HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-27, Page 7lisfaction
There should. be no risk or guess work in
-~g Furs. Good Furs and bad Furs may look
e to the inexperienceci� buyer, and the wearing
h proof of the quality.When you buy
fi�.eMfmly ....-
u you want to buy them where you can get
if they do not turn out as good as
you. "expected That is what you can get if you
You canhaveyour back if you
>u here. money
notperfectly satisfied with any Furs you get
are pe f, y , .
finish fit,the..
fiedw with
.ere sa s•
in qualities of anygarment. If we
good wearing
Good Furs onlywe could not stand id not sell Caoo.
Behind them like that.
Ruffs. .
Our stock of Ruffs of all kinds is very large, and in
1 is the choicest . you w .
Sable particularly ill find in town. y •
a, trimmed wibh head and claws, thick
'even .--.b .... Y ..'
Imitation' thick Rail, shaped, real fur, nicely' trimmed with sable .t,�.5:
tails, eaoh.a ...,
'odaality Eleotrio. Seal Ruff, 27 inohes long, thiok even fur,
brimmed . with sable tails, each .
—Wei Lamb Ruffs, even curl, head, olawa and tails • $3.25 and 4;50
Ohio Sable Ruffs, extra large size, thiok olose far, nicely trimmed
thick tails. she ed long front, extra special value,' at.. &5A
with t y P ,
Ohio Sable Ruff, thiok bushy fur, shaped, long length, 10 large sable
tails, , each
Alaska Sable Ruffs, made from eeleoted skins, new goofs jest re.
k some veryfine pieces in the lot,trimmed LAA
calved the last few ens a, P
with thiok bushy tails.. 110,012,$15 and rWane.
Caps for Boys or Men. Furs that have a;'good
appearance and give satisfactory' wear.
Ohildren'srey Lamb Caps, nios even • and, quilted satin: lining
g w
each ....: ... thaw.
No.1•gnality, Grey Lamb Caps, ohoioe goods, well made and lined
each - 110•••••••• .eUP.7i
't. Mens' Tasmanian Beaver Gaps, a 'cap that will weer well 'and have
a good appearance, eaoh.................. .... .... ...i.00
ens' Imitation Otter Cap, dark far, loose well and wears well.::,. 3.00
Men's Bokaran Caps, vary much like a Persian Lamb, not quite as 4.50
fines curl. satin lining, well made, each..., .:..:, .. ..... . .
e' Persian Lamb Cape, ohoioe seleoted eking, bright and gloe-
st of linings, each,. 17.00 and 11.00
. b>.
eta we sell are absolutely reliable; so'
e in them that we are willing to give
rantee as to their quality. We buy
ho absolutely refuse to make up infer -
garments of any hind.
Ladies' Aetraohan Jackets, 27 inohee long, high storm collar,
black brooade, mercerized lining, good fine ourl, well mads,eaoh.. �5i0
Ladies' black Astrachan Jacket, 24 inohes long, high storm ool- ' L
ler, revers, quilted satin lining,made nsadefrom eo'l pliahla ala s
even glossy owl" each > ..w.Yin w ' " ":r ..................';Vr•
~Sleek Astrachan Jackets, fine even earl, hightonm collar and i- "
large reveres, quilted satin lining, an exoeption/llly good coat, 28
inohes long•
Blank Astrachan Jaokete,very fine quality,mafe from soled skins,
g sir
glossy eves curl, best quality satin 4 lining, wefts, high collar 07.50
No. 1 gnality,black Astrachan Jackets, extra choice goods, the
best line we carry in stook. with or without reveres, • high storm AA dikA
collar, beet quality satin lining
+T .
FRIDAY . DEC. 27th, 1901.
NOTES. -A nu► lber of the ;tater-
chants in town have been giving Borne
very handsome calandere to their nus-
touters as an advertisement; among
those we have seer;, of sppecial notice are
the W. D Fair Co., J. 1. }dove , P. B.
Crews, W. Cooper & Co., "dodgene
° Bros., Newcombe and athers....Dr. R.
Subscribers will greatly Agnew le the member of the Pablio
School Board, whose term expires at
oblige us by nromp renew- . the end of this year -not Mr Irwin Mt
-leo -
d re t
h ul be e
ted last week;
ata a man to be left..
