HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-27, Page 3THE CUN N NEW ERA. ;'LEASE Arrears, ere alae over 50 our ',dist in.artears for +ear, and a considerable o , of them fop two years. This telii:quettt list• represents a large sum i(iA%t you. think it is too bad, in view `the large and interesting paper we eeftlYinee, that we should be worried 00 financing during this weather r finis .thoughtlessness of some sub- isilerste- 'ollenit is largely thougbtless- i tee la " ttb this mon0y in hand the ilblleper ' Quid be able to undertake iarl)' peste he has in mind for the Ifprovement of the paper. Tit too bad that the majority of aders•should be punished by the min. Sty in this way ? for with so much Toney outstanding it is impossible for 0 publisher to increase the expendi- re on the paper. ear reader, if you are one of these nquents, look at the label on your r, note the date to which your ription is paid, and if in arrear s, nar.& write us, enclosing the cunt. It will be the most welcome ter we can receive. If eyery sub nber were to do this, the burden of ie to the publisher would be greatly Itleved, Address the NEw ERA, Clinton, Ont., id use registered letter, postal note; .O. order, orHew ess order, T J� er 'a , DEO. 27th, 1901. Additional Local News. STOOK MEN OF HURON.-The ticulf ural Department of the P.ilgiri'ion cioverntnent has recently a dieettory of the Breeders of 'gtosk ford front it we notice g from this County: -Ci - .`McFarlane and Jas Snell, Cattle (Shorthorns) -C. Att- oderich ; J. Bentley, Blyth ; A. $roadfoot, Seaforth ; W. Chap• Brucefteld ; R. Charter s, Eg- ville ; D, Clow, Whitechurch ; R. ley, Belgnave ; J. Cowan and J. Dir nce, Seaforth • J. Drummond, ego . ; Grainger & Son, Londesboro; p, Brussels ; J. Hunter, Exe- Johnston, Fordwich ; C. .Londesboro ; D. Milne, 1. McKenzie, Lochalsh ; H. teel, Clinton ; H. Reid, Bruce - J. W. Salkeld, Goderich; A. 'dge; H. Smith, Hay; W. H. Webber, , Gorrie, and e-Oci. Vete 0. Jeiseys Lambkin, McFar- . Har- efleld; ebber, able, ins). vi et D. ordwicb; •kshires- '1,' Brus- h1cCut• et it will farmers ock-raising. ippings. has Puechased Ira Wier `. on the lst Iihh, Morrie, br $3, Sidney Snell has Bold his farm on the l ondon road, south of Exeter, to M>• lec0urdy, of Usborne, tree: Farquhar. Che farm contains 100 acres, and was old for $7,200. It is our sad duty this week to re :ord the death of Christina, beloved wife of Wm Patton who passed away so Wednesday week. She was the ughter of Mr George King, of the ary east, and leaves a husband, a daughter to mourn their etb Correll, wife of ;James of•Belgraye, passed peacefully the mor : . 9t. • Mr Meir, of Owen' Sound, has pur- chased the stock of Mr A. R. Smith in Wingham and is opening out for burii• ' nese. B. Gerry has leased the Brussels wollen factory to Lockridge Bros., of I Wingham, who will take possession 1 early in January, Mils graham, who was a member of the Blyth public school staff for the l past year and a half, will teach in Dashwood next year. Fred Argent has bought from J. N Wheatley bis property at Harlock, consisting of a store and lot. About a year ego, Mr Argent purchased the blacksmith shop. A quiet wedding was solemnized at St John's Rectory, Brussels, on, Mon- day evening, 18th inst., when Mrs Weatherill, a sister of Mrs (Rey) Abey, Wes. married to J. I'. Jemison, both of• Wyominee We regret to have to chronicle the death of Mr Wm Johnston, of Hay, which sad event occurred at bis home, a few miles wept on Tuesday evening Last, at the age of 44 years, fie leaves bebind a widow and two small children. and father. 