HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-02-14, Page 6� t �
;--;;;-1XA-1. .w �, - - � = I .1 1. -1---
��Vwi 1. � �, -, 7 - A post oard with ygur nom 414044t Of Wood AV one time, but go 66-li t I . I I
... 4n,a ,xrov, I ., I 0 TH E FARM. OUT OF TRERUT — $ '
, 0 w,t h na; you ovor the oroltar,d caolt spring and thin tOP using 1*13y old thing" In the Ililq
I . , . _ 0 P
. . I lqj, I . ,,I . W 0 . fro* slily"Plo'Of -- iso the light can enter and color the Inalet 0"'haling I ,f ton
A1914,19, POULTRY FOR ENGLAND. fruit. I do Act boljova� in cutting out .
04-SIXTRI OF A104 RZATP 1110 TO .Heiress and . v life* , .,� I a -11,xho, ", all the contre of
CONSV . e.- . I ponrialon Department of A04- , the tree, for when� the
, MPTION. . . I ouytaro,givelotho following laforma. tree 14 heavily Loaded with fruit the �
. ,
� . .
�- - . tiozo relating to the, breeds 9f poultry the 6114 will Obtlag 914111c, large 11)(AbIl A# 1� , 1.
I I— . � .
144 Ilisivages *I*ro* NO oul"s-11140111 on', , . � whose claielgous fatten most profitably. 444 injure tbalow,i Wit fruit spur$ �,
Iregir 41140 Wall 111(A V100145-111low Whits � 0IT&PT1,14t. Xx'Coatinue4. - mother and laid his, frooh, brave YOW419 1. ��� . . . o
.. "I'll .. ..... � .. W r d e e ;.advance- along the Large limbs are carefully As a combination of.quality, flavour wid- strel)gtil IT HAS NO RQUAL, . 1
0"still Tgo"blo Noy bolpiroveskited. 4 to amirriox ORY401MON A. I .
, "MY 4oaftsat mother,�' beerled, "you f300 00 tbO cold,t lwAlt face of ll� , ' 4 A meat of obickea fattening in Canada IOU on and here I got my, largest and
. 'Salada, . ,, Lead pkgs, . . . ,25, 30s 40, 50 & 69c- , I ;
oJonsumption boo been wall namod know I ,would die for you If dying dying =Otbor. I I . , , Toronto. I and would advise All farmers intonil� beat fruit, SO many orchards You Sao g=.==--- 1- . . I
0 , a We4t white vlAgue. O0Q-sIxth Of Wo(ild botlefit you, Why do you doubt "Promise me, Roxill Abe Whispered. —'" " , --,-- ! "...=1m;-. --:V�----=� � I
noy y ji,be thogglit. ghobea;pd WX to fatten their chickens, to raiso with Iona limbs, with every fruit spur , - 1.
I , _ , � ., "I 'promises miothor V be cried. "(Prod I 'VVP's it to , CONCIMNINVY T40 THII TIltA,T SP,,.r,,Ugj) 1,
.41.1 the 404tills occurring In Canada an- MY willingness to obey Your wishes, I Box's � voice orylow out , "Daloy, MY the suitable breeds recommended by ,Out Off for several feet. Wbed the cea. 0 BE IT. - , �
Avally. are clue to the rAvag6s ofAbla wbatover they may be I Whatever I hOlp me; It it. WILL make your last darling 3" flow I pitifully .her heart PrOg. TtQbort3oft. , t -'Off Tooth have Often 'boon. and- to this Tes, rewarke4l Sq i
, . i tre of the troo. gets too thick I ep . ullaig. L made MY.!
11 I
terrible disease. It's victims txre, found can do to comfort y9a X Will surely -do monlonts bappier, I cous.ent-11 i . tho shoots With my, shears, I day Ooi=timea are, worn As amulets. d�elf a present of this music, box onl)hy
. . "lleaven b . less Yom, my 'Aoblo SPA III thrilled I Dear Boaven I if It bad only Since, the preferences in every iq IrIcet outting, the spurs off. ' illatead of Sharka' tooth laervo this purpose to birthday. I I I I � : '. �
4mong All classea, rich and poor AIlkQ it, mother." oalbeen true. It wan 0321Y the ,restless, determine what aort of goods lamost Saviou. .
autoolluth to Its inaldlaxto ' advance. I'lleaven blees you, Rex 1" 'she celed, whispered the qaiveiving VOIAO. "y igbing among readily "It' the spring the ground Is �.arrow- Qlving' Yourself pirs, 100 Added Mq.
i , sold On, that market, jui catex- . ,
0 tauea the bitter sting from , murmur of the waves f; r . Some paciple 'believe a tooth !I not Swilligon. , I �
0017 46 toW, yvaro Ago�tba vlotim of feebly caressing ItIq face and his It" , death, . poultry Cra-de of ad and cultivated once a . I . I .
oposumption was r - hands, "Yoll. make death A thou-9and- led my, bear , for the h1gh--clas,9 0onsittva until a nerve Las been ox-, I
and, fil t. With gratitude. the, orango-trees, I lu,,T week with
coArded As Incur Some da ' it, I A light burned dimly In an upper England, the qualitlem sought for in a spring tooth barrow until thelast
,y yorl will thank me for . i pDae,d. On the contrary, the dentirle,
Able, And horror At4okon friends told more easy to bear, taY darling, .0 . !, . . I � re- after I FOR OVER PIPTY VIRA,Rb . I.
11ex I � - I oviadow. -, Suddenly a shadow ' tell tile host table Poultry must be ca Of August, Should a rain come or ou4ni"al of it tooth, iia a very se.isi- URIS WINSLOW'S SOQUING SYZUP lice been
,%-^t011O4. the loved One. day, 13-Y day onjy 601) 11, - . -ei;e4 .,a 'OsS t'ho silkea ourtal-na, She gully considered. Those' qualities tbef Orchard has bee -al borrowed it is tl" Rubstane , Ing, it pooths,
Palo, oc. 'Used hT �,
,44e away uatil death camei. as a 11,'&jy dear air," said the doctor, bc4d, They were kit( 1. the ot" 4.41oftells tile Rules. allaympal Ind Q0. leg
, ,, I Oh, fatal word I i act -pl -st, iteaess, Immediately harrowed, again. Crimson I Mottleraf,pr thpir,phlidres wow ore, W
- Poor Rex, wedded and parted, his love- know but too well .Whose shadow It are : umpaoss of brea, wili saill I 4 the beat rouiedy for 4isirrhooN Wa bot(lo, sold
I must remind I It u -sed to W said that the first b
maroliftill :eislpa�e :�ow, however, It Is Ing over him gently, " was; the proad, graoofulp* �e of the of akin,.fLueness of grain, Bmallness at clovor or eye is usually sown to plow (.,I, I u
,W%181A1tllT044I10ut the World. R4 A to. and al,ak
bang' on a dreanil broken, bow, uttlet he knew, of 0 . On-th of a child Must not be tbrolva , at ow's flotbl"it sinew.
' . .
known that tixian in, its earlier stages You, Your 11101164r% llfci a the the bitter -grief w4foll W40 to accrue I handsome bowl, and the line of the bone (Ind absence of offal. i under In spring. Tile arphard is thor- away whon'they fell Cut, for if any � .11- .
consumptigrit is ourable, Ond Oat 1) thresid, ,Ilia least excitement, . , the Oughlysprayed N40i bordeaux mixture This wireless telegraphy roraluda me .
