HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-07, Page 7I ' I '. ,R)IN—, — , " . �., - � " .. .. , ,� -, �, "I '11.- 1— I 1w,", , '' .1.1
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, IRWw'', ,W'W. — — — " ,�Vdi� ie.Wh �
sense ; And eftive 11iolea, hag igiveA bar 00011 41000, UM board of- Tbey did .W ter. Pat In oven u4til Ilght brdwa I.. 1.4
, � _
. heart to you, I will make a *omprom. Gay she wall Married, but that may re on top. Serve hot. � .1� I I -- - - �.. - THE SUNDAY SCHOC �4 4l,
11 I I � .1.: 1� _ -, I ,_
- .
Baked -1 -;,. - .- " — - .
. THE COLOEN, LIUN loo. You, Can Afford to ,wait for each nomew,, and oome say thoY'XQ in Eggs; Butter a shallow f ;� 'I- 40� ). gricultural
I other. AU%adory your ovU babito, go London, but Itla all gues*-wArk. Ivity, he Home baking dish and break into It as many f .-,.% . _W_ INTERNATIONAL LIMON, XAIRI 11
. 11 __ . to aQm� 4,14tant city, thou work bard, how Palo YmL lookl Are you a, Pol%- 1h — eggs as will cover the bottom with- . . ":v .W. -A 0APIMMARMAWMyMmumm-mmm ,
. I . anti strive to become worthy of the love tive too . . ' 411006004 on& crawdinK. Season with popper . — 1146� "JeNIAS 141141 calapitas.11 "lilt. go. 61-68, I AN
. I t . �__ -,-.-.;,;, U= -D CAR1,; OF FXHU 01PIX,-
. 11 Wb*t 14 the price at tbat p 44 , APPLR OAKE. and Salt and put a, bit of 6uttor .on .0i Gqolldekk Text, Matt. Is. 10.
, , of a: good woman, W at the. end of Bat 1,dou14 not answer her. I leau- MENTS.,
friend f1l I asked of the little Ger- throe year4. return. Theri If you are ad agaluat � the. oloor-way, taint ind Ill, Who following "olpe for an A r,340.1710AL XOTVA
.��_�, A27 � re � pple each. Bake until well met, remove to I PERSQNALITIF.O.
.,,, man florig I , outfit, it to
. I , t at the darner Abop. what you should be, you JURY have my It waa to lootir this at last that I bad take will be found naefal to the house- -a warm platter and serve immediate- Veirse 07. And they that bad laid In ,purchasing it form
M Policy to buy only the boat. Romeo-
- %a ;rRaU U ' Pope Leo XIII (lops not speak Bug- �
. . aWed exactly the Aum t ly. The eggs will- look alcor it bAked hold On Jesus led blon. aw Y to CRIB,
F , oltild., stru ,er brains for
, gq1od ,with tatq, and denied my. keeper who ig racking It
� � Its% though be beg -in to learn It more P-boto the high priest. T% ,
f0koh I pomesaeol In the whole world, UU was af- bar that every piece bought muot be
Three Years! Its in patty pans. ,,,
. � aemo;l (in eternity heart a glimp,ge at her I loved for all varletlea:
and I paid It And toick Cho flower, to a young and ardent lover, but Ittlea tbo,mv years, With , cuotard ' Itufficlout to fill Oysters AIR, Pouietto; J?ut 2 doz I tlian 00 yearS ago In Druosels. ter the examination by Annas. Cala- stored and kept in repair so no un.
i - " Were you maA VII I bear a reader In the days of VicIr greatest prosper - pham had already committed lilmeolt! necessary once should be purchased.
i - 4 Won the only girl in tbg World 100 I%e, TIho old woman WAR right. No one twelve otnitard ,glagaes, or a good-sixed nice large oysters to aouk in their ty Gilbert and Sullivan tire saId to 1)
.ask, No, friend, I was oqly In love. to the policy of killing jeSUO, There Select ouIX those that rise . to a
I all(] have dlvt,Jea betweeu Client $12100,000 a , , in
I a*4 I had only the choice of my obey" kaeN,r more .then jibe, I went to Lou- disib, pare, alloe and core it sufficient ,own liquor, season with salt
I .
� . ne lady at My heart had a weak- Ing liar father's mandate, or parting don, And tioarolied for her formoutha. riumber of apples whio . , eeonto Plump, re- yea,-, 14 no Ludicition hat mado of,tlie boat material, and avoid
. b, when pre-, when the, oysters b in Me, Scripture t
,� - neA0 for rare flowers, and I felt oure from her for -over, . I adve I rttmed, but all In vala. At last, pared, Aball weigh three Pounds; add move. Skim the liquor, add one to- Charles S. Friauels, the now Ainerl- Any Of tbO` WilestO NVOTO friendly to MOAB Chat have a lot of loverm at- I
**,A*;*, - I, tbut she would prize much a gift be- Zeatiles, the old ,q*atleman was believing that It, Jeaus. Same defend4ro; In the San- tachmeut;s and ispriags as these are
y9nd expression.' T . her6fore, I forgot right ; )n , � had, indeed been for- to these 4 pirit.of cold watort and b9II blespoon; butter, DUO -half Pint rich tiqu iulalk%ter to U1 x1co, is a graduate more often designed a,i talking points
I ,, I y companions and, my babita gotten, And that the tale of bar mar. till to a pulp; tligin take three quar- milk And Ono tablespoon flourstirred of Cornet), but before going, to college bodrbi are Iin�plleil, but Nye may con-
. Cho variouit persona to whom the sum had not won meI the regard of Our ria . Well smooth in a little milk. if liked, add letil, . lied the printer's trade. in Troy, JaChive them to. havo been ,70,913P11 for the Belling agoatsI than for any
. � . . ,go wasi true, �aattlod down ft�that tOrg of a pound of loaf sugar,
I expendeol wag due for value recotv� town, where the inedloal students were, oitp as A physician, determined 4t. arugheoix till but eight lumpq I on these a few drops of lemon jk,U**Oo. Lot come N. Y. I 4iid Nloodounia. The scribleft and. the, real practical benefit to the tarmaro
I I �
� I ai4. and fet� happy with Cho great Pot almost a pabUb nuisance 'from their ICA it to be worthy of I her, and to live lu Robert Dick Douglas, it grand son of elders, The Sanhedrin. , Almost who is to use the tool. Bay of reliable .
. . . mpa rub, off the yellow. rind of a to boil, .and jast as you remove from
� wi�tb.Jtg nodding 4pliage'in my arms.. wildnaaa and dissipation, � thi We Which I had lived for her oake. lemon, 2f -#W, t1lego lumpa war N the fire, add 9 well -beaten 699a and StOPIlou A. I houses, And buy for cash, as a year's
Dvaglas Of Illinois, has ercry class reprogeateol. in the San- I,
It was the raresit Illy I bad ever I � . BUA a ad! ia ii d it age to the buy.- .
,, resolved to do whAt. I knew would Andso two more yeara pass�ool without brokeu ; strain tbeJulae ,Of the � lemou, .4 little -chopped parsley. Vour over, been appointed by Governor Ituosell to had4a. bad been ari,tiolmed by JO r t of u a, v, At
,; . I
I it ultimately be for the best, Rod having a. glimpse of liar, aild to the 0!Mm,r aind: tArow all into the Oysters and serve at once. .13'eral of. North far hypocrisy, greed, Ignorance, or er and ba0l to be rounaly paid ,for in
,eon. I wa4 not alrille� enough in tile , , tl)D office fit attorney g(
I . varieties of flowers to know wliether declared ' ,h Oreamed Oysters; To 1-2 tablespoon Carolina. . . . I skepticism. Were assembled, jcNv_ Increased Pride, Steel la3 taken Wel
I I It -% � 0 A Bire, the , fifth year tbe Apple pulp gA4 boil all taget or Fr4uk Svoboda of New York 11 . as
� ,y resolution, found g friend; ad O'bristma
. ,, I � re" I
` , , ish. law Prohibited Plaole of'wood in many parts. of the
I the. man told Me the trath or not when In the old merchant. . at our pa#jng', I $at alone in my mur- DO a tolerably quick fire for an hour, butter malted in a saucepan, add one worlol. . the Sanhedrin . � .
