolk of 1Xho Process )%ra� publishoil; but adhOTt waya pre4eiVing A barM011Y In color
I . I . 'x wall togeth- time . . . av !ding anything
Must. "Take it .Joshua can't," say moon, and !it. tbel name of the Lord, a ha,rd-Wl�A, egg- ML . . before.it.boomme apparent that and !form, whil6o 0 I
-the unbelievers. ,This campaign 'i's . . with M arran
� who spake the World into being, be er, butter the broad. mild spread, metallic oxi.tes other than lion could approaching a' -is metrical .. 90-
. . . . :1 � -alnei pure ment. One the,311d 11
Planned by' the Lord, Almighty, There lifts one . hand And says.. ,.,Still, the 'prepareii moat-, , , 136 usoil, and tire metals obl; I be plan 'for an
. . -1 . .
aro to'be no swords, no:ableldo,'. no stand thou dtill over Gibson," and � . . I __. , . . anti free from carbon. Already, car- -unbroken continuation. In bloom from
' * . I .
batterintg rams. XUero is to( be only - t- � I r, XNCy DESSERTS. *1 boutless 'manganese is.being prodmeed spring to fall, Adistinct mark of
oneweapon, andthat-1.9to boa,ram's poin ing the otherhand to the moon, I . . . . . I I ies by. Toduct- the woadteuv Id the use of ,vaTletYo
be sayi: "And thotf moon stand Aill Ch000IatO PUdAing-411grediOnts, I in Marketable quantit
horn, Now the command Is, that over t�s. valley of Ajalon." And,. for 1-2 � qt,q, of Milk, 1 1-2 OuPs 911gaTi 1-2 Ing manganese oxide 'with aluminum, the professional contenting her -
Seven at the priestst Should take those twelve. hours the planetary system cal;e ch000late, 3 tablOsPOOn cOrU- sub,star,tially in accordance, ,-,v,lth the. ecif with a few Simple species that
rude musical instrPments, and for. halted. . I I : _ . � .. Siaroh, I teagpbonf �Auilla -and I qt. methods desel-lbed 'for iron, This perfectly haTM01111M, And 40 arrange,-
� , I
, ,
six days they Rhould go. around the It � Is not yet quito sund.olwn in rich cream. Place milk in double i3maganose is, of courgo, of great ed ao to give -the effect desixed. . 0 -
walls of Jexlcho once a day, and then Joshua � IS days and wel -wLI1 haw time 00okeri heiit, to boiling point and add utility in. the manufacture. of. steel, Among. the first requLqUes to, all ,
d . I carbon ' Irom .
. unerals. W,11hore, are cornstarch m4ed in a little cold milk, its freedom from ,making it co.s$ in Uils.w .
they should go for fivio royal f . I ork 'the practical
' '
ari�und seven, times blowinlo, this cari- t1oso give kings that Joshua took Melt &Ocollto and sugar together possiblo to Add the requisita amount side, in to Add to a, thorou�gh under-
ous, rustic, musical instrument, and and. whose armies ilid dos,tXuycd7 They t1nA add to milk and cornstaroX Cook of ni:,tuganese without tampering staindilig ,.at -the requirements of
the peroration of the -whole scene is aro there In, that cave—the cave bf, all f6r 20 minutes and, add, a pinch, Of with the percentage, of carbon in. the plants and tree$ an expert knowledge
. -
I .
to bo a gTeat shout under which that MA . kkodah, hiding. Jo4hua las roll- salt. Stir ofteil� .pour out into a steel. .Altogether the potential Cn- Of Oil- In order to grow, a Plant
wall from base to 'capstone deep diall, an cold Add vanilla. ' g lulu:Lnum. bids fair to bo- an Mu(it always be Durrouaded by,its na-
is to. ad a 'stone against it and they *an- ,,, and Wit exgy o a i
bumble. Around tho.walls of Jericho not got out, . But before. night, be- Bof ore $ending to the tableo whip I qt, i.mport,qnt ,factor in Industrial pro- tire, conditions, Y61t cannot, far In -
the PTIestS go once; . and a failure, foro.t ' cream, SWOetell, with 1.2 Ono powdered , ess. � stance., take it plant that has been
. his wry Sun- Which I am speak- ugar And add. 2 teaspl.ons vanilla, gr 1.6 - : .grown in clay and expect it-to.11re,
No:t SO much is a piece of mortar or lug About. goes d6wn, these fire S r the ;hocolato mixture . CUISINE NOTE' S, I � . it tranisplanted to. a sandy soil. The
, . Pour thist ove , . 1. I
plaster drops ,from the wall; 'lot' DO ,Rings aro, brought .out, anti 4ecovding . . I .. .
