HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-07, Page 3-11N ­.. ",­­­ ... -11-1- — ­ —.I--,.—, �;-­­­­­ � . . I . . . , � , .4-- *, I ­ - -- � I - ::L - �-, A- -14inle but otberg Are. P-10 they lilli ..... 1, � l, I,, I I I � � � � � � I I � I I . � . - 1. ­ 11 ­- ­ . I ­­---­­- A— ",lolow 1111111l��l�il, I 11 I �� 11 11 11 11 �� �� � ,, I I I I I ..... 1, � 1 � I � � I . I � I � � � � � � I I � I � :�I�:­­­—= . -1 and God will say tho. other, it Without 4=7'� pbQ%14 be conattiored. W,hen m 1i child . ==2:12:1, , HEAL 4, RoTurbe repentance yon appear utore Ulm, ­ — to 914 cuough to 440W very markiled obw ... ;41,Mq"n — - POATS WIL Two tblaga" Coo bi, yoa %ad one by I 300tion to. Wearing 447 Partionear Meet'.. Aboot tkc . " . I fA I'll 4. . 0, ,ly LAKE OCEAN THIS.SBASON- PROPER V09IMPAR. a, rem- ---- rawera " ward , looking back oil tbO terial, t , 0 "I uld. be **." the Lord. You aye I bat- The . , here Is generally a good, rem 000000" ... where woolens are kept, Bho ,wasted life will say; 4,11ow h , mouth of Uar,ch im perhaps the son for Lt, 0� reason too, which Should -­- , a in Frow ftlealgo ana OWN* 10,3b07.r0rs4,9r . - and mv heart dQSp1s­ moat trying period during the whole be roopec,'ted by the autocrat of the UE1,PV-411181 MOTTO. pocasiOnally., omptled and left ups Orcat 10114114 I -wel"681tylCor IKOOPIMOK , I I "� d ino,tractloo harvest i.4 past, - the year. Mbe proverbial audilon obsug04 household. ,,Takc. a little .dagb of ,cold water, the tuation000t the fresh air and .sun- the 140, ]Lxwriooeelulvcyt.l,preeowcom.04- . . "In" the ciold, p rayorl , Wv. Dr. Talmage Advises PV IF. r - 'ad reproof, Who � isroing , . . k -t -WA A, little leaviou of p shine, and all the corners cleared 00,140910114 summer. ia endea and I Rm ADt ,say?' of weathers aflad 4, ins gold, tram dust. Thim, and taking care . 11. I ed.,, The other tbing )Vill be said by wimilft are much, more trying than / 4 EYES. , A little bit ,of­6uu 4 . never to, put away clothes damp, no cities along the Great Lakep I 0 CIAREA 01.1 711 DiAsolviotl in morning Mr. from Wit* Do the West to Buffalo ,Se.sten . .� ,t Prove r:. the Lord; "Because I called and YO ra- gtoct4y Intense cold, roople who A.r . 1 ,07 I 5,,twetched oat MY band and weakly or who. from say Cause are 'Any more important subject on Add to your weal some merriment, will Moro likely Prevent the moth Ila tille. Ea4t b4 -re bad an extiaordlu� - fused) and. � � , � han anj recipe that can be given I arde4, -therefore I Will greatest ft�tb to write, than the oare of the A414 thought 4or kith and Itia, t , Axy devv1ppmout in the last twenty no man reg ran down shlould exercise the �. r a for the Purpose. In Wilton, hoW-, , .01n WashlaWton says: baying no� part or lot in the Matter- , be difficult to find. The And thou �o a Prime ing od#x�. t' yearm, writes a ,ohloago Correspond- t� despatch fr . � 11 v.Lud just calamity and mook care In order to avoid 'ItAuecesIlavy ex- eyea would , Plenty of work, WQWD in. ,. ed from the 0 Lord, save my c,bildrenl lat*h at your , ILI be realized it one . I ever, It can do no barm, and may do mt. Surrounding tbese IWO$ 19 a . -b -wheit ", , posare. U the MI'soblof is done, how- brUtll Of this W I - � Rev Dr. TakmAge Prea' call tuelin. by na-mt. yol� 111aw, ,Dean . your fear comath . little and Plavior it all with MOnce of love good, 'to sprlinlxle either a little cam . -.�,And there was a -thinks to look axound a -regm wailob, is 1. . following text' asking that the coniMeX010,1 Wiarid be - - 0 — I evev, and you feel y,qu have taken a artiti. , And a little. datilt of 'play *$ phor, lavloader, r,ue,.Iuurel, popper or . ., now the greatest , gings, xvill. 45. . 40 Is to remain In- note bow prevalea.t the use of , Steel and iron manufacturing district great rain." -1 . chill, tho wisecow � Let the ,good old 13 . Oak and -a glance . 'One great reason for I I ratatt to .Christ, and that Avag ' -To, even among . cedar Wood, each Of which is ,Said to COAVO , for the night slat aids to vision a In tho wowld� Lt long, oopAuraWg drought had Come a glittering generality. iW%Y 40 You S&. doors and before retiring . A!bove,, I I just as hot young people, It may be said with Complete the woll-apent day." keep,away.m0th.. Al1ttl6uQWlYM4d`1C1bc, d I . , will .1,1 , =,mont ct these cities and upon the laud, Whe leaves Crumpled; laot say, ,,11cre is MY, partuci� in ibUst" take a glass of lemonade alderable truth that One reason 11 charcoal' P140ed RxuOflg clothes i'a " rt has 'be= the pom;su- , - P. -O , I --- . 0 Am you can staud.* The free porspira� con . the earth le , ; the buckets all absorbed in tlii� world � revent .the unpleasant slAell they ILCY Of easy ,vake open QW9.40 INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NAR, 10, - why , glAsso Lvely u,sed 13 P , � water Communication; thy tion which this Will CaWe WItlI 900 , ,a are so extensl . t,sm ov sAL&Ti, - hen laid by. . � grace, and I , , Came down on the s�tony bottom of the 1,oxa, apav%wt bim-by - to ,something I I. -- orally ObVIC40 &lay evil off sets *4 the to -day lg,that when people discover Sal4dS deserve more recognition in ofton have W should be kept more truffle oaosel through the Sault ' well,'%nd found UO water �, -the cattle. show, him that there "'Nesno OIL41 Calfwlolts"l 311M. 246 41,080 . that tb<ilr eyegiglit is detective, the thr. 4vora , ge house , hold Clothes brushes old $to. xia;rje Canal than, through anY bellowed with thirst on the banks of beli'Ler for hia Son, than thla world." fAtidell Text, Milt. to, IG. chill. I than they are olea.11 by occasionally washing in 0 1 - � servic.cs of the optician are balledin- . I Atanal In tfhe wourld; the port of Qhi- I � � the ravine, that Was 03WO 411 a-rua I I wish, I could iMako' YOU took tbatyOU, pItUytUTICAL NOTAS, tt ,, , 0, one to romind- to requisition at once. But why to it wont to. recoky-es, Says A. student of. water. - . I cago . had a greater tonnage last . . Talking abe , -� I bygleno an4l- an up-to,date cook. Halt brushes ,and comW should be . , I with liquid brightness, A1481 must axe reaponsl.:Cyle Veirse 07. Aind Vhcy C,hat had laid that these services ace required so , year. than klie Port Of Now York; and . - ed, 'of the, old- adage, "Keep the feet Where Pure all Is Used in the dressing washad im warm, water and sodw mote � " the na UP the side of Xouut , - 1 $ tion die I . F Olt SOKK ONE, SOUL. �bold on Jesus led blin. tiWaY tv 10ala- ' ormal health conditions pre- ClelVelaud. 