HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-03, Page 6I 11;_ , i , - � 1. ._"" ­ .� .1. - F I'll, _. - . ­'"��, - � . I ..... . . . . . . . _FFPPPPP" . . - " "I. I I I - 11 _ � 'A' � - - 1-1� 3r, � ,,� . ­ ­ _`",7� + 1?.,�, 1- . � 11,1� I ,. -.1 - 11 . � �1 I . _ . ­ I 1. � I —_ -_ -_--_1 I—. 1- � .. 10,111 I' . I 11 i : . . , - i 4 9, :11;!!1;---.;J I . . ___ ­ . plri,ltedi trill and WOVA 9ver a blous.0 MrAmoo I.A1,114'. . ;:11:1!1:!1::1Wd.. ! . P ­ ���� . I . ' ­ - ' wAI4t of thlus white milk odimetimeis, t.,;, Top Premsolup: With Nitrate OR sods . PP , t, _� oi iT is T Review of Fashi , - � , I �Mbelllshed with line tuako and boot, - _. -,4 ­_­_ I In All,040 x0lao4. . - - I k.r-i � I 9 atjtehjn$� Jbo accompanying - kirt ( .. ­ It was most strikingly shown, In 1800 . n . . I 4 . _ti_6� -1 - I ­ 11 at tile Ithode, Island statiou that on 11HE LAST TINE � -) May be of Velvet it Yom can 4f ford the , " Sealskin, sable, Marten, lynx,abill- 1 �4. land sown with ,clover, redtQp and � _. - P. *111�-,.. I . obilla, ex boaver, Persian lamb o _�_, �,#xavasaroo. I . , Vulatily the relative ninount of -elQyer . � . mine, - protty little Ociats, 949 very young _11______--9 1 and, blue lynx will be, the, fashionable � . .A . was decreased by the use of nitrate, of nth I -1. 11 . �� girla iolve, made of 11,011t cloth, In the PERWNALITIRS. soda, though the timothy and redtop e The 1WV, Dr. Talmage Preaches a furs this season, , �_._ L � double-breasted Pacque style with' ___.� , . -1 , were wonderfully Increased by Its use. . 1, , I Fine fur garmenta range in size I,, I . � �, I I--,' large turndown oollara In open allk ap. . B,x.GovQrnor Roger Wolcott of Was- The chief reason for this abemis to have I 11 1, - 4 1 � " 9 Timely Sermon. from the airlest little boleros to , 1. - I , plique. ,Other jackets have velvet or sachusetts and his wife haVO TetUrlIC4 been that where no nitrate of soda was . — stanxiing Maroobal NeYWAtOrs, which lace oolluss, and amoreo Islipple style to their kiomo fix Romtoll after a six applied there was not sufficient readily Washington ea7g:- lisono, trIllicous, quadrillions Of thO actually trail the floorl The former . ­_. I in of cloth trimmed With braid. Then 'niontlis' trip to Burope. assimilable iiitrogen to enable redtop AdeapatellfrOln, , I "Ith my are. jaunty gurments 0r the prome- I there is the lQug Empire coat trim- Thirty years of hard work, and the' and timothy to make a good. growth, , seconsla )v �� � abled but clover on account of Its abilit to � Aev. 3).r. Talmage pr . beat tbA i as. Mild days, while the latter � . expenditure of $375.000 bave, on 7 ell.4,phed from. the dead. I mod with stitched bands. � 41t 14, the last time." haDdl At- OvIOXY ,%tivke a spirit fit - rim ,Z-'- -----% Count von Zeppelin to con to'llowlaw text.-, 9ge wear. � ...-., Stl'uct an air- use atmospheric nitrogen succeeded , .1. a,ot),er. are most luxurious car . _ . ! I . and - . � - -1. X04u It," I$.: � I ; ii I I 11 There goes one, another 'Then there are the, more usef Ill � __9 I . 9 The woman who has had dresses sLIp that cap be navigated Juccessf ally. Well, . � , . , I J�GhA is here entioroldir certuln � truth$ it Was the last' time," coats, which are to be the beat "Sol- ruined by the bomatU61 bloossomis rest. Ring Oscar of Sweden' Is tile tallest Tlils. year In ail experiment in tott � . log that the people ff, Again 1 Telmark that w,c. are . term,,, T,ho lengths are threo-quar- . Ing against her coroago will welcome reigning monarch. Ile Is a little over dressing grass laud with nitrate of by the 00,1115ide04C . , six feet, w,b1ch Is sonietbing less than s � tol ,iVh0qu be, writes havo'colne to the coloalusucarer the last Moment of Our term or short, : tbo, cuff bouquot novelty, It to hard . Oda the nitrate was applied April 14 9 Otos,ing disponsatiolA at the -world, and litc. But it will ble. a d,ark moment Tucked fur is tbo very latest and 1 9 1 � I for the 'uninitiated to believe that the tile height Of tile crown prince of or very soon after the grass started to . . . Greece. grow. . A summary of results ls� as says, '"It Is the � .!' I I I 'Wh.0 we g' -'t smartest fad in far fashion, and you effect would be so entirely isatisfile- - ilaxt time tt-wCa.munfitted for it. 9 , . . ' A recent photograph of Lieutenant 'follows: . the last two� isIlnutep 04 our lives, can hear the woman Iviiase, waist is a 9 . tory and charming birt much is. tile Richmond V. Ilobson alakes him look NotwIthstandlug tile Opy season and I -gin 1$taUdia.&I in the last Sorvloo.of in left for any- large and tender point Nvithl her give Chapeau Og Stitched felt odoed case, nevertheless. � 1 9 -1 . tf�d si�bbmtb off the: last month of the tibere. will be no time The Oraw" is Thc, arrangemer like a, preacher. I � o lilts a smooth face, the absence of ft second crop over four '9 . Ing- You =1911t 110 Well try to a Ueapalxl�j sigh for a luxury in with Velvet- ,It is very simplo, the and Is Nvearing a. long black Coat, a tolip ,of 61d cured hey were obtained year. Four 'vote rip loss of the City th � - g costrioll plumes flowers being attached open a cuff I I . I , Yoar� with all lks joyst strike a nortobil and set a light ou a, iWoh sh4so cannot ludUligeo %The fur- encircled by IOU' i each fashioned of atiffening", and . covered black tie and a silk Isitt, per acre, I ' clock and the � � 9 ,- . Ackward, one 0 - The Prince of Wales, ,whose doctor � An application of 150 pounds of at, ,grle 9 fat and achievements, iwill be donep ahil)'13 deck in tile midst of a. hurri Aera have reached that VIE11110,01e ln� Whitch fall 1. booki, placed with wide satin, ribbon to match the . it is the last time, and ad I shall Speak clane as bu Prepare, for eternity W-11-011 the fashioning of garment$ whore the. Side, train a fancy 9 . flowers used, A large how of ribbon OrQorcd him to give up tobacco about trato of .soda per acre used In cimpec- I t(j YOU Of 'r lost things. , 'r ! I , I th,c Winds of deatIll aTc� ill fall blast. sm,oath and fluffy skins are moulded 4trectly in frout, is caught in the midst of the trailw a year �ago, Is now froo to sillolcul ollep tioll with a given amount of potash I I it! is'. a p000r. tImA to start to got your to the figure exactly as velvet and _--.-- . . __� Ing mass of blossoms, It IS to be worn wore and said tile other (lily tbat he got and phosphoric acia raised the value . 1. Xy hearers are saolml.kig'. nearer bojjs'q�_ 1 . ,loth . . 9 on -th6 left head and increases the from his CigfIr all tile. ple(Isure Ile bod of the crop. $0,04 and cost but $3.30. their, last business. (lay, Tom move in rnured. When the flames are c are used. by the best mod- The, now huts are 9-11 rather largev artistic effect of a gown,. however when tie smolied fits first one as a bay. An aptilleation .of. 450 pounds of ni, l � . � ­ . routine-, You .rise at seven. 