The Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-17, Page 14
21st Year
Whole Number 1150
Rave you lived_! to your
$ Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
- eaveiresasweeease--vea-sei~eweiseessia-abeia/seweesseria
New Years resolution of paying your subscription
411•/.16. 411•.•41.• Akell~lelle%•1161.elik,W1*
• •
FOR THE Winter Evenings
25 Gent looks
Bound in Cloth with Gilt stamp-
ing. Sent post paid on receipt of
Young Carthagian Henty
Reveries of a Bachelor Ike Marvel
Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes
Phantom Rickshaw . Kipling
Pioneers Cooper
The Prairie Cooper
Kept for the Master's Use
The Merry Man . Stevenson
In ul van ey's Stories Kipling
Dream Life Mal vel
Gulliver's Travels Swift
The Bondsman Caine
Romance of a Poor Young Man
Red Rover Cooper
Thaddeus of Warsaw Porter
Ten Nights in a Bar Room Arthur
The Conscript Dumas
Black Beauty Sewell
'Vendetta Correll
Hardy Norseman Lyall
First Violin Fothergill
Micah Clarke Doyle
. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
Fairy Tales Grimm
15 Gent looks or
2 for 25 Cents' „ •
Neatly Bound in Strong Piper
Covers. Sent post paid on receipt
of price.
She's all the World to Me Caine
Self Sacrifice Oliphant
Born Coquette Duchess
English Orphane Holmes!
Idealit Grand
Pilgrim Progress Bunyan
Donovan Lyall
Lover or Friend Carey
Only the Governess • 'Carey
Mary St. John Carey -
Tom Brown's School Days
Child's History of England • ' .
White Company Doyle
Light that Failed • Ki :log
A Bachelor's Blunder orqs
A Woman's pent • Norris
• King's Talisman • Cobb
Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe
First Violin Fothergill
Our Bessie Carey
Silas Martin Elliott
House on the Wolf Weyman.
Ninety Three Hugo
Hans of Iceland Hugo
750, and . $1. ' -
The ever popular game of Crokin,ole
can be had in two qualities. Why
borrow when you can get e b.oard. of °
your own at these prices.
W. Cooper;: & Co., cumroN,
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns.
' • .
: •
Election of Repreasntativee.
The allnual meeting for the election
of Society representatives was held in
the Ontario street church last Wed-
nesciay evening when the. ballot re-
sulted in the election of the following ;
Dr. Thompspn, B. Stevens, F. W.
Watts, C. H. Holland, Ralph Tiphrdy,
E, G. Courtice, Geo. Wray.
Death of a Partner Resident,
Word has been received from Osh-
kosh, Wis., of the death of Thomas
Carter, at one titne a resident of Clin-
ton. The deceased was for several
years in the employ, of Mr. Jphn
Middleton of broderich township.
Subsequently he lived in Hullett and
then in Clinton. Font. years ago he
left here for St, Joseph, Mich., and
from thence went to Oshkosh where
three of his daughters have made their
homes. The funeral of ,Mr. Carter
who was in his 67th year, took place
on the last day of 1000,
It is easily prepared and is -the most economical Breakfast Food 9,1fited, half a
cup being sufficient for five. We have other breakfast foods such as ,
Rev, J. C. Dunlop Has Acmpted.
The Baptist churches of Clinton and
the Base Line extended a call to Rev.
J. C. Dunlop: wile has.. abcepted and
enters Upon his new pastorate on the
27th. Mr. Dunkin has been Stationed
at Stayner for a decade and for the
.previous seven years was it charge of
the church at Durham. The length of
his stay in those must be accept-
ed to mean that he wears well and he
bears throughout the connection the
reputation of being a succeseful pastor.
The citizens of Clinton, regardless of
denominational lines', will bid hint wel-
coa.e. and wish him , success in his
labors and hope that both himself and
family may find this town a pleasant
and profitable place' in which to live.
Officials of the Baptist Church.
At the annual meeting of. the mem-
bers of the .Baptist church held the
other day the following were appoint-
ed officials for the year ; Clerk and
Financial-Heeretary, .J, B. Horiver ;
Trerieurer, I. Pront ; Deacons, K .
Prior, T. • Monitehen, I. Front, J. B.
Hoover; Trustees, W. Robb, D. IC
Prior, T. Monaghan t Ushers, A. Os.
baldeston, Raithby. The, finances
of the Sunday school are in prosper -
due condition. There is at present.
thirty dollars in the treasury .and the
neanageraent expect a eilccessful year,
all 'the indications pointing . in that
direction! The offieere of the school
are Superintendent, T. Monaghan, .;
:Assistant; D. K. Prior ; Secretary.
