HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-01-03, Page 3.-. .. 111� I - .. . -.1 . I ""T", �'��� I , � ". . , , , pr""-- , , ,� . 11,11mqF 4FF .. ,, , .11 _W I � I ­�" � � . I `­ . I . ­�" � � . I . , , , , 14 � � � � "I � I .1 8 �, , , . 4 � . 11 0, - ,--- 0111101INNO"ll" - -7-- , qw.,,w _� 7 - - I _11"P1111111,11r, I " � � , , I �, , �, I . I I �, I . � . - . 7F I I I TO I , .. Aters' of , I 11 . "I'll 0 ' . � �, unristmas Uts, it . - ( . I I ThisChilattuas semqn is right At our doors biloging Ito duties as . well its its cheer. You have pre. Santa to buy, undoubtedly, and you feel that the selectiois Lot Wes and . appropriate orticles at prices with- in the limits of your purse Ditty . grove a task. It will be much easier one if you start early. You will hAVe M011-0 time and we will have more to servo you, the crowding will not be here 11,11d tbo selection will be larger. Iryuutbinkwocan supply your witnts now is 010 tiolB, to come ,told see what we have to . offer. Later we Shall have fewer gi)ods, it cl-owded store and less time at out- di -41 -sal thOrOU-00Y to ' serve etch ('11SLOult'r. Wo 1.hink our stock hito its ILdvantages ill quality, quantity and pi -ice, sach articles as will be appropriate aud Satisfactory gifts tot- You]' friends, Stich as your purse will allow, your good tasto commend amill your judguientapprove. WeinviteYoU to call and bee out- range (If novel- ties. It you see what You Wilut 111, I the price V011 ('11,111 tO JMV it Will lie ' i our pleasure and grittitude, to serve YOU. Agents Parker's Dye, Wiwku. Thel. D. Fair Go. Often the ohe,tpeat, Alwaysthe Bea. - . About 0'0 0 . 000000000CX300rco People WHERE THEY ARE 4ND WHAT 0 THEY ARE D'JN' We Know CK300c)(3000c)(M . Miss A. Dowling of Petrolia is in town. Inspector Paisley wits in Dungannon on Monday. Mr. 0. H. Broadfoot of Seafortli was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Manning spent New Years in Exeter. . Mr. Frank Yoe of Mount Forest visited friends in town this week. I Miss 0. Taylor of Goderich visited at at her home here this week. Messrs. Will Ross and John Crooks spent New Years in Exeter. Mrs. Seeley of Elkton, Mich., called on friends in town this week Mr. James O'D6noghue of Buffalo is . xagall visiting his mother, Mrs C - Miss Mary Robb goes to Toi-onto this week to attend the Normal School. Miab E. Campbell of Goderich was the .guest of the Misses Porter .this week. Miss Mai Herman, nurse-m-traini"g in the Woodstock hospital, is home on a visit. bliss Nettie Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Israel Taylor have returned to Brampton. Mr. Amos Cooper, who has been home for some time, returned to Wood- stock yesterday. Messrs. J. E. and 0. Hunt, sona of Mr. H. Hunt.. came hotne from Galt for New Years. Mr. John Demmerling spent front I � . Saturday until yesteiday at his home at Ayton. ' . Misses Ella, and M ary Saddler of Wing- harn have Dean guests of Mrs. J. A. King this week. Mr. and Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson visited at their former home in Granton and I �__. alsq ju St MAryo - Miss Clara Ferguson went to London on New Years tu enter the hospital �s a nurse -in -training. miss Logan and Master Ike Rattan - bury have been visiting London and Toronto friends this week. Mr. Peter MacDonald and sister spent Now Years with their brother. Mr. Macdonald of Seafox th. Miss Minnie Herman. who bits been visiting at her home for a week, re- turned coLondon yesterday. Dr. 0 G. S. Angus of Grarid Forks, North Dakota. was the guest of Miss Jean Mitchell litst week. Mrs. J. Jackson and Miss A. Burnett attended the funeral of their cousin, Miss Maggie Powler of Harpethay. Mr. F. Beattie of the new store re- Mi-ned yesterday from it visit to friends in St. Thomas stood Aylmer. M r. Chidley and Miss Chidley of Stratford have been guests of Mrs. Chidley and Mrs. James -$hap- par(L Mrs, Thos. Dunford arrived from Brussels last week and will spend the winter with bar son, Mr. James Danford. Mr. Henry, who has been the ,,Wiest.of hersdaughter, Mrs. Goo. �_ ork ', ha -i r turned to her home in Mount Forest ' Mr. Al. Miller was in town this week on his way from his home in Luck - now to attend t lie School of Phar- !nacy in Toronto. Misses Lydia and Edna Holmes of Senforth spent New Years its guests of their uncle, Mr. John Holmes of -, the Huron Road. Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon and bliss Minnie Johnstone. who had been visiting Clinton friends, returned to Berljn yesterday. Mrd. Ed. Decew and two children of Flint, Mich., were guests of Mrs. M. Finch this week. They have been visiting in London tot- a fortnight. Mr. nod Mrs. W. J. Poster of Strath. Clair, Man., who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs: William Ford, are now visiting friends around White. church. Mr. U. Hodgens of Detroit was home this week and accompanied his brotbtrH. H. to Kingsville wheie the hitter forsook bachelordom yesterday, Mr. Johu Gentles of Kincardine made Clinton hiq headquarters last week while engaged -buying horses in the adjacent townships. He is purchasing for the lumber woods. Rev. E. B. Smith and wife of Clinton 9pent Christmas