HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-17, Page 61�
, - _ -
I 1, --, ,.,-,.. . n''KI - rrlr
__. , . ------- . .
Rev. Dr. Taltnage-,Spieaks on Threel
oreat Evils.
A deapatcU front W`45IIII09tePil says;'
-Riev. Dr. Talmage PrettallPtlirOul-ti'lle.
following ,text; -Ile Willall bo bark -d.
.W:itiN it he bitrkt. I of. an ags.11-Jorelklialk
X-Xii. 19. . � . .
jehojukink gat joi ten years on a.
throne. plenty of go'd-plenty of,
sye,aphanta-pil,rity of Chariots. When
hC rode, Ithink be, rode with, four
borees; and ,tylltq, hit wore diamonds,
I think he wore thivilt. aEl big a's :1 I.Vlw-
nut. It there hiall'baerk a raitroad so
early in t1w history of the World lie
would have fft-DI011 it- Ile ,Wallowed
lit ain ra.ntil it sudden 01111,1190 in pub -
lie tatfairs, und 'thell Ile diiett in shame,
and was kicked Uut of P%blkl con-
tempt., ,,Burie,d wittil, the burial ot an
julry anil execuLIVO Offioer-'a, state of
society in which that .man ling tile
sup-emaoy wbo has the shl"Post lcrl'fo'
and strongest arm, ,
and stealthie4t ro-
veligo Unit quickest Wring- .
my advice to, all young men 18 to Bell
I Ile � 4 Pistols, artil ta�a the knife out
Op L.Ile top of tIIAIT cartel and depend
oix God and tbel.r owl' AtClut Rrlin, for
defoileo. '4- Mau Who does not feel'
,01g $life without deadly weapons,
I W in the wrwig kind of association
, :
and couip4nionship. and you bad bet-
ter ,get wat of it; for tile. probabil-
ity is Lhat either they 1011 kill you.
or you will kill tbam-whiell. latter
thing, . for your ISoul. in eternity, will
be . .
tvati, GR.V.,ATF,ST I)IsAsl'.u�R
. I
ass." �
I addreas young -oil to -night upon of tile two; for "no murderer bath
the romance of crime, u1nd I W111at to aternal life;" 11ndAn the future IRO
show thent that though crimo may there is no roinkineb of 11,901offli . 411- .
in gilded and fascinating, the end is tic n, I I
ruin 'here and damnaLbork hereafter. . Oh yuting Ulan, take riat the nadrk�
1. r1there IS. 1he roinance of fraud. ners, aind clustiums, and, habl-ta of what
Ihe heroeg of this country are fast, its wrunigly valied.",hikh-Ilfc" for Your
I example, 1�.).'.Ikot. t-lilink sin Is loss to
getting to be those * who have. most be bkkted, boo L anise _ it is . epauleted and
skill in swultow.ing "trust-.&Ulls," I .. .
. adorned. `111i -e brown-atond front
. �
banks, stocks, and mon9yed instit'l- eatti. not more keep bae.ki the judgments
I Donis. Our young men are dazzleft uf God Lbain cuak, tile cellar door, Be -
I �
loy ithe quick sMeass, and say, "That ,Ill . Did . how God. blows UP . the magini-
IA Ithe wuy to� do it. -He was a . coun- fice-lit w I ioluetiimss� o,f high plueeal _
try peddler a few years; ago, now see, I . - .
. '11bere mia,y be some here who have
what a ,gorgeous turn -out!" He ventured Intlo sinful courses who
wtho steuls a vest from a I second- . . � .
hand c lot hing-s tore gets u ri'do ill Avotitlil like w. ieturn, . . You came in.
there tic -nigh . t discouraged, and 'feel[
. *
the city vark withicalit , an opportunity til . Lat there is but littiq . hope. I ,will
of -looking out or the windoW, but. he
I . tell yon -Of adaughtter .who werit'
Who awailows a moneyed Institution . . .
equip- from Iloake Lobo the, pit.ths. of sin. At-
astortiolles tile Park Avith his let many mcgl,ilhsw of wanderings, she
aigie. resulved one -�Ighit to -go home to her.
- - '
I ithi,%nic God -when fortunes thus mother's house. Ij- wag after mid-
4111tillered go to sm�lsll- They are 'if, . . I I
.ght.wheork she arrived tit the house.
and -site tsapposeA that. the door would be
BlIA1.412 A NATION. I [t.icke,ct;"-i�1.1t,'PitlttixVi her hand on t I he
. I
I +i ke to lia ve t he.m go t 0 Ill Le 41-4 I n site 11 lut-cill, )th.e.dtoor opened., She asked
a,1wreek.tbiat tb�cy,catl never again be hor mlot.her ,.Why 'it wats that the door
gathered up. I , like to have thera aifter midinigh-ti was unIcicked. I Sdid'�
. I .
made ,balitilaLgome, ,and all Insufferable the mlather,, .'.'That: Apor has -never .
stench, :00 that honest young men been . tocked since you Went away. -, I
may itake wurning. . -bare givleal iord6ra that, by-.. di�liy 'aiiiii
. . . � �
it Good ,s.11loul,l pill suddenly into nigili't, it shou-Id be, un,fastened, for'.1
. I
ulloney, or ht,9 representative, tile Was 'sure ,thal . ; . you . ��Pkkld come back,
, o �..did. not �want
Power to return UP Ra rightful Own- and will'(1.111 'y011l cilm I ..
it - or a safety YL'o 1-" )le 1liDnidered iLikilnute," ,So I
er, there bs, not � 11�nk I I .
dlepogi,t that would not havo its sides bin ve tict t.eJI you that the. door of God's
bbOwn out; anti parchiments would Illipi-oy ls eve'r 1111ailce I ked. I Ily, 0 ay. � a nat
rip, and .gold %vould ,shcot, anti mart- IPY Ilighit, it 411.6diO-apen for ye.ilir.,
I I , .
. 6 I "I"11,011911 YOi1r. 6 V9 . I
gages. ,Would rond, and ib�,ggar,i would o! irnllkfg� . , I it Were , aiii
get horses, and stock-ga-mblers -wolkld i -a rIVit I tilwy '81rill be as .whice ,13
go ,to thle alloishouic. Ho,wl touch dis- :mi -AV; '1111011911 they .1 were, red Jilke
honesty -in the rolaking of Invoices, C C oll 4011, 0"Y.,811"I'll"b6as w9cl. 'llibtfigil
� I .
and, Cin the clatlig a L tho Clust0111-110"He. yall ingly !3" Polluted Ny'itill all.crif-hes,
.. . . . �
and In plaistering of tabetil,! and in and ,g.mil!Ltvul of a]L;Ie.i)i,o-qIos, -I . nd fired
I . : . I .
filching of culitomOrK Of riv"I houses, try the ni�csit; de-praived p . assioinA,, al.it).
. .
and itia false samples, -and in tile mak- hove -not 'heard*0I0,QosPoI invitation
i 1. . . . .
ingand -breaking of oontraots! Hun- fur tweitity I . yjea r.i,. . y -go, Inay have .set
dredA oit Young me tnti itildoc- .upun your brow, bot W�Itll- In, . faMIGUN
� . I . . .
. . '
trLnated in the idea, that money, must practices aod! be I Sir . eated with exbaus,-
be .had quitDicly, anti that the larger '-live indulge,lico'4, the flashing o0r(�nat
. .
I . . .
t1he acale on which they take it, the of a- Sav-iOur,'�.-.f'ol-giv6ln,es'4.- - I
- '
More admirable the smartness and, Whi).18 it thit cometh yondeirl. Nlo-
, *
legerdemain. .P"... .. . LiblinIks .1 killow big.-st,4.4. A160 �inkii
I - I . ' ' . I
The, public mind Lt,uttiirly Poisoned beftare t1�4 1.bayo ..9eerI;. ,tit(- rags.
and diseased on I lie salbiect (A money. JAE.io-k, jilt ye'-pfidple -of Godi, Oil.( I it[
ma.kl' At (!Oil 11111 `1; - 111-.� .NV.j.IId,0NNriJ . (PC' h eiavell . let., - I lie
ag, and no wiandler tit, I . � I � . .. . *' .