404!ang blat, Of all tile windows, 'aud iste.g. I toques quite tali and important beivatifult A stray look from an un- - o'clock, . I . . , PI -Ince Tiloka, the 15-year_01(l bell of trate or soda tier acre undoil the same I Vore, enter it ia.a.poor Una, to attempt to pre- There was a time when a f UT lookino,, A handsome toque in a rich Tilly 001trure may be arrmaged by the king -of ,Slam who baf; beA. gtody, condItlons Increased the value. of the . breakfast, ptart for, t.be.1 a p.are fo,r �om th-,wIjeu �tho realities of wits worn wholly for its warmth. The . Town the flower decked arm without iucon� � - crop $10.08 and cost but $9.00, 1 1 I yonj, countiag-room, -reAd your letters, . kins word . sewed together with very naistartlam red velvet had a 0 venlence., I .. Ing at tbo Clitirforhouse sehool In. Lon , It seems Probable that bad only and ,give conse�queut orders. Yet a c1tornity ,ar6 taking hOld Of us. resembling the beef -eater OtYle,'.Whioh _ don, has been recalled to Slam,. much , $50 . . I . ' . day is nut far distant Which Ma,Y seent FOrkanutely fGi those -sv,ho stay be- little rogard to symmetry and, -grace- � � . to 400 pounds of ,.nitrate of soda been . . � was oaaght up toward the fXOnt with I . I I to his regret, for'lle has grown to *be - El - per acre & greater net profit e remorse or .those 'Who fulness of Outline, and: the. result was . 'a. .use to ibe likel all the mithers, but shall. be 11144, th. . a jet bow and black quills. . A !pretty . . - very Tend of'tbe country unil 'Its, p� . I from the , . . � . . I . � � would have resulted than E:ntirely % different. It i0kll haxe tw, l6ave. tlip, world unprepared 18 'lot a - rtummy, ungainly. g'arment., But tqqtv� !a pale gray, 4)e4,ve,r velvet . - 1� . I I I . I . . L ple. I . . . employment of 450 pounds, . ... ,and Wi I uall Aserved. In the OxhaUste'd the 1-Alglou jacket ls.ex.acklylthe sort . . 11 ­_ ,_ � .. � Had tb . e, season been su ti . tw�lighta-that of the mArniAg. . : Y . . had a f till round gathered brim. veiled. . I I -i-, Queen, Victorin has given tier porilils- . .ffiqlev y al condition nothing ii especir of taildry coat We have. all lcing,ocl fbr I . . ,glon to Sit* Willialn AlaCCEorinae to act . :' Ther a will be a PbYsIc . . ' � I I wikb.,.aoft'creRM lace, and t1liss was . � . . � - rattly to Insure a maximum first crop' . . ,supp - the . . , Wont, � tile Kalsor NV11110111 . . . vid4lit. But. , 1 .. 0$0 � T4,o front is laid in long tucks, $top,- upon the loft side with 0, twi,si I '%"�'.., colit - and slowed upon as well as 4 second crop It Is possible meridian. I You will ea to, b4siness-- 'ally o caught . 1. lel�_ - i. . em ardaud -terrlbly,' and- --trio$ jiw toward the centre at tile waist, ft steel - . . kiki .)� . I C0111410T110174tion inedal bQ, youl,w_111 come back.- Yet it- will be, Soul. f If . I I of dark blue .velvet hold by ' I . . . I . ;,,��,_'-,,�, - Illul, by tile German elliperor Ill recogill that the full application of 450 pounds " ,. I in the calandaftpt eternity, me marked to bold liaok, and flatters -its ly�ilgs . w!tN a blowe effect. . . ill' bondin '1_4"' ,1_1��.'-'N tion of . services.rondered I e. will- Q'* of nitrate of socla might have proved . . buckle, a carted qu Z over .1 . z � L,;�., . . . and writh6s, . riers,makoa distinction between ... I / �, �)k. I II til . r ; liko, a Ca tqxred eagle, Tarl. . Quite a pretty bat In , ,:-.�'%"`,.,��;� , N � wore profitable than a smaller amount. a day as thaulsh. It had n10 twilight as P I the, crown. . 11, . ".. F,�.17`. _��,,.,. "., �� I I � � /'L . . "t,",).. is-, 0�1. , . 'batter itself .IV '_%. '�� "�'l , o ,the diffeitent skins of Persian larab,. -ornamented aim Y in " Where a large application,of nitrate' thoogli d,vlexy h,qu,r (the -sky rang . a axvd tvxns, and tr1co t' - . browni, f elt W93 , . got , , 1, ., �, �, - %� ". . _ ';:,.�, . I . Mvarez Calderon the new Peruvian . . .11 - -­ I I . 'he 0,90 Of th ". ", 1,'-,�;,,,,�,. . fire -bell; as thoufgh faces looked out l000to from its pursuc.rs, if YOU COTO_ Elecordiug� to t . e animal, ct silk in brown and . / �' 4' . �� -minister tit NT,tsbIiigt0u. bfis placed of soda had been made annual i ly for , t' , * , , I ... :_, , I . - there is a 4� - .; -.1 . ,� , several years the relative, proportion of froml the olvaids; as though the wind to a Precipice, and loali; athpusand and Incidentally Marked .in bellotroge in three tones back. ,�,'.;,'-.'.� .� --_ 11 I'll �tt-.&% two of his sons and two nophews, as timothy tiny was decidedly, Increased. . �.-.'� -�., ,�­�.;�'.- � �. :, I :�,Y'ilt�p had voidep; as 'though every hour'an foot doivn, you gel- dizzy and, want to difference, in the p,rice. Noire Per- The gold craze'is also the fad in mil- - I I � � _ '' I I . i, %. , I students at.tL6 iNlatylaild Agylcultura;l . I, the skin of the baby, lamb, . `1`v ,:,--­.��,;,,,-,Aj . y due 1, I A past youtr. t6 *do ' St., How thou must, the un- sian lamb linery this ydai � % There arq blaOk velvet - I ":� - _ .. . colle -1yattsville, to This was probabl, Irgely. to tlle - . is re or. it hald fu 1 1 � ., .....V 11 � V �'�,.�, V., 1 go -at 1 They are angel shr I � j. 7,-k ". removal of tbe�. nitric acid by the ' will be yoWr last J;iqoinoss. day., Un, Prepared soul. feel Wh04 it, comes to bioadtitil thEtt - of the .older animali plotere hats With the :brim Of cloth of. . 7N - :::, .': . ­ ',. . " � , . tr4kp tile regular course In ,agriculture plant and the .16ssening of tile. s . . . .. . . I . ... . �� �� ., ., .. ,_ I I I . Is oil � . mmb has Igrown beyond I 1. 1�vi i;k �,',,-,-) and I . I - I known, and uUe"x,poted � by. yourself, the brink.of thLsLlif a and looks down. and when the I . gold, velled With lace and there .are. �., !, 1:1 . - , nebbanivs. . heldity,by the soda which was thus left I � . _ 1. . a, L , . . ! � :1 , I I I �11 _ �! I . . I ... . �, '�; , I ; A Spanish Paper MYS tbl1t two do- behind, .. . yowi will terminate all your business -ifurther tbal,n U stolle,"CoAld droP.An bilbylwod.and its far b.as.asaumed a sailor shapes with bioth :.crown: an . . , ��,`. 'I. � I . . . . . , . . i I I I . . I . - . .. 11 ,� lolumbusi, 121apliel and engagements. J.You will -.shmlt your a tbousand years, . and irresistible decided ouri jt� is then, known as brim of gold, while the most, fetch- 11 ­ [,, i ' I �� ;1 �P 1� - sccqdapt&� of C . . In s('ations when early drAghts act . I . .. . .if,.- rk, - � --t ;;,�- -- .."! , � ,� . , " I I -other alid'sister,,are, I . . 11 . cash-dra.wers, yrill close . ydwc portfolio, forces are Ou-shing it to the Vargo, and Persian lamb Plain and 'Simple' ing of toques are made isf got& lace. . I I . 11. ... �! ,-�. I t� , Alarla-Colowbo, bi cuia; vory Marked advantil.ge is gained I I I I .,.v ­,�:,.,��, .at pres ng the top dressing early, ,.�o . �i is nothing to BrOmEttall is so styled ,because the And. th' 11%, . " ­ I sent Inmates of tile Asylum For by ittiplyl '. W.Al slam shut thb money safe, will it knows. that. th"r I I . . I e trail of gold in this year's . .. . A , �..!, I the. Homeless, In. the elty.'of Cadiz, It. as 'to push the g;,owth:as iapidly as I n' . . brace itself larab has really a'broa.deUed tall., fashions does not stophexe. DWenthe , ;4,....,:,., .; . �I, . . . takei Your ha�t a El go oat. Nothing clutch, - n. � no . ,j',:� 1.1, !, - _'POSS . . eat delight 1. � . - . I _'! . .) .�., � I . Is shill that d.00.114lientWill their es- possible while the wator-slipply Is still , I I I ' says, -111b-6 last - T�bc. t till girl, will findgr . . 1 ­ ''i inifflolent. This one point in tbe-sva- that ev!Bx happens in the stare can against, . .rb� $,.out , � NV. hosiery fox the.'very beat .wear ., . i.:*1 ��. I., , tably prove tbolr descent.. take you back agaiu. -bye to the ." . . . . . No, time to.pray,. in long and graceful, lineo of the inew . . . 