HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-02-28, Page 1E CUNT° 000..00 2 Zud Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1901 ORD. Whole Number 1156 Have you paid your subscription to The News -Record? If not there is no more timely time than the present Let's hear from. you. • 16'9"0"11kW40.*Illb.'1"16-^Iss'abegesessvisseie,a•eaels-air FOOT BALL 0 0 0 0 No. 5 AssoctatIon, made froth strong leather, seine style as cut, Price post paid $2 50. No. 5 Tornlinson pettern, guaranteed shape, a very fine ball. Price post paid $3.00, No. 4, Association, made from strong leather, Price post paid $2.25. • IIIN C11141" DS Made from Cane and Canvas 250 per pair. Made front leather and leather straps, 50c per pair, An extra large pair splendidly padded, 75c per pair. Special Memor!z 7 nd Funeral Numbers Illustrated London News, memoriam number, 50c. London Graphic. 50c • Funeralainnibers—London News $1.00, London Graphic 50c. • Theyeontain splendid illustrations. • Will soon. • be out of rint, order early. . EYES Ordinary failing eye- sight is by some regarded as alarming, by others Ss. treated too carelessly. .All eyes begin to fail at 40 years of age, some .." '''caolsti-- • awnr;" have trouble a year or ' two before that tune, the majority not until after. From 38ti 46 is the time you should consult a competent opinion in order to start ght. Otherwise several dangers confront you, among which is t terribledisease, glancorna, which leads to total or partial blindness. Dr. Lewis estimates that 00 per cent. of all cases of glancoma is due, to the putting off the use of glasses after failure begins. . We test your eyes carefully and advise glasses only when needed. Spectacles as low as $1.00. —„.. Pr..00.10 1.0ses Ws only see. Willie Gunn did not long survive the operation performed by the Chi- cago specialist, passing away on Thurs- day a. .en. While lying• at, the point, of death the little sufferer expressed a wish to live until his sixth birthday, a longing vi !itch was gratified hina and two days over. The feneral took place 00 Satorday afternoon and was attend- ed by many sympathising friends of the bereaved family. The services were conducted by Rev, Alex. Stewart and the pallbearers were : Willie Rattenbury, Charlie Tisdall, Walter , 1 -Stewart and Wishart Houston. Tenders A sked For, a'atiii day last the officials of the Rat - In the Mail and Empire and Globe of teobury street.charch„asked for tenders for the erection of their new church, The plans are. modeled after those of the • • Epworth Memorial chinch in Cleve- land which. cost about $125,000, bait is • not expected that the structure to be /built .here will cost very' Mitch more. than a tenth of that sum, •though a place•of worship of which the congre- gation will be vastly proud. . The erchiteet Is Mr. Batlgley of Cleveland, a Canadian, It has not yet been decided whether the church will he built of pressed brick or field stone. • W. Cooper, &. °CO., CLINTON. , Agents for' O. P« R. Teiegraph and Dominion Express Money Orders, also fer Butted& Patterns. • 4'$ • • . , . 0 4ft.443-ft.:eAst.sAittot-itAbeib.cp1S,6e0.‘essivae-essaaosssesssisatealssas-asslisattlisse-lta?, 0 = = = SOUP PLATES = - p . . f es es 0 ; At this time of the year a great deal of soup is used, and of course more soup plates are broken. If you want to replace your broken . V plates we have a snap for you. 03 26 DOZEN ONLY ' - Quick Roy d Ironstone Chinn Soup Plates Regular 90e for 75c per doz., while they last. Or if yon have lots of Soup plates and: Want 'something to put in them. We have Canned Tomato Soup • Caned Julienne Stan " Chicken- Soup rti aoup " Ox Tail Soup Harley, Split Peas. etc. - ' ;. Ogle Cooper & Co. CASH FOR BUT'rElt Als113 EGGS.' 's• THE CASH- GROCERY 0 ij 16.8.1k..e.s.opib.e.gt.eMeat.080.11:*evo.04beogt.eat:.e.ib.e-g>evqt.eArt.G. CASH AND ONE pRicE.TO ALL I I r. Our new Stock i 1 t 1 W Of new Shirts will arrive this • week. e invite your inspection. If you buy your new hat 1 1 —''`--- from us you will be pleased • mad so will we. : : : ; : : 1 1 A. J. 441ORRISII. 1 i . 