HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-20, Page 13seas
ember 20th, 1901
cop/e iwhq-k
People, who for one reason or another, wait un -
the last few days before the holidays to do their
lying, will find shopping here easy and convenient.
verything that a Dry Goods Store sells, that is suit -
for Christmas giving, is here in generous quang-
os Assortments are large enough of most lines to
Lye almost unlimited choice and everything is arran-
ed for easy seeing and buying. The store is bright
id attractive with fresh new merchandise bought. ex-
r and you will find
r�ssly for the Holiday trade
helpful suggestion if you but visit the store.
Beyond question or the shadow of a doubt the best
y is nosuch varietyor no such
intown is here. There 1
l i nes in any other store. We know this is a strong statement
at you can prove its truthfulness by comparing stocks here
ith others. These few price hints will give you an idea of
fat we are doing.
'army Handkerchiefs
aildrens fancy patterned Handker-
chiefs, great variety of designs that
*mild please the little ones, at
2 for 5c, 3 for 10e Sr 5c
adies fancy muslin Hanikerchiefs,
fancy embroideried and trimmed
with lace, at, 5c & 10c
ladies fancy Swiss muslin Handker-
chiefs, neat embroidery and lace
edges an immense range of pat-
terns, at, 12c, 15e& 20c.
Tery fine quality Irish and Swiss Em•
broideried Handkerchiefs, pure
linen and fine Swiss muslins, em•
broidery and lace edges, dozens of
:beau"tiful designs to select from and
the best values we have ever shown
at the price, each 25 cte.
llxtra fine linen and lixwiss muslin.
Handkerchiefs, dainty and delicate
designs on the' finest of linen and
lawn, great variety of patterns and
not many of any 3one
n e0c kind,
60c & each75
Xtra fine quality Embroidered
Handkerchiefs, beautiful designs,,
two or three o f
r more
not t
pattern. - embroiderie3 and lace
trimmed. at ..$1.00 & 51.25
Plain Handkerchiefs.
We buy our plain Handkerchiefs dir-
irect from the makers in Ireland and
you can depend ou them being
pure linen.
Ladies hem -stitched Cambric Hand-
kerchiefs, nice fine quality, inch
hem. 5 cts each, or 6 for 25e
Ladies pure linen hem -stitched Hand-
kerchiefs, fine quality, narrow,
medium, and wide hems, each
15e, 20c, ..&. 25c.
Ladies fine Cambric hem -stitched
Handkerchiefs, linen finished, hems
assorted widths 10c & 15e.
Silk Handkerchiefs
r%DAY, DEO Vach18O1.
NOTES, --On Monday evening H. SHOULD BE GRANTED. -•- lila
Wiltele's chimney was on fire and where in this issue appears a slaw
made quite a display of fireworks •, it relating to a proposition that the town
was juet seen in time and a bad fire council shall grant the Jackson Manu,
was averted, ..-Insurance calenda re facturing 0o, exemption from taxation
for next year are being asked for by on their manufacturing premises, on
LOCAI. NOTICES our subscribers ; agents who baYe Rattenbury street, for a. period of ten
Christmas orans.e, Mute aria Dandies. thew to spare would find it' ppr6fttable years. The Matter Is to be voted on at
Mixedcandies at so per pound At J,w.Ti3wrx.to lease a quantity at the Now ERA the approaching municipal elections,
g O 'a i�cs. 1 for :distribution,....Charlie Creighton, and there should not be a vote cast
late of Brantford, hies taken chargeof against it. The business is one that•
the Seafnrtb Sun ; some of his news- deserves encouragement, The firm
paper training on the Nnw ER,9, may has already invested considerable capl-
help him to make the Sun shine all the tal, and are building up a manutactur-
more brightly We congratulate in business that may mean a good
ourparingfriend W. F. Oantelon, eon deal for the town in the"future, and
of Wm Cantelou, of town, in having every reasonable assistance should be
passed successfully his recent junior afforded them. We believe that all
examination at the Ontario college of our townspeople need is an opportunity
Pharmacy, Toronto and in the high- to chow their good will and eympathy,
est in subject we notice Will stood and the by-law will be carried sweep-
among the five highest in practical ing. The amount of the exemption ior.
