HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-12-20, Page 6cembei 20th, 1901
NOTIeExxPuring this week' we will give a FREE ENTERTAINMENT at our store,
the program. consisting of selections from famous Bands, Male Quartettes, Solos, Etc., 'T
reproduced by a very large° Gramophone, secured from Mr. C. Hoare's Music. Store. '
You are cordially invited to come and see the Electric Tower and enjoy the music. 2
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There's ehrisimas
in the Air.
Every man, Woman and Child is imbued with the spirit of good will—the desire to
give is strong upon everybody, who is able to give. And this is the season when those
not able to give are. willing to receive in kindly, thankfulness—there's no thought of
charity at Christmas time. By the way, . if you'll but stopto analyze your own heart,
you'll say there's more pleasure in giving than in receiving,,Christmas gifts..
We have made large preparations to help you in your buying of gifts., Never be-
fore have we provided so bountifully., COME',AS EARLY IN THE DAY AS YOU CAN.
Ladies' and Children's Coat
One -Third and One -Ralf
Regular Prices.
Christmas presents' that hundreds would appreciate more
than any fancy article you could give a very large stock of which
to choose—prices are made so low that good'. Christmas Gifts are
within; the teach of. all-ln fact the prices are Tess than maker's
costa Come at once to secure first choice°
Ladies' Jackets made of the veryfinest English Kersey
cloth, with fine velvet collar,lined.with mercerised "Sat -
ane, regular prices were $8.50,. 09,50 $11.00 to. $12.00
each, all to go at one. price., 6.00
Ladies' eemi•fitting Jackets, 27,36 and 42 inches long,made
of fine Frieze and English Kersey oloth,all this season's
74 f: newest styles, all to go at, one third off.
Ladies' Jackets made of all wool Frieze in assorted colors, all .with high storm collars ..� 0
regular value $3.50 to $4,50., ohoioe at 0
Ladiee• Jackets of Frieze and Kersey cloth, some lined with satin, others unlined; regular prime 2 qA
were $5 00, $6,00 to 28.00, choice at
Ladiee' Coate made of fine quality beaver oloth in colors of fawn, nayy, &o., regular prices, $5,50 to
$6.00, on sale at each • .. • 3:00
Ladies' Jackets made of fine English Kersey cloth, aseorted colors, all perfect in fit and finieh,rega- •
lar prices were $6.50 to $7.50, sale "prioe. .... • ... ..... .. ...... 4 VII
Children's Ulsters and coats marked at clearing prices
$17 00 Ladies' Suits at $6 95
Your choice of:our Ladies' tailor-made finite for....
curs for Gifts
Christmas do New Year rates
Going Deo. 24-25. Tickets valid, to
return on or before Deo, 26; also going.
Deo. 31 and Jan. 1, Valid to return on
or before Jan: 2, at
Single First, Class Fore
Going Deo. 21, 22, 28, 24, 25, 28, 29, 90, 31,
and Jan lit, valid returning on or before
Jan 8rd, at
Fare and One Third
‘Purohaee your tickets at Town office and
save delay at station.
F. it. Hodaens, Town Agent,
Clinton, Ont.
Some big reductions on Fur Coats --the • Saying is from
$ 3 to $5.
When a FUR GARMENT of any kind comes from
this store you can know it is 'dependable • in quality, in, make
and in style, as we sell only the kinds we can guarantee.
V6'e have a very large' stock of COATS,CAPERINES,RUFFS,
Etc., that have been[marked at very LOW PRICES -you will
save at least ONE-THIRD if you buy here.
"d$fee Gauntlets made of black Carly cloth, lined with
heavy wool lining, very warm and comfortable price 00
• per pair
Mimeo Grey Gauntlets, with leather facing, wool lining at -60e
Ladies Near Seal Gauntlets at per pair $1.50
Lidies Astrachan, and Electric Seal Gauntlets, good values 4.50
at 3.50
Ladies Black Goat Capes, with good satana lining, high
storm Dollar made of opposnm, regular value $9 50 6.9�
Sale price
Grey Persian Lamb buffs, fine large ourl,regular value ie 9
$5,50 each, on sale at 1
Boys Grey Pereian Lamb Caps the best quantity regular
$3.75. sale nrioe ,., 3.00
Other grades at $2.00 each.
