HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-17, Page 4• CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1901 rrnawr r r•r•••rnr, Prnrr ,rr.r 4 Whole Number 1150 2lot, Year Rave you lived up to your New Years resolution °of paying your subscription to the Newsaecord a , year in advance. reeklikel~kWrivilbeibAlh.Aieibelbwilbea,lw. BOOKS FOR THE Winter Evenings 25 Cent itooks Bound in Cloth with Wit stamp- ing, Sent post paid on receipt of price. 'Young (la rthagian Henty Reveries of a Bachelor Ike Marvel Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes. Phantom Rickshaw Kipling Pioneers , Cooper The Prairie Cooper Kept for the Master's Use Ha.vergal The Merry Mari Stevenson Mulvaney's Stories Kipling Dream Life Mai vet Gulliver's TraSwift vels The BOtidsman Caine Romance of a Poor Young Man Red Rover Cooper Thaddeus of Warsaw Porter Ten Nights in a Bar Room Arthur The Conscript Du Inas # Black Beauty Sewell 'V endet ta Corelli A Hardy Norsernan Lyall First Violin Fothergill Micah Clarke Doyle Autocrat of the Breakfast Table Holmes Fairy Tales Grimm I -5 -Cent' looks or 2 for 25 Gents Neatly Bound in Strong Paper Clovers. Sent poet paid on recelpt of price. She's ell the World to eie Caine Self Sacrifice Oliphant Born Coquette Duchess English Orphans Holmes Ideate Grand Pilgrim Progress Bunyan Donovan Leal' Lover or Friend Carey ' Only the Governess Carey Mary St, John Carey Torn Brown's School Days • Hughes - Child's History of England Dickens White Crempany ' Doyle Light that Failed -Elpling Bacheler's Blunder Norris A W onean's Heart Norris ' King's Telisman Cobb TJncle Tom's Cabin Stowe First Violin Fothergill Our Bessie • Carey Silas Marrin Elliott Rouse on the Wolf Weyinan Ninety TheeHugo , Hans of Iceland Hugo ' TEMPEST AND SUNSHINE Jo BMAR J. HOLMISS i, ‘„,rnmaraPouraum , rrgr CROKINOLE 75c; and , The ever Popular gaine of Crokinole can be had in two qualities, Why • borrow when you can get a board of your own at these pricee. , W0Cooper, CC,/r• ,CLINTON Agents for C. P. R: Telegraph and.Dothinion Express' , - Money Orders; also for Butteeick Patterns , ' ° • , IIAVB you VIED FAIR9eS IREAKFASr FOOD? IP NOT. WrAY NOT? ' • It is essily prepared ands the most economical Breakfast Food offered, half ,cup being sufficieneeor five. We have other breakfast foods circle as • QUAKER OATS, • ' PETTIJOHNS. SWISS FOOD. • HEALTH FOOD, ROLLED WHEAT, BARLEY and OATS, but As 'a seller FAIR'S REAKPAST POOD, ' • (e; TAKES THE LEAD. ancakeir we h repared Buckwheat Pancake Flour and Maple Syrup • • . (Or tf, le Cooper it 00 - WILY HINTS. Just a hinting at the splendid table and decotative pieces tha c ost so much less here than elsewhere. No decorations can win the omen tasty housekeeper as can these bright, nicely colored wares' as good service it had rendered and also Blection of Representatives. The annual meeting for the election of Society representatives was held in the Ontario street church last Wed. nesclay evening when the ballot re- sulted in the election of the following : Dr. Thompson, H. Steyens, F. W. Watts, o. I., Holland, Ralph Tiplady, E, G. Courtice, Geo. Wray. Death of a Fortner Resident, Word has been received from Osh- kosh, Wis., of the death of Thomas Carter, at one time a resident of Olin ton. The 4eceased was for several years in the employ of Mr. John Middleton of broderich township. Subsequently he lived in Hullett and then in Olineon. Four years ago he left here for St. Joseph, Mich„ and from thence went to Oshkosh where three of his daughters have made their homes. The funeral of Mr. Carter who was in his 67th year, took place on the last day awoo. Rev, J. C. Dunlop Has Accepted. The Baptist churches of Clinton and the Base Line extended a call to Rev, J. C. Dunlop who has accepted and enters upon his new pastorate on the Wth. Mr. Dunlop has been stationed at Stayner for a decade and for the previous seven years was charge of the church at Durham. The length of his stay in those places must be accept- ed to mean that he wears well and he bears throughout the connectioo the reputation of being a successful. pastor, The ,eitizens of Clinton, regardless of denominational lines, will bid hirawel- come- and wish him success in , his labors and hope that both himself and family may find this, town a pleasant and profitable place in which to live. Officials of tha Baptist Church. • • At the annual meeting of the mem- bers of the -.Baptist °hutch held the otherday the folleiying were appoint- ed ofacials for the • year ; Clerk and Financial -Secretary, J. B. Hoover; Treasurer, 1. Prout ; Deacons, D. IC . Prior, T. Monaghan, I., Prout, J. If, Hoover; Trustees, Robb, D. K. Prior, Monaghan CUshers, A. Os- balcleston, Raitliby. The ••finances of the Sunday school are hi a Prosper- ous condition. ,There is atpresent thirty dollars in the treasury and the' managernent expect a successful year, all 'the indidatione pointing, in that direction, Tiae officers of the :school are.; Superintendent, T. Monaghan a- kssistarit, D. K. 