14 the -biggest'dhipballding I, and the head cool." I am afraid much I N , Cy are m, fine nerve ionic. -The or less soda wLII be needed, according I � � Curnici kgo Elijah, him Servan I a you pfims the high priest. Thial -*Vag af- warman4 - th Plaoei in t(he W9TId next to the �01740 " king Ahab, � Where I a �naWilfjoant Do .yCa not suppose that. Who . Cala� that too. many oeople reverse this. wise vaillng glasses. sbould not be 'nee" Simple .French Is recommended in I is 11yeflore God in j4ogmeut, he tea, the.exainitaittion by Annas- f graodmotber's and are aary much under fifty. What percent- . h h Ae more or loss, All products of this Wputaotur- prospect from the top of'XOUut Car- come iai�fted himself old remark I preference to the hea The wn�shing should be done Ing d�%trlott and all the native pro. home over whom, ovais had already so of our population under 25 Years , . v7 inayonnalse. greasy. . me,. You, can look off upon the.Mea- $Vill AgX you about t ,I Will he uOt tI.O. " policy Of killing Jesus. ThAro nagligel I � . Tho valu6 Olt a Salad depends upon as amking in this water duot,A, of the � at about the feet, but ,careful age lassea of one kind or qulckly, . North, -west arA lake 'y U had An influence . . to keep the head mutfied, up, Proper of age require 9 . . ita ingredients and -the skill with . iterranean and oce VOSSOIA moving UP O. ,Idrca� is no indication in the Scripture that 0 -. another I . softona the bristles and spoils. the n, Ilaoluding ores, lumbei, and ' . I . ,. u_d about your Own ah,� ATO of the fe LOSS itS. own ro is A illoput,tia a, point, but a which they are, combined, Mh, , ringed in "Of . at br . . ores of ask y ,wer dIY to . , glue. They should tlit,il Lvo not Bay: ,,Wb& , and down, carrying the OOMMI ,cc 11, John, or any. of the priests . a frion, as ant oomfortwblob conservative eStimr-te Is 40 I ut Of Ov- to ott all kinda, vegetables, truits,. . gxa$u, it. they arei to go bastward, I great natious. fft is a very c wi $ar4, or ,,an - ward In the co Oqu I mea. I cold wat,or and shaken as dry as pos- Citiber to the Atla4.tic�ooast or to _ Jesus. So I f.lofendorg to tho San 00. , I me 0 ma, can- follows and neglect brings just as oer- cry I cue point. The siallor to this day, calls Gwrgu' or Mary, Or impolked, but NY . Y , drsa are bornAnto the anti nuta are palsta6li'le dressed as. sible, and they willsoon be as hard E uroM have t10 be plqcod upon the. * itt Cape Oarmel. BatElIjAb did notgo 14017 them to ,have been. Joseph, tain retribution, Fashion in footwear As a rule cbll , ,JN&ro tire they'l" And I%, In heNriln are salads, And should be very 0014 .when and good am now. . lix, you say; Ill don't JaloW, 4 j�otlaae . . he foot trouble. world with healthy tylea Yet UQUO are railroad,at sonvo point west of But-, uln for the fine 1.114t he . bes; and the Is blamed for much of t � Served. There, .Va three styles. Cif . .. The boxIi. . . tilghea In wid I .1 � Br,awn paper laid on a grease spot fals, few there Witter transportation to the top of the mount. to pray d0lft kutow," porbaPA God Will Point and Nicoticallas, t:� b a ready to'.9acrifice exempt, from the possltolli�y of infec, ob salads may be isery- Lt hot iron Nvill be al- . tbig ' . . , . prospect. He Went up there Ifty: - sihore,, do, yon see that T ,Do elders. The , %ahadria. Almost Some poop e are et r at birth .which !a �responotbI6 for ad,, namely, a flaring, Vegetable , , and rableed AV11�114 praCbIQg'1Iy,qads. ' The. result of't . f6r rain and this B;ble says lie cast 44413 t jg�, Why..that overy class TOPreaentail' In the San- Comfort for style, brut If one gives the tion he bli I ndness � dish. most sure to xemovii ilt, But if tbe has pe�n Vhebuildin� up lot Such rail- . Lc4c!-jv W),A,,t tha lay ,Tesue matter a little thought both may be a,t Wts�t 20 per cent. -of t i . � I YOU 3 . . a Shallow grain. bowl, and plates the -, paper must ,Ialds � himself do%vn on the ground and Put 1,s the. blood of their - sou.14 on � your h0dx1a I bad been. critielse(I or .combined witb'baPPY TOO-Ults-- Tbe in the asylitims. but the greateat.of. ize ple-plates. I girease is very thick th( I as the New York Central And � his face bef,svoen hits knees, and cried for hypocrisy, greed, ignorance, . . I I , ision may Same a as, ­ be froquently changed. , the Pen . nsylyunla. How many tons d ga;rj�ent 1" I I I 1. W , s.that are te.o all the causes of Impaired v par a timeat oal;. sing rub two I mightily unto the Lord tkat the lan , ere asmanibled. Jew,- campaign. against oboe ,Ld tires . Spirits of. t-urpeatioe or gin, or of ftelobt Ave carried by ,the rail- ' . , .. � .. I I . . , � . I at f - ome people to the be summed up in one word�negleot, rounded 1tv ith A � roddg out of t1his . who . le, region -to the . I 3x�=. ik again; th -this. VtaYer 01 skaPtlelam Sanhedrin tight ham Carried. a . , . - tableepoons of almond. but� t I might not' Perish, but that the %ham- job, law proldbited the I - of a obild'S eyes Should be- Spirits of wine' rubbed in. I . I he had 1;4lijah . 'was . prayer, or extrome and. they boast, that The Cars . tar smooth with two-thirds of -a cup � . era might come. L&s 9004 am a confident, I from holding formal Session$ at night- Otho . ear.fours. % irin long before Lt gas . 8 to school, And of Water add two Cal* . . 4 of su� ridunol, will remove Paint, Atlantic scaboard, and to Europeja . . , ' � finished the first PraYCT3 he sent him ,.L1hcxti was .no "May-be's" about it. .Apparently, this informal gathering they wear sixes but could ' W a mother'whe is kindness itself . . I apoon . A, . teaspoo,aful of I essential oil of impossibile, to figuwe, but it, wand up- . ' large is most e -fourth ofA tea4wou of salt; , . servant to the outlook Of the moun- I Why Nvag Lt that,. when he ��vas 'pray- continued until daybreak, when .it NOW:,'& 11hoe that is too many . f a eer gar, on I lodmon to it WLne-91(ts4al Of spirits Of intO, t�o hundreds 0 millions. If, rvaut to the out- IaMtabla And will quickly. rub in eVeTYthIn'; else at" out * b dressing, and add two rew, the great lakes continued - Cain to see if there 'were any signs I .Lng, he seat his. As . � fbrined- Itself into t,he regular court unoo . . ind use cornsi' Iguorance in respect to the care She cook as for sour. . turpentlue will make scouring. drops hOW0 . of rain. The servant came b � look'? It wa . S because he know xa4n a Jesus. (rho Bare spots on.the foot .OR tablespoons of lomon juice. When to clean the edges of seat collars And . ack and arid passed judgment 0. all. The boa -tows, or"eltber does not bestow, on . i ., castfwArd troxa. Buffalo, so that.large sald.;" No signs of rain." Again, Elijah ' guingto cents, and [he wanted to ..ad soon as oue"t'hat 19 too am � is, desired w tb either � . steanieTs could go ,through to the A . t- I . I wifto . unseemly and illegal haStO W,aK dne � . Is whose feet are . tbesyes for whom ohs ,,yould ffterall,T a yellow color . . cuffs. . praypd and again the Servant :went to ILAC,W .t., ­b fixst,lnoment of its, arrivall to . fear of -an attempt at rescue by I beat blibas fbr peop i . � go thTougb fire aind Water. Headaches, the-dweet or the sour dressing, have Mll,k svill onfively relmove ink if, it larible ocean, a very large portion of - . the outlook and Calms back with the ,Go, that lie �oald get dowa� tite,owan- our Lord's- friends. ,� . I hard to fit are th n 'the most com tho.beaten 7olk of an egg in a bowl, jS enormous tonnage would be car- ' . � i � ", . ul,d . I M- for Instance, are, among, , $a applied before the ink dries in. t1h I hird time tain. Uo kne V that the rain wo. - . off Un- Mnation lasts. Rut even with so , . and just as you remove the dressing same info motion, and the t . . "LILL ;A�al Lid life, yet how . I Balls for, cleaning cloth may be Aed by them. This would be noses. . -V . . .1 . 