Miss Adelaide Ferguson. 'Treasurer,
Raithby ; Librarian, Miss P. Penna.
bakers!, The Society in connection with.
the church, the B. Y. P. U., has it -
Missionary anniversary services will
be held next Sunday in the Ontario
street church when the Rev. B. Hobbs
of Wingharn preach morning and
evening. Collections will be taken in.
aid of the missionary funds of the
church. On Monday evening there
will be a grand missionary rally and
addressees given by Revs. W, G.
Howson and R. Hobbs. Suitable
music will be furnished by the popular
choir of the church. All are cor-
dially invited.
srrricakes we have Pre'pared .Buckwheat, ncake'filiour andlilaple Syrup
Ogle Cooper Co.
T . •• Its
Just a hinting at. the splendid table and decorative' pieees that cost
so much less here than elsewhere,. No decorations can win the. '
tasty housekeeper as can these bright, nicely, colored „wares as soon .
*as their eyes fall upon them. 0
Bric-a-Brac. •
*New pieces are added as rapidly .as we can get them ready for selling. ,
18outmfew i nd uarrilleiicsaetees aalrli d tlite chottetspiTeocues anroeandgestioralboloeke as nacre i:s are only
to pleased to show you through. .
P. It. c•REws ... Jeweler, gxeertW.ateh d .0 ti
. Repairer an P 6 .
eels•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• **INN**
)----Stock 'Taking Sale<I.
Winter Goods
You need cold weather goods and we
want the goods off our shelves to
make way for spring shipments. To
clear them off we offer youths follow-
UNDERW EAR tor large men, $2.00 suits for $1.25
ing snaps:
1.50 1.15
40 to 44 inches.
r reduced from 50e
to • • •
oy's Shirts and Drawers, all wool each.. .26
Top Shirts, a line of knitted, reduced from 500 to .35
Horsehide Mitts reduced from $1.60 to 400 1
. .50 I
Lined Gloves, 75c Men's and Boys, reduced to
$1.50 Heavy Tweed Hats, for •. - • 10
Scprfs. A few serviceable Scarfs left.
Our 76e line will go at, , 444 644 a 6 .50
" $1 r‘ ‘` 484104 6 446 6 615
- —
Merchant rxilor'
A. HollitywAy.
04•••44•4•4• ••••••••••++•••• 0** 4.••••••••••••••
organized With the folloWing offiCers :
. President T. Monaghan S Vice-Presi-
denb, Miss A. Fergiison ; Secretary,
Miss 1. P,etinabaker ; Treasurer, A.
First Meeting of the New Council, ' •
The town council .4 1901 began its
first meeting at seven oclock . Monday.
evening . It is not expected though
that thereby it, set a precedent but
afeetimf of Presbyterian soggetiew.
A meeting of Societies in connection
with the Presbyterian church was
held in Seaforth on Tiresday. Willis
church Women's Auxiliary Was re-
presented by its delegate, 'Miss MeTag-
gartand Mesdames R. Irwin, Stewart,
Lough, J. W. Irwin, O'Neil; Duncan.,
son, The delegates from the Mission
Band were Misses Clara Wiseman and
Lizzie Ohidley, who were accompanied
by Mrs. Graham, Misses A, Houston
and M. Dowser, and Masters George
Biggart and Robbie Stewart. The.
proceedings were of an interesting
nature, including addresses by Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm. missionaries from Ron-
an. The election of officers resulted' as
follows: , President, Mrs. Hamilton,
Goderich township; 1st Vice-Presi-
dept, Mrs, Graham, Clinton; and,
Mrs. Sewers, Brucefield ; 3rd, Mrs. 1 ridge and A. Pringle, forwards. A
match will be played with Winshain
here to night .
"Kind Words Can Never Die."
Mr. John Thompson of Blake in re-
newiog his sub for 1001 writes,: "r en-
close you my renewal for another
year. I am no Tory but I like THE
Nnws-Ruccoto which r.consider a first-
class local peper.'' Mr, Nelson Wal-
lace of Spain, South •Daketa, says :
We are very well pleased with THE
Nnws-Rucoitn which we think a
splendid 1641 papers?'.
Miss Georgina Johustone visited at
Mrs. A.' Johnstone's near Brucefield.
on Sunday last. . • . •
-Wes Maggie Reid visited at Mrs. J.
Rehts Sal Saturday last
A very pleasant ressse Wedding took
place the home of . Mr; Root. Me
Olinchey on Tuesday of this week
when his sister Agnes was joined in
wedlock to Mr. William Halt, The
ceremony witts performed by the Rev.