I . I I
,%Iiako to all thtLt cities of tile %sorld. �'PVX'. :��'ali,�Jll j*tpro(ligttl''t.�k.!itiirdiitig
, . . �, � '
I I .11 yoikl� JiNL Jlsq��go oUt- and' intlet, bil'ill. Alle J,-
isaying, "Look cut hOw' yOu.g( . elf.villit IXIO�_'41g:ria t o,'thy -lotig-,forsa ken
money. By the hintf of 411-th or . . . .. . L I
I . I
judgment it sivill. W wrenehed I'Mof hil�lxje, anil 'Lo thy"lAng-foroit ken God
. 1- i �,, I �
your grasp, It Y,Xt g, -t riv.bvi I,J,y Tlw� &a%, ts fa tivLl agula � I ThC. I ; ti -4 1. - I
. �
fraud, OIL %vI - 11 1.,,iiy�& illecy, iIIA(he fouillidl: ' .1 � . 1 4 . ..
- . I
I .
I�Jat of y0o.c da y.4, and a L. t be Ond Youl . ' - . ' I
_ow .
S1141t be it foul." .� � . THE TELEPHONOGRAPH. .. ,
. . . I I : . , .
11. Next, I IiP.-IL 4011 Olo r(lial'ITIVO Of' . . - � . 1. . — . " ..# . - .
libertirlism. '-)HAY Juts s"vervisit ro. A 111yonderrill. 11tor, ulklent '411.cri I lis(lill
tribution for the. hilli'Ll . rityl th:it I , arks I irt�sle00i.Lovit1i%n_ I .
A now irlvpnlion, valleil 010 let('
about tile. cellars awl Ull.-YA of, 'Ile 1;1LOnv,g1-,1pJI, or recording telephone
city. It cri.-i out againt-it I(.' it 3,
has Just Well tv,ttod in London wit
huris tile illijign,it Lott of Ow law- at . .. � �
it. But ,imi-leLy beeOnlem 11101". lolfi_ exeellelit ri-slilt. .I ' nkis , lost Nva
Illetlely fr,Dlkl-. OUQ, room to another, I
ent all impurity rNas tow -11',I affla- nui building, althollgli ' tit
ence apd Ili,& social ptsition, vthtil k-ligth. of wir'o. u.4P.A rel . )re � gented
. .
, . I '
finally, it" �s'fiitent, Or digii.s'-d to cunsiilceabla - distanij,-. I , Theativen
t'� ... .
pri.11late. Where !is the jilIge, or tile ,
lion is the wfork�of IT. " "O. Kumber,9
tilkier4f or t114% p�)li,ca? who dare Ar- and'Its [nieviviiiism,is' exceeding in
r.L'JgTv �r. aXileconcy t1w WetiltbY vil- gorkilorus, tll(..ugli strukjv��and the re
, .
111ijo? Mily Ile not walk tliti strP(1t§, .1 .
. Ult colabilie-4 'till,, Pilenagraph Wit
and ride tile ptrk9, and. sall the the toleph one, an.d. takei and reell,rd
tt,teamer%, flaunting his vivils in tllv telephone i a 3 it at
, 11 C S�,igc by & tc;.m
� .
. f in
eye meansi giv 9 to, At limited extent a
is of the pare I littes not 1he vile,
bag Of ,uncleanness look. out from ituaWor in tjlc garlic
tppestriloll window, and walk richest . , way, .
carpet, and rustle finest silk, androll The � messago is sp,)kerk by the PC
in most gitalptuous varrialge? Lot son $ending It into tile telephone I
. . the insulA .way, anti a phonogrank.
where it% the 1.11W to Lake thebe brazen produced -which eark ba read off I
wretches of -high life" and put their . -ba tWired, the Instr
faces in tho iron fram�l of the state leisure. If it
Prison window I ruent. m.ty ba so arranged that tV
At ,vh,tt tlMv the r,,)rtl Gol wi 11 wax cylbldertt or phollograms, may
br,girk to ,purge Our. citics, I know not, lnscrhbetd; the oine being retained
� I II
the office of t e sender and the otb
or, wrtiother.1t, shAll be by. fl(;O:I, Or fly orle , r � eprodwoed exactly in the Office
fl,re, or by hurrioLne; but I do not the iemliver.. �Ifo effect this end t
believe tile holy God wilt stand it
. _ , transmitting, instrument h4s t
I, think that tibe thittinderb3its of his s
indignation are hissing hot, andthat .
when he rises up to scourge these ;
crimes, aguinst which he bath utter- 11
seed more bitter Curses than against- �t
any other, the fate of Sodam, and �
Gomorrah will be found to havebeen ,
more tolerable than that of�ournkodt- '�
ern citieg,-which knew, better, ' but '
showed digpoeition.to do worse. - J
111. Next, I speak of the remanec at' tassaiisination. God gires life., and he ;,
only has a right to take it away �, 'it"(' ;
that man who assumes this divine pro- �
rogativa has tOnalled the last depth .
of crime. 'Society is alert far certflit! ,
forms of murder. If rL cit'Zim, on big, .
way home ap night, Iti wayllkid and
slain by a robber, we are all anx-
ioun for big arraignment and execu�
tion. For garroting, or tile boating 11
(Nut of I�fe With it club, or axel 01.1
alung-shot, the la%v has a quick spring;
and it, heavy stroke, But let it man
come to ,.Vealth or social pretansiont, I
and then attempt to avange his wMeIgs
by aiming & pistol at the head at �
nother. and imMedifttetY,
there are sympathies I -arousad;' and
the ld,wye.ra plead, and the b"Aleg
weep, and the juries are bribed, ,tnd
the, Judge halts; a new, trial Is grant -
Pd. and the calge is pogtpon6d for
witri-ligaes tbta� never come; and at-
if,r a number of mettithI4 W Prison', the
door is opened lind the murderer, Is
oll,t. I call thia the tornOACA Of os-
it capital puntshruent ba right, thkv
lot the life of the Wli.54910d murderfl'!
go wilth this lif-6 of 1110 19110rillt alad
Vulgar ilAwassin. Lat tileire he no Par-
tift.lity of hoully, no "Airigtoomey of tho
giallawa. AV4 are, in our cities, On the
ma -roll) book td%aird tho,t state of bar-
bavlaw, 30410, bvoq twag - "aa—
hanneLi.ot-tuWs for the waves
ound prodac,ad"by. spoaklag Into t
. 4 , �
iouthploce, . I I I
One aidliantape bt the instro.me
. [the fact that, lt.6 possible to the
he phonograph action out of Pi
nil'u$a tb,,, rplephone in the ordina
apblonJ Xttachments are also
1sqA oy which th,� use of the tra
ll;ttev bky Urks0led P�rsons is Ma
.1 i
itare successful than in the Case
Ae cixtiinary telephone. . , ,
-Arlokiler toit recently rn.�kc,
Eriglautt wit.1 Over a line. five. mi
in leagbItI The engineer ropor
that wholt tile Conditions were i
arable itad articulation good- thp
pressibli, on, . tho cylinder were
deep, as tho'Impression produe.ed
speaking Into ark ordinary,pho
g ra ph, LArV battery power is,
course, needed itod at reinforcing c
pen, ts required at tile recittving
rlegi't" ..
_ring I ine
Thp.� Pir,vatio.ki. utility of the, t
Phonograph proralwa, t ' 0. ht grelt
busiike�ss Use. It wilt hi extrei
Ix"dut,111. Im,tino.44 or professional
, fi%*4 whora the clerical force. is an
lVar instamail, Wtho offli"a 1.3 tout
-arlly left, Without an attendant,
-,UTw,noigraVh'e4n be od set as to
�Vly witti, the uWagage ChAt the
.0cator is (yat anti also to Atatc,
tim of 111� return, The in0rui
jl$ fittkil. witiX a telepIlonol
. -t
I ,
lwhtoh, will lintoft,ttleilly. take i
,a 140.4.
� saipp" ill o,,Ig'� the caller is
, .
labje to oww"Ift thrit return. Thi:
. ran&WAt of tile, tolochanisin
4 por,fool, Uh-vt ia series of iiiess,xv
140giitimw 15,000 �Viorils May be. t
'in tVIO W41y. . , I
.1 I. I �_
..� I �,
I Wily 1,9,a. man What walk4 belli
e blurlipy
, Aweeper like a ard PI
Necaua& he followit soot.0 .
-7 I I -----, , , , .