here with Rev. S. L. Smith and family. Miss Lois Smith, Superintendent of the Woodstock It Bpi t_l also visited her fathen- Forest Free Press. Messrs, Thos. H. and Gen. Brownlee of near Heasall and Forest Home, re. spectively, were in town Monday on *their way home front Colborne town. i -hip where they spent too. few very I pleasant days among friends. - - - . CHISF_LHuP,ST. Messrs, PlarL hicTaggart and George Smallaccombe are busily engaged draw- ing sand to Hensall for Mr. Thos. � Webb, who is building a Power house, having bought out the electric light pl-int from H. Cook of that village. . I . ___ _____ __ ("oderich ToWnsillp. - Mr. W. Lowrey leavas oil Wednes- day for Toronto to resume. his studies in the Veterinary College. Mr. W. Baker of Egmondville spent Xmas with friends on the 16th con. � �___ ---. . Sauble Line-StAnley. - M. Walter Madge lost it valuable mare one day last week. Cause ,Rn. known. About fifty unmarried nests assem. bled at the home of Mrs. Ed. Westlake on Xmhs night when a pleasant even - Ing was spent Indulging In gamos of I various kfnds and other amusements. A bouse full of the married class gathered at the home of Mr. R. H. Snowden one evening recently where a goodly time was spent and all went home rejoicing In the,early Morn. Miss Xnnie Screenan In at "reson t under the parontAtl roof On t ge sick list. I Mr. Peter Wild and wife of 08fla- bmek, North Dokot are spendlng it few an a under the Iormer's parentill . rnof. Mtet, looks well and claims there Is no placellike North Dakota, � � . I I . - I . 1, - '.. I �.: �, , . � . . I . - - - . . � . I'll -4, 1� , I . . - I � '11,� I . I 11 h�11-1, _ 1� 1-1 . . . - _Al. I __.,:_� ... _ I . L'Aa - - - . ", � 11 �� I , , , . . e_ '1� -40 _1 . . _. w�&.. . ,'As we stand on a new Century Wei as tiloup a Kalelaoscope. we 1419vilig Ing panorama, -of the past and 'think Whitt A the present one will raVeAl And it) hill fancy we see Swiftly and surely :81.0 gliding tlirbugb the air the Imnlok ., .13.0 I ard shiploadedwithits cargo othumon freight ; the joll� farn)er and his wife we sitting comforta ly in their Cushioned Tb chairs while the wheitt is bain cut I , and threshed and the cows %Ring via milked by the aid of that great � wagnetic power, electricity; and the ed, young men and women riding gaily Mi to their buggy not having the tronbloo da,� of bitching the horse 01, of Working '( the lever and at the i:gt,o of speed the ,, which drowns the .%�bispers soft arid the low, May we enjoy such blessings ev and we wish all out- readers Such peace Litt arid happirivs-i its the progress of bri civilizaklon is sure to give. Ac Mrs. Alldn and daughter, Miss 0. ta'! Allen, spent Christmas holidays al, the home of Mr.'Alex Ross, London ree Road. Ell Mibs Sarall Moore of Palmerston is we enjoying a pleasant time at hall holne Jo in our town. St Mr. Dan. Campbell of Rat Portage nu returned home last week. His many th friends were pleased to see him. The pulpit of the Presbyterian ad church was occupied last Sabbath - morning by Mr. Young (formally. of 87 Westminster) cot Knox college; even- as ing, by Rev. John McNeil of London Presbytery. Mr. J6hn Thompson of Trinity Medical college, Toronto, spent S&O, bath at the residence of B. R. Higgins. I Messrs. Seldon Ross and P. Camp- bell (if Chicago Dental College are I v1siting.at their homes. III rs. Laird and Master John of Clinton were holidaying at the home � of Dr. Armstrong. Miss Dell O'Neil of Clinton was the guest of the Misses McIntosh on Sab- bath. Miss Floience Chrysler was in Clinton on Saturday calling on friends. Mr. Alexander Murdock of Toronto - Medical college is enjoying his holidays I on the 2nd con . of Stanley. wi Ring out the old, ring in the new, w Ring happy bells across the snow; E. The year is dying,let him go, m Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ge . so . ­­­­ . 'PORTEP,IS HILL. -gi � Ri - at Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Miss by Maude Pickard of Galt are visiting at w Mr. John Pickard's. th Mr. Thos. Cox was elected as school gi trustee at the annual meeting on Wed- of nesday of last week. B. Mr. Win. McDonald spent Xmas eb with friends on the Oth concession. -v, ar Miss Vanstone of Goderich is visiting te at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Mc- yo Phail. . I I er Mr. Golden Newton, who bad both ce of his loge broketio last May and has fr been tinder the Dr's care ever since, ofl had the misfortune 'to slip and fall of Sunday evening, breaking one of his M legs in the same place. I . A Miss Minnie Bur#e of Mich. is visit- A ing bet sister, Mrs.'John McClure. of M r.' Frank Murray of Detro it is visit- ex ing,relatives in this vicinity. . . in Mrs. John Torrance is oil this sick b list. � fo Mr. Thos. Morgan of Goderich is a visiting at Thos. Battle's. ti The concert given lastThursday even- w ing byWhitely &McDonald was a grand V success, the hall being crowded to the w doors, while part of the audience had to stay outside. Mr. Wrn. Elliott act- re ed as chairman. The entertainment a closed about eleven, o'clock,every body E going home well pleased with the .it night's amusement. . . fo K ­­­­ ____ tc - DUNGANNON. - J