'Mrs Wheeler is nearly 84 years of age and' has been rather` poorly for the last couple of weeks but we hope she will Goon regain her usual health. Fite sons eurvve, CATABEFI CANNOT BE CURED With local applications' as they cannot' reach the seat of the. disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in or- der to cure itlyot must take internal rem - e lesHall's Catarrh Cure is takeninter- nally n e -nally and ants direotly on the blood and mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Care is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicists in his coun- try for years, and is .a regular prescription. It is composed .of the beet tonics known, combined with the best blood puriflere,aot- ing directly on the mucous surfaces.. The. perfect combination of the two ingredients le what reduces such wonderful .results in During catarrh. Send for testimoni.als,free 1?. J. cifiVi TEY k 00 ,l:'rops,Toledo,0 Sold by druggists, 75o. , Hall s:F smiiy tijilsare;the beet, THE PAPER 0014BINE. The Gerrie Methodist church was ,rag (laws Ins muss AlisoOUFF1ON the Beene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday last week when Mr R. C. Sparling and Miss Cassie L. Dane, two of Gorrie's most prominent young Interview Was Private=C.P.A. Con$- people were united in holy bonds of dent that the Investigations Will Matrimony by the Rev lt. J. Garbutt, pastor of the church. Result Adveaeiy `to the )Ioun ae- ' SE1E MR. FIELDIP(Q. Mrs Andrew McGregor, of Wash- ington Co.,Ohio, U. S•, passed away en Monday of last week at an advanced age. Typhoid fever was the cause of death. The deceased lady was the. only sister of George Hood, a well known resident of this township.L, Mr McGregor pre -deceased his wife. The Presbyterians of Bayfield have decided to build a new brick church. They have purchased a site on the market 'ttcivare of Bayfield and will erect a mottern structure with capacity for 300 people. The Methodists of Hackett's appolntment,1 near Belfast also are to build a hew ick church. On Saturday the de th of John Martin •occurred, after a alrn • er' illness, at the home of Joseph tuners. . • Toronto, Dec.' 18. -The. • fight between the Canadian Press As- sociation and the Canadian Papermak' ere' Association is not yet over. Two weeks ago the papermakers metand raised prices. Last Saturday. the F.x- ecutiye of the Press Association met and discussed the situation. • Yester- day' a deputation from the Frees Asso- ciation interviewed Hon. Mr. Fielding at the Roasin House. Judge Taschereau'p report of the recent investigation con- icernrng the paper combine is now in the hands of . Mr. fielding, who hap had rum THie EAOT. That we are fully prepared to supply your every want se far as pore drugs and medi. oinea are concerned. Careful and accurate family dispensing is our forte. Yoe contig- nally aim to please' our patrons in two great essentials -quality suit low prices, Our stook of toilet preparations will in- terest your, Pare e'eCiELERY OOIIPOU D, Paine'sCelery Compound is the medicine you should usel,when you lack nerve nargy, when the body is poorly nonrirhed, when you are weak, rundown, despondent or sleepless, Pine's Celery Compound braoee the nerves,etrengthene the liver and kidneys, and cleanse the blood. R P. REEK[E, Druggist, Clinton Ont, A Dearth of "Hold-ups." pREVIOUS to Mr, Meleinley's first inauguration, his acquaintance with the members of his Cabinet was a very slight one, only Mr. Sher• man being at all intimate with the Chief Executive. The getting :ac- quainted was; • rather of slow progress, as all were engrossed In their new and intricate duties. One evening thecon- versation chanced to turn upon the youthful ambitions of the members. Each related his early plans for the future, and when Secretary Wilson's turn came, the Iowan sd: "My ambi- tion has not yet been realized. I. • wanted to be worth $1,080,000 and have two good pairs of suspenders at the. same time. ' As yet,. I have neither." The Cabinet