HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-14, Page 11
ti.vnnetys em•• Cs. ,PaesRo. ,_1'clerleeertateeirhicairNactrenAnsi on Express
Orders, 1 f Bu
2,2m1 Year
Have you paid your subscription to The News -Record ? If not there is no more timely time than the present
Is easy at our Wall Priper Store because you do not
lieve to ',kick" to get your money's worth ; because
we have the largest assortment in this country ; be-
cause we have no old, undesirable styles ; because
we furnish estimates on hanging as well as the
paper; because—well, because we do everything in
(JUL power to make Wall Paper shopping easy for
• you. We are looking•out for your permanent pat-
Doesn't cost nearly so much as you are likely to• • f?
imagine. And this spring 'has breught forth iimum-
merable,- vast unproemnents from an artistic 'stands
point. Comein any day and see What delightful •
effects the makers' have produced, • . • •
.A. look at the hundreds of differeet designs will.
• •
•• make you wonder where they all. come from. We •
buy from makers all over .the werlde-that accounts'
for the varieey of beauty. • We buy in large
'quantities—that accounts for the lo'w pikes.
& C
W. Cooper, 00, CLINTON.
'Do 4b.e•set.e..ealrieerfatb.eib,eisks-firs..eee4t45:416-e-erse;.&;re-eb.e.et..ese-feb.4?
= = SOUP PLA TES =, = .4.• • 2
o ,
oes At this time of the year a great deal of soup is used, and of course more' ;
v soup plates are broken. If you wade to replace your broken
plates we have a snap fee you. 0
0 .
.25 Dozer? ONLY 0
Quick Royal Ironstone Chin' Soup PI tes
" 'Regular 90c for 75c per doz, while they last. A
Ot if you have lots of soup plates and want something to put in 4>
4) them. We have • •
o Canned Tomato Some Canned Julienne Soup o
fii" Chicken Soup e Mock Turtle Soup.
o " Ox Tail Soup Barley, Split Peasete. fa
o# #
as* COOPet & CO0 o --,
irke-ebee 4..siael.e-eNlealt,e4lbe5Att.eeeit.e.o.e.et..e.lt-e-es-rbes•gte..eriberflia
LET US "al
you'? ,ivaRAvnvot
I have added an engraving machine to my store equip-
ment and can do your engraving quicker and cheaper
than you have had it, done heretofore.
4.11KC WO, Export Watch Itepairer.
I I- •
Our new Stock. . ).?. . your new at 1
Of new Shirts will arrive this
week. We invite your inspection.
If you buy h
i ,•_•.ee from ue you will be pleased
and so will we. : ; : ; : :
We invite
You to call and see our stock
of tweeds, worsteds, etc. We
' think we can suit yoo in
quality of cloth end price and
.are sure we can do so in shoe
Make up.
If you want a ready made we
can suit you there alsn. Will
be pleased to show our stock,
We 'have Just received ,our . stock of the
t latest and newest styles” ot mounts from 0
t Montreal and are prepared to take all kinds t
I. of photos at the very lowest Drees..
No trouble to show samples,
-g Mirin-4n It Henry
0. me ofbaliAtiod,sawilstedela4 tib et do ifreitefili Sellefelell
A Wears Special Services at Out Surradisi
A week's revival meetings will be
held in the S. A. Barracks, beginning
on Tuesday neat. The meetings,
which will be conducted by roue evan-
gelists from London, Will col:metros at,
eight p. m. while from three to four in
the afteenaon Bible readings will be
held. The final of the series will close
with a half night of pryer to which all
Christians are invited.
.4 Win For Brucorteld.
The Brumfield checker team believe
turn about is fair play so turned the
tables upon their Clinton opponents on
Thursday evening last. The couteet
took 'setae at A. J. Elolleway's. and at
its conclusion the players sat down to
supper at the Mason House. The third
and deciding game will take place at
Brucefield ti -night, Mr. J. 13. Hoover
leeds in wins so far.
IClinton won Bencetleld Wore draws
Johnson 3 Murdoch • 2 1.
Cook 2 Grant 3 1
1 Oarhere • 0 Snider 0 0
Shannahen 8 Delgaty 3 0
Hoover 4 Macdougall 1 1
•12 15
4 good Word Isr the Preacher.
