HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-10, Page 8F'r
TA*, 00
The .Absent Minded
In exact production of the auth-
or's handwriting, the complete
Your ver
see on a sheet of white
paper 14 in. longhand 7 in. wide,
neatly pasted (hut can be easily
detached) in a paste -board box
with linen hinge, is the subject of
our latest store news. The box is
adorned on the lid with a strik-
ing picture, "A gentleman in
khan ki," and on each side • and
Lod is a verse of the famous song
referred to. The contents of the
box are a quire of paper and a
package of envelopes, all kharki
color. The price for all is 15 cts.
1.—The song is notorious and
2.—The idea of having it in Kip-
ling's own style of writing is
3.—It is complete and easily read.
4.—The box is attractive and
reasonably strong.
5.—The paper and envelopes are
a fair quality and the most
fashionable tint.
6.—The price is as low as the val-
ue can possibly allow and the
value more than you usually
find at the price.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Beat.
About o 0 0
AT 0
We Know
Dr. Cook was in London this week.
Miss Moore of Hensall was the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. Chambers this
Mr.R. J. Bell returned to Varsity
Mr. G. Emmerson of Goderich was in
town this week.
Miss Mabel Helliwell of Toronto is the
. guest of Mrs. Combe.
Mies Lucas of Mardale is the guest of
Mrs. (Rev.)J. F. Parke.
Miss Lizzie Twitchell returned home
from Hensall on Tuesday.
Miss Annie Young of Seaforth visited
friends in town this week.
Miss Lillie Miller visited friends in
Goderich township last week.
Messrs. D. B. Kennedy and J. McCool
were in London on Tuesday.
Mrs. Walter Pridham of Godericb is
the guest of Mrs. P. B. Crews.
Mrs. Thorborn of Goderich is visiting
at Mrs. A. Twitchell's this week.
Mr. J. Sheppard went up to Blyth on
Monday to exercise his franchise.
Miss Nellie Harnlyn of Woodstock is
the guest of Mrs. Ernest B. Smith.
Miss Tibbutt, who has been, holidaying
for the past fortnight, has returned
to town.
Mrs. C. Witte was the guest of her
her mother, Mrs. Herbst of Sea -
forth, one day last week.
Mrs. Neil Yellowlees of Bomanville,
who is visiting at her home in Bruce-
fieldy called on friends in town last
Miss Minnie Herman, who bad been
visiting at home for a week, return-
ed to London on Wednesday of last
Messrs, Broad foot and Case of Seaforth
and Arthur Knox of Wingham were
in town on Monday exercising their
Mr. and Mrs.W. B. Akam who have
been visiting under the parental
roof, have returned to their home in
Mr. Thos. Brown and Misses Maggie
and Mamie Freel of Seaforth were
guests at the Commercial on
Sunday last.
Mrs. McCullouvh SPa;;
otner, wlTh has been visiting her,
' were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
r Sage last week.
Mrs. Townsend, who has been visiting
her son in Nesbitt, Man., for the
past year, is the guest of her daught-
er, Mrs. R. Moore.
Mr. Harry Cantelon of Hensel) called
on Clinton friends on Monday, but
the principal object of his visit was
to vote in the county council contest.
Misses Will. and Alf. Butt of the Base
Line spent New Years with their
urmle M.' . Mcllveen of near
Watford. They returned home on
Mrs. J. T. Clark of Toronto, who was
for a fortnight the guest of Mrs.
J. W. Chidley and other friends in
town, returned to the city on Satur-
day last.°
Miss Mabel Bell went to Petrolia on
Tuesday to attend a social event
given by a college friend, Miss Nan.
Joyce, and will remain her guest
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foster, of Strath-
clair, Man., who have been guests of
Mr. and Mrs. William Ford, have
been spending some days with friends
around Whitechurch.
Mr. Edgar Rowed of the G. T. R.
station staff has gone to Buffalo for
a few days rest. Re has r yet re-
covered from the ..,ie..ts of the Acci-
dent he met with in the yards three
months ago.
Mrs Geo. Cruickshank of Wingham,
wife of the popular reeve of Turn -
berry, was the guest of Mrs: F. W.
'Watts from Thursday to Saturday
last. On Monday Mr; Orpickshank
was re-elected to the reeveship.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Logan of Sault Ste,
Marie, Mich.. were guests of Mrs.
