HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-07, Page 4I I I I , J�. MITCHRLIq IDITUR AND PROPH11TUR 111111 cy 14INTON, MAIRCH. 7TH, 1901 W111 AUX %V&TTJVQ ALONG VRAT WAT,L WITIKOUT I TUAM. � . . I i Thle county to entitled to three rep- relientAtIveiii In.the Legislature but for the past Couple of sessions we have .1boon getting along, 60,well-with two that the question has arisen why have I three at All ? I . . � . ThOa again. The registrarship hap . been vacant tor about the same length , o,f time but We. public bool . ness doesoot ,appear to have been inconvenienced .thereby, It -we can get along without, , A f i I-flodged, reglattar,for two years, , ul why not for -all time P , . . We are being governed to death and ' I bore Are tWo. inotancea right at bome ,which go to prove it. . . I The WAS A I -A __ I li�l�ll�illi�l�l . ­ ____ .- . ________ _ I I -t" -7#.T"WV&_­­_­­__ ------- �', � � - � - -.--. - - _.­ . ­ "I _111 -.---- . ­_ - ­ - � I - Ad.,& , ­ -, , ,, 0 A WS& I .1 .... I ­ I 110 0100 -0 - 1. -1111111111111111111 -I'll � � - __ _;Lzl�� ­ � plom ... I--..--- ­�;��!__­ - -_ ­_­ --- I mows"" ­­ I I ­ I ... . I . _�,& ------ 1""##"#+"++"+q - , - - . 10. . I , 111__._�_#4#_M_1_11 Goderich. , I I __ "4k*%1%"" "1% ""V�. The old mil, tnry veteran McCue was : .11 . -1 ­ ey, who boA for the P44t ELD , & SKIVINGS GODERICH COORESPOINDUNT . . . - ­ 14 Own last Week looking Ali brightas , , , .. I In the employ of Me, Jobu J. I . M1110 never fe 1. Hid arm N progreal, r I I Wall th othcon.,bashlrodwith. -1 M779 041 alioneetingot thoulgh . ha, In ve favo,obly. Great - Doinal 14thevalladianorderafroreotero tie# Baker of,the same con- . �,W,K##+#*"*+"""""# . . .. . .. . *+"+"+4+" . , K ViankTurnbull of Au�nrn visit- �­� 5 cesolon. bolero with beautiful Doebesse lace . 1. .1. old At Sarniti, last week. Tile Dr. UiTouzel'o furlough has tlearlY ed the old town this week. $ At our b1c sal . And the various -ed and be will otion have to leave u lyi,tocited rose colored silk walet. , . I Mr. arid Mrs, William Cook of Port exsh Upon ,the rovers under which was a . . lance Was lar t the order is Alberti were ylvitinfat Mr. W. vook's 41, tip lady of the onowe" for $*The no We met Mrs, John Vol -ter on Satur. " A allowed MI . the icka being ids forthe Artit time since her return I of the 140 con. bts week. en of ror,W, Wit . stitched peroso in 441 ibing. The 0. 0. V. Is noD only . M :1 season frow her I rip to Qa'Appelle ""IJ i W�VIIWIIWT, q1 In Ftb I I - � Jd , Z.� ft E �31_,T who br ey`mploy L r. 'harlthe loth con" has els Baker Of the - ftitl8dkimmings Ich the late "tent' ,Vandyke fasbloh, The toque wag of ` I .. chinchillafur with trimmings of white 404 the NOIthwe'llt, te"Pit"I'luO, She 01 h, L '� ^ _AA Aboquet of bride roses. The bridem- � r_1__.11_____ _- _- _ I titbe firsi of February tbW year maK, Miss Mary Campbell, looked ;-, . �r $1,100,000. -Ing 19M fift . tk a " Shoes, Rub erss , ig Ito own but. make" pro ego in NN John Wall!*, who has been on termed But tiluda 1 $ - - r satistotory mapper. 1918vilegan, the sick list, Is now recovering. We regret very much to lou'ritt that A There was a, social gathering at X � Chenille With a large i surplixis of $837,202 which iti. . I,. Miss Polly, who has been"presidelit of 11"till and black said she enjoyed ber trip Ho much -that �4, during, the year to $9,64020 JaS- ff- HArrisf,111% Oa F "Iday night Of the McGillivray Mission Band for the, bunch of violets in front. Ke carried she would velillY like tit live Out there I last week When a fesy hours were past eight years, has handed in ber, - � � 00i 9 Dar inerrily whiled away with songs, in- resignation. We feel cert, in tb t no I I LIFZ 014 THE RAIL. . . s . atrumental musle,games, etc . I lovelk in I now courts were organized aA -, etc. The other president ran afford to give so Andie, f4ricitully trimmed witli'valen ) 10, unt"ona �J - Iletall selling at wholepato PrIces What-woro Arts! content and tile time passed all, it) felines insertion arid black vely et b4b of tile beat known engineers on the O., I Vill, . increase in ittlemberahlP be, much time tc -the Band but Miss Polly ge a pretty costume of blue or: Mr. Qeo. Vummlng�, Barr "Na", ", b brings the total now her, ConlPanY enjoyed themselves to their - not After rest take up the reire; akaln. I hilt - "Por ye,tra I suff't red from � can you w4k. Room andmoney We MUSI have AT14 the $ , to, Wbie Foresters up to over too quickly, A. handsome morocco dressing case "ibbou, black velvet picture �11K T. R., writes. - tuadian large black plumes arid carrie. a . . The death rate is claiwed Mr. Richard Jennings, ,who has ;;as presented bar At the hist tueetiag kidney -ditiesse brou0it on by railroad goods InUst go, We neyer bad such lively iiieldag lu I 11 1, , I ;he managers - of the order been upon the sick libt, is now on the of the Mission Band as a slight tokeit . boquet of white carnations, Aft" life. The doctors olalled it "railroad $ , ,. mend. . . of their appreciation -of the interest, congratulations were extended at the kidney" but could give we no, perman footwyar itis we are,'bavingnow, and, our riurnerou$ OU$_- ,. . be the lowest of any end of the warriage ceremorly the - satis _ , - -list society or insurance company, ,oMr. and Mrs. Edward Ache. sheouristantlytook in their advance- antrolief. A frieud recommended Dr. 40 tonaers were nevfir qi�lte as, well fied with the lib— . I _ a continent. ,Oonrt Maple Leaf It took tip their residence . ill mentin mission work, happy couple led their guests ,to the Chase's Kiduey-Liver Pills aRylug they i � eral waN we are treating them in all kind of firet class ' . a high in 0. 0 0ollerich, last week so thi%t o as been VialtinK dining room where asomptuous dinner had oured him. A low boxes of this � - Vostati ties,having members of tile I fa rily three. Mrs. (Dr I Wbitely h . was served, Tho room wag chorming- 0 footwear. When we bought thel Jackson Bros. stock I �', , wily of rien ,oronto. I IV, decorated with festoons of red, - Robert Acheson$ the pioneer, a native J. 0. Mat -tin ,nd DO, Clarke were in I :er 'surplus on hands than Any f 4 gritoot medicine completely cored. me, court, save I One. Among , a . iibife and blue hunting crossing the putting.sko end to tile dreadful poling In we exl)ected it would go out with a rush -.and we oaxre, I alegates were the followil, ng from Ireland, now Toronto dttending the February ' � 1, . m , coiling, froult which hung Chinese the bgok lind grestily strengthening th'. . , of 'Ourit tow-l"Al lagh'irs, Henry Ford, annual eating ot .tho. Canadian live in tbye Fel"ship: M not di -appointed. 0 courbe wewere never able to give . n, John Smith. Clint9n; Williarn Mra�Wj ti lanterns, making the scene most plo kidnava. I Am a well man to-day,tilanks I f 11 - ey, Holmesville; 0. H. Broadfout Iliam Crooke -and Mr. Robert Associa on of fairs Arid associations, . 