HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-20, Page 12. • as•:.' owedN in Paris. Trt aLfoaaallea • araaaa ...a--- rz - WIEENpOrtliatett is taken nowadays a Maur no oil say Ina. • • ' ' tete May be tere that & Seed Meat^ *MONS and VW -haters liaVet been 1 dangling their Wellabaite4 hooks beer, . It* ;Mae. VW t1V'o yea re or more 0ap- ta4a Dreyfus bat bad offers for 'arbat he might ultimately clieoee to publish. 1 The i businese ot altering ativances Alia Manias to authare le not Usually at- tended with ea *teat eXacelet of per- • 40.1141 ilanger. Bat there is an Arneri- caa Woman, a journaliet, living in Par- is, who 'Could tell a different tale, eart tae "Saturday Eyening Post." Two eammera ago, jUrst as the great trial wars. drawing to Ita aloes, ehe was In London, .and there met an enterprise, Mg "American" publiaber. ' Conversa- tion turned, as did allconversation that ;manner, in either Englaad or France, 'upon lareyfUS, and the pub - Usher confided to the lady his desire to publish something Veritably, from the pen of Dreyfus, The ledY, it hap - Belied, Wes on tempi, of some' intimacy with the inner , cirele of DreYfals' friends, and when he left England for Pares she was cornMiasiened toalo what elle could to get something for the publisher, either from c aptaia or Ida, dame Dreyfus, ' Two OM after ahe left London a . man approacbeff tae publisher with the positive assure:tee that he •could ar- range the whole affair witbia a fort- : night, (In parenthesis it %nay be said ataat snob men Were not uncomMon -that summer.) The publisher, remelt- berIng the proverb concerning a bird in the band, rushed to the nearest tele. .. graph office and sent a nreseage to the lady in Parte as follows; : "Suspend. Dreyfus negotiatione for the present. Will -write." • • '• The telegram wag delivered, but al- most simultaneously the lady was waited upon by a Polite representative of the pollee ;department, with a de- mand for an 'explanation. What ne- gotiations was she carrying on and with whom/ She told her story and felt that it was received • With the' blandest incredulity. She prOmiaed to show the pollee the lettor.from London 'when it Came, and reminded her visi tor of her "American" citizenship., The • Official departed. ' 'Unfortunately, the press of business sent the publisher scurrying toward Scotland, and heanot realizing how important it Was, nen- . lected to write to the lady In Paria,.. 4 She goon discovered that she was being "shadowed," and that her ever!, inovendent was being watched bY Myr- • terious people., •• At. first. she .laughed, -and merely sent a' little .aoteof rai- . quiry . to London. No • gnawer loame, and the watching continued.. • lier nerves began- to . give way, and finally . she went to the United States, ambas- sador with the .whole story. The she.' dowin.g Ceased. • It would be interesting ,. to know by just whataielornatic pro- cesses this incident Was areanged.. . .. Salem r/ 444 , ‘!\\\, The little Chia hi tafe from ordinary dangetli in the care of the faithful dog, lint neither the dog'5 fidalitar, Ilea the • Inether' . ewes: bit foes that lurk in• air, 'Vatter' • food-athe erns of disease. ' Children seed to be epeciallx watched cared •or. When there is loss of •a • te, lassitude and listlessness in a 4Lan attempt should be made to re- Va tbe appetite and tall the trite. In X. Pierce's Golden Me teal iscovery a ..M&S — ,•-Tata-lite have found an invaluable Medi- citte for children. Its purely vegetable • altaracte.r and ^absolute freedom from alcohol and narcotics commend it to 'eVerf thoughtful person. It is pleasant • to • the taste, unhke the foul oils and " their emulsions offered for children's ItGolden MDi edical scovery " makes • pure blood and sound flesh, and abso- luta, eliminates from the system the 1 poisons which feed disease. love eali latierd• .0133.14 ire= ' M! Us IT4ST, of Waterview, middiesere CO.k Va., whoa kter suffered from malarial •'poisoning and la rrh, writes: little langbtcflaesiOY18I spleadtd health. 