unofficially -laughed at this frank confession, and •SecretarY Gage, after a minute, confessed that he had never elmultaneousiy possessed two pairs of dependable suspenders. Secretary• Long rem rked that, when he graduated from Harvard he had two pairs of new trousers, each with good 'new galluses, ' but that the ex- perience had never responded to an en- core; while the now Justice McKenna Said that, although he came from tile Pacific Slope, two pairs of "hold-ups" were unknown to him: Others made plmilar confessions, and finally Secre- tary Bliss), the wealthiest'mee present; said with a laugh: "This seems to be a strange coincidence. Last Saturday',. evening Mrs. Blies came in to my study and said: 'Papa, are you going out at all this evening?' "I replied that I did not so intend, and asked the reason of her question. • 'Oh, nothing,' she re plied, 'only if you are not, . Ed' -our son -'wants to use your only good sue- pendera: ,, i " Asa sort of final course to this tale, Mr. McKinley tells that Secretary WU1- son related this conversation '. at the breakfast ,table the morning following. Three of his children were present. It. wast in the early holiday season. Each of the children sat interested 'and ob- serving, Christmas tame,and in „the stocking of the Secretary of .Agricul-.. ture'were found three dozen pairs of suspenders of a high degree of excel- lence. ' :The children had remembered the story. All Secretary Wilson then needed to realize hie youthful ambi- tion was the ;1,000,000..: And this is one of the very few hu- morous stories the late President told repeatedly with gusto. . CANADA AND of it'llD ISpecial Committee of the U. '8. Senate 'Appointed, Washington, Dee. 17, --The Republican Senators in caucus to -day adopted the report of the. committee tin committees. Among the different Chairteen are :- Foreign relations -Cullom (Ill.). Re - lotions wlth Canada -Hanna (Ohio). The full Committee on Relations with Canada is Messrs. , Hanna, Hoar, Hale, Fairbanks; and Cullom. sow Darned Hp, Exeter, Deo. 17. -Few ; have money to• burn m except t people etaphorically, taut a Kendall farmer 'seems .to have been of this few. Ile came to town and drew $500 to loan a friend to pay dff a . mortgage. When he went home he was cin to - put . going Ina`' it drawer, war but his wife, thinkinit would be safer, put it in the sitting -room stove, between the inner and outer lid. •The stove wait; very seldom used, butdirext day a' neighs bur's daughter came in to sew, and put a fire in it. When ..the man came for -. ',,'v, the farjifer, who had not and asked hid wife for , and judge of his sur- when he lifted the lid charred remains. Tak- they woresmouldering under the stove, and his friend, who said: "Get and drive to the. bank," When he arrived, the it' "den, told him to get r. nee. He then drove to find that his wife, dering heap, had taken into the fire, thus e of recovery. iebigari. e in m Can• of the Over umber, iatthe lett- The at Properties for Sale or to Let To Rent. Let 88, Maitland Concession Goderieh Town- aht Apply to JAS. SCOLT, Barrister, Oct, 11-tf. - „ Clinton, Ont. To Rent.. First class brink store, suitable for any busi- ness. Apply to W. 0. SEARLE, Clinton.. Nov1S-tf, To Let. A large two etory hodee, opposite Commer- Dial Rote. Also, for Sale: -A large coal par- lor cook etove, Apply MRS BIl)DLECOMBE Sept. 27-tf. To Rent or For Sale. That desirable brick and frame dwelling on south side Wellington Street, Clinton, com- prising Lots 85, 88, 90 and 91, containing one acre of orchard and garden. Apply to Oot. 17. W. W. FARRAR' To Let. That beautiful store in the Jackson Block, Huron Street, lately occupied by C.Witts. Ap- ply to i z! THOS. JACKSON, Sr., gas Sept. 6-tr^' ' • Clinton ,Cottage to Renta A comfortable and roomy cottage on