zfiueh aA a crevice opens, not, 06 much and Serve. , e, Steve will intilititig up Of the, earth in 'Which to
to the ancient customs the maj;X" ploca, anX Peathos—Cook. 1-2 box Vinegar sprinkledt on- th
0.9 a rock -geo loose. , Around th1d city generals of Josh," now� come a . P, Ta keep odors at rocking Crom going receive a tow plant
the second day, and tL failure, the granulated tapicea, In I tit, water and through the house. � I COTO � a inatter of the 'firgi; import -
and, they put their foot ail the neek. stir, it should be the consistanoY Of . I -
third day and a, fallure, the fourth of . 11 I . � Meat shculd always be cooked with anoo.: '
soft Custard. , Sweeten; with 1 CUP I I I Itgs are
' .
day, and 4 failure; around the fifth TH E- TrUtRIBIX OLD KING'$, sugar. Platel int a deep saticar I the fat daw',award. �. Do not out street sweepi and
aay, and a fautiro: around the sixth * Raw oabbiga is more easily digestoil tho roots of young trees. The car-
day, and 4 failure. Joshi4a's stock awl they ,are beheaded, and, their preserved peach, pour around It tbfi than whon cooked. boute aeLd gaa generated is deadly to
. I
was down. I�ut the . isoverlth day bodies are pat back Into the game taplt^ca and� over all pour rich cream. . After washing lettuce In cold water, the i3lant life. Thousands �f trees
cave and, the same stone ig rolled This makes a very dolictiong, dessert, . lightly in cloth and put in the die a' _�c!ar from jildt this kind
came—the climacteric, day. 4t last, . . . ro-ri
.. L against it again, Peach and Pear Shortcal4o--Mitko a �Yrap it .
the hour bas arrived', The -priests Now, it is timo for I .Jesbua to go short biscuit oako as for. ally straw- loo box until time td serve, When, it of troatmont; lio,ono kn9wa Why, alld
with these rude musical Instruments homes Ile ts� an olii waii. He is a berry ohorteake. , Out UP Peaches will be very brIsP. .1 the grower Who chanced to sell the
, I
go all around,thei city of Jericho once hunitrm and �ten. New 6vat 100- aA4 pears fine and put them, on the Celetry may be kept fresh for Several tTeen is usually blamed. Whola car
and a failure. iround, the city twice, days lf,� after It Jigs been cleaned, ancl. load4 of blaok dirt are frequently
threa times, four times, and a failure. hua, the, -oldest warrilor of the ages,' a too witIll plenty of powdered sugar. WaShad, it is put in �an ordinary, fruit wought in from the country, In which
chance, to -rest. NO I The greatest When thei 'Oaks 18 cold, Pour Over ,the Jar, covered tight and put in a cool there is not rit handful of real nourish -
Around tba city fiva timea, six times, b'Ittle, of all his lifetime operis. He to# the fruit mixture and over 11 . .
seven timcA, an4 a faliare, ,'There Is I . ! place. mait. Blaplit to Me c
I tomes out now, against the greatest pour I .qt, oream that has boon whip. Cut * crisp celery .Into Inch Pieces, does not uccedsaT I ity . indioato rich -
only one more thing to be done, and king an cair , th. a king who hasmore ped and swootoned. . I the . n alit each piece quite fine, nearly neas, although -frequillitly, of Course,
that is to �givo a great shoat..Joshua slubjeets t1lam. all the piregmt popu- , Oottage Pudding With �Strawberryl through from end to end. i Put !it Ito the daTk earth 1%, oxceptio'nally good.
rtses up bo his full stature and he lation. of the -earth. 'It is tho king Sauce—Thet recipe for cottage pud- water tot an hour, then use as a only the expert oa,n 'tell by tile feel-
.gives the coldimalid, lie keels the of Tatrors, the conqueror of thouR- ding is the same as for, Any, ordinary . I uality.
r m me, and he says; cu caRej but the sauce makes the garnish. Ing atid texture no to the q
allds of years. Now, Joshua, you 0 adually I ,After boiling a tongue, and Whilo -- I
"Shout for the Lord hath giiven you ll!%Vo your matcl,, x0i is or iT dessert. Creaxq together gr it is still hot, remove the skin, then' . D, .1 SWARD.