7 lea*t Agitation, And she will be dead from what that Promise .W.TPAIT fromlidark tyarls; waving Over broad J1roudlair stom, Nulose oblo'kens. fat- . animal ,got liololl ,a trophy e
o e lblood�keeping ., I brow, could belong, to no one but Rox, and Paris green, usually three or four I f. 4 groundless qua
. an 11 for �113. NO his white lips. . real. ftat Pos-
.a cA he , lie, Li . in a dream, he heard bar There was no one ton profitably Iliad are suitable for tbe times. I "so it strong pump and .high tooth Would W like that of the ant, 0
- . ke one , balf the pitying sible ,00rtnecrion. is there between,tbe
pre -disposed to the disease 6 oapo its before you ei . , , best NAglish markets, pousiltits of 4131 finding the, old one. . �
ravages, Clon matter What alto, WAY pay to youp . murmur t name of PLuma.Hurlhurst. - moonlight out there to see how paas� PrOSsar0 as I can do so much better . t w0 It's practically 114yipg words, over
, ,sumptlon Is no* classed ten !and acrie4e." . . ho , fowla of o square shape,. with. long, Dentists Uelod to- speak of one per- nothlog'. . ,
amortig the piroventibile diseases, and lit from thp atena And plaood it close � 'work. Mile first spraying is. given just ,
I bout 4, . own and kissed the P41e The Power of opeoh. 1 seemed denied broad breast, alld straight � keel. The as tht, trees begin 'to all . I 9*0111% teeth- being harder Or Softer
those who are Palo, pA �eX to bor boating UeArt-tbat lo"41y, wings of lar . .ow green, the I.
,sily tired, ema- , him, lie know, what! she meant. lie go sige, And the combs as
sympto 0 09 general debility should agitated face. on the pillowo � than anotharla, It Is believed now by $100 Reward, V100. I
.14 , "I will ,to careful of my dearest bowed his head oa liar cold hands. 'i starved little heart, chiliad atidor the small as possible, Tile. birds, %acOud before the bloAsOnls open and able practittomoro that all human I .
sut once fortify tho'syetem by enrich- .41 have no boa � rt,to give her," he ,,withering froat of negleot, when life, ' 11 i.hlr,J immediately after the blossoms . T p
gorailis - the - be readers of this yarer WIll. be leased
Ing and purifying the blood -thus moillar, Barely you may trust me," 8 with love a ... I hupplaoss should have been tiotive,. healthy and vi. -01 - a b a vei fallen, teeth are vif nearly it not quite the 100" That there J6 at ooim one dreaded diseas
. .. aid, broltenly, "MY ,heart is . , , ohleltens Should be hardy, matu� 0 rly I � thatiisoleuce has bewi able. to cure in all I
I : lie said. . just, bursting into blooml for .her. Ileavy-bolled and --D-� isama degree of hardness. There is, staRee and that Jo Catarrh. Uall's. Catarr � . . �
stieogthening mat only. the lunga,but ,, Nravely. Daisy, ray awe t little. lost Wei" anct fatten rvadily. I
I do," repile(I the doctor, I I a "He Said I � ' . I . h01W4vk;3r, Ouch a thing barit or Soft ( are is the only poaItIvo cure otow. known to
all pa,rtp of t4ii �.od, . Poor Rex I . , -bad spoiled his life," she heavy -togged poultry in decay in -a topth, , as
, y, . . "Your motbar's life, for the Present, bow. little lie knew Daisy Last be avoid. . A SAD CASE. . . . . . � the medical Iratornity. Catarrh being a, coh;P L
. . , sighed, loaning her pale fa'"V wearily � . : . I . � . I titutional 41heas% requires a constitution
Am6ug those *ho'havo'oscapad a Ilea in your hands." ' L was, a�'that self -same moment waktoh. ad, - L . . I I . ! . . 'Clio Period of teething .being an trqat�perkt. 1JJ%II,8L Catarrh cure Is takia iutar
threatened death from consum ion is " , at ,ale tit jag ivith beating heart the faint light against the dark -green ivy vines, "He , - of jLOWI 0 F,sr God*$ SuR6, Get Me �a place, le, anxicMA onia in childhood, it is cx� 4ally, acting directly upon the blood an. .
I Pt Is it true * BOXV, that I mu . , Witu'ragard to the; brecil . 1 . Mucous eurta"s of the System, thereby dos- . I
Mrs, Robert McCracken. of Xarsll� ' * must bave-mcant I bad,come between L I Die lit. I " . traraely imp,,Yrta,nt to4,Jhavo it over troling the foundation of the disease, An4 �
. ,guish on of.bis wirldow. through the branches to W made use- of, the barred ply� . . . . � . . I with. TrithawcototEnglandanock- Lbk
shogaapod. Tile look of "I . . blin; and Vlama. Will he go back to I givirif buildin
villa, Ont. Mrs. UcOrolken " as her I a of the treea�-�aisy, Whom. he mourned - Tbewe words were uttered a .few ,,,, I the Patient strength cf up, thq
g1v . answered her. - "Rex," ah rock has fattened very isatis. . . I ,a cof beadei made from poorly root co4attuti�natidask;i�tinguAturain cin ll.P4
. � � 0 I
I lils. face bar, now that lie be) loves me dead ?11 .mouth weeka ago biy a poor fellowas he lay, I ,
a � at It may be ot- benefit as dead, , alais I dead.( to hlnn� forever, . �va%.placod on the hild work. Thopropristgrahaveso, much (sit la,
axpo;to.oa.th . faotioril 8 nook to as- Its curative po*ers, that they 1.
t6 some other Sufferer, She says- sy,lijklored, clinging like a child to his shat, out from his� life by I the rash One ,question alone puzzled l0r: Had. L y 1ELL th.,a Dominion Gem C.A.hisl k1c.ath-ba-d in o. h .. ofier one Hurt,
. I strong w*lta , hands, "MY hope And . I L ultry fattening atationo. At, the , � . Otel at-Orav- sist the operation, and one of am�er Ared Dollars ftr any case that It falls to ourev. I
0 exper- that fatally. cruel ,prOm .. , Media mog�ioned liar namo, aad'wbuld Po I I � id tkav� boade was also thortight to -be power. Bendtor list oftestimonisibi. I - ,
"A few years ago! began t . . . lao � be'L"k 1. . -L � andville, Qua., 'atation,�Xr.,Rllthouse oullur4t., A ,wvek before to lu � . I . . I I L F.J,QH4NI11Y&00,. Toledo Of
, Are in YOU, InY only 604 ' I anaL Words of 091V it ,WAA she, who i'i , 13 1 .. I . : .: - , I 1.
- trust, I . � .1. I �Iled A - iybolq day to'reach the Sana, , fit], I Sold 1h d a .
Loned a general weakness. My appo, going. to put your love to the test, my *. . -- -L . tatted' a number of ' Barred , Rook . . . . There was, a tra,d!tWn that j�om the � Hali'm 37 1012.75a.,
, ' . L . I believed lying so cold and still in the I . L to,rium, but Ual Medical exam WonifflPfils are the.hpot ' I : .
Ute was poor; I was Ivory pala� a , to the . . , QHAVTER XXI, 1. cockerels ,that when dressed and rea'dy . . inatida time Clicisloes, the Persta-il, carried bit . � 1. . .
. , Wit boy,� I beseech you. to say 'Yes . . . I bottowless pit t 5110 could not. ie'll. . 4t waisk foutud that the disease, coa� a piece of the true arms from Con- , � I b— . . .. � I . .
troubled with shortness of breath and last rafliteat I shall ever make of you, One* thought only was, uppermost in "If. I could but soci Birdle for. 4, . to pack into the caises,,oweighed.eight 'L ' . - too ,far Advanced 'to sta'atinople, the iturabor bf tedtt in NOT ALEXIS EARTH, ' ' . . . .
a smothering 4-ealing in .my chest. H,,' , - Daisy's mirld, lis she sped swiftly doN)rn . . oumption, was AUx-ftart-The earth is moral .
, van. knows i0x I would,not men . monaept," she thought, "and beseech Pagoda eaah, ,9omb of �theise chickens Admit him. Ile tried to get board' the m9uth% of men was reduced frour. . . Y O, I .
L ,
llosidea tbelie symptoms .1 became tion it now, Lit i am dying - Yes, the hoWer-borderod path in the moou- were exhibited at theriat stock show L . U to 23..'It Is,'ne-edless to say, bow� speck in the universe'( I . I
- .
L L I ' �
very nervous, 'at times dizzy lund . dying, Rex," .. . I . light, away from the Irus.band who was her, to k0ap My. secret 1". I In Guelph, Oat., lasit' December, And in OravenbarEit and finally after re- . eww, that mankind 14 usually pro,. Prof. Squelober-WbIle your state. ' ' L L
. . . Birdie hadsaid her brother was soon ioured'admisslom to irkled with 'n fall 1.
faiat,. and in "You Aced not doubt It, moither," he still so dear to her. . ere greatly admired, 'y panted failures,'se complement of, &
, ly hands .and feetwould . W Whilflt� the I ment is true, .