Tease street lately occupied by Mr G'eo. Crich, is offered to rent. The quarter acre vacant lot taodjESg twDbMoySton easytimes. Apply cot. 4-tt to}'d Farm For Sale. sot The went half of lot 24, Rayfield Co'n. God- erich township, containing 100 sores of good land, is offered for sale on easy terms.' Good barn,' log house, plenty .of. water) ;and small orohard.a.Partioulare on aPollcation to.Sala-• tf- J. P. TISDALL,Olinton_ House and Lot for Sale • Aesmall'lot, 68 ft: frontage, andcomfortable frame housewith woodshed attached, on William street, near Shaw Ground. Will be sold cheap. Apply'to W.IBRYDONE, barrister, or'1?, li, FOSTEIs,lTara. - sz Nov. 29- _..._. !i€ k 'ARM TER SALE,-.° Subscriber '.offers fir sale his farm oft 156 acres, situated on the .Maitland •concession, Colborne. About 140 acres cleared, frame house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good state of cultivation ,2 of a mile from sohooland 2 miles fromillolmesville.• Terms . reasonable Deo 14-tf la. RICHARD BAKER, Clinton P.O For Salo' or to Rent. The titmice brick house on the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph streeta,'belonging to the estate . of the late Richard Heywood. is offered either for sale or to rent. It contains m for ordi- nary family, is practically a new house, with all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre 'gland.. It the property isnot sold or rented, part of it will be rented. Apply to W. COATS xecutor :Clinton. FOR. SALE, The;framecottaae on Orange street, occu- pied by the nndersi bed is offered for sale on reasonable terms, The lot is } of an acre, with hard and soft . water, stable, good fruit and vegetable garden, The Louse contains hall, room, summer kitchen, clothes 'closet, woodshed is centre llylocated,possession given any time >o salt �pmbaser. ELf2ABITH!eR_-rA +.r and good reputationR > n ral Y ,Rah notate (one i this oounty required) to represent and adver 'Use old eatablisbodealth'ybusiness Untie o 00 ,114 financial standing, • Salary f18.1)0 weekly with ex mass a&dditional, all payable in coral each Wednesday direct from head office*. Rotas and oarriagefnrnished, when neces- sary. References; Endear) self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager, 816 Caxton Building, Chicago. Sept. 18- -1i{F *14 2 H',PR. SALE $4,250 Eighty acre farm in Ogemm County, Miob. with$700 worth of crepe, modern new house, good barn and outhouses fine stone cellar, good water also household furnishings of the best •. three 'horses .a few head of cattle of fine breed, up-to•date farming implement; finest orchard in county of 4 acres; I 5 miles -from good market:10 In lee from oounty seat. The cellar bolds 300 bushels of apples in racks. 40 aures improved, balance .hardwood timber. Nice roiling land, clay loam. This . property'. Dost present owner $8,500 cash. Reason for selling,party1 goingto tbe old •. uutryy, This is a bargain. Soheol and ohuroh mi.• from farm. All goes for 44,250 if taken by the 25th of nguat. Clear title Address, JOHN I). BURa13SS, West Branch, Mich . • Logs 'and Heading of all kinds. wanted. Highest prices given.. Soft elms to be cut '11 feet, 12 feet, and 13 feet long. R. sz J. RANS RD, Stapleton Salt Works Wanted , !• Young men and women to Prepare for good situations,, Apply to Dominion • Business CGolle9e The beet equipped Business and Shorthand Oollege in Canada, Reduced tuition rates, W rite ns regarding our courses of study, and .' prospects of seouring situation for graduates, , Catalogue sent fret. .Address J. B. McRIll', Dept "C" Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto, Ont. Dr. McCahey's Heave- C'URE 1 , Foie' ticket - w ode. Cures heaves, Cliropie Cough. and all CbronicAff 1e tions of the Throat and Lungs. The only ,aeamWq the world that will cure :the above disease, making t animalsound in wind and useful toles owner. Price, lab Dr. MoGairey's Kidney & .Cough Powders for all Acute Affection¢ of the throat and lungs euchas Distemper, etc. 