HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-17, Page 8AX 17, 1,901
f ew�-%, W-%-V*100.�, �;
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I 4* . I
,,GET -HERDY., . . .-..�
. . .
I . . I
We are taking stock this week and have no time to write up
. . . . . 1-1
an f . .6 ad.". but as you would prepare for' a great cyclone that - is coming at
' . I .
� . I
the Tate of 100 miles pekhour, that is tparing up..large I trees, upsetting
houses and making a , blea w' . Ithy
. I �. 1. 'k asteto, what was a beautiful,,, hea
. . .
. I
. I
condition of thingso . . . ... � I . I . .
. .
.. I . I q I . . I . I I I -
. �
. . . � I � . I . I ,
. I I .1 . .. . i
I I . .. � . - .p I � . I
. - will * wish -� you ha e . I. 'O
. So, you . .
. � 1. . I
I � . I I - I ... . . I . #
. . . . . � . I . I
. . . . � . . . � . I
. - I . 1.
I I , . . 1. . .. .. " . ; I I . .
. .1 . ... .. . . I. . ".....': 1. I 11"...-.... . 1, . I. .. -i 1: ... 1.
For the. great � sale 'I am going to get up. in, about a week.. Dry Goods, - , �
I , .
Ready-to-wear Clothing and Boots & Shoes, (I.LgUarantee) will fly away -
I � . I . � . .
. . � I . . I . . ..
. . ' . .
far beyond Seaforth, Blyth, -and e' en fh' -ian Go'd 1 1 1 .
. I I I v rther tl erich:if the ake
I . .
'TTrinomn -n^+ +1,I^.".-. . . . . I I I I � I I . . I . . . . .. . . . . 0 - .1 -
. �
* ' . ....
. . I . .. I I I ... . . .. ... . .. I � . . � .. I.- .
. . .
. .f. resl igs : - � + 1+ I I . ,I, � t
..L .,.: F i Fi , , .. I . I I .... I . . . , .001314. KOR -SALE* �
I .. . I 11 . � .1 . '. �. . — . .
4 . � .. . I � .
I . � I . � .Sell for cash:�-or oicliange for- tiny kind of
To Held or . :* �* " * Fre s -h PeeT§ ' " . . � . . Loti of best yellow torn for sale at all times
. . .. . :, -' : '-A . I � . . ; I . � . . . 1. . _'n -in some cases give 2 0 9 months' time
. . . � , . fid..1red. Drive right td warehouse oppobito
. I I . � . . .� *. $.. Fie-�WR6isins . I . . .1. I 1. .. I . . rail way .0ation. Clover and Timothy seed
I I . �
+ .
. i ' . . I . . . . I boughtand, sold. I . .
. I . .
, .
0 esh, Currants,+ � KOUAK� . I I . I Clinton, Jan . uary� loth. , W. , G'� PERRIN.
For Welds-., Fr. 1- ...'..'.. I . 1. + , ... .
. I
� . . I :L ,.Ilm���.,.Ilho"w,.,Ilh.,..,i�, . .. I . .: . .. . . 1. . 1. I .. .1 . I .
M.12k- .
I �
. �
___ , - LR iIj L. R. W,, Sauble Line, Stanjer town-
- - ----�' shl The farm consists of 129 acres, .115 acres
. I unx;r od state of cultivation, 10 acres of.
�:_,� - good asrand maple groVe. Good stone house
24 x 40, stone kitchen 22x22, stone woods6d
2trh with hard and soft .water convenient,
. b nd stable with convenient well and creek.
Good orchard and 10 acres fallwheat. For. par.
ticulars apply on fho .promises.
Bayfield, P 0. Doc 16th I I .
. . .
� �
. r 1 .
. __ , ,
The undersigned offers forsale lot 30t con. I
onslating of 100 acres, 90 acres cleared,
Hu"ett'c hardwood bush, chi(
balance d Vly mapld..
10 acres Inefoall wheat The lot is well watered
and fenced and would make a good stock farm.
I . There "I afood orchard and two good barns,
The far. . 4 miles from -Clinton and J mile
from Summer"Ill toffice. church and school.
For further P-ruepol-ars apply on the promiso
or address . .
Sept. 12th. SummorbillP. 0.
-_ E
. — .
The subscriber- oftbra for sale aver
01f1o.,,,1rp,bIo -
propert on Isaac street eQnsisting 0 lot.
ulilon wKich there Is a comfortable frame house
I th kitchen and woodshed attached. . There *
is a good stable and a flrstaclass weAl of wAtor
on,promises. The orebardi cogaistingof grapes
an f
ljpples, is a good -one, T o property .will
besol atareasonablefiguroforca8h oricaah
� . and balance on time. Apply to the .owner ori
. .
� the promises MRS. JOHN JUXOA
� rlinton May Oth .
or 8""' the fram�
h pre ont '
Tile u d 011"4 offers f ' at " loo.
on her s reot "or
dw."' �.v. 1�j� Mprd k. Gto.d. joel -Ii'
.i. led ue 't ,., 0.
. sin P 1, ate 1. otc.�;W. For f. hot t _ late
apply t .
A. Z, Moltnj�n,
Clinton, Oct. 23rd. .
4 -
A frame 11 storcy dwelling situated on Vil-
liam street. in good repair. good fruit gardent
hard and soft water will be sold cheap, on lib.
eral terms if want6a. Mustbe sold iminedlat-
OFD ;bosThe furniture, including. Glass China,.
