HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-20, Page 11, ' ler • ;.••• e., Thal Coup 11ilEigs 00 You have used all sorts of cough reme- dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is 4more liable to produce la grippe, • pneumonia or a seri - CM throat affection. You • need something ,that will give you strength and build •up the body. , _SCOTT'S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt ont it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw Off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against Further attacks. If you are n down or emaciated you hould certainly take this nourishing food medicine. ,COTT & BOwNE, TORONTO CANADA. niE (MINTON NEW ERA Private marriages of Royal Feeble, Wastoil Nemo 1 Pxotkong Kind ar afia widevta, , hrousecl to Now Life. 161 MTING of the alleged mOrgatte atie marriage of tie late BM - press Frederick, the Parte cor- reepondent o ouden "Truth" says; •"A Perlin paper stated some days ago that the Empress Frederick .was at the time of her death the wife of •Count Seckendorf, her house marshal. The other journals call on the Oovern- ment to disprove the trionstroUti assere tion.' Why should It be a Monetroug assertion? , The omit was an old and faithful friend of the Empreselie accompanied her in her artistic tours. Frederiek esteemed him highly. It ie now mime year since her youngest daughter married. Why ahould she, not merry' a gentleman so distin- guished as the cOltet? The truth is that the. private marriages ot royal and imperial widows are not the ex- ception, but the.. rule,, arid have been SO for centuries.. Soma august Widows Veeee satisfied to look much lower for their second, huebends than the -Em- press 'Frederick is said to have done, In Prance and Italy marriage with • a Persoa.of inferior rank was thought a sign of greater weakness/ than a 'friendship,' The woiship of a first husband or wife does not necessarily exclude •affection fora second. I had a relative who presented colored glass windows that cost 41;000 apiece to churches in memory., of his first wife • when hi was walking about London • with his second wife • There was never a widow more devoted to the memory • ot her iirst husband' • than the late Duchesse &Orleans. Nevertheless, she was believed to have married her sec- retary. 'A conscience marriage' is easy • in Catholic eountrieS save in Prance. Nobody except the priest who Ofiloistes need know about it. •'A• censcience marriage' might be Celebrated very quietly In England by .publication of banns with a slight oueige a eamea ,changing, say, 'Guelph , to Wolf, or Bonaparte to Goodshare. There is also the registrar's • oft:lee, where things ' might pass with utter , privacy. Scot- land is the country of all others where 'private marriages can best be entered into. • No. solemnization. is required, and the status that arisee front a mere exchange of vows Stable." . • n5 St46 RUBBEa• 4;ter,- . . • • 4-i53,0011111°. t,t ow- ,11$ *-° i ,,,inessonsog will outwear two pairs of common rubbers. For three years we have proved that with K vs SOW _ ing your foot, but you cannot stub the rubbers King's genuine stenre are stampcod .upon thq sole of each rubber vth our copy- wive righted name dcf1tot allow yourself to be de- ceived by imitations. irLEATiER TOP the best on the market, 6 -inch, 9 -inch and 12 -inch tops, with Rolled Edge and Heels. They are carried in stock, and your dealer can order them for you. J. D. KING CO., Limited vs exclusive tag of Siaite4 nubbin% you can stub V MAGAZINE tv i..17373ARV kitglfr'q . c., i*, 1 • iv: TOP; 1:: tee ee.., ; Cern. A COIFY :4'1; '..:;;;AlYi s-ronirs .1...v,TZE 1. COMPLETE IN ITSELF V,....gfAtt"&”•:le......32Ztiro,kr•OVVIC.S2V603,1.1:1101M1611111111111.11111111111116111111132. • * kiiTIMAIMAMMINVINIVAMMithiliaritt g et a :4;4..