HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-03, Page 8All Japan teas are 000744 s and 'Wit 04, er her le arms, A trim - annoy t ie the ot the ised to d. "Oh, e in the you to I risk- oes not tell you Ls eyes t guesa- in that , start- rm, "In- ered. a morel - is heavy y•ou ba- you my parted nevermore," and, with a $1,4i01c, epringy ntep Lester Stanwiek walked rapidly down the clover -bordered path on lele fatal errand. XII the dietartee.' the little babbling brook eang to her of peace and rest beneath its curling limpid. twafeati. "Oh, mother, mother," 'she cried, "what wee tbe dark same% that tor- tured yotar brain, till it droval you ntad -ay, mad -ending in death and. des- pair? Why did yen leave yoar little Daisy here to suffer se f bet such a throbbing in my own poor brain -but 1 must fly anywhere, anyvvhere, escape this new serrow, God has( for- • gotten me." She took one atop forward In a blind, groPilig uncertain. way "Dify at say of hope had died Out,,' be cried as the memory of his cruel word: came slow- ly back to her, so mookingly tattered - "the minister would be none the wiser -be is blind." ' ti in a ges- to see, quiver - en pale. he cried CEYLON (WHEN TEA is pure and unCeloroci. the doctor, wondering at the Orange, mile that flitted 11140 a meteor over his companion'eee for one brief in- stant "This Will defray, her expeneestn • the Meantime," be Bald, putting a few crisp bank -notes,- into the doctor's hand... "See that, She has Canny ItUre He was about to re-enter the room where. Daley lay, aut the doetor held hira baek. ehould advise you to remain away for the preeent," be said, 'your pre - armee ertketioes such an unpleasant effectupon her. 1, Wait untiloehe aeons," "I have .often thogght it so strange people M delirium shrink so trom those they' loVe best;1 can not un- derstand it," said Stanwiels, with an odd, forced langa, "As you are the dootor, I suppose your orders must be Obeyed, however. Xf the fever should happen to take an unfavorable tura in the meantime, please drop a lino to roy address, 'care of Mies Plume Hurlhurst, of Whitestona Itail, Allen- • " he said, extending his card, "Xt Will be . forwarclad to me promptly„ and I_can hornet on at Onae." ' Again the dootor nodded, putting the card, safely away his wallet, and soon after Looter • atm:Wick took his departure, roundly ,oursing his:luck, yet• congratulating himself appal the fact that Daisy could not •leave Elm- wood -he could •rest cantent on that r ' ' • Meanwhile the three venerable sisters and the rewire doctor were watching anxiously at Daisy's bedside. "Oh, my poor little dear -my pretty little deo: 1" abbbed Ruth, caressing the burnina little hands that clung to' her 'Lief tig'htly. a. ••; • ' "Woia't,'yoe hide me ?" 'pleaded, Daisy, laying her hat cheek agaiesf' the wrinkled, hand: that held hers. "Hide me, please, jut as if 1 weee:your own child; 1 have no mother, you know," "Godhl.p the pretty, innocent dar- ling 1" kea the, cleetor, turning hastily away to hide the euspioious moisture that gatbeaed in.his eyes. • "No one as going to liana you, little one," he said, soothingly; "po one shell annoy you." "Was- It Se groat.a ran I He- would not) let me, eaplalia.. ..He has one out my life 1" ahe wallea, pathetically, patting !meta the goldea rings of hair from her flushed. base. Rex 1 Ilex 1" she, eobbed,• Ineeherently, • "1 shall die -or, averse, I shall go mad, it, yeu an not eome .beck 'ate I" ' • The three ledies looked at one an- other questioningly, in alarm. • . "You:twist not Mind the • strange ravings of a Pergou in delirium," said the doctor, curtly ; "they are liable to imagine and say, all sorts of nonsenrae. CHAPTER XIV. ' • When' Lester Stanwick returned to the oottage he found, that quite an un- expected turn a events had transPir- ed. Miss. 03urton had gone out to Daisy -she lay so still and lifeless in the long green grass. "Heaven bless me I" she cried, in alarm, raising her voice to.a pitch that brought 'both oe the aisters quickly to f you. I aer side. "Matilda, go at• unoe and I would fetch the doctor. See, this child is ill, ways ba Thor cheeks are burning scarlet and her u have vay, ouble is ," he re- ngely her e in her for your t dream, e was so ittle dif- ake you day all busilnese, to -day. y wife." like one UT r. he 211- go- 2ey