HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-27, Page 4TUE cLufrox
Our stook to.day embraces hundreds of such lines that
ar actical and useful as well •as beautiful and purchasers
find themselves well revaid by a visit here We are ready
for Holiday Business now Prudent shoppers will Blake their
selections now while while stocks axe at their best and before
the rush that invariably comes with the holidays.
Ifyou are wise you will buy now—better cheice—atten-
tionr–satiii action 'We will deliver when you say The crowds
are growing bigger every day We have goods that cannot
beaten for cheapness Call and examine and price before go-
ing elsewhere Satisfaction will be given
Agent tor the Bell Telephone Co.
gar Atbstrtistattuto
For Sale or to Rent.
The residence property of D. R. Mende. on
Princess St., Clinton. Apply to JAS. SCOTT,
Deo. 27-tf. Barrister, Clinton.
htray Shetp.
Came into subscribers premises, lot 86, con.
10, Bullett, early in November. an limed We.
The owner is hereby notified to prove propert7
pay charges and take it away.
Holmesville Cheese Factory
The annual meeting of the stook-holdors and
patrons of theRolmesaille Cheese and butter
Manufacturing Co., will be held in Wilson's
Hall. Holmesville, on Saturday. Jan. 25. 1902,at
2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of winding up
the past year's business election of offieersfor
the current year and the transaction of any
Amiens,' business. The balance of dividendwill
Le distribed on that day. It is strongly urged
that all shareholders be present iitE1 matters; 3 I
importance will come up lor discussion.
W., It. FORSTER, Pres .
Bolmesville, Deo 26, 1902.
Church Property for Sale.
The property at present known as the Rotten
bury St. Methodist Church, and consisting ole
choice, will situated quarter -acre lot; with
rge brick building, snot large frame addition
reon is offered for sale; possession as soon
he new church Is ready for occupation. The
ng could easily be converted into two or
Oomfortable dwelling houses, or might
„Adapted to a variety of purposes, and is a
snap to any one desiring to make • good pro-
fitable investraent.
Offers ore oolicited for the building and its
contents.entire, such as furnaces, seats, etc;
offers are also solicited for the building alone,
and for its contents, -shelving, railing, stoves,
double windows,furnaces. eto
Inside furnishings of the church, such as
pews,altar, chancel railings, and pulpit might
be wed in other churches, schools, halls, or
other buildings. The pews are well preserved
some of them having been in use only a few
years: The railings are make or cherry and
Any information desired may be obtained
from the undermentioned persona. Offers
received, by the chairman, up ton p. m., on
Jan. 18, 1902.
R. HOLDILIIS, Chairman.
in[oEs -
We have just received a
shipment of our justly cele-
brated line of StandardSboes
for Boys. These goods need
no introduction as they are al-
- ready well known and are re-
cognized to Lbe the best wear
ng Boys' Shoes on the mar -
They are made of a choice
quality of Milwaukee grain
and without seams.
A good general servant, Apply to Una W.
DoBBATT Clinton. •
Came to my premises on Nov. 7, an Oxford-
shire Bern, rising two years old. The owner
prowing property, paying cootie, is aoked to
take the animal swat
Dec.0-4*. RA. ROBERTON,Manehester
By -Law No 23, For 1901.
• - —
BY -Law of the Town of Clinton for the pur-
pose of granting a bonus to the Jackson Manu-
facturing Company,to aid them in the carrying
on of their raanufaeturing industry for the
Manufacture ofiBoys clothing, in the said Town,
by granting to them an exemption from muni-
cipal taxation;other than school taxes, upon the
property used. by them in connection with such
WHEREAS the said Jackson Manufacturing
Comuany have represented to the Council of
t th t th have start -
Insoles and counters guarari-
eed to be absolutely solid sole
No Shoddy
No Pape Soles
the said own ef 0 n on, a ey
ed a factoryin the said Town for the purpose of
manufacturing Boys Clothing, that for the piir-
poses thereof they have purchased property
known 103 the Perrin Block, that they have in-
stalled therein a large quantity of machinery,
that they have now one of the reed complete
factories of the kind in the country, that their
geode manufactured here are being sold from
Montreal to Edmonton, that they have empl
sale of their goods manufactured by the said so ably assisted tla in every good work, We ex -
ed two travelers on the road engaged in t e
firm on the said.premises, that they h- Ye ova? tend to yourself and family the season's greet -
employed in their paid factdry forty hands and Ingo. May God bless you wherever your lot
hope before long to increase the number to may be cast,is the prayer;of your many friends.
seventy-five hands. that they exirrect in the near Signed an behalf of the school,church and corn -
future to use the whole of said block for the =unity. - Amyx GARDNER
purposes of their said bilsiness,and that in view LIMA AspErosorr.