chemise ry ;• R. Crawford,. formerly trifling. compared with the benefits
with R. B. Combe, who did not write that are likely to ensue.
on all the subjects owing to the death WEDDING BELLS..— Cupid has
of his fatherat the time, was granted scored another victory, for on Wednes-
a pass standing to enter his senior
day, at the home of Mr and Mrs B.
course., .. J. B. Rumball came near los- Webb, their daughter.Mise Emrna,wae
ing his little fox terrier the other day joined in marriage to Charles J. Paul -
by poison. but Dr Ball came to the res- on. whose home is in Iowa. The cere-
cue, ..Among the shipments this week mony was performed by Rev Dr Gif-
was two carloads containing 330 lambs. ford,of Oaterio street'church, in the
by Upas. Wallis for Buffalo..., Mr .presnce ot a few relatives and friends
Blackwell, of Carlow, and John Fer- at 1130 a.m. The bride, dressed' in a
guson, of Auburn, have each purchased beautiful white costume, was assisted
peautitul�gg,old medal Newcombe pianos . by Mies Tena Campbell, of Stratford,
- froni0, igoare's music store; Mr Hoare also prettily attired ; her, niece looked
has been making a number of good' sweet in white, as flower girl. The
sales lately....The Collegiate .board groom was supported by A. B. Webb.
held its regular monthly meeting on Congratulationswere. followed by a
Monday night with a quorum present; dainty dinner,and the newly wed were
the only business transacted was the
passing of a few accouiae.,..Last Sat- driven to the depot, leaving on the 4.15
p.m. train,for their new home in Iowa.
urday Auctioneer Dickinson held a sale The brideis well known here and, has
at the Commercial Hotel of some 24 numerous friends from whom valuable
cows, but bidding was slow and only presents were Deceived the groom i.li,
some six were sold.... Although we we understand, studying, preparatory
have given our readers the benefit of to go as a missionary to bouth Africa.
extra reading matter by supplying a We wish the happy •couple every joy,
e ardor and prosperity wherever they may go.
Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs, hem
stitched, embroideried initials,
each 25 cts.
J: • anese Silk Handkerchiefs, -large
Sze, fine quality, .wide'_ hem, .em-
broideried initials or plain,:. each. 50c
uentlemens Handkerchiefs
Gentlemen's Cambric Handkerchiefs,.
hems'.itcbed or plain,clear•linen fins
5c 10c &
, emen's pure linen Handkerchiefs,
plain or hemstitched, real Irish lin-
en, fine qualities, each 20c, 25e & 300,
CHANGES. --Mrs Thomson, of the
gravel, rood, Huliett, has moved into
town occupying the residence, Albert
street north, which she bought from
Win Foster; her removal to town
means that her son. will still live on the
farm and take in a partner, the happy
event to take place on Ohristmas day.
store windows have all put an holiday
attire, and look very pretty and tempt-
ing. Owing to limited space. we can-
not make mention as we would like
of the different store windows, and at .
any rate it would be difficult to desig-
nate the prettiest, although there are
evidences of superiority in some stores.
T HE SICK.—Mrs Perrin, Ontario
street, has been very ill with con-
gestion of the lungs; her friends wish
her a speedy recovery. J. McIntyre,
we are pleased to learn, is improving;
he has been laid up for three weeks as
the result ot a sprain received while at
work MT,
or S. S. Cooper, . and ie yet un-
able to work. (leu, Marshall ie con-
fined to bed with typhoidrfever; we
hope he may soon be around again.
We are sorry to learn that F. R. Hort
gene is laid up with a severe attack of
pleurisy, and is unable to attend to his
duties at the Palace. ,
person whc has attende I both the
entertainments given so far by the
Star Course, are much in favor of the
last one, It seemed that an idea was supplement they will, wetrust, p
prevalent that one man could not en the encroachment at this time of the.
y audience without havingr year byour advertisers on our general
monotony, bull that was dispelled, for
the concert given by J. Williams Macy, local matter; this is their season for in -
New York's favorite humorist and nut- forming the public as to their stocks of
fo-basso, was splendid. There was a goods selected for the Christmas trade
better attendance than at the former and it is ours for making up the defic•
one. .He appeared in eight numbers ne ient revenues of the dull months....