'Ust as certainly a% Oar M�el XOGO 58. Peter followed -, I fortable Shoes the feet cannot be kept mon'complaints of ob. . from the. fire, 9, it 6�er �Lhe .egg, ot � . and the fourth, and no ralk,and the ., . put down to , our -xing six parts of faller's s,,tilY ,,, belcaule steamers give low - come, 3 , high priestle palace, Another ma,da by mi above. him�, and the . , ition withou - frequently are headaches ' ell at first. I � fifth time and no rain, and the sixth' Medit--.ranean to th-0 , to.r who is of- in good send . . It more regu �, As 'soon as little at a � Wao, atLrring W. I carth to one ,),art of pearlash, ands c�r Sreights than railroads, and are . . e Uk- 'in, I .. . . ad, then .Jay beneath him. Have you 4o came disciple went with Pe , the' any but the right c. 9 1 ther, it When the egg io.uAed, a lbttl!e water ivilon mixed, kneading into. a paste pre,forrod 1by most Shippers, except for time and no oigna of rain. ,A . su=ed to have been John, but tar car than most of I'S 'give Pq teA as . . motimeo constitutional. a child, has a boadacbD, tbe mo Ir- . I � . . . I- . . . an . . . � Elijah thre,W hImself into a more hu- -Positiveness' a ,expectation' 'Do y . � . d more IciaQu. 'juice may be requi , � o . he. NJhOm. many Scholars are inclined to Corus are so I . . lug is especially palat- W - irth lemon, juice. . goods whioli require great rapidity of � 1. . ' ' . . I I , Wberii there Is such a ptedisp6sition she deems it necossAry to oDnsult a ad.,- The dress .1 a Sharp � knUe" silduld t . a through ship- . portunate petition, and for Cho seventh believe G(�l really means, it-..WhQn n .tb1n1A Was Judas. BY the, influence much morg t an ordinary care is tie- doctor at all, sends for the ordinary.. on final I y Por shoes, � . Iransportation, . anti I , time he cried un,to the Lord, and for' says; 'lAsk, and it shall Pe give I disciple Poter foundild- , �h 0 pbisletan, or to solne- able . Sliced. tipple&, apples ag3ver be daed to reinove.dirt,.or the Mont would AV,oid the necessity which - . ' the seventif time he sent his servaflt.'you; peek, . and Ye shall find; knock, Of t1liA Other . ... oessary to avoid tb in., In h .puts it dqwn. � and ocleki, applen and very ripe ban- Mog . L likely be out, . An Px to t ay, with a large part of ' . ' Lo I the young man and it shall be'oPeln0d'untO youV or mission. See John� 18. 1Q. He wont . sician show I 1, be. consulted, -for thing whiqb has been eaten and has , -rr a leather will is O ­d . � . .1 . , to the outlook. I .. .of in to t1bei Court Of the plilace, and sat. 0- P11Y I .d . agreed, , with -the Chit . d. Fully 70 per anaa, strawbe !as rid, bananas, or old. �Ysteix' knife'or a thin', strip of ".fitg enormous tonnage, of fir.%t- ship- . , . came bg'k Ishying: "I ;see a little is your implor&tIO11 a mere matter . I . I the, "offl- Lt Ca comparlatively useless to. apply dis pineapplb and. orange. If the drePa- end then In to � 0 . . ats, that iE(, I . I idaohe, how. . . . haTd wood will sorapp off -the worst ping on a steamer � ' . , sexVU � t the .1sit of in- cent of 0.0 cases of' he I I . . Lug is put -on lia Soon as, the fruit 10 . . I . I . ,. ix inches long, about th, . " erhaps V ,Then ,,away wit'll the, . . .. I I sated� Jesus, corn medicines wittiou I . .1 � � ' . the s ed the Tailroad. . This breaking of bulk � - cloud five or is .0 indeAnite P . . . cer ,,, wilts had just arr . I r, from 'clilldhobil up to th6 age. ALA -4: and aid . . I . a k the ' eye . . . . . I . - size of a man"A hand." Elijah leaped wit), �oar prayers; they will die on . terrial remer I dlea to,obee . L ten . deney 1. . .al And it is silood' It will. not turn dark., . I Ott lj,�,, a hrard brush kept for a dixt 1s.e,xpensbve,a,i1-d tak" tinie. .. I . . . . � ­r;bese ia: .the chill of the early da,wn m. ­ . oK2O, Arc doh.t* the ey .. . 'Pull codfish into . . � . . 1. - I . I . TV- your lips 4�oraing to Uod withouch . . �-.' I . . . I . . 0DdMh Salad-. . , atlay' then be ap- * . I V RON CHICAGO. � .. . from -his know and sait]lto the me - I . . charcial fire- �,Slave- to the oa an It thestomacb, or any lbrush. Blacking I b4d . lighted a 0 so I NEW LINE - . Ahab to a insulting on lief, e Will . , � physician. siya .that rfis aie of- I .d n . I. . . I � 'an lis It .spurn � , . A . . Chin atrip,4, peak twelve hours - in - . following mlay I � . I the'sy . ant: " Run *Wid tell king. , I acted as gate keepers other, Part. of thle body which.:should . -e 'to fresh plied, tow which the I I , These am4i some Of t1he*reaf(0ni why I , get down out of the mount�aia; the y' hiia. 'O my dear Women who fro. lrpe! ooI4 .ten the result of Poor Circulation. That � . I I .1 cold water, then chang . . . ,- . . . .. Oil. away from . I . I . . . lye. fqan ,agood recipe; ]�Io nc . . . were passing to And ' To is t9 be qffer.ted. 4 I I t4o,4rcat and:,unleisa,he flies brothron �aad sisters in.' Chrst, how . I be greatly ,Improved by dipping li�o,treated If a on, and. let lie .balf.an hour. Remove . Ur a. . deep - waterway from . ' . I frealiets 1will come, . told ell Peter, and lie. wit . � These' 'headaches are. often caused . of ffilgly powdiired ivory blaok., 10 is get_,L . .. - - nilpht air had ', .. I b * stant every morn- I . .. I the moisture *With a soft towel, dip . . lakes, to the AtlantLo. ocean . . now'. be Will never get bora .'�' 'The oa ' 'we bait and� stagger and, doubt diew gear, the ,tl a foot for an in , . . . X era of , be 'ater. e a I , too", weary and chilled, I . in� by undue Straining of the cords ne�- ter an'd'broil.- While Ounces OtAx,eacle, three .quart tIng yealcly to a, kre, - and - I 1. . . ' but * . , aervant Starts for king Ahab.,,Ahab with. the, Bible full I of promises, and in, himself:11 To -see the .W9 into cold -water -and then rubb g unt of some inherent in melted . . . . it plat Of vinegar, two dracbloa�s of greater .netiassitY, ' I . . riep and . God full f.hra to war. . . them . . Vigorously With'a rough towel. oesslary on acco . I . warm Sbred finely,.AnA when cold add . � Meanw1bile there . . * gets -in the churiot And Speeds d0jivid heaven full of 910: l . e I 44. 'Abe , last proof of. affection' . . . as 1 rmacet,L oil. .The .611 *nd ­ ivorly , . * - . so-*. U the -feet are cold wt night- rub titem weakn .9. It may be'that glasses ara . -little vinogar. Vises on the Ape, . .-. arid salvation for 'all the p A crushed but . � . .- a very - I I is a, makedbut, which consists of the; . I ,- . 1. - the mountain, arid Elijah, more ss,'wift,w mercy . , .1 . .. Each W Ord 10A103 -tea - I . the only thing necetssax'y' to relieve the .. . ... . black'61tauld be first. well -mixed, then - % - - ' I I . . . 'th: flannel.juet before going to bed. I � top of ficine s 6bagei. ' Welland Canal and tLe -St. Lawrence .. . 