+,-;•, , . I. r= . r te FARM PAY r ?regressive ptoek breeders', teed, reittitrymen, grain, ,root lied' fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul.. total „students, and borne makets find the articles and -ansWerS Id eniestlens. in 'isyet, issue- 'Of thdit.ii, 4, .4 • ^ a ARMER'S ADVOCATE and ii-Otsie MA0411146 • , -unequaled and Indispensable, ' you are not already a subseriber -• 4.o the Most helpful, best printed and . ,ISsautifitirestinted farmer's pap.:r ; 1., ed, we invite scrutiny of - Opp ' A pot card will briVIT AddrOSS t . . A Contrast. • cONTFtASTING the England Of to- • day with the England of forte years ago, E. L. Godkin says M the New York "Evening Rost;"• "The poor man in England who had. ever left kis home then was somewhat of a pro- • digy; now nearly half ,of his substance goes in excursion fares. A dieSenting Minister used to be an object of ab-,. horrence and •Contempt; now he is. quoted in Parliament by politicians. A lord used to bean object ofdreadand reverence e new he is hardly better than, a foreign count In the England that I remember, third-class passengers* on the then newly-bullt railroads stood in. boxes like cattle; now they. int .on Cushioned Seats, the. third -chute Oars being so like the first-clase . that , the gentry have 'largely taken to using them. .The. loaeliest parts of the coun- . try at this summer season are thronged with excursionists, and it is fair to say that -there are no. longer secluded spots in England. The, famous seat of. the lake poets, Cumberland and tirefitmor land, Le so overrun with tourists that . the road through the mountains seems to be leading to a fair; the small steamers on the lakes are thronged to their utmost capacity. • Unhappy is the place which hoe some tench of 'Ameri- canism' in its history. The railroads dump on it, thoueseetis of our .country- men, who poke their kioses everywhere, cut chips off every Wooden memorial, and apply the hammer to every gone one, and alrnest compel the inhabi- tants to move Out. The 'Ameriean, in . England used too often to be regarded as a•low-cla.es foreigner; to day he .is weleome guest who hasa. right to have his curloiatty.glatified-, and whose weaknesses. and desires are referred to • in almost every Patter read before a learned society, so that now hardly anybody achieves fame so readily as an 'Amerlean' traveler, The old caleineti, cribbed, confined Euglish hotel, eon- sistieg of a private house converted, into an inn, and kept by -an ex -butler or housekeeper, has. almost disap- peared. New bottle,' 'on the American plan,' are spfingingup everywhere, and the English. raltroade are'copying them at their station, to their great advan- tage. In fact, it wctuld be difficult to imagine a greater transformation than the Eitgland of toy Vieth has under- gone." • •. • IAM -WELD NOON, 'CANADA. , subscription Ip e,• . des also the eiteeth • . • Temptation. In our carelessness we rday einen tempt other people- without, knowing it. Sir Edward Maid writes In "Shifting Scenes" that he had gone to a hotel, at Milan; and eager to see the eights, sal- lied forth, leaving his portreanteen yawning, his dressing -Case ajar, ' and money on the table. I thought of nothing' save that 1 Was once more in Italy. Still, I„looked my door, and took the key With. Me. When came hack, an aged and shriveled housemaid followed me Into my mon!. She was wringing her hands. • "Ah, info Signore," cried she, going up to the .dressing -table and opening a' little drawer. "Ts thie yours?" , in the drawer lay ten or a dozen gold 'Pieces. "Yes," r.satd. "they are Mine." "Ah, signore, how Could you do It? Vow could you leeVethis Money about? It -Weil ail lying on the table." " ' "Why; X locked my door. 1 kneVt It liras ante." oti4d, vat, not na'foi• • It sat cruel to put eaten' temptation In my tole, She eofit upOla a 'Chair and buret Into tears. "Think of me, sig. nOrei° tarn very Door. X .have six chile Area to keep and a husband Who san do no work. 