Mr.' Jennings peBayfield under qai arch
Little Locals,
Rev. X. T. Murrluca, who has been
preathIng for the Baptists of Stayner,
has received a call from them and, we
so understand, hae accepted.
Miss Jones has been re-engaged as
organist, of St. Joseph's church at an
increasej of salary, The choir was
photographed by Artist Burgess on
riday last.
Mr. Sergeson, formerly of Dtandas,
who is employed by Seeley 8; Turner, day for Holstein where he has got a
has rented the cottage on Princess job for a couple of months in a saw -
street furmerly occupied lay Mr. N. mill.
Robson, On, Monday the members of our new
If you have not yet renewed your town coilnoll met in Industry hall and
subscription to THE NEWs•RECOnls we took their respective oaths of office
should be pleased to have you do SO. after which they adjourned to meet on
A free copy of the Canadian Annual Tqesday evening,
awaits each of the pay-aheads. To all There was a wedding in town on
others the price is twenty-five cents. Wednesday.
Next Sunday will be missionary Sun- On Tuesday evening our new town
day in Rattenbury street church. The daddies met for the transaction of
Rev. G.W. Henderson of St. Marys, businese. Reeve Sims was in the chair,
President of the London Conference, A large number of the ratepayers were
will preach both morning mad eyehing. present and anxious to hear the pro -
These services Will prove interesting ceedings as it Was generally understood
and all are welcome. , that there were to be some changes
The hockey team pl'ayed'a' match made in our town officials which -was
with Seaforth at that place on Thurs. considered not necessary. The'council
day last, the score standing '7 to 4 in did wisely by ye appointing the for
favor of their opponents. The team Mer officials, viz., T. W. Scott, clertr ;
was composed of F. Johnson, goal; E, A. Elder, treasurer; John McGill,
assessor, all at the same salaries, The
Dayment, Point.; P, Matheson, coyer
point • J. Forrester, H. Steep, J, 'Clar- first engineer, Mr. McOreight, haying
isesigned, Mr. J.T. Carter the second
haying refused to accept the first, Mr.
Lowe was made first engineer of the
fire company. A large number of
bills having been presented and passed, will find rio reason to doubt the wis-
there being a large amount of other dam of its choice. We are fairly safe
in saying that the clerk -Awes favorite
literature for the next few 'weeks will
be the Municipal Act and the innumer-
able arnendmeeti thereto: . Be will
likely pillow, his weary head on a
yoleme of them o'nights. '
'The Varna postmastership has been
awarded to Mr. Thos. McCash. He
was not the only applicant by any
means but the 'results say he had the
strongest pull with Mr. John MOM
Ian and that worthy though defeated
gentleman still has the patronagesof
the South Riding. Mr. MoCash lives a
mile south of the village but of course
will move in, that is if he does not
intend running the office by deputy.
According to the latest Blue Book the
s),Tarsr is $170, while last year the pqste
master received $5,28 percentage on
money order business and 46 cents
commiasion on postal notes.
the News -Record a year in advance.
Mr. C. U. Smith, one of our, nutter
em in last fire, who had been. carrying
on the jeviellery business for the past
six years, left for hie home in Harlin
on Saturday.
Mrs. Ohanaberlain of Toronto, who
was, here looking after her interests in
the late tire, has returned to her home,
Mr. Charles Fraser left here on IVIon.
Musgrave, McKillop ; Secretary. Mrs.
R. Irwin; Clinton;:Treasurer, Mrs.
A. Scott, Seaforth.; Secretary of
Supplies, Miss McTaggart,' Clinton;
Leaflet Secretary.'Mrs. Heridersou,
War Corespondent's Lecture.
'The patriotic citizen of Clinton
should not Miss hearing Stanley Mc
Keown Brown,, the Mail and Empire's
war correspondent, deliver his illus-
trated leettme on Thursday evening of
next week Under the auspices! of the A.
0. F. Mr. Brown has met with crowd-
ed houses on his tour through Canada.
He describes the trip froth, Quebec to
Paatdeburg. He was the yOungest
correspondent et the front and Was
the only one to be woubded. Mr.
Brown has secured the Edison eine,
matograph, the same machine-and—pie
tires that were exhibited at the mili-
tary concerts in Massey hall, Toronto
His lecture its illustrated all the way
through which. makes it of greet inter.
est A matinee will be given for the
school 'children at 4 &creek in the after
noon. Serg. Webb, Who, was 'with
Mr; Brown at the front, Will introduce
him to the audience. The Toronto
World ' says : splendid audience
listened With tent attention to one of.
the best lectures ever delivered in
Massey hall.. *It *was given by Stanley
McKeown Browo, the war, correppen.
dent, under the auspices of the :48th
Highlanders and an audienee of over
got* people weie present .
