HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-17, Page 7ow.Reeord, QR OD PROPRIETOR 1,001 NTT 0917ZTOIT,A..' OF THE OLP Eli/ATEA ,of the old county nted themselves for y tines defeated were HeIlett and - AleX• Horticultural literature ANNTIAT, MEETINOS. AORIQULTUR414 SOCIETIES MINTONTX01VrICT71•TUR4T. 000114TV The annual meeting of the Clinton Horticulture' hloelety Wes held on Wednesday evening of last week when the financial statement presented was as folloivs ; ItigOEIPTS Balance from 1900 Kernbets' fees rants "K"' Tha Pre"nt I Seeds, etc, follows iderich, H.Chanabers, eclat:nation n, Clinton' Jae. Con - b township e, Hay. J. Lamont, cclaination an, R. Hicks ys, Seaforth, J. B. erg:111th n, Morrie, W.H.Kerr, acclamation art and D. Patterson, ash , Turnberry, S. W. owick s election in No. 5 Mr. handsomely hut this ring to make sure of is colleague, Mr. Me- cond himself. The vote i O ▪ 0 4 ... 0 ,... o 85 258 107 99 23 157 137 220 10 401 011 118 8 871 815 437 contest was not ketosis' 1 idate haying a big lead ext him. The vote stood .....„,..... Expenses Balance The officers are as follows: President, A., Mackenzie lst Vice, J. Ounninghaine 2n4 Vice, T, Holloway Sec.-Treas., W. Coate Directors. J. Wheatley, D. B. Ken- nedy, E. Routledge, J. Rands,T. Pottle, S. Davis, W. H. Manning, R. Agnew, W. Coats, STEPTuor AND ration/in 192 492 117 233 717 051 1026 1276 :0 196 123 508 827 84 493 123 -- 700 • ccessful candidates in No. s of East Wawanosh and ace. there being only five n them : 4.t 0 4., 0 . 4.4 ea 0 4.4 a ...4 A u ao 0 on .61 • '.;) .o. .0 4.1 tti CA i7.i) 249 141 116 131 211 280 158 207 280 421 357 300' -•;-. -,-- — 840 845 031 644 No. 8 the vote stood thus: „, ea 44'3, al 386 671 405 263 481 118 294 22 138 4 89 11 005 793 738 296 CESSPUL CANDI- IN THE TWO WA HES MORRIS, GREY CKERSMITH. T WAWANOSH. John T. Currie, 230; John For Councillors, Wm. •Alfred B. Carr, 272, John Wm. Dobie,227,Jas. Bone, ouncil for 1901 will be T. Currie, and Councillors, roft,Uarr, Ellis and Dobie. roft and Dobie are the s. ST WAWANOSH. R. Medd, 290, Wm. Mc. For Councillors, Wm. , Patrick O'Connor, 305, ugh. 289, Chas.Taylor, 263, 176, R.Kirk, 126, Wm. 117. The first four are MOREIS. illors, Code, 376, Shaw,306, , Taylor, 274, McOlutchean, , 197. The council for 1901 nsist of Reeve Isbester and ()ode. Shaw, Jackson and TUCKERSMITH. �,H. Horton by acclania- Councillors, Doig,291, Elgie, 242,Chapnian,285; Gemmelly 90, Cleary. 179, Kinsman, r,124. GREY. eship by acclamation. For 1, Macdonald, 898, Fraser. stone, 323, Turmbull, 252, Pearson, 179, Baker, 152. 3. H. REID'S SAMPLE SHIPMENTS. — ay Mr. C. H. Reid of Varna pment r..f cattle to the Tor - 't from Clinton station. The ,re the names ot the parties he purchased the stock : , Stanley 2 head 2250 ton, " 1 1350 n,If .1 990 " 8 8200 ! 11A43oderich. 1 1305 ig, a 5 4050 II, " 2 2000 y. a 1 990 son. " 4 3990 4 3960 1 1210 " 3 3270 " 2 1930 , " 4 4170 a 2 2020 ,McKillop 2 2140 1 1200 1 1270 1 1300 41 Tuck ersini t h er, 41 1, Hullett • ilar lock. • $ 204 59 63 75 00 00 WA Si $ 2d, 00 87(10 481 $117 81, 210 83 liss r gen. Itira. Hobert fitephensoo, who has been in very poor health for the past yveek, is, we are pleased to hear, some. whet ituoro ed. Mr. George Kennaird, wi() has been in the WeSterie provinces for the past tew years returned bottle recently looking and hearty. Mr. Ken - mull is quite taken up With that, colin- teyand Intends returning in the spring. Mx. Thos. Farclutiar purchased a fine two-year-old colt from a Hullett farmer reeerttly for which be paid a handsome pi ice. Mr. Varquharhas an eye to „biteiness and it will no doubt turn out all right in the end. Mr. George Troyer, operator on the G. T. it., is at present visiting under the parental roof. Rev, Mr, Waddell of Elossville will conduct services in the Methodist church here on Sabbath evening next. Mr. Waddell was a former pastor hei e and no doubt his many ti lends will be pleased to have hini in their midst Mt. Ralph Workman of Ohiselhurst spent Sunday at his home, • Miss Best of Varna visited at Chas. Stelek's on Sunday. - Mr, Ed, Troyer purchaseda new born last week. Miss Jane Curry is at present con- fined to her bed. Miss Aggie Blair of near Centralia is renewing acquaintances bere. M St elek purchased a tine horse from Mr. Keys of the Babylon Line., (Intended for last issae,) Mr., Chas. Sheffer, who has been visiting friends here, returned home Saturday, The Presbyterians of this place will holdtheir annivei sexy serviees on Feb. 3rd and their tetr-rneeting ou the following Monday. Miss Annie Berrie of Kippen is spending a few days with Mrs. Chas. Stela, Andrew Kain and Chas. Carrie are busily engaged cutting wood for Geo. .Coleman. • A HAPPY -FAMILY RE-TINTON The °Linnet meeting of the Stephen and Ueborne Agricultural Society was held in Exeter on Wednesday of last week. The annual report was as fol- lows; Receipts, $1,184,05; expenditure, $1,078.09, balance, $56,46, The receipts are made up as follows : grants $120 ; anbseriptions and donations $328.50 gate receipts. rept, etc, 86(10.75.; bal- ance from 1899 $25.30. 