The London Free Press of Monday
last had the following to say of
a clergyman at one time pastor of
the Rattenbury street cOerch of this
town ; "Rev. J. W. Holmes, pastor of
the Askin . street Methodist ehurch or
now close upon two years, is one of
that glees of earnest, men who in their
pulpit administrations never resort to
the sensational. The ei ory that Sun-
day after Sunday is told from the
Ask.in street pulpit is that old, old
one. Alwaysit is presented in an in-
teresting way. Always the desire is
apparent in the zealous pulpit speaker
that the Word spoken shall tell for
etereity. Rey. 16.1301113es is possessed
of an attractive personality,. notwith-
standing that he is inelinee to be what
is someeinsee keeper as of a backward
tendency. The toyer Of a well develop-.
(Id physical nature may find in large
measure his ideai in the tell and
:eehleticr.lookiu:g clergyman, for,though
a pulpit 'veteran, Mr. Holmes carries
hs years well
A New Arrival.
Seale & Bice Of the Rattenhury St.
Merble Works have been somewhat
delayed in the re -modelling of the
building they will oceupy but have now
started ;week in earneet. • . They have
engaged Mr.": 1or1ad t practical
mite in the marble business,who has
worked in several'of the, best shops in
this country end across 'the lines, as
foreman on several occasions. Mr.
Prwland has, he informs us, Won cer-
tiecaies for modelling in clay, as well
es perspective and free band drawing
at.the School of Tecnie. Mr. Borland
is a bandsman, too, and for his sere
vioes be was, on leaving Petrone,
presented with a goldwatch and
address. The Petrone Topic says :
"Mr. 3. Borland, who has been
Played' for some time at Pletcher's
•Marble Works, has secured a situittion
at ()Upton . and will shortly leave for
that place. Dtking his stay here Me.
Borlandhas taken an naive interest
in the formettion'of the town band and
since tben has. officiated as ite leader,
Last Thursday evening thebaud boys
Met at Denham's lunch parlor and
after a lunchspent it very pleasent beer
insocial enjOyinent During the even-
ing they presented the retiring leader
with a handsome watch arid address..'
Little Locate,
On Sunday Evangelists Whyte and
Kennedy open their' campaign in
Itattenbury street church. Mr.Whyte's
senor, accoramanied on the guitaiehave
captured the ears and hearts of thous-
ands. He is a greet favorite in Massey
Hall, Toronto, where he has sung
several times tbis winter. Mr, ICen-
nedy is a strong preacher and very.
praceiccd. In Owen Sound their week
evening congregation was 1000 peeple
niglatly. Their work has proved very
suceessful in Harriston, Wallaceburg,
Owen Sound and other. places. The
public al 0 cordially invited to all the
services,—Mr. A. S. Holloway has
bought the Bowers' residence on Hur-
in and Mrs. Shaw, who
recently came from Stratford and have
taken urr their residence in Clinton,
have identified themselves with the
Ontario street church and become
active S. S. workers.---1-litr. A. J.Mor•
fish of the Two A. 3's has added a
"Silent Salesman" to the equipment of
his store which is now still more than
eyer strictly up-to.dete, Mr. Morrish
is one of the leaders in his line and this
salesmah though silent will enable him
to above his goods ta yet greater ad-
vantage. To see is to buy has ramose
become a motto in the establishment
of the A. J's—Tbe scholars of the
Ontario street 3. 3. will be given their
annual sleigh ride on Friday night and
when totter they gather in the church
there will be refreshMents and a pro*.
grain of music, etc. The children, big
and little, are looking forward to hav-
ing a real jolly time.—Mr. Sohn
Ratisford informed TnnbInWs.BEConn
yesterday that the current report that
he had eold his salt block to a syndi-
cate was untrue.— —Dr. Thompson has
rented the residence one door north of
Mr. James Boss' on Albert street wheri3
the carpenters, painters, plasterers and
paperers are now busy and when the
renovation is complete the Dr, will
move in. He expecte to be comfort-
ably settled by the first of April. --A
good sized audience listened with evi*
dent pleasure to the entertainment
ptovided in the town hall on Tuesday
night by the Macdonald quartette.
The followieg pupils of blisa Mackay'e
room in the Publie school have been
promoted from the eoecond book to the
third C. Pord, It, East, M. Hall, 1
Rutledge, St. floss, IL Iteit, IL ravens -
ter. 0. Maepherson, M. Osborne. IA
Wilken, M. Premlin, 13. Irwin and N.
An Vp•To-Date Ovalness. Nan.
