HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-02-28, Page 51111F"W THE OLT THE NEW SiORE GUNTON THE NEW STORE rr ON Nov's. BOOED 'he tew jtore- 1.11 Idlintog Xas 40 *ectt.,..Opecici14.;.. 0 t. During the last few stormy days we have been. weeding out some 40 $ different lines that were broken into very much and which we can. not get any t more of to sell at original prices, so to make it interesting for the citizens of ; Clinton and .surrounding country we are going to give them, the greatest OUT PRICES on these 40 special lines and several other lines too numerous to mention $ These Lines will be on sale wEETESDAY ADORNING at prices as this announce- men,t says and will continue •until they are all cleaned out. We might say that • there are some of the 'greatest snaps among these lines ever offered in the trade 0 We intend this special bargam list to be a great crowd bringer, ' Towlings. 1-150 yards 18 inch Linen Tovvling, regular 12e a vd r • for 2-200 yards 18 inch Linen Towling, regular 7e a yd. for' 3-185 yards 17 inch Heavy Linen Towling, regular ln 9 ayd. for .... 8 .5 Quilts and.Comforters 9-14 White Quilts good huge size, regular $L15 on for .00 10-2 Nice Dark Comforters size 721E72, regular $2.50 An for 1 er • 11-2 Nice Dark Comforters size 72x72, regular $2,25 1I tor I 1 U Mill Ends. White Cotton. 14 -We have a few of those 21-200 yards Nice White , Mill .Ends left which we Cotton for per yard RU spoke to . you about at 1 22-300 yerds Landsdowne 0 yarde.- • 50c,75c and $11 Cambric Muslin, a real Feather Ticking. nice piece for ladies' wear, • 23-45 yards red arid white TableLinen 60 inches wide, 15-31 irich Medium Weight regular 70c for , Ir - Feather. Ticking, regular 12 uu 16c a, yard for 1-0 ,regular 14c for... • • Oilcloth and Linoleum. 4a-263 yards 15 inch Linen Embroideries 16--33 inch HeaviestFeather Towlings regular 10c a, yd. ci Ticking made, regular 27o 22 24768 yards 1 yard . wide Canadian Oficloth,reguler • for ,0 and Insertions. a yard for, ......... ,, ... 28c .for •24 25-72 yards .2 yards wide 12 -We have just received as Canadian Oilcloth, regular . 44 . large consignruent of var. 56c for. . ..... . . ,.. • s ions makes and patterns Towels. 5-150 Real Good Heavy LinenTowels18x34;regular 13c 3 for Table Linen. 26-60 yaede 'Linoleum niee. neatpattern heavy weight 5 25 of Embroideries anti In- .sertions at prices ranging 6,-75 Large Linen Towels on 18x41, regular 15c 8. for.,.. .0 U '7-6 doz. Turkish Towels, 25 regular 200 2 for. 13-3 doz. Nice Shirt Waists iu navy, black and grey 8 -Special Heavy Cotton and black, really nicely Towel, 18x41, regular 10e made; Cheap at $L25 each, for u choice • Men's Underwear. Ladies'.Corsets. . . ... ...5c to 900 yard Shirt Waists. • 37 -Men's and Youth's U1 - eters, heavy frieze, regular j n $6.50 and $7,50 for........ O. U 29-89 Pieces Boys' and 31-28 Pairs Ladies' Porsets Youths' Fleece . Lined • all sizes D and A, regular ng ,4 yards in each,regular '75e 1 n G • ' - Shirts and Drawers, regu- : 20 $1 value for......... .. .... Ai u a yard, choice of skirt, : .. I • 35-24 Suits LadlesUnder OU lar 40c each for.........a. a . wear. regular 50c ng 30-76 Men's Top Shirts,nice • 32-41 Pairs Heavy Corsets • 34-266 yards Nice Wide each for ......... .. - . ... •L U , • dark colors, regular 600 "d •42 Skirt Lining all colors, K 36--Ladiee Vests and D raw- ' 0 0 nicely goti en up,relltsg each for . .... ...... ... • • . •0U, wearers, regular 65e for.. . s regular 7c a yd, for „ ..... Al ers, regular 35c each for, . . I 0 17-64 yards 56 inch Un- bleached Table Linen nice 20 • • • • • - • .1 r. pattern, regular. 28c for .. . g 18-85 yards 62 inch Bleach- , ed. Table Linen real nice 38 • ,ractor3r Cotton. • pattern, regular 45c for, 19-42 yards 66 inch Bleach- • 27-800 yards Unbleached ed Table Linen, regular. ...I r'Factory Cotton 36 inches 90e for , .. ...... . s I U wide, all nice even round 20-56 yards Unbleached • threads, bleaches as white Table Linen 2, yards wide, as snow, regular 7c for, .. regular. 75e for 50 28-600 yards special Snake Factory Cotton, regular 1 • Ladies' Skirt Ends. 3.0e a yard for . .... ... .. . 2. 