. ' going away again. ' all had bright Yellow, legs, the akin of one of. the bct6L%- He ,soon )>eoame The mothers of Breton will not . young man, that does, not
go� as voild as ice, AS the trouble replied, earnag"tly. "I can, not refuse - "He Ald not recognize me,$' Abe "Flow. could I bear it VI she asked aud-the resident Physician of touch intant'll? �. . 1, .
4 gams,* test the teeth justify your apparent theary,tbat you
progressed I began to lose flesh rap, asjaythlng. yo.A. may ask I NVbj should panted, In, a little quivering voice, .herself, Piteously, . . . eacli chicken was ,perfectly' ,white. wo,ro graw crooke-4. - . � . own -it, � I . .1 . .
I . - . . .
. . I �
n- a short tinive. wa, only 9 Ill, I . ,d..me,* I wonder, Ib was n . . , of thalskin is, the Sanatofrium. wa-A called In. When . . . . I
idly, find 1 a "Would he have curse TUD color due to the . Teeth litive been wmahiped, and in. . -- I . .
I . .. . I . I at iv human nature to isee . ,.. - I L ' ' fact are vienerated na relies in some ., I
, .
shadow. OX mir former delf. I bad gut, as be, spoke, be had not ' the bad ho.known itwaa-1111 .. all lov d feeding. Not One of the several then- It became, kumviii that'he W con- . MONTREA1, NOTE). UIRECTORY. .
' . i .
good media , al treatment, but did not fainte' Lie '. would be 3)6NVn won . t the I I ittle, figure on her the young husband whom 0 a - . � o'hipp, . ad to England last Aumptioll, tlt-waa found impossible to rolbglouij shrines. Buditha's tooth ig ,— AM, PIS . a I . I �
. � at Moil of wbab, . . . sand, oblokons , ' preserved in a temple * 41.50 11; up .
so well drifting SO Pompletely� away I t attendante to wait on him , in India, the� 0(ho 11 Balmoral," Free 11u6 — . I
. �
gelt'rellef, and as a harsh cough set asked to d4. AA he sp6ie - hiq eyeo knees in tb:e dew -,spangled *graog With a I year from the poultry. fattening sta- ge. 01rogglese mwsblped the tooth of a less Airinno .. .
, . . front. ,her and still 'remain silent, " . AVENUE HOUSE-AfoGill-C91 - .
In I beigan to fear that consumbtlon caught the gleam of the moonlight abar.pAittle'OrY. � � . . it', t1rins. ,had a yellow--Golored skin. Legs through tear of contagion. .The lno,tkey. ,%Vh1la an el6pbant,s tooth .4 . raluily Huot rates 81.50 i ..
. L .. . � do I$* will -wAtch. over him front afar,, I :%v I I . , bicksifleir,of tho-botel was askad to help and. a ahATk's tooth Served s . per.ds.v- . . - .
had fastened Itself upon me. - This through the wladow, and his thdilghts'. "Oh, dear, .what shall I phe * * . . . a Lmtlar . � - ,. I
� � be his guar.,dia:n, angel ; I must remain raust� not be dark or -'black in colori All -on his was offered, §1' 9 . I 1. . I �
was strengthened by it knoivledge irlmaled for one moment, to the be- cried out in sudden fright, . . other qualit' [1,w- and , refasai he ' urpose, among .the Malabar islanders .i , I -- . � .
� �, . . . I aa� one dead to. him forever," she told ioA,'boln�g equdl,' a yal . I . ., and the Tonga lsl4nderp respectively' . . His DESCRIPTION. .1 1. I
that several of my ancestors bad died loved face he bad Seen. in.l.the moonlight "HOW .could I'UnOW Pbe- Was his Sis- herself.. * , . I I . I ... I iagged -oh(oken. brisigs the name price in a 4ay extrd,'but'. Preferred .to .gLVO . . . I I 'Sammy Snagga, % man � I ..
'' - 1. . I � . .1 . � . -----O— rPap%, said
of this terrible disease. III ,thie -how fair and mnocont� the face was ter When I told her my narne Ill A* twig . . ' Lte, legs, I up his. poisition. rath6r than expose . � .. . . . . you � .
I . . � I I Afa r off,. rover that dancing.,mooll- ,;England as.olae having ivb I I . ... came to see . -.1yllile you Were away, . .
rat -her deplorable condition I was ad� as�thay parted on the night they Weed fell from the bohgbi above her,hpad . 6 ' ' i himself, as be thought, to tl�� dari- - 1� Ift I . . .
' . ad waters she saw. a pleasura-boat , . oks or'tw5le quality, . . .1 . . ; . Did be leave Ills name 1. ',- '� - .. �
s me night.;bird's wing, . .. 'r . r -of Infactivill from thp pation.t. r . I . I .
Illama'r Pink rrjg� wed I The .. piet . .. ,4H . I " - .Ort logs, and Ze , r "ASANT . .� . .. � Xp,�.papa. . 11 I . . . .� .
I light . 16 breeding Ro f
visdd't0itry Dr. WI r are.- of that - lonely birusbed by 0 sel ' t a Nale bird'ivAl all It fth
, . , ghdllig Swiftly over the rIppling.waves, .
I at once procured a. supply an(L bai� Young ,girl -wife, going home by hor4 r a is. coming to search for me," she She coaLd hear their - merry laughter with m.arnall low,00mb. the li;qglidli X.Jh_e phy%ician front, - the Sjnatr4quln; . . r I
. . � . � . . I . , , I I . ` I Vhat sort of a. Mali. was'. h6 -t Ilia her, . � . . . .
Ift , self, brought tears to his eyes. , whispered to.hoiself. . � � . had 1:6 parl6rra the duties, of nurse', , . . . � - . - .
olt.taken them long :when I noted a I . ... 1`11111 I
I I r . and gay,, happy. vpioes, and anatchda poaltryman, remember, buys - the . r lit weai a tichird. I , r � I ... . . . . I .
I .
change for the liett T "Whs -there over a fate so - cruel,flI A. tra�nor ran over bar -frame the . I the head and laga,QA.the chicken. And pays rind maid ad will fts,bla own. lVbp.n
.or.. By, the time , . ; of mirthful *aa'ags. . Sadde ly r * . r I . . D ISM P P 0 1 N 11EX .0 No' lie Was a ba . .
I ' , a . I be man- . . I . Id4actd man . , i
bad taken six ow eight boxes I. w.r.a he I'aid to. himelf. "Who -ever lost a coloi. flashed into her cheak and.part. I . I r'; .foti chickens withl.loug, �be poor'bbIlow1bund that -t � 11 . ... . I I .1, .
. I . band straoicup an o in. Less .0 .P. .1 . . . r . .. . .
1. .
able to move around 'the r housea . wife.on his wedding -day V . I I .. . ad lips, and . a startled . I wl-stful bright� . 14,'famillar stra � p r ound.. I agenloAt � of .the IIQUOVI,sihed to.get I , ' .. . ,— .. � . � I., . . I I W P. -V 106"t .. .
. . galn I . I . I Pool, Daisy leaned her head, against lwavy legs And large combs. ))a not . . . . . 1. .. . . . �. - I .