. ,i's greatest battle it cullis' butter and 2 of SuPr-
the cittyll' and tha� command is heard, this is,lbshu, But THE ex=
I until than, 2 qts, Put thef tongue In a b6NVI just large ,rho tho
and the ,people all together cry; is Josha&,d greatest vjet6�Tys 11.0 very, light, Add 'Tmemeter -may net give any
"Down, Jorkhol down, lorloho'sl And crushed fresh Strawberries, Pour enough to hold It coiled 'and put 4 indication of the fact, but it to 116v_
that long line of h gatha4 his, frIen4d, around him and over thei eaket who hot. Tills sauce plate on) top WILIL A heavy weight ettholena true, that spring is right
oli'd masonry be- he glives -his valodletory. . I ft
gins bd quiver, audl then. crash go, the Lit Also good poured over hot popoverS. over that. When cold the tongue Will ahead of us�- The 21st of this month
I . Ile In a huw1red And too �eftvs 'Old. I out in rino Dhape, for Slicing according, to, the Almanac, is the day
walls, the tonitplos, the palaces, until Apricot Yolly!Oacr pound of best coma ,
the earth quakes T0u0h hint very gently- 9trat0h dried apricats, Stewed, until rich and around Instead of acro-.1sr, - I s,WhIM, time doth liry hid ,mantle
Ana the Heavong out those old, feet t)u-t once walked tender, wit,W siigai enough to be very I 0 by. . I
are blackened wi,tb the dust, and the the, dry psth of the parted Jordan. AAVeet, Strala, di t aptleota and chop DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. Of wind an4 snow and toy' obill,
shriek oif the lormilied cjty�'and the Close, those RpA whioll, blow the blast fine, TheqV add Jules to chopped An4i Aolls o; rich eilikoldory
hazza of the victorious Israelites oom, that 41ropped tile ,wal,$ of Jeriabo , Hot water quenches thirst In most Of sunlight poured all take hud hills"
mingle. . . , . fruit, Add i bov gelatine that has instances: better than cold, Taken reg- be a little recalcitrant,
Vold, thit. arm tU,t stretolieVout [be been soaked. over night and plus till Time M!iy
People drosa thq orko to see a ruin air no glassful halt A, d throw in g, few extra 'blirzardet
Ast the 406M(kA city Of Al. in mold, (Who 0, a t
. �, Spear, ag % told, serve with ularly t the r to of �0
you 'dded not go f1r, Stand aml � Pold It across Cho heart that exult. sweetened whipped, cream. an hour bbf6ra meala it promotes ill- to make,us long with the more Intense,
. at -o and look 0 the ruins of this city ,oil when thd five kinga,foll. ' But I Ill gegtlon� and In tatarrhal conditions doilre for the lisalmy days, butot the
ZT' r:lel
Jericho, There, is one Ii that W110,ve 9M11 We got the bUrnishad SOULAGOOD, MWIP98. . tf Elis Itomaoh It is recommended by moi M
. , t it I$ a aho�tt t*IM6 and t laver
graalte, fit to ba tile honastone and phygielans. it has also been tried as . I
did wat fall. I wona." that one house tho footstono of th!s greatest of Asparagus—Cut the, licaild about ft remedy for Insomnia. Constipation of ll,*ttara who U -1a been busy, all win -
stood while till the rest of the city NvaTTI,oral t.0h, I %think m after the plantffo 14 AA%-
_ y,q0f fe-41. or five lftehas� long-, 0orapa them is froqaently the result of an inade- ter looking I .
% fall I. � mdNv, I Iftxplu(s at his hoatt it stiall and th;r6ve them Into cold water ; tio quatO suPP11 of water, Ono of tho ious for th6 warm 41.ays. One of the
0 UATtAVL1VBD T1191W, I W, the sun thit stood. stilt abow Gib- them liX buiadlos; ,put them Into iloll. reasons people thrive At �;prhigs Is dutle_q of Bpring, if One 118 the haPPY
I eon, ai'Ad, at the foot it shall be the � I tbat besides Any medWnal jwopertlea
e r her erimos. moon that atood Still over the Valley Ing w Alt lit It I , 4,80$Aor ,of V, 1*autiful lawns 14 to
I , 4tev. �Wlth: plenty of 11 "'I the springs may 'possess, they drink PO
yi�tt she ftti aVed, because she had oA Ajalon6 I .1 lot thww 40mo qulokv, to 4, onuoll Mora. wittor tho, 0 hoMos, , bA-" It well V01104 The time IS JuAt
l ... I
soon PLA tile frost comag '
" 'a' the
'a '
oundA and t4o molattive routleril the
rth so Aoft and Apo'UNY that there is, �
difficulty lxk ginootblus down thaj
mp% 4, turn with this Taller in
a4o,u 14 %ach v4s
. -ter and Moro effeo-
, .