V The Christmas Tree held in the E Orange hall here by St. Paul's S. S. c on Wednesday evenigg last 'Was r largely attended. The program M consisted of songs, recitations, read- le ings and carols by the Sunday school t( scholars, while Mr. Temple Clark in T in furs from head to foot made a capi- 8 tal Santa Claus, much to the delight of the children. At the clost of the - entertainment Miss Do - _�_ n9too, at of St. Paul's chu�ch, Ao� pre - or Ily and - with a set of china bre. Be fin plates and a purse containing a Sum of money on behalf of the congregation. _ . The annual tea meeting held in the Presbyterian church on Thursday . . evening last Was a grand success. - � T inlip. r �e i, which by the wily con 'ist. of oystiws and all kinds of delicacies, held in the basement was followed by a splendid programs. There was asocial held in the same place on Friday evening in the inter. ests of the Sunday school, the proceeds I of both evenings amounting to about $90.00 Miss Edith Roberts returns to Tot -onto next week. Mr. Sydney Gibson and Miss Tana McConnell were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Christmas Day and will take up theit residence al. Lansville where Mr. Gibson keeps L general store. We wish the young 9 . Couple It happy voyage through. life. . Mrs. Matt. Young passed to the ,Great Beyond very suddenly on Sun. day morning last. She had been in very poor health for some time past but waF, up and around on un y morning as usual when She audde ly expired. The funeral took pla& New Year's day to Duligat.tion came- tery. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. , Mrs. John Johnston is not improving in health as quickly as her many friends would wish. Uharles Durnin M. D. and George of Elora spent Christmas -holidays at home with their parents, Mr.- and Mrs. Chas. Dair nin of the Oth con. . Henry Kerr wits united In marria, on Wednesday,Dec 26tb to Miss- Milfle, both If West Wa;anosE, We wish the happy couple a happy .and pros- perous wedded life and thosir troubles nothing more than little ones. Illiallett Township. One of those hap and pleasing events took place on 71w Year's day at the home of Mr. Jas, Snell, - Cognty Commissioner, when his eldest daugh- ter, Elizabatha. Jane, was united In the holy bonds of matrimony to Edgar J. Bell of this township. - Precisely at fire o'clock they triok their places under an archway of evergreens. The ceremony wits pet -formed -by Rev. J. W. Andrews of Varna. The bride was handsomely attired in a blue grey suit trimmed with cream silk lace and , nearl trimming. After the congratu- intions the ccnpany sat down to a sumptuous repast. The presents were numerous and handsome showing the, high esteem in which the oung, courle i are held. Their many 11 sh them prosperity.. I Forest Hoine. I I Miss Alice Carter Is the guest of friends in Winghem. I Mr. and Mrs. Gemmot and children apentXmnso with triends In Kirktom Mr. John Munroe and his sister of Brucefleld spent Xmas wIth their mother, Mrs. Wm. Ross. Messrs. Thomas and Goo, 13rowillee spent last week wI,th friends In Col- borne, Some from here took In the dance ab Mr. Thos. Porapth's Tuesday eiroulng and report a liVely time. Mr. Thomas Workn�An lefton r, riday for Dotrolt Where he intends a6ettrifig a situation, Mr. and Mrs. Little rdn6*ijid old friendships In Seaforth last Week, Mr. saftles Petty madd a flying VIA. , tb friends here. Mr. Robt, G"pdk�of Kippen Was, the the uest of a sister. Mrs. Frank Up- s f �. A , -- -- - -- -7---- ­­­ _7-__ � I J W_ ' ` � THE CLINTON NEWS -MORD - "..., � - - 1. . - ­­.­ ------.-.--,.- . ., � , . . r,--. , . 11 I 1- - I __1 _­_�_�­ ,..V;� .. .- _ _.___.___ - I ,­­ , - �� � ­­­_ ­::::::::::::: I " .. I I � "I'll, . ..... ___.. I ........... I,------ � � -_ , � "OLM14SVILIA. OUSAX 00PAR&TOR AmbOeld Townijbip. -hotogr4phtj. I � I It,. Alfred'unticnall of ,.! J)rumbo has The nominatiZ-forAslifteld town. . P __ . Tho. WooklY., I�St � ­ ------- a tho guest, of hie relonti, Ira vi( -14. To THe PhaToR op THr, ship council p4sitod on quie and It QU Want soluotbluoArst,claso. In the Wily 1 � 11r1w-W T V I were its follows. yor reeve, "Irgan of ,1916tookrapho wool to bur eall'stood1Q. Al'bild.ren . it-, Jas. Roys of Yale, Mich., visited NX"'W6'R,N6OitD--1'nutlCcd in you"it" Dalton by acciamation. _s.i a slipw tyj lto�iirdcrs can be had I � �, For the ani group brotber-lo-law, W.Stanley. Iti-pe Au article pablished by Ale, Jito. c(luncil the following were proposed ; fr9ni Xr,.F06tVes negative . . Use, Bessie 11101gard bas been visit. White. re rosontatIve oX Canadian J01141331-kie.y. William fluntei, John, . I 'k. G. oultaxes. , I . friends At Nuorkip. Iyalry Suppry, Montreal, Stating that McIntyee, Thotxlao Iftotberm, Jan I 1. = . I 1-1. - , . e. And Mrs. John Leonard of Chat. report of test between Melotte and Crawford, William Xipkby, -petep 1� I it, XVI -s. 1jeconaid and bliss Koil of Allibo, cream, separators field on Mr. N9cQtt- Jame$ Thompson. After soine T040hor, Wanted. I .. FhtSpeubXtnasa(,Mr. Fi*d, Leyn. Weir's form near 011(iton, on Dec. let ppec inakin. OrAwtordi Kickhy, I . . S I . . 1000, furniiihed by Uelotte agents. Was Cott an on) an retired leaving --- . 