HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-03-07, Page 1Ti o II " ". I T ut -"Ir - 2211(1 Year Immo. 1.I.Ifq•R•WO LCLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1901 Whole Number 1157 ••••••••—•-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,..,J Rave you, paid your subscription to The News -Record ? If not there is no more timely time than the present. Let's bear from. you. ------,--,--_, 1 #11"110111011...116,41~Ilwee."10.,wiabegni,. ..46..isk,,ih....waibrek,..A10-111W-op.,41b.-1111, 0000No Paid Por Dogs, pun le intended, but hogs still rule the market. Wallis and Cantelon shipped five hundred this week, the bulk of them from Clinton, for which they paid out over five thousand dollars, The ruling price was six twenty five but the dealers now look for a fall in price though they would ipersonally prefer high prices and a keen demand, Which pa life into the business. ' An Old and Interesting Book. Among the volumes in the large and weil selected library of Rev, Mr. Newcombe is one printed in London, B. J. dibbings' seven up. England, in1657, BO that it is now two 1 Rev. Dr, Sutherland of Toronto will hundred and forty foutyears old; It preach on behalf of the educational is of a religions natere, 'tellsi ', The fend of the Methodist church in the whole duty of man," etc' and is writ- Onterio street church nett Sunday ten in that quaint style in vogue in . a. m. and in the Rattenbury street those good days of old, which probably church in the evening adds interest to its perusal at the pres. ' ent tirae. The writers and printers of that period hada habit of mixing up their f's and ss in a manner which is nova somewhat confusing. . WALL PAPE SHOPPING Is easy at our Wall Paper Store because you do not have to "kick" to get your money's worth; because we have the largest assortment in this country; be- cause we have no old, undesirable styles; because • we furnish estimates on hanging as well as the paper; because—well, because we do everything in our power to make. Wall Paper shopping easy for you. We are looking out for your permanent pat- ronage. rim Nic.Bsr WALL PAPER 0 ,0 Mille imcale, Mr. T. Lavin, who has been ill or Pork linking In Clinton, month, is now in a very low state, Rev, A. Stewart of Willis church and Rev. W. G. Howson will exchange A Public Meeting Will Be Held Next pulpits next Sunday morning. Wednesday Evening to Talk Over Cantelon Bros. have in a week past' shipped twelve hundred dozen of eggs and three thousand pounds of butter. Mr, Fred. Hess of Zurich has been Li selected as the beral candidate to conteet South Buren for the 'Legisla- ture, . The Clinton curlers defeated Wing - ham on the home rinks on Monday. Dr, Agnew's rink was three down and $ How the Dog Tax is Iiyaded, their The assessors, who are now on rounds, are supposed to be so eagle-eyed that nothing esca,pes them but the fol- lowing little incident will go to show that they are sometimes outwitted: .A. well known citizen, while driving in lialett on Thursday last, picked up a yoong lad on his way' from school. The youngster was talkative and had .a good deal to say and on nearing home he burst out with :"Oh, the asses- sor has been here for the dogs are out. They have.been tied up in the stable for aboutlwo weeks for we have been expecting him," • 1 , The Nev,' Rector of St. Paul's. Rev. ItIre Gunn of Parkhill last week signified his acceptance of the rector- ship of St. Paul's chervil and resigned the'parish of Parkhill and Greenway. This decision by the reverenal gentle- man has given much sat isfaction here and the unanimous spirit which pre- vades in the congregatibn is a good . augury for the future. The 'pulpit of St. Paul's was occupied last Sutiday by a student frorn Huron College and next Sund kw Prof. Burgess from the same seat of learning is expected, while it is hoped that Mr. Gunn may take charge of the services on the 17C13 inst. A An Evening With the Junior leaguers: ' • • The Junior League of Ratteribury street church held a social on Friday eyeniog when the program was as follows, . Song, Mabel Greish ; recita- tion, John Hall ;song, Lena Holmes; trio; Inez Miller, Gertie Chant, Mary Holmes ; duet, Hattie Holloway, Helen Doherty.; quartette, Pearl Chintelon, Elva Potts, Blanche Fisher, Adella Wilken. Short