Large Mirror, Cooking UtOuslis, Meat
er, 20 yards now Rag, CaVI50t. Box Stove,
89.h.oatovo and heaterare Moo offered at private
sale. Apply to 0390, W.9STACOTT
On the premises or to W. W. Farrati,
Clinton, Jan. 14th, . . I
I have been otigpod for the past thirt years
intlierepairingof Atchcs,Cl6cks,So*kngM-
ohGes etc., and h � 6.Vollitild regular j1IAftS to my
patro�s in 411 parts 0 the county. For many
of in customers I have done all their work In
he for years and still have their patronage,
The roads being now broken up so that I can-
not move about oft my blev's K rm�t�U'!�!,
receive prom "'Lull"'I" di -�viii--&101y5iii
dose and wilFd"rop MO 6 car
them ,
Ifyou went a nevr Watch, or Clock leAvo
yourorderwith me and I Will FMAMMOO to
lete satisfaction. .
9 le you comp No dealer
.an wid.,8011 Inc. .
The ropairing of Old 06unt,ry Clooka a
JaZyfith , JAMES ROSS, Clinton.
By taking a ,course in ,
I �
, 11
11 I I .�,
I ,
A school well known from one end tit
Canada to the other for its superior
work. We-plitcortirtnyofourstudents
in good situations, students admitted
tachwetit, ItandantriecatA1091le free.
I W131 hILLIMIP1,11161061
I . -
. � .1 . . �
HE fruit�.. you� will want
. �
Tfor 2, . Oth.peniury-b' I aking an'
. . . . , ,
to be had fresh. and low-pric6d .
I . .
� . .
� . . .
I .
. .
at ---01 ., I
I . I I
. . .
. I . , � I . .
. . . �
. . ile W. H* I LUS
,," .
.--- .
1. . I .
I ... ... I . L: - TH I— ; - -
:. .. . . I . . . I
� .. .. I
. . . nilu
. .
:We'bavp a machine shop equipped
estachilly for a general repair trade.
i .
esides our regular line 9f Bicycle
Repairing we do all kinds of1ron turn-
ing, drilling, grinding, brazing, 'saw
gumming, tempering, vulcanizing of
rubber, nickle plating, japanning and
enamelling. We also do All kinds of
gunsmithing. We mend umbrellas
nany articles of alike nature, Our
prices are the lowest that are possible.
and we guarantee to give sittisfac,tion,
Give its A trial. .
. I
Tedford's old stand I .
Rattenbury Street,. Clintim.
. I
. . . I ..
. . � IN TOR . .
. I
. Where,you can get the*
greatest values for .: the .
least amount of. money, . I
Our motto is tber lowest .
prices possible for good .
I goods.; . . . . I
Artlighest price paid for Rides an&
. Sheepskins. I -1
I � �
. P.1 -A N-0 8
1� *"* - . .
I I Wholesale and retail piano
I and organ distributing cen-
.. . tre,. fligh grade,' new
. platios., Vivo used pianos . I
at decided bargains. Buy
the wonderful Gramophone
for a pleasing entertainer. .
Veadquarters for it. Bar- .
gains to teachers And stu-
deuts in sheetimusle. 250
to 75C pieces at 100
I wholesale, Instrumentsof .
rill kinds sold.
I ****
. . � Ir L%-
0. HOARE ,165
1vtusle.1,1roporium. � ,_
� 1-1 111.11 �
- I —
MAVt1VAftt?Iu!1Tt op
Loungeg, Coaches cosy cor.
I Mora and x7plitiflisto"r in
all Made of Pitt-
� lor Furniture,
Mattreskoef madd
I . over. Prices reasonable.
. Udlos are artioulArly Invittd to eall Mid mo
I Afthip'leacit'Work and covorifita.
8toro-Ontarlo Stroiot'Clintoll.
, One door 66st of VOrd&X6V0Xl0J
. '
I I : . I . � I . . I
. . . .
. ___�_. - -_ -
. . . . I
. I ' .
1, " I
. 'MEETING.' . I
. � I I �.
. I .. I . - .. I - . . '
I '' I .
.. bF Tim nut . t
� ON couNT I Y, douNcm. I
The. Council.of the-corporaflon county
. .� . . I - . . . . .
. . . . 4 1
of, the
of Huron will. meet In the council chamber G
. . . . .
I I . . _ . .
.the townotGodorlch onTuesdaythe 292nd of
. I . . . . I
I . . I
the present month, At 3 o'clock In the afterw
I . . I .. . . .
. . .1
. 1. . ' . .�
I The Foldlnig'..Viicket � Kodaka'are
noon. . . . I
. � .
. . . � . WM. LANE, Clork.� ,
baLed at Goderich this 8th day of January,1001.
I Made of alurnintinii, covered with
I I ------
' I
. .
., flne grained Morocco leather, fitted
. with superb,.Iense And shutter'.
I Pri . ces fr6in $]!�, to 4*35.'
.- I . I I
I .
; I — . . , .
I I ... %�. ,. , .
I . I
* ,
Brownie Camera At $1 takes %
__ . . - .
'The annual meeting of the stockholders and
. I I . i - nv 'school
picture 2jx2j inches, ..i .
ip�,trons nf the HolincsVille Choose and Butter
inanufactutin Co., will be held In WilsoiVs
b?y or girl can make good pletures
hall. HolmosvIlle, on 9aturday, Feb. 2nd. at 2
o'Clock p,m., for the purpose of.winding up the
.. '
with this camera, .