1r, W. L� Keys and wife of Varna both noilsleadingo.nd incorrect, NOW, the rRt It up el .te � by acclamation, A,For U. Et S. No. 4, Godorloh, and Hallett I re callerq At W. stanler,18 laa Mr. .144 ditor, I Wish your wany readers at) , t a , , air t 0 unell, of low. I p plilicl%utq to state salar and 4alweationg. " � I '. ursda, y, to u"doistand that the report given ,ot terl _ ,jr1leAtions th Oboe: to lo hall Jan. 10 . Mr, " - Clinton ofsaid test wits furnished by Mr. Wvlr . 11 11 . andauties to co.milionce, jan gi, 19ox: . I ev. Wade,aud wife of. Address . I fted tO J. L. 0onAricele, and not , by the Melotte Agents, and tie he" Towaship. , � J. 11, LOWERY, See.-Treas,, I ".-. . � r. Stanley, wife anil family attend- Mr. Welr"W48 judge in the test I sup- - , Poo. 27th. . 011otou R, Q, I .. . - . �� the we4dibit of Mra. Stanloy's Deice, pose what lie furnished for puhlipaclon In the the township of Stephen the , . as Snell of,atIllett, on New Year's was gyverned by the Babcock tester� notDinations resulteti as follows,; For . .1 11 � . . I � And his own good judgment, NOW reeve, Henry Willept., Samuel Sweltz- I _. . . ... I a Thursday evening A DuMbet? Of Mr, White would try to make it appear' or -, for councoicire, William Anderson, -To the I�Iecfors. --- Quag People were entertained At that, the teat was based Icin -clean oikiul� Themas Lane, James McKeever, Louis � I . ... ..1 01111,1111"Voy"VINA" r�'r ' , � _ ming only. The conditions of trial a.f. RAvelle William D, Sanders, 8taFher% LADIES AND GVNT1,UMAN,-Having _ onib of btr� Itobt, Acheson. The Mr. Weir'fs w' Webb. ' F , HODGENS BRO$9 B . _ rederlok Wnerth, W1 liam been. nominAted its candidate for Cow. citing was spent Very 4easantly fare as follows. H Lich ma- ,. . . d at an early � hour &O chino to run at normal speed, viz,, Yearley. ,wissioner to County Council for Dis- .r. � �. 777771"-7-7 _ -7, . , �. ___ )ke %ill, , votil Pa'f`y' Melotte, 60revolittione of crank pet, . .- __ trictNo.2, I beg respectfully tainti. ­ �: ' ' �'___ ig Mr. 4nd Mrs. minate, Alpba. 46 revolutions per min. Convict Pare, wdo made his will the mate that'l am no V seeking your But . I , _ I ' , liecion find fatitily excellent enter- Lite., each 11140bine to Skim cream test. Other dayt IS Said to own stock in the . n0l's. . .. Michigan 0iintral Railway woith frages Awl Influence. I may not, in I I .. )n Monday the nominations for Ing not leas thah 80 per cent. butter . ­ the limited time between now arid Jan, Fbr' 11 ­ ".. 1. ve were Thos. Churchill anq 4obt. fat, milk to be heated to 00 degrees $82,00, 7, 1001, have the pleasore df seeing I I . I lott. For councillors the nominees fahr. Alpha to I skiiix colder milk .at ­­Z;�_ I i every elector personally, but I hope on ing* in . toline will but Nelotte agent refusing to polll6g day, when markipl; the -ballot, re Sw: roJohnMiddleton,james Johnstone,. Minual neeting. . , , hit W I � I skim cold milk its Melot . , at, me. oods, Georgellanly, $a.noluel .te makets I you will not forg rounded stocks in all dePa ardy, and Jarries Cox, A large recommend skimming at about 00 de -_ It elected I will exert my best efforts tnber of electors were present and grees. Bitch machine to run at its full The annual tooetting of t9e MCKIllor Fire In. for the intei eats. of my constituency months yet abead of us'fhere a speeches were qu , -, "urailloo company will be OU in the own hall and count merally. . it,e interesting. WXpacitii, viz., Melotte 450.,Ibs per hQui , y 91 heavy goods of all kiwls. * Dr Alpha 50 Ifts per hour, each machine Seafort on Pridaiv, January 18th, at, I 010100K I ELuly coultnunlron will be adn5inister- . . I P. lit. %he business of the meeting will be to Wishing You the compliments of the . in St. John's church on Sunday next: to run. for half an hour. Points to be receive the annual, statement atie auditors re- season, . good pTkice to, coraq to iu J Cho officei considered in awarding the tests: "" of two d� o'"a '7 7y'OUrs Faithfully, full all through the mouth, -a of Court Selwood No. a ,or ,e town � 0. 0. P. for the availing term are Clean sk ng, densivy of cream, to looting 4 81. ., " . -D, QiNTELON, . I . omint 491, a ahn.Lr hu '1�.at . I . I . I gain to be picked up in w follows ; . dorability, power required to run, ease � bw; . - Mr, Weir was clAosen as r'a '8 'be �H"t �;' 11--__ 1 . - � '0 tow e . i .tLo"'ho.f oid pto � 0 . EA14 r ' g _ 0 j.`i`�- X X ��J T the way before stocktakizig. � , of clettil t T TH S' .114V iii. '. ., I )hlef Ranger, W. Stanley' ' "' A 1"g*he test was made by Mr, S . it,th'. ,.Liary 2qd� . To the Filectora. � for this week's Shoppers.' . Vice Chief, J. lRullor Jud Igo-'arld ' i I . . Chaplain, D. W. Burns ' . J� 'it' and Lorne Pattepson. The , .