talks were given by the following young people who ap- peared in costume : Clifford Andrews, Hindoo boy ; Mary East, Zen:toe woman • David Dowzer, citizen • John Rumball, priest ; Nellie Holmes, lady missionary, Walter Holmes, mission- ary. Doesn't _cost nearly so much as you are likely to ituagine. And•this spring has brought forth innom- nierable, vast improvements from an artistic stand- point. Come in oily day and see what delightful effects the makers have produced. A look at the hundreds of different designs will make you wonder where they all come from. We buy from makers MI over the world—that accounts for the variety . of twenty. We buy in large , quantities—that accounts for the low pr ices. • . W. Cooper, 61. Co.,' CLINTON. . . Agents for C. P, R. Telegraph and Dominion Express $ Money 'Orders, also for Sutterick Pattetms; ' . , 4.1.-Ainogb.,,b,inris....-As-An..41i-AsbAtireis...er-ift.,16,16--sikAb•--sb.iiveibiww.Avir . C Amositassreastic,•-et.e.se.e..k.ows4e0Ams-iwt.eNtivec-es-e>o-et.es-10..eeo040N0 2 • . - - ,;2 SO.UP PLATES - - -..'. ; :...4 ; At this tithe of the year a great deal of soup is used, and of course more ' °A. Ir soup plates are broken, If you want to replace your 'broken " V ' 0 . . plates we have a snap for you. • o . . 0 o . 25 DOZEN 'ORIN' - - le 0 Quick lioyal. Ironstone Chiral, Soup Pbtes 0 Regular 90c for 75c per doz.. while they last. • . ; • o • • el 01 if von. havelots of soup .plates and Want something to put in . It f them. We have .` . • ' et • • o 'Canned Tomato Scion Canned. Julienne Soup o " Chicken Soup . ', Mock Turtle Soup 0 ' ' " Ox Tail Soup ,' . ' Barley, Split Peas, etc. • • 0 ; e Ogle. Cooper, & Co. . y ... CASH FOR BUTTER AND X ddS. ' THE CASH GROCERY41 0 ..kosibes.o.o..isbeit,:40e4e1.0.‘e.o.ebsso.sere.eisetaaela:ae-eree-ge•cs • eV- ' CASH AND 'ONE PRICE TO, ALL. The above will he our mottoin future. 'Do not ask for credit. We Will be vecy sorry to have to refuse you. We buy a lot cheaper for * cash and therefore will 'be able to sell cheaper so you will get the benefit * is of ournt. , discou• .• . , All accounts not paid by the last of Feb- ruary will be handed infor collection. • So pay now and avoid costs of collection.' Jeweler, Expert Watch ° CREWS • Repairer Opposite 1 We Invite,„ ( Our. new Stock._— • Of new Shirts will arrive this week. We invite gout inspection. . , • . If you buy your new hat front tis you will be pleased and so will we. . A. J. AIORRISI-1. • I . . C A. J. HOLLOWAY. i ' ti••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• eimaro vowel 41.414P01102'qke6Milre'%%4114Kil+Vtireq4+4;1.311Y04:boWCIAelkolaeq.06,\%ollb.(041trellt.4541kre I t t LISTEN t 0 . g i t We have just received our stock of the t t latest and newest styles of mounts from ' t t Montreal and are prepared to take all kinds t # 4 of photos at the very lowest prices.- . I Yon to call end see our stock of tweeds, worsteds, etc, We think we can suit you in quality of cloth and price and , are sure we can do so in the make up. , If you want a ready' made we ean suit you there also. Will be pleased to show our stock. (S-Nv the Pork Packing Project in Which Clinton Is So Much Interested. ••.•••••••• The toWn council set out to be punc- tual but it has, in that respect, fallen from grace and now coinmences its deliberatiuns 4 nine o'clock. If that's to he the hour let it be so stated so that ratepayers may guide themselves accordingly and save time and patience. The charity account was large last month, so much so as to cause consid- erable comment, While the Fathers were of.the opinion that charity is a god -like virtue and is supposed to en - Weare in receipt of a copy of the dare long, still it was felt that Clinton initial issue of the Nevvcastle.Beacon of I should not be in the position of having which the editor and publisher is J. to contribute to the maintenance of Lester Davis, who is known to a num- the House of Refuge, ber in Clinton. Mrs. Davis is a sister and, at the same time, support its own poor who, because of pernick- of Mrs. S. Kemp. THE Newee-lencionn • et y pride, do not want to enter that is a well wisher of the' Beacon. ' refuge though they would be much Death of Mrs. Reid. better off there. In future applicants Mrs. David Reid died yesterday at for charity will be sent down