of the facts as stated. they are entitled to con- •
cessions in the way of exemntion from taxation. •
AND WHEREAS, it is desirable that the said
n ry ou
THEREFORE, the Municipal Couricil of the
Corporation of the Town of Clinton enacts as
1. In.considemtion of the establishment of the
aaid business and the continued operation of
the same in the said Town of Clinton, in the
premises hereinbefore and. hereinafter men-
tioned,during the term hereinafter mentioned,
the following lands and premises, viz. -The
property known as the Perrin Block situated
on the Easterly part of Town Lot number 226
on the Northerly side of Rottenbury Street
in the said Town of Clinton, 'the buildings
erected thereon, the plant, rmichinery and
stock therein and used in aarrying on the
'aforesaid business, shall be, for a period of
ten years from the First day of FebruorYs1802,
exempt from the payment of all municipal
taxation in respect to the property herein
designated, (other than as hereinafter provi-
ded,and for sehool taxes.)
2. That such portion or portions of the said land
and premises as shall in any year of the said
term, from the beginning of such year tip to
the final revision of the asseesment roll of
Rauch year,be used or occupied for any purpose
or purposes other than for the said industry
and business of tho said Arm, shall not be
so exempt from taxation. but ahall be esubject
to assessment -and rating under the provi-
sions of the law then in force, as if this by-law
had not been pasered. •
0(1n1WIL - Mullet! met en Dec, 101b,
membertII preeent; minutes of last
Meeting read and approved. By-law
No.0 was flnally named appointillg
polline• booths and 1). It. 0.'s for the
year 1002, as follows S. D,, No. 1,
Dungannon, Bainford's barber shop ;
P. S. D. No, 2, Finley's' school lions e;
P. 8. D. No. 3, School House No. 4;
P. S. D• No. 4, Forrester& Hall, Port
Albert ;'P. 8, P• No. 8,6chool house No.
2 • P. D, No. 6, Iltigh McIntosh's
cl;elling house! C00, .1$ (Ws Di)1 P. EL
D. No, 0, school 114313se INTo. 12. D. R.
001Acersi..-A, breanery for No, 1; Hugh
McPhee, No. 2 ; R, McKenzie, No. 3 ;
W, B. Hawkins, No, 4 ; John Styles,No
5: Hugh licIntctib, No, 6; R. Hamil-
ton, No. 7. A number, of checks were
issued which will appear in the finan-
cial statement in ' a few days, after
which the council adjourned. 'Wm.
PRESEETATION,r-The Christmas ex-
amleation of S. til; No. 5 Wati held Dec.
191h. There was a large attendance of
Visitors who expressed themselves well
pleased both with the proficiency and
discipline of the pupils. The teacher
was ably assisted by Messrs Tebbutt.
Hackett and Bowles, teachers of ad-
joining sections. Interesting addressee,
were given by Rev J. Oaten,
visiting teachers and trustees. A
eocial and a very interesting pro-
gram Was held at the close of the ex-
amination, also a Chi istmas tree for
the children. The following address
was read at the close of the entertain-
ment by MK Anderson:
To Ma R. E. lirtowre-Diseat ratinvo-Per•
mit tui to address you to -day, that Inc formal
manner we may express to you a few words of
appreciation which aro in our hearts. You hate
been a many Bided man in our midst. Bo we
must resort to divisions in our statement. First
then, your record as teacher of S. S. No 8 has
been unique in the history of rural schools
within Huron county. In there fifteen years
you have been faithful to a degree rarely
found. The generation which Is noW seising
hold of the problem of life has had the mould-
ing influence of your personal character as
teacher, greatly to its benefit. We cannot let
you relinquish your position here without thus
recording the fact that you have discharged
your duties with honor to yourself and advant-
age to those wno have enjoyed your instruc-
tion. In the second place you have had suction
intimate connection with the. Sabbath School
of Zion church that all interesecd in its welfare
join in these words of sincerest appreciation,
Successful work in Sobbatli School demands
character in the worker. This you have
posseosed to an eminent degree and wlaen the
near future your projected removal from 'us
severs your connection with the work in this
department, we want you to 'know that you
will leave a vacancy lard to fill and that we
should feel at your departures many riigrets.
Again your church relation with us has been a
close one,and in every particular such aa might
be the envy of us all. Whether hi preaching or
in practice we have your conception of the
Christ life to be lofty, and we have been helped
to the realization of our ideals by your Christly
living', and. as a man and a citizen you have
shown us how trne patriots should live. And
now, sir,we were met the other day by dear old
Santa Claus, who informed us that his faith in
his personality was waning. Ro insisted that
you. were not altogether in fault in this as he
had neglected you, He gave us this fur coat
and instructed us to try and restore your faith
in him by seeing you received it as near Christ
mas aa possible' we hope, sir, you are now re-
stored to and confirmed in the fsith of your
childhood. we cannot close without expressing
the ove which we feel for Mrs Brown, who has
thist sh ld be assisted • • SUMIL110rh1111 •
SERIOVS VIRE.-On Xmas day the
house and contents of Mr Noble Lovett
were entirely destroyed; there ,being
nobody at hon3e the fire got Quite a
etart before it was noticed. W. J. Mc -
Brien was the first to give the alarm,
and when help arrived it was almost
imponsible to save anything. Mr and
Mrs Lovett had iust been away from
home about an hour when the fire
started, having gone to spend the day
with Mr and Mrs Tyner, and at this
season of the year to be left without a
home is very sad. The sympathy of
the whole community goes out to
them at thie time. Mr Lovett had but
a slight insurance.