33-5 Nice Bleck Skirt Ends Ladies' Underwear . • • Clothing Specials --- • 38,-10 Men's Heavy ,Frieze , • 39-85 Pairs Men's Blue, • 40-29 . Pairs • Men's Pants • • Suits, regular $10 each f 80 and Grey Overalls, bib or 65 made of heavy Canadian I 5 or ....... . ... . . plain, regular 90c for .... Tweed regular $1.75 for, . .26 1 ...........4......"!,..4e44•14•t110.•••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••44**********4•+.40.+............*** . Butter and. Eggs.taken. as Cash. . . $• WE ARE IN •HARLAND'S:. •• 0. BLOCK CLINTON.. FARM FOR,SALE Part of �t35lin 13th Con. Goderich Township containing sixty five acres. Good frame house and barn and bearing orchard on the premises. Oply 2 miles from Clinton. For further particulars apply to 11. A•Hearn, on the premises or • J. RIM/UT Clinton. Feb.11th. GALE FARM FOR SALE The Gale Furl, ono of the best 100-aoreiarms In Goderich tclynuchip, Huron county, lot 17 and part 18 on the 8th con., 0i miles from node - rich, 7 from Clinton. The farm contains good buildings and fences, is well watered and un- derdrained. Large orchard and garden. Wheat sown and plowing done. Would sell either IP or 100 acres. Apply to WM, GOULD; Zan. 22, on the pretnises or God erich P.O. FARM FOR SALE. • Tho Undersigned offers for sale Mt 2, bon. '7 Hullott, eensist ing of 100 acres, DO acres eleared, balance good hardwood bush, rhiefly maide, 10 acres in fall wheat The lot is well watered and fenced and would make it good stoek farm. There is a good orchurd and two good barns. The farm 184 miles from Clinton and mile from Summerhill postoillee, church and scheel, For further particulars apply on the premise or address • WissLIAM WALLACE, Sept. 121,11. SunimerhillP, 0. HOUSE FORSALE. The subscriber offers for said a very desirable property on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which tht re is it cciarertatic frame house with kitchen aid weodahed attached. There is it good stablt and a firat.class wed Of water on premises, he orchard, consisting of grapes and apples, is a good ono. The property will besold at it rew,onable figure for cash or k bath and balance on Mae. Apply to the owner on the promises MItS. JOHN JUNOR Clinton May eth HOUSE FOR SALE. t Fresh Figs I Fresh Peels Fresh Raisins Fresh Currants . HE fruits you Will Want for 20th -century baking are to be :had esh and low-priced J. W. HILL'S The undersigned offers for sale the frame dwelling on Albert street north at present 00- oupind by Rev. T. J. Murduek. Gond cellar, stoat, stable, etc., etc. For further particulars apply to A. S. IVIOnitlett, Clinton. Oct. 23r4. HORSE AND CUTTER FOR SALE The undersigned offers for stdotis four-year- old driver, together with the harnesb, cutter and buggy. Will besoll cheap. _ ALBERT .stELICY: Clinton, Fob. llth, ' Et Wawaaesh . - At the meeting of the toWnship council held on rebruary the 7th, the collector reported that he had been unable so far to wind up his roll for 1900, and asked for an ex. tension of time to the 15th of this month. Granted. Account of John Craig, St. Augustine, for 120 feet elm plank received hy Wm. James, path- inaetee road division No. '77, in 1000, ( neglected to be sent in at the proper time ) ordered to he paid. Communi- cation receiverl trims township clerk of Morris giving etateroent of amount from East VVawitnosh in the matter a appeal by Messrs,Sta' lker Dingwall and 1toss,agitinst the engirreer's award made in 1900 at the instance a Edwin Kraelning and others, each severally read. and filed. Petition of Patrick Gibbons, lot 36. con. 10, received, re. questing that the S4 of his lot be detached from S. S. No. 11, and added to S. S. No. 8, being, so much more convienient for his familyfor school ur pposes. The clerk was instructed to notify the trustees of sections Nas.8 and 1,1 of the intended claange, and a certi- ficate from the registrangeheral, Tor- JONcEfStileCA:MI:Ple;p1.11,144:-:Ests;Bllirmesoludte,noone bylaw he passed at next uaeeting con- firming the same, The annual onto, received certifying that the clerk Feb. 20th, by Rev, John Currie, IVIr. in the capacit•y of (Einem registrar Robert 8, Jones or Stratford,to Wins for 1900, had registered 59 births, 10 Marguerite Vim -bell, formerly