'Prior, ; Secretary, Miss Adelaide Ferguson:, T rcenrer, ••••• Raitbby FLibrarian, I5OisF Penna - biker.. The Seciet • • nnection with - the church, the, B. Y. P.. IL, has re, organized with the following officers: President T. Ardtiaghart ; Tice-Peesi- dent; Miss .4. ,Ferguion e Secretary,. Miss F. PennalAcer ; 'Treasiner, A. Osbelaeston. ' First Meeting of the NeW'etionett : The tewn ,council of 1901 began its first nreeting,itt• eleven o'clock Monday evening, It ie. net expected though that„thereby it set it precedent but part throughout the year the citizens if it merely implies punctuality on its who sometimes attend the sessions will have cause for thankfulness. Mr. John Ransford addressed the council in' support of the purchase of a new ilag for the town ball. He narrat ,ed the preseetation of the present, ban-. net to the corporation some years since, told in eloquent terms of the ° as their eyes fall upon them. - * a its neglect at the hands of its proper ' taric,ar-Brac. ' * custodians. There should be a new But few duplicates and the late pieces are as desirable as the firSt shown.: • "Union Jack, he said, good in quality * New pieces are adaed-as rapidly.as we can get them'ready for selling . Come in and see all. It costs you nothing to look and we are only and niatrincioth in proPortions. The to pleased to show you through. , • Fathers were seemingly impressed by blissionaryAnnlyersary. Missionary anniYersaey services will be held next Sunday in the Ontario street church when the Rev, R. Hobbs of Winghain will preemie morning and evening. Collections will be taken in' aid of the missionary funds of the church. On Monday evening there Will be a grand missionary rally and addressees given by Revs, W, G. Howson end R. Hobbs, Suitable n3usic will be furnished by the popular choir of the church. All are °or. (holly inYited. CREWS Jeweler, Ex Piretpitaetrethef optic Mr. Ransford's eloqtence and prompt- . * ly passed a, resol bon ordering the purchase of a suitable banner to float over the hall. . • • Mr. John Ross P,obertson of Toronto •••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A. coMmunication was received frem bleating of Presbyterian Societies. A meeting of Societies in connection with the Presbyterian church was held in Seaforth on Tuesday, Willis church Women's Auxiliary was re• presented by its delegate, 'Miss McTag- gareand Mesdames R. Irwin, Stewart, Lough, J. W. Irwin, O'Neil', Duncan- son. The delegates from the Mission Band were Misses Clore'Wiseman and Lizzie ChidleY, who were accompanied by Mrs. Graham, Misses A. Houston and M. Dowser, and Masters George 13iggart and Robbie Stewart. The proceeaings were of an interesting neture, including addresses by Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm, missionaries from Hen- an. The election of officers resulted as follows: President,' Mrs. Hamilton, Goderich township; 1st Vice-Preei- dent, Mrs. Greham, Clinton ; 2nd 4,101e Rev. J. T. Murdock, who has been preaehing for the Baptists of Starter, has received a call from them and, we so understand, has 'accepted. Miss Jones bas been re-engaged tie organist of St, josenh's Chtlrell at an increasej of salary. The choir was photographed by Artist Burgess on riday last, Mr, Sergeson, formerly of Dundee, who is employed by Seeley & Turner, has rented the cottage on Princess street foemerly, occupied by Mr. N. Robson. 