recitals, stories and pantonines and Knowing that their teacher, :Mies Me,
rendered four songs ; the repertoire Kay, ie;about to leave Clinton and will
was well' selected and his voice is , •rich
teach in one of the departments in Sea -
and clear, while his appearance on the forth public school, the senior boys of
:is,pleasing and respectful., The the department presented her with a
next. concert will be the' Mozart Sym -
ebony ink stand and. silver
phony Clut? in January but the enact nail file, as a slight mark of their ap-
date is not.decided. Predation;Miss McKay leaves (Anton
Man eople select furs for holiday gifts and nothing
makes a more welcome present for a Lady as something. goo
in furs. Our stock of furs for Christmasis very large, in it
ou will find almost everything that is fashionablein • furs:
Qualities are all absolutelyreliable, and n o inferior furs of
any kind can be had at this store.
Plain black Oppossum Ruffs, trimmed
With head and claws, thick even fur,
good quality 33.00.
Imitation Mink Ruff, shaped, real fur,
nicely trimmed with Sable tails,
each 53.75
Siood�quality Electric Seal Ruff, 27
inches long, thick even fur, trimmed
with sable tails, each $5.00.
grey Ltmb Ruffs, even curl, head,
claws and tail 83 25 & $4.50
Ohio . Sable Ruff, thick bushy fur,
shaped, good length, 10 large sable
tails, each $6.50.
Ohic Sable Ruffs, extra large size,
thick close fur, nicely trimmed with
thick bushy tails, shaped long front,
extra special value at 88.50.
Alaska Sable Ruffs, made from selected
skins, new goods just received the
last few weeks, some very fine pieces
in the lot, trimmed witb thick bushy
tajle......, $10 00 $13.00 $15.01 & $20.00.
.Children's grey lamb caps, nice even
curl, quilted satin lining, each..$2.75
No 1 quality Gre'" ml► Caps, choice
goods,weil d ltned,each $3.75
Men's Tasmanian Beaver Caps, a cap
that will wear well and have a good
appearance, each $3
Men's Imitation Otter: Cap, dark fur,
looks well and wears 'well' ..... ,$3
Men's Bokaran'Caps, very much like a
Persian Lamb, not quite.as fine a
curl,satin lining,well made, each 04.50
Men's Persian. Lamb Caps,- choice se-
lected skins, bright and gloss v, best
of linings, each.............57 and iF10
French Coney Muftis, well made, thick
fur, each $1,50
Fine quality. Imitation Bear Muffs,
thick fur, well made, each ...'...... $2
Natural Oppossum Muffs,full size,best
quality fur, each $3
Ohio Sable 'Muff, No 1, quality, best of
trimmings, well made, extra good
value at each $6.50
Real Alaska Sable Muffs,. made from
choice selected skins, very fine qual.
ity, undyed, close thick fur $10 to lilt
Caperines are more popularttian ever,'and.our stock to -day
the largest we have ever shown.
erine, good quality Astrachan and
lectrlc Seal, top of collar and edge
f the Astrachan, pointed front and
rick, two heads -and two large,bushv'
, silk lined $14.00
ire, Electric Seal edged with blue
ossum, front and top of collar
ppossum, satin lined, long front,
le tails 16.50
rim Seal Caperine, comes down
well at back, lone front, top of collar
edge and front of No. 1 quality Ohio
Sable, silk lined, 6 large sable tails,
each $20.00
Electric Seal Oaperine, collar and
' edge Greenland Seal, sable tails, silk
lined $14,00
Electric Seal Caperine, collar and edge
of Ohio Sable, trimmed with beads
and sable tails, each 818.00
Black Oppossum Caperine, circular
shape, high storm collar, chain fast-
ener, each $0.00
Fur Lined Capes
Black Matalaese, full size, Thibet col-
let, nice fur lining 5`20.00
Cape of blackBroadel'othl glossy finish,
will not spot or shrink, full size,
large collar of black Thibet, front
I trimmed with same, lined with good
i quality fur, a stylish and comfortable
garment .525.00
jape of blacks 1Vlatalasse best qual•
sty", large collar of No. l 8hio Sable,
front trimmed with same, lined with
A good quality fur, each :1.00
Fur jackets
ur Jackets we sell are absol te.
