The Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-14, Page 2THE GUNTON NEINVRECONO ;i publedied every Thereea,y st The NOWediecord, Pewer Printing Hone Al.WPM IIITHENT, MANTON. ,etassie Q8 SUB5OMM0N-$1,00 per year in edvenee ; 91.50 may be charged, tt not ao peel No paper discontinued won all arrearages sr0 it1i4, unless at the option of MI:publisher. The date to which every 1obberinti0tt is paid to denoted on the label, Amearaalle IlArge,--Tmlislent advertise- mente, 10 cents per nonperiel line for first tusortlon and 301118 per Hue for each sithee• quota insertion, Small aavertleemente not to exceed one inchameh ao8t," ''Syed,' "Stolen." oto., Inserted twee for 50 coati: aud each subsequent, insertion 15 cents. Ad vertisemente without speolledireetioue will be Legated until forhid aud chergea accord 'ugly. Copy for change of advertisements OD nagoa and 5 must be Intim Oleo on Saturday anti for page e 1 and if ou Monday to eneure change for following issue. OceNragor RATES. -Tho folloW1RE °WO shews our rates for epecified periods told space; ADVERTIEIING RATES, 1 Y. 6 Alm 3 Mo, 1Mo T0® $00Qa52500 8830 4000 2500 15 00 000 20 00 [500 800 260 18 00 10 00 530 2 00 500 350 2.00 12 gat -Special position treat 25 to 60 per cent extra. W, J. merCRELL, Eater -end Proprietor. .Column Column 3 Column Column 1 Inch BANKS THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated by ;$ Act of Perliament, 3855. . CAPITAL • • $2,600.0e0 neer 52,050,00 HEAD OFFICE) • MONTREAL. Wm. MorsoN MacenunsoN. President James Ifaa.tor General Manager Note e diecounted. Collection made. Drafte bowed. Sturlini4 and American Exchatigee botwht and sold. Interest, allowed on deposits. 'SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on guile, of Stand up, FARMERS. 1 !Money advanced to farmers on their own aotes with one or more endorsere. No 'mort- gage required as seourity. H. C. BREWER. Manager, Clinton C. D. MeTAGGART BA.NKER. A General Banking Resales: Transacted. NoteDiscounted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits, ALBERT STREET CLINTON. Wit LEGAL. • Constipation, DOMINION PARMAXENT, Headache, Biliousness, I Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Inelcaite tbat your liver Is out of order. he best medicine to rouse the liver and cure ell these Ms, Is found in ffirood1"s Pilis 2.1 cents. Sold by ell medicine dealers. INSURANOE THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Perm and Isolated Town Property only Insured. • OFFICERe J. B. MoLoan, President, Kippen P. 0.; Thos. Frazer; Viee•Presiaent, Orucelleld P. 0, "1'. 13. SeOrl:PooN„ Seeforth P. 0.; SV. Brotiatopt, Illtipobtor a Losses, Seaferth P.04 'DIRECTORS.; W, 0. Broadtooe, Seaforth ; Jobe Grieve, WiathroP; George Dale, ;3caforth ; John \Vett; Harlot* ; donn Dennewlee. Bradttogan ; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connlely, Clinton John MeLean, Kipper) SC0TT • • BARRISTER, SOLWITOILLEtC. .Money to Loan. Dirrice-zElliott Block Corot. -vv BRYDONE • BARRISTER, soLICITon. Notary Public, 163.. ovrion-Benver Block, . CantroN ZIONVEVANOINO OHN RIDOUT CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER. ETD. Fire Insuranee, Real Estate, Money to Lend. • 0FTIoN4-11URON STREET. CLINTON MEDICAL. , DR, W. GUNN R. C. P. and L. R. C.'s.. Edinburgh. Night calls at front door of resider:men Hatton Mary street, opposite Preabyterian church. Orterog--Orrarauo Senesr, Cr.neame. . • DR. WM. GRAHAM (Successor: TO Dn:Tuasurnta Licentiate of the Royal College of Phy- sicians, London,Eng. Minns AND Resmiesce-Porrhas Block, lately occupied by Dr. Turnbull, CLINTON. SHAW Ormez : ONTARIO STREET, opposite English church, OUNToN. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 16pec1al attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noo0 and Throat. 011T102 AND RESIDENCE - Next to Melee:rat Bank ItATTENDURV STREET, CLINTON, ems - DR. AGNEW DENTIST. . Snows AND Barnum, WORK. , Orries-A.djoining,-Foster% Photo Gallery. ()LINTON, ONT, DENTISTRY' AGENTS • llobt Smith, flarlock; Reber McMillan, Sea forth ; Jarnoi Cumuli tem algtoondville ; J. W Yee, Ilohnesville P. O. Parties desirous to erect insurance or trine; met other busiuess walla° promptly attended to on application to any ot the armee otheere addressed to VI teir respeetivo post Macao, A FLYING COLUMN. Men •Are In the Ugliest Possible • Marehing Ordor. A despatch from Cape Town says: -A British column has left /138:need with the evident intention of 'driving the Boer invaders.from the Zuerberg fastnesses. Gen. Gorringe's flying column covers a lot of ground with remarkable ra- pidity. The men are in the lightest possible marching order. When their horses become exhausted front hard riding they are shot and fresh mounts commandeeed. BOER POSITIONS. DR. G. EARNEST HOLMES Successor to Dr, Bruce. Clinton. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D.D.B.-Graduate of RoyalCollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. L. D. B. -First. class honor graduate of Dental Department of Toronto Univerelty. Special attention paid to preservation 134 children% teeth. Will be at the River ilotel, Hayfield, every hiondaV from 105. nr to 6 u. nt Da. J. FREEMAN Successor to hr. ARVIer. VETERINARY' SURGEON. A member of the 'Veterinary Medical Alma: Dons of London and Edinburgh end Graduate a the Ontario Veterinery Conege. Office opposite theCommercial Hotel, Clinton NOtea ot the Proceedings In the Canadian House Of COMIllene, President Steyn Eeported to 130 at ISmithfield, VETRIN ARP BRITISH YUKON RAILWAY CO. 31r. Fraeor. o Guysbore, introduced a 1411 respectbig. the British Yukon Railway Company. He explained that the company' s present charter doer, not empower them to build their lines beyond White nom, and the object of the present hill le to enable them to extend the road from White Horse to Dawson City. Tin PREFERENTIAL TARIFF. • A despatch. from Aliwal, North, Cape. Colony, says:T.