Fos. Rattenbury on Tuesday and
Wednesday, They are upon their
wedding trip, the ceremony' having
been performed at Niagara Falls.
Dr. Ben. Sellery, who barb been viiiit-
ing at his old home in Kincardine,
was the guest of his sister, Mrs.
T. Cooper, this week ea .iie on his
way hack to Cbiv..go. He has for the
theeppaat,egCar been demonstrator at
the "rtrrital College in that city but
has decided to open an office of his
Mr. John Maguire, assistant agent
at the 0. T. R. station, was call@d to
the head office at. Toronto on Tues-
day by the Superintendent with a
view to further promotion which his
ability and services entitle him. • It
is an open secret that he was some
time since offered the station at
Oakville to which the agent at Blyth
was subsequently, appointed. Mr.
Brigs, relieving agent, is now {Ser -
forming Mr. Maguire's duties at the
" station. .
Mr. F. J. Brownscombe' of Aspen,.,
Colorado, who has beep, the guest ofy.
ills sister Mrs. W. ids. Newoon,be',
for a week past, left' yesterday 'For
Petrolbt on a visit to his old home.
Mr. Brownacombe went to Colorado
seven'yeare ago to accept the prinei-
palahis or the High school in that
city. and was shortly aferwards
appointed superiptendent of: the city
schools at a handsome saltiry. The
position is a good one and has been
held ever since by Mr. Brownacombe
although changesa' are rather fre-
cgttent among offletals in the Ameri-
can cities.
} ARNA..
Miss Annie Howe of Clinton is
visiting at the parsonage at present.
Mr. John W.trd and mother arrived
borne on Saturday eveningafter
spending a couple of weeks visiting
friends in Toronto and Oshawa,
Mr. W. F. Keys is putting_up a
stable this week .for Mr, William
Perdue at his saw mill in Godericb
OliverKeyesreturned to Sea,forth
to attend High School after
spending Xmas holidays at- home.
John Ward has accepted a position
with 5, 0. Rathwell to learn the trade
As John is a smart boy no doubt he
olawill make a good mechanic.
Mr. J. E. R. Barnwell and wife are
gain in our midst and will soon be
taking possession of the portoffice
store. May good luck attend then)
in their new enterprise.
The thaw will be a boon to
Mr. U. Weekes' as it will give him lot,
of water wherewith to run his chop-
ping mill.
Last Monday was a fine day for
muncipal elections but all was quiet in
Stanley as the whole council was
elected by acclamation. The members
are as follows: Reeve:—J. McNaught.
A quiet hen e wedding took place al
the residence o° Mr. Ben. Churchill of
Hallett on Tuesday evening when his
eldest daughter May was married to
Mr. Earnest West, the ceremoney
being performed by the .Rev, Mr,
Dunlop. The bridesmaid was. Miss
Jennie Churchill and the groomsman
Mr. George East. The happy couple
will take up house • at Stapleton.
on. Councilors;—J. McDermid, W. J.
Stinson, W. L. Keyes, Ed. Johnston.
The question that is agitating the
people now is who will get the clerk-
ship? We understand there are sever-
al applicants.
L. 0. L. No. 1035 held their annnal
fneeting on Jan. 3rd. when the follow-
ing officers_ were elected: Master,
J. T. Reid ; Deputy, J. Johnston, ; Re-
cording -Secretary, A. McConnell ;
Financial -Secretary. L. Beatty ; t
Chaplain,Geo. Beatty ; Treasurer, Jas
Campbell ; Lecturer, Isaac Rathwell ;
Director of Ceremonies, Z. Weeks;
Committee, Geo. Rathwell, T. Elliott,
J. Rathwell, Wm. Logan, Ben. Rath -
well. No. 1035 starts the new century
with a good set of officers and expects
a prosperous year.
The pupils of the school are com-
mencing preparations for a concert to
he held about the first of February.
It will be military in nature. Two
troopers from South Africa will be -
present and give- an interesting talk
on the war, Watch for fuller an-
Mr. John Bell of Teeswater was
visiting here for a few days the past
J. G. Buligh .and A, B. .Cornell of
Goderich were in town on Monday for
the purpose of voting,
Mr. John !Mitek has, disposed of his.
brick residence on Mori is street to Mrs,
Jackson of Wawanosh.