Mr, W. IL Newcorobe'of (Minton is a
firna believer in the liberal use of
printers' ink and last year pent over
5000 in advertising. MreNevvcombe
says the expenditure of this amount for
advertising ;mid him and paid hint
well.—Blyth Standard.
The Park Packing' Question,
The couneil chamber was thronged
last nighe by citizees interested in the
establishment of a pork packing ea°,
tory in Clinton. In the absence,
because of illness, of Mayor Jackson
Dr, Shaw eccupied the chair. Several 1
addresses were made and a' committee
appointed to attend the meeting at 1
Carlow. Our citizens are in earnest in
regard to this matter and having
location, ete., in their fayor should be
successful in having tbe Oerlow men
tuen their vote and influence this way.
Rey. Air, Gunn Is angel and Liberal.
We undeista,nd thee Rev. Mr. Gunne
is likely to move to Clinton in response
to the wishes of the church th&e and
of the Bishop, His removal from Park-
hill would cause general regret in town.
His geniality and his liberality of
mind have made hirn popular with all
classes here. By his departure St.
James' churcb would lose an earnest
and successful minister and he town a
citizenwhose sympathies and kindly
interest have not been confined to any
ope denoznination,—Parkhill Gazette -
Review. , •
Death of Andrew Reid.
A telegram was received by Mr, W.
D. McBrien last night from Carnduff,
Assa., bringing the sad news of the
death of Mr. Andrew Reid, for many
years a resident of Hullete Itis'about
two years since Mr. Reid went West
and last spring be was joined be his
family and now that he has his sons
and daughters avound him again
death summons him. The ineesage
said "Father died yesterday of par-
alysis of the beiwels." Mr, Reid eves an
upright, man and much esteemed by
his old •friends and neighbors in Hue
lett • Mrs. Reid is deceased • a decade
but the following ten of their children
survive : Mrs e W, D. SicBrien of
Clinton, and Charles,Annie,13en., Jobe,
Thomas, James, Wesley, Sarah and
Maggie, all Of Ca end uff.
rally for (he Teachers
The Public mixed iftspectde for East
Huron' recently visited the. Merton
school and expressed hirnself•as pleased
with everything he saw. His eport is
higbly eplogistie thee we reuse re,
prbduce it here, bolus btee.." : "1. beg
leaye to report," wrote Inspector leat-'11;.
"tbat I visited your school on the 10th,
21s0 and 22nd insts. 1 found all the
rooms clertn, warm, well ventilated &rid:
comfortable. The double windows
bare made a couple of roams much
more comfortable than before and will
save their price in fuel in a feer years.
I know of no school more satisfactory
in point of heating and ventilation
than yours. The order, discipline,
'managereent and progress ineall the
rooms in the entire school are perfect-
ly satisfaetory. sineerely hope that
yourpresent staff of teachers ma,y re-
main unbroken for many years, It ie
perfeaely satisfactory. Ma Lough is a
most conscientious and succeeeful
teacher, know.of no better." Such
a report ought, of a surety, to please
all concerned', The printipal in his
eel:thee gave the average attendanee
for January as three hundred and
sixteen. For February it was lower by
six. The epidemic was the cause of
small attendance. -He also stated that
in two lasses in the school half of the
pupils were ready for promotion but
were being kept back by the irregular
attendance of others. In future the'
attendance of pupils will be an import
ant factor in promotions for where re
pupil has been absent one third of the
time there will be no proixiotion. Fte
or she may be as bright as you please
but unless there is regularity, too,there
will be no keying the old clams, tor so
says the principal.
Mr. Wm, Grant disposed of a hand -
genie three•year•old gelding to Mr. J.
McMinn) of Seaforth at the handsome
figure of $225. It tipped the beam at
something over 1700 lbs. Mr. Grant
always keeps the best, therefore
he always gets the best ptice.
Miss Macdonald of Detroit is visiting
her Sister, Mrs, Whit. Crich.
Mr. and Mee. J. W. Johns entertain-
ed A number of their friends on Wed-
nesday evening last
Mr, job n Stevens purchased a Sharp-
les separator from Mr. T. Lawson last
MN J. Pleweis and family returned
to their home in Moosomin, Assa,.
yesterday, having spene the winter
here midst scenes of his boyhood days.
Miss Eliza Waldron of the Louden
Hoed treated her many Wen& in this
section to a Very pleasant evening on
Friday last. After spending their
time in various amusements the guests
sat down to a bounteous repast of
oysters and merry other good Oliva
provided by their hostess and in the
early hours of the morn the gathering
dispersed to their severathomes agree-
ing with eath other that it, had
been the most pleasant evening spent
this winter.