ve in VAttla'K sour lalwa Jil: .good
a,Ve than tell times the work after,
0 n9d bW,14 b,'400MO got. T101M tile
auty of a place L4 evillanceil by .06
11 kept 14-ivu t it W an Infinite
arce, at tiolight In itself. In fa'ot
place lool% qui -to dilapidated which
a fox an Attraction, a, amoiotb green,
vard. I
Sceding in the foundation for a per-
t la"wit, for a perfect lawn son"
to of the growth of a single variety
grans, with 4 Smooth, own sar-
ce, uniform. color 'and an elantio
xf, which has become, through can -
ant care, go, fine and, . go close in
xture as to exOludo w
Ywever, requires years to o:btalInt
lille name people expect a, perfect
,wp in A ,week :from the. time the
der W given, To is;ltiafy this de-
avil the 'Iftoddilig" often consists of
mea .entirely unsuited for l,aw,)Ik,.
owing in bunellea or of bulb -form, -
g grasses that cannot stand the
inter at all when out close in .the
to fall, or. wtrq graf&4 WIth no �su4,
� �
.weeds. I% tile .usual result, - .
Repeated cutting and occasional
Ilin . g during t1he growing neatoon,
ovided' the proper gra:oA has been
le6tedi, is the secret. of forming fine
mpact turf that 4"U like a rel-
. �
t oaxpett, that We read .4bout. and
go 40140AL , I
. ___ . .
. � \ I I.." I
vote peors Naliv 4 vef,v vl'�Oro;jsl ,tttaelg 00404 us fiklift rollite", x1itce 13. 13-26, 001de" I
, ,
Olt the III-111sup But were 1,;e1iten ON Text, XuUo R& 4. .
by the 1001,01kilers-Buirlit-41 Altltliiitnl-� PX&OTICATJ NOTM 4 ,
0on lit 4180 Town, . Verse I& Pilate, wbou -be had o4114
The I,ansdoa Standard correspondent ed together the, chief priests, and that
At Pretoria Son,da tile following apIr- TulOrs, Compare Matt. V. 16-08'
ited, account of the defence of Kaal, Mrk 1�r), 11.14. 7Apparently, the . A'.,, :
fout by a 4etaohmen %
oin ,t of t1lo Cho- bedrin or Ounnoti was atilt in session;
shire Regiment on January 12; The at least its meMbag hul not diapers- -
Attack oA Xualfoutein was most 40- .
� ed., When )?!late had striven to
teirmlined., It Is TuMOre4 that the throw all the responsibility con- .
Boors lia-a buried solue, ammunition
. caning Jesus on the Sanhedrin LtO
there, and meant. to'got Lt. Only on members claimed, that they' had no
some such hypotheols-the station power to excento judgment. To thet . �
havitag no stwategio, value-oaxi one conversation between .Tesi4 Audi;
understand General. Bever's waiting Pilate which jbhu To � ;
'Goido, WAD due
about there for six or Seven bounq at probably the great d#sIre ib"A byl .
the risk at being rounded up, 44* t tbo volveTnor to sebure the release
any rate he did so, and his licutonant of �csu;. The wQrdx and the Peoples , L. . I .�
was given two 12 -pounders -000 of point to this great desire. Pilate
them a captured, British gun-aud a appeals from the council to tbe,oro,W4 .
Maxim to supplement the xiflo at, .
t4ok. Vic, captain in charge of the who "heaT4 him gladly" will support;
station had. been takd ' a ill the Pro- him' how. ; I . . I . t
vicus dAy, and -the- defence was left in . .
tho Iliands of Lieutenant Williams 14, 'Zo ha!vie, brought this, mah un-
rxeculan of the 2ad, Cheshire Itoo. to me, as one that permtet. h the peo-
meat, Who, wtth. ninety mounted inns Plo' Turns them away from the I
fantry of his Own and twouty-41vie do- religion of the nation or from the, toy- �
tails from ravious, other battallong, alty to tile Romkn goviernment' r, .
got his chanove, that day. - having examined. him before YOU, . I
I .
� . have. found, no fault in this man-
. I )�Lla ed t ,
, There )is' nothing like. mounted. In- Jesus wao, in, another sphere of life
� . -
fantry .work to bring out Soldierly I from the rulers. . I � I .
qualities and, resource, and tile young I 11% 'kT----4.T.r-1 MA-1 "mi, T^rii .
. I * , , -_ -___-___ -"-- '_ had been sent by Pilate, wilell As ..
I FLORAT4 CLOCKS. . I splendid defence... The enemy's gurl 4
� I heard that Jesus was a Galileant. In-
Every vinuoi t9l the Water'W?tka 'opened fire a little before Seven a.m.j ,
ark in Detroit, je�neinberg the floral and as the Boers came up from Zuui%- stead of for I sent yon to'him the - � . �
bok .whiell.nover failla to attraot foutelm, they extended and piroceaded Revised Version has "for hv kfent him , I I
eir admiration, And their ,astonish- to envelop the station from eas � t, north back . u)ato us." Nothing worthy Of .