'hoes at I � � - Acheson. The Achosons bave rt-lways The flineral of the late Thomas 1, tumsque, especially as Angus McKay, to Dr. 0hose," One plil a dogo. 25 as go,- d values as now, We can give you, - is ), Latimer, Seafoah; W. R. Kerl, been ainting our forefiriost fismili", took place from W9 late resi- I the piper from Lucknow, And Jack- cents A box, , I . 101 iels ; J. Bruildson, Londesboro. while in (he c . I ' es, violinist, were among I whofes4le pricet,4, and then make a profit, and if you , Ounty town the name to =, on .k3uilday week. Ur. Polly Ho _. $ . irliniD. Dung i antion; J. McGill, thegb'9nn'oLre'dn guests, After the mono bave not secured your spring Pupply, it will k I R. .Henderson, Wblte� synonymous with. sterling integrity wttl, born on ArAbdoet,isla,nd And latex . � h; F. W, Smallacombe, Hensall; and uprightness. - John and George his family removed to, Ashileld w here was done full Justice to then outsound- Meadbury. be -i ) your interest to � call and see what we are doing, i . . I have for many years. been en. they took up, fitroxis. About Eleven ed the weird music from Scittla's, b?tg-' . - � I . 6AIor, Constance, J. Young and Piped and the strains of the violin, I I . . � turdy,Auburq;G,W Proctor gaged in merehantile pqrsuits in ibttt� years Ago Mr, Pon and his family Xr.'and Mrs, 3ohn Scallett called $ We have 80 pairs only of Men's Heavy Laced Boots, which will sell at i I town,have prosperei: which set many a- beart pit -a -pat as � IV a AA.. R-1 r --e J Moore I and all now pose. retired fr(in farrot fife And cattle to u the lattep'd brotbt-p MI, 31)hn I wbt-n this lot is vone we don't ex set to have An -o-- -* this I .� — __ . fbAl- I � . f � C. ; . I I all of this woddle goods. reside in Cx6derich, where be accepted ' oly 4elil 61eP with title lovely music, I I r .? , , and A. Moffati ego in"' About 150 guests attended the wed- iWV;tt, of the.Base Live, whi) Is vevy iirice,'so, olo'line as soon as Y-olu see this, it you want a pair of them. or Exeter; T. Stewart , . , . your . I T13LE faRB�mp OF MENBURB I Mr, Edward Acheson 1`11,bt sAW the a li�)sition with Burzows avd Colborne, ding, Among distance Ill. . size.will bo gone, . . I . . . . . , Blueyale.. I I light Of day fifty nine years, ago a , those from a � �. I � . . poll grain dealers, Lately befell a 'Victim were ,Mrs. Hai:kettof. Wlarton. sister � I OF RARLIAKNXT WOULD � Invitations are out for the wedding I . I - I lot ninety On tile Rut -on Road which Lo Bright's disease and although be pla fairest young tL,,,d,,,,.,1 Reavv Laced Boots, about, 75 pairejast. the kind for spring wear, F HTEIN A. - B . I .11 I nolispoised for of the- groom,' and Messrs. Joe and Of One ot McKillo . 10 - war h , $1.25 to $160, we vu§ theut all at one price during this great , . Rio UZZARD, continued until last week to be his complained olf being 1 Pete Scott of'Layies. Regrets were re. ladies, 115i the Person Of I I SAYa T ELE TOR01qT10 SAT- MISS XOUNTCASTLE WRITES. home. With more wisdom than is some tlme�uo ne even thought that � M as Ellft Haul-, oftle, Only goo, all sizell. � � . I . � calved from London, Sarnia, Wiarton ilton,toMr.A.fiodginsotLiiet�i3. Tile � � � � usually put into Practice on such occa- his life was ton dstn er. Mr, Polly 0 1 1 $ � . . , URDAY .NIPHT; I 33ER O*X RUCITAT16NS, sions he -retires in the prime of man- . anti Jackson, Mich., The presents were ceremony is to take place tit the hoille � . leaves a sorrowing wiTow. two. daugh, . -bride oil March Oth. � Extra, specials in Men's Fine Sh ies,ou Friday and Saturd;2y Next. $ . � .. I . . I � . — . . — I bood and wlien capable of taking the ters, one of thetxt being 11 Years old, many and, coij.tly. The groom's pres- t,h, a , We -will plaoe on outs aboui 300 pairs 9f -Meulli Fint, tih prices never , '. The following lines were written and - ell p to the bride was 4 very handsome Mr., John Greive is preparing to. before heard of in this seqtjoia� this iotinoludes The 0(ao' at and .. . � Toronto 'Saturday Night, which is reatestamountof itrijovnient froma andoineson. TheOrange Societiesof go . FAtC ilett WI opals an long build. all addition to his barn next, 1 $' . 41,00 our Best Boots. , � . I . Stater Shoo . , . . rathe rittily inclined, had the fol. recited by Was: Mounteastle at the ell- fife of comparative ease. He has long the Nile 'and Goderich turned out in I . I . .r 0 ter. I , - owing it) it . I alume oil c Ala. . a proo, also pi,esented summer. . . . , I I I ;a last, issue': The peculiar tit given to A.B, Webb by the begn identified with the Rol esVille numbers to attend the funeral of theiF Several from aroutid here attetided Don', .*visa thiiioppoirtu�ijlty to get a pair ef up-to-aaeboolts at; whollessia - � log -rolling And greedy hunker I -sliding Foresters on his return from South Methodist church which wi , fl=., hill, esteem6d -brother. Two beautiful the btioleamai ith an emerald And ' * , . , . I . ' . Parliament and Africa. We have been Asked peveral rhinestone pl, he happy couple left th horse fair in Brtissel.4.lastThursday, .. . . . , .. � . �� I Of these rpernbers of . and his estimable p4rtiler ve floral tributes were laid upon the, cas- , � .0 . 9,1,e I . . : , � � . � I . . . . Senators is*enougb to.frighten it buz- thoes foi these Verses but owing to the but what will lie that church, ry much, for their horn a iartort At 3,80 -p.m. - ____ - ­ -­_ .. .. . �, $ . , This dffef will , $ 1 F the writer have been be the a loss will ket, one a lovely holquet, of. pink arid on Thursdav The bride was a gre . At . not likely be repeated after Saturday, March 9, . � , mird away from 4 dead horse ; they all - prolonged illness eJ gain of North street church, white roses,. the gift of the Roya � I , 4 .. 6oxE WONIT BELIEVE , . ' ' . . . * . of the carrion, and it is 'to -ocure t . worker in.church eircles #Ind for Many I . garg.ai.ns inWorrisn's Fine Battened or Laced, B,)oto, In tbia line y`ont . . .,want some unable to pt hern. Much sorrow is with vi ieb he has become Identified. Templarsi the other a boqnet of white of Knox , Many people who-bave"suffered (be will it) 11's Fine Boots, KIng Quality I I . I b feare os of friends which Mi. and Mrs. and the gift of years was all e Boots, all o the Empire � I can a ,d that, trially ot thei . . I - felt. ]it the community 1hat so great The b t, Mcilexittriembel Boots,.Flm n are agit4 roses whit6 carnations; - acute misery of itching Ok- bleeding piles ; , orl . o Premier's* -talent should inhabit so frail a bodyt , . -cb oboir. I , - Ss and . I . Aebeson have in this' b chut . . I -Severelan 300ts. $ .. - ... tating for An increase in th townsibip. wish the Victoria stf 6 et S, $. N re- JOCO ' I � i .. salary And for somethirij to be given - . , Mr. William Logan of Buffalo is at' 'For .years lin spite of modicineii. and - ' . . . . $ . I � . THE FORESTERS WELCOME WEBB. them happiness And pro4;perityin their Ryan, a sister. of