. 4 " all_ 0 wife; and I thank Opil for bringing tile, trick of getting cout1deaceo" and
suell happiness into my lifa." yet I donq sea why Ixe ishokild, be#
I laughed, don't you know. It woo cause bola an awfully blunt, sledge -
k 401110101 U00 4 rather a jolly sort of thing for it balumer sort Of Johnny, and Olkyll just
ohappie to hear a girl say. And yet what he t1kinks, The, third tivening t
live now come .from seeing Soper. I found myself wondering All the g(ter my arrival, Triggs soil 1 dlooll
. -
11a is ,an utter . a. xort of tirae what she,4 said to the-Witir Ofm ,IL .
, tool. with ,lone, and wheia,we� had done he tack
andorourreat of ounialug-just. enough floe joburky. I led me. He lighted a. olgar and pour- t
Duldrilng, to qvqrr04,cb himself$ don't A morith afterwards, at the Pod- ed.out a glass of port, and Pat big feet � V
you know. And that is what bola done, bury-Perelvals'. I kissed her among 141), find said.
with me.. But 148 laughs beat w,ho the chrXsautbemums; ana my eye- I "Now"drop the a,ubllme, old m4n,
� , � '-
laughs last. and I laughed, last. , glass gall, out of my eye.k and bit her dud take that thing out at your eye,
I'm not one of those stupid chapPlell on the nose, Then she laugheii, and and try ilad be human f" once. What'01 .
6vbo pretended the - worlilla an emPtY Invented � a nickname for me, which bothering� yauV Toll me all about It :
tagg-sholl. and that overything's ,been I shall not repeat bere. It Was what and it I oad give you an Idea. I iylll.l
done, and there's nothing now, and wr,iting jellinnies .call a Dort. of idylt � Tben I 1111111,9110d, don't you knowo
I �.
acithing ,to sea or 4ea . ru or 1p3.rQ- don't you know-lovq'01 Young dream, arub told him all about it, an hetsup.
fit by. TIzA always oven, ,to new idean, and all that, .1 � deated, and explained the .painful ria.
and like to understand things a's I But- the wargE of it wail tbatlowing ture ,of the Position, Re said: . .
, .
,;a along, poople think I'm all awfu'lY to lay awful idiocy, IOv0's Young "There lan't a shadow( of reaso . a for
. , ,ki g lt.off�oot lk,pbad,ow, You
narrow-minded, emptk.heaqed john" dream got off the rails b0ford We had brca, a 11
UY, but I'M. not. , been engaged 96 , mouth, I ought to feel there isn't youraolf, You've lots at
I mp L 'well write this story Out ,have, married her InstgTitly be. senae,. only yew go and bury itunder
.4y as ' Chang. I l; . our a -It this d-" neirisegso and affeota�
white 1,m in the veil4 and ha e a Wip 1pould
details all fresh-. but I don't for 1 06 minds, because I 0, till think we Clout .i Yon say she's a good womari I
moment suripoalt. -you'll believe itl be" were meant for lyae another, instead than stick to her. They're not so
cause nobody ever believes anything Of got the War Office common, Go back and marry, aii(l
� don't You know. It's ba that, I octuldult, head, and I Pro- come down here, and live in the oollA-
nowailtayso _ .4 ollapplei out of my , ,
form, posed,.we should walt six months, to try, and take tip something rational,
Wall, I capae down to breakfast 000 see if, Our Characters suited one Wit- Grow roots, or study artificial manures
afternoon iust as chippy as could be other. It ostruiek me that if- they or broca cattle-anythtrig. , But take
-reduced to the last stages of chip- didn't, it would be better to f Ind it out My tip; give u too I oil It
, p this kn k"kne I ol
piness,. in fact. I shuddered oven at before than after, don't you know. . low, masher fooleTy, and, settle. down
the sight of my dary toast �- and, if dry Then the thing that ,made me v:O and begin to realize that a Man with
I your fortone 'Owes something to the
toast makes you, shudder, then you're apponed. � I had ae r . .. . I
I awfully ohippY h I . community." I
Property oh1PPY, My man SyMes re- doubted rdyllelt foramoment- I war Of, course no chmpilie . Iiiing has a
moved a loattisoMe limelet', and'sug7- shipped Edith, d5nd felt that life Would right to talk to Me like that, - bu I t I can
gested it fragment, of kippered. her- ,'b, a hollow tomb without heri NO; mY ataild'anything from Triggs. �
ring and a. brandy and soda, - SYMAW fear was that site, ,who had tired Tile re'ally strangw part of it' was .
kno,ws- what it is to be ohippy him- of( the othee jokero might possibly � �. v
� . . .
self; but his is a mere animal chippi- we of me too. - Wall, , she , `dida,t that, since ray arri at in the cokintry, I
. . ary . .. 'I I
ness, don't. Yaw kuoN�; rainels mental. weary of me; but I actually found iny- beAt �boguu too morid.usly doubt I haq
' , rightly g9jaged .niy emotions in t
Therel w6rei throe lett6ra on my ,ta- self getting!& bit tired of her,, It was � . .. . li�`
'bid. One 'was Oink and �scen th, frightfully rough on a chappiti matter .of Edith. 14 couldn't put them
ted wi . I 1, � with
1. . .1 . . . . into wt�rdlj; they were shifting and In -
"Cherry Blossom" - ' the second cank,31 my sensitive nature to discover ii thing .
from my failor: . the iltird-the re . allYllike this. I Couldn't understa-r4d It.. definite,. And t * hat nigh�,. as Triggs
1, ti,Dn gave plao . a to*an lalked, I halt fancied that I still cared
important one -from ,Triggs. ,I burnt The did. fasettria, . irl . was � N little for the &J, after all.. I knew
the pink' noter without , opening4t. absolute intliffdreacip. The g ' ng, she was the only woman
What's the use of reading worrying 'ant as. %ffeCtionate ,as ever,. but, I orle-thi r n
J. ' whio eVer� Understood me. Vor I'm a
, want to marry her' nearly . tin . - ; : ,. I I
Ititters When . . � h ke more under-
. Yciulre *hippy? But I didn't. N �dait deep Jo nny, .and Ij
studied the tailor'' A 4 tdo. In fact, I 'di ..
,s let,ter, because Ills much as I U e .. I .. , - -
I I . . standing than People think.. %TIlp
oommikaicilt�ons alwayd aniuso rue. wautto, akiirry anybody. . . I � I
a -simi!lrVf Many ot4ersl' J;,Yelit down, and saw Soper. -He lA. ,longer. I rehected upon, tile subject 6f
This w a a fac, . , , I ho',wil] Edith, and the . longtir I'listened. to
I have � had from him., . My tailor. is, itl one of tho36 Inspired Adiots w . I
I .
. ., . an than Trigds, the firmer grew a.determirk-
mean .bound, don't YOU � know. Ifeliome'times.1felp aclevlerer M � he ation idi m decide too
.. . . Y mind not to
-tries to got sentiment into his ae- I himself. Besides, he I )1ad. known t . I . .. . I
I � - . . .-
coUnts I V. . Ile . Whines''. and -utylkimpers.1 girl before I jid. But Ott 1, 11 Soper, is hastily,. -haue.
� . . . . . � . To be Cott Irt d. '. , �
anti ,bout ork'not judge, Of a wcuaanl� . . - .
,.I, believe, dro.vs .water a . . I 1. I . I .- ., . . I . . . �
his bills tomake . me think . hehas lo6en m everything. I analyzed I ,", - � . -0 . . .
crying ove . r the - In. As to the rnissi I v(- I my emotions$ sad. simply dissected my-� A NEW TRAI�SFORT WAGON! -
' ' . �
. . .
f rom Jibamy �;rrikgg, I I t W I as 5 . hort ar��-'.se.lt,tbst Super. mi.ght.knpw all :the � I . . . . . . .
I . ,.
:simple, His wanted me'to . go dowa'fa�ig, f so"id. "Now, what on a Call CIMI-Y R11110118 ror r4irty .11olon OV1117
. . .
and ; slkoot I birds ancl things, I and . 'at . op I Is am honorable Johnny to do V! . ' I' � "ilbst blli�y ol. , sri�ve,1*1111.a -]till ' lery.,
H' was ugh, to say he would , The old ldei,� I
e . good enev . Pt taking f ow. rueasures-
a Week �or' two at his aides in Surrey, I , . . I
� I laughed. We w . ore wit . bin .a we(k think it out for:me.* ., foi thle comfort of the troops in. the
' .