I . death L§ done unto him.. -Nothing
ept in intensified when they discov*- and south. Tho station tronohesz are . I . . �
. tba,t it . inlidwS -the true time . PC magnificently constiueted., - 'being Ivor - thy oi death, has, been done by , , .1
. I .
him W1 . � . . .
a day. W ha t, would be the good d6ep and, .oaTsfully loopholed andl .. , . � . . . ..
I . .
it it it didn't.? The face of the command the nearly level veldt all L 16. I ,Will, trarefore cliastise him- . .
I .
. , .
Oak is Maids. of,echiveras alternan- �o 'n lirere di ed to I �
. unit the, post. , The Me _ and relea�ae him'. Pilate �a?ropos . ' I
aa:0 in two colors, the Roman unia- rectood to lia lovw� to fire steadily, and scourge ELM-& punishment inflicted ''
Ain belmg in the ,dark re4 w, . hich to wastes no, Ammunition; On the, ap.. by the Roman magistrates incertain .. I
. '.
ntrw�ts so Well ,. with the gr6eu.. Of #eaTance of the enemy, as . , every I . man caaea for' offenses, leag than capitah. - I . . �
. - .
axac, Any c . look , move . m , eAt can send of tho hundred and fifteba wag nec& This. was .said in. a'spirit of. weak..con- , .
his pointers around over a floral dial ed for' .the trenches, the - horseo and cossion'to the assembled multitudes, .
any other it auffl` mules were hurried. into a cutting since . he bad already declare& thein- -
a well aa aver � . . I ..
. . I
iyent iapace is . �gLvou them, . to clear it. that ran parallel with and alongst(le n6oenbepf I th,eaceused-,, andtlie -Tows .
. . . .
t . Dodge City , ,,Xaludas, in the rail- ,the � line. Ali :empty. . goods'-, train took advantage, of thin weakness. .., . , I
I .. . .
� .
oad station, there are two 'great reacthed, the station from Pretoria juEt 171. This .yer�e :of ,the Authorized . I
I . . . 1. . . . ' .
looke,que. maTkingeentT-al time used as tho Boexs appearod., and . a lady paE.. Vemion is omitted in the Revised Ver- . . L
st, Clio ather mountilh ` is, used sengdr on * boards . with the. station, Ann, It is Wanting ill several import- t � _ I ..... . �.
. . � I . . .. I I . � I . 4 . . . . .
eet'.of Dodge � Dity, WhLi ate a ln.Astewlo wife and children', were plao, .ant Greek manuscripts. in in. Ost . r .
I .
I art of the adornment of the grounda. ,ad in I a b I somb-proof � Shelter; already chisso'sc Whichstuay fronathe Author . . 1.
. . I . '
ho . dis,14 ka�v a� four feet. wt4o band, pr�parcd. without the lined. All was in !Zied Veislon,'nixintion-ok the omission .
. . , .
f blao . k, cluaieng,, on Which the libirs I . . * .
,. readiness fox a dosCpsrate defenee by %�Ould be of little, Aervice, for it re-, , .
. . I I ., . . � . . . . 1. .
a 'rnarked',by "Roman. numerilo '�p tho ttmo,th-6 Boers were within:railge. cords .an historic -fact, Whether Luke .
.. . %
. , . . .
I oken . tit . one, btainted wh1t.e.. - : . , - I TI1141 G . UNS . OPRN FIRD: . originally wrote it or nQ.t,, and. it I be-- � ' ,.
. I . . � . I . . . ., .. . � �. . .. . . - . - 0 "�. - � - -
. .1 --;. - Tholi guns opened at abo t -3,OCO I ngs p��OPsrly .to Miitt- 27- 15, and I
. . .1 . u . �
. I 11 � .. 1. . . . . . . . '. oh- an act of (pilblict fav- . .
(rVLTPS- AND, CA`N5Y TUFT., jatds,, about, seven a.m. They fixed Kark.15. 0. Sa .. . - .
. .
I .
. .
. . .. - I I . . . . . . . or was often shown .in .old .times on .. .. .
A corronpondent. advIiiew the piant, : fa . st-. ,and. furiously, And aE( .the rifle- I � �. . . . I : � I . . . A
i7 . . . , sions ok. public? rejoicing. , . � .
9�oftullpa a,ind Elie, erorgibeli candy- men OP0110EI Out to envelop', the. post- .,coca
, . - . .. . t, - �:18'. Cried, out all I 'at once. , Aj u1n� - ,.
uft, lberls sempervirena, together; t,heix.-M,tx.iux,ra,ttle(I'�timos:t Incessan - -1 � , . is;, . . .
ying b t the brilliant'blosgo : of ly.. The absence of effective coven �lo"MOUS Olamor-LI"Way w1flith man. I �
, -
ha ma I . I . . and. roloase.untoi as Barabbag... . A� Man - . � - �. � -
he talips�, With their. 6 6 * 1. I -
. gargeoua.blend- NVas in .favor of tho, ,garrisons �an,cL .