to Castle the resinedce of 13er daughter, Mrs. B, Xaiser. The deceased was in her seventy fifth year, had been a resident of this town for many years and was held in TLOIOI respect by her many. friends,. • Thesurviving members of her familt are Mrs. Kaiser, Mrs. George Bunch of Goderich and Mr. Robert:Reid of town. The funeral Will take place on Friday • afternoon to Clinton cemetery. Mr, James Stevens Ver yl H. • . Among those who are now upon the bed of affliction is Mr. James Stevens of the 13ase Line, •who has been quite. seriously ill, Mr. Stevens is one of the best known'residents of the e,djoining townships and his nuraerous friends will, each and all, be pleased to hear of his early recovery. Ile is as.a typical Englishman, somewhat brusque at ' times and outspoken, but those who know him best • appreciate him most for his sterling, staunch nature. The simple word of James Stevens is as good asa bond any day. His neigh- • bor, Mr. David Tiplady, beside° been ill for some days but, was able to come out to town on Tuesday, A strong frietidship exists between these two Runaway, •Mr. Robert Walker, who has charge of,one of Mr. Forrestanes fine teams. left the span tied to a post at Fair's mill on Saturday last while having some chopping done. Becoming res- tive, the horses broke away and dash. ed'down Albert street at top speed un- til they. became detached from, the sleigh and one of the team falling it was dragged by its mate for a, consid- erable distance. The harness was datuaged somewhat but the horses were not injured. Evangelistic Se vices. , Evangelistic services will be com- n3enced in the Rattenbury street church on Sunday, March. 17th, the pastor being assisted by Mr. Kennedy of Peterboro • and Mr. • Whyte, the tenor singer of Toronto. During their recent 'visit to Owen Sound their average week evening attendance was a thousand people. Mr. Whyte accompanies•his songs on the guitar. Mr. Kennedy assisted Mr, • D. L. Moody in his evangelistic Work in -Chicago. • , Their Daily Diet • Mr. Joe Rattenbur3r is oftimes rallied by friends tin the working qualities of his hens and in aneweigto their queries as to how he 'keeps them laying, so regularly during the -cold weather he explained it somewhat in the following manner.: Secure the Andalusian breed and keep them in a clean place. For breakfast give them a hot mash made from Fair's Excelsior shorts At noon feed them' on nick•ncks and at night give them a mixture of wheat and rorn. Give them also a mangle to wrangle with daily and they will lay with the regularity of Clockwork. 'Clinton Defeats BraCeflold. • . .• • The Clinton checker team demon, etrated its superiority over Brucefield on Thursday niglit last in a' aeries of games played at Brumfield.. Seven- teen to seven, not including the draws, is the score.. The Clinton players were: E. Johnson, T. ()abet 3—Cook; J. B. Hoover, J. Johnson and D, Shannallan who wein pitted against W. Grant, J . Macdou- Victor Preach Hangs Out His Shingle. gall, A. Scott, j. Snider, J. Murdoch The many. friends of Mr. Victor and T. 0 De1gaty. E; Johnson lost French will he pleased to learn that he two to Grant, ' won one, with three has secured a good location in the draws. Carbet won one from Macdou- West for the establishment of a paper gall, lost none, with five draws, Cook end that in a fortnight or so he may won three from Scott, lost two, with be stYled editor and publisher. He cake draw. Hoover beat Snider six bought a plant in Winnipeg and has tinaes. J. joe neon won three from picked upon Wataskiwin, situated Murdock, lost two and had one draw. at the foothills of the Rockies, the live- Shannahan lost one to Delgaty, won liest town between Calgary and Ed- three, with two draws. monton and growing rapidly. The country round about is good and is be- Colborne Township. ing settled fast so there ought to be a splendid opening for such a thormigh printer and industrious and reliable young man as Victor French. It af- 1 fords Tau N'Etvs-ttaionto much pleas- 1 Rattenbury street League Miss Mable ure to recommend hen to the citizens cf Wetftskiwin and we join his friends A Night With the League. - herein wishing him prosperity in his *Western home. . At Monday night's meeting of the IHowson gave an excellent acidress on the subject "Our