The town presented a lively appear-
ance on Saturday as there was a good-
ly number of farmers In;the merchante
report a splendid trade, particularly
ing theirsubscription.
per sale --A quantity of household furniture
to be di osed of at once. A ly to the dealers in fancy goods, dry goods
Dec. 21- f• Mg* . p• I A1d0R. 1 and groceries, ... Mrs L. Kennedy sold
Cheap Fruits -503s Raisins 250,7Ihsrige26o, a quantity of her household furniture
2 galpaii savor Drip Syrup $t,16, WILLIAM J, by auction on Saturday afternoon at
0 NEw1 , Grocery. . the market square; D.Dtckinaon wield-
ed the .hammer..,.Mr Jas Smith tells
us the frame work of the first story of
the summer hotel le up and the parti-
tions are beingd put in ; work ie being
Sown 1A0610.
. .
AnnlzEes.-We have
this w ek re-
ed several
pnied press tat ons. It would c b
been a pleasure to publish them, but
we find it impossible to do so, in the
space at our disposal.
jurors who visited the House recently
reported 'They found 77 inmates• and.
some of them poorly clad ; Mr and Mrs
French are well adapted for, the work
allotted thein. The inmates enjoy;
their customary Christmas dinner, on
• HORSES.-GOod horses are in de.
wand and find ready sale at remuner-.
ative prices. Last week Delgatty
Bros., of
fine an-
here; and the pr; ice, it is said, av-
eraged over $170 each. Two were
bought from John. Shannahau, one
from Owen Reynolds, and one from A.
evening last week Mr. Ed Oantelon had
an unpleasant experience and what
migghteasily have been serious, at.
Auburn hotel. Re had been in to sup
per, and while : coming out of the din-
ing room, stepped into an open trap
door and fell into the cellar. Very
fortunately hisinjuries:were (linty slight.
We have the most complete `stock of Caperines in.
this section. All are this season's garments, and the very
latest styles. Style, quality .and value are combined in
zany of these.
Caperine, good quality Astrachan and Eleotrio Seal, top of oollar
and edge of the Astrachan, pointed ' front and back, two berme AA
and two large bushy tails, silk lined..+r.r.��..•.+..r..... r....
leotrio Seal Caperine, comas down well at back, long front, top
,.pdke''nnd front of No. 1 quality Ohio gable, silk lined,
arge sable Utile, each 'MIMI'
Electric' Seal Oaperine,00llar melange of Ohio aable,trimrned with I80 0
110949eade and sable taile, each........ +,...........,., u...Y.Y.+.
Block Aetraohan Caperine, circular ahape,high oollar,quilted lining Q
stela Y.s,'.Y,... .Y ............. 6AA
Alaska Sable and Persian LAM)) Deplane, body of good qua*ity
Persian Lamb, coder and edge Of A.lairkti Sable, circular shape, A
�aiinliae�,eaoh ....r.+•+..y..avY.',Y..... rY,/alifYaYY.H►+,
Liidiee' A itreohan Gauntlets, good quality far, kid palm, wool lin NA
ing', per pair. e -.....YYeee.e.,......,.......... s.
Ladiet' Paulen Lamb Gaunblete,nioe even gl000yoarl, kid paled,.
wool lining,cnff lined with quilted satin, -per pair...4.i ld
p O
Children's they Lamb Oollare.high oollar, good quality to, ascii.. j °a'
.. , s5.oa tend MO
TH.E OIL BUSINESS.-Sornte idea
of the extent of the . oil :business may
be gathered from the fact that during
the few months Mr Jas Howe has been
therepresentative of the Queen City
Oil Co here, . he has disposed of about
35,000 gallons, representing seven cars
of five thousandgallons each. Two
new sleighs with tanks' arrived 'here
last week for "winter use.,•
TELE DENTISTS -The dentists of
town have started of late to make'iver•I
iodical visits to a number of the neigh-
boring villiages. For several years
during the summer time both the
town dentists have visited Bayfield
and now they have additions. " Dr
Holmes goes to . Dungannon every
Thursday and Bayfield on Mondays.
Drs' •Agnew.. and Billings also visit at
Blyth, Auburn. Dungannon and .Bay.
A. 0. U. W. -Last week the annual'.
election of officers of the Aticient Order
of United Workmen took place and re-
sulted as followe:'Master,D.Steyenson;
Past Master, ' I. Dodd'; Foreman, J.
Walsh; Overseer, J. Danford; Record
task R.J.`:(MuffFinancier, F..I+'ow1Qr task sore ,Ig the nnnsn,.tly heavy mails
Receiver, -T. Holloway ; guide. "Robt. l Municipal 'nnrninwriude take place 'on.