0, Thy, on have not yet renewed your subscription to Ton NEWS -RECORD we should he pleased to have you do so, A, free copy et the Canadian Annual awaits each of the pay -ahead. To all others the price is twenty -flee cents. Next Sunday will be missionary Sun- day in Rattenbury street church. The Rey. G. W. Henderson of $t, Marys, President, of the London Conference, will preach both morning and eyebing. These services will prove interesting and all are welcome. , • The hockey team played a match with Seaforth at that place on Thurs. day last, the score standing to 4 in favor of their opponents. The team was composed of F. Johnson, goal; E. Dayment point ; P. Mathespn, cover point ; Forrester, Steep, OW - Mrs. Sewers, Brircefleld ; 3rd, Mrs, . ridge and. A. Pringle, forwards. A Mnegenee, 1VeKilleel ; Secretary. Mrs. match Will be played with Win,gliain - . R. Irwin; 'Clinton ; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Scott, Seaforth ; Secretary of Supplies; alise McTaggart, Clinton ; Leaflet Secretary, Mrs. Henderson, Hensel'. War Correspondent's Lecture. • The patriotic • citizen of Clinton should not MiS$ hearing Stanley Mc - Sewn. Brown, the Mail and Empire's war correspondent, deliyer his illus- trated lecture on Thursday evening of next week under the auspices of the A, 0, F. Mr. Brown has met with crowd- ed 'houses on his tour through Canada. O He describes the trip from quebec to Paoadeburg. was the youngest • --Stook Taking Sale. - that deserving institution. the Ho*. laying before the council elae claims of "" • tai for Sick Children, Mr. Robertson has spent tliousands of dollars of his ONVII monly in equipping and main - 0 'ng this hospital and es its doors 1/1/Intter Go(c)ds taini Are open to allahe asks that the mun. icipalities render some aesistance, The You need cold. weather pods ind we council responded witla it grant of ten dollars, \ want the goods off our shelves to . legal advice and Mr. James Scott $2.00. Garrew & °arrow' were paid $11 for Roof & Roof of Toronto asked,on be- half of a client, for a twenty-year franchise of the streets for the purpose of laying gas mains for lighting pur- poses and also that the plant and in- come be exempt, from taxation. Their client would like in addition a central site, free or at a nominal rental. The communication was referred to a ape- - cial committee to deal with. An agitation is now on foot among the business men for Joint action in dealing with the Electric Light Co., with whose service there is general dissatisfaction. And it having been suggested to thp comic 1 t it e ap- .85 pointment of a comtnittert would strengthen the hands of the b. in" Messrs, Jackson, Bell, Plummer, John- son and Mackenzie were appointed. make w for spring shipments, To , clear thei off we offer. you the follow- I ing snaps : UNDBRWEAR tor large men, $2,00 suits for $1.25 • 1.50 " 1.15 40 to 44 inches. Ribbed Underwear reduced from 50a to.... .45 1 oy's Shirts arid rawer's, all wool each.. .26 1 1 4. Lined Moves, 75c Wien s and. Boys, reduced to .50 ; $1.60 Heavy Tweed flats, for .......... • . 1.00 I Scarfs. A, few serviceable Scarfs left. Our 75e 1.ne will go at. / ii4V1111* .50 if $1 t tt 001114i.foiliii( II .75 ,a) Top Shirts, a line of knitted, reduCed from 50e to Horsehide Mitts reduced from $1.50 to..... • correspondent at the front and was the only one to be wounded. Mr. Brown has secured the Edison cine- matog rale the same Machine and pic tures that were exhi ited at 'the inili- tary eoncerts in Mos ey hall, Toronto-, His lecture ,is illust ated all the way through Which makes it of great inter. est. ' A matinee will be given for' the__ school children at 4 o'clock in the after- noon. Serg. Webb, who was with Mr. Brown at the front will introduce him to the audience. The Toronto World says: A splendid audience listened with rapt attention to one of the. best lectures 'ever delivered in Massey hall. It was given by Stanley McKeown Brown, the war correspon- dent, under. the .auspices of the 48th • Highlanders and an audience of over 2000 people was present. • It is Chain:An. Hodges's. A fortnight ago M. H. E. Hodgens became a henedict and on Monday evening he was elected chairman of the Public School Board. That he will preside at the meetings of the Board with dignity and •tact, we all know. The other members are J.C. Stevenson, j, TaYlare • Dr. Agnew, a. Jackson, J. W. Irwin, W. T. O'Neil, W. H. Man- ning. Mr. John Ounningharne was re -appointed secretary at his former salary. of fifty dollars and. W.J. CoOper caretaker at a salary of $250. Messrs. Agnew, Taylor and Irwin were ap- pointed finartee committee and Messrs, Jackson, Stevenson And O'Neil on the property committee. W. It Manning was chosen as representative to the Collegiate Institute Beard and W. R. 1.00 1. A. J. MORRISIL Merchant TAllor A. J. Ifillowxy. .01444•4440.441.