Marching Orders," Joshua 1, 1-0. The principal thoughts emphasized were the eteellent leader the leraelites had in the person of Joshua and the infinitely more excell- ent Leader that We have in Jesus Christ and hove we should be ready at all times to obey the commend of our Leader. A. selection from the Doherty male quartette was very much enjoyed. The Pewits:lea led the meeting. Next Monday eeening's meeting will be devoted to tnissions and an address will be given by Rev. Mr. Long of Eippen, for fourteen years A mission- ary to the Indians of our Notthwest. Mr. Long is a fluent speaker and is especially Interesting along the line of Indian MISMOnai having becomo WW1- lat with the maniere and eustoms of a great many tribes and having e travelled over a great part of our 4 islorthwest Territories. A epecial told - tattoo is extended to all who would, ' like to come and hear the address, The t debate which was to have been given Henry at the Lefigtit5 On Monday evening last Was, postponed, One of the negative . epeakets having found it, impoesible to 6 OteallateoltatestoOlits$4111...testetegallailtell i he Melt" No trouble to show samples. . Norman 444:4 464146.11401111000 /00 STANLEY TOWNSHIP, DAVI:11E14D. The many friends of Master Oliver Rev. Clarte, Gardiner is visiting his McIlyeen of Watford, formerly of mother at the postotfice. Stanley, Will be sorry to hear that he I Mrs, Herbison of Dakota is visiting has been laia up for some time With her mother, Mrs. Elliott, at the Albion rheornatics this winter. We hope he Hetet, will soon be restored to his usual health. We ere glad to report that Miss Mary Dawson is gaining strength and J. W, Whiddon and Willie Whid- don visited their parents last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Palister of Guelph are visiting their son, Dr. Pallister, at we hope to soon see her able to be present, Miss Beta Stanbury has returned around again, Misses Sarah' IL and Rachel Reid from an extended visit to friends a visited. at Mr. Beattie's on Sunday last. Durham and Toronto, Miss Stanbury We are glad to see Mr,Chas. Parker, had the pleasure of attending the who has been under the , weather for Huron Old Boys' meeting in the some time, able to be aroued again. latter city. • ' Mr, H. Peek was laid up with la Mr. jonathau Miller, the genial. host gr ippe last week. of the Bedford Arms In Goderich, was .A. number ef young people from the in town last Saturday. doderich•township and Bayfield spent • Mc. G. w, Howard ,of orysciale was a pleasant eveningat the home of Mr, in town last Ches. Johnsonon Monday evening last his friends. •• Saturday and called on and report having had a good time, Mrs, John Pollock ie visiting in Mr. John McKinley was in Bayfield Drysdale at preseut on Monday last an business. There is talk of establishing a cur - Mr. Wm Johnstone of Hensall visit. few boll in town, This is a luxury ed at the home of his brother, Mr, that most towns enjoy and might Chas. Johnson, last week. • with profit be extended to our village. Miss M. Brownett, who was As we announced a few weeks ago attending the funeral of her mother the S. A. of this town has gone out of business, and the captain of the Sea. forth corps was here last week die - posing of their chattels. We believe Mr. Grier and Mr. Johnston were the chief purchasers. • There was great regret felt here on receiving the news Of the sudden death of Rev. Robt. Henderson of Auburn. Mr. Henderson was for some years pastor of St,. Andrew's church here and was justly esteemed as an able preacher and deyoted. pastor.. Council met on Monday night but very little business outside ot routine was transacted. It Appears as though the nice moonlight nights had put elearic lights out of their minds for; the present, but the dark days will come later. • • ' • last week, returned to her home in French where neither cold nor hunger will Resell thi3m. • 1 Goderich cn Saturday last. The Stanley township council met The Fathers discussed the pork as per adjournment With all the mem- packing factory project which they • hers present. The following bills were would like to see carried to a success - paid ; 3. T. Cairns spikes, 20c. Mr. Canting 20 yds gravel, $1.60. Path mestere, fenceviewers and pound - keepers •were appointed when • the council adjourned. to mea on April: 8th.