Monday. all over
Fitzsimons;Inside Watchman, T.Trick;` t:he province. ince, but the
principle -of one man one vote
Outside Watchman,. H. Rose; trustees, has been
T Holloway, J Shepherd, J. W.Irivtn;: introduced, and a man cannot vote for.
rapidly pushe ahead and it is' expect -
ea it will be in shape for the brick work
and plastering in earlyy, spring....Rc•
newels and new subset Mame are coin
in at the New ERA at a lively .rate,
which we highly appreciate ; we give
more reading matter and more value
for your dollar than any
other r a
around, besideswe have a big list of
clubbing offers to give you.. ,Friday,
Dec. 27th, is St John's day; the Masons
generally celebrate the anniversaryof
their patron saint, St John, awe
notice a number of places are having
Masonic banquets.. -Last Friday a eau'
Swede Sarcophagus- monument, from
the marble works of J B Hoover was
erected in Colborne cemetery in mem-
ory of the late, Mrs Gordon Young; it is
the largest monument tcemetery.
in this
..W U L>atornel will take part in an en•
tertainment in Bayfield on the evening
of Dec 27th ....Ike Rattenbury sustain-
ed an injury to. hie right leg last week'
by a bad fall; he fins: it necessary to
go about with the use of a cane....The
schools closed last Friday for the Christ-
mas holidays until Friday, Jan. 3rd;, in
some places owing to the 8rd falling on
a Friday, the schools .do not re -open
till the Oth, butas the 30th of. June and.
the 22nd of Dec.fall on Mondaye,and it
is not likely pupils ,would care to 're-
turn for one day, hence the reason for
opening on Friday, Jan 8rd ; parents
are urged to send the pupils on open-
ing day, .....On Monday,. as Master.
Walter' Holmeswascoming down.
street a dog ran and caught him in the
calf of the leg, tearingthe flesh and in-
flicting a wound that will keep him in
the house for several days, ...The same
enthusiamatin$tsthse who weremonthly thehorse .fmeans aire laof prost-
fear . intend to hold another series of
airs, the•first:to be. in January..': .The
Board of Directors of. the Holmesville•
Cheese Factory met at W D Fair's the
other day to transact some business . of
a local nature; the annual' meeting will'
be held on the 25th of . January.. At,
the district meeting of the Sons .ofEng='
land, held here on the 10th init.; Mr
Warring, of Goderich,was elected Dis-
trict Deputy for Huron; representatives
from Benmillet, Exeter, Goderich and
Clinton were present.....Oantelon d<
Wallis shipped a load of hogs, Monday.:
:The curlers held their flretgame on
Monday;: it is likely they will use the
riivkthe first three nights of the week,
and skaters the:.remaind?r....The poet
..office hag been heavily burdened this
week rod Dar P.srter has h+id a tedious
councillor in more than one ward; for
the Jackeon Mfg CO, earernption, how-
ever,ratepayers can vote in every ward
where qualified. Mrs W J Roes will be
at home, toher Mende on 'ihureday
and Friday of next week ....The fine 1
Weighing was a great boonto business,
and helped to make Ohrlstmae more ,
enjoyable. Mrs $ S Cooper made her
husband a handsome Christmas pre,
sen'-, in the shape of a bouncing ten i
poundirl....Martin Squire, Goderichh
township. brought into the NEW Ea..
e of
s inthe shape aP
office a curiosity
"Irish apple", which consists of some
seven potatoes having grown to-
gether and weighs nearly three pounds.
0. Jamee, thedeputy d Minister of Ag-
riculture , in Qatari«, le getting up a
publication, the contents of which has
rference to the origin of the Palen-
ala -tines. Mr Henry Steep, of town, who
le now in his Stet year. was ode to re-
ceive a letter from Mr Janne asking ..
him foie information to be used for the
work. Mr Steep ie a native of Tipper-
is d
and descendant
r r n a
a Ireland, y,
family wile lived in Palantine, on the
Rhine in France. Others also who.
claim descent are the t antelope, Per-
towns•h p. The publication hers w 111 betha
Valuable and interesting work,and it is
likelythat the information that Mr
Steep wits a descendent came from Mr
E. Holmes, father of the editor of the
those events- a wedding -46 'always
looked forward to by friends of the
contracting parties and particularly
more so,whenfthe happy event will be
marked inafter years as occurring on
Christmas day. Wednesday, the 25th
inst. was - a wedding day at the•home
of Mr and Mrs Alfred . McKowe, when
their second daughter; Mise Lillian I.,
was joined in hand to Mr Wm. E.