- I . ,.. . . . � I � . Recording-Secretary,134,1'ayls - � I wit, given by the. judge was as fol- I .. - .. . � ... . . . . - � . ow, � . . , Ladies and Gentlemen, - Having . Finaneial-Secretary, S. W. Miller Pinuo Losso'na Resumed Sklord n*g. Treasurer, 0, W. Williams , � I . . . , Melotte Alpha- I . � __ , . . been asked to offer, Ili y self its iteindl- . . I . I . . - , I I clean rikiham;ng. 5 15 . I . .date for - Court ty 0ou,poil, for - District . . . ) 3t. Woodward, 0. H41ler - -creatn 2.3 _7 1wra, Nello Meffardy-Strolth will roahnip her No. ?, I respectfulIT solicit, your vote * , I We have so I Densit _ � � Jr. Woodward, A. Rumball ,),,.,y of I . i, les8onain planciand theory on ftturday, JaW I I 3r. Beadle, J. Miller' . .1 � � ity : 20 �20 nary fith, , I . . . , I . . and Influence. � acted, I will look . Skirts that w6 ar, r. 1$eadle, J.Trewartha . . . Ease of cleaning . 10 , 14 1 after theDistriet to. the best of my I )ourt Deputy, W. Pickard . Ease of turning 24 10. ­ . I ability. Wisbing you the cob)p) .1 I I . I aud"peoplea wha lepresentative to- High Court, W.� � . . . I - . � I 4 I of the season; I remain, . I .. . ood bargain to Stanley. I . � . � Total 88 913 To. the Electors 91 Clinton - , - - . Tours respoeffully, - I I . . . I . - . . . Now,:Mr, Editor, this it -correct at;4. I .1 I . . . 1 8. 8. Cooper. I . I eh ths are just - � I count oft,he conditions and also of the. , . . , 11 .. . . . . . . o ,_enoug ' to STANLEY TOWN,SHIP. . . Web. Mr. White speaks of the Melott6 TH1111., JOB; SR .. ... . . �� _. . . I . .1 . cot he! lit.. No . . - I agents publishing figuies that callaot I Uk) . . . . . � . I I . . I I a 0 . � A DOUBLE WEDDING. be'e-learly understood by the. average . . . . . . I A very pretty double wedding took reaAer, fv.hile I claitu those I figures are. � . . . � . . . . ..Metropolitan Course and . .. , . . . � . ,.tern, I � . _ " . Next Entertainment . , . . . I I given in the same for Respectfully solicits your vote, - - . . . . . . . . .. . . : tee at the. home of %Jr. �osepb' was public tests, � . . . . It Skirt lengths of dread tweeds, n kchardson- on Thursday or'last .week are usually given. .. I . and infi uen cd for re-election as The Eugene Page* Co. Town Hall, Tuesday I mixtitreq in grey, dark fawn &nab .No � w, Mr. Editor, as clead skimmink I'. I - ' I. � . . ­ � Jail an � I I I I � ' hen hiadadght6ra, Ray 0. and .Mary .. . I . . . � I nary 22nd, 1901, Pi sorne and Stylish 8kirto and give be I open to a a rl er dayi Jan� 17, at 9 a m. . I . to the 11 . MY4, T U11111 , were united in' the bonds .,of matri� was the only point in which the Alpitti, I I 1111-W ng . winter and roiagh weather.- Regal on a 4�bPlau'of hall at . . . nia6bble-gained a point,'Alpha, agent AA YOR - I W, D. a 'a. ro rierlber T. If not, .. ony to two estimable young men, .. . I . � I Jan ii ary, . � 1 $ ..... ? a..... I I ­,.,.. o. W. Anderson.and A. D. A�bder� seems tb think he won the tet,t. Mr. , , �. � I . 11 . . .11. I � I whhuot? , .. .. . . . . I . n of Wyoming. The brides. wbre --'Weirbas'giventhose'two machines a . . . , owco a f, , ai�irded dold.Medal I I .1 I . � the - Yeiir 19101 . . at tIW aria 0a "' ed'a I . I ** . I . os tt u, � � tboao outortaIR, � ven away by their brother, Mr.,R.'J:, :'thorough test for Ahe last six weeks . . For � I . me�nta. . old y . 0 . Altu. . I . . . chardson, B. A., ifud" the beautiful and the. best skilDming done by - . . .- . , I I . . .. I .1 I . I ! rains of the wedding march played ,the Alpha is .05, while that of the *­ - i- -� -1 . . I I ­ I � I - I . - Miss R. White --*of Sarnia. The. Melotte is .02, or Ili plainer words lea,r- - ­ - I I. .. I . . . . I .1 1. . . , January M * I . � � . . , � I � � oddin cererpony was pborformed in ingonik2i.1006flpet:cent. butter faq ,. - � - I . . I A 11, ., . . yyv** ......... or Linder a. pi atty arch of ever. skim milk while that of the Alobit . . . I . ­ .; . I . . . .�, V � . . I . I eons and whitdt.69es, by the brother . . 0 0 . . , , co 06 S., , � a parf I in, left5.lWofI percent.- Greatcroditis C Id W ,Ath"6p �' M_ . � .: .; I I All the brides, Rev, W., G due to Mr. Well,. f6t the Aoubl I . � . . I . I 01 This year-th Riehard#011� e-hebas : ,� . . � I . �. . � . . � I .. . .. 1 , , � . I � �, A. ,%Y�j � I : . v ,. ,.. I � �.., .. . - I . ,, I -a the Be . % .taken to find out the best Cream separm .. . . , . . ,. I �, � i ,I A., pastor of -the,: 'Presilviekid I .. . . �. I � I A* . .- .. I OR` earry , , � I � . I . I � I . I � � . . I � . I I I I I s SN17 - I. utch at Wybming.. Many usatul.and. ator .to puvL,hasetis many raiders of I I . . I I I . . 1. . . I . I., . . I Z -1 � I ­.. I � . , I I I tistic gifts from fritilids and T'�latives - you" PAPOV may be 66neficted by this .. I . Now that cold'weather is setthig I I a is the time . to t � tflko� f �,_ - q. . gooa coat's hav stifled to, the esteem .in 'which the. test as well as Mr. Weir.. .-Now. Mr. I I � I � I " ''' .. . . before. . The r' ' Ling ladies are held. Quite, B, unDib., W-hite claims that the Alpha, wits' the I . . . ROBES itildHORSE BLAN&ET& - W. a have,' a, large - � , . . . . � .1 I of guests witnessed the interesting only cream Separator thal won a I prize I . . I . � . and well ass.qrtbd stock aid- invite . yOuri sp I ection. . . b . ,�uliusually war . remony. Among those , present at the Paris Exposition of 1900 Which 1 .. . I . 1. . . . . . a � . . , on 01 I ' I . . . I.. . . . . . . . . 11 - ', the �eas . wave : Mias.E, White deny as there -were Id.ur g'vaud P;Ites I . . - . . . . I I ... � . . I ".. I . � .. I I I . , .. * � I ve SP - 01 - 1 . I 11 � . . . I I . . I : li�� - Sarnia, Mr. and .Mrs James Walker awtirded at Paris, viz., Malaita, rin-* , I .