� I Surely, there had ,never be6rt a joy�!- I nessorbpt'into the blue eyes, - � . . I .. . him out he' -begged the doctor for . ' ' - - : I . . I
- - . . ,r
a use, of the pills � dream. so sweet, so passionate . r . . . . . � . .. I ` `V�� - � - -
and felt better and.stronger in every I . I ' " I there � never op uld the iron railing of the poi�h and Its. (levelOPilleaO Usel,01st qualities. '110
. I
' . .1
way. I continued tba � . or $0 have been a toned - to those cruel - . wor . ds - the piece Vhito Wyandottes, fattened well at, Godlq sake. t-6. get Itim �L place to die A (11141toolv. - � Mon )s Agrebably .OALVER . . I � I
. . . . ..
until I had taken a'dozen boxes; w1lou bright,as his. Surely, there fiad'hevqr love. � so siveetly trustful *.and Oild-like � . .. .. . . . . In. - -!he doctoT looked Utir .him for . . Sur ised-----:Ali� Old :. Gradge., � I . � . � I
, . . . . . I. ' h that they played. Was "Lovelis young .thc:..Whitby, Ont,;' fattening station, . . I . . Tr � . -0A ' I ' . 1. .
all my .. old time striirt�th lauil- vigor beeit,.orte so rudely broken. . . as little Daisy's for handapm.e., Rex or . �. . . . 'the Barred Rock (VIM11. Klays, remaining:. with. him'on . � . . . P *.1 . . . .. R.-BOL10. . � . r'
, . � ', -, Dream." . .. . 1. . � , rhey: are supaAar to 8 . . I " . . I.. ,
I I � . . . . . .
had reliurned, and I was. as Well as Poor .little Daisy -hid wife -; lying husband in jarame only�. , � � I . I hl� just r-isit until C,Ae oicId k in the '0114, r , . I
r I .. - 'Ali I ave less offal, 1. O".Sraall- r i 1. Or ' � .. r .. . . , . . .. I 1"ITMENT-a ".� ' I I'
. , �. , I '11. in, I .04 -, J,ovels Nlouag dreara I how in that they It . . 2 '. I .. I . r of . '' r,
. - cold,.. and sti - fjottib' van. Ilia Poor, .little .innocent Villayl :if she� . ,,,rh, . 4 � The. -pbor ,sufferer was , � . _ r I . .. IN I . r .
ev%r. , Daring tile tione'l, wai"asing � . , � r � 'dally.h d ended: I Sho':.Iooked up er combs aild lighteri bone; they do not mArning- I . � . r . �
I . r. I � . r .Was.to'b� taken. from: him.�' -had wal cru . I I . I � biq bed ,and , . r . I ' ., ' I . . .. . . . . For all skin .allm ,+ . . ..
the. i my-Walglit. increased tw - . ,kod,;straight back to.him,.cry. a.L thio 'i%1hit6, fldeoyi olcuds above her,, however, fatteil,to As heavy birds. The found dead .next day in trur'l, A r. or. it smreo,%�11`411 Efro tat. 46, get � I . 06tail, � " r., ' �
.. I � . I I .
111011111 It . . . - , "r' . I I I 'r - ' � - ' did , * � . r
r - . , I . . � ittli r 4)1le r
six pounds. Several Years. have since . . . iormor df one Wokens, mature quickly, ,and arb I . I r . �Jte toy r Fluds that Itt Do - (11-Valtriart. & 00,o -14afthester, Engla . . r .
PLjIS . 'r .. . Onty . �ba feeble pressure O his mother's ing oUtJ "Rek,* iieaq 'se��; '1' am'Daisy, beyond the need oi. .further.- beliNT. of, i . ini � J .
, r r I � 1. � vagael� %N!oA( why tile lo'Ve. . � ' I . .
passa,r, hands reculled. h* Wanderi r wife I" ]low muchf6orrow might . :. . 1t.',jj'SJY.X11otlAr,r. ' . . r ", —.' - -
I . I
r � � ,� ... t� W,ili '' pit,,.y . � yo , ' ".."' . �. �
. ' Chad Gr, v� , . - - . � , . . � . . .
and r in, thit time not a aimp- . is ng.thouglit4i your . . .1 .. . ' . paradise P1041P broilers 'tit 4Im0iit -Any age.-� . Tolegiama r'had � been .'sent to Ilia, , so . �' " 'iil� .�: , . .. . . ..
b I I I : . . parso*n' &ade the earth a very I . �. � Im flai
. I : .1 � , "r .
11 � "Liat4n, .11ex,!1 she ,wbisbered,,fVLipt ,have been.spared her. , .� . . , I , - leids, and his:oisitor roa 'L I . . U'� r'. r ' . , ,,.r I I
. . 0 .1 .. ; . a VW the gay, joyous. ut Oktaada, chicken, fatten-' fir , I . . . � I
I toint; of my former troubf�e has mad' I or E, W, -4rw-,�qs, �, T*cilygho . .1 I I . . .1 I '. . . . . .
. . . ty, "my moments are prediods."' - ' . ,. Poor, little, lonely, .beart-broken - ' ' . I . I .1.1. . . - � . enh at C'nly in ti= � to taka a,waY. -- 0 . b Itenham 'Ont : Feb. 4. . . I I . .
itself apparent, so that I think I am - I . r .. . music floated ill) to. ,her the., words or in,o is ,.developing into, an -import;tnt Ur , .. . I . . . e I -r $ "' . . I I .(!�pecial),. I 0 coutisia all YourProducii to tho ' ' .. . : . . ... � . .. I., . .:
I r , '
. cure, is per- . Rp felt.his � - rRother's. arms 'clasp child-bridel. how, was she to. know.Rex . ' i the dead body�of ,her brother. . .11 t ' ced, is 'Mr. Dawson coraluission Go. L111111tid - . �
. . . . the' pilot found eoho.,in her hoartin .bran a � � -A. fortuna a muri,� quid .. . � :. '. . ,
safe in saying that' my . . oloselj� round his neck, - . had bitieily repented 'and come back r �. I . . It oh of A.grionitur . . The , allovp , Vari:om p�opos . . I I . For Cor. Colborcic'wrul-W-A MlAct St.. Toiontoi. The# 1. - ,' - .
marient. I believe Dri'Willialns' Pink. I . � . � I . . . . . I O., pa;aslonate. zippealt ' *1 . .- .. r. breed., of poultry, Barred Rocks itad - , . als bb�ve, 1�zen made Charles Tqrno:r. of[ � thin plate. I I . Will got you b1clitst possible prices. r . I .
. . . - "Go on mah Il tly. tQ.claim:ber. alias I'tooIate'; and.h W . I . . .r. . . I r ' ' � een ,suftering - . I . . r . .
� I r . . I ' 'table Eft - Mr. Tu na, E— . I
Vills oaved.- my -IiEe, , and I,strangly. -- I . . ing ber tona- "No one con d . N'Vliit,6. Mry�nidottea, ar6, � r6ecimmanded to er.ect sui . ructures t.o'ciim, yezkri r r has. b Sausage Casings: -New Fraportregona'flueSt' Ugligh - ' . � ... I
, "Rex, my son," sbe Whispered,: gaSg-r he invurned. her, refus to 1 tell, *,for nobody know, 'our late belbred", Queen. Witt.. - . .
advise ailing 1wianten to giviIi'tbanta 1agIYV "I r - � � . leaver ' - . . . for, fattening purposes by, the Domin.r memo -rate * � � . kidney d'seas'; Ii. gave; hb�A bh.ep ,od-Arm ,H,,,,,.10 a,1n1,,,,LraIIabIe - ,. . . .
.. . . could not'die and the forted, abd -he madaAb gladden a few ; .. .. . ' - . L )�, , goods at . .
. . � . . W; they. forced him back Why love was r right prices. a C O., Toroutio. . .' ,
trial." . . .. . . . . . , And boarts tba w .%Vhen. loer.Diamond Jubilee :waa�c6le great Pain, rand for the last two or . . .
I . .. t vould forever be true, ion, DepaiLment. of"Agrioulture. .. � � . ...._
. . . I . � . , I , . I
. 1 � : . woida. u"poken. I want pay,r�oo.to from the edge of ther tioacherouis. sliatt � . . Whole 'r . .. .. brated four years: . DOUGLAS BROS.., . I .. I
Dr. . � I 00 lone and Starved the. . � . way . To sb�ow t , , Ag6. large hospital, three years- rheumatism bas.added to STREET METAL. ' . .,. � .. .
wlfllams!�Plnli P111.5 are a tonto 'r . . . hat theyosuit the high class - " . . . I ip (;OkN,OF
. r , .S , 124"Ad.lulileft,
. live long generations. after, me. youi. lest be should 'plunge headlong down throug4.1, . � r . , nglish �Xuar , re'bagun in I .� .. Toronto,.OuL I . I .
. . I . 11 kit I quote,the following . undiertakingg We on ea ar'dent.of ,sickness � .. .. :,
. I 1� . �. .. . . . f . . . I � . . . . . .. - I .... ;_� r _ . . . .
and not a pari�affiive* .iiiedicill'o. - They , - little me. sist�r..-,vil he. terrible .,depths � I ' . . . . . I
. . .. ,:poor. i ,. la I go "a�� t . Oh, if. she had but. L It, r was I' , - as seldom- known n hour free — ' WALKIN4. - .
enrich. the* blood from thd first 4ose - .. . . . I. Ob , snob a blessed. relief to ]attar from - - and, elsewhere with her spe.,cla sane and h� It, a . . ... .. . . ...