'Noree.-John Hill, of Stratford Busi-
ness College returned home Saturday
to spend the hOlidaye. School closed
Friday for the Christmas holidays. Mr
and Mrs 11. Woodyard spent Sunday
with Mrs Wallace. Rey. Mr- Wright
will preach Christmas services in St.
Feter's churcb on Sunday evening, S.
and daughter Lillie, returned to their
home in Saginaw, Mich., on Friday.
Dec, 20th., after visiting under the
parental rt of for a week. IL Mew
wishes to thank their kind neighbors
for their kinduese shown toward them
bl0re5.-31ies Dale; who has been teacher
of S. S. No. I, Colborne, for the pest three
years, is giving apt° ettend.London Nor.
mei, and the truetees have engaged 14ise
McLean, a Dungannon. It is mid that
Jas Taylor will run for the reevesbip, in
opposition to N Johne
Curium -The Zion church tea, on the
23rd,was a:decided success, a big crowd
participating. The choir excelled them.
eelves, under the able leadership of Mr
H Meet, Miss Mabel Million preeidiog
at the organ with her initial efficiency.
Mr 0 tilirvm, of the Nile, made an ex-
cellent thairman. Rev Mr Wilson. of
the Nile, gave a practical and helpful
addrese on Canadian Nation Builders;
he is loyal to the core; a young man of
large promise and modern ambitione.-
Vie pastor and Mr Heddle also spoke.
The proceeds were $63.30, with social to
11, The said Jackson Nittnufacttirlig Coinpa% Hill, of Chatham Business college, is
year, furnish a statement in writing to the
portion or portions of the said Block and from the state ot Washington • he has
shall, on or before the 1st day of ay in eac home for his Chriettnas holidays. G.
Council of the maid Tovrn, Setting forth such W. Hill, son Of Joshua Hill, is home
premises are used ,for or in connection been alvay about two years ana it is his
oininix *Ha 0411
Aliso ()rich, of
Mm Seaferth, visited lier aunt,
O. Towneend, l'uesda . We
are told she will change her mune and
beoome a resident of Hartney, Man., after
New Yeare,
The Canadian Manufacturers'Atisociation
hae decided to establish a local branch at
Montreal, and has fitted up a handsome
suite of offices' there,with E. H. Cooper, B,
A., the nevvly-aeliginted secretary of the
-An interesting letter from"A Ratepayer"
with reference to the proposed new bridge,
in Colborne,appetired in ihe Goderich Star
of lass week. The Now Ea* has been re-
queeted to publish it also. It is as follow:
DRAB SIR, -We were pleased to see that
the road and brid.ge committee of the
County Council advised the building of it
new bridge between Colborneand Goderich
townshipe, and wisely so. There ta one of
two thixigs they must do, either build
bridge or stop the road, as it is so danger-
ous 3ome one will be killed, then they will
build a bridge. Then the old adage would
hold good "Look the stable when the horse
is stolen." Mr Holmes, M. l., deserves the
thanks of the community for the interest
he took in it, and the township council of ,
Colborne deserves all honor for the stand
he took. They offered to 1111in the approach
on. their aide without being asked,and what
do you think, Mr Editor, our old friend,
Major Beck addreesed the courcil in fayor
of a bridge,- and he wee able to do it well.
Me Editor, we want a bridee; we want your
help to get it; woman* it for our children;
Vie want it for our grandchildren; we want
it for ourselves in the worst way; and we
want it now. Mr Editor, as the County
Connell is coming to see the site of the
bridge, we give you a epeeist invitation to
come with them. It is worrh your while,
est we intend calling a mass meeting of the
towns of Clinton and Goderioh and Ueda -
kb township and Colborne about the
second week in Jonnary, , at Benmiller, to
consider what we can do to help the county
to build this bridge. A 'Wrenn%
with the said business. intention to remain a con le of months
4. That this by-law shall take effect on and
ettmino and Going.
• Mrs T. Graham, Toronto, is the guest of
Mrs 3. Elodgeni3.
• Miss Mina Kirk, of Dungannon, is the
guest of Mrs MoMath. -
Mies Mary Robb is vieiting ,her sister,
Mrs Cousene, at 13rampton.