�, I � . . I now on OLD a distance : � . Exeter, Mr. R. And�rson of Chic - ago', .cess, Alpha, and Crown, the Melotto - - - I - I I I . : , - . ; . . I I . " u . p . � I I . - have at I this wa.nd Mrs. J. E. Andeirso , noblisses J. over and above gained..tho gold medal. . . ­!. . I ­ Blatiketii; from 50t. � I . I I , to . . � ., . tor,- as Mr..- Well- has - - .: '. �!�, �. . .. . . . .1 .1 . . I . . .. � I : , nderson-and A.A6A�ison, -Urs,,A., Y. Now, Alk'2di I .. . , . . � . .. I . . . . . . . :::::: ! , . that, we .-have e. riderson and Mrs.' W. J. 'Travis, all ,given those two . mabbines - 4 thorough - " � I . I I I I Robe& Goat, -from $5.50 up_* . � I � . ... I I � � . I 'trial and:hm plurchitaed the Melotte�. We ', I , :,� , ,,,, � , . ­ .� I , ii.. . . .�.. I. . . I Some money and sell them' no I . . I .. � Wyoming. After -partaking'of, itn . , I I � .. I . . . I . . , . . I ­ . . . . .. �. I., I � � ' . I . . I cellent repast, and spending a' -brief leaxie it to you and the public to fudge, . . - . . . . . - . ... :.. ... ". - . 7, �.... � , % . ,.. m._ I ,. I ;. .. fer to do' � s loli . terval in must . - whic I . I 1. I I . 1: �� I I . I—. . �....... I . ... -1 1. �­ � , � _..'':_ - , �_'.­ tbe.1a#er,, diid a . , .. c and social converse the for �OursOlvOs It. machine, he con -i 4 . I . 1. I . . . . . . �. . - , , 1_ . � Ippy,c plesli6ft.bri'the'6ve�iijgtritin Bidets b. W6.,mfgbt�al , 1. � .1 1," ", . . .1 . I I. �.. I... . . . � ; �... 1. �. I ... 11:.; . 1. ', I I,- ". -: ! �, ­ left on - our ,racks ydu � -can * b oul the -besl so .say . ,.- ., I I . : I.H. I., � . _.: ...': -1 .. I .. I ' I ; . � ., . ....: ­ I'll . - ' 6arg: Ptillso , Veir is one,;',Jf -the lam)so I � . . . � . . � _ I -prices like. the r London, loronto, Nia, � thitt Mr. � , ar . _ I g r .. . 01 � .1r nesso � 1. .1 ., ., I �.. . � . I �66ds fo _. .. se. L ,. � , I daiiyuleii in -this, township. .., 1. . - � Qu . I I � I . I . I � . � I . � . rid other 'places ,of interest *where .1 . . I I . .. 1. I I . . . . .1 .. . . I 1. I . . � � . . . .. . I , By will spend the honeynoop fte'n - . .. - - �-, . � . . I ­ . . . . . I . . .. . I . : . . W. R.. LoUB, � . . . I . . ...., . I " I . ... . . ,­ . . . . . 1, .. . . . . ' 1. hich they will .take Be � at , , , . LO, , , tte.. - ." , . .... . . .o we'ar Well.' They *have given suiffh - at 01.75 � - . I up ho� a . cal Agent for the Melo . . � .. ... I ; - 19 made � _ .. . . -mantlo's I . I .. .. . . - vomi'ng. Congratulations and; good, . 1. . . I .. . I I . . 1. I � .. .. ! . good satisfaction that one iiustomer� brings. a"'; T "Vel . V6 Mantles,. odd dues; nearly all . .. : . P.- S.�Mr.'Weir .vyas so, well pleased , - - . . . 1. , . .. Other. .Our prices a . Set. Hand. ve The nominations for the offices of. otte,tbat he bits given i, . I .. . I ' . . .. , .. is'lles. . � . with the Mel N� - _ - *. - � - - . , te as I . fol.lows'. . . . black, goQcl mwtcrial that will gi � . ,the following.testimonlitt : We .have - - . . made, 1. *;. I - a .. . . ,� . I ­ . . , . . exablIerit wemi, choice,how. -, - i.. 1,70, eve and councillors for the . township, basil uiibg a-Melotte'separator, No. 2 .. . I.,. . I ,.,. . .1 . , I - I I I . I .. �. . I ., 11 I ., I I . .; 1, . .. I � I . . . .1 . . I . . . I i . . f Stanley' resulted in Messrs, Isaac ' ...., ­ . .. . I '. _ , ... ...... - M Antle� that sold at $5, and for �tw6 -months fujil,it is -glivirig 'good ' " . ' . ., - .. ..., . I . I . �.. . I I . . I ,. ­ : . �. . . - . .. ". .. . I . . . . . . '. I I . I ­ *_ � I , � ., .. Single'Harnesfii.gn-ata)it,e,$,12-00 ­�. riatt, John McNaughton and Sain- results, akiihrnin� clean and being easy :, � I I .­ 461: no sel ing at . t,w a , , .. . W J ' ' . 1. el Moffat ' being, -'proposed. ,to operato 'I thi: � . . . I .. � . '.. nk it is'iv great im- . - � . . ,. . � . . .1 . . . I . I r the reeves . ... � I . I" . Ladies' Beaver arid NiggQrhead Man, I . .. � . .. . . I I . . .. I . ! . - I - � - hip,'and Messrs. Wm. li. -pr0v0mLnt oveir the old. wily of cream. , .. . . . . I . . " , . - ,, � . . . . - eyes, Wm. J. Stinson, Edward Johns. Ing milk - and- is- decidedly lt�tter fov, .� I I . . . 1. . I .. I . . . . � _Qee, nearly all silklined, hew gat ' . n, James MODIArmid, John Gibson,. .1 I . I .Are c6mb3g, more into general use as ihei� mirits are cow- wants this,' seasen, tblack dr,'fawD. ... . I stock.-WX: WEIR. . - . . , it ohn Murdoch, Samuel A. Moffat and. , , . , ,. . ., .. . .. ... . PU�0(61rsmmink better known.. We have several'kinds. . 11 . I : , liesil. stylish� *garments that sofalb . . � �. . - .- - , _ . . I � . m. Lamont for councillors. Messrs, - I .. .. ., . I . I . I d : . , . � five and six. dollars- each. , 11%thet?w: . I . . . I I I I . . . � - . - . __ ­ I . :.; . . . . . I . . . � , I . � . . I . thAn take chance 7. rrittt and Moffat withdrew f - rn the - ­ I I � I � . L : ... . . . I . .,. .1 ., . . . '. . s of; carr Ing 6nia oniest leaving Mr. McNaugla.,.ih. . �, . . - � ' . ' . .. ! . . . I .1 I I . . . L .. ,. 