. turned from the Klondike He Is.
rodattlon . oot from holding formal sessions at night. implements now on the market And
I . .a gory,and could have wept with lonelt- .stirring it all the tints- � . ' a f�L'w 12 years old and Made the trip on f . ,
I be, said that only he pamsessed a flow- ,Re gave m letters o
, .f jut ,,With the par- large tablespoon flour Cool "
� . . � est Balad Oil, all A mold before Apparently t1i.ts Informal gathering is a great improvement, Plow beams,
I or of those coloura, and that by car- to persons of influence in Australia, neas. 'What was the wealth and fame % fire momenis, and stir in, gradually one witero often the temperature was 00 .
� , continued until daybreak, when it Oultivat
� Cain - mystic florist arts Ike had pro- loaned me the wherewithal for my I now might c,onfidently hope to win, thoroughly, then turn the APPIO Into cup hot Milk. Season with Salt, POP- degrees below zero. . .or frames and other partu - .
. I
�- , dn".d the flower which be called, the joltirney, and Wished me well. But he If bar amilaq did, not bloso.me, it no, 4 mold, 4md when cold, turn It from .Per and a little celery sl#�. .J3611 One The GOographleal Society of phila, formed itself' into the regular court ,%vblcb check and warp from expoaurela
$'goldeia lily," But" I felt that it forbade me to write to Helen during wife ever ARC beside my hearth$ and then � .0 dim - , Apbla has 1wesented the rullft I I --*cut au . 'The r4olecting, one should look to duiabll- .
. . . 00 into it, Wlas h Pint fine oyaters, in their own liquor (If, and passeil judgment an Je S
' , —_ , until plump, dra!u and pour over Kane medal to Dr. A. Donaldson Smith unmeemly and illegal baste wqs� due lt7t ease of handling, lightness of
I I - might vary well be I Ad when I observ- my absence, or ,to communicate with no oltild called me fatherf I began ' 0,1LUMBS. . I . I
I � . . . rescue b7 draft, and ease of keeping in repair. .
I ad. Its splendor. her In Any way. .. ' I I them the sauce, . . of that city In recognitlon of his recent to fear of art atterapt. at
i . , . to wonder whether it might not be bet- . I In the ugo of mowor " '
� Xt was almost Punre 'gold, save "if your love IS. worth anything It ter far . . The provi1dant housekeeper will nev- , . . . explorations'lit Africa, our Lord's friendiii� A or any other .
- . . . . me to find aame woman worthy I , . p alithecruxabs, Intothe dust . - . . Secret � ary of the Navy Long denies fiS. Peter followed p4m, Afar off un. cutting machines, as soon as the I
. whar ill live without billet -doux for three Of reapedt and admiration, and bestow I � . .
�. a, at the botto)n of the cup. NY wi er A wee . . .
� flecks. of scarlet qAd white, and'beside years,"i he aal& And Helen had n . people do and then. -, I HEAT OF AN OV1Q,N, the report that be Is, going.to. Colorado to the high priest's palp.,00, Another knives become dull, every other'part . I
: I . , . ,.. . I ever Upon bar wbat,remnantg at a heart I pan as so Many, I crumbd To .. . to live. HIS daughter Is going to that ,disciple went wi I I .
, . it the other lilleg on the stand lost disobeyed her father, .. . I I . have to reAort to fre6b broad test the heat of an oven, there .Ch Peter, who is of- IS Put to a more severe test,.tbe v�c * ar- �
� '
k. I. . "Re Is very. kind, Theodore," ,he had to -give, eTO I grew bold Rua selfish they want fried Oysters Or are no batteir rules. than the rollow- state ou account of her health, but Mr. ten, assumed to have been John. but Ing parts grind harder and the, pro -me
t their beauty, And looked dull and fed, a -in my lonellnegs. �And as I thought wbea � - . I
� . . I � . . . I -a
�- * ad, � . ., I sa,14 "a, ad we. may trust h fin at big age r . at my breaded outlets. One OttbAlsscrstsi of Ing; Try the oven every -ten minutes Long sayS lie will always consider Mas . whom. many scholars are inclined t P0111119 Pp-wer mumt be increased. The I
thus, -A, WO.MaD came - rapping . I � sachusetts big home. �. , ,� I
: I what is beat for us.,, � . � . to; have, dry, fine- uancc knives
1i [Vhe pot In wbio4 It was .planted to know , door to beg me to Caine at once I a a, successful frying I% wlth,a sheet "of white paper. If too Sir RIchard Wplioter, now Lord ihiak was J`UdaSI By the. Infl Should only 'be Started .when,. .
. . Al- .
. . . . too, a obiaose thing So in a few weeks we pnr(ed, and no . ly powdered bread-crumbfi, save 61L (it this other digotploi Peter found 4d- In 'good condition, And. much care . .
waa. a curiosity, buithe WbaTO an accident' had hap- , � hot, the Paper will- blaze up or blaokaI versione, tbd'&ngll,,Ii lard chief justice, , �
. � - . a of A one ORA blame me, l0viag her as T did, . . the scraps and.od" and ends of bread . I . mission. Se ,Tohn 18. IQ. He wen� should be tised in keeping them so. .
with A perspeoti,veleAs plotur, � . pened. , . . an.. , When the paptIr'lwoomes dark �Whon called to the* bar made $1,500 in .
�� . if the moment was one at Intense gad.., I Andt toast, put themi Jn the oven,, and I $r �
lady r.Alktng beside a little blue river , . X hurried on my 4verooat and bat, bxOwnr rather darker.'thani ordlit, the first year of his practice and o,000 in'to the court of the palace, Und sat There are many large machines that it I
, . � . � I . . - not prattical for aftirra8r to own
iii n , " let them dry until a Pa . ary meAt. pie--crasts, the 'oven is fit the seed -ad, Before his latest promotion with the Be . .
I attended by a person with a fan a 4 : lose ! 11 . I and followed bar' . le brown. They . I r,vants, that 15, the "off!- is I
I .. . . . Three Yetirtq-three weary �pars,ba_ .It Was O'L tip " Should then be crushed With a rolling for Small tarts, When it' IS light he was making $100,000 a year. . cars,,, who ha,d just Arrested Josus. RIOMG, but that can be ownad in.cd=- . .
. aurrounded by. square, flolver-pots. . my laborer Who,' had . . . .1 .
. I . .
q fore I Might ace her sweet thee -again, pi and finally shaken �brough. a sieve I . P�ofessor Schlapnrelll retired on Nov; ,,These in the thin at the early faaWn Pany w�th neighbors and taken from
" The �10T!At offered to send a boT . , scalded himself with a kettle of boll,11, a I I brown, the color of really nice pastry,, I . .
i I
9 � . 'a , 'it one of ul Might. din, orano ad jarfA or bottles. Mus . . I 1 from the directorship of the obsery Slarie place to place as* needed. These in I a- - -
with the pot, but I would .not p rin thaT 'Alght ,Ing water, arid it was no a ' task' 6- Into dry, cover , ht is �roady ' tar vdi ato ve A* had lighted, a charcoal fire. �
f " . A.ST . . ramenaely,, ad When- at tarts, - tory �of Milan, where � be had been ,at. , Rated as gate -keepers cb�n . . . . .
� it. Who knew that the plant would talre My plape in her beartl , bind up.bis. wounds and convince, him- PlAA-BaVes time i When the paper turns dark yellow, woman Nvbo . as should have the same man to - .
i. I .. . I
�.,, . a I rive whole ideosp. * Who could tell 9 I f ever. anything requi:res to be bread- � . work for the last 40 Years, He -has
r and gou!nd and UT elt sure. 6f My. that be Was Lnua danger, U'he Would it is ready for broad, large meat pies, . . . were Passing to Awl froi, TlbO Cold run them so bir as possible.aad thufA . ,
A . . � r. . . are ulwAYtv , . - been one of the most conspicuous fig. night -air had - �e , - '
A Itated at its destination T "If, but hoiw could I � be. sure of h(,r obey my:inStructl6na And, retrain from crombed, the crumbs . large ,pound aakes,, And other large told on Peter, and b guard 'against accidents. Unlessi ark .