It is Chairman "lodges,.
A fortnight ago. Mr. IL Ifodiens
became benedict and ',On' Monday
evening he was elected chairman Of
part thrpughout the year the citizens
if merely Implies punctuality on its
who sometimes attend the sessions will
have cause for thankfulnees.
Mr jonn #Ransford addressed the
council in support of the,purchase of a
new flag for the town hail ' He narrat-
ed the-preeentation of the paesent ban-
ner to the corporation some years
since, told in eloquent terms of
gond service it had rendered and also
Oita nekleet at the hands of its proper
custodians There There theuld be , a Frew
Union lack, he said, good in. quality
and mammoth in proportions. The
Fathers were seemingly impressed by
Mr. Ransford's eloquence and prompt--
ly passed a resolutioo ordering the
porchavie of a, suitable banner to float
over the ball. • .
A communication *as received from -
Mr. John Ross Robertson of Toronto.
laying before the council the claims of
that deserving institntion, the liospi.
tel for Sick Children, Mr.. Robertson
has spent thousands of dollars of his
own Money in equipping and main-
taining this hospital and as. its doors
are open to tells be asks that the mun.
icipalities render some assistance. The
council responded with a. grant of ten
dollars, \
Garrow (*arrow were paid $11 for
legal advice and Mr. James Scott $2.50.
Roaf Ss Roof of Toronto atiked,on be-
half of a client, for a twenty-year
franchise of the streets for the purpose
of laying gas mains for lighting pur-
poses and also that the plant trod in-
come be exempt from tairrition. Their
client would like in addition a central
site, free or at a nominal rental. The
communication was referred to a spe-
cial committee to deal with.
An agitation is now on foot among
the business men for joint action in
dealing with the Electric Light Co.,
With whose service there is general
dissetisfaction. And it hating been
suggessed to the council that the ap-
peintrrient of a committee would
strengthen the hands of the b. in.,
Messrs. Jeckson, Bell, Plummer, John-
son and Mackenzie were appointed.
Mr. J. O. Stevebson was appointed
to the Board of Health, Mr. W. Jack-
son to the Collegiate'Board and Dr.
Shaw to the Public Library Board.
Messrs. 3. Wiseman and P. Centel -
on were re.appointbd auditors and
given an increase in pay of from $10
to $12.50 each,
The grinding committees for the
year are follows, the first mention-
ed in each being chairman: PrEAN'OE
--CoMbe,Walker,MaCkenSie. STREETS
—johnson, Thrnsmers Bell, Fnua AND
WATER—Plummer, Walker, Johnson.
CluanrrY—Mackenzie, Combo. PROP-
Ztorir Alm ELECTRIC LataIrsi—Johnson,
Walker, Mackenzie, Combe. Ontx-
Yaw—Bell, Johnson, Combo. By.
r,. --Walker, Plummer, Bell.
00EXMALS, Er0.—SackS0o, Walker,
Meek elnale, Johnson Combo. Comp
or IttVistow—Jackson, Bell, Johnson,
and in the presence of about one hun-
dred invited guests. After the knot
had. been securely tied all sat down to
sumptuous repast after which it few
hcitieS were spent in pleasant chat. The
harm'y couple left by the evening train
for Marlette, Mich., where they in-
tend te spend a short time *.svith
friends. They left amids. showers of
ic'a and 'the beat wiehes of the friends
present. A large number of useful
presents strewed the.esteem in which
the fair beide is held.
Mr. Richard Peck, who had the lists-
the Public School Board, That be will, fortune to eat his lip badly while en -
preside at the Meetings Of the Boerd. gaged/J.4.,splitting wood a few days ego
With dignity and tact- we all know. 63,,*611Viir flying up and striking him
The othermembers are J.C. Stevenson, on the lip, is doing as well es can
J. latylaa: Dr Agnew, .1. Jackson, • d ,xpectedW Irwin,. . •
' W. T,", O'Neil; W H Mart ,Sorry to hear of Mrs. Jas,Parke,Sr.,
ning. '• Mr..; John . Cpunieglistme ' Was "hiing somewhat indisposed. •
ye appointed .secretary at his . former sties Stella RathWell is visiting
Baldry of fifty dollars and W.J. Cooper friends in Goderich township at pres-
ceretaker at a salary of $250 esers. ont, '
Agnew, Taylor and Irwin were, 'ap- Mrs William Clark, Sr., is visiting at
pointed finance Caninittee and Messrs. hei.daughter's,Mrs John Reidat pres-
Jackeon, Steyeneelarind O'Neil on the 'ent.
ro erty'constnittee. It. Manning ' Mt ti. Rathwell andMiss Edith
was chosen as representative to the
Collegiate Institute Board tied W. R.