e; 60 much faith have We .,irL
Black Astrachan °epergne, circular
shape, highcollar,quiltedlining, each
Children's Grey Lamb collars, high col-
lars, good quality fur, each
$5,00 and $6,00
Alaska Sable and Persian Lamb Cap-
erine, body of good. quality Persian
Lamb, Collar and edge of Alaska
Sable, circi.lar shape, satin lined,
each, $42.50
Persian Lamb Caperine, long front,No,
1, skin, collar and edge of choice
Alaska Sable, circular shape, satin
lined, each..... ....,....4$45,00
Ladies Astrachan Gauntlets,goodqual
ity fur, kid palm, wool lining, per
pair. 84;50
Ladies' Persian Lamb Gauntlets, nice
even, glcteycurl, kid palm,.>wool lin-
ing, cuff se ed with qnilted satin, Per
pair.. .... $I00
them that we are willing to give any
,reasonable guarantee as to their qua!,
sty.• We buy them from firms who
absolutely refuelto make tip inferior
garments of an . ind..,cn:
with many fond remembrances for her
SHAKESPEARE CLUB.—One . of numerous friends whom she has made
the most interestin and profitable while here....CollectorWheatley has
meetings of the ShakespeareClub was received about $13,000 of the town's
held at the home of Mr W. Doherty taxes but there is a little over $800` yet
last Friday evening. The characters— out to be collected,.'..Cantelon Bros
Ia o Cassio, Desdemona and Othello shipped about 4000 lbs of roll butter. to
1; p
were well portrayed by Misses Brick- Halifax and Quebec the past week; but-
enden, .11..Combe, . Macnaughton and ter is quoted et 14c to 15c. and eggs
to1 .
Doherty iesnectively. Mies' Combo have risen from 15., 8c.....R. Fitz'
ably discussed' Shakespeare motive in . simons made a shipment of a carload
writing Othello ;. Mies C. 'Macnaugh of hogs to Collingwood on Monday.'...
ton gave a unique paper ..on "What Miss. Kerr is learning photography at
might have been'; the contrasts in Henry's studio; Mies Cottle has ;re-
characters were well brought ' out by signed and it le said is to take up
Mies Snell. A paper on Fatalism domistic science with a class, of two.
versus Libertarianieml +by Miss N. 3, Scruton, an old timer, at the butch-
Combe, B.. A., was an excellent review ering, is now assisting at A. Couch's
of the whole play and accomplished butcher store ' during the holidays ;
all that could be desired in favor of John is a good hand and has many
libertarianism. friends who would only like .to see
bim remain here permanently- There
MUSICAL CLUB.—The second mus- were three wedding parties left Clin-
icale.of the club was held at the reef- ton depot on Wednesday afternoon ;:
dance of Mrs D.F,Macpherson on Wed- there is still more to follow. The
nesday evening, when there was agood heaviest. snow fall was on Wednes-
attendance. The program dealt entire- day night • some say there was six to
ly with Mendelssohn, Schumann and
Schubert ,• 'compositions were as •fol-
lows Mendelssohns . "Midsummer
Night's Dream' Mrs M.Hai•dy-Smith;
address,. Mendelesohn and contempor
Ladies' istraehan Jackets, 27 inches t
long, highstorm collar, black brocade
mercerized1it4ing, good fine curl, will
wear well, each.....................
Ladies black Astracjian Jacket, 24
inches long, high storm collar, re-
veres, quilted satin lining, made
from sof`, pliable sir;•-+ even glossy
curl, each......... 0......•...1....30.00
Black Astre,Jlun Jackets, very fine
quality,, made from select skins, glos-
inees,l,ghtll .5g,rverehiquality
ary German composers. W. Brydone;
"On Song's Bright .Pinions", Miss Mc-
Oorvie; duet. "O,wert Thou in the Cold
Blast", Mrs R P Reekie and W P Spald-
ing ; Papillon No. 2", Mies Hallie
Combe ; Serenade, Mrs McHardy-
Smith : intermission; Schubert -"Every
path is now Forsaken"; Mies M. Mc-
Naughton ;
c -Naughton.:; notes on Mendelssohu's
Elijah, W. Q. Phillips ; selections from
Elijah, trio -"Lift Thine Eyes", aria.