aid ing our vill ox, ing ck- • e in vho de - is ;era ave ade OT - H. .nati ere tne gle re - he of alder her embered ever to had left a cruel the un - e -- sat uld hap - me out 'there is Daisy," 'My will u receive ely upon efy me 13' • strange, nait his golden ,she had Lor dee'p- ower-like d deer at agonized • r. Stan - ave Inc in eyes are like.staye," At 'that opportune moment they espied the doctor's carriage proceeding leisurely along the road. • "Dear me, how lucky," cried: Huth, "Doctor West should happen along just now. Go to the gate, quick„ Ma - tilde, and ask him to stop." ' The keen eyes of the doctor, how- ever, had observed the figure lyiag an the gratis and tha frantic movements of the three old ladies bending over it, and drew rein of his own accord to see. what was the matter. •He drew back with a cry of surprise as hid eyes rested on the beautiful flushed face of the young girl lying among the blue harebells at his feet. "I am afraid; this is a eeriousuase," he said, thoughtfully, placing his mail hand on her burning fOrehead; "the child has all the . symptoms of brain fever in its worst fon% brought on probably through some great, excite- ment." The three ladies „ looked at one another meaningly. "She eneeti, be taken lute the how, and put,tikted at once," he continued, authoritatively, lifting the alight figure in his strong arms, and gazing pityingly down upon the beautiful flushed face framed in its .sheen of gaiden hair • resting against his broad shoulders. he present, said, "but I fifteen min - readiness to not come e a minister, marry us. to run away," ight the start - bout her. "In trusty sentinel leave this house. ded thus since you se; knowing your pe impending dif- repared accordingly. pe your fate, my lit - would marry an un - he could not. I would at his feet and tell him t I was -1 was-" do nothing et the kind.' pted, a hard, resolute look on his face. "I would have d winning you) by fair means ible; if you make it impossible e forced to a desperate measure d not intended adopting such ingent measures, except in an ex - erne case. Permit me to explain hat I shall do to prevent you from making the slightest outcry." As he spoke healrew from his pocket a smal revolver heavily inlaid with pearl and silver. "I shall simply hold this toy to your pretty forehead to prevent a scene. The minister will be none the wiser -he is blind. Do you think," he continued, slowly, "that I am the man to give up a thing I have set my heart upon for a childish whim I" "Believe me," cried Daley, earnestly, is no childish whim. Oh, Mr. Stan - wick, I wait to be grateful to you - why will you torture me until I hate your "I will marry you' this very day, Daisy Brooks, whether you hate Inc or love me. I have done my beat to gain your love. It will come in time; I can wait for it." "You will never make me lovigyou," cried Daisy, covering her face with her hands; "do not hope It -and the more you talk to me the less I like rot. I wish you would go away." "I shall not despair," said Stan - wick, with a confident emile. "I like things which 1 find it hard to obtain - that was always one or my character- istics -and I never liked you so well as I like you now, in your defiant anger, and feet more determined than ever to make yoa ray own." Suddenly a new thought occurred to him as hewas about to turn from her. "Why, haw stupid of me I" he cried. "I could not bring the parson here, for they think you my wife -already. must change,my plan materially by taking you to'the parsontige. We can go' from here directly to the station. I shall return In exactly! fifteen mina utes With a oonveyance. Remember, f warn you to tnake no entaiy for pro- tection in the meantime. If goo do/ shall say you inherited Our mother' malady. I am well adquaitited With your hiatory, you nee." ale kissed hig einger-tips to her eareleseily. "Au reVoir, We, but not fare el1,0 he :tad, lightly, "until rate ette t to be THE FARM. INSECT PESTI:401E10S. Orobierdista generally claim that the heg 1 a great /meet aeatroyer. It eat e( the fruit that Preenatarely drops, which JO generally coneidered wormy. Parleapa, n Clotier examination we find that A coneiderable POrtion, ot the drapped fruit contains( no worms. While the trait wee Atilt hanging on the twee the Matured worree Waal/ - ed. SOMO careful olss,ervations were made by experiment stationby several bands around the trunke of trees. 