'rhe money would *eke no rich, and you leave it on the table, the gold pleees all loose to dazzle my eyes and to Dut the devil into MY bearti Through your thoughtlesimeet / might to to Jul, tnY children might starve, me, husband die, Ali, alguore brio,. never do It again! Think of the poor. Tie Merelful to us. Do net put , temptation In our way," /t does not seem to have occurred to Sir Edward Malet that poeeibly the old betteemaid, was trying to work him for a.gi of the gold plecee. litf.W. ilimiltoo hag been ap- 'pointed High Oonstable of Oarleton co malt, A. nmeernent ft on foot to feierare all the Universities of the Maritime Pro- virlDes. ; Nark, a vetAtillal An Caere, or Years iretun week Ilettet, Exhatteted Nerves And eleepletisztessi Cared by serve noses% or Dr. Clanee'ili Nerve Voodo Whether weakened and wasted by 0Yrw;rr• worry Or disease, the re- sult :"hrstedneTgl: in ee1110pane,nervotiealag and dyspepela, eerlous functional derange- ments and ultimately in paralysis, Ingle epsy, locomotor at;17.;.1a, prostration or - insanity, the reint•-y is (mind in Dr. Chase' if Nerve F o $s provenin the came referred t below :-- . afro. Chas. IL, l'enes, Pierceten, Que.„ wietee :—"For ye •••.:11 have ;peen 0 great sufferer with my heart .tune nerves. I would take pile king spells anel ft dixey ewimining cling would come over me. Night alter n!gh 1 would never close ,mye—ee, Pnd my 1i: would ache as though it Winlid nutet At last 1 had to le:sp to zny bed. and though ray doctor ttended me Iron. fall to epripg, his medicine did net help me. It "I have now taken five boxee ot Dr. IC/molten Nerve Food, and it Iliie done mt; mere good th:t' 1 ever beneeel ft/medicine could do. NVorcis fail to re- tirees my gratiteele for the wonder fel CUM brought about by this treatment." Dr. Onaseaz Nerve Floe. 50 cente eee, 1401: ;Co • . t ,•,„ 44, 4 r4 ridratl )3:40r} 4.. AlleCdatia. •A certaM wealthy. benefactor of Hare yard humorously • complained of Pre- •sident Eliot's treatment. "He comes' to .me," he said„ "for my money and • my .advice; and,, like the Women in the • Stripture, the one is taken .tind, the• other late' ' • • Nothing verbal could be much more delicious than -Joseph, if Choate s de.e . finition.of the dinnere of the New Eng-, land Society 'of New York as "Those. . gatherings 'Of an 'unhappy company of pilgriene who .nmet annually at -Del-. ..raonleo'e to drown the aerie/we A114 Suf- ferings of their ancestors in . the flow- • Mg bowl, and to oontemplate their oeVa virtues in the mirror of history:" "That was an -excellent discourse you delivered last 'Sunday," remarked , a ,veteran ininister of the -gospel .to 0. rising young preacher, but I would hardly call it a sermon," "Why net, doetor?" demanded the Qther. "Because. you bad no text "Don't. you calltilt& a 'discourse a. sermon unless it has A - text?" : "Certainly not' You halm teed, the 'Sermon on the Mount, have you not?" "Many, J;ctan3e times," "Well, It has no text" On the contrary, my' dear young .friend,", said the veteran, "It is composed entirely. of teXte." • . The speech in the House of Lords , of the leishcip et Hereferil Me the sub- ject of gattibling reatillsa storytold of Bishop' Potter, of. New York. .. The bishop, traveling through ....Louielana. some years ago, addressed inquiries to • his. fellow -passengers with aview to • obtaining information regarding . the 'orchards ane fruit .interests. of .the State. 'ileo you raise pears in 'Louis- iana?" inquired the bishop:, 'We do," replied the Louisianian, who was a better- authority on peker than . On. • horticulture, .. "If. we. have . threes or better." •, • A. woman, who is of 'high Unction in -America,. was -presented to the' Kaiser at .some dinner that ..was not attended with royal state. She - was talking to him when she. Was of- fered a famous German baled. .It.was handed on her right •and the Kaiser was on her left, which put her in • .0. predicament. .She ilia not dare tttrn, her face from the emperor to help .herself to the salad. The situation was too Much. !dr her.. The emperor, seeing ,the condition at .