Mrs, A. Cantelon and Mrs. I% Layton
have both had rather severe attacks
oar. grippe. Mr. W, n, Landesbnre
hod to confine himself to the house for
several days doting the past week and
whole host of others have had a taste
nf the prevailing °Weirdo.
Mr, Id. Walters is under the doe -
toes care but we hope to soon see him
around again.
Mr. Iohn Hunter has been on the
skit list for the past live weeks and had
to have the doctor called, In duringthe
past week.
Mrs. Wm. Staribury spent a few
days during the week past the guest
of Clinton friends.
Mrefoseph Irwin was visiting friends
Gederich this week.
On Friday evening a number of our
young people took a sleigh ride to
On Monday afternoon the funeral or
the late Mr. Bennett took place frorn
his late residence on 111111 street. The
remains were taken to Union cemetery
for interment, The deceased's wife is
lying seriously ill at the present time,
eousequently much sympathy is felt
for the bereaved ones.
Mr. john Denhohn left hereon Tumi-
dity with a fine carload of horses for
Sir, Charles Stewart of Ease Wawa..
nosh, having disposed of his farm some
time ago, left here for Manitoba on
'Tuesday wheve he intends enaking his
home in the feture.
On Wednesday evening a peek
meeting was held in Industry hall for
the purpose of considering the matter
of encouraging a pork packing estab-
lishment in tilyth. Particulars next
week. •
On Sunday evening a lightning and
thunder storm passed over this burg.
After an illness of two weeks Mr.
Thos, H. McCartney passed into Eter-
nal Rest on Sunday morning last. He
bad been feeling unwell for some time
before taking to bed and the disease
which proved his undoing had •becoule
too deeply seated to be cured, notwith-
standing medical skill and careful
nursing. All that waspossible was
done Out of no • avail and the home
mourns the logs of a warm-hearted'
and affectionate son. Be leaves 'to
mourn his departure a father, mother,
three brothers and five sisters, George
and Adam •it brink, Fletcher ot the
Maitland con., Mesdames Mitchell and
Twine of Souris, Manitoba, Mrs. Geo.
-Hanley of the Oth con., Minnie of
Detroit and Tillie at home. The
deceased, who was only thirty two
years of age, was much, liked by a
wide circle of friends rind the . funeral,
which took plate) to Clinton cemetery
on Tnesday, was one of the largest
ever seen in this township, over one
hundred and ten rigs being in the
cortege. Deceased was a member ot
Sharon, L. 0. L. No. 189 and of
Porter's Hill Lodge of Chosen Friends
and members of Vieth orders were
present in lerge num bers•at the funer-
al. Mr. Adam Cantelon conductecl
the Orange burial service at the grave -
b... —id Mr. Alex. Cox that of the
Chosen e .'"nds. The pallbearers
were Robert Cantteona W. S. Currie,
FL Sweet, 3, Elliott, F. Picketed and
H. Corey. The church services' ett
house arid grave were conducted by
Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Clinton in the
absence of Pastor Greene, who was
verse seriously ill. The sympathy of
friends throughout the township
extended to the bereaved family
in their hour of trial.
Miss Minnie McCartney, who bits
been living in Detroit •fersome time,
reacbed home in time to be present at
the funeral of 'her brotber, ehe late
Thos. H, McCartney.
Mr. A. P: Sheppard and Miss M.
Sheppard of Nile were callers at • Mr,
W. Stanley's one day last week.
Mr. E. M. Johnson of Innerkip vis-
ited friends in the neighborhood.
Our sick list still inceeases, Mrs, S.
Yea and Miss Alma Yee have a severe
attack of la, grippe. Mr. Jos. Black.
well bas bronchitis. Mr. Harvey
Mulholland has a severe attack of
pneumonia. Fred, Ames has inflam.
mation of the lungs. Gordon Ames
bas a beating ear. Birdie Willson hes
the quinsy, Rev. J. Greene has a
severe attack of congestion of the
lungs and has been ordered by the
medical men to take a month's
root. J. L ,Courtice has grippe. We
hope to hear of their speedy. recovery.
Mr.....,111c21wain of Nile attended the
the funerel of the late Thos. Ii. Mc.
The following is the report of the
pupils of S. 3. No. 3 for the month of
February, based on ponetuelity, good
deportmene and general profielericy
5th class—Saida Oantelon.