. ' L ' 64d: to 1he &ay.e;. An& now all rests -i6wn'all tbis'l, � ...... , ' i . . . , .tile Agent .of the depart- I tion as' the. best expxession of fro L Pain, No' . .11 B rhou_ r' CLEANING� - . OR . .
tis. the last and thus bring health and . L , � . � her ,to wato4:11kat'ishado�W., ReA was MeAt.pf agrwalttxr�. ;n Lond6h 'Ung., in t aesociating U10 � . . . '. , ' � : -
. � . . Y, s,on. Y04 u ad.dr' I , , r . I � . 0 OUT11t4Q . .
' . . I . withi you, my oni ni�er7 If Rexrb opped down. frons the "Chickens were In - 40601 . condition; ther nat!M lors.. To mailim *With' the old' kidney trouble', LADIESP. ol".. r .r.
strength .tp eviery- orgaft in the body. ;�' r . I . pacing up and aawn th� *room, -now, his L . I I . . ' L . . ' " ' � , SUITS , ... I
. ,stand. m , Rex; you. kno.wl the last re- clouds she could- not bave . been more it a it ,uni-viaialal, Shilling oontribu-, dold dealai ' the former, ' Cari,be dote perfootl� by our French Process. TrylL . r, , I ..
who genulne pill ,. . rms folded And big head bent o,,d his tb6 casbi; marked "A'I.(lyllitby) pargi- mak . p ring of caring. . ... I I .
Only' in qaest I haVe to, ask," . . 1. ry r .' : . startled and amazed at finding him in . .. . . . . . . were called 16r' : 1. I. . 1, d's - ' BRITIsHMAERICAND'itlilcoo. , . , .,
�oxea with the fall' or, p&tie.at little D09y, cularl�. good, .as. bright and sweet - as tione . r I L � Arr..Turber bought and us9d Dod - I .� . .1 r .
� name, "Dr. W11- y o r the -first . t 1 me 4 - cry. came , . -to such close proximity, away dbwa in. breast, i'Po . . . - . . .. I . r h, XONTIMAU. TORONTO. OTTAWA &- Q11JERE9. .. . : ,.
wairbiag alone oat ** the - ,starlight,. possible And in splendid candid . The The National S�nitaria& .Aasiocia-� Kida-ey.Pillis to try and dispose of t-- I ---- .. . .
�Iifims' 'Pink Pills 'for 'Palo P.eOPIe,"V Itax's.'lips; her Words pierced like � A F loridai .1. I . I . . . I in . . . Ion . " . . . Ubl L ' A trial p . aclulge of Cox's Posirl I I . 1 1
L I W US wondering if he wao' thinklE 'of dealer,% that handled th :tIon bar, now -: priavided. a place in (kidney'tro a. - He used a few.' boxes, Loan, free"Vo L
printed on the%�rappar" r If,'our deal.� s�vor' . I . ' � . . ig . .. I I ese,goods said I 1. I . 1. � PILE, -CURE . - . ' '.
� , d in: his heart. . . . 1� . L L I . I 1, � �' .;
Y . . % She remembered lig had spoken to . . . thdt they were as fine'chiokenAjts't�bey Gravenhurot -for plt.tlents who are and the'-pa.1A in, bis Lbaok keptrgetting Cure for Files uIll be is `� � �
or cannot supply Yo � Sqnd d1r6ot 'to - "$urely, mothor,. y - . .. . her. . - ; � . 1. I .- r . I . . any addresmon r4pelpt, oftvro cent stacli� lfoknW,lui . .1 I
. . a r Oil. �O not medu" her of, his'.mothar, as. lie clasped liar to - - . To be - . . ' X L" r . r 'L
r � I Continued. . . Oyer b le4j lot their allle. toa pay, and thisi. has proved its loss and legs, atadLfifially .wbnt uwa,y. grolur.,&,. Address, Tap, nutCul G FREE, - . .
�he Dr. Williams' Medicine 0o;,,Brock- youl do not'think' 0 . . starlight . �1'. . . . And i and would only .. . , . . : r ' , ,
. ' .. - -X c uld eVer-'. . his heart dUt . in the' - & . � �s ptoms 6f kidney blXDJ[C1N8 CO,'Toronto, OaL . .-----." � I
. L , ., . .. ., . . . L ' r . � . - -- - — . dikatomers �havo:o�e or ,two cases at 'a- u,sefulnesS by. swrling hundredg. of All tho othpleaflan ym .
,villa, Ont.,and the pills will be mail- . . wbt� V'Ory horror rot the tho, light Bee ' advui-to-beT fprgotten night r . .. .L I . r r . . r , . . . . . . .- . . . . r I ,A111111011
' . m. of ,ills t L L . 0, , , . L. . W` time, L they ,ivoald sell for best j to Ats.appearoidi'Andr What ,was R00FINQ r4nd Shist. Metal Wdirks, .. -1 :
ed post P a ... * - . 1 U . prices tiv" since itr waa 4�pned three y6ars' troubl . L I
aid at 50 caiatet bpx, or six ad Lie eol"pletely Ullman him. r whispering to her L'o'f the marriage . GOVE90ENT SELLS SNOL .L . I � L . . .,..
L . I
. . . ' . '. . . 'L . . "— . tOL'part1c&.that demAnded,,the v I L . . . I � I -IcuoAuDs. ,,, r I I � �. ., I
. � '!You will marry a On," she iAter- -which h&d been the Acaxast wlsli.cf. Ills I . r . . I b L
boxes to @2."60. � ' , ' ,cry ago6 A froo.boapital, for poor pati- still more stiaage to Mr. Turner, be . .., .11001ING SLA11B, inAllsok"
r . . I .. Red or Choon. . SLA,rir ilpa, 4 Ru . L .
I . . ; , .L. . � .. .g . . .. . . to .wb(x itiannot pay. and yvh4o are 49fi� 'not . fiffloo con botherild .with PublJoand High Schools TnroritoI. lrqg Alttpl . � � I .
I - . r. rupted, futishi tha seiltencelle could motherls' heart, � . ;ienrioug liethed,; or ,nituing ir000y tit Ite. best class of gQpds(A They, Were pie-- ei� . . . . r ang
� , , . . . . � . Coal Tar, *to. 1100FIRG TILE (860 LeVy OILY But'%'. r 4�
. I . - . .10 Tbetim.1t M. L � I .
. . I . I . - ..ox ' . I dtkee Taxattois. pared and packed.inoille .!?wt manner; in the,early stages of the disease Ing#, Toronto, done by our firrill. Bletalcollingo,cor. .. .
- I. " is
. . . , . L .
. .. It 0, ' L . .. . . I . . . I . . ' ' � .cieft'ato. Fethauteii furrildhed lorworkeQTpletsor for
not atter. '"Romembor, she whom 8 a remembered howsb� had fiI4 h r 'the mirAculou 5 in.
' I . r , . , r . Snow' . opoly, in case . . . . 104 near the no is s6 grateful for. . terfaloshir
WINTER WRINIKLES,,, .� ; Yom loved i4rdead. I w '40t have ,happy,., -rosy, blushing -,face on his a the right siza., These chicienii a6lw4n' proceissi, of. orect � L . gd,,to any pirt of the count4o 116116 ion I.' - .
I.. ... . I ould - I . I � - I '. . , ro--ults of the treatment that he has . 0. DUTIIIII
, 1. , . � I '... .. .. . - . I . r the north of SicIlY, and the Prinee. of compare vory, favorably wj t -h the best Sanatorium ' - I : . � I I .r . . - 9,AdcIaIds&WIdmsr ts.,*Torontp � � . �
--" L . . .
.: I , : . .'.� T asked this for Ion to: come, bat I 6roast� � and asked him -it he was quite L . I .. . .L . .