1* I . . ' I . . . footed than the horses, leads tb�e clhar� pie. -:. . . . .. I I f L lbv�ing hear , t. .. . , I .. .mt . . . . � - - this I& found I I 0 I I ith mayonnaise, . dressing. I . the. treacle and lasIly the.vi-negar. . as m .. , - - 'Poor Circulation, indicated by:opld .trouble, When � . and sorve w . . . �R,Iviex Canals, which enables , dtoaraers ad,'thai w in in regard to that That A ,. I To make .-Ahoes watorpr9of melt I . Lot down the hill. She Ito . . ]i rem . rk aR& � 59 Sought ne,90. , thokoage ha�a the eyes property fitted - Dressing -Beat . the , . � - . wing, fourteen. feet of i6ter "to' I a . . falsw wit .. I s I .. . dxa I . . . .. . � so many Uis. that � of after S4ff ,, - Uayonnaige . . I . t. ti� of Elijah .-' It.was a successful � feet, is the: Cause 0 . . - only five or Six inches long expands.. ��Iiey bad been, thus seeking for 96111P . . , . . ar ering . - I I over a slow fire half: a Phut of oil, An , I Pray . . I . . . Ai once and ye ,a It a CIA-; . I . . . get through to the. odean.* .�Consld- .� . . . . . � a, gbt t, he , ease 1Df the ;pains ongbt to 13 -Ek ta4en to� keep, the . . . . . . � yolkS of ,two eggs with ha I . . To- . . �. , . prayer,- that is, time *13 made plain by tha.t! . � , ­ . I . ounce of,beeswax, an ounce of Lul - . . . " until the whole heaven is filled With . 4. .."d , . . ' ' . . f1poou of .O&W.a a teaspoon of: mus- I .. . . . etlng the enarmiloua. tonnage which,, . ' - , . .. rain . . now feet W ,-Heating them bQfore a .aigy.be. Avoided. . , . nd . . - gloom, and'the ,wind blow.4 ap* from wantea, ..which, was rain-7not . bui* -they, .had not , ­ .. I I I arm � . ' . - - alized thatin'the a . little, at i time, tine and. a'. quarter of , an ounce, of - could be mov*,ed, And,would be m6ved, ', - . I . Greek verb; :1 , ­ - , I c te tt-�.. fire does not anoWer"the'purPose. The ., it, iA . nom'being,re ­ : . Card. B e*at'iri` I . � � I . . . . , the aea to the mountain and from the, I .; h;irmoalze the fa s I . I . : attention should' ,. at ter , Burgundy. pitch.. This .mixture may� . . only: for the trough -.of, tho camel,; time -to ... . , 8 I I I . . ts to the. Atlantic. � . I . I I - pablio:acbsolg, more I . ' � . . .. I . � ­ or 'threc7 times, until scaboamd and to Europe . by a 1"'� - Mountain 1' "' `:.,*. n,ci a the Judas's tiea4pn; blood abould be- fOTOedAb,CO 1) I 6tt.er cir . . teen tablespoonsof melted b, ,, � I . - frotea. the - lake per ' to the aea� and, � rain just onough.: t settle Mo Tautly,. . . . f' ight ,tkad. Six � . . Into be �applied two deep . I I . ... 'i Appa: I aid tio the organs o s . h pa.atc.reoiilts. di I . . ,.. .1 I. . . � , , . . 117. ., . foot -and bei P . . 1. . . . nd'it t: . � I ­ . � . . . . NDERS. 0 a Qno4h.. to wet the t'he pr to, had bur- ,o4lation! by, atAnding.tiq one .. � IX�lion a Smoot .1 , , t , - . IS - , . . � . , I , � THE T B OX � - dust; not rai, unexpected by Ica , . . - ,, vlaegar- ja til It.44 he corA* C the lea.ther . .is*. quite ,saturated a - - HU . . . . ' e. * other lig- If. tearing., 10hildreii should be plac . a , '' . Wwayl� the inpager-amounts Of ton . � . �. � , 1. � I . . . . . n 1. � field, but . enough to drench the. shaking and swinging th � I . to strength of with I . ... � . I.. �. i d pliable and spir46 through the . . rted 14eir Plans- .� ' of this kind, togeth- e�d in o1a .gas accordtag . . � Will then be mowo.so tja�n . � Welland, � - I . � a iwild, overwhelini .9 corn . � . I , , . a . . i . ,9 � I . . . .. . . . 1 I a witnesses drously. - Agerats'e. I 19 I ency a thicl;..oream.- . .. gar 'than otherwise. n ge. that. I and there L - And, the to . I .60. Tjough ban Y fa a � , ighted child should . .. wear -mach.lon - .. . . - . dash as the clouds burst, r- forests and soak the, fields, and slake .. I . - . 2 1phe mul-, er witli-the cold water treatmentmen- vision.- The near -a 11. -An Orange Salad is: very appetiz- . Canal � ohoii�r what a make6blft ' it IT. 1. ., � � . . . . ! I I . w,hole nation. Rabi and they none. . , . . . I - The bright or patent leather shoes a Ives- . . ' to I . . camie,.70t to .. -he a �a companion ws;-tcol' carefully � . .. Foarteen' feet of.water . allow . ests are drenched, and the *earth 6i. is the thirst of a � s. 0 , - tioned. *ill U'Q`t ir-. not have"i'O''Silt With .. ing. mads'as follo I -h 'little milk - . . , the tLCUde of.fe a ,wituesse, doesn, fin . fail to belp t. I . � . . . . I ' To ' the mountains, - rairk , for , I . ith1oa,g. range shotuld I)' cleaned wit a 1. 6 thousond "And) there ,4vaa a great -in." . for . .. . 11 a . � . . ... . � .. � : iv�q Mily. be Is gifted w .1 . .11 , .. . : sels ca-rrying qboat� 'th,re - - , , . . . . . d rain for the' cattle., a I . � I Wi , , d,41slike Of cnlatt*u-� ! .. ­ .: I .. I . . .� ... ., I. . half dozen tar&. arange4,'. Pail 6 Part, . . . ,. . I trees an I I it we desproa. . . . 11 ., - .� .1 . . . I � .%. I .. . I ­ I . . on it is necessary to Wet. th, -am at n,(I t' modern fraighter OAT- ; . ,41 v at.ia. that to � . .tirnats' any .. . -.— optics.. � : . . eds WAsh? stir . whi . � 1 tb as a no .. 11 Well;?, ypa fiayt ,val .1. . . . , . . , and ramAve the as - . . ' . I a g eat rain I Now are we ma 9 je%ag. ' Pkoceedipgs iti'mOdern, courts . .* �, , I. � .1 . . .. . . I Rpe.. . . . I � kin . izoom j� .�Ich'6hi 0 iily�agoft cloth will be ' C . ton thousand.tons ,� ago past, � 11 . . . . . I I . .1 . Clpts. .. ...Thft-coloT of, the, I I. - , . Y, -f all-, - biat. -oneri ,I Wl -111 - I. - 'from seven I 1. ... . � Us 1. T.t is an incident loni . L shown. . LONGBVITT RE . . a equal quantit I � L1 -I . .. ... I L : . ribs . I . , , I h . � . I I I -an . ffio'i�ult to'..riib them, . . . . ^ 'toiv iii goine ways. as ., . . .. �r- is exhal- the, ptayer..that will bring.the same d Christian .countries 'aye. . . . . 'vh1all they. ad cut fIne , . . .1 Still'.: ­ tisf I � I. I The last drop of that ohowi , . . an . . t e'd 11 dron are, editotifeit tind in 1 1 celery. -Pat a,large Spoon fu 1 . Of .911 . � . . � 1. u0sa ,to, . . .- . .. . . I .not . .want rain so jg.not difflOtilt, even now. -0 . ll Of.inaking: books there is no n , . . .. ' * * , t' , .� It is best . . � �. . I . :, .�4 e iistdl)- - ed, the very last leaf that was Washed succesal .We .(Is . tha�. it 1. . I - ' jantly is, impor ani a -crloj?, . . 4 � I . . thW Wouts, is , Whail6d to ti� . . . . . I . . - I A ark is,apPlicable to live cons - � -mixed celery and orange� 04 a .. ... . . � � -fields, but lt.iskrain..ori P odurp fal,�ie testimony. ad the same rem I . . the ColoT should 19 I I I .. Salad plate, and .. , . ' 'NICAL. WALK. ' . :11-Ahment qfthe Noirth-,west-orn.Steam- ' 1. much on the . . - r . . ' t - . . be. Wilt, and , I i IJ I N .A.,. S. ,, ­ I I . ,ad -why do I I . th I he -tem� I Lag . . I I -14,�t.tacc,. leaf on.evmb . . . R B . . r ' Which - , -will- ran its - by, it, 'has gone into duist, a -and ,g advice, Most people' W.Ould CUR . cc! both from . . � . . � . I � 1. th . a . I . . I. b d I ong . dg% I � r6d. Should be elimirnat . . � 'has . been �hcld � �� A sh�p Compan3, I * , I " it they bad I ' ' Lg%11.F,r A the tender heart of childho6d ' .61.. I-ain. able to. deAVLtOY t . . . . . is pour.over it a dressing iiutde'aa�,kol- -, 11 '. you present It this morhir ''Spirit of the old man t,-�we, 19- "Dost-r6Y t . . I . eer. drinking � . . ners afl�cot. lioin Chicago to , L4 ar ­� I ary . . ple'9.f God. John 2. - . . . tMents, 'eggs very sponsib,16 for' 'ny� laalc�( steal � � , moat practical purpoge, I want to ms : . th U is,e�* ,followed everybody.'s. advice in regard t.h6paints and f . Tom the appoin lows: Beat the yolks of two - . � ma .of tiliel. ipa . I : need; it. is rain ,on. the1..ha9.rC,, hard temple Rud'in . res days INV ly . a . . . I . ur new steamers, . 