-The Boers are oceupi- ing positione at Rouivil le, 25 ' miles north of here in the Orange Free State, Bishmetaskop; and elsewhere, in parties of from 200 to 400.. President Steyn is reported to be at Smithfield; 25 miles north-west of bore in the Orange • Free State. ' General Bruce Hamilton'a column Is here, preparing t� advance. • MANGLED TO DEATH'. Thirty Worhmon nitwit n 1112.141:414 ' Town, A'.•deepatair to the 'London Daily Mail 'from Moscow, says that a num- ber of peasants who had cleared • a snow-filkd cat on the •railroad. near Wolovo, were overtaken by ft train ai thy: were departing from • their Work. Tbe:place "where they were Caught wasat a point where the walls of snow on each side of the track Were so high that they • could not be climbed,. The engine dashed into the party, mangling thirty of them,. The clothing and bodies of the vicstines clogged the wheels and stopped the train. • e BLACRALL & BALL VETERINARY SURGEONS. GOV- ItnNMENT VETERINARY INSPECTORS Ori. Loa, Ism.° STREET; thcsingstda, Atuzlia Srmter, Owsrox, AUCTIONEER THOS. DROWN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Salon conducted in ell parte of the Counties of Huron and Perth. Ordure left at Trig Nowa; Recent) Mace, Clinton. or addressed to Sea. forth P. 0, will receive proitint attention. Sat - elution guatanteed or ho charger'. Your pat. enagegolicited. MISOELLANBOUS GEO. TI10%1HILL nonsEsnogn. AND GENERAL BLit eacsmiTlf, Woodwork ironed and flea -thee material and work guarallteedt term Inetioniontetted net .ohinea rebtilt and teirafted. .100B/NG A SPECIALTY. Atnerte Stamm Noutit. attune, oetteeeitteerresteeeteeshreereeeette JOHN T. EMMEHTON Tete LEADING Ilittalltat Also *rent rer STANDARD LIPie /N8CRA'1teE COMPANY Read °ince tor Cauttda, Montreed. kourierect In forte, . etteetyleee hottineents Canada, • • • 13.640,000 tatflod 1824. The old reliable and fee °Ole. Ott tteeIetitheibleek. eppealW Post Glee* the meaning of the contract with the Canadian Inoi1k Railway Company in relation to the exemption of landfrom taxation, and •that the patentine of lands earned by rallread !companies be proceeded with all possible speed. CLEint; DE COMPANY. The petittee ot the Clergue Iron and Nlekel Steel teetapany cit Canada for IL DV.4101114011 ti(A (11 ITICOVI)Ora(I011 Was rep,:ati41 1,:lity1drably by the Starul-; tug CommIttee this morning, - The pee titian cement p.o.were to Manufac- ture at reknit Ste. Maxie, One, at Or near Quelete and PiNoWilleira in Ulu DarairalLin, to atataire mince, timber Ilenits, Mad' Other .mierees: of fuel sup- ply, and to Operate eteentehipe, tram- way,. telegraph and,telephone lines. Mr. Clarke was informed by Mr. Pa- terapn that under the regulations gov- ernIng the prefereutial tariff manu- factured geode entitled to be e.dmit- ted to Canada under the prefersnee must he finally manufaotured in Groat Britain ortone of the British posses- sions named in the Aat, and there musr nave enterect Into the production of eueh articles British labour to the extent at least of two per cent. of the value, Exporters of such artteles to Canada are required to sign a cer- tificate setting forth that the condi-, tions have been complied with, In certain oases where doubt has arisen enquiry ha a been made through the High Commissioner's office as te the proportion of Britigh and foreign la- bour and material represented in the articles. Quite a large proportion of the manufactured articles Imported under the preferenee are entirely grouped tia respect both to *material and workmanehip. " FRUIT PACKAGES. The hill offered by brr. Snaich, of Wentworth; to amend theWeights. a.n.d Measures Mt m as to provide a standard size 1 or fruit Paehagos, was raacl a second time and referred to conunittee. DRAINAGE ACROSS RAILWAYS. Mr. Robinion's bill reapacting drain- age, os and across tho property of railway companies; was read a sec- ond time, and referred to the Rail- way Committee. ' • ALIEN LABOUR LAW. At present proceedings for the de- portation of aliens under this Act can only be taken upon the sanction of the Attorney -General at Ottawa, but as this doe e nat seem to meet with general approval; this bill will au- thorize the law to be put in force up- on. the authority of the Attorney - General of the. Dominion, the Attor- neys -General of the proinvces, or any judge. .i The labour men desire to have theright to go direct before the magistrate and secure •orderg for the deportation of any foreigners brought into Canada tinder contract, Mt the Mirdstry considera it desirable that this provision ahould be maintained. • GAME PRESERVATION' ACT: IPS YOUR NERVES. . It' ie the condition of your nerves that either Melees your life . a round of pleasure . or te u13eless • 'burden. .—e.. To many WoMetilife is Ono rotted oe sickness, tveaktrese mid ill health. To attempt - even the .lightest• household duties fatigues them, Many Of the syniptems acoempanying this state of &clips are feeling of Airedness on waking, faintness, diezinese, sinking feeling, palpitation of tho heart, short- ness of breath, • lose of appetite,' cold hands and feet,. headache- dark circles under theeyea, pain in the baplz and side end all the. other acoornpanimeflts of arundlown and weakened 'ooriatiet- •All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result -of a poor quality and defective circulation of the blood, with.a wastingeway of the nerve forces.. By feeding the system with . Dr. Ward's •?, BLOOD • AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root Of the diseatte and lay solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increatiesthe sunken cheeks•and flattened bush; fill out, the eyes get bright end the thrill of renew- ed health and etrength vibrates through the system. 