I . . . ures. In Italian sclancei His-auccessor . ,
� 11 13�y 11 n L .� . � I ready, and they an . . h t'is viell cared -for, tile best '
I I carried it nlysielf high 1 ' =s who wao. so beautiful, so g003, A (I so tippling. . adhere far better th cakes ituade with butter, Wb n itla I -Is 11,rof . too, - weary And %tilled, drow near I
� k I . . essor Celoria. . . ' `
. I f harm�4 reach above Crory way obarming,.that otherd than fr9sV bread-orur�onbs, 0 . I I . 'fire to ,warm himself-" 'Re $--a the -a ithe �
�' . the flower out,o ' ' . VoUA4"equantly it, w4A late. when I " � I.. � � L only just tinKpoli the oven IS ill] L Mr 13 N. GodoardLof Clyffe Mlauor . . L results from it ean4ot be had,, .
_ ' ' . . , - . . . --- . I . . . , I , , . Woof at affection. R . .
I , face ) Myself L must � also b3 onamOarCd O . . . .right for sponge eake,.morin who died recently on his ninety-fourth end- . T111e. last are comes In the need, of a workshop
P � my bead, the leavest fauninik my . I f� burried'down staira.VR my way home'.. . . . gap$, qtc. I I . . .
. .
� .
and . - aselloe 0 h , , . . the 'lanipa L � . Tempting 'Oysters -.-Oyatard are Otill the -old order o, S
I . found myself in the Pr � f Or and strive- to win hert L . Ali . :in the - hoaae were lit, . i It the area is too hot'for the paiti- j,birthdayt was one of f Bath, word indicates, a Qru bed but 'ontho farm. Rttlier a building should. . ...
L � I . I I I .
t . L � . . in sealson.and it you w'Ah to PrViri Sl . ., or one *an be : .'., �
Helen Harrington, a I "Do not forget me," I Pleaded, ,its 1 616 of. a. rather . oular use you have ,for it, at Ltoiy Linglisli, country squired. His family laying heart. � . . be built,for tho purbose,
I. . . xactly at the me- - . ' and over Cho, ta . respOot- , Use, L '
. .
ag-poi kissed her live at Parting. and* she , ... particularly tempting. dish, for dinner time, set in a ' .� . bad been settled InMiltsbire ever since 'that
. mant when she trlppad,�,waterh . 1. Oroornlsed%bo, be true to me until _ able room, on .the lower floor flamed a old niglit try the following: . . large pan of cola' wa� I - � . .59.. Sought 'falSo '-witricas' .TBmod6ied fQr Two.r6oras Ara at : .
' the reign of ICIDg John, and the estate -Or same least necessary, and three ,ffcald "be
I *1 tar and it will quickly cool. - . 07 .
i �: . In band, into -her g�a.rdefi.. I . I . . ,we jet of*gaa. Its Sharp hissing,. for It 6013" c I .. I � . th ' bad been thus s6eiiiad 'I .
XL I L Select fine, large oysters, dry them . of,cl�ffc-ry , I
il Of course sbo_ adral ad the flower,' wC* . . , N,Kita tarried too biZh, attracted me. I I . . � L . I para,lidd. desceArled to him tinat, is mailp plain. by the tense of the -better. . L kaking tiew or repaLving ear�
. My last glimpse of her ,was t oat at tbeir own liquor. . Have ready a .. .1 . -_ . I I In a,dIrect'llne, from father to son for b; but they .bad not'no�v
And of course ibe thanked me, arid her , aken am glanced. At it, and remai,nod'rivated to - . I . . . . . .. � � . Greek veT I - riages, carts and implemoutsis, divid-. .,
. . ' . . . plate of -egg' and a plate Of bread . SCAT LOPB i �wip years., . I - .
eL So 'bewitching and her, I tu,rne,d'm,v head And liaw her wa�. the,,apot. [Beficath it on -the table,: 0 egg a IL . a U) § . ALMON_ . . . .. I time to barmonize the false testi- ad into three or mare olasisos or tradesi . �
� smilon war . ' .L . L Let tjoLem lie in the . .1 . emperor r0ceiftly*Pre- . . ' I . r . . ' I . . .
.. . - bar, handkerchief to rao1roia -the win. . .. ortimbs. , Make a wbite sauce by molting a The German Many, App�irantly, Judas's t eft90AI and a shop or room for iron working ..
I eyes so bright., and she wag so, evideLnt- . . . afoad.the "golden lily" I - bad given roll thent-in the - - sented a marble bust of himself to . I . 1.
i - - . . . . I .. dow, on tile pill, of which nij golden 1. . I . . few, mtgqt�s, and then I tablespoenfiAl of butter in . . ected-by the pss d .
� ly really pleased, that. I found dour- � . . l . Helen five yeara ago. - . L a saucepan - the staff of the L 0 .. one for woodwork and .Another 'for .
. . _ . ' ! I I . . - Baron Beek, chief of `AdxP . - 1. .... . 1. . . . . I
0 lily in IN Plilnese pot nodded -its gorw bread crambacallOwiflg them' ' Ec' re And blend with it. an equal � amount Austrian army. The bust Is on Pain eeded.,, . . .
0 age to speak V6 1 had not dared to . I . The same flowar in the same 'pot, . o for a ramiate Or . a largA - ri0d t.beir plans. . . .
"I geou,i bead in the breeze as though it I . I . Malk in these also . I A before It brown!, scale and weighs 1,800 pounds., Bart Go. Though 7 mat , f, , I
I . a a tell bar *�v I loved I I but ,covered by a - , , -t - Cli.is Will make Chem, ahere, a of flour, stirring I Y alse witnesses The blaolkGraltbi shop should be fit- I
peak before, an . gl�,mk . ad .
t . .. I �*. . wore also bidding me. adieu. , , .* . we, � one Pint of thin oream., Season ,�vitb Beck to bovIng bJs house Aorougli on� 'yet Xound they none. Tbe muV- ted With a forge, anvil, 4rills and a ' I ..
__ her. . . � 1. .. . V'LtlioUtL pausing to think of.'the net Come oft aA.a SkInV' ' I . M% I . . . . I
. .
. w . '11%ball say notbing.of my voyag&.-io .. I i when In the pan. ' ire � �
�' . The*n I dlscov�rsd th'at she returia.- I . 1. propriety of tbe'ao�,'L.st�ode. In - and . I halt la . , pepper and. suit. .Place -in a.baking' 6velkhauled by military engineers to &O- tituole.(if,falme. witnesses does not in- vise. Here a: bqrsepan be shad, a t .
. I .
. I . . , , Australia, of my lixat str , Fry., in halt butter'and LiId, in dish' a layer� � at, canned or fresh mftl� , certain If there be. any spot In it cap* I most of the togis.on. the farm: .
!, . ad my Affections, and� 'to' end the Story. . uggles in.the bent over it. lThwi IAaw that it w timate . .anY - widespread. dislike Of met, and I I .
k i 4LI sb� as order to give them a rifoh brown. Make .
I &A briefly aa' possible, before e part- A . . noloned . I � I Mon, in:good4lzed pieces, over this 'ble,of bearing Bo:enormous a weight . � Jesus. Proceedings in modern Courts repaired *6nd sh;trponed., .The. wood- .
L . I
. .7, MYL habit� a dissipation, and became niade of wax -the flower,- At least. The . it. ve; hot * fore'ipuitirig the. OYOtero e! W. I C. WhfteT thus replied to a tale. I - . I � � . � .
I . .. I I I . . 11 . , � . W,'tlie same. ' ' ry Cle . L . - . shown shop shotild have a . 1h .
. I .ad we wore betrothed.. I I . � . . . .. Pat must be, I kne , '.4 in. '- I . 4 . . . . layer with the white sauce In'toole its . I ny founda. . And, Christian countries have . I � good henoliVit I I.
"' L . . . .. I qteady and ind-tistrious- � . L . . 4' L I I I above ad apri grain asking )f there Was a ult evert now to 4 vise, a grbidstonc,'lipasibli a' lathe ..
V . CertLainly tinder ithe:o1rounistanqes. - . I . .. ..It, was. not )3�7.fullp, but.ita portrait t .� 1, L __. . , .L . � ... I a nkle with L. br"O' . td t1im for. the newspaper keport that lit bliat it to .not, diffic; I . 0 . L . .
. ,
. . .