1 am glad found doIt wko cbuld sure my chtld. She took twelve se of # Peldpu Medical Dis- covery, eight o and one bottle a Dr. Oagi's t rrh Remedy, and she is well. We thank God for your medicinss.” Give the little ones Dr. Pierce's Pleas- ant Pellets when a laxative is needed. They're easy to take and don't gripe. Witb Sarin* mad 64netviettele V�ia or ' *Arm% nateae#0..a.xueitoe 11114.t. Okaaeht Kianer-layar mi, to the Tahiti of the Christian religioa this material is sent to bTew York %tr. :um" pewhiant, a zymou respect. as the higheet rule of conduct for a and 340,de into hate. There are More 04 reeddent of Consecon, Ont., /detest:- Practical Me. It wait natural, as tbe native e eneaged in malting it, and the . for etweral laara. 'Lad at times the ter- exchange vital experienceta Tb.0 fQ17, work ie done more hurriedly and Is ' "I west a stutterer from Bright's Dieettist sieleitates Met each other, for them to . tures of Mind Paid body were tamest be. lowing was told bY one who bad traa • net quite so good as in the Old days. The nianufecturers now make the euitonle for young men as the matinee: , AWO # 0:46. 2 4. CV/ I' , •••• • 'biani tie.thetritiortairia • 1- telly Ind. priseerveaare in theold fashioned way. Seal them by the new,quiek, • a thin °eating -of re absolutely ours waiiry Refined Paramns. as no taste or odor. • In air tight and .old proof. Easily applied. Ussfed In dosen other ways about the bonne.. F ull directions with each cake. Mad everywhere. Made by IMPERIAL OIL CO. P1 greet Toning Magee brie- 411"1/14" C" t't" At:cording to the hat talk* Pan- retwittly held • in , grae, hits; -hay. dectseeed, itt prig, .1 • brought delegates Von; sA geese the netives whe •Malte the Ma. 1 IP, r 0004 Cartilitte tie ther Cure br. parte pf the werla testig? terial eimply weave it ae cloth, and • head between the latoUldere and down veled eight thousand miles to attend material into hats of every shape and Yond endurance. The wane were in tilt Xatiler Waa 4 rancher on a 01110.11 Old, Mum increasing the demand. Even the whole opine, cOncentrating acrose . the kidneys, where t was never entire- ly free trent Dain. When I got up in the morning went about bent over nearly double, It gave me great pain to urinate, and at times the water Was vela/ scantY. Niedicinee seemed to have •little or no effect in )33Y vase, until I began the use of 'Dr. Chase's laidneYa Liver Pill& The first dose relleVed Me, and five boxes entirelY cured me. • I have no pains in my aidneys, and can lo as good a 'day's; work as z ever could," Mr, J. I. Ward, 3.13., of Common, oer,, llama that he knows Mr. Dellihunts Statement of his cure to be correct and true and without exaggeration. It seems foolish to trine with new-fangled medi- cines when you can get the tested and Proven kind. Dr, Cbase's ladney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose. 25 cents a box, an dealers, or Edraitni3011, Bates ito Ca., Toronto, Agents wauted or Dr. Chase's last and complete Receipt Book. A 'Humane Pater, * nOW, however, it is said that a good ecale in Australia. Ile bad onlY a tholleand sheep or ta and a eeePlea„" Panama hat cannot be bought tor lese Net -tare Milea of run for pasture. ne than twelve dollars, and the priceS was an English emigrant of sturdy' range up to twenty-five dollars. The yeoman Mock, and while the free life cheaper kinds, selling for eight dollara of a 'shepherd. lied taught him tolerance six dollars, and as low as three 