Sr. 4th—Mabel Pickard, Henry
Badour, Blanche Tebbutt, Teresa
Crooks, Edith Mulholland, Edgar
Manning% Edward Williams,
4th—Gordon Airless, Mabel
Munnings, Robbie Sterling, Olive
Sturdy, Howard Williams, Myrtle
Sr. 3rd—Stanley Amerte, Wilfred
Colclough, Evident% McCartney, May
Proctor, Pennine Halstead, Herbert
Jr. arc:I—Albert Pickard, Edgy Will-
son,Florence Levis, Oscar Tebbutt,
George Colciough, John Dempsey,
Arthur Sturdy.
Se. 2nd-4min Mulholland, Edith
Lavis, Peones Potter, Ida Huller,
Mintrie Sturdy, toward Trewartha,
Barbara Halstead.
Jr 2nd—Muriel Willson, May Me -
o artney, W ilbert Helstead, Pearl Hui
ler, Horace Tovvill, Leila Ford,
Pt, 2nd. -•Clarence Potter, Clifford
McCartney, John Sturdy, Graeme
Pt. ist—Charlie Levis, Clarence
W. Trewartha, Teacher.
Aft, Peter Durand Jr. is busily errre
ployed drawing stones. Ile intende
bantling a stone wall undee his barn
next summer.
Mr, Joseph Jellineaa, who hour been
hunbering in Muskoka, for eorne time,
has returned home,
quite a miniber of our fishermen
loste their note in hist Sandity's storm.
The reader will notice after corripari-
eon with all the other local papers that
none of them COntaina half .so Much
StanleY new as TIM NEWS.HU0014,110,
Whole Number 1158 ;
Let's hear from you.
Ahas been
visiting at the borne of her sister, Airs.
William Graham, hes returned to her
Miss Jennie McKenzie of Varna is
visiting this week at the home of her
uncle, Mr, John McKenzie.
Mr. Duncan Aikenheitd, student 'of
Pharmacy, of London yleited at his
home bere last week. His many
frieode are glad to see him agaies
Mr. Frederick Ge Rumba% mayor of
London, visited iet the home of Mr.
and Mee. Jae, Aikenhead.
Tbe Y. P. 3. 0. E. social held at the
home of birth John Walker was a
decided success in every way. Ai3 the
eyening was all that could 4e desired
large sleigh loads gathered there very
early in the eyening. The tune was
Wine in games, music and social con-
versation efter Which was serveda
delicious lunch. Everyene enjoyed
themselves, very uxuch at the first
social of this nature this winter.
Mr, and Mrs. James Aikenhead of
the 2nd concessidn of Stanley enter-
tained a number of friends ou Friday
evening eaf last 'week, it being the
°Masten of the anniversary of their
wedding. A. very pleasant evening
was spent. Among those present was
iVrorndFonre. de•1 MI 0. .RuMball, mayor o
Mr. Geo, lY1cLagan ot Stratford ha
suffered a second, bereavement in th
death of his mother, Mrs, John Mc -
Lagan, who passed away at 7,45 last
Friday night, here hueband having.
Preceded her: three weeks. She had
been sick since the beginning of Janu-
ary, heat t failute being the. immediate
ceuee of her death. The departed lady,
whose iredclen name was Mary Brown,
was born in Perthshire; Scotland, and
came to Canada, 1854, having been
married in 1843. VVith her husband
she settled in Goclerieje afterwards
removing to firticetield, In 187e the
family settled in Stratford where she
resided ever since; The surviving
chielren are : Mrs, J. M. Campbell of
Winnipeg ; ale* R. J. Gibson or
Giant'sPass,. Oregon ; e Mr. Charles
McLagan of Denver, Col. ; and 1V1r,,Gep.
MeLagan, • furniture manufecturer, ,of
Stratford. No: brothers or sistere-
stievive... Deceased; wae 81 years of age
and for Over quarter of a century
had been a valued mernbet of the
Stratford Baptist' chercle
There was a wedding at the rectory
on the 5th of March when the contract-
ing parties were Mr, John Johnston
and Mrs. 11. Johnston, both of Stanley,
near Blake. Mr, Alfred Erwin acted
as best man while leliss Fairy Jennings
was bridesmaid,. The happy couple
left for Groderieh where they spent a
a few days before returniug„to Blake.