'Expenditure ; grants to county exhibition -$700 ; surance $10; repairs, light, etc,,P8.7,96 interest and principel $122 ; salartes $132 30 ; prize for speeding on track 475. The assets of the company includ- ing buildings, ete.,amount to $2,756,40; liabilities $304 which include mortgage ' Of $300 and unpaid accounts of $4. No. members, 1900, 225. The election of officers resulted as follows President, • Riclou.d Coates ; Vice-President,James Ballantyne 2ad Vice, rohn Hunter ; Directors, John Delbridge, John Alli- son, Jr., P. McTaggart, Rich. Hunter. Ilhborne ; Wm. Elliott and W.D. San- ders, Stephen'E. Christie, .f. H, Grieve, W Weekes, Exeter Audi- tors, H. E. Huston and A. Bishop. It was resolved that no gambling of any kind be allowed at, the auntie,' exhibi- tions. GREY The annual meeting of Grey Branch Agricultural Society was held in Brits. sels on Wednesday, January 9th, The treasurer's report was presented. as audited, showing receipts to be $1,335.92; expenditure! 3358.20 ; balance 0977.66. The following officers were elected for the current year: President, Jas. Speir Vice -President, J. D'.. War- wick, V. 4. ; Directors, Robt,Nichol John McKinnon, David Milne, James Evans. W. H. %McCracken, P. Scott, Geo. Robb. John McGavin:and Robt. McDonald; Auditors, F. S. Scott and Alex. Strachan. TURNHERRY The annual meeting orthe Turnberry Agricultural Society was held On Wednesday afternoon., The auditors report showed that the receipts of the ye& had amounted to $999.05 and the expenditures $930.83. leavinga balance of $53 22. The following officers were elected for this year : Hon, President, Chas. Henderson; President, J.Carrie; lst Vice -President, John 114offatt:3 2nd Vice -President; A . Tipling • Directors, s. Kernighan, W. J, .Henderson, Jas. Scott, R. MeIndoo, D. Anderson, Rol - laid Beattie, ' -Peter 'Fowler, W. J. Currie, J. B. Tyer men ; Aorditors,Robt. Currie and John MeLean • At a meet- ing of the directors Wm. Roberon was re-elected setrefary-tieasurer, moTtEmi The annual meeting of the Morris Branch Agricultural Society was held at Wingharn. From the treasurer's report we takethe following inforina- tion : Legislative grant $117; county grant $20 ; members' fees . 3191.75 ; donations 37595; gate receipts 8735.85; rents $72;.total receipts $1,215.55; prizes awarded 3705.50,. The following officers were electedo for the ensuing year : President, J. B. the. ; lst Vice -President, R: Ferris' ; 2nd Vice -President, W. Jackson.; Direc- tors,J. Sherritt, W. Mason, G. Taylor, T. W. Stoat), R Corley, M Lockhart, W. Mooe.ansi•Win. Taylor • Auditors, A. Eldera'nd U. M. Hamilton.. After paying all expenses the Society has a balance of $300 more than ever before in its history at the same period. TUCKERSXITH The annarineeting of Trickersniith Agricultural Soeiet y was held last week with a large atteridance. The financial statement was favorable, The new groundsand buildings, which 'were er- ected at A cost of over $1,100, have been paid for, and the other liabilities pro- vided for, leaving a 'deficit amounting to about $200. Them were 401 mem- bers last year, and -the gate and booth teceipts foe the fall show amounted to $490. The following officers and direc- tors were elected for the Outrent year: Robert Charters. President; D. D. Win son,Vice-President : Directors, George Sills, M, Broderick, Seaforth ; Arch- ibald McGregor, Jetties Smith and James Evans,McKillop; Sohn Dale and John Britton, Hullett ; John Walker and George Dale, Tuckersrnith ; J. 0. Rose and A. Young, auditors. Murphy intends to finish for this season this week. Mrs. Robert H. Elliott township were visiting at eacona's last week. rs. George Knox enter - a few of their friends day night. pathy is felt for Mrs.ShielcIs in the dein h of her hut- obert Shields, who died in ast Wednesday morning ring illness. field Towstehlg. nuslInivting of Zion League the following offi. appointed for the current —J. H. Gardner, President, 7 Webster, lst vice -Pres., ndei son, 2nd vice.Pres., Mee. m, 3r ' d vice. Pres; Joseph ith vice -Pres., It. itBrOW14 , J. Ferguson, Treasurer. nt of the Lord's Supper was red in Hackett's church on lerning When Rev. Mr. Reid ent officiated. Itn. Cantelon of Goderieh has been %deicing friends 4n and vicinity. Th Webster of Toronto haft e for hie tielidaye. 