1 The above will he our motto in future. De not ask for credit. We will be very sorry to have to refuse you. We buy a lot cheaper. for cash and therefore will be able to sell cheaper so you will get the benefit of our discount. All accounts not mad by the lest of Feb- ruary will be banded In for collection. So paynow and avoid costs of collection. CREWS Jeweler; Rxpert Watch Repairer opposite ••••••••••••••••••••;-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: * • Mr. Hill Sells ifis Stoek, Mr. 3, W. Hill has sold his grocery stock to Mr. W. Kerr of BrincIsley, near Crediton, who takes possession on March, llth. Mr. Kerr, who . is an experienced business man, has rented ,Mrs. Agnew's house on Huron street and will move bis family up in a few days. kr, Hill intends taking a pros- pective trip to the West in the spring end may decide' upon locating there. Hemay not, however, for it seems to 'IS there are openings. everywhere for men of the keen business ability that Mr. Bill possessei, We would like to see him stay in the Hub. • An Bloattent Lecture. The weird and awesome beauty of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky Was se graphically described by Rev. Dr. Gifford in the 0utrio street church on Tuesday night that the audience were, in imagination, of the party with which be visited that wonder of nature. As Rev. Alex. Stewart, who presided, said at the conclusion, emphasized by Rev. W. G. Howson "The oext thing to. seeing the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky is to hear Dr. Gifford's description of it " rhe audience were much pleased with the treat provided for. them and the Dr's eloqiience has helped eradicate „somewhat the old prejuclicel agairiit lectures. wili ft Be a Salt CoMbine ?text ? . . The Toronto World of -Tuesday stat- ed that the salt mining properties ot Canada had been tonsolidated under the name et the Canadian Salt Com- pany With 'a 'capital stock of $8,000,000. Mr. John RansfOrd, who is probably the best informed salt) man in the country, says that the World's article was magnified ten *dd. A company With a, capital of $800,000 has been formed but he is not in it nor has he had anything to do with it in any shape or form. A combine seat as the World outlined would not he popular - with the people of this country but in this age of steel, paper. furniture, etc., consolidations a salt combine might be expected-. : • We You to call end see our stock a tweeds, worstede, etc. We think we can suit- you in quality of cloth and price arid are sure we can do so in the, make up. If you want a ready made we can suit you there also, Will be pleased. to show our stock. A. J. HOLLOWAK • ne Pays the Printer Cheerfully, W. 3. Ferguson a the Arcade, Stratford, one of the most successful merchants or Ontario, when asked one day last week about business, said he regarded the printer eel contributing largely to his success, "There is no money I pay out so cheerfully,"he said "as the money I pay to the newspaper publishers.It always .brings me returns and I pay the printer's bill as cheerfully as I pay the baker's."' This is the practical opinion of one of the, Classic City's shrewdest business men and it is at lesson for noo-advertisers. The Carnival,. The carnival held in the rink on Monday night was well attended and A SocseSS. The hockey -football match between the below mentioned teams caused • considerable ainusenaent , and resulted in a tie, neither side scoring more than one goal. The players were ; W;Jackson, E. M. McLean, J. Fair, R. Agnew, 3, Rettenbory, 3. • W. Mooreand R. Downs, who struggled 'with N; Fairs E,. Holmes-, F. Fair, J. Gardner, W. Ross, T, T. Leckie, Ba3. Gibbing.. The prizes awarded in the carnival . were as follows; • Ladyas fancy costume: Ist,MISS, Minnie.Cooper, who represented a Red Cross .Nurse 2nd, Miss Edna Copp, Japanese lady; gene's fancy costrime z lst .Bennett, • The Next Rector of St PauPs, Quito Likely. Rev. Mr. Gunn of Parkhill, accono panied by Mrs. Gunn, was in , town on Monday in response to the call which has been extended to bins by the con- gregation of. St. Paul's church. He visited the rectory, conferred with several of the prominent members of the chtirch, and in the evening was present at a meeting held in the sclaool room, The reverend gentleman is Irish &Oa therefore witty, &scholar, a fluent speaker and has a mind of bis own. He was once upon a time a high school teacher but forsook that for his present Profession as offering greater opportunities for doing good. He oppeared to be well pleased with Clin ton and there is reason to believe he wilt accept the invitation which has been so unanimously sent toshim. He will signify whether it is to be in the affirinative or negative this vveek and if the former it is expected that he wit enter upon his duties here at Easter. "The Invincibies" Wei-0141ot Invincible, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ,.........i.......... - - GiPtIrdieloGi,groi~:vg+4-4Zb•Wq".4;vcil4Kfrgia<26.0.:76.61Aze4vriON‘Aiz.e.mg.bibbAlib43` t 0 t i ti g Por Pine Artistic Photos I 0 00 TO t ; ..