Lough to both the Entrance, and Pub-
lic Library Board, on the latter Mr the
three-year term. Accounts were pass-
edto the it:mount of .$223.17, the two
largest iteros.beine• that of the Canes
diat,School Furniture Co.s $113. an
Harland Bross $54,06, ciokeling
the estimates .Which were, firesented.
$3000 will be requited for • school
purposes this year 'and the darn-
el!, will ,brt casked for that
amount n Principal,' Lough's report
stated that the number of boys enroll-
ed for December 'as 211, girls 178,
r•verage,attendatice 340. The average
attend and for 1000 was 821, for 1800 it
was 854, the lower average last year
being owing to the epidemic.
, . . •
Bothwell were the guests of Mrs. john
Johnstone on Friday of last week.
, .
Jplan McCandies of Dakota is
visitingltiendg in this neighborhood
at present. •
Miss Stella Andrews of Varna ‚at'be.liome of Mr. .W. Rathwell on
Sunday last-
' Sorry to hear of Mr, I. W,Reld be-
ing laid up with blood poisoning in one
of his hands.
Miss L. Reid has returned to London
after spending her Christmas vacation
at home.
Rev.W.G.Richardson,B.A.,who spent
his Christmas vacation at home, re;
fumed to Wyoming last week accom-
panied by his sisters/diss Maggie Rich-
Miss C. Browxiette returned to Gode-
rich after spending New Years at 'hOr
Mrs, S. W. Reid and son Harvey vie,
ited Mr. R. Reid, B. A., of Ridgetown
Mr. W. Reid, who spent his Xmas
holidaye at home, has returned to Lis-
towel Business College.
Mr, and Aire. K. Houston paid. a, fly,
pig visit to Goderich jest week.
Mr. Robb. Reid and his sisters, Mary
and Ida visited friends in and around
Contralia.last week. .
Sorry to hear of the death of Mr.
Sparks' little girl which took place on
Friday of last week,
Miss B. Turner has returned after
spending her Christ -mat; vacation with
her mother and sisters in Clinton.
Miss Turner enters on her third year
as teacher in S. S. no., 8 which speaks
well for her.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Kerr, Clinton, visit-
ed the home of the latter,s sister Mrs.
John Davison on Sunday last.
Mrs. 1. W. Reid is visiting friends in
RidgetOwn at present,
Miss. M. Richardson was the guest
of Miss Georgenia Johnstone on Sun-
day last.
Miss Charlotte Brownett who was
visitingunder the parental roof return.
ed to her home in Goderieh a few days
tire.ltobt. l'oung, who was visiting
at the home of her brother, Mr, George
johnstone, returned to her borne in
Goderich last Week.
Mr. Wm. Itathwell purehased a line
heavy three year old gelding from Mr.
Guy Bloke of Goderich township *fey/
days ago..
.Mr. Alin McAndrew of Dakota is
visiting,at Mr. !John 4.. 301InstO,Oe's Of
Dennison Eros, have been hauling
stone this past week for balding
operations next season.
Mr, Richt, Eagleson of .0snabiock,
N. D., called upon his old friend, Mr. S.
0. Eathwell..on Saturday,
Norman Purdy has started to learn
the tailoring with Mr, Pilgrim.
The Canadian Foresters think of
giving an entertainment shortly,about
the scoria week in Tebruary.
Trooper. 1feber Shobbrooke of Lou.
don,•Ontario, who will speak here at
the school concert on Friday, February
1st,, was connected with Lord Roberts'
&carte, He was in over forty battle.
Miss Sadie Lowe has returned to her
home in Hensel], after a pleasant visit
in town, •
Rev. lifr. McKay preached able ser-
mons in the Presbyterian church last
Rev. Joseph Elliott of Nairn *spent a
few clays in town this Week visiting
Messrs. 3as, Perkusen,Frank Keegan
and James Macdonald have returned
from Port Dover for the winter. -
jolly sleigh -ride pirety took a drive
out irk Goderich tovvnship last Monday
evening and had a great upset at
Thompson's creek.
Mr, John Frazer attended the Pleat-
bytery meeting in Seaforth on Tues.
Dr. Stanbury has been appointed
He tells in an inteeesting and instruct
marriage license issuer in place of Mr..
ive manner his experiences in South
James Macdonald, removed from the
Africa. Do not fail to hear him. '
J. B. R. Barnwell Wins the Clerkship The Stanley Agricultural. Society
held its annual meeting heie on the:
of Stanley and Tiles' rieCesh the 8th and made several changes in the
Varna Postoffice. directorate and management, the '
vacant by the resignation of Mr. J. T.