Mr Savage, of Detroit, was the guest of
Miss May Kennedy this week,
Another Holiday is right at our
bona, in oherge. Mr 0)oper, ti ho is 0 1 n. ISA Dudes
brother of Mr A . T. COoper, has reeigned soutiay as well, as Holiday
partible, in order to giye the whole of pyesentsjo buy undoubtedly.,and you feel
cm position as Montreal editor of 'MacLean
his time to the work of the meow:dation. nice and approriate articles,- at ?ricer;
neotion with Victoria University,Toronto, lowing list as a helper, suggesting a few subst
has in Re Christrnae number, an artiole • .
entitled "The First Imperial Federationist" articles, which may be selected from our large stock
written by J A. Cooper, editor of the Holiday Presents
Acta Victoriena, which ie issued in con- of your purse, will prove no small tas . We
Mr and Mrs W. J. Ross returned from
their wedding trip on Monday °toning.
Mrs Brooks, of Mitchell, and children
are visiting her father, Mr. W. Cantelon,
Geo. Hogging, of Rockwood spent Christ -
13318 at the home of J. Gt‘ Medd, Huron
• Mr and Mrs MoGarva are spending the
holidays with llev: and iti.rs Deihl at Ailsa
Mrs Wright, who is living in Manitoba,
is home on a visit to her mother, Mrs
Mrs Neil Yellowleee, of Bownanyille,
(Hiss Bell McDonald) is visiting her par-
ents at Brucefield.
Mrs Norman Fair and Misses Mary Ir.
win and A.my Howeon visited friends in
Seaforth on Monday. •
Miss Scott, teacher of O'Sullivan Bad-
ness -College, is spending her Chrietmag
vacation at Stratford.
Mrs Whitely, Princess' street, who has
been visiting her son in New Orleans,
returns home this week:
Mr Robb received word this week that
his son.in-law, Rev. Mr Priests, was laid up -
with a severe attack of fever at Teni,India.
Misses P. King, Geaca and Blanch e
Sheppard and H. Courtice will leave after
NewYears to attend the Ottawa Normel
eohool. - •.
before returning, Mr an Mrs A. Mc- Rev, l'athei alcblentirnin was at St.
'Brien and other friends spent Xmas at Augustine on Monday; assisting in the
the home of Robt Miller. funeral serviette of the late M. Corrigan, a
• Lucknow.
Canadian • Magazine ; an excellent pie- '
ture of Mr Cooper accompanies' the article.
Watches ,
Mr Cooper is doing conaiderable literary
work, in addition to hie regular duties.
G entleraen'e Gold filled watches....$ 9.50
and his name is becoming mete prominent
L adi es' gold and Fold Lima watcher' 900
Se a contributor to the prase, A good
Id adies' Solid Silver Watches ...., • 8.00
portrait of Claude L. Fisher, of Holum- Ge ritlernen'e Silver, Niokle Watchee 5,00
Ville, aPptare in the Same number. Boys' 17 stchee . 1.50
'Obrietnute visitors' brought many visitor.
to their home in town, among them being .
Robin Macpherson Ottawe • Stewart
Maephereon, Braniford ; E. 'Archibald, Ladies' roll plate long .. 2,00
and Mise M. Lough, of Varsity, Toronto • Ladiete 1-10 filled chains, gold elide 4.00
Miens Ida lilolniee and Mame Houston, oi Gentlemen's Roll Plate chains .... 2.00
Conservatory of Music, Frank Hovey, of Gentlemen's' gold plated °tabu 1,00
Trinity. lilies Kathleen Gunn, of St r Clocks
Hilda's' college, and Mies Mary Irvin, all
of Toronto; Lester Whitely, of StThotnes Eight day docks, 1-2 hour strike ... 3,00
Collegiate staff; W. Biggart, Preston ; Eight day Marbellized 'clocks' 6,00
W. MoTaegart and Robt Coats, Toronto; Fancy ohina and Gilt clocks 2.00
Miss Grace Taylor, SC Luke's Hospital, Nickel alarm clocks 1,00
New York. ,
Among the tearhers who came home for
Jewelry •
the Christmas holidays ores -Misses Solid gold 10k Ladies Gem Rings .. 1.50
Lily Johnston, Port Perry ; Eva Cooper, 0. 10k Ladies Opal Rings .. 2.00
Dunlop; Della O'Neil, Auburn ; Flossie " . 14k Diamond Rings .... 13 00
King, Daehwood ; Olive Helyar, Carlow; " Gentlemen's Rings 400
" Children's Binge ... .75
M. Moffatt, `Wingbani ; George Murray,
Wheatley; M. Wileie, Welton; Beside " 14k Pearl Brooches 4,60
Murob, Wellesley; Ida Bluro13,. Dresden*. " 14k Pearl Stick Pins . „ 1.75
Henrietta Holmes, Tilsonburg ; Harriet
Holmes, Guelph; Mary Holmes, Peter.
boro; Frances Holmes Canadian Sault;
Geode Taylor, Port Elgin. Webb Mc-
Connell, Canadian Sault; Frank Day-
roent, St. Marys; Bert Dayment, Stratford;
Glen Fair end'Andrew Forrester, Toronto;
W. A. Gifford, Toronto ; C. Shaw, Wood-
Bt°Jctokin iowson, son of the late Jag: How.
son, of Sintainta, ASta., is home on a visit.