'They found that the. aPfles bands caught About twice as many worms as t,he lower 0:flea. Thie oates that trice as many worms erewl down the trunk as up. Chick- ens in an orobard. eat a great Malay vvlorras before they reneh their hiding place, , Turkeys are recognized as grasa- b opper„. externempteteere, Chickens have a eeputation, eor eeratehinse They do MA pirformthis work, in vain. Their object is "to be paid tot' their daily labor. Their inelinatign Is not to -destroy the crop, as we oftep imagine. The trouble is the, old, hen lacks judgmene when, where and how to soratoh. Chickens imagine that the eat lie everywhere, .filled. with in - Sects, berme they dig away Without any respect to the .growing crop. We should induce the chickens in the fall and spring to seratch among the trees, bushes and vinea.. In early spring how anxiously they tura over 41/ leaves and eubbiab. In many in- stances 'they do a perfect jola okhoe- Net only do they eat mansin- sente that do damage above atrd be - le* the groand, hiU by their, con- tinual aerate:101v they may inter- fere with the development oft tbe sPares of fin -teem diseases. The old, hen is worth more than a hog as an insach dedbroyer. The hen is considered a bigger nuisance than she really is. If we would only. re- member that she tikes the .place of pa)rie green and sulphate of eopper, and when bee work is 'done. confine her safely as we sbore away the Paris green, then she woad be( no .longer considered a noiaance. The doctor was young and _unmar- ried and impressible; and the strang- est sensation he had ever experienc- ed thrilled through his heart as the blue, flaring eyes met his and the trembling, red lips incoherently beseeched him to save her, hide her somewhere, anywia&re, before the fif- teen minutes were up. A low muttered curse burst from Stanwick's lips upon his return, as, he took in the situation at a single _glance. • As Daisy's eye a fell upon Stanwick's face she uttered a piteous little cry: "Save me from 'him -ave me 1" she said, hysterically, growing rapidly so alarmingly worse that Renwick was forced to leave the room, motioning the doctor to follow him into the hall. "The young lady is my (wife," he said, with unflinching assurance, ut- tering tbe cruel falsehood, "and we in- tend leaving Elmwood to -day. • Iamb) an uncomfortable dilemma.. Inauat g� yetI can not leave my -my wife. She meet be removed, doctor ;can you not help me to arrange it in some way 1" "No, sir," cried the doctor, emphatic- ally; "she can net be removed. As her physician, I certainty would not give my consent to such a proceeding; her very life would pay the forfeit." For a few; momenta Lester Stan - wick paced up and down the hall lost in deep thought; his lips were firmly set, and there was a determined gleam in his restlesa black we. Suddenly he stopped short directly before the doctor, who stood regarding him with my very agreeable expression in his honest gray eyes. • "How long- will it be before • the crisis is past -that ie, howlong will it be befolre she, is able to be renaovedf" "Net under three weeks," replied the doctor, determinedly. • "Good heavens 1" he eljacalated, sharply. aWhy, I shall have to -a" He bit his lip saaagely, as if he bad been on the point of disclosing some guard- ed secret. ''Fate is against me," he said, "In more ways than one; these things ca.n not be avoided, I suppose. Well, doctor, as I am forced to leave to -day I shall leave her in your charge. I will return in exactly two weeks. She has lbrain fever, yea say f" , The doctor nodded. "You) assure me she can not leave her bed for two weeks to comer he continued, anxiously. "I can safely promise that," replied - t ; . APPRUNTICH AND )ANTEN. Their ateloilievie la Wrens* Duthie Ike Thirteenth and Fourteenth t'enteries. ApprentiecaleS) was an Important inetitutioa I,a Freese(' in the thirteehth and .feurteentli centeries, and was regulated ivitle the utmest care, as will lee Seen by the fellowing eteccemt of "An Idler he Old Franaer tae rules of the leo* the Master Vinlkt held greatly resporielble for MS epprentice; and under a wise and kindly roof, the lad who was learning to boa maveter workman) and a railer in hie little, avorld, might lend a banner