of marriages and 25 cleaths,.and ordering twhitht hveeeb,e p30a,irichfoarps.a4m4,e eso.nofo. rili8n9t7y, R. JEWMEillb-e1PLEPPER- -At the residence being ot An act respecting the regis- tration of births, tnarriages and 013; ththeebride's parents, on Feb. 20th, Mr. fealty. JeMwre.11 tlettiodilnes' deaths," Bylaw No.3, 1901, authorizing , the collector to charge and collect ' Margaret, daughter of Mr. Wm. three per. cent extra on all taxes re- 1 g winning unpaid after the 15th day ot ' Pepper, all of Loan. parents, the roen- December next. Auditors' report and FREsNidOeHno-eofhde WOtLLer 110T'r ti"- treasurer's abstract for 1000 received ' "To 'Be or .8Kot to We." Thai Os the question ittat concerns every mortar: whether it ts better to be half ill, nervous, 'worn out, or to be strong, cheerfut and u,sefut. The latter oondition vat be yikrs tf you take good's Sarsapa• rata, 4n:erica's Oreatest Rloodgedlotne,--, there is nothing equal to 14 After a Cold -"I svo completely run crown by a cold. My son Per,suaded me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and after the use of two bottles I food 1 was ottin$an appetite. When 1 hadtalon three bottles Proas cured." .r, P. Trawl, 117 Champlain Street, Montreal, Can. arid reads Tire auditors were pad as usual $7 each for their services. - Carried. The Treasurer reported bash on hand at date, 3473.65, A.ccounts were paid as follows: P. Porterfield, services as division registrar for MOO, $18.80; H.B.Elliott, Winghain, balance of printing, contract for 1900 and extra printing advertising, etc., 319; John Clraig, St.A.ugustine,I26 feet elm plank for road Div. No. 77 in 1900, $1.51; treasurer of Morris, East Witwa,nosh shate of expense of appeal per Stalker, Dingwall and Ross (engineer's award 1900) 313.50; James W. Bone, services as auditor for 1000, $7; Peter W. Scott, do„$7 ; F. Anderson, services as treas- urer for • 1900, $80 ; do. postage, m statiery, etc., for 1900, $4.34. Council then'.adjourned till March 21st, next. • We believe that the concert which was to have been bold in Westfield,on Tuesday evening,the 121h of February, has been postponed till Tuesday, the 5th of March. , 11, Corley is visiting relatives and friends in Victoria county. The chief point of interest to him, is the old 1 ibeostindeespfisodr,63 where,years. hislli sparentsfather washa,e born in the reign of George 111, and conseqently has lived under five sovereigns. Me Corley, who is noted fur his herd of thorough -bred tattle, will bring back some new stock with him if he sees what will suit him. Mies Maggie and Willie MolVinriay, of Morris, spent. Sunday with their cousins, Miss Annie and .Alex. King. CORN FOR SALE • Lots of best yo110w corn for sale at all times Sell for cash -or exchange for any kind of grain -in soino naseff give 2 to 9 nionths' time if desired. Drive right to warehouse opposite railway station. clover and Timothy seed bought and sold. W. G. PERRIN. Clinton, Yarch 1013. • AUOT1014 SALE PAItsl STOck triPLISMENTS, ISTO. --- Mr. abbe Knox will hold an extensive Bain on Lot. 3, Maitland Sleek, thillett, on Wednesday, More& Oth, when the following will he offered under the haintuar '-One mare 7 Years Old • about 1700 lbs.. 1 mare 0 years old, 1 mare 13 years ina in foal t 1 mare 3 years past, I gelding J. year Past, I 2:17., driving Mare in foal, 3 cows in calf, 2farrow cows, 1 co‘v milking. 7 ethers rising 3 year supposeti to be half fat, 3 fat heifers, 4 steers rising 2 years, 4 heifers rising 2 Years, 7 olves, 22 young ewes. 1 young ram. brood sows, 18 pigs 4i months old, 4 black mtnoree cockerels, about 1035115 minorca strait lcd boxes, Mossey-116.rris binder run 2 years also trucks. Massey-liarris inowerrun 1 year, I mower mat pea -puller in good condition, 1 horse rake. I corbin harrow. I seed drill, I set barrows 4sections and stretcher to nnit, 2 sod plows, 2 stubble 13lows I twin plow, I seullier, 1 land - roller, I turnip BOMA., 1 Wilt) punier,. alum- bor wagonsf, tight wagon.. btIVRY, 1 buggy pole, I outter I sot bob -sleighs, 2 nay rooks, 1 nig reek, 1 k avel box, 1 wood rack, 1 stone. beets 2 sot double harness, 2 sot single harness, plow hart:est:, I faring mill, plat fern) seales weighing 140011o., 2 set of Sling roPen, sling lifter and blocks, i_hay fork, 1 eross•eut $10,W nOttrir SAW, grinttstones. hoes forks, ecythee, thaine tind'oisier articles. .A, eunetity of hay, turnips, and Mangolds. 