11.0oets delivered an address °nary work in Hattkett's Menda,y evening. -meeting whielt Wag helcl in eh was a decided ailedeaii. The, mounted to $33. ones McClea:V n. and sister of Ile have beer: visiting friends meand LucknoW. Zurich. The Dominion House which has been owned and naanaged by ()has. Greb for about seventeen years has been sold and the new proprleter will take pos. session on the 14th of February. C. L. Shoemaker, who bought the hotel, was formerly a resident of this township, but for a number of years past, con. ducted a hotel at Blyth, which he dis- posed of last Week. The purchase price of the Dominion House property is $7,000. The taxes we pay in the village af Zurich are quite small. Leaving out school taxes, our total levy including statute labor is only about $400, Rev. Father Courtoia is soon to re- move from his parish at Drysdale, of which he bas, been pastor for about. eleven years. He leaves peobably this vveek for his new field of labor near Chatham. RFather Rev. Beckard of Walkerville will be his successor, it is expeeted. The annual meeting of the Hay Township Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held here on Tuesday of last week. There was very large attendance. The president, Justus Melick, presided. Considerable discussion took place re- garding the expenses of the company but most of the mernbers are well sat - fled with the way the business is man. aged. The three retiring directors were re-elected for another term. NEWS -RECORD „ Gotlerlelt, Miss YAW, returned from her visit Lo Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson, Minneapolie, in thne to spend the holi- days at her home. Mr. Willie Cattle ie at Vancouver. Mr. George Shepherd intends to re- move with his faroily to Tomato. Mr, W. Carrie, eldest son of Rev. James Oerrie, Cambria Road, who bas been ov. the police force in the Yukon, left last week for South Africa, where he intends joining the Mounted Police Force of BedensPowell. • The Central school hockey olub, Oaptain Frank Slogaw, and Collegiate leetitute juniors, Captain Charlie Lane) bad a game of hockey on Saturday p.m. The Central team won in the contest by 7 to 1. D. K. Strachan, machinist, has eold wild three ice plows this winter. One was obipped to the Dominion Fish Co., Rat Portage, ono to Aurtira and one to Berlin, lie has also numerous • it:quits lets every week, The one purchased by James Clark 20 yearsago has out hunds reds of Loos of ice and is still in good working order, 'There was a large gathering of Royal Arch Masons, at the special meeting in Masonic hall on Tuesday evening (New Year's day) to meet 0, Supt. 'McLellan of Stratford, on his offiicial visit to the Chapter. After the business of the evening was dieoussed, all adjourned to the supper room.--Distriot Deputy Grand Master, Bro. W. F, Clark installs ed the following officers of Huron Lodge, 62 I. 0. 0. F., last Monday eveniug - Charles Reid, J. P. G,; H. D. Reid, N. G. • James Reid,V. 0. ; J. M. Proud - foot, R. S. ; W. F. Clark, F. S, ; (1. A Nairn, Treaeurer ; W. Gundry, Warden; market day, the new G. T. R, station T. ,INIcKenzie, Conductor ; Geo, • Wil- and other, subjecte for the welfare of liams, I, S. G. ; J, S. Platt, 14.8. N. G.; the town, were discussed,. R. ORM pbell, S. N. G.; A.. John- The annual,meeting of the horticul. New Year's day witnessed a happy re -union at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson, the niambers of their family having asseinbled to spend the day• together and a joyous day it was to each and all, Among those present were Mr. and Mrs, Jos. E. Troyer of Hensel', Mr, and Mrs. William Doug- las of Marlette, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson of liensall.' Me, and 1VIrs. J. T. Jarrott, Mr. and Mr'. J. H. Cons', t, Mr. and 151 rs. Al bet t Ham ey, Mrs. Wiley, the venerable mother of Mrsfludson, and Messrs. Thos. and Wm. Stephenson, A very pleasant *feature of the day was the presenta. tion to Mr. end Mrs. Hudson of two very hendsome oak chairs, an easy chairand a rocker. It was a complete .