I - � of the War Office Ueld, because :they -arc �Upually com-,
of. the, new burle�quc- at the Gapety].' "'Wilit's: become , � I
. , . . . jpkcr V- -l. asked. "Could we hiiivs him polled by the force of circumstances
ay $tall w'ds booked. th�.garderkia f . . 1, .." . . s . I
, .Lack, into th% bdat agaln?" . to do'witb,Out.ah.j conlreirtsI was -ex-
. .
� �
should wear was already in bud some4 . , ago .and to -day
. . I.. . I . nat� Soper bappaneil ,to. know. he'd ploded long. , . every
' -
where; and yet, Triggs ,Wrote thus, ,. , . . . . I I I I . -
I ' ' just mairried motney� . .. . . ,good offboter tiie4 tc� bring his mop
But still*.' at ,another time, 1. ghould ' .. . . . I . . I �
� .. . . , , , I . So 1. left'him ,to think if out fdi me: to the field of'lkittld in: as fresh a
bare:1bu-mor,ed-,Trigkp.�aIId run dow6t. I . 1. . . .. .
� .. . . , I
. . . I
. , � Three da�ys laker"tvdin. the atterricon eondition-as possible. . . I . I
I ' I I . � . . .
beca��Usc� I was' mentalli ch[ppy,, as I
' '
� . , .... I . ` ell- 'Ono-, of the mo4t arduous. duties,
I receLved , the fettdra : already In
- '. � I . . . I I . .
sai4 before. and wanted tone., 11 tioned-4 t .,Soper again, '
I . . I Was to Mee. _ , . .. lotlilcr,l than actan U . ft�vhting . on the
I . Thai .thing 4,p,d waighod, heavily on. f -his: ,ultimat - i I . .1 ., ,. I ... . .
. I . ' 1. audge urn. . Some 'of irbng� ij,fioJi outpost duty, oud. any
. or i I Ite to � . I �
my mind f 9.Montb.,. It!s#P.; . ,73, tile boy.� a�tqppqd me as I ascin4ed, I on , r mea I us il6t 'will lighten . I hi.,i . serv.ibe
. kordinary the nutabbir of-',tbl,ugs - I � . . I �
.eitr' . ceIeb'r'a;t'6i1 ina'rble.istalreaso, at the 1,' th.,-ficla
I I . It W-111 b3 weicomed.by. t he
d cha pi Is mind will hold at one, timai . . . I.. ,. . 11 .. .1
� P �e - V I - I "Vallipirem," and one 'and all declared army., - Wa,don- -transportation -will
don't you know., b tile s simply cram- , � ..
. . that dea-th was written' on MY face. I not ahrayi .b3 available far* to. the
liked with Ideas about'Yachts a ' n i d Pld"�Lkrnew they Iffere.right, to . a. . . 1. felt tbilt front, an,J, yet t1w, SDLk . Ch A(vieark
, '
and raring and. rnc�nilv dud -society dno� If 4. dian"t: go,awd' pretty'doon.-and camlittlign Il.ts 9ho,wn that even '.It tile
. . . I 7 . .. I
. clubs and, ibo.A�iftyfeosivriid politics and,. get:tolle CoL.Jiohlit be lost to "them.
. � . tio.tpo,stIt .it (.,,,Ill often cdin.6 into vlaY,
. . .. , � , , , ., � .1 . � . I
yellgion-ves, re`,111V-�1111, of coul's(I If . I .
� . . I . , I I . i ,Hang: it all, llfelan!t worth.. living 41 ,t,i-auitl b of ifiest.hriable value
� . . I . .. . . . .. I all .1 . �
girls. - , . . .. 1. . . . 11. . . in to'gef %aches and agonies. . I . . .
. � . lit I . iou!re go g. . . . . in isp;lrt'n g thia men Onriecessa ry labor.
I Girls -got into every Jo any -4 mind, ' - , I
.. , -
. , .. . . I And mental agony is the worst;.Aort.. � ,&- new 411.11tary transport aftil ghel�.
-They wriggle in,G6d knows how, and'.,,,,,,, don't. think I feel.thifigs doe - ter, Av.11go�a lo HL4 (I I irevt a.'atcome of
. P . . . . P . .".. I
I yon e.an't keeti,.theiry 0 1.1 t. phappies ty; but.l.do don't kotukriow% .1 get , .. it, I
I r . .1 � 1...tte exparienco in the Tr:insv:i .
r �. , . . I , the .
have gone in for heil 9 monks and her- I horribly down, , add I have. little blue, It .wus des�gncd by a. rolunteer ar-
- I � . - , � . . .
.. I I
m i tit, anti lived in- caves, and.given devils dancing all over me, and hang-� - tMery , colonel or 14lik.ffiel. . l,,'F'.ngUnd.
lityi society. and sat -.and moped,. like - .1 t' , and 'o.Waraling tip jhe wagon is 'bu:lt of woo.1 and is
� I . ink out *of my,* lo
!. ankipa,lit the ,IZoo,II:.tlon'E you�� know,.: the -:iesld'olkaiti of, my leye-glass, and untod'ork pprin . gs and'four wliv(Is.
. _ . I I me
, anti worn their -hair shirts next their., - - ' round and , roUnd in* my T.Ille tirea are eight .!riches wi,l t(
. . I I i I swimming, , . . I 0
skin,'a,nd teetotallod and starved, and.- brandy I and soda, and'sMing astride on � . I
I ,
� .. .. . faaU:tate travel ove.'�.,%Oft gronnil, iin(
kept. a, �1�iuil to talk t'0 When they felt. my clgar6tto� And wheir it's a girl, , 'lie ,
. . I I , t re-;tr, whe0sarbi: on it broade
I I . . .
. .
� depresse ., ' but, It's been .no good,* of course it'Sworse. . . ga uge tivin - t1lose 'In f ront. . , It is.or
. !n . - . . I
. hey've. bhIY . pliticked themselves I found S per In'the J5mr1kiIlg-rOOM-
T . � J I a r . ranged. for .harse or traction engin
aw.ay.and. Jost their.,61kance, and -4,01t § a .appearance is. simply 60trY. . �. . �
, oper . draf t. 1. . . I - .1
I beirriOly self-rigilItelous�. and ,' Ww4ted-We ,.haven't ,got a footman who. I . I-
' .. � Tito. top of th.i wngotl box i.-I-91tr
their fives ,anti missAd.boing, f amilY . couldn't give him tiny weight and beiii .
� I. . . - I 1. rounded by - stQul; itr1ro. 'no(ting, in
, I I h,v , joh ' . h i at the side and � .
men. .e y . nity, .9agbt to go in 1hink. . 0 Parts big, air
y I X . h I . s� �
, idic of which i4 th,.� platform. -Unde
for -being a f amilyl plan, I don't -You. wears a ghastly beara and atrangeS U*', p � n -ciii
I . . latform, fleor N .. water �
_ know aftiar a cert4161 tIM6411 40- But joxing-rntIto . . .
., ' ,(: : _ hes-11b fusseB about,. and. 6t. for fy'ga I Ions callicity. , .01
be. r d -tern
. . -
I 'tho, thinit'is ta iCild' right momaii. '.'h0W`VhnY,rePose.9r bearing or..style 9, � I I .
. .
. I -
11 It,s, better till . keep .1 single * than start! and when IIA, gets extilted, Ittis sharp each side of-thA ,walgon.are lfinge..(
. . I . .
4 . being a I family ralift-wi . ill the ,Wro�. g black eyes . look different ways�a. ito 0 r..;,, clilglng rodesses' ill 'Which
a gir ,I' .-f I " - .. . . . I . .� .� Irthing I hmtg. I . fancy there's ,,I bit o"Tivals shelter is kept rolicil. UP. Till
I .