0 , " ,,I. � slon lacontes, . . Good Minute �has op,ink". .. . . has a - doldslea0l. aboat it. The very * . '11:. ­,�' . , i , �*.I'.�., �� I I - % death of Levi *14cliall-I'llu, a cit- ns of . 1809 ani) J. . . . , . . . . . . . I I I.:,!, .. � ''.. I , , � � . . Tbe � -so � �00 Nvils tile pi-Ill'o N I. .1 I_, ` , . ail., brings .Out a essential to success' wi.th.t ie Ili . store I Good-byA. to all your business or:' �o.* wohearse the past. or to cry pelerines and Scarfs., . 11 latest black milk.stookings havathe I . I . p �. � lzela of .Wichita, .K I ay'croly. . T� I : ", � ­ . . . . . - I ..fs:. of .shorter fur are lined ipate I �::.."J; .L�­` � I �'.'�.,,�:,' i�, I story Qf ,his remarkable . . I ,-. . . . � friends I It is the Iasi time. I for mercy, .. L, vokythipg clone, and IT , .rho muf . � � p, scattered with butterflies and I folidue'ss felt . . 7 . � I .. ' . - . I � . Q!v - be -.v -knoiti, . embroidered In gold I ! -I.., ..., , . :. ,. I A*- . 11- _ eina t* men are coming tie cably - �� il chtlaren. ne bad 12 of [its ownf of . Povularl�iir;4�,g T'omato. 11. I r ' rk-tha ' � . V0 don,a, �Iere I stand - on .with the saMe for tw .cry goocirea I , 1P I ,,, ,, .� 1� I . .; I I . . � . I . I �. . , * - . I . I �. , , ement, . title 4ir ous ' t warmer and. threads. Aind.4athe' are,strip.dd with - �, I ... , � �,, . � whom 11 are now living, but at ditTer- GaMenlng . tllustri!ifvo ail exoollont . � , I . ­ � I . --f, - . . . I . .. � I i , 1"..., � . narrow. insertions of gold - I -ate, . I . _�J V..,.� I 11 .1. I � , a . shall I iminp? . * . � . ­ . , . . � , - �Ii�z I ',�...;.. . 'tolliat .. . . 'sihf�l anau's . Ile, between -two 8irorlds, .jsoba�-'blec e Jiey� aro.* N . ris . �� f'. ,., , L 'k nearer tot their 14ast I Wing If � . . . , - -1 - nd dozen underglass7 o which is r pffll.,N . I Which way ,Shall I- do -not moil so -readily as. llnings� at . \` . cut tlines, be-'adoptpEl a rou , I . - .- ­ �, , . . � �.... 1. - -his Al dissipated .1 acitoln ji,topg ' . . . .. r, . . , k� ding - fiv,e orphans of one making place for ItsOlf la J eoilntr�. -its . . � The . . 1.11 . . . �_ . I Shu.11 -I fly? ; Which way -shall satin or silk. , - , . � . � I 1, . . )(,�? , � more Inclu . � . . . . T__. . . 01 I 11. I 1� .'J�,�,'_ . � I � - � I ' machinery of'llfej 1A so delicate -that A jullpp`� . .. .. Furs :.of - same kind are on6'of.tbe 1. . - . . . . � I . m. -W �- "." " I filially. ' . .' ' . �' L A. prominent gArden6r says lit) likes.it I ,,, ...". ­ �, � 717r . . � . .. ,,� . I . 11, . . " Is Winter gown � ".., `,11.1 .`11.1 � __�.."W..',". -lily ni� A free -cropping. fr ­ , 06wever slinply One ... I , . .. -1 ��.,­ . I better tliajn,. m .will not endure much trifling, As'ibe, I ` fly? - t . . . . - I ... _'. .., "'..., ired . . . � � . . . � I necessary elements Of an. 6109a" . .. I I'll ."..: , , , ­ . , Crick Layton, the. rvillwaukee ME .... a sort of . ., _`,� , . . V � ' . - herdsman, thrcslv�s a peck at corn under * . So t,here, are those whose entire life 1. Imay be Ldo, there Tests a soft of . . . . . IP, t :! . i�,; I-'.... I.... i 1, . setting . I - . ' ' - I 1 . . g- %��; , - milllonalre and'ptoneer who recently ' .. " inediuln sized.varlety an(i finds . up Eof poiar.ty and Misfortune. - Outtit -in wiliter apa th;ey keeps pill- . . I . .... �.1%.-,;.:t­­ 1. I . . � . . I � ­ � . � . :�,,�� I, ��-: �_ . . the swine's snout to be cratihohod and is mim& , � . moral ,;ccaponsibility to give the collar, : . ,,:..N- f . � � I . I with all the - otbiex - things Of fashion. . ,!_7,;;.7 1 , retired from active. business " came , , . . . I . * ' . devoured. So dissipatioix . is' throwing WUn su�ocefii$cpm.c� it coulea.tob late , . . . . at once a deocirative *and origifial ap- - I 1� . . . . � - " � t., . � U �;; f8,15, L : .' '.. . . t . . . I . I I . � '� a 6 . . ­ . . . . � fkom:. Ungilind � to. '%Vlscbnsl , In . ,.. . . : . . . . � . f is th, ciiiIiagos 'in Modes: are psaxance . . Of oaur�o as!tW- a is fil' win . . � . � � � . . I thet bodies and souls of.. Inapt -by' the arI.d, ,.they- cannot ,enjoyl it. But, so, a .. I . . , a: . ­ . Parisiau co�tume i POLobledlokh at The Layton Art gallery, which ho.gave 11� - - . I . I . .. . . - secordis, into, the[ ma,w, of El . eath, . dry' . tc�- - . g6al the, . 04th . of I tears has . cowo�rndd, .:,The one, feature of fas- or �01 I ' 'the'fore re In * ,of . . the . a . 0 . i * . . � � . I . I . I 1 . I The' gf, I I t en.clarkstuffs,are, to, . 11 Atilwaukee, Cost $275,000r �and contains . 1. ' I . Y I , wbltol� is at all lasting, I . . . . . I deep � red. ' The verg. 1� - . I . . . ... . I � . I . . I . sb , - shion'in �furs . . I thb sensible dressma:4'er.dasbeg in an Model. ar6 of be , - T � . I f pictures .. .,. . thinle, they can stand. .night carcousaLoo, a teir4lnug, ffba '' orm - Will .not � . . . � . 1. ­ � avr lace aver w. 0 :one 0f the best collection's 0 . I 1. . I . .. I . �1 .�, � I . 1. .� . . 1, . . . . . .1 . . 'Cl�.Id of:.�06d you, in ,theso­days� is tha.tuir_ its6if"'whIell nettlah bit of Velvet , I plladw ,tagether. �,jn the middlewest. ­.,' � - , . . � � .� I . . . " I 1� . .axL� ,aji,.w.,e-L�l,"datisfie.d:�-to xetije.,,at,'one, b,l o w .,on. for ever., .., .. I I . 1. . .. . � lricla�ftnt, but wholly.0% I s . ap'] I I . I ,�. f. I , . . . I . . � . for' mi'mil'y' y'eaii. -',Von. . . .. ,.. I . �. . I I . . Goorgo 1�olby, m,bo wfis Charles I Dick- � . . . . . . � 1114 - . PJ10 , , : � n favor. Z`iltt �, and 'metal A, VW, ". Ile - , remains I . � . I . it *Color 0A.the A, d. '_*T rquoisso bailids of the cloth. 1. � . I , o'cloclA In thej-spdrilig� .as at "ten. at are, ci.� f *, off- fr wn�. dia I f� di,salo . . . ., u . . . ... I I , I.;fl I I , . . 12 11'. ,a I as '..' are, obliged to climfigo:the; for.rix. of,. 11 Old, - . eck bap ,. buttons in gracluatea sizes� Quantity Oils! �socrptary and inaiiager during the ' ' . � y, I .1 I . ,Ullfil king, wine as �dbntnient. and th]a� last. groan, The Toad and oexitain pastel' � tints are - I '; * . - - , - of material requind,�50:11ii0bes"Wide, last readin, four in Ilre' United States, , '' � , !:6t.1'r - night - real as 9416, in.Arip, . I . fr-oni year to years - but YOU can at . 6 .... . . I . I g' . , Mt.4k, I 1. . . Lamb, which' is in the� midst of. the I . ­ . _ . the, only tones to b avoided,, for the 7 yard�. - . - , ., 1--n= RC:. -I -, 14 water; ,y;alk .'without compun6tion 11 I 6 '. - Pw I. . ' I .. - _* . - . . . . 1. . . .least derive'. same sati0fdotion fX7ULU . well dr6ased'woma ' I I . . I I died recently In the alcoholic. ward of -a � ",", ,..�., I � I I . U prefers somethimir . .0 . � t . kwith .the "clean. - But -tbpy. -will scocon Al�xonc, shall : lead 'Yoll ' to livIng . . I - .. . . . I � -Ink bad mr a, �_ . ", "�,�,� -Q.,-, tZ . � - .. . ".. �, . , -- . . . . �'_ . . _/ . .. .. , ­�,��,-_I, , �.Z:r, . I . . comes, when, fountains., of 'water, C�od � sha the 'facit that the animal'itseli has . London bos.pltal. I)i Lde 111M. � � , rk - " . ", . I�l I . � . 7 1'r,i%�,�..��,, . . . .� I bei through. The time� and . . . . . 0 once warmer .thaa the pastel tints . .. . I ":;� _41 ,;;, / . . . , a tramp. . -Re.wfote a,book of rominis-1 . 