-..Lam ....,=-.........,....• 0 t NO rilV1 111 7; Hen ArtY t a a I----s..-,......,.......M. ..... t Successor to P. a. Burgessl 0 t , —.....—....... 1 t t h i Forrester Le144.44itotbit.• 44‘,0,44b•tiiretpik•ceibtoAkkoirg.atit.totiobibtib....mtibi Olarridae Little Locals. The Macdonald. male quartette will give an entertainment • in the town hall on Tuesday, March 12th, Mr. Tenney entertained the choir of the Rattenbury street S. S. at his home on Tuesday evening and those present report it, very enjoyable time. Mr. O.' Hoare has recently sold three pianos in town. Miss Cameron of Hayfield and Mr, Whitely of near Goderich were also purchasers, Kr, Smith of the 10th concession, Goclerich township, and Mr. Hill ot town have bought from the seine dealer six -octave piano.cased organs. A union meeting of the Ontario street League and Willis Endeavee will be held in the lecture room of Willis. church on Mooday evening next. The Bible study, "The early life and conversion of Paul," will be dis- cussed by members of the Ontario street League. A large attendance is regRietevst Mr.. Row son's subjects for next $unclay in Rattenbury street charch will be at 11 a. m, : "Salt" and at7 pan, " The compensations and fortunes which have come to men who have been liberal in God's cause : • some facts from real life." The monthly 1 fellowship meeting will he held on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. . 2nd L, Sage ; comic. lst, •Gard ner, who masqueraded as Carrie Nation of "Bleeding" 'Kansas fame; •2nd, N. Webb, who shone as a colored gentle- man,. They Prefer Clinton for the Site . Messrs: Strachan and Fisher, repre- sentative •fariners a Colborne, inter- viewed Mayer Jackson apd Messrs. Johnson, Plummer and other members of the town councilyesterday in regard to the location of a perk pack. ing factory at Clinton.: Speaking for their brother farrners,they said that at a. meeting held at Carlcivt, recently it was decided to establish such an industry but thequestion of site yet remains open, though. becituSe of its central locetion, they: preferred' Clinton which was so easily aceeseible, by rail from all parts of the =anti. Goderich is 'anxious for the factory but from its one-sided situation is not censidered a good site. The maYor. and Councillors who Were seen gave the delegation encouragement for Which S they will have the approbation et out towns- people. It is propesed tohave a nub- lic meeting shortly to discusi the quess tion and the Prospects are goodor the: establishment ofthie important Indus. try in Clinton, the Hub. A strong Pull, a pull all together, and we'll get it here.' • The Horse Pair a Success; . • The success of the menthly horse fair, is new assured for• the. second, held yesterday, lartnight in horses which in nuiriber and quality. delighted. the buy* who were as one man of the opinion that such a fine lot had never before been seen in Clinton. The farm- ers held their.stock for high prices—in one instance two hundredand twenty- flVe .dollars was offered and refused for a heavy draft—but about a dozen sales were made, Another way in which the fair sarves a good purpose is that it brings buyers and sellers together and the former learn where certain horses can be bought and they go out after them as the demand arises. For ineta,nee : A prominent herieritan said to TaR NEws-RiCoRn last night, referringto,o, fine draft at the fair but not sold: " I didn't knovv there Was sueh a horse in this section and though it did not Change hands yesterday it ia as good RS sold for I will have a buyer after it within a week." The follow - Ina were arming the buyers present Adam Beck,London ; 3. Archibald, W. F J MeMann The Goderich hockey team illustrated "before and after taking" on Thursday night last, They came (town by special train to "snuff out," "goose egg," "paralyze," etc., Clinton and brought along half a hundred support era to "root" tor them. These terms are not original here but merely select- ed from the Vocabulary of the