1 range eeek stove. 2 heating stoves and nines, I tottensitin tablet1 larr Aideboard, 2bedsteads, 8 bedrocan stands, 1 womratik Daisy Our% 2 faotory milk cans, 2 cider barrels, 1 kettle All will be sold WithoM roserve M the proprietor has sold his farm and is retiring. Salo to coin - Menet at 10 o'oloelt 0. M. Lunch served during sale. TEatts-AII sums 61 al0 and under. rasli Nino Months' ereait hy fornishing approved Joint notes, FIV45 per tea, allowed for on needit,ateentite. CLINTON LAUNDRY GREAT CLEARING SALE OF WINTER GOODS During the month of February we will sell the balance of our winter goods at and below cost. Also several other lines we wish to clear out to make room for spring goods, • Yon don't have to go to Clinton or Seaforth to get baagains in boots and shoes if you buy at the Varna Shoe House. S • •RATHWELL' visalaNTA 07Highest price paid for Hides and • Sheepskins. •• I have added a now ironing machine( to my laundry. It does superior work, so that I will be better enabled than eyer to give satisfaction to my numerous customers. Work called for and delivered in ail parts of the town. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. A. TWITCHELL Laundry on Huron street opposite the Com- mercial hotel, THE GASH SYSTEM THE CHEAPEST W1 N. WALKER. OF ALL KINDS OF MATTRESSES Lounges, Couches, Coq Cor- ners and Upholsterer in all kinds of Per, lor Furniture. Mattresses made over. Prices reasonable. Ladles are particularly invit cd U. can and so samples ot work and ceverings. Store-Ontari0 Street, Clinton. One of FOrd Mai -01N C.eAwlitrroto 401310140X, Prep, a'ORN KNO7CJ0414'*, At Woodstock James Pearson of Delhi was sentenced to three years in penitentiary for forgery.• .The American Congress has struck out the a ppropriatiOn for. two battle- ships and two cruisers. Mr. James Halliday of Chesiey was nominated for the- Commons by the North Brine Ounservative convention at Wiarton last niglat. The nomina- tion, was offered to Mr. A, Neill, ex- M.P.,but he was' unable to aecept. rn Sallprix is now prevalent abont • (30 plebes in Michigan. With the new year and the new century I have decided to • transact a strictly cash busi- ness. For several reasons it is the cheapest system and by adopting it I will be enabled to • sell more cheaply than before. 1 will given discount of ten per cent. For instance you • get a dollar's worthof goods for ninety cents. This discoont • is given upon any article in our store. We invite your inopection of our goods and prices. 0, OLSON., • THE • ONWARD BIGYLE CO. • AND --- GENERAL, REPAIR SHOP We have it naachine shop equipped especially for a general repair trade, , Besides our regular line of Bicycle Repairing we do all kinds of iron turn. ing, drilling, grinding, brazing, •saw gumming, .tempering, vulcanizing of rubber, niekle pin t rig, japanning and enamelling, We also do all kinds of gunsniithing. We mend umbrellas Ad any articles of a like nature, Our • prices tire the lowest that are possible. and we guarantee to give satisfaction. • Gite us it trial. SEELEY .gc. TURNER Tedford's old stand • Rattenbury Street, Clinton door oast P1AN 0 S SETTLERS' ONE•WAY EXOURSIaNS To Manitoba and Canadian 'North- west will leave Toronto every Tuesday during March and April, 1001, Passengers travelling without live stock should take the train leaving To- ronto at 1.45 p.m. Passengers travelling with live stock should take the train leaving Toronto at flp.m. 'Colonist sleepet Will be attached to each train. POP full particulars and copy of "Set - tiers' Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacifist Agent, ot to A.11, 14011.41A1t, Assistant General Paseenger Agent. 1Xing, lib. Haat, Toronto. Mb. 28, •••• Wholesale and retail piano end organ distributing cen. tre. High grade, new pianos. rive used. pianos 01 decided bargitins. Huy tim wonderful Gramophone Inc a pleitsing entertairier. Headquarters for it. Bar- gains to teachers and stu- dents in sheet music. Ado to 7slie pieees • at Mt wholesale.