1. 1- . 'ON q., f'r�, V-7, 1 . . �. � I I . "I - , ",.j a ,�T iu:y�)Ux- eyes, I , and more original tbs�A blue or . pink. ENUND. ic ms with tbe Gtle 'IT __. "I. ` . . � . . _ with, flushed ccountenance� : t . . a - te s fro . . not gone Qn,t - of, faablon. . � ,. , . . . . . - t . be , / * ' hey Will, �Mi� I . way alf 11 I . roadtail. .13 made up, .111' a* variety � IN. filERRY a .. . I cences of D k � . 0 I ,'�', I , turn'baok fraus,. the gu��Ihg-table; or . -My . subject brinis 1. b . . . Oat, of resooct..to these senti.meuts, . . � . as I itnew l-jlm�,�* 1-lissigter wa I I 4 ­ . . I . . . I . 1 S..;..4 1 , .. I 8 . 1� .. - . I I . , , ,,.I . TEi � others.' �e of the. �- . ­. . 1: . oblor, . '.. . cim, � , - . . I I 'Of, stylem, of course, but co.n. I . I '.. . . '. I . - 06.htr4lto . I 9 f.711 come reeflng ft, the. Midinglit de ,orousal. J.u$t -as the 33oo-10 �1080,i�.- t..O- ''. . the makers of beautital clothes: have " ''. - Olfde fa . . , . - . . pjetty nov . a I Itie's is ' a short, bolero .. . . I.. ir,eA ERE STING NEWS OF JOHN BULL; tile Indus , NugiM , A" ., : , ci�, ' wro,poing 'themselves �nigbLt at t I . , . . ' Afine. Sainton-Dolby. �. - '. P, o", I ! . . bau4Dh,. . uu ve,,ti k; t will be.un7. � . , ­ evolved. a 0ork..0i'mobedule, - Of : color 4 . � IjIS pEopLE. . . :. I .. �AAII ­ , wel , 410d .I . . I I 1. w1lich I fits the figwe Turner I- . : . .. .- � I AND �. J . . . . I .. . ... about ),i ith sin as a garment, - . wili . stag- til the- aroh.aa I wrench . &-,3, it open, "at, . . . '. .! . ,, - . . � I . ; . . . . . . I . , . , I.. .� .... . .11 I ... �. I , ... - .. r5f.� I " . . at ' ' 'the back, o ; . . I � - , .. *. - . .., , . I I : � A , so . .., � . I I .. .1 � 1. I . . .1 . . . — I . . I . . .. : , is this jnOtmeAt closely and o ves up in . . .. .. ..- .. , . .. . . . �ellr I p(,, I ll�QA ilk *thd.L:lIsd Thm . I , I STA , 11 V .. � do' .striking their foot Tjw recordiM ailgPl I � � � . . : . , i" , Record i&ot. O'Et 'GLINTS. . " . J gar .' on, an. . . . . 1. 9. . , . I ie of, the wide, Empir, b It s, - .. , i - , . sillorel c ill, tile Volunkelre!1I V . . I . . I . . . . . . , . 11 - against the earlier ofthelm own to 'b no' of the'tre- Show 01 I. � � vflll�,��,,, , . , . ftelglis 111 I . . � , . , ,. _ ., . .. fj . . .. . I M - writing thet� las.t..septe c, . * G "k, f�� . . . ... , "rl,",�,rlztl , , �., , . in ther ' whifee i - , . .. .i .1 . � . . . stone, -.wIll fall,,flatintor hell. - ., - .. - ndou�s Vol 1"t%time, .at pa-Ane-velvett ei t i lt.',�_�­ g r' ju��'!,,l . . I . . -1 �!ZI:111_ , � I .. . me Ume. it is - the - . -1 I I ", ...� . � 'Jvorld. . - , - .: I . Spanish plays. are to ,be adapted, for 01.1 71 . . ' '�,, f . � . .1 . I I � . . . R , ,;a "?, f� 1.114V . a I . f .111. , . 'rit'. .fly : Angels, blao it, - Gfold,'braid mild Or!Q�61 �M, ta— , '. . ., . . I I . . . .1 ­. _7V�%',2r,Ff?--o;, : Bristol ha�s been 9144 ;C70,000 use In America. . . . � I ' On Again I .remark- that, men ,are 0joly . S_V1 away� . . A in th6 finish. I, .. . ���.�ll,�-li�1--i�����l;?�-1;1�.-,���,-W;-r�,-.-4 . I . � I � . . . I . . I .1 4 �� .0, . I OR, lixoidery orb.: both use � 11 , , 1. , . . , .,-, . . ,� . . `ffarry. Lucy ma3t -revive , .. I I Cease jb' hoVCrI 1SWard of truth, �be . I . I , !- Mj;t,,!� t; " . - for:a, free -library and M:4eum. '. I 11 . The Still % . 11 I a6t� the fil.r1s#e - ,�t,- . . . I I - , roaming nearex �o .their last , Sabbath. � . I �? ' * __ . I ,; ... - �'! ��,'--� - �"' V Ig' ' " m- Alarm'A.thls season, . � ated ex � -i ­r. �...­� . . d aotly 90'if - ' `.4 r I ��*,". I � of . heaven, .long .In f � , � _ , ,_ ­ ,�, . - 'Rho, ;wpek so 'to me, like i,(Red Siloathed! :G4te , . 11 . . K11 ­_ - .1 -, - .iV,­­. Manchester . id ueginn g an 'i .. . I . OMA . ' . V, , . - . I * .1 - I Over $100,000 has I I . ' it e 6104. -, * � . . AN . ,. , .. ... been: sub9dribed for I . � . . Se.w, tossing, tossing.; the Sabbath like shutf-. ])one I Donol ..It is tile last, _ wex ., . . ; .. I , ,­ -,. ,: . . . . I . .4, "6�r ­ I t eb4�spe to4rdot.oUt Slams. � .. � I . I � s _?�.. I .. . � . I . f, �_,-J, - I provempil, S . I , .11.1� , ,r ATO VROdMORE SULRCTEXI. . . I .. . 1. . I , '. I . , , t a popular theatc th Paris, and conipw . TOM A�,,.-w�,-pa�tL--ogi-�-t-hr,oti�gb) it, �who;rs we may imet tinic!" .' . I 1. . .. � I . . . . 11. .. . . , , . . . I I � . . h .. � I k-1- .- . , nch,este)r - eng . agod. . I . I . 1. . t ' Ity of t e season. is a. I I 1�� MiI, * I$ o paying 5S. .per on L . . . I � :1 The ha move . . . .1. I . - . . . ples arb:;rkow bell) I tb� New Yet I . - I I - . ._1 I . � . — 11 . ' - . I - ­ � his y�ari or ;9 � . . . I ' 6 reserd 9 . .. . . . ..'' W I 4 . I . mooie I : or- ' '"Marcellb," - Blanche * . Walsh's new majket; - Tbo.frult is, of medium siz ­ _____10 the ,. . 7�­ I a. .ready: sale for' It on I walk dry Shod. �'God -lifting his - hand ,.. -1 . . . . � . .. I . three-coinered ahap P blin . / __ for gas coo, I .t 10 .1, I . ­ 1. I . I .. I again above the) waters, . all our Cards. � PEN, CHISEL I AN . D . BRUSH. at . 4 � continental; called L'AlIslon, an ex;w . . . . . . fl- . I I t' .. . I 000. . �� I . .1 . ­ . . I � I I . . . � , . . . � � . �' � , . . . ..:� Piny, has some novel QV00,411CIddlUg Very uniform and smootli In coutIlho, a in the . . ... . I . - il I . � .. . . . . . and annoyances are ,wh.elmed .. 1 — , � . . worn by � � I . . . Proposmls'tco taxeybilsts are grow- . � ]d and ver . . I . I . act reproduiption of the'dria . . EL ship',scone and till explosion. . most round In shape, Sol I . . ,lood., . I i J ,:. . . 'It Is said, that i5,000 ig the price -to be Bernhardt. in her pfa,y -of that name-, r , � � I . . I . ing,in f I a . v . I !I the B i2glish Parish . ' Tbomas Jeffers 0 ' scarl6t,- Nflt pp� 0'. . 1" -If . , I - Our wit . on, tb son of Joseph firm, colar.cleat lirigift. . I I . ­ . Wherg did you -pass your boyhood paid. Air. Kipling for the serial rights of' ' it is ,necessarily a boy's shape,- it " . W ... , - . I . � * . � . . 1. .. * . his;new-novol 1"Xim of the Rlshtii?' As , ", , -1 .. councils. I . . I Jeff-erson, is having pinell: success In very -deep flesh and remarkably sma P . . �Vl ... 1-....'. � . I . V , ,� � I .1 . . I Sillioloaths, ? With some of you it Was the becoming ' to -Young .. mud . � I i - , . -�Wlfht, ."RIP Vaii W11100" i1pil.13 druwfug over- sobd space.. There are, now tArd forcig � . I Verdi said- recently tillit he had about it is only, . . . . r , I . I . Col. - B�Iforis.T has . temporarily, � . I , , .All an I . Scotch kirk, ox the *English chupell or , bg *all composition p1qaant1cdCA. but foot those. Seeking. . . . I . , I .. . .. : � � drawn his reSignation,2r-d' the�- com- flowing audiences everywhere.... - r . varieties, Sutton's Best of . determin6d. to 'give I . o latest. The -old . .. , I . . . � I . . the dity ohuT&. 'Somob#w, ever,slace, and to- ' did te tat! n ke* aivay'from new -t thloi, is th I � �. . . . . � Ito Orogmore* Seloetcd, that have made . av mp 0 pt .. .hings I . . . I . . .. ihand of the London.�Stbttisll Rifles- Stanisla6s Stango:bas decided �call � . . � " - � I . ... %' . 4 . standbys. for the, - re.co.peervatiVe I I I . I . I . � . . . . *1 -Made drama�lzatlon of the . pla&'for themselves ot r i`thls side then Ina loved Sunday to. come. Its a ben. � - ''Mo. . . . � I � . . . James 0hanoe h intimated. a his lie . Y . I . . . . I . . . i - . . . 