He is 0130 of the energetic lotng men who'
hive done well in the westand who realize'
that it is the place for young men to go to.
He has been located praotically in the
same neighborhood ever since he went west.
At Indian Head there are e, number of large
rain elevators, showing that to be a good
wheat section -in fact Mr Howoon regards
it asthe wheat section ofthe west. He does
not anticipate any marked growth in the
majority of the towns, as there is nothing
after the First day of February, 1902.
5 That the votes of the electors of the said
Townof ()Hilton entitled to vote on the said
by-law, shall be taken on the same at the
following time and places, That is to say: at
the some time as the Municipal Elections, on
tho 6t11 day of january,1002, commencing at
the hour of Nine o'clock in the forenoon and
continuing until five o'clock on the same day,
by the follOwing Deputy Returning Officers:
.In St. Andrew's Ward at the Town Hall, Wal-
ter Coats,Deputy Returning Officer.
In St, jamas' Ward at the House of the Lite
Henry' Smith, Thomas D. Johnston, Deputy
Returning °Muer.
In St. John's Ward at Preeerielexambairs
,A-", Carriage Factory, Thomas Oath, Deputy
Returning Offieer.
=n Sit. George's Ward at JohnIselie`a Carriage
Factory, S. J. Andrews, Dopati • Rotoraing
6. On the 80111 day of Docember,1801. th• Bayer
of the saki Town of Clinton shall attend at
the said Council Chamber at the hour of Ten
o'clook in the forenoon, to appoint permas
Patronize the New Shoe Store attend at tate vsirions paling )ylacee aforesaid
and at the final autaraing sip by the .lark, on
and get new Shbehalf of the persona interested and pro -
moting or opposing the passing of this by -low
• ,respectiyely.
7, The Clerk of the Connell of the laid Town of
T. Jackson satzilital,:t,ttx.ctitaii,x1pitrawTo
Seventh day of January., trenxt, to suni ,up the
atunher Of votes, for and ogainat the briaW
PAVED the 17t11 day of December, A. D. 1902'
TAKE N'OTICH that the ahoy* is a true eopy
of the proposed by-law which has been taken
into consideration ancl will be finally passed by
the Council of the Town of Clinton (in the event
of the went of the electors being obtsined
thereto) after one month from the ffrat publics -
tion in tha ZMW ERA. the date Of which first
publication was Friday the 20tbday of Dedember
taAtalth,91raetrit atartIllergylIticr aetiettprhOging,
Places therein fixed.
pATEDD Olititen, thong; day of December,
A manOis known by the
mpany he keeps–‘-tbe char-
, ter of a grocer's business is
known by the qualityot tb.e
goods he sells That s why
We keep the best of oTery-
thing. Som0 a .0111? Ppecial
• 11.4190 Arq--
New liaisins New Currants
New Fjgo New Dates
New Peels ,Isievr Nuts
86 iailsof
tiorreeted ever, Thursdity afternoon
Thursday. DeOember 26, 1001. '
Itall Wheat., , 015 a 01
SPrink tiotio.cai .0 74 A 0 74
vatt.6'44 44�444*S444 0 40 a 0 41
- 44166twe 040 f Q45
Barley 0 48 0 50
re10106.464•4:•444,.••44., 0 55 a 0'76 '
‘Viour per 60,11 441 it d 2 15. a 2 16
0 00. a 2 00 .
4 025 6 050
rean 4ini, hides 5 00 a 6 00
bort . 04 . it,t4 2,25 a 250
pair 0 20 a 0 40
ss....,... 040 a 060
1.44,44.,4044to D 05 it 0 06
• 0 06 * 008
.....,.. 0 00 a 10
6414$4-1,. 0 00 A 8 00
.... 0 14 a 015
16 a 0 17
ft 0 IV
Rutter 16e cash : ; eggsl Ibl 1n
r17c t.rade. Buy you.
Christmas presents from W. T RIDDELL
WEDDED. -One of these important
events which even the most matured
spinsters hope to participate in occurr-
ed on the 24th inet.,at the home of Mrs
'Paterson, when she and Mr Sohn Wil-
son Were married byRev Jag Wilson,
of Glencoe. We wish them long life
and happiness.
MASONIC. -The following are the of-
ficers elected for the ensuing year, by
Morning Star Lodge No BOO, Carlaw
Major Young, W. M.; S. Bisset, S. W.;
W m Howell, J. W.; A. Glen, Chaplin ;
J. Wileon, Treae.; Lieut. Col. Varcoe,
Sec.; D. E.Munro, Jao Youngsauditors;
Jesse Grtimmett, tyler. •
NoTne,-Misset Annie and Cora Per.
guson are spending the holidays at the
home of their father, John Ferguson.