I . I 1* I . as can
e A girl was worrying me and bad o4 ,TC,w in Soper's .,blood, betituse be ca n v. b3 run out' in a Very fC
a been for an.aga. To extilsiti I the thing'always has. his knife Into 3ews; and minutp.,; and, wlien. hold up by ill
� . . ,Q -
- - I must go'back a bit., I'm a fairish he's a regular Sbylockl after Money. wagonat.(na vnii and 1* I. -sts Plante
. �
. I . I . t th-I ;ji4e, of the Avagon Ott tit
I judge of a girl, don't you know ', -and .Soper -said: "There's only onething ,OILt a � .1
* y other twill frrin,t vectangular ttent.fo
- when 1. met no dith Marchant I . got to do�you moist.let her doW.n gentl I . goato are also provide
. ,very keen .over,,hor from the first. I Leave town and writs,her a letter, fifty mcn-
, _ I .
h told Soper .. ab , ant it at the club, "The I Say you feet you are not good enough .,it th� hidesaf tht� �jragozj in,the for
9 Vampires." Soper's afoot and basn't I for her, and Will nor � er be able to make of lianging stepi, 84 Chat the me
le any depth. but sometimes he'll saY it her really happy, and all that stuff, can ba carrioti. on them wlien neoes
. � - 1WIkC.n not In use these .seat
in gt�oa thing, and even a wise one, by She jilted one �akan; it,s only postle sary. ..
Q.Colden�. I know h I a's a Hart and'justica another man should jilt her," Win W folded UP Out *Of the wa
I a 1, Sopert is 9, vulgar little johnny, and Itlilf. or carbine racks ara also par
r- would sacrifice his'best friend on th . I
I salt understand girls,. Chiefly be.w tc,j itkt equipment. The wagon ca
It altar of a j6ke. but .Soper daren't doe .. .
I cause they 'utterlyr bar him; but still, uavrY four tall -i of stores and wou
is play it low oil me. because I krJOW a Va proviAe a detachment of fort
t 4 a thing or: two about Soper that isn't' there seemed to be IlrOMO reaset I in th ith rations.for 100 days. It
u- generally known. don't yon know. whoti; he advised, though he didn't put 01011 W .
I . ned either, for fliv supply Of
a .He said-, "MY. boy, shels engaged it like It gentl6man- ' - desig . . o
be at Present to a ohapple in the War So, after all, I accepted my fribild's d0tachAwnt On ciltPost duty V
. in M
in office; but that's ]nothing; she isn*t Invitation to shoot things, t gave MY P%rt Of the e(likilt It t Of 'it tic'(' ba
or very much gone,' Cut him Out. Mar- stall for the new burlesque Ao Soper; tery and 'WILIX U4 tent sh!-Jt(,r w
r. mc�
of ry her, by all means. It's a fair deal. I I cared not who wore the gardenia pro vu la .ro valuable, under cl
he' She has beauty and brains; you have that was growing somewhere for ale; C,urnstances WILere horse Or tract!(
t turned my back all the metropolis, engluo dxaf� is avallabid. at all, th
vo Coin." . I isought. the sylvad retreat of tile trangpirt wd,gOns nOW in U -;c -
of Soper is a vulgar littlecad, but and "
there,$ ,often a grain of Triggs, tbat 1'.Mlght thexO recover .0 .— - .
he I a and gat into a condition Of robust '--'
what he says. I Pointed Out that I ton SEM&S TOO BAD.
at' loved her, as far as I Could judge, and health' before writing to Edith gat- � I it
, I . . . Of course t shoul(In't want to At
OW that true love castath out all baser tbairktI . . . . .- . I a id (he Way of anything, that you. to
ay considerations of taitilrit or beauty. 11c, I'm it aoft-hoarted beggat, ant like doing in Clio Way Of �Xew Yem
replied that he didn't know anything. letter once posted., like a lie once told, But It, do
ry ill thin reformation, she said-
de- about level. but that he knew A great is beyqud Control. I thought : I
na- deal about Edith Marchant; and he Carefully out in the train, and dettr_ seem too bad ir . I
, What seems too bad, my dear? a
do reckoned I might go in and win4 mined, to eld nothing in a, burry. Peo- er her husband. %
of hands down, if I cared to, Us also ple, ',think I don'tt think; bat I dot
. a wearr kaf don't you Wilow. I'm a hard thinker. That you ,41,0111(t feel Obilge'A to 4t
felt sure that Edith '%Ta -9111"Vinff jug" after I haV8 given y
la, . tbe.War office, ohapple. because he Bet:46um a charpiels sucking the handle I .
les knew the chappla and the chapple was of big%- walking -stick, or lookinj at blm� those lovely Cbristmas cigar,3.
ted rather sick about it. . . . self in a mirror, it doesnit�follow` lie's . . . 4 ,_____...40.. -
I D1tE-&D1,1r_TL AC0ID1-.'.NT-
He said, Ilghelllsp6nd your money not thinking. r, .,
av- , . Ethel -Oh, Vooily, I , hail such
In,. you bet, and tic the PACO. 90 she's Concerning, Triggs, I Will Merely ,
ad meant to shine Pretty high up. Shoill tayt that he is the right sort. Some dreadful accident the other day
shall understand broke, two of My -front teeth.
by .drag you to the top of the 800(at'lad- enough, I ,never Vinily-11OW painful. 11ow did
ilo� der, It You'll lot her. You'll get youir Jobnales are like light -houses, don't I .
. . I
at money,$ worth, anyhow," you know 1, brilliant and glorious to be- 11APPell'i
Well, I proposed one day, after hold, %ad bursting' with brains, and Uthet thoughtlessly - They fell
ur. do idea,%, tile sidebtxtril, and f accidentally t
and she'd told ma. in 110 many ,words that full. of greab and tremon, Us .
It was right aft with the War, Of- You,admire that sort of man, because Oil 1110m, - 11
ele. (Ice_ I put it quite plainly, down tit you know he's a, million times wis , er IICI!I. 13AD 1111HEMIM
t ill HurI(r;gham, I said I was a Johnny and cleverer and wore celebrated than LOOKED L
nply. neither better nor worse than other you ever can be. You admire him, At-, . t recent banquet in Sydney it
, Ild assort
of. johnnieq, but, if anything, betfi?V. I betyou don't like1lm; you doalt'Want l*pndautoVh!wNtirdi,.,n. grW
U,111, told her t liked list awfully -loved pi know him, .&nil get 0humMY With ,,it, Gleneo4 passed a knife, "Witil
at;, and. f hat It she, thought him, You feet, ha's not your 80tt, &IIA bl.
Par. her, in fit ade foremogt,%, to it member
the it good enough, t6 would be too im- you darl,i; care) a. groat it the brilliant famous old family hearing the )list
. johnfisr come", to grief or dies to- name of the, Ma6donalds' betray
re- manse, don't You know, . stig
She said Alig thought it was good Marrow,. nut Other fellow$ &to like WroAt of those who lookoid Ott.
pro- tig
what she sa%v In too, It may have wood fires -ruddy, 61keerfal, Pleasant.' ,ciI the action ,is one of eon teMPt
tho . ray.1t-an old -gold silk with You wou"t got, much light from them, bitl brooding. nut Ono or two un
neut been MY 0
raph a diamond it it, J,t may have, been bat yoipll got any amount Of Wittalth. stoa,it tile signitioanee,-atid kilmit,
low� my but ton-holo-ge, [der -rose and V617- U<,Ot obapplea want warmth, not light; t,ba. b . etrayal is still unfargiven.
#an- bena, it may hD,V6 1101011 MY Mons- bad you cah'warm yourself at a wood - .0 I I
ar. trialkh, or my mqu6y -, it may have been fire, but not' &t � A light-hounewL dealt VATAJV Or MUSIC -
a so .411 these things taken togethOr I 1, but, You kulalw" , Itrit, t;ftitorlial-I am sorry yon -
anyw4ri, sbo, said It was 990tt enough- Jinimy Triggs Was % WOOd-firO kind ,a.arnkany. Ilad t
( ag- I roulealb the words, . , of man -always full of sympathy for going back to
liken 06 -tit, anik a AVOOdOv tit IgOt- better got aoklith�,V MUSIO lo -'1016r
1111tiverk t ou seen t,ha,t I love you�f, Sokers in & my tlaugl&0 �
I Why, d6arg It, 1 ,love at I have n or tiar, hidden troubles ant of anybody ,
. t� - Van Nole-4d ecq nod ft
A a loved #r'llought. I Could love- r!t, s Thaugh, t1m p, devilish ileer6MV0 chap: : q i1rof.