1. . �.., . . . SIT` 1. I I .1 . alls . . or of -Que. val good forcers. . . I. . I � ' � . sunrise seems more, goldeu - its iioon-. The eminent pointer Andreas Action- far . , Utility .wear,, felt trisaludd. in Vol .. I . ,, . . . . .., . latest novel by the autlic .. .. — .. I$, . I I I I � contribution of X50,000'to the, endow- I . . . I . . day moire brigbt;- its evening inctie bach, �father -of the late opera Singer, vp� or, tg:ffdta, are at' I on hand. , . I . I . I . . � . . I PI " "rwixt'Cross.1knii S -,V -6r&; 11 . .. . . I t fund . dis, . Storing APvlej%.TA,Wlntesr.- I Max 'large saacer'shape� in tan. beaver moe�'u - , ot.B1,rXUihg1fa.m. .Un . 11vor , . " ' " ' . Alvary, lately celebrated.11 . a eighty., I pailuo'� v�l�,�t.i�:bY'far-the.j3�06t,tised , A. . . I . . . 1. . I . . . . Almt. Rojane, 'Ii10-;',1nost great,'goh­ . The Canada, expPrIalontal farn 1. augge5tive; aad altho-lighl-you feel, fifth birthday at_DnsSeIdO2f.,.:. - " '""' . . , " I . I b I rim . . Ry. . I. I '. .� . . � 11, I .11, I(] nerailes. ,No ,artlat befoire God, that inazy of Your 84a , j the fifll, and is to. be felt wLth ,the raised 'slightly 81. I . � ill'ses, tins tier. losy � made Cxpt,q,im6uts to aqC,vitain the bQ � � �: � One'of. the, iemarkable things 'about the hati Material. a . , front by The Duke, of, Tork "has �ccb­alo­ is Said to beso scrupulous as to the fit -Ing apples. . In wilito . days have been wa,sted,'"u,akil. so - late Max Muller was that he never em- b&'d in innamerable handsome shades. More on the left- S14e., of I . .1 * methods, of. stol I , I I 0. . I . qu 'a blue chiffon 'and pointed C&QUel-in-ohlof, of tho'llciYAl and absolute accuracy ok the OC81911%, Of. Specimens wrapped in paper kofit be - Sweet, SabbativP Me4seng r 170 �Ioyed a * Stenographer or. a typewriter -and: affecta.' Peacock breasts are bulach of fur' oi . . . ., n.laegiment. . . . � . . Vusiliers, City 6- Lando ber dresses. . I . I. and wrote all his life a Clear and.legible . ng the latest-trimpaing ,)I quills. . . f I I ­ I I . ,ter that) those, not wrappvc), and tile Godt-Pillowen whiloli'to Put ae ' I � ,prominent ,a MIO . 1. . 1, . soft curled. tal . 1. 10 , . . * . . . , . : .: . . . ! ged a e few rotten nlov . .. hand. - . - I . . . . I ue . I I I A,ne,w thicatre.1p T.,�ncloon is to I Constant Coquelin 11114. arrang Well, , les, and they to trig headl Day firtigrivilt-of , � weet novelties, as are Also POMPOUS OrcOq . ­_ � --- --- .. at I , . ,d at noon ank kept - going rill lottery for the benefit of tbia,actofs Of, least by. ovaporation. Tilt- ground Ito( I .. The recent.death. of Antoine Yellen 0: opene . . . I . � 4 ers and pompons of - obenilld in. arrangements Sor dollars, and With . � Memories I How. I love thee Ill . the age of 67.creates a vacancy Ili ,the featb . , ' . I . Midnight -a sark of an' ated Picture tile, French Stage, and it Is ,expected storeroom did not proscirve them . ambboaklon of blaek and brown gown. agrPen. neck band'is, con- . I im . , ,we come . near I (he .last ranks Of the 14 painter ' members of the the UsElgpic d , � �. . , . I . prohtgreitily by It. N16re well niq tile collar. A. tight wiCk-a IV. Again . . . q .. . tioll sall"ry, . .� I 1, � , that they will . . I . Academies deO Beauk Arts. The three wbite. . . side,rad the most tastiful Ooplbin[L Portti- than a million. ebances at'a franc each, preserved tile fruit best In storerocii year ol our life. The world 15. at least English honorary memb6dof this body Chenil.16 is an important . ROM -in with a blui gown the dominant tond Orders have. been rccelved,a# � . . . but not in cellar. - 11ev contra. a veil . , dWard Poynter, Sir L. Alma; , I I .a . . four 40- are to be sold throughout France, - six thousand. years old. ISix thousafid are Sir r luillimery this season and MI.Ilinery -was il,.mr the. face about& be Burgundy red, . mouth. dockyard to prepare . I m Terry's d � aughter, Who Wag 01, J,t,.,r package did better. in Collar I tlit . -1 years may b,et couie, aud the prodeS- Tademm� and Mr. Von Herkomer. . . � ,A . 4 . V and With 1. a . T,e go . ft . . steam. pinnacesJor service in. . Chin- 8,11( .1 � . , Efenr I I Houssaye; the'Freuch academi- never, more beautiful. at gr6itl d ' wn black and,white . . I the, stage awhile tn� the IrvJng conipally In storeroom. :- : I � sion may isloom interminable, but our . Water.$. . �; . I . . . . 1. ad a recent gmthejiug� was an a tbaob, *f gold I. the preference emc . . . .. - . clan,and Napoleonic authority, bas pin, admir at I a , a. 5 � And ,",.he rettrad avowedly to twcomell.a. sts , i. � illsiot Corniss Itender9d Into WS1.1 own closing earthly year is not far fEitr the Paris Sabretasch6f the rmt�E,r flat made of black chenille and Just what form the neck bandaboulcl' Although one of the richest Men in I has really. � off. Fifteen hundred and . forty'six ,Chased I. . � the army, Lord Xensington looked. closigner of ,stage cOstulues, To rendor' surplus conibs Into WEI � French - military association, the. -exact 11 crEown-trim-, O It to diacay. . ,crinoline, having the fu take is not far nor difflou " gone into that business. Stiveral re. cout break thom into small pivi es ,and. 1) year, because in It spot Of ground where the Old'Guard . I . almost like in ordinary "Tommy othed by - , I ��as a messrcorubl� mcEl with folds Of Velvet in it' delicate -or a broad, straight band ' I I plays In Loudon have been cl therif IZ a clivegodath bag. Then p I Aast stand at Waterloo, and . or,� f IS unt- whilstou active service.. . I . I . the. bag Luther died. Zighteou hundred and made its carnatib' to c.: OhOUx.Of the some. versally preferred to aiiy of the ecoon. � ,, �ber, . , . � . - of colIllgi lut(,i ft lipflor.lit . upon it: M. Gerome, thd sculptor, A's tis n n I a —7 . , I . . � . . � - hollit fifty-two, was, a marked year, because .. .1. � ld(3 where the 700,000 .Its to be spent on . . I � I erect a monument. . . .1 . velvet, arranged ,on 096 0 4 trio aiiaped collar$, within which da� Ove'r 4L . I , . filled Witt, pol(I Avator aml aftill I . . ., in it Lord Wellington 41bd, Sighteen . I � . � fastened with large voted womankind suffered ­ and was new clock. at Chatham, which, whou POPULATI 0 N. �. - a half I,ilr I,ilic,ve fl,oll, tint,itove ill hundred and fifty-six was. a marked firlip turned up . � finished, will be the largest Etni.-the . . — $fnk t1w ba" to , tilt, , bottoul .With I HOU6EH'OLD HINTS. . paste buckles, ,,villid, along black Silent. 93at, after'all, the true'eharm . I The United States Is 11 nation num' I �, up and It, ,It cool, ( year, beaccus6 in It Hikgh Miller died. ,— r pirime, starting train the krg- of a, nook,band depends On its decora- banks of the Xcd-,vay� . ' � I welght. 'Cover � nd fifteen Was a El fabrics colored with aniline did ostrich . . 