deceased, attended. Milwaukee superini ending the build, operations won't believe that Dr.0base'F ThH best goods in the store at slau,,41 er priceb' � ,to the leAder of the Upposition in new home, : .. the ftineial. The .other two sisters, . . o 11t � . I . [�By blar:,�, Mounteolatlel . . � I order -to further their own ends. The I . I'T 8b, 1901.1 - � The principal happenings of the Mrs. Pentland And Miss.Polly. reside I" A large. steel dredge for the Ointment is an actual cure, There has fcr F1'idav '111141 S13tol-dity Ilext 01 , - I I members or. Senators ' want week in I he township appear' in each in Baltimore R:cv. j. W, Robinson Bufftilo DO dge Co. The dredge will never yet been a penstin to. ololul�t the I . , Ily. .1 _.. . . , . I J . figeen hundred. or two thousand a Carrie a boat across the water, e (ind'it impoo ve prices as W I . test he 120 feet long and 40 feet wide. MD., efficacy of this ,great preparation at ter s-ble to 6 # , is of THE N:Ews-Rucoari. officiated At the house and. the -master. I gi . e - ba.'ve s . I � � the Came A steamer OW the wave, I - Logan is one of the old Goi.dei-lch boys using one box It acts like magic i p3a,�'elines- We are out for busifiesa and , are geiting . . . a year eachi, They forgot that ' The following gives the sitarlaing of and Obaplain of the L. O. L. o3ad the I in . - � I nien against whom they ran,br against And,, the Foresters assembled, who has flou'risbed in the _U1 S. $ 1 � . . I I I .� S. $. No. 2, bir the nionth,of February, service of the brder at ttie Dungannon , , ocial gotten up by the stopping the pain and itching and* is 1. � I . � I * . . .whom they Intrigued in order to Olt- Welcome Wdbb,.the y9ung and brave., based on punctuality, good Oportment, .cemetery to which a vOry long prO0es- The 'box' a positively guaranteed td cure tiny Cape lots of ik. - Our Bargain R,qc1is in.- Men'S, WOM(14111% I . I . tairl'an apppiritinent to the Senate I 0 And general proficiency : Ist.01 ItoyalTe-tilplars of Temperance on' of bleeding and -protruding piles, ' Asti I , . . , . ' WelcomeWebb, who lefb'his country Age Jr. si6n escortedtlie reuinins of tbeir late _ ltovsl and Glrls'� 11001S are"being daily rep.: nisbed -'� - , :7, would have, willingly taken the � . :. Howard Clark. Ist SO -Wesley Monk, lit other. The pall-bearera were Messrs, 04ondity,' evening at the Temperance . . 0 1 For it land as yet unseen, your neighbors about it. Your dealer q Wi , I 1p . amouut whi-eb. they now get� If a' - David hall wasagreat sticial event. Boxes . .. . . . ; i� values �llat'eVen 81liprise ourselves. ge-ver lba- * . . - Where the Briton 'gainst the Boer, . Pt,ouse, Frankie Obambers.. J. MeMath. A. M. Todd, Wal. 'Nevins, the : hds it- . . I I I . I M in great nutribers were filled by , . . � I . � . . .. 1, .. jinan cannot afford to ledve horne and Fought for honor and the Queen, . Pt. 2nd-Ninit - Walters, Xoey Yujll, James ft-oirigb, Thos, Rawkilis An' . 0, fore baye we offer(A such j�nuine bargains, . � I . ; . live in Ottawa, at one thousand. dollars � � Ruthie Thompson. Jr. 2nd-Jenuie Macdonald. I �. - ' , ladies with:^ dainty luncheon, which I �___ _.!!!T� . ..� � . Can you . . . ,.. I : , I . . I � ­ . I I I ., . I * � , $ , . per. session and 'mileage, he should Webb, the dauntlesi son of battle, Ynill, . Thomas Chambers, Myrtle, Mi-, arid Mrs. George Swartz of Olin 't'he gentlemen were expeeted t6 buy aflor(I to miss th, 'I'tunity , F,� . I � never have been a candidate. Most of Dealing oleittli'mid veldt and wood,' one sallied I � 'WO cure a C . 0� - . I . is oppo. ­ ery pair we sell we . . . I . I Prouse. Sr. 2nd�lrene Rick, Mereditl� ton visited friends in town last week: and each i out to find the 11 I , old in one da�, , -a n ee ... . I . .a Gode- , lady whobe colors matched those.'In his . . . I . . � gnat t . and sew all rips free of ctiar"ge. PleaSe do � . I the oandidates are selected by the con- Ever mindful that his older Clark, Jenny. Monk...Jr, 3rd- Mabel � MO. Gunn of Seaforth wits, - I . I . I ning, wits, Take Laxative Brotno Qulrxine� Till). . . ' . . I . I . I ... . ve . no;, task for -goods -on approval' $ * . . . . ritions. not on account of their. abili-' Sprang from fearless 11 Robin :Vood." McMillen, Roy Chambers, Archur, rich visito;r last week. - iox. The first part of the eve i �. lets. All druggist -9 refund the utoney , a - . .1. . ty. but because' of their popniarit . I . given to ames, After ,%vbich the re . I I ,you c a liave� your MOU I.. , . Y. _Nine anoI Twenty flerce engagements . Willslin And Get -tie. Sturdy, '-Sr 3rd- Dr. Pallister (if Bayfield- drove up . ng was spent I . -not satisfactory.., . .. . � ... -1. . 1: Theleaderofthe GolvernmenE. is not . I . I rilainder of the eveni in' if it falls to care. 25c. E., W. Groves $: ey ,kack if . 1. . . . � , : Saw he while on Afric's shore, - . Matnie Yuill, Hnrry Oliambersi Mabel with his fiery steeds one dAy 184'week.. the concert hall- where Rey.� James signature is on each box I . . I I . IL . � . . . . ,. 1 ' I I �: ,elqciedovi accoantof'bis popularity, Met at Pitardioburk. the bayonet, - . IPzotlse; 41�h-Hoviard Stdrdyi Pearl ­ Rey. Spence Allan left on Tue8dljy Anderson presi&d as c"irifflan. , . . . . . . I.. I . . . YOU are-invit(,d to attend when convenient . the I . but because he bas'sacrificed nearly All rd -the deep mouthed cannon roi . - . . . . . . I I . I . . . I . .. . . . . . : .Hea . LO, Willion, Nettle Sturidy. 'iri.. Leaving .of last week for Toronto Where - be irf . � _­ . � greatest s�le 01 First class � Footwtar 'ever' attqmpted . � . . . . I , . I , . . , , i * ., the Years of his life to Watching legis- , . Pt Ist-Mattie Johnston, Lioda Sturdy. tends: ta spend some time, Later he The funeral of ,Mr. James Baxter' Jr, ' ,: - $ - , ' L � . . . . . 11 , .because be is able Sa won 4 . : i youngest anti of Capt.and M,rs. J NT ': i 11 ,..t. . ., ' �.. . 1. I . lation at�Ottawa and . W the tided dead and dying . . I times. . , WA F. 0. ' $ I t111O.County, ' L -us i4mile on - counte—naande. ' ._ . I I . . .Average for the mon.th.-86. will visit Ohlo in the interest of some - ?ok place from his tale rest- ' - I -1 — . ... . . , . I . I .. . ­ .... . . I . . I off -hand to answer All � sorts of qoeo_ Piled in heaps up3n the plain, . h Baxter, to: � . , . I . your . . .. . . . . I L � The regular weekly meeting of' the cburcb*.w.ork.. He. will be very muc The do- no W, we can . 11 11, . . � .. ,. . . .i tions put to,blin'lik Opposi tion, and to Where till angel watching o'er him, . .Goderich Township - Literary Society missed for he was a'_most w,elcooie Alionce on Friday afternoon. ` Wanted, for two eldorly eoipl�, respectable, WeI . please you. � .1 . � . I I : .1 . 1. . . . without fitirli.agiiiiable delay Saved, amid a thousand slain. .. , . - ceased young man fell into a delicate. trustworthy Setton, age 2Nto 30, comfortable I . I . . ., �.. I. , .. . . . . . I . I . to,, eet . ' .. I , I . nietlAlloTh6raday at'Mr. Laithwalte's visitor, in homes where.sorro.w, and � . state.of ii and I'll a, treats as one of the f.ainily,, Address , I . . The- 0141tellablo. ' . 