. I I . , g years I , , , I . . , , * .1 . been ,cheerful � g bis'frionds and . ' I
ango am idyiilg__�.I r I , . I . that: Pill L Palermo derives the greater .part of EngliO4 fowla.11 , , L I , . .. . . VIOTORIA, HOSFr.VAL - FOR CON- ,ly tollin � tbar afar .."'Itit' I .. .
. .. . . tbi" eaud-Jublea 6 .
tWill nothing indace you to oh ' muist speak now.," ,' sure lie loved beer better. ma experlence. 'He sayol JUBILE 1. .1trifiling
� and *Mjr;�y 0 L b . A.UL .1 n r r his, income *from it.r Vila snow is. Ob- . .. . � ---. ,I � . .� . . I . . L ... . . . 61VMPT .. . I .., neighbors r b[A � 1. on a . .
. r .. I . ' . . IVES - * to lit L . . r .
your min O, aoqkea. Ay God, InJother Ill he . 149 I ., I . . . "DoAd's Kidney Pills'have cured r LUL:,,"4 e9t, the lafty in galliIiiisthe betients t-,-5- �.- VIC4 1 . .
. . b,cr,,ed .oat I 11"urlhurst, ,'the,. ha h*, :-beautifu , . " I 1, L I � . 4 .
. L L .1 ' 4 , , 61 A.,rELOP ' .� � . . . ' . . I
1. .. a I hat . .. '. tit, a k , , the. -moautalnsc In f t'. I '�Jjj.Rrl 'A� f a 11 . I
other man mighti shi Oplied. - . gotly, I "ask anythintr . , Aly 40reas. , , L t I Ine r rom I . r - r., ,. I J 1 , . To,rcoand,upirthisl work tho.Nation- . ey r'bea� 10000447,60iorilundred r ' � !,
I . .r I , . tovered baskets, and.: !a, sold- In, the , I I I r . a long staAdinig case of k1dn I . L I
.. heart"Jis tqta`am4.bIocdiifg;`have, pity "Yea, my pretty little A'�*theart,n . I I . r I Lt,grium. Assoclation� desire to - . it I t,,kr . D. &J..'sAtill or ,� go., MortlIreal. I
.Old'dritua . Wient to .the masquerade "' ' . r T1 IO V6.tY'gedetal uiA of,SOminercial 41 Saul . . I � matism, and,altbou the piIII5 . I -
r , me, It L L he I towns for refrigerating purposes. . , L 'build another hospital, near Toro I .9 I - L - I .
the other night dibguis 4. as a bear. 0 ave� pity Ill , ; . I ., . thousand times.- ,better," had re-. L - I . . trotibleL I[ I
q . . . . . � Thoo' right of a tainiAS and selling fertilizers .has developed, some, pro. 12'� - for the kidney ,�,as IsUrpris r
. Great,drops of, agony, started,.on,bia plied, emphatically, boldinj her off, at .b L blema in a* - . ' , , It I a thIS discage wed .
Did any one rificognize him r Nobody- I I L the an griculture that <10 and a Loo,,,4or Incurable ooniiumptiws- * at. to find that -who aiq
.. . brow;his whole f),ame shook ',with axeii46ngthi kwo.tobbig the heightened o%v Is istild.to contractors, o ,who ra bet - tox'ih . emorial could be erco�ied than r . . r also disap- r I I I . .
but him .wife. L . . � .. I . . I pay a royalty irpon every basket. It thorough knowledge of the possible re. . cared the rheumatism
, L
-Maud suffers' I d agitation, . . I ; color that surged over the dainty, . .stilfo of application before such - , ap- a "Victoria hos c c I have not been troubled .1 . ..I.... . -r . I .
I so much With her eye.0 . L.. $611.9 retallat About one .halfpenn'Vra I r . .
.W�11, ab 4 . ale tried to collect 'himself, to dimPlad, face 40 Plainly discernible in potindln� our money, and it'is larg'al plWation be Made. One of those is the 411 thel Large cities, of, coarse, Will used in ail sfx boxei(.* The. ffraj t,;vo - 1. THE MOST NUT;tITIOUS,;,
a need not complain, -She I . . � . 'to, radiant starlight. I , I I
.would probably suffer a great deal gatbor his scattored thoughts, , to the will. r used for making delicious idea, I -for upon the havo their 'atatue ,of tho.Queon, but boxes did not Appear to , do we any . W% r% 5
more. w! '' . . realize ,the tall import of tile Words Daisy rested her head on one soft, sell, Independent of its to . rtilizing thi*[L Will not be a national under- good, but I persevered and, the result -
thout . them. . . . . she had spoken. . . � .11 11 . . childish band, and gazed thoughtfully which Palermo.cooks areffamous. , ,� . . . I I .1 . � . E -P ro 0 8 . I
,Samuel, I think wewill be more car. Brar,tY agazn.1 Heaven pity him. I HOW dp at th cold brilliant stars that . Many otbov countries have equally effaot.' I ' taking. ' ' is that I am now� it healthy man." ., - . I
tairi to get 0 . I, . . Muriato of potash Conjaing about We' can, how-evor. have tbe "Vio- Of course, to thosek Who recognize (IRATF-FUL-60MFORTING. . , ' 'L
awayl Without detection it could'he harbor sucA a thought for gemmed the heavens above her. carious methods ' of making money to 50 par Oent'Of chlorine and 4rZ equal toTia Hoopital" under the auspices of ,rheumatism. as what it x0a . I . L
,we elope on a. railway train. . Wall, � � redao6 taxation. In Hesse, Gor- . � Ily is, a � 0 L . .
. a single, instant, when he thought of , '!Ob, it you bad only Warnedina, lit- I the Natlonal Baritt . . O.A . �
litak your father togat us a ,pASj. . the pale" cold face of little Daisy - his tle stars Ill she said. "I Was� so happy many, 4 tax -has boon put upon bathe- Amount OE Potash. arid is used main. . I artum Arlsociation, symptomil of kidney - disease, there to
, , I L beldo ly because Of its cheapness, that . Is, and this tnight be built by contribu- nothing wanderful. about Mr, Turner's : 0 0, . I - -
L .. L I
I am willing to do anything, said the fair Young _Whom he so madly then; and now lifo� is so bitter'll, lors, who: now have to pay 25 per cent the relattVe Coat, poa". for pound of tbn(A from all -over Canada. N v a r,Y experience. Dodd's :Xiduoy Fills ,al -i I BREAKFAST-SUPPRW I . . .1.
. � . .
I .
applicant for work, All, right, said loved, lying pale and atill in death, like A sudden impulse seized her, strong more in taxes thau.inareigd men.. The 'town could send to it idn , - I . I ..�. .
I rcault� has been that -many wellAo-do Potash. It is, preiere4' �Iso to othav village and., UZI tfiL , ways cure Xi ey Trouble, and with L ..- . . I L
the hard-hearted merchant. L Please a broken lily, down Inr the da;k, hot. as bee very Ufa, to look. upon, his face . Back, I - . I .
- ,
� L
close the door behind you when you toraloss pit which nevief yielded up its again, L I I ba�hotors have' e6grated, to Prossla. forms be0allso .there JA lesE( labor in consuruPtift b4tionis a us benem It Rheumatism, 'Sciatica, Lando EEN, A -
90,59. . . terrible secrets I , . ; - "I Would be content , to live I In England, Sutton tlrbari conuell applying It than in. pproading Ecru L e fit by a moracrial* to the Queen, to xt-uralgia Heart Trouble, Dropsy, . VICTORI'll I
I my I Vabotes, 'Bright'. Dis.atie arid any of I'%--,-- , ' - " . I
'�A 'Way to got rich in to save i keeps down taxes by the Industry of Other 10OWPOU11A containing it smial or which they haft cOnttibliteJ. " . .
" money, '1316xill Waited his .mother, fee4ly, w4ary.life. anoomplainingly then," she Percentage of potash, it 'DX t, how. Humanity demand.4 that something .the other many forms in whielilt may aer Life and OlorlouR Raise makes the greatest , .
Tha ' I I . . .. growing Papparno'"t'L and theL ratepay. us . . � or written, We wint a tali, wore agentA6 L . , ' ,� . �
t1a only halt; aftei $Oil have money gazing Into his eyes with a suspense lgaid. 4onI because, should be Aono 4, self-protection und often does appear. . I I � D3,1.01�0��1411.1h.Yleeinvorialvolitu�cilttvtRhlYilluttrsted, Itelukrin .
you ha . Without intent or purpose she I,k ors are benefited by the sam, of about I I 11 .. I . Ably low price for much a Magnificent boolt, No owlerof L . . . .