50 cents per box at all druggists' or • Dr. Ward Co., Toronto, Ont, TIME TABLE. Trains will areiVe atand depart from Clinton Station as -follows 1- nuevato AND oonnuien Pi vistas, Going East Express " " Gott.tg West Mixed Exprees 16 I 11 738 a. M. 2:55 p. in. 4:25 p. m. 10:15 a m. 1233p. in. 19:2/ p. 1,0gb03, inaloN An siteca Jr:MON. Goivgaielait Express 747 a. to, Mixed 4:25 p. in. (Mpg Ntrth141xeress ' , 10:15 a. in. Mixed . - • 665 p, A. 0. PATTISON, P. It. ROWANS, .• • . III011(. TORO Ticket Agent. M. C. DICKSON, Distriet Passenger Agent, Toronto. 41.11114.111•••0111116•1•1111111411 W JACKSON AGENT C. P. R. CLINTON Travellers tea any pert of the world should consult the above in reference to tiekete, fares, etc, W A JACKSON AGENT C. P. R. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TilAnC IVIARKII DESIONa CoPYRitHre &c. Anyone OotntIng ft Melte); and desolation rah/ eusedy etardein not onliaret free weenier Ss Intention is rroemeropitentittee. eenunitnite. 11080 strictly eon:Meet:A Handbook Patonts softO43, 011003 Agony folisteuengelnienta. p tento Won t ronath ann o. room *eau new, without, ehatge, mete Scientific Jimerican• A bandotoroMy iliaatrated Ready. tartest elr. attleiLIA Of any ocionttnn lournal, merme,a3. irto, ,,,4„„th,,*1. soul bran nowsnosayil. Lar Ht..Istaahintan..». C0 inraadwil' New Ygk 1 Mr. Bitten introduced a bill to amend the Unorganized Territories Game Preservation Act of .1894. He explained 'that the object was, to change the alauie which no* Pro'. 'laded that artieles confiscated shall belong to the Convicting magis- trate. The 'Government have come to the conclusion that this arrange - Ment is not in aecordanao with good policy:• SCHEDULING CANADIA.N OAT.TLE. - Kr. Fisher, answering a (ideation, by Mr. Bickerdike, said that; the Govern- ment .had none its best to secure the repeal of the Imperial statute schedul- ing Canadian cattle imported into the United Kingclom. Mr. Fisher added that he hoped to proceed to England again this spring, and would make it his business to press this matter with the athirst insistence upon the Imper- ial authorities. • ' ALIEN LABOR. LAW, Sir Wilfrid Laurier introduced a hill to amend the Act to ye,striele the im- portation and employment of aliens. He said • ""The leading featureof the sienend- went which is neenteaed l•te thie eels:tee:caw the tided section of the pre- sent ,Act, white' provided for it petne alty far violation of this Act,' of 61,000 no More and no 1e,95. The object of the amendenent is to, make the penal- ty not more. than $1,000 and not lees than $50, giving .the judge disoretion to apply the penalty aceordhig to the °nonce. Then it is stated in the Aot that the penalty 'is tit be •recottered' only by the consent of the Attorney - General. • We propose to modifythat section: tind•to provide that the penal- ty ahall•be reoovered with the coneent either:of the .Attotney-General of. the province or of the judge of anYnourt in. Which the penalty is sated. 'The 'SeeOnst amendment concerns maiden. 'sof the Aet, 1 have not the Act before me, but section 5 provides' Abeta settler, that is to My, an, in- tending settler, may 'bring with him a relative or a personal. friend. . It has been, found iti.practice that, thie phrase 'personal friend' i too elastic for practical purpeses, and that it May be made tia occasion eor evading the law; therefore, we /teepee° to strike out the Words 'penonal . "Section 6 of the said Act pravides that if there hait been a 'violation- of the Act, the party who has been intro- duced into the country illegally shall be •sent back 'at the expense of the person praiiously'con6racting f0l7tlte Services. It is proposed to strike out these words and to subetitute in lieu thereof :-.'At the expense of the per- son, partnership, 'company, or center- ation, violating any • of the provisions of section 1 of this Act." Then it ha proposed to repeal sec- tion 8 of the Act altogether, and to substitute the following section there- ' • . That it shall be deemed a violation of this Ad for any person, partnarShiP company, or corporation. to assist or encourage. the importation or immi- gration of any alien or foreigner, who restdes hi, or is a citizen of, any for- eign country, t� which this Act:shall apply, by promise of • employment through advertisements printed or published in such foreign countrynnd any euch alien or foreigner coming to this country hi eonsequenee of such an advertieement, shall be treated as coming tinder a contract as corttein- plated by this Act, and the penalties by this Act imposed, shall be applic- able in such ease. [Nothing in this Act contained shall he held to al - foot or control the Government of Can- ada or of any orovision of the .terri- tories in respeet of promoting immi- gration. This last amendment lea been in- serted at the suggestion of the labour organization ev'ho have strongly pressed for its' adoption. The bill. watt read a first time. LIQUOR IN THE YtTKON. Mr. Stilton tabled, the order -it -Coun- cil of Feb. 21eh, making new regu- lationa for the issue of permits to take liquor into the Yukon, It pro - Vides that hereafter permits shell be Issued bet the Commissioner of the Yukon, instead of by