Past Year's businct3q# election ofotficers for the
I . I .
current year and the transaction of any gen.
. .. I 1, . . 4 - - . � T� I - � I . - .. -1 - .. — - A , � - , - , t
. .1
. H. B. COMBEo .
co, will come In) for discussion.
'I' I W� B. FORSTER. President.
, 1.
Chemist and DruggisL
W. R AWRENCE, Secretary,
1101meaville, Jan, 17t,b� 1001.
These Kodak a load in broad d V ht
_ --.-. � - ,. , - _ ..... .. -, ____ __=
. ,
If it isn'ti an Eastman, it isn*ta, it
. . .
___. - - . . I _.
.— __.___-_��_
I .
. . I .
The annual meeting of the McKillop Fire In.
surance Com niz will be, hold III the town hall,
Scafortb, on Pri &Y. Jan. 18th, at I o'clock, p.m.
The business ofthe meeting will be to receive
the annual statement and auditoea report and
also the election of two directors for the town.
. � I
ship of McKillop and one for the township of
Logaiij andany other business, �
J. B. MOLNA9� President
TROS. E. HLYS, Sao.-Trpas.
Settforth, January gad. �
With the r)owyear-and the
. I I I . .
I new century I have decided to
-.--- ___
transact a strictlyeash bus.i-
ness, For several reasong it ig
the system and by-
a I
Useful' i n
cheapest .
adopting it I will be enabled to
sell more cheaply than before.
, . I wilt give a .discount of ten
Every H
. � per cent, For InStAtleo, 31011
gebadollaPs worthof goods -for
0 me.
I .ninety contis. This discount
isr given upon any article in
To know the virtues Of X)r,, Cba$e'N
Ointment and the innumerable uxes to
. .
I -our store, ,
which It can be Put In the family Is to
prize it as a friend of ,inestimable
We invite your inspection .
I �
worth .
-of our goods and prices,
r- or'baby, It quickly relieves 'the 'rabb
. 0. OLSON
and Itching which torture Idm while
teething, and cures scald headN eczema,
hives and all soraM, ulcers and chafing,
. I . . . �-
. -
For children it stops the suffering
from burns, scrmtebes# cUts and wounds,
I �;
and every form of skin irritation and
. I I"
eruption. I
Vor Nvomen, It cures the Pimples,
I . I
blackheads and skin truptions .which
mar the be�iutY of the skin, given In.
stant and lasting relief to the Itching
� � ,
from which they suffer, and Positively
,%4,4bw , .
cures eezerna, malt rheum and Piles.
F or men Dr. Chase's Ointment 101 most
I am handling MCLnugh-
frequentlY used. tor PUMP which are
. lanisCelebratedautters.the
eaused by exposure to cold Ana d&tn%)-
I � best on tile market, This .
neug of by bodily derAtigeriltritff.
It is the only guaranteed cute for
s admitted. Also, cutters
Itching, bleeding and Protruding P110111.
ofinyowtimauufacture, I
Go cents a box a,t all deal6rs!, or Ed -
VaAell & Co., Toronto. I
will be pleased -to, show in-
tending purchasers my, k
niptrison, I .
Dr, Chasels
stock at any time and.'quote
. priaes: which are as low as
I Ointments
the lowest. I
. - —
I oviwo,%, .
Lord Lionel' Cecil, half-brother o
the Marquis of Salisbury, Is dead. I
It is understood that the Donitnio
I . Ifuton Street, I
Governmentbas decided to make ail
exhibit At the Pan-Amorican Uxpo.
. . 1. . I .. I � � . .1 I .1.11 ... "I'll
sition- at Buffalo., I
For Over Fifty Years
. - .
I rganist and cholf-Mastor of North street
ol�l reh, Goderleb, and teacher of v%no, Wed.
Mits.WiNaLowla 800TnINo Synvir has booi
used by millions of mothers for their ehildret
While teething. If disturbed at night an(
broken of rest, by e; slek child fibrinj
organ and theory, Is Prepared to ta 43 & I ml oil
number of purflo for Instruction. Leavo word
- , .
at thitr) Clarcrit 611 Hotel.
and crying with pain of (lottin4T.6th"nond &
q0tabottleof"MrA. Inslow
once and 'a sootb
W, visit Clinton on Friday of each week.
ng Syrup I fot Chi!dron Teething, It will re
lieve the poor Itto sufferer Iffint 0(114 3r. e
I __ . . _____
� I
ke 1% oil
� Sorlp4., on
Pay your sub U+'
us th
no ani
� in ttdvance ana get a
Free -copy of The.Can,
n of ion
jails All
okiw_ �.
Amdiau Annual. I
I lity-fiv
,,"I'll . throrl
. t thd ON A6 11
.. r at, as or r
Tl uts TYPO' .
N, .