Mr. Marsh, Wallah. who has had
charge of our' electric plant for the
past four months,has secured a similar
positiotlsbut a more remunerative one
at North Bay for which place he in-
tends leaving on Thursday. We are
sorry to loose Marsh. for he was a very
obliging fellow and well liked amongst
Mr. Beverley Ketchen, after spend-
inga pleasant vacation at home, re-
turned this week to resume 'his studies
at Knox College, Toronto.
Quite a number attended the
shooting match held on •New Year's
Miss Edith Sawers left here last
week for her school where she has
recently been engaged as teacher
at Westminster. Miss Sowers' many
friends wish her success.
Mrs. McLean of Chicago visited her
mother, Mrs. Fraser, during the Xmas
Mr. McKenzie of Kincardine was
last week the guest of his sister, Mrs.
G . Baird, Jr.
Miss Etta Ballantyne of Hensall
visited:Miss B. Gibson last week.
Miss Flo. E. Chrysler returned to
her duties as teacher in Egmondville
school after pleasant holidays.
Mr. Win. Ketchen of British
Columbia is visiting friends in this
vicinity. -
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Reid entertain-
ed a number of young people on
New Year's evening. Everyone had a
very enjoyable and .profitable time.
Miss Kate ;Hart, Messrs. Charles
Sowers and Walter Baird all returned
to Clinton Collegiate after spending a
very pleasant vacation at their respec-
tive homes.
The meeting of the Farmers' Insti-
tute will he held in Dixon's hall on
Friday, Jan. 11th, afternoon and
evening sessions. Don't forget this.
(From another correspondent)
Mr. Alex. Murdock has returned to
Toronto to resume his studies.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Delgaty and
family spent New Years with Mrs.
Delgaty's p trents near Mitchell.
Mr. James Swan shipped a large lot
of old iron from here this week. .J;,n
will deal in anything thereelseeti dollar
in . �...r--
Mr•' .Ete-vl nos was in Stratford on
,siness last week.
We are sorry to hear Mr. Peter
McGregor is on the sick list. We
hope to see him around soon.
Mr. Dan. Ross is converting the old
creamery into a dwelling house,
A surprise party headed by Albert
Cameron and Fiddler Boyce took
possession of the house of Mr. Charles
Wasman New Year's eye and tripped
the light fantastic until 1900 had
flown and a new century was ushered
Mr. Sam. Castle paid Clinton a visit
last week.
Mr. Alex, and Miss Jennie Sterling
of Leeburn spent New Years as guest's
of their sister, Mrs, Thomas Harris -in.
while Mr. Cyril and Miss Edith Camp-
bell of Clover Valley, along with other
friends, spent the same day at this
hospitable home. • /
Miss Courtice of Clinton com-
menced her duties as teache of S. S.
No, 8. -
Mr. William Perdue h moved to
mill onthe 3r. cessionrd
his d oar
commenced sawin agai
Mr, Geo. ,Kraeling, tinsmith, has
secured a sit in Alliston whither he has
gone. We wish him every success.
Mr. John Nevins has been. engaged,
to take charge of the electric light plant.
in the future. John has held the same
position before. Stay with it this time,
Rev. Mr. Rigsby of Kincardine
preached in the Methodist church on
Sunday. He was at one time pastor
of this church.
The 0. 0. F, held their regular meet-
ing on Tuesday evening.
Their is Some talk of protesting the
electiop for the reeveship,
Tuesday was our first horse and
cattle fair but owing to the weather
being mild and rainy there was nob
a large turn out of farmers.
On Monday we witnessed one of the
liveliest municipal contests that has
been held in this burg for years. It
was a regular old timer, with every
one working for their respective favor-
ites. Even the lady voters took quite
an interest in the contest, • After the
polls were closed every one wasan-
xious to hear the results, which were
as fellows:—
For county council —Patterson 231,
Stewart 64; Lockhart 55, Webster 24.
For Blyth municipal council -For
reeve—Carter I07, Sims 109. For coun-
cilors—Finnemore 127, McNally 150,
Mc0ornniins 71, McElroy 80,Milne 102,
Powell 99, Sloan 112.