11 .. :. I . . . �' � � '... . Whe crn masures will .�rn Through the liall ablAze with lainplight, .oin the Huron Road, abou three miles sickness Were visitors. � : . . .health About five years A � - . � , I .. I I . - I . .t . I was. advi� . . . .. . . 91 . ­ . . . , ,with . the. ' f the elpe . 'from town. 'Thei e was a good turn- Miss Beatrice M6C611 has returned to ;ed to go. sAlling wilb. his. J3.M. 59, QlInton P. 0 . .- , I . . .. . I I , b . � � . . ..... .. R voic,es to the dome, ,- brother;- OAptal , . . - I . I ; I .1 . � . heir Forestersare. about Ing ouths it was it fine night and it koad bet -home after -a Very pleasant visit . . The S to' ic., That Never Disgappoints . - � , - " , , , " I I - � , xrobation .o Vpe ' . �.. tore or.abou not. While heshould., ere the In Will. Baxter, but'all' � . � 11" be paid as an expert, the otheis u . _ of no avail. .-Specialists , Were visited � ' . I . I I . . I . . . q ., ..., . oho Id . Welcome I Welcome 1. Welcome home I progi hm wits on. hitrid,the ina.iii, tio i with, her relatives ,at,.Liatowel and . � ' ' � $ , . , . . . ' ' . . . Ir andev'eryknowrime4insusedt rag GENERAL SERVANT'WANTED. I 1� - , I- , , I . . � I 0 8 - many .'' . . . I of which consistb it o tore ' I , , . , . , . . . . . .. . . . �. . . be paid- as ambid u and, in . d i I a I* .surrounding parts.. I . . _ `11iiinto health but he improved iery I I . I I .. . I I I . . . . . The Foresters called for more and Miss - Ivey alixapirit- I . ­ . , ..­ . . . � I . I . .. , I ed debaXi.' The subjeqt fc)p next -nigbt Miss. Harrison, afteP'atteDding. the I on' . bases, untried, men.. There is no.use ' I � I agatice . or . -Mounteastle,continueli: - ' - e grew worse and W" Godd g oral servant wanted 'at the Rattew . I I . . . u , . - . . I .''� co . y ying. , . . , .. I will be the I Statute Laboli� question. , week.with h6r.co:iusin, J. Naystri r and never -rallied. H4.was Sa- PAtieur, 'Ciffiton, March 4th. 2 . I R . I I . ! . . . , � I *. � _1 . . . tit I I . . JOS ATTENDURY, . ,. 'i 11 , y � . -,O�eningthe:dobr forlixtrav , . � . that will be brought under discussion 6na�)n.millin�ry6pc!i3ingr,sp�xit ]arl, 'slowly. 1 ,;ater b it ry iabusei, .. � . � vIr or & SO. n' ' * ­ . preparing.the way for the public to k1p. . , . fi . . 14 ab, Ot confined to his ?d in October, 10W,. $�- W-.- TA I ' . in they are now in The flag_ was gall '. . . I . , . . . . . , . I : . 6e, greedier th, Abov,e the great I -Town Hall," , . -As March did not come iii either as a the Woodstock Medical I -jail, Afr6 I I . .. I I I . I.. .. I I . - . I solicitin sUbsbiriptitins from members I vildi�. fidgini, - . pet lamb or a reafliun *emay-Tegard Attending the I ,and hoip�ful tbat,'many a. bewt ached . I . . I �. . . .9 10 Yash and Onii-. Pe Je6w. - . . . I . . 1$ . . . TheJoi-bells v Toronto millinery open- . - . --z;_- . I . . I ! . . . ., . � liament. ,.The members for . � . I e gOaL . . . . -n- to. Blikin fo - r .while Visiting him, knowing thift for � . . � ... . . 1. . . ,Uutter.au.d.Uggis, taken as.Cash. . . . . � . . - . . . , . I bear .the people call I. :., . it a- a sti6ciesof ditimesticat d ' ings she' will ret6i . . 0 1 � � ., I . * ' La grippeis beginning . t . n rqlax ,his er season, w.be him big day was done. , lie was ,loyal 4 . . �. , - . I . 11 .. . I . . . � . I . � ., couiitry conitituenclea'whop in such a Hli lHip-Hurrahfo t ' RSE . . . . I 11 r,Benjam.in , 1. . tnoth re � she is'� head .1 HE METROPOLITAN 0 1 . ' . I I .1 .. - . I. - and true to his home and friends and . , � , '01111� jV1VAWA%,"A%_*"'A%A1k",%" :.,. , . . cribis, Would .shamelessly vote an in . , I - Quar ,� . 1. � % crease in ,their own Indemnities should Wgo slew the "dratted reb.", .- � iron gr"p On his.marl'i victilng.. �. will iner for Miss Perm Oton, ,. - . veryorokressive in affafirs-tiCbis own. --'*,. L. The Macdonald ir ­tte,, �. � , . L . OVA01, , L ... . . RIP IRjp I Hurrah fop'Benjamin, .. .Mr.Jobn M00lure :delivered' seven - We bad tfiopleasureL Of Again - meet. L . . . ' . I . . ''. I . .. . I ­ , L ' I , . to account fot�.it., . - ' - ' (le own young Benny Webb.'. . ' . I . .bogs to Mr; C. - Wallis in I tMadpriald of -Loindon, LRev. James' Anderson officiated tit. ;in � extrii'� bn.. Tu��soliiy, 11 I � :' - � L' . . � . . . . sl. � . � I., , be brougli.t. L 0 L ' i lorinton. O . ven, * ". , : r . . . . . . n Ling Ruth house and'grave. 'Tb� pull -bearers . . . March 12! h. . i . , - — � . .. I , . , . . . . . L . , : , �t . . . . -L .. - a realUzed whoso'-solos werd-much APP c' . e X L Sara. . 1. . . . . .— . - . , � L , . . ' '� . I ' . I ..' .� . .� . .. . I. L� ,� . � . . .1 I .. —, L , I '*, ", . '** '', . I . I ' - ' . . . L �Plal r's li.Monday, March . . . I 1. L I . . .. ... I .11 . I � .1 I 11 11 . ; . , �. . . . - Re's corne again to Ofintob, .. . Monday fbr�.:'whlch ,b re iated wer e 'Norman .arid Allan Mc�- Pal . , . . , , , , L . . - - ' : - Hier, I tWoolifferent � bii�ns at'W.D. 6 � ; I , �: � ­ � ... L ' . .1, . . . eighty six .. Aollars ' and a 'when: he AiIpear'ed here on I -thK, John Bedford. tt_h at ( ' L , , . I . . . . . L _ ". .. . � irthplaceand his home. * � I . "' Auley, Will. McOal .) s.on, iVe ­If6i , � , . . . I I , . � " I 'L _JPHX.OP1N1P1q_ OF _TWO_R3MP_ . . quarter.. The. porkers were not six occasions, Mrs.-MacdortaidAlways ac- -01116 ly .�. . . . .". . . Ring I Ring the bells of welcome , I George JohnstoWabol icliard.Sanders Flum of reserve Feats held ex . I I .. . . I . , ' ' . -,. . I . � I months old so tbat'Mr, McClure runde'' companies him. Ori-Tuetiday. bigbt be A , friends of decea-ed. He leaves his subscribers of tbe.couri;e oil first day of open- .Our,*,* Condition' Powders.., " . .. �. . RESBNTATIVES -OF I ELUR- From steeple, tower find dome. - , - 'O t em it b was Assisted bv three fine singers And . - Adnilimsion 25d, raeerve.scaVift . I . L. � I .1 I . . . . I . L I . . - I , good mobey out f h - I t a last , lat,onerali-eser.yeseitte-,Ilolo'ii foll6willg� days. . . . � . .. . . . I . I . . I .. I I .. . � . . . . I :. . , . . QUESTION- OF . I Ring the bellpfor Benjamin - tvvftet�nonths hei: realized One hundred' Lbe qUariette tire well equipped ' Mrs. Baxiei';,'his bt-bthers,- Captain Admission 35c.; yeservosen, s. o0c., . . . - : - . . . . . �'­' � , q 14 THE I . R and . with serrowitIgpar-ents, Captain James and . I . I ­ . . . . , H .. . I X it. Y i I . . T -E BEST . . - - -.1 . , A14 AEFOR . - ,, .. . _ Mo slew the'.!Idratted reb.". , . . '. dollars from,the progeny of humorous g1iiies �Arld rounds besides ,Doornopen at.7-15,.entertainment beglus -at . ARE I 1. . F4kLL F I Ring, I Ring the bells. for Benjamin, ..L ona Mr I - I Dan.