- Instruments of all kinds sohl, ,..lar•mimimmourrndrolli KODAK GIVES PLEASURE West WawanOsh. Countil met according to adjourn.- inent on Feb. 14th, minute; of last nseeting read and adopter], Treasurers statenent showed a balance on band of $1()0.57. The a.uditoes report was adepted on motion of Mallough and and Taylor. • Cameron -Taylor -That• thieboarri procure a road grader from „The Good Roads Machinery Co. of Hamilton. 11 being satisfactory 'after a fair trial. john IL Taylor was appoint- ed collector ori'motion of Mallough and Cameron. The clerk was ordered to to call for tendert for the painting of the township hall On motion of Taylor and Cameron. The following checks were issued :--Riehard Anderson, audi- tor, '$7 ; James Young, auditor, 87 ; Municipal World supplies, $7 ; Mrs. James Campbell, gravel account,.$4. 30; Ashfield township, work on boundary, 37,88. Council adjourned to meet on /Wednesday, 20th day of March, at ten o'clock. The Folding Pocket Kodaka are made of aluminum, covered with fine groaned Morocco leather, fitted with superb lense • and shutter. Prices from $5 10 $35. Brownie Camera at $1 takes it picture 21x2inchess Any school boy or gni can make good pictures with this camera, H B. CONIBEy Chemist, and Druggist. Feb. 2013, by the Rev, Mr, Thonsp- son, Mr. Edward French, to Sarah, • daughter of John Wollaoott, all of Logan. TONER -GAMBLE -At the residence of the bride, on Feb. 21s1, by Rey. • Mr, Dobson, Mr, Albert Toner, to • Miss Annie Gamble, all of Howler. BEST-FERGUSON-In Seaforth On Feb. 2013, by Itev, Mr. Larkin, George Best of Brussels, to Miss Maggie, daughter of Jas, Ferguson ' of Grey. B1RTns.. • COX -In Goderich township on Feb. 17th, the wife of Mr. R. T. Cox, of a daughter, still -born. KLEIN-In Seaforth on Feb. 170,3, the • wife of Mr. Michael Klein„of a son. ELDER -In Hay, on Feb. 16t3, the wife of Mr. John Elder, of a son. MARTIN -La Blyth, on Feb. 1913, the wife of Mr. R. J. Martin' of a daughter. • ENGEL-In Grey, on Feb, 2011i, the • wife of Conrad Engel, of a sons UoMULLEN-In Brussels, on Feb. 2013, the wife of Donald McMullen, of a daughter. • BLOOMFIELD-In Morris, Feb. 17111, Mrs. Richard 131oomfield, it son, • VIVIAN-In Logan, ori Feb. 1813, Mrs. Wm. 'Vivian, ot a scn, still horn. BAKER -In Logan, on Feb. 1813; Mrs. Toney Baker, of a daughter. • .LEPPARD--In Mitchell, on Feb. 18th, Mrs. Walter Leppard, of a son. QUEREIIGESSER-In Logan, on Feb. 13111, Mrs. Fred. Querengeeser, of a' daughter. I DIRECT IMPORTATIQN Zurich. The eported sale of X. Torrance's farm was premature. C. Walser, the • purchaser, had made is sale of his pro' party in Stephen, but the deal tell through. Mr. Walper is anxious to -get the rorrance farm and ifbe can dispose of his own property, the deal with. Mr. Torrance will be promptly closed, Mr. S. Rennie of this place and his son-in-law, E. Paulin of Wingbans,have purchased the hardware stook of Jonas Hartleib, Dashwood, and also dwelling, stare building and hardware stock ofJ. Hall of the same village. • These Kodaks lo'ird in broad day -light. 11 (1 isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak. Gftange offiusiRess 0. HOARE'S lAtude inporiutn. Winer:tin. Another business change has. talon place in Wingham. The business which has been carried on by M. L. Hanna for some tinse will itiluttlre be knowt, under the name of Hanna it Co., ?d, L. Hanna, Geo. C. Hanna, H. II. Wight - man and II. Jeffrey will be the mem- bers of the new company. Mr, E. P. Paulin has decided on a change bf plans, and will not go to Dauphin, Man. Last week, he purchas- ed a hardware business and a fine re. eidetic° 1» Dashwood, and takes posses- sion early in March, DEATHS: . 