and profitable life. Oitenh did so, an4 when the day came that he might claim his free:lora, he chaise to remain the paid servant, friend and fellow' worker of the roas- ter who had eheltered hire from boy - howl and taught hini all hL oraft, rather then to gieek a fortuna leea as- sured elsewhere. , During the areal% Of his apprentice. %hip the patron', or master, was to feed, clothe and :abater him, in the lioaaalY wording of the clockmaker'e rale, to cherish him "beneath bis roof, at hie hoard, And by his hearth." Nay, it was etrietly. . enjoined upon the master to tmat WS apprentice his own son," and in some tradea he was lei:cid:ea to remember that hie responsibility did not end on the thee,ehold of the workshop, that the ancl morels" of 'the little stran- ger had olaime: cm his solicitude. In A day when the streets of Paris ware not very Moe for enyboay,. end Were•mare -or less• dengetou.s after dark for embeds, the master was in- structed to be oareful on; whet er- rand he desPatehed the youngster; and the pastry -cooks, whose apprentices were often sent To cey cevicee and c•rearns. upon the publto ways, were continually warned to prevent the lads, tome falling anions evil cam - 11 seems' certaln that, se far as the Middle Age % are easteernedfihe rules, preeePte and adreonitioni Were not only framed with great good reense and' care, 'but were very rigidly- en- forced upon ell , masters, who had youtli.e und lade in their employ. High and low; in the society of that day, the ro4 and birch were flourish- ed, Witli. ania.11 d'Lsextratuation and less nicety; and if. the tutorof little ...princes had leave to .W.hip -them freely, apprentices °evict not expeat to come Off t'oa. lightly At a maeter's haiacl. Pay no attention to what she says, my dear lealiesaalon't diaturb her With questions. That poor little brain needs- abefolute 'testi every nerve seems to have been strained to 113 ut- To be Continued, • HEADING REACH TREES. The peaeh _fruit is borne only on shoots of. the .previnua seascm's growth, and unless .the produation of young Shoots is secured by the healthygrowth of the teee good fruit cannot he expected. in order to secure a ranee plentient , growth of young wood it nay beadvisableto cut. offemeasionally a portion ot the .tops of peach tree% of, 'bearing age, eepeciallY wheatheir groWth seemed to be checked and aneet( tearing •a full 'crop of fruit.. 'Baia is called •FOUND AFTER MANY YEARS. The ',Valkertioni Telescope belle the following strange story, Two. or three years .ago Mr. Perry' Eli. put an ad- vertisement in the ',mai papers slat- ing that he hart found, a large sum of money. No partiehlars were given but a day or twol ago tre .teceived a letter froqn one Snodgrass, of Chicago which ecartatned .some particulars game. money which he ha.ca lost here. aboot eighteen years ago. The Writ- er -states that he had ben paid $420 in •Canadian bank bilis, but be.fore leaving ISineardine he exchanged it for gold, Athericam 'gold pieoes, twenty in number, lead been wrapped in some Wawa paper and duly labelled. , On arriving at Walkerton he hada fallen in with the late G. G. Dobler, and had shared a jug of 'Whiskyawith himin the ostler athe house. On sobering up the money Was gone. As Eli, found the money on. the beam, in the cellar' a the- Iola Boblee hawse, and there was Suet 0 400 an Arcierica.n agIas le the package Be' naturally 'concludes that halms found the rigbt- • ful owner. HIS SYMPATHY. An old housewefe In the countre wale bentmuning her poverty to an un- sympiethetie husband. Things ain't as they used babe; she complained. (Why, X ain't got any- thing like 1 used ter hev. k ain't gat quells enough ter go roma the beds, there's two of the best chairs broken, an' 1 ain't got no dress thet's really fit ter go ter a:seethe'. an' if X was ter die ter -night wouldn't have a cap to be buried in, The old main had stood the whining as long as he could. Blast •lit all, then, he fiercely ejacu- ated, why didn't or diet when; yer did bave a cap? The Ability of Dr Chase Is Measured by the Cures He Makes -Each Remedy Specific for Certain Diseases -A Remarkable Cure of Bright's Disease. • In thie praetical age a pbysiciants and at other timed profuse, and it gave ability is measured by the actual cures me great pain to urinate. he mtikes. judged by this