The council to represent us for 1901
will be :— Reeve Sims; Councilors Fin -
remote, McNally, Milne, Sloan.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heli of Londes-
hero visited the latter's aunt, Mrs. W.
Stanley on Thursday.
Mrs. Johnston and Miss Richard of
Gait visited their uncle, Mr. J. L.
Conrtice, on Saturday.
Miss Jennie Phipps has gone on a
visit to Toronto where she will
remain some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Keil and family of
Cainsville returned to their home on
Saturday, after spending a short time
with thei sister, Mrs. T. Leonard.
Miss B tie Stanley spent last week
wit aunt, Mrs. James Snell of
Mr. J. R. Holmes paid a flying visit
to Seaforth on Monday.
Royal Reception.—Our village hall
was prettily decorated with evergreens
and banner of welcome outside while
inside was hunting, flags, evergreens
and mottos. The hall was filled
to overflowing to welcome Private
Wilson home from South Africa.
Our village was highly honored to
have three South African heroes on the
platform, viz. Privates Alex Wilson,
Austin Chisholm and Ben Webb.
Mr. John Middleton was chairman.
Recitations were given by Miss Cun-
ningham of Clinton arid Master Cox of
Poi ter'sHill and solos from Mr.Latonell,
W. Richard, Philip and Louis Gravelle
and Geo. Sturdy. Also good graph°.
phone selections by Col. Hoare.
Speeches were given by Capt,,,0omt,re,
Dr. Shaw, Capt. McTaggart, Major
Beck, Capt. D. Holni"td, Col. Varcoe,
W.G. Cameron; Robt.McLean, Rev. J.
Greene and others. Mr. T. Chur-
chill .read the address and hir. Nixon
Sturdy .presented a fur overcoat and
nurse to.Priyyate Wilson who replied
a few well chosen' words. ' After
which Privates Vhjailolm and Webb
spoke for a few riiinutes.
Rev. Ale Vader K. Birks, returned
yesterdayr'tiitn, a holiday, says the
.London Free Frees, and lit a fire in
his kitchen stove at No. 357.Picoadilly
street. During, his• ;abseriee,: ttnfor-
tunately, frost had been `Busy with the
water, pipes in the stove, and wheri
the fire got under way there followed
an explosion that shock the house. •
When Mr. Birks had recovered from
his astotrishment he found his stove a
complete wreck. He had not escaped
injury attogether . himself. The
kitchen window was broken and.
the. whole interior of the
room looked as though it had lately
had a cyclone for a guest. The Fire
department were called out, but their
services were not required.
London load
W. J. Biggins of Elmhurst Farm bM
recently purchased the imported ttvo-
year-old heifer "Primula". bred by 0.
Strachan of Tillyotn, Sumphanali,
Aberdeenshire, Scotland, tier sire
Fergus was got by the great Star of.
Morning, the sire of Pride of Morning,
the Highland Societies breed chant.,
pion at Aberdeen and firth prize
winner at the same show., Won the.
first prize and medal at Edinburgh in
184 breed champion at the Highland
-, ociety and exported 1:3nefhos Ayres let
WO guineas or $5000. A crop of the
Stat was always a recommendation in
The Misses Slater of Seaforth are the
guests of Mr. Wm, Robertson at pre-
Mr. John Tindall and sister, Florence
of Chatham are the guests of their
sister, Ella, and their uncle, John
Huare,at present, It is fourteen years
since John was in this part.
Mr. D. Lockhart of Wingham Su'n-
daved under the parental'reof.
Mr. Oliver Baer returned. to Strat-
ford Business College last Tuesday
after spending his holidays at home..
Mr. Frank Munroe returned to Tor-
onto to college last Tuesday. -
Miss K. Wagner returned home
from Chicago last week.
Miss F. Armstrong returned to - Mr.
Hill's, Colborne, this week, •
Messrs. Howson and •Osbaldestou.
have sold their turning lathe to Mr..
Goldthorpe of Saltford.
Mr. Longman of Morris was the
guest of his mother-in-law one day
last week.
Mr. Halt Rontlecige his been elected
trustee of S. S. No. $,
Miss Winnie Thompson last' week to
take .char a of her school near Zurich.