I . . . . . . . . I�eostablls�bed a small practice almost . t up !Rerela An Wipe ,vilijob has� crumbs. Crolatinue-to add laye.r.9 on- . 'WOS saellt any. - - '' and a fall set of oar�peiAer *tools. Th . .
4 1 trust in MicaWbOr's expectation uf from life.. I styack. pri h my came " oylster. r 4,L� procure, falSe'tesitim, . .
' .
. nay I 11 . initueollately. ,.It Incieased. . I did my ' . J . . * . . L t engaged .to L1111an Ru 1. I . . 'Writ shop caiib.a made nearly as Use- L � . . ..
. 11 .waa remark- . I giiJ been test, , . , 1, 1. .
JL. something turnizid up . on the tiblo", ,.qad a. dingy little�. ed and .found worW. of, re.' til the olish is full, at the� last ptiL- apply to the Judy, you .ivill ascer 611, 1 AM able to destroy the Comm
. . . . I. best to earn' the favor ofray,patientS - ,� . . L . . . . . I t I . tin. a. lay�r of L . I you - � . . I I . f Ra.thp.^other room, a's tbare.'are I I
- able. I had not 4 -he World. 1 ran in. I Take AwOnty-five arge Ing . bread Crumbs , �Catn Wlift'rg true., ,That she. has nevc pl6.of God. ffohn 2. 19: "Destroy this. III . I. .
f, .farthing in t - . . '. . , 7 petition.. , * . . . . . . . I
I by.�thiAkInks6f their real,benofif,'In- .. 7 " ,* L, . I ,. I I . . I I 111�, t MPI ,,, L . . �
" . . doom frying. maisteriad in'. malted "bafter. , , ' many,obances to add to the asefaliies$ - -
. �, .
i. ` , , not a patient; tl�iough i3uy Sign, bright L . . . . I . "To whom . thio !)along V, I oysters, much am Are used'in . ' . . .. I . .13a ke I spokqu, to Me In Lier L life andwould a 0 And in t?�Irea% days I will, raise L I . . I 11 L . ..
. A�Oi . merely grasping, At my:fees, . . I . .. I . I . 1. .. I I . ' . I 'L . I . . I . I
1�1 ., . .ith ,gIldfng_�_!1Tb4eodore.H lly, M.D.11- - , (I'joit . . . . . asked. - . ." %..', I . .. . t '4n, without their, liquor$ in uUtIl %. I rich -bro'wn, t.h6n cover at! know. irie If we shbuld chance to rfieet t up 11 These: witnIesses were Aear,. of.a wa,, on " , , , t iL a coat of , L .
�- W .Q and. con Ider1bg the sufferers who h ad - � Place lie . 11 I . L . . . .. 1. . d, ' . I . .. I ag or.implamen, , _
, . . . I Lr ,a .. - . � ' -L '! , , ne I let atand f0r fifteen Minutes in: n'te:Ft plea�ant Illustrittlo:d'o.f. the liberty ' , ' L L _. �
I . .. , the chafing dfah,,� a , . . L t! �be . . . I I . I . or the truth than those Nv,bo ha:& gone Paint:or varnish is cdeasionally given.
1. . The &I started. �. - ! I.' I dol o" tablespoon Clog ". t . . I .1
i . r-uad glittered on iny bffiea. door for , only i46 . . ; . L - . 1. ... I I. . I .
. . Aid s man . y ,,L .. -1 I . - . . . f' L" . . , � they bad corrupt motives. ,Or . L . I . . ..
. . . Earned to.: Me for ,. , . , ' " W. in . I ng, . .1 I of th P S " L ;''.. 1 n.y6aliio � tbojmporta4de . _: 1. . .,
. I a batteri one�! gill. of . hitet * a, hot a are servi ,. . I e re a. . . I . .1 V y few Me . L
0 two months Or morp and nd wealthy ,, I_ ' �% ' L . lt,$.. hers," she said, �1. She' m kes ,fal, of' . . I. I I I .. , . ,. I %, before but L
.. ,
. . . .. I . I I " I . . . row in, saving a
1. , . . . .. ... . . - . .. . *� t t1lat "t. , , I ,
. .1 . I : ' . I I . s imony U 'vs -h I ,
. ' � good oureoi-' . . .. t�_ .: .,I . . . . I . . '.
I relatives to aid me in time of.need. 'am I A wax. . a i6a'Spoonfai Lot matt .-aud'ono-half - . . . .. I and Marli-tolls, u'A,t a ir-te carriagia or Art : I .
. L . .1 . . ne . . � . . 11 I , I I
. I . . I . 1. . . . L I . ORCHARD � . ', ' L � ' I
. . . . . . . . Doctoiio would oftob succeed better. .,' I i , �When 'the .. - . — 1. I ., AND-GARDE1.4. - id , , . , I , , I Imp1dinerit if it-is,,administcred in'aaa-r �
I . yet I asked a Igirl accustomed to re- . . I adid, remembering on that. 44810titY. Of PePPP-r- I L . .. . d .not Agree. . .11 . . .. . . . . I
. . . . .. in. tlii4 way than. any o-ther-T fouirid � Yost, yJas'll . . , . .1 . . I . . I . ' . - . L
11 * . 'the foi. . 1, , I SWRE, son. To b a is exprensive;Lto
l fliammon)t,, if not luxury, to keepbo0se. . . . . the instant that wn:x flower- re, cooked add to them I . .I, BTJTTUR., � . , I .
, . it 'op, at icast,, and my 'health and - * ' . . making oysters a 1. . L. .. . . . . . I " IK�ep all dead and fault�y: Ilibbs'cif -62, AnswerasC tboii nothing 7 what ,ire it don . " � . .
r me in a year's tione,'with as much , I was a. favourit Ext - . against do it oneself reqitires soriiii skill, but I
. ,
� - . . to I . . strength of body and .mind .Nvem aug- . a praqatMent. of HelenV lowing M' UierWhibb .Must be cook"' ,' One ORA keep batter Owedt a: l6ng off tb6 fruit and oru4mental[I tree& . , is Jt 'wbich the%e .Nkitneag I I ,
. .
I 1. oiuocs�s- As a, millionaira�.,,Ieould: have I .. I . I'Let MoLsee bar ,, L I I .1.. .. I ed -in the meahtiraii:'Dut vary fine Ons - ' thee f 'Or,: "Answerest'thou nothing after a littla.praotloo it is not diffi-.0 , .
.w__ I . . time,' even in a hot room Wh , . .yn mamirIng'ttie orchard the Who?# . % .
to � I . I . ,are Jt 1m, .
. . . manted �y the regular life I led.: do.-. Th�.,glrl ra:n �Wa)�_ " '' , I .. , ma, a ad a I trdffI6- To Oult. .'There is no better place to edws L
. . ei'hilblt6d, as coolly, iva I bad spent my . � . gill of Tuumbroo Do .. half ruelied, by. k0plag -it Ov'ar:(,d . sur'face aboulti te equallY OnAelle& � ' to what these witness. Against tb0OV'.' I . ,
I I me tin- - * � I - . `6f batter and . . .1. . I � . . . - boy'A -the' �'faijh help 6an* '. .
. . last shillingi 'promised to my, landlady �P.Ita Lthe mer&e. ntal labor. I ' -in in .. -whalf Out0ot , ' - the *best of One ii ter *an6tbp,r bad ..come 'forward br . . . .
. . . . . I waited tense auxiety, expact ' thia add One .. eate tbe
L poWd. upo f. - . . . . . .1 . L L briho, made b CA .Into boil. The mulberry Is.one'.of . f . . I I ' '
. ' n mysel . wttb: . y put mg: . . I ..
. . I
. ng, Upon a:IIIYLJ ' .1 . Lng.wy darling� sure that I should moo one-balf hi the poultry yar& It t 1xi the far 'work sh p- Ati hig the *in- , .
. that very even! L' . I . . . .gIll of mushroom llqupri Ing Wa to, L all thavalt it will take up. fruit tree6Lt6'groW wk h prejudicial statements akaixis . M. 0 .r .
. .
1. . . . . . . 1.'thought -of iny,'deax. Relen coh-' fier, my .,h"rt,, Palpitating . a f! i d the . ' . . I . I. - I I h or oft dull days, and in - , *
- . I ., my hand - Than lot it'!o6oA d . Seaus and he Still "held his p6aoe."