, a,ry. She knotwVellough tyius6k t
AY00 I not )�Ohcv Vwantil but lova,�'pll I pie OL#j a ,rui,� yet I alWayA find, MY' 1�, led 1011, e) � I
In oil littl6t, tru.K little $c1ft1,1kIhg:Il�h1sNt4 T 110 of got mari'l _;
. nak6 ,�ou a go' 1� I . . J*y �
P� ropdluint -NoWe, ,
40� —1" %__
Lady MacDonald, Wife of the Brl-
loll Am'basptadaT to rekla, brought
kbout the famolvi aufflionov, whicill the
powager Empress of China granted
9 WLves of tile foreign Ministers, and
Cad tbA address Upan that Occasion,
SlkiD has Aved'in all parts at tIX0 World,
ago as an unwoloome Passenger. The
captain and orew, wanted lIao fine
ladies" aboard, .There was "no ac,
commodatiou for ladies, "I In a , hoirt$
they, were afraid of having to wear
tl.wlr company mannerfA every day.
.But invariably, Oka end. of the voy-
age found every, Man oA boortil, from
the .captain to the Chinese cook* her
devoted friend and servant. ,
lier Caurarre In .. am- Can T,ar .
- OR-
, �
44freeks seekillix 494
GoIde", TOM,
ver4o 00. (,,art
Waking Greek,
and, although accustomed . t, 1.7 p
, to Eastern lonkatat, "Uroo
servants before going to Mind, Lady uncomplaining fortitudet in tUe alat- ,,UrockA"' 'by If.
, . ter of ratK and cockroaches, her Calm
WeDoatild ,considers the. Chinese as 'Acceptance, of South sea custom, race, GeritIlea N r
t I he very beat lof the servant class. . . . called forth enthusiastic approval. of the Jewo. ,'I*
. __ She could cook like a. French Chef, jilgiumi culture had
IJU German Empress is an 0110r- blad up P. wound as, well ao a sur- gitcao. They were
Xetto woman, rising at 5 OIciook and lytes, Ali Dr. .,
d geon, devise sports and invent games, have 15e
Viding' horseback for two hours) ark &nd bild invalliable Ir I
. onteilles: stowed "o,"Icy XWY
itrives in the afternoon. 11or com- liway in a. little old mediolue oliesf. tile travolell:4 WbA
. , i'D thia go
planion in riding and driving. !sl 'her She looked after tho health and foom. to WorAbip, tha
olaker, tho D.uchess dr_01vokSburgs fort. Of the' wila-mannored native tet whi-ob, they 04=00i,
. ay
Who shar.os with her In all her tastes, sailors as. kindly and unaffectedly its 'WIMO in Our day
' I -_ she taught A,h Foo to ukake, broad, a4 A-01mic d03A Wit"
In , accordance Witli tho yvish ex- wkla cocoanut toddy for yeast, or WhctlkOx or not Ro
pressed by her late husband, Lady *tbo,u4t match r
' . draw out the, captaial or ma te -to talk May W1 .
'Alte bAs presented to the National . a, his homo and- f�krully,,. sard tbme MQA as
Gallery of BrItIsU Art 34111als'a "BOY- A balf,oasto sailor once said; I'Mr, Ono God ,revealed In
hood of Raleigh," C, I x1libit"I at the .,Stevenson is good to me like my fatia- 01011t, like tile devo
Aaademy in 1870, and, recently gold at or, ,and lit* wiCe'is the same kind of tiOnOd in AOtA 17- 4-
aulot�,I)n in man," . � � the annual foast at t
. . London for 027,500. .
� - - __ King Tomblooke sald of her; "She groatoat, of all IlelbXTO
queen Vlptorla' has. -it i;voriderrul good; look prettyi ' plenty chenob," rIWILIC4, and in this
� I xdo at prime 1141
aslavy near Wiudso:r, to w,litch she 80-0. . - . . waA rat I �
takes pleasure in jivirig her personal , rerhapa .they both meant what P,d. WVXId by the dea.tli *a
. I
, I
attentio; 'It coutai4s may kinds of mund GoBse, the poet, so 'Wall. expresst. 21. The Sam ca
* . .
J�rt.gllsh birds, and the , pride, at the o d, .' when. he I )Vrote of her as "dark llhil.jp, . [.,Chei nalln" Of
. .
collection is a_gGldon, eagle, which anti Tich-hearted, like some wonder- draw 'aTo botll Greek, �
was, captlxrod� io years ago in the fal wine -red- jewel.11 thernselveit were A
Windsor Voirest. ThQX � a is ja room at- But' her husband caps all praise to bLooded Hibrowa. A
. .
t4olated to I the avga. I ry I con,tainillig . � - - her in some ot,irixas ending. may readily bave, Rt,tr
1. I .
I I ,
00110,6tion Of stuffed birds Which were Teacher, ,tender cantrade, wife, . vialtors. 04 Bethsaidia
' , I A follow-farcr' true through life, roisilleralce Of
�Ikot:'Ib-y.tho Pripce, Consort. I . . . . . ! Philip Was
I . .
. . . I __ I - ,. . .. . . , .1, Heart whole and soul f ree, . . deme'. i6f *Aqadrew-� W
. . . I .
- . . . . ,The august fiatber 'Tesus, Tit,, t11V"W8x11s
Mrs, May Wriglbtl Sewall, of Indian- Ga,V0 to me, . . . I . , . . -t� lataTtling' P01,14
ltpo� . is; . Mrs.. Dandarafid, of Montreal; . I - � , O,U,SIY fi I . .
. . ' I tc4liealt talk with. -
Mine. aametsclikliqe, at BussiLa, lime. ' - Ihiu,itightful, -'devout,
I �
Meyoxs, of Dortairtrk, received special DRAWN' � 00INCIDENUE, 81 uticitier nceds-07 su.g
M,1111116tpaL attention let Paris while ; r . . 1. 1. . I . . .� � I
. . .it . � . I . cw�e,Lh an
attending the Wornan's Congress, I TRUE STORIES THAT ARE STRANGER ' 22, PhIlIVI 0 ,
conniootion With the, Paris Exposition. - .. draw.. 00110111t1mg iw
fr I cw� atsdPC14 t
� . I .1 . . . . I THAN MOTION, �, � - 'th " azld adsdiOclilt
. . I ,
. . . a
. . . ___-9 . . 1 I - . . � I
. I I . I . .- I . . 11
. � I I . hKiod. . Aindrew Iliad J'b*
Of-Itild Queinals daughters it is said' 111ke It'lle-NIPet-led Alopearilikee of' All:.t (Illete I .
� 11JS IlKother A Ta t I ' WA§ the Cause 0
th:tt the Powers of thitt:'al . - Found - I erea Will4t, . to
. . 4111vorill'.
. S ne-ag ir-Tomw 31ittit 1111r4lers britnigitig the Gr6cks
"lok and the, Princesit'Christian Avith - 111,; 1,'afZ,..r_11,1lPPr .111cellng lit 191 I . - ,
. I 7 I hap'i We may flind.i. Win,
- be poll isrould get tlkcnk� a good L living I la-01alik'�11re. . , that
I . . . . .1 � . . pelited statclucat
iny day; Clio Princess Louiso is aa I Life Ls 6roiydod . with strange I Co-, uIlly to tale lot Shoop
pood ut painting :s at* soulpture, while incidences � , . I
' a , . but few Ard quite sc re- (A. Israel. 121*1)6�11tdfu
. .
the. Princess, 13 . eatrfee is or . I . c of the markable ',,d.'9ramatPD u that 'of Like messengers at A
-best amateur actresses. I.Va,ken. to- which. �'C,olatnUa F! . old, No%v York, ' . I IV, basis,, 0
, . . I 1. 1.
g-,ther, the queen's,13orks and daugh- '- .
. witts. tile scOrto -.,t,%feW, mouths ago. - late
. I � . overlooked -, the sILludy,
- ter 'are act --wanting Lit .versatility,, Tj rig' 44 * rdlingtOA-1118 , �
4 . I � - .. I . The AthIeLlo Ilion wia,� - ..hot ' dii A�cicu . tradit
,. I I I I.— . __ . I . 1. . annual spo*tgi and -the- oOMPQ.tItIOu "God GeAtLL46' king
, l,11'a't 6 .
:' Dea�rioo.11arraden, It,la said, wields for putting tile 10.11)1. shot.wus about Liditat je,s,us was 4c;orhed
a i3aw I and Plane Nylth, as-mitch skill .to oo.ram6kkoo;� .among th.6 *40mPetir trymeiti, I seu,�L ft�mbassa.
1. I I .
. ap. her -pen. *iaq living. on a ranell . tors bL,ing the well-knowh affileto'. . -e Jillit "to his.