the Minister of the Interior, as formerly, Permits shall, however, be Igranted only to Reensed wholesale dealers, who shall demotes of it in quentities of not less than five gallons or one dozen bottles, tied only to licensed retailers. ;The fee for mei wholesale license is 52,000, and for oath gallon of liquor imported I12. The fee for each permit Is e10. An order -ire -Council of the 6th of Altera Inat., makes provisioo for entereing the lieense laws of the Yu. kon and prohtbiting illicit distilling. The revenue will belong to the Yu. leen. C.P.11. LAND EXEMPTION. Mr. Davis, Sitsketehewan, gave no. fiat: of a motion to the effect that the Government ;should take etteh steps ne may be Open to itt under the law to obtitin an authoritative declaration of WOMEN FIGHTERS. Furnishing Conlmandoes Wlth Sup - Plies. despatch teem Cape Town, says: - A waggon. filled with women's wear- ing apparel hes been captured, by Col. Dartnell's column, which ts operating with Gen, Feeeoh. It was also fou.nd that Boer women were carrying on farming operations and furnishing the commandoes with suppliee. 'Moe° women were sent to the nearest garrisons, whither they went willingly, they being tired, of the work and. worry. They say that the British soldiere treated them: kindly and. with respect. Boers who have surrendered reiter- ate that the only nope of tho burghers is the intervention or some power that was promised by exePresideitt Kruger. if this intervention ts not goon forth - teeming all the Boors, it is Said, will rxender, The rate at which Boers are surrendering provee that they are wearying of the war. During Geri. French's operations some days ago 400 were killed or capeured and 350 surrendered. The number of Doer .prisoners Is 10,398. Four hundred and twenty- sevea have been released. on parole. SLAVE WOMEN RELEASED. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, e...... What the People's BepresentatiVe Are Doing at Toronto. es..4 Ur. 'Whitney introduced a bill to anoeucl the °toted° hileetions Ad. Clause 1 snbstitutee for section 9 of the ()ataxia Act section 5o1 the Do- minion Aet. This makes the time for petitioning 40 due after the holding of the poll instead or 21. days after the receipt of the return from( the re - tenting officers, as at present ; so that in the event of delay on the part ef the returning officer time may he allowed the party suffering by reason of such delay to get his pette tion In, If there is bribery subsequent to that time the petition can be 'filed 30 days from the time of such corrupt practice, but if so the sitting mem- ber has 15 days to) file • his petition against his opponent. A second, clause adds to the Ontario A.el, section 19 of the Doneinion Aot. This provides that when no corrupt practice, has been omitted by the eandidate personally, and the acts oomplained of were committed with- out his sanction or connivance; and where the candidate has taken all reasonable means to prevent corrupt practices, and where the offences aro of a trivial and limited charac- ter; and who're in all other respeets, so far as disclosed by the evidence, the election has been free from cor- rupt 'practice by the candidate and his agents, the election shall not by reason thereof be held void. Mk. GIBSON'S IVEEASTiBE; Hon. Mr: Gibson introduced it bill to amend the election, It in effect makes the laws applying to the im- 1 personation of voters extended, to those who fraudulently impersonate a de- puty retprning officer. The penaRY is 4200 fine and imprisonment for not raore than six Months. It also imposes a penalty of $200 on deputing who wil- fully miscount ballots or render • a false statemeut with reference there- to, TO PREVENT APPLE STEA,LING. Mr. 1VIalcolra introduced a. bill' tg provide that no school Elite ehall be selected within one.hundred yards of an Orchard, garden, ex* dwelling-houee wilhout consent of the owner. TO. DLSTRAIN ON • PROPERTY. Mr. Graham intreclueed an amend- ment to the Municipal Light and Heat Aot whereby towns and fatties owning municipal plants may distrait:I on the property and ohattels of Consumers in default ef payment, , HAWKERS AND PEDLARS, Mr. Tucker presented a bill to bring Dune who solicit orders for merchants In the country under provisions of the Act relating to hawkers and ped - lam. . • CONTRACTORS' LIENS: Mr. Leys introduced n bill to extend •the time for the registration of a lien hy a contractor or eub-coneractor from 30 to 60 ditYa after the completion of the contract. : • EISHERY OVERSEERS, The Emirs of Bide and Nonta Gpra Were Punished. A despatch f rom London says :-In- telligence jut received from North- ern Nigeria, describes the operations of a British expedition, of three hun- dred against the marauding Emirs of Bide and. Konta Gora, Both capital towns were burned by tlib-British. Two TWO hundred slave women belonging to the King of Bida were released by 36 rime, under the Command of two of- ficers, who successfully engaged 1,000 arnied natives. REMARKABLE OPERATION'. 3132Vii Alpinist* Lifird Rai. and' lOotia441 .• 1°4 Funnel. PI414.0. 71A. 7deolimtc.b -from :New York says Lewis 3. McKenna,.a elerle itt an in- surance co:Ili:anyis in Bt. hos- pital; yecovering front a surgical op? 'oration, one of the 'rarest known t� modern science: , . The operation is known as gastro anteroatomy, and .Consists • of remov- ing .-the platelet's 'stet:loch, nutting away tho pyloris; end eeverel nant. growths in :its vrntnity; and re-retteeegmED ReLeNeEs. . elace., MARKETS OF THE WORLD pees Prlee$ or cattle, cheese, Grata. Ike in the Leading Market% ee-1 131113.11)STU1?Fe, ETO. Toronto, bferch 12.