We veish them a pleasant voyage
ehrough life,
Mr. John Corbett of Stephen .town•
ship and Mr ,L. Lewis of Brinsley were
guests et the rectory last Friday and
Saturday. Beth gentleman were -On
their way to Clinton.
Mrs. Thos. Caroeron and blaster
James Cameron have been on the sick
Mrs, Chas. Cook and her son Eddie
are improving after their recent illness.
At time of evriting,we are pleased to
say that Mr. Williani Jowett is some
Mr, and Mrs, Turner of Drysdale
were in town last Saturday.
Tbe big storm of Sunday last caused
a great falling off in attendance
at the churches, ,
The fishermen had quite grace for
tle,eir nets, after the gale.
Mr. John Reid is partially
.with a lame back caused by
Itev. itIr, Couplancl was able to
preach on Sunday after a Revere attack
of grippe. ' ,
Miss L Brigham has returned home
after spending several weeks in the
township of Wawanosh. •
Mr. Albert Staekhouse and his sister
visitrel at Mr. William Brigham's) over
Sunday, returnhig te their home in
Wow:tee:4r on Sunchey evening.
Messrs. Geo. Snell ami Matt, Mains
went to Stratforcl on Monday night to
attend the Proyincial Grand Orange
Lodge of Ontario West uhich meets
there this week.
Robert Snell is not attending school
in Clinton this week as he is helping
Henry Bradford in • the blacksmith
shQ9Puite a number attended the sale
_held at John Halliclay's in Colborne on
TuMesed.aTybon.uts Lee has not returned as
yet from a trip he took laet week with
a load from here to some relatives near
Brussels, There must be some • attrac-
tion tip there for Tom,
Mr. W. T. Patimer and his sister
Kate spent Sunday at A. Wilken%
Clinton. Mrs, Parlmer and Earl re-
turned on Sunday after epencling a
week at Mr. A Wilken's. ,
MiS4 A. Crisp is visiting friends in
Mr. and. Mrs. Brogden and Mrs. D.
Floody attended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Reid of Clinton last week.
Mr. E. Bell arid son Willie visited
T,13e11of Clinton on Saturday
Mr. Thos. Riddell of Auburn spoilt
Sunday with lo is father, M r.
who is very ill at present. .
Mr. Wm, Lee has disposed of the
second carload a seed peas which he
brought from near Owen Sourid.
Mr. Jam+ Wagner had it bee on
Tuesday of about fifteen teams moving
to the farm whiell he purchased !row
Mr, John Knox of the Base Line,
Mr. Joseph Snell was irr London on
business' this vveek,
Miss B. Sheppard of Clinton Sunday
ed with Mrs. Wm. Lyon,
Mr. Won. Townsend was also in the
village on Sundry,
Mr. W. L, Ouirnette Went to Remit.
ton this week.
Mr. McAllister paid it flying visit to
Hensall on Tuesday.
Miss Mable Bell of Clinton is the
guest of Miss Elva Adatner this week.
Mr, J. Ferguson had a bee drawing
stones for the cellar of a new brick
house which he intends building next
Bev, Mr. Hamilton of Leeburn occu-
pied Lite pulpit of the Presbyterian
church on Sunday morning:-
bhar, John Young returned to her
home in Hamilton lase week.
Meeere, It. Wray and 3. Steeene of
Walton, formerly of the village, were
callers on Sunday.
Miss Mary Mitch has been visiting
in Auburn and neighborhood.
Mies Julia Johnston is staying with
her aunt, Mrs. It. Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs, Gee. Marshall enter -
&diode few of theic friends en Friday
Mr, Geo. negue moved into hie new
hOMO last, week,
Mr. and Mrs, Sohn Lawson visited
friends at Harlock en Saturday.
Mrs. Win. King, Sr., it slowly re.
COVering from an attack of la grippe.
laid up
a heavy
Mr. Jerry Note aud family 'moved op
Tuesday to. Mr. John Middleton's,
Gotleeich township, where be has en
gaged for a. year. •
Mr. W. F. Keyes and family also
moved on Wednesday :to the farrn he
rented from Andrew Reid of the Parr
letreleT, Cairns of Kirkton paid his
familyea visie over Sunday. He took
a load of goods back with him on Mon
day and intends moving his family as
soon as :pOssible.
We .are sorry to learn that Mr.
Joseph Foster . is atgain seriously ill,
He had been able to be up .hut had
to take to his bed 'again.