01. and kindness, he 'remained, true in . lars, are known as Porto Rican Pan. principle to the strict lessona 0 /us amall. It has been found that the grass early years, • from whien the hate are made grows • "The nearest neighbor or ete.tion Was in Porte Rico in an inferior ferai, and • ten miles away, but the ranclunen used the hat -malting industry has been to think nothing of riding twenty or taken: UP in all parts of the island. • Oneireads so frequently of the pater.. sal boot as &palled to the undeeirable youthful suitor that it is a pleasure to chronicle the raOre humane method adopted by a wealthy Glasgow mer- • chant far choking off a "follower" ot his daughter. The girl was aery young; so was the follower, but nevertheless he called formally on the object of bis • affections, The merchant and his wife • entered the room' the latter bearing a •glass of milk anda huge slice of bread spread with butter and jam. ',Now, dear, run away to bed," said the kind- ly mother to her daughter; "It's time that all good girls should be in bed." Then the Glaregew merchant addressed the astonished young • man: • yotingster, you drink that glass of milk, and take that slice of bread and jam to . eat on the road .home -and hurry, for your mother must be anx- ious about your being out so late by yourself." The young man did not ball agraia. •. 51 YEARS` EXPERIENCE TRAot Mamas Mamma , • COPYRIGHtS &Co Anyone sending a sketch and description may ;Moldy ascertain our opinion nee whether an atvention is probably patentable. Communize. l'ons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents cent free. Oldest agency fOr securing patente. • atents taken through Munn & CO. receive secial.notice, without cbargo, in trio • $atilithe Ammon. • ' handsomely Illustrated freettly. Largest Oz. culation anv scientific journal. %Irma. $3 A tiffitiff resells. 8.010 byelige adrark. 3818roadwas. Now York • 0000. ir.44 St. Washington. 0. 0. OC.ki, PAST RECORD. Our past record of enocessful Catering the wants of a• critical public is the guarantee we oan offer to all yam are not yet numbered among 'our permanent one- tomer°. Plate° remember that we make a specialty of filling physicians' presorip- tions. Our stook of perfurees,toilet articles, • bruehes, spongers, eto., is large and Varied. • TIM Witt MUMS AND eormat, Paine's faeleryGompound is the most re- liable and popular family medioine, _and is ferty milers to a centrally located farm . on Saturdays to spend the Aielt 111 carousal, andride back. on Sunday. • "The Isolation was 50 depressing and the heat rio exbausting that when the men came together once a 'Week in this Way drinking and ga Some of the hate made are af excellent quality, .considering the material, tett the greatest business Is done In the . cheaper itinde. woven tram what Is known as the "aplit straw." These split -straws ;while' •looking like the mbling seemed • real Pentium47..t a distance, 'WW ne while the real article resemblee can. Vas, SO compactly Is It woven. Still, dealers say, aaftrst-clase Pella Rican Panama hat, costing about eight dol - leas, will wear tally five years and. is economical in the king run, compared with the ordinary straw bat. A real iPaneana, hat, costing from twelve dol- lars uf, will wear from ten to fifteer year, barring accidenta. • Inevitable In the Itiadled Walton and ' found on close inspection to be. smooth exeitement of these toarse pleasures they thought tliey might , forget for a few hours the suffering and privation of their lot, • ..a . "At last It was ray father's tarn to entertain. Re 'must ,invite the herdere of the kraals and. ranches witatri re - dims of pearly; fifty "'Boys,' hemad to has two sone, my • biother and myeelf, 'it's the -parting of