0 • Ve have received 0, 'shipment of Lanese direct from Belfast, Ireland, which were bought before the ad - advance in price and will be sold from 15 to 20 per cent. less than we could sell them if we had to buy them now. Buying, as We do, for spot cash and selling for cash or produce puts int ip a. Position to quote the lowest prices obtainable. Below you will find a tew quotations which Will be interesting 10 close cash buyers Linen Towelling, tvvilled, half bleached, 18 inches wide, regular price 8o Towel ing, pure linen, unbleached, 18 inches wide, a great snaP at 0o. I per yard, for 5o. CrashTeo, ;v0(31, 5 11101, 16 inches, red, and blue checks, pure linen, regular price 8 , Bleached Huck Towelling, 25c inches wide, 12tc. IButcher's Linen, bleached, 48 inches wide, 25e. ()ream Table Linen, 58 inches wide, worth 25e, for 20e. Half 131ec,acflaoer25dTe.able Linen, li yards wide new floral designs, regular price 30 Table Linen, full bleached, fine quality, double damask, 65 inches wide, I now worth 65c, for 50o. .Extra fine Double Damask Table Linenaull bleached, 2 yards svide,new de- signs,regular price $1, for 85c, Fine Linen Table Cloths, 2 yards square, fringe all, aroundr full bleached, 1 . great value at $1.75. • Table Napkins, pure linen, large size, new patterns, at $1, $1,25, $1,50, 32, $2.50 and $3 per dozen. . Linen Spooip, black and grey, 4 spools for $111c. • * 1 GIBBINGs-In .IIullett on Fehruary 2513, Mrs, G, Gibbing's, aged 28 MANNING -In Londesboro on Febru- ary'2413, Elizabeth Nott, relict of tbe late Edward Manning aged 90 .•-years, four months and 25.days. FLYNN -In Hullett on Feb. 25111, Mary' Flynn, relict of the late John• • Flynn, aged 75 years. ••.' CRIOH-In Tuckersmith, on Feb. 241h Alden Russel, son of Mr. W. Crich • aged g years. . GUNN-In Clinton, on Feb. 21s1, • William Alexander, only son of • Dr, Gunn, aged 6 years and 2 days. STURDY -In Goderich township, on Feb, 22nd, Mrs. Samuel Sturdy, aged 41 years and 10 months. SCOTT -In Brussels on Feb. 1613, Mrs. Don. Scott, aged about 80 years. MesTAUGHTON-In Brussels, on Feb. 21s1. John MoNaughton, aged 90 •years. GILMARTIN-In Logan, on Feb. 1613,' Feb, Bridget Gilitartin, aged 85 , years. . • HUDSON -In Mitchell, on Feb. 181h, Benjimin Clifford, son of David and Susan tludsons aged 17 months and 18 days. WALICOM-In Fullerton, on 201h Feb., • • Charles Walkom, aged 71 yeses and. 10 months. McDONALD-In Stanley, on Feb. 1613; • Margaret Campbell, wife of Gilbert McDonald, aged 63 years and 10 months. Stratford, on Feb, 161h, Margaret Broadfoot, wife of Mr. • James Pringle, jr., and daughter of • Mr, J. H. Broadfoot of Seaforth, aged 32 years.. Having bonght the Grocery and Crockery business so finccess- fully carried on for the past 12 years by .1. W. Lewis, and having over 20 years' experience myself in wholesale and retail Grocery ancl Crockery business, 1 am con- fident I can keep up thegood reputation of the old firm in keeping nothing but the very best, goods at the lowest prices. 1 have reduced all my Dinner, Tenet and Tea Sete to make room for my iniport or- der which 1 expect in a few months; Call and examine goods before you buy. No troubleto show goods. • W. mango• McKINNON & 00. BLYTH • • e•eseee.4.•••••••••••••.•••444••••••••••••••••••44�••• ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••eiloosom••••••••••••••••r7 H. GIDLEY POPULAR CLOTHING STORE • •• . . • • . • s •• • • ,........ • • . .• • • , • • 8 . • 8 • • •• • • s •. • • • • • 6 • • • •• • • RING DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POW D103, --Rev. W. II. Mains, pastor el the Baptist Emanuel Chutes Buffalo, gives stroug testimony tor and is a firm belierer in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der. He has tried many kinds of remedies without avail. " After using Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I was benefitted at once," are his words. It is a wonderful remedy. 50 cents -Sold by J. E, Hovey -66 • • A CASKET OF PE4R1.8.-Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove a great solaoe to the disheartened dyspeptic, verite,ble gems in preventing the seating of stomach disorders, by aiding and stimulating digestion. 60 of these health " pearls " in it • box and they costs 35 cents. Recommended by most eminent physiiciants-Sold by J.E. Hovey -64 Who by.law to bonus the Aurora shoe facctory passed with only six opposing votes. • UITINGS Our stock of Spring Suitings; Over-' .coatings and Pantings bas arrived and .never before did we show as large a range of clothes. * • •e 'We have patterns and shades , of all kinds. Somethingto suit everybody. I -lay- ing bought all spring goods on the stet-. ling we can save you $2 on. every suit. • • • A couple of hundred pieces to select :6,) from. Come and leave your order early..: • • • • S. H. GIDLEY BLYTH seetermiseseesseeeereseeteeiteeseietweemsesseespreeeeeeeeriiirer • • • SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE CURES REIEUMATISM.