-Glidd n deliveved- heing each onwi One soiloist.. : - William And Engineer Baxter; find . - — L. .. . I L� 1. ... . '. L . .. .� . . I ..LL . Ol sow. . 8.15 sharp. . . . L. . I . . . . . I . . I . . L 1. .� .. 1. . .' ' . Ir Own brave Benny Webb. -. . . . m 0 his alsteri. Xiss Baxter, �teboigrapberl .' Tho'dates for the three other entortalumenti; - ' .. I . .i . . I . . I., � i� . .. I . ., Z. . I . ­ 1; . I t, . . .. ... ' �� L 1 .114 I%, ja in e a B. T, I 6ruaiyr Pros! d'ent , of -� . . I I ,.� . . . . . . . . a I L late of Chicago, to mourn his demise. in the course are-April4th, 12th and 23rd. I . . . . . ' , ,�vlfbt bogs' tt) the -sarrfe --de'ler foO On. Thursday 'eyening,.-as, Mayor I I ' I * . . .. - __".­ � ,icb he got eighty four dollars. This � Wilson declared, arle"of the.�rnost I . I . 1. ­ , L, , - � I I E � . . 1.� the j�.Iytfi Fair iind Secretar.T. Metcalf — , , � , . The f uneratto Maitland cemetery was The Newcombe Planb awarded Mddal at the � ONOE .USED. ALWAY8. #S D . . . I 'Ili delightful oyster suppers. Was . . L . . . . . . � . . . .. . . I . . . . . . . � . . L .. I .1, �ttonded the meetingof the Fair; Mgxl� L � . . . ., , wasMr. Gliddon's'secoild'stilliment repat - large. . . . . � . ParlsExpasitiolti used at these entertainments' ' . . . I I � . . I . . I I . . ; , . '11111169ree)ix ' � ' : six ks. his total recepts being ed in theTemper'a-__ -_ - ., e lady 'ry . � a kold by �C. HOARE.., , . . L Large -Packages 26c. each. : I I I . . . ageis' Association held in Toronto last . .. - - , . � wee , 9 . vL I . � . . � I . . . . . I .. .1 �. . . . . .. over two hundred and five dollars. 'L friends of the Oanadiart Order Of Forea. Ito a.w.unber of ourfriends have. I . ..� . � :. —. I . . . . .. I . . . . j. . � . I . . . I . I � . ,week. In the discussion as to- the beat I * . boat ropogating; daffodil bulbs -and I . .1 L . .. . . - 7 ---"= ,:. . : 1. . . . ... I . . L t I . I L . I 1� I I � ..... we brin'ging about.'fair re- � Last Fridayevening a fiumber from, L Among.i,bose on� the sick list Ware ters, that it.. wag ever *big pleasure to Dow Zy are Oea�iing it golden reward - . I . L.. . . . ... . . : , ., ._ ... L ,thod of � . Mrs E RaITISOD, Miss -Priscilla atterd', and 'bis:,womhip made-ro . L. . I I . . . . L . . . . 1. . . . . . . - I . . L, .form Mr.Tiernay said: "Theleducatioloal ibis Tibinity.gathered tit the home. of ivith the fine b1goto. They h ' not, 0 L + -we baye . . I . L 'L : .. R. - P.O. REEKTITS ,�.�'. ­ .. . , L . Jennings -and Mr. John Wallis. ' ' . ini-take in the assertion.' The Varied :Iiave but tOL , , . . . . . , . � .. features of the small fairs art, for .the Mr.,and Mrs. Thos. Coleman to bid There wasa very suce§sful Women" otic6able'. the finepm-yfume of, the byacii thia. . list - re- - §U&e'ssor I I I I . ,.,PRESCRIPTION jDRUG STORE, .. . . 1, I .oat sight of,or else are made them farewell before Waving for their L . 5 style Of on e was most n � .they.look lovely. I � L F18ft-for. L nt, .1 I �. ,. ... . I thost part'l , , e -the Blackstoliie-.or� L .L . � I I . ceivpd -a Sydney J6ois6n. ' � . . . . . � I . . � I , ttracti6xis. While futurie bome near Seaforth. The eve - Institute meeting held at Holmesville . uring Ithe t W . Lenten services at St. PetWo will I . . . � . L .. Olintqn,' , 1. ... subadirvient, to other a n - I . . . . . L ... . I ths6e_ Attractions assisit in -drawing Ing, Was spent In. different games And a on, 8aturdityal'ternoon. L 4. � supply of Fi esh. Water Herping front . I I .. . . I I . Land eve. when a es A gave some very ' flne selectio". be as follows : There will be- a short I . L . . N.'B -Try our.Umuliloli 6t Cod Liver Oil mud Hypophoti; . a ciowd, they have veiy1ittle.effect. in sociable and, enjoyable time. was:'spent .lectures were delivered by MIss* Mail.' ey'. riderson presided over Stokes Bak and of L White Fish froin I . phites � ot L, . � I . James ' instruction every, Wedneadayi, Thurs- , . . Lfine. and Soda for* Colds,* Coughs, etc. . I . . I L I. ; ;, . � advancing the interests of agriculture. by all. ' .. . . .. L . .. I dock of,.Gut-.Ipb College, and a ,paper the concert bich:followed. The first . I . . I . . �. I . . � , � . . day and Friday evening at"730 p. in. Lake Man! toliti and hope to be filvot ed 1. . . . . .. . A greA I 6L deal.of money and time are . Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllisteri; pISL 0 front Mrs,'Qolin Campbell, Goiderich.* part of the program oi�,en�d by. A.yery- and ory Sundays at 7 p. ..kn, On Wed- with- ' - . . I I . I - ____._ . . -_ , . I . .. I I I . : .1 I . I - ;� ---------Wow", . I . I � _ bUaffording Mrs. G. N. Hill, are. visiting near Wal. 'Any,pMons wishing to join this go:,cie4 well.executed waltz se ection given by I your Order. . . . . � . . . . . 3 . . . � . I - - I � I � � I L L � , �. —_ - . — .- 1. L spent soldl with the view . , 11 . . nesday the subjeci WFt6 "Row Catho- . . . I . I . I . . � . . . ;. . . . I I . . ..�.L. .L. � .L L . � 1 - . tin outing ton atpresefit.'' .. I - - Mibi M�Cloll. Mr. 'Belcher was. in L * L ,. .. I . . . 1. L I � . .. I .1 . - . L I I . .. I . . . ior the people of the country L: .. I . ty can doL$o by foward Ing' ,their uaroes I I lics and other Christians lead Oeneten- . . . . . . L I : I , . . ­ L b fop the business We are informed tl;�t Mr� itibin to"Mrs. R. H, Elliott, Holniesville P.O.- good voice and gave The Owl, which tial lives."Thursday, 4kWe should in Our' . I L .0 I* 0 � . 0000000 Go . f the town. CQcbrane is goir, won himan encore,' to which he re,. )brist, our model-."- Fri -I .': L . . I . . I a - I. I . . . 1. . . . . . . . -, . . ," . . I . . . I . . . . , . ... And 13roviding profi I I ISO Miss Geor�gie McP .0 , , . .. I I . . tnen and hotelkeepers 6 4 into underdir'Aining L hitil, p6rter,s Hill I lives imitate ( I . * . . . , � . . I . . I L ; . 1. - abo*s, is more. and extensively next summer. Re'llas P. O. or cothing to the first meeting '�ponded with TheMaple Leaf Fifr�. day L", We 'should, preach Christ and . Is tl�e ,finest , 0 . s . . ­ . " L , . . . I ... .. . .. . . , . .1 The tendency of ,be -held At Mrs, -Elford's, Holmes- Over. Miss Coral Viviazi recited in .Ri'm' Crucified," . .1 . Verio. in it bog� .0 L . - . I � moratrionding in,the directi ' oxi of tnnk-- ' Mr., Samuel Reichert As chief foreman. to . I 0 I vi � ville, the first Wednesday bf . Apiril true tfagbdi�nce fashion The'. Polish T IR, 0,,,�q ty : ing the race track and circus perform- Messirs, Albert Mains and. Isaacr Hud- . , Prirl6pid Stir-alig was laid' up last a1v I . I . 1 $ 1 1 $ , , - .1 'I � . Some L Shows Son are at present working with M j. at 2,3Yo1cloe.k,.."All the ladies are.wel- rrie 'salig a - tie * I I . ances the chief feature . r,' . . . week andeoUlLolnotattendto his duties� keep a: supply foi� Wis ingOeat dern .. . . . I ,tie, I.t the Collogiat . - . . that were once conducted on purely Diety of Kippen. L .. come. I . . ,� ei, If Only. Th6u Werb Mi . ... . L I . tea . A 'number'of f�' , , . comparilst. 