************11. ••••••••••••••••• Mr. J. C. Stevenson was appointed to the Board of Ilealth, Mr. W. Jack- son to the Collegiate Board and Dr. Shaw to the Public Library Board. Messrs. I. Wiseman and P. Centel - on were re-rippointed auditors and given an increase in pay of from $10 to $12.50 each, The standing committeeir for the year are as f011OWS, the first. megaton - ea in each being chairman —Combe,Walker,Mackenzie. STREETS -Johnsen, Plummer, Pell, FIRE ARO WATElt--PlurnMer, Walker, Johnson, Cetaeire.Y—Mackerizte, Comber. PROP- tterY 4WD ELECTRIC Lnattea—johnson, Walker, Maekenzie, Combo. CEetle- TnitY—Bell, Johnson, Combe. Ber- ratVve--Walker, Plummer, Hon, OPPICIAUS, Ere,—.1aCkSoti, Walker, MaCkenSie, Johnson Oonabe. Cetrier oP REVIStort—jackson, johnson, . . .. •W S. rare, W.,3. Paisley, W. Doherty, Plummer, Maekenzie. Pittrg,---Sticksolt, Prior, 1Pratt, WRobb, 1E1100Y- Guy Dicks of Goderich toriship fe* or,3. Ferguson, anti 11, Joyner. days ago. Lough to both the Entrance and Pub- lic Library Board, on the latter for the three-year term. Accounts were pass- ed to the amount of 023,11, the two largest items heinto that of the Cana- dian School Furniture Co., $113.72 and Harland Bros, $54,00. A eeording to the estimates which were presented $3000 will be required for school purposes this year and the coun- cil will he asked , for that amount. Prineipal Lough's report stated that the number of boys enroll- ed for December was 211, girls 173, average' attendance 340, The average attendance for 1900 was 821, for 1 it was 854, the lovvee average last year being owing to the epidemic. I here to -night. "Kind Words Ca " Can Never Die. Mr. John ThomPson of Blake in re- newing his sub for 1901 writes : en- close you my renewal for another year. lain no Tory but I like Tun NEWs-RECORD which I:consider a first- class local paper." Mr. Nelson Wal- lace of Spain, South Dakota, says;Tra We are very well pleased with •n NEWS -RECORD which we think a splendid local paper." . Death of Hen*, Joalleg. Just before break of day on Thurs. day morning last Mr. Henry iosling a veteran of fourscore and one years passed into eternal rest. He was a native of London, England,and came out to this coutitry when nineteen years of age, ,'or a time he taught school near Exeter in one of those log, acadernies which at that period dotted the country. Afterwards he took up land in Stanley and then for a time lived in both Stratford and London. Foal years ago he took up his real, dome in Clinton and here fought blade to a close. He clerked for some tnonths with A. S. Fisher, whir will be rem ernbered by old eitizens, and sub- sequently started a draying business which is still eohtinued by his son. Mrs. joshing died in 1863 and for some jeers Mr. josling bag made his borne With his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Monagh- an, where his death took place after only a short illness through he lied been ailing for 'some time. On the ' Saturday previous to his death he wrote out with a strong hand the an - meal report of the Baptist Sunday school of which he was secetreas., a prosb he filled for ten years. The sur- yiving members of the family are Mrs, Monaghan and John, Clinton; Charles of Hallett, Mre. John Pickett of Goderich township, ninny of De- troit, George and Edward of the N. W. T. and Jamee on the Coast. The funeral took place on Saturday, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. D nio The pall•bearers were • . • STANLEYTOWNSBIF Miss Georgina Johnstone visited, at OLYTH, 4. Mr. 0. H. Smith, one of our, suffer- ers in teat fire, who had been carrying on the jewellery business for the past six years, left for his home in Berlin on Saturday. Mrs, Chamberlain of Toronto, who Was here looking after her intevests In the late fire, has returned to her home. Mr. Charles Fraser left here on Mon- • day for Holstein where he has got a job for a couple of months in a saw- mill. On, Monday the•naerobers of our new town council met in Industry hall and took their respective oaths of office Mit. A. Johnstone's near 13rucefleld: on Sunday last Miss Maggie held visited at Mrs. J. peid's on Saieurday last. A. very pleasant e wedding- took place at the home of Mi. Root, Mc Clinchey on Tuesday of this week when his sister Aggeert Was 'joined in wedlock to Mr. William lItut, The • . cereinony•was performed by the Rev. Mr. Jennings of Bayfield pricier alp:arch and in the presence of about one hun- dred invited guests. After the knot had ,been secirrety tied all sat "down to. a surnpttious repast after which• few hours were spent in'pleasant chat. The happy couple lett by, the evening train for Marlette, Miob., where they in- tend to spend a Short time with friende. They left amid showers of ice and the best wishes of the friends present: A large nurriber of useful presents showed the esteeni in which the fair bride; is held. VARNA, Mr. John McAndrew of Dakota is visiting at Mr, John A. johnstitne'e of Bannopkburn, Dennison Bros, leave been heading stone this past week for betiding operatiens next seasene Mr. Roble Eagleson of 'Osnabrock, N. D,, called ippon his old friend, Mr. 0. Rathwely on Saturday. Norman Purdy has started to learn the tailorinig with Mr, Pilgrern, The Canadian F'oresters think of giving an entertaitiment shortiy,about the wend week In February. Trooper Heber Stionbrooke of Lon, BAYF1ELD. Miss Sa.die Lowe has returned to her home in Ilensall after a pleaeant vioit in town. Rev. Mr. Mcgay preathed able sen' mons in the Presbyterian church bet • Sabbath. . • Rev. Joseph Elliott of Nairn 'spent a few days in town this week visiting friends, Messrs. Jas. Fergution,Frank Keegan and James Macdonald have returned from Port Dever for the winter. M A jolly sleigh -ride party took a drive out in Goderich township lase onday evening and had a great upset at after which they adjourned to meet on den, Caere), Who will speak here ab ThewPsen's creek Tuesday evening4 the school eoncert on Friday, February Mr. John Frazer attended the Pres - There was a wedding in toWO on lst., wae connected with, Lord Roberta' tery meeting in Seaforth on Tues - Wednesday, Scents. He was in over.forty battle. day' . • On Tuesday evening our new town He tend in an interesting and instruct- DrSta,nbury has been appointed • daddies met for the transaction of lye manner his experiences in South marriage license issuer in place of Mk business. Reeve Sims was in the chair, A. large number ef the ratepayers were present and anxious to hear the pro- ceedings as it was generally understood that there were to be some changes made in our town officials which was considered not necessary. 'The council did wisely by re -appointing the for- mer officials, viz., T. W. Scott, clerk ; A. Elder, treasurer; John McGill, assessor; all at the saute salaries. The first engineer, Mr. McCreight, baying resigned, Mr. J, T. Carter the second haying refused to accept the first, Mr. Lowe was made first engineer of the • fire company. A large number of bills haying been presented and passed, there being a large amount of other husiness to transact and the hour getting late an adjournment was made to meet again at the call of thereeve. Owing to there being- very good sleighing in this section business hes' slightly improved the past few days. Mr. T. W. Scott and Mr. Geo. Powell have had in the past week new plate. glass windows placed in their stores in place of those which were damaged by the late fire. , surimEn HILL Air. Isaac Rapson in getting the ma- terial ready for enlarging IliS barn next .summer. Mr. Deihl Wright is simil- tarty engaged. Mr. Richard.Peck, who had the mis- fortune to cut his lip badly while en- gaged in splitting wood. a few days ago by a sliver flying up and striking him on the lip, is doing as Well a,s can be expected. Sorry to hear of Mrs. Jes.P' arke,Sr., being somewhat indisposed. Miss Stella Bothwell is vleiting friends in Goderich township at prey', ent. . , Mrs. William Clark, Sr., is visiting at her daughter's,Mrs John Reid, at pres- ent. ' • ' . Mt s.William Rathweil andMiss Edith Rathwell were the gue'sts of Mrs. John Johnstone on Friday of last week. , Mr. John McCandies of. Dakota is visiting Mende ,in this neighborhood at present. ' Miss Stella Andrews of Varna visit - at the home of Mr. W, Rathwell on Sunday last. Sorry to hear of Mr. , W,Beld be- ing laid up with blood poisoning in otie of his hands. Miss L. -Reid has returned to London after spending her Christmas vacation at home. Rev. W.G.Richerdson,B. A., who span b his Christmae vacation at home, re- turned to W'yoneing last week accom- panied by his sister,' Miss Maggie Rich- ardson. Miss 0. Brewnette returned to Gode- rich after spending New Years at her