Mr. 1Villliern Jervis has been upon
the sick list for some days.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Baer of Woodstock,
formerly of Clinton, were among the
Xmas visitors at Mr and Mrs R. H.
Elliott's who are always glad to see
their old friends again.
Miss Frankie Welsh, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. P. W. Currie,
has returned to her school again after
having a pleasant visit in town and
country.. •
Another of the good old mothers in
Israel passed into the better life on
Friday last in the person of Mrs. James
Switzer of the 0th concession who had
reached the ripe old age of eighty two
years, The deceased was of English
birth and came to this comity about
1832 and took up the lot upon which
she remained to. the day of her death.
Her husband predeceased her sonic ten
years ago. A number of children were
born to them,the sons being James and
Benjamin 'of this township, Samuel of
Goderich and Joseph near White-
church, Among. the daughters are
Mrs. James Elliott of the Cut Line
Mrs.. Switzer was a loyal Methodist
and for many years identified with the
church in Bayfield,the pastor of which,
Rev. Mr. Yelland, conducted the ser
• vices at the funeral which took place
to the Bayfield cemetery on Sunday.
The pallbearers were Samuel Rath-
well, Edward Rathwell, John. Ander-
son, Henry Peck and James 'Wallis. -
Mrs. Thos. 0. Cooper, who is making
her home with her son, Mr. George
Cooper, went to Clinton on Monday
to mark her ballot for county council-
or. Mrs. Cooper is now , in her 88th
Last Monday's election was the first
time in twenty years .that the electors
of sub division No. 6 did riot go to lie.
William Crooks' house to . have their
votes recorded by him; as deputy re-
turning offl,cer..For theflrst eight or ten
years there were some warm contests
for reeve and deputy and also.Domin-
ion and ,Provincial elections and two
-Scott Act elections held at his house
and.in. all that time Mr. Crooks . was
not : once charged with wrongdoing.
He can look. hack with pride upon his
record as deputy. '
Miss Alice Hunkin is . visiting her
sister, Mrs. Longman, in Morris at
Mr. Jos. Marshall and family are
the guests of his brother George at
There was quite a stir in our yillage
on Monday.
(From a once -in -a -while correspondent.)
Mr. James Ferguson, who has been
working the past year for T. Rad-
cliffe, is going to Middlesex to work
until spring when he returns to Mr.
Radcliffe with whom he has re-engag-
ed for next summer at an advance in
wages. That will he Jim's sixth sea-
son at Mr. Radcliffe's.
Mr. John McShann-,grre ,,r Manitoba
is renewing &.d' acquaintances 'here
�krter an absence of two years.
Mr. Robert Ferguson, who worked
the past season with Mr.James Mutch,
has engaged to work for Mr. Hugh
Thompson of West Wawanosh this
year at a good salary. •
Int. ,Aurifi6tlpe.
A very happy event took Place at
the residence of Mr. Geo. Wallace on
December 20th, when his sister, Miss
Mary Wallace, was joined in the holy
bonds of matrimony to Mr. Ringler.
The young couple left that evening.
for their home near Wroxeter, We
wish them a pleasant and happy
voyage through life.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Beadle spent New
Years with their daughter, ' Mrs, S.
Mr. and Mrs. Burkitt visited friends
near Blyth on Sunday last,
Miss B. Nixon has been_ visiting at
her uncle's near Blyth for the past
week. •
Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Tisdale gave a
party to a number of young people
last Thursday evening. AU report
having a good time. Mr. and Mrs. B.
13, Anderson also gave a party on Fri-
day evening to a number of young
people who enjoyed themselves well.
The Donnybrook League* has prim -
chased a new organ which was placed
in the church on Thursday last. All
think it will give good satisfaction.
Metropolitan 'Course and
Next Entertainment .
The Eugene Page Co. Town Hall, Tuesn`ay
January 22nd, 1901, Plan
open to subscribers Thursday, Jan. 17, at 9 a m:
to the public days following. Plan of hall at
W, D. Fair's. Are you a subscriber I If not,
why net t
The Newcombe Piano awarded Old Medal
at the Paris Exposition used at these entertain-
ments. Sold by C, HoAR>r.
•Mr.W.G.1 Lewes is busy drawing sand"
and other material for the purpose of
improving his barn, this coming sum-
mer. r
Miss Carrie Johns is' visiting old.
friends in the vicinity of Sarnia.