. I Intended vag * I . Dook.for ve minutes and ad., I : U e ground freezes suffl, ter- nigat ,a . I
. uely to lie rich some . I . I . . I I L . . -an potli.dver . the, As SOO as th L �, � ' ,
I . 4tantly, and a ldtt4�..fro,= her,would, I . . I . .1 9 f , ' 'the clently hard to bear up a -wagon apply Of. this milene a . �, a'shap as 'd6sairl . IS , : ', -
every Man does'L and I i ' I trembuoi. ,, �, ' . . j,olks' of.'four a gis andaplut 0 - rich butter.' Most may be-pro4orved in . . a is'. .53, I IS, a pro Stich . . bed, .there . .
. da , of courses. L .. . have been ve_ry precious. I belleveAt . I . .1 n ,h ' -
.y . ,� � , � . . .. -� natruc
1. 'had no doulA that luck would change lit the motilly"d of a step upon the bream. Put,with Cho ON'Stetm And lot Sameway. To,iiei-ffure,it'wili the mulchi - . at. 2. *23 1s',A mostA - vEkry itttle�tut.6au be do. 61it L.0 way, .
L 'have been I. I become, . . . pbedy; 1: P . . . . . .
. . would -kinder in her. father .and stood ,t very. bot.with6ut boil. Lt when yo . . when selecting Shade trees furLlilaiat� . . and, . touching- oominentary. ' , . of'rep . L
I . I §tatr I started'to my feet the raixtuiI6 V Rim, and'mnob. 6i,ri be done in
I � before long. Therefore, I felt no conar toL havie *jobXmitted A ci>rroepo ridence. I . . . . rather salty, bu` it wi' L five L . . . L
. � I .
I . . .. . . . . r6ady to. clasp. her. to. My itr but jag ; then s r f paste 6�11; in . . sh to ' I 'L . . . . I I . . . I .
� I . . .. L. but L went . M-9, - a. ve with- Pal I . use it. take -it oult of' the biine. L Ing, hardirie"'ia of theArees Should be thee -by the- livin God, making now also., I .1 . .. . . � .
s .* i I h r account, . I . . 1 . L . . I . I . .
part6tions of. con cleme, . Battered Much anxiety ort C, . . the given preference over rdpld growth . ..... .63., ladjure .9 � . . . .. . I I
. L. alas I only a stout, elderly farnale,wit,14 sha pep. - L - ` . L n1glit before ,arfd'lay. it aoxoAS two L . that thou tell us wbether thou, be the . ., — ,� . I
I � right home In. ' Marry .mood. think- LWh . joh I . . . I .Save the flaps Of unused linvelo c8l . . . I I I I . I .. L I
�. a . . . .migilt-tbusharelxmn avoided. a'! viulgkr face, And c6atse,:-��ed hair, . . P Apo .1 Whenever bashes or su�kers tire seen . of God. .'a!he,-Iaw..em- .; .1 . . t . I I
. ' . L
.1 . . . . . . * . . Chri. ,. � ' * I I . I
. .
Ing -myself ,the happiest follow under Bat I had Promised to subbilt. ,-t .. . . . OAEI or atieks to lift it from: the - st the Son . . . A COW'S INFLUBNON.' I
�. . I I . . I . P entered. . . ., to. mark your fruit tans. with, name of . �' . jrowtng . around , the apple 'and . peu . a rtain . .1 I .. I .. I
� . the Ann. . L. . . .. . . . . tiently,-and Tworked without later- . � L . . . . a . . . . �-bottow pf,,t,bo 4isl� 'in i0b, is]" trebstyou m kh6w that the orchard P9wmrcd'-tbe:Cbief priest I# 6 I � I I . 1. �
� . I I . . .1 Shrank baek'as', she . stared 'at rile fruit not: year' .;-.; they will .. . wh Xou wL By . . . I I .. The co,ivL a. I
y MiAsl6n, thus lea ng Myself h. L I I I . ' L � , ' � .. I .
X" acted I little . I . I I ,to soa,k I*, and then ,edver it With. cases to administer an oath. Our �torol a moral Influent:' up- " �
,. a P ,. Mat ra . . .. ... L ' . I . . ... I , . has .
. Of co�rae I . .1 1. . . L rise, and'strove to camp ' time � . ... ,. _. , , b -every. twit * .
cc �v . time. L Vi : . OsoMY_ stick readily and . saveO, . 'fresh , star. Who salt Will th does not pay. I I .. . Leo . ta-answer this 6hal� 04 man; She rings him
. . arse of love would -run on smoothlY., . in Surp I . . . . a Id ,not yefuse . P . .
I I . foir.tliought As possiblo- . . I . and trouble - to maka. . paste. .. W . an mot- ,One advauia i . , . '
I., I next day had passed I . . ., . L I . . . . adif-L . . L . . . I hard L IS I frtdtSL will Usti a it Was 150 worded,that he a otay, without.fall, pay. for hot livi.mg; .
I -but before the . I I . . .1 . . I tie out of the meat�iind it will freshen the ore that the ' Iange, an . . . .. .
. a it . . esn't rm' ln,'dabt for board or . . I
, . . I . There. were.women,. of Cowie, With-' I, I de6 NVharaL one ha abeled frai -a As once . * , , . . ' i .
, Ixe to !ice the lady who made . � . .4 � �aya either denied himself or she do . n I I I � I.
. -&9>,g --0%y mistake. I bad an early . . . - I intooly6 You thr t It into to maturity et - L � . I L.
. I . . L- . inmy OlrcleoUacqaa�intanea %vbo L ., oW mea, or fis irlier than 6n must . 1. goal. In ,.,
. .. I weve this," r.sal&:. . .. I � .4 they NvIll. never OlWit'L it. : The,presayv- . I I L� . . I . L what,seemed to'be blas lodging but pays up as she . . 'L
. . ,
the morning, no other: -than . . I he 149 season I 1% & IOAS. ,W . Cue bottom of 9' * , I- er, *It = land.' . . have uttered . .
, I � . L mover .L#, That's in( - ay oft yet bl%t I , vogge arid day L . . I . . I . .. .!, I
I .,.,,.L In nelthex'old nor iigly,�bat 'they ) -, I dispose oi lerit,"' s . . a edrin. .. - , . paying . d6rs int6rnatiouaA our- .
I I ''. Helen's father, a stout old ,gentleman, ` , . L � 11 . I L with! water.amd-it will freshen, very. ' If -the fruit trees Bic BPUt' by 'frbot, plie'ray * to th Saub . . 11 . I She tan . I ..
` I made. the. ,.least Impreasio ,on -My. answered t can I do for you Itt � the,ro is nothing like looking.. ahead little, ,for *the.. salt. doe . s not fall out, Ileat grafting wax, spread It on L I � 01, Thou It st,'said.-.This expression r uOy. accepted and. used by -every � I
� Witil,an imposing manner, gpd a, load I ""Wha . . a- I I I a V ece .a . a . ' ' ' *
heart, i JArlhat Wexe they coinpar,ed j"Zo � I'I'I faltered. !'I beg and taklig father ti;%V by.. the strcinges 0 , a' lit 'r, In
voice, and a general well-to-do respect- s u . , that you . I I . the -to . r -but only to .tb;B: ]a ' I Of muslin and place It over theL wound, Was It j'amish. idiom'of.. .t mother's § ri and oltug e � ,, every. LL . I
abilit quite anatilildting to 6ne-di . my with my doar Helen.? . . ! , . . 'will tell me- from What that* flower lock. . ' . . . L . . . I . . . .. .. I 1. . wor Aldo. - . . eep in Lplace. ". ... I L . .. I � 11 I . ti -y on eltrtbi Ncarlyav- . .
. . . I . I . . . I 1 4 . I . I . L tylpg1t; to k ag$eut..IIAssnredIY.I din." Powd-rhere olvilized Court . I
i - - . Y . rind . habits. ` I even. filutaned ,'soiaiety.' not'fr4m w4p-captcd, quil where -Zou, -obtained , . . I I 1. . I., . 1. . . .. _____0 I — I . � . . . trees refuse to ' and L stands . i* I . a ' . . L - - , '
. . . . . W On pear grow . a L .
peauliar, disposition . . I. L ' .1 b L . .qr the Eternal One. .- rytbing. farimer. produces must unm' 1.