1. a aid 61 SIT Jan Bridge, �f Inverness 'rot. boring 76,000,000 people- _ . slowly, whenyo*11 will have all it](. N"i . . . Vade 0 �at buckle, to'cin o'of the front, tion I and noue but a pea mist could ed Kingdom of Great Bvlt* W -year, for in it Waterloo will look as bright'as now it sponged . , Surrey, late Chief Magistrate of ,The Unit . on tot) of the Eller unit "'(1. r"nMe Memorable with chloroform. . curved gracefully over the crown. The fail to approve of at least five Gait of Ta0c t an ain and Irplatid Ejullibers about 38,000,- tile bag.. saym Partil 'Joill-11,11, . - , was fought: E ighteen hundred and fit- To polish plat* glass and -also to prc, brim was faced with dream gl�-'Ppre the seven charming designs fox dollars t.he London Police Con -eta, 11a0 let 000, just half as many. . . . —_ . . I . I earl be- vent its becoming frosty In winter w1po lace, I . I . ... .1 � I � , , given here. ' . . . . estate valued at 036,384. I Prance numbers Just about half as I Aftricultu rat l3revitiet44 . � - . . I ,ell cause in it Solforino was ;tought, But with a soft cloth wet In alcohol. . . . . __ The lat-6 I�dad Gordon, of money illany also. . I Rtiral. New Yorker has gi t faltb . - . there will be a, more mormora3ale year Better than the holders with easily lost ___ . ­­ . - ­ . ­ ­­.- — — � I I . a left 434,000 in ,1,110 (,vrinall ealpfre, not counting Its the future of collipros -- , '­�, , . . .One department of faahlop In .Which lending notoriety, ha X I sed air for lig I y . used . . _ , . . I boncisi and . about no C I log. in '111 iW elf -11-9 to us, and khaq. Witt be the year in thumbserews that. ate generall. 4,� 4'� �1, we can have absolute confidence for cash '170,000 in .�rrlo bers about 47.,,, farm list,. It sayff tillik" e, - I ,�,, ;1 R-2 . . . . o on , na sed to tupti tnotora �vhl . . cj,�,( 'S."'. "If - sash cartaftli and other small rods .�, , two-thirds Of Witt' air and u whie ; .� z . - ,V eh wo fight oux battle with .out with ­, ".. .3, . one.4 entire soason'ia that devoted to Z500,000 in outstanding de#s. 000.0(10 pooplb, loss than . .- . . .. are the screw books upon. which the rod lvt% T . will operate 01101401IM'saW Wood last eneirry. Thospring, grass maybe may rest. , . �,4­ , �5, ,is . on,. population. I . � �F� , Z " . . children's dress. The Modes In aiiht A wonderful talking machine h, ' r * � . . � In filet, do .,Illy light WOVI; tbllt �011111 0 1 , A5. �,, . lo,��Z_ ".... -, :,p ) clefft of the slya4a to Iet as down to In le now art, certain to remain in style an- been Constructed, and W Said in a Austela-tTlingary bag -nearly 42,000,-1 il, turning wheel. . . . Ivory, It Is said, can be made and'kerit , . . .. . . � <-'5 , I. . tit the righton to have Made amr.resting-place; or while the sum- whiti by washing It in �oap and wator ' , - I I . �:�� �. I . garments have to be replaced trial at P itself 000 Inhaliltants, .only 4.000,000 in . OrO I Elbow (3,rvose and I,u6k.--"f'zQ inser, grain ia faIllng. t9 the'pickler, wo and laying it while wet in Sunshine. This: . I I , 11_� -I - . new onqs, and- there Iss r,* satisfac-, -heard at a distanoo of ten miles. , 111fin lialf our tount.. . .1. . A, , ,�W. ,, . U I by, I vill lwtatm'�4 (I v )LVif. -, ­ . I ways had good luck I I should be repeated, if there are discolor- � . , .-,. _� ;.,. I . tie,, in that foot which every woman Lord Salisbury's son who played so Russia proper, excluding the non, may be harv"te,a for another worldi Ingff, for several days. Ivory carvings ­ tt r. 11- . was %veil hood", 'lald till old M19*70. � . 1 . Ili that are under . . .. loan appreciate in these -days of rapid gallant apart In the defence of Mote- illissian people of AS I ar, while the aptilinual lea,Veii ,are fly- should be scrubbed with a brush. I . I . . k Ing, is to redo tier flug, tins a Population of about 8%. professor JellIE111.41 (.:�I)vl iniulit � vembeir gale, we,May Glue may be.made waterproof by first '� I .��-� changes -4 Ave a special decoration growltio Sumatra tolinevo uIldve r- ing in the No . � . ,. . ooO more tb.ql) that of � _`��:_� 000100011 1010001 . 1,',(Ivrill�!(v lilt( . soaking it in water until it b6coples soft, ..., I .". .__,��._ For boys, clothes ther4e� seems to . . in Conlivetleut ls, (if 04 . . sleet way ,t. I I. ., I at the handa of the, War Office. fmde and full, or the; driving I . .. .1 . . I I Ibe t,lalit,d States. . 14-t- It �Hh entle heat In till- . I � . ... . I, � . I- + 11, growvrs of that l4ato. 46 LORD, ROBE, US' FAREWELL . .*.,"" . AN MOMM Tit'ISUTZ TO IM, #14 GALLANT CONRADIM 1 . "A"I I 0111' 99111411611-0 I,;1b0V4 lit South A1'r1e4-.1r%?y " . 11,114111re 6111'reAnxi cost 1141� Field ITOU � , ',It( a Alsirlisstr­Lei.soirs Learned Pupo I Ing thm Mar. � . The ikollowillig is. the full text lot I Lcird Robext,e farewell -Army Order - . to hill troops. . Being about to give, up.the ossmaia.114- of the Army in South 4friiano into the baudB of Lord .Kitchener, I tool that , � I cannot part witfu my eomraaes,with, ,whom I have been associated for 4car- ly a year, often under very trying Or- ounistclaces, without giving ozpros4du to my Profound appreciation of the noble Work which they Uafe'porformod:� * for their Queen. uAd cQuatry. -0 ,f.�k � me per,sonally; arvi �-- ray pride in : . the X"111IS Which Y�hey hmve. achieved , by their plu'6k, oucturmade, discipline . , mad devotion to daty. . . I greatly regret that the tieswIllob, , have bound us together are so soda . to be riovexed, for I'should like to re- � main with the army Until it I.% com. I pletely brokou. up, but I have come to the conclusion that 4a Lorcl Kitolien-, or has consented , to 'take over the - command ray presence' is no longer - required in 8outh Africa,, and that , duty calls me in a-upilhor directIcin. ' I . .. WILL A,LWAY , 8 Woux ii:QR TH . E, - .. .. . I . . I : , AXIMY., � . . .. I . . . . I * k . I shall never fargat the oweftS , � Men of this force, be they of the Roy� at 11 ,,,' the Colonlals the Rogulals, . the �y ' ' . Ilitia, the Yeommury, or the Vol. ' , anteeria. Their Interests will always . be very deax. to Ina, and I shall con- ' I tillue to work for the army ag Ions as . . 'I can wurk at'all.. . . I The aer,Vi . do which the South African - ,, �foroe -has performed is, I Venture to � " . - , . i . I think, allique in the 'annals of. war, . . iaa�muoh am it has Lead absolutely , . .. ; almost inoessan't for -a wholoyear.; In - ; . . . some eases for more ' tban a year. I . . , . . There.has been no rest, .no days off . - . ­ . . . . . to. Xecruft", no going into winter quar- . I . , . tel!6, as in.13ther- campaignsi which I �, I have extenclod-over a. long period. , - I .� I .. For months tagdt.har, in ft r 6a � , .Q ce b to � ��, 6 A . . � . in biting �old, in �,ourlag �raln,' you, 2 . ., I � . ' - . . : L f my,comrades, .have mi�rdbed and . � . 11 fbU.mht Without IL llalt� Ancie bIVOUftdk6d , - I . I . I . Without; h;II61t�r froth , the eilemignts. I * . , You, f . requently.4ave baZl to continue . . I I . .. marobip.g. with, your clothes in. ragh . . ' I I and your b.cots without sole4,, tinw . ., .being of.imell'oonseque . nee thit ,.It . . . . ; . I .Wu,�, inilwatilble for you to remain long , . I e . n . olugh in "Ona. place to 1 dl�f-� . �, . -1 . I . . L I When lacit:,engaged in: actual- bat- . - , .. . , I ... , 11 .. I .tie you hive been, continually shot at '. - . ­. . . . . I. I . . 'from behind k9pjas by 'an inVisible I I , I . . I I . . . . I � enemy., to ,-Micom every inth of, the . � - . , . 00untry. was ianilliar, and ,vho*l from-, ­ I ' I I ­ I . ­ . � the - peculiar. uiattae'of thl country, I . I . . .. , I were able to Inflict sevore p$nish I me,kxt , , I . I .