the warsa We either live as we have lived, einiply, in the fear Of God, mind- ing our business, .paying ourdebte we can, .saving our money if possible,. and being cut by every man round here; or we fen .into the ways of our neighbor, and 'drink and gamble our- selves into perdition. I ani not going to break your mother's heart, and I say "No," even if they burn us dawn,' "It was the critical moment of our .lives, ..I could have fallen at my fath- er's feet and worshipped him When he made that deCisloa.. Re looked like a god -determined and . invincible • 'alao it. came about • that my brother and I divided the oircuit between tle, and 1 rode to the nortbattic1 he to the south. To every•ranoltmen this mes- sage went:- 'Father invitee yeti for Sat- nrdaaaand. Sunday as usual. There Will be no cards or liquor -only a quiet talk abeuctoloolndyE., . pgare land and the welf. of the . "We waited.that Saturday afternoon with trenibling, riot expecting' a siegle. geest. But suddenly title ;Mile up, and then another; and another, until the 'whale section was -represented; There never had been ea large a gathering. They came in curiosity and, with' re. aped; •. . • .. , • • "With mother ;animate him,. father sald 'grace ,at table, and we boys saw.. specially recommended for the, cure. of. .tears' neva down.. rugged .cheeks. That Naked Greeks and .Romant. dniroenughatn, danrabbits and . fence! tO Ps for a bottle of Painel! Celery : other. ' •'13.6**;•'8• •EI'n. 'b• Y each succeeded in banishing yoar trouglee, come to lountta•Blosormilb ti..:Dairusegirom, * rm. "The next . morning; 'an he every • Clinton,. Ont. Sunday • morning,' father.. 'conditeted 'prayers; this tinier before • fifty so• f the WheraThere Is We Degenerety. ' roughest men, •I • had. ever seen ass.em- . • ' • • ' • • bled; and there was strigirig of hymns, •' delightful article by •Mr. Frank 'broken .here and there by sobs and Beddard; of. -the. 'London Zoological . 'tears. Wnera they. parted, my father, 'ktardensa in the ."Pail Mall Magazine." although: a •recent corner, was, the 'ac- knowledged leader of the conarriatalta'a.a Makes one suspect that the, only apot th ,arhere degeneracy has ."That 'section became the most Pros- ' dot tbegun is the "Zoo:" Mr. Beddard • emus section in, all theaountry rOtind, t k s theough - the great nienagerie And I thoUght if Clirlatian courage • , rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervoue night the men talked long about bush: • • .diseaties and sleeplessness If you have not ' • • ATRAVELING correspondent tbe "Argonaut" writes tarst one rainy day lately he met "Mi•. • Middle West" in the Louvre. He was seated, looking across the room at that beautiful picture, "La Gioconda." "Sit down, I've 'got something to say," said he., 1 sat next to him. • "I've had a relapse; I'm not feeling well to- • day. I've just .come up from the mu- seum downstairs and I've- seen the same nakedhess there that I saw in Italy. dexet know whether it le on account of ray nervous prostration that I cannot see straight or have not • Mental veracity, as you say a great '•ehows ug many distinguislied inmates •Englishman named Carlyle called they • at dinner, The adlOP0Potainus is an great quality of seeing thinats correet- enviable gourmet. He has been thirty- ly; but, however that may be, I am seven years at the " Zoo," and haa had sick and tired and utterly disgusted only one attack of Indigestion.' On with the exposure of the naked human that grave ,oeoasion he Was cured with figure in Italy and France.' In Italy forty (or eighty) drops, of oroton oil, YOU see these naked old Greekts and 'adralMatered In a bun. Happy beastt rip -Quinine Tablets (cnocorarra coaxial • Grip -Quinine Tablets cure all sorts of told and damp weather diseases. Grip -Quinine retains all the curative virtues of Quinine, with the disagreeable- .ness left out. The Chocolate Tabletform musket it pleasant to take, much nicer' than capeulee. and. better in restate. Remember the name ' ••• ' Grip -Quinine Tablet.