visitors. They had "money to burn," too, but fortunately, for them, only an odd one here wished to take it. The game was a, mettlesome one, was won on its merits and goes to show that "Clinton can do it," when she tries real hard. Dilly McRae was a whirlwind and could take the puck wheneVer he wanted It. jack Forrester made rings around the visitors, Jack Clarridge Was nimble and sure and Harold Steep had his winning toga on. Pete Mathe- son did brilliant, Work, the usual thing for Pete to do, while I. Dayment and F. Johnson also acquitted themselves well, The Goderich team is a good one brit not by any means invincible, By the way, the score stood thirteen to nine in favor of Clinton. The •referee was Mr. Sheppard of Goderich whose decisions were received without, emotion, - cLINTON oornonicit Johnson goal Campbell Dayment point Allan Matte toyer point Thompson Matheson forward • McGaw , Steep .Maedoriald McCarthy Shannon Cudinore, J. owler an J. • ,Sertforth ; J. Norton, Lumley ; A. Mac- donald and J. Snell, Exeter r -J. Mc- Closkey, Goderich. Little Locals.- . • Prayer meetings are still being con- tinued in the Baptist church. , The Junior Leaguers ef the Batten - bury street church will have a social arid missionary program on Friday evening. Harland Bros, have bought the hard. ware stock of Johnson Bros., Berth -nth, which they will open out for sale next Monday. This enterprising firra will run the two stores, for some months at least, Mr. Will, Harland is down in Seeforth this week assisting in the stock taking. R. & 3. Ransiford shipped hot week to Liverpool, via Portland, two car- loads of cettle which had an avetage weight of fourteen hundred pounds. The bullocks were a prime lot, for that matter the Ranstords send none other, and will bring the highest price going in the Brii,ish market. Mr, D. K. Prior expects nexasseason to be a busy one for Mm as he NyAready has the contractfor the brick work of a school in East Witwanosh, for union sections Mortis and Bullett andli ollett and Goderich. Ile will also build houses for M..Browo, Loridesboro, Y. Grainger, Hullett and J. Bentley, Was vvanosh. Mr, A. Hooper, representative of the Manufactrirers' Life Insurance Com- palli, Will shortly take possession of Mr. j'ohn McCool's residence on Albert street which he recently bought. Mr. flooper likes Clinton for itself and also because of its locittion and good rail- way facilities. Ile can travel from here north, south, east and west without paying out half his profits in livery bills. The Itincardine Iteview of last week contained an obituary notiee of th'e late George Merritt of Xincardine tewhshiP, father of Mr. James Merritt of town, of which the following is it paragraph : "He was an estimable father, aworthy neighborharmless to a fault and generous to a 'degree. Ile Mr, 3- PI. Ball's fathilI is *leering I never aspired to think higher than he with la griPho and unth der e doe ouot to think and never assumed that tees care, Me. IL Walters has alse he was better than they who were his 'been so indisposed that the doctor's neighbors." attendance was required. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr, 0, II. Reid shipped twenty good steers froni Hensel' station on Wed- nesday last which he purchased front Mr. John Manson, Jr, of the Goshen Line. They were good cattle and tipped the scales at an average weight, of 1350 pounds. Mr. Manson realized a good figure for them. Mil. and Mrs. W. 11. Elliott of Gode- rich township visited at the latter's father's, Mr, 3:ernes Parke's, on Satur- day last. Our township assessor • is going around at present estimating the volue of the farmers' property. sohfMinmcgEirews.emn .BBroast. eaer sgtveattininpg cteod a rm make We are sorry report that Miss Mary Dowson is not gaining strength . , very fast. Mr. :and Mrs. W. L. Keyes were in -Seeforth on Monday brat on. business. Miss Edith Rathavells who was visit- ing, friends, in • Goderich township last week, returned home on Saturday. •• We are glad to report that Mr. Thos., Dowson, Who was laid upby an attack of la grippe, is able to be arouod Misses T, Hrownette' and It. Reid were collecting. in this vicinity last Week for the schemes of the PeesbyterA ian church in Hayfield . • Rey. Mr. McNeil and wife Visited at the residence of Mr, Jos. Richardson on Friday last: • Weave pleased to say that the genial and pleasant' face of