—J, E. Harnvvell, Clerk. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Joseph Richardson, which took place on llondity last, after an ill - nese of several weeks. -The deceased was in her 55th year and leaves a • hus- band and a family of seven girls and three boys, Rev. Wm. George Richard- son of Wyoming and R. G. and Joseph, who are at hoine,to mourn the irreparable loss of a true and loving wife and affectionate mother, Only those who havuassed• through a like affliction know how different home is when mother's gone. lire: Richatd- son Was a, model woman, always able to look on the bright side of trouble. She was a sincere Christian and was enabled to bear her sickness with Christian fortitude. She was a Consistent member of the Presbyterian church. Her son, the Rev. W. G Richardson of Wyoming,and her three daughters Miss Maggie and Mesdames Andersen of. the same place reach- ed home about two hours before she died and while she was in an uncon- scious state •she seemed to recognize them. The numerous friends 'ex- tend their deep and sincere sym- pathy to the bereaved family . The funeral took place on Wed- nesday to the Bayfield Cemetery and ful. conclusion and in order that the opinion of the representative citizens may be obtained it was decided to hold a public meeting on "'Wednesday even- ing of next week. It is expected that every citizen, who has the very beat, interests of the town at heart, will be present on that occasion. • The stone mother project appears to have died a natural • death. At all evente- it did not have a friend at the council board on Monday night and the last of it has probably been heard of for some time. The Fathers are taking Woe by the forelock in regard to granolithic walks. Last year the work was not begun un- til well on in the summer and the con- sequence was that the season was all too short and the request of many petitioners remained ungratifled. Tbey are on tile, however, and will be attended to first. It is proposed to put the contractor at, Work just so soon as possible and it is . requested that peti- tioes be not delayed. First come, first served, will be the rule. Even now outside contractors are making enquiry as to prospects here. •' The school board sent in its estimat- • es whichshow receipts to be $1212.86 and the expenditures $4212.86. It will thus be seen that no less than $3000 will be required from the taxpayers this year, The school comes high but no doubt the figures were well prepar- ed before presentation. We • give a Occasional references have been made as to the prolonged il1. ness of Mrs. Thos. Pennington of the Maitland concession and we are sorry to inform her many friends that she etill continues in very poor health, and has been almost con- tinuously confined to her room or bedfor matey weeks at times suffer- ing the most intense pain. The nature of her diseftee is of such a compli- cation as to almost baffle the skill of some of our best Medical men, We all deeply sympathise tvith Mrs Penning- ton in her severe affliction and sincere- ly hope that her life may be epered to her family, and friends and that res. toration to health may be soon and permanently assured. Sawing bees are the order of the day, We are sorry to say that Mrs. Wil- liam Ferguson is very low at preeent and the doctors have very little hope of her recovery but we hope to soon see her restored to her health end Strength once More, The convention held at the Evangel_ cal ebutch on March 3rd and 4th .Was very largely attended, the church. be. Ing crowded botit days. Dame rumor says the wedding bells 'Will ring on the Maitland concession 011 Wedriesdrilt next. Me, Xdward Minim purchased a fine horse irom Dr. lia,milton Of Goderich one day last Week at, a good figure. Mr. and Mts. Sohn Johnston of Winghatn epent Sabbath with .Mr, W. J. Hamilton. Mr. Nett. Boggs of Carlow had a bee on Wednesday of last week drawing lee, those who pay The s° that was very la,rgely attended. The ser. summary of the estimates piper may .8ea vices were conducted by the Rev. Mr, wherktheir money goes to. A doubt, McbTeil "of Bitylleld. has been expressed in some quarters a to whether cir not the tax -paying pub lic is given sufficient information abou the receipts and payments Howeeer Salaries .' FPAruPiePa ni t.ir:gtts l and stationary ' Repairs , Incidentals To balance of acct. from 1900 $421286 RECEIPTS. Balance on hand ,• $537 86 dovern ment grent 800 Governreent grant to Model. 