*Antprise to the worthy couple who were deeply touched by the gift and the following address, read by Mr. J. H. Consitt, which expresses the love and gratitude enter tamed for thern by those fie -IT -rest and dearest : Dear Father and Mother,—On this the first day of the New Year rind also, the opening day of the Twentieth Century we, thy children, have assem- bled to congi•atulate you on the return of this happy season. To express our sincere gratitude and love for willing services and great sacrifices rendered to each of us personally. We ask yen to accept then chairs, not that they in any way repay you, hut simply as tokens of esteem to our most honored parents. Do not value them for their worth but Inc the love that prompted the gift. We all join in wishing you both a prosperous and happy 'N'ew Year and may the God that has bless- ed and prospered you in youth and middle age continue His blessings in old age and as the years grow fewer may theprospect for an eternal h0n3e grow brighter. Lucktiolv. Mrs, Catherine MeDiarmid, widow of the late Donald MoDiarmid, and mother of Me. John MoDiarmid, of Kinloss, died very suddenly at the tesi- ' donee of hee brother, Me. Duncan Mc- Rae, of this village, on Wednesday evening. The deceased. who was in her 63rd yeti', was an old and highly esteemed resident of the township of Kinloss, There Was no election for school trustees on Monday last, Met:m*14.D. R. McIntosh. Albert Fleming and 'John Joynt being elected tiy acelernation. The other members of the Board are Thos. Reid, Charles Maniere and James Bryan. Mr, Wm, Gollan passed away at the home of hie father, Mr.Roderich 'Gotta n ab lot 55, in the first coneession of Kin. less on Saturday of lest week. De- ceased who was in his •'27th year, had suffered with consumption for a &mole of yeare past. On Wednesday January 2rid, an. other Of these happy event§ which Make two hearts heat as one, took Pities at the home of Mr. Lachlan Mc- Lean, Lucknow,when bis daughter Teria Wet joined in the hody bonds of matrimony to Mr. John McDougall of Kifileas. Kippen, The Kipper) Shamrocks held their annual assemblyon Tuesday last.• Al- though the evening was very unfavor- able there wits a:large number present, about eighty couples. The boys are to be congra.ttillited on their success. The Zurich string band supplied the music. The Shamrock boys will be tare to be in good shape for next seasonla foot- ball. We are very aorry to learn that Mr. Walter Landers a the London Road has been taken ill. We wish him a speedy recovery.. Belgrave. Tenders for the new sheds at Knox. church are Ib be opened on Tuesday of this week. A number are•in. Rev, Mr. Hall intends severing his connection with Knox church as pastor shortly. Mrs,. Thos. Dougall cof Whitewater, Man,, art ived a few days ago fora visit with her mother and brother. She looks as if the prairies agmed With her. Mrs. George Henry has become tenporarilytunbalanced in her mind owing' to great grief over her brother's Fountain Naylor's, death. We hope this affliction may be of. short dura- tion. WORLD WIDE. AS many of the ablest writers are now engaged in journalism, touch writing of the highest quality in matter and style is fugitive, seen only by the readers of erieh particular news- paper, and by them often lost before it is read. Mueb of such writing is only nf loeal and very transient import, but much is of more permanent and world wide interest. It is proposed to fill the pages of World Wide with articles and extracts of this latter class, with oceasional selections from notable books and scenes Wein striking stories. An effort will be made to select the articles each week so that due proper. tion will be given to the various fields of human interest to the shifting scenes cif the world's great drama,,, to letters and seience and beautiful things. It was at first intended to publish World. Wide upon fine paper at a higher cost, but recalling the long list of elegant publications •which in the past have been started in Canada only to fail, and reflecting that good taste in literature does nor,, always imply themeans to pay for costly journals, and that people of taste can he relied upon to appreciate literary excellenee on the plainest sheet, it hits been de- eided to offer World Wida at the low- est, possible price,. in order to give to all who desire good reading and equal opportunity. Published weekly, Sixteen pages, TWo eents, 75 centa per annum, postpaid be any address in Canada or IT,. S.A. 25 eents additional Inc delivery in Montreal or to foreign conetries. John McDougal & Son, Publishers, Montreal, Canada. "WIWI. TIM ItOltA01.ts 1.N ADIA.NS" 4..