A. E. Wetheral o• home now • he will
teach the senior room in S. 8, NO. 5,
Huliett; Miss Thompson, of Summer-
hill will teach the Junior room for the
year 1902, Mr D. Patterson is very ill
at present; we hope soon to hear of his
recovery, Robt, Mutchor.,is also very
ill. The Templars of the village are
looking forward to a large and intelli-
vent attendance throughout the win-
ter. Zion church held a successful tea -
meeting on Monday night last, the
night being ideal and the sleighing
good, Mr Frank Munro returned from
Torento to s endhisOhristinas vacation
Mies Jennie Rol mes lame this week On
a visit to her brother, Dr Holmes, Cleve -
tend, and will probably remain there' for
the winter. • •
3. D. Cantelon, who recently resigned
the position of ()hief of Police of Bothwell,
and has since been Hying, in Detroit, is
visiting here.
Miss Minnie Aitken, of Beeton form-
erly of Clinton, who has been attending
Toronto Normal School, has; been en-
gaged to teach at. Beaverton. •
Mrs A. Cook, of Clintoe, is visiting
relatives at Goderioh this week, her grand-
daughter, Elect& Coulter' went, with her.
Mrs Coultes went to visit relatives in East
Wawanoeh en Monday.
O. Townsend, of Park Beyer, Dak., le
visiting friends here, It ia 20 years snide
he left Huron, during which time he has
prospered wish development of ilui west.
He has not yet decided where he will locate.
Afr Horace Turner and family, of Man-
itoba (half brother of Mr Albert Turner),
are here on a visit. He has disposed of
hie Manitoba property, and when he goes
west again it will be to California where
he owns; an orange farm.
Mayor Rumball, of London, who id well
known here, has declined to again offer
himself as its chief magistrate. He was
one of the best mayors the city has had
and they knew it few Mr Hornbill, was a
thorough business man of euellent exe-
cativo ability. • ,
On Monday we had the plenum of a call
from J. Aikenhead, of Stanley, who was
at home. giro Grieved, and family, up to town with hie father and brother,
of Seaforth, orient Xmas at the home He is improving in health but not very
of her brother, Thos Radcliffe, on con. rapidly, still he expects 60 go to. London
g, Wed WitWanosh. A., H. Cullis, of shortly and resume hie.duties In the aloe
the &Rios vleitine here a present ; he of his undid, Mayor RtinabalL His friends
WO Mt:ending to some business in'the city will only be too glad to see him
with regard to the flour mills, 6f Which ktchtheto
he is 'the rprietorineeedditatedrit,Z t.he 1 11.1 l'arieay Slid family lzhits. left to
were in partauratitp. ttev Jae Wilson,
B. br Glencoe, passed through here
last Tuesday, on his way back to Wa-
wanosh, to apend his Christmas. with
his parents. Mies" Vila McDonald, who
has been attendbag school in London,
Is spending the Christmas holidays
with her mother. IL Mole had a bee
battling stone&du rday ;he Intends
putting a stone fottn atior. under his
blame next alltordeV. public school
closed last Friday; duri the afternoon
the gobblers spenkan en oyable time ;
at tbe close Mr Cook an Alitt ,O'Neil
wet* both. the reel tok ne,
Which would be of
rourn bare, S Marshall Wife, 0
are at e13JoIng
death of r Dann* he alla Ittr ....0ms 1 toga° rn ci'oderjob, for tile ,i7rinier *bore
MrItentely is Shiployed. She will be
much ruhised in town as well miter sister,
Miss Minnie MoKey who also leaves to
teach in the Seaforth publics school for
next year. They ars both bold in very
high enteettk 60 cititene here tos their
absence in the social. oirole will be much
Among those who went away for
Christmas holidays ware: -W, 0, HI00,
Brendford ; J. Ws Treleaven,. latoktiove;
Jai. Merritt, iCilloakaide ,i. Mr andMra
A, E. Hilton, Moore township; Mr anq Mrs
j P.Tiedali and family, Strethroy ; t Mire
Toronto; Miss Parlee. Ay met ;
Detroit; Hugh Tayl r, of
, Goderioh. O. Borer lsd O.
Oralg. ."'".f .
to make any of them large cities. Calg.ary
by virtue of its situation, ie, in hie opinion, •
Roll Plate chain Bracelets . ..
Solid Silver chain Bracelets', .......
Gold plated and silver ouff
" Brooches and stick pins ...
Gentlemen's locket!' and charm
Sterling Silver Novelties! . .