Mts. J. Eckhardt of Markhain still brightens the home of her friends in this neighborhood. Misses Eva and Ida Reid visited friends in Goderich township recently. , Miss Sarah E. Reid, who has' been visiting friends near Zurich, has re- turned home. . Mr. R. G. Reid, who is teachings -tear Summerhill, spent Sunday a,t home. Heeling saw logs is the order of the day in thisvicinity. • Mr. -William Glenn had the mis- fortene to take a, trouble while engaged in his barn the other day and break a rib, the same rib, by the way, which he had broken a . year We regret to record this week the death of Mrs, Robert Walker of the Bronson Line, a mile or so north of Blake, Who passed away at the home or her daughter, Mts. Edward Boyce, with whom She was living. Mrs. Walker, whowas touch respected and esteemed by it large number of friends, leaves behind her two sons and four daughters but Mrs, Boyce is the only tine now residing in this district. The toweship council meets next Monday. VARNA. Miss Martha Keyes visited at Mr. Joseph Hudson's, Hillsgreen, a few days this week. Mrs, P. H. Murray and Harry Axon - strong visited the former's parents in Len d bu ry the last of the week. Birth. --At the manse, on Thdrsday of last 'week, to the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, 8/daughter . Mr. W. F. Keyes, wife and family visited at Mr. F, A. Keyes in Usboroe on Saturday and Sunday last. Mrs, Win. Keyes of the Bebylon Line returned home on Friday last from Harriston, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs, klebbles. Mr. J. T, Cairns will move to Kirk - ton on Thursday but the family will remain here for a while longer. We wish J. T. success in his new stand. Mr. J. E. Harnwell is ready for business and opens out on Thursday with a fine stock of the goods to be found in a general store. May pros- perity attend his efforts. ' We are sorry to learn of the very serioas illness of Mr. Joseph Foster of the Parr, Line. At time of writing slight hopes are entertained of 'his recovery. . We are glad to see Mr. B. A« Higgins out again. He managed to get to the shop on Monday last. WEST TUCKERSIIITHI. HOLMESVILLE. On Thursday afternoon death again visited our neighborhood, At aliogt one o'clock Mrs.Sana'l Sturdy passed to her eternal rest. She was 41 years of age and leaves a husband and six children to mourn her loss. She was a prominent member of the W, A.M. A. and of St. John's church end will be greatly missed. by her many friends and acquainta,nces, . She was a deugh- ter of. the late Mr; Robt. Ferris. On Sundes, afternoon the remains were interred in the Maitland cernetery, tollowed by a I page c on course or friends. The family in their sad bereavement have the sympathy ,of the neighbor - It is underatood that Rev.E.B.Sinith wili'make reference to the late Mrs. Study* at the service hi St. John's church on Sunday next. Mrs, Charlestvorth of Flint, Mich., attended the funeral of the late Mrs, S, Sturdy. • . •• Miss Jacksonof Blyth has been.' Vita iting friends in thevicinity. Mr. W. Stanley in this week attend- ing the High Cloud of 0. O. V. at Sarnia. • • . • : MTS. Harry Tebbutt, who has return- . *ed hoine from Redlands, Californireins tends reniaining here tor • several months. Her many friends were glad' Lo welcome her back again. On Sunday morning ~NITS A. J. Courrice will preach in the Methodist church and in the evening the pulpit vvill be occupied by Rev. W. Gifford of Clinton, On Tuesda,y evening of last week a sleighlead of . young people from this vicinity spent an .enjoya,ble evening at the lion -le of Mr. A. Ostrom of the 0th con, When,'in the wee stria' hours of the .morning, on their read home their sleigh broke down and they were unable to proceed home. Fortunately they were near the home of Mr. Robt. McCartney and that good, man, on opening the door to their, call of disi. trese:, was astonished to find so many people at that trine ot the night but he and his good lady for the rest of the night made them comfortable, as they well know how how to chi. In the morning they procured a, sleigh and returned home, reaching there in thne for dinner. • -- The grim reaper death has once again visited our neighborhood and claimed Alain, eldest son of Me, and Mrs, Whitfield Crich, in his eighth year. Deceased was a, bright little fellow and will be greatly missed by his school mates with whom he played only tvvo orthree days