- . . . while perfedtly-st&x- Lhei-LU-SC PIS. , ... . . , I . -, 1. I I I to a: ho" e f O ;Oo�_l -:--i 1 ib =_,.C�_ - I , - - - v "' � lonse a 1 . � .prvqi.p7j ., iuoua� , . . .I �17M, �L.2f�961'-�to," 11.1 d I Ve'r oiljioli, with - . gh . i ) . . I I . � � . .: . llif rj;!�� manual ial,k_ you Lave had � . . . . , ; I I . I to ,I! oLg heavy gans ana ox-waggong.. . . You liave v�-,ared wfth- almost inor6d- . I . I. , ' ' I ible 9peed enorwous distanc1eg, and. - ' I . � � that I often coli'very Oicirt mvf�ply Of *.,.., I . . - - -food. . : . - � , . , I , 11 . ' ' ' I . . . 111daLST STANDARD, OF PA URIOT-,. � - - . , . , . I - . . � . - . . . . I . ASM. '�- �. . . � � . . . I . I . . U'llaie ,,;Udurod - , . . . -Yo - n th e sufferilis In. I . . .. � .. �evitablb. in . wax to sick. afid,ivdunded' : 1. . . .. . .1 . .bidn, far fmin the b -ase. without. a .. I . ' . I I ' k .murmU;,alA, .cvton: with ehuerfulnqss. : -1 , 0, .YOU bavt, I I . n, iaot" Elett - "d lip...to the . . .. I., . � .. ., - I- . hlbrl�est �,sta adard of. po,triatkin, an', .. .. Y b ur c9a.,ipIj,,uv.l,_,3 kindiiess. and but, . 1) y Y., . . I � � .., I enemles, your - "I ,I Manity toWards yo,�r ,. . � , ' I p . . forbeamnoe t�ndg,;od..bolvIviolir in the .11 ' .: I (I t . ow . ps . -ocoulded,-yoa Lava caused, the . , , '. , 0 army :of' Great, JJV.iL,.I;.n ED, b3 as, high- . . . ' ' a,,;. 13r respcc-�ed as it Mu.,J. l..,uneforthl.be _-, � I greatly fearef.l. in Sout� A�vlea-: `4 _-�`. . 19 I I; a Ily, Nv�iiti 3z fliar I I a.TA Intense-. . .. I I , . , .9 ly proud (if tif-e, j,Tl!qy 1:.'-.avo, cot-ama-'n& . � . , . * , st -'ed, or Lhat I regarl -,! ­,A,1vV ,;J16 " �) . - . !&� - . , � r.. and'.ifevowJ coniTalo,, With ;; -�`,- tlffigs"� to to a,,, _,V0 d: . , ,If a.,1 with admir.-tion, nd that .� . . I re I jcel.d,�01;ly tit- I,ar*.'1i1q frEiT yQaT � , . 't . . . s Many ol yout coloninta as well as � Al . I but * 119 British, I bove to M`;t 119,,111,1 It , - 16 - � , rop .z '��1---?.17�.1--"Itu-",—",,-�. . I I � . . I u, In my.menimy� alid -ii.1 Pj hild"", tj hIgI . i regard to my .life's otd. � * '-- I . - 11 I have leai il-.id much duriugt tho.war, I % I I . , I and -the exlieri,-nue� I L-110 gillned Will , , ' '_ I greatly halit'=v, Ili Lh.� Work thitIles . 14 I -;, . T '1E;L,3dIVe,. t .I. - S before in(,, whic I- r, .. - . I tit make the army of.pie Vidtod Iiingdoru - ut as perfect a�j 'tt is ps.�IbIo for an army . I lif to be. This I.,jIiaII.'Htri'/u to do with , . 19 all my Iplght� , I . . � .1 . I 10 And now. fijrEo,,V.I1 At�,i,y.� od blos�­ ,� a every meta v ,v of the &-o I, ,-un-m-,�tL_., ,p ­o off . . I _T 1. . , IX I ,trilly,111d, qa I you in iy all be 411ar. " � In � . a ur Lo your 1nines, und find ,� � 'e dear ft,, YOU W01111 aill "lappy'.10, tha �- . . I . the earnest, lwb� Oi �cour ,commander. , , . : 113igned, , I 1,�()Bxiasl- . I In I . . � tit . . . .0 , . . I I . I ed - . lax TABI ACT., . � I . . I 4.1 . 1� My 'gracious, Xame.i, what Elto' yea I on, . 10.4 hero for? exclaimed -tho.kindly. 8lum- I ,.e � � 0"', . worker on 'a tour Of tbO 14 �a4n - ,it. houses .. .. I . .. . at I Burglar,�, replied Jimmy. DoitAs, , coolly. . Itt, I in oill you Aon't inean UT Well, I am . - i -i surprised at tbatl I � .r. 86 wux 1, or I wouldn.1t be, Aere. - . . I cut the faces of tbt black tasseled en me Is ft I � :% ­�­ I now. . -- - -� Mr. Lealle. Stuart, the - � I - . . . .... ­ ,,­�- � , , ". � at as at the . . . I � seed oil. Always remove the Old surface � ­ - , , � be very Intle that is i 'COMPO'lot Illilt oul�'poplilmtlon is growl "Garden sellools" for tilt- I .., 1. I ' A..." .1 �,�,_� - o, '� wit"'wtilm �, ."'. _��� �v �­ ., the amme sailor salts, the Ausslan ,�t Ilkqwleh 4 - '� , .1 ,jv �� ,, � I . the rate of 1,,l.000.0()0, every ten years, SO " lihnsas thmt h?uII us out in Oar last, of the wood before applying the glue. I ...... I!! � the'stirring gong "Soldiers cof� , 7,V days. ago, skim U,1 I " . Can babies obf today, Of children In livilefleal W -410i -111, ta%, "! ( .1 ride. But it will be the year in which Use It as thin as you can and have It (10 . - A, . blouse with tho'hose trousers banded. Queen," was at one time a Mandb.L-stor ti,at the Alpert y ��Itm;llvtod I ,:, beryard forvimL I f � nit I -P tu'ttvxuk� , � /�.�I. � . ; t Ifton duit age, will see an Innovatfon al,vad I � , , organist, and was known as Thomas .01 $ our body Et,nd soul part; th,Eo year in good work and apply evenly and rapidly, I . , in below the knee and the shot %vilen tlicy nitrive tit A ,Is log'. oblo, Colo., linvilia, v��',.00�1 tA (Till' Slack Ln-ar V_- 15% 4- ignal she I .. begins. All tfthex, yet ­ . . - , - . V., i flourish hero 9A Well as JBISewhere ri,x0lading �vmrshi , there woKe 490 d00,000 peolika.. . . The X111sils. lled9t School, I it beside a wor"I w,hi,ch for us, time ends and eternity - Chicago now contalbs a greater, popula- .. .i , . � . '1� Coats for older boys. Gold buttons Barrett. , . I nil Anit-ricin nation numberl I . OL110 wist- a rEsekat, and Without ex- , f .,�l IM . amination placed I".. , Lrs are dtuoth- tion than all the cities of the United k I � I , ,; id. - I Ing. 0 -he year in., Which YOU were States contained In 184k and, Neff York 'V.t, . .1 � and especially on the military over- T,edolsi of 1,28.,),31i tons gro-qx under The educational structure rot which, I I '. - . I—— ­ I I I _� . . . m;1A namo�t Arthur Branch, whi , I , . I , , bo�rn, the year -tit which ,You were, now has a greater population than all � � I" - t 111, t" coats with a de6n cape. . I Ion in I the U-saltod Kingdom . It x1liLi4i tile 30ear. .taking advantll"6 of the toleration ot an effort to- examine the- !11- I the cities together had in 1850, , . . � I I r"-. tiny constraot � I a, I Made ' .. � - '. .,_4rl slack, White ind gold 'braid, rionce In Alaska government, tile - hedge S('114 1 . to, ., " ... .I... )01111. stel I'll ma,fwled, the year in which you began Liverpool his beon. described as Ail : rii".�,Xl� 1� at the close & the quarter ended June A, Inall �flio had oxi)v to torlior of the roaket, and %vas 101,4 '* ... , 1, - Abandoned bis at fresco establislIM0111 - business for )roarseli, the year in Irish city in ilingland. Th,b Welsh, how- . 'i , I , �gold buttons and narrow Velvet ilb- 80th last, . Was listening t6h 91'otlp of citizens dls D' '10 � t. I I q !I bons are the prevailing trimmings for A M=Uful, procession, comprising � eusslll� the weather And broke in on Was a very humble one of its ki d. medittlely hilled, will tw.) othdr . - which your &theT dled�all of them ever, claim to have built I Their lano. 11 ! I ! I �. I H . . . The peasantry, allialated by the strong inco, were, so badly injured, -,hat they I ja* of laos importance thaii this last guage is trequontly to be heard III Its . IV I .little girls' gownso w,hile fat More a lady, a. butler, 4 nurse, two Servant tile talk thus, I It for him. �rc not experted to ..voover, chapels and street$, Particularly on sun- . I . ". �., i X s don't know what. Irish love of learning, built I . YeAr kyf your life. ' I . . ii� dressy Occasions lade is used. The maida and four children attended it "Vqba`W, You follow It's � just its In Modern days they assemble — . . , ! days. . ,I- I Chang aI)Ic weather Is. You think � k-$ , gtilmpd dress, noverAlsomrded, Is knade Cemetery, in ,0 . . - :, During The pm%i $car how many 1,19��, .