§. • The genuine are in boxes only, vdtb Dog's Head Trademark. Refuse all others. Price 25 cents, at all druggists. • Bev Tames Preston, torinerly palitor • of North .St, church Godericb, but • lately a resident of 'Brantford, died week, at the age of 73 years. He was the father of T H Preston M. P. IP. editor of tbe Brantfot (I Expositor. tali r rciptott No° CORSETS Ask for our now Parisian Butight Front Models. • Evay pair' leterplecil hi the est of corset milting, embodying the ex-. pedalo of over II quarter of a century's continuous corset making. Toe ens Me arx. Plasr-Cuse Dar hawse &rem, a u winch is under 'his supervision, and could accomplieh that, it was good enough for me to live and die by.• My, father's 'No' was the one thing needed to save the community, and it saved • Romans everywhere -la the shops', mu- • No vicate to spegialists at a guinea a sums, picture galleries. They are un- :Visit No anxious trials of patent fit for anything but the bathtub. Do Medicinee, advertised in the eveeing• you suppose that I will let rrty" two Papers with portraits of the cures! young daughters 'see these things? Not , Down went the bun, and Hippo Was for all the riches of the greet State ef Ohio would I do it. I gave a groan lsmerioan girte eurns and gal - alien, French, a-ronly Ameri- upiter as the stance. whenever I saw young going through those m leries. V never saw German or English gi can gfrls--looking at • swan and Leda, fox "Now I, am sit ng 'here looking at that lovely Joconde, dressed nearly up to the. neck, with her charming amile and interesting face. hat's all I want to see of a woman, or a man -the face., Ralf Stanzio painted one picture of a woman, not a Madonna, dressed up to the neek; La Fornarina, ehe was a bakereenee the guide told me. He - f loved her; think of loving a 'woman who stood all day in front of a roaring furnace, baking bread, in hot euminerY Italy. Be painted another one of her showing her -well, not dressed up to the neck: But my wife says I mind not talk of s11611 things. I have seen five thousand such • naked ladies. in Italy -41 cOurse I mean in pictures and statues -and Pm' tired of them. I pre- fer lookinat at Ow or horse pictures. /t rests me. "But lan't that Y000nde picture a • beauty! That's the way to paint men and women, dressed up to the neck. When I Nee naked PIctUreis in it man's house„ X think there's a coarse streak running through him. When X see them in a womaine house -it disgusts me, When X get back to Chicago I am going to send five thoueand hightshirts to the Italian Government as a present, • to cover the naked statues, and a ern goitig to give them friyavaamas, too- • thiie-niavafingled—scherne- my wife makes me wear, She says , they are t fashionable. WI:Mtn the use 'of being fashionable when you are in bed? - nobody 'semi You. My father slept in a his jeans, and he lived till he was eighty, too. That's a copy of a. German joke." , roe Cuts Burns Bruises Cramps Diarrhoea. All Bowel Complaints It is a Imre, safe and quick remedy. There's only one PAIN,KILLER. Parlay Dem'. Two sizes, 25e. and sk. The . . London Daily FREE Two otliek Edition, This editiow 1 onraisted• espedally. for towns, villages and „ rural flitstrIctseila •Western glves all the isethe UP tO ,0'01.008 each oat emi.g Foreign. OinsAliben, •A District, Local; ,Spd,- , Seer rid• eesitoliis eight to. „trietre.: Wier AV* day& .s..-Willikr..