' . . . . . lia,VLL " � . �
in'Califordic, for ber.h6alth's sake she, Sheldon. 'Tho, offiloial wjI0 aTfriounced Gi.ecks Were th,60a : a .
. . - I � I ' . ' , -t Ivish . I Chat . I ..
In . . . )v
beca pa. quite ex I 0 SO . puld fi
.. . p3rt as a carpOntert the event. xprds (1, 1, rgpl , Y..6[ verse M I
halping :upon occasions tii� build a Dennis . 11orgyan, - the. great Irish 11 -know
. I.. I . . � . � I go am.. 0.90-17119 J!"u-
, fence. She get out, With. hot own ,ikeight-putter, ,,vere. present to COMM .
. , . I . I .� . . aud jilt any "go It iz� tol),
hafids,'a small, itimphard. and vCtteiidod Pete 1�101 SIIohk)11_sllid facetiou'Aly I . . % . hese Gr
... .� . . 1. . . I . � . � JeSuB reCCIVe(f t1lese Gr
. . t was iiiiii1liU' b - I hini -to . , .. . .. I
- too the .grafting and priming.- I g IM.,by-name,invitei. , .. , �
.. Igo' her pro�d. boast. thait,a'he could I stvp.� LorN,�ar(l. ''I . . , � � 2& 'Jilke hj>UV Is oomep
� � . . I
.It. - ' . � . I . . . . of man should .be glo
. ,
I Irkr . riess a ho.rsc"Lls W -ell . � o -q any. coiy_ .141-inedlatoy'j, to, t4q. arnazemont of 1 now, 11 . c had, 'Saido 'L'It IS'
� lx�, I :. .. .. I . .
.. .. . all Horgan, in the, f1p.gh, P'nalled -his .
I I � 1. I , . , I . . �. 1� , I .. . . .11 . .1 . I I he meall that he was 91
.. , . . .
. 'Very Mu-0ca I 1, a, campos - or . of Music wuy through't-ha crowd OVSP,�ctiltors,.. a -* I expresg�ed. . ,byAh
and.ti,skillect. player on the vio,loncelld; ant, prou'llUy accepted tbxi� P'liallongd; .� Nslve .. . I .
. .. .. I n tho OvOnt With tile qjtm.OsC sLe him.i -No.; .. but he
I His . 9 Harraden' was the life of the Win ing . . ' I .. I ad. time atter his resurrect
. I . . " , I . . llc,ckplatneq later tbit he h . . I
r ant. h. Slid is an ardent ,suffragist.. Case- . . .1 -a 4ad,Q
.. . . . ., .. - ' 810,11 1k,lien Grecks and, G
Although "Ships .that Pasa in. tile only -just lan,ted'in Vdiw Yolrk,� and. . . . he I uld belieVeii i
' .
Nigh,t"brouglit her �ame 1 . t added but. hearing �tof the �i :,r t,s - ii-,�(J'Xvaclked the lit' lions 8'. . .
P . . � . . I
. . I .. , , I.I.. -Verily,. verily.. Ai
. little to her fortunei as: shl� sold the fkl I: at LIX.0 vovy rilonient.. whah.hLi � . . .J .
I I . . I . I . . , tion'to the. 'exceiitional.
' .
boo]. outri . ght far '-it trijil'ing sum.- The namo wa.% called. , �. . .. I . 0 .
I ' . I lwa,yolil* -girt.1 of NOVEou, I�Ca�r -What iwt,�bi.f Ildw�. E
.. story Was 're ti -Nd bylNti. .Blitekwood, . - 4 . . . .
. . Joe . . - experieiaced' a � bout rall, int*Lh - -
Of Blackwiood's:Magazinc, in which.her Shifnali: Cries of -T�en � � , - _.
. . . � ob,inotdomm,s, , I,i,,Il had" & abideth. alone. I'$ Is
finst published story, , I I , The. Umbrtillitt =rkable . II 1W .. �, L . Wheat ', OXOCP ...
..app�aro(J. lie said that the tragical clitriAx-' itor many years the gralit 0
Alender," ki 9 too sad' to'snit that I p, I ub I to I Is, b3th tdaliL�d �Ltry, l.ivg<l't6g th- comes to it ,. end, the, h
. story w( - I . g;� � . e ' a .. 11
1. I . � . . in tile isam farm-hVIkgC,- .10aah come,, to its beginaing. ,,
. taste. . � . . �, I , er I . 0 1 � . I
. . � 1. , , . . . - '01nark of whole:vOrSpis a Parable
� — ,�. . . I m,trriett.at ,t&, wime. time. "
. � . . , it they ' ly
I '
.. The Countdm Louisd Erilody, who thL llan,te, . of Wirlitim, an made I ot . our Lord and its. billy
� .1 h same vAlage.. (See verse 3�11.) , - - .
I died in Vienrix tile other dety, was the their home.q in t. a . ' I I I . -
I . .1 . I I . Rach. wkfe: had faur,childmn, the last , 25 .. ,See Matt, .10, 39,
r originator of the moilern solite.Ma � to . - �. � I . I .1 . .
- I I t -he biaby in each crm� costirld'itg mother 17. 33. � - .. ..
- . A
. I .
make Latin the language of. , . � . .. .
.. . . . her, life, aftil two Women 0. .. . -I6 it Lilly man. serve,
0 ,. . wh so lives' -
I -world, .. .. . 1.1 . . bad run ork'nuch strangely p-tral . le I - . .
1, . .--- L I . .4 - . follow me. . W61rds baTO
I � lines I were iu-�h(� s,,�tqv ehlivell- . . -
' It c6i s1s. barled I � ig
- areanne wrilluardt, tile you � ollowiiig'... illv . ir Lorle.s. il�llc Greek MIE'
' . ' yard, the two btabio.g, f
' ter of -Mme. Bernhardt, died recently . � I � . I . ly, Lrad;SULL.df. ,11. any, !kid
. . ,
e in, Paris. Alth I ough not. .generally rriothtor.A . ; I . . . tO ule.,f De.a.-ons.an(l M
- ' I . . A INPINV DAYA TXV131M.. � . clke�
known she' .Was . catlailerea a high- . . uld b.'- mo,ry (161�' ' sil. V . vailtsof thoobdr S,
I I . . I � ' No crArkrItlerica' co . � ". wts of
class, actress, . With a . Promising � * 111ei1lbero,arL.�8.0rvl . .,
I ' I t hat' )$ ilit It llroatht Ail- ,. � . .
reer. She aceom '%rmo� Born-. ,. I 111iI, sim - art,, all. dot
.Ott, panii-d. i .Imt tle, ill," 1 . .;, . .a . .%,) w a .