. doul4less had everythilai to do ,With Nvh'o wam at oax;6 a . prisoner,. andl .. "
ag-of yellow, red and green, rising a - . . . . . . . I
I . , . popular.. ' Barabbiaol, is not so much a - �
cot Or mare above th� ground-wdrk th'D Tleluctaxwe.Of the� Boers to come ."Bars" ' ,
. . . naine as a "patrollym[O.", . .
f the Pure White floweril of the W. 011060. quarters . with.the British. . . 1. " . L . .
. dier . . . I _,A,bbkg1'.JnaY be otith- I
.�ndytuft make. a beautiful sigbt. Sol I R. Is or. the.raost pa:rt'1*--front raeans a; son., . I. . I
� �
I I I . . , . yards off t ert I h6� . 6 -Nn I e .of the ma,uss tfatheii or it .11 . . .
?srha-ps .not * Mani know . of the ..they-kePt a '900-cl thousand ,p . complimentary:: iyhratOei . � ,:
I . . . may meaA a
. . .. , .
nexits. a thW species ,'of . candytu.ft-, . but an thesnorth axid. south they ito-6]i often ap I pli . �d�, to pr - tests it .. M . 4Y ., mean, .� . . . . "' L .�
hich W - u inol3t - desirable. Plant for- Advantage; of tfie dip, of the lind allda . . . . .
. . . ' h
. . .
, 'field " or ss.cloe.e a -the the "oon of a rabbi.". , T ore,is.gome. .
arly opring,fl6iwerilog. . In 11jibit it mealle I .... to, e .. . . r n . . t I � I . .
. � . . . . I evidence ini favor of: ' rea,ding in Ma, t. I .
half-abrubby, bpTeading, grergreell" flanks- ''. . . . . I 1, . .. . I . the nam�� "Jesus, Barabbag.'� I , , � *, .
, . . 27. 16 .
iiafectly haTdy. It blooms eA . rly In - - When Lieut. Williams Fxownan saw *.
. � . . . . . - . 19. Jobta tells- us that. Barabbast ivasl ' � ..
�Cay, jemaimtng in' bloom. several that the attack Was, d,cv,e1bpi:ug in I.
vooko. - In. good aurr6undings it great force, hodotailed Parks cme of a robber.: Marki agrees ,with Luke . . I .
.. . . . . . I .. . that he' ��.as a notable insurisetionist, .
srow,q &t foot I high, It has the true I the Obeshille - Mounted lnfantr�r,. to I . . .
. I � , afid`tbat! murder for which .he was .
andytuft profa�nce ,for plenty of get � out 'his horse and, ride tbrodgh .. ' I I
. . I . . I . . . hot a responsible,. had. been committed .
unshind) ' .T.ho'XIO-wers are purely 'to Olifantsfon Lein to wire .for rein- du - ring. the.upf .. ising� It has I beat% cola� - I I
vilite, and last well when e . tit the �qrcements.. ,,Paxks had to run 'tho. , . I . ,1
. ; I 1. jeotured thatf he w;Rs it leader of ills . I
�. . . .
gant makoo A good c�giug and is 6- gauntlet. He could not leave the sta- I mob, ,which.- . a � rose WhpnPi . late rutho ' .
.. .
irgb.le for 'planting in . clumps � on tion, without being -_1_.-c-_r,e(1, and. in I . � , V I
. . � � � . . 1. leasly appropri.ate,4 Jowish religiouil
I a, number. of Boers were I ,
ookeriec but 18.4ows to beat advant-. a 11110MOnt . moneys. This may explain Ittio.popa- ,- ..
. . thulideTitrig' after -him. and firing as 'farili., '. , ' , r � . .
go -when planted in masses, Itcan .. . . . . I .. . I - � — I.. . . ..
. I . , . arks � *
. y -cuttin & . they tiled. to cut him 6ff.' But P�
- luoreasiail'by needs or b . 9 . .. 28.* They Were instant with.-Ioud � .. �
I � I
. I ,. . . i . 0 . , '4 ' , . m To d46 hard' and ivell, and got clear I - I ''
1. . . . .1 I 1 . . . voices. ,"They ..pressed . upon .. hiM . . ,
I : . . . '' . .
. .
. .. � . away to 01i,fantsfouitein . , whero* the with Icud vqloes.," , �'InAtsuivl meauli- .. � .
, ,.BY CHRMICAL�MEAN3- ' - , , .-,vire � on, lot. LO ' h I . .�. I . . I q . ..