previous to his death. Pneumonia was cause of death. The remains were interred in Turner's cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. The sympathy of the» entire neighborhood is extended to the grief stricken parents. A load of the young people from Clinton were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton on Friday evetaing last. The anniversary services in eon. flection with Turner's church were well attended on Sunday, 17th inst. Rev. Dr. Gifford and Rev Mr. Howson gave stirring addresses in the morning and ;thermion. The collections for the day were in aid of the Forward Wye- ment of the E. L. Societ,y. On Mon- day evening Dr. Gifford gave his splendid lecture "The Mammoth • Cave tif Kentucky" to it full house. The Clinton choir was down and supplied the music for the evening. The pro- ceeds were $15 to be devoted to the aid of the Forward Movement,. The choir of Turner's church has been re -organized, Miss Nat giving up the organ to help in the singing while Miss Lily Cantelon Will be organist. Mr. William Townsend de- serves the we) re thanks of the con- gregation for his long and faithful services as leader, HAYFIELD. 1 GODERICH TOWNSHIP. The Salvation Army, it seams, bar) not abandoned this as a stronghold for the enemy to occupy as a captain has taker., possession of the barracks. The sale of the Routledge estate and household effects took place on Friday and was fairly well attended. Mr. E. 13nssenberry wielded the hammer and the prices realized were fairly good, Among the chief buyers were Mr, Richardson of Stanley, who bought the house and lot for $1825, and Mr, Wm. Woods who bought the Plane for $100 and one lot at $54. Court Hayfield I.. 0. F. held an At Home on Friday night which was attenden by a considerable number of invited friends. Games of different kinds were participated in for some time after which a program of music and song was carried out. When the wants of the inner man were satisfied by a splendid lunch and tea and coffee, and everybody had done justice to. this part of the program the tahlee were cleared. away and the light fan- tastic till early morning. All eeemed to have had a good time and went away vvell pleased. Dr. Weocls was in Toronto- last week. Miss Annie Elliott has returned from a pleasant visit with Rev. (Mrs.) Gra. ham and family of Dornoch near Owee Sound, Mr, G. W. Holman was in Kippen last Saturday. Mrs, Howell, daughter ,of the late Mrs. Routledge and Mrs, (Dr.) Rout- ledge have gone to the former's home in Hamilton. ' Dr. Routlecige 'of Moosmin, N. W. T., and Mr. Ed. Reutledge are here elosing up the affairs of their late mother. ' Rev. Mr. Jennings if! still on the sick. list and no services were held in his. churches last Sunday. Mrs. Holman is stilt confiined to the house through illness. No service s were held in the Presby- terian chnrch last Siieda,y evening ow- ing to the storne and the illness of many of the congregation. 'Death has again visited.: our village and claimed .another. of the old residents la the person of Mr. Rob. ,ert Sifters, who died af his residence on Sunday evening after a brief illness Mr. Sitters for a number of years was a residentof Gaderich township bot re- tired fermi the farm some years ago, coming to spend therest of his days in Ba,yfield. .ueceased wa.rs 05 years of age and leaves a wife and a grown alis family most. of whom are married. The funeral took place on Tuesday and the remains were interred in the Hayfield cemetery. • We notice some of the Toronto papers are patting Mr. George Me - Ewan M. P. of South Huron on the back for .refusing to use a railway pass and deeiditg to pay bis own way. This is regarded'as a step in the right directiun as no member who accepts free rides on the railway can be independent, especially when any thing concerning these great grabbing corporations before the House, Hayfield did well for Mr. McEwan- and we are pleased to note that one M. F.