-114d* glows* pages en liaturdar. • Thdfotene and other. Illtistro• dodos of IMPOrtant delfts sad pillestftleitt aPnear Oiler iilattirdky *so Is Ike Plea. ' sidworiptiona received Id Aar Addivar-ia • London Free Mao kg. Co ..t.oNDONt thle • 'OSPer• Mr& Clancy (boastfully) -617 hus- band was wan o' the pall -bearers at Calliihanis funeral. Mre. Casey (spite- . fully)-Ayet An' well fated fur the ;• JOI) be WaS. He's tilted to carrsdn' the • bier that seine wan Ilse pays ,fur.-‘ • . Philadelphia, "Pram" . ' :s' ""tehylntthe Dipprle of Wier uecatmeiyottutracanutre -Ii • thread, Fresh1Tett cannot drink, Cowes You ean t p.nalk, and Newport 7011 'Cannot bettle."--"Tit-Illta." . ,1 ahi1l-4Wan the 'Iliadic.' a tinenese? Cassidy -It was! Afther being out at Weekti we out:Riedel bi gitthe beak Oug 3tIkat Resting! Liberals will Meet et MetTotai on Wednesday next to nominate a careinlatefOr the Legidlature. • ilTonst the eounk and 'Works oft the Golds Laxative Etromo-Quinine, Tablets' curers oold la One (ley. No Cure, NO Dby, Price 2'4' *este. himse}f again! The Australian casso- wary consumes everything (except the (missionary and his hymnabook), and never. knows What indigestion means. Excellent-living(Ma. Bedde.rd'is atate- • ties af' the food are staggering). end • leleured ease Make astonishing !onset. vitt? at the "Zoo." Thero was a Made, - gamer parrot who flotarished. in cap- tivity for fifty-four years, and .good - nese knOws how old he was when 11* retired to ,R.egent's Park. Possibly he became a centenarian, The official ire., cord' apparently neglect t� state his adew • WE PROVE IT • Catarrh and Colds °ban bo Re. Ileved • in 10. Minutes Per.. manontly 0.11red. Eighty years cia.--catrels Arty years. Dr. AgneW'e Catarrhal Powder, c -rs ban. Want any stronger eviecrce cf tbe poau of this wonderful rerrsedy over tt1 unlveisi clisesse W.,rit the truth of tae -calm /: Armed ? Write C,•orge Levis; 514Ln:a a. ,IFIe says: I 1.sost upsm nv, tire 1 laraele." It retto.s.sus ia t. s1 s,. . Sold by J...E.111Ovey and R. P. Reekie First FIlinince-What was the trouble between yea and the Englishman? Seta end Filipino-Whyafter 1116 appiying myself with earneetness to -learn ghe Baia& language from the Autericane, that bewhiskered subject of King Ed- ward pretended he didn't know what meant when 1 tOld him that 1 lost My left lathe and right wing at Bainban, and that I was near locoed with joy because the little plug front Maness had copped the mainspring of the gUs, and thereby made no inoreatilxliati In a cinch.--"Indge." ' .Favor1te-4t9tr1tat la your timer- ite play?" asked the friend. "Online answered Mr. littormingtoa Barnes, "It is Masnlist. Ent When .; need the money it Is 'Uncle Tom% "..Sekington "Want! A Roosevelt Story. • REODORE ROOSEVELT, the new President of the United States, • was not always the mighty hun- , . ter he Is now. -Re 'has- had his day of .being afraid of big game. But that was many years ago, when 11e was ' a wee little boy in abort trousers awl used to play tag in Madison Square In .New York. . • • ' •• Oppesite the square on the east Side • stood a Presbyterian 'church, and the sexton, while Wring the ,bullding one - Saturday, noticed a. smallboy' peering • coatously in at the half-ogeedoor, but• . making no !nave to enter, • • "Come in, my little. mien if you wish toa! said the Beaton. . . ' • "No, • thank yoU,". 'egad the boy, ."I -know what you've got in there." . "X haven't, anything that tittle boys - mayn't see. Come Ina* • "I'drather not." And the . juvenile • Theodore cast a SWeeping and some- what .appreliensive glance around the,. pews and galleries end aoUnded Off to play:again, ••• Still thelad kept returning once ia • while and Peepingin, When he went home that day he told his mother of the. sexton's layitation and his iniviiii- ingness, to accept it. "But why 'didn't. you go in: mi dear?" she asked. "It is the bourse of God, but there is no 'harm in entering it quietly and looking about." With same ahyness the little fellow confessed that he 'Wfif3 afraid to go in. .because the zeal', might jump out at ' him from undera, pew or aomeWliete.