'For 'swelling and stocking of the lees, the .result of hard driving, Kidney Trouble, oto., one dose will relieve, and one box will cure:. Price, 506. 'H* DR. MCGAHEV MEDICINE CO., 1grtppcvIUe, oat. Forsale byl3 B Combe,drnggiet,Minion` Real Estate for Sale.b OL=1V TON The parcel of ground adjoining St. Paul's Rectory, consisting of lot 218, Rattenbury St., p p and lot 262.A, Pi -Meese St.. is offered for sale, le its. Each lot iaabout'80b'y i32feet.. Together they "1 iV 1 0 make an exceptionally fine site for a first-class n residence., Apply to Wm. 9. Phillips or 0,0. Ranee, Church Wardens, Clrnter"" -W-O OK August 16-t;, a Farm in Tuckersmith•;r p 1 s .:Foe ••,.,szg3sma atirr::.:,,'1gc'F�"_ sion of Tucr Sale ker miuth t , Th This contains 5500. acres' all of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation except 8 acres of good bush, Itis well fenced and under drained.' There ie'on the premleee a good frame barn with .table attacheci frame house with wood shed also good orchard with lots. of email fruit plenty of hard and soft water There is 6 acres of wheat sown it Is convrn !tinily situated for church and school within 5 miles of Clinton and 7 of Seaforth• Sept, 20-1. Apply totIDDO"(RICH, Clinton. 3"a"`For Sale. A fine story and a half frame house on On- tario street, contninir. g 9 rooms with entire cellar underneath, also hard and soft water, quarter of an more of land :axle a good num- ber of beautiful shade trees, situated on one of therettiest and principal streets in Olin- ton,being on the corner of Ontario and Dimity streets. Will be soldreasonable, For further particulars apply to MRS .f. McMURRAY, Also for safe -stove, extension table, side board, and, everal smaller articles. Oot.11-tf.:i'1 atatit ,try,. Clinton; Ont Water 'Water. • • The Messrs Bevens wish to inform the public that they are prepared to pu't down artesian wells, in the vicinity of Clinton, at reasonable rates, and ae they have had a long experience both at Petrolea. and five years with the Stand- ard. Oil Co. in India, feel sire that they will sat- isfy all wanting good wells. Any • information in regard to the,buainess can be had from Nov 20-40 MoeD B. KENNEDY, • Clinton. Organ For sale, a large imitationipe organ. Apply at J. 0. STEVENSON'S, Furniture Dealer, Nov 29—* (limon. Wanted. - Smart little girl, to audit in light house- work on Saturdays and during the holidays, apply atNEW ERA. Office. For . Sale. • IO oars' ark lot for a&e °bean, appl 10 RID v Watt OUT St HALE, OlMtcin, Out Rush. for Sate. or to storesfo good bush -blank ash Can be ben ht °bee , tot par. be___. Y: e q RY, 0 The purchaser of a monument should have complete confidence in the reliability of the firm, from which he bays, for the material and workmanship ie. something very few buyers are familiar with, If you do not know ns, please in- quire about our reliability from • those who know ne best. Weare the only practical men here in our line. J. R, Hoover, Proprietor • Next to Commercial Hotel. ififlirWiirYr.rrs , MAKE THE ��. , FARM PAY Progressive stock breeders,dairy- men, poultrymen, grain, root and re fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul- tural students, and. home makers et find the articles and answers to questions in every issue of the w • .FARM .R' 1 ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE simply unequalled and indispensable. If you are not already a subscriber to the most helpful, best printed and beautifully illustrated farmer's paper published, we invite scrutiny of a sample copy. A post card will bring it free. Address t ' F BIZ WILLIAM W[LD to., Lirnited, P.S.