high attend,' "I coolie co 'no work, and though X ard Dr. Chase latantle pre-eminent as tried many kinds ot kidney pills, a. ,giant among physicians, Take kitl- &cyan get no relief. Is a last reeort rev and liver derangemente, far ea- afaple. Dr. Obasea by Means of his Kidney-Ill/et Ping, bee brought about some of the most sarprieing mires ever effeoted. /hie is due to the direct end epecifie action of this great home tmattnent ton the liver and kidneys. Bar is She experienee.bf highly re' aPeetga teaiderit of Consetela Ont. - Mr. Jame Dellthunt, °busmen, ?eines Bitterne Cetinty, Ont,, 'writes: For 'Several years I suffered greet torttureg of mind end body from ittighaaadiseade ort the kidneys. The pale% were enniertitnee Almost beyond endttettnee, And extended from My head and between, the stienildere down the whete Waal column and teemed cententeate moss my kidneys. My bar* witee never entirely free from pran. Whew wet in the Marne hag I Wald etraighten myeelf at All, bet vonai.dge bent nearly doable PArft Al Ail*? SW "Wit $91 0004. Ilene inattoed by' a friend to give Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver Pills 4 trial. 1 felt a tharige after the first dose. / used in rill about five boxes, •and they have entirely oured have no pate new, arid Can do as good a dray's averk tes ever could, It le Pleasure for tote to recommend Dr. Chase's Xidney-Liver Piller as they •have done Igo much for me." r • Mr. 3, Ward, Ooneecon, tifieg that he has known Mr. Dell! - 1r ,year g Mt it trlithflia Wan and respetterl eititen, Mid vouches for the ttutli Of the above statement. vont walla poseibly obtain It MOM benefieial treatment Sor the kletveye and lever than at. Chase's Kidney.. Ulla' PHIS. Itelhee StOoe the teat of utile, Ana km( proven beyond `dispute its right to the title ot "the world's tereofteet kidney Medicine." Olie pill a la5 Watt &beta at all ‘clettlers, Ot Feinettmeon, Skit* de Coq Marmara. , "heaaing thenr oft," and, consists in cutting 'off all the limbs er branches at from one third to oneahalf et the length,. thus remelting one • half or moire :of the tops. This, will; °muse them to throw out new shoois and teem, new heads, weth. better foliage end finer fruit -especially it in' the spring a dresaim.g of ashes or manure is ,applied to the land, and. fair cul- ture bestowed.• - Prtraing of peach trees is usually deferred until sprang, so aa to give opportunita to observe the •effeet of tile swintee- upon the fruit buds, as severer pruning is givea whenothere is little or no prospeet, off fruit. I? You Want a Really Doe '111fir T A,,then Us. aarseetoei, Tone It has a reoutatioa for parity and *hovel), a own that lute won tor it vette y late/Ida Lead Packets, e$, ao, eo. 501, ......"`""""•••"""1""tlf.r.r"r","! .."'"`""'"rff!"""*.,-.'"-ttrftr!r".r."-.?":=1=111111111r 3E0 3120 Poultry, Butter, Eggs anol other Produce. If you have any correspond with us. We want 100 OARLOADS to eupply our trade, Tho Dawson Commission Co" Limited, Toronto, FLINGS AT THE FAIR SEX. When a woman ean't find any abet 02ceiaineLfz.bnelug hick ehe says ahe 10 Im0Y-Clara's' honeymoon was 40111- PlaTelY spoiled. Aliee-liow I Lucy - The papers coutaining the amount of the wedding diel not reach her. She -For my part, I would never forgive a young man who would kiss girl against her wtII. He -Nor I; but do you suppose a youngenan real- ly ever did t Lucille -Why do you treat that poor Mae Wintergreen with m little con- sideration,? 1 deelare eurprised that he puts' up with you. Genevieve-. OIL but we're engaged. Lucille -Ohl There are three things yet to be &wavered a -perpetual motion, a fly- ing machine that will fly and a woman who does' not face ta the rear end when getting off a street car, Ilt Mise Gay devoted aa ranch time to mentallaulture aft she does to dress she would be eayeryiatearned woman. Yea, but she avealdn't have the sat- isfaotion a making every other wo- man green with envy. OLD STAGE -COACH DAYS.. TiniluhiS lamident of Those Vilma' in • England. - .41.dVailtures variednature belong- ed to the aid Englie/a matt -coach days. Otte of the. Most. thrilling episodes of the. read Cantered ane night on the way from Salisbury . to London, in 1810. Asi,the coach.' went bowling ilong, thelebrees suddenly anemias exteemely! nervansaland what was, thought to he a large calf was seen trotting along beside. the left leader in the dark - •t HORSE TA1.K. • Neer go sleet your horse without speaking to him. . A horse can travel better arid with Jess wear anal tear la he is. 