• is setting tars -other 'cringing ehapsia good example. (inc Toronto. paper says ',Hurrah for Buron"to which we would add "Hurrah for McEwitn„' More independence ie what is wanted by those who represent us in Futile - went. Stone has been hauled to the 'vacant lot opposite the rectory and report has it that a fine residence will be erected next summer. • Our • town is still busy with grippe. If you. have not bad it you don't know what you have missed, Mr. Richard McDool may now be termed captain, as, we understand, that he has charge of the Salvation interests at present. Mr. and. Mrs. Thos, Jennings of l'arkhill paid a visit to the rectory tide week. BRUCEFIELD.. The entertainment held under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. last Friday evening was a decided success. The readings given by Miss II. Grahnna ef Egrtiondville wCre moth enjoyed by all and the musical selections and the recitations were also very praises worthy. The collection received at the door amounted to $14. Rev, E. II, Sewers took the anniver- sary !services at Hillsgreen on Sabbath, Mr. Moore, our station agent, preached ie Egmondville last Sabbath morning. Rey. S. Acheson of Kippen preached here on Sunday last . Next Sabbath there' will be consecration meeting in the Y, P. 8.0. Es of the Presbyterian church. Rev. E. EL &mere was in Hayfield on Thursday. The roads are beginning to be more passable now. They had to be plough- ed out in some places last week. DUNGANNON. The social held, in the rectory last week Was a suceesa, considering the stormy night. The annual Sunday school eonven- vender) of Nile and Dungannon was held Friday which a large number attended, Mr.Natt.Whytird is visiting friends at Hoxville, Mr. Alex. alcIntre has moved beck to Kincardine, He was it good citizen and the boys will miss him, Miss A. Thompson hag returned home after three weeks visit with friends at lAstowel. ' Miss Rachel Young of Loralesboro is visiting Miss Tilly Thompson at pres- ent. Mr. Thomas Allen has purchasek Mr. Decker's ponnies. Mr. D. Crawford exchanged horses with Mr. Graluun of Goderich. Ben. likes a nice horse, tfock,ey and skating is the sport of the day, the lee at the rink being in first-class condition. The ladies of the town are gettingquite expert at slat - Mr. S. Dowers has sold his farm to Mr. Reid. ors.,..40.0:001 Mrs. R, Y. Cog, who has been very 111, is now recovering rapidly, her many friends will be pleased to hear. The tenders received try the directors of the Holmesville cheese factory for the output of whey for next season were not high enough so it wits decided to send the whey home. The directors also ar- ranged at Saturday night's meeting to floor the factory with cement. We wish him success,—Mr. Henry Miller, or better known as has decided to quit the hard tesk of day laborer and, having bought a farm on the 4th cons has started business on his own hook. Everyone knows Harry's genial manner and all join in wishing him every success. No less than three "so called" tramps have traversed the roads lately. The appearance of those men does not, we presume, add much to their char- acter, Mr. Thos. Cole sold a beef to Mr. S. II. Smith, the well-known cattle ex- porter, recently, which is of such a size. and condition that it will net the owro er no smell stun. The many friends of fieerge Elliott are pleased to hear of his recovery, His brother, John, came fremPhiladel- phia on account of his illness. Mr.William and Miss Lizzie Webster of Lucknow were the guests of their brother, Thos., of the 9th con. last Sunday. Postponed.. ---A sleigh load of young folks consisting of the " upper ten" were invited to the hospitable home of . Mr. Jenkins of Hullett last Friday but owing to the disco, eeable condition of the roads they decided to postpone the trip until one week hence.. May the elements be more favorable then for a . jolly time is expected. air. James Dunbar, who has been in • the employ of Mr. George Connell, • intends leaving forhis home in Port Albert shortly. Mr. John Miller, who has been in the 'employ cf Mr. Thos. McCartney of the -16th tons has returned to his home on A number of friends gathered at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ostrom one evening last week and spent severalmerry hours with niusic, games, siutiog, chit-chat, etc. Host and hostess media their guests feel entirely at home so that everybody enjoyed himself and herself to their heart's content. . Mr.. Thos. J. Elliott returned a few days ago &Dna his trip "across the pond" after an absence of three nionthe. = While away he visited sey- eral points of interest in Ireland, in - eluding the 'old homestead. where the Elliott family lived for generations, and though it 'start a few years since • they carnet° this country everything seemedlo look different. This' seems to be the experience of