Mr. AIL Austin is wearing bread.
smiles these days.: A. daughter is the
Sorry to learn `that harm Rathwell
is suffering frorxr a very heavy attack
of la grippe, • '
The Varna Omancil R. T. •of T's held
a successful concert on. Tuesday. even-
ing. The hall was well lilted and the
good program was attentively listened
to. Excellent addresses were deliver.
ed by Revs: Davidson and Andrews
and Mi. Wna, Lewis of Creditore Mr.
Mack Vincent of Exeter gave some
excellent songs which greatly pleased
the people. The otherselections given
by the Exeter people were also much
appreciated.• • . - •
Dr. Asa Mair of near Quebec is home
visiting his father who is present
seriously ill. •
,Mrs. Campbell attended the funeral
of her daughter, Mrs, Win. Jeneings,
who lived on the Lake Shore .road. near
Mr. Lawrence Manning of • Clinton
spent part of Saturday with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. C. Beacom.
Misses .Edna and Alert Beacom spent
Sunday with their uncle, Mr, S.
Miss Ethel Jordan visited her par.
ents on Tuesday last. ,
Mr. Albert Strong of Britieh Colum-
bia is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. H.
Ball, *
Mr. W. Tehbute celled on his sister,
Mrs, George Hayes, last week.
Mr. Bingham sold a valuable horse
last vveek to Mr. John
Mr. IL G. Reid attended the funeral
at his aunt, Mrs. Richardson of Stan-
ley, last Wednesday afternoon.
We are sorry to hear that Mies Lib,.
Bute is not improving very•fast,
Mr. Thomas Hill, who his been with
his uncle, Mr. George Hill, for several
years, left Monday morning for Michi-
gan where his brother and slat&
Miss Sarah Nesbitt left lase week to
attend her sister, Mrs. Kerr ot Thorn:
bury, who is ill.
Mr, Wm. Johnston of Porter's Hill
called on his friends of this vicinity
last week.
Mr. Sallies Bingliain and Mr, James
Fulton returned from the north after
spending it week in the vicinity of
Brussels Walton arid Mount Forest,
Loeett has been for the
past two weeks visiting her sister, Mrs.
Geovge Stewart, Clinton.
Messrs, Chas. Robt. and William
Johnston attended the golden wedding
of Mr. Wm. Flaker, Auburn, lase Fri.
day evening.
Mrs. Campbell is at present sick
with la grippe which has attacked
quite it number this winter.
Mr. James elcIlveee is also on the
Sick list.
The ow workshop on the lot belong -
Ing to Ur. Henry Beacom has been
torn down and cut into nrevveed after
braving the storms of time for over
thirty years.
Master Jettees MeCool visited at hit
uncle's, Ilr. Prank bleIlveen'e, last
Quite an excitement was arocreed
last Friday morning when the alma
Was given that Mr. George Hayes"
house Wes burning. The people
hecaine alarmed hSr seeing smoke
'firstling through the shingles around
the chimney and ite onee began to
break a hole thtough the roOf near the
ehitnney when it Was found to be noth-
ing but the burning of the chimney
Whiehr Was found to be very unsafe.
However, if the fire had not boon dis-
eovered in time Perioue &linage Might
have been dorie. It pays to have good
Mr. ltobt, McCartney and wife of
Holmesville visited at .I. Lowery's
on Thursday.
nsoD, Mia.;isTaovnieshhoufhntdre2edndcoe
acre farm to Mr. Robert Pearson for •
89,300, taking irs exchange Mr. Pear -
son's one hundred and twenty acres at
$5.000 and the balance in cash. Mr.
McTavish then sells fifty agree of thet.e•
Pearson place to Mr. Alex. Innes for
$28.50, Oyes the balauce to his son,
Douglas Tr., and moves to a farm he
ihaass jhr hgahst nnoe awe rKeinutceadrdhi nise. seDveenutg;
acres to Mr. Alex, Elliott of Goderich
township and. will, we believe, study
for some profession.
A 'maple of good horses ehanged
hamlet on the Brownson Line recently.
Each of the dealer e knovve ae good ,
horse when he seee it and both were
satisfied with the change. What
more could be asked for?
McEwen time. are getting out a •
quantity of ceder for shingles,
Mr. ()harem Donaldson was at Blyth
last week ettending the funeral of his
uncle, the late Archibald McInnis. •
We extend our congratulations to
Mr, John Johnston of this township,
who has entered the ranks of the betre-
diets, having been married on Tuesde,y
of last week to Mrs. P. Johnston. The
happy event took place in
Bayfield. We join with their
friends ia wishing thene much happi-
ness and prosperity though life.