4 .. I . � . light buff, gray . . � it Divas to . . 'g were as Much a$ possil:ile� I . light, add -one,711alf tesiPcicaful of Salt, ctcd� . Bat. I . aend this ,whole cl�arcUl to its knees', . if Sue a thin . I. t, I . .. 6. . . ' - rope? ' . : . I of Btu or wilted it U, .,, -,,Ihahc. .witnesses were near- .to their heal,th, Ih . . . with 'which man, ii afili . , P - . � . . . .1 . I .� . w belong ainong the beat, no mustard" and . . I � 'udy � - -,Vijio had gone possible. The nIaQ ,point is how t a ; I . . ... ' i,�h,o, jerylatest aodditLon­to an Airs, I want to ha,ve yota . understand that With, the ilrought . . I o d! - or Yalta '. - one-half toladpoonful of . . t I . . which itro biillag cOnAtTuctoil'by 'the :.-. I . dor'the,sun�3troko of worldliness,, or ths,'truth th'aA those only for the. eyes of Children but.also , - teaAp . 6likago .8hipbuilding � Company,. and If youl-will only go up to -the barmel un I . , . Re- , .. . I one rounded .Oonjul ot .sugar, large, 126t, aoco do in , - . . -wo need- HOW beftir ruPt. Motives, cirimlnatc�, *h6t to rsJ.aC`C, Wba"O ' . . . rding �to eminent Xcw� . I I of prayerful expectations and . look off, it is spirituair.ain4lixt -a , bat they bad CPT - .1 .- Maly ter iownpeople. Amongtbe many . otrouglily, Rud -add Six table- I . I . q the "arseni al. t1he& . '. $irst. voyage 'Will lye' me-. . � - It . .1 . I , . - liaasibatLt Ly,testimony . pt and then'We come to this ano P.M. .1 Beat th . 11 . . York. physiciains, , I - .c ' . ­ . . . to get it I'The way Elijah got it, All and Mark tia .be I .. ,cc . I . . . - ' I �Cce � PC . a I d- Points. UP0 .which Cars shcufd� le, ex- -and - iii, . ­ I '. , . -w- April and- At�y OL I'M$ -year. drg g4ther- - . .. . . . . .... I - 8 �. .n . I I I . spoopiuls',of melted butter . walk "' incidentally, it ls,atsd tlic ne, , III � . .. you can, behold already vap taliting - I that- the People *Uo-wil. . I I . I I . I I . . , t, I ,which will our - preaching about itand did not agree... .;., I . . . I * a, lest harm.come to the. .eyes, k I It 6 ustxatilng he, ad rail ta 908 Of ,,' . crest thou .no loo rare y nei d ISO I . I .. . ing into a cloud of inerey I I . � .. . thing t what. - -I' e 'it. most pa6plc i3on- ere, lemon � juice. Coo 'untL . est or galls- Tit the, manufacture of, ' . v of Uirlit employed for I I I .. . lecp . wai�r�ay from, Buffalo .Cast-. . . . � I ab t it will not, bring. it. . I " - a in- .to the obaracter t . glucose, which � kl g1eer, t, I . � 11 't - on . . ; ft... AnSw I at XcAmy,- hen , I Is ug�ed in ma, in b. I burat in torrents of salvation upon t,h,o . . . . I I ss . again sideT.1 agevity very desirable an . I . add 'the well-beatcu 1, . ­ .. - ,,, . WE :�JtST PRAY AND PRAY..,' is it which these Witus I I .10 . � ork, Such c.s. readlag,, writing, 0 eg . yhen.cold, OUT I . ... . - . -c wa;rd,�Lt can 6a said ithatt 0 aMOU4 - people. I have -to tell you� three or . I .. . - I I he hothLag . the instruotleva whi h Close AV I whited of tw go I . . I . I - I - . . L -A wei at t . U. I alaMeTable are I . le.. , . � ina the like. Do- 1. .0 I I J.Chwto , chemicals,' contftiftinZ met . f . . *CA . I . . I V) . . I aerw . . . in one-half CaPf ) of whipped area=- I - . r I � .. about thaf wonderful We must 90 On the rmel , of Phris-4 ,thPe.1 or. . 'is To red and ' ing, setting.tYPe,, I � . ­ I . Olan -it mcite tracti of arsatitc, are ein o I f f ei;kht already of ered to the ships . things � . . . . . I , I bat these witne6a against thee have been laborionobf Propa . -sight- ., u . . .. I . p � .. . I .'. liln� :from Chicago alone ex� I i4sufted sa Lian-expectatiO aadb� -: to '%V, a bene' -yesight, especially near -Y -Of , , .. I . , . . . .. . sit thills ­ . I � I . ow ourselves be I - . festive 1. Cabbage Salad --41o( twi . quattA I .. . � . . or of Eiltiali �W,blch . I . 4 . b I one �fter ariothtir,'Ilad,4.o�ine forward- distributed gratuitously for Chi . ployed, . . times. ' ' ... then; it. ,%Vill come� . � . . I., I ... t 'Most of �s read them edriess, 00.6ften be'dist.iiietly traced add. two, level. - is aVErbrbtia gradually � OWA its. ca,paoity. by , many I .Lord, and . I w r j , ,.. . � I I 11 16 'aysenle - , , 'n, lics'in tha:faot that marvelously. I . . ' .. fors the . . 4 --atementa agains, fit of Mankind. - . I . .guard. linely chopped ca'bliage el 1,,�Xt% itl . 1. I � ight . h p 0 Udicial At. � 1. .. to pobr li&t. . Electric -lights ' wo.-Of white,atigar, wlt6 the P -h- .. `­ IY­ ,,V,�r . � Tayer. Mark it always has come - . when the f -still "held his peace." throuilis prondance'llibm .99bill but., I .. I ­ tablespoons salt, t - . sy.sLem.� of Wer-drinker.q,, . �easo- , . . I . � � .. , I . . . . , First: It was a buidble 1) nd. 'of . prayer weat up. It N I Vill Jesus. alid 11 a . , I . .. , std. by. A 0'ads .or fidAted lamp.% � 80 I - - blaok pslgPer� - ' ' . . : . . . -hatthe sOl" of the eipe0cacq shows t at�.all citiel,. , the' language of the Bible .. "Ild. cast. id. . I ,. . .. , * no alsa. 63. 7 IS .a. �Pro­ 'b4re. ig..w4or6 the labor is wasted- � . I not - ms of . -1 .. I.. I . . I -,VIC41t Clio reSuX C . . t, , in as there is a L ed, Of this A no . . � S,of .the it a .... along a wel defined trans" a- - I , .1 n' . . I CE log,q become ing . � �. ­. a come, 'as-cerLa . I � JAStrU07 bt e A' 'th' v ww do, not Watt tbe Lmaig . gbt I Moisten WLLAI utayounalise Al 18119- feet and tauseles of the � . . 11 nd- 40-7 1 ' - himself on . ­ . Pat.. Q,. 23 is a MQ�t . I a eye. ranL . . . I ' I - �p'by it A � ,., :1. theearth aAdput hisfac ill ilamprtal.to bet pbeel ; I . I . I ­ t1irovin directly rdpon th -e '� . i � a il iXW ro*to aTe 'built . �, , ad. oy oii� Tba v e . a - 0 0 .. � . . I gree With or won't agree m4th . . . I ,Mak,& tbl.,R the foundation ' and, Conti :hardened, inducing t'h t peouldr A . I . . . . I I . a in . . - . L . a, 1 1 on the last day.' Prayer tLyo a .. . 1. -tarY- � . .1 1, . I � f , t ' soubreas. of All'umination. Gas , . I to reat.on bt�vder ,.. of I to rive gr -"ofits, Chi 1!ofrvm.. It . ' between his knees." " Oh,�' you say, ad, Coaching cOMMOU just It .1 ­ eat ' ' ,, the pogiture of the body doesn't do- . A I �. , bpeause of �conflitt with personal plea- its . of �he Salad' .. 