home. Mrs, J. W. Reid and son Harvey vis- ited Mr. It. Iteid,B. A., of Iticigetown lately. • Mr. W. Iteid, who spent his Xmas holidays at home, has returned to Lis- towel Business College. Mr, and Mrs. S. Houston paid a fly. ng visit to Goderich last week, Mr. Robt. Reid and his sisters, Mary and Ida visited friends in and around Centralia last week. Sorry to hear el' the death of Mr. Sparks' little girl which. took place on Friday of last week, Miss E. Turner has returned after spending her Christmas vacation with her mother and Sisters hz Clinton. Mise Turner enters on her third year as teacher in S. S. no., 8 whibh speaks well foe her. Mr. and Mrs. P. Rem Clinton, visit- ed the home of the latter,s fester Mrs. John Davison on Sunday last. Mrs. I, W. Reid is visiting friendin Ptidgetown at present. MISS. itt. Richardson was the guest of Miss Georgenia, Johnstone on Sun- day last. Miss Charlotte Brotvnett who was visiting under the parental roof return - ea to her home in Goderich a few daye ago. 1Virs.Robt. 'Young, who was visiting lit the home of her brother, Ur. George johnstone, returned to her home in Goderich lest week. Mr. Win. Itathwell purehesed a fine heavy three year old geiding from Mr. Mr. Robert Fatale, who was visiting at Ur. Itingliam's for about a month,' returned laet week to his home in Michigan. , • Mr., Henry Fisher of Colboree was guest at Mr, 8; Butt's this past week, At the meeting of the School Board held on Thursday last Mr. R. G. Reid was engaged as teacher' for the present year at a salary of $850. Mr. Reid is winember ot the well known' family of that name of Stanley and comes well recommended. ' A meeting of the ratepayers of Union S. S. No. 4 will .beheld on Saturday. Jan. 26th to consider the question of a site for the new school. -There s likely to be a lively time as the lathers wont a site etiospn a half mile farther west'Ao which the Base Liners object. ' Meisrs. C. 3. Nesbitt and N.Bingbam have pnrchased nice pianos from C. Hoare of Clinton ' Mr. Neil 'McNeil, blacksmith of Wip-. throp, was in the village on busineos on ' Mo nday Mr. John Scarlett of Leadbury gave us a flying visit on Sunclay. • Mr. James Miller had a bee on Tues - (ley hauling wood into the Hub. There is now an average attendance at the school of between' forty-five and -fifty,. For the winter season tlais 18 eery large. Mr. Lowery is ewell liked hy the cbildren. Mx. Samuel Barr was able to be up. fora while on Tuesday for the first tame in his two months' illness.. Miss Tessie Jenkins and Miss Clara LaithWalte of Goderich were guests of Miss Nesbitt on Tuesday. Mr. John' Wright of town was the guest of relatives on the Line on Tues- day. Africa. Do hot fail to hear hi. • . J. E. R. Harmon Wins the Clerkship • • of Stanley and Thos. fIcCash the Varna Postoffice. The clerkship of Stanley, made vacant hy the resiepation of Mr. J. T. Cairns, was filled on Monday when the township council appointed Mn J. E. R. Barnwell. There were • several' applicants and doubtless each one of theip'would 'have performed the duties in a satisfactory manner. Mr. 'Barn- well is both able and genial and when he.gets rightly into harness the council will find no reason to doubt the wis- dom of its choice. We are fairly safe in saying that the clerk -elect's favorite literature for the next few" weeks will be the Municipal Act and the innumer- able amendments thereto. He will likely pillow his weary bead on a volume of them o'nights. 'The Varna postmastership has been awarded to Mr. Thos. McOash. • He was not the only applicant by any means but the results say he had, the strongest pull With Mr. John Mcletie lan and that worthy though defeated gentleman still has the patronage of the South Riding. Mr. McCash lives a mile south of the village but of course will move in, that is if he does not intend running the 'office by deputy. According to the latest Blue'Book the Salary is $170, while last year the pest - master received $5.28 percentage on money order business and 46 cents commissien• on postal notes. attended. He was assisted by bis JNUANMON brother Mr Norman Webb and by Col. 1Floa.re with his gramopbone and . . . k 4. Regina Music Bpx. At the ,conclusion MrGMHolman, who acted as chairman, called • for three ,cheers for ^ Sergearib. Webb and the regnest met s hearty response. The audience' greatly appreciated Jeri.Wobi mat den attempt at delivering &lecture an