1. . I I . . . . . I . I . . I . I .. � . . . � . . . .. . ... .. ... . . . . . .1 Peve's Chair. Messrs. Gibson; Murdoerb, ,The 1nqtlIryJ6h-t�o1 . . . . ­ . 1. . �b`a, .b�ing affair, �, .. . - .1 : . - ' .1 I I . -1 . . . . . I . I .. . . I.. . e _ . . � � . I .- 73 A MG _"P,..�. offat and Lamont also resigned, which resulted in the death of .Joseph . -, r- I . ; . . 100 � 1. P .� - �" - w I th *i6, * . I � - . . . . . aving Mpasrs. Keves, Still Laurencelle ab'Ottawa- -closed . . . . - I . . . f��% . . . council . I . I . I . . . I .1. . . . .. I . . . '�' . , I � I VARNA ,. n and MeDiarWid' Jo' s- � verdict of manslaugbte5againat Emry. I � I-,- . . .,. L . . I I . . .. I , I. . � . . , . . . . �'. I rs �, here has been.no electi I "011� I .. I . I I �, � . . . Ill . . , "a or I 1 Oaristie, with. extoinuating'CircumBtan-, ,� . ,. �, , . . - 0.11 in this towEt .. � . . I � ­ ,,,, . ,�.. Fu . , I I I I I ". ''.. .. � I.. .. . I'�,,, I., ­�:. 1_­_� . hip since 1898. . . I . ces., !.. . 11 . . . � � . . I.. . I ... I � . I I . I . ... I I'll . . I � � . : . ­ I ,,, . .. :. . . I ., . � ­� . . .. .. 1� . : , o'' . I tj_. . . I . . . r. . .. T", I . .. . . . I . I . . I . . . � . . . ... 11 . .. � I . . I �, 0'11�'. -, . . . , , I . � I I.. - :.�. ... �,, . I ... . . . . . . I . . � � I I , - �_ 0 I . � ry . _ . . . - -� � - .. . I - . . - . i, . 'Afr-0? I 'Tanua �� - . mmonomm� . .- - . . . � '. ,01'�', �t�,�.,; � � . � . - . '. '.. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . I . � . . I . It . I .1 I ,� -_ I. ... . ,� . . . I I . 11 . . . . I . , ", " before they fin( . - . . I . I . .! � � I .11 . . I I . � ��,� � . ..., � ._ '. . '. I . 1: . I - . P.�4� kv �,, �, -�. . . I . , �1`",�:,' is fol _ _ , fr in than , N11111111111M I 11 . . I Mo 1111-illillillittqll;o%mw.-. 11111111111.111114, ` , r 'g, ,, I . I . , . . 1. , , I . � . . I 1, I . I I I I : . . I . I �. . - .... .4 , . Z of investing in � . I . .. I . . I . . . .. � I � I I . . . .. . -10 .� , , �­'-, . . � , I . . I . . 1. ,y, . . I = � . 1. . . I . � "....,ii, . - vi� 11� , 1. 11111- . .''. , 1. . I F, .. I . . I I I I - I I.." . r T � . I— . I . . ,� .. I I . , , 11110- I . :. I ' ' � ­ . .. . I . . . . . -0 . 11, I., ur I11- . . ' I - I , .�;,; I . to' See o stociet -.3. ,� ­ . I I... . . , ::1. . I ! . : . ..... I � 1�, �­, - I = . I .- - .. . ; . ....=,. i 11, � .. . V .1 I i = . . . . I I V, , a spe6itilty of A ft- I .,e -a # ��..'. ''_. I.= . � I I �.. . 1111- . . I :1 W., - C , tg . . - � . .. .......0 i c , and every one we sell if -e . - en - .'] �� c we . r �:" ' , N. " r ­ - k Si6 I I - _ . . r � . ­ � ".. . ­ffl 1. . 4111- � � . . ... . , . 411- 660140ol , 19000 011919 ly 11 ,. , I -_... -I I I . ., ... . . I lay; the. skmi's are. firi . 0 oun I . . . , .il - -a =: - . . � . � � . I . � . . - . � � . . . . I .w - in. every VV , . . I I I . . . . . � . . . I I . I : ". . I -.40 . . . I 41111- � I .1. I ; I . I � I I h., .. � I .1 I . . .... lininas'go6d' and' tl 1111o- .. � � .. .1. . I'll - � . . . I . I ., . � . I � � I . I .. ".. ".., .-E. a I 1, t:1 11 I . - =: I I I 1. �. � �� I . I . . I . . 11 . � . . 11� I ., � . � .. I . .. . . .. I :, .... . 1.= �9�anu t e , orkme'n. .:Any of 111110- I .. 1. . I : .. .. " , � . I . I I I , 14T peiience W . _ 11111- I ­ I . � I ... . 1. 1: . I . . I � � -0 . . I . I . � 1. . -.0 . I So- , 4 11 , . I . . % . I . . I . . . go- , / I . . - I . . I I ' r . . � .-.8 Satisfaptio.n. ,, . I .. .1 . . � � = " � . �1 I � ' 4111- , I . . . . . Ladies' Istratihan Jaokets;.bright,. . '111- .14 I � I 'a nif 0 , ' t, ftment. . . . . 41- . Mil � I". A *,'M Asso'lr . . 1`-a . - 1� 4111- 1 Z. .. . I I . I � I go ,� 1 icen. I . . I I— 1 I �w glossy skino, even curl, high col I . . `11110- 1 I I � �. I . I . . . . . I , _� .. � . . .;4111 . liar, patent muslin-interlivitig, 4110.- /. .1 I I I . I . . I . 1. I I . I . I ...a . .. do- . I . . whizh takes the strain offthe, W_ . . , * 411-- � I Hundreds of people, find Ne4wearia-suittible 'Off6r1n.g .for,,XewYqam and ,this year "' i � . . :2 inings war- , , - , 411- 1. .- . . . - - . . I . , . -1110 skin, mohair aletve I' , . = ­ . gnglls4 . house = .cerisea lining,' 26 inches long, 2 . w d with a grand sel-ectirli.4-now goods frdin-the cel6brated �1111­ extra Value st� ........ I .... 1. . 411"- . . e are prepare I . I . � I �. 1 5.00 do-- . I .. .. I . � I ' . . I C- . %__ . JP � . � t , - Out- styles sbopes and colorings .are *excinsive. u . -0 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, quilte4 Is- of., Welch Marge son & 00. *. - I . . ' I I (.) . r pli,ices I =2 Italian lining, bright, even curl, I . . ' " ' -0 . I I a- . . are and Ye,u.Oannot do' in in, b. b e 6. to. ptit in ood MADY -.0 a,. go.00 a- 1, 25c, 50c� 75c 1 $1.0 . V. * : I a tter t�a . . . a . g ' : I � -10 86 'inches long, a wtoll�ntad � � * . . .. _1 , atrobg and aervi6eablo coat .... I 4" I � . . . I I . . I . .. . I . I . I 0 1 .= I I I . , Ties'on.-yQ.ur . . . - , � . . . . . I -11111 := P I list..'' 1. .1 . .. . . . . I I .. . . I . . ­ .. , , I .0 Extra olasility Astrao Tackets,. ' ' . i I I . � .. . I . . I' ­ . . I . . . . .. -.4111. . , hen , 40- �..! . . I . . . . % .. � . . . . I . :. I I . � . .1 ; I =Z very.soft skins, livight and even - 4111111- fA , " . . . . . 