••••••••••,... Stanley %McKeown Brown's With the Royal Canadians," is it handsome 300.clage book, just issued comprising a bright, faithful narrative of the deede of the first coritingent in South Africa. Mr. Brown was with the regiment and was correspondent for The Mail and Empire, and has Written a, splendid story of this memorable campaign from Quebec to, Pretoria and home again. The first edition has been pur. chased dy The Mail' and Empire, and although the trade price of the book alone is $1.25,11 is offered together Veil h A, three -month's euhseriptioa, to The Daily Mail .rrid Empire, or 'one yeatott subseription to the NVeekly, for $1.50, with 10c extra postage it ordered by tnall. _ Sordid's, in the Wood shows itself sooner or later in swellings, soresserup. Cone. Out Ilocere Sarsaparilla tom. pleteiy cures it, Qoderlell. , --- Miss M. Stewart of St. Mary. wed Ur. 'I homes Burrows of Goderieli spent Sunday week al the roaidence of Mr, Charles 8 ewart, Nile. The Da y engine staff are busily en. gaged in making a number of engines. Over thirty men are now employed. Mies Morhereon is secretary for the arm. A lady in Goderich has had electric bells put le her house. The Goderiah hockey team waa vie. torious in the Huron League in the hockey contest at Winghanz On Friday evening last by 4 to 8, There will be two eclipses of the sun this year of 1901, May 18th and Nov. 11th, and two of the moon, May ard and Oot. 27th, but none of the four will be visible in the United Stateo. A great ntimber of our oltizens have been vaccinated as well as the children. bonse say they have suffered so much therefrom they might as well lowe amallpox, However, 'tie said to be the, safest Plan to adopt when there is any risk of taking the dread disease. The new electric' conspauy will have to buy Baochler'ir farm. really belongs to the Canada Co. On Wednes- day vr, ,weacheroci, 0. 4,, and men were out again. 'The dam is expected to be 45 feet high and will back the water in the Maitland for about two miles. , • Quite a lot of cottontaile.were shot by our local hunters and exposed for sale at the meat markets on Friday last. A meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the court house on Tuesday when a number of matters, including atone, R. S. V. G..; J. Heale, LcS,V.G ; W. Campbell, R. S. S. ; J. Baker, L. S. S. ; , R. R. Sallows, Chap.; Finance Committee ---Dudley Holmes, James 0, jobnston. Mr, Brophy, while in London ordered a.new undertaker's wagon. , The fall of 1900 will go into history ria the most disastrous •for fishermen on the great lakes for many years, the catch being less than one half of that of. the previous year. . • The Sunday Alliance week of 'prayer was held last week in the. Methodist churches and in Knox. On Friday evening the prayer was held in 'North St. Methodist church. The emigre- gation was large•apd was addressed in an eloquent manner by . Rev. James Anderson, his subject being "How to keep the Sabbath Holy." The King's Daughters re -organized en 2nd Jap. and elected the following officers :,--:President, Mrs, J, Pasmore; ,Vice President, Mrs. D. McGilliouddy ; Seoretary, Mrs.. Dr. Whitely; Treasurer, Mrs. Nairn. Their regular meeting will be held on the first Wednesday of each month in the grand jury 'room of the court house. . The annual meeting of the Goderich• Elevator Transit Co. was held on Tees. day 'last when the meeting wap action:li- ed till Feb: 7th. We called at the. organ factory and were told by Manager Saunders that 30 organs were being shipped that week to England and tbat they expected to reit full time, the present year, from pre -- sent indications, Inquiries were com- ing in frontall. parts et the world. Ten families have been added -the past year to our tawn by the nember ' 01 em- ployees needed at the factory. • People. need to • tide great caUtion while sifting coal cinders. A. lady On the Sortarewhile engaged in sifting them had the misfortune to have a cinder enter her left, eye, whioh in spit of instant treatment pith:lett:her the whole day. Master Will Craigie, William St., has. quulin. tesyrecovered . from an_attack of ci, ' TheChildren's Aid Society met in Mr. Lanete office on Monday of last. week. Mrs. Dancey and Messrs. Lane, R. S. Williams and James Mitchell discussed twitters pertaining to the comfort of the children of two families and,agreed on certain steps to have the iittlee407, rescued from their wretched ho The many friends of Mr. Haldane of Toronto will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Holden° plot with an accident some time ago which laid her up at the hospital for some time. • - The Harmony club has been formed on West St. and intend putting a team on the ioe this winter, • The officers are .