Were meth interested "in seeing a real live returned representative of 'the Contingent. . We note 'With pleasure the fact that the village council voted .Mr. Wearthe hall free tor the, night. • We 'regret to notice , that although by a vote of 65 to 22, the freeholders . decided for electric lights yet tl council at its first meeting ten actipn. We thought they would requested the clerk to enquire for formation in the matter or have talc some steps regarding giving us light We understand a, serious. accid happened at the long hill the �t night by which a buggygot ha sroaShed and somb people narrowl escaped serious injury 'through it lision in the dark. . The council met on Monday in the James Macdonald, removed from the * district. • • • The Stanley Agricultural . Society 4 held ite annual meeting heie on tee elth and made several changes in the • directorate and management the . principalfieing Mr, 11.-W. Erwin, the - old secretary,being replaced by Mr. Drahman. The village council Met on Monday and appointed the following officers, viz. : Clerk, H. W. Erwin ; Asses- sor, William Whiddon ; Auditors, Messrs. G. W. Holman and J. 4, Fal- coner ; Medicel Health Officer, Dr, Pallister.- The appointment cif a vil-, lage constable was laid over till next meeting when the duties of that official will be more fully defined. . The members of (Joint Bayfield 1,0 F., their wives and families enjpyed an excellent feed, of oysters and other dainties in the town ball on Friday' , evening when a choice program of sciegs and speeches was carried out R . The Chief anger, Mr, G, W. Holman, occupied the chair. A quartette, com- posed of Dr. Pallister, A. E. Erwin, W. Ferguson and O. Ferguson, gave • choice selections while Rev. E. 0, Jennings, Capt. Beech, Mr. 'J. A. Falconer , , and Dr. Pallister gave excellent speeches. A good time was seoent and all enjoyed the splendid spread prepared by the ladies. • Sergeant A. B. Webb of Clinton, returned member of the First South African Contingentgave an entertain- inent in the town hall Wednesday evening of last week which.was well One , of those.. interesting events occurred.- tit the home of Mrs, Nivins on Wedoesdaae; Jan. 9th, when her. daughter, Maggie, was married to Charles Elliott. The •cere- mony *was pe -formed by Rev. Mr, Fair- bairn at 7 o'clock p. m. After con- gratulations had been, ektended the happy pair, About 75, relatives and iriends sat down to a most sumptrious- wedding dinner after which the °vett- ing was spent in dancing, social chat, . • music arid games. The. bride was the recipient of many useful and beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are both very popular in Dungannon and vicin- ity and their many friends wish them a very happy and prosperous voyage through their wedded life. Miss Dreaney of Kinlough has been visiting relatives and friends here for the past two weeks, Miss Grace Bowers has returned litho a from St. Thomas, B ' Mr John owers has sold his 100 , acre farm near the village for the sum of $5,000 to M. R. Reid of Ashlield,Mr. Reid gets possession on the ist of April. Mr. Bowers .tri thinking of go- ing out West. Mrs.- James Walker slipped while returning from preparatory service in 1 the Presbyterian church mit'riday last and had the misfortune to sprain on of her arms. ' Mrs. W. Roach still continues Yea BRUCEFIELD. .3/r. Robt. McCartney of Moosejalw is visiting hie unele,11r.Alex. Thomson, and other friend:hi this vicinity. Miss Lillie Taylor of Londbn is at present spending her holidays withMrs, Wolfe. The Farmers' Institute held their an- nual meeting in Dixon's hall on Friday last. Large numbers were at 'Seth afternoon and evening sessions. The intellectual part was fully as good as in former years and the concerti in the evening was excellent. Quite a number from here attended the Peesbyterial meeting in Seaforth on Tuesday. The annual congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church was held. in the church Wednesday of last Week. 0 All reportashowed the congre- gation to be in a, prosperous condition. Mr. Jamieson, who has led the song service in the church for the last eigh- teen years has resigned which leaves the position open for applicants. ' POrtinos Hill. ill. Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Lucknow, visited at Mr. John Gray's over Sunday. Rev. Mr. McNair held revival servie- es in his- church last , week ,and the week before. We understand' Mr. Richard Ryan wilLsell his residence which he lately purchased from Mr, McWhinney. Quite a few from here 'attended the .oyster. slipper -at t'ort Alberb on Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McCotmick were -in the village on Wednesday lesb. The entertainment given here on Saturday evening by Laing Bros. was well attended and every person was well pleased. Laing Bros.' moving pictures are a wonderful invention. Many were heard to exclaim that one Picture Mime was well worth tbesmall fee charged for admission. Mr. Thos. Elliott lost a valuable horselast week. • Mr. Jas. Stirling is recovering from a sore throat. Mr, Walter Weston is the happy possessor of &pair of twins. Rey. Istr.MeSay of Goderich preach* ed at Bethany on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Elliott enjoyed the tool breezee of the lake „Saturday evening. litr, Thos. Maconald of the 8th con, is busy teaming weed from Mr. Wm. Perdue's en the 4th con. Ur. George Weston is on the eick liet, Mr. Feed. Morgan traded his pacing colt on Saturday, fer another fine horse. Mise Vine Billtsek of the Oth Con, id yielting friends itt Goderich. town ball purinant to statute. There were pesent, IL Stanbory, reeve, Councillors Bailey, Elliott, Erwin and Thompson„ The satutory declarations of qualificationeand of office were sub. scribed to by the members respective- ly, after'which the following business was transacted ; Mohd and seconded that H. W. Eewin be clerk for the year 1901.—Carried. Moved raid second- ed that Wm. Whiddon be assessor for 1901 -- Carried. Moved and decond- ed that the appointment of constable for 1901, be laid over till next meeting and it bylaw be drafted as to the dirt. ies of said constable.: --Carried. Moved and seconded that Wm. Woods and F.. Edwards be -auditing, for -‘1001. Moved in amendment and 'sedan that G. W. Holman and /oh Falconer be auditors for 1001, Th reeve decided in favor of amendment Moyed and *seconded that Ben. 'Weh have the toWti hall free of charge fo cencert held on jamOth.—Carried.Mdir ed and seconded that Dr, Pallieter h Medical Health officer for the yea 1901.—Carried. Moved and seconde that the clerk's ac. for election e penses $7.50 be k,aid and reeve gra il an order for the ' same.—Oarrie Moved and seconded that' this . eou do now adjourn to meet again ok,'14, first konday in February and „filter- wardi the first Monday in eiretr Month at 7.80 p, 01.—H. W, Erwin, Clerk. Mr, Win, Heard was engaged in.. putting on some new storm windower upon the rectory last Week. The Win. dows were the gift of bhe Ladies Ale to the ehurch. Mr. W. S.Stiresen, Sauble Line, Wad in Clinton last Friday. • • MiSs R. Beatty of Varna pahlashort visit to our tem' last Sunday. Miss K. Harrison gave it little party last Monday everting,when an enjoy, able time was spenL " ° • gp .- ---* We are sorry to learn !that mes, Elliott of the Albion is ill wi,th a severe cold but we hope to see her able to be around again. Won, Miss E. Cameron has gone to Mu. cardine to Intend a few days. Mretames Parke is very poorly owing to a severe cold. ... Mr. and Mrs. John Olaf, Goderith toWnship, Made a alert vitib at Mr, James Parke's One day last weak. Mr. Elliott, Son of Mrs. Elliott of the Albion hotel, is home from Detroit on a &visit to his mother and Pieter. Mrs. ToWnsend has been III for the past tWe•Weisite owing to a seyere told. LONDESBORO- -- • The annual Orange District, meeting was held in Londesboro on Tuesday of last Week. There was a good attend - twee and much intereot manifested in the proceedings, The following of- ficers were elected and installed by County Master.Iohn Wilford of Blyth District Master, Richard •Leishman, Memo* ; Deputy, George Snell, Lon- desboro ; Recording.Secretary, • Alex. Leishman, Marc ock ; Treasurer, Rob- ert McMurray, tlelgrave ; Chaplain, Isaac Barr, Londesboro ; Lecturers, W. McRae and W. Wallace; Com- mitteetnan, R. Wallace. The next Meeting of the,Dietrict Wilt be held in Blyth, BAYFIELD. Mr.' and Mrs. David MoNaughten and Mrs. Moffat are able to be around again after their reCent severe illness Mr. Wm. Jewett is improving the. appearance of his valuable property by the addition to the end °fine barn. A pleasant little gathering took plain at Mr.Wrri. Heard's Of the Sauble Line last Thursday evening the 000a81011 being the baptism of their title eon. Alfred Russel. r