Yd to rosiat all the people who heart -breaking to witness, I'doftot rc� Wit � first, it Is kadwo.'to be . I
want to tell. you, how to spenA it. . fuse me t1lis the first prayer I � had ad hurriedly back through t - he Panay. 0750 every Yoar,, � Unfavorable against the danger a contagion dg- 0 . . or capital necessary: ex0ensivo outfit free ; frell L DA141 . -
. to certain. otops.for...01ample, tobacco man4a that something de done; 1VUt L bridiviontime, Anybod tan idaho from 6to $1 Ver day.
I q
1 4' In Greece tho Government boo' a I I I I . OUTDoN,x , . Wdroquiek. ,T.Ubiftoloa I Co., Publishom aratitso -
,Would you tatbek 6, Wise or beauti. Over made. .tr You mean, to refgtse. It bordered path she had so lately tra- , . . 0aneds' . 'L . .
fill I Asked Fate - of the Coy you would be kinder far to plunge a dag. verhed. L . .. monopoly oil playing cards. .1 nod PO , tatoeS, Sd0n;14 because its eon- the very doing of thIA W extiting to aim . ast. a L very small . towni there is I . .
Ag FV'4� . It Unual 1166 Will PeOdTWOO, under certain dread of the disionst makes it moro Who is ktldWn L Is To tpildl(cr, our
L- -- I;- SALADA
A pd,
i . so
a h
a a I I I a a . .
- I
- I I # I 11 #
. . I , I I
mod to Paris- is glad JOLIntreaso, I ar revenue olne per -son US�10 L . complete �., Atil-4
gaid6no �kaatltul, 'replied the dam. gov Into my -heart and lei tile die at Tho grand, old trees see by the ealtiVation of it little ot0hard conditions, Serious Offedtf( upon goll do- difflealtL for ifg ll(tpolafla victima to a . . And M logua of luebt .
Bet. Ali. You 'fto Wise already-, com- on". Too: can not refus6.i, one . stretch their giant arms protectingly � in the Luxembourg Gardens, Just as I . t ficleat, ill I1140- Perhaps, thl$ Action recolve the attetitton laccessary to de,upised for hig inquisitive habits, IVI . Music suid Books
I .
. mented Vate, a . a she tied up a pack. tremblittir hand she lold on his breast over her, as if t0L ward off all harm, . - 'ill tdbAccO enable them to die Irt peac Ev,pn. children delight in t . hwa'rting I ' L ' With 1polblal Mile* I � I
. I I I I ' * . , takes its share of the PrOfLts tif the W thaeaffse Of the trouble W1 0. the purposes of such a man, as is of alsootint . I . . .
ago -at coometivia. . and with the .other caressed s : , Tile. night-whid fanned L bar flashed . and potatoes. ' L �
cheeks and tossed her gold6n' Bitfol,Tcwor. . . "FiOr'dod'st isakei get me a Place to Teachers-lw . c,-, :
Ja0k,wift—wbat time do You Wake ( "YOW are 000& unit gentle of heart, . carts . I I-----*— . The lime which all farm IOLD49 con- dle,01 W u call that should be no long- shown by the following incident, which . L HA
up Rex; t4le prayers of your dying,mother Against her Wifitful, tear -stained face. ' a correspondent furnishes: ROYCE & 009 .
In the %ciriung Usually I Xmson—r our y she crept up the wide, VIRST I.T190tFGHT, tala is mainly in �&he form of the Oar'� or left Un41i,qwa,V1U1, )roUr,. -d t . I .
will touch ,you. Answer me, my son; Noiselosal I bilitate' an insolub . dollar Meg. Stacken wishett a. felon - W 1151111 Tortare $L L
oltladk, Great stakes I Why so earl ' I 0 . . . I .1 anted. Toranw, Ght, .
Y1 , Is w#b-foot. 10 cOMPOundi Mat will.help to, answer it,
t board ikt it hotolo and ihatis the boar tell iA6 my proud4 old rade Shall not graveled path that led to his horna ,,What 40inial Is it thal whon, murfato of potash in . Share her oldorL vinegar, and sent her .. . .. .
. 't W " r 40 solution Contributf—a are alreiLd- comink, I I . - .
�, the man in the next room goes to )>ad,
die with you, and I will restealmly In
tbeL home which anon have been a I - �" - . . . comes., lift contact With I
heir$. ' The spi4er, ma*atn, I . . . this carbonate,
in gor thig Much-needed undertak-
eight-year-old son to delivet it, He
returned quickly, his face Wearing a
� . 610PAY-1 want YOU to m4ke abothor
I suit for me. Tailor, reluotantly—'res I
Now' lot'
ray grave.11
The cold night -Wind fanned hid pallid
brow, and the blood coursed through
'.I L 'L L' . I
. I . .L . I - - L chtnalcal Action 00tki UP i Mod the car-
M -M 4-b . I bonato anitu With the potash, forming
. carbonate of potash, the eb6lo.rloe of
The '
ing, - .
Thood deu%lrioias of helping mqX renlit
. .
sAwfied smile, � �
"Mrs. White was much obliged, ma,
k8lopay—yes' we' see some-
, f hinj in the wayL of Tailor—
his vellas like molton lead'. He soovy the
. . .
WGL ngers . thO Potash compound unites with the
but I met Mr. just before I
� a theck,
MI right I but SuPpooeyioti do the same
for .
tears coursing down her pale, wit1lardd
cheeks, Ali, God I was it brave to
L .
L . lhuo and, forms 01iolorlde, of lime,
. ,
Las Gri * %V11114111i being 6014ble, away
I . I W. X. PAGI;
L . I * Traa,%urcr, Toronto.
,,,, 'tld,
got bore. SL Hullo, bub I I
Wonder if you've got mohnsses in that
me, �
�, IYO, ling Sport—Look at that fool city
speak the words which must bring
. . of
I 0 the drainage If the rooll fie poro If
. Noto.—Editor of. thI4 papor Will baL
jug t and I said, No, air, Mr. Perkins.
guy ila'attag his gur' rlgbt at us 1 Yell
despair and death to her t Was it filial
I I the ground be undvilned pr It
I n derlaid
glad to recolvd, and forward n ._
COLL tr�
Ile said, Got viriogar and 1 said, No
I . I
Mr. Pork -'aa. Then he
tit him I Old Sport—Shat up t. That's
to sand his motherl to her grave with
TO PERSONS OF LO* wit.b. bardpail, the obblo rla'L remains
fcv, this purpose.
air, asked, Got
I 3
� . % odr ouIr salvattoglqjf lit turns the
Sorrow aaA .sadness in her heartt
Could 'be thrust aalde; bleftoiller,s
I I ' L "a NT PRE' 0 E 14, U16 surface moll, rAv the first case
I . '' 10, I I
I ,
cider I , and told him J. No, air, 9r,
`--V % Milzild the other way &1141 pulIa the
loving Arms and resist bar dying pray-
8011 Is Mbb(141 Of Jinle, IS the second
the. itilorlde aotif as a
A. Sootsman TrA.
. I
L-�ist be. said, Well, tbatla, a, jug III
we'll be bit oure,
. Maddy—Thl driver av thIr furat haok
at, I - Heaven direct him, be was so
With tha viery young and very old Turpentine 1',q'tao We'll.known ail R plant poison. The
,and with (p3raioias of low titility, the cuee for hironchitia, and severe chatit how Potash Compound is Valuable, but
wag walkbig aldrily
Italgar square one day,Whon, hdatoPPP-d
,q)nr hand, ain't it, Calobil Ir td I put
my on the
� L I tako,A roo thl way to ill, offortgry. Ci
Sorely tried.