—President, Harry Black-: Treas surer;. IT. Videan 3:Manager,3. Tilt ; Secretary, J. Craig; Captain of the hockey teara, W. Horton. ' The ciub'a colors are yellow and black. - Court Goderich Nri 320, 0,F.was held on Tuesday, 8111 Jan. The officers elected for the new year were fornially installed and Mr. Alex. Saunders w,as chosen as delegate to Sarnia next „month. An addreas was -presented to 'Mayor Wilson, congratulating him upon his re-election.At the close of the meet- ing the members, 25 in number, on the invitation ot Mr. Saunders, tnarched in a body to the Victoria restaurant where EL Blackstone had an oyster supper prepared in a most elaborate manner. Mayor Wilson was chairman. Addresses were delivered by the fol- lowing officers: Jas. Tait, Dr. Taylor, W. Lane, Alex, Saunders, Thos. Bur- rows and W. G. Tayler. H. Black- stone kindly rendered hie, favourite songs, Gone to Mauro and The Girl Love The Blackstone orchestra .gave some very fine selectioes. A vote of thanks was extended to Ur; Saunders for his hoapitality. Mr. Charles Crabb has been very ser- iously,ill at his home in Seaforth. Mra J, C. Harriaon went down on Thursday tcdremain with him until he takes a change for the ,better. Harold Ames sang in Toronto during the Christmas holidays. They have now about 35 employees in the engine works. The Windsor Record of Jan..41,11 had the following interesting hymeneal note: The marriage of Mr, George Henry Nairn, merotiant elf thie city, to Sties Mary Belle daughter of 'Mr, and Mrs Keoneth 'Finlayson of Detroit, Look place st the reaidence of the bride's parents, 54 High street, east, Detroit. The ceremony was perfortned bg Rev. Marcua Scott of Central Pres., byterlan church, assieted by Re*'. Archibald MoDiarmld of Windsor, an old friend of the Finlayson fatally. The ceremony took place in a pretty alcove, banked with pretty palms and flowers andunder a canopy of smilax and holly. The' bride was beautifully gowned in white organdie and carried a boquet of white roses. The bridesmaids were Mist Margaret Moore of Detroit and Mies Jessie McCrea of Glencoe. They were dressed in pink and carried limpets of pink roses. Little Miss He'. en Finlayson, a cousin of the bride, Was maid of honor and looked eharming in white. She carried a, baguet of carna- tions Mr. Nairn was supported by hie brother, Mr. Thomas Nairn, of Gode- rich and Mr. Curry of Windsor. After the wedding ceremony was performed an elaborate supper we's served by (jun. ninghame. The presents were many and costly. The groorn's gift to the bride was a fieur de lis set in Twills. Mr, George Nairn, who was in business with his brother, Charles A. Nairn; Only severed his connection with him a few years ago, Ile is a steady und en. ergetio young man and we offer our con- ratulations to bitri and his bride. los Jennie Nairn attended the wed- ding of het brother. J. 11. Colborne i‘as Once more open- ed up a large 0(06)4 of staple and fancy dry goods in the old tand. Mr. Col. borne evidently bee tired Of buying grain. . • tural society was held in Clerk Laue's office on Wednesday. There was a large attendance and much interest was manifested in the proceedings, The financial otatement showed Re., ceipts—Members' fees $204, legislative grant $94, county grant $20, tota11318. Expenditures$318, paid to the treasur% er of the West Huron Agricultural Society. The following were elected to 'office for the year 1901 ‘• Pres.'Thos. Nolte' ; Vice Pres., Charles Wells ; Directors, W. Warnock, C. Campbell, A. Mc]) Allan,Joseph Whitely, F.13ing- hatn, J, W. Salkeld, Geo. andreivs, J. A. Fowler, W. J. Cox ; Auditor, Sher- iff Reynolds, Sm-Treas., W. Lane Tile county counoil will meet on Tuesday next. • On Monday evening teams from the organ and Kensington' factories played a game at hockey. The Kensington Avon by one goal. At the annual meeting of the 'Gode- rich fire briga.cle the following members were elected officers :— Captain, E. C., Belcher; 1st Lieutenant, Thos, Mac- kenzie 2nd Lieutenant, Wm. Kirk- bride ; Treas„ Wm. Thompson; See., Charles A,.Reid. Captain John Macdonald has return- ed from his visit tra Port Huron. Isaac Salkeld, Jr., is waking up to the interest . of exporting thorobred animals. The stock consisted of one cow, one heifer and three calves, two of thorn being heifers. They were ship- ped from his farm on the Bayfield Road