Caperines of Electric Seal, 24.50 to. $600, values at
$3.25 to. .. ...... • 4,25
Blank Astraohen Caperines, made of fine glossy eking well
lined find trimmed with tails.- Well worth $9:00, 11, aA
oar special sale price...... . .•
Buffs of English Coney, haying four tails rednoed from 600'
' 525.00 Black Astrachan Jacket for - 020.75
27.00 ' ..• ., ,. " .... 23.9�5p
20:00- ./f . e - ,. ,i .. 25.50.
32,00', u'" ,e... ' . .,. 26:75
39,00 a . .c `. •' !' .... ,... , .... 84.95
`37.50 Seal Jacket, Satin Lined •, , ...,.. ,.: r 28:76
(Every' Coat has the best: quality of Lining.)
landkerehiefs for Christmas
Handkerchiefs are always tiCCeptabie, • and we've got them to suit
every purse. We got good ones for as little as 2 for 5c—and better ones
as high as a $1—and all the between prices. • •
Take a look around—you can't help noticing how low our prices are
compared with others.
400cbildrenafine Laws n4'indisere• hiefewith fancy colored b.,
border, value 5o eaoh, to go during Xmas Sale at 2 for
250 ohildrena colored border han'dkerohiefe, very fine lawn $10 •
worth 7c,at 3 for
600 Ladies Handkerohiefs, made of fine quality of Lawn,
nicely hem stltohed, regular valve 7o to So eaoh, at 6• 20
600 Ladiee 11neLawnHandkerohiefs,with fancy lace corners foe Silk Handkerchiefs.
price, eaoh
`"�"" Ladiee fine quality all Linen Handkerchiefs, with narrow
hem, regular valve 180, Xmas Sale price , ll22C largest we have ever shown, hundreds of silk•.
'White Lawn Handkerchiefs, nicely trimmed with Lace, :bre Handkei chiefs with and with out Initals - to
worth 10o, sale price 7o eaoh or 4 for choose from•
Mens fine quality of all Linen Handkerobiefa,lat 15e,' 18o, Ladiee All Silk Handkerchiefs, at 25o, Inttal Handkerchief,
20c at 80o, 35o and 50a, our Men'e Silk Handkerohiefe at 7
Yen's Lawn Handkerchiefs atv5o, 8o,100 1::3e - 50o,were regular........ •. •.. •
Ladies' Patent Leather:Belts, in assorted styles, prices ry5c and 35C C
- Ladies' Belts, made of velvet and nicely trimmed with eatinand bttoklee, prices.. • 350 and I50a
Our stock of these goods is by far the
tca. 2“IperlisnuctttA.
Ohristmas greetings -Henry.......,... Page 1
Christmas in the air -Newcombe....... •..
Christmas• shopping -W. Cooper & 0o
Merry Christmas -0. Cooper & Co .
Holiday presents-Rnmball...... .
Christmas groceries-hlcliinnon a Co....
By-law- W. Coats...
Christmas Giving -W. L. Oumitte
Girl wanted -Mr W. Doherty. .
Nothing like leather Taylor &
Fruits -J . W. Irwin..... ...
People who wait-Hodttens Bros
Great xmas display-JJackson Bros ...'
Christmas. Shopninci at its bei.
W e'rc crowded. You'd expect that and take the j ostl.ing" goodt
naturedly, because it's Christmastide. Butsome of the disagree'
1 able experiences of Christmas you'll skip by coming to this storer.,
Daylight everywhere: Toys are together on the second floor,.
8 , Chinaware is in a co2y department by itself. Stationar :and
8 Books are convenient for your inspection. Best of all you will.
FRIDAY . •DEO. 20th, 1901.
Coming and Going.