everybody who visits the Old Sod after havirig lived in this country for a few years. Mr. Walter Enamerson left op Wed- nesday a. rn, for Beryie and Kincar- dine where he wilt spend a couple of weeks among friends. He was accoms petaled byllr. George Fair, who had been spending it fortnight pleasantly among relatives in this township; ' We are sorry to learn of the contin- ued illness of -Mrs. Henry Heacom. It seems -after all she has suffered that she is not iniproviras as .her friends would like. - Oongretulations to Mr. S. S. Cooper from his old friends on the lth Con. ' They were glad to see the sun shine out in all its.splenclor on the hour of his wedding day. Good luck, to Mr. Cooper and his fair bride. ' Mr, Robert Hanley and Mrs. rt. H. Elliott went to Goderich oii Friday , to atten the funeral of kr. Hanley's sister-in-law, Mrs. James Hamilton, on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. David • Beacon), Mr. James Green and Mr. Fred, Green of Sault Ste. Marie artists ed time to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs, Hamilton. Miss Frankie Welsh of Sarnia spent a few days with her sister, Mrs, P. W. Currie, before leaving for her new 'position. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Samuel Sturdy which took place on Friday last after an illness of about three weeks« She was only in her forty-second year and leaves a has. band and several young children to mourn the irreparable loss of a true and loving wife and a tender and affectionate mother, Only those who have passed through a like affliction • know how different home seems when mother's gone. ,Their numerous friends extend their deep and sincere sympathy to the so sadly bereaved ones. The filheral took plade on $undity to Maitland cemetery and was very largely attended, The ser- vices at house and graveside were con- • duct ed by Rev. E, B. Smith. On Friday last County Councillor Connolly attended a meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the MelCillop Insurance Company held in Seaforth and on Saturday Was in Stratford in attendance at a meeting of the execu- tive of the Western Ontario Dairy- rneo's Associatioti which took place on that day for the convenience of Mr Alex, McLaren, M. P., who came home from Ottawa to be present. And on his .way home that evening Mr. Connolly " took in" the directors' meeting of the lElolmeeyille factory. On Monday of this week he wail out on business in connection with the House of Refuge and on Wednesday went to Guelph to attend another meeting of the directors of the Dairynaet's Association. The township council will meet in troiraesville on Monday next, Miss Lillie Tebbutt, has been visiting friends in Goderich for &week or so. . For Gorlerich toWnship news read. Vitt NRWS-RitOotris. No other paper returned to her home Stratford. last gives so complete it report of the var. BLYTH. Inspector Dick'? of the Division Courts Wile here on Tuesday, Quite a number of our young folks attended the skating carnival at Clin- ton on Monday and report having had a good time. A nieeting of the WestHuron Farm- ers' Institute will b,e held here on Fri- day -next in Temperance hall, There will be two sessions and all.are cordial- ly invited to attend. Our next monthly horse and cattle fah, will be held on Taesclay next, ' A meeting of our town council will be held on Tuesday evening next. Mr Will, M. Ernigh and wife visited the county town on Sunday. Rev. Wilson of the Nile preached in, the Methodist chareh on Sunday. Mr. John McGill left here on Tues- day it as delegate to attend the annual meeting of the C. 0. F. which is being held in Sarnia this week. Mr, John Ilabbkirk, who was here attending the funeral of his father, left for his home in Galt on Tuesday. A regular meeting of the O. 0. P. was held in their hall on Tueeday even- ing. Mr. Prank Metcalf was in Toronto last week attending the annual Meet- ing of the Canadian Feir Managers* As soeiation, and was elected one of the executive. The discussions Were of an unusnally interesting nature and a number of those present were in favor of abolishing sideshows, fakire, ete., and making the annual fall fair a purely agricultural affair. biOderleh VoWUMhlP Miss Lizzie McGuire has gone to Toronto intending to remain there for some time. Miss Nettie Burns, who has been visiting at Mr. Andrew McGuire I). ions happenings in the township. Satorday.