to Seaforth,„ hence to Iolva. Goderich welcomed home Trooper Weatherald on Monday night. There was a great crowd at the station and a big prooesflion to the court house where several speakers spoke of 'loyalty, pat- riotism and .all that sort of thing. ' Weeper Weatherald replied in neat terms to the address with which he was presented. • On 'Friday night •the •sad news • Was- eonveyed to relatives and friends of the death of Margaret Haberlack, the be- loved wife of our popular townsman, James Clarke, who was with her at the sad hour of parting. Her. sister, Muni Alice Haberlack, and other relatives of Mr. Clarke were alao at her bedside. Mrs. Clarke was a Buffalo lady. She was One of the faithful, good and true who will be missed by the many friends and relatives she has left to mourn her, early death. The casket and a fancy tableheside it were covered with ex- quisite floral 'tributes. Her husband's tribute was a lovely large cross. A lovely crown the tribute of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Saunders and another beautiful crown the gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig; a crescent wreath from the organ factory ; a lovely sickle from the bicycle factory ; a lovely shower briquet front Mr. J. Bain arida very handsome anchor from the captains of the tugs at the harbor. Those designs were all in white meet'. The offering from the Sisters of the deceased, the Misses Habs erlack of Buffalo, was The Gates Ajar, formed of large mina lillies and a wealth of pink carnations. Het.. James An. derson and Rev. Spencer: Allan conducted the services at house and grave. The pall-bear.ers-arere Messrs. Alex. Saunders, W. Marlton, James llicintosh, James Buchanan • and Cap; tains John Cralgie and Inkster. The Misses Haberlack of Buffalo all attend- ed the funeral. JAN. 11,19K \ House .Ckaning Sale. AFTER a very successful six months business in which we have enlarged our circle of customers by several hundred, we find ourselves right up to "Rouse Cleaning Titne." A. period when shelves must be'emptied, counters unloaded in order to . prepare the way f or the next six months'. business,—which we have planned to make memorable in the annals ot Clinton merohandising if aggressive enterprise, novelty, progression and big values will do it, and we guess it will. Ala now, however, the all,absorbing work in which you'd have most interest is the whirlwind of Bargains which will be ready for you FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18th.. Price is the master spirit in this sale so we are going to let PRICE DO THE TALKING AND .YOU DO THE THINKING AND ACTING. We promise you the best bargains ever offered in Clinton—come as early as possible on.Friday morning to get first pick. Amazingly Low Prices for Stylish Dress Goods. Don't wait until it is too 1 tte—if you want to secure the most remarkable Bargains ever offered in Clinton. Don't fail to exadaine these marvelous Dress Goods offerings as a chance like this comes but once. On sale Friday morning: • To cure a cold In one -day . , Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money. if it fails to cure. 256. E. W. Groves signature is on each box NEWS -RECORD CLUBBING RATES FOR 1901. 0....••••••1 ews.Record and Family Herald and Weekly Star, $1 75 Mail and Empire 1 75 Montreal Witness 1 65 Northern Messenger 1 25 Hamilton Spectator 1 76 London Free Press 1 75 . Weekly Sim 1 75 Farmers Advocate 1 00 Toronto Daily News 2 25 " Daily Star 2 25 ft 44 41 ft 'a LAXATIVE BROW QUININE -FP-12 ,Lagripe 001018' 25 Oentg per Package. For gale by o R. P. REEKS, Pregeription Drug Store, Clinton, &memo to.gydney &who& Cocoa Cream /* the bell for dapped hands', rough skin etc, 60c, 75c • Tweeds Homesphns, 3D/2c 40 to 50 inch wide Tweeds and Homespun Dress - Goods in checks and plain weaves in the newest and-bess selling shades for this season. Coup regu- Inc prices were 00e and 75c per you LI, to clear dm. 0)71 ing ettle at one price , . .... ... . . .0 I 2 $1.25 Iletnespun Dress Goods, 75c. 60 yards of all our very best Homespun Dress Goods in Greys and Browns that sold regularly at 7 $1.25, and were good value, to clear during sale at $4.50,15.50 to $6 Dress, Lengths 2.50 Your choice of till our French Novelty Dress lengths in shades 'of Red and I Black, and (liven and Gold, etc. Regular pricee were from, $4,50 to 2 50 $0,00. To clear at 60c Plaid Dress Goods far 38c. 75 yards of this season's choicest silk and wool, • and'all wool Plaid Di ess 'Goods in the newest colors of Blue, Purple and Red. Mixtures,' :Rego- 0.0 0 hit price 00e. , To clear at • Dregs Linihgs at Reduted Orices. • OUR BEST 10» Skirt Linings Inc • '71c OUR BEST 15c Waist Linings for t20 'gat PAU ttrritt:',41'8V,°,7th .. . .. Just a few huedred yards to sell at "these oprricesc. Great Reduction in Black Goods. . : 35e Black Figured Goods for lilc. 50 yards of 331ack Figured Dress Goods—extra hard linish—neat design for skirts or dresses, Regular va1ue•35c. TO'Clear Friday morning at.. v I 9 50c, 600 Dre.s Goods for,3540. 