150 County grant to Model • 150 Medd feet• 65 Non resident fees 10 $33860O • 90000 50 00 30 00 20000 • 10000 247.86 00 00 00 00 00 $1212 86 The largest item in the finance re- port was for electric light, an account which is much more regular than the light itself, The receipts ftoni the stock scales for the month of Febru- ary amounted to over twenty-three dollars, RECEIPTS. Stock scales Weigh scales • Cement sold Cemetery •10 50 •• EXpENDITIIRES. S. L. Scott, work $ 1 75 W. Steep, snow ploughing 5 00 W. Weir, snow ploughing 1 00 J'. Steep, snow ploughing 11 50 P. Evans, work 50 J. A Xing, bread for charity 60 11. Wiltsie,groceries for charity 1 65 J. & N. Fair, flour for charity 2 00 G. Levis, wood for charity 8 75 T. Beacom, groceries for charity 2 47 A. Couch, meat for charity 75 F. Evans, hauling vvoed 1 50 S. 5, Cooper, lime 25 J. Ridout, insurance 2 20 Ronald Engine Works 40 20 NEwsoltrecoith • 11 85 Electric light 64 75 Municipal World 5 27 $1070 • 12 85 300 -•We are also called upon to chronicle the death of Mrs. Charles Tippet which took place on Wednesday ()flea week. She had not enjoyed good health for some time. She was only in her 33rd year and leaves a husband and four young children, one of theni only ten months old to mourn the less of a troe and loving wite and a tender and and affectionate mother. The retnains were laid to rest le the Bityfield 'cemetery . on Friday: The funeral was very largely attended. The numerous friends extend their deep and sincere sympathy tdthe sad- ly beteaved ones. Rev Mi. --McNeil conducted the funeral services. LONDESBORO Miss Elva Adams was in London last Week. Rev, Mr. Coupland is tiick and was not able to take his work on Sunday. Messrs. Webb and Braithwaite took the servicee here. Messrs, Robert Cole and Humphrey Snell Were in Guelph lest week, 'Mr. Chas, Meyers of London ehipped beef from here last, week. Mr. Wm. Lee haft received another ear of seed peas. Sohn Brunsdon has also received a ear of maehinery, Mr. Wilfied Crisp of Seaforth spent Sunday at home. Mr, Melville Oliver is laid off work from the organ factory at Clinton, IMosso,. Sohn idrunsdon and Taylor were in Sarnia as delegates. for the Porestere of Londesboro and Con - Wince, AUBURN, Mr, W. D. Wilson held, a very sue omsful sale on Thursday of last week - 0. Baer of Stratfoe4 is again in the village. Must be some attractionhere. Mr. Robert Leitch entertained a few . of his friends to an oyster supper last week when a very enjoyable time was spent. .A. S. Knox has returned from the Sault looking hale and hearty. Mr. A. Brunsdou has removed his implement shop to McCormiclee old short. • Miss Stocker is again home from Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong of Brussels were visiting friends in the yillage last week, Mr, John Knox has struck a good. supply of water in his well on the prop- erty he bought, of M. Baer. • Me. E, Wilkinson has began to work at E. Ballet for a year, Mr. E. Collins was in the village one day last week. The sale of the late. John Goyim's property was held last week and brought good prices for everything. . Miss Ella Tyndall is on the sick list. Mr. john Cunningham is visiting our burg. Mr. Wm. Sturdy left for Parry Sound last week, taking with him , three horses, a cutter, and one set of harness purchased of Mr. j, Nichol. • • Last Sunday the services in the Pres- hyteria n churcle•began at 10.80, and henreforth till further notice Sunday School will be held, at 2 pain. This is necessary under the new conditions im- posed by the union with the .charge the church in Goderich township known as "Union." On the 12th of .this month at '7,30 p,:w•the people here will be asked to settle the ques- tion as to whether they are ready to proceed with a call or not. Many are of the opinion that tinder the new con- ditions the , churches should , be thrown open to. the candidates for a call. Rev, John McNeil, who is at present supplying the pal - pits is an ;excellent preacher and his hearers here note 'with pleasure his rapid progress toward complete re- covery front the throat disability under which