"0 Rest in the Lord", , re Chown ;
Schumann - piano, se Newcombe.
Theabove waw ful as enjoyable : as
the first recital an judging from the
number present is evidence thattae.
membership is increasing ; at present
it numbers over 40 members.
many has assumed an epedemic in
Clinton and neighborhood and a`num-
ber of young people are rushing into.
itjudging from the many "tips" we
have been given ; it seems Cupid hue
been busy of late for we have some
fifteen on our string, half a dozen of
them being parties in the country,
while the rest are connected . with
young people of the town. We know
of six weddings on Christmas day
alone and nearly that number on New-
Years while there are quite a few
around these dates in the holiday sea-'
son. Invitations are out for the marri-
age of 14. Gardiner (son of Mrs, Miss Feather, of town,) to of
Rochester, on the 23rd inst. and on
this came date Geo Haxby, formerly of
here, will take as his bride a Winnipeg
ladyy. On Christmas Miss Macmordie,
of liippen, will be wedded to J. Thom-
son, of Hallett, and a. . Clinton event
will be the nuptials of Miss Lily Mc-
gown to W. E, l)oupe, of Woodham,
NewYears day will see a few of these
events transpiring and wedding bells
will ring in Tuckersmith — among
others will be that of J. Pepper to Miss
Annie Carter besides a few not to be
mentioned at present.
important organization—the' Clinton
Rifle Association—bas been formed
here, with about 53 members. Owing
to the liberality of the Dominion Gov-
ernment it gives gratis to Clinton 10 or
more rifles, and 5000 rounds of.ammu-
nition—equal to 100 rounds to each
member, and for this consideration
they belong to the 'reserve force of
Canada.' A xoom about 50 feet long
wilt be secured for target practice with
the Morris`.: tube, for storage, and a
meetingplace forgeneral business. At
a meetng held last Friday night the
following officers were elected: --Son.
Pres., J. Raneford; Hon, Vice, Robt.
Soliped, M. P.; captain, Capt. H. B.
Combe; deputy captain, Capt. M. D.
McTaggart; range officer, Capt. A,
Wilton, Seaforth; sec. treas., Oapt.
Shaw; committee, Dr. Blackall, Dr. E.
Holmes, J. B. Hoover, R. Graham and
B. J. Gibbings; auditors, .Fred Jackson
and A. J. Grigg. An adjournment was
made to the followingThursday even-
ing,' when Capt. McTaggart, J. W.
Treleaven and 0, Rance were appointed
a committee to draft out by-laws and
report....The hockey club has re -or -
gazed for the season with a" good
membership. They met at the Com.
mercial botel last Friday and elected
the following oMoere: Hon. Pres., W.
P. Spalding;. Hon, vice, E. J. Cantelon;
Pres., B. J. Gibbings; vice, W.J. Ross;
see. trate., A, .Shepherd: captain, P.
Matheson; committee, W. McRae, E.
Dayment, J. Crooks, secretary and
captain, .The rink isnow reedy with
a fine sheet of ice. and next week the
curlere will beat it in as high epirite aiy
in former 'years. The young people
had their first skate of the season on
Wedneed y night.
MATRIMONIAL.—A quiet but beau-
tiful wedding was celebrated on Wed-
nesday, the 18th Inst., at the residence
of Mr and Mrs Arthur Couch, when
their only daughter, Mise Minnie, was
united in marriage to Wm. 3.' Ross,
book-keeper at the organ factory. The
ceremony was performed at high noon
by Rev Dr. Gifford, pastor of Ontario
street church, in the presence of the
relatives and only a . few intimate
friends. and took place in the drawing
room, which was prettily decorated for
the occasion. Both bride and groom
were urattended. The wedding march
was played by Miss Elva Adams, of
Londesboro, a friend of the bride, who
was given away by her father; she
looked charming in a travelling dress
of navy blue, with hat to match. Sub-
to the ceremony and reception
"surer was
ken of.
a daintyde
The bride received many valuable gifts
fromfriends near and far, r.and
from the Hodgen. Bros. firm and the
employees. Both Mr and Mrs Ross
are well known in Clinton, and partic-
ularly in Ontario street Methodist
church, where they are valued mem
bers off the choir; ' and : both are very
popular in social circlee. Mr Ro3s, has
for a number of years been employed
in the office of the Doherty Organ Fac-
tory, and his bride. was, until lately, a
clerk at the Palace, where her presence
will be much missed by the customers.