. , . .. � . I so rd, Kite ehor know 111ar I �. . 1 I
. I .. . .o * . � I I * . . . . . I . I .. gent.11 I . . . . . .
. I
... . I � .i . .1 what was,goijig on. - -, ., 1 24. * Filat� e * sentence that . it . I
loeent Ex0erhileills Show I-6941billty'.6f I I . I 1. . . � . gav, � ' . �
. I �. 11nottex. . Db TV Ptar[NBD ATTACK. should be as they required. Matt.17, -
jtq�vroduegjoa Of Lire W1111110119 . I., I � . I . �
.. liallsoll. * ;. . � . .. . . . . ..
. . . . The attack was in. tho.vicautimb.be- -21,8N. Mark 15,.15-19. , � Title . motive '
I l� � . . .
Dr. Jacques Loeb, of the Unilrdrsity Ing pTgssed. with '. great determina- which ilt I"t.provalled with Pilate is . .
of Chioado, is - attracting much at- - tIoA, to. tha incessant rifle .,fire -%yag mordially Shown in John 19. 12-16, * ''
te'ntlon . in the scientific worl(LbY his Added. the S hrkk of the shol-jg as they Yo fearod.tlia('the Jews wbuld ac- . . .
6 . x � painiouts I in 4rtificialreproduction tore . through the Static, . n, or "hurled -ouse him befoirs Nesar, -and from his . , :
. 11
� �
of life. I I& � the %ixst reputt of his in- harmlessly Overhead. Haa- not- the many acts Ofoiu�lty*and extortion be -
I I . I
. I .
Togtigatioup boo . -showed tbAt by a firing. been generally too high, the had x6ason to (tread kits consequences. .
I . I
cWmiogil pr*ocess reproilnetion, wi,hout overhead shrapnol must have caused a But the very ,misfortune wliioh.�. he � I
imptegnation Might occur in tbc'eggS groat-deaA of damagoanA some 6asu- souglit to avoid by condemning tha - ' L
I I altites., For four hours the two g . unS Innoveckit did really, befall him after- .
.. . � .. � .
.Later investigations dhc* that the contin . ned, to throw Shells. with hardly watd. The six,years of. hig-governor- ..
' . . . ..
possibility Of - Artificial r0prodaiettibia a moment's cesitation, By eleven ship of Xudea were: years of. arbi-
is nOt confined, to. the sea-urching, o'clock. howower, the Boers had Tea- t rary. vial Ones,. And. four yeara After '
- . .
star fisha an,(VS�omo big �ar' forM � of. LIZed'i'llat the pluo,lty g I arxigon' was our 'Lord's death he was dismissed . . -
11 � . ' . I
We havie proveit susceptible to exter- not in the, least ala-kMott, and meant to from his charge, and. is. gaid to- have- -
=1 . geneVativt iliftotnees.. These ex- see it out until help eame.After clev'(11i destroyed himself in banishment, at �
PaLment � S are.extremely interesting 'the guns Slackened, and the Boers In Vienne, in Gaul. . . k
I .
and, See= to bring science to the very the Meallo field fired (in the left, while 95. :Whom- they ,'h A d desitred. . I
paitals of tb�l so. -ret at bx1stence. TM a small party on. the right, close to tile ,-Wlioila 60y Avere clamoring for,"
possibility . of'! artificial production line, made a last Attempt to got near- Barabbits., � . . . .
awl its extension opens� up an onorm- or. Some twonty Boors trie(i to rush 20, StMon, a Cyrenlan. Cyrono
� - '
I ous fillia fox conjecture and. research, across the line arid got into she ate- wa.4 molity.'in tha north of Africa,
. I
in tills country. . . . . t16n. from the south. The Cheshirod, where many Jews were settiqd. Simon ..
. . I ': . do however, stand, grimly firm,* and the. -whose.sons. Alexander and Adfus are , .
1, ' enemy woro driven ,off, leaving one named by 31ark, may have been
.: n= lying close to the trenches With known -as a foll�wer of our Lord, but
As the years goi by Lt 19 pleasing to .a bullet through his, head. Provi- wa's.'probably tal4en by tile soldiers as
iiiotto that miore farmers write letters ously to this Efeveral Saddles had been 9, Stranger. On himi ,they Ii ld the ,
on prifilited letter heads and have a
' emptled.,, whiloncit a man amongst the. cross. They did illia .apparently be,
their cards ou'-Cheir envelopes. If defenders had received as Much ag 11, cause our .Lord -was, unable -to bear � �
was nincto thought that no one .could scratch, Towards Ono o'clock An arm- the areas aixy longer. . L . . . . I
doi this unless her was engaged in the burdd train carrying a number of in- L I I
production at same Specialty or Nreed- fautty and, an artillery detachment ' 0 : I I
iag some pnre�bolood farm stocks NO � With a 15 --pound" came up.th6 line WOW -WOW SAucr, r on ,unEr.