-tt ,glance, looked al her -for an instant and .1aughed, as he,„ .seld:' "A. Kaiser eau wait, .but. a.saladan notd George Moore, the author and dra- matist, once had a, -play accepted at • . the Odeon In Paris. • At the same . -.time .an adaptation of "Othello". was being rehearsed there. One day- Mr. Moore called to see- the manager Of the Odeon.. The door -keeper did .not. know him; and' asked for his Mime and business, "Tam the English author ,whoge play • has been accepted here," • Nellie cornets from Xionoluitt that the transport "Thomas," which reached there on Augest 1, having on board three hundred Male and One hundred female teachers, en route for the Phil- ippines to engage in educational service under the Taft Commission, developed a Veritable matrimonial .epideznic. The yOUng melt and women on board repre- sented almost every State ot the Union., After the transport left Oen Francisca friendships were formed which goon ripened. into Imre, and the day prior to the arrival at Honotalu Captain Buford, felande that thirty couplea desired the nuptial knot tied. Ile refused to, per - Mit the ceremony on board the veseel, and the next day a clergyman at Holm - lulu, made the thirty pairs ',teeny by Milting them in matrimony. , Prior to the sailing of the transport from Florio - lulu peveral other cases were reported. The departure from New York last. week of the fifty-four Cuban girls and twenty -tour men, who have been stu- dents at the sunerner senool , of Har- vard University, developed the at that they, too, had been victims of Cu- pid's darts, although their courtships' have only reached the engagement stage. Meet of the Cuban men are re- turning ditgaged,and several ,Ilaryard , students and professors are ;mid to. have lost their hearts to the girls froM the South. Five of the ladies took home with them diamencl ebgageneent rings. . . 1 •CINNAMON - COATED Dr.• Agnew's Liver Pills • ars coated, liko arDirentsmon Drop, very small and delightful to • take. One gill a dose, 40 in a vial for 10 cents. 100 pills: In 25 tont bottles. • Their popularity is a mighty irllirlwind sweeping competitors before n chaff. They are 1357. cheaper than other Pille.„ • No pain; im griping, no inconvenience. Small In size and pleasant to the taste. Most pleasant after-effects. „ ' •• 93 Sold by j. E. Hovey and R, P. Reegie A cleatist's Grhn Discovery. •Dr. Ca.sagrandi, in reading a paper before a medical airmelatiOn in Rome', . stated that he had employed a number .of women wearing long skirts to walk for one hour through the streets of the city, and, -after the promenade was over, he had takenthese' skirts and had .them submitted to a -very careful bacterielogic exaMination, There Were eound; on every skirt large cOionies of noxious germs, inelnding those of ty— phoid fever, -consumption, influenza and tetanus (or. lockejaw). • Numerous other bacilli' were likewise 'well repre- sented on. each skirt.. pr. Casagrandi' Maintained that in view of these facte.. women, and especially mothers should at once discontinue. wearing trailing .sitirts, and other members of the Medi- cal Congress unhesitatingly expressed ,the same °Pinion, 'and passed resolu- • tions t� that effect That women shoilltr subject themselves to the filth, to say nothing of the possible dangers at, trailing men% has long been a. wonder to those acquainted with bacteriology. 