't wbloh. has. become, Common . . � . �-il . I .1 . pg I :are � d 0 1 . . " , . - t1hexe was..a deep :WbLterw4y. to the . . . % adjUt-6 th" lly t1le living C' I ri6ri � . f 1, ., � I i- ' . . -1 . )erpetuallk., - . . M. -1 ' .go a and oil lam e itiedly into .lie t,�,s. wb. �rink beer. In la�ge quan- j. prayer i .. . I . v C,hou be Lho ,sure for theAluiti being, and we 0 L � � a leaves. At t , k ' Ntlantic; a - arnestness of the soul.." ,1, now, , Cli L thou: tell us Wbotvo I .. . . Y�S and --theix flAMO sclOt Yellow lettac . Ch coast, the ahlol Pas lug kip , - . ' - some who have , 'It I but ,Well Chosen , and Elciontista have . - living in the ev ... .. I . . - know that, but the feeling of the SOI -11 . I� see: this morning % I . e.xi,tenar of ,our wa , it * . e' client bade of the. nlecly TOUUded mound I of t.1ties. , emista , . I sit be- und down WoUl''d 1have. to .5100 at Quo- - I ' dhrIst,Jhe Son of God. She., law, cla . a XC I i I 9' . oliall. be the b36n' J�ack�sliderA from. God. . �.They . L ' * 1.�.Wcll - till som thing happens May.. . be Well ghade.d,.. thal AT a border..of V.eet, observed. :.ihq slintlarity of . I a -t!hb chiet.iyriests in oor,11111 til a .- . . . � qa . bec and.Xo�ntreal, and the coraintirces ------ very ofien indicates what I powared� . I ­ . . � .bbage. arXaAgO . . . . . . I And having been pray- tween English boot drinkors'and am- � .. position of the body. There 'wits'sor- on L, c. sait at the - CoAnmuniOA 'ta'blO; . d ko­ ,q4ew Yearli reso- Lights- � I . , .. . . I Wealth. of these I , to administct An Oatti. our LOT . be, ,then we ma A. . i-, alvanly cbdppec fo I I . , .. . brans t tLOn,* ani: � '. . s of bereave- they -. .Sit -there n6 more. once' they cases . . I . � 1 1, � The conditlq" for reading.by art' and pickled r a few. ployes . A.Me , n breweries, and -.POT a 1.� row Is your house. Cloud! I . . � ; . - could.noty6fi,ae to apaWar Chis,611al- lution", , ,� � I light .should be made, Us, far as lbusly boiled, ad' be- Of � rioa I 11. I Pat I a-; t1wo eiti" wouldbe greatly increaAed. . . I � afraid you'd prayed, they pray no more. Once up and it was so. worded that he Every hboorinallty in the shape of fl. LAI . . 1, . . 1* hours in vinegar. . 112to . rich . r � have attributed it to -MI'salliel . I I � . amoiiai. of. 'tolls, , snatit, hovered. You wetle , . . . . dro, cared the vlqio lenge, � tu tqined in reading 11, . cm,oyer-indulg- In. addition, me � . . � . I . their eyes th I ,n . her denied him.$Olf Or of arm,'of back, of general poosible,-like os6 ob I twt�n,.the cabbage and the Our ng oning, ,resulting .fr whLch would be, derived! from thO 611� lose that loved. one. You Went to Your -an ardoning, Jesus; but; itow, they must have -61L. - . -1. . - . .. . I I lettuce lcavcdI8:,ycky attractive. over . . I., . I . . . Of �L P, , I 3t�r st!i 4 � a . I . - . . I . I I h6t would ' room; you locked the door; you pray- I I the hava uttered what seemed. to be blas ay I Mused a an, illustration Of the indooi ,by ordinary, daylight; lt�is a . . ,Case. in beer. I .. I .. oTmolusamountof frelgilit t ed for the recovery of that Sick I one. st�Liid with both thiij feet on I . 6 the -Sartiled.rin. - vlitucls of thiA,Qr that system. of exer- misCake in a Ubtrary, Vdibile, -or pri- a a afew . . 0� I . . rest . . . I . � thembund.0t-cabb 90 grrang . . ' - V Chis 'touta ,would pay late , . I eeding bear I t. (A the- Son of God.. O phelfty t 1. . .. n a 6 up,only -the am -all space . . . . I on� . NEEDED � WSTRUGTIONS. . .99 b, . , ary. � I iWhat Position did you take . t, . Dld.you bl ­ t 01. Thou I . Iftet �aid,,'Tbig expresslo eige or Ilyl�ng. it to ,the opi Lou f A vats, to 1ight. I . Slices od hard-boiled egg and's 11PO . . . d ou .the amount, of money net:4013. anderiug brother, you cast God off, as, The , been foun - . . . . I I . � . . I idiom Of'thO -stro"gost good any laymen tbat mankind does in which the Work is being do , pped on the can- � Prison Wt14r'dCa-1t*S just . . ., . I nttupfi�ht? Did'youlatand? NO;You .Nv . . was a Jewish i . I 1. in I I I ful of MAYOullaiiis &O . . , to construct it: - . , . . I � I I cc U, I I it be -strange if God .1, Power hero h . ill mlriatc& ,p -itm.d in little � ramit that Crime . I � 1� either knelt, or you threw yourself on dry yaa? iWil assent, "As5urcdlyJ am I 1. . I , enet.rely.too much t inking On the sub whole ro,om alliouid be u I Cavities . ' -11 i a6ts ypu:off? �lt will b2 hartler-for . . ire 'of the to . � out- 11 that You didn't ,cars and . .XBOM TnN O rR, OP-BNl � . ' ' an in .. . . . . . I I iv a, ripe old age, wbil6 not light as I �'day � . here and ther , been t . . I your face before God. You had no idea c stando for the Eternal One. . je6t Of how to aye to I made made . a Nath the Spoon. . . for ali'lliese y I . . . 11 . . a*s: YOU VAD . . ing"intp' the position would have any offset with Y l than for,.thuse who t, lead. the open air Let thq is inder (A go the GovIrno ad, 3e this Id look I ,is never took tht, fir rd. . 95.1he high PridAt.rent his Clothes- Less worry .an this point migli -thap. would be toogi . ar� ma the gi-,Ayonnalac, ' I r has pardon . 790-� , !-Of.couin , . � � � I 1. 1. I . . . od meanwhile, it Ls.,the-dutY . . � at step beftV011--va sudden. to the desired,reoult. . , I I iag,4�-Ciat so well lighted that the r ead- � . -a.V . Innocent Uan-Um-I'm PdTd I . - - .you. took w, I . . . . be servedin Ltohsr-. I . God, but this position You showed that you knc�%!.youc duty. 11 - A ibrmaX . act expi:essing A . . bdjosqmorry. er or'wiDrIger doe a .. . . � . .,� �� , . . 4' in authority, and of the (De ­ � . Ill I g not turn from . I ,of Chose . the result of year feeling. tWo wonder, , I r I and overpowering sonie of horror; at . But there nevar'-w-L I . . . . -.� Am I I . . P�atiacilt 01- Railways And Canals', to - - ' * ' ' a own sins to Uo�� about all ,those . p e I ibUs Scones. what ho,called blasphoiny; but hype- Even nofv� the, list bf'systoms for pro� brilliantly qjghted page or! place. 10f ' . � . I I Rr:SOi1 Wardcn�y�-e�0, hnt (1On`L go " then, that Elijah, WWI It! . . GOOD SUGGESTIONS. . � . .. ,waterwayslo . ' confess, and the sins of a -nation, took in whio4 you once Commingled? Where critical, and used to disguise his Mal- - iciag4t' a of MAWS days, is being aug- Sew.lag to a dark space. Such 'a.sharo . � yet. .1111 have to telo'grr I Lph for flxr;- see that the OXI , sting LO I . . . . I I I.. b In a ward4 I . . lips of, the North- , are ,they nDw1 Ilaw can you moot ther instruct . . I will ply, - 0 . too. She judges in a� Jewish trial for City latest suggestion con.trust Is ;Wt a#apted to pleasant Care IS, a a ee-onomIst long. . thxclugh which the ab . tha� haMble posture, arid Lt is most wanted. Tho v . ok I goo ho no 8 I about? I . � I I ' P I - - . . b, i1b 0, 0 titches by an -What I m4hip, ODmpany _11 -ad. their - * AO 9 and mlga- To a;' wills v t' al . . appropriate, to -day for US�. How are 'rl't at. last tbut Jesus whom you a :cc physician of credit and use df the'.eye& Innocent Mt . I ,western stea . andaring blaoijlh al I meO from a .To is a , zinc.