0 a. .. ..SL I . " nothing nicer than it piece of . , . I . I �, AL I : BOT -b .Mr. Joblit CA * B I have gone to ,the . The annivoisAry services and - I iends and invit6d . miss � Bites Tye. tie There is ') At . : - : Agricultural IIn6S � num fi'of ' The. Burns Anniversary ,dinner take . . . . JA'C-KS0N'S , .-G'E'T .r . ",q. . : - . -will-foilack 'of'patrouige. It wduldL meeting held here last week were -a guests gal bored at Ltfi.6,: bome. of MI'.. RAtiger Tait gavil a shot t ac6ounfi -of -gliacet- Tbursday at Oddfellows' balli Tenderloin for breakfast, - . ;1 . - I I . .1 . L . . ­ . . I. . . ''... . .. . 1 .0 ., . . 11 I . . . I I . . I -all I I L , L. . . I . 0 . . , ., I . 'L . . . .1 L 0 , . . : � . . 6 - .1 - � * �bq well if some of the ,striall. lihoWs grand success. The proceeds amoun& James. (it am of the'.11th eon. .on .How He Waa His Own Grandfatlier, ., rr�yatatlons have been made. , . I . I I' L L L �m&IgAWtttedL.._ Friday evening last and ape t any t I ..9 6 41111, ,. L . . .. ,:� . . . . . I . � L . I. Is. . . cotild be ,W � n W which provoked much laughter -and The 0F CLOTHINGL GOES ON" :­ . : � .0 . .. ith. the ed to over seventy Hve dollars.. . Adler, of'Knox church bayo had ' - . L . . . I . . . . . , . I , arger -on L e ' a. The purchise lll� the ag-' , 'Miss M. Keyes ot Varna spent a few I � ours in friendly and -social amusement warm Applause. The quai-lette, Mr. 'very good portraits of Revs. Dr. lJre . . . . .1 . 'L 01 I .... I . L L. L . . . I . , . , d tir, . . . . I . L. . . . L . : .., I I . I . 'ricultuiral. societies 'of, pure- red � alres days the goes' . Or Miss Annie Hudilon. Music, singing d ate in: and . Misses Brydges all. . Me. Ad;' . gL, . I .1 . . . . L L . . . . . bat w 11 and James Anderson bun up in h I . This week we will eorarhence to 814fightev: ' � � ...6 . -111% a� fair meA� Postmaster Charles Troyer has been. I an Fat'h"e'"Wee smal v� I _. hav: mir Put R .0. I L V ­ . . . :. L, . I ably meet w , I I ��!!��d, n,a ,as led with deliFbt, Love's.0 vestry of. the church., They will Would Prob � . _ . A I IR q Rp. . . @ L ince of $3K held at� Sly show is U gatio recall) 10 and .11 085LI01whi Were less proposesin featut as in show this said he, 11 it beat aplie tario, PT induitry w! I , ards 'is *Cc many of 0 A bunties Where -the let- is notto card- it is in'lluroh." L . onthe sick list lately. . . . Miris. H. J. Smith of, Golople i's re- newin acquaintances here, 1. ere growing large did happy crowd 6ear the sorrow of par t- Ing, All tho8e,L report QODK� luro likC eath a little daugh L r I r llexb Appeared like a little pink rose- bud and recited beautifully Hor.Afi. V..Donala-Me illivrity. to Add thatL Of Re G . . . . of Shaiegbai. ' . . . L L late Jane Wilsono ' 1 ' L . ' I L . L . I � L , Is so inuch - in de.rintrid. that wo have L I : . . . . . I 1 . . ., � . Id, I . . ... � . ,. . . I I .. . I 1: . v ,� . . ­ I . . . . . . I . . . . IL . '' .. . ' . , 0 . * CGHTS.' an-dL .V.E STS -. Aff, TS - : ' - PON A BlYtb said -there . Mr. 5ohnst6n of Kippen preached .a pre6erib .that I tbey-coold b 8 I not, be more q 'tably � . %t - x;. She also I eceived 'a rapturous T'he funeral of the relieb of the lats' Gavin Struthers, had to r'epeab our orvoler tbi Pe tinies in a os p r ,,tie week, If V(Jit b v not tried it w. .0 y . . .. . I I , : . L .. I I . . I . 0 i1steibution of. Lhe -itiultural, associa- very able sermon Sunday evening in L' . the Methodist church. treated than they -were that niaWt. . Mr.Robert HAyter and Aliases Louise vneore. Mr., Harold Blackstatie, the comic favorite, sang You Can't At. took place on Monday. from her late . Mrs.' Struthers Wits mkr� w(luld ask you'to do, so knowing that I . . I . . . .1 I . . . . '. I 0 . ' � . . . . 0 I . I : , IL We.have ig." said he, "the L Mr; John.. Watt of Crookstown, and Alice Hayter arrived at tbeir: Way" Tell and received a perfect boom residence. ried herLfIrst husband being Mr. . L I it will please -you. I . .1 . . a treniendOUSL stock I , . I . I 0 , I . I . . I I : I . 1. iw is held tit 'Brus- , Minn.j is spending a few'dsys with sister's, Mzsjai�ies Mose, on 'Saturday Ill "I a Amuse. Fore6core he sangL The ,twicle, L . Johr Quick,towhoui she was married . . . 0 - �� . . . � �. . .1 .0 . I ..'41, � to sell yet af, prices never � . 0 tut.froin the proi)- or township.. show . . friend(i here. � r L, I . A friendly football match was inlayad nbero MissAlice wi remiin for some (11116, Mr. Hayter andLMISs'Lotilse Oan Say Papa. Miss Beatrice BoyPI I ty L McColl gave quite a pret recitation, in 1841, by who she had six children*. nIL Her second husband, Mr. Gavin . L*'SL . . I . I I . I I . L I . likes F�u,!kr= .0 . . . . I . . 0 1 L ' 0 . equalle'd in this contrity. . ,ol, * - � . . . . a . . .1 _ L M �_$1.17.- $tIll out -of the t*o. Oup L on SatilrdaK between -Varni and Hillsgieeu,' eltherside scored.- Our . . oft Tuesday fill. L home Via 1, the Gosfi,,n Line where the visited a number (if .Y Aunt Jane and Her Mother 'It It Classical Concert. Mr. Smith is Struthers, wag well known to '.the public. boing an assistant in the iregis . . 1111,01 KOS Panca eake- 'IV(,have . I . - 0 Will I)eL a real _L, : : , This I Bargain Sale , 'It will be an I . . .-T I . . last year, dir the basis will play again on Saturday and friends. .. . . . anotber Addition to our naritone solo- I ' � to , . . trar office tor years whonAlle late My* the buLkvviieatfloti,totiiaketheniiind :. t ecessary toquote prNes in this� advertisement as ever 0 * I n or head, totaled theyy" are sure of success, . � . John Runter and Johnnie Jenkins ista. Asleep on the Deep wits WQ11 Jarnes Dickson had it. He died in. the mnpl .1 . . make thew still .y-� e , I ce p�ro Ili . . . . -tends in � this � . . a syrup t 9 t1jitio, will'be iiiiarked with, red.tickets to show the cut we :,, , I th .Pe tz sit Brussels - , . . were rusticating wtth fx rendered hy*tbat geritlethan,.. which , 1897. By, this marriage the lsRue was more "I.t.111. 17.4, �ur flour ...4 0 - I 1. I troop Erin for the best C-0 v Y in , each collootio our next fair, That . see just fruit thily nAY - 4kpe the different varied dition to this, I hope a little talk by son quality of the ft'llit a sibiliti to different a . 'IWO have been e ,%an,tor of Halton a a f a dthall, indrot ,owltb the� help of o tions, and by selling teV, eges, -etc., to so . nt has secured fir tries. I have mys kppbers lof bur TeWlshteen. of these i9any farmers do n dollar unless tboy getth3g,five back ag diThat is our expe Mtv, Metcalf of 131vt gl societies are keit web rather than if the farmers Woule in this matter that we would not need I, tilting to draw the or( them will pay their iihip fee �dnlY When � . Mr. etcalf I --- — . . � selition.1tist wee . - . � I , brought him a Wartir ell(.'Ot'e. Miss :� I mes: trut era, t, . 