Me Hugh Rose has returned from the
Soo. • ,
Miss Eva Cole, of Flint, Mioh„ is visit
tag at. Mrs W. Cudmore's. . .
Arthur Kirk, of Woodham, is here and
sedating at Newcombe's dry woods store .
Re r. W. McDonagh preached in
WinghamMethodistchurch, Sunday;
Mr Murray, of Granton, brother-in•law
of Dr. Thompson, is spending a few days
here. .•
Mies Ella Rose has been visiting her els-
ter, Mrs Berry, Brucefield,iduring the past
week, •
Mrs Geo. Rumball, Marlette, Mich., is
visiting her mother, Mre Rudd; her dangh-
ter is here with her.
Rev Mr Gonne arid J. Ransford,were in
London, last week, attending a meeting of
the Synod of Huron,
H. Monteith and daughter Beryl and Mrs
J. A. Dallas, Tnokersmith, were visiting
their mother, Mre A. Monteith, on Monday.
R. Holmes, M.P., attended the big recep-
tion given to Postmaster -General Mnlook
at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs Thos. Stephenson and child,
of Brandon. Man., &revisitingat the farm-
er's brother, • John Stephenson,: Huron
street; ..
Rev Mr Warroner,. Principal of Alma.
Ladies' College, St Thomas, called on Mies
Lucy Grant on Thursday of last week.
Mss Romer and Mise Bella Romer, of St.
.Lonie, Miss., are Omits at Thos. Trick's,'
Rattenbury street. The former is a de-
ter -in-law of Mrs Trick.
Robb. Moore has returned' from 'Strat-
ford whereshe , was : employed for three
weeks in MClaghari'e works but' is .now.
again at the Organ Factory;
13. S. Cooper.spent Sundayat the home
of R. Hanna, Milverton. • He was accoin-
n fed home by Mrs Henna and Miss Ada
Hanna, wbo wi remain for a white.
Mre G J. Stewart was- in Berlin last:
week, attending the wedding of• her niece,
Mies Seymour. Mrs Stewart also .visited.
at James Stewarts', Woodstock, before fier
W. Mason, of ,Creswell, 'Mioh., is here
visiting. .13e'spoiit Monday at his armee,
.Mrs' J, C. Townsend, and the following few
days at Mrs Chas Glew's and other relatives.
in Hallett.
John Welsh, of. Huron township, gave us
a Doli on Saturday; while on hie way home.
He takes a great interest in Masonic mat-
ters, and was ` down to Stratford attending
a meeting or the Preceptory..
A large contingent generally comes to
Clinton to spend the Chrietmao holidays at
their homes; among those already.here we
notice: -Dr. Milne, : at the Queen'e, from
Pinkey, Miob.; R. G. Bell, from Toronto
Varsity; Win. F, Oantelon,' from .Toronto.
Pharinady Cc, lege; E. Moliveen, Toronto..
Tr. Campbolli a, former resident of Sea-
fo.th, is one o!.themost promirient medical
men of Brooklyn, and is something ofan.
after-dinner speaker. From the Byo k' . n
Daily Times of the 9th inst. we clip the
,following, which will be of interest to his
friends: -"At a banquet given by the St.
'Andrew's Society of, Newark, in that city,
Thursday night, one of the speakers was
Dr. I. M. Campbell, of 669 Leonard street,
who responded ably to the toast "The
world's greatest song writer, Robt..Burne. '
Ono '1 the beet known and most popular
oondtir' ., •:. the eervioe of the G T R is
Mr.W 1, Z*,.h ' :.1 this is said without
the slightest reflection on the other conduc-
tors in the service. Thirty years agotb-.
day he entered the company's employ, and
for 28yeare of that time has efficiently per-
formed the duties of oondnotor. His run
has been between Toronto and Port Heron
for a considerable length of time, and the
publio know him as oourteoua and obliging
to thefullest extent, while be also looks
carefully after the interests of the railway.