-Wheat--Ite1 wheat, low freights to New York, sold. 44 651..2o, and white wheat at 651-4, middle freights, to go to Poetlarid. About 20 ears sold, Maul- tobae steady. Quotatione aro as fol- lows1-1ted wheat, 60 1-2e, white, 60 1.2e; an dgoose, 56 1-2e, low freights to New York; rei and white, mIcidle freights, 05'1-4 to 65 1-2o; Manitabas; No. 1 hard, do. g.i,t,, 951-2o; No, 2, 94 1-2e; No. 1 hard, North Bay, 971-201 No. 2 hard, 93 1-2c. Millfeed-Scarce an,4•firna. Ton lots, at the mill door, Western Ontario points, sell as follows; -Bran, 514 to 01440; and. shorts, 015. Corn -Easy; American, No, 2 yet. low, on track here, 46 1-2o, and No. Mr. Joynt. was told by Mr. Latch- ford that .22 fiehery overseers were appolnted ander the Ontario risherieS Act in 1900, only one ofwhom took the place of foineer, overseers under the Dominion Government. Eleven .of the. old officers are retained. The maximum salaries of overseers is 5600 and the, minimum 525. The total Amount paid in salaries last year was 511,90.99, ,and the total revenue de- rived,up to December .31st, 1900, from fishery. licenses Was 534,595.82. • storing the stomach to its former Carscallen moved the second ••• for the heensing of persons in charge of stateonary ,boilers and engines, for the protection of life and property, fonds over until Mr. Dryden's bill to amend the Factory Act comes down. Mr. Latchford stated that Mr. Dry - den's amendments would cover some points advocated by Mr. Oarsoall en. SN.A.KEH AND BEASTS OF 'INDIA. ii mato Teri ati i la „too and 104.01-0.3falt bo. The -hem° department ef the Gov- ernnaent of India has ono sphere: or . . activity to Which nothing analOdous can be lotted in this eouetry-namelY, thesdestruCtion of wild beasts and. poisonous snakes, writes the Loudon 'Times. Daring 1899 the number of deaths among, huirain .beings attribut- ed to wIld'aniknals eves 2,966.. Per- tunately, however, the number 13 be- low the average of the last four years and mach lower than tire.number. .283, reported in 1807.. In 1809 tigers caused the deaths p1899, waives 'of 338 and leopatels of 627 huinan beings while bears, elephants, jackals and orpocidiles were accountable for a large proportion of the remainder. The tiger is roost destructive in. Bengal, .about haI of the whole num- ber o victims � this animal' being reported (ram that province. Man- eaters have especially troubled cer- tain districts, and liberal rewards have leeen, offerett for their destruot tion. In the Memo district of Up- per itatenth a aingle man-eating 'tiger killed laont twenty persons. A spec,ial reward of 100 rupees was paid far it destruction. More than half of Use deathe fiorn leopards occurred ita Bengal, while more than three- fourths pi those front wolves emir - red in the northwestern provieces and Oudh. Special measures were taken tolnint doeie a particularly destrue- Live ,pack near Oawnpur. High re- wards were offered and hunting par- ties organized, but without • much The loss of human life from Snakes readied the high total of 24,021; a greater! mortality than in any of the four preceding years, Nearly half the deaths occurred in Bengal, while the uorthwestern provinces and Welt came next with nearly one-fourth of the total. In Bengal the relatively high mortality is attribated to Needs width drove the snakea to the high lands on which Village homeeSeads are built. As will be observed, snakes are more destruetive of human life than are the wild animals, but the reverse LS true et the destruction of cattle, In 1890 no teeter than 89,235 cattle Were destroyed by wild animals aid 9,449 by snakes. Of the former 87,- 986 fell vietlms tol leoparde and 34,321 to tigers. The .leopard is even more deetruetive to cattle their the tiger In Bengal. This province is the great- est sufferer from the ravages of wild Unimak; and snakee, Its loss being 30,- 539 (tattle. Assent lo,st 17,010, Medea 15,592, Barrnah 11,016, and the central provinees 1.1,689. The number of wild animals de- stroyed was 18,881, and the amount paid foe their destruetion Was 107,476 rupees, The number of snakes killed was 04,548, ad the rewards paid for this serviee amounted to 4,151 rupees. FRIENDLY ENCOURAGEMENT. Sitrimene-Sinee thinking' it over Imee -concluded that perhtto you are a ecoond Shakespeare. Tinantoes-Oh, thattli youf why t The adore say Shakespeare does not Pale THE FE IN 11 NENE THE VERY LATEST PROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britaille the United States, and All Parts otthe condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. 3, 451-2o. Peas Steady; No, 2, middle freights, at 630; and eat at 63 1-2e. Borley-Prieee are steady, and de-, mend still continues, Priceare as follows :-No. 2, G. T. R., east, 43 1-2o; O. P. 11., east, 43o; and middle freights, 42 to 42 1-2o; No. 3 extra, a P. Re east, 42 1-2e; awl. 45a, G. T. R., east. Ilye-Steatly. Oar lots, 49C West; and. 500 east. Buckwheat-Qujett. , Car lots, west, are quoted at 51e; and oast at 53c. Oats-Steacly. No. 1 white, C.P.R. east, 29 1-2e; No, 2 white, north and west, 280. Flour -Export agents continue out of the market. to -day. Holders of 90 per cent, patent, buyers' bags, mid. die treighte, asked 52.0) por bbl; while exporters say, on to -day's (ADIOS, they could: not bid more than. $2.55. Oalineal-Car lots of rolled oats, in bags, on track here, are quoted at 93.26 per bbl; and in wood, at 53.35 per bbl. Buffalo, Mareh 12.