. . RES. , L . L 1. I 1, L I .. 11 . i , I I .. L . . is Ava - ,
L . . . .� I . I .... . . SOM . � I I IL .1 I : . anti. enitivate, th . 'The high.ptlest .*refit his olatbOa,� dOrgO Sam . ... .,
I - I . . I any fear:of their fasicAnation, but be- the IV :'' t B LENTEN DIS . , a Change before it * il ' ' .
. . l
I Hitherto, bovvevdr� he had been very . . . vase. I L Wee ... . 11 L I %ppqar, dorm am won '. . , I , ,
L , ,
caus.eit involved, expmse. And My Ob_ L. .'.,g He . `.'Ilut, bless, as, I , Salmon: Gratin; A Very . Len_ � SHORT TALXS. , L . around 65. . I . - Mon L ey , , 1'6ga , .
) . I I was . . iitstly," .she said. L . I . � . and apply plenty Of wood ashes an able1or food, and evert
polite tin(! gracious Wraoi 4-ni .. I . * ' . e ,,A formal adt 'expressing a. Audd . : .
S . L.. frolvic jeot was ecouora,y. And so the three youlre� .not ill?" : - L.: ,� .. . �... ten liftakfast or Supper diSli is made Pride and ioolisluiess keep more theth. The hatching of the tent 'atet. . I wertng soinse Of horror . ,it Can � der overywbe�e,,:Is of no ace4unt I
' 0 . - 'People oar t , a u ..1. I pillar can, In a great measure, . be pre.' And o.vdrpo . . . I
(to Un . lecande dfl-life;
1), qgl prepared for the angry I I Sit$
. with Which he � ptalked . into MY, untidy Yeard passed* and mi their end I found . ",No,)$ I said, I' But that f lowev: 1.s� 'thu,4;, One cup cold balled Salmon flak I lip 33RU CC at zi�ed, . I d blasphemy; but hype- whatever for the I
. . . I � I "' ybat he Oat a I
- . '
. . 'a rope ned tho door for him.. . Myself with 4 .fina petractice, splendid an old friend of.mine; I will PAS 3ny ad fine with aforkI.mixed with one,- Some� People buy .0ings.they doii't vented 'by, going through, the orchard N 1. - Oxdcbt when exchanged for somaL69- % I
i room a . . . � 1nL re I , .sell now and picktria Olt .tbe elustinf of critical, anaris6�1 to.disguiso,bis .met .
I I 4y heartsank, bat I Placed 9, chair 'healthi a Flum Of mont.-y laid a�vayfof sum for information Ara to If.,, half cup told, drawn butter, popper need and then are.oblLgad to e,IIL , * , � . 1. I., .. Sb trial for elsi,, but. the, product of the 60y� ia . .. .
. ' I . '9 u to ly. 'aud sait, Nearly fill.little earthen thinV they do need, L L ' , ' L 1498� -, - I , . .1 ., . ice.. � The'Judge$. in a Jew! . L ones. Available to I
I . . . . . . . - bla ,
t � in] weeteE(t a ralcy 4ay, dfid every Wild habit 01 The woman looked at me do bt I . . . . . at r:.food,, and Cho . ' -
for him, And Men ng MY it � . I . .It is a�ll .1 - . . - . I I`I4 . sphoray were bound to rend their I L. '
. L havin MY early youth discarded. . I I laUl a sovereign -upon the table. 1. dishes ,with the mixture, cover with well enovgb to give AIMS . L . , . I the blasl3biam-. inqr& ,vs use of it in its natural state' - .
�. smile, remarked thatL %ve were. 9 . . I . . . . to ffbb po L . . . clothes, In twain �A!011 .
. . crumbs Arid brown in the a]]- .4,' - -14y � I .
� "char I . . ' it is needless 6 say that: the M01. ' 11 Tell me all -you, kuo.w. of the plqnt fine bread .. . air,, but . . � .116 ITEM.8 OF INTEREST . a the the. � better. far our lite, both animal .:
k, � ming weather.". . . - . I . . - I I I I — . I . ous Words we'r u,ttared,. and L And. , , ,;
I. L -10harming fiddleetlokIs I" Wail the ment my time ol probation ' ' had ex- from which tbL% wasi copled,11.I said., PYWIX, . . I . . . I .. debts first. . . . . Wb on ki French newspaper Is not OtIrb clothes � i so.torn-ware never afterward. and moralI, Thing$ are valuable 'r .
. . answer.. ,'It did not comel here to talk pirad I lingered no lQnger� - .Shp sm!14-har finger touched the oreamed Codflsh;, Vleke very flue Sometimes -kind wcrd� ann _�,,; go of Its news It'does not Bay "It. Is, ra- , I -He hath spoken bta%, precious only lit proportion to that . .
. . I
1. I I . .. . . . to be manded.' ,
I . . . I ,. . one 1b; salt codfish. ' Wasb'In twO wil- much far the ' I power to Sustain 11fe, haute .We hold L.
about the weAther, RUA you know it, " Confiding my patienta to A brother Money. . . . I I x in the spirit of charity mored,01 but WinDly., Adds "under r.e- phemy, And tudoed our Lord's wards . . ,
. *
lan on:whaso P *te AS. in I I
I . . DaWt you consider yc%raelf a preeloam phy,%ka . skill I r lied, I took 11 ICIA breiking faith,'. she said, "but ,rs. and squeeze AS dry POSsib1c, than does a dollar, . .. . I . . � I . . . ' I . L
# . I I . . Q L . I . . L I . . . serve.11 � . . . were either blas emous'or Insane, Or 'that- milk is MOM PrOciaus Chi 9c dl'
, I �J'li tell YOIU 6 .it, IL Put into a saucepan with one and No porsia I . . ph , . latteal flui . d -far above the I _.
I . rascal, air I" I paesage. for UndO ' n at once and ar- I didn't mak , . I h can cartaltily be vary bad . ,A curious eustouk:prevalla In Mexico true. . of And, - the .
, . . I . L , I . I . . . -4 I . � I . I . I What hirtber need bdve ws .. . L
I a Upoln 'Agloriong does Vein, one-half pints sweet bienni, or,' the viben lolvo reigns In' the.heart and of paying afterno on , New I I Besides giving man .
. t stared at him in amazement. . 1. rived ther Qetober couldn't. Bat.you See a lady a . . . on calls I witnesses I L Here - is' a crafty, stroke. price of Silver. . I I . .
. quanitity'of sweet milk MAY be 'Wisdorh in tle head. . I Yearlo day attired In full evening dra& nourishing food, free from Ail linjur- . I
i "No and .has ever dared to call Ma AD, day-, with- A heart boating wildly that boards with me. I was her mar- same . . . If he got any, more' witnesses thoy� I u . I . .
' *
� . Sir," I Answered. " 1_7 to . . n . . butter the - It soeme Clint the devil stands wateh� white . . . . I . . shing mind 94 ..
I . , - with the emotiond Which, were natur- vant ouce, and obc,e come dow I to used, adding apiece of . � ties and gloveg. . I to whom might contradict those already board; ,on$ elements and nourb $ I
I . '
., "Hold your toingue, gir V, orfed the al on aooatiint.�of Cho near apprdaeb earn hov living. that way,' That'ain't- size Of a walnut. Rub two table- tug At the onttanca.of.two road$-' Relid bunters tiretbe vandals ' cil bad board wail as b I ody qb.e'helliq Winans Mar- .
I � . . . . . ,I tiferong but now the entire -001111
I .
. . old gontlemat.. "NO Affectation with ad my xottrition with Helen. , for.sale. it's. one she made far her- spoons cornstarcho or deiabloa offlodr, One leading to .eternal. happiness and iiothing ls.saere& Theme pes . can. his blasp � a by, improving tile i productiveness . ..
I . . pretty . smooth in a little cold milk, Add t I . . destroyerm.are now defacing the horny,. and lf.'.all' witnesses. al inishing the oaus.09 I .
I rat. 'You know you tire One. � A I only lingered in the city long melt, to keep, it flower ebe. was fond 10 ffie.other to, eternal -sorrow. f the soil. Elide dim . .
. . � . . .