Spectacles and Eye Gla
Solid gold frames with lensee
Gold filled frames with 'emcee a
Gold plated frames with lenges. 1
Eye glass; clielne all etyles ... 1
Silver Plated Ware
Coffee:Spoons, doz in ease. .. . ... ...1,75
Tea Spoons 1.110
. BSColduegrra Berry
3 Spoonspa ot 0nForksa
Butter Knives
Soup Ladles
Gravy Ladies
Cream Ladles
8Nuterr yt. 1 ilia cokr Forks
ii a
Nat Picks, i doe
1' too rohnrii dtb,in a Knivestui9p2;tsi im ii at" 3 1,4 j 3" • • . . . • • • • • 1 75
Child's Knife, Fork and Spoon,in We 1,00 -
Dessert anctTableKnives per dog
lder 8.00
60 '
4 00
Cake 13askets
Berry Dish
t. al,
.„ .... ,
.. 70
6.. •1,,50'
1.25 Tea filets (Tea Pot, Cream,Sugar,Spoon
126 Holder) 10.00 '4
• 50 Fern Pots, Call Belle, Iek Stands, Bon • •
.25 Bon Dish, Card Receivers, Bread Plates : 1
Initials Engra,ved Free ol Charge • 7
Many are availing.thcinselves ot the opportunity to get a„
chance of winning a Gold Watch Free in the
• T Seed Guessing Contest.
We will give a Lady's or Gent's Gold filled stem wind '
Watch, guaranteed for 20 years, to the person, gnessTng the -
nearest number of seeds in a punipkin,nosiv on View in
dow. One guess given for each and every dnliar spe
stole. This includes repairs. Competition closes Ja
destined to beconie an important place.
Mr Howson is interested in several lines of
business' whioh are bringing him wealth. 9
Jeweler and Optician Clint()
He expects to remain here for the winter.
Friends were deliehted to see Jim Mao -
Kenzie, whdie visiting here from Abredeen,
S. Dakota, on a visit to his -parents. A
few years ago ha was, it will be remember-
ed, engaged as clerk with N. Robson, who immosooduidkeimo 04•0004,000•••
conducted a grocery 13usieese, but he left
for the west and has done well as many
other Oanadiens who "went west". How-
ever he has followed the example of the
majority of young men and on Wednesday
of last week took unto himself a bride.
They arrived here on Saturday on a wed-
ding trip and are the guests of Mr and Mrs
Alex. MacKenzie, Ontario street. We
wish them every happiness and extend our
songratidations. Mr MacKenzie thinks
Dakota: will yet become one of the best
states in the union, and the town of Aber-
deen yet grow into an importent city.. He
has a good position and finda theAmericans
a number of whom are former Canadians'
not only & friendly peceple but ' progressive
and full of get and push.
. . 4
COOPER -In Clinton, on Deo 25th, the
wife of Mr S. S. Cooper, of a daughter.
TAYLOR- In Seaforth, on Deo 17th,
the wife of Mr Edward Taylor, of sedaugh,,
ECKERT-In elcKillop, on Deo 17th,
the Wife of Mr Peter Eckert, of a son. '
NOTT-In Tu3kerernith, on Deo 20111,
the wife of Fred Ijott, of a son.
SMITH -COTTLE-At tlie residence
of the bride's father!. Clinten, on the 25th
Deo., Christmas day, by Rev J. Greene,
Mr Chas. Smith of Clinton, to Mislaid& E.
Satae, daughter of Geo Cottle. -
DOUPE-McK.OWN-At the residence
of the bride's father, Clinton, on the 25th
Deo„ Christmas day, by Rev. J. Greene,
Mr Wm. E. Doupe of Kirkton, to Mies
Lillian T. fAcKown.
Christpaae day as the home of the bride's
parents. London road, by .Rey, J. Hender-
son of' Hensel', George Thomson, of Hui -
lea, to Miss Maggie, youngest daughter of
of Mr and Mrs Robert MacCmordie, (near
Herman) of Stanley., •
McLE AN -BELL-- On Christmas' day,
at the home of the bride's parents, by Rey.
3. Henderson, of Mansell, James MoLean,
son of John MeLeen, 2nd oon„ Tucker -
smith, to Mies Jane, youngest daughter of
Mr and Mrs D, Bell, Zurieh road.
YOSLIN IZZ &RD -In Goderich
township on Deo 25th, by Rey Dr Gifford,
Mr Charles Josling of Hallett. to Pails Ida
Izzard, second Iyoungeat daughter of Mr
Joseph Izzard.
parsonage on Deo 25th, by Rev. J. 0.
Dunlop, John Farquhar, of Efullett, to Mies
Sarah Steep,daeghter ofW. Steep,Clinton.
HO WARD -J013NSTON-In Bayfield
on Deo 256h, by Rev Mr Yelland,MrIt.
Hovorrd, of Smith's Falls to Bertha 0.
daughter cf Mre Join:lotion.