-Plour - Steady. Wheat --Spring dull; No. 1 Northern, old, carloads, 84 1-4o, in store; do., c.i.f., 85 1-4. Winter wheat -Offer- ings light; little demand; closing bids, No, 2 red, 77 1-2a; No. 1 white, 76 1.2c; mixed, 77o, local billed. Corn -Steady; No. 2 yellow, 44 1-2 to 44 3-4e; No. 3 do„ 44 1-4o; N. 2 corn, 44 1-4c; Na. 3 do., 44e, through billed. Oats -- Quiet and easy; Ne. 2 white, 311-4 to 31 1-2e; No. 3 do.'80 1-2 to 30 3-4e; No, 2 mixed; 28 8-4 to 29e; NO, 3 do., 28 1-4 to 28 1-2e, through bill- ed. Barley -Unchanged; to arrive at opening navigation quoted at 56 1-2 to 62e; spot, 58 to 1350: Rye -No. 1 in store; 58o; No.. On teaolt, 55 1-2 to INSURANCE RETURNS. Mr. Dandelion has given notice of a metiou for an order of the House, Meining uneleitnal for over five years said he would not bo surprised if a good 'deal over $100,000 was in the bands of loan companies which should Bed its way into the pookets of the heirs of •deceased persons. The Attorney -General said enquiries had been made, and, it was found that 13 only fella or five loan companies iu Are prbvince. could it be said that de - Posits bad ben lying, for fiVe years. After further discussien, the bill went to the Legal Committee. . LIGEN'SING OP E7.46-1.NEERS. . • Mr. Carscalien's other. hill providing reading ef his bill requiring all ipsij- ttitifons reeeiving money on deposits to publish a list of all deposits re - that the inspector of ilea:trance and regietrat shall hereafter t:auee to be published in his annual reporta tbe aarnes and places of residence respec- tively of the president, vice-president, director's, and general manager of every Insurance company and insur- ance corpOration of every nature transacting lausiness itt. the prov- ince, COUNTrCOUNCILORS. Mr. Joynt, Leeds and Grenville; moved the second readiitg of his bill to abolish the double• vote in the County Council elections. Joynt cietteiseil the working of the preeent la*, showing that in his oWn county the. warden. had to be elected two ye.ars in. succession by casting Iota. The new Act had also ineused the TewnShip " Councils, 04 responsible man. did not care to be candidates for them, but profe,rrod to run for the County Council, Bon. Mr. Davis asked Mr. *Toot to leave the matter in ahettance, as there Weld be another sesaton of the House before the next Comity Coun- cil elections, and a further consen- sus of opinion could be obtained in the meantime. The object of the double vote was to prevent political parties obtaining control of elec. CANADA. The Welland Canal will be opened on eleril 22. The marine eegineers' strike bJ new general over the lakes. During the past year 74,635 gallons of liquor were taken. In to Yukon. Ottawa's pollee force will be In. oreaaed by the addition of five men, The Society of Engineering and Ap- plied Science has been formed at Lon- don. , ere are aatd to be 59 eases of smallpox between Ottawa and Sault Ste. Marie. " London expeots to secure the re- moval to that oily ot the Ronald En- gine Works. The Brantferd Poird of Trade will memorialize the Government in fav- or of the 1 -cent rate on drop letters, The. War Office has made a contract with an American merchaut to supply 3,000 felling axes for the British troops in South Arrica. A report has reached. Edmonton frora Fond Du. Lao, in' the north, that thirty natives are dead frotn a dis- ease thought to be la grippe. Kingston ratepayers are to vote on a by-law, to raise 580,000 for the com- pany, which is to build a smelter to coat 5200,000. It is a Chicago 'com- pany. Hamilton retail merchants want the Police Court to be made a °bort for the collection of small debts, the Di- vision Court' being too costly for, the oollection of 525 and under. GREAT BRITAIN. • Minneapolis, March 12.--C1osed:- Wheat-Cash, 74 3-8e; May, 748 -Bit; July, 75 3-6 to 75 3-4o; on track, No.. 1 hard, 76 3-8e; No. 1 Northern, 74 3-8e; No. 2 Northern, 67 q -s to ,zo 5430. Fleur and bran -Unchanged. Milwaukee, March 12. -Wheat - Steady ;No. 1 Northern, 75 1-4 to 76c; No. 2 do., 711-2 to 73 1-2c: Rye - Higher; No. 1, • 52c. Barley -Steady.; No. 2, 57c; eample, 46 to 52e. '•• • Duluth, March 12. -Closed te-Wheat -Caah. NO. 1 hard, 75 1-4e; No, • 1 Northern, , '73 1-4c • No• 3 do '75 3-4e. May,. 76 1-4e; July, 77. Corn -37 1-401 May 38 1-2c. Oats -26 1-4 to 26 1-2o. ' PRODUCE, • . . Toronto, Mar. 12.--Eggs-Fresh egge in free supply und prices easy. New laid 18o and limed at 12 to 14celrresh gathered are.quetad at 16 1-2 to 170. Poultry -Receipts light. Prices for bright stock are as follows :-Tur- keys, 11 to' 12o; geese at 8 to 8 1-2c; thickens' at 40 to 50e; and ducks, at 60 to 80e; cold stored turkeys and geese are 'quoted, 1 to 2o a lb under bright stock. • - , Potatoes -Steady at 28e for car lots oe track here. Sales, oat of store, are ma,de at 35c. ' Field produce, etc, -Turnips, out of store, ,31e per bag; onions, 700 per. bag ; carrots, 35c ner bag; apples, per lib), $1 to $2; sweet potatoes, per bbl. 52.50.. Dried attplese-Dried •apples sell at 1.-2 to k; evaporated at 0 to 5 1-2et THE NEWSIEST PAPER IN HVRON Is now tkoknowlocir, tO LIS eee Everything is ready for the census of England, to be taken March 81st. The British supplementary naval timates, amounting to £1,200,000. have been lesued. Queen 'Victoria's sergeant -surgeon, Lord Lister has been. gazetted such to King Iddwa.ed. The 'national memotrial to Queen Victoria in Ragland. is to be of a personal monumental oharnoter. A prominent American railroadman Le seeking sanction to build. an elite - irk. toed. from London to Brighton. 