he labored for some time His services have been most accept- able and 'highly appreciated. The *Mowing are on the sick list we regret to say: Charles Marks from an attack of blood poisoning, Mrs. Joseph Brown, Miss Fowlie, inflamnuttory rheumatism. Mrs. Brownett an aged lady, mother of Thos, Brownett of the Front Road, Stanley township was buried on Fzi- day. Also we notice the cardsup An- nouncing the dread fact' that Mrs. Richardson of Stanley toninship had gone over to the silent majority. Her husband purchased the Rutledge property here and we understand it was his intention to move here and conduct some branch of merchantfie business. There are a number of fishermen but not many fish this season so far. Mr. Elliott, Goderich, township, visit- ed at Mr. Jas. Parke's last week. We are sorry to have to report the sad and sudden death of Mrs. Geo. Brownett, -which took piece at her home on the Bityfield Road on Wed- nesday of last week in her seventy- fourth year. She retired to her bed in her usual health. about 10. o'clock on Tuesday evening and in lees than an hour one of the family entered her bedroom and foUnd tier in an un- conicious state from which she never rallied. Medical aid was immediately summoned but could do nothing to give relief for she had received a par. alytic stroke. She lived until the fol- lowing day and then she passed away peacefuly at about two o'clock. Mrs; trownett was one of the early pioneers, having settled on the farm where she aim together with her husband many years ago. Her husband preceded her in death abont eighe years, She leaves a family of font. girls and one son to mouru the loss of a kind mother. Mrs. Brownett was highly respected in the vicinity she lived in and was a good Christian woman and a member of the Presbyterian church. The te- tt:tains were interred in the Bayfleld cemetery on Friday and were followed by a large concourse of friends. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of the entire neighborhood. ROV. Mr. McNeil conducted the funee• al service. We are very sorry to have to say that at time of writing Mr. Joseph Foster of the Parr tine it still very ill. This malt esteemed veteran is having 0. hard time of it, On *recent evening Mr. and Mrs 3. T. Keys entertained the choir of the Goshen Methodiet chnech When a few • hours were enjoyably epent with music, guinea and ribit chats not for- getting the excellent, supper provided by Mrs. Keys, The members of the 'choir much appreciate thir endeavors of host and host to give them a good time. Mr. IOW* Johnston of Grandly, North Dakoia and Mrs. Alonzo Fee of the seme state are now guests of their slider, Mrs. E. Boyce sr., hitaing come home to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Robert Walker of the Brownettit Line. The other mem- bers of deceased's family ere t John and William Walker, North Dakota And Mrs, J. Thirsts of Alberta, son. Mr, T. Clark and wife of Dungan- non Sundayed in the village, Miss ,Hunkin of near Blyth Sundaye ed in the village. •• • It is reported that there is to be a .weodudtthitigeinfir;tof,my hevicaini.ty of Westfield 0,b . Our sick people are around again . .after a severe attack of the grippe. • Our genial fi lend, Mr. C. Helveig, is . on the sick listagain. Miss Rose Riley of Londesboro is .visiting her sister, Mrs. Bradford. Miss E. Mole is visiting under the - parental root . •.' Obituary.—On Tuesday, Feb. 26th, ' the Great Reaper called to its long' home the spirit of Rey. Robert -Hen- derson, recent pastor of Knox church . here, Deceased had been ailingfor some time but bore bravely up till within a day ortwo of his death. Ill health had caused -him to resign his charge here recently, after a faithful. . and earnest stewardship of some eight and a half years doration. He had, however, gone to Ilensall on the • Sabbath previous to his ' death • to occupy the pulpit there. Returning • the day following he fell ill and breath- • ed his last an Tuesday at 6.30 p. m.sat the manse here, leaviug his sorrowing fife partner to 'mourn his loss. The, . funeral service was held in the church, Rev. E, H. f3awers officiating, while Rev. McLean of Blyth ,addressed the people and prayers were offered by Rev. Hamilton of Leaburn and Rev. Whaley of St. Helens. Several others were in atteedence