--The subscription price, $r per year,,includes also the superb ti Xmas Ntfmlbei teessaratirsollIrlilt01111%Itn. LONDON, CANADA. The Best of Weeklies! Leal. JAMES SCOTT Barrister, Solicitor, CLINTON. Or a'lolrc-•Iclliott Block, Isaac Street, MONEY TO' LOAN, We BRYDONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT.sii PUBLIC, ETO. Ofoet-Beaver Moe/co Up -stairs, Qppoalte Foster's Photo Ci6llecy omtiTON RIDOUT & HA L.E. 0ONVEYANCERs, COMMIagIO. Real Estate and Insurance Money to loan; (. B. HALE, JOHN CHARLES SEAGE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conv.' Office -Opposite Colborne hotel t oderich M. Gs CAMERON; - formerly of Cameron, Holt it Cameron BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Office -Hamilton Bt opposite Colborne Doug GODERIOH. ONT GARROW & GARROW BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC.. Office-CornerHamilten St. and .the Squires Roderick, Ont.: J. T.. GARROW, Q. C. Cries. GAiurow., L.L. Th PROUDFOOT & HAYS,' BARRISTERS, S0LIC(TORS,. NOTARIES PnnrrQ { PROCTORS IN THE MARITIME COURT, &0, Office: North et„ next door tosigusi °Rico Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of interest. W. PROUDFOOT. R.C. HAYS. j Medical. • . DRrGUNN Physician, Surgeon;:A000uoher,Eta Offit.ce—Ontario Steurge Olinton. .Night calls at front door. of office or at hospital, Victoria DR. J. W.'. SHAW. PHIGBICIAN, BURGEON Asconehen etc.,.cffce-and ' residence On tario fit., opposite English church, formerly si' onpied bv'Dr.Appleton, Clinton Ont. DR. W11M. GRAHAM Licentiate of the A M Royal College of P)!ysioittg London, England.. , Office and Residence- PERRIN's. lumen, IIb Stairs. DR.. C. C W. THOMPSON 5 N O Physician, Surgeon, Eta ;Special attention given to diseases of thea ` Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. terS • Ate:- Office and Residence-$ej'i i - `' ~' bort street.21Rlocka North ofRattenieiry Di', G. ERNEST EST HoLMES orain$T r E(Snocessor to Dr. T..il' Ranee) ); it Specialist.— in Crown -and % llorli At. D. S. -Graduate Royal 0 ebassooD. D. S F olHonf talDepartment of To Ver Special attentionaid t Its children's teesh.. Will via d l Mond, Office over W. Taylor` & Soil's D DRS. 4GNEW & B LIRE DIVTISTS LINTIN: a• • Office adjoining Photoudio.' Ofec e Hours -9 to 6 ever day and Saturday until 10 p. m., Rz'inch Offices, in Manchester, Dungannon,Blyth and+: Bayfield, Vete `nar JID. BLACKALL V ; ERINARY SURGECZZ', . HonoraryGraduat . f theOatarloveterinarat College, Treats ;Oldie see of domesticatedan male on the most mo,rnand sofentiseprince. phis office-immedla lysonth of the NewEra Office. Residence A ert St., Olinton,. Cal night ordav attended promptly DR. J. F v.ETERINAR Member of the Voter done of London end E ate of the Ontario Vet TREAT DISEASES Office open night .a Pants • : ch, Uttar' EMAN, SURGEON, 7 Medical Awoke. burgh, and Grade - Mori College, ILL annular, • "e4'• day, opposite St.. eat. Clinton, .Ont. Miscel1 nevus. mARMAGH LI : a fesubdby the pm dersigned "at h 11 ary ,teas Clinton,, JAMICB SCOTT, SR 'TADS CAMPBELL;.NDESBORO ' J ISSIIER OF ; AGE LIOIIINS$8, N themes required TI W.FARNOOMB,. 1' • P. L. 9., Previa civil Engineer, Lon Stewart's firooery titer 111BE11 OFF ASS'2l OP Land Sdrveycr and ItOOnt,-Office at: Gee. W. DLENpMPBEL Organist and Mush Director of North • Street Chnrch God'h and teacher sat PIANO, PIPE • Olt GA /gamy pared to take a lima_ the above. For terms MB CAMPBELL may b 2 p.m., at the Cleland Friday of tach weak. B. L; b�A MOW "Amber of 'Pupils iris 1J ihi, aloe' or ) it en tram 11 a, m., t '•ot.i, Clinton,; ERSO11 J Fire, • l a , tctld O 1L WANT WOOD and:. ' ,,I'AM enoqromtlydforeedo� Which w b lowest raitn�yi, •OnIt ton 1ea$o set at •IMPLEMEIi!<' ROOMS W. Wl1 Pate 4th sr &o 11,'utankgt Asia pol',MEsvlut, rr•.: i, ai