'free.• • Use a check rein with the, bitting rig And when training,•bula when' tae colt has completed' his education and can be used for reg-ula,r driving take. it all, • • • Breed ItOrses with. style tend: spirit enough to hold •their ,heads up niatUrally. Eneourage your borses to lie down by making their stalls cemfoxtable. The onore they reat the, better. If heated de not la him fill up, but but give a little at every.etrough. Take a barrel of water ta the field mid give the work horsiest tt few mouthfuls every hour or so. It will help them as rauell as it will your- self, • t • Low mangers are best. 'Seep thein scrupuloosly clean. Any accumula- tion in the corners will soon sour IA hot weather. • Do not allow the dried. perspiration to reinain in the hair every night. It •wilt cause the, coat to lade. A good brushing will rest the horse wad is almost as essential as the feed. Take the horse out on the) ,floor or oat in open air and it can be cleaned quickly anti thoroughly, GEESE FOR PROFIT. If you have Backathe you ham) .• Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backache it will develop into, something worse -Ragbag • Dis- ease or Diabetes. There is no use rubbing' and doctoring your back. Cure the kidneys. 'There is only one kidney reedit:a:2e but it cures Backache every time - odd' idn e ills ' • - COMPLEXibiAN5-S COND--Tar.$. You could hardly teal her the Oak of propriety( , Of course not! Pink bit. obvitnifila not her Puler: 1 gide elsostare 1. 01* every box of the nontlits Laxative Bromo•Quialue %%bum •Inin.timod, that Num* a cola ap_snestefska EXPANSIVE AND EXOLUSXVE. What is this gavial struggle we hear so moth about? ' It is partly getting in yonraelf and Partly keeping other peopla Thereis more Catarrh in this Realm of the. comary than all other diseases Put together, luta unlit the last few years was supposed Mt be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro. 'Mooed it a local dise-vse. end prescribed Meal remedies, and by co i stantly tilling to mire with. Meal treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci- ence pep Von catarrh M be a constitutional • disease, and therefore requires constitutional. . treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by 17. J. Cheney it Cly., Toledo, Ohio, is the only, mmtltu lima' mire on the market. 11 18 taaen internelly doseefrom drops to a teaspoon- ful. It Ws (thecae ori the WO And mucous surfaceset the eystem.. They offer ono hunda red do late tor any ease 111411a to cure. Send for circulate and testimonials. Address, F.J.CRIONEY St 00., Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggist., 75o, • Hall's Fatally Pills are the best: DECIDEDLY EfANDICAPPED. Aunt Navey-Think 'of stuclyin' to • be a doctor, eh? Don't you aa it. • Young Man -Why not aunty? • Aunt Nancy-Yeu can't git no prac- tice till ye alt. married, an' ye can't git married -till ye git practice, that's why,, • SELE-LEVELING SHIP vriArrt. • • With the idea Of e meting, to sorae extent, at least, disagreeable afflie- Ulan of sesisleknesg, two Engliehmen ness. As they neared the inn the _ ave. devised. a self-levelina elm Ira The horses became uncontrollable; aad chair is suspended,. from t'wo rings thea the iyappoaed ealf seized one of working in a framework at right tbe animals. )3y this title the horses angles to each otherao.nd it is clairried the ()hair; will xentain leyel in the rolighest'sea. , The idea also applied to 'berths. . • .' • . • • • were frantic, plunging aad-'kicking, and it vane remarkable that the eoecla was not overtumeed. The' guard laid hot(' 01 his' gnu and was about'to shoot the assailant, when Several men, accoartpanied bY 'a large Ma,stiff, appeared.