Hia train has never yet met with a serious
accident in all those years, which is a re-
markable record. 80 years is it long time
to bo with ono company, and the G T R ie
exceedingly fortunate if it has many men
in its employ who are eo faithful to both its
interests and those of the travelling pnblio.
Clintoniane are especially interested in Mr
Iilophell because hie wife ie an old time
resident of this, place.
Miss Doyle, who has been here for a
number of seasonsae herd milliner at Hod-
gens Bros. Palace left on Monday after-
noon and her departure is much regretted.
Since Doming to Clinton, eve not merely
had many aoquaintanoes but had the faculty
of makingclose and true Mende who feel
her going away keenly. The choir of St
Pants church will mise her presence as well
as those in social choles of whioh she was
one of the favorites, Mise Doyle will not
return to town, we are sorry to ray, and
goes to her home in Owen Sound for ' we
loam that she will shortly artier matri-
mony, *be happy groan being a Mr Bale,
formerly a Wingbam,ba* now of Carmen,
Man. Before leaving tangible mementos
were presented to her as tokene of the high
ee*eemin which she was bald by her friende
and *hoar at the Palace. Mesare Hodgen.
Bros gave hero valuable tea •service and the
employees were no less forgetful by a gift
of a handsome silver coffee set. We trust
Mire Doyle mayhave a happy wedded life
and hope and se may find her new home
in the west a congenial ono.
Wm.. Miller, of Lindsay, was found
fr'men to death in a lumber yard at
Severn Bridge.
Mr Llovd•George, is pro -Boer M. P„
w te rrir,trlierl at Birrninghan'i and his
Yntetir.g 1'r• .kin up. .
The to -ringer of the Windsor Gas Co.
was fined for supplying gate below the
at.u.tla i d power.
Env 1l:r't.inae Liberals have tlomitl-
ptera .r+'rntiF.1 Ittesecll, M.P.P,, f the
L'ggla'•. ,iv., Jt...tenably,
'horna,W MrGiverin, Clerk of .e Div,
ision Court at Galt. was nearly byx
1alted by soaping gat.
4 la red that
Some Big Bargains in
ti Millinery
This has been by fat' the most successful season we have ever bad.
Ill every wa,�—a greater business, more satisfied customers.
Here's the way we will clear out the balance of our stock : ;
Wrnga, feathers eto., that were prtoed as high au 45e to clear at 14o.
Wing° that were 15o to 20o to go at 66.
• r dies Sailors in fawn, also walking hats that were from $L25 to $2.00, yonrehoioe at 60o.
+, a $8,40 to $4.50 trimmed hate at $106.
116. to $6 50 .. ., „ 52 49.
$150to$260OuF'sghats for 980.
Eauts for Holiday Shoppers
mens of all kinds, center pieces, fanny olothee eta,...:... me Mateo Umbrella*,with elegant handles, $1,815, $2.50 to $3.75
0041 •......,..1t9c, 21:Lt,to •
Delta both Leather and 'Velvet in newest lttylee......25eto 30e
aped. Ptc* wear, consisting of Lace *lee, Collars eta- ata Ladiee and ohildreti Wool lined kis mi*s,,....._..>: 30c to 7!
ascdoe to , kl,2
Tour honey hack
If you want it.
find here the broadest array of gift things
Some Important
:New Books
All the Booke in the following lie* will
be sent prepaid at the prices quoted. -
The Man Irom Glengarry.
Ralph Connor. Olotk, $1,25.
The Outcasts.
W. A.i Fraser $1,00. •
Lives of the Bunted.
Earnest Seton-Thomleon. - $2,00.
Rudyard Kipling. $1,50.
e Eternal City
Hall Caine; 51.50.
Young. Barbarians:
Ian Maolareni . ()loth $1.25,
Books for Boys
Price 50o
A Final -Reoking.-A:tale of Bush Life in
Among Malay Pirates.
The Boy Knight. -A tale of the Crusades.
Bravest of the Brave. -Or, With Peter-
borough in Spain. -•
By .Sheer Pluok,-A tale of the . Aahentee
Captain Bayley'e Heir.s.A tale of the Gold
Field of California.