I I , opy over illyn-inth rock.. � were false the acenseil bad proved his .0
I follow, indeed, to ask a girl to matty enough to banish the traces of travel of before her eyes. But she makes the fish and lot Come to a boil. Ite- These that .halt- between Live opit. The Tin . Igglaii eliarnber has .t. I. . I . .. cc Ma -n -,vould ll%vo trir -fretting on so- . .
a - from tie fire hud stir in quickly resolved own gull
� him within the Year I - What do YOU froaft my parwn., and. then, dressed as others-beautles-and she Supports Move , I '1098 Ara in a dangerous Position. The tillit vvpry it. I� shall be ,a total ab. 6o. What think, yet Not so much count, at poor crops weeds, ato, L& . .
, .
mean by It V becomingly aa I knew bow -for who- herself and bar blind father.by it, a. well -beaten egg. Do not boil af- de�tlis constantly wAlting and watch, I their opinion mall that is moral at All will iMPr0;o
� - . ' . of on 4 . Or Adding the egg, as it will ouidl gtaltier, -at )(..flat during the hours when a question concerning . at, morally, if his farm yields a goda.diop . .
I "That flove bar, str," I said. ever forIgot per-sonal appearance an Efelit very proud., an w ,t let 'It b t . e- Ing for everyove that is utioleei,led lie is offielating a,; a legislator. . I as a call upon tham, for their verdi he primary eagae
I I . . .1
I I'Bahtl* oeieA the Old gentleman, such an occasloo,V-I jumped into* a known. Igor I pretend It'$ me, Arid. Have ready as many bard -boiled eggs Which way to go. and Ole cow is t
. . . � I . The valilp nf the chicle. the basis of HO is guilty of death. So far as. this - . .1 I . �
11 luve-a fine love, indeed I When train ,which. ran through the toWli ,sell ,am. . . . 1. . I as there Are persons to serve,, place ' It seems that same People can take chewing
' I I I . ' . I . guill ,tint Is produced In Mev .meeting ,dgs concerned our Lord was of it. i . I .
r we Iova people, ,ire have gomp, consider- where I had parted, throe years before My. heart beat ri�pturously, on .a hat , platter and pour the fish an a' . . .. � I I . . I ,. I ..
7 . . . verolose of folly and riot,creaLo a Jeo Is three daws as great as that of the to death, but "this ,TOWS, � . . . . _ ! I .
I atiortfor their Comfort, What is Your from my darling. . . . .. . 1, is she here V, I t.tskad., I# 11, this over them. . tetgbiloThood, . talk, while mome, could 4rotintry's pres . ent rObber product I now destined . I Who Courted . . . 1. � . I -- . . �. I . .
I . . I I .o,r at loastAlietir itilers . . . .
wife (f� you ever had one� going to lIV# The time of the journey was; four ho a 00 f,f .1 � . I . To Bake 0?4sb; A fish weigh'ng not take but A, few grains %of,it suffi- The Clifeago (irainage canal, has a the favor of. Rome, ostentatiously Dox,x,r 11VAN sTrinnt'El. . � . .
I I . 0
� �
i on sit f Air, airl like a chameleon Y.Goo4a how$ -It seemed an eternity to me. . The woman anitwerod that they frora 4 to 6 Ills is it good aL�e to olent to Ara, I use tb!W whole continoht, 11"I'miltient . Wow Une consisting Of' it I .. .
I . .1 " . , of punishing V,)rty years ago my faThor quoted ,
� urprisOg I could Bear -bake. Olean . the. fish thor. disclaimed the power .
1, Heaven t , �nar impudence- a cely wait for the train to. were,,"bilt. would see no one . otighly, S&M, Peop�e learn very readily bow strong wli,c ea.l)le qtretelied alougoltO " . . I .
� I 1. * , 'd, 4, she, wipe dry and salt inside. Make dres- I . 1�ntlre disuarive of 34 miles. It Is therA C So new, . Charge" an old saylngiV "Fire is a. good derv-
, . &a.,, I . Almoken bpood when Cho town was 'IV I', be ',vise from the experie nee of ot& for lisp I
Rye bor this car:4,11 I 4al . before the Roman ant, but a liard muster," writea Mr.
. . I , . I . I , and safety in came of an, 4ed- must be pressed . .
7 IINV6 Most All have. ii t*gInting,- air," :,reached, I sErairtail rAy eyes tot catch will s6e me." . Bing of bread crumbs, buLter, salt sers. Some never learn until they are - . I . I . �
. 11 . dent, , I , ... . . . I Goo, V.. Roman, Altbough thist must
I said, I . might cif tha po W 06VO v ijtid I waiting onto more In. the lit- arid onlan, if d . . with driven by their oivn experience, an(] .
, , plarm that gre esired, and mix all I I 0 ,governor. . Struck him be regarded as a trt*4ra it Must be ad-
� � "You bad Yours, I believe." r-tb A , ,g ad ad Confine by some, are like Idiots, never will learn. A wrifor oil Ink naVIgatl6n guys 10A 67. Baffeted 'fi him. mitted that fire 'ta sometimes a very,
I , hex dwelling, arid rather run than tie parlo is time not 1 #ain, for an a g, Fill Cho b y a a it , asolesi to I-nlk of keeping a winter with `eteu6bod * tsti.' Otheiis""'knOte .
I "A beginning," tried the old gentle, walked down the wide (street Which in 0. few moment$ the door opened passing acoardo thread aroun a Those that are somewhat like idiots led )aIM '
- "I did not begin by associating. .led to the, green lang 6n which Mr. -Onto I I ore, And I clasped my Helen, . suffie , lout number of times to hold it are more numerous than'one wotild ProshIng botiti, because tile galea are 8 of their handg. unprofitable Bervant, We have read
i . man. I chminel open with strongly built Ill= With the i
� wtth.wild young. fellows, whose very Barrington's mansion stood, Then As be M s when I firmly. Place In the roasting pan . .. , '. it was not-tho dignified e of the man who, fearing burglars, bid
. "
� �
Acoianintauce was ruinotlil to vmY re- 0, ill . autiftly rind charining a . Inkle With suppose. . .. . . tOO soverc. and tile, cost of maintitning . "a, bilt' the "officers," his banknotas in the parlor Stove, .
ght mot my eyes that tranafteJ left liar, to. my bosom. � With 0. little. water, spri Following in the fpotatepq of otbeirs the b6fits In motion would be too . great. the 8aftbedrl often in this which big Innocent wife sent up in.
ptitation. I did riot spend my fifghts me to the ground in Okorror, er and lay thin all,eeg of salt pork .. . wbt, have appeared. so 1.
I The tale Ili SOO12 told., S114 IOvOd POPP is sometimes good and sometimes bad. . a temple, smoke. The ashes were of � aniall
drinking And gambling. I did 'let The poplars stood green and tall is me atill rrIed, and be- on top to season it- Bake an hour . Cary, the,
, and we were ma. . Some riteps will lead you to noble, use- � - . a , servants of th , . . : .
, waste my substance in riot, I'did uOI ,rar, but beyond them arooeauly; one mar. and a half, BaRta frequently until ful ' 11111BRITANCV, , ' who during the performanbe. of their value,
, Apend the hours which should have side our happy fireside. the old rly done, thou stop to allow the manhood And womanhood,'and even your daughter's volo ties ,,had fun" with their Whis, follows the same line with the
rumad wall, with empty w1v;aowo, and chant entled'his days 'In Peace. And ne, to beaven aud.1ts. blessings, and some � a, said the pro- brutal da . I .
b6all devoted to study In "Covering at its foot a lt�apr of rxt�bbish, charved tranquility, and diet! blessing us. Outside to becorfia crisp arid a delicate will load fessor, After tile, first 108sony really has vicElms. I farmer who applies the match to a
�, train the effe L ' ' . . poin to a Selfish, ungratc- , � to us, thau Christ. field of Stubble or vasa, Instead of
. ota of whialry And beer. And blackened, arid telling, as 1 lAnd Btill upon it stand in one of -hrown. After taking lip fish' thlqk- tul, isbameful Position -lit life, and eve � I 1 68. Prophesy an . . .