- The foremnet, Seeing that the guard was ebout to fireSpoiAted a pistol at his bead, Id cling that .he would shoat if the least Was . • The "co.lf" was a lioness; escaped from a travelling show. The deg wAs set 'arm the brate, who left. the horse, Seized the miatiff and tore him to pleOes, and eetreated 'undoes a gran- ary. • The spot 4;evas barriceded .to 'prevent her escape, anal sae was noes - ed .and returned to captirkty... Geese three or four years old are the best breeders. Geese usually lest the, tall and early -in the winter, Geese begin laying late in' janilaey or eerie, in February. t Mess to welter nod a. grass. run are absolutely necessary he breeding geese. When. hatching, the geese shauld be interfered with as little as. pessi- ble. • For praotical purposes • there is' really very little choice between) the Toulouse and Embden varieties. 'The gouge Wants to make her OW11 neat, and will not like the turkey, allow herself to be set anywhere. The goose will lay ,from 10. to 15 eggs and then sit diligently on there, and seldom fails to bring off; a good brood. Geese will come nearer living on pasture, ancl taking oare of them- selves than any other class of 'poultry Goslings come in- tor the table as "green geese" iu the summer, and shoulci be fine birds for the, Michael - ma's board, The Chinese geese, both the white end gray varieties, are SerY OPnaft Mental, and make an attraetive ap- 'marlines on a body of water. A. gander and a ocuple et •geese are suffitient to start with, :for their eggs, as a rule, are very fertile, and they are exeellent sitters. Geese eheuld have a house to theme settee ese4 be plentifully supplied with straw, with whieh to Wake their net on the floor, • At 10 weeks Of age, DV when the tine Of the singe mach the tall, young geed° are ready for market,, end efityaa weigh betWeetu eight and Mine panda, It Is beat tee tetexpre the egg shella foe the teahatobeel egg* ea:teeth:des get laskle theta tad the pellagra are tilt. 40141 to break the 4aubla /64 1 ‘: . • • ••••••14.1MMO ON THE FIRIN0 LINE. Ladled of Cano.da : Side by side steed Canada's noble- . giOillS with, the best brawn .of. Ceylon and India in the" recent unpleasant- ness. Tile slogan was "help one an- other," and,no cue forgot. the' watch- word. 'Yon, ladies' of Canada, 'have • the power to wage a relentless war- . fare an the immix° teas „that come into Your home's from Chula and Fa - pan, arid at the same time sasiat your. brother'nolonists. who Produce the pure •coylon and India teas. • If you drink dhpan tett, try Salada, Mormon. or Blue Ribboo paoketa of Ceylon and Indie Green' teas.--Calonist, HIS. IMPIt SSION. . "She Word trend eon 'Sys the idea of teedeney, do sn'E it? , Well, to ane• eYs the idea that the man who uses itt ie trying la Put PEOPI,E THAT DON'T EAT:MEAT. In Inditiebhine, JaPan and, adjacent " t 100 oao 000 countrres ere; A. , , peop e, aeons, aetiee 'and long-.Iived, who eat no Oeoeat. :Zile Turkish Port.er, on:a •daele rea, tn•of rice. and detes wilt jog along' with bent, baok under. a load that would oruili a western man. Dar- win teals las that the Andean natives 0, day's work of 400 footIons, tear- lyetwiese the 'Work of un ordinary la - 'Sorer, pn 4 dist of benenas, • • 'SOH AULD LANC SYNE. • ,• 'Ladies of Canada:•. The herso Which had been seized oly;fSvitteluldf.e;otetrl:;NaNBeerqrtutit,s9ihmoterea.s.neraileeoclieheaseofouerilrid: else r new aetniaintanee be forgot. Ttemem- • bet that on thee bloody fieldeStiteSentli Afrieayojtr1tava seedier boia were -on •the, firiag iinee flanked by losal „Brie tish subjects from ,Ceylian .and the midst of danger, laStleig friend- shipswero formed, wed yet, ladle" od Canada, have it in'your .pewer :tea ee- thone- Wads: The Green teas of Ceylon and India...appeal to you. trona sentiment. alyausingathein yott. not oft1S, aid your brother colonists, but 1' you get absoluteiee the best . tea, Thee ofSyou nth° dtinliOteen Japan tepee have a. revelation inatom. ifeSSoo, make the change, Bias Itibboin, Salado - and Manseortemokete May tve beat froM yoor groeer.-Colimist,• A SIMPLER 0110C1gS. • As Z understand. 11, 'aid .4 gentile-• . man, oleomargarine is made of hist, You are undbubtedly right, said hi'S‘ 6° • Imelialuinni°1. 11thinkthat the manufacture °seat a yousg lady you. wfll 15a Miss ern would make it of goat fat. Butler; but i/ SOUTLft luau should: ask ;Why? you to marry him- Be6aUSe. the Oat is a na bat* — . mai a policemen! eaelainted ter' Faith, clod lier interest was at an end. was eerieusly injured by the lionese, but finally ;recovered. • VIGOROUS MEASURES. For a long time the favorite form of make believe of little Faith' was that of getting related. For 'weeks she was a bride, marching down an imaginary aisle, to the etrainsi efr., as Imaginary wedding march, to • meet an imaginary bridegrbom. At lest her mother becoming tired of it, she said; Faith, don't you know that when you. get married you, will havo. to leave met This was a rude awakening, and the game stopped. ' Not long afterward she eame to ask the differenne between Miss and Mrs, To make herself clear her m,other said; :Well, when you grow up and be- P- 1056 .0 A Lv": RT'S • CARBOLIC • • . 