75 yards of this 'season's eheicest Black Figured Dress Goods 40 'to 42 inches Wide, in assortad de- signs—all bard finish and warraeted. to give good •wear for skirts and dresses. Regular prices 50o . 36 and 69c.. Friday morning on sale at Choice Black Skirt Lengths at Half, Your choiee of 10 of our beet Black Skirt lengths of four yards each and no two alike that sold at ft A n 33.50,3-150 to $5.40. Feiday morning at Let . . 40c Black Satana Cloth at 23c. . 75 yards of Black Sataret Cloth with self. stripe— , extra heavy. quality—suitable for. waists or lining . - full 32 inches wide. Regular price was 40e per 'yard. We got ahargain by taking the lot so • pass it, on to- you, :Friday•morning at only.. . • 23 Save 50c and 7c �n;a. Pair. of Gloves. $1.25, and 1.50 Kid G. loVes for. 75c. On Friday morning we place on.sale 08 pairs of our best $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Kid Gloves at 15e per pair. They come in Tans Browns and I3lacks and are the best gloves we ever sold for the money. The only reaFom we have for selling them at this very low price -- we would rather have the money than the gloves at the end of stock taking--heoce the .great bargain. All sizes from 51 to 7e will be. ready Friday morning, lean Sweep -of Men's Shirts; Etc. .Goe TOP SHIRTS FOR 35e. • On Friday morning we place on sae all our Men's rop Shirts that were 60c'each, to clear 35c. BOYS' soc T0P SHIFTS ON SALE FR/DAY AT, 25e. - .Furs. at -1-3 off And More. • Three -Months of Fur Weather ahead. investment t� keep them till: next seaso $35 131ack Bulgarian Lamb Jacket, 24 in. long,. 22..00 Black • 5.95 10.501 $9 Bck Goat Capes fo $15 Black Astrachan Cape for • At the price we are selling them it would be a good • • • $0 Grey Gauntlets for 3.50 36 Grey Milt% for •• 3.50 30.50 Sable Ruffs'. for • 3.59 Boys' Persian. Lamb Cans•at $1.75 insteadof $2.50. . Great -Chance to get a Styligh kat at a Very* Low -Price., .On SATURDAY. January ,10th. and MONDA January 21st, We put on sale at 59c" your choice of any-:••kf, • uutritunied ',Hats that 'were $L 50 to .32,50 eitch. In addition to this special Offer- every hat will be trimmed • Free of Charge. " • • votirt mostEwr nAma. tr woo WANT 1T • e fear ne foo • We have now in stock all our New Fruits, 1 \ I RECORDS , 1 ANNUAL STOCK TIMING AND GREAT CLEARING SALE ALL • Raisins Best select 1, aisins Cheap Valentia Raisins Fine layer Raisins . Currants The best in the 'market Peels Crosse St Blackwelrs Lemon Orange and Caton Nuts New Almond, Filberts, Braid and Walnuts Figs Layer and Cooking Figs Teas Agent for Monsoon, Blue Rib- bon and Glendon Ceylon Teas, Best 25c Hyson and Black Teas in the c; linty of Huron. All Cnrrants cleaned and Raisins pitted if you.wish, The Hub Grocery. sW 9 T O'Neil Clinton. ,o1's Cotton Root Compound, IA stieendsitillrom , windily by ever ..enooliddleZ. Sanneffeeterd. names aek _veer druggist gOt Gook* C41160 Root Case r. Take to otter. tut all Mitttat.d. ptilegoia ations ars &morons. Prlae•No.1. &tact No, 11,16 dOgreOtt loran ger, St per box. NO, g or /, mailed. on receipt -Of pride and tyro s.dent a MPS. The ()oak arCon um oyW,iideor.ont. nrii ai20: armL ctorrendedby 5)1tovonsulaDts141la Nod end No. molt to co by Waits et t -re - N. ROVeirli. B. COOlbO and s. jackson. Druggists. 1 T, \ . BROKEN 1 NOW IN FULL SWING AT THE OLD RELIABLE WNI. TAYLOR 84 ?SOK The Old Reliable, Ci18/1 and One Price INSURANCE OFFICE AT THE STORE 00.00406A444AAAAAA.A.MAAAAAW~A0AAAAA,MAAWWWVVANIAAN4 towlemesmeallesimeol"alelmilamiamb'smoreemem XMAS FURNITURE. We are now showing a beautiful line of FilrilitUre suitable for Xmas gift BOOK CASES PARLOR, CABINESS • PICTURES LADIES DESKS MUSIC CABINETS MALES DRESSING TABLES MEDICINE CABINETS TANOY TABLES BROADFOOT BOX & CO IN CHAIRS We have an assortment that cannot be surpassed in the city storm Aie.Ale..,010e0 We Will be 'pleased to have you .call and see what bents - did Goods we are showing. iwribylis-.0111.-- If you do not buy you are welcome Just the same, f" ,,=.• BR OADPOOT, 130k 84 co, 44,*v.