Rev. Mr. jennings had so far recov- -
ered•frona the' attaek of grippe as to
be able to take chaege, of his services
last Sunday. The Many friends Of OW
genial andkindly clergyman were
much pleased to see him in their midst
Messrs John acid James McOlinebeY
attended the horse sal e in Sea.forth last
The members of the Goshen Line
Methodist church made Rev. Mre
Andrewe the recipient of alead of oats
on Friday. night iast.% it was s; big •
lead, too, and ought to keep the par-
son's steed .amunchirig ter long enough.
The donors and theirbetter halves
gathered at the personage thee even- .•
ing and spent aefew hours very pleas-
zurtlY with their pastor and his Nulty.
Mr. and Mrs. John MeKinleiof the
Goshen visited his father; an esteemed
resident of Egmondville, on Saturday
:Mr. John Manson . gave a dance tie
Otto young people on'Friday night lest
A large number attended and spent a
jolly time, 'Among those who furnish.,
ed niusic for .those Who tripped the
light fantastie:were Ed. Boyce and
Allan Essler. •
. Mi. John eleClinchey delivered•hogs
to Hensall on Manday, Which Messrs.
R. MeOlincliey and R, McKinley made
a delivery in Clinton. • • . •
Mr.. Wm, Garrett, Sauble Line, •
spent Sunday with his parents in
Jani.eS.Macsionell of Zurich drew, •
tieBItygeld on Saturday.
Ide 5 Efeweon of the Fro/it Road is
busy moving to his:new farm which
he puecOased from Mr. J. Dewar. We
enjoin in wishing:Mr succesir
in his new home.
Jas. Dewar has Moved te hie
Bi•ownson Line farm which he pur-
chased ' from • his fitehmeiri-laye, Mr
William Johnston
Mr, Willia,mstohnsion ie moving' to
the Sterling property, which he Our-.
chased from Mrs.Sterling.
Mr. H Johnston'moved lase week
to Mr. W. G. Johneton's house in
/3ayfield after disposing of his proper-
ty' r ttogoo.Mr. W. G. Johnstonfor the sum
MreThos. Stinson, Sr., has purchas-
ed the Rutledge property from Mr. J.
Richardson. Mr. Stinson intends going
into business on a larger scale now.'
We wish you success, Tom.
Miss Charlotte Brownett who hae
been staying at the home of her
brothers since the death of heeemothe
er, returned to lier home ha tioderich
on Monday. •
. Dirs. Black of Dakota, who was vis-
iting at Mr, George Johnston's, left, on
Satorday for Goderich,
Misses Stelhe Rethwell and Alice
Stephenson were out collecting on Sat.
urday last for the Varna, branch of the
Bible Society,
Mr, and Mrs. John Davidson were
the guests of the latter's sister, Mre.
James Eagleson of Clinton, on Satur-
day last.
Mr. 0, Duncan visited at the home
of Mr. Wm. Rathwell on Suuday keit.
Miss Margaret J. Boyce is visiting at
her uncle's, Mrs. Thos. Boyce's,' near
Brueefiela at present. .
Mr. John Reid of Lucknew visited
at Mr. James Reia's on Sunday last.
The home of Mr, Eagleson Essler
was the scene of it happy evene on
Thursday of last week when his neice,
Miss Mary Essler, was joined in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. W.
0, Miller of Sault Ste. Marie, Michi-
gan. The knob was tied be Rev. S.
Acheson who, from long experience,
does it deftly and neatly. The bride,
who is a pretty and popular young
lady, has the beet -wishes of us all ana,
the lucky groom has our congratula-
tions. May happiness and prose
parity alwaya abide with them.
birolohn Thomson a near Blake hue
sold to Ur. Sohn Sparks of the Brown.
son Line * young pure bred Polled
A.ngus bull, This is very fine immoral '
and We congratulate Mr, Sparks on his
The malrirrioniel fever has been rag.
Ing around here for some time, Softie
of the victims are Me. Virin. Wagner
ef the corner to a lady from near
Guelph, Mr, William Trough of the
Ilrownson Line to it bliss torddlaw front
Illyth and lest, but not least, Mr. John
Johnston to it budtion young widow in
the person of Mrs. Peddy Johnston of
the same place. Prosperity to you all