--It is safe harmless and acts quick -gives almost instant relief and an absolute liensaft. Rev, LA Hicks in his "Word and Works," for January prophesied as the result of planetary influences an epis demi° of grippe commencing vsith tbe 20th of eranuary and lasting through February, The grippe and the proph- ecy have evidently made good eonnees tion. Mr. Po, McGill, who has with marked ability Oiled the position of precentor of Carmel church Inc the past year, has left for his home near Blyth, Dave is an excellerst singer and vvill be much miesed in musical circles here, Mr. Harry Caritelon of the Conimers chit has been very ill for the past few days and is under the care of his phytd- clan Mise Bertha Yungblut went to 4.0. burn last week where she was to read a paper at it convention to be held there. Cantine is now in Chicago working • the millionaires of that oity in tionnem 1100 with hie scheme's at St. Joseph, With reference to the atave change in business 1 take this opportunitly of expiessino. my aineere thanke ,th my' numerous friends. and customers Inc their liberal support durin the past 12 yeare and bespeak or my- sae- eessor, .1. W. McCabe, the same liberal treatment 140 generously accorded, me, al W. IRWIN. --------- cure in from one to three days -works The Port Dalhousie, St. Catharines, Ss Niagara Electric Railway comments. ed to run their trolley cars, giving a two-hour service between Port Dal-' . housie turd St Catharines. in most acute terms of rheumatism. 1 0. in bed before col:renewing its use -4 bottles cured me.- Sold by J. E. One man s testimony : spelt t 6 weeks Hovey --66 - • . • • Mr. Arthur Nixon, aged 69, and his wife, aged 67,died on Sunday' at theie home in Hollin. • , • HELP TEIE OVERWORKED HEART .-Is the great engine which purapa life through your system hard pressed, overtaxed, groaning under its load because disease has clogged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure' for tbe heart is nature's lubricator and oleanser, and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers that it is the safest, surest, and most, speedy rethat ant. mHeodiriecyaLs6c7ience knows- Scomldebayy j lAsthmaCasps Too many asthma . sufferers give up 1 their search for cure, believitg that their' particular case is beyond thecon- trol of scientific treatment.• , 1 It is only necessary to point an such to a. new hcpe in Dr. Chase's Syrup of 1,Anseed and Turpentine, the one great remedy which* na.s proven its efficiency not only as a prompt re- lief, but also as a ;thorough cure for asthma. Mrs. George Budden, Putnarnville, Ont., says :-"I feel it my duty to re- conmend Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed 1and Turpentine, as I had the asthma very bad; could get nothing to do me good. A friend of mine persuaied me to try this remedy, I did so, and it cured. me." '• It is impossible to &imagine a (better treatment for asthma than Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It soothes 'the excited nerves, clears the bronchial tubes, gives prompt relief to the frightful spastins, and, when used g regularly. thoroughly and permanently cures asthma. 25 cents, sal dealers', or 4. saimanson. Bates 8r Co,. Toronto, LOSS OF APPETITE, A. person that has lost appetite hart lost something besides -vitality, vigor, tone, The way to recover appetite and all that goes with 1118 to take Hood's Santo parilla--that strengthens the stomach, perfects digestion and makes eating a pleasure. Thousands take it for spring, loss of appetite and everybody says there'e nothing else so good as }rood's. For Over Fifty Years Mite.WmAtoW'S 11002111145 Siren% has booe used by millions of methers for their children while teething,. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest, by it itiok obild suffering and crying '%vitir pain of CiuttinTooth Mid fit °nee and get IV bath) of "Mrs. WinsIow'ssooth- ing Syrup ' for Children Teething. it will re. nevothe poor itte Buiretor immediately. De- penaupon ib mothers, there is no mistake about it It 50108 Dinitlicea re Wales the Stoniaoh and bowels, euree *ifld Colic, ioft511 the misisY raj irelaVVrilgt aql.g.TAPiratvi noouilng Syrup" for onildren teething is pinto sant to 1110 taste and 18 the prctipt1On of the oldest and hest female physicians end nursee in the United States. Price twenty-nve OOPER tal bottle . • sold byaOl druggiets throsigh out the world.' Dent* arid ask for "Mrs. 'WINSLOW SOOTIIISOSVIPIN CLINTON MARBLE AND— GRANITE WORKS The best class of work procurable has been manufactured here for many yearspot. Oliatoll Market Report .Wlieat....., 0 63 to 05 GooseWheat t 0 12 to 0 63 Barley. .. . ........ ' 0 37 to 0 40 0 27 to 0 28 • Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed 0 5 and Turpentine._ Peas 0 60 to 0 6 Bye 0 90 10.0 4 Potatoes per bushel • 0 20 to 0 25 call on you is week after WE WON'Tyour bereavement. WE war make the week4o suit the price. WE WILL WE WILL Butter vol.... and crook .. 0 15 to 0,16 Butter in tub................0 13 to 0 14 Egge per doz.... ....... , 14 to 0 15 Hay ...... 7 00 to 8 00 Wool • 0 15 to 0 16 Live Hogs per ewt... ... 0 00 to 6 25 DressedPork per cwt..... 7 50 to 7 50 Flour per cwt. . 175 to 200 Bran per tou . . . ..11 00 to 14 00 Shorts per ton ........ - 15 00 to 16 00 Wool pet lb ....... ..- 1510 18 Dried Apples per lb .04 to 0 44 make the mica to suit, the Work, 0 give you the choice of the produetion of the world in design and material, . We are the oNtxprad. tical men In Clinton in our lino. 1)0 riot be lelked into latticing your order without first call- ing on ser•ss•see•S'srss TO NERVOUS WOMEN Mrs D. W. Cronsberry, of 168 Rich- mond Street Toronto says i -e" My daughter's nerves were so exhausted and she was so week and debilitated that she had to give up work and was almoet it victim of nervous prostration. Dr, Chaeri's Nerve Food proved an elceenent remedy in restoring her to health and strength. After having need four boxes eh; id at work again healthy and happy. 50 ate, a box all dealers. 1400VER, PROP,• Next t.0 Coretnereial Hotel. • Lord Oeanborne, Under Secretary Inc Foreign Affairs, hits admitted that altueso-Chinese agreement has been concluded which virtually places Man- churia under Russian -protection, geaforth Market Report' Wheat........... .. 0 63 to 0 66 Goose Wheat * 0 63 to 0 65 ... .... 031 to 040 Oats „,..,.„. .. . ... Peas ..... 0 tiO tO 0 co 1ty.... V.1,4••••#•.". 087 t0040 Potatoes per bushel... , 0 25 to 0 80 Butter loose in crock,016 to 018 Butter intub ....... 016 to 0 10 0 16 to 0 16 Hay 7 00 to /50 •Live Hooper owt ...... 515 t Dressed Pork per cart 0 00, 650 rlour per avt Bran pet ton ...... ...„,„ 12 Shorts per 1 . Dried apples perlb. o 1, 75 to 14 00 to 106 134 to 006 As a Food For the Skin Pewders may cover up the disfiguring eruptions, but can never cure them, arie are poeitively iniurious, because they clog up the pores of the skin. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a food for the skin. , It is readily abseebed, arid thoroughly eures each and every ekin disease, reeking the skin smooth, soft and cleer. No woman's toilet is complete with- . out Dr. Chases Ointment, for, besides being the most perfect skin beautifier obtainable, it eati be used ni it score of different ways. It absolutely cures ecsetria, gait rheinn s.nd the itching' 10 which women are especially trubieet. When the feet are sore and ohafed Nora walking an application of Dr. Chase's Ointment takes out the Stnart- ing and allele the inflammation in it • surprieingly short time. Then tot burns, scaldif and every tort of Olefin& irritation or eruption of the okin, nr, Chase's Ointiment affords- a oaf* and certain cure. It has tome to be Indies pensable In scores ef thousands re" heintes ; cente a box, at all dealers', Or Edtrianson, Bate& & Co., Toronto. Dr. Chase's Ointment. Stalth Caroline, is abandoning the sp#cles of practiont slavery recently ertpeeed by .1udge Benoit, This signature is 6neVery hot tf the genuine LIDtati'Ve BrOM04)411043 Tablets ,thtt tinned, OM oteres a 60141 .04.0*