Township on Dee 24113, at the residence of
the bride,by Rev James Wilson of Glenooe,
brother of the groom, Mr John Wilson to
Mies Agnea Pattereozi,
on Deo 25th, by Rev, E. Sewers, Mr John
Cochrane of Hay, to Miss- Chrietien
Molleth, datighter of Mr 4,, MoBe`b,
Stanley, on
D.„" 25613.. so" Rev, Mr Long, Mr ROA,
Leatty, of Egraondville Public Mod to
Mrs jeilitie E. daughter Of Mr jas Harvey.
• PEPPER-CARTII R Vrtokeramith,
on Deo 25th b7 Bev. Dr, Gifford, Mr John
El. Vepper,to Annie, daughter of Mr It.
Carter .7 -
It11,-Iti Colborne Township, on
Thursday, Dee,10th, William Kerr, tiged
79 years end 6 mamba,
MoMATION-In Goderioli on Monday,
Deo osra, George MoMabon, aged 70 paws.
HAMLIN-In Dungannon, on TiresdaY•
Deo 3.7tb, Annie Hamlin, beloved wife of
Zemke11mlin, tt,' 01 72 years And 22 days.
cKininers. ar Co.
• Christmas
For. Sale.
A Tams ham x 60 Hi Osst 64 'Kellett, for
tale; a geed oitt000 ta 06'06 sh bon
, 41,171r to Q. f1A Oltaterts oat. 18-4.
• s•
This week we quote some very Io prices fui
Christmas Groceries. If you kw your Groceries at
this store your can get your Christmas dinner up at a
very small cost, and you have everything of the laest.
22 lbs Redpath's bbst. Granulated Sugar for $1.
25 113s good baking sugar„for $1 00
4 lbs beat seleeted raisins (new fruit) for 25o
• 4 lbs best cleaned new Currants for 250
New figs 5o per lb or 6 lbs for 25o
, Choice mixed pickles, large bottles, for 10o
Choice Flavoring extracts at 5o and 100
Fine Ingersoll cheese at laic
2 cane Maple Leaf galmon for 25o
lbs fruit or wine bier:tufts for 25e
Fearman's best Lard, per lb 120
Also Lemon, Orange and Citron peels, Golden Syr
Syrup, White Wine Vinegar;l3trge5,,Sner Say, ry, Mixed
Spice, nox's Gelatine, Chocolate, Shi edged C
eyery article usually found inc first class grocery.
P. Baking
Terrific reductions will be made this week in Dress Woods, Mantles,
Millinery, Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Astrachan Coats, Caperines, Ruffs, Grey
Lamb Capes, Grey and Bleak Gauntlets, Men's Fur and Cloth Caps.
You ehould see our Christmas Novelties in Handkerchiefs, .D'Oylina,
Centre pieces, Silk Piano Drapes, Chenille and Tapestry curtains and Table
Covers and numerous other articles suitable for Chrietroas presents.
McKinnon az Co., Blyth:
es•oes000it000 •00111011110411011/411111
Giving -
You are wondering what you can give.
• Will this list help you out?
Furs • liandkOrctie
RUFFS, 50°! 750, $1.00
CAPERINES. $4, $IM, $6.50, $7.50 A large assortment, prices kora ad for a
CHILD'S WHITE BOAS, 850, 500 Colored Cotton, to $1. for a •very Ana
and $20
China, Glassware
CAPS, $1.50, 82, PA, $8, 5
MENS COATS, Imitation Persian Lamb
MEN'S COATS, Thibat Buffalo, elf;
ROBES, Saskatchewan, $8 to $9
Gloves Nits &o
W.DISS MD GLOVES, 75 *6 $1,25 '
MEN'S KID GLOVES, 5c 51, $1,25
LADIES GAUNTLETS, gray or black,
fined, kid front, $1
MEN'S GAUNTLETS, lined with cloth,
or all leather, six
TIES, 25 to 15o
BRACES, 96 to 76o
OVERSHOES, move excluders. $1 60
variety, new patterna, $1.50 each
VIABLE NAPKINS, 75o, $1. $1.16, $1,50
a dozen
TABLE 0010.11141, fine Irish linentet 111.
BREAD and MILK SETS, 25 *0 750
CAKE MATHS, 25 to 86o
OOPS and SAUCERS, tansy, 10 ie 400
CRC ETS, 26o
VASES, 5, 10, 10, 25o
FRUIT SETS, 08 p1eoes, $1 id 52.50
SALAD BOWLS, 25, 50, 76a
TEA SETE4, 44 pleoeil, $8, $4
WINE GLASSES, 75o' dr*
DINNER SETS $5,50 to $12.
LA.UPS 10o to $2.50
Dolls, Toys,
and an ahrindenoe of Xi:tick-Asa, to
$1.500 $2 each the children ,
If you don't see whet you Watit Id this lilt, the alumna are think we bele
stook. Ottli and tee, i
We are buyer of Butter, Best, Dried 4t.,..n,dia, 1?Otikto60, and ototer
„ A titualt CHEISTMAg
W. "PTE, Lon4