'Nevertheless, so long as fashion calls for long skirts, no reform can .be.ex- pected for the great majority of 'we- mert are bound to be in the fashton re- gardlees of ezay ordinary considera- tions. There Is some enconragement however, In the fact that many ef the younger women .of the present weal " their golf and bicycle skirts throughoue the day, and merely dress for 'linnet alld the evening. " ABSOLUTE. SECURITYII : Said fdr. Moore; . "I wish tieSpe• •the • manager." The door -keeper went into Genuine the manager's roora and said: "There's an English gentleman at the door who eaye that you have just accepted his play,and wants • to see you "Quite t • 7 right" 'said the manager; "show 'him In. M. Shakespeare, without dmibt," It is said that once; When the late Dr. Tanner, the Irish lel.P., had asked In the House Whether it was true that the Duke of Cambridge had resigned his position as commander-in-chief, a Major jorieS of Penzance, was so outraged that he challenged Dr. Tan- ner to a , duel, and the following tele- graphic eorrespeneence took place: "Itt reply td your -despleable clUestioe about the Duke of Cambridge, 1 de- eignate you a coward. Delighted to give you -satisfaction aerese the water. • Pistilli)." To which Er. Tanner at once replied: "Wire receive'd. Will meet you • to -morrow in Constantinople, under the Tower of Galata, midnight. Ileing Challenged, prefer torpedoes. Bring another ass. --Tanner." A conjurer Was performing before rough-and-ready audiencs. In. one of, the prohibition States of An/erica. (ac- cording to an English paper). am elOW about to undertake 11'.feat," said Which I 'shall need the use of a pint flask of whiskey." There Waif dead silence. "'Will parna gentleman In the audience favor tile With a 'pint of whiskey?" There wits no resp.onse and the conjurer began to Took blank. "Surely," he eolith/tied,' ''In a South - Eastern Prohibitien town. 1 ought not td have to aek 0 beebrid Ulna her dual a thing. / give .any- -word 1 wilt re- turn it intact. Is there 'no—" "Stranger," said a tall, gaunt man, as Ito rote isloWly from a front beat. "wouldn't a quart Soak' do as 'went" °WIZ • tertainlyi 1 merely—" But before he could finish, .the generous, open -horded ettidletiee` had risen like one man, and were on their way to' the platform in a body. The Refinement of' Imp , • Maglistratet "What is your Mtn* prisoner?, Prisoner : "John De-Sonete." • • Mesta:trate; "Zahn D. /ones? Wm 1 What doet the J Stand for ?" VA:senor "t be 30 -our worehlp's Pardon. .1 Would halt* Yell tor know r ,ant not of the,COmmeit Zoneset. X eteme t3t 'ettrio refined enteeedente, and eur family name i De-Zones—spelled with 0.D-ta and a I1Yrih*n," ,Magfetrate "I *ea Rave you ever been here before t" Vtiooner "reit, one., X was fined forty shilling* through it MilitaltO Ott the part of the Police." :Magistrate / "Mut so, Well, - into a, °count YOUr Sae "kens that 7011 4111111111111111111.111 Thie dos'a head trade -ma.* on • every package of the genuine Orip-Quinine Tablets • The kind that cure coughs and • colds in twenty-four 1101104 4iummumpumW Pule el Absentmindedness. 'Bankrupt Sto The Bankrupt stock of O. B. Koenig is yet well assorted. We have been adding ow goods as we sold out the Bankrupt Stock, and we have nearly everything in Staple Goods requir. ed for the Fall trade. We do not intend to replenish our stock, but shall proceed to sell what we have at big reductions in order to clear out as soon as possible, as we shall positively close up as soon as pre - The other day a young lady, daugh- ter of a well-known millionaire, drove up to the door tie a jeweler's shop, went Ln and eelected a turquoise' and dia., mond ring valued at 1.251). She quietly Made ant her check for that sum and • visaed it on to the- assistant. The alert Young man glanced at it, and then looked enquiringly up at the young lady. "There is eome reletalte here, I think," said he, with an apologetic - ;untie. • The young lady flushed and de,. mended to know if the check was not few the right antount She was told It was, but— • "But Nvha,tV she exclaimed, ballet - thy. • "Do you, mean that my check is not acceptable?" • The assistant mildly acknowledged that he knew qUite well who the young. • ludYI was, but expleined that the' check • was net made out just as it should be, and he handed it back• , The Eirl ran her eyes ever it, and then turned.a deep primson.. h." she exclaimed; "I see." And then she proceeded to' make out anoth- er check. She had signed the first one. "Your own sweetheart, Jessie."