'Che British House of Cornmeal has reed. a seeond time a bill fixing the working day of miners at eight hours. The gigaatio' steel trust ie. :cooly - tag great attention from. London papers. It causes widespread naeasi- - ' neSs. In Lancashire it' oempany luta sue- caeded :in makiag 'fire and burglar- proof glass, and. expecte it to prove ' • UNIT.CD STATES. • The capital Of; the United States Steel Company 'will be $1,151,000,000. • • 'A dog decided a case in 'the Police Court in' Chicago by answering to its nOnie. . A bill. providing for it whipping. post halt beeri introduced in the. Mis- souri Legislature,. . John Henonerling, a car starter in the Cleveland City. Railway Co., Was shot and killed ,by his wile after a faniily quarrel. e The Rivera and Harbours bill tvhich na.s.leaseed. the United States Senate, provides far eppropriations of over 550,000,000. . A mob at Mateawan, N. J., tortured a wan int an effort to extort a oon- LINTON EWS-RECORD with ad big staft of bright and reliable Correspondents win, :Aver the news field thoroughly. No home of any Importance excape them. It le largely owing to their etfleient, work ' that The PeopleelPaper ia now tile leader it) tire Ruron Tract. In addititta tO IVE LOCAL HEWS of which it Makes a speeialty, Tau NewsateeoltD eantaina re. liable Market, Ileperts, articles op topics pertaining to the Farm. Garden and Dairy, the Sunday &Moot Lesson Talmage Sermon, an entertainingetriel and News ofthe Day,something for everybody, THE 'N ewe -Rename contains more reading metter eaell week than ally paper publiahocl itt the ecuoty and iteadditiou will • give a HANDSOME PREMIUM to all paideneldvanea aubseri. bora in Tee CANADIAN ANNUAL., large,tnagazino containing much entertaining reading and illustrated matter, • The prioe of subscription to TES Nowa- Ithoone is ONLY $1 A YEAR If the reader is already e sub- • * scriber, send it to a member of your family who may be aVvily • Nona the old home, It will he appreciated as mach as " a letter from home," Beansi - Steady: Ordinery white feasian that he started a fire which beaneaa: are hr.lod(ra$01101a0t.7h5oilee0os band-Nlr olted destx.verrooyoedanoprhoP. s.oh ortaloonofthetto jwnn, b . of onloone.z-1.72.0irmpe.. r IDbefttolre r5s, gluo:ttoer foroozineb Kansas itt. an tins, adeortling to size of order. Comb Interview de.fended the honey selle at $2.59 te $2.75 per dozen crusade' against the joints in Kansas. course of Mrs. Carrie Nation In her U *sentoplicjes-8'Quiet. 'Choice 1900 growth ettneere'estptA elvEaRilir Lin the Philip - are quoted at 14 to 1.6c; and .yearlings at 8 to Du PIA°- . Baled har-eSteade. Choice timothy. The bubonic plagut in on track here, $10.25 to $10.50; two- is spreading. Lan lots, delivered, $11 to $11.25. Three thousand dook labourers are •Straw --Car lots of straw, on track here, $5.50 to 813. on strike at Marseilles. ° Cape Town DRESSED ROGS AND PROVISI01•18. A scholarship for girls le to be Toronto, Mareh 12. -Dressed hogs African memorial to Qiieen Victoria. continue firm, and in good demand. SPaniarda believe that the Cubans Car 1ces,ontrack hero, arelutedatwillrebeiagPiuttilelaiitedSiates 9nthesteetries itrefmat. Deninarkhasfinall;greed toseII 58 to $8.50. Provisioneare firm, and West Indies to the, U quotations for provisions are as its nited States The reeent German census shows an follows; -Dry salted shotilders, 80; equal division of population as to long clear bacon, loose, in oar lots, sexes. elh0.30;r ta nedleianr epaosrekl, 04280, To 10-240.too0;1 hi) ela-2voy; mess pork, 519 to 519,50. • • days 400 were due to the bubon e Of the 800 deaths in llombayin twio Smoked meeem-Harns, heavy, 120; plague. medlum, 12'1-.2 to 13e; light, 13o. TorOnto, March 13. -Hogs are un- nearly rly Pe°2r01101g11s ,0006,00eforeign 0, aonrdiinv e dGeobvtis ern.. ehanged to -day, but with a decided downwaael tendeanty. montts are tunting to compel paynient. tn good den.and. ' . • ' • MORE MOUNTED TROOPS. Reinforcements for South Atria Being Sent Out. • ' A despatch from London says :-The War Office issues a statement show- ing that 12,500 reinforcements will startler South Afriett between ll/larch 8 and March 10. More than 9,000 . of these will be mounted troops: • ' • BEARDS UNHEALTHY. itenaon MedleaL 'runes Sayi They ir ' Illisani!ttry.• The last number of the London Med- . ical Times contains Hee following at - on the custom of wearing beards • "Scarcely under the forth, of heavy mustaches shading the lips can, it in- , yoke Service by hindering the • in.; troduetion into the lungs of too told air; and yet it shOtild not. prtde.it. . aeif tea much on this, LI -return for less than the greatest neatness, 11 is filthy, 'and physiologically it is a net. of microbes. :It is evident that the inspiration rd the air tentls to eectim- elate dust there as it does in a broom. • The twist trace of feeds ,liquids or sol- ids, sails it and makes it an ;object of disgust; otiots. good or bad, choose • dwelling placethere, and, finally, laziness about shaving is the only dr- guirtent to put forth by those who praise it. ErOm a becteriniOgicel poiet of view it is elittost unluckily• ' the receptacle of dangerous mierobes to which it serves at the same; time for a habitation and a vehtele. Let its have the courage then, to declare, that we cannot understand how any •".. aUe ean.persist in this, least of all the:physician or the soldier, two ex- istences everywhere comparable by their forced Contact tvith.promiscuou.s people. • The absurd piejudlite' -sag remains that the development of the !IMO system 6oincides with that of strength.. inthis case We refer the fanatics of the beard to Antotearehe, webo Made the autopsy of Napoleon.. The conqueror of Wagram. had not it hair on hie breaet. He did not have beside?), one on his hand." ' "Singers" are now quoted at 61.2e An attempt will be made to °Ma Per