. - , -
VpwAM Tendency of .1 ",Deride Not An,v . I ,%,,w4%�lwvo-lwlftelw.w�1%1441011%-AW
subscriptlon 40es. Man's Infirmides.P' I
, There bee boon an upward toudeavy , . I �
14 newspaper oubooriptlon rate* during zetf,uftu MO.", hm io 041`0 of Man. , MOKINNON' I
tile =Year throughout the province Xost inf#mifle; come ftom bad 610a and
. cost -
of riti, Cho. increased Of are cured by IWs S&s4pM4. Bverp " J:4"YIJV Al
pa pled with the postage, which, person who has scivfau, '941 rheum,. .- I -
forptowrlopoor"throeyo4ro, newspapers have humors, calArph, 1� . . I .. I
had to pay, has brought about this rQ ,ysM$4 4W rhea"W16m]
a , M& medking
. ult. There are now no '$dollar dailies'; $4040 4i once beo ho#lg 10%
In Ontario, , ifiat the Inflemu'v "My be removwo.ft ,
The 01 daily way come In , .
the futurer but. its titne is not yet. The Weakness-"'! hieve &en ZWs� �- WINTER GOV
. ..
rates of squie, papers. have bo&n intireas- $wsaparitla fo my fio.v -whose blood ,was, 1 . .
odwithin the past, few months from 81 � I .
. to 02 a year. ,Tbo Tor , onto News A d Poo'.. 5; Was vepywelh, couldnot keep I & � 0 4 , ,. M
The Toronto Star, however which did iwArm, and soffered from'pains In his - � 0. I
sollfor 41,havemado .6 half' -way 44� stom,vh. Hood's $arsaparitta nude him, �
vAnoe, and are. now sold to subscribers $00tig and qwett, " 8&s. W. 0. SirAflon, There ,are three months. of the coldest weather in
- receive them through the post% rhQmAs,&.,'Deso!ron1o, Onf. "
.who you. Get In your supplies at the low prices we ar
office At $1.50 a year. I I . . c0fornenced atocktaking and find in some lineo. we h
. It, I 01 � ,
I This change, small though it is, is I I . %Y� I we should have at thistirne of the year. bul,lh
I 111%. quality and low prices will sell theih. :Pro,, Is%b I
the right direction. While a,daily mef! I I . .
. ro we Io6k for now is to, get first cost, or in some casea
,&olit%n paper such as The Toronto 0 8 I Look at these pricee ;
r does not compete With,, the provina- 11 ".. � I -1 I 1. t - ' I I �
I .
ial press, their .respective fielils -being , . . � . WMMMO&Q- � Heavy all wool Kitchener Tweed, regular rice 700.
different, and the one a complement . I! Men's heavy home-made Double Mitts, re ular ric
of the other, yet, At the same time 'the I Men's heavy Wool Socks, regul -
fact that a daily papet I B -Men's wool -lined Kid Gloves, worth 75v,
-ten pages every I )rt "t. for 50c
other day and sixteen or twenty pageis . Men?a heavy Frieze Ulsters,- lined with tweed, .high
on S%turdays-suoli as the Toronto MORRIS-lia Hullet� on Jan. 6tb$ the price $5.50, for $8,95
Star, for example could be bought for wife ofJoseph Morris, of a son, � . Men's. rubber -lined Frieze u1sters, high storm collar.
� . -
a year for $1 had an inevitable effect, OUNNIliGTiAhl-in H011ett on -Jan. revilar price $9.50, for,$7.95 I .*
upon the subscription prices of the. 7th, the wife of Walter Cunning- Boys' rieze Ulsters, regular $4, for $%05.
bam, Of IL son, Ladies' Beaver Jackets in fawn and. black, lined with
provincial press, And whexi, the fact is . terfect fitting, worth $8, for $5.75
1 known that $1 a year will not 'pay, for BoLGAR,-In Gray, on Jan,. 9tb, to Mr. Lad s, Beaver Jackets, in brown and black,. lined wit
the White paper and postage alone of a and Mrs. John Bolgar, a daughter. r§gulAr $5.50, for $3,75 � .
paper like The Toronto Star,. suborlb- SCHOCH-In Hay, on 'Jan. 9bb, the; A special line of Ladies' Jackets in odd sizes, lined a
era themselves should have no objection .wife of Cylus Schoch, of a Son; � froin $4 to $5.59,Vour choiqe for $2 1 .
, HENDRICK-At . Heavy Palley Dress Goods, regular price 40c, for' 250
in Pay�ng an advance sufficient to coyer I' the Sauble Liner ffay,
I these initial costs. .1 on the fth Jam, the wife of Albbrt, � .
. "
At $1.60 a year The TorontoDally Star Hendrickp of a daughter, Our space will not A110A us to uote prices in eveey
. . . I
is the b I XD4R8LAKE-In Wingham, ,Tan. 8tb would BAY if you want. any 7
est newspaper value in this provo , � 1 ,thing. a Dry Goode, Olothin
inoe,The Star bon tainsHu n ter's cartoons ' . Mrs. J'. Kerslake, of a Bon, Millinery and Furs, You can save from 15 to,30per cent
. � , �
dally ; it has three women writers of DAVIDSON-in Wingbam Jan, 5.tb, ... !! F 4 � I ---- !!!!!!!! ! i . � I .
its own ; - is bas, its own sp6bial cables I :Mrs. Jno Davidson, a'daughter. � . � I .