one belibvez'that- nolv. Let the farm from Pretoria, and then Glen. NV. G. . . * /
be named, And tben,give that with the Knox, With the. 2nd, Cavalry Brigade, 'TO make w0W-WOW saace chop fine' .
name of the owner and bid post office appeared, onj the skyline from Elands- suffieien,t parsley to make two table�
address and 'the business is done, The I Contain. The Boers. saW it Was; high spoons. Xiub it on a plate With it . .
cost of printing is trifling in cam- time to TO -tire. 'A. feNv shells from spatula, adding a few drops of vine-
parlson with its benefits. I . rnox,a guns expedited their move- gar until it is, like a paste, then add
, .
i I 0 .1 � . . melitsr, an din the partial Pursuit the. ir three pickled walnuts chopped fine, .
CATTLE DELIGHT IN COAN.; Mouts, and lit the partial piarsui ' t and three gherkins ehopped flAo ; four .
� PODDER, I i ; which followed. 8 prisoners were tak- olives, also chapped. Pat a tablespoon-
, The cattle ,Will got refuse good, su, The Boers Oa.Vr1o,L Off most of ful of butter into a sailoopan; when
clean, bright colrol fodder, but care very their dead'and wolanded, 80 that their melted add a tablespoonful of flour ' 'L
little for( that'-whiah Is storm beaten lossog. are nob known, but It is,gafO to mix; add half a pint of good st6ekd ,
and dark. Itl I � s� the loss of coro fod- . gay� that they did not by any Means Stir until stock is boiling. Take from I
der ftoin exposure, that compels the get away soathlelsge Cho fire; add a, tabloapoonfal of Vine- .
farmer to, feed lit! bay, , " food torn � I 0 - . gar,. a tablespoonful of Mushroom I
� , ketthu I P and Is I
fodder is alocarly equal- to the grain I t It nii�mer for ton
taken from the , $talks on which it is LIGHT AS A. CURE. minutes. Strain and adatbeiparaleyj
I growa, the fodder should be dared for At -a meeting, of the LA.,dadonly' Of , and hot mixture, and turn Lt Into the
as carefully a � A tho grain., When Sciencea In 3?arls on December Oil, sauce tureen, It is eaten .on bolled I
properlY Prepared it will keep both Monsieur P. Garnault r4pOrtOd that or earned beef, I : . I
, in certain disoasm light exercises a .
horses an,d cattle 10, goo4 condition specific; curative notion. Thil Most , . . 1. so . . I
during the wintat.i t i , ' � ' 1. .
I .-* , Is . � successful . treatment -under o6noeb- . DEFINITE INVITATIONS. .
trated light occurred in dasoA \of mus-
MVDIdATr"I) WINE. vular iind articular rheumatism, vari. That old-time And usuall$, very,un. �
A prosecution has boon Instituted atits kinds of uloom ana chronic catarrh satisfootary 'Invitation. 11 Conio and
'at tiverpool against British wines of Me! nose and carw � give, no a nide'long visit," Is Ito long4
Willett contain � too high a p6reentago _�*,Now*_A"� a domMa il fa%t, the more nonsible ,
. riNgliah fashion for Invitationx having
,of salloyllo acid. It IS stated that it � ANOTUDIt 01M AT VICTOUT'. .
ftrm which hod a, large &took of *ti I taken its, Place. Now, One gayo vicomI3111
"proAcirisod" wine, Maohinoty la glass-blowing factor... at ouch it data "and spend a week."
on: hAvlog It 0011- lea, him taken the plaed of human 111rigs " '
acuotea in; ,6ourtt simply altered the and hat(Ta. This thange has just twa.wooks," or I'm month," an the
lahals Una sold 014 �Ot as a patent taken place, taw may be, thuS leaVing both hog. �
medicated wine, being legally'antitt. torl 16 the line of Ilaventions, It is toss and guest to formulate and ibarrX . 1
e4. to do so, as the dralr wild present also a, great blessing, ag glass blow. oat, indiVidual 1)1&nA. only exception. .
t4 an extent well above the I I owast Ifig ha& rulfted tb6 lungs of tbousando at circumstances should indnoo a, -guest
limit allow -ad for the so-called medl. of pdoDld. Man? have, dIod OA the t6prol0bg her btay. boypnil the limit
A.AtAa whes. , . . I I I . rivialt, of 46164 . he wprks� I, , , I, , 044140,11y, fixed. j � ,
- . I . � I � 1