Doupe, of Woodham,Ont. The cere
mon was performed at high noon by
Rev Mr Greene, in the presence of the
relatives and a few friends, The .!
house was beautifully arranged for the .:
event, the decorations being in pink
and white. /he bride, attired in brown
silk with white satin and applique,.
looked beautitul, and her sister, Miss
"rancho, as "bridesmaid,; was equally
pretty, costumed in blue silk;. her little
niece, Mine Vera. M nel, as maid of
honor, looked eweetiin white. The,
groom was assisted by hi-. brother, 8..
J. Doupe, also from Vireudham. The
usual wedding dinner was partaken of
and after congratulations the newly-
wed were driven to the depot, when
they left on a short trip to Detroit and
a few other points before: returning.
The groom is a weI1- redo. merchant in
Woodham, and the ladyof hie choice,
wive has of late been tarring chargeof
his millinery department, was very
popular among her many friends here, !
and with whom, ,we join in wishing .'
them'every j 7 and. happiness through
Representatives 10 eirand Lodge, J.•W.
Irwin, R. J. OlulT.
Friends of Mrs (Dr.) howler, London,
(for marly of Clinton))will regret to learn
that she met with a serious accident ou
Saturday evening. She was coming
down stairs' with a lamp in her hand,
when she tripped and fell to the bottom.
Fortunately the larnp was extinguished
in a fallor she «night have been serious
ly burned. As it was one rib was brok-
en and she was much bruised and steak
en up, She is confinedto her bed bet
is doing as well as can be expected.
-On behalf of the trustees, the prop-
erty known as ` the Rattenbury Sr.
Methodist church, is offered for sale.
Thelot on which the building etands is
well 'situatetl esnd is a desirable piece
of.prope ey, while the church itself- a
commodious brick building, with large'
frame attachment- could be utilized
just as° it stands, for various purposes,
or could be converted into comfortable
dwelling houses,; at a nominal cost. The
property represents a considerable in-
vestment, but can be bought right, and
would make a profitable .Investment.
In an advertisement elsewhere will. be
found further' details.
THE SICK. -Mise Clara.Mountcastle
has. been confinedto the house with an
attack of influenza, but we are glad to
learn she is able to be out. again....J.
Ridout has been among those who have
been very ill' of late; his sister, Mrs
Barber, is also on the sick list, ...Mies
Mary Chant is out again, after being
obliged to stay in the house for oyer
six weeks -... Dr Blackall is going
around with a lame back, due to an at-
tack of lombago....Rev W. G. How-
son is still confined . tothe house, and.
will not be able to .fill • •liis pulpit at
Rattenbury street church. on Sunday.
. -Mrs C. E. Hovey is not improving as
friends would like to see, And is still
confined to bed... G. Murray is recover.
ing from. his attack of pneumonia.....
F:R. Hodgens is kept to thehouse, and
Mr James Hearne has now recovered
sufficiently to be out— . Geo. Marshall,
who has had an attack of typhoid fev-
er, is, we uuderetand, getting around
allright.:..The accident which J. Bell
met with in the summer still keepe
him confined to the house; he has only
been out occasionally for a drive...Mrs
Perrin, Ontario street, is, recoyering
from contrestion ofthe lungs....
PRESENTATIONS. -As thin is the
season of the year for gift givingamong
members of families or friendir,.there
appease to be a great many thisXmae,
judging from the numbe
r ' bought, Not
only are Such. given for the sake of af-
fection or appreciation but helps to
pay back any Little debt of. 'kin nese
which has been extended. On Friday
Last the pupils of the O'Sullivan Bud -
nese College showed their esteem and
love for) their' teacher, Mies Scott, by
sending her 'a .beactitui and valuable
ladies' umbrella; the same evening a
pleaeant time was spent at.the school,
when refreshments' were provided b
the pupils- . , Christmas Day was trade
bright to Mrs Milne, of the Queen's
hotel by the regular boarders present,
ing her with a valuable pair of Persian
Lamb gauntlete....The firm of Mac.
pherson 3t Hovey did not forget their
travellers, for each of them received
f Jr e. gift a pretty wallet with their
name on the cover. The Sunday
School choir of Itattepbur Street
eh remembered their leader,
was Dilate the recipient of a
nth bevelled mirror In
nni'eeiation for the time
A quite home wedding took place. at
the home of George Cottle on Christ.
utas day, when his youngest: daughter
Ida, was married to Mr 0. Smith, of
town. The ceremony was , performed
at 11.30, by Rev. Mr Greene, in the
presence of only• the : immediate relit.
tives and friends. The .usual attendants
were dispensed with;Dir, and Mrs Smith
Mr will make their home at M C h- • orile s
for the present. • -
A quiet wedding took placeat the
Baptist p%reonage, on : Wednesday;
when John .Farquhar. of Hallett, was'
married to Miss Steep, daughter of 'Mr
WSteep; they were unaccompanied by
bridesmaid or groomsman, and at once
went to their home in Hallett.