Cornet of Horse. -A tale of Marlborough's
For the Temple -A. tate of theFall of Jeru-
salem J
In Times of Peril=A tale of India "
The Lost Heir
StGeorge of England -A. tale of Crecy and
t'oiotiere. `
Sturdy and Strong
Young Frano.Tirenre-A tale of the Fran.
oo-Prussian War '
The.Young Midshipman -A "story . of the
Bombardment of Alexandria,
The .Three New Beaty Books
51.25 Each.
Ne* Alpha Library
50o per volume
Abbe Conetantin-Halevy
Aesop's Fables -Lynch
Alhambra -Irving
Allan Quartermain-Haggard
Andersen'a'Fairy Tales -Andersen
Baron Munchausen-Raspe
Cast up by the Sea -Baker
Country Sweetheart -Russell
Eugene Aram -Lytton
Far from the Madding Crowd -Hardy.
Fortuna of Nigel -Scott
Green Mountain Boys -Thompson
and 75 other titles
Winona - Series -
F anaomely bound in olotb-25o eaoh
An Aotress' Crime -Edea Winfield
A Brave Woman -B. Marlin
Adam Bede-43eorgi liliot
An,Old Baan --,T. 8, Wood
And Many others.
Books in Seta
18volume pets of--Biokeite,.. -$4 00
12 volume seta of Scott .. 6 50
12, volume sets of Scott......... 4 00
6 volume sets Of Eliot , . 2 50
4 volume set of Smiler ,. 1 50
4 volume eats of Oorelli ....... 160',
4 rolams We of Uoyla ........100
Our Second floor, as , every
child knows, is the storehou ►'
of Santa Claus.. Itis here that
he fills his pack and you never
saw so many, playthings as hes
has .to choose from this year.. -
A Reliable air rifle. Every gun guaranteed', fitted with.
new style removable barrel for dart shooting. Price $1.00. d
Cube Blooka, with picture on eaoh side
Small size l0c
Large'.... �5o
Blocks, 25c,
36 and 50c
Niokled Stove, hinged
door, above pipe, four
lids.; lifter, pot' and
frying pan.
Regular 50 c.
line clearing
at 25c.
TABLES at 5c, foe 25
Are loaded with toys of special value. Many lines
have been reduced and will be cleared at these prices; be Eure
to see these tables, on the second floor.
Board .covered Books, highly. colored.'
cover, lotsof pictures, choiceshort
stories, each ... .5s.
Larger & thicker books, same style 12o
Bible Stories.:... . , ..15e
Very large Toy Book,speeial value 25e
C�llar and 'Cu f
Round or square, made of cel-'
luloid, nicely lined, a fine gift
fora gentleman, .$l',
4 /bu
Albums are always in demand, because there ;
is no better wayoof - keeping Photographs. •
Small size, celluloid covers, to. hold.
22 photos, 50c °
Full size Album, celluloid covers,
will hold 36 photos, $1.
Better lines at $1.25, $2.50 and $8.50,
Leather Albums, $2.50 and $5'
Xmas Cards Calendar `.
Choice Calendars, with beautiful art pictures, mounted •
on tinted cardboard and beautifully outlined, Prices range
from 25c to $2.50. Just the thing for distant friends. Large
Selection of Booklets and Cards,
Fancy chinaware.
Our new china department is pretty generally known, but
in case a few have not heard about it, will say we have recently
added the corner store, and have fitted it for a fancy china de-
partment >
Now Shelves,new tables, new fittings throughout which
makes it the fittest china show room in the west. Here w
have imported, French, German, Austrian, Japanese, Chinese
and Hungarian ware in the various styles and shapes of Fancy
China. American CutGlass and Oriental Figures,
For Christmas we have arranged in this department,
€ir enir tis at 5, 10,15 and 25r, for small "presorts.
off era, the butter lir ilk Gifts can cilia»
selected in this delrlrrtnl -
IN 1