11 . . . . . I . � . . . I .... -6 curl,picollair sleeve lining, goocl , = I ­ I . I I . .�! . I . . ­ . .1 I . � . . � . . I ' 11111- . I . - I . � I .... � I . . . , . = qdilteolsatifi lining, ctists tbM I . . . . . . I .� '' � . I . : _"§ .. = I . . . .. I I . . 1111�. . .. - . . 1. I .. . - . . . . I I 1. -49 will give oxoeltent wear, newest I .- ­ ... ............ . I . . =:Z styles, 26 and 80 inches long . . - . � " = '�,_�_Iqg � I I - 1. � - e . itars.0 . .,I. � I �. .0 , &Stioz, . * . I . I �= $5,5 and .... � .............. 40'00 Z= 1. S 9 us . , �"111P 1: .. " Lin n Cal . . . , . I . I = , � 0 I I . . 4111-- -1-N , . . .A box. of . I . . . .� . I I ... I .1 . . I ? I .1 W_ Linen Collars is & useful - A pair of flne Suspenders, . I I . I I .. . -1 0 1 . . .. I Christ krins present and wit . It. us you can � , I . I . , li ZZRII 11_��-,R siery. "I , � A pair - I , � . �. � � ,,.)� Go d " , � )f Street Gloves.. , ,Ili I � '.,f � I . I I , , H6 , 7 I . I . . : . . .. see all tha lateub in shapes We always A London Silk Muffler. . � . I Ill ", .,-�)_ , , I , I . I I . I - . 11, I carry a -full rrmg� of sizes �. . I � , . I . I I I _,�, I , ,_ .1. ... , . . A, Dress Shirt. I I V This store al- , Boys, Linen Collars 12 to 14. - � I l � � I "! 7�/;Iel, .. iA ; ,,'� .. I . . I . . . . I , , I . . " , �11 -f. I -, ,. a in sizes from , : A House coat . I I . . . ways sold agood, /: I _.v .., , Obildren1a; Cape Collar . . I . � . I . I . ! - � . .. 11 I _....�, � . ,I' '. I A, Bath Itobe. A Silk Umbrella, I . I/ T[I '/' hogiery; it -does f �'_ ., , , , .w . . I �.�(� -1 _.�.­_ _­ _. - I I 10i to 14, . . ,� I . . � I . . I . . V, . _( . .. . � I I. I . . .� . I . . I . . ­ I . . I . ... I ... M�,._ Still, and seemol . . . . . . . � . I . . . . . . . I . . � . . � I , . I I I � .. 1. N � r� ..., I . � .. I . � ., - I . � . I . L . . . : . . . .. . . I . I . . . .. . � . . , I . . 11 " I - ) to be selling , _ I I -,- I I . . . I I I 11 . . . I . 1. .. I . I , , more Of -it all I . . ., . .. . . . � . . . 4 . , . i / , ' . I 1. . I � . 1. .. I . . . . . I I . . ., : I I '' .1 the time. Efere I - . I �� is a littlo, lot4bat we bought at I An"% New Centitry Clothing. .. . . I L . I - I .. . . � . a bargain. We got oneour I . . . . . . � . . � I � . give i __ W-1 .� . . I . ,btl 1A i. selves and are. going to ' �. - Evorybody likes to be well dresse4 at the joyous and happy time' of New Years,and to p r who' have somethilig to buy at this time ofthe year w4 eA Special attention. to our great stock ' of . , Clothiuk. When you buy here. you can depend on getting goods that, are cut, made and tri'mMO4 . � � lap -to -date, We tire clothing people in the fullest Sense of the word. We, are manufhetbrerS Amd , I . I . I I I . I when it-come's to a qtiekion of price , I . � .- I I . . I . . . . . . Yoti. Save the Xiddleman�s Profit, . ., . I I . 0 I . I . . I � . I . . ..., 1. � . . I . I I . � .. � . . I . . I . . I ­ ­ I . � � . I t4ett."S.Suits. . I . . I Boyst Suits. 1. �. . . , . . . ­ . Our "Royal Oalt"Blue SergeSnits at, $10 are . 'we are noted for our great sehetion of Boys" I . � I ' . . . . I I I , equal to ,anything, you can find el.eewhere at 018. Clothing. Nd house ill thi's seetion can equal us I 11 �� .� 1 You can buy them i� Single ,or doub16 bretiat. for an assortment of fine goods at low prices. I It , .... �. " I ch k, I pays and a ; ... �,, I ed, made with French facings, stit ed, with oil paya well t� deal hot - "I !... .1 1. - . . The trimmings ancl inake are of the bedt. Boye Odd Pants, 500. 06' and 16ad . . I I . al 0� $2.00 and ' . I' Boye-Odd Co 1 $2,51) I . , � . I . . . � � . . � . . I . -.1 . I. .I .11 � . , . I . . � 0 4000666*640066*it0000000doaood00o*O# . 4 . � . ,. . . . I . I � I . . . , ' 1. % . I,Jac�kson Brot-hers' ,. � I a- I . I I ' . I . - dnk .. . .n�,�Dcepartwenotal Storvol 11 I �, I iiiiuiu.gliiu&igiuiu�iAiuiuwwaow"4 , -.00""WAA1140", A"A "I'AA 4R§1"ft&&1UAiWh1 *� "P. .- � . I . I I % It - . , . 4 . � I , I �, , . � ., � I . , I . ',',"J,�,­ " -._..,_I 0 -11 ., ,11bd �. �­ , . I . '4, . 4 9 ... " �. 4 �, � . � � , � . . ..I - , i " , ,�o , - � i - , � . I , - , , - .1 ­� �. __,Alkil� ___ .11-1 ­ .1 ­ � . -1 .... ,,,,,, ­ ..."d you one t I o -start the year with. . h 1. ' I Boys' extra hqayy � ribbed woollen hose made from Soft VInglish worsted I yarnet do,ableheals,'Very ocinforbitblia andwill stand any amount of hard . wear. Sold regularly at $50 to 5(0 parpsir, Out January prictos:' All Bizqsupto7�--.,w ..... 11 .... I .... 250 � All sizes from 7J to 9J , ........... 35d . . . t 6. . . . . . . I . .,..-.. ."..,..-*..#.-.%.#...,...,4-#.-*.-#.-*.- "t . . I . I I ?I I . The MILI � . -1 � .#...O.-*.-.*..;10.-;,.�.W.-.".-*.-,.,-,.,.%i . . We are Win, up a record, b: de , t ent M898 Do` leav, r yle befo"re"'sh'03 'goes wo w.ant to clot What -they cost makes no mattei ' is wliy. we 'are goingeto aell ther I Y6ur'oh6foe of every untfloul: � thblOVOW06(that,iftflid MrY trimming, no viiiiier What; the I addatfrom $1.00 to $1,50, k 19C, Nilleteop . . � I I *9 601111111111L. I � .. R -M ­ i 10 on It , 1AUT, I . . I - JL -I I .. - - I .