A now way to rise in the world 1, You'll I on gravy And pour over'it. This rO- � ,u a fine timbre, , that gteibtm, theet ,11'rom turning it under.- To the. average
- thought, at a recent Conflagration cuts Audi the waxen Illy There, sAd Mrs. Rockslej, I always Who is be a 22, 64 We, 'gort pie I an, espee,aliy L
� � mink down. to that very gutter, What . I wat too Much ovwcom'd -t � 0 ia�v our ftpartta (I when. I elve -Will answer for all kinds of fresh to bell and its'ottraings. . (I my husband ever Mark, 14. 65 and TAlk win If he Is young,
I right litva , yod to ask a girl to marry for Many momanto, but at last I 6 OI In all Its golden gplandot; An M - I . Madamol?Ashlon is one of thagreitt know it- I"" tal -hat force of thLg bIasph6MOUS or now, at the business, the tempta-
aw- look upon it, I often think how a all fish ,ems to since the day Adeline was bora t, the full tion to do so is strong, for be knowo
l you lot . tnoned courage to make Itiquir1co with Baked P!,gga Ott Fish Toast-, Toast leaders of humanity. .She. me Ile was in the mockery; they had blindfolded Our
� I , I put My bec0down on inyr hands a price I paid for It compared to its loAd. these that a,rd naturally wise as she took after him. k his face that on the clean ground the plow will
: , I A throbbing heart. I walkiaA tip to an worth, for who. would htwo thought slices of biread, butter while hot, . Ily fool. lumber business when, begot married, Lord' and. had, both strue
�� . and .bid my face for very Shama f1t Mince fish rarniainiag from some well as Chase who Are natura t I &A it, I-Thoy knew not do Much better Work, And later tha
j) e old woutan Who stood at a4 opposite Chat when in ray extravagance I gave - And apalt, up
. was all truo enough. , I wail rep gift door, And aoked'htr It she could tell ssessed for a flower, Chat previous meal, soasou to taste, Add Isb, Many will Sacrifice their healthI I w1lat they did."' . cultivator will not be fouled with the � .
w[141, onsteadj.' � all that t lit Wealth, good Sense, good behavior and THU Git%AT MAX. . docialing vegetation. Theme consider-
. me wb,O,td tO find Mr- Harriol9ton, through its means ;should have found OL IRUO butter arid spread on toast. _`-__*_�
�4 'ret I tried to falter forth an Asset. She ishook her bead. I at last the joy and comfort which now' Allow one egg Arid One team . POOn but- thatir souls in order to Please her POP- !rhaI eald In All his literary. career B1t0XBB,S IIOR� HItIDA"I., COUPTi9s, ationg do not weigh much alongside .
I Elba that t WaO not so bad All same ulax whims. Rei- devotees can be, he nov,or wrote anything but Common are et regular 'it- the benefits accruing to the growing
IIX%11 Aba said; "riot no Ono in the meal, ' ter to each Slice.. Place the butter In , . marriage broker$
men a,fteir all, and that I Intended to orow.t my d"s-tbat by ItA 0 found eveowboro in society, in the Aen .. .
plam Thor Went away In the night my love $Uoald be restored to Me I % the baking tin, 'molt it, break the. $0. . . Stitution In Italy. In G6nom Moro &To crop from the valu . Able. humus in the
havc, it large proatJ66, 'and be steady AM, weve never -heard of 16w. Per. . . _. I egg In a Cap, slip it from the bull ba.11-room, In the theater, and even In ,&lga I I fear, game dnemy ia abolit to regular marriav brokers, 0116 have otoll. . I _,
Il And prosperous game day. Above all, I . . 11 I tho pows and ptilpita of our chce Cc s .. en of Overy practical farmer obould on-
. hapst You're a frl4h of tbeIr'S111 the true craptr6 of Ran! .Its Oover. InIC& the tin and bake. throe minutes. I pockot-booka filled Oith the UOM
� that I lovad Helea better than V1Y Us$ � why I � . the marriagogide. g1r1g Of the differ- dea,vor to plow under gK much rough -
'I . pfd , Whieb Was true enough Heti.veld "VO4, Jag," I gaisped, "Tell Me All eign SWAY'L Most be at home and Over Serve an egg' at each Blida of topat' � . . his IOV '90TOB, V
' . sprinkle with salt And pepper, Thia They are going to publimb a o''at classes, With 126tc9f Of their fl age m 0081bla; not only dtioof It add
kolwo You ktow." , heart ' 8 of kindred man. �_ I 101tard. per$onal itttractiCAB, fdrtu-nei, And oth. to the firtilltyetthe field but maktiA
"Good Inteintiobs pave U16 way to, *'Ytoft W, Mr, Harrib.gton falleil two, Grave feAtO Aror entertained by thti is o, nice dish for R, winber supper. SWPIX HAD TO, 0
, , go thd 6011 poroua And M611OW and also
i tr q agoill Said thd� wommi, *,Ana ,people of Atklow that the 1wreaming orcamed Vish; Boil A, throe lb fish , noator-X auppose when, you go to , �_'W_ Or 6ireitiZatgnuag. Them ,brokord
hoB lower tegibris " said the Old 961itle- y"I . about ondeavOurilIg to arrange don. consaTiiICA the malstaire, in time of
ma fi, when I bad ' finished. Speaking tbAt tvuAhed him doiwn, and than tht I ghallownesa of the b*r will sariatts. Pike Is best, Ift'salt water until oloilo. work you )ride f Wr� ALTIJ ortualm's I)OWN PRE- neotlow, in Ella 80,MO Off -hand m0reian- avoiatIL It way be urged that,agreAt
� 11 de. bank broke where, he bad a little left ly Interfere with the trade and cow. neartove tbe skin and bone, flaka It patient-Ita, tir, t ride up arid
� . more. Igladly than bofaro,- b4t, Ott . J VDIM, I tilt manner W111ch they would bring many wood AcAdi are destroyed by
I A 1111%
ZT` I L, !)J
, . tjedly, ot cannot give my daughter te, aftar tbiug4 wore Battled, And then merae of the town, The recent natil fitiolSt minced and Odd SU166 Of down. I �
I '* .A.., 6 act his house on lire, gad strong goatherl�v gales have so heap. Ono OUlwn, salt p6ppar. one tablespoo Yea, they were first ocusins. to bear upon I businoss trans- burning over tho 1161d,, but this should
buty who hat given to proof th&t he In- 4OMe6n# lk ofttor-A-h I That's the oatiae of But walln't. there any ObjOction to action# Ana W, I
- -halt OuM M, ri , 1, "y ,not be taken into atootiat. b aorop
I It. Stap 1�2 hey owiiaod they
Ad lip the Baud upon �tha bar that at butter, Ono and Ono uT trouble. Std6fttary hftbL 10%
I t#b& to out them It PrIlAti0e, Out he Was! $16 bunt that he, lost his sight, ya 0 2 of a per 'Cent.
I IMe the depth Is Only and `6116 Cable P 0 ut r d � . 160 . ,like earn or lolatoeg, wbea hard Work
amide frota your habits, t Jim always Ana they eoluldil't bear, I suppose, to the Prtis6nt CA a 004 ft tLr. V In 1 It#, their marry" got A commission ,
& It opoa LU portions with Ouch 61tras 14 mostly., dlavans(oa witht the prob-
lIkIM yoa� I,tbfnk you 43913t, It YOU live, in compavativd poverty whf"rp pight feet, With the reault that the small dwim or Una, ,and isprinkle, top pati,but—nut 11?A never bt at wbrk No'do .t &% oil th6 o6ntri&r$,, L
with byma ofivubit wbloh hA6vd been it Ididnot rldt up And down. I'M an *44 06MAde,v6d A WIAO thkW tu UAKA' or, bon,ams, #A taity b6 *o1watatfly be- *Wltr Id ,that MA etouail, Is alvaagy�
shbis,a, beoOrfto R11 110116411 to YOU VtO Choy bAd lived AW*611, 6o they went shipping of thil 00ft I$ VeAttY It- I b* .", VAft 1 �
I ,
f4ofw sod rtgo it tbA World In r1q6ty twilLy swat-Ilkii, AM Uvt tot Won 0044161141"At 11 - '' _1 ittiftod to * *44"tid PaX With. but- I 016001 SAM, I 1 I , � � I ' 04 kwA tAWIy hrtoast Aw"A , I I I b* bf f0*1 a ". I t i ; t - t ; t, I ;
I I � * :1 , I I - .
'4� ,