Mr. John. Armstrong treated' the.
young people of this locality to a pleas-
ant time on Friday evening last.
Mrs. Wm. Stanbury of the London
Road has been the guest of Clinton
friends duringthe past week.
Mrs. Wm. Townsend,Sr.; hits. return-
ed home after a. year's sojourn in Nes-
bitt, Man., and will take up her future
borne withher son, Amos. .
Mr. Eli. Crich has been confined to
the house with neuralgia of the' bead.
Mr. Chas. Crick has also' been on, the
sick list while it good many more •,have
been nursing had colds.
Mr. Matt. Mains of Londesboro is
busy getting out timber for Mr. Frank
Grant's barn which he purpo,ee re-
building. this coming smasher
Mr•.:Lnd Mrs J • C. Steep of Goderich
tr`k... Lop were guests of friends here
the' past week.
Miss A. Steep" spent the past
week with her cousin, Miss Pearl.
Wise, .
•The young people tendered to Mr. D.
Ashton• a party at the residence of
Mr. R. White, on New Years night•
on the eve of his ' departure toresume
his studies at the Forest City Business
The Council of the corporation of the County „
of Buren will newt in the coduell chamber in
the town of tlodoricliton Tuesday the 22nd of
the pteeentmonth, at 3o'clock in the after-
noon. WM. LANE, Clerk,
Dated at Goderich this 8th day of January 120.1,
Card of Thanks.
LADIES AND Gzsetemey.--I beg respectfully
to thank you for the very generous support
which you gave me on the 7th inst, anti for
placing me at the bead of the poll as Commis-
sioner for Dia. No, 2. I will endeavor to look
after your Interests In such a manner as will
merit your approval,
Yours k'aithfilly.
Clinton, Jan, 9th, 1001• D> CANTELON.
Corn For Salo..
Lots of best yellow corn for wile at all tint es
Soli for oasis—or exchange tor any kind• of
grain -in some Cases give i so 9 months' time
if desired.. Drive right V' warehouse opposite
railway station, Clavier and Timothy seed
bought and sold,
Clinton, January, 10th.
Shawl Lost.
Lost between Baytleld bush and Bayfield of
Thursday Jan. 3rd, a brown shawl. The dud
or will oblige by.leavin it at P, 11Ictleo's o
with Mrs Pearson, Bay old.
Holmeeville January Ob.
If you want olnething first-class in the
way of Photographs go to Burgess' Studio,
: ' CLildren and groups a• specialty. Re—
orders can be had from Mr.: Foster's
Cold Weather Cothforts.
Now that cold weather is setting in is the time to talk of
ROBES and 11ORSE BLANKETS. We have a large
and well assorted stock and invite your inspection.
Blankets from 50c, up
Robes; Gloat,"fromE$5.50 up
Our Harness..
Is made to ,.wear well.. They have given, such
good'satiSfaction that one customer 'brings an
'other. Our prices are as. follows : Set. Hand-
Single Harness, gatarante.$12-00
Dee l/��p,�=�Are•coiuing more into general use as their merits
' /1 ipg better known.. We have several kinds..
are coin -
A. la 1L lL `L'./1. `L111L NS
�mrrnr�trnr�mitnrttri�r�ir�i�rrrr�itntrnn�nn�r�tr�ir�tr' :
-=- tIMItItt!MItrtin1it
6400•iii•i••ii•nidi••ir•iiiiUiiii•i•i••ii44iif•iiiir 414ki0
Famous Annual ' Slaughter Sale
Ready-to-wear' Clothing,
Furnishings, Hats and
Caps,. Furs, and Boots
and Shoes, commences -on
..i.Mari..•lta...,*ri •i•S.I.IM..ii•fi.Siii•iii••i•••••••ii•S•S1•S*iiili•riiii•
It will be the biggest sale of the kind we have ever held and the
and the reason; for it is simply this We have commenced the wholesale
main,t facture of clothing and we want to commence the Spring season
trade with a full range of new goods from our own factory. .Therefore
everything. in the. house must be cleaned out and there is only one way
to do it and that is the PRICE. Consult the big advertisement in an-
other part of this paper which will give you full particulars.