The clerkship of Stanley, made
oppIrrdiansheenitaaelt.abreyin,bgeliVingr. replaced ; W.Erwin,by1r .61117 '
Cairns, was filled on Monday when the
andTh appointed pvpi olliangtee dco tuhnec. 1 lfollowinginonMondayofficers,
township council appointed Mr. J. E.
R. Barnwell. There were several
viz, •.: Clerk, • U. W. Erwin;,.Asses-
them would have performed the duties sot' William iall.i.avvm. HWaihmidadnonantd JA.uAd.itForasi,-
in a satisfactory manner. , Mr. ,Harn-
he gets rightly into harness the council
well is both able 'and genie' and When epeanileits'tter.Meldtilre•alaplipeoahlItthmeOnfIlt ocefra, vii-,
' lags constable was laid over till pext
meeting when the duties of that
official will he more fully defined.
The members of Court Bayfield L 0
F., their Wives and families enjoyed an
excellent feed of oyeters and other
dainties in the town ball on Friday
evening When a choice program' of
songs and speeches was 'carried out .
The Chief -Ranger, alr, G. W. Holman, '
occupied the chair. 4, quartette, com-
posed of Dr, E,'OPisters A. E. Erwin,
W. Ferguson and' I/ Ferguson, gave
choice selections while Rev, E. C. .
•Jennings, Capt. Beech,. Mr. :J.. A,
Falconer and pl,. Pallister gave ,
excellent speethes. A good time was
sisent and all enjoyed the splendid
spread prepared by the ladies. .
Sergeant A. B. Webb of Clinton, .
returned member of the FirstSouth
African,Contibgeritgave an enter tarn
merit in the town ball Wednesday
evening of last week which was well
attended.. He was assisted by his ,
brother, Mr.. Norman Webb, and by
Cpl. Hoare with his gramophone' and.
Regina Music BoX. At the conclusion s--•
Mr. G. W. Holman; who acted as 4.
chairman, called for three :cheers for
Sergeant Webb and the request met '..
'With& hearty response. The audienee'
' greatly apprecia,ted Iess --Webts'sa mai-
den attempt at delivering a lectrweau
were much interested ,in seeing a real
live returned representative of 'the '
Contingent ' We note 'With pleasure
, the fact that the village council voted
Mr. Webb the hall free for the night.' '
We 'regret to notice that although
by a vete of 05th 22 the freehtilders
decided for electric lights yet t
council at its first meeting too
,action, We thought they, would
requested the clerk to eoguire for
formation in the matter, or haste tak
some steps regarding giving us light
We understand» a serious secid
happened at the long hill , the ot
night by .whiCh . a buggy ,got ba
smashed and some people narrow]
escaped serious injury through a col
Beton in the dark.
The. council met 'on Monday in the ,
town hall pursuant to Statute. There
were . pesent R. Staribery, 'reeve;
Councillors Bailey, Elliott, Erwin and.
Thompson. The satutory declarations
of qualiflcationeand of office were subs
scribed to by the members respective-
ly, after which the following business
was transacted : Moved and seconded,
that IL W. Erwin be clerk for the
year 1001.—Carried. Moved and second-
ed that Win, Whiddon be assessor
for 1901.—Carried. Moved and second- .,
ed that the appointment of constable
for 1901, be laid "over till next meeting
and a bylaw he drafted as to the date * s
ies of said tOostable,.—Carried. Moved
and seconded that Was Woods and.
F. Edwards ;Isk..eudien re,,,for 4901.. '
Moved in, aaetalment in.,..„secoraic
that G. W. 'Holman.. anjr Inh
Falconer beanditors for 100ist Th
reeve decided in favor of Onserridnient
Moyed and sgroded th Ben. Web.
have the town • hall .00 lif charge foi
concert held on",JA . tii,a-tatasiecIsMov
rid and seconded that Dr. Paths*, sb
Medical Health office! . for the .yea
1901,--Caatied. Moved and ,Seeonde.
that the 'clerk's:, ace e for election 0,
penses $7.50 be paid and. reeve ran
an order for tea ' e'eanes-sD f riei ,
Moved and leConded the, . ' ,coutil .
do now adjourn to meet again. n‘ '
first Windily in crebtuery and afters
wards the first Mriiirldk,in atoll' month '
at /.80-p.. in ,..41. W, ErWia,...Clerli...
Mr. 'Wm, Heard was engaged. M, .
putting on some new storm windows
upon the rectory M
veet -week. The win -
dos were the , gift of the Ladies Ala .
to the church, • • .