"Comfort me, Rax,1, she wblipiered,
danger�i or la, grippe, tire Very great. colds to tieed comment. Dr. Chaso:is Ithao
Paeumonki, of it Viole,ut hud fatal Serve Food seeks, out the weak spots 10404 acquired at the expense of
the, Ilmdr,
III front oftho national gallery. Seeing
jug ground and Sold, No,
* I
We, Mr. Porklas 1, �
towld him, Dugan—Thin yoz� are a
� h6dearrief IVY more. Cassidy—Phwat
"think of how I Ila% loved you since
. I
foirm,'Ds n freqixont'result- It is al- in the system and bailds thern up. It
so clainned that very many eases '61 rekindles the vitality of persons weak. ,Where the soil is well eaPplied with
It number of people going �n, Sc�ttic
Walked in too, 110 was sarprised to
I 'L .6
ivo 4xim ONE
Ilia Olt Dago—ItOw are a fUnOtal
You were a child, how
kiss your rosy little taof,
consumittk5n, tan ba dfireatly fraced (med by'disaaaa, woxry or over-OXOr. lifitto and in .Wall 'drained, Immediate
fladho had nothing to pay, It beilig A,
A 001mis D'At
Take Laltstlyt Drooto Tablet#.
��L -dirotor. ating out ye'r isigm
� mid, 11rowt—Doos MY hasbafl6 ever
and dream
what; YOUT futdr,5 W611141 be like, It
to la grippe. The� after-eftects of tion, aild 4annot posiiiiCy be equalled danger need not, be feared, but W,hoo
la griPpa, Ara mo*t. bften felt In the as a restorative Aild r000nstractant to thill soilil are deficient in lime, espeol.
free day. After passing the turn-
stilioilthowever, he waxinsked to hand
Quinine All drutchoos
01, (hit" te atoi, IL Wi oray6e,
=.% =" of
I .
d000lve met Of course be does, 8tlt
comes back tO me now. w.bile I plead to
youi with my fist-floetinj breath, Ob,
1aOVv`01L3 System The ixtretan de- hasten Tearlyary from )'a gijppo, And ally.whev poorly drainoil, ftho loss, of'
bility In which'this dls�aso, leaves It.4 L to provent piarlou4 orinatitutional toW.,
OVel- his walking stick. No.a fear, he
thoh I got skuAro ,witlit hint, Mrs.
answer frio, Rcx.�,
. time muAt be made good by applica,
victim k more than most ndrvous sys'- phoations. 7
t0llad, dautiriusly- I thought there
Photographing subje'tts Solely by the
. . Grid6u0-1ZOW ,don't .mdau that you do.
. I 4*11f.6 himt Mrs. Drowt—q%.". .1 &
,All ill(, lovo 100-, tenderness of the
tAM1 can endure—paralygis or Pros- Me, W. 11, V% l3latim, .8oafte14, tlo-IL And this, should bo; the prac-.
tratlon. follows. . Ont., writes I . tioa of the gr4o,w,cr who Is oomr,all.,i
was, some doo, &Pat, whoft yO griti in
free I He gave 6. wink at the attandaut
light from the plan�t Venus baII boon
successfully. accomplished. ' I
. I.
. .
. I
What f do. I deceive him by Prettod.
young man'$ impulsIV6 hoart W&O atir.
red by the, wOrds, Never Was a man
. Tile rawit sucossful dmtorA AdVISO
their patliAta to avoitt exposure to
. I i
"t waa onoo .1 sulferar from catarrb, for economic or othtk koalsobs to use:
And, whilo ming Dr. Chafiollw Catarrh
and walk�d cut. - . . . : � .
t nttr��.,�!t!�.=!=�-*�!t. tt7 � ... 1- .-;;� -- -1 'I I I i i I W, I .
. . � I .
Lot -to believe the falry stories Ito tells
me. !
so, fearfully tried, .
P"Vis handsoind
cold be ovar-.xorRon, and r8eommend
boith geno,ral and Meal tr0(ttment,
cure I was retoxn=nlded to itse nfho mutriato Of Potash. Thol conclusion �
Ar. Chase's Nerve li?N)d to build up must not W rea4hed that salphato
. . . -111.6, � , .
a ,
Coylon and India T6a *
$ oh;Ohy-1?a' 40e&n't 6 niArl AOMO'
hod grow.a.r1whit6 with emotion -
dealt AbAdOWx Adtftd
such As Dr. Clhaia'a Xt,.rVt Foodo tor
tone, the
- System I b'tvd OubA if, the best Ot potash 00to Id 0. dimilar way. 11or
t1i,noo 00oak so rapidly that tho flteftoAk
gr&bhot Can't fe
flow him,
into b 14 eYO61 Ali,
what 'oeuld it MAH61- now# I Ells hopes
titrongthen and Aystem, and
Dr. C,MoWa gy'kup of Thooced a ad Tur-
t* 10040n thO,
V Y for "Stret'A'theft"It' the th0i reason that It dOlM 'got, It alloald
that I eVoir Used, gy nervo& ,
'WR boi given the when
It, has been notIO64 by the matrons
of Infant asylunad, that, a baby will be
. .
a R NE rk" N OR. BLAOK
And ,toy so
Were dart "Ld) befirt''c"Phed, yet hOW
I Dentine O(IiIgh and Pro'
Wt tM bfrouchill tube.% a,U4
-%T6 Olhall%tOd 41'ad I Was too W64k prefertiate, price it
to do dity's 40t
OV089 411 day It dre�,qad in it gray
. � . I
ifially wotiderfult that they a r6
That in admiration 6i his cloquonte f
00014 Itio oonson,t t
"Oho Iliati'vea, Ri'X 1"
froml throAtanod oomplication.'I.
Aby )1042"t Mid
a Work whet It boon usi, PtObIbLiOtyo
Ing it, and now, am ?1brong and beiti. I -4"�"" .
600k, but tonfoinfod and happy it
. .
Rechuse of their Purity and Cleanliness gritish grown t 1.
Xi&-%eA4 ; t J�av6 Milrd, that Nomothing
tho kIn4 dotig happan,
ShA, 046a,`�What
does that look out I 'your f4do mean I
COnA&WEiOus doit -
bw Will tell ym that thisi combined
EbY, and feel riial well, X am perfectly
suire Oult nnYofte wh'o uses ]or. 4i"W' MOM I � ,
dressed In a bright red garment.
Wdran from two. to four years old
iM beCOM1119 Moro porittiar every day. Don't drink impum
of 116W and then.
90lZXhYAO You ItAk, $01111ini, t Johnny
ft&t 1A it lit
The look of terror on .her faft seem.
ttaAtWAnt te6bulmoude(I by Dr,
(1h4m, ea,nnot. be hurpassod ag a. meang
Chas6la X(rvk, Jilood will believe, &A I A .g4utleman WhOod tipple# won
acv. (1,tat it IA' the ,beat Atirab
�Athbntr A, first Prize at Elie Paris Exhibitlon
tire ma(sh Lem akfacted by the color
d their &O88, It is commonly ob.
ad doctored Japan or (hind tea aay 19tiger. Insist that your I
--it notice that *ben you make ii, speteh
tho Pilots 8,1WAYA 4ar, Mr. luo.ext Mgo
ea to force tic inad *61!do- fraft h I&
lipa, the magriatle gsi,-4 fietoed t0holdl
Of and ouring grippet
-a"d .re,itoelag th� weakened find
d6bIlitatod bbdtr to Its ao-onstilmed vl-
Awl rentor'l tivo obtalftable.O.' - Ifts
Mr. Cltwmls rom6di" arii for gate t summer fiAy91-k
,Ali dealorl, at Xdmp%QU#,V*�"1 � "Thor trees trimm
sarvod In kindorguirt6pa that the
younger e the ped play-. �
groce r furalsh you with thO 4611dodso rialate-pleasing teas of
ll$44.f i � , I I I . . I I ;
.. 1. 1,111111� Jll,
hisq spallbokkAd. 00, , 'bout ,**at , 'hio
� . .
agro MUafg $�,ruo of XiIuse
roup, , ,# , . .-C I . ed 694h 011VIA9,
11-1i� �t 4411*tb6V$t4�AX$IL*LIAC,DVkta&'"t
y ,
thliles, whilt the oldbr 'children pre.
br t12 SO
, � . .
. I ", .. I . .
. , ,
. 01111T -&111-T3j.�a`X1T-3=A.r^a,
- .11
,,��' " " id , �
.. . �- ,, , , , '', , , fAiw
140 ,
��- —
, . IAL �,
--- - . . �