0 I NT 11/1 ENT. For I1 skis •a,C. OPluert & Go• Manchester England sausage Casino -New haportatiofie finest EnnIteh eiteep and American Ling Ossingts-reltable g tts at' riftlit prices. PAIIIK, islaanwnr4,- T' • 41•••••••=1/1110.1401. .i••• • BICYCLE HAS COPES TO STAY. Although it is the general beTrirf, founded upon observation, that cyc- lists are yearly decreasing in name be.r, the old rielers claim that while the faddists have disappeared, there is an actual increase in regular eye- for. pe,ane, • • Looks like it,' said big colleague, They're not going to put peace on the • bargain counter, 0 . OR OVER PIPTit veAgb WileivioNee 1300sittere name _ins been two by root berafor thelr children teething. It soothes the add, 'softens the name, *Hamlin, cures wind co its and 1* the best temody for diarrhoea, Mc a bottla Sold by all druggiaMthrouchout the world. no sure and ask . for Mn.'Winipow's Soothing Syrup." EXPVNsIVItl. • fear, said the,Chinese statesman, we Shall haie to pay a beaey, price lists. Wheelmen are no longer con- spicuous, bemuse they do not spend that time running up and down the street to "show off," but a great nutty more wheels than formerly are use4 foe purely business purposes. The bicycle is no longer a mere vehicle for pleasure. ' Merely warm the back by. the lire, and Over continue keeping, the back exposed to beat after it has been comfortably warm. To do otherwise reanently lost or diffieultie,s ot the ig debilitating. throat be produced, usic lops Tea°, so semi for OW Complete Oata..A. 'ogee of Sheet ' sio and Book@ wIth.Special rates - of dieeednt, • WHALEY, ROYCE 8c4o. 158 Yonget. • e Toronto, Ont, MI LLS, MOMS & HALES • Barri.tow, eto. neworcato Wesley 11nlidingr, Itlotneexttat. W., Toronto. • TORONTO CUTt1110.80110011..no ' Lateet, up-in:date, relate° root 040 for'gentle. ' men'a sarincnt'a.,:larino ran orate: Wriwfor X.artioa. • tarn.' "Ai" ,tt .• xiiwPkL. athOrio, .ahvvroh Ornamonta. _ 1Yorlt1. Fall Orders receive prompt atttn, 7 jtoni tv Ov.SA01.1EJ1f4, CO., stoptreal. PL ta CuRE, A trtat" aiesage Of Cot's Positive Coro for Fiice. will bo sent„free W '441'. .6400S an iir..OR,cpt.pliro seat stamp.' No knife, no . greasy ealva, Addref77; ;TIM liuJOHING FREE, einntaifis CO., Toronto, 04'• see , metallic. 0 eilin gs °A5rAt80i Voronto OM. , , egit'Sultatileaned •. and I 011,,ttl 0,407Cry- dettOtiPtiOn. ' 7)iii; also Traillev" Wear of all kit0i, " .001.12 Alimatove neivite. •nataTISH ateitalli1CAN DYEING COY. • eronilaai, Veep, Otteora Quebec, • • HOOFitik-Aindgre waft% • Workil. SLOE, in Black+, . Red or Omen. firrA7M •11 ac' BOARDS. (We /amply Public awl Hish Scheel., Toronto). Footing Felt, Pitch,' Cool Tar, etc. UO031'11.01 TILE (See New City Build. ings, Toronto, Clow by our arm). Metal minas, car.- sera ole Ilstirriafpg furnished for work complete or for materials aldpina bach entetthe country. Flinn* IOC& 0. DUTJIIE & 80118,Atielal de &Mamoru*, Toronto. From Srnail BeginningS., • . Some of our best Deposit Accounts were begun in a modest way.. By adding small sums at regular Intervale, and by the aceamulation of interest, they have grown till they now show handsome balances. I It iS4 aotatecessary to.walt till yoahave a considerable amount to malce a commence. ment, We accept small sums on deposit and allow interest at 36 par centper annent, payable helf-yearly. • out. .The "Balmoral.,Free Bus t.s0124 The Canada Permanent ITiffiliii9aCzlit;igirrmeilteu AND WESTERN CANADA " MORTGAGE CORPORATION. Toronto stroot, Tool°. • Whtn hoarse, speak as lithe tvgs is0S-71' Bible until the horarseeets is reeOvere ed from else the voitelMayorbe per. 'grata etie theje42,44m/a/noid, THE MOST NUTAITIOUS- EPPWS ORATSFUL- OOMPORtINth CO COA .SSREAKFASIT11)1111 -SW0, _. SONE FOUND .0Aattla VON aSciaotroareascaxsaris Von Laundry, Westing Maw, Lath% tenting *kw" ' PAILASIPMe 4 rat Orr! Olt 0 Moore Preet4 b.