% sh op paper not PU.LtIng the one that is needed; and - that kept free Secutiqg by a Wi ro "ems to, MO arc, froxii Obstruct' I'd � , n .the blagpheift- caqW�n. , no thinks that' the ould be printed ' prison Warden-'* , j � we living I Within a few. Ycars---08, 6 th clothes in twain Who � depth of -iZiltilt"n I I I iL,,,,V;' 1,eo:.PL-,rA you look him in a a � 4 ere - . ltb good black inki by folding', and brushing, arid putting. eonsl4cTia, y . O'A ,hadn't. tiny business or their advertisod I I . Ill 14 - perhaps within a tow hours, of our Us word W uttered# and, the, Very great deal of I benefit or of iiiijury too highly gla me d,. W.L state'tor fact, It this line is a SuCcOsss it W, Yo arward in the WeArIgig of certain kinds of GO illumination, I away, Will inake, clolt lit to 'pay tho last account; Yets Cold and worldly faco a�t the last? Are, you happ i ;1O boa as t,o,l,n were nevOr afte . . . . . Od . papeTi ink, and . hes last and,look here, you oug . I educed measureo ' back -sliders? Na, no; you have not " d rl ,,, . Ile bath spoken blas- ' mav6 many eyeS from. b000m- rosipeotablc . tWLOO as long as they your board. - . mean, though 111 a X . . I type, will I . . . and Selfish and proud. Where is the ' . to be man Clothing. , . I , . d, . A careful ' person . ­.-­.dP— I ofiti -,vhkh wolild'cignb � -seat f HOW gittle, we pray. seen an bour of happiness since You phemy. And indeed. .our Lordlg words ,According to tbIs authority the Ing defectives . . I otherwise wont . I .. . . all tho 1�-n i ay, and as ,these Where is . a I sphomous),or insane, or: wea . I � , . f '! , meroy Sesust HOW little W Book gay.o kip your hops and wandered off, were either bla tIng of flannel next the Akin ,10 � -----4-— will also, find it worth while to change , ,� A, HINT, a deep wat6rW I � . . Perhaps, to please o,skcp' pain- d -i's we of Immensely In- .. . � � . th� clotbl I a act',Ovding to . the present .ou I' W O� tical jarious to the general . 1. � .y must give him it hint 6 �aid 1 ,r,,,,,,,,, . Are defined, not Visionary, . big society. Where are the IMPenit� . . true. What further'n sit ba _1;1�'. n� ,Cotton is TIJI,l PHANTOM OF IMAX.T.OMS- I .4411 , � I I . . rl complains . d averybbing that t0ndS t0'reak"It's panion. You Say* 'lob, it I could only witnewsl� � Here is a crafty Stro� . . . I I I I . emplolyment* . . I when the fair YOUng gi . I � I , done, -Of , W little iva .do for their reS- I . . � run of 'Man and WOMc . I * a, . - ent I He I . - . re witnesses they I For summer - Some People 'Chase, .. And mantles Are Was slow to propose. line A sue, q should be got back to those good old times when got. an Ing, ill his opinion . . ,I k.Women-s dreg . ses t1at hot !eye, lii.t , b, cc � I _" I e � cue, , most 'Wretch- If. ItQ� Y mo k too shirt, while A phantom whfth � pl up in wardr6bes, or mhat sort of a lye .M1 course v if the canals or the reached � virHERB 19 HEAVBN �. - I did serve Godl" '.Clio . . might� contradict those already heard; wear he suggests, a Cal . P5 indicated PC better hung than told-` �ivo him a tie. . . .,VXcuoo are not kept clear ' " ' - ,. now little it;9 raptures kindle our SOUI tld condition in all the world is that but now the entire conne.il bad heard a is his idea of min Thilawiss, RICH, .. 01606tA secured -tram, dust, 1. . ot thoSt. La - , . . balbriggan cotio - I I I . .. --I- I � , -toll and the Vessels of a not to -day, of a Indn Who Once Was a member of his blasphemy, -and it all witnesses Car I covering. The main point of his I I I I . . . . ad in, draw,ers,: a,k Cbey,booDine Creased �� . . from Obstruct Cold and hard. ought w . � . I SEAT14;&T TOWN. q ' I . stoaraship 00111- 1 I . . . 1. . � the Platform, the church 'and sat at holy cOmmun'- acing al- They chatio it.. UP a ' . d tu-mbl.ed by falffing. bho Noirth-wcst6ta � you, in ths, pow and I on , were false the accused. had proved his theory Is the'neocs9itY Of we They chase it own, an SrO31c, in Holland. Is famed as the iton, who, has gone back. Utilt'JOS114 owit'guilk. ways the same kind of Material next They ohaao it till - �Ca,s 014illes, when folded, should t toWn.in, the World," pany shoald be injured Or Most With . to take before God, the same Posture a h . . U0 'non, cot-. . Around the town. . room for lluentea st,heir difflolittlOss it WOU'd do this that Elijah took! Toll MO, arc We fill will be just asl glad to have you come (i , W at think yet Not so in h the akin, Whether this ka, of It I be lyince(I where there is . ------4— ' LojUTy as it might laevor - now as he wa,3 ,the first time:'70[11 their opi I nion 1 tI , ( . them to lie, without being Pressed. . 1,ko Such In . . " gone land daughters of the Lord Al . a ques Lion concerning n r wo?1C, ' . I . . -1D recov.CT tram. on *Abe one side, the -O T�! - , They sacrifice -, it they tire OHANG.L � . , started for him, 110 waits t be i d 8 . 001A mighty I 1&re we the Seats that have as a call upon them, for their verdict, . ima Vic will be Immensely PopU . . companies Wo . . I All other things, . Before brushing dlotbC Uld..at OhC . -a that Cross of in- graelo(a4. Trust him. 110 Will Say 110 is guilty of ,death. So far am this tar in cartain quarters, tar quite often Because theY think Very dusty, they should be shaken, )0ya1OU6-1: ICV,�- imsura-lacs, Very lit I been ransomed? Wa . what you have Slidi IV ..' That this one bringol d ,,(,me Of XIia Antack-Ah I live suspected it raise their rates, ]low I expressible pain the price that WAS nothing abaut. I bloating was concerned. our Lord was people mlfb�Very` 0113"t a skinot, so- , , or spread upon allorse, an . wh,ich would sdriGUSI eat into 'the -ainst him, Ire Will say no,thing now destIned to death, but "the Jews, pe a Abhor the . . I with a switch; ill, &IOng_you naughty man I . � Y I ,e . I paid for our rescue? Look over the ag dering., , 'Lally children, ' Imply All Utter good, . . . I I the dust whipped out I he delicious free- profit$ of -the lines and, on the otheri Pa8t five, ten, fifteen years. of our abcut the days of your ,wa)m Or AL least their rulers, who Courted 'touch. of "y un4eggarment which But when It's got, or, it there is much . -dry dirt, it eypious-1 love ii . a opportunity I Ile will say nothing about the fact loushy rblgtitm. to rosgt'matton. 