Diarya Year Oli
If properly kept (and it isa great satisfaction and pleasure
to so keep one) lete you know where you were a year ago,
the kindand duration ofthe season,Seon, where
' and what you paidifor your clothing or other expenses,
how much your travelling, your smoking, or perchance
your drinking cost you. It helps you keep your appoint-
ments, and reminds you of your obligations. • It makes
book containing your own and your town's history. For
example, who were in the town council last year? What
did they do to benefits the town? When anti where were
the fires during the year? Where were you last Oth of
July? When was it our Queen died? When was Mr
Holmes elected to Parliament, and whatvote did he get?
It might•be of interest to you to know abenit any of these
or other happenings. A Diary tells the story. Saves `
your memory and enables you to defy the forget habit.--
in price from 10
ur assortment is a f irl complete one,. r 4
(Mice Wiz
to 1..25
in ei e.
to 75c. in pocket. style; and�
The Canadian Almanac is good.
n cuestions.
It is in its 55th. year, answers all kinds of public
just. where your diary leaves off. Essential in the office,
useful in the home. Price 25c.
The W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton
"Often the Cheapest Always the Bes*."
When it is Well ell Put Together
We have the kind of Footwear you need; in fact we are HEADQUARTERS
he � hrietmas T
For t C
we have an excellentassortment of GERMAN FELT -SLIPPERS, FELT
LEGGINGS', bLIYPEli SOLES, and MITTS, any of which would make ;.
• an acceptable Christmas gift.. The past years business was the best in our
history, and we intend to deal liberallywith all our customers and friends
for the hliday season, EXTRA' bPECIALS in Ladies and Gents' FINE,'.
BOOTS for the neat two weeks,
all a Merry :
Wshing y Christmas:..
Old Reliable,
Store That Never Disappoints
Taylor & So'.
Omsk and 'One Price. •
.Oatterr' and' Eggs taken as Cash: •
1",int. ttlitrtntqfilm tttM nttitin110,90'
r .
_ 1a . of Neokwear
��r Fine D1�
w -
During the Christmas season we sell hundreds of 'fine Ties for Christmas wear andmany a young
man is del1lglited on Christmas morning+when he finds he is the possessor of one of our New York Ties
With us you can see a beautiful selection of reliable goods, and the prices are 25e 50o and 75c,
Men's Serge Suits 510.00
A. man likes to feel well dressed at the Christmas season and one of our great Serge Suits at $10
makes a person feel like a new man. There is a style -cut and make about our goods that you can
not see in ordinary goods and you will find it pay to see our great range
Men's Raglanette Overcoats
If you want to be u -te-date wear one of our famous Raglanette Qvorcoats—they are the proper
and having onderful sale—you feel dressed.when you are.inside one of these coats •-++
ill ng are v1 g a y
prices $10 and $12 T ,
A Fine Pair of Braces
- at 15c wouldbe a u aible and useful
present • We have the selection of nice
FOtw71e' ,hish Gloves
ve casein
the above,
' A pair
of o s
make t $1,$1 25 • $1g50 and $2
lna Ya. •
would fill many a bill when it comes
to a useful present
�x yy A complete ran e
!1'IUler'""of all .the ••n
things.in Mufflers can tie seen here
—you will be surprised, at our assort-,
ment--a11 prices and styles
5uits to Order for $6.5O7
goods enabler rte to offer yon a suit at the "above figure
—agood assortment of patterns and the most wonderful
bargain ever offered in this.• section A quick measure
will give yon a slut for Christmas ,
f Wright's
• n e ear -We era �'� or the r�
r� ffetalth underwear and the Stan.
field's 1 'inshrinkable underwear, the most tible --A-
on the market Our' assortment Is'cotnplete
'Men's its There not: ► San in handle county who can afford kind—the miss seeing our tFamous Stock
��r �0 � "�' For Coats. We b<sngiveslwitiirfiwtimr► and
'' " the kind that is good value. Do not take chances on. a poor � Roost' 'Mousy to buy a' good ooat-and It
:j not pay except to buy from reliable people