lb., and light and fat at Go per neet Paris and Brussels by winkles: Ib. telegraphy. Hogs -to fetch the top; price must be of prime quality, and male not below 100 nor above 200 lbs. Following is the :range of quota - Hens . Cattle. Shippers, per este. ,, ... $ 400 5500 Butcher, choice 375 425 Butcher, eam to good, 340 875 Butcher, inferior 275 3 00 Stockers, per owt 215 325 TO ABOLISH TRADING STAMPS. Expert bulls, per cwt... 400 450 IA deputation. numbering 150 of the Milkers and Calves. Retail Merchants' Association of the owe. eeee 20 00 15000 province, waited on the Government eale„, each 200 800 and asked that a bill permitting the munteipalltie.s of the province to pass Hogs. by-laws prohibiting the use of trad- ing stamps be put through the Etouse this session. TIMBER SALE t;osTroN,ED. The Ontario Government's timber sale, tvinelt was to have taken place an March 15, has beee postponed sine die. The reoeon 'therefore is the prevalence of smallpox in the Algoma region. This hs prevented prospee- Live bidders from obtaining estimates, especially in view of the fact that the quarantlne at Cartier, the thief station of the timber region, is °epee - tally etriet. IMPOIFeeTION OP TREES. efbe Ootierio Government is send - leg Out notifications to those intereet- ed., that the settacut4 fair iirnPorting tree.s frotm, 1 he United States ere, by t be Iloreenien Government'a order-in- Cieuneil, from Matelt 15 to Mae. lie and from Oetribee 7 to December 7, ot eaeh year. EIGHT CYCLIST CORPS, /,000 Men to he Sent Prom Gres. Britain, dedeepatelt from. London eayke-The War Offiee ltcE isetted orders for the formation of eight volunteer eyelist compaeles, to be composed of 120 tnen MAI, for serviee irk South Africa. The rodent useful work of the colonial (spoliate lied to Olio cotton. Choice hogs, per owt •6 00 Light hogs, per cwt... 000 Deevy.hogs, per cwt 000 elutes ... 3110 ptags 000 Sheep and Lambs. Expert etveS, Per ewt. flO Butolter sheep, eaoh......... 250 Lambe, (g.f), per (net 425 Do. (hnwards), per cwt369 Bucks ... .. 2150 6150 600 600 400 2 00 50 350 450 400 300 . WELL BEHAVED. LOrd Roberts. TlebtIte to the British Soldier. despeteh from. Loudon, sayele- Lord Rebate, presiding on Thursday et a meethig of the Army Temper - Aram Society, contrasted the modera- tion. of the British soldiere in &edit Africa with previous campaigns. Iie eald It was true they had not had inane' opportunities to drink, but at flioenafoutein, anhanneslettrg, and Pretoria, where 'they did have 'mob opportunity, they Ware remarkably well behaved, and he had never heard a single col:violet/It of a soldier being rude or improperly believed toward Door woman. The latter and their children ewont fearleesly upon the Idiometreets, the ehildrert conetantly ing and talking with the Driteth sole BOERS WERE BEATEN'. One of Their Generals iiilled—Ereneh Captures '1 Wo More Guns. A 'despateh. frail:: Landon, says: - Laird 1Kitellencir reports: - "The Mots tailed in their deterht- itned attack npicen Lichtenberg, Our louses', besides the two officers prevt. ealuely reported, were fourteen. TROD killed and twenty wo'ended. The Boer General Colliers was killed, "Dewet's pesettott is variously re- lvdried4 ah hes mon are seatteemg , thriough the Orange Colony. Our troopte marehing earth' reached Pet- ratsburg to -day. "Fronnh rePoette fur Cher tapttires of it feu:aeon-pounder Orettzet, withear- riage aed limber otentplete, and clue Hotchkias, malting a total io'f seven gum. - "The total number of Deere At:WWII to haw rbeien place4 heals de combat hince the eaatern opettatietne 'began is nine hundred and oeventy nine," , ............--,... BETTER COLD STORAGE, ,....., Pro; Robertson ears ateAntahlp Cortionulee iTili Ifillto baproVenseatO. , A de/tie:telt front Ottawa earl t --- Pea. Relbeetsote Commiselonet of Agrioultere, warns eheeseenteltere Of the risk they were running in making theeee out ot seteeon, No cheese, he aid, should be outdo before lay. Prof. Robertson, before the Agri- oulture Oeriunittee, dealt with the ex - Vanden of merkete for Canadian pro - duets, and the facilities foe tem:limed- Ing them, He announced thee the eteamship eompaniee would tins sen- tient put irt impeoved ventilating farts, end refrigerating htimbers for the Introdatetion of cold. air. 1 The dis. 1 flintiest packing of apples era the ditme age to the theme trade from the use Of e. poor package tt were referred to. Grand Master of the Order of Batit in the Mike of Connaught's new title. Cape 'NOWA is to be thoroughly cleansed NO that the hubonic plague may 'he' wiped out. 11: A persis- tent cough is at first a friend, for"it gives warn- ing of the op-, proach of a deadly ene- my. Heed the warning before it is too late, be- i fore your ' lungs be- come in- flamed, be- fore the o __is, " Constunp- 1 letion."tIi says, the danger signal first appears, help nature with -. erz3 embrz: et rat Don't delay until your lungs are sore and your cold settled down deep in your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you. Cure yottr cough today. One dose brings relief. A few doses make the cure complete, Thae abet rte. for Ad ordlearY aid alla teethe Wieder eohill; $1.00 the mon m11°0114116, eldee Ole*, etatelder ye:1r Cherry Vectoral tho host remedyfor colds aed collator And all threat affection& I In:reused it few 30 year!: and it certainly beatO thOnt 1). A, etenorre 19ee.00,1898, iJnIofl,N, it. tbs Dootop. 13 you here Arty rampleintabitevet Mot desire the belt toodIPAI 5411106 you elm peselhly receive, write th6 doctor fteees van win retteve ptoitio re. sty, without bos1 Address Mt, J. 0, Lowe:bean.