Mr. W. ,Stinson, 8auble Lith3..; was
in Clinton last Friday. ,
Visit t4
U. Beatty of Varna paid aisit to our town last Sunday,
Is wver' 1380.
orit: ONtirii:
Miss K. Harrison. gave a little party
last Monday evening when an enjoy.
abWiErtiniaree*ststljyento' let'hat% Z.
Elliott -of the Albion lain wi ha severe ,,
cold but we 'hope to eee her abIe to be
around again.seon. • '
Miss It. Cameron has gone to ano,
e amrdrinseamtoe et i pend Parkes
tctso :tile:ha:op! tiaM7triecid.: thil 611 u filvim,Gt oda; riiti crit. —
Jas mmre.tPattiorktec,'Estoonne9fd Maylea,a3r4t itwotatidr.
of. i4 -
Albion hotel, is home from Detroit on ,
Plettfiritt't.t 11Witsillerithhetasabbecien'iliisitler ior, the
past tWo weelis'owing toe. tevere cold,
. ,
business to tra,nsitet and the hour
gettinglatean adjournment was made
to meet again at the call of the reeve.
Owing to there being very good
sleighing in this section business hai
slightly improved the prist few days.
Mr. T. W. Scott and Mr. Geo. Powell
have had in the pest week new, plate
glass windows placed in their stores in
place of those which were damaged by
the late fire. .
.surimeR LL. '
Mr. Isaac Ranson is getting the ma-
terial ready for enlarging his barn next
summer. Mr. David Wright is
iarly ens/aged.
Mr. Robert Fulton, who was visiting
at rr Bingliana's for about a month,
returned last Week to hie home in
Mr. Henry Fisher of Colborne was
a guest at Mr. 'E. Butt's this past week.
At the. meeting of the School Board
held on Thursday last Mr. R. G. Reid
was engaged as teacher for the
present year at a salary of $350. Mr.
Reid is a member of the well known
family of that name of Stanley and
comes well recemmended.
A meeting of the ratepayers of Union
S. Ss No. 4 will be held on Saturday
Jan. 26th to consider the question of
:a site for the new school. -There a
likely to be a lively time as the lathers
want a site chosen a half mile farther
west to which the Base Liners object.
Messrs. 0.3. Nesbitt and N.Bingharn
have purchased nice pianos from 0,
Death of Henry' Josling. ,
Just before break of day on Thurs-
day morning last Mr. Henry josling
a veteran of fourscore and one years
passed into eternal rest. lie wits a
native of London,. England, and came
out to this country when nineteen
years of age. ,For a time he taught
sehool near Exeter in one of those log
academies which at that period dotted
the country. Afterwards he took up
land in Stanley and then for a time
lived in both Stratford and London.
Foity years ago he took up his resi,
deuce in Clinton and here fought life's
battle to a close. Ile clerked for some
months with A. S. Fisher, who will be
rem ernbered by old citizens, and sub-
sequently started a draying business
which is still cobtinued by his son.
Mrs. aosiing died in 1863 and for some
years Mr. Josling has made his home
with his daughter, Mrs, Thos. Monagh-
am, where his death took place after
Only a short illness though he hed
been ailing for some time. On the
Saturday previous to his death he
wrote out with a strong hand the an-
nual report of the Baptist Sunday
school of which be was sec.-treas.,
a post he filled for ten years. The sur.
viving members Of the family are
Mrs. Monaghan and John, Clinton;
Charles of Mille% Mrs. John Piekett
of Goderieh township, Henry of De-
troit, George and Edward of the N.
W. T. and James on the Coast. The
funeral took place on Saturday, the
services being conducted by Rev. Mtft-
Dunlo The pall•bettrers were D. K.
Hoare of Clinton.
Mr., Neil McNeil, blacksmith of Win-
throp, was in the village on business
on Monday.
Me. John Scarlett of Leadbury gave
us a flying visit on Sunday. , , •
' Mr. Janies Miller had a bee on Tues-
day hauling wood into the Hub..
There is now an average. attendance
at the school of between forty-five and
fifty, For the winter season this is
very large. Mr. Lowery is 'well liked
by the children..
Mr. Samuel Barr was able to be up
fora while on Tuesday for the first
time in his two months' illness.
Miss Tessie Jenkins and Miss Clara
Laithwaite of Goderich were guests of
Miss Nesbitt on Tuesday.
Mr. John Wright of town was the
guest of relatives on the Line on Tues-
day. ,
Plannter PAnit—jackson, prier, T. Prank W. Robb, J. B. lloov•
; `Pak, At, J. Paisley, W. Doherty. i 3.Diergusonand U0 Joyner.