. �
and folegraph, 4espatobes I its sport- HARVEY -In Usborne,,rhames Itoad . . �
� . . . I
Ing department is as comprehensive .. on the 8th Jafi-r tbewife o! josopE I = ,
, Harvey of a daughter, � . � I
and.As thorough, as that of any nows-4 I MCKINNON & 00 `. ''
11 . I �. . 11
paper in Canada ;� its commercial page - HIGGINS-In'lUali6rne, on, Jan. 8ib,th4 I . . I . . . I I.,
� ' I .
covers .every important city and ex- I � wife. of William Illiggins, of a.daugh- , '%,"%b�'%-'%-'%Wlt*'%,'%.A%elW-%�-%w-4b�-%.
� . . ter. . � . . i1A11%r1W1%w1%1
changt) in the world, and gi4s; to its . . . I ___ - ___ .— .
readers all the market 'report a fifteen LIVINOSTONE-In Hulleft, on Jan. . . � . .
. .
1. hours in ad -their appearance ill. . 4th, the, wife of Mr. ThpwAs Living. .1004i -
, vance of I stone, of a daughter. 0 . 1. I . .
themorbingpapeis. TheToronto-Star . . 41� . . .. . .
I . . I
ranks with our foremost papers, while . -7 . I ft .� I . : S ..
, . � - . I
because of the brightness which clini- ... 1. 11 . I ,. �, I. 0 . - H,.G IDLEY POPULAR CLOTH
acterimea it from the. first *page . to the . - - . . DE'amils. h . . . . : I ,.*: I -, - � � I '. .11 . . '. .. � . I .
last( Wis. the most readable of tlem all. a . - I . . , � ..
Stich a paper is worth twice its. sub,-, MOORE-In. 91ma, on Jan. Otb, Lenore 0 _ --BLYTH—
soriptitia raie of $1. 50 a yoar.' . . Amaryllis, daughter of Mr. slid Mrs. 0 , . I . I
. : , I . ___", . . .. � ', Eli Moore aged nine months, a I — . I
. I
. . L. WHATWEE,&T -� ' .- MoLD, AX�Iri Brussels, on ' January 9th, e . I , . . . I I .
. .. � . . . I . Mrs, Mary McLean,'agod 83 years,, 0 � � .. . . .
.1 I L... 1. I 0 ., . %REA
I . 10 months and'25 days. ' . . 0 . I . .G
Is intended to nourish and sustain 'us SETTELS-In Winthrop, on Jan. .9th, 0 I . " , ..... . . .
digested -and iissimilated begore it Robert Shiels, a6d Ba - years, 9 :
. .
can do this. In *other words the no'dr. G months and 9 -days. - C . . '
ishineiii; coutairted. in food must be , I - -LEARING S
,OLLAN-In' Kinloss, on Jan. Otb, 0 I .� I
.separated by the digestive o I William D. Gollan aged 26 years,6 -* � . * .
frow 4he, waste material and = 1. ",months �nd*Mdgys. . , :1 I - .11 '' I , . . " * * �
be carried by the blood td all parts.. MoDIARMID-In LucknoW,dn Jan. -9th; 0 , In or'da to: reduce o
of the bodv. We beliqve-the,reason . . , ur stock we
for the*great beqefit,.' which, so* , Catharine MaDiortald relioti of �' the. : . . . 1. . . . I
people derivQ f rom H many . late Donald MaDiarmid, aged 62 49 I . � . . . . . �
Ood's Sarsaparilla, I 9 oft � A Ofea I i
pes in the fact that this medicine.gives 2monthe and 3 dais. I ., r t, C ear nj;: Sale of Men,rs
. years, ' @ ' . . I .. . . .
good digestion and�rriakea �nre,. rich ROSS-Irr Wirigham, Jan. 5th, wto' *` - - Clothin'. da' * * '
blood, It restores the function of those . lloss;'a� .-I 85 -years. ' - . .. I 0 , �. � g rin,g the Wonth:of Janu
. I *
. . .1 � . . :
==h corivert food into -ticur. :GILCI.1R1ST--1n.WInghAm, Jan., 4th 0 1 �. I
I t gives strength to merves . Oliver Gilchrist, Aged 50 - ,, �: - Her6 are son!6% ofthe * Bargains we,offe
I I . .
. and muscles. It also. cures dyspepsia, . WILSOX�111 - Turn .years. . . . ..., �. I � . : I...* . �. I � . I . I
. berry, . Jan. 7th, ' � ,. . . .., . . I . .
I .
scrofula, salt rheum,, boils, abres, . Charlotte, r6li6ii-of the' 10.6Jno�- 0- , ' ... I .. . �
. I . . . I I 't-, . 12 A(�nls Beaver., Overcoats worth $&'�'o f,or .".....
:Oi,mples and eruption, ratarib rh6u, Wilson; aged ars,- I I �.. . 0 . . .
mati , Stu and all diseases that have 11 ye . 9 I . : 10 Men's Nap and Be
their origtivin'impure blood. , . : HESS�In Znrloh 11 Jan. Uh,Angelioa, * � . 10, 44r ,. . a*er GVercoats worth $9.00
. .. � I . . -Hess, relict of. the late Peter � Weil r 0 1 . .browp. and black Frieze Ovexcoats, o . ale pri
. ; . — � r . I I I 0 . ,. . " .
. . - - I . I . � at the Ago Of .81 years, . 9, - Mon 14 " Odd Suits in I
1. : . � r It � � I 1. this., : . r, . r I ' m :kid Tweeds; Worth $0, .for
. . �
. , r0diton. - I . and 22 days. , I .1 . . , .. ,. 11 L . , r.