—Frora the . "New Yorker." • sent stock is disposed of. We ask all parties' desirous of getting good goods at low prices to call and see us as we can, give prices that cannot 1:10 equalled.in town, having bought the goods at,,,58c on the $40 We shall sell everything cheap, but have special[bargaina in some lines. We will mention a few specials—Dress Goods Print , Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Cote, tonades, Weeds, Underwear, Small Wares, et e. We have just opened up a large stock of Ladies'. and -- Children's Jackets, all new, fliat we shall sell at about Half Price. Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits at Big Reductions. Men's Boys' and. Children's Overcoats at Wholesale. -‘ We have a lot of Men's Odd Coats (50 or 60) at about price. Odd Pants and "Vests, Overalls, etc. - - Boots and Shoes irtatic Temperahnent. "4. man of 'artistic Mini/eminent 119V.• er Worries obout tiler taeneY he owes-!" f.'No; but it nearly kills him whett he 'doesn't get money that Is oVtleg to hemee....ichleago "Record." •' 01 Cod Liver 011 (Trade Mark. ) • , • Por" Lung Troubles, . ' Severe Coughs, Colds, ; Emaciation, Pew systems Call ass'inl'ate pure 011, but • as winblaed In 01 he D. A. L4', if iepleasant and dlge,tible. V, ill bit you up; Will add ' valid pounds of flesh ; Will bring you back to health, • . • . 50o. 91.00 bottles. • DAVIS 84 •LAWRENCE CQ., Limited.' J. P. TISDALL. • BANIKElt, CLINTON, 014TT. • • Private rands to loan on mortgages it • west ofirrent raters A General "linking minims transeeied nfererit allowed on deporete. .Sale notes bought , • • MEMOLSONS BANK . Incorporated by Aot Parliament 1865, OAP1TAL 52,600.000 . BESTFUND .$2,150,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Wu, MoLsox Meerneusorl, Presiden Jess •ELLIOT, Gen. Manager. oteS discietinted,'oolleotione made, &efts issued, sterling and American enhange bought and •sold. Interest allowed On deposite, SISTING Bezix•e•Interest allowed on sums of $1 end up. Money advanceci,to farmers on their• own notes, with one Or Mom endorsers. No mortgage required. H.C. Brewer, Manager, Clinton, :Little tiver pills, G• Di McTaggart Must Bear Signature of adOZe-lie ' See Pae-sinklie Wrapper Below. • Very menu end as OW1 • to take as supr... • "CrE `J'.;-•• ATTLE - WIER r I US, FORREAOACHr* FOR DIZZINESS:, FOR BILIOUSNESS., FOR .TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, -FOR SALLOW SKIN. . FOR THE COMPLEXION • ltriest10114177reg:t ialirer417116- Auswemangx.gmrao..= QURS ISICK ti4 EADACHIL, ) A Clerical Wit. After a church conference held' ti few day e ago, two brother 'ministers had a. friendly, tilt, regarding' the meardrig of a certain paSeage in .one of Shake- sPeare's Ple-Yst They eeuld not come to an ,underetanding,• and, one of them remarked Jokingly: "Oh, well, brother, will atlk Shakeepeare; when I Meet him in heaven!" ,.."But eupPosing Shake- speare did not get to heaven?' retonte.d° the other. "Then atoll • Oen tusk him Shont it," Wes the quick rob.. The Peoreimist--Prollty, thy none is woman! The eynie•-kee, woman is InvariablY torolte.