0 Tubb , ad. off, They 1may dom, of bachlorbood. ' S, . V,ppors would become tilarVied. Thud ,h waste the favor of Rome, ostantat boars Any . . Thel,t oftener find , should h -ppea that this line Would life how: mac - In y far fro home � T -it does act. upon. o, clean board, Migg A,nteek-.Bruto I , , ., , it might ba I I Profeaslog to live for God and oter ,that you, have been sitti g in the seat disolaImed, the . puwor of Punishing WIthout going vex at t � than ,be, sproad . . I have be be abandoned, and the oonL- ni!ty, ha's, not our -profession some- Of the scorners and laughed at capital offenses." So new charges the writer recollect$ Ono who summed , 46 and ,brushed the way the nap of the . ------*— in the ShAW Of times beeno, lie, and out postition a by� Christianity, and despised that which must ,he pressed before the Rieman up the days of Interval between the FREVD14TING WASTE or COAL. cloth runs. They should be brushed Sequent boubfits cot be�oflts to I a you �ncc. kwed, . He will not thVOW I ob;aaging of A flann�l. shirt with the quickly; in such A:Mad- AN ME FOR B'U,-'�INESS- Oft canal tolls, and intlix , word? Onty brethVen and aistars,,w governor. . . orable lightly and ft the nap, A. Pool Woman in wallroad train q and montTeal, entirely lost. must come dopu out of thts: pride. that UP to youl at all, no more tha a 67. Buffeted , lxlm� Struck him same eagerness thAt a condemned During the past year 601181d nor as noft to scraps, 6 OrADVO C0141 dAy-Pa,rd l on iftcv 15ir, but this aeboo father when the prodigal WLth clenched lists, Others Mato . ta on his flngeri( the. alarm has been createaln ilia British' austex should bo at hand to r Besides, Kadh aO 611`811t W0alA tend to ,%Vc must humble ourselves befotrc did 'the is paling of their hands, Criminal lood'a I Isla,s by the prospect Of a failure If ditqe as it gq,thera In the board. . window . sticks. IN'00 � YOU U . ridextake indefinitely Postpone tha Creation Lot . ,IiYh did. '0bAXXOh at God, Came ,back. fThe faither did not Say him With tl members of namber of sunsets be will be permit- . 1 supply. ElleetricAl On- to op�a It I God, as V .. the prodigal About his It was not the diLgnlf!Od . ad forth I the British coa Hat,s ghoul,d be put away from . a, 04 doeP& a . ad two satlalaotorY �outb rewntl T6peutl -TO 'the dust. Put anything to the Sumhedrivi but the "Officerso" Led to son are lie I$ SUMMOU - b ated that Clio Use entleman-With pleastita, MR and transportation from Clio great on oackeltdo I Weo itioud for, ,thy poor oloEhes or his, hungered, face I who, have appeared so often in this to exptato his crime. On the eventful ig I dusty Places, when Out of h UMCrtaker 1by profe,9616a. lak" to Clig ocean than jimir 0XIStrif t away to Clothe him Ifan1,1,rs1,11`C,Pr silage . AM Sin I ,Wall fox Cam dead I bat ba Went righ ilia servants of the temple, morn of' wash Jisy h4b was always late vent derived from Wa(er- soft Urugh should be, used for SMOOC 1; . I I am ,. I li � outd do mote lOr r n as kn, * 4tlYh u 'a W I falls and transmitted to factories and ,w ,be nap. And realoving dust, I him; and to least him, wh uring ilia p6rforman-30 of their I W, . an,d bUA A r0atO m i rcniArk Again. in regard to, the mild to( rOW al duties "had fun" .With their I for school, though Pros astl 2" rallroad.,a wouid tend to illininl$h large- 6 t �4, ND Till", CLAM, . Canada, thom any (possiblo Kin& thing , Jud 4 rIAt will ,not say anything brat vices, and When at last I Wetted with rain, n hat should be let ,TIIX LOBSviat -ma,aawobtle. lot the , fflnito Dh � . .1 . . 1A X,owf pot�tbofi a gAijalby: it was a d, , victims, i not Ono Of his uob dif. ly the present Wasteful U, � Of Coal- to dry, and then braghett with a hard- ! The differanoo botwooft Yau And acula <16. atisfac-1 0 I Thoro -mote fifty thingg aboat what you have been doing C& Prophesy Unto Usi 'thou Christ. he had been arrayed With In . I . ,I 6xigtkbg rante be. IbAdd as 0 , � prayer A0 long, if You, will only come to him Who' in he that M110to theet Vroak 11 fIcUlty III is "$ask cloth, An *----4.— or brush thaft usual- me, said the I Clain to Clio Lobster, i4 that, Ellijab w)ocdla- bav'o liked, to,haVc . Will bear togr . 0 , to -day, And do your works over Mark, 14, 63 and Luke; 22. 6i We ,got ' h, up And I shub Up. y And k,VtJn tta good condition as k bdA for himself, There wtrO fifty the fall force of this blIsphamous his countenance Was pitIfAl to behold. HUNIAN LIMITATIONS. Wash-lelthot gloves that you put . � I siblo. . . . I to frequent washings with warm water Almost at orioe� A Apple of MOTH- pot � -* , ­ tkhkngs -be Would have liketl to have . - M61, did flat and yellow Soap; but the W&tPr MU4t repat ran over the face ot the pea. 04ain. . ,kery; they had blindfolded out nut be Wd$ delle'O't � and his mother Virst Tramp- tfs hard ter a Man i . oldd Mr thel people, but �ha goes there To, have, been Warned and n4t to Lotd, and had bath struck his facu did not wish to, lose him. do live up to his ideals, . will shrivel the . ­ . I ,& JAW2,16, I � AMA as-ko,for just one, J%jugg I and fhRt have h6A-dad; .to, have been Invited by and slia't upon it. ,,Thay kneW not %V,,,Int to dio oLtbor,, hilt It 'night ber �;Ccond Trainp-Dat's All Tightt A not be hot, 017 Lt i -0 - thing, sald till thIN plon4in wounds of Christ and � WI10 C. they did."' temarked be would rather take , it out of sawin, Aorno leather.. They she(Uld W drikstl and � pm,l) volt Solur '11tom. T, am fortAxia% ift Ono .9 I O., , 'd% � Mr. Meektoll. MY W11C ig On's Of the to Italia, . . " . .not to have accepted thenl�,, to have (rHOSC GUCIAT INVENTXONS. chances than W*3ar another flannel fe'ller Can't gi upon the li� � ftn.d, before they ArO is ex- frietbag, . thera, ,are too many , ;1 I drawn I I , - , IS�]$A�0,5:7..O�tlie.-t�iio."..�t- I I I i ,- - I I � H" -k ra C - 7 - wh"re ' IOTTO 000aaL0I' t in EMi W at ler' 7ft!,ne.W, I -1 - , � - - li �.. - .I. I . ! . 1. * I - - , , , .. - , , . , ..my I I Of emanalpation Ar- wood. ..".O".6.� 1 a preserve their Tlht� Inabi gateVasr (4 Clio krar Moot econominal women In the world, , ''our praytird atuo, gu t in; g era 64, a , bA,l IOU ,&bbaths o4 moray like Admiring 11riand-What makes you ghtirt. The d& quit a dry, SO us t . , In I Ilquea tortiliftate. I Clinton Jlann6lWaA . 111"WHIR SIVISIP111111). --- -what � positimi grounds, an(l, the st, " not to have impWoved think you4 AiwoVory Was go VW a riled, however, and shape, Kid 916*09 Way be sOm"V11at -, That u A , en lit, I , it, . it'. ' 916 ti,q,t ixtI think Chat IA the preaso-av they- A6 A ;,� � Olt Success? is a great a I go we live In; how ale, 0 or or Pari8lie'llne, which surnionille(l. )n1t lIke to brag, but Iwo must I tham; to have como. ao�xear heaven, substituted for the Objeidtlftfllble gray Th'a anotj,,by tbe, U,qe of India rubber, or y", I dc dd Vot Amount to MUcOL � ProfeSsor-Why 68 wonderful theSIN cleetric, lights Aral 1811,k and Cotton 910VO-q li',Iw� Won pald, to a dealer in set0l) 11% a marvoll, she doemn't let Ino ap I on([ I . � , go befor,n God wAlh some specific Or- I yot to have alsmbd itl There Will, be nounced tht idea Mr,r Savant in C'Ur. - flaafteh . Ohs, I don't know, you Can't Coast bre,,ta armabs, 0 francs. ' . 6, 4ent of MY A01107 fo6liAllly. . - 11116te, are My oliildron, I two things that will be said ope remembered that, he had known , It 10( triot a fa,d, It U a o6adition. uray be washed with soap tmid water, iron Xolr 10sno rand, and Afty a Ion that day. yCU will say one OX it since hC cut his first teeth. , some People Are not ourao4 wV'xtb too- utroad fit them- . . . igsAngors. Ao the 'Covotiant of grac , I . . . . . . I. I I .1, . I . I � ., I � " ­.. I... I.".." ... 11". ­­­­ ... I ... ,-..'�.11,11�....-.�'..�"...�1.1.�--."�-�.-I'�ll.�.1-1-,-,� . . . ...... ­.­.­.'­­­-­ I., -1.-11..--- , , . , ­ -­ I-- ­ I I-— -1-1.----1- ... 11 ,� � .1 I 1. 1..-1-1--..-1--1