Mr and Mrs Ross left on the 2.55 train
for Toronto and: other pointe, amidst
the good wishes of a large number of
friends. On their return they will re.
side at the home of Mr Couch .until
eight iught rell,Creamery Mr agrego' keeping elsewherwhen e, The desirwill take e of the.
house -
has 000pe the on. has rented.NEW' i!,RA is that they may have a long
S. S. Cooper's house on Victoria Street. 1
and happy life together,. al
YOU .caniS1Ve
really necessary things to your friends
all the year round, but
Only Once s Year
when Xmas comes
is the time for specially rememberingthe child-
with to amuse and make tem ha
at a small cost. PPy
Come and look at our toys, games, and ingenious
diversions, dolls, slinks, and many other lovely and inexpensive pre -
Bents for the youngsters, We think you will find what you want,
at the prise you feel disposed to pay ,
We will show here, in liberal assortment, toys that are good,
educational as well as entertaining
The, W. D. FAIR CO, Clinton
"Often the Cheapest Always the Best."
When. it Well. e' er
W is We Put Tog •th
We have the kind of Footwear you need; m tact we are HEADQUARTERS
For the Christmas Trade
we bane an excellent assortment of GERMAN FELT SLIPPERS, FELT
LEGGINGS, bLlPP.E1t SOLES, and MITTS, any of whioh would make
an acceptable. Christmas. gift' The past year's business was the best in our
• history, and we intend to deal liberally with all our customers and friends
for the holidayseason. EXTRA bPECIALS in Ladies and Gants,
BO T forhe next two weeks
lMerry Christmas
Wishingall a
The Old Reliable, . .
The Store That. Never Disappoints
Taylor 8t Son,
r: ash and One Price.'
Sutter and Eggs taken as Cash,
m mfttm ►m t m r mn��t m�nr tntnt r trr�mmrnmm
Our Fine Display ofNeckwear
r' n,
During the Christmas season we sell hundreds of fine Ties for Christmas wear and many a young
man is delighted on Christmas morning when he finds he is the possessor of one of our New York Ties
With us you can;see a beautifullelection of reliable goods, and the prices are 25e, 50c and 75e.
Men's Serge Suits $ 10.00 a ,
A man likes to feel well dressed at the Christtnas season and„ one of our great Serge Suits at '$10
makes a person feel like a new man. There .i s ft, style—cut and make ab t our goods that you can
not see in ordinary goods and you will find it pay to see our great range
Hen's Raglanette Overcoats
If you' want to be up-to-date wear one of our famous Raglanette Ovorcoats—they are the proper
thing and are having a wonderful sale—you feel dressed when you are inside one of these coats—
prices $10 and $12 T
A Fine Pair of Braces
dr -
at 75c would be a sensible and useful
present We have the selection of nice
Fowone'a English Gloves
A pair of Gloves bearing the above
makat $1, $1 25, $1 '50 and. $2
would All many a bill when 'it comes
to a useful present
completerange1Mufflers.m!, all the new
things in Mufflers can be seen here
--you will be surprised at our assort-
ment --all 'prices and styles'
1 o Order forSud$6.5Otp
,,goods errablei ns to offer you a suit at the above figure
agood assortment of patterns and the most wonderful
bargain ever offered ilithis section A quick measure
will give you a suit for Christmas
IT nderWe _We are agents for the Wri ht's
Health Underwear and the than -
field's Unshrinkable ;Underwear, the most reliable goods
on the market Our assortment is complete
]� w ere is not a man in the county who can afford miss seeing our Ammo Stock
.Lylrrll s Fur C a, Suusof b'ur Coats. We handle the reliable kind—the kind that gives aatiwf on and
the kind that is good value. Do not take chancels on. a poor article. It cosh' mo fey to bay a goon coiiatland it
will not pay excpt to buy from reliable people
JACKSON B&OS.,c'ro e%a'1171
7JUIUIIN�IIulU�1��1�111U1�1111� ,lll�l11� W114JU11i141i1114
..rr •