9 . � � I ", tbe6e I, I, In r. Ja it iLnd ,you will he please&, We ixi tend to make. All we ftsk is- for you to come'an I � some educationitt . ' . . Miss Flossie 0010 of Bayfield Iiine McCollaccompanied him, MissInura dru a i I r. bert tru era, syl ;11�__,' 0 . d i ' napect 1. . . May Tolwaship. . . Bvydges delighted All with bar rendera will to pleased tviecui.re. your orid : to satisfy yourmelf that this -sale: will bb - . � . [on with' big own � I . spent sevetal days, with berfriend,Mrs, . and. h. , or tit ** and Mrs. ( r.) wan . .� .one of the . * .. -7-- 1 : . . . I � I 0 1 � . . I . . . . 'our . i � . 0 : . . � . I � I year. ,.We� are'11� - . Williarai Foster of town, . I Ing of Sanders McGlashan'6 O I � . I I L . . . � I . I tsh1p, (it . t A ",.a. RnaloW (nee in!) � 0 a 0 . I I a I I tke of. one of the .Miss Annie Carlisle oriter(dined a Howard Millet, and Jobb Runtell Mr. Alex. Saunders, spoke In ,very Qnick)'of lbion: Nebras A, is 'wit . � � . � . . I 0 . ' * I . .. . . I . 0 . I ' g -sections - of On -few inyited.friends at her father's took in. the ,football match in Varna flattering forms; of his visit to Sarni'%, her mother tber deAth. Mrs.* trut le'st and Cheapest gale . I . da :of . 0 . I . , . Iny . - . 1. . i 'is An impottarlb residence on. the 3rd don. on Thu g on Saturday arid both, speak well Of , At the grand 6outicil hold in Toron- evaWas one (if the, pione r an tei h- Wi '-O'NEIL' :.Great I ." . . I a Ae area, in oirch. evening ,of last week. The urs the frendship of theVarritt boys. to of the -Royal Teinplars of Temper. Huron, her father bet ., Jos It . . I - I � .. I . . I �. I 0 1 incee was enjoyably . spent in gamoseve list, Mr. Frank Cook ledves for. his ance Mrs. Colin Camp ,. . - . � � : - I - . . . 0 , asing. 'and . ., in home .bell And Mr. Wilso h6'eame on here from e I ' . . . . * . . dOlItemPlAtO got- and dancing. . . tit. Texas this week, k "' W took up farms and land ======= _:!t! . . I � I ­ Thos. Naftel were the delegates f vons , yo, arid : That -ever has taken place 'n 'this � county. We would : , ' in doubt as to Mr. R. McCartney of the Cub Line Goderich Council, � I __. . 0 - . .. I has purcha,4ed a hand9otne dt I I ft I. . . � . . _____ :,- urge our friends from the country to come in , it, As an object Me. John Johnston of the Blind Line Miss Coadof Ttowbridge is the uest, along Lake Huron, If he had remain- ; .. . . . . ays a few invited friends a social hop iver from ed In New York and hou . � . : - . Mr. A.'Seeley of town, . of- her slaier, Mrs. Stewart, r cl Y NEWS -RE,CCFD CLUBBING RATES : , . . . I . '. vbAg & OVO-dollar f t V r'd I bb IV f'o Of lots he would li�ve leftXhitis"Llilly on Sliturday bringingin theirboys,. , 0 . I I I.e. . � � Ilection' of apples, I'll ' ug about five X. rolin Principal Stewart of the Central 1111110naites. MLI'S, Struthers was a 'FO 1901. , . . . � . I , � � on Walinctillay. even! .8,,,t Teewartha is sufferin f Is, . . — n, to be shown at or six :Ielghloads. of young people grippe. . . School. , most. devout Christian and was a trient- R .. , : , ' . : . . 0 . .0 , . III will.extable people took pos ession of the house of Mr. T, Mr -Jos. Proctor has sold his property The great match on the ice tit' the berof the Plymovith Brethren, The Xows�Record and Family Herald . � - . . .. I . .. I . . What sort (if Dick. of the Sf of con, and tripped the in Turnberry to Mr, Payne at a good Pink between McGregot, (if Toronto and pall -bearers were Messrs, L. �Card, and Weekly Star $1,75 : . . :. To JACKSON..' . I . 0 smal, I . 0 1 ... W'' et to obtain from ligbb fantastic until the wee . price, . 1. Jones of Walkerton was poorly Attend. Stockolill, MeCrAckc-ni Dunn, Douglas, it Mail and Empire 175 0 . . I . . . 68 named':, In ad-: 'ours when they left for borne, feeling Mri William Pickard and ed, McGregorkeptalleAd. but missed all of town, an so . Rontreal Witness * ,I 65 I . .. : , , wife, are his footillig some way And received it I d Owen of .Ingersoll. . I it !. . . I � I : I I to arrange for 4 satisfied that When it pleasant evening 1181t1bgin Mitchell. , . , Mr. Hale of Toronto read the Ply- Northern Ne,isongor 1 25 : .. . . � 0 e expert on the is desirabld there is no better place Mr. A. 0,4baldeston is suffering from bat d bit from his head coming in con. triouth BrethreinsetVice at.the house, . ,- alullton Spectator I 7b *000066il6fs*66640060660000 . - I ' . I. 61 R, . - . . . I own, and i(A'adapt- than Mr. Dicklail for Tommy Is a PhOuRIM'sul- . . . . tact with I he platform, which ended and grave, . I London V reo -Press 1 75 .. � . .. .. I . .� I I . I . I . 6ils,,etc." jo vood fellow. .. I . Miss Daisy Currie of the ltb con'. is the race. ,. . . - Elitoxed into Rest. -On 'San- It Weekly Still 1 75 --- , I �. tiabled,11 said Mr. Visa Mitchell of Olinton is the guest laid tip with cold. . We have now tbree brotber's of the d y loorn# tit . hap residence 9i Farmers Advocate 100 ­­_ . _. . . . Goderich township family of Ache " ncei belovea 99 , Top I ienkinj along the of the Xyle family of the Town Line. Miss MAW Hal8tiboil; of WhIghain pon - in , ' ArthurstPeef, Helen Plorel , onto Di - I BROADFOOT BOX & GO . ' . our rildst; Messrs., George, wife of James Mitchell, editor at the to 46 D,1,11y New" 2 m F U' RNITURE berobip of farmers, Mir, Satries, Bonthron'a howe . Was as been..visfting.at Mr.,7', Harrison's, I . 1 . ily Star 2 25 a � . or special atttac. . . John and Edward. . . . I . . surprised. by a, few sleigh loads of Mrs. Willialn Jennin a passed into . We leat n that Mr, John Law : Star'. . 1. � ­ I I I.. .. I ..... 11 . . . . � - peanut stand pri- youngpeople on 'Friday evening. and the spirit world on 4onday ab the son of From 'the Sioux City Journal We . __ . nueng We are now showing a beautiful line of Furniture consisting of .. I . ' . the evenit Tent in dancing. early age Of tbirty eight years, She with Buchanan & Son in tbeir. Pla"'rig 10,11ardo who removed ivith his family I . . . . I . . . BOOIC CASES . . PARISOR CA 8IN � ESS I PICTURUS - t up a prize list 19, was a Colborne hits gone into, partnership note that out old townsman, Luke ! I ow 400. to 500 ell- . The-Foreaterao Kippen held their bad been ill for atiout it fortnight and mill. If wg mistake not Mr. John no years ago to Sioux City. "t. ! . LADIES 09SX8 MUSIO 0ABINETS . E ASLES - � 61f' ' secured fifty ; Annual ball on Tuesilay night. A Was Supposed to biwe so far recovered L)Lwaon entered in life as a student 'in 601 ent in the store of hid Wervous, DRESSIXGTABLES MEDICINJ03CABINDUS TANO Y TXbLV8 - society- arid Only 'large number were present; and report as to be Out of danger when the relapse pharmacy with Mayor Wilson some with au aceld � . . at 0 farmers, Too a good time. Carrie and -she passed quickly away, yearst,go. � � son, George, vvhiqh resulted In a brok- K. . ­ - " I ot, care to give a - The Liberals held A metting in .