One of those interesting events
occurred ' rui , the home of
Mrs. Nivins on Wednesdive;. Jan.
9th, when her daughter, wiggle, W a8
married to Charles ElliottThe cere,-
mony 'was peaformed by Rev. Mr. Fair-
bairn. at 7 o'clock p. in.. After con-
gratulations had been extended the
happy pair, about 75 relatives and
friends sot down to a most sumptuous -
wedding dinner after which the even-
ing was spent in dancing, social chat,
music and games. The bride was the
recipient of many useful and beautiful
gifts. Mr, and Mrs. Elliott are beth
very Poputar in Dungannon and vicin-
ity and their many friends wish them
a. vets,. happy ,and prosperous voyage
through their wedded life.
Miss Dreaney of Kinlough has been
visiting relatives and friende here for
the past -two weeks, ,
Miss Grace Bowers has returned
home from St. Thomas, „
Mr. John Bowers has sold his 100
acre farm near the village for the sum
of $5,000 to Mr. R. Reid of Ashfleld:Mr.
Reid gets possession on the 1st of
April: Mr. Bowers is thinking of gos
ing out West. •
Mrs. James Walker slipped while
returning from preparatory service in
the Presbyterian church on Friday last
and had the misfortune tO sprain one
of her arms.
Mrs. W. Roach still 'continues Very
Mr. and Mrs, Gray, Lucknow, visited
at Mr. John Gray's over Sunday.
Rev. Mr. McNair held revival servic-
es in his church last week and the
week before.
We understand Mr, Richard Ryan
will sell his residence which he lately
purchased from Mr. McWhinney.
Quite a few from here attended the
Oyster 4Upper. at Port Albert On
Thursday evening last.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McCormick were
in the village on Wednesday last
The entertainment given here on
Saturday evening by Laing Bros. was
well attended and every person was
well pleased, Laing Bros.' moving
pictures are a. wonderful invention;
Many were heard to exclaim that one
Picture alone was well worth the small
fee charged for admission.
Mr. Robt. McCartney of Moosejciw is
-fisiting his uncle, Mr.Alez. Thomson,
and. other friends in this vicinity.
Miss Lillie Taylor of London is at
present spending her holidays withitIrs,
The Farmers' Institute held their an-
nual meeting in Dixon's hall on Friday
Inst. Large numbers were at both
afternoon and evening sessions. The
Intellectual part was folly as good as
In former years and the concert in the
evening was excellent.
Quite a number from here attended
the Ptesbyterial meeting in Seaforth on
Tuesday. The annual congregational
Meeting of the Presbyterian church was
held, in the ettureh Wednesday, of last
week. All reports showed, the congre-
gation to be in a prosperous condition.
Mr. Jamieson, who has led the song
service in the church for the last eigh-
teen years has resigned which leaves the
position open for applicants.
Porter's lint.
Mr. Thos, Elliott lot yaluable
horse last week.
Mr. Sas, Stirling is recovering from
a, sore throat.
Mr. Walter Weston Is.,ithe happy
possessor of a pair of twins.
Rey. MriMcKay of Goderich preach-
ed at Bethany on Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Elliott enjoyed' the tool
breezes of the lake „Saturday eyenleg.
Mrs Thos. Maconald of the 8th con.
is busy teaming wood from Mr. Wm.
Perdue's on the 4th con.
Mr. George Weston is on the sick
Mr, Fred. Morgan, traded his pacing
colt on Saturday, for an'other' fine
Mies Vine Meek of the lith''con. is
plaiting friend* In Goderieh,
Theauttual,Ora,nge District meeting
was held in Lonclesboro on Tuesday of
last week. There was a good attend,-
ance and much interest manifested
in the proceedings, The following of-.
tigers were elected and installed by
County Master John Wilford of Blyth
District Master, Richard Leishman,
Alamo& ; Deputy, George Snell, Lon-
desboro ; Recording.Secretary, Alex.
Leishtnan, Marnock ; Trearairer,
ert l'.14111urray„ Belgrave ; 'Chaplain,
Isaac Barri LOUdesboto Leata**,
W. Mateo and W. Wallace ; Com-
mitteeman, It. Wallace. The next -
meeting of the District will be held in
- Mr. and Mrs. David Metilalighton
and Mrp. Moffat are able to be' oround
again after their remit severe illness.
Mr. Wm. Sowat impativing the
,appearance of Mfr valuable property
by the addition to the etid of his barn.
A pleaeant little gathering .took
place at, Mr.WM. Isierted'e bi the &ruble
Lihe last Thursday evening the
occasion being the baptism of their
title son, Alfred Russel.