. I - -,I 10 Ilk broth: r .i f- -
a, hardt .on bar first Aiiudriean tour, and 943ther ,NrO- ]I-- � N, las t.i� r, 8 sexviints .ar6. to
. . . . 'By
8 thou playp,d mitior part,it. � for 16'sing %ight' IA va,-Al ol,h.,r fo.r .be its on it journey.,
v - . . . ___ . . I noil r I tw,jn�y yi',i,r,,_ in thit. car I ly path, . I a, ho,lilikelss, sufferi . n
- , I '. I he vruee(44 -to . - Y
c. �, ,,,,, I?". . . If_ Ir.ft 1"!rlillogluork
` 4wen vlctorials� boutletir at VVInd- . . . .1 btq olde't ! . glor I and
d sot Cilstle is Upholstered Ili* roil da- to r -'�(Yatlh Africa' lcavlll�t � 11iS,.,Aerv&n,ts Inust, ba with I
L '
0 mask and gold and is th& most beauti- bibtlier 'Ill good practice a.% A Medical I.am, there, shall alsd IQY
r fai room in tbc� Castle& Thiel dear mit'l- I�Ov scroa years tho brot I hers This is,.a. promise at beavol
it boars the inscription in Uer .Xt.jesty Is .corresponded, until ' the , Medical but it includeA much mur
It handirriting, 111,;very art4la in this . broth6et,; Iettors suddenly and mys-
. . ti,me of his passion. drew
n ,room my deeply lameacd husband torlausly SLOP�6d. I,_, . no,,. a Lord repeated his assurai
- ,', -it .year , 31r. 'liidLag- proteoLion.,. and -
selected for me. in the tw6ittY-fourt,11 . Early laj r' -Went a
s year of -lay re-Ign." The, buy window, Wealthy, . and prc,spc Oust man, ceptiLin ,o,t hiis servao#s t4
: '
yl�commanding ,it magnificent cOUdtjy to Vmgland chleflY With Clio Object vict.,ory, to .live d,nd rel ,
viow" is hung with medallion portr, its Of finding hii brotherl, If alive', but all . Ill
n al all fhe Kin a and Queens since the Inquiries proved . fruitless. 110 had 27. Now is MY soul' tra
. 9 . thei grief and
Id conquest. The (jiteen has a great give,, up ],!,I quest in do ' spair, when, foresaw d shorti
Y love for the natural Boll 1),,r Is of wh:�le'W�111,',ti,r alon-V tha .,�trand, he twut Which ghoul M
9 I, Of q
is guglana dud thc bullfinela and Jin- ,vas accosted Ilty li'LaLwro-1, s1lIVVr- him in tll-� Gardeak
41 net, purchased by her some time' since, lll� =In Wit') bi�qgod hird piteously OoimPal!B buke 22,.I.41L". �
as are kept in this silechl bVU,'IOIr U21- to buy a, box at M'ttvhott, this Bt. A-1119"tine com
t- der the Care of a special attendant. In thti miserable, forlorn wreck of' prayer; '10 Lord, our No,
Ill . aulty, Mr. jif reco,griked. the above us, Y817'(Or tt� law
�_ ham I I
r_ I X 0 fill 0* 1) 11101 if N, r,"I'M �,V'-S- ; brother Whom 110 hAd .left it, sul,11 aloklipwiedge thyf. mercy;
I ces Ics,% than thou, Who, art act great,
n Twift the Dowager I -Impress Of comfortabld b�roumstan I WAII Witat, willing
an , rt,ugsuk eared herhiMbanit'g, Alexan- twenty, ycar4 earlier, love to entbors a
der IM, life. One day'.w-hen in the Only a few' YOUrs 1190. a Man was 111,,w many In
. ')art% of tile inurder Of troubled I* their ONVI
emperor's dressing room, she obg(erved convicted in I
. * big own father under p;tthetically ,g,tialsl; their Will, ,
that on his dressing table lay aCurl- a a
. thing tragic.oandillcils. The Convict -Was c6inforted th t th 7
ad ous; looking jowel Case, Same 3011 of it VOSPerei" trades� perish - by despair."
el about its appearance aroused her the tith, bad a thofo 3
I curinstty, anti. taking it up"she be- man 61 Lyons�l and, as a YO evidently ,had
a coIIdu(,.ted himself so. disgracefully clinging to, ljfe,� which is � �
bg 011016 t was'extrenit,-ly ' nil M
heavy. Without.saying A WOr . ( � 1, slid that hi,4 fathc�r hail iloork Compelled to hunger and at6apj a c
, _'
s . It. went into her ro,nd. and plaoedi it t"1 him; out of h1g. housiti -',Omc ful,than,either. ,�What i
carefully in a basin of water; then, years later thei father rotireJ from Jesus recognized that! lit
business an;l twtdo his home ,it Char- Pattern of all good men in
op sending for Via prefoot at Vc,lice, fha outskirta at Paris, ergtious. .1to,W shall he
whoso duties kept biirx' much aboxit c nt-cm, cn.
ou, a It ,�lkcr.tly ajtCrw.,,1rjl,q 113 was waylaid tralible 7 Ifather, Save me
the pjl.tca, sha bogged him tO1 bar , I I hour. I A better meaning
examined, and it . w -as discove roil to a * nil 111(tjr.trax ULTRI)IIIIIII-All) Putting a question mart
be one. of tile most in trvelotts interna I
machines over invented by the ingen- near tile Si,ine, an:1 his marderer word, "hour"-116halt I
a u[tj of man. The second occasion on Promptly gave ll'mm,40f up to the, save me from this Ifour I
I !Luthortilliel. . I �.au.go came I untal this[
I which. thc empress was directly ill- 1,,rcklt JkL4 c,.nfvss'OI1 it allptared c, pit 0 a M
girunkontal in sfopping murder or- I duse or the r os
it thit It-, ww4, tit' 8�)Il Of th.- "Ot'll" frustrated by tho(*.cakne
ourrect in the, Winter Valaaes whenglic .fill,( hit -d, in vq,fv�.
't ignor�ftkl(1,0 of Ills put sp011ing, the object ar
heard a slight nolso, which indicated : ifleritify . ,41oikle� 1114 otNN-n father to death, life.," . 11 .
off tho presence of some stranger 'In i 110 ; NVhvn thO t.
.ow;lr(Ily 1.)Itp%v h-tA been
roil ovar,s study. Without betraying the 11 111111� the viclini reci,9111XV411 his all* 29. Father, glorify thy
,, ,,'��Yl'llt finj hail dji,4t with the words, i,at what t Nvill say-"
slightest il,nxlety, she beggad her bus- ..0h I thl,rry I" (lit 1114 liry-t. . '0
band to Come, and speak tot one. of the. It ca�noitivnee 101101 might have lUtOrSel...surrender. At
;. Children. Ile did so, She looked the ljoen trag;val hall it vPty happy Is- board by the �%Vleililr,
su.� Ill X viflaga in fluz!kIngliallishire glorified it, and will glw
it,,- door, and only gave UP thei kcV to aly I.tst year, .k gentIvimm Was "The Father h4d, glorifi1k
e0d a party at sotdiiclls;'�vho found that 'corooslug Norl.hiunb.,rhn I Avenue -
through %literk 113 ii-t,tv .1 1:1dy, lit ininlivent �jan- tile incarnatim of 'his
t It (" some one hAd. jut iseaPed Ire baptism and miraelogi,' I
1! 1 the-, window. - gor of bot,14 1711,11'OvOr by a, call-
orit� I --- . Arlatcho(l lhe.r luilf-fainting f1`0111 doctrine. , Bat it was to, I
, fright frolrL kintit,,r Lh.j lisn4a".4 llea<k, . 01,r'�Iorlfto(l In. Ills passi
ors, Ulki, ItanXIVI! L STRIVI, " NSM1. and e,ondtint�ad her safety to the Orr- .
Ina- Mrs, Sto lied her rpmtp Pavement. . I , it cot t h
vensaft accompan, hb4 passlk)ll, when
I bty husbatia to Samoa and. endurcd trials Before, however, she hail recover- not more donliniolt over I
that would havo crushed many W -C� o,d nuffitolentYy to thank her VoqcU Filiallitt be exalted a,biovc
der- or lie h:id ree,ognizod, in IlLsr a I , and Ills glory above all
w1unla lie lj%tt known t al!(
1.3 3, �911`1, �
that mon, An, tkohange gives this little at � .
sk,o,t& of 'hort to whora h,� Wag at Ono tirm%j enganed " .W. The pimple , . . .
.Irrro,j, X larer.,e qwtrrol hail thiund,ace,el. Th.tt Li, tho,
Sho vv�aof equally at home UPOIX a to be Irl
wp�lratotl them, 'and they hall rower
� . Well-tkopointea ylkelit or upon a , Inet again until tholl: Strange en. 6tanders, among who
llooakroaph, steamer," beguiling Clio counter lit Lontlon. ther6were, W.Ilavar,% an
aro the time, with Infinite regourcog When . The 0qU41 is kno,wri in Thinking- What they board May
not I tbo, ship lay becalmed, Undismayed by lLlmqlAvo, Tho oUl love NV40 tPu(Swod IndisLinct DOW. Oth
for � tiempests and sudden. SqU11191,10ittill ift a neW engagemont, inil, within two with eloz�ror physimi
: whother Upon a lonely Atoll OV un- 1110fitt"'; Of theIr drant-Uto rounion hearing
I 141 -,Votl<IiIktX b�,114 Wom ringing' for , , Wentified tha V
eco -
_1. der the pajv�#; in an' Island vil , ,ov tiv�
I site would get tip, her household god% thein In tho v1l:lgo in wille . h, they Nn angel l9paue tia bintl
0 got alltl MakOlt-Wh SO(It A IIoM i luxil knowil AT141 lovilhl 0011 ollItIVAS 006 001tipiro .Tohn 11,
W bal be,jun more th-411 one vol- Ittoy ttntl girl. , . . � I .
. � ,pf �
_.... I .-I. .. . _. 49k., � - `_.._--A-. 4W_. __ . . .. .. ........ ,.. . It ;, �.�_- K