among whom were Revs. John Young of Hamilton, Fairbairn of Dungannon and Render - 8o0, brother of deceased. The Canad- ian Foresters attended in a body and although the inclement weather pre- vented many from coming, there was a fair turnout. •• The church was tastefully draped and a, beautiful flot•al° tribute with the inscription "Our pastor" graced the • casket. The laniented dead Was . a, diligent and earnef3t church worker and will be n3uch missed by the church . and this Presbytery. which in the words of Rev. McLean Bowed with • the sorrowing members and grief stricken wife in their, girt loss, Mr. Thos. Lawlor is away seeing a specialist to get a cancer remoeed from his hp, utpc'i Ice ting is quite an industry here at present local consumers obtaining their annual supply and Blyth and Smith's Hill procutir.g a quota, as well. , Mr. Jatnes Young has teturned from representing Court Dufferin, C. C. F. No. 544 Sarnia, at which place the High Court held its minuet session. The mill yard is being well stocked again. Mr- Adam Maguie of Turriberry re- turned home On Saturday last after visiting at Mr. I. McOlymont's and other friends for over a week. He was accompanied home by Miss Ts Tyndall who will spend a few days visiting in that section of country, .Mr. Ben. and Miss Addie Itathwell are visiting friends in Grey township this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Will. Berteorn and family of Clinton visited at S.0. Rath. well's on Tuesday last. The sale of Mr. Wm, IdcAllister's stock on Tuesday last was well attend. ed and solci pretty well to its value. Billie leaves on Tuesday next for the West. Mos lidcAllister will visit friends it Hay township the remainder of thie week. 11Ir, Thos. Rathwell has nearly all his effects moved down to his farm recently purchased from Mr, R. Boyce of the second concession, Mr.J.E.liarnWell is getting his store painted and cleaned up which will. add to its appearance as well as make it look more attractive to his numerous customers. Mr. Launcelot Beattie sports a neve driver these days. Iikee a nice horse and has got one thie time, Mrs. Wigginton and son of Tor onto, neice of ?dr. T. Ward, is visiting him at present. We are glad tolearn that Illrloseph Poster is slowly reeovering from his serious illness. The Verna Council IL T. of T. will hold a grand concert in Temperance hall on Tuesday. Mar. 12th. A. good program will be furnished by Exeter taleritalso Mr.lVtatt. Vincent of Exeter will take part in the program. A small admiesioe fee Will be cherged to defray expenses. Mr. Geo. Rathwell WAIS in !loosen on business, and wad accompanied by Miss L Poster. It is rumored that George Is going into business far him - telt soon. You can't most always Aditidifties tell but le IS rumored that certain partite' irt Varna may enter the maul. mortal state et* long, A new dynamo is being placed in the electric plant to furnish better accommodation and our light&faclite ties will then be second to norirboth in regard to cheapnese and efficiency. • BLYTD. On Friday there wits a large Wen. dance at the evening session of the Farmers' Institute meeting held in the Temperance hall, The addresses were very instruCtive and edifying and the musical progratn given atintervals was excellent. On Sunday two of our citizens faced the storm to Goderich. The attraction is too strong up in the circular town for any weather to stop I. W.13.when the spirit moves hint, On Monday the funeral of the late Mr. McInnes of Morris passed through this burg on the way to 'Colon come. tery fer interment followed by slam° number of sleighs and sorrowing friends. On Monday night the member of It. 0. T. M.held their regular meeting in Temperance hall. On Monday afternoon Messrs. Sohn and Robert, Brown left this station with a fine 'carload of horses for Mani. toba. BAYPIELD, Mr. Ernest Jennings of Park Mil paid it visit at the neetOry this week and took his sister, Miss Etlatithe,hottia With him, ° Death has been busy in our midst and in the neighborhood of the village during the peat week. litte. Charles Tippett, Wife of our tax collector, de' parted the life MI Peb.27th at the early age (483 years, leaving a family of email children, the youngest being a babe of ten *booths. The remain* Wore interred at Bayfield cemetery,