�, S. Hitsband and one daughter mourn eo I,g. Mr, Vilard was It, very popular N CHAIRS - - - : - . I their great loss. The farieral will take wits begotij%tin Painter and paper batiger here but his We have tin asgortmoint that cannot be surpassed In the city, stored. sea a prospect of No, 14 school house on Friday night We also leqrhed that Mr. Suleatill I Ily were pro fessive An Dyspepsia. I ., . On." . and appointed three delegateathrep. ,place to Clinton cenletery o h i with two Berlin Arm d they . i0ov" said . 11 n T ursdAv gentlemen the sa a of big now planir,Z thought the wnild try their fortunes Tit this Age of tiervous ollseasea, wbtn ,%W,%1-4%,IW �. I I I . 1111111W.411111� I . I b 11an3 agricoltur. Allen on the people ott all sides are falling vict1ras I - . . rienee resent, them irl Hensall lit the Lilietal And be cooduef od by Rev, Mr. ,renninis Inill. If strangers Wrote Along I'l-ow 9. to nervous prostration, Paralysis, loicol. We will be pleased to have It you do not you, Convention. H6aoandLamont seems of Ba�field, the, deceased having been Berlin; they, will make things ham. ih the U, , He had,f tip by the business to be the choice to oppose "The it menihor of the Church of li3liglarld. sidewalk in Sioux Olt arld had frat- motor ataxia -and other dreadful rnala. - 10, It and.see Whitt heau. - . .. are welcome jusb t1hoe's iby the farmets. � peopligia Harry, I , . I . M.P. Jobn .a. Linsday of the Huron- r* Jaidine has bought the old tored his log, althougg he did rob seem diem, It in it comfort to know that you I you va I . awe, I I I XVh � ..#. .. - Donogh hotel and will have ft drawn tiful Goods we at 0 showing. � ­== , . take the interest .1 lr­ yr., .. .�A " .A h U I - h- hogrihnint of the fact. --- fum to -r Mile- verve 0-1 F .P. � I . . . . . . IfIr extes. big turnip ,or some. 2C � will secure it pri , at, least mamberabilpfee, The great tlf the farmers now oil our obergare those from whom atained $1 as metinlideship, fee wo given in the previous . . .6 sj' , Id f hAt", their experience � i acoolrdooll with this view, iver cativagoed so littla for , paid he, "As *is ,did last of those who are on, out, list fily Offide And pald thelt fee , and still, A6 I* say, we laoublod our fiftbof member(#. � bulk of these Members 61ra thra, but young peoplo And: lie 12therAlly�-twoold who P an VA, rilf � tobe . t ... �'b L vp ik M . John Obatriber's r alse � ­ eena verysick man this week past so much so that, 'a doctor r by slefgha to his property, on Hinck's L The next Pal i,lor. meeting of the W. I (pills) with absolute assurance that It . 11 I � . I I I � I . I.. I I 1. I . . ­­ ­ L I dw ok paralysis and had b rio3iyeer to Ieft&tMO. IvIson's. It bat suf . tly to be had to visit, hity ,several times a day. It 0 appmrs thAt Mr.Linsday tyin up his dog V, I street. Thore were Cvvo hotel- In that vicinity III the long, Ago, The present . site andthe oppositp cornet, Where now 0, T. T;,� will be hold at the handsome ri midenee of It. W. McKenzie on Mon- 26th March. ' will thoroughly build up and ro-vitaltzb, the feeble, wasted nerve cells, Mr. Jase%ph Geroux, 22 Moteadf street, 1 . I L I I L I . 11 . I . , I . L . r r - ,B 1, _. L BRIOADFOOT ox & 00 - recrivored removed . I I . when it qnappeoil I hit it') hroukh the hand WhICh caused blood tpoleatiltigto."tinff,oinwhiehhe the market hou8e ittands, Mr. John Allen kept a hotel there, - f I r, Alex, Saunders has a numbet, of his new - l0tt&WA, Ont,. Writes* "I was nervous, bad headache itnd brain fae. I wits I a . : i following Is the report, of S. M, , Mily,for tho month of:Febttuary has itiffered severely. On Wednesday evening of last week, workmen omployed at our base, the, old post-officei Which, he 'ostleifs at night and could not aleop, I MY appetite wss Poor, laid I sutfemd L . *Jr. W. Clhtdley* .' Aaaaser � . on aft4ndance, emearlor and A roftlono ; S. L.—Ella —_ . — . I pt__­!!­�! - the home of Manager John B Ain was the scene of -much festivity will convert into sapacionastorp. The t"I'genitagonalL we learn, will renb the from nerLVOUS dyspepsia. Littla business carell worried and irritated true. After . I d -w,', ­ !���� lttft " ' L' -_ I I L r . r . . . I '___-r-_'__ - ­ -_ . . . . _ .' Poo en. Suill o ,- Entrance ohn Grace McArthur, Beatrice Portei0s 1111111. And gaiety, I consequent upon tile marriage Of his Aecond daughter, Miss upper portion for their lodge room. Mr and Mra, Harrilink left last week having utild Dr. Chalm's Xerve Food for about two r4onths. I can frankly sty L . PREPARE FOR A 0000 SITUATIO'K. . . . , , ; I Jr. 4th -James Petty, Hisle I .Sr. Sed -F rank Olowt. Pdolle Miss Nellie MCDOU90,11 Of ERmond- ville is,visiting at Mr. Wm, Elliottle. Bertha, to Mr, J. G. Si Jnf M � g -i of Wf4rton, at $ p. Wtville( officiptinfir ­ ____ _ V _,_ - *�� ­ vt_ _1 - for O'bietigo, Where they Will temai anti, itis timetodo earld look n r m Jfter � . ria h thatIfeel like &new a - . "My ap%)6tlte Is -good, X rest and sleep I A Ut 4 4:_ � I . r � I . . By taking a course In 4 - - 1100f Comma . . . . I fift0ooklo Cottoll I I I ,. r Mil. Molitillis called on some of friends around here on Satur- ill wha Witow him will be I � to know that he is As hale and as ever, I Misses Coutts of Goderich are t at, tile home of their friond, tewart McDou8txpl , ! Thus .R111oft Is visiting in Ind I . I H0036irs Ned on humm—th,s JobbbrL I mr- Jail. Morgan N thinking of rent. 9611 get tid Of thatiol thd b6tt6ir-HoodIs Ing Mrs. Sterltt�els farm on tile dt-ti,con. 0"fliplitillS It the 114441161nO to UkIll, I Miss Ruby, Serling In visiting ( firlauda In Clinton, 0 by bonds ovell, It The bridal ng. rookli to Ills wedding I 1pews. Rows , ,d on Pithor � The bilide r CAIM face old,Shewario I " navy blue I tastefully 6 Rusillaft � Mr. Hittolink will try when. in Chicago to book visitors for the summer 04- ronago of Ills par1c. I Mrs. J. J. Wright has retorned front I% thl-pe or four motiths visit with her daughter and other frit'nols � Dr. Rohort fiellouzel left on TtlefidAv " rin, for Bermuda. His homei visit 1m,proved him very much, Dr. rA- Toozill brouibi; his kodak with birn from, Rol-nin It and took agrest.6 many lilictures out on the fee And along th wc i, an & . re. .. 6gspet�e ened me wondetfulisr. Tit. 0 jigirt;,; . Jilood Is certalrily tho best trextment r 1 mper used, and I say, so because X want to 91v# full credit where it Is due.', tin Chatmlo Nerve Voilid makes tha � -blood rich, the nerves fittoing, and ro- st6res visor to 'the Whole oy.4tem : 50' cents. at all dealers'. or Vdrdamolh, . ro Chao 61l's . Norvo FV-0ftod, -'IF_0JKrA_! .. . , I ?,!_,� 77'? 4z �­ I. I I ,om 0, , e�;� 1 -� W '14 I 4 W. , . STtLATFORD, ONTARIO, � I A school well known from Ono end of Canada, it) the other for its, superior work. We WACe manvirif out, studidta f 4 1, No-land.*N(0 se,14ln(',llntNbYWatt-,I&06 la good situations. Studentatildtfilifted I E. llolvoy. It. D. Combo told S. Zackalln, each: week, nalbolaome'eatalogue fivo, )I I -DruggISE4, I W, 10,4to% 090I451061. 1. . . I . I I I , ,,,