� .� . . --..,. . � , . . . �. .. 1 12 � ,.Suits in Brown .arid Grey.Tweeds, worth$
. I SPARK$-�-At tbe'Brtiason Line, Stan*' :r 8 Child 's S�'t � t � , . -. .
I , � for th . . - ren III 8, .w piece, worth'$3, for.,
The triuni6ipal elections' e '� r ley, on the 7th ,Tan,, the youngest 9 . ft � .. � 0, ...-
16 , � � :to . .1. .� L.ft � three piece, worth $4 for . e -
I ....'.
. township of'Stephert resulted as fol- child of'. Mr. slid* Mrs. J. .
lows ;- Iteevei Sa mIuel Switzer.: Coun- '. I � Sparks st 0 15 pair Men's heai
cillors, Messrs. James McKeeve . theage of one and a half years.' 1 - . . .10 .t. . .. y.AII.WoOIParktawOrbh'$1;50'
. . , r BROWN--ju. Hdron.Tp. on the 6th 0 - Fine Parils worth $8 fo'
Anderson, Stephen , Webb and". Fred, � . 0 . ' * . r .............
. I ' . . I �
1, I .
. .
Wbierth " . . r � Jan,!, Mizabeth Agnes Brownr Many 9ther lines equally as. cheap.. � . '
� . . .
I . I I . I
The c ' f,' *ven 'on .Friday even. - "daughter of James 'and M t :, , .1 . . . . . . . � I .
oncer, q . � . . argare . . . .
. . . I ,.
higlapthytbe hig4tsof therl%j , Brown, aged 18 years- and 8 months : 0 ... . 1�111e , * * . . . .
. 400a� I I 7,,� , -EARLY AND SE' I
bees. wits largely Attended.- TjI6� foj_ . CORNISH -In Usborn,e'on tho'3rd-JAne 0 � . . : COME CURE BARCA
� . . . .. .0 . I � . . I
loviing well kubwn, talent took 'part:- Wm.CornisliagedW years. . I . : — . .11 1� I � .. . .. . ... .. r. � . �. -,
. . . � . . .
Miss' Valker . of Alma College, St, 1D, MOND-In Cr' rty' gn. 1th - a . . . -� , 1. ,
Thomas, r QIOCUtIbn1s t,aiid Messrs. Pig- . . Maloolnj-, pw,L_.,, ',on J . P I.. .., I 1. I . . . . . I .. ..
Oft of TorjDnto and Vincent of Exeter. me emoncr,"I years. - '. 0 . r . . . I I
. IVER-1 h -Huron. Tp., Oil r Jan. ,6tbp 0 . ' M
as cornedians. The' audience seemed . M&I, 81 yeaks'' 9 S.- ` H.'' GIDLEY . . . �
.. cohn Xp,Ivbr, aged � Jan * ' 'r . . .. . r . .. "I . I I . .�
to be well pleased with � the 'actors as MACKLAX-46-Kinestdine, on. 4 I ,'. - r�
I . ... r . . I
all..were encored several times... The. . . .4th Jafie Armstrong Macklam, r. *000 I . , .
orebestrit furnished -thdmusib -and -su - 1. ) kli - . � . . . � . .. ....
r wifetif Alex,-Xac Loll aged 7� — I I
prised the people by the solendid music . . - —_ . . .
wb.icbtheygave. Trbereis no need of years - �. . . . . . o . . . . ' ,.. . �, . � . .
' , , " I . . . .
. r
.going toother tbwns.fbr musicians as .HEWITT-In Kinloss, on Jan. 76h, . . . I . � ' .B '.1 _.� .r
lo e have such talent.at home . Charlotte Hewitt; wife of James, I . I ; I � 1.
.. .
n - r . � 1.� . ' * PIT � .
. .
, .
I 11u'm17rb,6 it w. .N, to have .another r. . ; Hewitt, aged 76 Years. . , . r . I .00 .
. . . . I
. I I ..
. I
. .
n st:0116 here by tbe-firsti of . Feb. 20t � , � 1Xj. � .
.ge eral �. _...- - _. � — I . . .... I �. 'I., '.. .. ..... r9a
ruaryv - It it be slu' we wisbr the , , . . . . . . - .
niapi everysuccess. More par=. , .. . . � .. . . . ... .. _ I 1. . . . . I I " - , .1.. . I . .... . 11. . I ,
I :- MARRIAGES. .' 1. I I , . .. . . . . .. - :-
. later, - I . . . I . � . I . . . . .. I . .
I .
ere, of the Epworth League . MoDOLIii-KELLEY-�-4t the residence � I �. I . . . E -
of t . I 11 . OF: STOV'
the menab . � .
he English Methodist church -are - I . . 0
holding -prayer meetings in the church, of W.2i McLood, brother-in-law ''of . 1. . .. . . . 11 . I ... 1. I . . .. . - . .
. each.evening this week. . . .. I I t1re-bridp, Oyproos,Riv.er, Man.', bit . .
I M�! And Mrs, James 11ill, Sp., visited - Christmas Day, by Rev., W., Claik, DURING . THE MONT.1K OF .,
. . . .. I
relatives in Exeter last week.. . .. . B. A., incumbent of Cypress River, I �. 1. . �. ... I � . I .... . .
A.uumber of youth and beauty. of James McDole of Cypress River to �. 11 . . I . '' . .
I � .