„ "The zeal? What la the seal?" . the =other enquired. "Why," explained Theodore, "1 sun- lit:we it is Wine big animal like a drad. gon pr an alligator. I went there to • church last. Sunday with 'Uncle and X heard the minister read from the • Bible about the zeal, and it frightened nie." • ' • DoWn tante the Concordance from the library ehelf,' and One after anoth- et. of the texts eentaining the Word Pater Was read to the child, whose Aries stiddenly grew big and hie soice excited, as he exclaimed: ' "That's it -the last you readl" • It was Palate, 131x„ 9: "firer the goal et thine hawse hath .eaten me tip."' • .the bride of William A.. Clark, Jr., .the son of Senater 'Ve. A. 'Clark, the Copper Xing, has a dneser in her trout. Semi made of tutle•like topper Wire that *WM, created In Perim especially for her, Tho effeet Is mild to be ;Inlet**. Urs...011rady-fr tiro .01 want to •'bank today Potods, Can X draW it out quick ff 1 Want it? • Poatmaster-Iti- dade, lire. ObIlnitdV, you OM& draW it out td-raOrmw if 'you glVe Me a Wake* POI5orgi-PROPiS ItheUrnatlarn Is really a polsor in the blood, and wheroillorf polscin there's disaster a lesser or. area:tor degree • but there's a cure. • • • SOuth American .ftheittnatia Cure netitiolires tr.• • apid:poiebn n the blood in a few hourS, and hu. ' relieves at once -the Compitete cure is.e1ctc 4. tittle.mere slowly,' but ,surely.. ;When the dhe".: 'i bf onlya: few years standing, not more one to three days' iiinels required to effect a on n. •.plete cure, When it has been present in the • tem for iota' is years the acid poiton has pel melded theflesband often the marroW of the bon( i In -such eases, relief is obtainetiat once, but a tu• •• cannot be s -cured under two or three weelt& sold by j.E.:Rovey, ard R. P.; Reskie • • • • Cameras I Cameras 1 Cameras Buy a Camera and be IllaPpy ' There is probably no pastime morepleaeant and lardruotive to both older and Yowler minds than photography. It is a pleasure became) it belpd to while away those lona winter eveninge, and it us instructive becatise it teaches oare and preolsIOn ends, telebell to look fer the artistic in the everyday surroundings of home. The general inspression is that 11 18 hard to take photos, but such is net the 0110e0 one with a kodak And instruotimi book can take photos. We carry a full line, • In CAMERAS -Film, Plate, Magazine, Box and Folding. PLATES -Stanley, Eastman, Paget Prize. •• • PRINTING PAPER-Solio mad Dekko • • Films, Developers, Mounts and Outfits. Call and use. For those who prefer to hers their developing and finishing done we euote the follows ing prime. We guarantee work if exposure is' good, Devel"ing•**.*• edtrzt 84°457 . 4:07 82°5081 " Br"V-41e 8o '6 exposures , Printing snd Mounting... .. .. eaoh 70 • Elo 813 40 Developing, printing, mounting, editOzhen 1705s30 695oo 585: ' 457o; • dozen al 900 75o • 60o H. B. cOmisE, Chemist Druggist It is reported at Montreal that Mr Janie:3 Ross will become president of the Dominion Iron & Steel Clorciptiny. • Relieve those Wanted: nyis! Pond's Extra,et Reduced onehalf WItli pest Soft water, applied frequently with dropper or eye cap. **Congestion Will be removed and the plin andindinnzettion instantly relieved. , CAtIT/ONI-Avold dangerous, Ir. ritatIng Witch 1Flasel preparatione • repreeettted to be "the same nen' PortePer Extract Which eselly eour and generttlly contain “Woed, holy), a deadly poleen. • • Iiptical-4.ondon "Punch.' THAT TOMS The SPOT es. meliE0D'SIT=" SISTER R0011'1011 FURNITURE • BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. The steady increase in our trade as good proof of the feta tbat our goods are right and our prices lower than those of ether dealers in the trade.. Weinannfacture furniture on.a, large scale and oau afford • to eell *olleap, If you bay , from us we save for you the profit which in other oases; hitir 10 be added in for • • the retail dealer. ' Thie week we have paesed into satook some' °tour new deeigne, Space will not perma • 129 10 quote prioes, but come and see for yourself tvlakt maps we bate to offer. .Remember --we are determined that our prices shall be the amain the trade. 7 3 UNDERTAKING. li thie department our stock in complete, tutewe ne,ve:undoubtedk the best funera outfit in the,county. Our prices are as ew as the lowest. ' • , • BROAD:FOOT BO/t. &Ca J. W. Chidley P. S. -Night and Sundatacalle attendedlito byoalling at .3.V. Ohidley's,:(Frmeral Director) residence. •• • .•• • ' m rim Rugs Reversible t'-"" • . . . • From 16x32 inches at 400 to 6.ft-6 ins by, 10 ft at ,8 Floor Oil ,ClothF in 36, 45 54 and 72 inch widths. F Weak and impure Blood, • Liver die Kidney Diseases, Female Covapiaint, Eba. All praggiets, or write direot:to• • .3. 11. 'BioLECID Godericha Ont Oil Cloth Squares I3x13g 'yards_ and 2 yards square• - • R:Coats:kSon AGENTS WANTED -For -the Life of thalLate President MoKinlsy. Price only $1.60. A magnificentportrait of President McKinley, 18x 22 inches, will be giver( air &premium srith each <limy sold, or, if preferreda ehoice of nine otherii emium riotures, neln.cling the Duke and obese of York. Prospectus trap; Roane/ to ay 0081 03 Mailing. Credit given, liberal terms, freight paid. Sell our Xmas • books, they are the hest. A premium with &story one. Address, WolThr: PUBLISHING COMPANY. GUELPH gONTAIII0a asnaibovoi 'gwvirtatesi. tied oroggao.,„ • - „An R!:-/hrtarotrit: Store . • • ' If you want npeto-date teWelry yen can always be sure tif getting thevery and most °errata thing here. Whatever you buy you can feel aura that lie all riett. Or if yoti have anything that -abode to he altered, re - Paired or Meet, bring it to tie ryes examined free, MARBLE Alin BRANffE OMEN. CarTarTinRS The Mutters we sell are our own. i. 04 . make. We guarantee them because Alitinithai* we know' the stook and workmanship _ _ANoinspraw-...r.,..r.,•- is first•elass • - • --:- We haye a few good Seeind Hand Cutters for sale , , Repairing promptly attexiaed,to by experienoed men, . RUNBALL 4 lileMATH, - Huron Stre Clinton First-class Cutters and Buggies • . am handling the oelebreted leoLatigblin make of bup,giettend other maker of,firsteilass Ontario firms, Als0 Of my own manntaetnre inoluding.top bug glee, mikadoes, ate, of all the latest and modern; styles..„,,Repairing of al kinds promptly attended to.• J. JOHN LESLIE, Huron Street, Olinton =wawa. For pure 'blood, Mb -right eve and A totems ,!4e,..nplexion,, 'A imetite, Aa 'ors; digestion Ana refreshing sleep.. sr .11"..433ECAM " c ' 111 ' 5i '10' i f:sidst- • s )3.1r: • tto 1110.:./ AcitW arouses the Liver • Quickens. the 'circulation•, . Brightens the , spirits and • Generally, makes life worth living.' - Realism. , ChUrch*gow did YOU like that war drama at the theater the Other night? Gitthent-It seemed like the real thing. her Was it boy eating' peanuts In the guliery, and, the shells Were drOPOIllif aU Wheat nie..-4-161okere "Stateematip-.1 Ilatttodury it Wakes, ELINTON. Direcit intpoilters. Wothroanshin and Meterlal guaranteed. sixty tset, 3/oars trial 'lave proved it to bo beyond tho ync,Ist 43-00D purifier "mown. Aii the ieading 1111S11011111Silf .1,arizommiltaxixtztummormsont 5. L.