—Brooltlyn• "Eaehl." • TURNED THE TIDE In hart an ho u atilrOlin Levers took the first dose Of DIN Agneves bore :tor the Heart he wee on the road to pint nutrient recovery, fi tees tinder treetment with woo otitis het phyilelans in Leaden pleglared) forwhat . ou I.; T : '4. .. '' at **arm, 1 apsus,:a. ,gaeged;., .... esii,nattiouretzsie heart trouble., I *genies through pains about my heat, -A- .,, ' and tabs uitbo*, Asa - ALBERT ST., ChINTOW A. General Banking Bdsiness transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED its homed. Interest allowed on deposits New Blaeksmitho Subscriber having rented the slide adloill Ing Leslie's Carriage Shop, Orantte .811, is pre- pared to do all workin his line. 110 ba e ba a good inane years, experience in the bud - tees, and will give persona' attention to all Work enivetteted to hitt. • Spedal attention given to florseshoeing and the care ot Horses' feet It Sir tsr it 0.'t 9M.11141111pAllta 14 -'4•44:04 -0 -434 -t -eerie e:0-044444-40 Central • Meat Market Having purchased the butchering hokum! of P. H. Powell dm pre* tiered to furnish the people of Olin. ton with all kinds of Froth and Oared Meek. Sewage, bolOgett lard, butter tlna ego altsaya kept on • hand. R. Fitzsintono Son. 1-4„ dell • ' Men's, Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes at cost , nb:bers, Overshoes, Felt Goods, Sox and..Babberts. libber Boots at Coat and under. Come and see for yourselvesthebargains we have. Plumstee 1311biumkg's, Clinton Ebony Goods and Perfumes Finest and largest selection ever displayed in Clinton. . ••. , • • ••Ebony Hair Brushes 50o *0 :83.00. •• • Ebony Military Bradlee $1.5010 $3,00 per set. Good values in Ebony Mirrors,Oloth, Hat,Bcrinet and Nail Brnehee. Perfinnes,best selection we have ever bad ranging from oz bottle good • perfume at 100 to fancy out glass in raorocloocase at $4.00, . Pursed 25o to 05.00 .• • : Call and see our goods it is a pleaSure to 'Show L E JJOVEY, - Dispel's!. _ng Chemist,. - Clinton. octifro.t*******idt**************lata*************.wtaintalkas- .• 6 Bargains iu Furiuttire. Just arrived a large toneignment of new goods, consisting of Bedroom ' • Sets, Sideboards and Ex melon Tables. These goods were bought right - and will be sold cheap. . • Onr stook of Window Shades was botight before the rise. •The vantage is yours, NoW Picture Moulding, Mattress, Wire Spring, Mor. ris Chair s,.Cottohes, and Iron, Beds Price of every article low as the quality will permit. our mono • -• beak if you went 15, ' • • - 13- 3E31.1M-11r1-1 DANDRUFF 'Ct./RE Is a biassing to mankind, if you U513 It; bat It you merely read thele advertisements and think about it, you will get no benefit whatever. Now what stage beim you reached? . THERE IS rimer CAN:MUFF— Neer FALLING Mille - THEN BALDNE110'" • Coke Dandruff Ct:re is created to cure dandruffstop the feign of the hair and prevent be ' 'All that we ask is..." try it." • /f it fall, your money will be rE Sold by druggists -50c. and $1.00. A. 11. or Unite°. TOROnto, citleAGO LONDON PAIRig here Are We Now. In the Lead Again , Great Bargains for X111t1S and New.Vears 411)s new Selected ItSisind for 25t! I 80bs new cleaned entrants for '26e i 7 Ibb geed Molting Figs for 25e f 0 Ms Rice for............ .250 * ,) .6 lbs Tapioca for.„ ......„, .260 I 6 lbs of Sago for , , „ „ „ . , , ego e „ • 4 nano Corn, Peas or Toreetoett.tortE800 "4`. ' • . Sugar! Sugar! . Sugar! 26 les Bright Coffee Sugar for 1.00, 28 lbs extra Standard Granulated Sugar for $1. Table Raisins, Royitcluoters, Diaok Baskets,Lemon, Orange find Citron Fords, Filberts, Almonds, 'Walnuts, Peanuts. All new fruit at the lowest prides, For a Christmas remembrance buy a Dinner, Tea Or Toilet set, randy Chins, or a, ' • Lamp, whion wo offer at & map. Call and emitnineknality and prim and you; are euro- to buy. Wanted good butter, fresh eggs, dried applea and, good potatoes, ' , 4 ihene 49% . it W. ntwIN Clinton • % 1 ..ift Christmas Presents.' You will need some, so we have a goOd, variety—Fratty Dolls, Looking Glasses, Books, Owls, Table and pocket Cutlery, Purses, Hanikereldefs, Stick Pins and many other useful articles besides Cups, Saucers; Berry sets, Ault and, Salad, dishes, then if you want to make a OhrisLmas cake, ,our Raisins, Currants, Peel, Essence, Baking Powder, etc.,cannot be excelled; do not fail to givein a trial. Do you wan Tea, Chow, Pattie, Bisonit Or an miles* valiety,fit * %, ay, h just come Butter, Apple., I, A A yOU 4 -