Exeter attended the K.O. T. M.coucort I . Miss M, , A_'Ic'elleyi daughto6of kr. . .1i . - � , - , I . . ., .
on Friday evening last.. Wq wonder . and Xro,4b,mes Kelleyof Brussels, I We W1 .commence the. NOW' 06ntu
what large gum firm they represented. SWE.ET-ISAAC-In Ex . oter, on Jai), gain Sale ot ., -. .-, 1. % . .. I I I � I
I No doubt oui confectioner, Mr. Faisk . 2od, by Rev, Mr. Millyard, Willia6a I . I . I .. . . I . . . I., I .. *..... I
wouldt4o Well to get a supply -of the , *Thomas. Sweet of Exeter, to Miss . . . .. I . ..", � I
same inake ,as it iook6d its though ',-,-,,-, ''
n ' . , 'Amelia Isaac of Hay., I WOOD -OOOKI NG. STOVES'
..when once tasted it was impossible to GOVLD- HEDDEN-In Exeter, on tho . - ..
giveap:cbewing. . . I . WOOD HEAT N
. . . I I I Othdan.,byRov.C.W.Brow'n, B., .1 . " INP STOVES ..
. . I � I — � . I . D., Henry Gould, to Xisti.4daHed" . � S MOND HAND. COAL & WO
' ' . I I
. GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR. dev, both of 104xeter% I . I I I . . �
MoINNIS-PATTERSON-On Jan. let, � Now i's a chance to secure a stove at it bar
When yonask for tiny of !)I,. Chase's John Neil McInnis, Bruce, to Chris�l
Remedies look for his portrait, ai,d - teria Patterson. . , to cleat out to make room for other goods. , 0
signature on the box, otherwise you, . STEIN11OFF-FARRELIr-At the resil� It Will pay �o buy even if-tiotneeded uiitil � not
get an imitation, Beware of the drug.. -a
gist who tries to induce you tol take dance of thabride's father,,. Bruce' .
sorrietbingsaid to be ",just As goo � d.'* . by the Rev. X. � MoLon rian, on Jan,'. - All, stoves will he marked -in �lain figures,
If be subatitn�s medicines he will 2ndx John Henry Steinhoff, to. la price ,and sale price, sitowing the redtiction i
substitute drugs in prescription. Insist &rah Elizabeth Farrell. . I . . . .1 .
on getting what you ask for and I -e- EDBINSON-800'rf-On New Yearla
member that there are no, family day, at the residence of the bridela Remember these prices a "
remedies to.be compared to, those Of sister, Mrs. John MeXinnorry John I . I . .
Dr. A. .W. Chase, author of the Ebbloson, to Alias Jessie Scott, all . the! Month of January, 0
famous Recipe Book. . . of near Xincardine. � I . . . .
. ._.._.--_._.11w.*. - —_
I .
. — Inc, . . 1. . .
I MOLV-,A.%LT-McPffAILAt Xincardl I . . . I
The warehouse of the central agency , ontbo2nd_Jan.fbytheRev.1)r.J, . . A . 11 I .
for Clark, Coats, & Oomp�ttiv at Mont. T.. Murray., Mr. Alex. McLean of
real collapsed. The loss wift be heavy. \ 'neardine, toinship, to Miss TefiA � . � 11
. — . 11hail, daughter of Archie Me'. I . � .
THE GOVERNOR'S WIFE A, 1?1118- . k 11 of Inverburon. READQUARTERSFOh
ONOR.-Airs. Z, Van Luven is the BABB- UOER-Irr Burlingtou, on Cho
wife of the governor of the county .jail 91-h o. ln.,'by Rev, Dr. Henderson, ' — . . � I
Napanee, Ont. and was a great sufker� Rialik d S. Babb, of Chicago but . � � �
eefrom rheumatism, when the best f I f Mitchell, to Miss 'A. Port Albert, . � 0
I .
94 Ity form 0 .. I. . , Onto lark
doctors- in the communi And Jtf,ja�- Yf. Burlington.
specialists" failed to help ber, she Dr11W-XIT\ HEGL-In wingbam on Goo. and John-Tdut'llurtin township � I
I buried her sceptism of proprietary Jan. 2tN* by Rev, Mr. Millyard, were in the village On Vriday and Satur- I . .
reniedivs and purchased South Ameri � (Correated evej
can Rheumatic Cure, Evan Dowj to Miss. Alice. May day pinateting Harry -Hawkins.1 real-, . .
4 bottles cure� Mitchell, both of Usborne, dence. . . . Wheat .........
ber,--Sold by J, E. Hovey, -42 � . � W. W, ijawkino of Chicago is home Goose W 7.'. *. '. , 7.4
. . . I . heat.
. . . ---.--.-. - _ . . . for a short visit. , I . . . 1. Bar)ey... .'.I I ........ 1.
$tit people were crushod-, to death ' . Goo. Draper of Dakota spent a day in
and many others seriously injured, in XHEP YOURSELV STRONG Oats ....... I... I .....'.
a panic caused by a false alarin of fire � -_ . (he villogei lost Week. I . Patti � ....... ...... �...w I
in a Chicago theatre. . � ]Robert Buchanan And wife of York-, . I .
. And you will ward off colds, pneu4 ton, also Airs. John Crawford, Neepawal Rye 1%. ......