­ funeral at tha Doglo Iftaka, do yen? Well,; and build buts for evicted tenants. GRE AT 011B'At11',NlNG OP TRAV.13M. 1';Z, L d With an Irish point Ifycle Park, the other wook. - just let me tell you 0, little personal c;k­ I it wits not a - Atod still she welit, I R.. ;111 , . quite elaborat always Cold In A very formidable under- Ten years ago the Cost .-A a trig: J have gote into th6 next world T About T I., 11 . lace dollar and the loxig-waisted effects, , I went I taking. A deep, dry ditch or trench by . thousand Toto was. avying, "What'K the Lunt The post of town clerk of London my from Ctentrat Rus,, -4a; to Tom-Ak, tiVe infillb)n Jive, hundred I , I . , -- OnO Ef , ter?".asked one of b(ir filther'li friends perienee, of mine ally 6elected for , 1111ye lost illy 2 C011IR", i;Ile wallvd. I I I which 18 perhaps the only new feature. is vacant. Mr. SteNvart, the holder, hunting with g. party of minors. The 1 the roadside was Usu, ,to wttg ' - to-daY I 'If I some . ; r . . ! &berL , $Iki por eapita, "Uts, It was t7heir last yei I ........... � I I , 4 . I I Laying the front and back in Ito. *t the side of the trench an . . - thtem pi'ay bave, expected ity but ($Well, never mind. Here nre 2 vents" I'll � ,� � f lne hag., been tompted by the offer of the weather was quite Wallin When, We' thO 8 re 'Y . . ......... �/ , , I - down to the belt makes avery a a, WAS it is oil.' 09; . � io� . .1 .111 2 I . tuo" f the .jillsopp's, bual- started, and I perspired freely. Sun- : OXCAV tiOn Of the requisite, a , �, ,tile 1great majority of them, if forett said ille'felond, ... " , r I . Management to " �1. I " I I little gown, . I . salary of 43,ofio a year, denly it turned bitterly cold, and large! dug, so that tile clay bank formed three I TrO`W 81110. VALUI9 111%. . I I . trim ; . . I " h noss at,& 'this, would be their closing �', I bad � gideg of the Inclosure. This �dved tbe, told that Soon Toto was, Crying luirdvr thnir . I . , �, �' ' 2 .k - I / ,� . lror Materiala for amall ;ohildronts - Icicles for � I " , ,00 wed on illy whiskers (I I"Wlift.)IS tile matter 11010" sho 4' , against the -22 , 0 given by the Lon Cro,,,, Then, the Mrs. Ladd used to, worry tprrib�7�11 '. 11r, ., year, would have. lsxug�6cl outright and over. '. gag it small trouble bf buffiling, walls. . '. '. '. . . I V� . . P� 1, I was asked. I . ",;, t 1:, wear the colors are jhrlghk� or olile don ,City 00411,011. grown a full beard), a big, ! fourth side, or front side wall,. With, a .when, berbushind wiis away oil hW said, "Ig,ftolt my ATM strong I Is not I "I'm ryIng becallso If I hadn't lost 'I'll , 11� %­ very delicate in tint, and caahm6re, Canyon, I canie face to face with windows, Was b'ailt of I tr but ,,1h,06 I; . rotten over It. myeya clear I X0 not rivy IUIYC Isound, In ,,, I Stockpoxt boasts the largest Sun- - - ar. I bad nothing blat door And two 1 'P5,, (1, � Ing be, Ior, - , 2 d bad A nowl" wAs her I lAusdowne and thin Allks &to Very I - o n . bor nprvousneas, lisul� I C� .011 Who, 0 Ito 1, . day school in the World, nearlY 5,000 �il� tool x In o I 'an ,skipi or Climb, or litt, or ran reply. � pootilar, 'Photo are fine wool Plat& I illy gun, and tile man with 1 green sods laid In coursep, while sim " I , tell Of the 'in- dgp<j Wag away beIIIII(I'DIN so � liar �goda ralsed'tbe back to thel,equir- p0q6,9f It Th* d6otdr Of the , � Gowh .do china Peowdeli . better than of road colored Crepe hiols ate useful a!4 make UP Offed- children being on the the on, t!ll - . ,Vto nnw#,� . velvet and W t annual pro, as a desperate resort It rainmed the od height and pointott the gable Oad$ Ob, no-, succeeded in making! 1110i ,Life Itimratnee CoTftioany" pronouncot embellished, With Z006 tively,with the lace collar. 4, ishaped 8titutlon' 'rho recen om tile I O#Thlo,so Mid the eminent lib"016' esol,on WAA 4 gigantic affair, old Icicles from my beard into the gun sad Toutig treeg and Wattles out fr have his life InsureiI4 nee, ore� Fl. �WA 64 Mo mund, All my friendscougratu. ,am, lace ttsortion, 'rho YeAt and collar of the material tucked And trim. 0 , 1 ed, 13C. glot,. "is the bump of Int011ige I Sleeves are ,of worked $ilk ftbovd sohoilars travelling ,long distanced to blazed RWfty-" nearoot Wood and bound together with 4AXNDISS. ' . ,� Tai- andffs. mod aroand the edge with lace Is also 0011 said One of strimv ropes and Withes foMed the FAMILY WL , A big On ms,healthy appeara"n ­ I . quit pInchin dat bump whleh are boleros with scalloped, Ont- ' w4lk. $'And What IMI)PP11 . ",Ao 1with 'your evil PrOPhe6y' I I Shall ,%eilb, boag, o, (I g very pretty. Another more serried. Jolft 'p the th6 crowd eagerly, roof timbers, Over these Were spread The young man's moth6r had toM . t 00 'ft is ,of blue and green plaid, XOtWitl1standIng the greAt en- to call on hill wife. $te, M thtcem'M 411A teni" ye 96 opokillfleAlly,"' Protested t1nev L - or odg6& The skirt is eireillar 1 able, sown I "Wily, I struck him cquarely In the brambles, then Came. a I j&o��t hvt,mlIlfoiEs five, hundred thou- a%y hald ginot felt good sence do Ole laid in tacks that are stitched to, the and the collar la,of blue gilk trimmed largement Of the city Of ttvOTPOOI id beitd and killed him," llsorawgkll or slabs of healthy bog Out- . gono Ilia pin, 1805, when out-distri6ts 411 round ,,lCilled 1111,12 11upossiblell, Chorused face, And over All . a thatching of rush- ioha.rles la always talklug alyjut the I . ..4c"I'll A4,11A have, _. No more motion in Woman rapped me dar wid it TO depth of a. deep floundo where the' with! gold braid., The belt "d band I ffeti you used to make, -Abb- . I ,at, 'yo, hot I,ze got more ,telligeneo In fulno-86 at � " The o-irthen floor-Wa8 MrOd tO, Aft 'dellcion,% Ca . 113, their kntt.thaU,, Wit ha,A'never P%vls- this Point fOtmg the, 116006' around tbo.sbirt islt6voff are of blaa tho, ,city w6r6 added to the MalliOl' tile Crowd, hCatho young wife. ' 4ted.L No moro,, brightness in their dat bumD 4an ter got lu'er Way 0179IIII" sary Hard, It Will 464111r6 eleven milk. pality bringing the population up to �,,But it did, I tell you. Tki tempora. appr000b to a level, tho rubblish Cleared r,'-- . eoe, t -ban if itf had aiway# �been IsRnd. 10ternony WAS laVented by, a Wine yardx of Crepe& obi;ais With 3-4 of a TIN, Zousve Jacket id a f eature of the. the catImAtta total ,of 700,600, 0, � ture suddenty turned warm 11 1:1, tnelt, away, and it pathway tuade to tile pub- I tt's heredf? k I A tatee.-Cht. yard of PlInkoa silk or Sioth for from i1mall gowj�k, hat It 16 mide 'of .V61va � Movement k on foot for further ex- Ing the 1010100, and the bear d from Ito vosid. There WAS Your bed9b M1001- mothimr; h1a f t I I - � . T& tar , it#. On-& great bearse tnin to keep foom At a dbi , , - ; I IWOA$t 0A I boiW to*for bWA#"- "A" wo - . , .AXJ1#-_.2�,-Aa0 New*, '120mba6w yr-"'aud Atook 401�# ; ", 14 th$� pla� ,e , ., - tho britili," .. I i I 40041blusk.. __ "" ,�­ , ­ -11 , � I '' . , �rattnaotAtir,fitooh,sd-sith4twALOA- # . lifiNwia __ �1, I iiiffigw_ _J . ,,� I ­ � ,., ­ 1. 111 ( , . ,. ,, ,--,-.A&, � I -Ir ..­'­_ � A - - . . ". � ...... - __�,__ , : ..­­;&4X!5K_.'.,.,1 --Io.,._,..."--"---,A&.-,--,,�,,—,: ..,& , . .