— itionla, fevers and other diseases, You Ilan., Sundayed in the village with Mr. po ' ... � "
. 8 . PEHOHLESS AND PAR* I need to hAve pure, rich blood and good tatoes per busfi6f ...
ALYZED and Airs. Harry flaydon. Butter loose in crock ,
-,,I had valvidar disease of the bearp, digestion. 1400d's 11,4arsaparilla makes Missoa flattie and LKU'& Thurlowf Butter In tub.
wtiteaMrs.J.8. oodeof rul-O.N.S. the blood rich atid pure as no other Goderich, spent lost week in the vil's .........
11 I suffered terribl and was often medicine. can do, it Cones the stomach 11 . Eggs per doz ...........
speechless and partially aralyzed. creates an appetite and invigorates the 1096 -
One dose of Dr. Agnew's Cure be, the whole sytsems. You will be wisi; to Tboa 11awkinii, wits -and daughter of Hay .......... ...... �
Fleart gave me relief, and before I fin. begin taking itinow for It will keep you Godariah were in the village last week, Wool ..................
isfiedonebottlel 'affableto, ciabout q,oug atid well, . I . 1. . I . I 1! I- - Livo Hogs per 6wt. , - -
To -day I am it, well Oman.,, -Sold , . __ DreAsedPork per cWt.,
by J. E, Hovey,, -43 Hoodlo Pills ate non-Irritabitig. Arise I - 01 I . I . Flour per owt ...... ..
. . . . 95 cents. I Bran per ton ......... 4
Samuel Lewis, the n'titorious money . ,-,-- Chronic - Shortg per ton.. _ . - -,
lender and usurer of London' Eng. Two servants were burned to death . I - . 111ti Wool per lb ....... ..
who has been called the ,greatest, an& in a, fire in a'tenemenG house at But- . , Dried Apples .per lb...
meanest of Modern Shylocks" is de. _ . I . . .
__...0.___ id. f4lo. nre ...... .
I 11";
17 OK"o
i'' *#" , , I
. I
STOP T11H. PAIN BUT DESMOY Mr. Win, Ditvidxon, St. AndrevrX, ____ 11
. A CATARRF1 813t, CIALIST THE STOINIACII, -This is too otter) Que., states "Drl. ChOse'S Syrup of —_ . _fm
Mr. James Spense, Clachan Ont., the Xse' ' So manypauseous nostrum$ Linseed and Turpentine, has cured ,ro.q. I , - � I
� on - for 16 years, which became ting to cure, in the, end do the of bronchitis iy romediet; for the palt 4 . 1 11
patient, immensely more harm than ces , 'trie 1. I hiLve, Without 11110-� '90a'fortua Qa in
,ys:-" I have been a sufferer, from purpOr , 8 11 InAt
Z7tWi�. I have spent a lot of money ood ]Dr. Von, StAtils Pineapple Tab. six yearii, , Last winter when I had A I I
I ere Attack And WA unable to work
and consulted several doctor, among fets.'ara 4, purely vegetAbIA Pepsin 86V so hase's Wheat ......
i procured & bottl6 f -Dr. 0
otherg a specialist in LonAon. I - h4me p'reparittion, as haptuleaa Aa milk. One . Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and
tried everything I could hear of or see aftereatinirpreventsAriv disorder of " K. o to state that the third hot- Goose Wh,eab ........
But,thanks to Dr, Chase!6 CAMPth'
Cum I Ain completely cured After.
using three boxosr of it, I recommend
It to anyone suffering from catartab."
� �.�_
The Enquirer Attys it 13titlapost firm
has it plan which-, if All it IS claimed,
i will revolutionize railway traffic by
I applying electricity cheaply to large
railway lines. .
. 11 ,
" A
% I
I ,
46' P0&V%--00
the digestive organs 60 in, a box 3r),L
cents.-Soldby,J-V. HOVOY.-IO
The health of the . down, er Empress
Frederich, the Queen's 6 Vat daughter
is again esLusing anxiety,
Ithis power
Ilagal pAssa
fill to UAO . ,
-.1 .
;Iw, .
_1 _ ... � -
. V V
tle, Made me A, Well 1111n," �
I Ur. W. R. Alger4 Inguranct Agent,
Barley. - w I ..... I ..*..
Hallfax, X.S,, says -.-*,I ,used Dr.
oby'se's S:trup of Linseed Ana Tutpeti-
. _ ...
I , .....
Pe4sf.#__.... .
tine for a severe attack of bronchills.
permit me to testify to, its isplandia.
Rye ......... ...'.....
PtitAtces Per bilAhOl
curative, Properties, I kbt better from
the time, of taking the first dome. X&v-
- -
gutter 100.4e in cratk
in on 9 c I �.r - I
& IIY of n .
Butter I
in tub ... 4 ... *
'ot& "
e it 11 0 to ft,
d N ful
to"' "Is
considerable du . I b0t a ttl6 of
Eggs pet, doz .... *.., .
r. as�la yrn bedatil AL11 Ill [a
is in reducin t 6 ver a erl "'
'any ............ .......
Live 11098 Pet, awt...,
2 conts 0. OttI6, It eAWN. .
Dressed'Pork pet, P
0 h'A'a 0
ase Syrup
Flour poreft ...... 44
I i6 jo,
ey Linwood
Brari per ton .........
. and Turpe", tinde ,
Wool per 1ho * ........
')tied Apple* wl.b."
. , , , , - - _ I-
,.4�� _ - , I '0001A,